#ram kuti
ram-kuti · 1 month
Embracing Peace and Spiritual Renewal at Ram Kuti Pushkar
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Nestled in the historic town of Pushkar, known for its religious fervor and spiritual aura, Ram Kuti Pushkar offers more than just accommodation—it promises a journey of spiritual renewal and cultural immersion. This serene guesthouse is ideally situated near the sacred Lord Brahma Temple, providing a tranquil sanctuary for pilgrims and spiritual seekers.
Pushkar, a town that resonates with spiritual significance, hosts the only temple in India dedicated to Lord Brahma, attracting visitors from around the world. Ram Kuti, located within walking distance of both the Varaha Temple and the enchanting Pushkar Lake, serves as a perfect base from which to explore the divine energy and cultural richness of the area.
The guesthouse is a testament to the spiritual teachings of Pujya Ranchhoddas Ji Maharaj, whose influence permeates every aspect of Ram Kuti. Following Gurudev's passing, the Nathwani family and subsequently the Jyotiben Manubhai Foundation took great care to preserve and enhance the spiritual atmosphere of the place. The meditation room, where Gurudev spent considerable time, remains a core feature, drawing those who seek peace and introspection.
Ram Kuti combines the charm of traditional architecture with the comforts of modern amenities. Guests can enjoy air-conditioned rooms equipped with free Wi-Fi and private parking, ensuring a stay that is both comfortable and convenient. The guesthouse offers a variety of breakfast options, including à la carte and vegetarian choices, catering to diverse dietary preferences.
The guesthouse not only provides a peaceful retreat but also encourages guests to engage with the local culture and spirituality. From the vibrant Pushkar Camel Fair to the serene Tapo Bhumi and nearby sacred sites like Ajmer Sharif, visitors have ample opportunities to explore and experience the spiritual traditions and cultural heritage of Pushkar.
Highly rated for its exceptional service and hospitality, Ram Kuti is recognized for its welcoming environment and flexible guest policies. It is described as a couple-friendly property that ensures a safe and inclusive experience for all visitors, making it a preferred choice among budget accommodations in Pushkar.
The foundation of Ram Kuti is deeply rooted in the principles of selfless service and humanity, teachings propagated by Gurudev Ranchhoddas Ji Maharaj. These principles resonate throughout the guesthouse, inviting all who stay here to partake in a lifestyle of love, service, and selflessness, transcending mere ritualistic practices. In conclusion, Ram Kuti is not just a place to stay; it is a gateway to experiencing the divine and enduring legacy of Pushkar and its spiritual ethos. Choosing to stay at Ram Kuti means embarking on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment, embraced by the peaceful and sacred ambiance of one of India’s most revered towns.
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revolutionaryletters · 7 months
jakey @oatmeal22 tagged me to spell my url with songs !! yayy thank u jake
runner - alex g
everyday - weyes blood
violet - hole
only shallow - my bloody valentine
life during wartime- talking heads
unchained melody - elvis presley
telillite- les filles de illghadad
im nin’alu- ofra haza
orayta- victoria hanna
nowhere near - yo la tengo
adio kerida - yasmin levy
ram’s horn- ernie johnson from detroit
yah ribon - george mordechai & hadar ensemble
lea- louise attaque
elektrobank- the chemical brothers
tiro- arca
thirteen- big star
expensive shit - fela kuti
reach out - sufjan stevens
stereo sanctity- sonic youth
and I tag ummm @westerberg and uhh the girl reading this hehe
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okaima · 2 years
Karelian words - Endearements for animals
Belkka - white seal pup
Besroi - mottled chicken
Čibi - small dog
Čomikki; beauty, cutie; for cute puppy or cow
Enčikki - reindeer born on Monday
Hakki - grey dog
Halji - brown dog
Halli - white dog
Huntti - endearement for dog or cat
Härmi - grey dog
Juono - reindeer or cow with striped back
Kaŕo - white reindeer or sheep
Kikki - bagel, sugarcube; for kittens or cats
Kutti, kuta, kuti - doggy; for dogs and puppies
Källeröini - for bear
Köböi - clumsy; for kittens or lambs
Laukoi - animal with blaze on it's head
Leviekäbälä - wide paw; bear
Mučči - blackie; black dog
Mötti - thick, felted cloth; for long haired cat or dog
Ńetko - reindeer born on Thursday
Omena - sweet, pleasant; for small animals or black mottled lead cow
Pelkka - white dog
Pelkkä - white squirrel or rat
Pet'a - for rooster
Peäkkö - reindeer born on Friday
Piili - arrow, bow; for small dog
Piiri - circler; dog
Pilkka - dog with star or spot on its forehead
Pyhikki - reindeer born on Sunday
Ressu - ragged, shabby; for dog
Sinisilmy - blue eye; about bear
Šarvikko - reindeer with horns
Sebeli - animal, especially dog, with white patch going around neck
Serkko - reindeer born on Wednesday
Sorokoi - reindeeer with white head
Sukkajalga - sockfoot; horse or ram with one or more white fetlock
Šuurišarvi - reindeer bull with big horns
Toivikki - reindeer born on Tuesday
Tähikki - reindeer with star mark on forehead
Tökki - dog without tail
Vahti - dog with star mark on forehead
Vaĺa, valki - white dog
Valakko - white reindeer
Vikki - light coloured dog
Vyöti - dog with "belt" pattern going around neck
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newsnigeria · 1 year
Wole Soyinka: Fascism on course
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May I seize this opportunity, by the way, to condemn the sanctions imposed on Channels Television, which anchored the performance of the LP candidate? Oh yes, could these rabid parochial minds of easy excitation also kindly stop flattering themselves that one’s energies are consecrated solely to the nation space known as Nigeria? The whines of “silence” are relative to the reading scope and world knowledge of idle complainants, as well as their grasp of the chain of continuity. I choose my methods of intervention without the permission of social media border patrols, so where you find a gap, just pick up the baton where you last deposited and stop whining and belly-aching… It would appear that a record discharge of toxic sludge from our notorious smut factory is currently clogging the streets and sewers of the Republic of Liars. It goes to prove the point that provoked the avalanche EXACTLY! The seeds of incipient fascism in the political arena have evidently matured. A climate of fear is being generated. The refusal to entertain corrective criticism, even differing perspectives of the same position, has become a badge of honour and certificate of commitment. What is at stake, ultimately is – Truth, and at a most elementary level of social regulation: when you are party to a conflict, you do not attempt to intimidate the arbiter, attempt to dictate the outcome, or impugn, without credible cause, his or her neutrality, even before the hearing has commenced. That is a ground rule of just proceeding. Short of this, Truth remains permanently elusive. The ensuing cacophony has been truly bewildering. It strikes me as a possible ploy to smother recent provocations by other far more trenchant issues, such as the revelation of declarations of a religious war. If so, let it be known that I have long declared war against religious fundamentalism, the nature of which justifies the butchery, kidnapping, and enslavement of students in the name of religion. That aspirant’s alleged gaffe cuts no ice with me. Far more alarming was the grotesque fantasy of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court disguised in a wheelchair, zooming off into space to a secret meeting with other parties to the conflict. On its own, that is sufficiently scary. Swiftly followed thereafter by a television tirade of intimidation, it strikes one as more than the mere antics of the mentally deranged. The tactics are familiar: ridicule, incriminate, then intimidate. Objective: undermine the structure of justice. Just as a reminder: I was not being rhetorical when I declared, on exiting prison detention: Justice is the first condition of humanity. The instigating contest – Nigerian Democracy 2023 – has witnessed much that is innovative – largely in the retrogressive vein. Violence