#packs cara delevingne
rampld · 2 years
click the source for 162 gifs of actress CARA DELEVINGNE in ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING S02 (2022)  please note that i do not approve of the 5+/- age rule. these were made from scratch, so please don’t edit, repost or claim as your own or i will eat you. tag me if you’re posting edited gif icons for public use. give this post a like or reblog if useful. enjoy !
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beldamgifs · 1 year
━━ * ⊹    COMPLETED COMMISSION. in this gif pack are 250 gif icons of CARA DELEVINGNE in various interviews and youtube videos. they have been delivered to the owner, however they are available for purchase via payhip and the link can be found in the source. i hope you enjoy ♡
DO NOT: edit, steal, repost or add these to gif hunts. also do not use them to write as/with minors or within a plot that is deemed problematic, whether it be groups, indie or 1x1s.
if you wish to commission me, then please fill out this form! also, if you have any queries then please don’t hesitate to DM me!
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sgftxtinajb · 2 years
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
These new FC Bayern stars only come in a double pack
The top soccer players Pernille Harder and Magdalena Eriksson are moving to Munich on July 1st. What connects the two privately and on the pitch.
On her first day on Grünwalder Strasse, Pernille Harder internalized what was faltering at FC Bayern Munich . She had hardly signed the new professional contract when the Danish record striker reminded the fans of the club's motto in Bavarian: "Mia san mia!" Interestingly, "mia" is short for "billion" in Danish. The FCB men's squad is worth almost a billion, but as is well known, it has often lacked the much-vaunted Munich feeling of togetherness. 
Just as close as the men, the women's team of the record champions also won their fifth title this year, but with significantly less noise. In the 2023/2024 season, the championship is again the declared goal of the women - and in 30-year-old Pernille Harder they have signed one of the best offensive players in the world. She doesn't come alone: ​​Swedish defensive expert Magdalena Eriksson, Harder's partner, has also signed a professional contract with FC Bayern until 2026 . Both were previously on the pitch at Chelsea, winning the English Championship and the FA Women's Cup with the Blues. 
Harder and Eriksson are used to playing together – privately since 2014, twice in the same team on the pitch: in 2016 they won the Swedish championship with Linköpings FC, in 2020 Harder followed her friend to London .
She knows the Bundesliga from her time at VfL Wolfsburg: Between 2017 and 2020, Harder shot the Wolves to the championship and the cup four times. When she moved to London, she was the most expensive soccer player in the world at a transfer fee of 330,000 euros. Both players are coming to Bayern Munich on a free transfer.
Leaving Chelsea was a tearful one, especially for Magdalena Eriksson. For four years she was captain of the blues. When she was presented with the framed jersey with the number 16 in the Kingsmeadow stadium with its 4,800 seats in mid-May, the 29-year-old lost her voice. "I love you guys," she said to the fans, "and I want to say thank you for everything." It's good that her friend was standing next to her at that moment, grabbing the microphone and completing the parting words. Since the time at Chelsea, the two have only been in a double pack. "It means a lot to me that we can move here together and stay together," said Harder in Munich , "we already had a long-distance relationship, we don't want that again."
Off the pitch, Harder and Eriksson campaign for LGBTIQ rights
The sporting director of the FCB women, Bianca Rech, is convinced that these two can "make the difference" in the Munich game. Harder and Eriksson are also "incredible personalities" off the pitch. Anyone who follows them on Instagram knows about their commitment to LGBTIQ rights. Incidentally, her beliefs flow into the posts, Eriksson wears them as a tattoo on his shoulder. "We are all human and we shouldn't judge anyone," it says in Swedish. Among her followers is world-famous British top model Cara Delevingne , herself a queer activist. In addition to the square, the boulevard has long since discovered the two, but the couple rarely gets involved in advertising deals and photo shoots:in pink tulle skirts and hoodies. They have been moderating the talk show “The Hangout” for Sky Sports since 2022. Soccer stars like Megan Rapinoe talk about their experiences as queer athletes. 
In the Bundesliga, both also want to develop individually. "Seeing the German national team play at the European Championships last summer shows how the Bundesliga is developing"Harder says in the welcome video on Bayern's YouTube channel. "I'm excited to be back in the league." Her partner has no experience of the Bundesliga. In European football, however, she is a star and was nominated for the Ballon d'Or in 2021 and was voted into the Women's World Cup that same year, which she attributes to her hunger for wins: "One of my greatest talents as a footballer is that I've always had this urge to constantly improve", says Eriksson in the video. "Taking on a new challenge only makes me hungrier for success and for learning more." But she can also be modest: "Coming into a new football culture and a new team, that makes me humble."
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randombush3 · 2 years
Not the Only One.
florence pugh x reader
summary: flo isn’t your only girlfriend (if you can even call her that)
word count: 3384
warnings: BRIEF smut at the end, a little bit of drugs, lots of arguing
notes: this was supposed to be light-hearted smut when i originally began months ago, but i just got back to it and decided on this plot (not that i actually plan what i write). don’t cheat.
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If you and Florence are anything, it’s passionate. It’s making out in the shower and running away from cameras in the rain; it’s watching the world through the reflection of her eyes. And, with the happiness, comes the darker, uglier side of passion: the arguments, the screaming, the ‘I hate you’s, and ‘stop loving me’s.
She’d known it was probably not her greatest idea becoming entangled with someone whose body count puts Cara Delevingne’s to shame. There were no promises of monogamy, only parties and morning kisses and… breakfast. You love it a little too much when she’s making you breakfast. She likes your smile when you watch.
In the club (some exclusive place that you’ve neglected to remember the name of), she talks to her own friends, this time from her last bloody good movie. The table has been cleared to make room for the lines, and you’re pulling your AmEx out. There’s loud music. Awful music.
Flo catches your gaze — takes it, grabs it for a while. She mouths ‘wait for me’, kisses her friends on the cheek, and is by your side before your company begin to ask if you even want to be high. You don’t really, not tonight. Not when it’s been two years since you’ve allowed yourself this close to her.
“Hello,” Flo murmurs, hands on your waist. She sways you to the music, laughing at your reluctance. She’s not drunk. “There are much healthier things for you to do.” The drugs are her least favourite part of this life. They make you almost insufferable once you’ve come down, and she wants to pursue something. You want to pursue something, too, but it’s not the same.
“Like what?” Her smirk is unmissable. No one else is paying attention.
“I’m standing right here.”
There’s someone waiting for you at home, though, and you haven’t yet told her. It was an unexpected development spearheaded by your mother, and now you’ve found yourself buying her flowers when you pass florists. You ignore this clear and simple fact, tell her that you could so easily get a hotel room, let her kiss you for a taste; a reminder of how good things were and can be. Florence can smell your girlfriend’s perfume on you, but she won’t say anything. If she does she loses you. She can’t bear to lose you.
So she pulls away only to grab the pack of cigarettes from the table, and keeps her hand on your waist as you exit the club.
In the morning, you wake up wearing nothing, covered by sheets and a wash of warmth from the woman beside you. She is sleeping still, peacefully resting against you, and she is naked. You wish you could have a world in which both Flo and your girlfriend were the same people, but it isn’t this one and you have got to tell her. It can wait, you think, as she wakes and is rubbing her hand up and down your thigh.
“I wish you wouldn’t just fuck me and leave me.”
Turns out you both had wishes like that.
“I don’t just ‘fuck’ you,” you reply calmly, basking in the sunlight of London’s May days. You run your fingers through her hair; though she constantly tells you she wants to chop it all off, you’ve convinced her to keep it long and blonde and looking beautiful when sex-teased.
“We make love?” She rolls her eyes. “You can hardly call this love.” Florence gestures to the way you’ve moulded yourself around her, encapsulating her, keeping her there despite her inevitable separation. “Shouldn’t we leave the love-making to you and your girlfriend, anyway, Y/n? The media seems to think it’s heading towards marriage.” It is. You are not going to crush this addictive pill between your fingers naked in bed next to her, though.
“You, too, are in a committed relationship.”
“So it is committed!” It’s adorable; her tone. Like she’s become Sherlock himself.
