skyjjlala-i · 4 months
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sweetestmario · 10 months
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dipnotski · 1 month
Niko Paech – Aşırılıktan Kurtulmak (2023)
Bütün insanlığın birlikte inşa ettiği insanlık medeniyetinin temelleri sarsılıyor. Küreselleşme, beraberinde muazzam bir tüketim getirdi. Sokağımızdaki pazar artık küresel tedarik zincirine ve onun dinamiklerine bağımlı hâle geldi. Şehirler, ülkeler, kıtalar arasında baş döndürücü bir hareketlilik var. Bu karmaşık durum artık kontrol edilemez durumda. Dünya üzerindeki insan varlığı kâğıttan bir…
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mycstilleblog · 2 months
"Israel – Vom Opfer zum Täter zum Opfer - ein Hin und Her seit 80 Jahren" - Eine Broschüre von Peter Hänseler und René Zittlau. Rezension
Der Krieg Israels in Gaza nach dem Überfall der Hamas auf das Land am 7. Oktober 2023 mit inzwischen ca. 30.000 getöteten palästinensischen Menschen (davon ca. 12.000 Kindern!), einem nahezu komplett zerstörten Gazastreifen, 1,7 Millionen Vertriebenen, nach Jahrzehnten der Apartheid , hinterlässt eine von Hungersnot bedrohte Bevölkerung. Die seitens israelischer Politiker offen geäußerte…
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biennalearchitettura · 10 months
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Venice Biennale of Architecture 2023: The Laboratory of The Future unsettling Queenstown Australia
Curators: Anthony Coupe, Julian Worrall, Ali Gumillya Baker, Emily Paech, Sarah Rhodes
unsettling Queenstown explores and participates in the questioning and reimagining of Australia’s colonial inheritance at the end of the second Elizabethan age. Weaving between real and fictional Queenstowns, the exhibition encompasses a ghostly fragment of colonial architecture, immersive sounds and imagery, and representations of the country ‘demapped’ of its colonial patterns. Pertinent tactics gleaned from current practice offer an open archive of ideas for Venice’s Laboratory of the Future. Donning lenses of narrative and temporality, this exhibition probes the relationship between operations of deconstruction and reconstruction to narrate hidden pasts and posit alternative futures.
Source: labiennale.org
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everybodylovesaloy · 9 months
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Thank you SO MUCH to everyone that participated in the round-up!! We had some really amazing contributions, I recommend literally every single one of them. PLEASE give some love to these authors if you enjoyed their works, it's tough to get eyes on rare pair fics so toss some kudos and comments their way!
Radiance by @mehoymalloy (Regalla/Nasadi)
Always by @pikapeppa (Fashav/Vanasha)
Steady by @garbage-dono (Atekka/Hekarro)
Sacred Lands by @bluntblade (Talanah/Nakoa)
One day we'll meet again by @melikochan (Tom Paech/Charles Ronson, Tilda van der Meer/Elisabet Sobeck, Alva/Federa, Chekkatah/Ikkotah)
Heavy in Your Arms by littleboxofwonders (Fashav/Ritakka)
bury these old knives by @foibles-fables (Atekka/Ritakka)
A Meeting of Ice and Sea by @dinokieranmadness (Ikrie/Seyka)
a wanderer, now by @souls-that-have-senses (Hekarro/Rost)
Leave Your Titles by the Door by @sorbetowl (Avad/Ersa)
Accompanying Art for Heavy in your Arms by @murmart (Fashav/Ritakka)
Thank you SO MUCH again to all the talented participants! You all did amazing!!
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melon-cream-enmu · 1 year
Repost from paech-cream-yukio
Anonymous asked: Accidental knotting/breeding/EGGS with Floyd asdfhjk oh…. Accidental eggs…………
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He didn’t think it would happen! He didn’t think he and shrimpy were compatible like that! But you are!