and ethnic profiling. “Spiritual” warfare in the shape of sacrificial rams to keep “disloyal” communities under restraint – in short, intimidation yet again! Easily overlooked, however, are those missives of violence directed against dissenting voices, real or suspect. Such, for instance, were the virulent attacks and threats to the musician, Seun Kuti, his family, and the iconic music Shrine. His crime consisted of nothing more than declaring the name “Obidient” derogatory to his sense of civic dignity and activist history. Such beginnings – and instances are numerous – have culminated in the open intimidation of the Court of Last Resort, even before proceedings have begun. By the way, I do agree with Seun Kuti; ‘Obidients’ is one of the most repulsive, off-putting concoctions I ever encountered in any political arena. Some love it, however, and this is what freedom is about. Choice. Taste. Free emotions. By contrast, I have no quarrel with “Yes Daddy”. Roman Catholics are used to saying “Yes, Father”. Secularists say “Enh, Baba”. The context and content are what matters, and lies – where established – raise bothersome issues such as Integrity Deficiency. Let us remind ourselves of the following: In any adjudication, society finds it unacceptable that a party to the dispute resorts to influencing tactics by extra-judicial means – such as bribery. Intimidation and threats are merely the obverse complements of material inducement. Those who fail to appreciate this are entirely free to their existence in an illusory world. What the nation needs to know right now is if you are planning to send assassins after such negative analysts! Coming to terms with an unpalatable projected eventuality – sorry – possible eventuality, counsels deep reflection, not demonisation of the bearer of sour news. For the seriously committed, it requires pulling back the horns a little in order to regroup, rethink and resurge. Democracy is sometimes a long haul. Some of us have been at it for quite a while. We shall add the following pointer for this particular electoral tussle – the news may be unpleasant, but here it comes. Quite a few pundits have set out in some impressive – not necessarily persuasive – detail the possibility that the complainants in this presidential election are not as strongly planted on the victory podium as they presume, see – for instance – Ambassador Haastrup’s fascinating analysis in Newspeak, etc. of 6 April. Right or wrong? That is not the issue. What the nation needs to know right now is if you are planning to send assassins after such negative analysts! Coming to terms with an unpalatable projected eventuality – sorry – possible eventuality, counsels deep reflection, not demonisation of the bearer of sour news. For the seriously committed, it requires pulling back the horns a little in order to regroup, rethink and resurge. Democracy is sometimes a long haul. Some of us have been at it for quite a while. I am well aware that the foregoing is a further invitation for a more nauseous bilge from the besotted. Please, be my guest. It is, after all, one of those special seasons of convergence of two seasons of self-flagellation. Fasting makes bearers of constricted minds even more light-headed. Delusions fill the vacuum. Oh yes, could these rabid parochial minds of easy excitation also kindly stop flattering themselves that one’s energies are consecrated solely to the nation space known as Nigeria? The whines of “silence” are relative to the reading scope and world knowledge of idle complainants, as well as their grasp of the chain of continuity. I choose my methods of intervention without the permission of social media border patrols, so where you find a gap, just pick up the baton where it last deposited and stop whining and belly-aching – “He stopped talking all this while, why now?” etc., etc. ad nauseum.  Flat, easy disposable lies that gain traction by repetition. However, even more importantly, they remain irrelevant to the rights and wrongs of ongoing material issues. Sadly, these virtue vigilantes succeed with the ignorant and susceptible – especially among the younger, confused generation. The consequence is that the nation is plagued by fake CVs compiled by all kinds of amateur commentators, still wet behind the ears, who have too few truths to build on before they are corralled into positions of No-Retreat. Nowhere has this been more evident than in the effrontery of attempts to place the present contention on the same podium as the twenty-year-old anti-Abacha struggle! This gross abuse of historic licence actually provides smug satisfaction for rookie activists. I advise them to seek out the school of survivors where pertinent lessons still exist for those with sufficient humility to LEARN before MOUTHING! Otherwise, their world of false mythologies will collapse under their feet, and leave them dangling in the void. Project Nigeria, I must confess, has become near terminally soul-searing. Do I still believe in it? I am no longer certain but – first, we must rid ourselves of the tyranny of the ignorant and the opportunism of time servers. In any case, there is not much else to engage one on a foundation of ownership stakes. There is, of course, always the possibility of a Revolution, with a clarity of purpose and acceptance of all attendant risks, including costly errors. May I seize this opportunity, by the way, to condemn the sanctions imposed on Channels Television, which anchored the performance of the LP candidate? As stated, I watched the programme keenly – saw the valiant efforts of the interviewer to ensure a fair hearing. I fail to understand just where the station could be faulted, except for a disposition for injustice. To sustain that penalty is to give joy to others who turn the Internet into a soakaway for their rancid emissions, yet feel that others should be silenced. If Channels feels up to it, I offer myself willing to engage Mr. Datti – or any nominee of his – on its platform on this very bone of contention – one-on-one – without the malodorous intervention of media trolls, and with the same interviewer as mediator. That should be taken as a serious offer. Project Nigeria, I must confess, has become near terminally soul-searing. Do I still believe in it? I am no longer certain but – first, we must rid ourselves of the tyranny of the ignorant and the opportunism of time servers. In any case, there is not much else to engage one on a foundation of ownership stakes. There is, of course, always the possibility of a Revolution, with a clarity of purpose and acceptance of all attendant risks, including costly errors. Revolutions are not however based on the impetus of speculative power entitlement. No matter, until that moment, the structures that ensure just and equitable cohabitation must be protected from partisan appropriation – be it from material inducement, fake news, or verbal terrorism – the last being the contribution of one who is positioned to assume co-leadership of the nation, no less. Revolution is not about lining up behind the nearest available symbol. When a symbol does emerge, however, we are still obliged to examine every aspect of what is fortuitously on offer and continue to guard our freedoms every inch of the way. Before I take myself off for – well, next port of call – the final word goes to a favourite maverick, propagated even as he matched his words by action. I suspect that in this instance we find ourselves on opposite sides of the strategic fence – that is democracy. This now coopted watchword of his formulation remains apt and applicable to all who strive for authentic social transformation: Your mumu don do!  Ramadan Kareem. Happy Easter! Read the full article
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parkerbombshell · 1 year
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behnam909fd · 2 years
Chinyorwa chine hukama:
Chinyorwa chine hukama: Android 13 ine One UI 5 yakaburitswa yeGalaxy A73 5G Zvinofanira kucherechedzwa kuti hofori yekoreya tekinoroji yakatumidza zita rekuti Bixby Routines to Modes & Routines, iri iri nyore vhezheni yeBixby Routines. Ikozvino kune mamwe emojis uye animated emojis uye augmented real emoticons.
Iyo RAM Plus ficha inogona ikozvino kugadzirwa kana kudzimwa, uye yakavakirwa-mukati mufananidzo uye vhidhiyo edhita zvakare yakagadziridzwa. Pamusoro pezvo, kune yakadzama Wi-Fi Diagnostics menyu.
