#poly!f1 imagine
vivwritesfics · 1 month
In Bloom
Chapter One
Max wasn't like other Hogwarts students. He was having to live with the terrible things his father had done. Everybody expected him to turn out like his father, but he was the furthest thing from. He just needed two people to see that
Lestappen X Reader
Okay so this follows the basic plot of the Harry potter books (from memory), with some major differences to fit our drivers. A list of which Harry potter each driver relates to can be found HERE
Series Masterlist
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Max Verstappen could still remember the dread he felt as he stepped up to the sorting hat at just eleven years old. Everybody avoided him on the train, and he'd waited at the back of the queue to be sorted.
Not Slytherin, he thought as he climbed those stairs. Anything but Slytherin.
It came as no surprise that he was sorted into Slytherin. His entire family had been, and he was no different. 'There wasn't a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin,' he'd heard somebody say before the sorting.
But even Slytherin didn't want him. He went to sit down and everybody shuffled away from him, giving him plenty of space. Even in his newfound house, even with the people that were supposed to be like his family, as professor Vettel had said, he felt alone.
Unable to look past his own dread, Max had failed to notice something. He failed to notice the boy with his hair covering his forehead and eyes, definitely impairing his vision. Even when the boys name was called, Max didn't notice.
He shouldn't have been surprised to hear the name 'Leclerc Charles' called. He was the boy that had defeated his father, after all. The whispers began as soon as his name was called. Gryffindor, his new house, cheered as he ran to join them. The same thing happened for Max just moments later, but without the cheering. They were like mythical creatures to the other students in the hall. Well, Charles was. Max was more like a circus freak.
First year for Max Verstappen was incredibly lonely. All anybody wanted to talk to him about was his father. They were all questions he couldn't answer because he didn't know his father. He had been destroyed when Max was only a year old.
Flying lessons were Max's favourite. He'd grown up watching Quidditch with his mother, even playing it sometimes. She'd played it for her entire life, up until she met Jos. It was in Max's blood. Max was determined to show Professor Button just what he could do to be put on the Slytherin team. No first year had ever made it onto the team before, he was determined to be the first.
Max tried to act shocked when Professor Button went to Professor Alonso, the head of Slytherin house, and begged him to put Max on the Qudditch team. "He's the best thing this schools ever seen!" Professor Button insisted.
Professor Alonso gave him a trial period. One match to prove he could keep up with the older kids on the team. For Max Verstappen, it was the easiest thing in the world.
This was the stuff of legend in Hogwarts. But it was overshadowed by Charles Leclerc and his idiot friends.
Max didn't know what happened to Charles, Esteban and Pierre under the school. It was all speculation and rumours. Nobody know whether they fought a dragon or found the legendary philosophers stone. Only Professor Schumacher knew that. Professor Schumacher and Charles.
Max heard all of the rumours. He ignored them as best he could. But there was one rumour that he couldn't shake. "Someone said that it was your dad Charles was fighting under the school," said Nikita, a fellow Sytherin and a massive dickhead. "Said he killed him, again."
Max couldn't stop his reaction. He leapt out of his seat in the common room and swung his fist at Nikita, hitting him square in the jaw. Nikita stumbled back, holding his jaw. Shock played on his face, but it soon turned into a smile. "You're going to regret," he started. "Didn't you know my father is close, personal friends with the minister?"
"I didn't ask, Nikita," Max spat as he walked away, leaving the common room all together.
First year wasn't all bad for Max. No, he made history on the Quidditch team and he made a few friends. Lando and Daniel, two Hufflepuffs with the widest smiles and hearts of gold.
He met Daniel first. He was maybe the first person Max had ever properly gotten along with. He found a kindred spirit in Daniel. He was maybe the funniest person Max had ever met.
Daniel had introduced Max to Lando halfway through their first year. Max had never had that connection with anybody. He finally knew what it was like to have friends, and it felt amazing. For the first time since arriving at the school, Max was himself. He was happy, funny, bubbly. Every joke Max cracked had Daniel folded at the waist, hands on his knees as he laughed.
Their friendship continued into Max and Lando's second year. Daniel was just that little bit older, going into his fourth year.
Second year was the first proper run in that Max had with Charles Leclerc. It had been a shit day for Max, Nikita was being an ass and his potions test scores were less than perfect. He was pissed at himself. His escape was the quidditch pitch. It was supposed to be empty. He could fly around, weaving in and out of the stands and goal hoops as much as he liked.
But he wasn't alone. No, somebody else was opening the box of quidditch supplies. Max hung back, watching to see what Charles did. He watched as Charles tucked the quaffle under his arm and mounted his broom.
He wasn't even on the quidditch team for his house. What was he doing there? But, the more Max watched, the more he understood. He watched as Charles flew around with skill. He did what Max was going to do, weaving around the stands and through the goal hoops, all with the quaffle tucked under his arm. It was no easy accomplishment. Max was thoroughly impressed.
He gave Charles a nod as he mounted his broom and flew around. They stayed away from each other that time, practiced without disturbing one another.
As soon as Max was done, he rushed to Professor Buttons office. He was still in his quidditch robes, his fingers a little frozen as he held his broom. "Professor," he called as he knocked on the door. "Can I talk to you?"
Max would never tell Charles Leclerc that he was the reason he was on the quidditch team. They hadn't spoken two words to each other yet, Max couldn't imagine a time where they'd be that friendly.
In his second year of Quidditch Max proved himself to be better than anyone expected. But, with the addition of Charles to the Gryffindor team, Slytherin finally had some real competition.
But the year wasn't all sparkles and rainbows. Not when the attacks started. Muggleborns being petrified, it was terrifying.
When the chamber of secrets was opened, everybody turned to Max. His father had opened it last time, hadn't he? So it only made sense that he opened it this time.
Those were the first words Charles Leclerc spoke to him. "Did you open the chamber of secrets?"
Mac couldn't hide the shock on his face. "Are you kidding me? Why would I want to attack muggleborns?" One of his best friends was muggleborn, for goodness sake.
But still, Charles wouldn't leave it alone. Things only got worse when Esteban was petrified. Charles cornered Max, demanded he fixed what he had done. All Max could do was express condolences and walk away.
But then Daniel was petrified. "Fuck," Max choked out when Lando told him. He followed him to the hospital wing and rushed straight to Daniels side. He wouldn't leave, not until his best friend was up and moving. The nurses were too afraid of him to pull him away.
Golden boy Charles saved the day. He found out who had been opening the chamber, a little first year who had no control over her actions. A cure for the petrifications was made using Mandrakes and Esteban and Daniel were on their feet just before the end of the year.
Max had been avoiding Charles. Ever seen his confronted him over Esteban, he wanted nothing to do with him. He and everyone else would always see him as the villain. It was so sad to learn that at just twelve years old.
But Charles found him. He cornered him once again, but this time, his expression was soft. "I'm sorry," he said.
Max looked at the floor, his jaw tight.
"It was wrong of me to assume that you're the one who opened the chamber. I realise that now," he continued.
Max let out something of a snort. "Just because my dad is a monster, it doesn't mean I am," was all he said. He pushed past him, trying to get away, trying to get to the end of year feast. But, before he could get too far, he stopped and turned back towards Charles. "If you want any chance of beating us in Quidditch next year, you should get a haircut, stop it from going in your eyes."
Just before the start of their third year, mass murderer Nico Rosberg escaped from Azkaban. Max remembered reading it in the paper. He read the headline out loud and his mother let the plate she was holding slip from her grasp. "Nico got out?" She asked as she rushed over.
Max nodded his head and showed her the paper. "I wanna know how he got past the dementors," he said with curiosity. He then turned to his mother. "Did you know him?"
It wasn't often she spoke about her time with Jos. From the little bits Max knew, it was awful and Max was the only good thing to come from it.
She shook her head. "He started Hogwarts just as I was finishing. I remember hearing his name a lot. He was always causing some sort of trouble with his best friend."
Max dropped the topic. The news article had said that Nico had been a supporter of his father. If he was out, maybe he was going to try and finish the job on Charles.
At the first feast of the year, a new teacher was introduced. Professor Hamilton, the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher for the year. But that wasn't all. Max watched from the Slytherin table as Lando walked into the hall, his arm around a pretty girl. He knew Lando had other friends, had seen him with this girl a few times. But he didn't know her, not at all.
It was indescribable how pretty she was. Max's eyes followed as she sat herself down between Lando and his other Hufflepuff friend, Max (Fewtrell).
Max tried really hard not to stare, but it was damn near impossible. She was his very first crush, and he didn't even know her name.
For the few classes he shared with Hufflepuff, Max tried to get Lando to tell him her name. Maybe it was because Lando wasn't the sharpest tool in the box, but he just wasn't getting it. Max was being as obvious as he could be, without saying anything at all.
The day he learnt her name was the same day that he watched her run up to Chatles Leclerc and plant a kiss on his cheek. Maxs face fell. She was his first crush, and she was with somebody else. That was just his luck.
She was with Charles, that was clear. Max saw the way he placed his arm over her shoulders while they talked with Lando. So, why the hell was Lando introducing her to Max in the middle of charms?
She held her hand out to him, a lovely smile on her face. "I can't believe you two haven't met before," Lando said as he sat on the table.
Max couldn't quite believe he was shaking her hand. He had no clue what to say to her and, in a desperate bid to make a good first impression, he made a terrible one
But it didn't matter. The next time Max saw her was care of magical creatures with professor Brown. As with every lesson, Nikita made an ass of himself. Max couldn't help but shut him down, and that seemed to impress her.
But Nikita didn't know when to quit. It was his fault the beast struck him. It was his fault he'd sustained such an injury to his arm.
It was all he could talk about for the next few weeks. Max didn't know what would happen to the beast that had 'attacked' Nikita. Nikita boasted about a trial, about the beast being put to death. Of course, Max didn't believe it, not until he saw her crying about it.
She was too pretty to cry, Max thought as he watched her across the hall. She sat at the Gryffindor table, leaning against Charles as he rubbed her back. That should have been him, Max couldn't help but selfishly think.
On the day of the beasts execution, Max followed her and Charles down to Professor Brown's hut. He stayed behind them, watching as she swung her fist towards Nikita. Good, he thought. It was what that prick deserved.
She and Charles didn't notice him as they stepped into Professor Brown's hut. But Professor Brown did. "Come on in, Max," he said, stepping aside to let her and Charles see him.
Charles didn't scowl, like Max had expected. He gave him a sad smile as she stepped towards him, holding him. "It's awful, Max," she sobbed against his shirt. "They're going to kill him because Nikita is an asshole."
Max stood there, looked at Charles over the top of the head. There was a minute before he wrapped his arms around her and squeezed slightly.
"I found something of yours," said Professor Brown as he guided her away from Max. He grabbed a shoe box and opened it up, revealing her pet rat.
She didn't show up to Hogwarts with an owl, cat, rat or toad. This rat she had found at the station and, in a bid of desperation, she picked him up. He was so tame, she figured he had to be a magical rat.
Before they knew it, they were being ushered out of the hut by Professor Brown. They hid behind shrubbery as Professor Schumacher, the head master, brought Bernie Ecclestone, the minister, and the executioner, down to the hut.
As soon as the three of them had their backs to the students, Max and Charles got her back to the castle. They got halfway there before the sound of the axe hitting something stopped them.
Her gasp rang in the boys ears and she turned towards Charles, burying her face in his chest as she cried. "It's okay, chérie. I've got you."
But, suddenly, he didn't have her. Suddenly she was on the floor, screaming as a vicious, hairy beast dragged her towards the womping willow, its jaws clamped around her leg. Charles screamed her name as he ran after her, but the tree fought back.
Fuck, Max thought as he ran after Charles. The tree attacked them however it could, keeping them away from the tunnel the beast had dragged her down.
Charles dodged those he could, but one smacked him in the chest and he went flying back, the air knocked from his lungs when he landed. Max had gotten closer to the tunnel entrance. He jumped over the trees limbs when they came towards him, getting to the tunnel entrance in minutes.
But he couldn't leave Charles behind. The tree didn't fight him as he ran back towards him. "Come on," Max grunted, grabbing Charles's hand and pulling him to his feet.
The tree once again tried to stop them. Max kept a hold of Charles's hand, pulling him around the attacking limbs. They ducked and dodged and jumped. But one limb managed to knock them both over. Max immediately grabbed the limb and Charles grabbed a hold of him.
They were lifted into the air, the tree trying to throw them off. But it was doing do in a pattern, one Max easily deciphered. "Hold on!" He shouted to Charles, who just squeezed him tighter.
At the right moment Max let go of the branch, falling into the tunnel entrance. Charles was right behind him, landing on top of him. "Sorry," Charles said, taking his hand and helping him up. He pulled his wand from his back pocket and held it out in front of him. "Lumos," he whispered and the tunnel lit up.
Holding his wand out in front of them, Charles led the way through the tunnel. They followed paw prints until they weren't paw prints anymore, but feet, the soles of battered shoes against the dirt.
When they got to a set of old and unstable steps, Max and Charles looked at each other. She was up there, she had to be.
"Nox," Charles whispered. The first step creaked under his foot and he nervously looked to Max. But they climbed the stairs anyway. The closer they got to the top of the stairs, they more they could hear her pained gasps. The two of them hurried.
Charles couldn't stop himself from kicking the door open. "Charles, Max, no!" She cried, grasping her bloody leg. "It's a trap, he's an animagus!"
As the door swung shut behind them, Max and Charles turned around. There he was, his striped jumpsuit tattered and dirty. The smile he wore was grim and his blonde hair was long and disgusting.
Immediately, Max and Charles put their bodies between her and Rosberg. The escaped convict's smile only grew as he took a step forward. "Move aside." His eyes were focused on Max. "It's not you that I want."
But Max stood in front of them protectively. "If you want to get to either of them, you have to go through me."
Rosberg laughed. "Stupid boy," he said through his laugh. "I don't want either of them, I want him," he said, pointing at her.
Her body tembled as she held her mangled leg. The rat in her pocket was squeaking uncontrollably. "I-I'm a girl!" She cried.
But Rosberg let out an exasperated sigh. He lifted his wand.
Professor Hamilton, that years defence against the dark arts teacher, stood in the door way. It wasn't a surprise that none of them heard him coming up the stairs, not with the way adrenaline was running through them.
Professor Hamilton looked at the kids and then at Rosberg. And then he dropped his wand and stepped forwards, pulling him into his embrace. "Good to see you, old friend," he said, clapping him on the back.
"What the fuck?" Max couldn't help himself. He held his wand out in front of him. "I trusted you, and this entire time you've been working with him? You've been on my dad's side, too?"
"Max, you don't understand," Hamilton replied, holding his hand up. "This entire time I thought that Nico did all of those terrible things. But then Charles came to me and said he saw someone on the map that I believed to be dead. Sergio Perez."
"Well, the map was wrong, then!" Charles called. He had migrated over to her, crouching by her side. She wasn't okay and there was nothing he could do.
Hamilton shook his head. "The map never lies," he said. "It could only mean one thing, Charles. That Checo was alive and he was the reason your parents are dead."
Slowly, Charles stood up. He pulled his wand from his pocket as he walked forward. "That's not true," he said. "It couldn't have been him because he died. Rosberg killed him and all they could find was-"
"A finger! Chopped it off and escaped into the sewers, he did," Rosberg finished.
Hamilton looked past them as Charles tried to process everything in his mind. "Your rat, please," said Hamilton as he looked at her.