“I’m to propose in two weeks.” Florence quietens, just for a moment. Zach has already asked her to marry him. She’s not sure what to say to him, doesn’t know if it’s a good idea. He’s a constant — a good boyfriend, kind, loving — and her mother in law would actually like her, but she often catches herself wanting to whisper your name instead. “I don’t know if I can stop this.” The two of you.
“If I marry Zach, I will.” She won’t, but she’d probably try.
You rest your chin on her shoulder. Her hair smells like her blue shampoo, something she keeps using although she’s still scared it will dye her hair. “Then I hope you do not marry Zach.”
- - -
Your girlfriend says yes and Florence cannot escape it. She opens Instagram and is punched in the gut with your own post; her and you — obviously taken by the paparazzi — on the yacht that you’d once told Flo you’d marry her one day on, captioned ‘engagement sex was good, thanks for asking’. She would have laughed if she wasn’t trying not to start sobbing. Zach would be woken up if she did. But Zach loves his girlfriend and can tell she’s silently distraught. At her failure to make any food for them, he swoops in with bacon and eggs, kisses her cheek, her neck, her nose. A tear slips from her almost-composure. He wipes it for her.
After breakfast, he sits next to her on the sofa and cradles her when she can no longer not be heartbroken. He’s noticed the love bites on her collarbones, and he knows exactly the reason his love is struggling to love him back. Zach has decided to be mature about this. He thinks Florence would benefit from the stability of their relationship; he knows your game, he’s not living under a rock. “Will you marry me?” he asks, something that should have been absurd to do given the situation at hand.
Florence nods, then says she will, and Zach knows he is her second choice. “I’m sorry,” she whispers, “for not…”
“It’s okay,” he replies, at ease with the feeling of never being just quite enough for her. You’re the only one who can be that, and you have chosen to be that for someone else. “All I ask is that it stops now, that you say no to her now.” Like she promised you, she will. Even if you coax her out of her marriage. Marriage feels weird to think about when it’s not you she’s picturing. She’ll get used to it.
- - -
Nina slaps you when she finds out. Hard, unforgiving, the ring still on her finger. “And you love her,” she mutters, not caring if the cleaner is watching your argument attentively. “I feel so stupid.”
“I love you.”
“Are you expecting me to suddenly engage in polyamory?” She waits for an answer. “Is her boyfriend involved, too? Do you all just get high and fuck each other?” The cleaner is neglecting her duties, leaving the spilt champagne to ruin the floors and make them sticky.
“I want to get married.”
“To her.”
“It’s not going to happen!” Acceptance wasn’t a breeze, but you’ve found yourself enjoying Nina’s company. She’s beautiful — a runway model — and funny. She has self-respect, she cares, she wants you to be happy. You could be happy. But not with her. Not that you don’t think she’s deserving of a good life and a much better girlfriend, not that the slap stings. Why should it sting when it was totally deserved?
If you were in Nina’s position you’d be devastated. Devastated that this was all a lie, devastated that you will never be good enough for her. Maybe it’s your unexpected lust that clouds your empathy, but you find yourself wondering if Nina will still sleep with you after this. (She will — she can’t leave you.)
She really does consider it though, especially after your argument gets leaked and published in every tabloid possible. It becomes so obvious to do so in her mind that one morning you wake up to the engagement ring on your bedside table, only to find her sitting fully dressed on the sofa, unmoving, unresponsive. She is completely heartbroken.
It’s this that spurs an elopement, something that gets it done quickly and romantically enough. You’ve broken two hearts, not one, and so time is of the essence before you’re left alone to die without sex or love or whatever comes in between. Because Nina is permanently on the brink of leaving you, or at least moving away.
- - -
Over the course of the next two years, you let her delete Florence’s number from your phone, watch her unfollow her instagram, drive her to therapy, and drive you both to couples therapy. It’s going well. You haven’t forgotten Flo, and you don’t miss her any less than you did the last time you saw her, but your thoughts about her aren’t as important now that Nina has started to drag you to your son’s water babies class. You suggested it could be done in your very large pool (one supermodel + one actress = big, big house in LA) but your wife was adamant. The instructor is pretty and wears a tight rash vest that Nina clearly wishes she could tear off, but considering you consistently fucked someone else during the start of your relationship, it’s okay.
You’ve decided you’re happy enough. With her, with the baby. It will never quite amount to the taste of vanilla lip balm on Florence’s lips after a long day or the orgasmic feeling of seeing her for the first time in months, but will anything ever do that? You’d give five thousand lifetimes to have one more conversation with her, to make her laugh, to hear her laugh. Nina tries to forget but never can because you stare wistfully at her during events and desire radiates off you in a way that will never be for her.
After Milo has finished his nightly mission to cry himself to sleep and Nina has ended her assault on the dirty dishes, you let her sigh into your shoulder and rest her head against you. Watching the TV in silence is usually what happens to a marriage exhausted by a baby.
Once the adverts are playing, you sit up. Nina frowns. “Are you going to Ibiza then?” she asks, heart sinking further than you should make it. She hasn’t been keen on you going away with the friends Florence and you share, but Harris invited you in person. Harris desperately wants you there.
“I can’t say no.” You could see Florence. Just seeing her close up might be enough. “My mother has invited you to stay the month at hers anyway. Just you and Milo — I’ve got to film after I come back.”
“You know I dislike being separated unnecessarily. If you’re filming here, why can’t we stay?” She’s hurt. You always seem to hurt her.
“Nina, you’d stay up until I came home. It’s not fair on you.”
“This life isn’t fair on me, but I’m still here,” she mutters. “Carried your fucking child but you’d run off with a happily taken woman given the chance.” You wince. Florence can’t be truly happy. Right? “Yeah, Y/n, I’m not stupid. And she’s extremely happy. They’re happy.”
“We’re happy,” you lie. It’s so blatantly untrue that she laughs. “What? Nina, I’m happy. I love Milo, I love you.”
She worked out that you treat her like your best friend. Most of the time, you can tell her anything. Nina and you are actually close, just not in the way she’d like. At least the rest of the world is buying it.
- - -
“I’m not buying it.”
Okay, so the rest of the world except Harris.
He offered to fly with you from LAX in a rented private plane. The others are meeting you there, and you suspect Harris wanted to get you alone for a good twelve hours before he loses you to the resurfacing party girl he made friends with. She was locked in a cupboard when Milo was born.
“You were so in love with Flo. I thought you’d figure it out eventually.” He scoffs at your obvious boredom of the topic (an act to get him to shut the fuck up). “I genuinely don’t see why you guys kept it a secret. It’s not like either of you are closeted, no one was in danger. You were together before she met Zach, and she only looked for a Zach because you told her you couldn’t do it and wouldn’t do it. And then you continued to fuck and hurt each other’s feelings until Nina tied you up, married you, and gave you a kid as a distraction.”
“My mother threatened to ruin her career, you left that out.” And Florence didn’t want to commit to you before you could commit to her. You’re not a committed person, however, so it was doomed from takeoff. Just like a faulty rocket that they still let launch, everything always exploded and killed and caused suffering. The journey upwards was always fun, though.
“But it’s Flo. I’ve spoken to her, and you’re gonna want to talk. It’s over with Zach. They were both devastated.” You remember that word: devastated. Just like Nina was.You can’t bear the idea of Florence being devastated. “And, like, I get that you're married…”
“You told me that Nina talks herself out of filing for divorce every other week!”
“I was being hyperbolic.” You weren’t. “Nina is second only to Florence, but so is everyone else. She’s the next best thing.” She must be okay with it by now.
But Harris shakes his head, “No one wants to be someone’s next best thing.” He begins to get frustrated. He hates that you choose to be so oblivious to the issues in your marriage. Flo hates that you’re married. You hate that she never tried to talk to you after Nina deleted her number. All three of you hate the idea of being in Ibiza and having to not sleep together (Harris always feels like a third wheel when he is in the room but you two have forgotten about it).
Second best echoes in your mind once you reach the hotel. Harris checks in for you both while you take a minute to internally commit suicide in the lobby toilets. Everyone else is checking in at the same time. Florence is included in that party.
