clown-milf · 1 year
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They’re all dating because I said so
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zibiscusloon · 9 months
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All rise Camilraeda nation- I present: a critter-
-Her full name is Jocelyn Stormy Clawthorne! She prefers Josie for short.
-She’s biologically Raine & Camila’s child, she was born during the rebuilding the of the Isles (she would’ve been around 1 1/2 around the time of the epilogue)
-She was in the healing track during her time at Hexside & The University of Wild Magic. She now works as Hexside’s school nurse (she frequently has her nieces in her office due to how danger prone they are-)
-Know one honestly knows what her palisman is supposed to be. He’s just a lil guy. She drew how she wanted him to look when she was like 5 and just never changed her image of him when she finally got Hunter to carve him for her. (And who would Hunter be to deny his lil sis her goofy lil guy?)
-Frequently travels between the Human Realm and Demon Realm.
-Luz and her are extremely close, heaven knows they and their sibs took the dorkiest graduation photos when she graduated from Hexside.
-Loves her nieces with all her heart, usually is the one to get them out of the dumb situations they find themselves in.
-As baby of the family all five of her sibs are very protective of her.
-She’s highly noise sensitive and prefers quieter environments. Rabbowl helps to comfort her when she gets overwhelmed.
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4nn1kgak · 9 months
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korkietism · 1 year
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Raeda…ramila…Camila palisman… (mama wolf..) my palisman (silhouette
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gfablogs · 6 months
Addressing Global Health Inequalities: The Interconnection of Economic Development and Access to Healthcare
Global health inequalities persist, with access to healthcare closely intertwined with economic development and wealth. Despite the guarantee of a right to healthcare in many laws, the reality is that it remains unavailable and unaffordable, particularly in remote or underdeveloped regions. This article examines the disparities in healthcare access, affordability, and health outcomes, shedding light on the urgent need for global action.
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The Interconnection of Population Health and Economic Development:
The Economist’s 2017 Global Access to Healthcare report emphasizes the crucial link between population health and economic development.[1] While a legal right to healthcare exists, many individuals, such as Ramila and Champalal, cannot afford even basic healthcare. This issue highlights the significant impact of economic factors on health outcomes. The report stresses that economic development and good population health are closely interconnected.
On a country-by-country basis, per capita health spending further highlights the stark differences in healthcare accessibility. Wealthier nations, such as Switzerland, Norway, and the U.S., allocate substantial resources to healthcare, with per capita spending reaching around $9,500. In contrast, countries like Pakistan face significant challenges, with per capita health spending as low as $36. India, ranked 145th out of 190 countries, allocates a modest $75 per capita for healthcare. These disparities in healthcare spending underline the substantial gaps in healthcare resources between nations.[2]
Variances in Life Expectancy
Life expectancy varies significantly across different regions, indicating the complex interplay between health and socioeconomic factors. Globally, life expectancy increased by over five years between 2000 and 2016, reaching an average of 72.[3] While this rise is encouraging, there remains a considerable gap between the top and bottom of the longevity league table. Japan boasts an average lifespan of almost 84 years, reflecting advanced healthcare systems and high living standards. In contrast, Sierra Leone struggles with an average life expectancy just past 50 years, a stark reminder of the challenges faced by many low-income countries. Several Asian nations, including India, Nepal, and Bangladesh, fall in between these extremes, with life expectancies ranging from 68 to 71 years.
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Highlighting Global Health Statistics
The World Health Organization’s 2016 World Health Statistics provide critical insights into the global health landscape, offering a glimpse into the magnitude of health challenges faced by many populations. These statistics reveal the urgent need for targeted interventions and resource allocation to address key health issues:[4]
Complications of pregnancy and childbirth result in the death of approximately 303,000 women annually, highlighting the need for improved maternal healthcare services.
Tragically, 5.9 million children die before reaching their fifth birthday, emphasizing the importance of accessible and affordable pediatric care.
Neglected tropical diseases affect a staggering 1.7 billion people, necessitating immediate treatment and preventive measures.
Air pollution caused by cooking fuels leads to the deaths of 4.3 million individuals, highlighting the need for clean energy sources and improved environmental health.
Outdoor pollution contributes to the premature death of 3 million people worldwide, underscoring the significance of sustainable development and pollution control measures.
