#reya's prompts
The more I look at Reya the more I'm convinced that's just Ava in the future. They look THE SAME. She's just like a slightly older Ava. That would give Ava such a GOOD storyline for season(s) 3,4,5,6... IMAGINE.
After Ava put the crown on herself and she talked to Reya, she came back "knowing" she had to sacrifice herself. What if what she came back "knowing" was actually that she somehow had to die/cross over to the other side? Because she had some kind of important mission in some other dimension/realm? Think about it, one second she was asking Bea to take the Halo and let her die, but as soon as Lilith suggested crossing over the Arc she didn't even put up an argument. She didn't want to die, she didn't want to stay alive but she wanted to "cross over", whatever that means, the only thing she wanted was to fulfill her next step. Reya probably told her she has something or someone she will really care about on the other side.
What if she finally allowed herself to kiss Bea because "I'm the god you've been worshipping this whole time, anyway"?
She told her to live her life because she knew she wasn't coming back, she had a mission, a responsability somewhere else.
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How Reya looks at her past self in tears? How she's moved by the memory of her first and only real love? Maybe at this point Reya/Ava has been missing Bea for centuries. I would cry for that.
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noelle-holi-gay · 2 years
Susie trying to help Noelle study something? reverse of the usual c: like her driving exam or something that would get her equally anxious
"Thanks for helping me with this, Susie," Noelle said as she slipped into the driver's seat of her parents' spare car. "Mom really wants me to get my license before I go off to college, but with her at work all the time and Dad in the hospital, I haven't had anyone I can practice with..."
"Yeah, no prob," Susie said from the passenger's seat. "I normally drive stick so I'm not used these fancy-ass cars, but I should still be fine."
Noelle quirked her head at her. "Stick? What's that?"
Susie stared at her for a few seconds, face flat. "You know what? Nevermind." She clicked her seatbelt in. "So have you, like, driven at all before?"
"Well, um—no," Noelle admitted, going a little pink as she adjusted the mirrors to all the proper positions. "B-but I studied really hard to get my learner's, so I know all the rules! It can't be that hard to actually start driving, right?"
"I mean you're, like, super smart and shit. I'm sure you'll be fine." Susie eyed her. "But, uh, let's just stick to the roads in town for now."
"Yeah, yeah. Of course." Noelle shifted the car into drive and let out a deep breath, looking down the long driveway that wound down the hill from her house to the street. She'd already opened the gate, so she didn't have to worry about that, but... "Oh Angel I can't do this."
"What?" Susie looked at her. "C'mon, don't be stupid. Of course you can."
"Susie, did you know that automobile accidents are the leading cause of death in America for monsters in our age demographic?" Noelle asked. Her hoof was hovering over the gas, but she didn't dare push down, her hands sweating against the steering wheel as she stared wide-eyed through the windshield. "Because I suddenly just remembered that."
"You're never gonna be able to do this if you keep psyching yourself out," Susie said. "You gotta just go for it. These roads are way too slow for any serious accidents, anyway."
"Right. Just go for it. I can do that!" Noelle nodded confidently to herself, and proceeded to continue sitting there doing nothing.
"Noelle?" Susie prompted.
"Look, I'm just—mentally preparing," Noelle said.
Susie reached over, resting a claw on Noelle's thigh. "Hey, look at me."
Noelle did so, and she felt her heart start beating just a little too fast as she stared into Susie's deep yellow eyes. "Y-yes, Susie?"
"Do you trust me?"
"Of course," Noelle said breathlessly.
"Cool. So, keep your eyes on the road, okay?"
"Okay," Noelle said, looking back out the windshield.
"Great. You got this."
Suddenly, Susie's hand shoved down against her thigh, sending her hoof down onto the accelerator. The engine roared, and the car immediately jerked forward, quickly gaining speed on the incline of Noelle's driveway.
"SUSIE WHY?!" Noelle exclaimed, lifting her hoof off of the gas. Intellectually, she knew that she was barely going ten or fifteen miles an hour, but in her head it felt like she was rocketing down the hill.
"Because you were gonna sit there all day if I didn't do something," Susie said casually. "Now these are pretty soft turns, so you won’t have to move the wheel too-too much."
"Oh my god oh my god oh my god," Noelle muttered to herself as she approached the first curve in her driveway, frantically jerking the steering wheel to the side. It wasn't particularly smooth, and Susie braced a hand against the roof as she was jostled around a little, but she stayed on the road.
"Okay, so, uh—that was good but you'll wanna move it more steadily instead of just swerving it," Susie said. "Also, we're on an incline so you'll want to ease the brake a little, or you'll keep gaining speed."
"Right!" Noelle exclaimed, slamming her hoof onto the brakes. The tires screeched, and Susie swore as the two of them were thrown against their seat belts.
"I said ease the brake," she grumbled.
"S-sorry," Noelle said meekly, shrinking back into the seat.
"S'okay," Susie returned. "You just need to, like, chill out a little. Or maybe a lot."
"I knowwwwww," Noelle groaned. "I'm nervous, so I'm going to drive worse, but that just makes me more nervous, which I know is going to make me drive even worse and it's just this awful spiral."
"Uhhhh. Think happy thoughts? I don't know."
Noelle took a deep breath, staring at Susie. "Happy thoughts. Yeah, I can do that."
Susie holding my hand, she thought, her eyes not leaving Susie's. Susie putting her arm around me. Susie asking me out. Susie grabbing me by the shoulders in the middle of the school hallway and shoving me up against the—
"Uh, Noelle? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Noelle swallowed, her nose glowing brightly in the bottom of her vision. "Driving? Driving! Let's do some more driving!"
She unceremoniously slammed on the accelerator, and Susie shouted in alarm as they shot down the driveway.
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lorre-verie · 27 days
heyyyy there, how are you? was just thinkinggg 😝🧟 ---
may I please request an enemies to lovers ao'nung x fem!metkayina!reader fic where reader ventures out beyond the reef with bestie tsireya in their rarely found free time in order to decompress from their stressful routines --- evident in readers duties of teaching the young many things like weaving and breathing, helping ronal collect medicinal resources, and tsireya being tsakarem. reader vents about ao'nung being a pain and how hard she's pining for him regardless and tsireya, being all knowing, tries to hint to reader about ao'nungs feelings. some more banter before reya rushes off to meet with lo'ak for their date. not long after tsireya leaves, readers gets attacked and badly injured in the leg by something (I can't think of anything 💀) and rushes back to awa'atlu riding an ilu, bleeding out, where ao'nung (previously training) takes notice of her limping out of the water barely conscious. ao'nung rushes to her, reader collapsing in his arms, ao'nung delivering a cutsie little panicked "don't worry, im not gonna let anything to happen to you, 'm gonna take care of you" just before readers loses consciousness 😝😝😝😝 perhaps some cutie fluffy tearful confessions after she wakes in ronals healing marui
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“Living, breathing, nightmare.”
word count: 4.4k
pairings: aonung x fem!metkayina!reader 
author notes:  - the prompt IS enemies to lovers so i decided to make it a HEAAVY emphasis on the enemies part of that (😏), so this is gonna be a wild ass ride. love you for this request, thanks for bringing me back onto this platform, anon! - 2nd person (love it too much) - NO you are not short you’re a little taller than tsireya but aonung is just a tall mf
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“So, they hate each other?” Ewie asked curiously, her curiosity piqued as her gaze remained fixed on the two na’vi bickering aways from her and the tsakarem-to-be of her clan.
“...Not exactly,” Tsireya answered, grimacing.
She sighed, patting the little one’s back, who stood there confused and still staring, eyes wide as seashells. Tsireya knelt down on one knee atop the damp, warm sand, offering the little girl a reassuring smile as she reached out to place her hand to Ewie’s shoulder, encouraging her to meet Tsireya’s gaze. “Why don’t you go on and play with your friends now, Ewie? You can resume your lessons with [name] tomorrow,” she said softly, promptly turning her head to smile at Ewie’s friends who ran wildly across the coast, screaming and jumping joyously.
The little girl’s eyes brightened as she looked at her group of friends, one of the boys in particular waving her over to join. She let out a small excited squeal, her mind now totally torn away from the sight of you and aonung, running to join them. Tsireya smiled as she watched Ewie scamper away, leaving only the older girl and the ocean in her wake. For Tsireya, now was one of the calm moments that no one could take away from her. 
She inhaled, the ocean breeze carrying a freshness that was tinged with the ancient salt of countless tides. Its age-old whispers danced through the air, brushing against her skin with a coolness that– if she concentrated enough, she could almost hear….yes…Eyw-
“You are an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE!” Your voice pierced through her thoughts, her ears flattening as she winced.
She whipped her head around to look at you and aonung in what seemed to be a private, yet full-blown war between the two of you, Aonung laughing in your face as you gave him a piece of your mind.
She let out a breath to calm herself. Happy thoughts…happy thoughts…she repeated in her mind as to not kick both you and her older brother in the back of the knees. 
“Yet I still show up in your dreams every night, eh?” he smirked even wider at you (if that was even possible).
To that, you didn’t know whether you wanted to scream, cry, cringe, throw up, or shove a kick so far up his ass he would never be able to talk out of it again. 
So you just stared at him silently, your silent screams bouncing off the insides of your body.
He towered over you, seemingly amused by your lack of response. 
You hated that. Why did Eywa give the males the unfair advantage in vertical length? (the answer is cause they need it boo or else they’d cry themselves to sleep every night) If you wanted to meet his eyes you would have to give yourself a strained neck, compared to all the other boys your age.
“You…wish.” you said, internally groaning at the less-than-satisfactory response you gave him. 
Should’ve been something kickass like “yeah, the haunting presence of your mediocrity,” but of course you’d only think about something like that far later, when it was way too late.
Tsireya walked towards the two of you, making sure to sigh mentally instead of in real life, bracing herself for whatever outlandish thing you two were bickering about now.
“Ah, sister, how kind of you to join us!” aonung raised his eyebrows slightly, “Would you kindly tell your friend here that she would absolutely not hold up in a battle between her and an Akula?” 
Before Tsireya could even open her mouth, you scoffed. 
“That is not what I said!” you seethed, crossing your arms. He had this tactic of taking whatever you were saying and twisting it so that he’d seem in the right at all times.
“I only said that I’ve been training for it, and I think that I could handle it! And also, that wasn’t even your conversation to listen in on!” and you didn’t want to admit that you were just trying to make yourself seem the teeniest bit more impressive to one of the younger kids you were teaching. In moderation of course!
*record scratch* (for all my lovely readers who’ve no idea/don’t remember what an akula is, that's the scary 3 jawed monster that practically almost killed our boy lo’ak. but that hasn't happened yet in this story)
Tsireya contained her urge to pinch the bridge of her nose, instead resorting to pinching aonung’s wrist, earning a ‘hey!’ from the metkayina while you smirked, satisfied with her response which was clearly a ‘i-don't-want-to-get-into-detail-about-the-topic-of-conversation-but-my-brother-is-incredibly-annoying-and-i-know-that-so-i’ll-just-do-this’ stance, but hey, at least it humbled the gargantuan himbo in front of you, even if by the smallest bit.
“[Name], how about we just get going?” she said, her hand rested on your shoulder, looking at you with an awkward smile.
“Great idea,” you smiled at her, willing to do anything to get away from the disproportionate frog. 
Before you could even take a step away, he obviously had to get in his bit.
“Hey wait, where are you two going?” he looked at you both, confusedly.
This was strange for 1 reason.
Why the hell does he care??? He never cared before, so why does he care now???
You turned your head and gave him an annoyed look, while Reya, ever the peacekeeper, answered his question for you. 
“We’re going beyond the reef. We want to see if we can catch a glimpse of the nrr payoang migrating for the season.” she said.
And even though she was the one who answered, he kept his eyes fixated on you for a solid extra few seconds, before finally switching to her. What in the motherfu-
“It’s optimal timing. Plus, this is one of the rare occasions where me and [name] are both free at the same time.” she said, smiling brightly. “It must be Eywa clearing the path for us.”
Right then, he smirked. 
Oh no. 
He was going to say something else to keep your blood above a healthy pressure, wasn’t he?
He looked at you again, and you felt your muscles tense. His mouth opened– no– here it comes– mayday, mayday!
“I also happen to be free. Can I come along?” 
You felt yourself die.
“NO!” you said a little bit too suddenly. “Go find some other people to bother!” you turned on your heel and stomped away from the situation before he could burden your mind further, grumbling at the sheer audacity.
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“He literally insulted my capability of surviving like any normal metkayina could, and then he wants to “cOmE AlOnG?” Forget it!” you pressed a wrist into your left eye, trying to rid it of the image of the colossal amphibian as you rode on the ilu with Tsireya by your side, who was dipping gracefully above and below the water on her own ilu.