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halee003 · 2 years
Sekureva kwaSamMobile, iyo Tensor G2 inoenderana
Sekureva kwaSamMobile, iyo Tensor G2 inoenderana neLPDDR5 RAM uye inoshandisa 4MB yekugovaniswa L3 cache uye 8MB yeyakazara system cache. Kutenda kune yakagadziridzwa Image Signal processor (ISP), processor ikozvino inogona kurekodha vhidhiyo ye4K pa60fps nemakamera ese. Iyo chip zvakare inotsigira 108MP makamera ane zero shutter lag. Dzimwe gadziriso dzinoshandiswa kune iyi processor dzinosanganisira kugona kudzima mifananidzo (kunyangwe pamifananidzo yekare), mavhidhiyo emifananidzo uye zooming pasina kurasikirwa kwemhando (Super-Res Zoom) mumifananidzo nemavhidhiyo.
Chizvarwa chechipiri cheGoogle Tesnor chip zvakare chine Samsung Exynos 5300 5G modem. Iyo yeKorea tech hofori yakafumura iyi modem pachiitiko cheTech Day 2022, asi kusvika pari zvino hapana ruzivo rwakawanda pamusoro pemataurirwo ayo akaitwa. Nekudaro, zvinogona kutarisirwa kuti iyi modem ichapa kumhanya kwakanyanya kupfuura yekutanga chizvarwa Tensor modem uye mashandisiro ayo emagetsi achave akanyanya kunaka. Izvi ndezvenguva iyo modem yakaiswa muchizvarwa chekutanga Tensor yakanga isiri yakakwana maererano nekushandiswa kwesimba uye yakabvisa bhatiri remudziyo nekukurumidza. Humwe hunyanzvi hwekutaurirana hweTensor G2 hunosanganisira rutsigiro rwedual-frequency GPS, Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.2, NFC uye USB C zvichibva pa USB 3.2 standard.
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kutemouse · 3 years
And Then He Was Gray (Part Five)
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Disclaimer: I edited the pic I used for my header, but the OG pic belongs to BTS & BigHit.
Author’s Note: I’m baaaaack!!!! 😄 So sorry this took so long to update! I feel so bad, but I promise I have a good reason why it’s been forever since I’ve posted. Please see my Big Announcement Update for further info. I’ve missed you all!
Age Recommendation: 21+ (Not just a recommendation, kuties!)
Warnings: Swears, god f*cking dammit.
LOTS AND LOTS OF DIRTY, FILTHY SMUT including, but not limited to, biting, sucking, groping, Jin throwing Y/n around a bit, the giving/receiving of hickeys, BDSM themes, fingering, Jin going all in on Y/n’s praise kink, face-fucking, smut, smut, and more smut.
Forget the gallon of holy water, I need an entire pool-full of the stuff 😂 Enjoy!
Word Count: 2,178
Master List
And Then He Was Gray (Jin One-Shot, Smut, Fluff) Part Five
Once Jin had shut and locked his front door, I turned around and looked at him from across the room, eyes wide with apprehension. He stared at me for a few long moments, a playful smile drawing the corners of his full, cotton-candy lips upward, his large hands shoved in his pockets.
“Tell me what you want,” he said so quietly I almost didn’t catch it.
“Want… Want you,” I murmured.
Jin crossed the room, stepping so close to me I could feel the heat emanating from his body. I looked down in embarrassment, but he wasn’t having any of that. He gently cupped both sides of my jaw with his hands and raised my gaze until it was locked onto his. I drew in a shaky breath, trembling from the suspense, as his head dipped further down until his lips mercifully brushed against mine.
I let out a satisfied moan, finally getting a taste of what I desired, as I deepened the kiss by wrapping my arms around Jin’s neck and tugging him closer. Jin let go of my face, putting his hands to work elsewhere. They scrambled over my body, not able to decide on a resting place. They first squeezed my hips, then wrapped around them, then moved to massage handfuls of my ass, only to roam north and tweak my clothed breasts until my nipples stiffened.
I gasped and licked inside his mouth, each new sensation bringing me higher and higher until my mind was smothered in a lust-filled haze. I wanted him. I needed him.
Jin suddenly shoved me backward, and I fell on the couch behind me with a loud “Ooomf!”
Before I could question him, he loomed over me, eyes swirling with dark clouds of desire. As slow as could be, Jin raised his arms. His gray, star-studded shirt followed suit, showing off the honey-toned skin of his stomach I’d been dying to get a taste of all night, and the strip of Balenciaga boxers. My mouth watered, forcing me to swallow. Finally, he tugged the shirt off, revealing his smooth, broad shoulders.
Jin stepped closer to the point where I could smell his musky cologne, the spiciness of the scent making my nostrils tingle. God, I wanted nothing but to taste that bare skin. I wanted nothing but to inhale buckets of that scent. Yet I didn’t dare touch him. Not until he gave me the go-ahead. I actually sat on my hands to keep myself from the temptation.
He chuckled a bit at my antics before tantalizingly undoing the button that sealed his jeans together. His fingers grasped the zipper, and I actually bit my lip to contain myself.
Jin took notice and dropped to his knees, pressing the pad of his thumb against my bottom lip and drawing it out from between my teeth. “What did I say about you biting your lip?” he murmured, his eyes emitting a dangerous aura.
“S-Sorry, Sir,” I stuttered. “I-It’s your job.”
“That’s right.”
He kissed me harshly, dominating my mouth with his, taking turns between shoving his tongue down my throat and taking my bottom lip between his lips and sucking. “You know,” he said, drawing back, leaving me panting. “Now that I think about it, I don’t think it’s fair that you get to see me before I get to see you.”
Jin snaked his hands around to my ass and tugged me to the edge of the couch, causing me to let out a yelp. He devoured my mouth once more, his hands rubbing up and down my thighs, getting closer and closer to my core until he reached my gray skirt and began to tug it and my panties off all at once. Jin drew back as he slid the fabric down my skin, his eyes following its movement until he reached my calves. I lifted my legs up, allowing him to slide the clothes over my feet and toss them away.
He then grasped both of my knees and forced my legs apart. Heat flooded my cheeks as he stared at my dripping core, fascinated. “Damn,” he murmured. “Such a pretty pussy… just begging to be fucked.”
I whimpered in response to his words, my exposed middle clenching around nothing. Jin let out a low groan when he saw that. “Want me that bad, huh?” he asked.
I nodded eagerly. “Want you so, so bad, Sir.”
Jin stood and undid his zipper, yanking his dark jeans down just enough to expose his hard member bulging from inside his boxers, the tip barely sticking out above the waistband, weeping pre-cum.
He drew closer, standing between my open legs. At long last, he finally freed his dick, tossing his pants and boxers away, and I gasped, my mouth falling open of its own accord. “That’s right, baby girl,” Jin growled. “Suck. But keep those hands underneath that pretty ass of yours.”
I immediately obeyed, sliding my hands underneath my thighs, before shoving the entire, long length of his cock inside my eager mouth. The velvety, soft skin of his member urged me to hollow out my cheeks and suck hard, bobbing my head up and down, earning me several loud gasps and moans from Jin. I got him to the point where his entire frame began to shudder from the pleasure. “Such a good girl,” he managed to gasp out. “No teasing at all… just went straight for it. My kind of girl.”
Encouraged by the praise, I sped up my pace, allowing his cock to hit the back of my throat and activate my gag reflex. I instinctively tried to press my legs together, wanting any sort of friction or relief, but Jin’s body stood in the way.
Jin groaned loudly, gratifying me through his pleasure. He wrapped my hair into his fist and guided me as I continued slurping and sucking around his huge member. “Hold still, baby,” he suddenly commanded. “I’m going to fuck your face.”
