#rebuilding the mountain
guttersnarls · 6 months
Wake up, maybe you should look at yourself
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mxdwn · 1 year
Royal Thunder Announces Summer 2023 Tour Dates Supporting Royal Bliss
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dasketcherz · 2 years
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in rebuild AU, little Gregory gets to have a pet for his 6th birthday as a surprise present from his dads! And he named him Benedict, or Benny for short and they are the best of friends!!
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purringbookworm97 · 10 months
who wants to start a community in the forest with me to get out of this hell-made capitalist bullshit?
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lucifer-kane · 1 year
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Broody City boy and his tan lines and irritated new ear piercing because he's so soft for the big bear in town
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viillanelles · 2 years
the ‘everybody lives/nobody dies’ tag on ao3 really is a life saver
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Okay, so getting my shit together took a bit longer than I planned, but now it is full steam ahead on the next batch of photos. Nothing super special with these ones; just pics from a casual stroll up on Lyderhorn, way back in July of 2019.
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dragonmons · 11 months
i fuckin adore rimworld so much but whenever i look at other people's colonies in the tag im confronted with the fact that other people make aesthetically gorgeous colonies and mine are. uh. Not That
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orcristwielder · 2 years
@caelmewedd // continued from this.
THE RULER WAS ONLY CONFUSED FOR A MOMENT UNTIL HIS GAZE shifted to look upon the gem in the elfess' hands. Thick brows furrowed in response as he came around his desk, slowly so as not to startle the smaller of the three. His head tilted as Kili asked his question, though he couldn't help but play with the idea in his mind but Thorin knew it simply was not true. Each kingdom had their own heart, their own gem belonging to them and Erebor had the Arkenstone. Bright blues lingered upon the perfectly shaped gem, "It's not another Arkenstone, Kili..." The brunette had finally replied after some time.
The mountain was full of jewels, gems and so much more treasure. But it was impossible for another Arkenstone to exist in the same area if there already had been one. "That," he started, examining the gem a bit more "is one of our own special gems." Fili, having been quiet this entire time looked to his uncle for a moment, a brow raising in question "Special gems?" A simple nod was given in response, "Aye." The blonde looked to the elder, hoping he would elaborate a bit more on the subject but when Thorin didn't bother to speak, the eldest brother simy went quiet.
Perhaps he would explain another time.
Perhaps, they may never get an explanation at all. Who knew, with Thorin that was a bit on the difficult side to tell.
The elder dwarf leaned back against his desk, arms folding across his chest as he looked to the three "Each kingdom has only one heart — one thing that is more prized than others. The Arkenstone belongs to the Lonely Mountain, thus that is the heart of the mountain." Came the brief explanation, a hum leaving the brunette as he motioned toward the piece in hand "There are many like this, but it is still considered rare. "
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apaethy · 1 year
just left the cinema
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thenerdcommander · 2 years
I love making problematic male characters
#he started out problematic bc he's a templar and oh BOY does it keep getting worse#man's cheating on his wife with a mage he had a crush on 7 years ago#and he treats said mage like garbage now#the end of that story is already plotted and don't worry he effectively goes to therapy gets a divorce and becomes a simp later but LORD#the DRAMA in this romance#sometimes you let the order make your crush tranquil so they don't kill him and then later when he's cured of said tranquility he blames you#and then you both hate eachother for a long time and then you bang and then you convince yourself it was blood magic and hate your ex crush#even more than before but your crush still digs you anyway so it all snowballs into a personal crisis bc Mother Giselle was right you don't#actually believe it was blood magic or you would've killed him so now you just have to sit with that and pick apart this whole narrative#you've built over the years to keep yourself from feeling all the things you didn't want to#and it eventually culminates into divorcing your wife that fed your unhealthy coping mechanisms (ie spinning a narrative in which you did#nothing wrong) admitting you were in the wrong going through the process of rebuilding trust with your crush and building a relationship you#never let yourself have with him before bc as a templar you're not supposed to get close to your charges and you took that very seriously#back in the day but the divine abolished the circles so you don't have to do that anymore and you can relax and let your feelings *exist*#and you adopt a dog together and go on adventures and the first time you ever admit you love him is in front of your extremely pious father#which is a hell of a move bc your boyfriend is A) a mage B) a man and C) an elf#and then you sort-of adopt your niece together bc she started developing magic and your brother is an asshole#and then you drag your boyfriend out into the Vimmark mountains where you get the best view and propose to him but you're awkward#so you tell him to forget it and then later you try again somewhere else#and then you honeymoon in Antiva#and you make sure he gets to see all the things he wouldn't have gotten to locked up in a tower
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vulto-cor-de-rosa · 1 year
Every once in a while I'll get the urge to just drop everything, go live in a van and travel thru Europe, making money only of my art, and I fell like that is my ancestors calling for me.