She emerged from the cerulean blue waves, her hair carrying beads of water in them, before she turned to look at you, back straightening.
“I think he just wanted to spend more time with you, you know.” she suggested, trying her damndest to hint to you what everyone else except literally the two of you could see. 
“Ha! As if! The last time I tried to ask him something, he said “don’t talk to me, my people might think that we’re friends.” Like what? Who says that? WHY would he say that?” you started, your ramble being nothing new to your best friend, who only sighed as she dipped a hand into the water as her ilu moved her through it.
Together, you headed to the point where the glowing fish were most spotted, waiting above the water for any signs of movement as you continued on.
“And I do not like him at all, despite what that skxawng Neteyam might say. He’s annoying, loud, obnoxious, and the way he carries himself differently when I’m in the vicinity is dumb. Almost like he’s trying to make himself seem better than me! Who does he think he is, puffing his chest out like a-” hold on.
You went silent, backtracking. 
Everytime Aonung noticed you were near, he stood up straighter than usual.
Your mind thought back to all those little moments in flashes. During training, at your cousin's coming-of-age ceremony, the harvest celebration, and today.
He constantly looks at you even if there are others around, but if you look back at him (more like glare), he looks away immediately. 
He always initiates the conversation first, even if there’s nothing to talk about.
Okay hold on [name], none of this necessarily means that he likes you.
And then, your whole world came to a stop. You swear even the wind became silent, leaving only you and the sounds of the cool ocean water rippling against your body, the evening painting a blur of pinks and oranges in the sky.
As if she knew every bit of the revelation you just had, Tsireya, who was a little ways in front of you, turned her head, looking at the blank expression on your face.
Am I the one that likes him? you thought to yourself.
No. It couldn’t be. There was no way, no possible way, that this was happening.
“Reya?” you blurted out, your body (and your stupid mouth) acting on instinct.
I mean, she was your best friend. Obviously best friends have to tell each other about their crushes, right?
“I think I like-” you stopped yourself short as you looked at her face. 
Her face, which was trying to hold back a smirk.
“Yes, [name]? Do continue?” she said, her tone a lot more singsong than you’d like it to be.
Perhaps telling your best friend that you had a crush on her literal BROTHER wasn’t the best course of action.
“You know, if you like him, it’s totally alright with me.” she said, shrugging as she turned her head back to the front, smiling as she knew exactly what you’d say next.
“WHAT??” you screamed, startling your ilu, to which you whispered rushed apologies, soothing the back of its neck. 
“I’m just happy you’ve finally realised it.” she said, still not turning back, acting as if this was the most normal conversation to have.
“Wha? Who???” you asked, suddenly getting the idea she was having the wrong idea.
“Neteyam.” she said, her tone sarcastic, but unfortunately you were too startled to catch on.
“Hah! You’re wrong, I do not like him.” you said, silently revelling in the relief that she didn’t catch on.
Oh [name]. Sweet, oblivious, [name].
“Yeah I know, that’s why you have a crush on my brother.” 
To that, you completely stopped in your tracks, jaw slack open. She’s done it. She’s broken you.
She finally turned around, guiding her ilu to the left so as to block your track. 
“He likes you too. And I think you know that already.” she smiled, narrowing her eyes mischievously.
‘For the love of all things good and beautiful, why was this happening to me?’ you screamed on the inside, not wanting to relent.
Okay, if you were denying it, then maybe you actually didn’t like him! Right??
Yeah. That was it. You were giving yourself the delusion of liking him, because he’s the one that liked you first and you felt bad for him, and that’s why you were only considering liking him back.
Wait, does he even like me? What??
“Okay, no, that’s not what I-” and just as you were starting to deny everything, because that was 100% the truth, Tsireya waved you off as she submerged her head in the water, already off her ilu. 
You quickly realised what you were here for in the first place, hopping off and following suit, taking a deep breath before you dipped your head below the cool waves.
Deep below the two of you on the surface, you could see hundreds of bioluminescent jellyfish wading in one path, weaving through the floating rocks and plants, the vividness of the glowing colours acting as if a kaleidoscope in your vision.
You had to pull your head out from the water to take another breath, using your hand to push away some of your hair that decided to stick itself onto your face. You were absolutely stunned at the beautiful sight. It took your breath away, literally.
Dipping your head below the surface of the water once more, you decided with Tsireya to take a closer look. You dove your body forwards into the water, Reya following closely behind. 
It was quickly becoming darker, night was falling and you knew it was time to turn back, but the jellyfish illuminated your surroundings almost mesmerizingly, as if pulling you into a beautiful vortex. 
You hid your body behind a set of rocks, watching the jellyfish swim in their little path, smiling as you watched a small one lag behind the others before a bigger one pushed it forward, practically propelling it through the water as it sputtered around before finding its place again.
Tsireya, who was a little bit above you in the water, turned and dipped her body downwards to touch your shoulder, to signal that it was time to return to the surface and go home before it got too dark.
Her hand was a mere millimetre away from you when a sudden jolt of agony rips through your leg. It's as if a thousand needles pierce your flesh all at once, and panic surges, rising through your veins like wildfire.
Instinctively, you kick and thrash, but the unseen assailant's grip tightens like a vise, dragging you mercilessly downward. Darkness engulfs your senses and you're plunged into a void, robbed of sight and hearing, your lungs screaming for air..
You can’t even see Tsireya anymore, nor the prismatic glow of the jellies.
Bubbles erupt from your lips in frantic bursts, mingling with the surrounding darkness, further obscuring your already impaired vision. Each gasp for air feels like a futile struggle against the inevitable, your chest burning with the agonising need for oxygen. What is this? What is this that’s grabbing you? What is happening? The questions flood your mind and sear the corners of your vision as you're dragged deeper, darkness enveloping you fully. 
With each passing second, your panic intensifies. You can't tell which way is up anymore. The ocean presses in around you, a suffocating weight. It’s still pulling you down.
and down…
In a last, thoughtless attempt, you reach out, fingers stretching toward the abyssal void, but there's nothing to grasp onto, nothing to anchor you in this sea of darkness. Panic tightens its grip around your throat, threatening to choke the life from your trembling body.
Desperation claws at your soul, pounding on your chest, as you realise the seconds are slipping away. Any moment now, and you’ll be dead. Any moment now, and everything you yourself have worked for, would be gone. You let yourself close your eyes. Maybe because of the weight of the void pushing onto your body, or maybe you’re tired from fighting this thing around your leg for Eywa knows how long. When you outstretched your hand you hoped that someone, anyone would pull you out of this..nothingness. You wanted it so badly you almost thought that he would. That he’d save you.
Your body jolts awake, only to find yourself in an unfamiliar place. 
The cool, steady flow of the breeze unnerves you. It’s the first thing you notice besides the wild racing of your heart in your chest, your head whipping around in this empty space, trying to ascertain where you are. Is this Eywa? The place feels like a void, but it’s far different from the blackened one that suffocated your being. It feels calm. Peaceful. You can see the dark purple sky above you, glittering with stars and moons that you’ve never even seen about it. But it looks… strange. 
Otherworldly. Like it is impossibly distant, yet so close to you at the same time. You kneel in an extraordinarily shallow pool of cool water, the surface reflecting the celestial display above you. Though it is rather shallow, like a puddle almost, it stretches endlessly into the horizon as far as your eyes can see it. As you look around, time seems to stand perfectly still. 
It’s unnerving. Realising that you can, in fact, move your desensitised limbs, you slowly get up, your feet creating small ripples in the water. “Hello?” you call out. 
Nothing except your own echo responds to you. Just then, you hear something in the distance. Like someone’s there, in the hazed distance. They’re close to you, then they’re unimaginably far away. What is that? “[Name]!” It’s calling out your name. How do you respond? A. Call out for help
B. Cry C. Curl up into a ball and give up D. Walk towards the source Just kidding, you don’t have a choice. As if your legs had minds of their own, you start walking towards the source. You can’t quite make out that voice. It changes every time you hear it, showing up in intervals of about 5-8 seconds of space in between. “[Name]?” Gosh, and the change in tone too. It’s filled with fear, then anger, then happiness, then…huh? “[Name]... I’m so sorry.” Sadness. The voice is filled with a type of sadness that almost stabs your chest. Regret. Guilt. So many emotions in this strangely familiar, choked-out voice. The voice continues sobbing, sniffling, but then it stops. Leaving you whipping around in the darkness, unsure of where to go. You turn around, then you slam face first into something really tough. “What the fuc-” your voice rings out, angered, in the void. Rubbing your nose, you look up. “What the fuck?” you whisper. It’s Aonung. 
How delightful. But seriously, how de-fucking-lightful? Finally, another person in this endless, pitch black space of darkness. You almost want to scream. Of horror or joy, you’re not exactly sure, but you contain yourself, mostly due to the fact that he’s looking at you.
And he’s crying. Tears stream down his cheeks as he looks at you— actually, not quite you. His eyes aren’t exactly focused on yours, but they’re focused on…you. If that makes any sense at all. “Please wake up…” he croaks out. 
And that voice! It was him. That depressing, bleak voice from before that was calling out your name. It was him. But why? And how? 
You’re about to do something but then your heart jolts in your chest because he’s lifting up his right hand and cupping your cheek softly. Gently. Like the real Aonung would never do. This is some sick hallucination isn’t it? Oh gosh you actually went to hell, didn’t you? Before you realise it, he uses his thumb to wipe away a tear that somehow appeared on your face. You’re not crying. So what is this? What’s going o– NO. He’s leaning in. WHY IS HE LEANING IN? Fuck all “[NAME], DO SOMETHING!! YOU STUPID-” you scream at yourself, fighting your inanimate body. WHY COULDN’T YOU FUCKING MO- *SLLAAAAAPPPPPP!!!*Now you’re scrambling to your feet on what you realise to be the sickbed of Ronal’s healing tent, your hand stinging after delivering the most horrible sounding slap you have ever slapped…
…to the side of Aonung’s, now incredibly shocked, and incredibly offended, face.
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Ronal sighed, but the remnant of a smirk lingered still on her cheeks, avoiding both you and Aonung’s gaze. “There you go, [name]. Next time, you should be much more careful,” she said softly, her hands leaving the cooling bandage now wrapped around your still aching leg and extending to your ankle, a sore reminder of whatever the hell it was that you experienced the night before.
You sat on a woven hammock, propped up by the trees that supported the healing tent. Ronal stood in front of you, “I am grateful that Aonung was there to help,” she said, turning towards the discombobulated walking-disease she called her son, who had a big bandage over his cheek, glaring down at you. She grabbed Aonung’s ear, pulling his body over very clearly painfully, making him yelp in pain with incoherent pleas of ‘ma’ and ‘please’  coming from his lips.
“What in Eywa’s name were you thinking? Trying to kiss a girl while she’s injured and unable to say anything about it! You are lucky that she slapped you first, or else you would not live to see another day if I had anything to do with it! My son, you are many things, but you are not an idi–” she scolded, promptly dragging him out of the marui still by his ear to deliver his well-deserved punishment outside, an amused smile making its way onto your face. Sigh, justice.
But okay, the incredulity of the day, of course, has not worn down on you. 
Tsireya came rushing into the tent with a bowl of…whatever, her face the guiltiest it’s ever been. It kinda made your heart hurt. “[Name], I am so, so, so sorry!” she said, kneeling down by your hammock and taking your hand in between hers. “As soon as I heard you were awake I rushed over,” she quickly mumbled, grabbing a rag and dipping it into the bowl and pressing it over your forehead gently, “I am so sorry for yesterday, I never should have suggested going there, let alone–”
Oh, here we go… It’s the Tsireya cycle, you call it. Whenever something goes wrong, she infinitely feels bad as if it’s her fault that something nearly killed you. 
She kept on rambling, trying to explain herself, but all you did was squeeze her hand tighter. She stopped, looking at the small smile on your face. “Hey, no harm done Reya. I’m fine, you see?” you reassure her, the small beads of water gathering under her eyes slowly going away as she blinked rapidly, containing herself as best as she could. She couldn’t say anything, although words were at the tip of her tongue. You could see she was struggling to add something, but she finally relented, settling for a gentle hug. “I’m glad,” she smiled. 
Okay, now it was time to figure out what the hell happened. “So…who saved me?” you asked her, using your arms to prop you up a little bit higher on the hammock. “Well, it’s a long story. Aonung kind of…followed us to see the nrr payoang. He was planning to surprise us, he said.” 
“He said he saw us, and as he was swimming down he saw you get pulled down by the creature. He dove in immediately and saved you.” she offered a small smile, like anything she was saying was making sense at the moment.
The only thing that came into your mind was the blaring red siren that screamed “STALKER! STALKER! STALKER!” but unfortunately, the pufferfish on legs had just saved your life so you were probably going to have to shut up about that for a while.