"What? No! What do you want with him?" She cried as she pulled him from her pocket and held him close to her chest. But Professor Hamilton was still advancing, reaching for the rat.
It was Charles that stopped him. He held his hand up, asking Professor Hamilton to just give him a moment, before crouching down to her height. "Please, chérie. I need you to trust me," he said, reaching for the rat.
For just a moment, she stared at Charles. He thought he was going to have to pry the rat from her hands and lose her trust forever. But she willingly gave the rat to Charles, who handed it to Professor Hamilton.
"We do this together," said Rosberg as he grabbed his wand from the floor.
Once again, Rosbergs wand went flying out of his hands. Hamilton kept ahold of the rat as they wheeled around to find the head of Slytherin house.
"I told Schumacher," Alonso began as he walked into the room. "I said from the minute you arrived that you were trouble. And here you are, helping your old friend into the castle. Well, Lewis, you can have Nico's old cell once the dementors give him that kiss. I've heard they're looking forward to it. Got a cell in the tower waiting for you."
"Oh, piss off, little Nando no mates," Nico spat, but suddenly Fernando had his wand against his neck. Instantly, Nico stilled.
Fernando turned his attention to the kids. "You three, get back to the castle."
But they weren't going anywhere. Max knew it, Charles knew it, and she couldn't move.
Fernando quickly turned his attention back to Lewis and Nico. Before he could begin talking, Charles had raised his wand. "Expelliarmus!"
It was just meant to disarm Alonso, not send him flying back into the wall, knocking him out cold. "Shit, Charles," Max said through something of a grin. "You attacked a teacher."
But Charles didn't care about that. "Show me Perez," he demanded.
Hamilton and Rosberg were only too happy to oblige. Hamilton placed the rat onto the floor. He and Rosberg pointed their wands at the rat, sending silent spells in his direction.
The rat kept going, seemingly dodging the magic. But then, he wasn’t a rat at all. It wasn't clear which one cast the incantation, but a small-ish man in tattered clothing stood in the place of the rat. The most damning piece of evidence? His missing finger.
Charles couldn't quite believe his eyes. So Rosberg hadn't been the cause of his parents death. It had been Perez all along. Rosberg was an innocent nan, wrongfully imprisoned for all of those years.
"We do this together," said Rosberg. Hamilton nodded and, together, they pointed their wands at Perez.
"No, no, no!" He cried, scurrying across the floor. He quickly moved past Charles,towards her. "Girl, sweet girl," he said as she attempted to shuffle away from him. But, with her leg, she couldn't get far enough. "You won't let them hurt me, will you?"
Max pushed Perez away from her. "Leave her alone," he said through something of a snarl.
"Don't kill him," Charles said as he looked to Hamilton and Rosberg. "Take him to the castle. The dementors can have him and you could go free," he said, eying Rosberg.
Rosberg couldn't quite believe it. He cast a spell that bound Perez and lifted Alonso into the air.
"Oh, chérie," Charles whispered. He leaned forward to kiss her forehead before lifting her into his arms. She let out a small cry as Charles adjusted her, her injured leg brushing against his arm. But she locked her arms around his neck.
Max led the way. His wand was out, light coming from it as tye group of seven made their way back through the tunnel towards the school. Periodically Max turned around, looking at Charles as he carried her. That should have been him, he thought again.
Max climbed out of the tunnel first. He turned taking her body from Charles. One by one they climbed out of the tunnel. She stood on her uninjured leg as Alonso's still unconscious body was placed on the ground. Rosberg and Hamilton wandered a little way away from the group,the two of them looking up at the castle.
"How're you feeling, chérie?" Charles asked. He hardly called her by any other name. She gave a weak, pained smile. That was all Charles needed before he was pulling her body into his own, letting her rest against him.
Suddenly, Hamilton made a noise. A low, guttural noise, something inhuman. He looked away from the castle, his jaw slack and his eyes distant as he stared at the moon. The full moon.
"Shit," Rosberg hissed. Max stood to attention, placing himself between the changing werewolf and his friends. "Lewis, not now!" Nico cried wrapping his arms around him, as if trying to hold him together. "Any time but now!"
But Hamilton was still changing. His limbs were elongating, a thin layer of hair covering his skin. His clothes were shredded from his skin as his snout formed and hid ears sharpened.
Realising that he could do nothing, Nico let go out Lewis. He transformed into his animagus form, putting himself between the werewolf and the students.
At first, Hamilton barely moved. His breathing was heavy as he took just a moment to recover from the transformation.
As best as she could, she hopped forwards. "Chérie," Charles hissed in warning, trying to keep a hold of her.
She couldn't push him away, couldn't stand on her own as she looked at the werewolf. "Professor?" She called. "Professor Hamilton?"
The beast raised its head. The howl it let out echoed around the castle grounds. It was enough to rouse Professor Alonso from his temporary time out. "You!" He cried, pointing an accusing finger at Charles. Charles, who didn't much care, Charles, who was more concerned with getting her as close to him as possible.
When Alonso turned and around saw the beast, he threw his arms protectively around the three of them, keeping them behind him. There wasn't much else he could do but watch, his body shielding them, as Nico jumped at the beast.
The werewolf immediately threw him off, but Nico came back, this time doing damage. But again, the werewolf tossed him to one side. This time, Nico didn't get back up.
With his threat neutralised, the werewolf turned his attention back to the four of them. He got down onto all fours and slowly stalked forward. His slow pace only seemed to indicate that he was toying with them, that, no matter what they did, they were his prey.
Suddenly, from way in the distance, there was a howl. Hamilton turned towards it. He howled once more himself before he took off, running in the direction the howl had come from and completely ignoring his once prey.
As soon as Hamilton was gone, Charles passed her to Max. "Get her to the hospital wing!" He shouted as he took off running.
"Leclerc!" Alonso bellowed, but he made no move to go after him. "Get back here!"
But Charles was gone, disappearing off to wherever Nico was.
Her arms locked around Max's neck as he picked her up. Suddenly he was thinking quidditch for the useful muscles it had given him. "I'm sorry to put you through all of this," she whispered as her head fell against his shoulder.
He shook his head. "You didn't put me through anything," he replied. He so desperately wanted to kiss her head like he had seen Charles do. "Besides, if I wasn't here Professor Alonso would be carrying you. Do you really want that?" He asked and she let out a little giggle.
A small amount of pride blossomed in his chest.
At the hospital wing Max was asked to leave. But he refused. There was no way in hell he was just going to leave her. It was the only time he threw his name around to get his way.
At some point in the night Charles was brought into the hospital wing. He looked awful, like he had tried to drive a race car after suffering from appendicitis. But the nurse had confirmed that he was alive.
Max didn't sleep much that night. He stayed up, watching over his friends, recounting the events. It wasn't Nico Rosberg who had killed all of those people in the name of his father. It was Sergio Perez. Perez had gotten away in the commotion of their teacher being a fucking werewolf. It was crazy, but Max didn't know how he hadn't spotted it soon. Lupin took a few days a month off, Max just didn't notice that they were around the time of a full moon.
But Perez had gotten away, his father's loyal dog had gotten away, and Max would never forgive himsed.
He didn't know when he had fallen asleep. But, when he woke up, Pierre and Esteban sat around Charles. "I can't believe you went with him instead of us," Pierre muttered as he gestured to Max. Max simply sat up straighter, scowling in return.
"He saved her," was all Charles said as he nodded towards the girl sleeping beside Max.
The three of them continued to talk, and Max tried his best not to listen in. But it was harder than it looked when he constantly heard his name being dropped. They could fucking talk about him, he didn't care. By this point, he just didn't care.
When the doors flew open and Professor Schumacher strode in, Esteban and Pierre stood up. "Esteban, Pierre," the professor said. They said goodbye to Charles and walked past their head teacher. But, before they could get too far, Professor Schumacher grabbed a hold of Pierre. What he said to Pierre was too hushed for anybody else to hear, but it had him pulling something from beneath his shirt and striding towards the boys.
"Max, Charles," he said and Max left his chair, coming to stand beside Charles. Wordlessly, Professor Schumacher placed something over their heads.
Max picked up the necklace. "A time turner?"
"What's a time turner?" Asked Charles.
But Professor Schumacher didn't answer his question. "Two turns should do it," he said. "And you should be able to set everything right. Remember, don't let anybody see you," he said and strode out of the hospital wing.
Max turned the time turner. "How on earth did Pierre get one of these?" He asked as he spun it twice, and the room around them moved backwards. Professor Alonso carried Charles out of the hospital wing and Max took her back outside. Other students came and left, time still turning around them.
When it, at last, stilled, Max pulled the time turner from around their necks and placed it in his pocket. "Come on," he said as he grabbed Charles's hand.
As he pulled him out of the hospital wing, Max checked the time on his watch. "It's 5PM, where were we at five?"
Charles took a moment to think. "Ugh, I know I was taking her down to see Zac," he answered. "She punched Nikita."
Knowing exactly where to go, Max pulled Charles along. He pulled him through the halls, towards where they already were. But, suddenly, Max stopped. "Wha-" Charles began, but Max put his hand over his mouth, silencing him as he pulled him into an alcove.
The Max from before, the one that had been following Charles and her, turned for just a second. But, when she swung at Nikita, it distracted him long enough for the Max from the future to pull Charles outside.
"Max, what the hell?" Charles hissed as they watched Nikita and his friends run away. Charles from the past had his hand on the small of her back as he moved her along, heading to Zacs, Professor Brown's, hut. Max from the past followed. "That's us!"
"You're incredibly observant," Max quipped as he grabbed his hand once more. "I suppose you can see now you've cut your hair."
Charles let out a scoff, but Max was pulling him along once again, into the woods just opposite Zac's hut.
Nobody saw them, nobody but Rocky, the hippogriff. He raised his head and snorted, but quickly went back to sleep. "We can save him, too," Charles realised. "Him and Nico."
He strode forward and sent to grab the chain that kept Rocky tethered to the garden, but Max stopped him. "Professor Schumacher and the minister need to see him first, or you'll get Fred arrested," he whispered. Charles clenched his fists at his sides, but he nodded.
They watched as Fred pulled the rat from the box and handed it to her. There he was, Sergio Perez. Max and Charles looked at each other, their thoughts much the same. But they held back, and not just because the headmaster and the minister were coming.
They watched as the three of them left the hut. As the minister and Schumacher conversed with Fred, Charles and Max ran into the vegetable garden and grabbed a hold of Rocky's chain. "Come on, Rocky," Charles hissed, but the creature insisted on sleeping. It was only when Max bribed him with food that he followed them into the woods.
A sliver of satisfaction ran through them when the execution brought his axe down onto a bit of wood in anger. Rocky was safe, and all they had to do was wait.
It was surreal, watching everything that had happened. They watched as Nico, the dog, grabbed her leg and dragged her beneath the tree. They watched as they struggled to follow her.
"Can I ask you something?" Max enquired as he sat on the ground beside him. Rocky was behind them, playing in the trees. When Charles nodded his head, he continued. "Last year, you asked me if I opened the chamber. Do you really think I'm that much of a monster? Do you really think I'm that much like my dad?"
Charles let out an audible sigh. "I feel awful for that," he said as he lent back against the tree behind him. "All I know about your dad is that he's the reason my parents are dead. I'd met him in first year and, well, I still have nightmares about it. Of I had known you last year like I do now, I wouldn't have dreamed of blaming you."
They talked, actually talked, until Professor Hamilton came to the tree. "Did you have any idea he was a werewolf?" Max asked and Charles shook his head.
He pulled the time turner from his pocket. "Do you know why Pierre would have that?" Charles asked as he reached out to touch it.
Max shrugged his shoulders. "It makes sense, though. Pierre has been in so many classes this year, more than he should have had time for. This must be how he's being going to them all."
Next, Professor Alonso came by, and then, minutes later, they were all making their way out of the tree. "Thanks for looking after her," said Charles as he watched himself hand her to Max.
Max waved him off.
But it wasn't long before Professor Hamilton started his transformation. "Fuck," Max whispered as he watched Nico try and fail to protect them. What happened when they were up there? Something had howled, but no howl was coming. "Shit, get ready to run," he said to Charles before cupping his hands around his mouth and letting out a mighty howl.
The werewolf looked, but he didn't immediately begin running towards them. So, Max did it again.
The beast howled back and suddenly it was running towards them. "We're going to die out here," said Charles.
"Yep," Max agreed and the two boys took off running. But they didn't get very far, not before the werewolf caught up to them.
Their hearts were beating, blood so loud in their ears that they were sure the werewolf could hear them. Max squeezed his eyes shut, unable to keep them opened. He was incredibly grateful when Charles pulled him further around the tree they were hiding behind.
All they could hear was their werewolf Professor sniffing around behind them. It was the only indication that they were somewhat safe. But then, the sniffing stopped and the growls began. The two turned, almost paralysed with fear as the werewolf stood to its full height. "Professor," Charles began, but he was no longer human.
He moved towards them and they tried to back up. He raised a large, clawed hand, but he didn't get a chance to bring it down, to strike them. Not before Rocky jumped in front of them, using his large talons to fend off the beast.
Whimpering, the werewolf ran off. "Go Rocky!" Charles called as the hippogriff pranced in front of him.
Max checked the time on his watch. "Come on," he said, once again reaching for Charles's hand. Over the course of the evening he'd noticed just how much he'd enjoyed that, enjoyed holding Charles's hand. "We've got to get back to the castle."
But Charles ripped his hand away from Max. "We need to go and save Nico!" He called before he took off running. "Someone was there, Max! Someone cast a patronus and fended off the dementors! I need to know who it is!"
But, when they got to the lake, nobody was there. Just Charles from the past cradling Nico's body as dementors fed off of them. "Charles!" Max called.
"They're coming to help! I know they are!"
But Charles from the past and Nico looked terrible, close to the end. "Charles, you're dying. And nobody's coming," he said softly.
Charles bit his lip as he looked at Max. He sucked in one steady breath and ran over to the edge of the lake. He raised his wand, drew in a deep breath and bellowed, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"
It was an incredible sight. Max knew Charles was capable of some serious magic, he just didn't realise it was this serious. All of the dementors left the scene just in time for Professor Alonso to lift the unconscious Charles and Nico away from the scene.
Nico, they could still save Nico. "Come on!" Charles shouted as he climbed onto Rocky's back. Taking Max's hand, he pulled him onto Rocky's back and he secured his arms around him.
Rocky flew them out of the woods. "Where would Alonso put Nico?" Max shouted over the sounds of the wind.
"When we were in the shack, he said something about the tower," Charles called back.
That was exactly where Rocky took them. As he landed them outside of the cell, Max slipped from Rocky's back and cast a spell to open the door.
Immediately, Nico ran out to them. "Thank you," he said to them. "Both of you. If it wasn't for your bravery, I would have lost my life."
"Quick, take Rocky and go, before the dementors come," Charles said. He helped Nico onto the Hippogriff's back. Immediately they took off, and Charles and Max began running, heading back to the hospital wing.
When they got there, Professor Schumacher was pulling the doors shut behind him. "We did it," said Charles, his hands on his knees. "We saved both of them."
Professor Schumacher looked at the both of them. "I have no idea what you're talking about," he said and took his leave, leaving the boys standing there.
Charles released a breath. "I can't believe we actually did it," he said, grinning at Max. "Should we go and tell her all about it?"
Max nodded his head and Charles pushed his way into the hospital wing. He watched, frozen in place as he strode across the room, over to her. Suddenly, Max didn't feel so jealous as he watched Charles run his fingers through her hair.