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444names · 8 months
Names generated from female Portuguese forenames, excluding the letter "C"
Adegina Adeiza Adelanueda Adelia Adelora Adete Adria Albia Albilda Albintia Albintônia Alemena Alemíliodo Alena Alene Aleneda Alenielia Aletígona Alfona Alfone Alfonsida Alina Aliol Alvia Alódina Amara Amona Amone Amorina Ampara Amparbara Ampargia Amparina Amânda Amânia Amântônia Amélisa Anaís Andala Andita Andra Andre Andres Angelia Antia Antina Apara Aparisa Arlemene Arlene Arloísa Armilia Arnandita Arnélia Arnélitena Augueles Augunça Augunção Augustipa Auroandria Aurolita...
Bartimona Bartina Beatruna Benastina Benola Beralene Beres Beridérina Berna Bertimena Betilda Brudia Brudita Bríope Calde Camira Camone Caranda Cardesa Caria Carisa Carissa Carmilisa Cartima Cartipe Cassa Cassana Cassina Cassulate Cathirla Catrina Celmara Celpômene Cibeldes Cibelia Cibina Cilia Clane Clarmíona Clexane Clomene Clomila Cloméliana Clotina Conordesa Consia Consina Cressa Criana Crildadela Crilvodita Crina Crisa Crise Cátina Cátine Cíntianise Cíntígone Dafia Dalaida Dalgasta Dalgisana Dalia Dalmança Dandra Desiana Desida Dessana Digélia Digélote Digéniane Domena Doméliana Domélina Dorana Dorde Dordessina Dores Doria Doris Doves Dulis Déliana Délipe Ediana Edianas Edina Edita Elaina Elatria Elilávia Elina Eliniana Eliolisa Elista Elmana Elmarilda Elmila Elsangarla Elzia Elzieta Emana Emanda Emarmora Emira Erian Erina Ernélipe Esmena Esmene Esmera Esmerna Evandia Evandina Fabelina Fabria Febelata Febetígise Felexana Felina Ferma Fileição Filene Filitana Filota Filvodora Flomirloé Flordadada Fláudeia Fábiana Fábila Fábina Fábinaína Fátia Gabeta Galda Geiselina Geissana Geição Geressa Giselmana Gisla Glota Glárina Gláudela Gláudorena Glávia Graliandia Grana Guide Guilma Guina Guine Hadelexana Helenia Helia Heliolina Helma Helorana Helpômena Heria Hilda Héloísa Idandra Ifina Irissia Isabria Isana Isideguel Isinassa Jaela Joseliana Josemí Josálina Josáris Judora Julanuela Julia Júlisana Katinana Larafalda Larda Laresa Laria Larisa Laula Laulina Laurdela Laurolia Lavína Laína Leana Leandia Leatina Leatálina Leodia Leodina Leodo Leona Leonstia Lilaido Lilene Lorafne Lorina Lorna Luanae Ludia Ludorna Luida Luila Luile Luizana Lurota Luísane Lídilita Lídita Lígissia Lílielia Líliete Lílvânda Mafina Mafine Mafinha Magdana Manuedia Manuela Marazia Mardalia Mardela Maresia Maresárine Marla Marmília Matena Mathira Matipa Maxia Melaisa Melena Melene Mermaria Mermo Márina Márisanda Mírina Mônia Natálina Nefel Nefelina Nevesa Noemelais Nádiana Nádita Nádite Núrilda Núrisa Olgida Olárilaina Ondres Ondria Ourda Ourdalda Ourdes Palenia Palina Parde Pateição Pauro Pauréia Pilaida Pilarmele Pilda Piláudita Quiza Radegina Radetígida Raine Ramila Ramonoema Ramonope Raquedia Rebela Rebelívia Rebriança Regiane Reguel Reguelia Regusta Renabela Renessa Renore Ronorafa Ronoria Ronsa Ronsta Roselma Rosária Ruteia Sabelia Sabelianga Sabete Salda Saldes Salgia Salielia Sanovia Sarana Saraça Sardete Sargia Sarina Sarlene Sarta Severa Severes Seves Sibeliana Sibelina Sibiança Silaisa Silda Silávia Simana Simarlope Simila Simina Simirgina Simonsa Sofigna Sofigélota Solara Solargia Solena Solia Suelana Sília Sílina Sônira Taina Taindra Tatene Tathia Telaró Telia Telipera Teodita Teona Terena Teres Teria Terise Terma Terna Terténola Terôniana Terôniança Thaida Tinda Trina Tristália Valda Valesális Valitória Valotipara Veres Veriana Vilvâniete Virgina Virginede Vitana Viviana Viviandia Ximene Ximenes Ximina Ximonora Xândréia Xânia Xânianda Ziteição Águsanasta Úrsuna Úrsunça
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goddamnwebcomics · 9 months
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Of course our crew is just going to the Gene Catlow place, when they're suddenly called by Ramila who informs them about Forzoi. STOP. SLOWING. THIS. COMIC. DOWN. GAH. I have already said everything that needs to be said about Forzoi subplot. Stop beating around the bush! I miss Burke.