Woah. He just saved your life, [Name], shouldn’t you be more grateful? Maybe hug him? Maybe-
NO! Inner thoughts, shut up. Nobody likes you.
Tsireya turned around in response to the sound of someone being pushed through the entrance to the healing tent. 
Wait nonononono Tsireya please don’t get up please don’t leave me here with him he looks like he’s about to kill me please
Aaand she’s gone. 
He took a pained breath, as if what he was going to do next was going to bruise him for the next couple centuries or so, sitting cross legged beside your, now that you realise it, very lowly hung hammock.
You were positive the look on your face wasn’t very inviting. 
“I’m sorry,” he finally said.
You had half a mind to burst out laughing because you were the one that had to get saved in the middle of the deep dark ocean. But he did violate you so obviously you weren’t going to do that, it was well deserved. A non-consensual move is still a non-consensual move.
“For the record, I only wanted to….” he basically whispered the next word, “kiss” (you felt your whole body cringing and twisting and turning on the inside and screaming to be let go from this horrible situation) “the top of your head.”
‘kayyyy… that makes it the tiniest bit better. 
Still not forgiving though. 
“I’m sorry too.” you said to him, your eyes now avoiding his face. Damn, did you slap him good.
He let out a small smirk. Oh no, you slapped his smirking cheek. You could see him wince in pain a bit before he stopped his expression abruptly.
“For what? I mean besides the slap. I deserved that. Although, I have no idea how you knew-” his eyes widened, stopping mid-sentence.
“Were you pretending the whole time?” he asked, eyes scrutinising your face.
“Okay hold on! I know it sounds crazy, but I had this dream, and you were in my dream–” you started explaining, ignoring his smirk at those words, “and I saw you lean down to like, kiss me, or something, and then I slapped you in the dream but I slapped you in real life.”
“All I got from that was ‘I dreamed about you kissing me, Aonung, please kiss me now, Aonung, I love you, Aonung’ ” he joked, smiling down at you.
Gosh, those dimples. 
FUCK nononononnnonasonfiwbjberhblvhaqnerovnav
Okay but he was kinda attractive as hell right now.
The hair too.
You weighed your options for a bit, the tension in the air crisp.
“[Name]? Did I say something wro–” he started. 
Ughhhhh, just shut up already.
Before you knew it, you closed your eyes and pulled him in by his neck, pressing his lips onto yours, kissing him.
He sighed into the kiss, before smiling really widely, pulling away.
“So I was right after all–”
“Just shut up before I give you a matching bruise on the other cheek,” you threatened. But a super wide smile was evident on your face, and your hands still clasped together on the back of his neck.
“Yes ma’am,” he smiled, whispering softly, looking into your eyes and then your lips again.
“Thank you for saving my life, ‘Nung.” you say. 
You don’t know why the hell you’re doing this.
 But it just feels right.
 And isn’t that what we’re all looking for in the end?
“No problem. Would do it again,” he smirked, “Know how you can repay me?” 
You rolled your eyes before pulling him in once again.
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Omg screaming crying WOOO it’s over it’s done! I’m so so sorry if it didn’t turn out to be exactly what you asked for, anon. Harder than I thought it would be to complete a fic after a solid 10 months of not writing (and also unfortunate circumstances arising). I made sure it was longer than my usual so that it’s not too bad 😭
I hope you guys enjoyed the fic, I know I definitely enjoyed writing it lol. I tried a different style of narration this time so do let me know what you guys think! Hope it’s not total doodoo to future Lorre when she rereads this back again. 
As always, feedback is much much appreciated and any interaction with my posts helps a lot! In case anyone has more requests please feel free to leave them in the inbox, I will get to them eventually. Thinking of writing for a lot of characters and fandoms but this is getting way too long so I'll cut this short lmao.
see you later!
much love, lorre
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neteyamsoare · 11 months
First Time.
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༉‧₊˚. Featuring. Tsireya x Male! Avatar! Omatikaya! Reader.
༉‧₊˚. Request From [🐊 anon]. Hey there, I’m the Anon who sent the Male Reader x Neytiri smut req, may I be known as 🐊 Anon please? He/It pronouns. I just saw your post asking for more Tsireya reqs and decided to answer the call. How about a Male!Avatar!Reader x Tsireya smutfic where it’s their first time together as a couple and the Reader experiences a ferocious breeding kink awakening and starts pounding roughly into her while muttering sweet things into her ear like how beautiful she’ll look swollen with his children?
༉‧₊˚. Summary. Something awakens inside you after picturing what it would be like for the two of you in the future.
༉‧₊˚. General Tags. 18+ (explicit content & language).
༉‧₊˚. Content Warnings. Aged up! Tsireya, Softdom!reader, Sub!Tsireya, p in v, breeding kink, dirty talk, a little of praise kink, and aftercare. Lmk if I missed anything!
༉‧₊˚. Word Count. 732.
༉‧₊˚. Notes. I can’t believe I actually finished this, I’m surprised at myself. I want to thank @neteyamyawne because she helped me out a lot with this, thanks boo, I love you! 🐊 anon, I really hope you like this, thank you so much for requesting this if you have any more ideas send them, will always be happy to see you in my inbox!! | Remember if you want to be tagged, you need to fill out the form down below!!
༉‧₊˚. Extra. Comments, likes, and reblogs are highly appreciated but not pressured. 🤍
༉‧₊˚. Starred Links. Navigation + Masterlist + Prompts + Taglist
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“If only you can see how pretty you are as you take all of me,” You truly admired the sight beneath you as you rolled your hips into her, soft moans escaping out of her slightly parted mouth as her eyes rolled back. This was special since this was yours and Tsireya's first time as a couple, you were nervous at first but as you got into it, it was like a switch turned on. 
“Perfect, little pussy suckin’ me right in,” you groan as you kept your pace looking into her pretty eyes, the cave that the two of you were in echoed with the sound of skin slapping and the sound of Tsireya moans if anyone were to walk around this area, they would for sure know what was going on but you didn’t care in fact you wanted someone to come, to hear just how good you were making her feel, to let them know she was all yours to have and no one else’s. “Fuck— please…,” she whimpers.
“Please what? Use your words, tell me what you want, love,” you watch her try to form complete sentences as you thrust deeper inside of her hitting her cervix, her moans filling your ears. You smirked knowing you got her fucked out too much to talk, knowing that by the way, her dripping pussy gripped your cock and that no one else would be able to do this with her, you were just too good. 
Her tits bouncing with each thrust, you look at her sweat-slick belly, you reach down to her breasts and your mouth trails down the valley of her breasts, biting and nibbling on the soft flesh, tongue swirling on the marks forming her skin as your saliva left wet spots behind.
"s'soft for me, Reya, look at you," you huffs out, trailing downwards, reaching her stomach and something in your eyes change a shade darker, pounding into her cunt, the mewls in response from her driving you crazy, your mind going to places you shouldn't but the only thing you thought of was her full with your baby, her belly so round and soft, another thing that would claim her as yours.
“Please… let me come,” she moans as she digs her nails into your back. 
“Go ahead, come all over my cock,” you groaned as you use your fingers to rub on her clit, as her cunt clenched around your dick, and her body starts to convulse, painting not only your cock but your lower waist as well with her release.
“Good girl,” you praised in her ear as she catches her breath. “Gonna fill you up real good, would you like that, love?” you pound harder and deeper as your cock twitches inside her cunt, her gummy walls gripping you tighter.
“You’d look so beautiful while carrying my child, s’round and pretty f’me,” you place your hand on her stomach as you imagine the sight. 
The mere images made your cock twitch inside her, her lewd noises of overstimulation just making it hard to back off from actually doing it.
The pace you set was ruthless, pounding inside her sopping hole, slippery with her juices as you chased your end, her teal lips parted in an extended whined spewing out of her mouth as you fucked her, hitting the spongy spot repeatedly, nearing your own orgasm as you filled her up to the brim with your hot white spurts of seeds, your breaths warm on her neck.
Her legs tightly wrapped around your waist, perfectly fitting inside, hitting the spots in an angle never before, catching up with your depleted air levels as you looked down at her fucked out state, braids connected while your bodies connected as well with your cock still buried deep to the hilt inside her warm core, the images still plagued your mind. 
You slowly pull out and as you do some of your come drips out, you scoop it up and push it back into her pussy earning a whimper to escape her mouth. “I know baby, just needed to make sure none of it goes to waste, let’s clean you up,” you pick her up in bridal style and she snuggles in your chest which makes you smile and you carry her to the river that was behind the cave, happy of what’s to come in the future.
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🔖 @23victoria, @uniltsatirey, @zanabelle99, @thesecretsoftheuniverse, @live-laugh-neteyam, @azaleaniath, @wheniseeyouigogonutz, @boooogieman, @jakesully-sbabygirl @tiredmamaissy, @neteyamsyawntu, @lollipop11134332, @lucfics, @moonchildxoxx, @slic0r0, @tvgerl, @fanboyluvr, @kenzi-woycehoski, @jakescumdump, @orrinwrld, @justdomiii, @slutforsmut4ever, @neteyamsgirliefr, @italiekim, @vviolaswrld, @millslover, @deluusionalist, @tsireqas, @littlelilies, @anonymousailurophile, @dani111, @g-g-8, @idfkbroski, @amiaweebyet, @lixiesbrowniess, @henhouse-horrors, @wakanda-forever-andotherfandoms, @dollyloomis, @jakesullyscocksleeve, @gamerxpfighter, @sarnghoe, @pandorasfavorite, @avatarsslut, @h3l3na-pandora, @glittercyrxs-blog, @kentfisherswifee6, @pandoragalora, @violilaqrs.
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© neteyamsoare 2023. | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
309 notes · View notes
quietblueriver · 10 months
Another prompt!
On the edge of consciousness
Quick thing #5.
In which Bea suffers a minor injury and Ava has some trouble dealing. All fluff. Very silly. Thanks for the prompt! :)
Ava’s exhausted by the time the van rolls back into Cat’s Cradle. She and Dora had taken six of the newly-official sisters to follow up on reports of some strange behavior in a town in rural France. Ava was hoping they’d find a whole lot of nothing and more than a little wine. What they actually found was eight wraiths and one fun new demon who had hurled himself through one of the cracks that had started appearing after Ava left, apparently a side effect of Adriel yanking Reya into this world, even though she only stayed for like 5 minutes.
It was quite an initiation for the newbies, who did really well all things considered. The whole deal is to make sure they can do this kind of shit without her, because Ava wants to be able to step away from demon-slaying every once in a while to travel the world with her curious, hot, polyglot girlfriend. She’s a teacher now, or whatever, so she didn’t just let loose with the halo when she got annoyed. Instead, she stood there and called out instructions and warnings and made sure none of the babies got maimed or worse and that they didn’t maim or worse any of the possessed. Quite a few halo interventions in the end, but they’re learning.
And the wraiths would have been enough, but of course there was the demon, a real asshole who at one point started sprouting and flinging weird spikes from his back. Ava did a lot of shield throwing and yelling and worked very hard not to intervene unless absolutely necessary. They got him down, in the end, and she finished the job. She’s physically fine but she’s mentally done—she needs sleep and Beatrice. Beatrice, mostly.
They haven’t spoken in three days, which isn’t unusual, unfortunately, but she always hates it. Occasional texts are sometimes the best they can do and she’d sent a few while Dora was driving but hadn’t heard back. Again, not unusual. Bea hates her phone even if she loves Ava (and she does, which she makes clear all the time to everyone and which Ava feels incredibly smug about, thanks) and she’s busy right now with training newbies.
Ava is looking forward to hunting her down in the yard, engaging in only a moderate amount of PDA because “I need them to be able to look me in the eye, Ava, please," and then sleeping for at least 12 hours.
Ava’s hauling her duffel from the back, the rest of the team shuffling inside, when she notices Cam, waiting nearby and fidgeting with her hands, her bottom lip between her teeth.
Camila…flinches? at Ava’s voice and Ava doesn’t like that one bit. She swings the duffel over her shoulder and walks toward her, frowning.
“Hi, Ava. Welcome home.”
Her voice isn’t peak happy Cam but she’s not upset. Still. “What’s wrong?”
Camila sighs, meets Ava’s eyes. “Okay, most importantly, everyone is fine.” Ava’s heart rate spikes immediately, the halo humming to life. “There was a bit of an accident.”
Ava stares expectantly at her, heart pounding and halo charged, and Camila winces.
“Beatrice was involved.” Seeing Ava’s face, she says again, loudly, “She’s fine! She will be fine! She is in the infirmary and everything is…”
Ava’s off before Camila can finish, dropping her duffel and phasing through the first of the walls between her and the infirmary doors. She has the layout of Cat’s Cradle memorized at this point, after eight months of living here and training here and wandering the hallways when she has nightmares and manages to sneak out without waking Bea, so she has a pretty good idea of where she’s going—straight back and to the right.