She’s excited to be here with her friends, with the people she finds happiness and fun in. Since the mutual ending of her and Zach’s relationship she has realised that everything feels sharper without the safety net of welcoming arms and knowing words. Zach always knew what to say, even if it seemed inappropriate to everyone else. She liked that best: his timing. When she catches a glimpse of your face in the queue before you hurry off on your own, she chuckles to herself. Zach has perfect timing.
You jump when the door opens. The thud that follows the sound of curious footsteps drowns out Florence’s initial greeting, leaving the two of you staring at each other in a bitter concoction of desire and horror and most things inbetween. You’re about to say hello after a good three minutes of silence but Florence walks out before you can.
Her bum looks really good.
“Am I technically a voyeur now…?” A woman exits the stall in the far corner that you hadn’t noticed was occupied. She’s just a normal person. “Are you, um, okay?”
“Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine. It’s nothing.” If only she knew. “I— I didn’t know there was anyone else in here.” Laugh it off.
“Well, whoever that was, I hope you hook up tonight.” She glances at your wedding ring, raising an eyebrow. “Or every night.” With a playful smirk she leaves the bathroom and you end up feeling worse than you did before.
- - -
Harris does your makeup for you when it processes and your hands won’t stop shaking. He’s slightly terrified by the storm two of his best friends are caught up in, but you could only be in the eye of it for so long. Temporarily, you built a white picket fence around a life that was a second choice — if it was at all a choice — but forgot to bolt down the hatches. Seeing her has made the fences age and rot. Better yet, you find that you are consciously stopping yourself from hacking the white bars to your cage down with an axe.
And so your shaking is reasonable. To feel so overcome with many different emotions is something you are most definitely not built for, but it’s Florence. Isn’t she everything you’ve ever wanted?
But it’s not just about you. Not anymore. Two more people will lose their life to the storm, though one has tried her hardest to find shelter. The other was at no fault and is not deserving of such a cruel mother. You were never deserving of a cruel mother, yet she somehow ruined your life from her exiled position of power. Leaving home clearly wasn’t enough.
Florence met your mother once, before you’d realised actually dating her didn’t seem to work. You’d introduced her as your girlfriend, and while her cheeks were red with embarrassment, your mother’s flared with anger. It wasn’t to do with Flo personally, you’re almost certain, but rather the fact that you displayed the fact you now had a choice. To your mother, control had slipped through her fingers the moment you chose her, because you chose her. So she chose an alternative. Obviously one that you’d find attractive and lust after and… forget about Florence. Nina wasn’t any different to her predecessor, but your mother’s attitude towards her was different.
Nothing has ever been to spite Flo. It’s always for you. And to say that you end up looking like an extreme narcissist is an under exaggeration. She wants you to love her back and to tell her that; Nina wants the same but will never quite get it. You look like you’re incredibly selfish to everyone else.
“It’ll be fine,” Harris comforts quietly. He pats your shoulder as the lift door opens and the restaurant gets far closer than you’re mentally prepared for. “Just don’t sit next to her if...”
But, like every other time, you leave holding Flo’s hand and kissing her neck. Your room is way too close to most of the friend group, but she’s on the next floor up and that’s safer, that’s easier on the conscience.
She undresses you like she zipped your dress up herself, knowing every dip and curve of your body having mapped you and explored you and loved you. She loves you. She almost lets it slip through the net of her lips, but catches it before it drops and buries it at the back of her throat for later.
You’ve missed her touch. You’ve missed touching her. She is the melted wax from a burnt out candle; hot, used. She doesn’t care if you use her anymore, because no one can ever make her feel as good as you do and she needs that feeling to bring her back to life. Florence needs you to bring her back to life, but she won’t admit to loving a married woman. Not when the married woman has a baby whose mothers love him dearly. Not when Nina sent her flowers for every birthday and personally told her you had become a mother to a beautiful boy who doesn’t need to know about affairs until he reads romance novels.
Florence feels guilty as you kiss the valley between her breasts. How can she resent Nina the way she does? You, clearly, are the one she should hate, but she cannot bring herself to ever say no.
She doesn’t say no when you remove her underwear, or ask for permission. Once your tongue swirls her clit and your fingers curl inside her, she forgets you’re not hers, that you live another life in which she has no place nor part in. But you are hers, though not only hers. Despite this, Florence decides she is yours.
tags: @pewpughpew @ridlz @jeyramarie @flosbelova @kassies-take @delfiore
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honeyleesblog · 2 years
leo zodiac traits
When temperatures are skyrocketing, nothing appeals more than lazing about near a glimmering body of water, and it's tougher than ever to focus on work thanks to peak summertime FOMO, it's obviously Leo season. Annually, approximately between July 23 and August 22, the sun moves through the fifth sign of the zodiac, Leo, symbolized by the regal Lion.
In the heart of summer, our minds drift away from the must-dos and the organizational details of life and toward spontaneous hangs with friends, whimsical, impromptu road trips, vacations (or staycations), summer romance, and posting poolside thirst traps — all the playful, lighthearted pleasures of the sunniest season. This passionate, fun-loving energy is informed by Leo, a fire sign associated with light, love, confidence, buoyant and positive vibes and the tendency to take bold action or transform everyday life into a vibrant, colorful, drama-packed stage. These traits are owed to Leo's ruling luminous celestial body, the sun, which oversees image, identity, personal style, vitality, and self-esteem.
A few charismatic, optimistic, and natural born leaders who were born under Leo: Meghan Markle, Gina Rodriguez, Jennifer Lopez, Monica Lewinsky, Jennifer Lawrence, Demi Lovato, and Cara Delevingne are all astrologically influenced to claim the spotlight, using their empowered voices to express what's in their big hearts while inspiring and cheering on others to do the same.
Here, everything you need to know about the loyal, generous, charismatic sign.
Leo Personality Traits Those born between July 23 and August 22 can generally assume that their sun sign is Leo. (It's not definitive, because the sun moves between signs on different days annually.) Also note that while we tend to refer to ourselves as our sun sign, it's just one detail of a natal chart, which is basically a unique snapshot of the sky when you were born. But it's a detail that helps color your core sense of self, identity, personal style, self-esteem and confidence.
The star of the zodiac Typical sun in Leo traits include being confident, comfortable being the center of attention, drama-adoring, ambitious, loyal, fiercely protective of their nearest and dearest, generous, luxury-loving, sunny, and big-hearted. Their characteristics reflect themes covered by the Fifth House of Romance and Self-Expression, which Leo rules. The Fifth House oversees leisurely fun, creativity, children, pleasure, and the most spirited, effervescent expressions of love and sex, like flirting and dating.
The natural-born leader Since the vitality-bringing, confidence-enhancing sun has such a clear impact on Leo's personality, the fire sign tends to go toward opportunities to run whatever literal or figurative show they're most drawn to. They'll naturally slide into an executive position, guiding a team effortlessly from the front of any room, decide they can make a real difference by running for local government, or aspire to see their name in lights as the headliner of a hit production. But just as readily as they might seek to lead and soak up attention and applause, they'll shine their blinding, perpetually warm inner light on those around them, throwing themselves into planning an OTT celebration for a loved one with all the most gasp-worthy decor and gourmet bites, devote time and money to a favorite charity, or plan (and shell out for) a memorable, lavish anniversary getaway with their true love. After all, when it comes to following their hearts and setting themselves up for the ultimate fun, pleasurable, fancypants experience, dynamic, life-loving Leos will spare no expense.
The fixed fire sign Every sign is assigned a quality (cardinal, mutable, or fixed), which explains the sign's basic energy. There's a cardinal, mutable, and fixed sign within every element (fire, earth, air, water). Leo is the fixed one of the fire group, which gives them a hard-headed, resolute, and rock-steady perspective on anything they're attached to. They often get set in their ways and might need extra motivation to change course midstream.
Leo's best personality traits: Full of life, commanding the spotlight in a way that's sure to entertain, engage, and inspire others, independent-minded, and mesmerizingly fun to be around, you can rely on Leos in your circle to help you see the bright side of any situation and feel fired up and ready to take on the world. They are the positive self- and body image crusaders of the zodiac. They're the charming boss with a big heart who understands a healthy work-life balance is the ultimate key to productivity. They're the friend who will chase relentlessly after a starry-eyed dream they've had since junior high and then actually make it a reality.