You were so warm, and tight, and squishy~ you took his knot so nicely! How he lasted so long before it started to truly swell was beyond him, he thought it’d happen much quicker with how much he adored you. But that just means he was able to pull more of those sweet toe curling orgasms out of you~ but he didn’t knot you the first time ;)
The second time, he did! He wanted to try something, see if your hole could take his bigger, slicker, tapered cock in his mer form. And oh, did you~ laid back on the shore, waves lapping at your hips as you’re half submerged, legs bent up comfortably to make more room for him~ he aches for you in new, strange ways. He’d never felt this before, the urge to see your belly all big and round with lil guppies. He didn’t think much of it when his knot started swelling with each rough sticky slap of his hips into yours. It was strangely slimy, sex had never felt like this before! He felt something building as his knot began to pop wetly in and out of you until it couldn’t anymore, and when you creamed on his cock, he felt it. Cumming in amounts he never had before, filling you so completely. And then the pushing feeling.
That’s what this was, he was giving shrimpy his eggs! He watched as your eyes widened in confusion and your hand shot to your belly. With each, grunt, each pant, each whine, Floydfilled you deeper with more eggs. They were small, but you could feel them, he knew you could. When it finally slowed, feeling like hundreds of little squishy orbs had snugly shoved their way into you, he gave a few soft careful thrusts and you both felt them move about. His gills flapped quickly as he breathed in short heavy breaths.
He had to work hard to keep his tail from swinging to fast in his excitement. He was so happy! You’d have his babies! You’d warm them, and then he would take care of them until they hatched! He didn’t know what they’d look like, little mers or little eels, but they were yours! He took the meat of your cheek between his teeth and his lips quickly descended, popping in a wet kiss that left your cheek hot with small indents, not too deep, he promises!
He’ll mark you later, when your elvers hatch!
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This is exactly what it says in the title
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iknaenmal · 1 year
I saw that u were looking for hs fics and not to self promote but I have a lot of rosemary fics 👉👈 https://archiveofourown.org/users/Paech
I also have a rosemary family AU series on there too!!
Ooh we don't see lots of rosemary centered fics nowadays!! Im definitely gonna check them out :0
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qnewslgbtiqa · 7 days
Sad update on future of Darwin's Throb Nightclub
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/sad-update-on-future-of-darwins-throb-nightclub/
Sad update on future of Darwin's Throb Nightclub
Long-running Darwin gay nightclub Throb, which shut its doors last year, has been placed into liquidation.
Australian Security and Investment Commission’s website listed the liquidation earlier this week, signalling the end for the venue after more than 20 years.
Last year, the LGBTQIA+ nightclub was forced to close in the Northern Territory capital city due to building issues.
Throb’s future has been uncertain from last September after the building housing the club, as well as a restaurant and cafe, received an emergency order from Territory authorities.
The NT’s Building Control identified fire and safety hazards related to the building’s walls and concrete slab.
Now Throb Nightclub has been placed into liquidation after the venue’s directors on Wednesday voted to wind the company up, the Daily Mail reported.
Tarquin Koch Accounting and Insolvency Services was appointed as liquidator. A spokesperson said Throb’s directors worked with the NT government and their landlord to try and rectify the building’s safety issues.
But sadly they weren’t able to do so and as a result, Throb Nightclub couldn’t trade.
“They can’t trade due to the orders made on the actual building, which they are a tenant,” the spokesperson said.
Throb Nightclub in 2017. Image: Supplied
Last year, Throb Nightclub announced on social media the long-running nightclub’s closure “until further notice”.
The team explained the emergency order “stemmed from the removal of a supporting wall in the tenancy below ours.”
Throb owner Tim Palmer told the NT News at the time he agreed with the Building Control decision and was devastated the hazards could have led to a “catastrophic” and “life-threatening” situation.
He said the building’s structural issues also included extensive water damage from heavy rain last year.
Throb Nightclub opened in Darwin in 2000
Owner Tim Palmer and his business partners opened Throb Nightclub in 2000.
They wanted the inclusive nightspot to provide a safe and welcoming destination for the Top End’s LGBTQIA+ community.