That was when he realised, he liked boys, too.
Permanent Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @not-nyasa @formulaal @minseok-smaus @andydrysdalerogers @hiireadstuff @darleneslane @urfavnoirette @goldenharrysworld @hrts4scarr @llando4norris @evlkking @lilymurphy03 @hollie911 @customsbyjcg-blog @honethatty12 @nikfigueiredo
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verstappen-cult · 2 months
I don’t know why I went full angst on this but maybe one of them totally blanks on your birthday plans so you’re just sitting at a fancy restaurant with the other one wondering where he is
I can see this where Max forgot and you and Charles finally decide to order food and when you get home he was steaming and didn’t realize what was going on
You look to the front door just to see another random person walking in. Across the table, Charles tries to hold his anger inside, he tries very hard not to show how affected he also is.
“Maybe something came up.” Your boyfriend tries to smile and reassure you that everything is fine, that Max has a good excuse for not showing up.
He better have a god excuse or Charles is gonna make him sleep on the couch for the next month.
“Should we order? I’m pretty sure Max will want for us to celebrate. It’s your birthday, princess.”
You nod, not trusting your voice to speak.
It’s not the ideal celebration. Not when one of your boyfriends is not there with you and doesn’t pick up the phone. But Charles does a pretty good job of making you forget about it.
At least until dessert cames and they sing happy birthday to you.
“We have plenty of leftovers,” You go to the kitchen as Charles closes the front door. “You want a cup of tea, Char?”
“Don’t be a cunt! I was winning!”
You and Charles look at each other.
But Charles is already sprinting up the stairs.
You follow him, heart rate through the roof, into Max’s streaming room.
And there he is. Max. Wearing sweatpants and streaming. You look at the screen that says how long he’s been there: four hours. Then, you see his phone on the floor, right next to a couple of Red Bulls.
“What the fuck, Max?!” Charles exclaims, making his boyfriend jump scared.
“Jesus Christ,” He touches his chest, just where his heart is. “Everyone’s laughing, by the way.” Max points to his headphones and then the screen where his friends, in fact, are laughing.
But you couldn’t care less about it.
“Max.” You say softly, grabbing Charles’ hand and caressing his wrist to try and calm him.
“What the actual fuck, mate.”
Charles never calls him mate.
“What?” He looks at Charles, then at you. “You look pretty good. Where did you go?” Max asks, already turning around to keep playing.
But Charles is having none of it. He walks to one side of the room, where everything is connected, and shuts everything off.
Max is off his chair in a matter of seconds, looking absolutely pissed.
“Oh, you don’t get to be angry.” Charles takes two long strides, but you stand between them before he does something he will regret later. “We waited three hours! It was her birthday, you giant, fucking idiot.”
Charles throws his arms in the air before getting out of the room, leaving a speechless Max behind.
You breathe deeply, avoiding eye contact. “You don’t even remember my birthday?”
“Of course I remember your birthday, Schatje.” He picks up his phone, seeing all the missed calls and texts. When he looks up, his eyes are filled with tears.
You can’t see properly anymore. “I think is better if you sleep in the guest room tonight, Max.”
You leave before he has time to say anything, running down the hallway and into your room. It’s only then that you let the tears flow freely down your face.
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agendabymooner · 1 month
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summary: the podium finishers weren’t the only thing that finished that night.
content warning: smut under the cut (minors dni!), explicit language, gangbang???, mmmf smut content, dubcon, pwp, double penetration + oral sex (m receiving), mentions of sexism/misogyny (NOT APPLIED TO DRIVERS), consensual degradation, squirting, praise kink, i did not proofread this (the race just finished two hours ago duh)
note: i have returned with a short blurb eheh enjoy xx
a - n masterlist // o - z masterlist
if you’d like to get on one of my taglists, check this post out
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there was something vile about the way celebrations occurred for the ferrari drivers.
ferrari 1-2’s are rare, sure, so this called for celebration— a massive one even.
so if anyone ever saw how carlos and charles celebrated with their sweet girl, anyone would consider this… morbid.
for some, it was filthy. sinful, even. 
but having walked into carlos sainz’s hotel room after the two scarlet drivers called it an ‘early night’, lando’s eyes couldn’t find themselves to look away when he found the woman sandwiched between the two. 
both carlos and charles were spearing through her holes and carrying her like she weighed nothing, both foreheads were sweaty after fucking her the moment they’ve stepped inside the suite. 
she couldn’t even find herself to talk, her body too busy being manipulated and moved around while both her holes were stuffed with their cocks. 
any man could call her a whore for having not only one, but two men fuck her at once. any man could degrade her for allowing men to do this to her body while she writhed and whined about how good she felt when they stuffed her.
so, it was too bad that lando wasn’t just any man. he couldn’t even stop himself from watching unless someone killed him themselves.
the british man’s mouth was practically salivating when carlos lifted her up and sunk her down their cocks, watching her cunt produce liquids that indicated her pleasure. 
lando was so busy gawking at the way her cunt throbbed around charles’ cock that he couldn’t feel anything but his own cock painfully throbbing under his trousers.
he was too busy watching that he didn’t notice the way charles and carlos glanced at him with amused smirks. 
it was only when charles spoke up did he snap out of his thoughts. 
“which one?” charles asked with a teasing smirk at the british man, making lando shake his thoughts away.
when he saw how lando got confused, charles repeated, “she expressed her interest in inviting you before but not once did we see how… interested you were.”
“now you’re here,” carlos laid her down on the king sized bed gently. “so which one?” 
“i- uh- i-“ lando stammered, his buzzed self no longer there as every rational thoughts he had were long gone. 
“hm,” charles hummed before looking at carlos who stood as well. “do you think she can handle another one?”
“yeah,” the three men looked at the woman on the bed, watching her hazy eyes glossing over the three as her mouth let out, “i want more cock in me…”
“atta girl,” lando’s eyes darkened when he saw how frail, sexy, hot and beautiful the naked woman was. he never truly saw her in a new light until lando saw how fucked out she looked.
so much for a podium celebration with the ferrari men.
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anyone with two eyes could tell that this was a sight to behold: her cunt sinking down on carlos’ cock, her back hole preoccupied by charles, and her mouth full of lando. 
it could be considered a renaissance painting, for she was a masterpiece waiting to be coated full of the three men who can paint her in any way they wanted her to be. 
“oh fuck, baby,” lando groaned, growling as the tip of his cock reached the back of her throat. her muffled moans only added to his pleasure as her mouth vibrated around his length. 
“mmf-“ she hummed around lando’s cock. her eyes glimmered. was it in joy or simply in overwhelming pleasure? both things correlate to one another. 
charles thrusted inside her roughly, his hands digging to her hips. he growled lowly and nipped in her ear with a murmur of, “merde, your hole is too fucking snug, bebe. you’re so fucking good for me.”
“you like that, sì?” carlos reached up to pinch her nipples, eventually slapping her tits as she yelped around lando’s length. “hm? you like it when you have three cocks inside of you? you love being a good slut for us?” 
when she was expected to give an answer, lando grabbed her hair and pulled her away from his cock. his other hand continued to stroke himself while he murmured, “c’mon baby, he wants an answer.” 
she tried to utter a word, but it was only the light slap of lando’s palm that had her uttering, “yes- yes. i love your cocks so much.” 
“good girl,” lando’s cock slapped against her cheek before he slid it back in her mouth, now fucking her face as the ferrari drivers behind and under her picked up their paces. 
“fuck- fuck, good fucking girl,” lando praised her repeatedly, hearing her choke on him quietly as she tried to get a hold of herself. 
she couldn’t. she was so… overwhelmed.
“i’m gonna fucking cum, merde,” charles hissed behind her, not even minding that his cock had gone deep inside her as he let out a groan. 
“i can feel you— oh… fuck,” carlos groaned. “you are so fucking good and tight for me, bonita… you gonna cum, huh?”
she couldn’t respond, thus earning chuckles from the three men. regardless of whether or not she could, she was beginning to feel herself cum again. and again. and again.
never mind getting a podium or a race win, because the three men knew that she was the only one who deserved the victory and the celebration that occurred between the four of them. 
it might be morbid for most, but god… no amount of champagne sprays can top the celebration she was having with the australian grand prix’s podium finishers. 
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @enhacolor @roseandtulips @woweewoowa @magnummagnussen @happy-nico @architect-2015 @hiireadstuff @biancathecool @scorpiomindfuck @stinkyjax
♡   moony’s reminder 🅴 (explicit edition): @glitterf1 @savrose129 @maxillness @bigsimperika @xoscar03
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 month
i heard someone was in need of poly requests and i was summoned. anyway, this idea has been stuck in my head for days so i'll gift it to u😘
basically its pre-established polyship with lestappen and each of u are CONVINCED that the other two are dating (angst and pining ensues) sisksnsiekmwhswej but do with this what u will
oki bye bye love u nat🫶🫶
A/N: I don't normally write misunderstood trope, but honestly I'm loving this but I'm going to take a little spin on Max and Reader dating and flirt and tease Charles all the time, couple times you teased, and the one time he took you up on your offer
"You have a very small waist," Max comments one day, Charles jumping out of his skin, Max's voice brushing his ear, which has Charles stumbling forward and blushing. "I'm sorry what?" Max smirks, leaning over the railing as you giggle from your seat.
"You're waist, it's so small and perfect, really tiny when my hands are on it." Max lips turn upwards and Charles forgets how to breath as he'd get strike down with lighting with the image that just popped into his head. "Oh, I um....oh," Is all Charles can say in return which has you giggling. He can't help but let his eyes trail down noticing the small red between your legs and his eyes immediately snap back up to yours.
"I have to go!" He blurts and rushes off leaving you and Max, as you two watch him like he was prey.
"Charles?" Your voice floats to him with so much ease he hates that you could whisper in a club and still know where you are. "Yes, chaton?" He quickly turns to you, forgetting his drink at the bar as you two stood in some fancy party. "Max left, I was wondering, would you be okay with driving me home?" You ask, fingers trailing up his arm which has him shivering.
"Why did Max leave?" He blurts, mind rushing so fast as he tries not to go weak in the knees from your perfume. "I don't know," You shrug your shoulders and lean into Charles, your breasts being pushed against him, he has to look away quickly to stop himself from getting hard. "Look, can you give me a ride home or not? Because he has to fly out soon, and I can't get out of this dress myself." Charles groans in the back of his throat and bites his bottom lip.
"Oh saint doux putain." He groans as he feels your hips push more into his. "Fuck, sorry I can't." He moves and bolts away, choosing to ignore the way Max was standing at the exit and watched as Charles ran.
"Cold!" Charles yells, as Max screams and sprays the champagne all of Charles. This was the only time Max wasn't angry about being second, seeing Charles squirm and be sprayed with champagne was a glorious thing. "Oh fuck off, you love being sprayed in the face, don't you?" Max whispers in Charles's ear which has the Monegasque groaning, picturing himself on his knees and between Max's legs.
"You're right, I do. But only for you," Charles whispers, which has Max stumbling as they take the picture and Charles chuckles and gives a pat to Max on his ass. "See you later, nice race." Charles winks and walks off leaving Max reeling and a very noticeable bulge in his race suits.
The fans go wild.
He couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't hold himself together anymore and he was going crazy. You "accidentally" sent him a picture of you riding Max and he knew exactly where you two were.
Storming up to the hotel room door he knocks loudly, breathing hard, only in his boxers and t-shirt as he was woken from sleep. "Charles?" You're shocked to see him there, but he doesn't care and tugs you into his arms and kisses you hard. A clash of teeth, tongue, and moaning.
Shoving you into the room he kicks the door and picks you up dropping you on the bed. Max smirking as Charles tugs off his shirt, glaring at the two of you. "This is what's going to happen, I'm going to fuck you hard and deep that just looking at me your pussy can still feel me inside you. And you," Charles glares which has Max smirking, all in his naked glory.
"You're going to let my suck your cock and then fuck me because I can't handle this. And then in the morning I'm taking you both to breakfast and then we're done with this little dance, deal?" He asks and you whimper seeing him this way.
"Deal," You both say.
You got a really big noise complaint about your room.
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changetyre · 4 months
Can you feed me a fic?
Reader being Landos/Oscars gf and she wears something w big boobage so the boobs are unmissable and the bf eyes just don’t leave her cleavage for a damn time and he gently touches them and goes oink oink
Or he gets turned on and they have a spicy time in his drivers room
Or both
Stay hydrated love
One each II LN4 x Reader x OP81 ⓈⒽ
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SUMMARY: Your boyfriends were so different to each other but when it came to you they were both a menace.
WARNINGS: Suggestive content...18+? First non smut fic here wow!
A/N: I know the request said one or the other but why limit ourselves like that you know I'm a sucker for poly fics anyways ;) This is short but open to making a part 2 if requested 👀
"You're going to dinner in that?" Oscar asked utter shock audible in his voice as he stared unashamedly at your chest.
"Well yeah, I-" You were about to explain when your other boyfriend walked out of the bathroom.
"WOAH!" His eyes opened wide, a smile forming on his face as he stared right at your boobs.
You'd bought yourself what you thought was a nice fancy dress for the end-of-year McLaren dinner they were going to with your boys, yes it was a little more revealing than usual but you didn't expect the boys to be this shocked about it.
"Come to Daddy." Lando giggled as he approached you with his pointer finger before poking one boob and then the other. "oink oink." He poked each one as he said so.
Lando giggled while Oscar simply rolled his eyes at his man's antics unable to hold back the smile. Oscar was often more serious and reserved while Lando was as immature as they came often saying the first thing that came to mind something that frequently got him in trouble.
"Why are you showing everyone our babies?" Oscar asked this time as he cupped your breasts on each side squeezing them together creating even more cleavage between the slit of your dress.
You weren't even surprised with the boys touching you so much often having a hard time with keeping their hands to themselves but you still found their behavior right now hilarious.
"It's a dinner dress you muppets. Now be sensible and keep your hands off...and eyes up here." You stepped back causing Oscar's hands to fall at his sides yet you still saw how both their eyes kept staring straight at your boobs.
"BOYS!" You clapped in front of their faces making them snap out of their trance.
"aww, but baby." Lando pouted at the fact that you wouldn't let him stare.
"Right, I'm gonna change." You sighed defeated as you noticed even Oscar was having a hard time not staring and he was normally the one with a little more self-control.
"NO!" They both shouted at the same time, Oscar grabbing your hand to stop you.
"No, don't...we'll behave." Oscar tried to remain serious but you saw the little smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
"Can we at least give you a kiss? One each?" Lando asked, a smirk visible in his face which you knew meant he was up to something.
"Yeah..." You replied unsure of what he had planned.
"Kay." He chirped happily leaning forward, you puckered your lips ready for the kiss but jumped slightly when you felt his lips against your left boob and then your right.
"Lando!" you yelled when you felt his teeth on your right boob.
"My turn." Oscar leaned down kissing your right boob and then your left as you also felt his teeth on your left boob this time.
"BOYS!" You pushed Oscar back quickly running to the bathroom to see the quickly forming mark on each of your boobs.
"What is your problem?" You called out to them coming back out to see them both proudly smirking at each other.
"C, mon let's go to dinner we don't wanna be late." Oscar reached his hand out to you.
"I can't go to dinner with a hickie on each boob!" You huffed annoyed.
"Sure you can." Lando shrugged.
"We have to make sure everyone knows what's ours," Oscar replied.