At his words, I braced myself and tried to contain myself at the same time. My entire system of nerves felt like they were on fire, tingles running up and down my spine at every moan he let out, flushing with a heat I only dreamed existed before now. “Squeeze my thigh when you need a break,” Jin said.
He suddenly thrust deeply down my throat, holding still there for just a second before pulling nearly all the way back out. He did that a couple more times before increasing his pace, ramming his cock in and out so rapidly I almost couldn’t keep up. I dug my nails into Jin’s thigh, trying to stay in control while staving off the downward spiral that was my own carnal indulgence.
Jin immediately stopped, pulling out of my mouth with a pop. “You okay?” he asked, concern lacing his voice, so different from the dominant growl he’d used earlier.
I coughed for a moment, wiping tears from my eyes. “Y-Yes,” I finally spluttered out. “Sorry, I wanted to keep going, I didn’t think, I just needed something to… something to…”
Jin’s eyes were soft as he pulled me upright, a knowing smile hovering over his perfect lips. “Something to hold on to?”
I nodded, looking down in embarrassment.
He lifted my gaze to his with a gentle finger underneath my chin. “Do you want to keep going?”
I nodded eagerly. His dark eyes smoldered, lust filling them, his smile changing into a smirk. I was going to get whiplash from the duality of this man. Jin suddenly scooped me up, causing me to shriek in surprise, before carrying me to his bedroom and tossing me on the bed. “Come here,” he growled.
I obeyed, scooting towards him. Jin peeled my top off, grunting in appreciation when he saw the lacy black bra underneath. “Were you expecting this to happen?” he asked, amusement lacing his voice.
I shrugged. “Not really. I just… like to feel pretty in all aspects when I go to a party.”
“I see,” he murmured, leaning down and undoing the clasps of my bra, sliding the straps down off my shoulders and tossing the bit of fabric somewhere behind him. He crawled on the bed on top of me, nudging my thighs apart. He leaned back, only for a moment, sliding a condom on his hard, huge length. I swallowed hard at the sight.
Jin let out a low chuckle before grabbing me and flipping me onto my front. “God, this ass,” he groaned, spreading my cheeks apart.
He rubbed the pad of his middle finger up and down my length. “So fucking wet still. That’s my good girl.”
I moaned at his words, soaking up his praise. Jin leaned over me, his chest pressing against my back, before prodding me open with his tip. He was enormous, but I knew I could take it. I wanted to take it more than anything at that moment. Inch by inch, he slid inside me, the pressure on my slick walls so phenomenal I could hardly stand it. He bottomed out then slowly slid back until he was nearly all the way out again, then pumped back in. His pace increased as we both adjusted, crescendoing faster and faster until slapping sounds filled the air. I pressed my face into his comforter, moaning loudly as he pounded me into the bed like nothing else mattered. Grunts, growls, and the occasional, “Oh god, you feel so good,” came from behind me as Jin continued ruining me beyond belief.
The building pleasure I felt was unreal. It felt so good, I couldn’t think, I couldn’t open my eyes, hell, I could barely breathe. I could feel my pelvis muscles tightening, a chord in me about to snap.
“Fuck!” Jin cried out, suddenly pulling out of me. My legs trembled as the cold air hit my insides.
“Come here,” he growled, flipping me back over. “I need to see that pretty face as I make you come undone.”
He kissed me harshly, twirling his tongue around mine, groaning loudly as he pressed back inside of me. He went frustratingly slower this time, prolonging both our orgasms, instead choosing to focus on biting and sucking the skin around my neck and breasts, leaving a trail of purple blossoms all over.
Jin pulled back suddenly, sweat making the ends of his hair wet, his lust-filled eyes and parted mouth making me flush with a new wave of heat. “I’m going to fuck you until you scream,” he murmured.
I audibly gasped as he pumped in and out of me at a lightning-fast tempo, the smell of our juices permeating the air as they began to mix. It was all I could do to moan and feel his delicious length hitting all the right spots. “Gonna cum for me, baby girl?” Jin panted. “Gonna cum so hard around my dick?”
I fucking lost it. All my muscles tightened at once, a gasp coming at the end of each loud moan as I struggled for air, my orgasm washing over me like a thousand-foot tidal wave. “Fuck!” I cried out as I hit the peak of my pleasure.
Jin slowed down a little, prolonging my orgasm, relishing in the way I tightened and released around him. “Damn,” he grunted. “You’re pussy is so fucking good, so fucking tight. I could fuck it all night long.”
“Do it,” I groaned.
His pace picked up once more, my moans coming out as loud whimpers. I almost wanted to beg for him to stop, but at the same time, I wanted to beg him to keep going forever and ever. Jin’s hips snapped into mine, and he only paused for a second to pin my legs backward, his shoulder muscles popping from the tension. “God, I’m gonna cum,” he huffed, pounding me faster.
His pleasure was my pleasure. I moaned loudly as my muscles clenched together once more, another orgasm hitting me just as he let out a loud growl, pressing his twitching length inside me as he came.
“Fuuuuuck,” Jin groaned, his member pulsating inside of me as spurt after spurt of cum wrecked the inside of the condom. He finally stilled, both of us panting hard. Jin slid a hand around the back of my neck and kissed me deeply, slowly, sensually, like he wanted to taste and feel every bit of my lips with his, so different from his rough kisses from before.
I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face as I kissed him back. He felt so good, so amazing. I didn’t want this to end.
Jin pulled away, his eyes taking a tad longer to open than usual. “You can stay over,” he murmured.
I bit my bottom lip, trying to contain my glee over having a few more hours with him.
Jin’s gaze darkened as he once again gently pressed a finger to my bottom lip, drawing it out from between my teeth. “Y/n… What did I say about biting that lip?”
Part Six (End) is here!! Enjoy <3
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shumica-al · 3 years
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Android tv box e kthen televizorin tuaj ne vendin me te bukur qe ju do te pushoni pas nje dite te gjate edhe te lodhshme. Ato ofrojn nje cilesi maksimale dhe shpejtesi te larte, qe televizori juaj ne gjendje normale nuk ua ofron. Android tv box bazohet ne sistemin e fundit te Android 9.0. Televizori juaj nga nje televizor i zakonshem do te kthehet ne Smart Tv. Kjo kuti eshte shume e lehte edhe praktike per ta vene ne funksion saqe ju do te merrni nje shije shume te mire prej saj. Dhe do t’a perdorni lehtesisht pa j’u nxjerre probleme. Android tv box ju bene qe te keni nje pamje 3D dhe te shikoni cdo detaje. Ju mund te shikoni cfare te deshironi ne televizorin tuaj tashme me cilesi optimale dhe maksimale.
Materiali: Plastik Permasa: Te ndryshme Burimi i energjise: Elektrike Certifikimi: CE, FCC RAM: 2 – 4GB Origjina: Kine Ngjyra: Sipas deshires
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dreamtblack · 6 years
Blachy aluminiowe kup
Co to jest stop aluminium?
Stop aluminium może składać się z mieszanki dowolnych 2 lub więcej metali. Cechą wyróżniającą jest to, że mieszanka metalowa składa się z dużo większej ilości aluminium niż jakakolwiek inna stalowa. Cynk, miedź i mangan to 3 metale najczęściej odkrywane w kombinacjach Just People.
Co to jest stop kuty?
