#pepa madrigal is whitewashed
luna-1234s-blog · 2 years
Whitewashing y la representación latinoamericana
Voy a empezar diciendo que , obviamente no tengo nada que ver con muchos de los países latinoamericana , soy mexicana ,aunque e conocido gente Argentina, y hondureña, pero nada más,a si que si llego a hablar de otros países, en su mayoría son cosas que e leído, o comentarios de personas de estos países, aclarado esto, empezemos
Que es el whitewashing?, básicamente, es dar características caucásicas a personajes de color , con intenciones de agradar al público caucásico , a si que desgolsaremos algunos ejemplos de personas, ya sea latinas o de acendencia latina , y veremos si entran en esta categoría o no , o como afecta la vicion que tenemos de las personas latinoamericanas
Iniciaremos hablando de honey lemon, por un tiempo, hubo mucha discusión de su físico, pero francamente, estoy de acuerdo con que no se parece a la mayoría de Latinoamericanos, es cierto que hay personas latinas con piel clara, ojos verdes, y pelo rubio,de hecho se parece un poco a mi hermana
Pero no quita que son características poco comunes en países latinoamericanos, además de que esos rasgos , suelen darte ciertos privilegios según el país donde estés, están representado a una persona que en estados unidos,y en muchos países latinos , tendría privilegios por su tono de piel , el cual muchos no tenemos
De hecho , es curioso, no supe que era latina hasta años después, por lo mismo que tiene un físico poco común , y no me mal entiendan, es bueno también representar a las personas latinas de rasgos caucásicos, se hablará de eso más adelante, pero cuando tu único personaje latino , no se parece a la mayoría de población Latinoaméricana , no puedes culparme por pensar que solo era una chica caucásica estadounidense, y no, no creo que sea española , ya que su actriz de voz es de ascendencia latina
El siguiente personaje , o familia, de la cual vamos a hablar, que será importante para hablar del resto es , la familia rivera en coco , me gustó mucho coco , pero no niego que tiene sus problemas, realmente no blanquea a los personajes, pero el único problema, es que solo representa a los latinos mestizos
Lo que sigue es una lección de historia,algo que paso en México, y de hecho en muchos países latinos, es que con la colonización, llegarían cientos de personas de todas partes, africanos , caucásicos, rumanies,hasta asiáticos, como concecuencia,proboco un mestizaje curioso (que se retomará esto después) provocando que a si como hay personas como honey lemon,las haya como felix y isabela de encanto
A si que solo representar al latino de rasgos mestizos, podría ser una poco raro ,más cuando en mi país hay gente negando las raíces afro
Y ahora hablaremos de los ejemplos que me parecieron positivos, y seria la familia madrigal , yo también viví en una casa intergeneracional, y algo que notaras, es que a diferencia de los riveras , es más común que no todos se parezcan
Mi propia familia es muy diferente, encontrarás desde personas de piel clara , como de piel oscura, por eso amó como la familia madrigal, representa a muchas personas latinoamericanas
Hay gente con físico más causicos , como pepa y camilo , hay gente con rasgos más afro , como felix y Antonio, de hecho la mayoría tienen rasgos más mestizos, y también se me hizo un detalle curioso , que isabela sea la que más resalte por su belleza, siendo de la familia la que más rasgos indígenas tiene
Lo que me lleva a hablar de pepa , realmente, a diferencia de honey lemon, no tengo problema con que sea de piel clara , pero es porque hay más personajes latinos , de diferente físico, y actitudes, puedes empatizar con ella , y con el resto de la familia, su físico es solo para demostrar la diversidad de Colombia, que de hecho,de latinoamerica, por su posiciones geográfica, encontrarás a personas de físicos más diversos
Y me voy a la serie de maya y los 3 , que francamente es muy buena , veanla , pero volvamos al tema , maya y los 3 es una seria con diversidad de físico, están las personas indígenas como la propia maya , gente afro como rico , y hasta gente mestiza , como acat
Pero hablemos de los personajes de piel Blanca, chimi es mi personaje favorito, y si bien también hubo controversia por su piel , al igual que con pepa , era para demostrar la diversidad racial en Latinoamérica, además, es muy curiosa la inversión de roles
En muchos países de Latinoamérica, es más probable tener ciertos privilegios, si tu piel es clara , pero a qui es al revés, ella, por tener piel clara , es vista como , muchos latinos veríamos a las mujeres de rasgos indígenas o afro , como fuera de lugar , invierte los roles