You felt tingles run through your body in between your legs as Oscar said so, suddenly finding yourself speechless.
"C, mon darling." Oscar walked to you placing his hand around your waist before he pulled you to him giving you a quick yet passionate kiss, feeling as his tongue traced your lips before pulling away.
You didn't even have time to catch your breath before you were pulled to your other side where Lando did the same kissing you as if he was trying to collect the spit Oscar had just left on your lips.
"mhm." You moaned/whined as you felt Lando pulling away.
Your lips were glistening with the spit of both your boys as you stood breathless between them.
"Off we go then." Lando took your other hand while Oscar still held your other as they walked you out, their plan of getting you hot and bothered off to a great start.
Part 2
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maplesyrupsainz · 12 days
˖⁺。˚⋆˙third wheel | CL16˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: charles leclerc x actress!reader y/n (she/her) x alexandra saint mleux
genre: social media au, polyamorous relationship
warnings: polyamory
summary: in which you and your girlfriend have to keep yourselves entertained whilst your boyfriend is busy with work
a/n: ig alex's insta isnt on priv jus for the sake of the story tehe
request!!!: I really don't have any plot ideas other than the fact that I want to see more Alexandra content, why is everyone acting like she’s not dead gorgeous? Anyway, maybe a smau with Charles x actress!reader x Alex??? Idk 🤷🏼‍♀️
my masterlist
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instagram ->
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liked by user18, user33, user2 and 74,927 others
f1wagupdates alexandra saint mleux and y/n y/l/n spotted out together in monaco tonight – charles leclerc not spotted with them like he usually is!
view all 5,164 comments
user1 y/n third wheeling much
user2 she's literally in a throuple with them fym
user1 it's never been confirmed stop with the crazy conspiracies
user3 yea she just hangs out with them 24/7, platonically though 🙄
user4 ppl who still don't believe they're in a throuple are just homophobic at this point
user5 they're so cute together
user6 i love alex & y/n more than alex & charles 😝
user7 they r both so elegant <33
yourusername posted a story
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liked by charles_leclerc, sydney_sweeney, and 285,766 others
user8 fav girls
charles_leclerc 😻😻
liked by yourusername
user9 alex is so elegant
user10 wish i was u y/n
alexandrasaintmleux posted a story
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liked by charles_leclerc, lilymhe, and 88,624 others
charles_leclerc Wow
alexandrasaintmleux that's what i said
user11 i love her
user12 her outfits always slay
user13 coolest girl on the planet
messages ->
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instagram ->
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liked by charles_leclerc, alexandrasaintmleux, and 883,636 others
yourusername what no plans with my girl looks like
tagged: alexandrasaintmleux
sydney_sweeney miss you y/n <3
yourusername 🥺 me too i'll see u nxt time im in LA
sydney_sweeney PLEASE
alexandrasaintmleux love you 🫶🫶
yourusername love you love you love you
charles_leclerc so so so gorgeous
yourusername real, she is
alexandrasaintmleux no, her!
user15 and you expect me to believe they're not in a throuple
user16 invite me next time 🙄
user17 me when
yourusername posted a story
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liked by yoursister, landonorris, and 163,273 others
charles_leclerc stop it!!!
yourusername stop what 🥺
charles_leclerc hanging out without me.......
yourusername miss you too charlie
charles_leclerc one more week
yourusername we're counting down 🫶
user18 alexandra again??
user19 so cute luv when u have breaks between filming
landonorris posted a story
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liked by carlossainz55, alexandrasaintmleux, and 188,743 others
user20 omg y/n??? she must be a wag
charles_leclerc NOT YOU TOO???
landonorris keeping them safe!
charles_leclerc THEM?? you're with alex too 😔
landonorris 😇
user21 omg cute?!?!!
user22 fourple now🤓🤓🤓
twitter ->
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instagram ->
yourusername posted stories
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 189,636 others
charles_leclerc i miss you have a good day
yourusername tysm sweetest❤️
alexandrasaintmleux posted a story
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 124,064 others
charles_leclerc stop torturing me!
alexandrasaintmleux dont be such a baby
lilymhe posted a story
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes, and 101,736 others
charles_leclerc omg 😍
liked by lilymhe
user29 this is giving.....more throuple proof
messages ->
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instagram ->
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liked by francisca.cgomes, yourusername, and 264,193 others
alexandrasaintmleux 💋
tagged: charles_leclerc, yourusername
view all 6,273 comments
yourusername prettiest girl in the world
charles_leclerc i second that
alexandrasaintmleux 🤭🤭🤭
user30 everything about this is screaming throuple confirmation
user31 the way alex is looking at y/n 🥹
user32 RIGHT??! i thought it was just me
user33 i didn't know charles was back alr
pierregasly did you kidnap charles
alexandrasaintmleux no he'd just rather be with us than with you
user34 US??!!!!
user35 the three drinks ...
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liked by charles_leclerc, alexandrasaintmleux, and 1,732,047 others
yourusername ☀️
tagged: charles_leclerc, alexandrasaintmleux
view all 33,917 comments
user36 HELLOOOO????
user37 i just screamed my head off at the last slide
user38 the pic of y/n and alex omg my heartttt
user39 KNEW IT
user40 throuple deniers rn: 🙁
user41 the thirst trap pic and then the big reveal
charles_leclerc wow you two are so insanely gorgeous
alexandrasaintmleux she is, isn't she? :)
yourusername alex ur literally a model
alexandrasaintmleux fight me!!
charles_leclerc NO! we only love here
alexandrasaintmleux sorry. i love you my sweetie pies
yourusername i love u i love u both always
charles_leclerc i love my girls 🥰
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minkyungseokie · 23 days
Three’s A Crowd II | Pierre Gasly + Kika Gomes
synopsis; pierre and kika are still trying to get the oblivious and feeling denying y/n to realize just how in love they are with her, but y/n refuses to believe it
warnings; poly, gxg, throuple, homophobia, internalized homophobia, hateful family,
mentions of weaponizing religion, questioning someone’s faith, verbal and physical abuse, and disowning a minor
This is not meant to offend anyone. This is singing both me and a couple I know have experienced.
note; not requested
note2; bruh, I had so much trouble writing this and getting it out. I had so many ideas, but no way of excecuting any of it.
Sorry if this isn’t good enough. I tried to put this off until i could come up with something, but I didn’t want to leave ya hanging
Let's ignore the one in light mode. Also, I know people have lives, but the slug like rate F1 fics are being posted concerns me lol.
Autosports Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Pierre Masterlist
I do not give anyone permission to change, copy, or put my work on any other platform. It will only be on top, so if you see it, please report it. Or let me know.
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Y/n sighed. She had woken up due to the sensation of needing to go to the bathroom and the room being way too hot, only to find Pierre and Kika wrapped around her as if she were a tree and they were sloths. Well, more like Kika was holding onto her as if she was a sloth and Y/n was a tree, with her arms wrapped around Y/n's neck loosely and her leg thrown over her hips. Pierre was also clinging onto her, but he somehow ended up on top of her, which was why she was in her current predicament.
She desperately needed to pee, but she didn't want to wake them up. She needed the time before they woke up to fully think about how she felt.
She wanted to confess to the couple every minute she spent with them. Her heart told her to confess and finally get the love she had been yearning for, but her head told her no. Her head told her that she was disgusting for liking two people at once, her head told her that she is a homewrecker for liking both of them and possibly breaking them up,, her head told her to protect her heart from rejection and keep the friendship rather than sacrifice it for her selfish feelings.
She had so much going on inside her head that she needed to leave the room right them or else she'd break down and she would rather not have to explain why she's having a random breakdown in the bed.
Y/n managed to get Pierre off of her and wrapped around Kika instead before jumping out of bed and hightailing it to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet and wrapped her arms around herself. She couldn't get into a relationship even if she was willing to ruin her friendship. Despite her saying that she was confident and secure in her sexuality, she really wasn't.
Being raised in a highly homophobic environment where she was taught to be a submissive house wife and her brother was raised in the mindset of a toxic "alpha" male. Y/n may have been kicked out because she didn't take in the teachings her parents tried to force into her mind, but she was still raised in a household where being different was disgusting for twenty years of her life.
It was a hard mindset to get rid of without the correct help and, to be quite honest, she never talked to anyone about it other than Pascale Leclerc, who wanted to put Y/n into therapy. If Y/n didn't basically have a panic attack when the therapist tried to pry too far, too fast, things probably would've been different.
Y/n tried to swallow the lump in her throat and keep the tears from exiting her tear ducts. Y/n began to sniffles and furiously wipe her eyes as the tears fell down her face.
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Kika stretched as Pierre got out of the bed and put on a shirt, "Where's Y/n?" Kika asked, scratching her head. "Not sure. She was gone when I woke up. Maybe the bathroom since the door is closed." Pierre shrugged, leaning over to kiss the model. Kika stood up and walked up to the bathroom door, "Hey, Minha linda. Are you okay in there?" Kika spoke, knocking on the thick wooden door.
Y/n didn't answer.
"Minha linda?" Kika called out, pressing her ear to the door to see if she could hear any movement or the shower. Kika's heart lurched when she heard labored breathing rather than the sound of water running, "Y/n?! Are you okay? Can I come in, please?" Kika asked worriedly, putting a hand on the doorknob.
Pierre looked over at the sound of his girlfriend's panicked voice. The French man dropped what was in his hand and marched over to his girlfriend's side, "What's wrong, mon cœur?" Pierre questioned worriedly. "I think something's wrong with Y/n. She seems to be in distress." Kika answered, turning back to the door and trying the doorknob.
It was locked just as she thought.
"Y/n? Please let us in. We just want to make sure that you're okay." Pierre spoke up, knocking on the door gently, but there was no answer. Kika put her ear to the door to see if she could hear more, only to hear hyperventilating, "She's hyperventilating. We have to get in there." Kika said, "There's a key right here just in case." Pierre explained, reaching up to grab a key off the doorframe. Kika snatched the key and fumbled trying to put it in the keyhole, "Stop, stop, stop. Kika, look at me. I need you to take a deep breath and calm down. Panicking will not help our Y/n." Pierre soothed.
Kika nodded, taking a few deep breaths. In, out, in, out.
Now calmed, Kika inserted the key into the keyhole and unlocked the door. Pierre grabbed the doorknob and swung the door open, "Oh, shit. She's having a panic attack." Pierre cursed. "I'm going to touch you, is that alright?" Pierre asked, hands hovering over Y/n's body, waiting until he got permission before sitting on the floor and pulling Y/n into his lap with Kika sitting right next to them looking up what to do when one is having a panic attack, "Okay, first step is to remain calm and ask them if they need anything." Kika instructed.
"Do you need anything, mon cœur?" Pierre muttered, holding Y/n to his chest. Y/n shook her head, but her panic attack ensued, "Can you raise up a hand for me?" Kika asked, hovering a hand over Y/n's back. Y/n shakily held up a hand and kept it there until Kika told her to put it back down. Kika had the girl repeat the action until her breathing calmed only a bit.
Pierre took Y/n's head and gently put it on his chest, "Can you hear me breathing?" Pierre inquired, earning a nod from Y/n. "Good, now I need you to try a breathe with me. Just try to copy my breathing." Pierre suggested. Pierre took Y/n's hand, Kika took the other one, and placed it on his chest.
Pierre began to take deep breaths until Y/n began to try and copy, "I'm proud of you. Good job." Kika praised, stroking Y/n's curls, "That's it, my girl. Concentrate on your breathing. Stay in the present." Pierre said. "You can get through this." Kika encouraged, placing a kiss on Y/n's forehead.
The couple continued to praise and say words of affirmation until she stopped hyperventilating, but she was still breathing hard and shaking, "Hey, gorgeous. Can you look at me?" Kika asked, placing her hands on Y/n's thighs, gently stroking them as a form of comfort. Y/n turned and looked Kika in the eyes, "That's my girl. Can you name three objects you see for me, hm?" Kika queried.
Y/n's eyes darted around frantically, "Hey, don't stress yourself out. It's okay. You don't need to search. Just name me the first three things you see." Kika gently ordered.
Y/n nodded and took a shaky breath, "Bru-brush, um, r-ring, and...and, um, shoes." Y/n stuttered, looking around.
"Good girl." Pierre praised, stroking Y/n's arm comfortingly, "That's perfect. You're doing amazing. Now, can you name me the things you can hear?" Kika asked. "Yo-you, the wind, a-and Pierre's breathing." Y/n let out a sigh, "Great, not move three body parts." Kika said. Y/n wiggles her toes, then her fingers, and then her ankle. "That's it. You did perfect, chérie." Pierre praised, "You did so amazing. I'm so proud of you." Kika joined the praising.
Y/n took a couple of more breaths and stood up, "Thank you. For helping." Y/n thanked in a dull voice. "Do you want to tell us what caused your panic attack?" Pierre asked, "It's just...I..." Y/n hesitated, Kika reached over and put a hand on Y/n's thigh again, "It's okay. You don't have to tell us if you aren't ready." Kika spoke, "We're here if you want to though." Pierre added.
"I just started thinking about...someone I really like and I began thinking about my family. They weren't the...they didn't like... they were homophobic and when I thought about them. I thought I was confident in my preferences, but I realized just how much my parents teachings affected me." Y/n explained, "Internalized homophobia, I guess."
Pierre and Kika shared a look, "You're...your parents didn't accept the fact that you liked more than men?" Kika asked, "Yeah, they said that the Bible is against same sex love. Just like all the other Christians who hate the LGBTQ, they use the Bible to "prove" their views. I asked my mother, who caught me kissing my best friend, where in the Bible did it say that loving someone of the same sex and she slapped me." Y/n chuckled.
As Y/n talked, she slid down until her head was in Pierre's lap and her bottom was in Kika's. Kika played with Y/n's shirt while Pierre ran his hand through her hair the best he could but since it was curly, he had to settle for scratching her head. "And then what happened?" Kika asked, urging Y/n to continue, "She allowed me to stay for a bit longer, in the house, but there was constant verbal and physical abuse." Y/n swallowed.
"She thought that if they treated me the way others in the world would treat me, it'd convert me. They tried sending me to conversion therapy, but we got into a fight and I got kicked out. Luckily, the Leclerc's took me in and raised me to be the way I am now. I owe them my life. They're the only family I have now and they've tried to help me, but I refused therapy. I thought I had the right mindset, but now I realize that...I'm not as tough as i thought and the family's tracings did, in fact, get to me." Y/n sighed before realizing she was ranting about problems that they weren't apart of.
Y/n didn't realize just how comfortable she felt around them until she was spilling her past to them. “I just realized I’m trauma dumping to you. I’m sorry, you probably don’t want to hear this.” Y/n started to sit up, but Pierre pulled her back down while Kika gently pushed her down. “Mon cœur, if we didn’t want to hear, we wouldn’t have asked. We care about you. We…we love you and we want to hear things about you.” Pierre said, “The good or the bad. We want to know whatever it is you want to tell us.” Kika added.
Y/n looked into Pierre’s ocean blue eyes before locking eyes with Kika. The couple stared at Y/n expectantly, “What?” Y/n asked, eyes darting between the two. Pierre groaned and Kika sighed, Pierre thought she would get what they meant when he said it, but maybe saying it constantly as friends didn’t help.
They would have to find a way to confess that couldn’t be confused as a friendly gesture.
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After getting dressed for the day, the three set off to walk around town. They were planning on showing Y/n around Italy by taking her to their favorite spots. Making sure her hands never left theirs or a hand was on her body at all times, they showed her all their favorite places before stopping at a cafe for lunch.
