#realizing that your pitiful helpless wife isn't pitiful and helpless anymore
rhymesswith · 1 year
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Thinking about this video in particular.
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starktonyx · 5 years
Unfaithful - Steve Rogers x Stark!reader (part II)
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Word count: 3.3k
Description: The aftermath of you finding out your husband Steve, cheated on you.
Note: As you guys requested here is part 2! As you can see I got a little carried away with this (angst warning) but I do like the way it ended up, hope you enjoy.
Part I • Masterlist
Steve knew he had fucked up.
He also knew you would need your space for a few days before he tried to come near you, so he didn't dare to visit Bucky's apartment even if he so desperately wanted to. He did try to call him though, to check on you and his kid, but not even his best friend would answer his calls.
Yeah, that was a bad sign.
So a day went by, quickly turning into two, two became four and all of sudden a week had passed since he had last seen you. Since he had last talked to you, hugged you, kissed you ... fuck how he missed his wife.
If only he hadn't cheated on his wife.
He couldn't focus on anything during those days, the house was way too quiet and instead of feeling peaceful he felt even more lonely. It was weird not seeing James running around the house, not stepping on the toys he spread on the floor, not hearing his laugh ... oh how he missed his kid's laugh.
If only he hadn't failed his kid.
So Steve had enough of swallowing himself on his own pity, a week was enough for him to finally get in his car and try to somehow recover his family.
He had to.
So he soon found himself outside Bucky's apartment, frozen in place when he realized he didn't exactly plan what he was going to say. Of course he could start with saying sorry, but he knew you would only get angrier and you had the right to, because a simple sorry was not enough after what he did.
For a second he thought about just turning around and leaving, he didn't even know if he was going to be able to speak when you were in front of him, but he quickly shook those thoughts away. After all he was the reason you ended in this position, and Steve really needed to see you.
He took a deep breath before raising his hand to knock twice, his heart beat increasing when heavy footsteps approached the door. A pair of angry blue eyes met his as soon as the door opened, and Steve could only feel himself shrink under his friend's aggressive gaze.
"You're an absolute idiot! actually no, thinking about it you're just a fucking asshole" Bucky spat the words at his friend, although he kept his voice low as to not be heard by little James inside.
"I know that" Steve mumbled, he had expected that reaction from Bucky. Although that didn't stop him from trying to look inside the apartment.
"You seriously messed up this time Steve, I don't even know what you're doing here" He continued, before crossing his arms and standing in the middle of the door to block Steve's view from the inside.
Steve could only tense up at his words and protective stance, he sighed placing his hands on his hips.
"You know exactly why I'm here Bucky, I need to see them" Steve's voice came out more needy than he planned. "Please" He begged, hoping his friend would drop his assassin look and let him in.
Bucky squinted his eyes at him, after knowing Steve for so many years he could tell by his appearance that he truly seemed to be suffering from this. He almost stepped aside to allow him in the apartment, when he remembered how just a week ago you had come with James in your arms, barely containing your sobs asking to stay the night. So he kept himself firm on his position, and Steve realized it wouldn't be so easy to get through him after all.
"Come on Buck I made a dumb mistake, do you think I don't fucking understand that? I just can't be in that house alone anymore, I need to speak to her" Steve pleaded, but not even his sad eyes could budge his friend who only chuckled at his words.
"No Steve, you've made countless dumb mistakes before and this doesn't even compare to them. You have a family! You had a kid with the love of your life and you threw that away for some other girl? You've done some pretty stupid shit but now you really crossed the line"
"Don't you think I should be having this conversation with her and not with you?" Steve said, clenching his jaw now angry. "Let me in" He demanded giving a step forward, only to be stopped by his friend's metal arm.
"You know the only reason why I'm not beating you up right now is because your son is in here" Bucky admitted through gritted teeth, his metal hand still firm on Steve's chest.
Steve could only inhale sharply, if Bucky wasn't his best friend from his whole life he would've knocked him down right in that spot, but he knew better and stepped back. After all Bucky was only trying to protect you.