The nightclub celebrated its 20th birthday in June 2020.
At the height of the pandemic, due to the low rates of Covid in the NT, Throb could reopen and allow dancing while the rest of the world locked down.
Read more from the NT:
Darwin’s Throb Nightclub forced to close after 23 years
Last hurrah for Darwin gay icon John Spellman at memorial
Gay MP Chansey Paech makes history as NT deputy leader
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 2 months
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Nullwachstum würde der Erde gut tun
"End of Fish Day"
Was ist das, nie gehört? Gestern haben wir in Deutschland die aus Nord- und Ostsee uns zustehenden Fische für dieses Jahr gefangen und mehrheitlich aufgegessen. Fisch dürfte also für den Rest des Jahres nicht mehr auf unserer Speisekarte stehen - das ist unwahrscheinlich.
Demnächst im Mai oder Juni - wie heißt denn dieser Tag? - haben wir alle uns ökologisch zustehenden Ressourcen der Erde verbraucht. Dann müsste mehr als ein halbes Jahr gehungert und die Luft angehalten werden - unwahrscheinlich. Also werden wir auf Kosten Anderer auf der Erde unser "gutes Leben" weiterführen. (Klima: Industriestaaten müss(t)en zahlen)
Deshalb ist Deutschland mit dem Vorbeikratzen an einer Rezession mit knappen 0,2% Wirtschaftswachstum doch auf einem guten Weg. Das müsste jedenfalls der Degrowth-Ökonom Niko Paech sagen, der ein Umdenken über den unsäglichen Wachstumswunsch in unserer Gesellschaft fordert.
Zwei Argumente verhindern allerdings seine Freude über den aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Zustand. Das ist einerseits das Fehlen der nötigen Mittel für einen ökologischen Umbau des Landes bei einem Nullwachstum und die völlig falschen Investitionen in Bereiche wie die Aufrüstung (Militär weltweit für 5% der Emissionen verantwortlich , Petition an die UN-Klimakonferenz COP27-Stop Excluding Military Pollution from Climate Agreements).
Abgesehen von diesen grundlegenden gravierenden Hindernissen sind seine Kritikpunkte:
Unternehmen zahlen seit Jahren nicht für ihren ökologischen Verbrauch,
sie werden stattdessen mit Steuervergünstigungen gepampert,
Versuche, Wachstum von ökologischen Schäden abzukoppeln sind gescheitert,
es darf nicht allein um Klimaziele gehen, sondern auch um Artenvielfalt, Naturgüter und Flächenverbrauch,
unser Lebensstil muss unabhängiger von der Industrieproduktion werden,
nämlich durch eine partielle Selbstversorgung in Form von Reparatur, Instandhaltung, achtsame Verwendung, Gemeinschaftsnutzung,
so würde eine Verdopplung der Nutzungsdauer den Güterverkehr halbieren,
Sein Fazit heißt, dass das Wachstum von Ressourcen zu entkoppeln ist. D.h. das neue Wachstum ist eines von Lebensqualität bei dem man dann auch weniger Geld benötigt. Und weniger produzierte Güter heißt auch Verkürzung und Umverteilung der Arbeitszeit.  Für solche Veränderungen braucht es einen Konsens einer großen Mehrheit in der Bevölkerung, die weder in der derzeitigen Polarisierung im Lande, noch bei den Regierungs- und großen Oppositionsparteien zu sehen ist.
Unser Fazit: Sein Ziel fasziniert wahrscheinlich viele Menschen, seine durchaus konkreten Einzelforderungen stoßen sich sofort mit der herrschenden Wirtschaftslobby, der Politik und der Mentalität nach "mehr" und "schneller". Mit kapitalistischer Wirtschaftslogik wird das nicht gehen.
