bloodraven55 · 1 year
peak romance is when you go to save your girlfriend from an arranged marriage she doesn’t want but then it turns out she already escaped by hiding a gun in her wedding dress and the two of you have such a dramatic gay reunion that the kiss lasts through the entire ad break
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lezarus · 7 months
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and several other colors like those
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jennyandvastraflint · 3 months
Sobbing screaming throwing up about this stunning artwork I commissioned from @rosenkranz-does-things. LIKE. Roz, you deliver every single time!!!
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LOOK AT THEM. GOSH. Jenny in that coat and bodice!? She looks more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. HER HAIR!??? The boots!!! And Vastra's happy face, she's just completely overjoyed. As am I, seeing that beautiful art! The embroidery on her skirt is so cuuute 🥺Also hELLO THE SHIRT!? THE ALGAE AND BUBBLES, AND HER ARMS!? Her beautiful shifter necklace!? Gosh, and her position looks so playful and graceful all the same! It's just. I love everything about this. Also, the orange background contrasts SO nicely with the other background for the first art piece I commissioned for Turn Loose the Mermaids!
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receive-mr · 17 days
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roomwithavoid · 10 months
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Great Pirates | Blackbonnet [Our Flag Means Death]
May you all emerge free and clear And may you do some good where you go High in the hands of the crosswinds Or in the arms of the undertow
Song: Great Pirates – The Mountain Goats
(Also posted to YouTube here)
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zstraps · 7 months
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jenny from thebes tracks + ofmd
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cl34n1ngcr3w · 7 months
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thefuzzhead · 7 months
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Unicorn Tolerance, Goths(2019), The Mountain Goats/ Chappell Hill Cemetery, (2015), Joan Breckwoldt/ Great Pirates, Jenny From Thebes(2023), The Mountain Goats
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jennyandvastraflint · 5 months
CHEWING ON MY ARM commissioned my dear friend @rosenkranz-does-things again and they ARGH so DELIVERED! Look at all this skill!
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Scene from my Pirate/Mermaid AU "Turn Loose the Mermaids"
Jenny ran a hand down her pale cheek, cupped Vastra’s face tenderly. “I like different,” she whispered before she bent down, connected her lips with Vastra’s. Vastra gasped in surprise, tried to pull back for a split second before she melted into the kiss, wrapped her arms around Jenny’s. The lips against hers stayed soft, the skin Jenny felt changed. Scales. She smiled against Vastra’s lips, smiled as strong, scaled arms wrapped around her body, held her tight. Through the dark water, Vastra propelled them upwards, steadily towards the light of the pale moon, as pale as Vastra’s human face had been, the face she was allowed to shed forever now. With an oddly light sound, the metal around Vastra’s wrists broke, and Jenny thought she could hear a whimper of joy. Jenny breathed each breath Vastra gave her, clung to her source of life, her saviour, so tightly. Almost there, almost there, Jenny thought she heard Vastra’s voice, so intimately familiar now. Her heart sang, she held onto the scaled woman, and with one last stroke of Vastra’s tail, they broke through the surface of the water.
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ohporcupine · 4 months
one day i will (and must) write up a masterpost on why jenny of jenny from thebes fame is an aromantic icon but for now you will just have to take my word for it
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teecupangel · 10 months
I've been seeing a bunch of 'Desmond reborn as someone' posts here, and I also saw that fanfiction where Desmond was reborn as Anne Bonny's son and I thought I might as well suggest one as well, with Desmond being reborn as Mary Read's child? Whether Mary lives or dies, I'm not sure.
Okay, confession time!
My initial idea for A Pirate's Son was for Desmond to be reborn as Mary Read’s child instead of Anne Bonny’s but I changed it because Mary had a daughter and I was only ‘starting out’ writing Desmond so I was a bit hesitant to write Desmond being reborn as a woman (not anymore though XD).
So, for this one, let’s set up the background.