He still had a challenging stare fixated on his friend though, only budging when his son's laughter could be heard from the inside, who soon appeared running in the living room.
"James Anthony Rogers you need to shower right know" You playfully scolded running behind him.
"Noooo" James continued giggling, stopping for a second when he noticed uncle Bucky talking to his father. "Daddy!" The kid happily exclaimed running towards him, making you stop right in your tracks when you realized Steve was there.
Bucky turned around to look at you, somehow asking with his eyes if you needed help, you just shook your head and crossed your arms, watching how your husband picked James in his arms.
"You came back from your mission" James squealed excited, and Steve guessed that was probably what you told the kid to excuse his absence. "I think mommy is mad at you" The innocent kid secretly whispered in his ear so you wouldn't hear.
"Why do you think that J?" Steve asked, his features faking confusion.
"Because whenever I asked about you she would roll her eyes and leave. I do that when I'm angry" He explained. "She also cries every night when she thinks I'm sleeping" He finished, looking at his father with sad eyes.
Steve tensed up after hearing those words but tried to keep his composure, smiling to the kid to calm him down.
"It'll be alright baby, I just did something wrong and I need to apologize to mommy okay, why don't you go with uncle Bucky to play?" He offered and James just nodded.
"It's okay Bucky" You stopped him from kicking Steve out nodding your head. He just took a deep breath before directing himself towards the kid.
"Alright, let's go soldier" He grabbed James from Steve's arms and tickled him to make him laugh. "We have some serious James' businesses to attend" He playfully told the kid named after him, discreetly glaring at Steve before disappearing into one of the rooms to give you some privacy.
Steve finally walked inside the apartment, standing awkwardly in front of you with slumped shoulders . His breath hitched when he took in your appearance, his regret only increasing when he noticed how bad he had hurt you. You had dark bags under your puffy eyes, a veil of dullness covered your joyless features. You didn't really care about your hair, as it tangled in a messy bun with hairs falling everywhere.You appeared to have lost some weight too, something that wouldn't be noticed to everyone else but he knew you so well, and was quick to notice those little things.
He also noticed the absence of a ring in your left hand, ignoring the way his heart ached at the sight. You shifted uncomfortably under his curious glaze, impatiently waiting for him to say something.
"So?" You asked in an annoyed tone, eyebrows lifting as you crossed your arms.
"Honestly I don't even know what to say" He confessed sighing, once again putting his hands on his hips, a gesture you knew he made when he felt helpless or frustrated. "I just want you to come home, please doll" The pet name escaped his lips naturally, realizing his mistake when you balled your fists on your sides.
"First of all, you lost your right to call me doll" You spat. "And I already told you I can't be in that house anymore, not after what you did Rogers" His last name rolling out of your lips harshly.
He couldn't help but let out a deep breath as he turned around, running a hand through his hair exasperatedly. An idea came to his head, he knew it was wrong, but he felt extremely lost at this point.
"Don't do it for me, do it for James at least" He suggested still turned around, not being able to meet your eyes.
"Do not bring James into this" You replied, knowing he wanted to use him as an excuse for you to come back. "Do you think I don't feel bad for him? I don't even know how to explain what's happening" You said, your brittle voice threatening to break in any moment.
You ran a hand through your face, the uncertainty from the situation was eating you alive.
"You don't have to, all I'm telling you is to please come home" He begged finally turning back at you. “I know I fucked up, hell, there isn't a damn day I don't regret what I did. But you're my family and I won’t give up on that, I can’t! We have to find a way to get through this ... please Y/n” The desperate soldier wailed, yearning for forgiveness.
He decided to take his chances and carefully stepped forward, continuing when he noticed you didn’t back off, until your bodies were only inches away from each other. His glistening blue eyes seemed to pierce right through your soul, leaving you vulnerable under his pleading gaze. You didn’t know what got to you, something inside your chest made you lunge yourself forward and collapse in his body, allowing you to finally break down in front of him, his strong arms quickly embracing you in a hug.