Lo que hace que tengamos un cast más diversos de físico, lo cual , me gusta , hace que todos los latinos , sin importar, si tenemos un físico parecido a los nativos o no , podamos vernos u sentirnos orgullosos de nuestro color de piel , y cultura , sin que alguien sea mejor por su color de piel , de hecho,al final, la tesis de la serie es que juntos , sin importar las diferencias, podemos lograr grandes cosas
Pero la serie no es perfecta, de por si se me hace raro de los dioses , estén codificados como personas europeas, pero mostrarlos como el villano, a una codificación de los europeos que vinieron a esclavizar a los indígenas, podría se una interpretación adecuada, más cuando muchos latinos enaltecen a los colonialisadores caucásicos, mientras rechazan las raíces nativas , si no me creen , busquen a Octavio paz ,presidente de Argentina , y lo que piensa de los brasileños y mexicanos
Lo que me lleva a hablar de zats , el cual, esta codificado como una persona mestiza, maya también de hecho , pero al final, es curioso como , un chico de piel clara , queda con una chica con la piel más oscura, lo cual muchos interpretaron como una relación interacial
Que en los tiempos de la Colonia, la mayoría de relaciones interaciales , con alguien de físico caucásico, significaba abuso sexual, y abandono del producto, por eso se volvió controversial
Pero francamente, creo que las intenciones eran otras, mostrando como todos somos diferentes, como independientemente de nuestro color de piel, nuestro país, nuestro género etc , podemos unirnos y hacer un cambio de verdad, zats al final, es el único que puede entender a maya , aún si ella se crió con humanos , y el con dioses, siguen apoyándose, son diferentes, pero los une la gloria de un guerrero , y el honor , son más parecidos de lo que piensan
En conclusión, no está mal representar personas latinas de piel clara o oscura ,de ojos cafes o verdes,lo importante , es dar a conocer la diversidad , la tradición, los valores , que nos representan a los latinos , darle más luz a personas diferentes, podría hacer grandes obras , como maya y los 3
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
I know I talk A LOT about the Encanto fandom’s rampant misogyny and incestuous shipping and we all are aware of the blatant racism against Latines, but...I think it’s time to talk about how the Encanto fandom hates Black people too. 
Like the anti-Blackness is insane and makes it hard for ME as a Black girl to participate in this fandom sometimes. There’s the AU where Camilo is Bruno’s son, which erases Felix’s role in loving and raising his own child(also anti-adoption), there’s the people who say Felix hates or abuses his own son just because he appears done with him in some scenes(and if you think teenage boys are ANYTHING OTHER THAN annoying, you’re just stupid and in denial, I’m jussaying.), there’s that STUPID STUPID THEORY going around where Dolores is the “real” villain and people just eat that shit up despite there being NO EVIDENCE of this and what little “evidence” there is is just born out of her concern for her family or just straight up not being listened to, and then there are people who demonize Felix so much that they have him RAPE DOLORES IN FANFICS AND SHE GIVES BIRTH TO ANTONIO!!! Not to mention the theory that Felix is Isabela’s father when...this is just a whole ‘nother level of erasure?! Isabela is not even Black, stfu, all other dark-skinned poc groups are not a replacement for Black people you fuckers, plus this makes Felix out to be a cheater to Pepa! Do you really want that(yes, you do.)? 
And then there are people who assume that when Julieta and Pepa got married Alma took a while to warm up to Felix and was suspicious of him but instantly loved Agustin when really it is the other way around and we all know why people assume what they assume, let’s not beat around the bush here. And finally(not finally but you know what I mean), there’s the fanart, sure whitewashing is already common in the fanbase with all the characters, but it’s especially aggravating for ME when people give Camilo an itty-bitty button nose or make his hair less curly or even STRAIGHT(same with Dolores but at least her hair is almost always drawn as curly as far as I’ve seen, if anything a lot of fanart seems to portray her as darker but this is still a problem with her, too, just to a lesser extent), not to mention the fanart I told you all about earlier. It’s just...sigh. 