Ogromna większość stopów aluminium jest oznaczona jako stop kutowy w stosunku do stopu odlewniczego. Sugeruje to, że elementy stopu są kute lub kształtowane. Aluminium walcowane płyty, folie aluminiowe i profile aluminiowe są jego typowymi produktami. Kutego stopu na tym zawiera znaczną wytrzymałość na rozciąganie elektryczne niż odlew aluminiowy. W konsekwencji może lepiej nadążać za zmartwieniem rozciągania lub ciągnięcia.
Wewnątrz jakich branż są wykorzystywane stopy aluminium i dlaczego?
Każdy rynek, który chce lekkich produktów i wyższej mocy elektrycznej dla tych czynników w kierunku odporności na korozję, jest dużym klientem. Obejmuje to technologię i przemysł lotniczy, w szczególności samoloty i helikoptery, a także przemysł morski, rowerowy i motoryzacyjny. Jego bardzo niski stopień łatwopalności generuje metaliczne połączenie zadziwiająco przyciągające wzrok w kierunku przemysłu transportowego. A jej jasny wygląd, z uwagi na tlenek aluminium tworzący widoczną warstwę ochronną na zewnątrz, jest zbyt przyciągający.
Dlaczego innowacje technologiczne i inne branże chcą go ze stali?
Głównie dlatego, że aluminium jest lekkie, dzięki połączeniu go z innymi silnymi metalami, jest wytrzymałe, bez potrzeby używania stali. Jak wyjaśnia Wikipedia, "ogólnie rzecz biorąc, dzięki stopom aluminium można uzyskać sztywniejsze i lżejsze konstrukcje niż w przypadku stali."
W jaki sposób stosuje się go na rynku lotniczym?
Od ich wyższej energii elektrycznej, stopy aluminiowe wzmocnione skandem są wykorzystywane do wykręcenia rosyjskiego samolotu myśliwskiego Mig 21 i Mig 29, generalnie określanego jako wynik Fulcrum jako NATO, ale to tylko jeden konkretny przykład. Mieszanka skandynowo-glinowa powoduje, że ten rodzaj stopu jest najsilniejszym dostępnym materiałem, bez dodawania krytycznych funtów, które mogą zakłócać moc elektryczną samolotu w kierunku lotu.
Jakie są niektóre z pakietów morskich?
Wysyłaj i twórcy łodzi będą stale włączać go do swoich jednostek. Z powrotem głównym motywem jest lekki dom z metalu, niemniej jednak odporne na korozję domy ze stopu utrzymują się bardzo dobrze w częstym ataku słonej wody.
A co z przemysłem motoryzacyjnym?
Pierwsze auto, które nie zawiera stopu aluminium w jego konstrukcji jest ekstra mało prawdopodobne, niż nie tego razy. Tego typu mieszanki stalowe są tylko jednym z wniosków w ramach silników samochodowych, "szczególnie w przypadku bloków cylindrów i skrzyń korbowych dzięki zbytecznym zniżkom, które są okazją" - wyjaśnia Wikipedia. Ewentualnie wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne samochodowe panele nadwozia dodatkowo regularnie go obsługują. Wewnątrz dodatków, kaptury i panele ciężarówek i przyczep również włączają je do swoich programów, a arkusze są stosowane do ram samochodowych i odlewów kół.
Blachy aluminiowe - jakie to rozróżnienie?
Poprzez swoją naturalną definicję wszystko składa się w kierunku wykonania z grubością artykułów. Stop aluminium ze zwykłego prześwitu blachy waha się w stosunku do wzrostu o 0,006 cala w kierunku grubości wewnętrznej 0,080 cala. Jest to poprawne niezależnie od projektu i stylu mieszanki metalicznej. W ramach kontrastu folia aluminiowa jest znacznie cieńsza - każdy materiał o grubości mniejszej niż 0,006 cala. W kierunku sferycznym charakterystycznych definicji stopów aluminium, każdy towar o grubości znacznie większej niż 0,080 cali jest uważany za metalową płytę.
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ram-kuti · 1 month
Ram Kuti Pushkar: An Oasis of Serene Retreat Embracing Spirituality and Calm
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Located in the heart of Pushkar, a town rich in spiritual significance, Ram Kuti goes beyond mere accommodation. This serene guesthouse serves as a haven for those in search of spiritual connection, embodying the legacy of Pujya Gurudev Ranchhoddas Ji Maharaj and the sacred atmosphere of its surroundings. Far beyond just a lodging option, Ram Kuti serves as a gateway to spiritual awakening and cultural discovery.
Pushkar is revered for its sacred lake and the unique Lord Brahma temple, attracting countless pilgrims. Positioned near this temple, Ram Kuti provides a calm retreat while allowing easy access to other spiritual sites like Varaha Temple and Ana Sagar Lake.
The guesthouse’s roots are deeply spiritual, inspired by Gurudev Ranchhoddas Ji Maharaj. Following Gurudev's passing, the Nathwani family maintained his meditation room, preserving the guesthouse’s spiritual core. The Jyotiben Manubhai Foundation later enhanced these facilities to accommodate those drawn to Pushkar’s spiritual calm.
Ram Kuti combines traditional aesthetics with modern amenities, offering air-conditioned rooms with Wi-Fi and private parking, ensuring comfort and convenience. The guesthouse also offers a variety of breakfast options to cater to different dietary needs.
Beyond providing a place to stay, Ram Kuti invites guests to explore Pushkar’s spiritual and cultural heritage, including Pushkar Fort, the Camel Fair, and beyond to Ajmer Sharif. It serves as an ideal base for spiritual and cultural immersion.
Known for its outstanding service and hospitality, Ram Kuti has earned a reputation for its welcoming environment and flexible policies. It stands out as an affordable, inclusive choice in Pushkar.
The principles of Gurudev Ranchhoddas Ji Maharaj, focusing on love, service, and selflessness, resonate throughout Ram Kuti. Gurudev's teachings inspire the guesthouse, emphasizing humanity over ritual, and inviting guests to engage with spirituality deeply.
Ram Kuti is not merely an accommodation; it is an experience that deepens guests' connection with Pushkar’s spiritual essence. Whether participating in the Camel Fair or visiting Tapo Bhumi, visitors are immersed in the rich spiritual tapestry of the area. Embodying Gurudev's teachings, Ram Kuti serves as a refuge for those on a spiritual quest.
As a beacon in India’s spiritual landscape, Ram Kuti enhances Pushkar’s serene and sacred atmosphere, providing a space where travellers can explore spirituality and find peace. It’s more than a guesthouse; it’s a spiritual journey and a gateway to the sacred traditions of Pushkar, perpetuating Gurudev Ranchhoddas Ji Maharaj's legacy and guiding visitors towards enlightenment and cultural engagement.
Contact Us:
Ajmer Road, Pushkar Parashar Colony Ajmer 305022, India
• +91 145 277 2239
• +91 9414300251
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secretradiobrooklyn · 4 years
SECRET RADIO | 10.19.20
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Secret Radio | 10.19.20 |  Hear it here.
1. Melome Clement & Tout Puissant Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou - “Gnon Nu To Min Lin”
One thing that consistently amazes me about this TP music is that it’s like listening to classic oldies
I just read that Melome Clement died right at the end of 2012. I hope that means he lived a long life. 