“Ah, this place is so cool,” Y/n said, swinging their connected hands back and forth, “Yeah? Do you think you can make it home? I know you’ve been thinking about moving to Italy or are you staying in Monaco?” Kika questioned. “Maybe. I mean, my family’s in Monaco, but you and Pierre are in Italy. So far, I think that I’m team Italy.” Y/n said absentmindedly.
Kika and Pierre shared an excited look. “Tonight. We tell her tonight.” Pierre mouthed to Kika, who agreed. They’d be confessing their love to Y/n tonight during dinner.
Y/n sat on the beach while Kika and Pierre played in the water. She smiled and took some pictures for Instagram and Twitter later, knowing that Pierre would want some for the photo dump he posted sometimes before the next GP. The girl scrolled through Instagram, just looking at whatever her friends posted and looking at reels until she noticed one with her name in it.
Twitter/X when Y/n, Pierre, and Kika look so cute together, but they can't see it.
With the caption reading, 'I don't understand how they can be so obvious and oblivious at the same time.'
Y/n scrambled onto Twitter to find that she indeed was trending alongside Kika and Pierre. Pressing onto the hashtag with her name on it, she read the posts to see what people were saying
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Y/n lowered her phone and stared ahead with wide eyes. Had she actually been missing the signs that Pierre and Kika had been throwing her? They were normally super close. Always touching and being super close, so it was hard for her to tell they wanted to be more than friends.
Y/n looked up at the blue sky, trying to think of anything that could've been seen as a hint as that they wanted to be more than friends with Y/n. Nothing came to mind until she started cycling through the things that they usually do with her throughout the years.
The kissing.
Y/n had never had that type of interaction between any of them before this year. She didn’t know when it started, but she knew it just happened one day and she never questioned it. Her forehead, her temple, her nose, her cheeks, her hands, and the top of her head. Now that she thought about it, there were times where they were close to kissing her lips and she just someone hadn’t noticed.
“What’s got you so concentrated?” Pierre’s voice spoke from behind her as he sat down so that she was between his legs, “Yeah, what’s got your attention like that?” Kika questioned, sitting in between Y/n’s legs.
“Ah, it’s nothing. I was just…thinking about stuff.” Y/n waved off their concern, wrapping her arms around the slightly older model while leaning against Pierre. “Are you sure? You looked deep in thought when we came up. We even called you, but you didn’t answer.” Kika said, “Everything is fine. Again, I was just thinking about something. Do you think we can get some gelato?” Y/n asked, quickly changing the subject.
Kika sat up excitedly, “Ooo, gelato sounds perfect. It’s a good idea. Let’s go!” Kika grabbed Y/n’s hand and ran to the nearest gelato shop, “Wait, Ki. What about Pierre?” Y/n asked, looking at the man who was still sitting on the beach with a confused look on his face. “We’ll get him some too. I just wanted to spend some time alone with you, even if it’s just a couple of minutes.” Kika flirted, batting her pretty little lashes at Y/n.
Y/n practically melted in her flip flops.
Now that she has been made aware that the two openly flirt with her, she was going to try and see it. She could now see that Kika tended to use her large brown eyes to her advantage and it always worked on her unknowingly.
“You’re adorable.” Y/n muttered, pinching Kika’s cheeks causing the girl to groan and slap her hands away, “Stop! You’re acting like my grandmother.” Kika whined. The girls walked up to the counter and ordered their gelatos with Pierre getting bacio, Kika getting stracciatella, and Y/n getting lampone.
“Pierre, we’ve got you gelato!” Y/n sung, playfully swaying hips in a weird dance as the two girls approached the man. “What did you get me?” Pierre asked, grabbing the gelato from Y/n’s hands, “Bacio.” Kika answered, “Mmm, lampone is so good. Do you two want to try?” Y/n asked, holding out a spoonful of her gelato out for Pierre.
Pierre stared into her eyes as he took the spoon in his mouth and licked his lips once she took the spoon back, “Cheeky.” Y/n whispered, turning to feed Kika some of it as well.
Y/n decided that if they were really into her, she’d openly flirt with them and let them make the first move. She wasn’t going to take the word of people online and possibly break up their perfect friendship or the couple’s relationship. If anything were to happen, she’d have to let them to do it to make sure that she doesn’t cross any boundaries and make them uncomfortable. “That real is good. Do you want some of mine?” Pierre asked. The trio kept feeding each other spoonful of gelato and making jokes.
Y/n began to feel uncomfortable with how bright the sun was. She reached into her bag and pulled it sunscreen, “We need to put this on. Tans are amazing, but possible skin cancer is not.” Y/n waved the bottle around. Y/n opened the bottle only to have it snatched out of her hand, “Hey!” Y/n gasped, looking at Pierre, “I’ll help you put it on.” Pierre offered. “I’d this and excuse to touch my ass?” Y/n teased, looking at Pierre through narrowed lids, “Who knows?” Pierre shrugged, smiling at the curly-haired girl.
Y/n lifted her hair up so that Pierre could get her neck, “Kika, sit in front of me. I’ll get you covered if you need sunscreen.” Y/n offered, pulling out another bottle of sunscreen. “Yes, please.” Kika crawled in between Y/n’s legs, putting her hair into a bun so none of the sunscreen got into it.
Y/n sat up so that she was on her knees with her legs in an “L” shape. Y/n opened the sunscreen bottle and began applying it to Kika when she felt Pierre’s hands brushing sand off her ass and then sunscreen being applied to her butt and thighs, “I feel like you’re having too much fun touching my ass, Mr. Gasly.” Y/n hummed, “Maybe I am.” Pierre played along, “You hear this, Kiki? We might have to run away together and leave Pierre behind.” Y/n joked as the model laid on her stomach to give Y/n better access to her body.
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Y/n sighed, looking through her Instagram feed with a bored expression on her face. Kika and Pierre had gone out to do lord knows what while she stayed in the villa. Y/n groaned, throwing her phone on the bed. Maybe they were were on a date together and that's why they were taking so long to come back.
Y/n got off the bed and grabbed a towel, going to take a shower while waiting for the couple to come back from doing whatever it was that they were doing. Stepping out of the shower and wrapping the towel around her body, Y/n walked out into the bedroom and grabbed her lotion, deodorant, and stuff for her hair. Just as she was about to remove the towel, the door to the bedroom opened up.
“Merde, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were getting dressed.” Pierre cursed, turning so he wasn’t looking at her body anymore, “Shit, you scared me. You’re lucky that i didn’t take off my towel.” Y/n scolded. “Sorry!” Pierre apologized, but he didn’t make the move to leave the room. “Pierre, what’s taking so long?” Kika asked, pushing past him to see Y/n in nothing but a towel.
Kika pulled an outfit out of a bag and tossed it on the bed, “Here put that on and come out when you’re done.” Kika ordered, pulling Pierre out of the doorway and shut the door behind her. Y/n moisturized her body and held up the outfit that was tossed to her. She recognized that this was an outfit that she had bought when she and Kika went shopping together before the trip.
(If you don’t like the outfit, feel free to imagine your own. Just needs to be black)
She didn’t realize she had packed it.
Y/n put on a pair of boots, put her hair in twin buns, and (put on makeup or not. Your choice) walked out of the room to see that Kika and Pierre are also dolled up. Kika in a black mini dress and heels, and Pierre wearing black pants with thin white lines that crossed to male squares and a black button down.
“You guys look good!” Y/n spoke up, grabbing their attention. Pierre and Kika’s eyes scanned her body like they were staring and analyzing a piece of art, “You look amazing, minha vida.” Kika complimented, “So do you! My gosh, your legs are gorgeous.” Y/n said. Kika’s cheeks turned pink, “Oh, thank you. Pierre, didn’t she look good?” Kika asked, turning to Pierre, who was still staring at Y/n, but with an unreadable expression on his face.
“Pierre? Please stop staring.” Y/n said, looking away nervously, “Pierre.” Kika hissed, nudging her boyfriend. Pierre snapped back to attention and gave Y/n and wrapped an arm around Kika’s waist, “You look nice, chérie.” Pierre said, holding out his arm for Y/n to take.
Y/n looked at his arm and reluctantly took it. Even if the people on Twitter were right, Y/n still felt like she was home wrecking their relationship, which is why she decided to let them take control and comes if they really did like her. Y/n cleared her throat, “So, uh, where are we going?” Y/n asked as Pierre led the two of them to his car, opening the door and pushing the seat forward so Y/n could get into the back. “Out.” Pierre amswered cheekily, “But out where?” Y/n questioned as she put on her seatbelt, “We’re just going out for dinner. It’s the last day of our break together before Suzuka.” Kika explained.
Y/n nodded and looked out the window of the car. The only people who were talking were Kika and Pierre, who were mumbling low so she couldn’t hear what they were saying. Y/n was getting annoyed. After rubbing sunscreen on each others bodies, she thought they’d be more open and flirtatious with her, but it seemed like they were just pulling away more.
Maybe the people online were wrong. Maybe they were just seeing things and upon seeing something that wasn’t actually there, they convinced Y/n that the couple had wanted her the way she wanted them. Y/n sighed and looked down at her hands, maybe she was just being…what do the fans call it? Delulu?
Maybe she was being delulu when it came to her relationship with Kika and Pierre. She had an entire panic attack over being in love with another woman and possibly breaking up a relationship and it turns out it might’ve been justified. The woman’s mood soured right then and there. She didn’t want to go out anymore, but remained quiet because it wasn’t their fault she deluded herself into thinking that they’d love her the way she loved them.
“Y/n? We’re here.” Kika spoke, poking her with her mini Kelly, “Oh? Yeah, I’m coming.” Y/n said, trying not to let the emotion she was feeling bored into her voice. Y/n exited the car, ignoring the hand Pierre was offering to her and walked in the restaurant ahead of the couple, “Does she seem upset to you?” Kika asked, “Yeah, I don’t know. Are you sure we should do this tonight?” Pierre inquired. “We should. It might improve her mood.” Kika said.
It was well into the night and meals were halfway eaten by the time the two were ready to confess. Y/n was just ready to go home because she was tired and didn’t want to continue third wheeling. At the same time, she had no right to be upset when she was the one who deluded herself into thinking they genuinely were interested. Kika wiped her mouth with the cloth napkin before putting it down, "Y/n, there's something we have to--"
"Excuse me."
A new voice interrupted Kika's sentence causing all eyes to turn to the person who interrupted the said woman. It was a gorgeous man with red and black dyed hair, "Hello, can I help you?" Y/n asked politely, "I apologize if this straightforward, but I just thought you were beautiful and wanted to ask if you wanted to come hang out with me." The guy said. Y/n wasn't really interested in him the way he was with her, but she was kind of upset and tired of being the third wheel on this outing, so she didn't see why she couldn't get to know someone new.
The man held out a hand for her to take if she was interested. Y/n looked at the hand and put her hand into his, "Do you guys mind if I go with him? You can make this a date or something." Y/n said, standing up. "It is a date so you can't leave!" Kika blurted, "What do you mean by that, Kika?" Y/n asked, putting her hands on her hips.
"Y/n, we just wanted to spend time with you before we all had to go back to our respective jobs. We don't want you blowing us off for some random ass-- person you just met." Pierre spoke, "Then it should be alright if he sits with us, right? And what were you going to say before you changed the word to person? " Y/n questioned. She wasn't trying to be difficult or break up the time they were spending together, but instead trying to take her mind off of the couple and maybe fall in love with someone available.
"Nothing. He was going to say nothing. Y/n, please sit down and let him go. We are just trying to have a nice evening with you." Kika said, "Kika, I understand that and I'm sorry for trying to invite some random dude out of the blue, but I was tired of being the third-wheel. I want to have someone to talk to while you're being all lovey dovey with each other." Y/n sighed, turning to the guy. "I'm sorry, but can we rain check?" Y/n asked
The man pulled a pen out of his pocket and grabbed a paper napkin nearby, bending down and using the table to write something on the napkin, "Don't worry about it. Finish hanging out with your friends and call me whenever. The name's Milo by the way." The guy said, gently placing the paper into her hands.
"It was lovely meeting you." Y/n said, waving as he left. Once Milo was gone, Y/n turned to the couple with a scowl before taking a deep breathe and sitting down. "Listen, Y/n. We didn't mean to ruin your chances at possibly meeting someone you could have a future connection with, but--" "It's fine. It's whatever. I was... never mind. I'm sorry. I'm just not feeling it tonight." Y/n sighed again.
"And that's fine. We are sorry as well. Right, Pierre?" Kika asked, turning to her boyfriend, "No." Pierre answered causing both girl's heads to shoot up, "What?" Kika gasped, "What do you mean by "no"?" Y/n asked. "I meant no. Listen, I'm sorry you feel like the third wheel and I'm sorry you felt like we weren't giving you enough attention..."
"Pierre, what are you..." Kika started
"We actually invited you to this trip because we had something we've been meaning ot tell you..." Pierre continued
"Pierre..." Kika warned.
"We both love you and before you say that you love us too, we love you. As in, we want you to be our girlfrien--" "Pierre!" Kika hissed, hoping to cut him off before Y/n could fully hear him, but it seemed like it was too late. Y/n sighed, "I know that this is a--''
"Finally. I thought I was being delusional." Y/n gave a sigh of relief. The couple shared a confused look before looking to Y/n, "What do you mean by that?" Pierre questioned, "You think I'd let you touch my ass if I didn't like you? I was oblivious for the first part, but something enlightened me and I saw that it was pretty obvious." Y/n shrugged.
"We were trying to make it obvious, but we didn't expect you to actually get the hints." Kika muttered, "I'm oblivious, not stupid." Y/n joked. "So that finally means I can do this." Pierre surged forward and kissed Y/n deeply, "Pierre, we're still the restaurant." Kika said, pulling him back until he let go of Y/n.
"Wow, I didn't expect that." Y/n said, "You guys go wait by the car while I pay." Pierre suggested. Kika grabbed Y/n's hand and lead her outside while Pierre called the waiter so he could pay the bill.
Pierre also ordered a bottle of wine to go before exiting the resturant to see his girlfriend cuddled up to Y/n. Both girls had dopey smiles on their faces and Y/n had Kika's lipstick smeared on her lips, which gave Pierre an idea of what went on while he was paying. "This means you'll take us as your lovers, no?" Pierre asked, "Yeah, of course." Y/n nodded.
Kika cheered, throwing her arms around the two taller people, bringing them into a group hug. "Ah! Amo-vos muito." Kika muttered, burying her head in Pierre's neck, "Je vous aime tous les deux beaucoup." Pierre spoke before Y/n said it in her own native language.
The trio then went home as a newly formed throuple.
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I'm sorry I rushed the ending and at one point I had no idea where this was going. I might take this down and rewrite it, but for now, here's you part two
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doomedmoth · 5 days
Better kind of best friend
Pairing : Reader x Alexandra Saint Mleux x Charles Leclerc | Poly & bisexual fem!reader
Warnings : slight emotional cheating, obsessive/possessive/manipulative behavior, suggestive content/smut, fluff then angst then dark fluff, inaccurate racing calendar and school programs, polyamory, use of y/n
Synopsis : When you left the UK for a year long art restoration program in Monaco, you mainly wanted to make some friends. What you didn’t expect was to find your best friend on the first day. And then fall in love with her. And then get tangled in the web of Monaco high society as her boyfriend came back to town, unaware of your little affairs. What the fuck happened to you, you just wanted to make some friends…
Moth’s prophecy💡: Hi frieeeends, sorry for any mistakes, I haven’t written more than blurbs in a while. The poly, Charles, dark parts and smut will happen in the next chapters, I intend on making three of them. The first is mostly gay panic and tooth rotting fluff, so enjoy before it all goes to shit !!