“You broke my heart Steve” You sobbed against his aching chest, his name feeling unfamiliar on your lips as it was the first time you used it in a while. “I gave everything to you, gave everything for you. How could you do this to me, why would you–“ You couldn’t continue as the lump in your throat made it impossible for any words to keep coming out.
Steve could only caress your head as he began sobbing as well, his heart breaking as he felt you fall apart right in his arms. He couldn’t help himself from remembering the vows he made to you, a specific part painfully pounding in his head.
‘I will always protect you, I promise I’ll never fail you’
The words tortured Steve more than an enemy had ever hurt him, the same arms he had swore to protect you with now held you in broken pieces. Because even though he had kept you safe from any villain, any monster that dared to cross your path, he had become the enemy when he couldn’t protect you from himself. He opened his mouth to speak as he pushed back the lump in his throat, trying to say something to fix the mess he had carelessly caused.
“I’m so sorry I failed you Y/n, I never wante–“
“Shut up” You blurted out between cries, stopping him from hurting you more. “Just shut up and hug me” You begged, trying to forget about everything for just a minute.
For the first time in seven days you felt safe back in his huge arms, having missed how his warm body embraced yours. Fuck how you had missed his touch, the way he controlled his strength around you yet still managed to hold you tightly as if he never wanted to let you go. Now more than ever. You couldn’t help the tears continuously falling, as you recalled the seven beautiful years you had been spent as husband and wife.
Steve was the love of your life without a doubt, you both were there for each other since you met, no matter what. That meant any tragedy that happened in Steve’s life, you were there.
You were the first one to help him adapt to the new world and introduce him to the technology, you had been the only one able to calm him down whenever he had a bad memory from the 40’s.
When he found out Bucky was alive who was the one that kept him sane through it and helped him look for his friend? You. When the whole Sokovia accords fiasco happened you were by his side, even though your brother was on the other.
Who had spent two years on the run as a criminal with him? you did, even though Tony had offered you an arrangement that would free you from any charges.
Then when Thanos happened and he erased half of humanity, you were the one who acted as a mediator between him and Tony for them to actually become friends again. Well, actually become a family since James and Morgan were born around the same time and they had to accept they would be uncles to the children.
Looking back you knew you were always there for him, that’s why you couldn’t help the sickening pain that pierced through your heart every time you thought about him betraying your trust the second you gave him your back.
Steve Rogers was the love of your life. Would you ever be able to forgive him?
Anger invaded your body once again as you abruptly separated from his arms, the cold instantly creeping through your body refusing his absence.
“I can’t trust you anymore” You firmly said, wiping the tears from your cheeks, praying for them to stop. “I don’t know if I can forgive you I ... I’ll need time”
“I promise I will give you all the time you need” Steve assured as hope invaded his body, resisting his urge to kiss you. “Will you ... will you come back home?” He asked fearfully.
“Yeah, for James” You replied, making sure you left clear the only reason you were accepting.
You had to do it for the five year old that innocently laughed in one of the rooms, oblivious to the situation his parents were in.
“That’s enough for me” Steve replied, a smile threatened to appear but he knew it was best to keep his composure under your intense gaze.
“James come here” You called out to your son, who came immediately running to hug your leg.
Bucky followed the kid, once again shooting at glare in Steve’s direction. Seriously, if looks could kill ...
“You weren’t watching a sad movie now, why are you crying?” James worryingly asked to his parents, knowing something was definitely wrong.
You couldn’t help but smile at your son’s wit, he really was Stark after all. You picked him up in your arms and loudly kissed his cheek, fixing a rebellious strand of hair behind his ear.
“Daddy just needed to apologize about something he did” You softly explained, hell, if only it were that easy. “We’re going home now” You announced making the kid smile widely and clap with his tiny hands.
You put him on the floor after telling him to pick up his toys, and the boy took no time to do so and leave the room. You took a deep breath as you walked towards Bucky and hugged him in gratefulness, Steve tried to look somewhere else and give a few steps back to let you say goodbye to him.