Leo's worst personality traits: Leo's innate self-confidence and bold, take-charge ways can absolutely manifest in a problematic way from time to time. They can be self-focused to a fault, vain, narcissistic, domineering, and greedy. When they lack self-awareness, they can be frustratingly narrow-minded, knee-jerking to unfounded and roaring egomania. They can also descend into a gloomy mood, likely as a result of feeling like they're not getting the attention, credit, or respect they deserve. The fix: perfecting their self-love and self-soothing routine.
12 Leo Celebrities Who Exude Big ion Energy What Leos Are Like in Love & Bed Leo's romance style If your date has major, pie-in-the-sky dreams about being a New York Times bestselling author or TikTok star, has an Insta grid filled with a notable number of selfies, and a voracious appetite for fancy weekend getaways or, at the very least, the bites from the best restaurants in town, you're likely seeing someone born under the influence of sunny, dynamic, self-assured, charismatic Leo energy. The fire sign is passionate and easily, naturally shines wherever they go, and potential partners or significant others of a Leo will revel in their warm, joyful light. As much as they tend to seek resounding applause from the world, they'll be most content if they feel fawned over by someone they're equally wild about. Embracing life's simplest and grandest moments with a lover they share magical, sparkly chemistry with is the stuff Leo fantasies are made of. Anyone hoping to move forward in a relationship with a Leo would do well to lean into optimism, a love of living, and an appreciation for luxury, as even the most modest lion would adore the regal treatment.
That said, Leo's perfect date is one you might imagine playing out in your favorite rom-com. That might include procuring the most gasp-worthy, gorgeous roses, dinner reservations at the trendiest spot in town, or taking a spontaneous trip to a beach side town that's undeniably cinematic. In less socially-distanced times, tickets to a movie premiere or front row seats at an exciting concert — where they can flaunt their contagious dance moves — would also appeal, and because they love being the star of the show in a group, they'll rarely pass on a party invitation.
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akaraboonline · 1 year
2023 MTV Movie & TV Awards results
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The MTV Movie & TV Awards were produced in a whirlwind of changes during a tumultuous week due to the writers' strike, and a ragtag group of actors were presented with golden popcorn statuettes on Sunday. 2023 MTV Movie & TV Awards results With the most nominations among written material, the blockbuster movie "Top Gun: Maverick" is accompanied by the TV shows "Stranger Things," "The Last of Us," "The White Lotus," and "Wednesday." Shows like "Jersey Shore Family Vacation," "RuPaul's Drag Race," "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills," and "Vanderpump Rules" led the nominations in the unscripted categories. The Comic Genius Award went to Jennifer Coolidge, and Purple Hearts won for "Come Back Home" as best musical performance. Drew Barrymore had been scheduled to host the annual event, but she said on Thursday that she will no longer be doing it in support of the ongoing writers' strike. Even though part of Barrymore's material had already been recorded before the strike started, the ceremony continued without a designated presenter. Barrymore promised in a statement that she would return to host the program in 2024. The MTV Movie & TV Awards are "pivoting away from a live event" by airing a pre-recorded version of the ceremony in response to reports that striking Writers Guild of America members planned to picket at the Santa Monica Barker Hangar, where the event is being filmed. Executive producer Bruce Gillmer said this in a statement to CNN. Flashback clips from previous MTV Movie & TV Awards events, which made up the vast portion of the show, and pre-recorded remarks from winners were both parts of that pivot during the telecast. Following is a complete list of the nominations, with winners highlighted in bold. BEST MOVIE “Avatar: The Way of Water” “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” “Elvis” “Nope” “Scream VI” *WINNER “Smile” “Top Gun: Maverick” BEST SHOW “Stranger Things” “The Last of Us” *WINNER “The White Lotus” “Wednesday” “Wolf Pack” “Yellowstone” “Yellowjackets” BEST PERFORMANCE IN A MOVIE Austin Butler — “Elvis” Florence Pugh — “Don’t Worry Darling: KeKe Palmer — “Nope” Michael B. Jordan — “Creed III” Tom Cruise — “Top Gun: Maverick” *WINNER BEST PERFORMANCE IN A SHOW Aubrey Plaza — “The White Lotus” Christina Ricci — “Yellowjackets” Jenna Ortega — “Wednesday” *WINNER Riley Keough — “Daisy Jones & The Six” Sadie Sink — “Stranger Things” Selena Gomez — “Only Murders in the Building” BEST HERO Diego Luna —”Andor” Jenna Ortega — “Wednesday” Paul Rudd — “Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania” Pedro Pascal — “The Last Of Us” *WINNER Tom Cruise — “Top Gun: Maverick” BEST VILLAIN Elizabeth Olsen — “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” *WINNER Harry Styles — “Don’t Worry Darling” Jamie Campbell Bower — “Stranger Things” M3GAN — “M3GAN” The Bear — “Cocaine Bear” BEST KISS (presented by Cheetos®) Anna Torv + Philip Prajoux — “The Last Of Us” Harry Styles + David Dawson — “My Policeman” Madison Bailey + Rudy Pankow — “Outer Banks” *WINNER Riley Keough + Sam Claflin — “Daisy Jones & The Six” Selena Gomez + Cara Delevingne — “Only Murders in the Building” BEST COMEDIC PERFORMANCE Adam Sandler — “Murder Mystery 2” *WINNER Dylan O’Brien — “Not Okay” Jennifer Coolidge — “Shotgun Wedding” KeKe Palmer — “Nope” Quinta Brunson — “Abbott Elementary” BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE Bad Bunny — “Bullet Train” Bella Ramsey — “The Last Of Us” Emma D’Arcy — “House of the Dragon” Joseph Quinn — “Stranger Things” *WINNER Rachel Sennott — “Bodies Bodies Bodies” BEST FIGHT Brad Pitt (Ladybug) vs. Bad Bunny (The Wolf) — “Bullet Train” Courteney Cox (Gale Weathers) vs. Ghostface — “Scream VI” *WINNER Jamie Campbell Bower (Vecna) vs. Millie Bobby Brown (Eleven) — “Stranger Things” Keanu Reeves (John Wick) vs. Everyone — “John Wick 4” Escape from Narkina 5 — “Andor” MOST FRIGHTENED PERFORMANCE Jennifer Coolidge – “The White Lotus” *WINNER Jesse Tyler Ferguson – “Cocaine Bear” Justin Long – “Barbarian” Rachel Sennott – “Bodies Bodies Bodies” Sosie Bacon – “Smile” BEST DUO Read the full article
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broadthinkerhints · 1 year
Experience the Timeless Beauty of Vintage Fashion in NYC
Enjoy the Timeless Beauty of Vintage Fashion Vintage shopping is among the most effective ways to cut down on waste and snag unique duds no one else has. You can mix and match styles from different styles to create a unique style. Luckily, there are plenty of shops in NYC where you can pick up vintage gems. These spots are great for finding designer sneakers for less than the price, no matter if you're looking for new jeans or designer footwear. 1. Procell In NYC In NYC, you don't need to travel far for the most coveted vintage clothes and designer wear-to-wear. Since the beginning of time, Procell on Delancey has been offering the best of time periods of fashion from the past. Curated by the vintage guru Brian Procell, the LES store is packed with unique concert merchandise from bands such as The Rolling Stones, Nike tracksuit pants of '90s graffiti writers, and high-end classic designs from designers such as Jean Paul Gaultier. It's no wonder why Cara Delevingne, Imaan Hamman, and Bella Hadid count this destination as one of their top spots for finding off-duty models-worthy tees. Costume designer Heidi Bivens explains that the "huge part of vintage is that it's an art of art. It's a great way to get that sense of history and a sense of the hunt." 2. What goes around gets around The top supplier of premium vintage products, such as second-hand clothes and accessories, What Goes Around comes Around is the top. The company has been producing original products for more than 25 years. Every item is meticulously sourced and authenticated by its expert team. On appointment only, the showroom stocks a wide selection of beautiful vintage rock concert T-shirts as well as Azzedine Alaia gowns. It's the perfect location to browse through racks looking for the best investment option, or snag a rocker-chic dress for an upcoming event. Recently, What Goes Around signed a seven-year lease agreement to reopen the Wooster Street pop-up store as a permanent shop. The store, which is at 113 Wooster Street between Spring and Prince streets, features "a modern, sophisticated look" that blends elements of the past such as exposed loft ceilings , as well as a infamous denim bar with modern accents like eucalyptus panels. 3. Rogue Many of the secondhand stores in the Lower East Side specialize in vintage sportswear. Rogue is one of these. Emma Rogue is a Depop queen, and a lifetime thrifter. Decorated to resemble a '90s-slash-early-2000s bedroom, the cozy space is papered with nostalgic posters: Fergie, Eminem and Tank Girl preside over shoppers as they flip through racks filled with Instagram-friendly picks. Baby t-shirts that are adorned with clever sayings ("Life is more enjoyable as a brunette," one bedazzled top proclaims) are hung alongside vintage designer products from Hysteric Glamour, Jean Paul Gaultier and Chrome Hearts. In the wake of the growing popularity of websites for resales like Depop and Poshmark buying secondhand has become a common practice in the generation-Z age. Rogue has become the go-to destination for fashionistas thanks to the popularity of social media. 4. Select Vintage Whether it's a one-of-a-kind ball gown or shoes you didn't think you'd discover, vintage clothing has unique charm. They're timeless, environmentally healthy, and relatively affordable. There are many great options for secondhand clothing in New York City. But it is important to know where to get the most value. These are our top recommendations for the most unique items. Select Vintage, located in Brooklyn's Bushwick neighborhood is the best place to shop for retro T-shirts and sports gear. You're guaranteed to be noticed. The store also features a selection of other cool vintage items, including footwear and other accessories.