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As you stepped outside of Nice’s airport, you felt like you were finally breathing. The weather wasn’t particularly gloomy when you had left London, but nothing compared to the Mediterranean sun and the breeze of the sea. It had always had an inexplicable calming effect on you, now only interrupted by an old French woman throwing what sounded like insults at you as she moved past you towards the parking lot. The sea, you had missed. French people, not so much.
As you embarked on your second journey of buses and trains to your final destination, you took the time of going once more over the details of what would be your schedule those next few months. After getting your degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, your parents thought it would only do you good to go practice on the field before even thinking of applying to any museum in the UK. You had gone on vacation on the French south coast a few times with them, and in a surprising but welcome turn of events, the Pavillon Bosio, Monaco’s art school, was organizing an internship welcome to all students of arts degrees in Europe. For your parents, a precious opportunity to add an experience to your CV in a prestigious setting. For you, the occasion to enjoy the beach and make friends in an artist residency after five years of hard work at university. Win-win.
The sun was setting on the hills when you finally settled into your room at the residency. Located close to the school, in the high parts of Monaco, the house was old but gorgeous, with pale pink walls and palm trees everywhere in the garden. Ivy leaves were growing at your window, which gave you a view of the port lighting up in the evening. Three floors high, there were a total of 8 bedrooms, all to be occupied by students of the Bosio program. The two remaining were, according to the brief, residents of Monaco.
You threw yourself on the bed with a sigh, your suitcases not even opened yet. The birds were singing softly and your eyes started to flutter in rhythm with them. If you did not make a move, you would be fast asleep, you thought. Yet it seemed like such an effort…
“Ciaoooo !” You sat straight up from the fluffy bed, meeting a pair of green eyes in the opening of the door “Oh scusa, ti ho svegliato ?”
The girl had gorgeous ginger hair, though likely unnatural, flowing down to her waist, and a mischievous smile. She seemed a bit younger than you, and kept staring back at you until you shook your head and answered.
“Sorry ! Um, English is okay ? For you ? No parlo…” was it even parlo ? You were trying to get your point across, hoping she would forgive your mistakes. “No parlo Italiano ?”
“Aaaah yeah yeah sure !” She chuckled, her accent even richer in English. “I’m sorry, did I wake you up ? I just arrived, it seems like we’re the only ones there…”
“No, no don’t worry, I was just resting my eyes. I did not check the other rooms, are we really ?” She nodded, pouting and crossing her arms. She probably expected a big welcome party. “I’m Y/N.”
“Chiara ! Let’s go have a drink when you’ve unpacked !”
You smiled as the girl waved and trotted downstairs. She was right, unpacking right now would probably be a good idea.
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“Cazzo, la mia testa…” Chiara groaned while walking down the stairs from her bedroom to the shared kitchen.
Definitely, you had been right to not follow her in town the day before the start of “classes”. The bottle of wine you downed together in under half an hour had been enough, and when she had left to go explore the nearest bars, you had opted for a swift retreat into your room.
This coincided with the arrival of two other students, with whom you spent the rest of the evening making small talk. Apparently another one had arrived in the night.
The Italian boy you hadn’t met was immediately assaulted by Chiara, who seemed to know him. And it also seemed the feeling wasn’t mutual. You understood almost nothing of their exchange, but it made you and your new roommates laugh quite a lot.
The rest of the morning passed slowly, your shared breakfast only interrupted by Chiara’s flow of anecdotes, and a few exchanges about where each one of you was coming from and what studies you did before. One of the girls you had met the night before was going through the rule book of the residency, staring out loud the facts she found relevant.
It’s only around twelve, as you were all getting ready to head to the school for your first meeting, that the three last students arrived to the house. A few pleasantries were exchanged, a promise of a good meal together tonight to meet properly, and you all left the residency, following happily the little path from the garden up the hills.
The Pavillon Bosio looked more like a huge villa than a school, hidden between the trees. With its cute red roof and stunning view of the sea, you were all in awe as you entered through the gates.
“Bonjour, bonjour tout le monde ! This way please, for the restoration workshop right ? This way, come !” An old bearded man with a thick French accent welcomed you all, guiding you through the corridors of the school.
You settled in a small classroom, tables filled with paper cups, coffee dispensers and pastries. The old man introduced himself as the head of the program, and encouraged you to have a drink and get to know each other while waiting for the last two students. You couldn’t help but notice that some things never change, it’s always the one who live the closest who are the latest.
But you had barely any time to put down your bags and take a coffee before laughter was heard in the hallway, two voices clearly making their way towards you. And as they entered the room, your head started spinning.
There they were, the two monegasques, the last missing pieces of your eclectic little group of students. The man was quite elegant, dressed all in black in spite of the warm temperature, and body dripping with gold jewelry. But the girl, oh the girl… With long straight chestnut hair, and eyes of an even darker shade of brown, she was holding on to her friend’s arms with a delicacy only found in children who grew up bathed in the finest luxuries. She was wearing a white summer dress that did nothing to hide the shape of her body, and accentuated her sun-kissed skin. Everyone turned to them as they entered the room, but it seemed to you her eyes were only on you. The thought that you would have been the first to catch her attention made you blush, and you went on to hide your embarrassment in your cup of coffee.
“Alexandra, Luca, bienvenue ! Toujours un plaisir de vous revoir !” The old man, whose name you had learnt was Jean-Paul, went on to shake the hands of the two students, who he seemed to know already. “Je vous en prie, installez vous, prenez un café !”
The man, Luca if you understood correctly, stayed by the teacher’s side, engaging in a conversation punctuated by loads of “Oh !” and “Ah”, but the girl made her way to you with a determination that made you want to hide under the table.
She lost no time serving herself a cup of coffee and a pastry, and turned to you with a smile brighter than the summer sun. As she put her hand on your shoulder, leaning in to lay a kiss on each of your cheeks, you felt as if all the air had been sucked from your body.
“Alexandra, nice to meet you !”
And just like that, your whole world had turned upside down.
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In the days that followed that meeting, all the little group of students started to get along pretty well, getting to know each other from their studies to the role they would play in your year-long project, while also sharing personal anecdotes at night, under the trees of the residency’s garden.
But the bond you felt with Alexandra, that was something else. It was as if you two had known each other forever, everything flowed smoothly, and your passions were either shared by the girl, or met with genuine curiosity and interest. Not even two weeks had passed and you already had little habits, inside jokes and plans for the rest of the year.
In the first stage of the program, the work was mainly research and preparation of the artworks, which meant that except for the mandatory seminars and meetings here and there, you were free to schedule your work time and partners as you pleased. This led to Alexandra coming to the house every morning, having breakfast with you, and going to the school together, or settling in your bedroom with your computers and working, or at least trying, together. If you gave yourself free time, she would take you to museums, or restaurants she enjoyed, or just lying down in parks as she tried to teach you some French. She was kind and patient, and in a desperate wish to get her to like you, you tried to be the best student, reading diligently every book she recommended you.
You quickly realized that although she was a true social butterfly, the whole group of students enjoying having her around, she was much more comfortable when you were just the two of you. She would often suggest you sneak off from team activities, wanting to share the secrets of the city she grew up in only with you. And there was no way you would complain about that. By the end of September, you deeply felt like you had found the best of best friends.
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You didn’t know how it got so bad so quickly. No, actually, you did. Alexandra was the worst kind of best friend for someone as prone as you to catch feelings. You had always been quite close physically with your friends, hugging and holding hands were essentials for you to express your affection, but you also knew how weak you could be to pet names and fluttering eyelashes, and with each day that passed, she was making it harder for you to only see her as a friend.
You knew she was aware of her beauty and of how everyone seemed to gravitate towards her, but how could she not realize that the amount of affection she gave you was on the borderline of what would be considered “normal” for a girl friendship ? How could she so casually play with your hair, nails softly digging into your scalp as she lulled you to sleep, your head on her legs in your bed ? How could she lack all sense of modesty, casually undressing in front of you when preparing for a party, and expecting you to help her choose a dress as if you weren’t face to face with her lacy underwear and model body.
You truly despised yourself for ruining such a pure friendship with those thoughts, and desperately tried to remember to not break her trust by being not better than those “nice guys” you had so often dealt with yourself. But what you thought could be a simple physical attraction, something that would pass with a few drinks and the arms of an unknown frenchie, turned into a feeling that burned your insides and made your heart ache a little bit more everyday.
You had so often longed for a soft love, someone who would accept and care for you with the same warmth as you would for them. Friends, good friends, you always had many. Deep friendship, much less so. But the bond you had with Alexandra, you had never experienced it before. You were starting to think that if you had ever felt love before, it had been nothing more than a crush in comparison to this.
You tried to be a good friend. Controlling your breathing when she touched you. Inviting others to your gatherings when you felt you might confess after one too many drinks. Trying not to read too much into her actions, but damn it, she really seemed to be like this only with you.
In the end, what lost you were the pet names. One in particular, she would always throw carelessly as if the word didn’t roll on her lips, sweet like honey.
“Coucou mon chou !”
Waving at you and jumping in your arms, she would repeat the pet name again and again just to see you blush, and who were you to deny her… At first you did not know the meaning of it, and thinking of it, maybe you should have never asked.
It was the middle of October, and you were working with her and Chiara in the school, getting started on repairing some of the minor artworks that were entrusted to you. Well, more like you and Chiara were working, and Alexandra was tagging along out of boredom. With her degree in Art History, her role in the workshop wasn’t as much on the artworks than on their exposition. Which mostly meant your ginger friend was peeling little gold leaves while listening to EDM so loud you could still shake your head in rhythm through her headphones, and Alexandra was glued to you, even in the most uncomfortable of positions.
She had started working on little braids in your hair when, once again, the pet name was used.
“Mon chou, d’you have any hair ties ?”
“What does it mean ?” You asked as plainly as possible, while giving her the hair tie on your wrist.
“What does what mean ?”
“Mon chou. I guess that’s a nickname but you haven’t taught me what it means.” Something good, you hoped. Something sweet.
“No way you don’t know what’s a chou ?!” She grabbed you by the shoulders and you had to follow her movement swiftly in order to not ruin your work “Un chou ? Like… un chou à la crème ?” You nodded no, a bit shameful. You should have looked it up yourself. “It’s a pastry, dear. Something delicious, very airy, the best are filled with cream ? My favorite.” She planted a kiss on your cheek, and you thought, honest to god, that you could die happy on the spot. “Just like you.”
If only this had stopped there. But the next day, when she came to the residency, she snuck the breakfast directly into your room. You had barely woken up when she sat on the side of your bed, seemingly quite excited. She made you sit up and pushed some strands of hair behind your ears before placing the small pastry box on your knees.
“What is this Alex…?” You groaned while pushing back the curtains with one hand, rubbing your eyes with the other.
“Des choux !” She was grinning from ear to ear, and did not give you much more time to comprehend before opening the box. In it, a myriad of little golden cream puffs were staring back at you. “Des choux pour mon chou !” She giggled at her joke and you could not help but laugh too, for the gift was both actually funny, and sweet. “You gotta taste !”
You agreed, but she seemed to have something else in mind as she took one between her slender fingers and brought it up to your mouth. Surely she would not…? And surely she did. Taking advantage of your stupid lack of reaction time, she softly pushed the pastry between your lips, not enough to make you gag on it, yet you could still feel her digit rubbing your bottom lip before making an exit, leaving you dumbfounded and mouth full of the soft cream. Oh yes, you were definitely fucked.
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October came to an end, the heavy temperatures and lazy afternoons on the beach leaving place to walks in the old town, cuddled together under one huge scarf. But the evening breeze did nothing to appease the fire in your heart, nor did it slow the speed at which your feelings for Alexandra deepened every day. If not too long ago, you wished for your friendship to stay as pure as the summer sky, now you only longed to confess, lay your heart out before her as a sacrifice, telling her to eat it raw, and the whole of you with it. It was a mixture of love, devotion and desire so strong, she could have asked you to worship her and you would have built a cathedral in her honor.
But you were oh so afraid of ruining everything. If she didn’t return your feelings, that was one thing. But what if she hated you for it ? You could not bear the thought of being apart from her, especially knowing you would still have to work with her for the rest of the year. You would rather eat your feelings than let it happen.
You were still pondering what it could mean for you both when you arrived at her apartment, in the very center of Monaco. You had been there quite a few times, even more recently, to work, to crash after evenings out, or just to have sleepovers, like tonight. It was very well located, and filled with expensive and tasteful furniture, but you did not really like it.
She had explained to you that she did her studies in Paris, and her parents still lived in Monaco. She would also often hang out at friends’ places, in and out of Monaco, and even spend weekends outside of the country quite frequently, with friends as well. The apartment was mostly a safety net, an investment, but you could feel nothing of her in it. It was barely decorated, a bit more those last few weeks now that you two were constantly buying stupid trinkets in token of your friendship, but you did not see her in it.
Yet, as she opened the door and took you instantly in her arms, whispering in your ear, home is the only word that came to your mind.
“Bonsoir mon petit chou”
“Bonsoir louloute” you answered sheepishly with your shitty accent, greeting her with the pet name she had taught you, one her friend Luca often used. It did not mean anything, just sounded cute.
She giggled, taking your hand and leading you inside. Very quickly, through music, wine and hair curlers, the mood for the evening was set. The alcohol made you speak more freely, and hopefully, it would help Alexandra too. Even though she said you knew things about her that nobody else did, there were still many subjects where you could feel her hesitation to delve in. It’s okay, with time, she would trust you about those too, you were sure of it.
She was babbling on about some friends’ drama while sitting on the edge of the window, when you took in the sight in front of you. She had taken off her hair curlers, and put on a satin robe that was slowly falling down her shoulder. The show of lights behind her, flickering between the moon and the glow of the city’s street lamps, made her features stand out even more. Her hair looked so shiny, her skin so soft, and the sparkle in her eye… Nothing she said really mattered, yet you could listen to her for hours and hours, as long as she kept blessing you with this sight.
You must have stared too intensely or for too long, because she came down from her seat and knelt on the floor, right in front of you, softly cupping your cheek with her hand.
“Ça va mon chou ?” Her brows furrowed, and she brought her other hand to your forehead. “You okay ?”
Her hot breath, inches away from your face. Her perfume, tickling your nose, you could almost see it dripping from her neck. Her fingers, drawing small figures on your cheeks. And her lips… there she was, so close, almost face to face, you had dreamt of this so often, and only now you realized how pink her lips were.
Maybe it was the amount of wine, maybe the temperature in her living room, but everything started spinning, and before you knew it, you had closed the gap and crashed your lips against hers. One hand on her small waist, the other in her hair, the kiss was messy, sticky like honey, you wanted to bite and barely restrained yourself. You felt like your heart was about to explode when she moaned into your mouth, and you were pretty sure you felt it drop when she pulled away.
For what felt like an eternity, you stayed silent, panting, eyes locked, air heavy with the realization of what had just happened. She blushed, and you started smiling, before she spoke in a shaky breath, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Y/N… I’m sorry I…. I have a boyfriend…”
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Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3
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vroomvroommuppett · 2 months
Smau lestappen x Reader? THANKS 💗
tag list
who i write for
buy me a coffee
yn is lance's sister.
