#pages 1 through 3
calibrationneeded · 1 year
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Pages 1-3 of an ongoing story
Jensen Ackles and I are on the same exact wavelength because I too have been working on a rewrite fanfiction of Supernatural. I started writing it back in 2020 as soon as the show ended and it's just kind of been spinning around in my head like the spinning rat meme (whenimetchinthesummer). 
 all you need to know for this specific comic is that this takes place after Cas pulled Dean out of hell, his hair is gray because of the extreme stress of dying and coming back. At this point in time he and Cas aren't close; their relationship is very similar to that in early season 4.
I'm not going to be publishing any of the comics in order because I have ADHD, that being said I will still make sure the lore is explained in my comics so hopefully no one will be in the dark. And if anyone wants to ask questions about my rewrite I'd love to answer them because I've been working on this on and off for three years
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lnmei · 1 month
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I’m making a shortbox comic this year! I’m excited to share my first ever original comic hehe! It’s about workplace incidents, kind of… ✂️💥
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oh-wow-im-still-here · 9 months
Was rereading the shen jiu and yue qingyuan extras and I'm at the part where luo bingge is about to present SJ with YQY's sword shards and this passage caught my eye:
"He [Luo Binghe] scraped at the leaves drifting within his steaming cup of tea and commented..."
And when I read this my mind flashes back to the one piece of shen jiu animated in the donghua is him playing around with his tea and I cant help but wonder if bingge does it in the exact same way? And if so, how many other mannerisms and habits did he pick up from shen jiu? Because we know that LBH had the habit of watching his master and paying attention to him in excruciating detail for his own safety and to also maybe-somehow gain his approval (rip lmao). I just think that's such a cool visual/concept.
then my head spins even more in thinking about how binghe was part of the *gentlemen's* peak, shen jiu was the leader of the *gentlemen's* peak and took on that persona with gusto. But where did he learn to act like a *gentlemen?* Or have any preconceived notions on how a *gentlemen* should act? Qiu Jianluo.
So Luo Bingge acts like shen jiu who acts like qiu jianluo who---
something something history repeats itself something something for good or ill traits are passed down from person to person who heavily impact you something something cycle of abuse something something people who have been dehumanized by their abusers clinging onto gentlemanly personas to feel like a legitimate person again something something my heart hurts.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
i'm desperate to know how many notebooks you have filled with these drawings. i must know, please, i'm on my hands and knees
Most of my comics are drawn on standard letter paper (8.5"x11"), and to date I have filled 23 pages! I usually manage to fit roughly 6-8 comics per page.
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Mspaint recreation of the first page!
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chrisrin · 2 years
so maybe this is a really stupid question, but what exactly is homestuck? i've no idea and i have asked multiple people and no one has given me an answer yet, but i hope you do answer.
Alright, I'll try to give the most comprehensive answer I can.
Homestuck is a semi-interactive webcomic that started back in 2009, written by Andrew Hussie. Completed in 2016, the webcomic as a whole sits at 8,123 pages (800k words). The format of the webcomic includes not only illustrated panels on each page, but hours of fully animated videos, multiple playable flash-games, a TON of amazing music (possibly composed by some familiar faces!), and interactive mechanics used within the browser itself to deliver some of the more "meta" elements of its plot.
Now, to give the most brief summary, the story of Homestuck is about a group of kids (John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Jade Harley, and Dave Strider) who become friends over the internet and decide to play a game called SBURB, a reality-altering video game that brings about the end of the world. If SBURB is beaten, it would allow the players to become the creator/gods of a new world.
Along the way, the kids will interact with a slew of other characters, including a species of aliens called trolls. There's time travel, extensive and convoluted game mechanics, meta-narratives, alternate timelines, and all sorts of stuff that will make your brain hurt. It's complex and insane and wonderful, mind-bending and incredibly genre-defying. There's so much I'd want to say but you just can't summarize the immensity of Homestuck in a post like this.
If you are at all interested in reading Homestuck, the best way to do it is to use the Unofficial Homestuck Collection. With the death of Flash, the original website is mostly broken. This collection is the BEST way to experience it.
If you decide to take the dive, I wish you luck o7.
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vivid-badsquad · 8 months
wait oh my god
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blueberryspyder · 6 months
Because I love lore and worldbuilding and want to incorporate the environment and history into my writing, I’ve been doing a lot of research on Waterdeep for my fanfic including, you guessed it, Gale x my Tav.
And honestly? I’m having a lot of fun. I’m looking into the founding, the rulers/leaders, their holidays and how they celebrate them, which districts are fancier and where Gale would potentially reside (I remember seeing screenshots of his tower being located on the harbor, so he’s likely in the lower tail of the Castle Ward, since I doubt he’d be living in the Lowercity in the Dock Ward, but it’s still possible!), as well as just areas of his city. I just really like how the small details of the City of Splendors add to Gale as a character.
(Also I am having the BEST time taking the piss out of Waterdhavians—my Tav Hylas says:
I can tell based on your accent that you’re Waterdhavian—though your extensive vocabulary and verbosity made that clear long before I noticed it.