5. Metropolis Vintage Fashion-related, vintage clothing have been sneaking back into the scene for a long time. Pre-loved pieces are back in fashion's most sought-after closets that date back to the '90s nostalgic-dripped time to the current Y2K trend. While the majority of It girls are proud to show their appreciation for vintage clothing It can be a challenge to find these treasures. However there are some NYC shops that have mastered the art of shopping for vintage and will help you find your ideal piece. Metropolis Vintage, located on the Lower East Side, is one of the most loved shops on this list. It is a popular shop in the Lower East Side and has been around for more than 30 years. It is renowned for its collection of beautiful antique pieces found in the region. Click for the video
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noisynutcrusade · 1 year
Do or Don't: Fanny Packs
Today, let’s talk about a polarizing accessory… Ever since they got popular in the ’80s, fanny packs had a bad rap. They were the #1 identifier of overeager tourists. The statement bags of mall walkers. The equivalent of “a belt that’s digesting a small animal.” So, I was surprised when I began seeing them on the hips of celebs like Kendall Jenner and Cara Delevingne back in 2017. The leather…
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meauxhausint · 1 year
(page 2 cont'd) "the magazine" interview with celebrity PUBLICIST DES DUHFAUX
(page 2 cont'd) "the magazine" interview with celebrity PUBLICIST DES DUHFAUX
so I am the head honcho of MHI at the current moment.
JS: Cool so you are working for some of hollywoods' biggest names , right?
DD: Yea, our "celebrity inventory", "associated acts" & "brands" are jam packed with all forms of talent. we represent artists like Fergie, Britney Spears, Diplo, Agnez Mo, Bill Skarsgard, Jessie J, Emma Bunton, & Elle King. Artists of TV and film as well like Margot Robbie , Cameron Diaz , Chris Pine, Ana De Armas, Cole Sprouse just to name a few. Our brands include Erewhon grocers, Fenty beauty, sapphire sky Cosmetics, nudestix & waikea water.
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JS: Ok, so let's talk a little about the modeling agency. if that's ok…
DD: Well essentially we represent Josie Canseco, Cara Delevingne, Camille Rowe, Adriana Lima, Karen Mulder, Anne Schrader, Olga Hesmon, Barbara Palvin, Monet Feria, Candice Swanepoel, Bijou Phillips, Anthony Karlo, Kellan Will, & Chelsea Porter. Some are well known runway & cosmetics models as well as other forms of print modeling.
JS: alright, well let's talk a little bit about your background & family.
DD: Um, I come from a pretty normal family, regular folk. Both of my parents are entrepreneurs and that what inspires me daily to keep motivated. As far as race I'm a white & latin blend from both parents.
JS: I think that's pretty neat! are you from Los Angeles?
DD: Actually I am from Los Angeles, zone two. I'm Euro-American. And essentially MHI is an international agency created for Eurocentric celebrities.
JS: Alright let's move on… Are you single, married, kids?
DD: I'm twice married, twice divorced. But I'm rather young soo, there's hope if I keep dating I'll meet my real true mate-finally! (laughs). And no kids at all.
JS: Ok, sounds 👍 good. Are you entertaining any other business ventures @ this point
DD: A few, there a great new projects in the works. Coming soon.
JS: Fabulous! Well thanks for coming by to speak with us...
DD: well, you're very welcome.
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unit2marketting · 2 years
80s Makeup: Top Trends to Channel The Decade
Those who lived through the 10 years known as the 80s know the period was a very interesting moment in history. Beauty had some highs and lows during the 80s. The good news is that the trends of 80s makeup are making a major comeback some 40 years later.
After four decades, we are again ready to welcome the return of bright, badass 80s makeup that will take you out of the comfort zone. Basically, this is the essence of 80s makeup. And it’s all about being able to stand out from the crowd. Imagine Whitney Houston, Madonna in her early years, Cyndi Lauper and more.
80s Makeup Inspiration
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Being a cool girl in the 80s meant having a colorful eyeshadow. And your normal colors didn’t do the trick. Back in the 80s, if you wanted to be cool, you had to have some unusual color for your eyeshadow. Think of blue, pink, and purple. And some girls even combined all of these colors at once. Talk about colorful makeup.
Nowadays, we see some ladies rock the pink lip, or the rocker eye. But rarely we see these two combinations together. Rocker eye makeup look can be easily achieved with a blendable gel eyeliner. That is what made the 80s a “hot mess”.
When done lightly, the look works wonderfully. Make sure to define your lower lashes. If you want to be as authentic as possible, strive for that raccoon look of the 80s. You can pair it with dark lip liner for a really bold look.
This sophisticated look has been around for a while. Some few years ago, designers like Gucci, Stella McCartney, Victoria Beckham, Valentino, Ralph Lauren, and others opted for lips either dabbed with balm or blotted with the faintest hint of color.
Muted lips are not “naked mouths”. The latter is an overall rejection of makeup, while the former is a sophisticated makeup look. This is a great way to get a simple 80s makeup look, by going for a naked lip and colorful eyeshadow.
In the 80s, men and women loved to dress up for going to the beach. And that meant a lot of coral lipstick, shimmery-gold bright eyeshadow, and other sunny shades incorporated in your makeup. You can definitely see why this trend is making a comeback. Ladies nowadays love to look like bronze goddesses, and the 80s makeup makes that possible.
This is something our parents used to do all the time. The latest eyeshadow trend to hit Instagram is a wash of powdery shadow extending from lash to lid. It is very easy to master the technique, and you can even use your fingers. You can use Hollywood makeup tips to get the best looks.
As mentioned previously, raccoon eyes were popular back in the days. Folks were keen on creating them on purpose. To get the look, you had to trace the tops and bottoms of each lid with matte black eyeliner, and then smudge it all together. The result was rock-n-roll vibes that you have to love. Nowadays, we use a gel pot or satin crayon for this particular look.
We talked about how colors were a huge part of the 80s makeup. And that means a lot of neon colors. Back in the days, you could see neon colors on leg warmers and fanny packs, and even on headbands. The neon colors made their way to the lipstick industry, producing colors like electric pink, which can flatten nearly all skin tones.
Thick and natural eyebrows are now more popular than ever. That is an 80s makeup trend that we managed to incorporate easily thanks to models like Cara Delevingne. You need to brush a brow gel, tinted or clear through your eyebrows in the morning, and go from there. Bold eyebrows go great with dramatic eye makeup.