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sumson123 · 10 months
Best Reiki healer in Mumbai
Looking for the best Reiki healer in Mumbai? Learn more about Ramila D. Bhanushali's experience and knowledge as she provides comprehensive and individualized therapy for your mind, body, and soul.
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judocritics · 1 year
EK u23 Sarajevo: Jente op het podium met brons.
>> 2022 EK u23 Sarajevo, BiH (live results ijf.org)
u23, het blijft iets ongewoons. Zeker niet iets dat moet afgeschaft worden, maar zo’n kampioenschap kan vaak alle kanten uit. De waarde/uitstraling van zo’n u23-titel, staat of valt nl. met het deelnemersveld, méér dan in eender welke andere leeftijdscategorie. En dat omdat de échte (jonge) toppers het meestal links laten liggen in een al overvolle IJF-kalender; in theorie (maar wordt het ook toegepast ?) is de referentie voor seeding op het EK u23 de plaats in de EJU Senior ranking list, gebaseerd op Senior European Cups uitslagen. Maar als sommige (jonge) toppers - die nooit naar die ECups gaan - dan toch deelnemen worden de kansen van de mindere goden al snel gefnuikt. En zo worden sommige u23-titels dus plots meer waard dan anderen in functie van de toevallige deelname van één of meerdere van die toppers. Persoonlijk ben ik voorstander van een regel die het judoka’s verbiedt om aan een EK u23 deel te nemen, zodra ze al op het podium van een WTour stonden.  
Wat of hoe dan ook, dit jaar een wat vreemd, maar veelzeggend Belgisch deelnemersveld: 4 Vlamingen, waarvan er 3 uitkomen voor Wallonië ! Jente Verstraeten (ex-Leuven), Fiona Vanbiesbroeck (ex- Antwerp United) en Jitse Van den Herrewegen (ex- Herzele) vertrokken bij de VJF voor redenen die ik mij perfect kan inbeelden; en tenslotte was er ook nog Jarne Duyck (Ingelmunster). Helaas presteerde enkel Jente op niveau, want zeker weten dat elk van de 3 anderen er (terecht) meer van hadden verwacht.    
Jente Verstraeten (°01; /-48kg; 116°WRL; IGW): 3° (3 own)  -- 1/8-fin: opent als 6th seeded tegen 1ste-jaars junior Florina Badiceanu (°04; Rou; 184° WRL/-52kg): vecht dus eigenlijk /-52kg, en won tot dusver 4 ECup medailles bij de jeugd (Jente als u18 ooit 7; én EK/WK-medailles, maar moeilijk vergelijkbaar gezien de uitéénlopende gewichtscategorieën). Badiceanu zag zich vorig jaar 2021 overigens ook bekroond met brons op het EK u18/-52kg.  >> video : Florina is groter en fysiek sterker; Jente is technisch verfijnder, vooral in ashi-waza; na 1′33″min in GS (en s2/s1 achter) wordt Badiceanu bestraft met hansoku-make voor waki-gatame bij een werptechniek.   -- 1/4-fin: tegen Raquel Brito (°02; Por; 87° WRL): sterk bij de jeugd en altijd /-48kg: 14 ECup medailles; 2° EYOF’18; 2°EK u18 (2019) & 3°EK u21 (2020) en 4 jaar op rij top-8; haar beste senior resultaat tot dusver: 5° WCup Malaga’21 & 7° WCup Madrid’22;  >> video : opnieuw een tegenstander die net een kop groter is; zonder een noemenswaardige aanval na 2′min wedstrijd krijgt Jente een 2de shido voor passiviteit; wanneer Raquel dan eens verzuimt om rechtop te vechten, kan Jente haar op de rug vastpinnen en scoort onmiddelijk met tai-otoshi. Nu, met nog 1′30″min te gaan beseft ze natuurlijk dat ze niet enkel maar kan verdedigen, en helaas wordt een valse seoi nage haar fataal: 3de shido, en verwezen naar de herkansingen. Raquel Brito zal uiteindelijk 3° worden.  -- repechage: tegen Giulia Ghiglione (°03; Ita; no WRL); eindelijk eens een tegenstander van haar gestalte; Giulia won nog geen wedstrijd bij de seniors (WCup Riccione’22 of WCup Zagreb’21); bij de jeugd wél 6 ECup medailles; >> video : een wedstrijd die na 5′27″min eindigt met 3 shido’s voor passiviteit voor de Italiaanse; noch voor Jente, noch voor Giulia werd er naar het einde van de reguliere 4′min toe, een score toegekend voor een verdienstelijke aanval;   -- bronze: een wedstrijd tegen Ramila Aliyeva (°00; Aze; 138° WRL); de eerste en enige kamp dus tegen een niet-junior; ‘Aliyeva’, het lijkt een beetje het Azeri equivalent voor ‘Janssens’ of ‘Peeters’, dan toch voor het judo, want er zijn opvallend veel judoka’s met deze naam uit deze regio (Kaz; Aze); Ramila werd 4 jaar terug 5°EK u21/-44kg (en 2x 3° ECup); werd vorig jaar 2° op ditzelfde EK u23/-48kg; en dit jaar 5° WCup Cluj Napoca (+5° ECup Celje) >> video : erg wanneer een wedstrijd voor een medaille op een dergelijke wijze moet worden beslist ! het was een zeer gelijkopgaande kamp, volledig gedomineerd door doorlopend ashi-waza van beide judoka’s en ik vond het daarom dan ook géén passieve kamp; maar na 31″sec GS viel wél het verdict: 00s3/00s2 en zodoende stond Jente voor de 3de maal op een EK-podium (na 2x bij de u18/-40kg).  -- opvallend: 4 wedstrijden waarin in totaal één score valt, dóór Jente, in een kamp die ze verliest... Judo kan ook alles behalve spectaculeer zijn, inderdaad. De finale werd gewonnen door junior Sila Ersin (°03; Tur; 60° WRL), huidig Turks senior kampioene, en Europees vice-kampioene u21/-48kg; het zilver ging naar een andere (eerste-jaars) junior Konul Aliyeva (°04; Aze; no WRL), na ook al 2x zilver op een ECup u21/-48kg dit jaar (Poznan; Banja Luka), telkens geklopt door de Française Pauline Cuq (°04; Fra; 3°EK’22 u21/-48kg).     
Fiona Vanbiesbroeck (°00; /-52kg; no WRL; IGW): out (0 own) een unieke kans op een podium-plaats, en een ultieme bekroning moest het worden voor de enorme volharding waarmee Fiona heel haar jeugd heeft gejudood (12 judo-operaties !!); helaas, wellicht ging ze ten onder aan stress ? en zelf was ze achteraf uiteraard diep ontgoocheld. Na een ‘bye’ vecht ze in 1/8-fin tegen een eerste-jaars junior Nikolina Nisavic (°04; Srb; no WRL), wél 3° ECup u18 Porec (2021), en dit jaar u21: 1° ECup Athens & 3° ECup Banja Luka; >> video : Fiona domineerde, kwam nooit in de problemen door de Servische en scoort dan w-a na 2′15″min met sumi-gaeshi; en toch, en ik heb ze geteld, bij een 11de o-soto maki-komi poging (haar enige techniek) scoort Nisavic dan toch een noodlottige ippon. “mijn kumi-kata zat verkeerd; ik had gewoon links moeten vechten” zie Fiona achteraf.... helaas. En dan te weten dat Nikolina Nisavic uiteindelijk het brons pakt.  Roza Gyertyas (°01; Hun; 128° WRL; 5°EK’21 u21; 1° ECup Celje’22; 7° WCup Oberwart’22) wordt Europees kampioene; het zilver ging naar de 19-jarige  Ariane Toro Soler (°03; Esp; 70° WRL; 2° ECup Malaga’22; 2° WCup Malaga’21; 5° WCup Warsaw’22). Toch mijn diepste respect en bewondering voor het unieke traject van Fiona. En wie weet komt er toch nog wel eens iets moois om de hoek kijken !    