This fandom is horrendous. 
EDIT: Oh, and once I saw a thumbnail for a “guess the Encanto characters’ names” video on YouTube and they fucking called Felix “Chocolate”, I am so done. -_- 
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thisismisogynoir · 2 years
Mirabel, Isabela, Pepa, and Camilo: What’s Wrong?
In response to that last Encanto anon’s submission, I feel ya. 
Yeah, I first saw it in a video of Mirabel’s and Isabela’s voice actresses making arepa con queso, and competing to see who’s was the best(Stephanie Beatriz, voice of Mirabel, won.). Why were they cast so light? 
The Encanto creators seem to have a problem with colorism, sadly. It doesn’t help that Pepa Madrigal was originally darker than she is in the official movie. 
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And Camilo was darker than he is in the final product as well(also named Carlos): 
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It’s also worth mentioning that the original darker-skinned “Camilo” was a mean kid and a bully/rival to Mirabel, while the Camilo we got is not only lighter-skinned, but nice as pie and has no animosity towards his baby cousin or anyone for that matter. 
So Pepa was dark-skinned, possibly even Afrolatina, and in some pictures, plus-sized, but now is white(or at least white-passing) and thin, while Camilo originally had much darker skin(and in one of the drawings above, probably would’ve been plumper like his mother, too) but now is light-skinned, half-white, and slim. 
Not a pretty picture(pun intended). 
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sapphoslefthand · 2 years
can we STOP drawing the madrigal family as white? please. like. stop it.
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soundofalling-sand · 2 years
While I understand why some don’t like the fact that Pepa is lighter than her siblings, I don’t like how others are using that as a reason to be... anti-black? I’ve seen so many posts claiming that Latinos come in all colors and that’s valid- but to preface that with something like: “Not all Latinos are DARK” among other colorist comments is just plain ugly. Most of the posts don’t outright state that, but it’s heavily implied. Let’s not be like that, okay?
Can we acknowledge that there are families that are just like that AND that colorism in animation can be hurtful? We can multitask, so why don’t we?
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blackfilmmakers · 2 years
A lot of white/white-passing latine people in this fandom need to acknowledge that in the end, Pepa was whitewashed. Lightwashed if that’s what y’all prefer to call it, but the point remains that it was a decision rooted in colorism (intentional or not)
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judytrashcan · 2 years
I try to keep things really light here and don't have controversial opinions but this stuff have to stop.
I know it was a while where people was talking about the whitewashed Pepa but I have to give my opinion about this.
For those who don't know I'm latina. I've lived all my life here in Latin America. So I know first hand the culture and the people here. I'm not Colombian but I've been there for 6 weeks so I also have experience in that country and let me tell you this white people exist in our countries and more so in countries like Colombia. That doesn't make these people less latin than the rest of us because we all came from the same land and the same culture.
Now, when someone told me about the people that was talking against the "racism and whitewashing" in Encanto I thought they were joking until I came across @ thisismisogynoir
This person is saying any kind of nonsense I t heir blog and I must say that day I was livid so I sent an ask
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And they proceed to block me. I got angry (not my best moment) and look for a old account so I can respond. Now maybe you don't understand what I'm referring here by "I'm not white passing". The thin is that they put in their tags that the only Latinos defending this where probably white.
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I'm not anywhere near white. I have black people in my family and I have black features including the hair. So they tried to invalid my opinion by saying I was white and implying that I was racist toward my own people.
Now even if I where white i would have been latina and my opinion should've mattered. White Latinos as are Latinos as the rest of us, we share a culture and a history but they can see past the color of someone's skin.
So this person and a lot of people like them, think they know most about our culture, our traditions and our region to start a fight against us because they know what's better for us.
You know what this reminds me of? Colonizers. They knew what was "better", and we poor ignorants only needed to follow their lead, while they imposed their ideas over us.
This is the same, people that think of themselves more advanced and cultured try to invalid our opinions and mislead the crowd.
Even if they don't want to change their minds and apologize I hope that the people that made an opinion solely following blogs like these reconsider. Don't do the same that's been done to us for centuries now. Don't think better of yourself and your ideals. We're people and we deserve to be heard.