Speaking of interesting and unique techniques, we have to speak about draping, or contouring with blush. The technique is known as “color grow”, and it has been around for a while. With this technique, you use a blush not only on your cheeks, but you blend it all over. The result is a higher and sharper cheekbones that look as intense as ever. Colors like bright pink and fiery red stand out.
Some 10 years ago, everything else than black mascara was a no-no. Nowadays, however, colored mascara is making a big comeback. The plain old black is just way too boring. We have burgundy to complement any eyeshadow color, or turquoise for your hazel eyes.
The vibrant mascara is so popular, you can even mix and match the shades by applying one color on the top, and another one to the bottom lashes. The result is more flair than ever with styles like bright blue mascara.
Thanks to the 80s makeup making a comeback, we have frosted lips again. This time around, there are more options to choose from than in the 80s. Back in the 80s, you had only baby pink. You can play around and match your lipstick to your eye makeup by using hues from the same colour family.
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Fashion Gone Rogue. (2019). 80s Makeup: Top Trends to Channel The Decade. [online] Available at: https://www.fashiongonerogue.com/80s-makeup-trends-guide-how/.
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bronva · 2 years
Cara Delevingne sizzles in striking lingerie as she leads models at Rihanna’s Savage x Fenty fashion show
Cara Delevingne sizzles in striking lingerie as she leads models at Rihanna’s Savage x Fenty fashion show
Cara Delevingne stuns as the centre piece for Rihanna’s beauty line (Picture: Kevin Mazur/Getty Images) Cara Delevingne stunned as she led the pack of modelling royalty at Rihanna’s Savage X Fenty show, ahead of its Amazon Prime Video release this month. The supermodel took centre stage for the popstar’s Vol 4 show that’s set to hit screens on November 9 and wowed as she strutted along the…
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winklerklit5 · 2 years
Replica Chloe Luggage
Governments sometimes unfold false information to facilitate their aims, corresponding to going to war. There is often a mixture of outright hoax and suppression and management of information to provide the specified impression. In wartime and times of international tension rumors abound, some of which can be deliberate hoaxes. I've obtained a love-hate relationship with this explicit Replica Chloe Bag. Really I normally thought it had turn out to be the proper traveling bag since I noticed it within the JFK airport terminal the primary time I gone to stay in the united states some 5 years in the past. However, each time I go into the Longchamps shop in Motomachi to buy it, I am unable to push myself to get it accomplished. Paper Towns is about how concurrently oppressive and irresistible it can be to be the item of collective fantasy and projection. It's hard to think about anyone understanding that higher than Cara Delevingne chloe replica. The vary of Chloe Faye dupe baggage consists of small and medium examples of the shoulder bag. The smaller is on the market in two sizes – small and mini – and in colors such as caramel, grey, and black. There is nothing outlandish or brash about these Chloe dupes. They are simply fashionable and very lovely as per the original. Backpack on both sides of the front there are two zippers, up and down can adjust the capacity, but also a really intimate design. Look at the inside map, the zipper pull down when the bag will be bigger, so the ability to regulate the capability of the bag the most practical. This bag is at present a mini and medium two sizes, we are in a position to see the next comparison chart. In addition to the Pixie, which can be utilized in both the again and the hand, there's one other model of Pixie on the style show that could be very eye-catching. The whole handbag is surrounded by a spherical metal ring, and the metal handle is adorned with a young leather strap for the back. And the mannequin of the mannequin on the flyover, holding the strap around the hand, is the whole shape. How can such a wonderful shoulder bag from the stars of the people who love it, a lot of stars have been conquered. Fashion blogger Caroline Daur a white coat with a black mini Faye Backpack strolling within the streets of Hamburg, provides a cool elegance. Replica Chloe Paraty Shoulder Bag Paraty sequence purse design easy distinctive, personalized triangular profile and iconic design rough edges, very delicate. "Save the National Parks" is an Ansel Adams esque black and white of tree trunks stacked like bodies, their limbs sawed off. Perhaps you will find the above beneficial a quantity of bag just isn't big enough, maybe you’ll like Marcie. Femininity and romance fusion Nineteen Seventies ethnic customs, Marcie Chloe is a typical day pack. Desperate, Reese tracks down a serial killer, Alvin Kapitski, and convinces him to take out Lucifer. If you want to set up more issues, select medium is the most appropriate, similar to journey time. Of course, the mini can be very cute and lovely Oh, this spring concave concave weapon is it. Today Yahoo trend we take you to see how much N Wanner designer luggage are the center of water, as a lady you aren't in favor of the Prodigal dependancy, but no much less than we have to have a life of it! As a man of you, give love a sensible joker and completely model tote bag surface. Saying It bag era has quietly away, now carry her out of the bag than the style, fashion, and persona. Seamlessly combining the magnificence of Chloe distinctive design and the practicality of a backpack, it is a unique designer duper that you'll love as much as we do. The gold-colored metallic fittings give this Chloe dupe a further touch of class. Once you see these amazingly priced bags, you’ll know you’ve found the ideal alternative. And low cost impressed name brand designer knock offs could be spotted from a mile away! wikipedia handbags The roy collection actually has a complete of four different replica bag totes. In addition to the trapezoidal bag on the street map above, there are additionally the present Clutch, Double Clutch double bag design, and the 2018 Pre-Fall roy Bucket bucket bag. The attribute of Replica Chloe Bags Aby Small Buckle Tote Bag has always been that the photos are notably good-looking! So it is not solely obtainable on weekdays, but additionally very suitable for partying with skirts. In particular, the shoulder strap of this bag is a skinny chain, which can be easily stowed and put into the bag without revealing it. Finish is exemplary, and even the fake leather-based versions really feel quite fantastic. Shoulder luggage and backpacks of this high quality often command a high worth. The authentic Chloe Faye small shoulder bag, for instance, retails in the region of $1500. The rounded silhouette of the Pixie purse may be very pleasing, and the mixture of leather-based and suede uninteresting leather-based adds a layer of Replica Chloe Handbags Pixie Small Round Double-Handle Shoulder Bag Grey. A variety of colours to select from, this also teaches individuals to tickle not to choose on which one is healthier. "During this difficult time it's important we join together as a community to help each other," the statement stated. One of the two men within the automotive pointed a handgun at Vazquez, and he jumped out of his automotive at North Swan and First streets and ran down First.. About a yr after her modeling career took off she was made a proposal to go on a special photo shoot in Brazil. If you wish to purchase a giant bag lately, this Aby Lock bag can additionally be an excellent choice. Not solely is it certainly one of Replica Chloe Handbags hottest bag models, however the lock is also from the brand’s most Iconic lock bag, Paddington, and the style is unquestionably not bad! Some younger ladies need to purchase a big-name bag, however they ca n’t find a suitable one, particularly afraid of being too mature. But the shoulder strap design can make the bag not very drained after a day. The giant house of the bag is layered inside, which could be very sensible. Whether you commute to work or go shopping, you can absolutely maintain your storage needs. PurseValleyFactory can't resist replica handbags of Chloe which have been identified for its feminine and cult favorite cloned bags. Replica Chloe luggage is the rationale why so many faux purses feature are detailed of gold circle on their bags, which makes it really elegant and lavish. I assume the bag suits in each the “cool” and “chic” category, and might complete any outfit with an easy vibe. Basically I don’t have any qualms with the bag aside from its performance – it's a little tight inside so you want to actually pare down what you carry in your bag to ensure it suits and looks good on the similar time. https://phoenet.tw/replica-chloe-bags.html Chloe Faye dupes within the medium dimension are a super choice if you want a bag that can double as your everyday service or for extra formal events. Perfect as a gown bag for events and gatherings and equally at house when you’re meeting girlfriends for drinks this the designer bag for all occasions. The demure and simplified magnificence of those Chloe dupes is something that will appeal to buyers of all ages, and the prices are quite distinctive.