Jitse Van den Herrewegen (°01; /-90kg; 199° WRL; IGW): out (0 own);   Ook geen geluk voor Jitse, die in zijn 1ste kamp (1/16-fin) uitkomt en verliest van de ook latere bronzen medaille: Guy Gurevitch (°00; Isr; ondertussen 118° WRL) >> video : 2x een mooie schouderworp (11s0/00s0) en Jitse ondergaat de wet van de sterkste; judo kan ook simpel zijn;        
Jarne Duyck (°02; /-81kg; 227° WRL; JC Ingelmunster) : out (1 own)   -- 1/16-fin: opent tegen Kindi Ba Mamaoudou (°03; Esp; no WRL) >> video : Jarne scoort snel waza-ari in de kamp (door een compleet gerateerde uchi-mata van de Spanjaard), maar halverwege herstelt de atletische Kindi Ba de balans, en duurt het nog tot 5′13″min, vooraleer Jarne de wedstrijd kan beslissen (video panne).  -- 1/8-fin: tegen 3rd seeded Benedek Toth (°00; Hun; 69° WRL; 1° WCup Prague’21); reeds 2x 3° op dit EK u23 (2019 & 2021); ooit in 2017: 2°EK & 3°WK u18/-81kg; als senior 4x in een finale van een ECup & 5x top-8 op een WCup; >> video : een sode na 12″sec en Jarne onmiddellijk op achterstand; de Hongaar blijft ook redelijk baas, maar na 2′48″min stuurt Jarne een uchi-mata door en wordt daar met waza-ari voor beloond; even voor tijd wel een terechte shido voor passiviteit, want de acties komen toch overwegend van Toth; in GS dan wél meer initiatief van Jarne, maar helaas na 27″sec wordt een seoi-nage van hem, op zijn beurt door Benedek doorgestuurd en eindigt ook voor deze “échte” Vlaming het tornooi.... 
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fuckthisshitimin · 3 years
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Three Graces! (after Canova)
Click for better quality.
Very inspired by this fanart by @jusstmm because colors and flowers and pretty poses.
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zibiscusloon · 8 months
PLEASE TALK ABOUT JOSIE SHE'S BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kajakakajakakajajakaj Thank you sm!! <33 (she’s one of my favorite designs so it’s nice to see others like her!)
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•She’s probably the closest to Luz & King between her siblings. King would carry her by the back of her neck like a kitten hen she was younger.
•She spent her early school years in the Human Realm and transferred to the Demon Realm later on. She didn’t really enjoy her schooling in the Human Realm as her teachers weren’t the best and there were plenty of parents who weren’t ok with witch students in human schools. She did at least enjoy having Vee tutor her!
•She wears a lot of hand me down clothing and jewelry, mainly a few of Luz & Hunter’s spare outfits and also mainly wears Camila’s old necklace.
•She’s very close to her Aunt Lilith! They’re both dumb nerds and Josie loves to go the Bonesborough Museum to hang out with her and Hooty.
•Raine was probably the least experienced with kids (as Camila and Eda had longer experience), they however are the closest to Josie, she always liked to be around them when they did played music (she’s god awful at bard magic herself, she just likes to listen)
•Rabbowl is very soft and huggable and helps his witch when she’s overwhelmed by letting her just sit around and hug him. He’s often mistaken in the Human Realm for an off brand furby.
•She’s close to her nieces, Raquel & Cendy. She’s essentially the only reason they get away with their shenanigans at Hexside.
•She’s aromantic. She’s never had any interest in a relationship and prefers her palisman to most people.
•Eda packed her around a lot at the University when she was little. She’d often stick with Luz and watch her older sister study (Luz taught her how to use glyph magic, which she prefers as opposed to her own magic)
•Owlbert & Fiddlesticks would babysit her anytime no one else was able to. Needless to say, both palismen are absolute disasters at watching a witchling.
•Collector often pouts on how she’s gotten taller than them over the years. She was supposed to stay small forever!
•She’s nicknamed “Owlet” by her parents and siblings. Her nieces call her “Tía Joe”.
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blumeisms · 2 years
closed starter for @slwdancing​ from ramila mistry
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"Do you ever think we should just stop doing this?"
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eretzyisrael · 4 years
Meanwhile, inflamed by the false stories that the boy had been kidnapped, some residents of Beit Hanina marched on the nearby Jewish neighborhood of Neveh Ya’acov, shouting Palestinian nationalistic slogans. Some 12 demonstrators were injured in the clash with police who prevented a rampage against “settlers.