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livehorses · 2 years
When people complain about the "whitewashing" of latin american characters' representation in media, and you're a literal white skinned latin american:
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if i see one (more) gringo complaining that pepa madrigal looks white, was whitewashed or whatever, i am officially:
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androgynousblackbox · 2 years
What do you think about the controversy around Pepa being lighter than her concept art?
Look, usually I want to listen to accusing side when it comes to whitewashing because that is a real problem that comes from an inherently racist idea that dark skinned people are inferior. Most of the time I can see the point people are trying to make and how it's harmful, reason why I will be against it. We should, in fact, try to avoid representations that are demonstrably harmful for minority groups and give a chance for those groups to feel seen too. But on this case in particular? Yeah, no, I don't see the reasoning. Like, if you tell me that the entire Madrigal family was lighter and Pepa was meant to be the only visibly darker character but then Disney decided "nah, let's make her lighter too so she goes along with the rest", then I would be 100% behind the people saying that is fucked up, because it would be. But what harm is actually doing that Pepa is the ONLY lighter skin member of the entire family? Arguably the ONLY lighter skin character on the entire movie that has any relevance at all? Even Agustín has a little bit more of color than her. She is not the protagonist of the story, she is a secondary character at the best of times. She is not given an unfair amount of screen time compared with the rest of the family. People just point at the concept art and go "see, see?? Disney whitewashed Pepa!" without bothering to take into account that the movie is already FULL with POC everywhere, from very dark like Félix and Antonio to lighter ones like Bruno and Luisa. And that without even counting the townsfolk, who also come in a full range of colors everywhere. Like yeah, on the most literal sense of the world possible, they did whitewashed her, but what is the impact of this? Why do we need to dennounce it? What harm do we try to prevent by doing this? Especially when you consider that both Antonio and Bruno are WAY lighter on their concept art than how they end up being in the movie, so on Antonio's case there was blackwashing even. Nobody seems able to explain WHY is bad on any way, they just throw the word whitewashing and that is it, doing this is bad, so it must be bad on every circunstance possible. It sounds to me like the people who insist that EVERY story where a queer person dies is instantly a Bury Your Gays, no matter if the story is full of other queer people who manage to live happily ever after, which goes directly against the reason why the trope is bad, no matter if literally hundreads of other characters died already left and right all over the story and no matter if literally no one survived. No, a queer person died and that is bad and no, we are not going to even bother explain how because we don't fucking know either. The people doing this probably have the best intentions at heart, but it just feels so limiting and just plain unnecesary. I personally? I like that they included someone like her. Not only because she literally reminds me to my own tía who is just as dramatic as her, not only because she is the first latina character on mainstream media (outside of Latam shows) whose skin tone is exactly as mine, but because it feels true to Latine families to have that much range of colors. The Madrigals feel close to us because they are so different among each other. People who complain about not all of them having a samey tone or anyone looking different than the rest has never put a foot on any country of Latam, less than anything Colombia, and it shows. I also think that Pepa serves as a good reminder that 1. genetics are weird and when you have a demographic as diverse as latines, they are bound to be weirder than that. Most latines are mixed as fuck. It's extremely rare to find a latine that is 100% anything. And 2. not all POC need to look the same. She is not my favourite character, that titles goes to Luisa, Dolores and Camilo, but I appreciate her for what she is and I appreciate what the team behind the movie were going for by designing the characters as they did. Having said that, I do hope they use that concept art for something else because that lady was pretty
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mdccanon · 2 years
What is “white” to you? And how would you qualify a whitewashing?
White is a self-inflected pledge of erasure on British, French, German and Dutch Americans to distance themselves from any lure of foreign allegiance after America became its own country.
White is a distinction between that and anyone who still respected their nation of origin and it's customs and traditions.