Mehr dazu bei https://taz.de/Degrowth-Oekonom-ueber-Transformation/!5990630/
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3zg Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8699-20240301-nullwachstum-wuerde-der-erde-gut-tun.html
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mycstilleblog · 1 year
Bericht der „Internationalen Untersuchungskommission der besetzten palästinensischen Gebiete einschließlich Ost-Jerusalem und Israel“ vom 14. September 2022, UNGA A/77/328. Die NachDenkSeiten haben ihn veröffentlicht
Bericht der „Internationalen Untersuchungskommission der besetzten palästinensischen Gebiete einschließlich Ost-Jerusalem und Israel“ vom 14. September 2022, UNGA A/77/328. Die NachDenkSeiten haben ihn veröffentlicht
Von Norman Paech – Der Menschenrechtsrat gibt sich wirklich Mühe. Dies ist nun der dritte Bericht, der über die Lage des Völkerrechts und der Menschenrechte in den von Israel besetzten Gebieten Palästinas in diesem Jahr vom Menschenrechtsrat vorgelegt wird. Nach den beiden Berichten der Sonderberichterstatter Michael Lynk (HRC A/HRC/49/87 v. 21. März 2022) und Francesca Albanese (UNGV A/77/356 v.…
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entomoblog · 4 months
See on Scoop.it - Insect Archive
De façon générale, le projet de la décroissance remet en question l’hégémonie de la croissance économique et appelle à une réduction de la production et de la consommation dans les pays industrialisés, organisée de manière démocratique et redistributive, afin d’atteindre la soutenabilité environnementale, la justice sociale et le bien-être.
  Frédérico Demaria et Serge Latouche
Publié le 22 décembre 2023 par Solidarités Émergentes
  "La décroissance est habituellement associée à l’idée du « small is beautiful », qui s’oppose au gigantisme. Pour autant, il ne s’agit pas seulement de faire moins, mais aussi de faire différemment. Une société de décroissance serait différente à tous points de vue : au niveau des activités, des types d’énergie et de leurs usages, des relations sociales, des rapports de genre, du temps consacré au travail payé et non payé, et des relations au monde non humain.
  L’objectif de la décroissance est de nous faire sortir d’une société absorbée par le fétichisme de la croissance. Une telle rupture touche à la fois aux mots et aux choses, aux pratiques symboliques et aux pratiques matérielles. Elle implique la décolonisation de notre imaginaire et le déploiement d’autres mondes possibles. La politique de la décroissance ne vise pas une « croissance autre » ou un « développement autre » (qu’il soit soutenable, social ou équitable), mais la construction d’une autre société : une société d’abondance frugale (Serge Latouche), de post-croissance (Niko Paech) ou de prospérité sans croissance (Tim Jackson). Autrement dit, la décroissance n’est pas au départ un projet économique, ni même un projet en faveur d’une économie autre ; elle est un projet sociétal  qui implique d’échapper à l’économie telle qu’elle existe aujourd’hui, comme réalité matérielle et discours impérialiste. Les notions de « partage », de « simplicité », de « convivialité », de « soin » et de « communs » sont au coeur de l’imaginaire social que la décroissance cherche à faire advenir."