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bendtsengreene3 · 2 years
Latest Style Chole Replica Bags
If you need to set up more things, select medium is the most acceptable, similar to journey time. Of course, the mini can be very cute and beautiful Oh, this spring concave concave weapon is it. Today Yahoo style we take you to see how much N Wanner designer luggage are the guts of water, as a lady you are not in favor of the Prodigal addiction, but a minimal of we have to have a life of it! As a person of you, give love a practical joker and completely brand tote bag surface. Saying It bag era has quietly away, now carry her out of the bag than the taste, fashion, and character. Most female canine should expertise the heat cycle a minimal of two occasions in a 12 months or once in each seven months. The Angelika multiplex is still too new to take this class, and we're not yet sure if it will subsequent year, anyway. (Although it is fairly candy. See "Best Movie Pitch Worth the Wait" in Scenes.) The Inwood is a grand old dame of a movie show and once more deserves our "Best Of" label, palms down . A 12 months I thought had some effect I convinced myself that such was the case, Cameron says. Paper Towns is about how simultaneously oppressive and irresistible it can be to be the thing of collective fantasy and projection. It's exhausting to imagine anyone understanding that better than Cara Delevingne chloe replica. The range of Chloe Faye dupe bags includes small and medium examples of the shoulder bag. The smaller is available in two sizes – small and mini – and in colours similar to caramel, grey, and black. There is nothing outlandish or brash about these Chloe dupes. They are simply stylish and intensely stunning as per the original. His work interfered together with his marriage to Linda Martin they usually separated. However, Reese desperately needed to get back along with Linda. wikipedia handbags Likewise, clickbait stories and articles from this operation acquire commercial income. According to Professor Lynda Walsh of the University of Nevada, Reno, some hoaxes – such because the Great Stock Exchange Fraud of 1814, labeled as a hoax by modern commentators – are monetary in nature, and profitable hoaxers – similar to P. "Save the National Parks" is an Ansel Adams esque black and white of tree trunks stacked like our bodies, their limbs sawed off. Perhaps you will discover the above recommended several bag isn't large enough, perhaps you’ll like Marcie. Femininity and romance fusion Seventies ethnic customs, Marcie Chloe is a typical day pack. chloe bags replica Desperate, Reese tracks down a serial killer, Alvin Kapitski, and convinces him to take out Lucifer. Exquisite gold bracelet, hanging in the entrance of the handbag, may also be used as a deal with hand carry, saddle and half of the two models so that this new bag has a wide range of modern method. Those who have been gathering the crumbs on Cara's romantic trail may be confused about whether it is men or ladies who excite her chloe luggage replica. She conveys a Millennial's ennui at the expectation that she should settle upon a sexual orientation, and her interests—video games, yes; manicures, no—might register as gender-defiant within the realm of attire and heels chloe bags outlet 2015. ("I'm a bro-ey chick," says Cara.) As this story went to press, she was critically involved with the singer Annie Clark, higher known by her stage name, St. Vincent. "I suppose that being in love with my girlfriend is a giant part of why I'm feeling so proud of who I am nowadays replica chloe luggage uk. And for those words to come back out of my mouth is definitely a miracle." Soft leather-based and adjustable capacity to make sure the practicability facet flip buckle, strap and handle make this bag back to get dual. There are sheepskin, calfskin and python skin and different material on. This saddle bag with a brief shoulder strap and a protracted shoulder strap may be worn with a single shoulder and quite lots of slings. Red, nude powder and white are all very fundamental colors, and it isn't straightforward to look drained. The secret is the 2020 rat yr special limited edition, which can make individuals really feel extra colorful! In addition, this series also has a very inventive design Aby Lock. Chloe tess saddle bag interior details, gentle linen linen lining with calfskin, side pockets manufactured from cowhide, still engraved with the model emblem, the inside nook of the bag hides the small leather-based block with the serial number. The rounded chloe tess is kind of cute, yet fashionable and good-looking. It’s essential we stress the level of finish that the Chloe Faye dupes show. The combination of quality leather and suede plus lovely fittings in gold metallic offers the Chloe dupes a sense of occasion. Speaking of the shoulder bag, now the most popular is the new member of the Replica Chloe Handbags Faye household Faye Backpack, and it inherited the high worth of Faye, beautiful to not. This shoulder bag is Chloe2017 spring and summer present area launched, with high worth and recognition, and now is the principle push of a bag Chloe, spring at that time, this bag additionally shine. This post is a continuation of my summer haul which I by no means really got to complete as a outcome of being super busy! The design of the new shoulder strap is also very distinctive and interesting. The usage of the fashions is held within the hand and wrapped within the hand, identical to wearing jewelry, very private. Moreover, along with the metallic short shoulder strap, the thick shoulder strap of the canvas stitching can additionally be a model new spotlight on this season’s bag, almost each bag has, and a few even have two hanging. This bag has an indescribable attractive on the again of the bag, giving folks the distinctive easy feel of French fashion. Especially when the shoulder strap and the ring are gently rocked, it is rather charming.
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wollesenthestrup5 · 2 years
Chloe Sandal Replica Comes With Mud Bag Size 5
"Save the National Parks" is an Ansel Adams esque black and white of tree trunks stacked like our bodies, their limbs sawed off. Perhaps you can see the above recommended several bag just isn't sufficiently big, perhaps you’ll like Marcie. Femininity and romance fusion 1970s ethnic customs, Marcie Chloe is a typical day pack. Desperate, Reese tracks down a serial killer, Alvin Kapitski, and convinces him to take out Lucifer. wikipedia handbags A typical hoax is an e-mail message warning recipients of a non-existent menace, often forging quotes supposedly from authorities similar to Microsoft and IBM. In most cases the payload is an exhortation to distribute the message to everybody within the recipient's address book. Thus the e-mail "warning" is itself the "virus." Sometimes the hoax is more harmful, e.g., telling the recipient to seek a selected file ; if the file is found, the computer is deemed to be contaminated unless it's deleted. In reality the file is one required by the working system for correct functioning of the pc. So the first time I fell in love with the Chloe Hudson was once I noticed picture of Emma Watson sporting it in black on a tabloid website. But at the same time the bag remains understated – it’s not an in your face show-y sort of bag, but more of a demure piece that provides class to your wardrobe without having to be the star of the present. The only thing I wasn’t certain of was whether I had to purchase it as an genuine model or if I would have the ability to find a replica or pretend good enough to feed my craving. Fashion should look straightforward, however actually requires plenty of effort. While the perfect look may be achieved by opting to purchase cheaper clothes and footwear with out compromising on the standard and finish, it is inconceivable to do the same with leather items and accessories like wallets and handbags. In this case, you both purchase the original or make do with an affordable designer knockoff. The Purse Queen was began in August of of 2010 by me, Angie , as a blog that reviews genuine & replica purses I actually have purchased throughout the years, and replica websites as properly. I am your typical fashion obsessed girl in her 30s (think Blair Waldorf or Serena van Der Woodsen post-Gossip Girl) based mostly in New York, however frequently travel across the globe . Simply trendy and undeniably stylish, this beautiful range of Chloe Faye bag dupes is totally faithful to the unique. Available as shoulder bag and backpack designs, this is a traditional of the age, and an ideal selection of beautiful designer luggage at amazingly reasonably priced costs. Because there are steel fittings, the weight of the bag is not going to be very mild. Backpack on both sides of the entrance there are two zippers, up and down can modify the capability, but additionally a really intimate design. Look on the inner map, the zipper pull down when the bag will be bigger, so the flexibility to adjust the capability of the bag essentially the most practical. This bag is currently a mini and medium two sizes, we will see the following comparability chart. Paper Towns is about how concurrently oppressive and irresistible it may be to be the thing of collective fantasy and projection. It's onerous to imagine anybody understanding that better than Cara Delevingne chloe replica. The vary of Chloe Faye dupe baggage includes small and medium examples of the shoulder bag. The smaller is on the market in two sizes – small and mini – and in colours such as caramel, grey, and black. There is nothing outlandish or brash about these Chloe dupes. They are simply fashionable and intensely beautiful as per the original. Chloe Hayley Small Leather Hobo Bag Black These are the new hot season, every kind of stitching, beads, hole, quite fresh. In the retro style of the prevalence of the moment, I suppose Replica Chloe Handbags most proper to talk it, please recall their own present this yr, the most important present present. In addition to these above, this year additionally out of such a, watching the dense concern, however very particular. Chloe’s design team is also very handy for this solely purse. Speaking of the new, it will need to have to say Chloe Drew & excessive spherical co-operation. But the shoulder strap design can make the bag not very tired after a day. The massive area of the bag is layered inside, which may be very practical. Whether you commute to work or buy groceries, you can fully maintain your storage wants. PurseValleyFactory cannot resist replica purses of Chloe which have been identified for its female and cult favourite cloned baggage. Replica Chloe bags is the reason why so many fake purses feature are detailed of gold circle on their baggage, which makes it actually elegant and lavish. replica chloe bags This bag additionally has ample area, making the Tess handbag an ideal carry-on bag. In addition to the many calfskin styles, this tess saddle bag has a extra particular model, which is an embroidered pony, especially designed. The sense, the craftsmanship details are very stunning, each trendy and superior, and we are going to introduce them subsequent time. Chloe tess saddle bag interior details, mild linen linen lining with calfskin, facet pockets manufactured from cowhide, still engraved with the model logo, the inside nook of the bag hides the small leather block with the serial number. The rounded chloe tess is quite cute, yet fashionable and good-looking. It’s essential we stress the extent of finish that the Chloe Faye dupes show. The combination of quality leather and suede plus stunning fittings in gold steel gives the Chloe dupes a way of occasion.