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ynstroll the way that they touch me, no i can't get enough
liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen, and others
fan1 MOTHER?!
lance_stroll I do not need to know your extracurriculars, Ynn.
lillymunhe MY WIFE
ynstroll MY BABY
alex_albon What about me?
fan2 Who??
charles_leclerc He's lucky
maxverstappen1 He really is
astonmartinf1 👀
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charles_leclerc they keeping me up all night long
liked by ynstroll, maxverstappen1, and others
fan3 SHARL??
arthur_leclerc Oohhh
landonorris tHeY?!
maxverstappen1 Who took my husband?
ynstroll nice caption lol
fan4 what happened to hello? good morning?
pierregasly Answer the phone.
scuderiaferrari 👀
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maxverstappen1 they motivate me yeah, that's my baby they really hear me when my body talk
liked by ynstroll, charles_leclerc and others
fan5 ok there is something going on between yn, max and charles
fan6 i am so confused
lewishamilton You and me both fan6
ynstroll that picture tho
charles_leclerc Nice pic bro
redbullracing ☕️
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ynstroll my boys 🩵 maxverstappen1 charles_leclerc
liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc and others
maxverstappen mijn liefdes 🩵 (my loves)
charles_leclerc mes bébés 🩵 (my babies)
fan7 WHAT?!
arthur_leclerc About time.
pierregasly mon dieu (my gosh)
redbullracing So we're all in agreement that she'll be with us?
scuderiaferrari Um no.
astonmartinf1 we had her first
ynstroll we can have a custody schedule
lancestroll Happy for you all!
lewishamilton Well I'll be.
georgerussell Blimey!
alex_albon This is not what I was expecting.
danielricarddo Finally! I was about to burst.
yukitsnoda WHAT?! SINCE WHEN?!
f1 our throuple
oscarpiastri My parents
logansargeant Mom and dads
ynstroll my sons
maxverstappen1 You're becoming the new Seb.
sebastianvettel I taught her well. Also so happy for you!
let me know what you think via asks!
265 notes · View notes
safetycar-restart · 7 months
NOTE: this is an nsfw imagine with Dom!reader, sub!logan and sub!oscar. If you are under 18 or uninterested in this, scroll past. If you think you might like it, then click read more and maybe come check out the rest of my blog :))
Every day of October I’ll be posting a different kinky concept with one or more motorsports people as well as discussing that concept more on my blog. So if you have any thoughts, feel free to stop by!
It’s no secret that Logan’s season hasn’t been going the best, and you’ve tried your best to make him feel better but there’s not much more you could do.
As far as the public was concerned, you were in a relationship with Oscar and only Oscar. Which meant you could only sit in Oscar’s garage, could only give Oscar a kiss before he gets in the car, could only hug Oscar when he gets back.
You wish you could sit in the Williams garage and give Logan a hug when he gets out the car, wait for him in his driver room to praise him and make sure he isn’t being too hard on himself. But unfortunately you have to wait until you reach Oscar’s hotel room and meet him there.
This continues for a few weeks and you can see how sad Logan is getting, isolating himself from you and Oscar, no longer asking for attention as much as he used to. He clings to you when you do hug him, whines when he thinks you might turn him away but he doesn’t seek it out anymore.
Oscar has noticed the same, and he’s worried. Logan even chose to sit out on a planned scene, so you knew it was getting too bad. And you needed to get creative to make him feel better.
And the solution? A free use day.
When you suggest it to Logan, he’s confused, asking what you mean, how that would work. He immediately thinks it would be Oscar that’s free use.
And you explain to him that no, you’d like a day when you can touch him however you want, where Oscar can kiss him and ride him whenever, a day at home where he’s just a play thing for his Dom and his boyfriend.
And well…. That certainly sounds like someone he would like.
He almost doesn’t believe it at first? Because why would you and Oscar want that? Why would you want him to touch him so much that you want an entire day for it?
It ends up being exactly what he needs.
And Oscar is so so excited for it. Oscar gets to be as possessive as he wants, refusing to let Logan out of his arms, whining until Logan kisses him and pushing him down to ride him because he’s Oscar’s to play with.
Logan is so overwhelmed with how much love he gets? He wakes up to you stroking his hair and Oscar sucking his cock, ends up crying out and spilling into Oscar’s mouth. You hold him close after, letting Oscar clean him up before joining you two in bed.
Logan gets about ten minutes to recover because you decide he should return the favour for Oscar, and he’s more than happy with that.
He spends the entire day between you and Oscar, getting touched and fucked and held close and he just lets it happen. He’s so so happy, feeling like a real part of the relationship not just an additive.
You do a scene with the two of them that night, and task oscar with kissing every inch of Logan before gently working a plug in him. You stroke Logan’s cock and push the plug in out, having your fun with him while his mouth is full of Oscar’s cock.
By the end they’re both so tired, especially Logan who has cum so many times by this point. You have to half carry them both to the bath, washing them down and putting them to bed early.
Logan wakes up the next day happier than he’s been in a long long time.
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non-stop-imagines · 4 months
Ok I'm not the nonnie that just asked that question, but I can 100% imagine Lance and Oscar being in a poly. And it's perfect cause they never cross paths it seems like. So a SMAU where the reader (Marsai Martin) comes to the paddock for a visit and everyone is just like wtf?! How did yall pull her?!
You have no idea how crazyy brain went when I got this. And then I almost immediately began working on it...and then I was unable to edit ask responses on my phone for almost a month and a half 😔. Also I absolutely did not mean to do this but my brain read it "Lando and Oscar" and I completely missed that it said "Lance and Oscar" and now I feel terrible but I hope you like it still! 😬😚
(A/n: Also I know I said Charles was next, but I was so excited I could finally edit this post I had to go and finish it. I have been working on my Charles fic though I promise 💖)
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Liked by landonorris and 492,807 others
user_yn Thank you Japan for giving my loves a double podium (and the epic celebration after) 🧡🇯🇵
View all 273 comments
user1 They are so wholesome it gave me clear skin
landonorris So happy our pretty girl got to see us (almost) win 😚
>user_yn And I'm very proud of your (almost) win ☺️
>oscarpiastri It was your beauty radiating from the garage that helped us stay in the top 3
liked by user_yn
>mclaren We agree 👍
user2 Exhibit B of how Yn is their good luck charm
>user3 Yes, but elaborate 🧐
>user2 The last race she was at was Silverstone, when they basically told the rest of the grid "Sike, here's our real car" and now double podium
>landonorris We've been trying to tell @/user_yn, right @/oscarpiastri?
>oscarpiastri If she listened to us, forgot about acting and just came to all the races, we'd be World Champions by now🤷‍♂️
>user_yn Os, baby, don't let Lando drag you down with him
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Liked by Oscar Piastri
landonorris Had to get that double podium for our lovely lady 😍 🏆(Also Note to Self: Never leave your phone alone with @/user_yn)
View 259 comments
user_yn The real note to self should be "post better pictures of Yn instead of whatever photo you have of her sleeping"
>landonorris But you're so pretty when you sleep 👉🏻👈🏻😚
>user_yn As sweet as that is, don't 🫵🏿
user8 Still accepting theories of how those two even met Yn
>user9 The configuration of the stars the night they met was the same as when the upgrades for Silverstone were finished. That was the most luck those two have every experienced int their lives and they will probably not have such luck again until it is time for their own respective grand prix race wins
>user8 Yes.
oscarpiastri Baby 🧡
>landonorris Couldn't be more proud of you 🧡
>user_yn And I'm the proudest of both of you 🧡
>user4 These 3 deserve each other and I mean that in the purest way possible
>mclaren we just want to join on the orange hearts (even though we love them too)🧡
user5 We stan Bert, Ernie, and their impossibly hot girlfriend
>landonorris Please tell me I'm Ernie 🤞🏻
>user5 Man do I have a treat for you
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Liked by logansargeant and 193,703 others
oscarpiastri Had to place 2 and 3 because she's our #1 😊
View all 178 comments
user6 Logan's here, we can finally start the festivities
logansargeant @/user_yn is the really Japanese gp winner
>user_yn No don't talk to me you ignored me most of the weekend 😔
>user_yn All I'm hearing are excuses 🙄
user_yn Such a cutie 🥰 So so proud of my boyfriends 💖
>user_yn (I swear if you don't smile with your teeth more often I'm telling your mom.)
>oscarpiastri Yes ma'am (Love you, don't tell my mom ♥️)
>landonorris THANK YOU I've been trying to tell him he has a pretty smile
user7 Yn, the fashion icon ✨
>user_yn It's the hat 🤠
One last thought: Hopefully this is the start of a spark of inspiration because I would love for the ideas I have for all of these requests to LEAVE MY HEAD AND WRITE THEMSELVES OUT ON THESE POSTS!! Anyway, I hope you all liked this and you're all doing well. 😊
304 notes · View notes
vivwritesfics · 5 months
Mrs Baker, Ma'am
Landoscar's girlfriend loved to bake and all of the grid love when she brings her baked goods to the paddock
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Y/N loved the Monaco Grand Prix for just a few reasons. One, it was the race set where she lived, meaning she was familiar with the surroundings and she could sleep in her own bed the night before the race. Two, she could watch the practices from her balcony with her cat on her lap and coffee in her hands. Three, she got to rock up to the paddock with a basket full of baked goods.
Maybe that was why Lando and Oscar fell in love with her. Because Y/N always had some sort of baked good ready for them. While Lando was gaming, she’d be teaching Oscar to bake and presenting the results to Lando. Fans loved when it happened while Lando was streaming. They loved nothing more than watching a blushing Oscar walking into the room with a tray full of cookies. His cheeks would be red while Lando took a cookie from the tray and moaned while he ate it.
The rest of the paddock had also expressed their love for Y/N’s baking. Carlos had been the first to try her baking when he and Lando were teammates. When he moved to Ferrari, Carlos found himself wanting some of Y/N’s baked goods and telling Charles all about them.
Y/N found herself strolling towards the Ferrari garage the next day, a container full of biscuits, muffins and cookies tucked under her arms. It was kind of funny, actually. The Ferrari boys had been talking about it in a press conference and Y/N had seen it and gone out to get ingredients that day. She’d spent her night baking, thankful that she and Lando were staying in an apartment, not a hotel, in Australia.
And then when Daniel had become Lando’s teammate, Y/N had brought him something baked almost every grand prix. From there the news of her baking had spread around the paddock, since Daniel was friends with everybody.
Y/N began bringing her baked goods whenever the grand prix was in Monaco. If she happened to make too much, she’d take some over to Charles or Max in their apartments.
This time, Y/N had two baskets of baked goods on her arms. She strode through the paddock in her best trousers and a cute vest top. She couldn’t stop from smiling as she walked into the McLaren garage.
Zac Brown was the first to spot her. Her, and the basket of baked goods. “Hi, Y/N,” he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as he walked her further into the garage.
“Hey, Zac,” she said, holding out one of the baskets.
After Zac picked out a cupcake, Y/N put the basket down. She greeted more of the McLaren staff and directed them towards the basket of baked goods. She had everything, croissants, pain au chocolats, cupcakes, doughnuts, muffins, cookies, and biscuits. At the bottom of the basket was some fudge she had made, just in case there weren’t enough baked goods for everybody.
Once those working in the McLaren garage were working through her basket of baked goods, Y/N made her way out of the McLaren garage and headed off to Red Bull.
There were just twenty pastries in this basket. On Monaco weekends, Y/N gave out what she could and brought more the next day, giving pastries to as many people in as many teams as possible. Drivers got her pastries on a Saturday and everybody else got them on the Sunday. Everybody else included wags and whoever else got to her first. There was one time where Martin Brundle got completely sidetracked when he went to talk to Lando and ended up with one of Y/N’s pastries.
Max was nowhere to be seen, so Y/N went over to Sergio Perez, who was talking to his engineers. She waited for him to finish up before offering him a cookie. And then she went off to Max’s driver room, after asking Christian where he was.
She knocked on the door and waited for confirmation before walking in. Max’s eyes lit up when he saw her. “If I didn’t have a wonderful girlfriend, I’d be jealous of Lando and Oscar,” he said and gratefully accepted a chocolate chip muffin.
Y/N moved on, walking towards the Ferrari garage. Carlos seemed to have a sixth sense for Y/N and her baked goods, and spun on his heel and marched over to her, a wide grin on his face. “pequeño pollo,” he said and wrapped his arms around her. Carlos pressed a kiss to the side of her head, wearing heart eyes as he picked out the pastry he wanted.
She offered Charles a pastry and moved onto Mercedes. Y/N went from garage to garage, greeting the drivers her boyfriends called their friends and offering them a cookie or a cake or something. Each and every driver was grateful.
And last, after giving Fernando and Lance two of the last pastries, Y/N made her way back to McLaren. She strode into the garage, the mechanics, engineers and strategists giving her compliments on her baking skills.
Y/N grinned and thanked them, making her way to where her boyfriends were talking to their boss. When Zac saw her, he trailed off and the boys turned around.
Oscar was the first to spot her. He walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her, ignoring the pastries. “Have you been making your rounds?” He asked her.
Nodding her head, Y/N kissed his cheek. “I’ve got two left for you and Lan,” she said.
Wrapping his arm around her waist, Oscar walked Y/N over to Lando and Zac. She smiled at the CEO, who immediately began complimenting her on the cupcake. “And the fudge? Oh my god, it was next level,” Zac said. He then left them to it, walking back over to the basket to look for more fudge.
YN looked at her boyfriends and held the basket up in front of her. The boys reached inside, Lando pulling out a chocolate filled croissant and Oscar pulling out a cookie. “Thank you, baby,” Lando said and reached forward to kiss her. Oscar did the same and broke off a piece of cookie to share with her.
Y/N spent the rest of the Monaco grand prix with her boyfriends either tucked into Lando’s side or holding Oscar’s hand. After the qualifying, Y/N took her boyfriends home and rewarded them with another round of baked goods. On race day she brought enough for the WAGS and other team principles. She made another batch of fudge for Zac Brown and Zac Brown only.
All of the paddock were slightly jealous of Lando and Oscar, and their girlfriend who loved to bake. If she was bringing her baked goods to the grand prix, they could keep their jealousy at bay.
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verstappen-cult · 2 months
If you are taking requests, i was thinking of a poly!lestappen. Where the reader is a F1 presenter and she's excited that Oliver is doing hus debut at Ferrari because its one of her favorite drivers in F2 and both Max and Charles get jealous. Like she asks Charles to take care of Oliver since he's still 18 and its his debut.
You still have forty minutes to spare until you have to go live, so, you make your way to the track, where everyone’s waiting for the Drivers Parade.
You spot your boys pretty easily, they are standing close but deep in conversation with different people. Max is talking with his teammate and Lando, while Charles is talking with Ollie. You really don’t want to interrupt but the Monégasque has already seen you, and for the looks of it, he’s telling the younger boy about you because he turns his head in your direction, a bright smile on his face.
“Hey, pretty girl.” Charles greets you, his arm finding your waist in a second. He loves having you close to him, touching any part of your body.
“Hey, Charlie.” You kiss his cheek, wiping the lipstick stain. “How are you feeling, Ollie? You did amazing yesterday!”
The british boy blushes, a shy smile dancing across his lips. “Oh, thank you. I’m excited and nervous too.” He looks at Charles for a second before turning to you. “Charles has given me some advice, so, I’m feeling a little more confident.”
Lewis calls Ollie’s name, waving at him from the back of the room.