She’s barely bothering to let her body fully constitute again, catches two sisters in one of the hallways by surprise and hears a “Holy Father!” before she bleeds through a storage room and turns right down another hall to find herself, finally, at the infirmary doors.
She sees Beatrice propped up in the second bed, privacy curtains mostly open, holding a well-worn copy of The Oresteia, because of course she is, a bandage where an IV line would be on the back of her hand. Her other arm is in a sling, a wrap peeking out from the neckline of the loose gray sweater she’s wearing. She’s awake. She’s sitting up. She has a book. Ava is so relieved she nearly cries.
Beatrice startles obviously when Ava phases through the last door between them, and Ava knows she must be incredibly tired or incredibly stoned or both, maybe, to react that obviously. When she turns her head to face Ava fully, Ava’s jaw clenches tight and she starts forward immediately. The left side of Bea’s face is battered, covered in scrapes and rubbed raw in spots.
Bea seems unbothered, smiling dopily and letting the book fall closed and into her lap so that she can wave excitedly, moving her whole upper body in concert with her hand. She stops the motion quickly, flinching and staring down at her torso like it had broken a promise, brow furrowed in disappointment.
Yeah, so. Stoned it is.
Bea brings her attention back to Ava and the frown disappears as she reaches out, her motion still uncoordinated but less violent. Her palm is up, fingers wiggling expectantly. It’s adorable, but Ava can’t really enjoy it right now.
“Ava! I missed you!”
Ava smiles at her, grabs the wiggling fingers gently between her own and sits on the edge of the bed, leaning over for a chaste kiss. Beatrice, uninhibited and unashamed, hums into it and sighs when they break apart, eyes fluttering and body swaying in a full Disney Princess-esque swoon. The instinct to coo at her like the precious baby duck she is fights with the ongoing panic in her chest and results in what she’s sure is a super fucking weird expression but Bea doesn’t notice or care; she’s all big brown eyes and open adoration.
“Hi, baby. I missed you, too.” She smooths a hand over Beatrice’s hair, newly shorn on the sides (a development that nearly broke Ava in the very best way), the length on top messier than Bea ever lets it be when she’s conscious and outside of their bed. Bea leans into her. “What happened here?”
She frowns, her forehead wrinkling, and Ava smooths the patch of unmarred skin with the tips of her fingers as Bea says guiltily, “Sorry I didn’t call. I didn’t want to make you worried. Just a little accident this morning.”
Ava will deal with that later. She’s not trying to get into it with sweet, stoned Beatrice about when to call. (Always, is the answer, Bea. Always fucking call. There is literally nothing more important.)
Before she can ask about what happened again, though, a flustered Camila hustles through the doors. She hovers uncertainly and then offers, weakly, “She’s okay?” The inflection lets Ava know Camila is aware of what a stupid fucking thing that is to say, but she glares at her anyway, and Camila blanches.
Ava turns back to her girlfriend and asks, resting her hand over Bea’s good one, the IV bandage tacky on her palm, “What kind of accident, gorgeous?”
Beatrice blushes, flips her hand so that she can play with Ava’s fingers, and says, incredibly nonchalantly, “We were practicing an extraction and I got hit by a car.”
Ava’s whole body tenses. The halo hums lowly.
“You got hit by a car.”
Beatrice hums, distracted by Ava’s hand, and then frowns, maybe realizing exactly how fucking awful that sounds. She looks up and adds, as though it will help, “Only a little!”
Camila sighs loudly but keeps her mouth shut.
“You got hit by a car a little.”
Ava works very hard not to lose her shit. She doesn’t want to upset Bea, and the real target for her anger, whoever hit her girlfriend with a car, isn’t in the room right now. She breathes deeply. The halo pulses the littlest bit under her skin in sympathy, still humming quietly enough that only Ava can hear it.
Beatrice offers, as if it might help, “A tap, really.”
“A tap? Beatrice.”
“No big deal. See?” She frees her good hand and uses it to wave up and down her body, flinches when the motion requires her to bend slightly and she’s definitely not making the point she wants to make. Ava catches her hand and holds it still.
“I’m fine.”
“You’re fine.”
The halo hums louder and Ava feels energy start to build under her skin, hot and itchy.
“She should recover quickly. She’s been hurt a lot worse.”
Ava snaps her head back to look at Camila, both eyebrows up and mouth open a little disbelievingly. Because yes, Bea is going to be fine, but this nonchalance? About getting hit by a car? Nope. Nope. Nope. How is Ava supposed to leave, like, ever if this is how her girlfriend and her best friend approach what looks like one step down from vehicular manslaughter? Fine. Jesus Christ.
“Gee, thanks, Cam. Have you been taking bedside manner lessons from Lilith?”
Camila blushes but Ava’s attention is quickly drawn back to Beatrice, who is nodding in agreement with Camila, or trying to. The drugs aren’t doing her any favors on that front, so the movement gets away from her, less decisive and more drowsy and drunken. The effect is something between a puppy trying to keep itself awake and Mother Superion on the rare occasions she stays for game night (or, once and memorably, karaoke) and indulges in one glass of wine too many. Like both a puppy and Superion, Bea begins to sway, eyes closing, and Ava puts a steadying hand on her uninjured shoulder. She gets a grateful smile when Beatrice settles back into the pillow.
As if sensing that she’s about to start again with her questions—which, despite what the two idiots in the room with her apparently think, are absolutely reasonable and pretty fucking chill relative to the information she has—Beatrice says, voice a slightly slurred and incredibly exaggerated mimic of the one she uses when training recruits or doing serious OCS things, “It could’ve been much worse. She wasn’t even going that fast.”
Camila groans and the halo thrums and Ava adjusts on the bed, gentle but unable to stay still any longer.
“It could’ve…” Ava splutters. “She wasn’t…she wasn’t even going that fast?”
Ava hates the word shrill. It’s misogynist as fuck and used to invalidate women’s feelings and police their tone. Bullshit. But she won’t deny that the pitch of her voice is rising higher and higher with each piece of information. She reaches for a metaphor Bea would appreciate. She’s a tea kettle about to go full whistle. She’s a tea kettle about to explode.
She takes a deep breath, counts, exhales. Does it again. Okay. Okay. It’s not helpful for her to blow up. She’s been too hard on Camila. She needs to know what happened and what Bea needs. That’s what matters.
Bea’s clearly working to keep her eyes open. New strategy. She takes the deepest breath yet, presses a very soft kiss to Beatrice’s uninjured knuckles, Bea humming and closing her eyes fully.
“Sleep, baby. I’m just going to talk to Cam. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
“Promise?” Sleepy brown eyes blink open at her and she’s nearly pouting and Ava’s got a whole lot of feelings right now, but love pushes to the top easy, easy, easy when she looks at Bea.
Her voice is calm even if it is still much higher than normal as she looks to Cam and asks, “What happened?”
Camila steps closer, hesitant, and Ava consciously works to relax her shoulders. She says, standing and reaching to pull Camila into a hug, “Sorry I was a bitch. I’m,” she glances at Beatrice, whose eyes are closed again, “I had to take care of all of the baby nuns and I’m a little exhausted and it’s Bea and I just…”
Cam hugs her tighter and wipes a tear from Ava’s cheek. She hadn’t even realized she’d been crying. She’s fucking tired.
“I understand. It’s okay.”
Beatrice makes a soft noise, and Cam smiles at her fondly. “They gave her more medicine just before you got back. I’m honestly surprised she’s still awake.”
“Mmm.” Ava steps back a little and shakes it out, folds her shoulders back.
“It really was an accident. Beatrice was helping a novice in a drill with a moving extraction, and the driver was a little overeager, and, well, Beatrice got knocked back with some force. She dislocated her shoulder and has some nasty road rash, but, as you can see, they’ve given her medication, and she should recover relatively quickly.” Camila bites her lip for a moment. “I promise she’s okay, Ava. I would’ve called you immediately if anything serious had happened. I’ll always call, even if Beatrice won’t.”
She uncoils a bit more. She knows it’s true. There’s no way that Cam wouldn’t call her or send Lilith to come get her, if things got really bad.
A tiny, sleepy noise escapes Beatrice, and Ava blows out a breath, smiles at Camila. Beatrice is fine. Beatrice will be fine.
She eyes the sling and wonders how long she’ll need to wear it. Bea’s going to hate being on the bench. The newbies are going to hate it, too.
Underneath the totally reasonable anger, she feels almost bad for whoever it was who hit Bea. She’s pretty beloved, even if she won’t admit it, and it’s no secret that Ava can be a little, uh, overprotective. The kid’s probably having a rough time.
“I know we’re avoiding another Yasmine situation, but clearly there’s some work left to do on teaching the novices left to drive.”
Camila frowns and begins to respond, but they’re interrupted by the familiar hiss of Lilith’s arrival, the black wings folding behind her a ridiculous contrast with the bulging M&S bag in her hand, the top of a green Colin the Caterpillar box peeking out of the top. Ava bites back a smile. What a fucking softie.
She lets go of the glamour that she wears in public, her skin mottling with scales as she removes her sunglasses. She reels back slightly when she catches sight of Ava but recovers quickly, thrusting the bag out in front of her without a word. Ava takes it, catches sight of candy and biscuits and a tin of fancy tea.
“Thanks, Lil. She’ll be excited about these.”
Her eyes turn to her shoes, black boots identical to Bea’s favorites, says gruffly, “How’s she doing?”
“She’ll be fine.”
Camila smiles at her and Ava lifts a shoulder, moves to unload the bag on the table next to Bea’s bed. Beatrice, apparently still awake enough to notice Ava’s presence, reaches a hand out and rests it on Ava’s thigh, whispers something that Ava is almost totally sure is nonsense. She doesn’t try to decipher, kisses her cheek before before going back to her mission, rifling though the considerable stash Lilith brought and beginning to pull things out.
“You’re being much calmer about this than I anticipated.”
Ava snorts and looks up at Lilith, whose eyes are focused on the injured side of Beatrice’s face.
“Yeah, no. I lost my shit for a bit there. Cam took the brunt of it.” She turns her eyes to Camila. “Sorry again.”
There’s not enough room on the table for everything—Lilith really wasn’t fucking around—so Ava prioritizes Bea’s favorites.
“Like, I’m obviously not delighted and I’m definitely going to have a talk with Bea about when to call me, say, for example, when she gets hit by a car, but she’ll be okay.” She tucks what won’t fit on the table into the little drawer below and brushes some of Bea’s hair back. “Also, stoned Beatrice is super cute.”
Lilith’s shadow falls across Bea’s body, and Ava turns to see the sharp line of her jaw clenched, her eyes scanning Bea’s body and lingering on her shoulder.
“It really was an accident.”
It’s said absently, her voice soft as she leans even further forward to tuck a corner of Bea’s blanket a little tighter around her. Ava’s stomach swoops with fondness, and she reaches her own hand out to squeeze at Lilith’s bicep, black scales and warm skin a strange contrast on her palm.
“Yeah, Cam told me. It’s fine. I mean, someone’s getting a talk from me, because what the fuck, but…”
Ava halts at a hum from the bed. Beatrice is clearly just on the edge of consciousness, eyes straining open before fluttering closed again, words barely coherent. Barely coherent, but coherent enough.
“Don’t be mad, love. Lilith is usually a very good driver.”
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aviawrites · 1 year
𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘕𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘺𝘢𝘮 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳, 𝘓𝘰’𝘢𝘬 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺’𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘮𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘰𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘯. 𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘳𝘶𝘮𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘓𝘰’𝘢𝘬’𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱 𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘢𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘵’𝘴 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦, 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘩 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘷𝘰𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵. (7.1𝘬)
𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘶𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩
𝘢/𝘯: 𝘪 𝘴𝘢𝘸 𝘢𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘳: 𝘵𝘸𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘪𝘵. 𝘪 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘪 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘗𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘢, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤. 𝘪 𝘳𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘶𝘺𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰 𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 ��𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘶𝘱 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦!! 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 *𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦.* 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘸𝘢𝘺, 𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴, 𝘶𝘳 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥, 𝘪𝘭𝘺<3
𝘖𝘦𝘭 𝘯𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘪 𝘬𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘪𝘦. (𝘪 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶.)
(“𝘠𝘕” 𝘥𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴. 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦 = 𝘙𝘪’𝘈𝘭𝘺𝘢. (𝘙𝘦𝘦-𝘢𝘭-𝘦𝘦-𝘺𝘶𝘩). 𝘋𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘪𝘵!!)
Part 2
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“Do you like him?” You ask your sister as you both walk toward the reef for the 3rd day of the Sully’s training.
“Maybe a little”. Tsireya sugar coats.
Staring at her a little longer, she breaks under your gaze and allows a smile to grow across her face.
“Or a lot?” 
“Or a lot.” She giggles.
Reya dives in to begin teaching Lo’ak as they move to their own section of the water. Neteyam, being the gentleman that he is, holds an arm out for you as you sit and slide into the water, not wanting to splash him.