And White is a rigid and plastic universal ideal created by people who needed to believe in a mystical level of separation between the nations of the world to justify their bigotry; but their ideal didn't hold up to even basic scrutiny because 1) people fuck on the regular so biraciality is as ancient as war and travel. Most of East Africa is about 30% Arab and 15% Asian, but just as "negroid" as anyone else in Africa. So are they Black, White, or Asian? And 2) The Indo-European ethnic group that "white people" belong to is from Central Asia, while the trappings it uses most to distinguish themselves are actually leftovers from the native Europeans they conquered, intermixed, and co-exist with to this day. The identity crisis this creates has been felt for the last 200 years, as bigots have resented not finding a romantic, untouched land of pure White Power from their Turkish, Persian, and the other Central Asian cousins, but also have little respect for the native European protests of sovereignty from Scottish, Irish, Basque, Sami, Welsh, and other native European cousins who are far fairer-skinned than they are....
So, whitewashing. The assumption and default of a healthy-tanned, brown-haired, white American. The instinctual lure to return to that model even when presented something different, culturally or aesthetically.
Yes. Sure. Already wrote about that:
Recently, Encanto has been added to the list, with some people upset with a fair-skinned Pepa Madrigal, because showing diversity is only important up to certain point. Is the "most beautiful and perfect" member of the family the darkest-skinned member? Yes. Are Pepa's three children three beautiful brown shades that make sense for her and her husband's designs? Yes. Is there any subconscious writing that Pepa is treated better than her other siblings? No. So the only issue is that she is fair-skinned, and thus you couldn't "have" her like nine other members of her family... Nice respect for diversity. Tell me more about how you still aren't over the Pocahontas doll from the 90s not being QUITE as dark brown as the movie's coloring.
You know what I never understand? Why do people want the most stereotypical version and feel repulsed when they don't get it, but they would have been upset if they did? Why do you want the angriest, most self-centered character in Encanto to have darker skin when the animators settled for her being a stereotypical ginger instead? 😂👍 Why do you want the Latina in Knives Out to be a more stereotypically brown Latina in a story about illegal immigration and mistaking a nurse for a housekeeper? Why can't Mariah and Beyoncé be the Mammies for once and Viola, Alfre, and Octavia be in murder mysteries, thrillers, and romances?!
Why do you want stereotypical looking Middle Eastern actors to be the Fremen in Dune? Does it actually upset you to think about Berbers, Malians, Libyans, and literally every other desert culture that isn't Arab? Do you actually want to use the logic that in a sci-fi story thousands of years in the future, the human settlers to a desert planet in this inter-planetary empire should all be of Arab descent? And you actually think that's better logic than the old way of casting movies, where every actor is English?
Because diversity is important, but only to a certain extent...
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tired-n-sleepy · 2 years
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imma complain more about gringos, what bothers me most is that gringos come latin/hispanic spaces (yes this film is for everyone but more specifically columbians/latinos) and they have several latinos explain to them why their comments are ignorant. and we’re being genuinely helpful in my opinion, and they are rude to us claiming we don’t know what we’re talking about. y’all ignorant gringos need to shut up and listen if you want to come into our spaces. and a reminder gringos are anyone who isn’t latino/hispanic, doesn’t matter what your race is. you listen to latinos if you’re being ignorant about our cultures and people.
i’m just sick of gently explaining to gringos that they are being ignorant about the diversity in encanto and then just getting rude comments back, i had one gringo tell me that they didn’t need my opinion cause they’ve already changed their mind when they claimed the madrigal family didn’t look like a family in their opinion. it was so rude. you listen to us when you’re in our spaces and we’ll listen to you when we’re in your spaces. it’s a two way street. shut up and listen, in fact thank us when we’re gentle when you’re so blatantly ignorant.
21 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 01:39:35 GMT
a nicaraguan… yeah i’m so tired of gringos sharing their opinions on it. y’all don’t share your opinions on it. representation for every latino matters and original concepts change that’s why they’re called original. pepa is great rep regardless, everyone is great rep in the movie because of the variety.