2. Fela Ransome Kuti & His Koola Lobitos - “Wa Dele”
Absolutely awesome footage of Fela Kuti, some from before and after the period of this song. Hell, it opens with a shot of him hugging Ginger Baker. He’s clearly a massively charismatic guy. There’s great footage of the horn players too, and tons of amazing dancing, both onstage and (I think?) backstage. There is also one very bad moment in the footage that is super jarring… but I think on balance the footage gives a huge dose of color to an already colorful song — I know I fell in love with this song long before I saw these shots!
3. Panbers - “Haai”
One side effect of running a music magazine was that music would be sent to us, solicited, unsolicited or otherwise — and I loved it. Part of why I started writing about music was that I loved getting CDs in my literal mailbox. One set that arrived at Eleven before I got there was a beautifully made collection called “Those Shocking Shaking Days: Indonesian Hard, Psychedelic, Progressive Rock and Funk 1970-1978.” It wasn’t the kind of thing I was listening to, or for, at the time, but it made a certain impression. Now I’m amazed at how Indonesia, Turkey, Nigeria, France and Benin were pumping out great music in 1978 that all seems like they were part of the same scene… but they couldn’t have been. Right? Italians, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Estonians, Peruvians — just great music being made all over the planet at the same time. Wow.  
4. La Femme - “Welcome America”
This band seems to me like a more modern version of the band Little Rabbits from the ‘90s-‘00s, whose music I totally love. I really like the spoken style of some French pop — like the lyrics aren’t being sung, they’re being announced. I get the impression that this is an indie sort of band in modern French music but not crossed over into the French pop stratosphere.
A Town Called Panic! soundtrack
If you haven’t seen this movie, we highly recommend it. Don’t even look it up, just pop it in at the top of your queue. It’s really weird and completely rewarding.
5. Serge Gainsbourg & Brigitte Bardot - “Initials B.B.”
This is one of the foxiest songs ever recorded, in my opinion. I mean, she’s beautiful and he’s beautiful for SURE, but also it’s written into the chords and arrangements. It’s so royal.
For the eye makeup if nothing else:
Paige adds:
I should note, Chris and Christine when I dedicated this to Bridget, I was only thinking of the chorus “initials, initials, initials, B. B.” Immediately when it started playing, I realized I’d completely forgotten there were verses and that I have no idea what they’re saying. But considering it’s Serge and Bardot, there’s a high chance it might be a song for grown ups. So just the B.B. part is for Bridget.
6. Betti-Betti - “Guikolo” 
From Bridget to Brigitte Bardot to another B.B.: Betti-Betti. I love the character and timbre of her voice, and the way the horn hits anticipate the beat — everything seems to be out ahead of the beat, it’s amazing. And this is only a hunch, but I think she does the amazing mouth drumming in the middle of the song. If anyone knows whether that’s actually her doing it, I would love to know. I feel like it happens in several of her songs. It just knocks me out every time.
7. Guided By Voices - “Hot Freaks”
This song will always be deep in the heart of my Seattle self. I feel like this is the moment that Guided By Voices became ineluctable. 
8. Techniques Band - “And I Love Her”
So languid, so strangely refracted. 
9. L’Oeil - “Bernadette”
 This song comes from a collection called “Wizzz: French Psychorama (1966-1971), Vol. 1.” Everyone sounds so locked in together on the groove, the vocals can go off on their own TV comedy scene. I want to know more about this band. 
10. William Onyeabor - “Tomorrow” 
The rhythm of this song grows so gradually that you don’t even feel it growing ever more complex until the backing vocals start to wind around each other in an ascending ladder of harmony. Meanwhile, the lead vocal just keeps expressing an absolute truth about life: No one knows tomorrow.
11. Marie Lafôret - “A Demain My Darling”
Lijadu Sisters - “Sunshine”
This is such a pretty song in the verses… but then it opens up into an extended instrumental passage built around this perfect little guitar phrase. I assume great hip hop songs have been built around this sample, but I haven’t heard em yet. In headphones the instruments are being slowly panned around the room in different directions, which is pretty great as well.
12. T P Orchestre Poly Rythmo - “A O O Ida”
When I’m digging around for T.P. tracks I haven’t heard, sometimes a song really lands. I make a note, come back to it a few times, realize I’m into it, cue it up and realize that I should have recognized the song from its place on a comp or something I’ve already heard. But they sound so different from copy to copy! The version of “A O O Ida” here is from a recording of the 1976 original pressing. The version I knew but didn’t even recognize is on Analog Africa’s excellent “The Skeletal Essences of Afro Funk.” At first I thought they were entirely different takes, but they’re not — just really different EQs and mastering. I love all of Analog Africa’s remasters on all of their amazing, amazing compilations, but in this case I prefer the version here. It sounds so sharp and wild. 
13. Teddy Afro - “Mar eske Tuwaf (Fikir Eske Meqabir)”
Teddy Afro must be the biggest entertainer in all of Ethiopia, and he is internationally revered as well. I first heard his music as background music in Ethiopian restaurants, but as I’ve come to explore more music around the world, I find his songs’ production to be really fascinating. He kind of floats over the top of a giant cumulus cloud of orchestral music and telling stories. In this case, he’s relating the story of Seble and Bezabih, the heroes of a famous Ethiopian story called “Love Until the Grave” that I gather doesn’t end well.
14. Salah Ragab - “Black Butterfly”
Josh Weinstein told us about Salah Ragab, and this song makes me feel like I’m living in a cartoon. 
15. Giant Sand - “Temptation of Egg”
In Seattle I went to see Grandaddy at the Crocodile, opening for a band I’d heard of but never seen so figured I’d check out. Giant Sand was touring on this album, “Chore of Enchantment,” and I’d never seen anyone play both keys and maracas AND guitar while singing and somehow seem like he was barely doing anything at all. I got the CD but it didn’t seem like the same thing… until the day after I met Paige, when we found ourselves at my place and I pulled out this album. It unfurled like a genie from a bottle.
16. Blonde Redhead - “En Particuleur”
Blonde Redhead was for a long time my absolute favorite band to see live. I think the first time was at Under the Rail, and literally the second she first screamed I burst into surprised tears. The twins looked like one angel and one devil. John Goodmanson worked with them before he worked with Harvey Danger and I was honestly in awe of them. They were also my path into Serge Gainsbourg, for which I will always be thankful.
17. Michel Polnareff - “La Tribù (Hippy Jeeeh!)”
It’s amazing how many layers of reverb this recording is soaking in, which helps keep it super spaced out, along with that synth sound firing straight up out of the atmosphere.
18. Fabio - “Lindo Sonho Delirante”
Another find via Now/Again Records. The original cover for the single featured a photo of Fabio with his arms outstretched, enwrapped in text. The breathless, almost torn quality of the backing vocals is trés classique. Also, another great example of mouth drumming.
19. Os Bongos - “Lena”
*A great find own my quest to find Muxima! I love the guitar tone on this.
20. Avolonto Honore et l’Orchestre Poly-Rythmo - “Avi Yaman Houé”
Avolonto Honore belongs to that first group of four — plus of course T.P. Orchestre — from the original “Legends of Benin” that basically makes him a saint in our book. He’s definitely one of the most amazing-looking players among them. This track they’re working is a super deep groove… and then when the horns come in, they sound surprisingly like Adriano Celentano’s “Prisencolinensinainciusol.” I believe that is Papillon on the guitar as well, another top favorite musician ever.