“You’re getting a lot better.” You say as your own ilu swims under you, prompting you to ascend it.
“You’re getting a lot better.” You say as your own ilu swims under you, prompting you to ascend it.
He glances over to Jake and your father training, admiring how flawlessly the Olo’eyktan rides.
“Not nearly as good as that.”
“That has taken years to perfect. You’ll get there.” You assure him, brushing your hand over his. “But first, you must form a tsaheylu (bond) with your own ilu.”
Neteyam breaks his gaze from you and shifts it down to the brown and blue animal that he’s been practicing with for 3 days now. He tilts his head in contemplating appreciation as he runs his fingers down its body.
“Is this the one?” You ask.
He softly nods, “I feel like he’s chosen me.”
You hum in agreement before circling to the other side of him. You get into the water and gently pick up his animal’s queue before reaching behind Neteyam and bringing his queue braid in front of him as well, holding them both out for him.
Neteyam looks at them before taking them both in his hands, staring down at the animal. 
“Does he have a name?” He asks, not looking away from it.
You stifle a laugh as you shake your head. “We don’t typically name these ioangs. (animals).”
He nods before bringing their queues closer until they’ve connected. The nerves interlock with each other and the ilu’s eyes go wide as it vibrates from the connection. 
“Easy now.” He coos, stroking the reptiles skin. “Mawey. (calm).”
You’re encaptured in the moment, mesmerized by his peacefulness and incredible connection to the fauna of Pandora.
“You’re a natural.” You smile, mounting yours once again.
Neteyam smiles as he looks out at the water then back at you. “Shall we?” 
You happily nod at his suggestion before the both of you dip under the surface and begin riding through the warm Metikayina waters.
It’s hours later when the two of you finally circle back. Still near the village, you see Lo’ak and Tsireya still working on his riding, as it needs lots of work.
“Mawey,” Neteyam calls the name of his new ilu, “kä. (move; go).” He directs, moving toward the docks.
There, he gets out of the water, helping you out as well. The two of you begin walking off when Neteyam turns back and looks at Lo’ak. He teasingly laughs at his slow progress, causing Lo’ak to shamelessly flip him off. Both you and your sister cover your mouths in laughter at his vulgarity.
Night has fallen and you’re in the midst of talking to Eywa, as you do every night. You’re thanking her for keeping you safe in the reefs today when you hear someone walk in. 
“Where have you been?” You ask as Tsireya sits in her hammock.
“Speaking with Kiri.” She reveals with a sigh. “I feel terrible for how vile Rotxo and Ao’nung act towards her. She’s grown afraid to even leave her marui in fear of seeing them.” Tsireya worries.
“Oh, Reya.” You turn to her, “You have to stop worrying about them so much. Eventually they’ll grow to accept her as one of us, just give it time.”
She warily nods before plopping onto her back, her hammock rocking side to side. You whisper one last thanks to Eywa before standing up and heading toward the exit.
“Is Ronal out?” You ask before leaving.
Tsireya exhales, hating that you wouldn’t just call her mom. But you never thought it was fair, as she never saw you as her daughter. She barely could look at you when her husband brought home a Na’vi child that wasn’t from her. She’s always viewed your half siblings as more than; But you, she treated you like a disgrace to the people. Like a sky person intruding on Metikayina land. But Tsireya and Ao’nung, the poster children, won’t ever know how that feels.
“No.” She shakes her head, “Everyone’s sleeping.”
You nod.
“You coming?” You ask, referencing the almost nightly swims that you and her go on. Slowly riding in quiet conversation with nothing but the water and Eywa to guide you. It’s always been a mind clearing ritual for both of you.
“Not tonight, too exhausted.” She stares at the ceiling.
“Must be from Lo’ak’s amazingly fierce riding skills.” 
Tsireya quickly sits up and throws a pillow at you as you run outside giggling, barely escaping her wrath.
You walk down the dock and kneel. You dip your hand into the water and wave it a little, your way of calling your ilu. A few seconds later, you see the beautiful spotted reptile slithering toward you. 
“Hi, tíyawn. (love).” You smile, running your hands along his smooth head before you lower yourself into the water and mount him.
Knowing how this goes, he begins mindlessly floating on the soft waves of the water. You look up at the stars as you reminisce on the mayhem that’s taken place in the village ever since the Sullys arrived. Although they haven’t caused too much confusion, it’s more activity than what has gone on in a long time. 
One thing you can’t stop coming back to is the sturdy bond of the Sully family. From the moment Jake came to the island with everyone behind him, you could tell they were a strong pack. Neytiri challenging Ronal for offending her family made it clear that they didn’t care who you were or where you’re from, their family comes first.
You can’t help but hope that you’ll have a bond like that one day. Pray that you’ll find someone to love you the way Neytiri loves Jake, or protect you the way Neteyam does Lo’ak.
Your thoughts are interrupted by a rapid increase in water movement off in the distance. You look down from the sky and shift your gaze to the source. It’s…Lo’ak.
He’s riding the fin of the large mass in the water, a tulkun. Specifically, the stray tulkun Payakan. Everyone in the water clans know the story of the tulkun who avenged his mother. Disgraceful to some, honorable to others.
You stare at the bizarre image as he rides closer to the village, saying goodbye to the great animal. He begins swimming the rest of the way toward the village, but stops in his tracks when he sees you looking at him. 
“New friend?” You ask, teasingly.
He pants heavily as he treads water, looking up at you. “Something like that, yeah.”
“You know Tulkuns don’t travel alone like that. But that one, Payakan, he’s-“
“He’s an outcast. A freak, I know.” He assumes. “And now I’m a freak for being friends with him.” Lo’ak rolls his eyes, guessing what you’re thinking.
You frown at him, “That’s not what I was going to say.”
He stares at you inquisitively, his ears perking up.
“Payakan is different. He was very bold for doing what he did.” 
“I’d do the same.” He responds without missing a beat.
A knowing smile grows across your face, “I’m sure any Sully would.”
His gaze stays glued on you as he, his once irritated expression now gone.
“What about you? Why are you out so late?” 
“Wanted to be alone.” You shrug, answering truthfully. 
Getting the message, Lo’ak begins swimming toward the dock without another word. You’re confused as to why he’s leaving until you realize how your sentence sounded.
“Oh, no, I didn’t mean that!” You stop him. “You can stay…if you’d like.”
He turns back to you as he holds onto the pier pillar for support.
“I came to clear my mind. You have a Payakan, I have my ilu.” 
“We all know good I am with those.” He self deprecates.
You sigh, “You will learn to ride, Lo’ak.”
“No, I’m no good.”
You bore at him before swinging your leg over and dismounting, sinking into the water. 
“Za’u. (come).” You wave him over. 
He swims over to you, looking at you puzzled. You kindly hold an arm out, signaling for him to get on your animal. He hesitates, but does so warily, almost falling off in the process. 
“Riding an ilu with no tsaheylu (bond) to you can be a little more difficult-“
“Great.” He sulks.
“But,” you continue, “it’s nowhere near impossible. With a little practice and control you’ll have it by sunrise.”
“Sure, by the power of Eywa.” He doubts.
“By the power of Eywa,” you reiterate, “And the power of you, Lo’ak.”
You gently grab the antennae, placing your hand over his. You guide him as the three of you drift slowly through the water.
“Woah.” He wobbles a little, his body not leaning forward with the creature.
“‘Efu poru, (feel him), Lo’ak.” You hold his hands tighter, urging him to become one with the  animal.
Before long, he’s able to slowly ride by himself. You quietly clap at his progress while he swings his arm around like a cowboy, whooping far too loud. 
“Ri’Alya you’re a genius!-“
“Shhh.” You snicker.
“Alya, you’re a genius. I’ve never ridden that smooth before.” He whispers shouts. Your cheeks grow warm at the nickname, one that only your sister and father have called you before. But it sounds perfect coming from Lo’ak’s mouth.
You and Lo’ak ended up riding the ilu, talking, and giggling for two full hours before you parted ways. Everything just felt so natural with him. It felt okay to be yourself around someone who’s just as outcasted as you are. 
In your hours of conversations, Lo’ak revealed that his father doesn’t treat him much better than Ronal treats you. Both of you could understand the feeling of being a disappointment to those who should love you most, a sad but comforting communistic.
Now, as you walk down the dock, you see a huge smile on Lo’ak and Tsireya’s faces. Neteyam lowers his head in a bow as you near them. An unfamiliar feeling it is to have a boy respect you the way Neteyam does.
“Lo’ak’s gotten better overnight!” Reya smiles widely at you.
“Really?” You ask, shooting Lo’ak a witted smile, him returning it right back.
He looks to his brother, “I’ll be better than him by tomorrow.”
“No chance.” Neteyam shoves Lo’ak off of his animal, making him splash into the water. 
You laugh before taking Neteyam’s hand and entering yourself, you’re ilu swimming under and scooping you up. Knowing the drill by now, you and Neteyam begin riding out, conversation arising quickly.
“Your father told me about the Three Brothers.” Neteyam begins as you get further and further from the village. “Would you maybe wanna show me sometime?”
You involuntarily tense up at the suggestion, knowing all of the bad memories that come with leaving the reefs. But Neteyam knew none of that.
“I don’t know…” You mumble, looking down.
He quickly notices your expression change and worries that he’s done something wrong. “…Are you okay?”
“Yea.” You cover, “I’m just not very fond of leaving these waters.” 
“What, are you afraid of the akula’s?” He jokes, attempting to lighten the mood. 
You force a laugh while looking out to the water, getting in your head about it all. 
“What is it, really?” 
You lower your head, feeling stupid for even feeling this way.
“I haven’t been out of the reefs since I was a child. It’s when I first saw the sky people.”
“Sky people?” He perks up. “You’ve seen them too?” 
“Only once. I don’t know why they came, but I’ll never forget it. Boats the sizes of Eywa’eveng (Pandora) and more men than we could count.” You tell, “They had nets, the kind for fish.”
“Did you fight back?”
“Of course. But we didn’t have a Jake Sully to save us, Neteyam. My father wasn’t even Olo’eyktan (leader of the clan) yet. He was protecting me when they caught my mother in one of their webs. She still hasn’t come back..”
Neteyam looks at you with sorrowful eyes, “I’m so sorry.” He whispers.
You blink back tears before summing it up. “I just don’t enjoy leaving the reefs anymore.”
“Right.” He quickly agrees, “Of course, I’m sorry I asked.”
“No, it’s okay.” You respond, praying that the awkwardness fades soon.
The two of you change topics for the rest of the ride before you return to the village. You’re surprised to see that Lo’ak and Tsireya have finished their practice for the day, as neither of them are here anymore.
As you and Neteyam get out of the water, you see Rotxo and Ao’nung passing the pier. You’re taking Neteyam’s hand to help you out just as they look over. 
Rotxo cups his hand over his mouth and makes a howling sound, assuming that you and Neteyam are more than friends. Ao’nung elbows him harshly, not amused as he stares Neteyam down.
You stand on the dock as they turn a corner, freeing your friend from his death glare.
“I don’t think me likes me very much.” Neteyam remarks.
“He doesn’t like anyone very much.”
“Are you searching for crabs?” You ask when you see Kiri in the shallow water on her stomach, staring down at the sand. “Or bugs?”
She breaks the surface and looks up at you, startled as she kneels in the water. 
“Oh.” She exhales, “No. I’m just feeling it.” 
“Sorry?” You ask, sitting down beside her.
“The sand.” Her eyes almost light up, “I can feel it, in a way. Almost like a connection with each grain.” 
You stare at her with wide eyes, trying to decipher what that means.
Her smile drops and she lowers her head. “You think I’m weird.”
She sighs before going back to laying on her stomach, propped up by her elbows as the soft waves hit her chin.
“I don’t.” You insist. “I truly don’t. Why do all of you think that?” 
"The Metikayina aren't the most welcoming." She quietly mumbles to herself.
“Well I think that your gift is amazing.” You say, laying down on your stomach as well and looking with her.
“And did you see Jake riding the tsurak? (Skimwing).” You ask Tsireya as the two of you make your way to the reefs.
“Yes! Even dad was impressed.”
“Did you see Ronal’s face?” You laugh.
You’re both bursting into giggles when you feel a 4 fingered hand wrap around your arm and yank.
You gasp as you’re pulled into a dark canopy, your eyes still adjusting to the change in light. You hear a familiar voice demand something outside to Tsireya before hearing her run off.
“Ao’nung!” You exclaim, shoving him. “You scared me!” 
He stands in front of you, crossing his arms in attempts of intimidating you. You immediately hear that irritating snickering in the corner, none other than Rotxo.
“What do you want?” 
“Who were you going to see? Those small tails?” He looks down at you.
“We were going to swim.” 
