thecollectibles · 10 months
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Art by ReJean DuBois
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ciccerone · 11 months
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dance-world · 1 year
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Ryan Vetter - photo by Rejean Brandt
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hibiscusbabyboy · 3 months
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"Want it All,
Want it All"
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septembergold · 4 months
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by Rejean Pellerin
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bluesgator · 7 months
Audio portion - Produced and engineered by Réjean de Grand Maison at The Big House
Composers - A. Tomasso, M. Matulis. 
Consultants - Nick Fulleringer and Roger Dawson.
Without being too specific, for obvious reasons, I wrote the lyrics to speak of the "Mohawk Warrior" (The Mohawks were the most easterly of the Iroquois Nation's tribes) historically as well as of the present day (Kahnawake Warrior Society) en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohawk_Warrior_Society . In the song you find yourself in the middle of any one of many battles occurring between 1609 and 1777 in what is now the northern New York and southern Québec area. "The Mohawk Indians who were left in the Mohawk River Valley of upper New York state, were friends with and sided with the English during the French and Indian war. However, the Mohawk Indians who had been taken into Canada, sided with the French. This had the effect of pitting Mohawk brother against Mohawk brother, something the chiefs feared more than any enemy. Then came the Revolutionary War. Most of the Iroquois tribes sided with their allies, the English. But because the Colonies were fighting for Freedom, and because the Mohawk treasured freedom, many of the Mohawks sided with the Colonists. Again, Mohawk Brother was pitted against Mohawk Brother. This, coming so close on the tail-end of the French and Indian War effectively destroyed the unity of the Mohawks, who for so long had guarded the Iroquois against invasion in the East. Added onto this, the results of the Revolutionary War forced all of the Iroquois/Mohawk allies, as well as the enemies of the Colonists to cede their lands to the Americans. Interestingly, it was a corporation that took possession of the lands of the Mohawk and Iroquois — the corporation was headed by a man who was related to the President's wife at the time of the undertaking." www.aaanativearts.com/battle-of-lake-george It is complicated but the Mohawk Warriors are a proactive group and have taken on the responsibility of standing at the forefront of the conflict that exists between the First Nations and the various governmental and corporate entities across Canada and the U.S.. The exploitation, deception and injustices of the past that were inflicted upon our indigenous people have at best been compounded and persist through the year 2020 AD. Things must change and the Mohawk Warrior, among many others, is there to make sure that they do. We, the members of BLUES GATOR support the First Nations and we pay homage to the brave Mohawk Warrior. The "Warrior Sun/Son" referred to in this song, as in ( "... rage of the warrior son... " ) is a double entendre meant to sensitize the listener to the historically documented fact that over the centuries, many generations of noble Mohawk warrior sons have fought and died, come and gone and also to the Mohawk Warrior flag that uses a very striking image of the sun behind the Warrior profile to visually represent the rage and outrage that is felt by these people. lyrics CRY OF THE WARRIOR © 2023 (HBP) Cool waters run Pounding of the gun Death is in the air Blood infecting sun Long story's told Short story's cold People of the Bear Dying everywhere You hear the cry of The Warrior The rage of The Warrior Sun Big rivers rise Drowning out their lies Red Coats retreat Accepting their defeat You hear the cry of The Warrior The rage of The Warrior Sun Cry of The Warrior The rage of The Warrior Sun We are here to stay Winds of time will change We will find a way We will fight today Take them on the run Take them 'till they're done Nations unite Brother, sister join the fight You hear the cry of The Warrior The rage of The Warrior Sun Cry of The Warrior The rage of The Warrior Cry of The Warrior The rage of The Warrior Sun ~End~ Ajo Tomasso Mike Matulis credits released October 24, 2023 Ajo Tomasso and Mike Matulis of the band BLUES GATOR license all rights reserved
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
While most Ukrainians battled against Germany during the war, it’s well known that the western region of the country collaborated with the Third Reich — and that thousands of those involved were allowed to resettle in Canada. [...]
When Anthony Rota, [...] introduced Hunka during Zelenskyy’s Sept. 22 visit, he called him a “veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians and continues to support the troops today.”
And Hunka made the argument himself after Russia invaded his homeland last year. “In the last war, I joined the Ukrainian underground to fight Russia, so I was fighting the same people they’re fighting now,” he told a reporter covering a peace vigil in North Bay, Ontario, in March 2022. “Nothing has changed there. The same enemy. First Stalin was there and now this idiot,” he said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin. [...]