21. Yuri Morozov - “Neizyasnimoe”
Johnny Fantastic is probably the person we know who knows the most about Russian history and culture. Also American presidents. He is who I want to talk Russian psych and underground music with. So far, I’ve mainly found cool stuff from Estonia, which is plenty exciting, but I feel like there must be a whole Muscovite weird-rock scene that we just haven’t met yet. What do you think, Johnny?
22. Flavien Berger - “La Fête Noire”
Via roundabout paths, this one gets totted up in Julian’s column. Thanks, Julian. This was one of the first batches of songs that Paige heard of French music made after the ’70s, and it clearly stuck. Sometimes she sings along with the ending, which is my favorite. One translated lyric that sticks out is “I leave the comings and goings of the souls / On the other side of the diving board”
Hailu Mergia - “Embuwa Bey Lamitu”
We have been so glad to have “Wede Harer Guzo” in our collection. Every track is a pleasure. Great for working creatively alongside.
23. Ram Jong Vak - “Twist (Dance Twist)”
More Cambodian pop wizardry.
24. Rocky Horror International - “Alltid Lys Hos Frankenstein”
I tried to convince Paige, when we were leaving our art castle on Cherokee, that we couldn’t have Halloween that year, because we were going to be way too busy. She agreed — and then got us tickets for “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” the weekend before, which isn’t technically Halloween… and thank god! It was my first live Rocky, and I may not’ve ever done it if I didn’t do it then. Truly a singular experience, there’s nothing like it no matter how hard people try.
Paige adds: The church of Rocky! 
25.  Arsenal - “Bolero”
Still just reading about this track. One guy wrote in on a track, asking, “Is there any place in Russia where I can still buy this music? I have been searching all over the western planets, but no success so far.” Which made my whole existence feel different. The western planets? How far do you have to go to find a copy of this record?!
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goldenchariotirctc · 4 years
Explore the famed Deer park on a pilgrimage tour in Sarnath
Sarnath, a place located 10km away from the northeast of Varanasi. It is near the Singhpur village which is also referred to as Isipatana and was mentioned as one of the most important places for pilgrimage that all the followers should visit. The Buddhist Circuit in Sarnath also covers Buddha’s Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, the place where he held his first teaching after attaining enlightenment. The teachings and sermons threw light on the four noble truths. Sarnath is a word derived from the Sanskrit Language Sarangantha which refers to “Lord of the Deer”
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Sarnath is the place which is known as the Buddhist pilgrimage site. This is why every year travellers around the world plan Buddha Stupa Sarnath Tour. This  Sarnath Buddhist tour is famous for its few places like Dhamek Stupa, Sarnath Museum, Mulgandha Kuti Vihara. Starts with Dhamek Stupa, it is one of the most visited and revered Buddhist structure in the world. It lies in the Uttar Pradesh state of India. This is the place where Lord had delivered his sermon after attained enlightenment at Bodhgaya. Dhamek Stupa Sarnath marks the spot where the Buddha preached his first message. This Stupa built by Great Mauryan Kind Ashoka in 249 B.C.E, this great structure lies inside the Deer Park in Sarnath. 
The Pilgrimage tour in Sarnath has never completed without visiting the Sarnath Museum. In the year 1835–36 the excavations conducted at the site by Sir Alexander Cunnigham and in the 1927–32 Mr. Daya Ram Sahni have brought to light numerous structural and artistic remains. Most of the objects are now housed in the Archaeological Museum at Sarnath which is oldest site museum established in 1910 C.E. If you are going to Buddhist Circuit in Sarnath then it is essential to cover all these destinations.   
Mulgandha Kuti Vihara is a famous temple which passenger covers in Buddhist Sarnath tour. The temple is in the midst of the legendary brick ruins this place is known for the world over. However, the temple stands out for idiosyncratic architecture which is not what Buddhist follow or known to do. Set up in 1931 by the Maha Bodhi Society, the temple is also famous for its magnificent murals and frescos. This is why every year hundreds of devotes and explorer come on Sarnath Buddhist Tour.
Travellers continue their journey further to the next religious site of Bodh Gaya which is associated with Mahabodhi Temple. The Buddhist Circuit in Bihar extends to the infamous Bodhi tree which is recognized by its heart-shaped leaves that are prominently displayed. The Bodhi tree is a destination frequently visited by pilgrims as they are aware of the famous story of Lord Buddha meditating under the Bodhi tree for 49 Days.      
The Giant Buddha statue in Sarnath is one of the many stops in the Buddhist tourist spots which can be explored via Buddhist circuit in Bihar. The statue stands around 19.50m high and it took around 7 years to complete the statue with the help of 12000 masons. The Buddhist Circuit is bliss for followers who want to embrace wisdom first hand from the life of Gautam Buddha and his teachings.
The 7nights/8Days journey under pilgrimage tour in Sarnath is also visited by many including both locals and foreigners. The countries which have Buddhism as their Dominant religion such as Thailand, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Japan have established monasteries in Sarnath in Buddhist drivel style which depicts how closely the life of Gautam Buddha is being followed not just by the locals but from people around the world. This shows the religion is one of its kinds and the people around the globe still want to learn the values which were taught by Gautam buddha.
Through IRCTC Buddhist Circuit Tourist Train you also get to uncover and traverse all the essential places related to Buddhism such as Varanasi, Agra, Kushinagar etc. On this stupefying journey the followers can comfort themselves on board with a variety of restaurants, AC tiers and facilities.
Source - “https://medium.com/@goldenchariot.irctc/explore-the-famed-deer-park-on-a-pilgrimage-tour-in-sarnath-b023d80d7a8e”
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swastikholidays · 5 years
Varanasi - A City of Spirituality, Art & Ghats
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The city illuminates truth and reveals reality. It does not bring new wonders into the scope of vision, but enables one to see what is already there. Where the eternal light intersects the Earth, it is known as Kashi”. The synopsis of the city put forward beautifully, one may call it varanasi, banaras and kashi the city has a calling for each. What drove me to the city is my deep rooted sync with Lord Shiva or Kashi vishwanath as one may call it.
It is one of the seven sacred spots for the Hindus.
Varanasi is located in the south eastern part of the state of Uttar Pradesh well connected by rail, air road to all the major cities of the country. The city is set on the bank of the river Ganga which the holiest river for the Hindu community. From the capital of the country Delhi, it is 820 Km via NH 19 which is approximately a 13 hour drive. If one is travelling from any other city, the information is readily available on the website. The best time to visit the mystical city is from November to February, during the winter season wherein one may walk around the city without feeling exhausted. The average temperature during winter is 5 degree Celsius.
Varanasi, is undoubtedly inhabits the oldest civilization of the world. Varanasi exhibits a unique combination of Spirituality, Art and its world famous Ghats. It is believed to be the centre to attain Moksh or Salvation.  It is this combination that has a magnetic pull for tourist both domestic and International. To put in a nut shell one can experience the serenity of river Ganga, the chanting of Mantras, innumerable temples, the ghats and the Ashrams not to mention the fragrance of various incenses.  Its civilization dates back to 2000 BCE and has been continuously inhabited since then.
It was famous for the production of perfumes, Ivory works, sculpture and fabrics. The banarasi silk still rules the heart of every Indian woman and equally captivates the international tourist.