“Me and Reya, Ao’nung.” You deadpan.
He takes a deep breath, changing his posture, but still hostile. 
“I don’t want you seeing them anymore.” 
He sighs, “The Sullys. Not Lo’ak or Neteyam.”
“Or that freak girl! Kitty!” Roxto jollily adds. 
You roll your eyes, “Ao’nung, is that seriously what this is about?” 
“They aren’t trustworthy, Alya. They’re useless Omiticayans. We never should’ve given them uturu. (Refuge).”
You exhale hard at how worked up he’s getting over this. They’ve been here almost a week and he still thinks they’re a threat no matter how many times they prove themselves.
“They’re one of us now-” 
“They will never be one of us!” His nostrils flare, now in a defensive position. 
You pause, realizing just how hateful he is of them. 
“Can I go now?” 
Ao’nung stalks toward you, getting closer than you’re comfortable with. 
“If I see you around them again, mom will be the first to know.
You stare at him, almost challengingly, for a few more beats before letting him win. You huff before storming out. You turn the corner to see Reya sitting at the end of the dock, dangling her feet off of the edge.
You plop down beside her, exhausted.
“What’s the matter?” She looks at you.
“Ao’nung.” You simply state, staring out at the water.
She looks out as well. “Just pretend like he doesn’t exist. That’s what you told me.”
“I’m realizing that it isn’t so easy.” You pull your knees to your chest.
There’s a brief comfortable silence before she speaks up again.
“So…You and Neteyam?” She nudges your shoulder.
A stupid smile arises while you scrunch up your face. “What about us?”
“You know…” Her voice goes up in pitch suggestively.
“No!” You exclaim as you both burst into laughter. 
“What do you mean no?” She giggles.
“I mean we’re just friends.” You say, not fully lying. “Unlike you and you know who.” 
She shakes her head, her now having a stupid smile in her face. “I don’t know. I don’t think he likes me.”
“Seriously? Reya, anyone can see that he’s practically in love with you.” 
“He never really shows it.” She shrugs. “I just hope he’s the right one, because I’ve already told my spirit sister.”
“That must mean it’s serious.” You tease.
“Alya, ftang! (stop!)” She jokingly pushes you before standing up on the dock. “The sun’s going down, we should go inside.” 
“Go ahead.” You encourage. “I’m right behind you.” 
She nods before returning to the marui. You look down at your feet as you splash them in the clear water, admiring the natural sea pattern. You begin getting lost in your thoughts as you often do when you hear footsteps coming toward you. 
“Alya!” A recognizable voice calls from behind you.
You turn around to see the Sully’s middle child dripping wet on the pier.
“Lo’ak!” You raise your brows at how perfectly the water rests on his frame. “We meet again.”
He dawns upon you and takes a seat where Tsireya was. “I was with Payakan.”
You nod, smiling. “You have a great relationship with him, you know? It’s important to have bonds like that.” 
“You’re going to have a bond like that with a special someone soon enough.” He remarks.
You cringe, “What does that mean?”
“It means you and Neteyam are practically already Olo’eyktan and Tsahík in everyone’s eyes.”  He blurts.
You smugly roll your eyes at his suggestion.
“Oh come on, dude. You’re seriously gonna deny the chemistry between you two?”
“Please, you sound like Tsireya.”
“Hey, you never know.” He puts his hands up in defense, “She may know what she’s talking about.”
“Right, and Omiticayans may have fins.” You scoff, “No way.”
“All I’m saying is that you’re perfect for each other.”
“Really?” You sarcastically ask.
“Seriously.” He chuckles, “You’re both, like, the most perfect children ever and everyone’s favorite.”
You let out a loud laugh, “Absolutely not.” 
“Come on.”
“Lo’ak, after what I told you about Ronal, you think I’m everyone’s favorite?”
“Okay maybe not favorite, but you know what I mean. You’re like, the model Na’vi.” He argues.
“My sister is the model Na’vi.” You say. “She’s more like Neteyam than I could ever be.” 
Lo’ak scoffs as he looks at you doubtfully, “Never thought you’d be the ugly duckling.” He says, almost condescending.
“I never exprexted you to be closer with a tulkun that you are with your family.” You reply.
You and Lo’ak almost get carried away in conversation again for far too long. You’re reaching and hour when you hear a shuffling sound behind you.
“Did you hear that?” You ask.
“Hear what?” He says, not paying much attention.
You exhale, “Nothing. That must be my sign to go to bed.” You stand up, him following suit.
He trails behind you, still making conversation, until you reach your marui. 
“Later, Alya.”
You wave before quietly walking in.
“Ri’Alya!” You hear someone shout. You jolt awake at the yell, wondering if it was in your dream or not.
“Get out here, now!” Ronal screams.
You jump out of bed before quickly putting on your torso and waist pieces. You run outside to hear Ronal sternly speaking to someone, sounding like how she ridicules you. In front of her, you see none other than Lo’ak. He stares at her in a way that screams ‘get out of my face’ as she spits fire at him.
“Yes?” You ask worriedly as you walk up to them.
“Would you like to tell the truth about what happened last night?” She turns to you.
“I already told you-“
“Shh, ‘eveng. (Child).” She cuts Lo’ak off.
“Don’t play stupid, Ri’Alya. Ao’nung told me everything you did last night and neither of you are leaving until someone tells me exactly what happened.” She snarks in that annoyingly scary mom voice.
“Bro, that guy lies on me all the time are you kidding?”
“Hush!” She yells at him. “He told me all of the the absolutely inappropriate and vile things he saw from you two. You should be ashamed of yourself.” She points at Lo’ak.
Tears form in your eyes, “What? Ronal, he’s lying. I would never-“
“And you!” She looks at you, “Your father and I did not raise you to behave in such a way. A Sully, maybe. But you?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Lo’ak intervenes.
“Ronal, please.” You beg, “You have to believe me, we did not do anything last night. Ao’nung just wants to get me in trouble.”
“I will hear none of it.” She shakes her head. “There will not be another nightly outing for as long as the Sully’s take refuge here. Do I make myself clear?”
Lo’ak scrunches his face up, “Are you even listening-“
“Do I make myself clear?” She scolds, her accent thick as she pauses in between each word.
You lower your head, knowing she’ll never believe you two over her beloved son. 
“Yes ma’am.” You mutter.
She gives the two of you a death stare before walking off, shoving your shoulder as she passes you.
You and Lo’ak are left in an awed silence at what just happened as a thousand things rush through your head. How did she know you saw each other last night? How did Ao’nung see? Why would he make up such a lie about what you two did?
As if you summoned him, you see Ao’nung striding over to you with a sick smirk on his face. You and Lo’ak look at him.
“Who told you?” Your voice shakes as you hold back tears.
He smiles wickedly, “The little one.” 
You pause for a minute. Your mind goes back to last night, that shuffling you heard. 
That’s what you heard.
You look over at Lo’ak for the first time since you walked outside. He’s now looking at the floor, deep in thought. The one thing you can deduce is that he’s angry. Very angry. His breathing heavies and rage fills his expression before he turns and storms off toward the Sully marui.
You immediately go to follow after him when Ao’nung grabs your arm, holding you back.
“Don’t.” He demands, watching Lo’ak walk off.
You look back at him with tears in your eyes, “You’ve done enough, Ao’nung.” 
You yank your arm away from him before running to catch up.
You quickly follow behind Lo’ak as he storms into his marui. Once inside, you’re surprised that so many people are there. Kiri, Tuk, and Neytiri all look up as Lo’ak’s face contorts with fury.
“Really?” He looks at Tuk, “You told him?”
She stares at him, confused. “What-“
“No, of course you did.” He continues. “I don’t know why I’m surprised when all you guys ever do is try to get me in trouble.”
“Lo’ak.” Kiri warns, sitting behind Tuk.
“It’s every damn day! I get here and can’t do anything right but the one time - the one time - I make a friend, you can’t help but screw it up for me.” 
“‘Itan. (Son).” Neytiri gives him a ‘careful’ look.
He stares back at her in a way you wouldn’t dare look at Ronal.  
“If you wanted the model family you should’ve left me at High Camp so you could keep perfect little Neteyam as your son. And this little tattle tale as your perfect daughter. Since I’m clearly the fuck up-” 
“Lo’ak!” Neytiri stands, towering over you and him. 
Tuk begins to cry as Kiri cradles her head, shushing and rocking her. You make yourself as small as you can under Neytiri’s gaze as she stares into Lo’ak’s soul. 
You see Jake and Neteyam run in at the sound of Tuk’s cries. But Lo’ak doesn’t seem to notice as he ignores his mother and stares at a teary eyed Tuktirey.
“Yea cry.” He nods. “Cry like always and make everyone feel bad for you while I play the bad guy. Again. You know, it’s starting to get real fucking old-“
“That’s enough!” Jake roars.
The drop in Lo’ak’s expression is almost instantaneous as he turns around to look at his father and brother. 
“Outside! Now!” He shouts. Neteyam looks at his brother and then to you as Lo’ak walks out, his father shoving him. 
Neteyam, Kiri, Tuk, and Neytiri are left staring at you. Your eyes begin to fill with tears once more before you inch yourself toward the exit.
“I’m sorry.” You blurt out, “I’m so so sorry.” 
You run outside and into your own empty marui.
Your eyes sting from the hours of sobbing. You sit with your knees to your chest and your hands over your eyes as you imagine how you’ve ruined everything. You can’t help but think that if you had never seen Lo’ak on Payakan that night, you would’ve been much happier in the end.
In the midst of your thoughts, you hear footsteps entering. Not bothering to look up, you internally beg for it not to be Ao’nung. 
When the figure sits next to you and you feel her fingertips stroking your back, you cry harder in both relief and comfort as you know your sister’s here. 
“Are you alright?” She asks, her voice barely above a whisper.
“I didn’t do those things with Lo’ak, Reya.” You explain in between weeps, “We were just talking. I promise to Eywa.”
“Shhh, I know. I believe you, Alya.”
She pulls your hands from over your eyes and wraps your arms around her shoulders, moving both of you into a hug. You squeeze onto her as if life depends on it.
“Why do they hate me so much?” You ask, truly wanting an answer.
But you don’t get one. Tsireya only continues to embrace you and trace circles on your back until you don’t have anymore tears to cry.
You’re drifting in an out of sleep as you feel familiar arms on you. They scoop you up from the floor and begin carrying you to your hammock.
“Ronal is lying.” You murmur, still halfway in a trance. 
Your father hums, “I wish I could believe you, daughter.”
“I promise…”
He lays you down and begins stroking your hair, kneeling by your side.
“You aren’t to see Lo’ak te Suli again.” He says, “Not to teach him, not to talk to him, not even to look at him. He’s invisible.”
You tiredly huff, “He’s my friend.”
“Until you two learn to behave, you must find another friend.”
“But dad-“
“Ri’Alya.” He says sternly. You know better than to talk back and simply drift back to sleep as he kisses your forehead. You can deal with the unrest of your village in the morning.
“It’s time to get up, Alya.” You hear your sister say as she shakes you awake. “Lessons.”
“I’m not going.” You groan, trying to push her away.
“Come on, you can’t stay here forever.”
“Can’t I?” You joke. The room is silent and you peek one eye open to see an unamused Tsireya. 
“It’ll be worse if you let Lo’ak’s actions stop you from seeing Neteyam.” She persuades you.
Angry that she’s right, you sulk before swinging your legs over the side of the hammock and getting ready. Tsireya does tiny hops and claps her hands.
As the two of you walk down to the reefs, you see all of the Sullys in the water already. Neytiri looks at you while Jake’s eyes stayed glued to Lo’ak, ensuring that he doesn’t acknowledge you. But he slips. The minute you look at him he also looks at you, and neither of you look away.
“Aye.” Jake scolds as he shoves Lo’ak’s shoulder. “Focus.”
Lo’ak looks away but you can bare the consequences of staring just a little longer. Just then, you feel a push behind you.
“Keep walking.” You hear Ao’nung demand. 
You force him away from you as Tsireya gives you a sympathetic looks before getting in the water next to Lo’ak. On your own now, you see Neteyam waiting for you at the end of the pier with a hand held out for you. You smile at the little routine you have going before taking his hand and mounting your ilu.
“How are you?” He asks as you both automatically begin riding away from the harbor.
“Good.” You lie.
“Really?” He cocks his head to the side.
“Why? Do I not seem good?”
Neteyam exhales, “Well…I heard what happened with you and Lo’ak.” He quiets down when he says the name, as if it’s a grand secret.
“Nothing happened.” You insist.
“I’m sorry. I meant, everyone thinks something did.” 
“Lo’ak felt like an outcast and I was showing him that he’s not. We talked, that’s all.” You blankly state. 
“Right.” He nods, not wanting to push it further.  “You remind me a lot of him, in a way.”