”Incidentally, the neighborhood of Neveh Ya’acov was established by Jews in 1924. Residents were attacked in the deadly Arab riots of 1929 and ultimately forced to flee in the War of Independence in 1948, when the area fell under Jordanian control. It was rebuilt in 1970, after the land returned to Jewish hands in the Six Day War.
Had the inflamed Palestinian mob reached the streets of the Jewish neighborhood, the results could have been deadly. Similarly, had there been fatalities among the rioters in the clash with police, events could have quickly descended into broader violence.
The abduction and murder of teenager Mohammed Abu Khdeir by Jewish terrorists in 2014 was undoubtedly on the minds of many of the Palestinians who rioted on Friday night, but there are important differences to kept in mind. Abu Khdeir’s abhorrent murder was condemned by Israel’s leadership, from the president, prime minister and chief rabbis down. Such acts of Jewish terrorism are fortunately rare, and tremendous effort is made to stamp them out.
The Palestinian leadership and those who profess to support it should not be exploiting any tragic death in a way that can only lead to more violence and hatred, let alone by turning an unfortunate accident into a doubly insidious modern blood libel. The tropes of kidnapping a non-Jewish child and poisoning water wells have both been used to incite pogroms against the Jews from medieval times on.
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ramilahurting-blog · 5 years
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femmewritcr · 2 years
OPEN STARTER from ramila mistry
"The way you flirt is shameful."
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gfablogs · 6 months
Breaking Barriers to Healthcare Access: A Path Towards a Better World
Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental right that remains out of reach for millions worldwide. Financial constraints and systemic challenges perpetuate the inability to seek necessary medical care.[1] This article explores the barriers faced by individuals like Ramila, emphasizes the need for increased awareness, and advocates for collective efforts to bridge the gap in healthcare access.
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Ramila’s Struggle: The High Cost of Healthcare
Ramila, a hardworking individual, symbolizes the struggles faced by those unable to afford even the most basic healthcare services. Her inability to pay for a bus ride to the nearest hospital has dire consequences. The weight of financial burdens on individuals like Ramila exacerbates their health conditions, affecting not only their livelihoods but also their overall well-being.
Dr. Ashish Nayak, a compassionate volunteer at GFA World’s free medical camps, sheds light on the financial constraints that hinder individuals’ access to healthcare. Daily laborers, who form a significant portion of vulnerable populations, struggle to make ends meet on meager wages. When faced with unexpected medical expenses, these individuals are left with no choice but to forego necessary treatment, perpetuating a cycle of ill health and poverty.
GFA World’s medical camps serve as a lifeline for individuals like Ramila, offering a glimmer of hope in the face of adversity. These camps, staffed by dedicated healthcare professionals, provide essential treatments, medications, and support, bringing about positive change in the lives of the underprivileged. By addressing immediate healthcare needs, these camps pave the way for a healthier future and contribute to bridging global health inequalities.
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Recognizing the Significance of Healthcare
Global leaders widely recognize that healthcare is an essential foundation for societal progress. The World Health Organization identifies healthcare access as a critical sustainable development goal, emphasizing its impact on poverty reduction, gender equality, and overall well-being.[2] By prioritizing universal healthcare access, countries can create a solid framework for inclusive and sustainable development.
While there have been notable improvements in certain areas of global health, progress has stalled in tackling major diseases and expanding essential health services.[3] This stagnation calls for a comprehensive understanding of the underlying challenges, such as inadequate infrastructure, limited resources, and healthcare access disparities. A holistic approach is needed to overcome these barriers and accelerate progress.
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Assessing the Extent of the Problem
Estimating the number of people lacking access to basic health services is a complex task. Official figures suggest that around 400 million individuals lack access,[4] but experts argue that the actual number is significantly higher.[5] It is crucial to consider factors beyond healthcare services alone, including access to clean water, sanitation, education, and socioeconomic disparities, for a more accurate assessment of the global healthcare access crisis.
To bridge the poverty and healthcare access gap, increased awareness, advocacy, and concrete actions are essential. Governments, organizations, and individuals must collaborate to develop sustainable solutions that prioritize universal healthcare access. Initiatives like World Health Day play a vital role in advancing this cause, raising awareness and mobilizing support for improved healthcare systems worldwide.
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