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swordince · 1 year
"a person could almost be forgiven for forgetting we're at war." "it often comforts me to think that even in war's darkest days, in most places in the world absolutely nothing is happening." the eternia of it all
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yo9urt · 17 days
more minecraft updates...it tests my patience -_-
#mine#the strangest thing is happening. whenever i destroy a block that has other ones on top of it (sometimes even just NEXT to it comma i dont#understand the mechanics ???) the other blocks fall down in a huge wave and its not just that y axis#its like other blocks NEAR it#i thought it was because i had a mod called 'falling tree' that made it so trees would fall automatically#but i deleted that mod .... and it still happens#maybe it's the realistic physics mod ... ? i'll have to check the settings#but anyway i must have spent like 17 fucking years last night rebuilding my fucking roof over and over again#because i kept misplacing blocks and having to delete them and then the whole roof would be destroyed#and im doing all of this in survival also so it was excruciating to get up and down on the roof itself#anyway. i decided i didnt like my other world so i deleted it and made a new one#new one is much more what i wanted !!!! theres this beautiful plains biome where im building my house wiht a village nearby#and a cute forest and a colder area with a lot of stone for mining#and best of all there is a RIDICULOUSLY HUGE ICE MOUNTAIN !!!!!!!!!!!! it's like the centerpiece of the area#i stole maps and a cartography table (!!!!) from the village and i'm really excited to map out the mountain#and see just how big it is and what kinds of stuff it might have ... goats ?#also i adopted a dog from the forest :3 i got lucky he only needed 2 bones cause i only had 2 bones lol#i just wanna play all day but i have homework -_- ! i hate you college
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14dayswithyou · 18 days
This Angel has another question! \o
What's it like taking a bath with RENACTED?
✦゜ANSWERED: Hell on earth T_T he takes up soooo much room and won't give you a moment to yourself dshjgjds /silly
cw: It gets NSFW towards the end!! MDNI!
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"Think we need more bubbles?"
When you're met with nothing but silence, you look up from your bubble sculpture to see your partner sporting an all too familiar pout on their face. His tattooed arms were crossed over his bare chest like he wanted to prove a point — and as if to fully emphasize their current disdain; Ren turns his head away the moment you make eye contact.
You couldn't help but let out a puff of laughter at the silliness of it all.
"Why are you pouting?" You nudge their leg with your own. "What's wrong?"
"...Why are you all th'way over there?"
'Over there', being on the opposite side of the tub from your beloved boyfriend. Which... didn't make much sense now that you thought about it, seeing as he was the one who (silently) volunteered to take the side with the faucet and drain, which left you with all the space and legroom your heart could desire. Though... it wasn't much, given how massive of a mountain your partner was. Ren was all long, lanky limbs and thick muscle; but it wasn't exactly evident with all the baggy clothing they often chose to wear.
In an attempt to make your beloved hacker feel better about the (albeit childish) situation, you carefully scoot over so that you were resting against one of their legs instead of the tub. But apparently, Ren still wanted more, as a familiar tattooed arm emerges from the water the moment you draw closer and silently beckons you to join him at his side. When you accept — in what world would you ever say no to him and that trademark frown? — Ren pulls you flush against his chest with a content sigh.
They were acting like the cat who got the cream, no doubt.