This catches your attention. 
“Yea. The feelings of being different while being some of the best people I know at the same time is something both of you share. Not to mention your sense of humor is almost identical. I truly am sorry that your friendship didn’t work out.”
You look down, not knowing how to feel. 
“Well, you know. Things happen.” You shrug. “I’m sorry for the way he yelled at Tuk.”
“Please. Don’t apologize for my brother. He knew better than doing that.” 
You pause, tears threatening to fill your eyes at the thought of yesterday.
“Are your parents mad at me?” You ask.
“Much more mad at Lo’ak. He shouldn’t have been alone with you at night and he shouldn’t have spoken the way he did. It’s his fault, okay?”
You know that isn’t true, but it sounds like his family is sure that it is. You look over to him in admiration as the water reflects in his wide eyes.
“How are you so perfect?” You ask, your head tilted at him.
He laughs, “Sorry?”
You beam at his vibrant smile. “Lo’ak told me he had a perfect brother but he never told me you just keep getting better. I expected you to slip up by now but no. You’re good at everything, Neteyam. No wonder everyone loves you.” 
He shakes his head, “Everyone loves you too.”
You scoff and look away, watching fish dart through the water.
“If people knew you. The real you, they’d be head over heels. All of them, I guarantee it.” 
“You’re too kind, Neteyam. Honestly, you’re even perfect in that way.” You laugh.
Just then, you both hear a loud horn blowing from your village. Neteyam looks to you in inquiry. It strikes you that he isn’t afraid, the way you were when you first heard the horns.
You shake your head. “It’s hunting day.”
“Here.” You hand the knife to Neteyam.
Almost all Na’vi used the oceans to hunt. But for the Metikayina, it wasn’t only for food, but as a village activity. All of the families came together and catch fish together. This year, the Sully’s are the new edition.
You go to help guide Netayam in catching a fish, but before you can, he’s already stabbed one. He did it with ease as he whispers, ‘Oel ngati kameie, ma tsmukan, ulte ngaru seiyi irayo.’ (I see you, brother, and thank you).
“How do you know how to do that?” You ask, impressed.
“My dad taught me in the waters of the jungle.” He smiles, proudly looking at his catch. “I’m a little rusty. We used to use bows.” 
You try to hide your smile as you realize that he really is great at everything. You and Neteyam hunt for an hour longer before racking up more fish than any other group. With big smiles on your faces, he helps you lug them all into your marui.
When you emerge, you notice Neytiri looking at you. You’re sure she’s only thinking of how many ways you’ve ruined her family and now you’re poisoning another one of her sons. 
“Should I apologize?” You ask Neteyam, breaking your staring contest with Neytiri.
“I don’t know if talking to my mother would be the best idea.” He replies, wiping off the slick substance left on his hands onto his torso.
“I don’t want her to hate me forever.” 
He peers at you, “Well if it’s weighing heavy on you then do what you have to. Don’t let it consume you, Ri’Alya. I know how it feels.”
You briefly glance back to Neytiri, knowing what you have to do.
The next time you see the Sully’s in their marui, you take your chance. Lo’ak hasn’t been hanging around them when he doesn’t have to since yesterday, so you know you won’t be seeing him. 
Neteyam walks with you and you nervously go over what you’re going to say in your head before walking in. Jake and Neytiri look up at you as Tuk scoots back. Your heart sinks as you can tell she associates you with what Lo’ak did. Neteyam gives you an encouraging look before sitting down with his family, watching you. You clear your throat before beginning. 
“I just wanted to say how sorry I am for what I caused. I never meant for it to seem like Lo’ak and I were doing anything wrong. I’m sorry that Ronal spoke to him the way she did and I’m sorry that he reacted because of me. I understand if you hate me and don’t want me talk to Lo’ak again, my father told me as much. I just hope there’s no bad blood.” You rant, breathing heavy. 
They all stare at you with wide eyes, Neteyam looking at you empathetically. Abruptly, Tuk jumps up and wraps her arms around your legs.
“I forgive you!” She exclaims. “A thousand times!” 
You softly laugh, stroking her head before she returns to her seat next to Kiri.
“We don’t hate you.” Jake begins, his wife giving him an unapproving look. “We know Lo’ak is…troubled. It’s not your fault, kid.” 
Neytiri eyes him, “But she did bring this upon us.”
“She’s a child, okay? And Lo’ak knew better.” He waves her off.
“You think she didn’t?”
“Whether she did or didn’t-“
Neteyam loudly clears his throat, urging his parents to not do this in front of you right now. 
Jake sighs, “I apologize for my mate-“
“Do not apologize for me.”
“She’s going through a lot.”
“Jake.” She austere says, offended. Kiri covers Tuk’s mouth, muffling her giggles.
Jake turns back to you. “It’s okay, sweetheart. No bad blood, right?”
You grin, nodding at him. You give Neteyam one last look before turning and walking out, now feeling a little less stressed about it.
As you walk out, you bump into someone. 
“Hìtxoa. (Excuse me).”  
“Sorry.” The two of you simultaneously murmur.
You look up briefly to see no other than Lo’ak in front of you. You linger on him, a tired expression plastered on his face. He only looks at you for a second before looking back at his feet.
“Sorry.” He mutters again before heading inside. You watch him go, cursing yourself for how screwed your relationship has become.
When you look back out, you see your father looking at you from the piers. You silently drop your head and begin walking, not wanting to face that right now. 
You feel someone softly shaking you awake as the cool breeze comes from the open fabrics at the entrance of your pod, the sky still dark.
“Not now, Tsireya.” You whine, really not having the energy right now.
“Get up, quickly! You have to go to the Three Brothers!” 
You groan in annoyance. “What are you talking about?” 
“Lo’ak’s waiting for you down there. Just get up!”
Your mind suddenly goes completely clear at the mention of his name. You didn’t know the effect it had on you until it jolted you out of your sleep.
“Lo’ak?” You query, sitting up.
“He’s waiting. Go talk to him. Only for a few minutes, okay?” 
She helps you stand before roughly running her hands through your hair, fixing it up.
“Ow!” You pull your head away from her. She simply pushes you out in a hurry.
“Reya, what if we get caught?” You interrogate as the soft hum of the ocean gets closer.
“We’ll keep watch.” She assures you.
You stop just outside of your home. “We?”
Just then, you hear little snickers behind you. You turn around to see Tuk and Kiri standing guard. You cover your mouth so as not to laugh too loud. You shift your gaze from them and return to your sister.
“Thank you.” You smile, pressing a kiss into her cheek.
“You’re welcome. Now go!” She urges. 
You jog down the the water and hop in, your ilu coming up under you. You quickly begin riding to the Three Brothers. 
It’s only once you’re almost there that you realize that this is the first time you’ve left the reefs in years. You’ve always been too haunted by your mother’s story. But right now you were too caught up in your thoughts of Lo’ak to care.
Finally, you dawn upon the great rocks. In front of them, you see the boy floating on the fin of a tulkun. Payakan.
“Lo’ak?” You quietly call out.
He turns to you, a small smile growing on his face when you lock eyes. “Alya.”
Your heart warms at the nickname as you ride closer to him, now parallel from Payakan. You look at him expectantly, waiting on what he has to say.
“Um, I thought it would be a good idea to, you know, talk to you after…”
“Right. Of course.” You look down at the water, knowing what he was trying to say.
“So…” He awkwardly begins, “How do you feel?”
You pause. “Like everybody hates me.”
He lifelessly laughs, “Welcome to the club.”
You chuckle, thankful that his humor is somewhat breaking the ice. 
Your laughter dies down as you get back on topic, “So what’d your dad say?”
“That I should’ve known better. He says I need to have leioae. (Respect). To act better around the Olo’Eyktan’s daughter.” He explains, “Only, he said it in a very…different way.” 
You scoff, slightly embarrassed. “Yea well, my father wasn’t too easy either.”
“The all mighty Tonowari? Can’t be.” He teases.
“Oh it was.” You tell, “He forbade me from seeing you. Said we have to learn how to behave.” 
Lo’ak sighs when he sees the true anxiety in your face, the situation clearly weighing on you. 
“Fucking Ao’nung.” He huffs.
You can’t tell if it’s a sad sigh or a chuckle that you let out. 
“Fucking Ao’nung.”
You and Lo’ak talk for far longer than you intended, both of you now floating on your backs in the water. The topics switch from Tsireya, to Neteyam, to a human boy who he says is his brother. Spider, he calls him.
“And Neytiri is okay with him?”
“Oh, not in the slightest.” He says, his wit making you grin. “Mom thinks he needs to be with his people.”
“Is she so wrong?” You ask, not loving the idea of sky people living among Na’vi.
He pauses, staring up at the sky. 
“Maybe. Maybe not. But either way, he’s stuck with us. He’s grown up as my brother so I’ll love him like a brother.”
You nod as the water ripples through your hair. 
“And where is Spider today?”
It’s silent. You know Lo’ak is still there, as your fingertips brush against each other every once in a while as you let the water guide you. But he doesn’t respond.
He finally speaks up, “Spider’s dad came back for him. That’s why we came here, to escape them. But Spider he-“ He exhales, “They took him.”
Now you’re the one mute. Knowing how it feels for a sky person to snatch your family away from you, you couldn’t help but mourn for him. It sounds like the one person who allowed him to feel accepted in the forest simply slipped through his fingers. And now, he only has you in his place. He certainly can’t see that as an upgrade.
Just then, you see 3 bright lights far into the sky, flickering.
“Do you see that?” You squint, pointing a finger in the direction of the beams. “Is that a new star?”
You look over to Lo’ak to see his expression dropped, looking up into the sky with a dreadful display.
“What?” You ask.
He stops floating and swims over to Payakan while staring at the star, prompting you to get up as well.
“What is it, Lo’ak?”
“Alya…” His breathing heavies, “I don’t think those are stars.”
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queentheweeb · 6 months
Aonung X Fem Metkayina Reader
A/N: Aonung is 20 and you're 26, Koro belongs to Avatar, and everyone else belongs to me.
Prompt: "Just shut up and kiss me"
Aonung is not sure what demon possessed him but, he is pretty sure it's you. Tsireya and Lo'ak have already mated before Eywa once Lo'ak completed his Inkimaya. He liked how for the Metkayina he didn't have to give up his role of Olo'eyktan because Lo'ak wasn't interested and insisted on him being Olo'eyktan which he will be eternally grateful for. Now, his parents kept hinting or outright telling him he needed to find a mate but, he knew who he wanted. It's you, however, you keep playing hard to get because of your age. He had told you when he was 13, and older he would claim you but, you laughed it off saying you're too old. You were so insecure about your age which was a load of bull shit you weren't even that much older than him! You had him by 6 years who cares? You were perfect to him. You were insecure about your height since you were shorter than Reya but, he loved it, you could fit in his arms better especially since he and his dad are eye to eye now. He loved how soft your belly was in comparison to the other women on the island, you were never one to shy away from food and he loved your hefty appetite, it made him want to hunt and collect fruits, roots, and whatever else you wanted to eat. 
"You're staring again Nung." He turned his eyes to his sister, rolling his eyes fondly.
"And I will continue to admire her, now go be with Lo'ak, and let me admire my future wife in peace." Reya rolled her eyes in exasperation, patted him on the shoulder, and disappeared to do who knows what. Probably Lo'ak.
His eyes followed your frame and he felt himself smiling at you. He was so in love with you and obsessed he's not even sure if you know just how deep his love, his need, and his want for you ran through his veins. You were weaving away on your Tsurak and the sun reflected off of your tattoos that he wanted to kiss every night as he held you close to him and listened to you tell him about your day no matter how mundane it was. He wanted to worship you from the top of your head to your full breasts, to your soft belly, your thick thighs and legs, down to your feet. He'll get on his knees and beg for you to be his, he needed and wanted you to be his. He wanted a family with you, he wanted to grow old with you, he wanted to be mated before Eywa to you and only you. You made his heart skip a beat, you made him feel like he could be and do everything in the world. You were healthy and strong, not as strong as him you didn't need to be, he could protect you with one hand if needed. His head turned at the sight of his best friend/brother Rotxo who was mated to Kiri approaching.
"You still haven't claimed her? You know others have their eyes on her like Koro." He and Roxto shared a look at that. Koro was good, there wasn't anything per se wrong with him, however, when it came to the girls, the unmated women he swore he could get anyone he wanted. There was only one girl who swooned for him and he never paid her any mind. He's an idiot like that. 
"Koro knows better to try and claim what's mine." Aonung was possessive, to say the least, he could be arrogant on a good day but, you? You brought a side of him out he didn't even know he was capable of having.
"I know she has to know, I catch her blushing every time she looks at you, and she smiles but, she's so shy about it. Reminds me a little bit of Kiri." The two of them started talking about you and Kiri, taking notice of you and Kiri together as well.