“I’ll see you after the race, I hope?” The younger boy asks, and you nod. He waves goodbye to you and his teammate for a day, and walks away.
“Did you came here to give us a good luck kiss?” You hear your boyfriend’s voice behind you and then a kiss being placed on the top of your head.
“You know it’s something that would never change.” You stand on your tiptoes, kissing Max’s lips briefly, turning to Charles you do the same. “but I also came here to tell you to take care of Ollie,” You say looking at your brown-haired boyfriend. “But you are already doing a good job, so,” This time you look at Max, giving him your best puppy eyes. “Would you do that for me? Just wish him good luck or something before the race, I’m sure he would appreciate that.”
Charles and Max look at you with eyebrows raised, confusion in his eyes.
“You came here for that?” Charles says, sounding a little hurt.
“I came here to give my boyfriends a good luck kiss like I always do,” You try to explain that by talking slowly. “But I also came for Ollie. I’ve known him and his family for as long as I’ve known you two.”
But that’s not enough for them, because Max rolls his eyes and looks away.
Okay. They’re acting weird.
“Wait,” You try not to laugh when a thought crosses your mind. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous.”
They avoid making eye contact.
“Oh my God,” And this time you laugh, because you can’t believe it. Sometimes you forget how childish they are. “You are jealous of an eighteen year old boy. Are you aware of that?”
“Well, when you say it like that…”
You shake your head, closing the distance between you and Charles to kiss him one last time. You do exactly the same with Max.
“Good luck, pretty boys.” They watch you walk away, but then you are turning around, stopping to glare at them. “If you don’t take care of Ollie, we won’t be celebrating tonight.”
“What? That’s so unfair!”
“He’s the enemy!”
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mariclerc · 3 months
mari's Masterlist (I will add more stories as I write) requests are open!!
Charles Leclerc:
Dreams and adventures by the sea
A cute fam trend
A late teenage dream
An unforgettable anniversary
An unexpected role > pt.2 > pt.3 > pt.4 > pt.5
A slow pace > pt.2
Soft fur
Little miracle
You belong to me (+18)
Predestined > pt.2
Dad duties > pt.2
Fighter > pt.2
George Russell:
In your own skin
Logan Sargeant:
A project of love
Pierre Gasly:
Touches (+18)
Family cuddles
Dad and daughter moment
Funny tummy
Poly!drivers: coming soon...
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 month
Max and Lando and reader are dating and reader is pregnant and they’re arguing about who the baby is going to look like
A/N: Stopppp they totally would
"You think the baby would have my eyes?" Lando asks, late one night as the three of you lay in bed. You couldn't sleep as the baby was constantly kicking your spine and the boys couldn't sleep as they just got back from Australia and the time change was kicking their ass.
"Pfft, no, I win at everything, you honestly think I didn't win this?" Max snarks that has Lando huffing and cuddling closer and resting his head on the top of your stomach, slowly stroking it. Max was curled around your back and his hands were tangling in Lando's hair.
"I want her to have Lando's eyes, but your hair," You whisper, as the boys knew how much you loved Lando's eyes. "But, you're smile, and how loyal you are Maxie. Lando, I want her to have your drive, to explore her interests, maybe a driver like the both of you, but I want her to love like you two do." You whisper, thinking about the little girl with dirty blonde hair, and gorgeous sea green eyes.
"Babe, that's so sweet, but that doesn't matter right now." Lando whispers and sits up glaring at Max. "Just because you win everything doesn't mean you won this Verstappen. If you happen to remember 7 months agon, it was me who got a podium and got her begging for my-" "Finish that sentence and you'll never see me naked again." You glare which has Lando deflating and Max smirking.
"Sureeeee, but when we went on vacation, I was the one who was buried so damn deep in her." Max argues back and you groan covering your face with a pillow as the boys argue back and forth.
In the end they both lost, because your gorgeous baby girl was an exact carbon copy of you.
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changetyre · 5 months
carlando x reader? Maybe where reader agrees to hook up with one and the other is secretly there? Keep up the great work (even tho it wasnt my request the carlos x max was GREAT)
Wild Dreams II Lando Norris x Reader x Carlos Sainz ⒽⓌ
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SUMMARY: Maybe fulfilling one of your wildest dreams wouldn't be so difficult after all.
WARNINGS: **18+**
A/N: Two people requested a Carlando fic so here it is ;) Also not proofread ;I
"Here baby." Lando took the glass from your hand before replacing it with another one with what looked like the same clear liquid.
"What is it?" You giggled, the buzzed feeling through your body making everything a little more funny than usual.
"Just drink it baby, all in one go fo me." Lando smirked placing a hand on your waist to keep you steady.
"Hmm okay." You agreed hopping whatever drink your boyfriend had brought you now was just as good as the last how many others you had drunk during the night.
You took the glass and just like he asked downed the liquid all in one go ready to feel the burn down your throat...but it never came.
"Aww baby." Lando cooed at seeing the way your jaw dropped before you pouted at him.
"It's water," you said upset...using that baby voice that Lando loved so much. "You tricked me." You then crossed your arms trying to seem angry about it.
"Aww darling I had to, you're gonna thank me tomorrow I promise." Lando started placing small kisses across your cheek and down your jaw watching the way you were struggling not too smile.
"LANDOOOOO!" You were interrupted by someone putting their arm around Lando's neck and pulling him back, it wasn't hard to guess who.
You might have been Lando's girlfriend whom he stood alongside all night but Carlos wasn't far behind, always just a few feet away from his Lando.
You swallowed hard at watching the way Carlos held your boyfriend, stretching his neck back letting you have a good look at the veins across your boyfriend's large neck you loved so much. But then you saw the way Carlos's plump lips were so close to Lando's face as he whispered something into his ear Lando holding onto Carlos's arm for stability.
The heat that rushed between your legs was something you had to hide, you didn't want your boyfriend to see the way their closeness made you react, and luckily the heat from the drinks you'd had all night was helping hide the heat that coursed through your body at seeing the two boys in front of you being so touchy.
All these thoughts ran through your head but your heart skipped a beat when you noticed your boyfriend staring right at you as Carlos continued to whisper something to him. You watched as Carlos's eyes very slowly scanned your body from your heeled feet to your bare legs, the space between your legs, your hips, all the way up. The way he looked at you made you feel as if you were completely naked in his eyes.
You cleared your throat nervously knowing that your voice would fail you now if you tried to speak. Your boyfriend smirked which only made you more nervous.
"How about we go home, darling?" Lando asked you extending his hand out to you.
You slotted your body into his arm as you were used to nodding instead of speaking. You saw Carlos smirk behind him as his hand left Lando's hip from the space reserved exclusively for him.
"I'll see you soon." Carlos winked at you both as Lando held your waist tightly against him ready to head out.
"See you, man." Lando didn't lose his smirk. They were planning something and something told you it had to do with you.
During the ride back Lando was sweet as usual, giving you his coat as soon as he saw you shiver, offering to carry you all the way to your room in case your feet hurt from the heels, and ordering you some food before he let you head into the shower to wash yourself off.
It confused you the way you watched your boyfriend with another guy...but more specifically Carlos could make you feel like this. Washing the slick that gathered between your legs made you feel guilty, what would Lando say if he ever found out? you thought to yourself.
When you finally felt like you'd washed even the dirtiest of thoughts away you wrapped a towel around yourself and headed out the bathroom but you weren't even able to take one step before your boyfriend was in front of you.
"Hey, baby." He looked down at you with the same smirk from the club.
"Hi." Your voice was shaky as you felt Lando's hand slip through the opening of the towel and touch your bare skin underneath.
"How was your shower?" He asked as he kissed your shoulder.
You sighed as Lando began following the path from your shoulder up your neck kissing each spot more and more passionately each time. "Uh Good." you moaned.
"Yeah...you took a while...what were you thinking about huh?" Lando's voice was low, there was a tone too it you never heard before but it made you feel all kinds of things.
"No-Nothing." You stuttered before Lando slid his tongue across your lips.
"Tsk tsk tsk." Lando clicked his tongue. "No need to lie to me baby...just tell me." He placed his thumb on your chin pulling down so your mouth opened slightly before slipping his tongue in. He started making out with you which made you feel fuzzy once more.
"mmm." You moaned when you felt Lando's hand slip further under your towel cupping your ass in his hands and squeezing.
"I saw the way you looked at me...the way you looked at Carlos." Lando continued talking.
Your eyes snapped open and the realization that your boyfriend could have possibly found out what you were thinking. "What- I-" You had no idea what to say.
"Shhh, don't worry." He only whispered before he grabbed the hem of the towel where you had tucked it into your chest and released it so the towel pooled on the ground leaving you bare.
Lando loved the way your breath got shaky and the way shivers filled your body as his fingers traced around your skin. "Do you like seeing Carlos with me?" He asked you. "Don't lie." He added.
It kind of scared you, not knowing what Lando's intention was here but by the lust you could see in his eyes you could see all this talk turned him on.
"Yes." You answered honestly hoping this wouldn't ruin everything.
Lando laughed as his hand came between your legs. You whined as Lando slipped his finger through your slit moving his finger back and forth circling around your clit a few times but not actually touching it. "I can see you that," Lando commented as he brought his finger back up showing you the way it dripped with your juices.
"Let me taste it." you jumped at hearing another voice from the corner. You looked behind Lando noticing Carlos there, had he been there the whole time?
Lando walked back as Carlos walked forward and eventually Carlos chest his Lando's back coming to a halt a few feet from you.
You watched in shock as Carlos grabbed Lando's hand that had just touched you bringing it up to his face before he took Lando's fingers in his mouth licking them clean.
"mmm, I think she liked that." Lando smiled noticing the way you closed your legs tighter feeling a tingle between them.
"She tastes good." Carlos smiled too looking over at you. "Cat got your tongue princesa?" Carlos then asked you as you watched the way his hands began lifting Lando's shirt as he rubbed his hands across his abs.
Lando stripped his own shirt off as Carlos grabbed his hips, his eyes never leaving you.
"What are you-" you were only able to speak a few words, overwhelmed by the sight in front of you.
"Come here darling," Lando spoke to you.
Your legs moved faster than your mind could process and the next thing you knew you stood in front of your boyfriend and Carlos, Lando placed a hand low on your hips and Carlos's hand wrapped a little higher than his also on your body.
"Do you want to have some fun with us tonight?" Lando asked you.
You were still more than confused, should this be a question you and Lando should ask Carlos? Since when were they an us? But that didn't seem like such an issue since you quickly found yourself nodding in agreement.
"Good girl." Carlos spoke as he moved around Lando ready to take you.
"Wait." Lando stopped him by placing a hand on his chest.
"I need words, baby." Despite his eagerness, Lando still worried you might be feeling pressured into this.
"Yes...please." you whimpered a little more impatiently than you would've liked to sound which gave Lando the confirmation he needed for everyone to proceed.
"Go on." Lando then spoke to Carlos.
Carlos reached you and cupped his face in your hands before connecting your lips. Making out with Carlos felt so much different than with Lando but at the same time, there was some sense of familiarity in it.
Carlos's lips were so plump, able to cover your lips entirely each time he kissed you he was also slower with his tongue, tracing your lips slowly. On the other hand, when Lando kissed you it was evident to see his eagerness as he never waited to shove his tongue into your mouth, your kisses were often sloppy and rushed.
But with both of them you you could feel the need they had to for you, to taste you and to feel you, by simply kissing you they made you feel so wanted.
"Fuck that's hot." You heard your boyfriend whisper behind you unaware at what point he had moved around the room.
Carlos then began kissing your jaw, then down your neck where you could feel he was leaving marks but you didn't care it all felt too good.
You opened your eyes when you felt Carlos's lips leave your body momentarily, growing more excited when you saw your boyfriend stripping Carlos off his clothes before Carlos did the same to him leaving them both bare in front of you.
They seemed lost in each other for a few seconds which made you realize this wasn't the first time they had probably done this and you would be lying if you said you didn't feel a tinge of jealousy at the thought but at the same time excitement filled you with the thought they would now be doing it with you.
You watched as Carlos confidently grabbed Lando's cock in his hand pumping it a few times which made Lando groan in pleasure.
You let yourself fall back on the bed, opening your legs wide as your hand slipped between your hands and you began touching yourself to the sight of the two men in front of you.
"Fuck if you don't stop I'll cum." Lando whispered to Carlos but it was enough for you to hear.
Carlos proudly smirked before he placed a kiss on Lando's chest and finally let go of Lando's member.
"Sh*t." Carlos whispered to himself as he turned to look at you touching yourself on the bed.
"Will one of you fuck me or should I just keep going?" The confidence you suddenly mustered took everyone by surprise.
"No need to ask me twice." Carlos smirked as he hopped on the bed slotting himself between your legs.
You looked to Lando making sure he was okay with this and he gave you a nod of confirmation. As much as Lando would've like to be the first to fuck you he still felt sensitive and knew he wouldn't last long if he slotted into you now and he wanted this to last.
Carlos teased your entrance a few times coating his dick with your slick before finally entering you. "F*ck." You moaned in pleasure at feeling the new stretch. Lando was big but Carlos had so much girth it took you by surprise.
"You feel so good." Carlos said breathlessly as he began thrusting in and out of you.
Carlos kept fucking you and it almost had your eyes rolling back in pleasure, it was good, incredibly good but you also felt like you were missing something.
"Lando I want you to fuck me too." You asked your boyfriend who had laid beside you slowly stroking his cock and watching Carlos fuck you.
"I will darling, as soon as he's done." Lando kissed your temple.
"No...I want the both of you." You confidently asked. Both Carlos and Lando looked at each other in surprise, the excitement that filled their bodies at the request was evident.
"You sure?" Lando asked you despite wanting to jump into it (into you) right away.
"Yes...please." You pleaded.
Carlos momentarily pulled out of you, Lando slipped under you and you took his dick slipping it into you, moaning in pleasure at the familiar sensation, you then leaned forward, your chest resting against your boyfriend as you reached back Carlos letting you grab his cock before you placed it at your entrance right on top of Lando's dick before pushing it in with Carlos help.
The stretch was unlike anything you'd ever felt before, initially painful but the boys stayed still letting you adjust to the feeling.
"Carlos move," you asked him and Carlos slowly pushed his dick out to push it back in.
Lando could feel Carlos's cock move against him which had him roll his eyes back in pleasure at the feeling of you both against him.
"Ah fuck that feels so good." You felt so full in such a good way.
"Baby move." You then asked Lando.
Lando had to work hard to work through the dizzying pleasure to grab your hips and start thrusting into you, Lando's and Carlos's dicks rubbed against each other inside you and it was all so overwhelmingly delightful the sounds around the room seemed right out of a porno.
"Fuck I'm gonna cum." Carlos was the first to say as they simultaneously fucked you.
"Go faster!" You called out to both boys as you felt your orgasm approaching.
They both fulfilled your command as they picked up their pace fucking into you.
"Fuck I'm about to cum." Lando finally spoke.
"SHIT." You were the first to break as you trembled in between their bodies, falling flat against your boyfriend.
A few seconds after you felt one of them spill into you followed by the other. They both grunted in pleasure as their dicks pulsated inside you.
"Fuck that was amazing," Carlos spoke as he pulled out of you his dick covered in the three of you, Lando pulled out after which made you feel so empty, you immediately missed the feeling of them.
"I don't think my legs work anymore." You sighed content.
Both the boys laughed, Carlos falling onto his back beside you both, you would probably all fall asleep like this in a few minutes but it felt right.
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