In a post for the SS Galichina veterans’ blog Combatant News, Hunka wrote that 1941 to 1943 — after Germany invaded Ukraine and before Hunka enlisted — were the happiest years of his life. He also recalled eagerly awaiting “the legendary German knights” to come and attack “the hated Poles,” using a slur for Polish people, in 1939.
Captioned photos from the blog show Hunka during SS artillery training in Munich in December 1943 and in Poland around the time of a visit by Nazi mastermind Heinrich Himmler. “I know that if I ordered you to liquidate the Poles … I would be giving you permission to do what you are eager to do anyway,” Himmler said during that visit, according to several historical accounts. Now, the Polish minister of education is looking into whether Hunka can be extradited and prosecuted for what happened during the war.[...]
[After the war,] Hunka made his living in the aircraft industry, working his way up to inspector at DeHavilland Aircraft in Toronto. After retirement, he visited Ukraine nearly every year, according to a profile of him in a University of Alberta newsletter announcing the donation made in his honor by his sons. The profile said he also served as president of the parish council of St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Catholic Church in Thornhill, Ontario.[...]
In his mea culpa, Rota made it sound like Hunka was a constituent from his district [...] whom he did not know much about. “This initiative was entirely my own,“ Rota said[...]
But Rejean Venne, an independent Canadian journalist, wrote in his Substack newsletter this week that Rota and Hunka family members have had numerous chances to cross paths over the years. Among Venne’s examples:
- One of Hunka’s sons, Martin, was chief financial officer of Redpath Mining, a multinational corporation headquartered in Rota’s district. Redpath has contributed to Rota’s campaigns and Rota has provided government funding for recreational facilities operated by Redpath. (The company did not respond to inquiries from the Forward made Thursday.)
- Martin Hunka has also served as chair of the board of trustees for North Bay Hospital, which is located in Rota’s district and which Rota has supported. Hunka’s name can no longer be found on the hospital’s website and social media posts. (The hospital did not respond to a request for comment emailed Thursday.)
- North Bay Pride, an LGBTQ+ organization, gave an award to Rota nine months after Yaroslav’s granddaughter Leshya Lecappelain joined its board of directors. In 2022 and 2023, North Bay Pride received more than $100,000 in funding from Rota. (Asked about this, a spokesperson for North Bay Pride said Lecappelain had not been on its board for several years.)
“Rota’s response that this was a last-minute request doesn’t add up,” Venne said in an email interview. “The Hunka family appears well connected in Rota’s district.”
The Forward could not determine whether Hunka and Rota met before he was honored at Parliament. Rota and others at the House of Commons did not respond to several requests for comment sent Wednesday and Thursday. Efforts to reach Yaroslav, Martin and Peter Hunka, Lecappelain and other members of the family for comment were also unsuccessful.[...]
On Wednesday, the University of Alberta said it would return the CA$30,000 endowment that Hunka’s sons donated in 2019 in their father’s honor. The money was intended to fund research at the school’s Canadian Institute for Ukrainian Studies. But Per Anders Rudling, a university alumnus and expert on Ukrainian nationalism who teaches at Sweden’s Lund University, said the Hunka fund is just “the top of an iceberg.” In an email to the Forward, Rudling said the University of Alberta has “much larger endowments” honoring other figures connected to the Waffen SS unit. The “most problematic,” he said, is the Volodymyr and Daria Kubijovych Memorial Endowment Fund [Editors note: archive link - also "matched two-to-one by the Government of Alberta"] At CA$450,000 — about $334,000 — it’s 15 times larger than the Hunka fund the university is returning.[...] In a Facebook post Thursday, Rudling also questioned university endowments named for other Galichina Division veterans, including Roman Kolisnyk, Levko Babij and Edward Brodacky. Pointing to research he published in The Journal of Slavic Military Studies [Editors note: 1, 2], Rudling said, “I have tried to raise this issue in the past, to no avail.”
Asked about Rudling’s concerns, Michael Brown, a spokesperson for the University of Alberta, reiterated a statement in which interim provost Verna Yiu said the school is “reviewing its general naming policies and procedures, including those for endowments, to ensure alignment with our values.” Yiu also expressed the school’s “commitment to address anti-Semitism in any of its manifestations, including the ways in which the Holocaust continues to resonate in the present.” The honors given to SS Galichina fighters extend beyond academia. One of the University of Alberta’s endowments is for its former chancellor Peter Savaryn, another SS Galichina member. In 1987, Savaryn was awarded the Order of Canada, among the nation’s highest honors, bestowed by Canada’s governor general, the representative of the British Crown. Mary Simon, the current governor general, has condemned the Hunka scandal as “a shock and an embarrassment.”[...]