“Thank you Buck, I’m sorry we had to bother you these days” You said, he could only stare at you with worried eyes.
“Come on Y/n, you didn’t bother me at all” He replied as if your words offended him. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” He could only stare at you with worry in his eyes.
“I honestly don’t know because I’m still mad at him, I’m just doing it for James you know” You mumbled sighing, he just nodded understandingly.
“Okay, just let me know if he does anything stupid” Bucky said rolling his eyes, and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
“When doesn’t he though” You mocked, and everyone in the room knew you were right.
“I’m literally standing right here” Steve whispered to himself, and before you could say anything James came running back with his backpack.
You picked him up again in your arms, giving one last nod at Bucky before walking towards the door.
“I’ll wait for you outside” You announced before leaving, knowing they needed to ease the tension between them.
Steve walked towards his best friend, who still had the terrifying assassin look, yet that didn’t stop him from hugging him. He felt how Bucky dropped down the guard, and hugged him back.
“Thanks for taking care of them punk” He honestly thanked, stepping away from the quick hug.
“You’re welcome jerk” Bucky replied, emphasizing the insult. “Steve you seriously need to fix this, I don’t know how but you have to” The soldier scolded him.
“I have no idea either, but I’ll try my best” Steve promised just like he had done to you.
“Okay, because if you don’t I will make sure I kill you myself for being so goddamn stupid” He warned with a menacing tone, but Steve only chuckled. “I’m being serious, they didn’t call me the winter soldier for nothing” He said, his friend now nodding seriously.
The ride home was pretty quiet, except for the little noises that James made while he played with his toys. The sun was getting down when you reached the house, and you had to take a deep breath before stepping inside, glaring at the spot on the porch where you had found the pictures that ruined everything.
Nighttime came quickly and Steve found himself settling in the living room to sleep on the couch, only for you to be interrogated by your son when you tucked him in his bed.
“Why is daddy sleeping on the couch?” The boy curiously asked furrowing his brows.
You stared at him in disbelief, you couldn’t believe he had noticed it. You had specifically told Steve to be careful so this wouldn’t happen.
“Well sweetheart, remember when you do something wrong and we have to ground you for your bad behavior?” You tried to explain to him, hoping he would drop the matter.
“So daddy’s grounded? I didn’t know that was possible” He opened his mouth widely in amazement.
You had to contain yourself from laughing at his bewilderment, the boy looked as if he had just discovered the secrets of the world.
“That’s right soldier, and you will be too if you don’t sleep now” You warned bopping his nose, before leaning to kiss his forehead. “I love you J”
You turned off is light and walked towards the door, but before you could leave his little voice stopped you.
“I think you should just forgive him mommy” The boy innocently suggested, a nostalgic smile adorned your face.
“I’ll think about it honey, now go to sleep or I’ll sell all your toys” You playfully said before closing the door behind you, letting out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
You will think about it.
Because maybe there was a chance you could forgive your husband and pretend nothing happened, although you certainly didn’t know if things would ever be the same.
You just took a deep breath as you entered your room, collapsing on a bed that felt too cold without Steve by your side.
Fuck, you really had to think about it.
A/n: And that’s it! I decided it to leave it as an open ending considering I wasn’t really sure wether to write a happy or sad one, so it’s totally up to you guys! Let me know what you think, and thanks for reading my first Steve fic here <3
The ones that requested part 2, here’s your tag!
@benegrido @asgardiangurll @retrxbarnes @heyiamthatbitch @yn-the-reader @clockblobber @thequeenreaders @captainscanadian @what-if-i-am-weird @valiantdragonbeard @colie87 @cynic-spirit @wantingtobekorra @kaetastic @crist1216 @secretlyactivated @katiew1973 @lovely-geek @mdemontespan1667 @princess-evans-addict @hausofevans @xjaelee @lyrxbz @princessdancingonthesunshine
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