Varanasi has a significant importance to Hindus because it is believed that Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati stood when time started ticking for the first time. Kashi Vishwanath Temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva.  Along with Kashi Vishwanath temple there are other temples such as Durga Temple, Sankatmochan Temple, and Bharat Mata Temple which is dedicated to Bharat Mata. It has a relief map of India carved in Marble. The famous Ramcharitramanas was composed by Goswami Tulsidas in Varanasi. The soil is blessed with feet of Buddha who gave lecture on the first turning of the Wheel of Dharma during 528 BCE.
During the varanasi tour here are a few things you can consider. stroll on the ghats, witness a cremation, take a boat ride at sunrise along the holy Ganga. sunrise and sunset aarti, ramnagar fort and meuseum, banaras university, sarnath trip.
As we all know varanasi is famous for the ghats, simply by walking alongside one will get a glimpse of all the religious activities. Dashashwamedh ghat  is the main and the busiest ghat. Assi ghat and Kedar ghat are also equally intresting.
Cremation by burning the body is an ritual performed by the hindus and yes it is the most intruiging part of the tour to varanasi. The pyre burns almost 24 by 7 at manikarnika ghat and harishchandra ghat. Witnessing a burning body aquaints you to the basic fact that after death body is reduced to ash  hence learn to be humble and lead a simple yet inspirational life. Burning of body is scientifically the most hygienic way to dispose the body.
Nothing is more enchanting than watching the sunrise while taking a boat ride in the holy river. The boat ride cost nothing more than 150-200 (INR) and ensure to bargain as they will quote a very high price. While taking a ride one will notice the ritual of life and death being performed on the same ghat. You will also see small shrines which can a quite a sight.
Sunrise and Sunset Aarti: There is a small aarti which is performed at the sunrise on the banks of the Ganga. Similar aarti is performed in the evening and it is a mesmerizing sight. One can see huge crowd gathered on the banks with people from all walks of life gathering for this ritual with ardent faith.  The aarti is performed by the pundits in such a fashion that their movements are synchronised with each other. The lamp used to perform the aarti is seven layered and quite big. One must attend the ganga aarti and soak in the experience.
Ramnagar Fort: As the name suggest it was ancestral home to the Maharaja of Benaras which was originally built in the 17th Century. Though the fort is not maintained and is crumbling to pieces it offers a stunning view of the ghats over the sunset.
Banaras University: It is one of the oldest University across the world and it dates back to 1916, it had a excellent academic record. There is an museum by the name of Bharat Kala Bhavan which has good collection of paintings, manuscripts.
Sarnath: As mentioned earlier Varanasi was also a place where Buddha gave his first sermon after attaining enlightment. It is one of the 4 important sites on Buddhist circuit.
Away from the hustle bustle of the city this place offers a breath of fresh air with the ruins of stupas, temples and monasteries. Dhamekh stupa and monastery is the place where Buddha gave his first sermon, there is also large Chaukhandi Stupa from the 5th century where Buddha met his first disciples which was later topped by a large Mughal tower, Mulgandha Kuti Vihar is the place where the Buddha’s first sermon is chanted daily at sunset.
Apart from this one can also visit the Akhada’s the Bull shop, arrange a meeting with the Facebook baba, Kashi Labh Mukti Bhavan, Saint Ravidas temple and Aghori Ashram.
The tour of varanasi is incomplete without the savouring the delicaies and they will satiate your taste buds for sure !!.
The famous Kachori Sabzi which is available at the Ram Bhandar, Thateri Bazaar, Kachori Gali.
The Choora Matar, is available at Gopal Mandir Gali.
Dahi chutney Gol Gappe savor it at Deena Chaat Bhandar  and Gol Ganj.  
Bhatti Chokka  available at Puran Das Road. The list is endess and the taste still titillates my taste bud!!! Kidding. But truly it is a delight for foodies and I can write a different different blog all together regarding the various dishes one can enjoy.
The holy water of  Ganga (Ganga Jal): The Ganga Jal is of utmost importance during the rituals for the Hindus. The belief that one can get rid of  all the sins has given the water a supreme importance.
Banarasi Silks:  One of the most adorned  collection  of  an Indian women are Banarasi Silk, be it in the form of saree or dress material. It equally attracts the international tourist as well. I recommend you  to go to peeli kothi or Thateri Bazaar area for the best prices at affordable rates.
Crystal and Stone Shivlinga: They come in various sizes and  in crystal or stone. Shiva is one of the panchayatan  gods need to be placed in every Indian  house.  Gulabi Minakari, is an art exclusive to the crafts men of Varanasi. They can be found near Gaighat  various small souvenir can be purchased from here.
Other items are Wooden toys, Rudrasha Mala, Flutes, Indic Literatures, Bangles and other accessories. Hand Knotted carpets, Sweets etc.
Its my genuine attempt to capture the glory of Varansi in this blog however, I left Varanasi with deep reverence towards Lord Shiva and Hindu culture.
For more details regarding varanasi tour package click here.
or call/whatsapp on +91-8510901222, +91-9213313000
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Chitrakut - 20th February - 5th March 2019 - On the track of Sita RAM Lakshman in Chitrakut - RAM Ghat, Paran Kuti...
Chitrakut – 20th February – 5th March 2019 – On the track of Sita RAM Lakshman in Chitrakut – RAM Ghat, Paran Kuti…
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voluptuarian · 7 years
Weekly World Music: “Resham Firiri (”Silk in the Wind”) 
“Resham Firiri” is a very popular folk song from Nepal. A love song, it uses a series of illustrations to show the feeling of flying caused by being in love. Unfortunately I have not been able to track down the performing artist.
Nepali Lyrics:
रेशम  फिरिरी रेशम  फिरिरी उडेर जाउँ कि डाँडामा भन्ज्यांग, रेशम  फिरिरी
कुकुरलाई कुती कुती, बिरालोलाई सुरीतिम्रो हाम्रो माया प्रिती दोबाटोमा कुरीएकनाले बन्दुक  दुइनाले बन्दुक, मिर्गलाई ताकेकोमिर्गलाई मैले ताकेको होइन, मायालाई डाकेकोआकाशमा जहाज  सडकमा मोटर नभए गाडा छयो मन जस्तो त्यो मन भए तागत गाढा छसानोमा सानो गाईको बाच्छो भिरैमा राम  रामछोडेर जान सकिन मैले, बरु माया संगै जाउँ
Romanized Lyrics:
Resham firiri, resham firiri
Udera jaunkee dandaa ma bhanjyang
Resham firiri
Kukuralai kuti kuti biralolai suri
Timro hamro mayapirti dobatoma kuri
Ek nale banduk, dui nale banduk, mirga lai takeko
Mirga lai mailey takeko hoina maya lai dakay ko
Aakash ma jahaz, sadak ma motor, na bhaye gaada cha
Yo mana jasto tyo mana bhaye tagatai gada cha
Saano ma sano gaai ko bachho bhirai ma, Ram, Ram
Chodera jaana sakina maile, baru maya sanghai jaun
English Translation:
My heart is fluttering like silk in the wind
I cannot decide whether to fly or sit on the hilltop
To the dog-it’s “here puppy-puppy,” to the cat-it’s “here kitty-kitty,”
Our love is-waiting at the crossroads.
One-barreled gun, two-barreled gun, targeted at a deer.
It’s not the deer that I am aiming at, but at my beloved.
Like an airplane in the sky, a car on the road,,
If not then a bullock cart.
If your heart feels the same as mine then come.
The tiny baby calf is in danger at the precipice.
I couldn't leave it there-- let`s go together, my love. 
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