  Texte publié dans l’ouvrage « Plurivers – Un dictionnaire du post-développement », 2022, Wildproject, pp.215-218
  Bernadette Cassel's insight:
  'décroissance' in Insect Archive https://www.scoop.it/topic/les-insectes-ne-parlent-pas-francais/?&tag=d%C3%A9croissance
    (Re)lire aussi
  Écologie jaïne - De solidaritesemergentes.wordpress.com - 17 septembre, 17:59
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 5 months
Colore pantone 2024: benvenuto Peach Fuzz
Il colore pantone del 2024 è arrivato puntuale come da 25 anni a questa parte. Si chiama Peach Fuzz e il suo colore all'intero del sistema pantone è 13-1023. Come sempre la scelta del colore dell'anno è legata ai tempi che viviamo, le urgenze che portano e le esigenze di cui si fanno carico. La parola d'ordine per il prossimo anno sarà "connessione". Colore pantone 2024: Peach Fuzz "Cercando una tonalità che riecheggiasse il nostro innato desiderio di connessione e connessione, abbiamo scelto un colore che irradia calore ed eleganza moderna. Una tonalità che risuona con la compassione, offre un abbraccio tattile e unisce senza sforzo la giovinezza con l'intramontabilità." Con queste parole Leatrice Eiseman, Direttore esecutivo, Pantone Color Institute™, ha presentato il colore scelto per il prossimo anno: Peach Fuzz. Letteralmente il nome significa "Peluria della pesca" ma il riferimento potrebbe essere esteso, senza timore di sbagliare, anche alla pelle. La tonalità molto delicata racchiude in sé un tocco di leggera sensualità ma anche di tenerezza e gentilezza. In un mondo segnato da conflitti e difficoltà, il Peach Fuzz 13-1023 trasmette un messaggio di amore e condivisione, un senso di comunità e di condivisione, qualcosa di cui abbiamo un estremo bisogno. In tempi, come quelli moderni, che mettono al centro la produttività, abbiamo bisogno di ritagliarci momenti di riposo e creatività. A metà strada tra il rosa e l'arancio, la tonalità pesca invita ognuno di noi a prendersi cura di sé, nutrire la propria anima oltre che il proprio corpo. Con la sua gentilezza e armoniosità, e il suo leggero tocco vintage, il Paech Fuzz porta un'idea di rinnovata eleganza necessaria in un mondo sempre più digitale. Peach Fuzz e il richiamo per moda, design e beauty Come ogni anno la scelta operata dalla massima autorità mondiale del colore ispira il mondo di design, moda e beauty. Non ci stupirà, allora, vedere nelle prossime collezioni capi e accessori con dettagli colore Peach Fuzz. Delicato e confortante, il Peach Fuzz siamo sicuri che comparirà in diversi complementi d'arredo come tappeti, tappezzerie a dare quel tocco di luminosità e comfort all'ambiente. Sarà ideale anche per tinteggiare le pareti. Il mondo del beauty è già pazzo della tonalità pesca. Nuances passepartout, il blush pesca si adatta a tutti i tipi di incarnato donando immediatamente luminosità. Gli ombretti pesca si abbinano perfettamente con i toni del marrone come a quelli rossi. Gloss e rossetti pesca saranno presumibilmente il trend della stagione estiva. Chi è Pantone Pantone LLC è un'azienda statunitense che si occupa di tecnologie per la grafica. Una delle sue attività principali è la catalogazione dei colori che l'ha portata a creare un sistema di identificazione. Diventata la massima autorità in materia di colore, a partire dal 2000, Pantone ha scelto ogni anno un colore simbolo. Scelte dettate dal mood del momento, che hanno indirizzato, come abbiamo visto, le scelte di più settori produttivi. Il primo colore pantone dell'anno è stato, nel 2000, Cerulean PQ-15-4020TCX, una tonalità pastello in contrasto con i colori sgargianti degli anni Novanta. Mimosa PQ-14-0848TCX è stato il colore pantone del 2009, primo giallo a comparire nelle tendenze annuali. Tangerin Tango 17-1463 TCX ha spopolato nel 2012. Il colore pantone dell'anno 2017 è stato Greenery un colore audace testimone di un ritorno alla natura. Il colore pantone del 2023 è stato Viva Magenta 18-1750, una tinta no convenzionale per tempi non convenzionali. In copertina foto di Dianne da Pixabay Read the full article
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happypoststarfish · 6 months
„Schwerter aus Eisen“ – ein Völkermord in Gaza | Norman Paech | NDS-Podcast
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zontaclubnepeanvalley · 6 months
Zonta Club of Nepean Valley Dinner Meeting Tuesday 7 November 2023
The guest speaker at our November Dinner was Andrew Paech, Director of WestCare Community Services, a long-term registered charity based in Penrith. He spoke about the organisation’s vision, ‘Local Needs Met by Local People’ and how this commitment has been implemented through the years via a range of activities, across a broad range of local demographic issues including Domestic and Family…
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