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morsingwyatt14 · 2 years
Replica Chloe Baggage
Paper Towns is about how concurrently oppressive and irresistible it can be to be the object of collective fantasy and projection. It's onerous to imagine anybody understanding that higher than Cara Delevingne chloe replica. The range of Chloe Faye dupe luggage includes small and medium examples of the shoulder bag. The smaller is available in two sizes – small and mini – and in colours similar to caramel, gray, and black. There is nothing outlandish or brash about these Chloe dupes. They are simply fashionable and intensely lovely as per the unique. The quality of the snap closure fittings is of the best order and the leather-based straps offer a two-way selection for wearing. This bag is currently in mini and medium dimension two, if you want to install extra, select the medium is the most appropriate, similar to when touring. Of course, the mini is also very cute and cute Oh, this spring concave modeling weapon It is it.Although this bag is a shoulder bag, but also designed a detachable handle, portable or short shoulder may be on the shoulder, or shoulders, simply. Choose from the epic leather-based collection to the beautiful monogrammed canvas. Each piece has been superbly crafted to offer the appear and feel of the genuine article, with excellent overall finish. So good-looking bag how much much less wuli big cousin, in reality, she used early, standing under the massive cherry tree, or carry or leave the Faye shoulder bag, blooming with the iconic smile. The students carrying a protracted colour coat, carrying the Faye Mini shoulder bag free to sway, leisurely stroll. Modern Queen Song Jia additionally repeatedly took Faye Backpack look, whether within the show field or the airport, with a cool handsome. But the shoulder strap design could make the bag not very tired after a day. The large house of the bag is layered inside, which may be very sensible. Whether you commute to work or go shopping, you'll be able to totally maintain your storage wants. PurseValleyFactory can't resist replica handbags of Chloe which have been identified for its female and cult favourite cloned baggage. Replica Chloe luggage is the reason why so many pretend purses feature are detailed of gold circle on their bags, which makes it actually elegant and extravagant. wikipedia handbags "Save the National Parks" is an Ansel Adams esque black and white of tree trunks stacked like our bodies, their limbs sawed off. Perhaps you will discover the above beneficial several bag isn't big enough, perhaps you’ll like Marcie. Femininity and romance fusion 1970s ethnic customs, Marcie Chloe is a typical day pack. Desperate, Reese tracks down a serial killer, Alvin Kapitski, and convinces him to take out Lucifer. Finish is exemplary, and even the faux leather versions feel quite fantastic. Shoulder bags and backpacks of this quality often command a high worth. The authentic Chloe Faye small shoulder bag, for example, retails in the area of $1500. The rounded silhouette of the Pixie handbag could be very pleasing, and the combination of leather-based and suede boring leather provides a layer of Replica Chloe Handbags Pixie Small Round Double-Handle Shoulder Bag Grey. A number of colors to choose from, this also teaches individuals to tickle not to choose on which one is better. Marcie Replica purses, the bag body lead salts tinge washed calfskin made of sentimental leather, color and warm. It has just lately launched a small treasure python skin and different materials, giving folks a richer visible aesthetic. Three horseshoe car line decoration tote bag cowl, with a considerably retro to do the old metallic ornament, and lined wire by way of the buckle flap design, the general shape exhibiting classical charm, class and delicate and understated. Double leather wrapped handle places to render the weave, simple and chic, cool flavor. Marcie handbags number of fashions, there are hole, rivets, texture design, there are a lot of particular models, limited version and exclusive fashions, by the celebs and a lot of fashionable ladies of all ages. Starting with Alice on behalf of A, sorted based on the alphabet’s 26-letter order, Replica Chloe Handbags has introduced the most acquainted Drew, Faye, Hudson and Nile replica bag totes, which have been beloved by many individuals. Follow the Replica Chloé Handbags girl’s modern figure, equipped with beautiful small Nile bracelet bag, from the Chloé 2017 spring and summer time collection of both the appeal of the allure of metallic bracelet elegant fashion. The purple colour of Replica Chloe Bags tess just isn't so ostentatious, but it is nonetheless very fashionable and really foreign. So the first time I fell in love with the Chloe Hudson was once I noticed image of Emma Watson sporting it in black on a tabloid website. But at the same time the bag stays understated – it’s not an in your face show-y sort of bag, but more of a demure piece that adds class to your wardrobe with out having to be the star of the present. The only factor I wasn’t positive of was whether I had to buy it as an genuine mannequin or if I would be in a position to find a replica or pretend ok to feed my craving. Fashion should look straightforward, but really requires a lot of effort. While the ideal look could be achieved by opting to buy cheaper clothing and footwear with out compromising on the quality and end, it's inconceivable to do the identical with leather items and accessories like wallets and handbags. In this case, you either purchase the unique or make do with a cheap designer knockoff. Chloe’s new sequence of Pixie baggage has at all times adhered to the brand’s consistent rules and persona. The cute and fashionable Replica Chloé Handbags Pixie bag has been fascinating for a really lengthy time. The spherical form and the bohemian style of the atmosphere have been deeply beloved by the sisters. The smaller design is perfect for the woman about city who desires to look the part or the younger skilled wishing to make the right impression. Designed for practicality in addition to fashion, the Chloe Faye vary has become a mainstay in the designer bag market. The wonderful Chloe Faye small bags you see listed here are a perfect replica of the unique design at a fraction of the value. chloe replica bags This vary of Chloe dupes consists of small and enormous shoulder bags plus the timelessly fashionable and chic backpack design. This is a spread for girls of all ages yet will attraction particularly to the youthful girl who likes to be stylish. As quickly as I noticed the Chloe Faye shoulder bag in particular person, I was in love. Replica Chloe Handbags CHLOE Black Small Square Logo Messenger Bag is all the time elegant to make each lady heart! The new Faye Day handbag might be launched on the retailer in August, and its succinct design will make it the new season’s IT Bag! Replica Chloe Handbags iconic Faye household has joined a brand new member this season – Faye Day! The Faye Day purse is a continuation of Faye’s elegant everyday style. Whether it’s a crossbody, a single shoulder or a hand-held, the Faye Day handbag is naturally shaped to create a chic Chloe lady in numerous occasions. Every brand has a unique identity that has its personal followers. While that is great, it additionally signifies that individuals who love name brands are prepared to go to any size to amass products from their favorite trend houses. Owning a garment or purse from the season’s newest assortment doesn’t make you a fashion wizard – it only makes you look like you’re attempting too hard. Speaking of shoulder bag, now the most properly liked is the new member of the Chloe Faye household Faye Backpack, it inherits the excessive value of Faye, lovely to not. The addition of the brand new designer Natacha Ramsay-Levi to Chloe brings extra energy and a cooler and extra stylish angle to Chloe .
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