All we know is that Mary had a daughter but we don’t know what happened to the child so we’re going to assume that the child was sent to an orphanage.
So in this one, Desmond would be born not knowing who his mother was. All he’d know was that his mother had been a ‘wicked woman who deserved her fate’. (Historically, Mary’s child most probably died together with her when she died from fever as there are no records of an infant’s death)
We’re killing Mary (sorry, Mary TTATT) because we want Desmond to have an isolated childhood, wondering who his mother was.
Also, this would give Desmond motivation to seek out the Brotherhood as soon as he could because… well, there was no way he was going to stay in this orphanage that was obviously out to paint him as the son of a sinner and all that good stuff.
So he leaves as soon as he could and lives in the street, using Desmond Miles’ skills and what remains of his Bleed, pretending to be a boy.
He was a boy.
Even if he was born as…
He was still a boy.
And Desmond would make his way to London as its the nearest city he knows has a Brotherhood (or, if it didn’t have one, he was planning on moving to the colonies and just annoying Achilles until he agrees to train him, Ratonhnhaké:ton-style) and the Brotherhood sees potential in him so they take him in.
It doesn’t take long for him to be initiated and soon, he’s climbing the ranks of the British Brotherhood (maybe we’ll have him be friends with a Frye who would later become the Frye’s twins ancestors?) and he’ll get Miko’s attention who takes him in as his successor, hoping he and Edward’s son would take over as the mentors after them.
This leads to him meeting Edward Kenway who freezes because…
‘Desmond’ (no last name) looks a lot like Mary Read.
Unorganized Notes:
Edward introduced Desmond as the son of a business associate (Miko) that he’s teaching to the Kenway family. Desmond is actually in the Kenway Mansion because they heard Templar activities around the area and Desmond has been ordered to find more.
Haytham thinks he’s super cool and likes it when Desmond teaches him swordsmanship. Desmond can’t say no because Haytham is so cute as a kid.
No one, not even Miko, know that Desmond was born a woman.
Until… Jenny asked him blankly because she felt like there was something ‘strange’ about Desmond and Desmond tells her the truth.
The fact that Edward believes Desmond is a man is the only reason why he keeps questioning if Desmond is Mary’s child since he heard she gave birth to a girl.
Desmond is the main reason why Jenny began to push Edward to let her be an Assassin, threatening to run away with Desmond if he doesn’t.
Edward mistakes this as Jenny and Desmond having a secret affair and he’s torn because (1) Jenny is his little girl and he wants to protect her, (2) he doesn’t want to lose her like he lost Caroline, and (3) Desmond is an Assassin so she’d never be completely safe.
But at the same time… if he could trust his daughter with anyone, it would be with Desmond.
Desmond and Jenny are not in any kind of relationship. They’re more like… older bullying sister (Jenny) and tired younger brother (Desmond).
That’s as far as I got.
The Kenway Tragedy doesn’t happen because Desmond was staying in the mansion when the attack happened but… well… Jenny’s definitely going to run away and go to the colonies to get trained by this Achilles person that Desmond had talked about once if her father does not approve of her choice and she’ll drag Desmond with her because she knows how much her father favors Desmond. The plan is to use Desmond as sorta like “you like the dog so I’m taking the dog when I leave” kind of scorched earth plan.
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literaturezombie · 7 months
every piece of pirate media is always doomed bc piracy was always doomed Nassau was always doomed and yet. every time I Believe that maybe this time. maybe this time it won't be
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greencarnation · 6 months
Taika Waititi supports genocide
Rhys Darby supports genocide
Con O'Neill supports genocide
That entire cast is complicit in genocide
Have you no shame??
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dailyspiral · 1 year
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day 10 - any pollo's crew fans out there!?!? (i am shouting into an empty room
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adamshallperish · 7 months
i know we're all caught up in our girl jenny and the Lore and the concept and the lyrics but can we please have a fucking moment for the harmonies in jenny from thebes
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