You barely have a moment to adjust to your new position before you feel Ren's arms wrap around your waist, and his chin finds its place atop your shoulder. Now, your hacker has the perfect view of you rebuilding your bubble castle once more — only this time, you were right where he wanted you.
"There." Your tone is laced with something mirthful and lively as you lean into his embrace. "Is this better?
"Just make sure you don't fall asleep. Elanor told me that it's not safe to do that." You purposefully ignore how their arms tense up at the mention of your coworker. However, you don't miss how they dip further under the water to run along the inside of your thighs instead.
Ren's real name slips from your lips in warning. You knew exactly what he was trying to do right now. Their hands were ghosting dangerously close to your—
"...'M not doing anything."
"Liar, I can feel you— Ah!"
His fingers casually brush past your most sensitive part, and it has you flinging your head back and clutching onto his forearm. From that reaction alone, you can hear Ren let out a curious hum from behind as their hand moves back to your sex once more.
"Just making sure you're all nice 'n clean down there."
"I-I somehow doubt that..."
"Isn't that the point of baths? T'get clean?" He muses, voice ghosting along the shell of your ear. "...Why were you talking to your coworker about taking baths in the first place, anyway?"
One of the rubber frogs you added ('for ambience!' you recall telling your boyfriend) innocently floats past, and you had half a mind to reach out and turn its gaze away from the intimate scene. Ren still had one hand firmly placed around your stomach to keep you steady while the other was shamelessly running up and down your—
"...Think I'm gonna need to do a thorough inspection. Bend over the tub f'me?"
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sunderwight · 2 months
SV AU where after Shen Qingqiu's self-destruction and apparent death, Luo Binghe decides to pursue a time travel option after several resurrection attempts come up short.
Said time travel option sadly isn't customizable. It's an unstable time vortex that can only take the traveler back a fixed 30 years into the past. In PIDW, by the time Bingge found it, he had already ruled his kingdom for centuries and it was only used as part of a wife acquisition plot. So going back thirty years didn't make much of a difference to him. In Bingmei's case, thirty years might be further than he'd choose to go, but it will get him back to a point in time when his Shizun is still alive. This is the most important thing.
He'll have to reintroduce himself, and carefully rebuild a relationship, but at this point that might even be for the best. This time he will successfully disguise his demon heritage. He'll greet Shen Qingqiu as an equal and potential friend and ally, fix all of his past mistakes, and make everything right! Though he realizes during the planning stages that he's still assuming at first that he'll meet Shen Qingqiu as Qing Jing Peak Lord because in Luo Binghe's head, his shizun must have been on Qing Jing Peak for a hundred years at least. Intellectually, though, he knows that the Qing generation of peak lords didn't ascend until like 20-ish years ago, which means he's more likely to be meeting Shen Qingqiu as a disciple.
Which is a mind trip! That's very bizarre for him to contemplate, actually! Shizun might even be younger than him! But it's still his best chance at getting his shizun back, so in the end it doesn't deter him.
The System, of course, isn't interested in losing its power source. So it goes along for the temporal journey, and drags along its users.
Shang Qinghua is very confused to wake up and find himself 30 years in the past, once again the Head Disciple of An Ding Peak instead of its lord, with a young Mobei Jun glowering at him for daring to pass out randomly in his presence.
Shen Yuan is very confused to wake up alive, back in the bamboo house, with Yue Qingyuan hovering at his bedside and telling him about a qi deviation -- wait, did he reset his entire transmigration somehow? But then, why does Yue Qingyuan look so young? Dressed like a disciple, no less! And why are they in the side room of the bamboo house instead of the main one...? Who dared redecorate Binghe's room?! Questions that will have to wait because a moment later, the disembodied voice of the original goods is screaming in his head, accusing him of being a demon who has snatched his body! What the heck is "system error: double occupancy" supposed to mean?!
Luo Binghe thinks he knows what to expect by the time he makes it to Cang Qiong mountain (after a brief detour to visit a certain washerwoman and gently trick her into eating a miraculous medicinal pill + taking a ton of money off of him).
But as with most things in his life, it doesn't go according to plan.
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