And I just freaking love Hylas so much they’re so fucking funny okay bye)
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medi-bee · 10 months
just learned that the entire Creatures series is on steam and it feels like there's an alien about to explode out of my chest
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if you don't know what these are, they were one of the first life simulators ever. You hatch and raise these various little ai beasts called Norns in their funky spaceship and teach them everything they know and keep them safe, and they have emotions and personalities and families and can breed and have mutations and get sick, and there's medicine and chemicals and so much more brainy nonsense if you care to get into it, and it all goes SO IN-DEPTH... IT'S INSANE THAT THIS SERIES WAS FIRST RELEASED IN 1998!!!
and as far as i know there's still a semi-active modding community! LIKE THEY JUST RELEASED A NEW DLC SPECIFICALLY FOR MODDERS LESS THAN A DAY AGO ARE YOU KIDDING. HUH?? i didn't even know that until 2 minutes ago sorry that is my live reaction. what. 20+ year old game just got a new dlc 12 hours ago coincidentally just when i rediscover the series. okay. im being so normal right now👍
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slagclaren · 7 months
good evening kajsssssss! please tell me an underrated moment you want the brawn doc to show/mention
OH GOD ! it's in these moments i really really wish i had a tag system like yours and not a tag system just. based on vibes..... i have such a poor memory i never remember what happened which year...... BUT FEAR NOT ! i broke out the Holy Grail(s) to aid me, aka my 3 jenson books.
moments that i'll be genuinely surprised if they're not included:
monaco pit lane run
brazil we are the champions
these r fundamental lore... FUNDAMENTAL... and i'll entirely lose my faith in keanu reeves if they're not incuded.
BUT! you asked for underrated not fundamental so i give you....
1. flavio briatore (known jenson button tormentor) being sooo pissed that he couldn't get the double diffuser banned that he told the media that 1. he can't understand why (or i guess how) jenson was leading the championship. and 2. that jenson was a paracarro (acc to jenson's translation: a concrete bollard). flavio is such a cartoon villian it'd be soooo funny to have him included in some way
2. jb, jessica (then girlfriend), prince albert and princess charlene going clubbing after the monaco gp and prince albert apparently busting it down not so sensitive style on the dance floor
3. a grinning kid giving jb the finger after qualifying in brazil (most likely not caught on camera which is a great tragedy) (in general i just want as much as possible abt the rubens/jenson firction - there was minimal but i want DRAMA - and the brazilian gp)
4. while i know this is not The Jenson Button Show to the general public, it is to me and therefore i'd be greatly, GREATLY, disappointed if jenson's dad isn't in it in some capacity. jenson's dad is a very very fundamental part of who jb is. jenson hugging his dad for as long as he could after winning the wdc not for his sake but to conceal his dad's tears from the cameras (knowing that his dad wouldn't want it broadcasted) says a lot abt jenson and it's one of my fave jenson tidbits of all time
5. obviously seb has to be in it. red bull was the main competitor and i want to see his stupid buzz cut. i want to see the pics from the australian gp where it looks like him and jenson just announced their engagement.. and speaking of.. i'd like to remember it was that year the entire "are you proposing?" presser took place (but again, my memory sucks!)
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cheriboms · 6 months
what if i told you that i had a 500+ page google doc chronicling my efforts to transcribe the bttf telltale game into a full script line by line
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 3 months
Posts will continue as normal but I'm stopping the requests cause it messes with the way I organize things too much.
Anyone who sent a request recently, I got it and it will get posted eventually.
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robobee · 4 months
gonna start the secret history soon... will I get through it or DNF it for 2 years we will see
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i like coming across a blog where someone is like hardcore blogging abt Something and theyre like a couple of layers of meta and headcanons and discussion into this and then my task is to figure out what the Thing is
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plutorine · 8 months
pov: you just finished reading the metamorphosis by franz kafka
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britneyshakespeare · 7 months
don carlos by friedrich schiller is the most wild thing i've read all year and i'm only in act 2
#this is giving me flashbacks to when i read the winter's tale and i was literally slamming my fists and emphatically shaking the book#because i just could not believe the level of DRAMA i was reading (and the craft with which it was written)#i just closed act 2 scene 3 and im like GIRRRRLLLLL#princess of eboli im rooting for you#nobody tell me if something shitty happens w her im having a good time right now#tales from diana#up until act 2 scene 2 i was getting phaedra-meets-prince hal (of the henry iv plays) vibes#but then those next two scenes were CRAAAAZY#and i should mention phaedra by racine is one of my favorite plays#schiller also has a beautiful skill at language if the translations are doing him any justice#i dont know german so im not reading the originals naturally but just. the edition i have. the verse is so beautiful#i also read his mary stuart this year and it was also great but im losing my mind at don carlos#i was intimidated by this play too though bc it's nearly 200 pages in my copy of his works! which is a p big book#but OOOHHHHH my god#im just over 1/3rd through the play and i cant imagine how it gets any wilder#but wooooow. WOWWWW#schiller might be the first non-anglophone writer ive read who ive seen called 'the shakespeare of his culture'#and i actually felt that the comparison like. did justice.#the intensity ive felt reading these 2 schiller plays are very much how i feel reading the greatest shakespeare plays#not that the greatest/most acclaimed writers of other languages ive read arent AS GREAT as shakespeare#but like. molière i'll use as an example bc i love what i've read of him.#he's the most globally well-known french writer of verse plays but that doesn't make him like shakespeare.#he's very much in his own camp of artistic genius. his craft is also very different. the resulting products are super unique#from what is typical of a shakespeare play.#schiller's style AT LEAST FROM THE TWO PLAYS IVE READ very much have the same depth of character#complexity of plot#and grace of verse.#im obsessed! king!
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ctl-yuejie · 9 months
fascinated that ForceBook had pretty nice chemistry in episode 1 but by now I really don't feel TopMew - not only because they are the two characters I understand the least - but ForceBook actively try not to have chemistry
very solid acting in my opinion but leaves me watching the trainwreck of SandRay through my fingers as my heart hurts, giddy about BostonNick as the heat starts to burn them, while feeling like I am poking some curious looking sludge with a stick to see if something happens when TopMew are on the screen
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