Yeah I agree with you, we latinos are not all the same, we are so mixed that we look very different in our own families, i think gringos don't understand that what they know is not the same in other places, they try to fight for us but end talking over us
Gringos try to impose what they think on others and that's what piss me off the most
The people on charge of encanto really studied my country and my people, everyone in the movie is good representation because they all are different and unique and I thank them for that
30 notes • Posted 2021-12-01 02:42:53 GMT
I don't want gringos talking about encanto, you all lost privileges to talk about it when you all started the whitewashed comments shit
We Colombians don't care about your opinions, thanks
50 notes • Posted 2021-12-01 02:01:23 GMT
We come in all colors not only one, we are mixed and i think they forget we were colonized too
Once again latin América joins force against gringos and their stupid takes
If any of you want to scream about the gringos, my asks are open lol
57 notes • Posted 2021-12-01 23:49:29 GMT
same anon here… gringos don’t understand how much pepa means for us pale latinos. so many gringos question my latina identity and it gets on my nerves, and made me question my identity for so long because they don’t understand genes. i had a driving instructor look at my last name, and legit asked me “girl why is your name hispanic you’re pale as hell” i was ready to fight her. i’m so done, i shouldn’t have to remind people i’m latina cause i’m pale. yeah soak it in i’m pale as hell, what they don’t know is that i was much darker when i was little (still light but darker than now) cause i have an iron deficiency that made me more pale.
pepa means so much to us, and we’re not saying afro latinos don’t deserve rep. they do too, they deserve rep and they got that in encanto. so did we, please don’t call us white washed. we’re not, we’re just as latino as any other latino.
Exactly! I'm mestiza so that means I am more pale than others in my family, that doesn't mean im less Latina or adopted or whatever no sense they are saying
Is really sad that people make you and many others not feel as latinos just because we all don't look how they think we should look
Representation is important for everyone not just for some
109 notes • Posted 2021-12-01 03:07:11 GMT
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radicallicious · 2 years
ok so you're telling me someone on twitter kind of started ww3 by complaining about the use of pastel colors in an encanto fan art, that the artist whitewashed the characters and like WHERE?!?!
AND ALSO people were mad after finding out pepa madrigal was dark skinned in the concept art but ended up being white and i say maybe, MAYBE her skin color was changed to represent diversity in latin american families and interracial marriages??? like, latinos come in all shapes and colors 😭
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thisismisogynoir · 2 years
If I had a coin for every time somebody justified a fictional character’s whitewashing by saying “It’s all right! I’m white and I look like her! I know white people who look like her! White people need to be represented to you know, dawg! White people exist!” I would have...two coins. 
Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice. 
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thisismisogynoir · 2 years
I literally explained how it was possible for one triplet to look lighter (calling Pepa white is still racist) Red hair often means you're more likely to have lighter skin because it's connected to a lower production of melanin. if 2 parents with brown hair carry a gene for red hair there is 24% chance of a child being red hair. Also I didn't bother saying anything about Camilo because I don't really care about him, and you bash Pepa way more than Camilo, because he's your favorite male
I have literally never bashed Pepa. Yeah Camilo is my favorite male character but whether I like him or not has nothing to do with the artists' colorism. I could hate his ass and it would still be colorism. And anyway, what does my like or dislike for a character have to do with it? I tend to like female characters more than male ones anyway. I like Isabela more than Camilo, for instance. You not liking Camilo has nothing to do with not calling out the colorism in his redesign. And I wasn't just talking about you. I was talking about people who justify Pepa's whitewashing in general, but who have radio silence for Camilo. Despite the fandom's obsession with him. They're just more okay with female characters' whitewashing than males'. Maybe be less self-centered? And maybe make up less shit to stir up an argument?
Little do you know that racism against white people...doesn't exist.
You can throw all your fancy science at me. It's a hyper-convenient stretch at best. And the writers most definitely were not thinking of any of that shit. It's whitewashing, plain and simple.
Thank you.
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thisismisogynoir · 2 years
I genuinely think that we should let Latine people have this conversation about Pepa-
I'm black and I have my own opinions on it, but the movie wasn't made for us. Although it was made for people of color, it was mostly made for Latino people so they should be the ones at the forefront of this conversation. Idk, this is just my opinion🤷🏾‍♀️-
That's true. I didn't mean to speak over Latine people. I just wanted to share my opinions and how I personally felt. All opinions are valid of course and even if it is for diversity's sake, colorism is still an issue in Latin America so it's not like that goes way if a Latine person says it doesn't personally offend them. Still, I think you're right.
Doesn't erase the fact that that last anon blatantly tried to attack me with nothing valuable to say though, lol.
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