When the Hunka endowment was announced in 2020, the university said it would fund research on two “leaders of the underground Ukrainian Catholic Church,” Cardinal Josyf Slipyj and Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky. (A metropolitan is akin to a bishop.) Slipyi was a deputy in Ukraine’s 1941 self-proclaimed government, which pledged to work closely with Germany under Hitler’s leadership. Slipyi also assigned chaplains to SS Galichina and celebrated the unit’s inaugural Mass. After the war, the Soviets sent him to gulag prison camps. But Sheptytsky’s legacy is layered [sic]. He helped “dozens of Jews find refuge in his monasteries and even in his own home,” according to Yad Vashem, while also supporting “the German army as the savior of the Ukrainians from the Soviets.”
Harvard University also houses a Ukrainian Research Institute. Asked, after Alberta’s announcement, whether that institute’s funding would be scrutinized for Nazi ties, the university said in a statement that the institute had never received money from the Hunkas, nor had it received donations designated for research related to SS Galichina. Harvard did, however, in 1974 establish a fellowship and faculty position in European studies with money from a foundation named for Alfred Krupp, who was convicted of war crimes for using slave laborers from Auschwitz to build and work in a factory.[...]
In Canada, questions about the Ukrainian immigrants’ past dogged them for decades, and in 1985, the country launched a Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals, known as the Deschênes Commission. Investigators were mostly limited to considering evidence gathered in Canada, and ultimately they came to the controversial conclusion that the Galichina Division “should not be indicted as a group” and that “mere membership” in the division was insufficient to justify prosecution or revoke citizenship.
This week, as Trudeau apologized for the Hunka salute, B’nai Brith Canada called for the full release of the commission’s report, which had been heavily redacted, along with other Holocaust-era records, in order to “restore public trust in our institutions.” “Canadians deserve to know the full extent to which Nazi war criminals were permitted to settle in this country after the war,” the group said Tuesday[...]
Why would Hunka’s family risk his humiliation, at age 98, by putting him under a spotlight? Did they not realize how his military record would be perceived and portrayed? “It’s arrogance. It’s not naiveté,” said Jack Porter, a research associate at Harvard’s Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies and himself a Jewish child survivor of the Holocaust, born in Ukraine. “They know what their father did,” he said. “It’s hubris, it’s chutzpah. They rationalize that these men were fighting communism. If a few Jews were killed, they also were communists.”[...]
More than 2.5 million Ukrainians died fighting against Germany. “There were many good Ukrainians; they should not all be stigmatized,” he said.
But he said veterans who fought under the Nazis like Hunka and his compatriots have been emboldened by the whitewashing of their history, especially since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last year. “They’ve been hiding in plain sight,” he said. “They’ve been there for 60 years and nobody has touched them, so of course they feel OK.”
29 Sep 23
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howlingday · 30 days
Cinder/Ruby Reeves
Why? Well, to be honest, I saw a video of Keanu Reeves lines spoken by Shadow the Hedgehog, and honestly, I can't think of anyone better to be Shadow than Ruby Rose... Until I thought of someone else... And then I realized that I couldn't really choose who put here so... Yeah. Both.
Ruby: I'll need guns... Lots of guns...
Cinder: Do you want a war?
Cinder: Or do you want to just... give me a gun?
Ruby: People keep asking me if I'm back, and I haven't really had an answer.
Ruby: But now, yeah! I'M THINKING I'M BACK!
Cinder: (Slaps Pyrrha) Wake the fuck up, Maiden! We have a kingdom to burn.
Ruby: Tell them all... whoever comes-
Ruby: Whoever it is, I'll kill them!
Cinder: I had a friend once. Rejean. Rejean was so excited to see me after I'd been adopted. It was the best birthday of my life. I was finally ready to do what I was born to do, but when Rejean realized he wasn't being adopted with me, he just pushed me away!
Cinder: It's not fair! Why, Rejean?! Why?!
Cinder: (Sobbing)
Ruby: (After her first karate class) I know kung fu.
Are we in the Ever After?
Cinder: ...No.
What is your secret for always staying down to earth?
Ruby: Well, I mean... gravity.
If you could be any superhero of villain in a comic book who would you be and why?
Cinder: I don't know. When I was a kid, I always wanted to be Jean Grey. So, Jean Grey.
What advice would you give your 17-year-old self?
Cinder: ...I hate giving advice.
How did you discover your love for motorcycles?
Ruby: RIDING THEM! They're beautiful~! Riding a motorcycle is like being a puppy. (Picks up Zwei) Isn't it~? That's right~.
Cinder: Walking down from Salem's ship in Volume 10 is going to be breathtaking...
Fan: You're breathtaking!
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Wtf is going on in #reiner braun, i cant even visit it anymore to see some hot arts of my bbgirl, there is just bots,who sell naked pics and people arguing about ship, like, GROW UP. As one wise anon said "rejean isnt real. Marcojean isnt real." THEY ALL AINT REAL stop this idiotic war about nothing.
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forgeline · 6 months
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Two decades in the making. Rejean Desjardins’ 1965 Ford Mustang Fastback started off as someone else’s rescued project that originally began in 2003, but the end result was well worth it. Throughout 2023, it was a Riddler Award Great Eight finalist in Detroit, the Grand Champion in Toronto, a Goodguys Street Machine of the Year finalist in Columbus, a Triple Crown of Rodding top-30 winner in Nashville, and a Best Engineered Vehicle of the Year contender at the 2023 SEMA Show in Las Vegas. It’s equipped with a carbon fiber roof and hood, powered by a stack-injected Ford Performance 5.0L Coyote V8 mated to a Tremec TKO 600 5-speed manual transmission, and rides on a custom suspension with rear Watt’s link and Moser 9-inch rear end, Wilwood disc brakes, Michelin Pilot Sport 4S tires, and 18x8/19x10 Forgeline forged three piece SC3C wheels finished with Matte Bronze centers & Transparent Smoke outers! See more at: https://forgeline.com/customer-gallery/rejean-desjardins
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fromriches-tosin · 6 months
whats your favorite rejean fan art?
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I love all of them. Seriously, all of them. Everyone putting their effort into spreading the Reijean/Jeanrei love is my hero.
BUT. If I really have to choose:
The fanarts that were gifted to me by valmendy are my absolute favorites, and I'm seriously looking forward to having them framed and displayed on my bedroom wall one day:
Never Let Me Go
My Best Enemy
No one has ever drawn a fanart inspired by my fics before, so to receive TWO of them is absolutely mind-blowing to me.
I adooore the wonderful post-Rumbling hug by mrbl00dysky (it should have happened in canon!!)
The Hug
And this smutty, gorgeous thing that I asked Uriel to draw (it should have happened in canon, too):
NSFW Post-Rumbling
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johnny-dynamo · 2 years
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Alien Girl by  ReJean DuBois
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waveandgoodbye · 1 year
2022 to 2023 babyyy
1. Girona
2. Amour, nouveau départ, 
3. Passion vélo, speak up is worth it
4. Aller en investissement
5. CFA
6. Girona
7. Persévérance
8. Marc
9. Debout sur le vélo
10. Marc, ma famille et celle à marc, amitiés à l’internationale
11. A book about life, no fluff but a happy ending
12. Its ok to speak up for yourself, its ok to take some space
13. Living in Griffintown
14. Marc, Clem, Élo, Élise et parents de Marc
15. Changer de job
16. Less close than covid, but still good no drama
18. Les gens aime travailler avec toi
19. Calins
20. Condo ?
21. Stressed
22. Buy a property, have a dog
23. Chalet de girls
24. Carrière, CFA, chien, long term relationship
25. Chicanes Marc, depart Rejean
26. Girona
27. Gisele
28. Cant control everything
29. Job et relation
30. Maman à Paris
31. vélo
32. Attitude avec Marc, communiquer mieux, comment je me sens plus que ce qu’il fait
33. CFA, job, relation, vélo, amis
34. Vélo, marche
35. Marc
36. Vélo, animaux, culture
37. Marche travail
38. There is a silver lining. Rien n’arrive pour rien. Trust the process.
39. Job et vie quotidienne
40. Gisele, marc
41. Performance
42. vie de chien, sud-ouest, vélo
43. Marie, Clem
44. Latte art, velo seule
45. Dire ce que je pense - communication
46. Balance, Fun
47. Snooze
48. Confiance dans mon rôle
49. Fun, busy, about us
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coffeenuts · 1 year
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Dendritic Dash - Video of Freezing Bubbles (3 min) by Rejean Lemay Photography https://flic.kr/p/2oaVuZ3
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hibiscusbabyboy · 6 months
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st-louis · 2 years
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me @ rejean houle
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