"Y/N, you're killing me." You and Kiri got along well, especially when she completed her Inkimaya and got matching tattoos with Rotxo once mating with him. "Why are you playing games with Aonung like this? I usually love to see him suffer but, this is too much even for me!" The two of you were talking and you felt yourself blushing just at the thought of him.
"I love him so much, it hurts but...why would he want someone like me? There's other women he could choose from, one's a little closer in age." Kiri rubbed a hand down her face, sighing heavily in exasperation.
"Aonung doesn't give a shit, about you being older. The way he looks at you and talks about you to me and Lo'ak?? and Rotxo as well? He would get on his knees and beg for your love and affection." You couldn't help the giggle that came out of you looking at Kiri with hopeful eyes.
"It's my insecurities isn't it?" Kiri nodded and went to speak but, an annoying voice behind you answered. 
"Aonung doesn't need someone older, he needs someone young and who can keep up with him." You turned around to glare at Atarina. You couldn't stand her, not only because everyone on this damn island knew she just wanted Aonung for the status, she was arrogant and full of herself. She just freshly passed her Inkimaya, after failing twice. "He's only nice to you because that's his duty as Olo'eyktan, he has to treat all of us with respect whether he likes them or not."
"Is she talking about the same Aonung?" You turned to Kiri just as perplexed. If Aonung didn't like you, you would know. You raised an eye ridge at her.
"It's clear you don't know Aonung as well as you claim. Maybe you should try again since three is your lucky number." You smirked in her face knowing her Inkimaya was a sore spot for her and you expected the oncoming fight.
"I think I have to be more clear with my feelings then." Roxto was going to agree but, cussed instead. Aonung turned at the uncharacteristic cuss following Roxto who was moving at the scene in front of him. He felt anger rise inside of him. Atarina and her foolish friends were jumping his syulang and Kiri hence why Roxto hissed. They both sped up getting closer and Aonung couldn't help the small smirk when Atarina stretched to scratch Y/N and missed falling into the water. Kiri was clinging onto Y/N but, both of them turned at the sight of him and Roxto. 
"What's going on here?" He did a glance over Y/N seeing she had a gash on her side, most likely protecting Kiri and he had to keep the snarl from his face. He will tend to it once he gets this situation sorted out. "Atarina you speak first." He already knew she was going to lie and, once she saw she had attention on her she started batting her eyes at him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Y/N glaring in disgust at her which made him want to kiss her senseless right then and there.
"My friends and I were coming over here to have a little chat with these two..." She glared at them turning her 'sugar' eyes back to Aonung who just found her repulsive. "When Kiri got snarky, talking about you and Y/N agreed. They didn't like that I was defending you and hit me first so of course I had to defend myself." You didn't realize it but, you were squeezing the spear in your hand so hard your knuckles changed colors and Kiri was no better. 
"I hate liars Atarina." Atarina had the nerve to look shocked and Aonung didn't bother hiding the snarl. "I know Kiri enough to know she doesn't do that and I especially know ma Y/N doesn't start arguments with petulant children." You're not sure which one stung more, the insult or the fact that Aonung just openly claimed you. You were stunned as well. 
"...You said Ma Y/N." Atarina didn't even bother playing anymore, she was straight up glaring at you and looking at Aonung in disbelief. "You...want her? An old woman?" It took every muscle in your body to keep from reacting but, your eye and ear twitched which Aonung picked up on. Roxto had already grabbed Kiri who was clinging to him. He was her soft spot. Aonung let out a dangerous growl that had Atarina shutting up and flinching. 
"You will do yourself a favor and never speak ill about my future mate. I never wanted you and never will. Now go find yourself something safe to do and leave ma Y/N alone." Atarina said nothing, as angry tears sprung to her eyes and she left with her friends leaving right behind her. You should feel a little bad for her but, you don't. You feel shocked and smug and want to jump to Aonung and kiss him stupidly. He turned to you then with an unreadable expression swimming into your space.
"Aonung?" He said nothing except to pick you up, place you on his Tsurak giving you enough time to wave to Kiri and Roxto before he swam away.
"You're bleeding. I have bandages in my marui." He was holding you firmly by the hip to make sure you didn't fall off, passing by a couple of people including Koro who seemed shocked. The two of you made it to the netting where he placed you on first before climbing up. You went to stand but, he picked you up and walked inside his Marui. Being the Olo'eyktan had its perks since his Marui was big, had curtains for privacy and he didn't have close neighbors. Once inside, he sat you down on his mat, and you sat in front of him watching as he got everything and tended to your light cuts and the gash on your side from where Atarina tried stabbing Kiri. 
"Your home is much bigger than I thought." Maybe it was the nerves, but, you felt the need to fill up the space as he cleaned up your wounds and bandaged them. You didn't realize how much you were talking because he finished and used both hands to cup your face in between them. That forced you to stop as the two of you held eye contact and he smirked at you. "Um-"
"Just shut up and kiss me." You felt your eyes widen at the boldness but, remembered the pep talk Kiri was giving you. Don't be afraid. You took a breath and had the pleasure of seeing a slight surprise in his eyes when you leaned forward and pressed your lips against his. You were nervous but, when you felt him move his hands from your face to place along your back to pull you more against him, you knew your worries were all for nothing. This is where you belong, with your Aonung. The two of you pulled apart, pressing your foreheads together. "I see you ma Y/N, my Syulang." You hummed, wrapping your arms firmly around his neck.
"As I see you ma Nung."
Another chapter?! Woo-woo! The fandom lowkey died but, I'm still going to write one-shots from time to time.
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eywaite · 8 months
Blind Trust
Kinktober Prompt: Day #6 ~ Blindfold
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Pairing: Adult Tsireya x human fem reader
Words: 4.3K
Summary: You can never get enough of Tsireya, and the only way to quench your thirst is to teach her a little blind trust.
Warnings: Aged-up character, NSFW, corruption kink, blindfolding, hair pulling (just once), begging, oral sex (fem receiving), size difference, human x Na'vi.
Notes: Tsireya is criminally underrated in this fandom and I won't let that stand.
Credits: Everybody say thank you to, @pandoraslxna, for hosting this year's Kinktober! Credit to @world-of-pandora for the Tsireya gif. Credit to @cafekitsune for the MDNI and Support Banner.
Na'vi Translation:
Ilu: Ocean creature rode by the Reef Na'vi
Tawtute: Sky People/Person
Tsahìk: Matriarch, high priestess, interpreter
Tìyawn: Love
Marui: Pods built in the giant mangrove-like trees alongside the shores and are protected from crashing waves by giant reef barriers.
Ma: Vocative marker used to indicate whom the speaker is addressing. Can be used with a name.
Oeyä: My (Possessive)
Paysyul: Water Lily
Kehe: No
Yawntutsyìp: Darling; little loved one
Tewng: Loincloth
Srane: Yes
Ftang nga: Stop, stop it
Utumauti: Banana fruit
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Awa'atlu is breathtaking; no words can truly describe it's beauty. From it's sun kissed sandy beaches, crystal clear water, the large mangrove like trees that grow into the reef allowing the indigenous Na'vi to make their homes, abundant sea life, and exotic fruits. But the real jewel of the reef was it's people.
The Metkayina were so different from the Omatikaya, made for their aquatic environment. Taller and broader bodies with tails that help them glide through the warm waters with ease, the love and connection they have to the sea is as beautiful as your family's deep love of the forest.
You know your family misses their home; you missed your home. And after months of worrying about Spider and getting him back with Neteyam's life nearly being taken, a dark cloud has covered your mind from the glory of the world around you. Sure you were thankful that Spider was home safe, and even more greatful that the Great Mother has spared Neteyam's life, but still, life had become dull.
You dreamed of the forest, praying you can have the smell of rich soil invade your senses as you run through the dense jungle with your siblings again. But as always, you had to wake up from your dreams and face your reality; we may never go home. The one thing that has made this abrupt transition worth anything is your love for Tsireya.
Tsireya was the living definition of walking sunshine. Her seemingly never ending kindness, joy, love, and life blankets your very being, bringing new meaning to your new found reality ever waking moment she was with you. And it was impossible not to fall head over heels in love with her after your first swimming lesson. Her petite body pressed against your back as she rests her chin on your head so she can see what she's doing, her hands enveloping yours as she guides your hands into the correct form to dive. Her curious hands skimming your skin when she hands you a fish to give her ilu. Her eyes sliding to yours in a crowd at a celebration, catching you shamelessly staring at her, softly giggling as your face heated up from being caught. Feeling entranced by her body as she fluidly moving to the rhythm of the beating drums.
What you never imagined was that those curious touches and glances would ever turn into something more, that someone as beautiful as Reya could ever love a tawtute. That the princess of the Metkayina, future Tsahìk, the kindest and most gentle person you've ever met would choose you.
You were struck dumb when you realized she was boldly courting you. Gifting you water colored crystal beads that she'd braid into your hair whenever the gang hung out. Making you matching anklets and armbands woven with the finest materiel the reef had to offer, even some that required long dives to find. Becoming ecstatic when you'd wear the new top and loincloth that matches hers, making you twirl so she can examine ever inch of how the outfit fits your body.
She would take you on long rides on her ilu to show you the wide expanse of the reef, teaching you the history of her clan as she'd hold you close, wrapping her arm around you to keep you securely on the ilu with her. Showing you new medical pastes she made from the lessons with her mother, and take you to collect herbs on days she couldn't teach you. Even showing you the secluded spot she'd going hunting at occasionally.
It took Lo'ak teasing you about the basket Tsireya had gifted you of your favorite fruits to realize she wasn't just being the friendly and kind soul she was. No, she is courting you. You. She wants you, she Sees you and excepts you, and she's announcing it so loudly to her clan... and nobody was objecting.
The moment your sluggish brain comprehend what was happening, you sprinted to Tsireya. Practically tackling her as you run into her arm, squeezing her tightly as you buried your head into her chest, ignoring how close you were to her pretty breasts. Excepting her courting advances and telling her you See her, causing her eyes to grow teary. You consummated your mateship right there on the beach at her secluded hunting spot. Finally getting every inch of her body.
But it was never enough, not with Tsireya. You were constantly stumbling into the nearest bushes to get whatever you could in the quickest amount of time, her schedule so busy as her help starts becoming more needed in the clan. It had only been a month since you had become a mated pair, yet it seems ever intimate moment with your Tìyawn was always quick and over too soon. You desperately craved to take your time mapping ever single curve and dip of your gorgeous mate. And you had what you hoped was an excellent idea to execute this plan of slow seduction.
It's how you find yourself sitting cross legged on the floor of your shared marui in front of Tsireya as she cutely frowns at the black, silk blindfold in her hands, brow bone scrunched in confusion as she stares at the piece of fabric. "Ma Oeyä Paysyul, I do not understand. You want to blind me for pleasure? I will not be able to see?" she asks, looking at you with wide eyes that make your insides melt. Her sweet, innocent gaze with her aqua color eyes make your stomach churn with butterflies. A surprising heat collecting in between your legs at the idea of showing her so many sinful things.
You lean forward on your knees to come closer to her, Tsireya immediately bending down for you to reach her better. There wasn't a huge size difference, but it was still adorable how someone so much bigger than you can wrap themselves around your frame, cuddling into your touch like you were a source of protection. You softly chuckle at her innocence, reaching out to cup her cheek, rubbing your thumb across her cheekbone as she leans into your touch. "Kehe, ma Tìyawn, you won't be blind forever, you can take it off whenever you want. This'll just enhance your pleasure."
Slowly trailing your hand down to her top, you roll a beaded pearl hanging from it's delicate string, rubbing the back your hand against her stiffening nipple. Tsireya let's out the softest of whimpers at your touch, her breathing quickening as her hold tightens on the blindfold. "It'll allow all your other senses to heighten, making the experience so much more pleasurable for you, ma Oeyä Yawntutsyìp."
You see her tail begin to sway erratically behind her when you let your hand drops further, letting just your fingertips grazes the velvety skin on her stomach, stopping to toy with the band of her loincloth. Her whole body shudders as you tease the small patch of wetness collecting on the soft fabric of her tewng. Her hips jump to rub against your fingers, and immediately you pull your hand away, resting it on her thigh. A pout forms on Reya's sweet face as she whines, scooting closer to you as you knead the tone flesh of her thigh. "But of course, only if you want to, ma Reya."
You gently tug the blindfold out of her surprisingly tight grasp, folding it as you stand to put it away. You hear shuffling behind you as Tsireya crawls to you, wrapping her hands around your waist to stop you. "I would like to try, I would like to try!" she says hastily, tugging you against her chest to stop you.
A small smirk tugs on the corner of your lips, turning around in her grasp to cup her face. "Are you s–"
"Srane! Yes, I want to." she interrupts, crushing you against her soft body, clawing at your back. "Just please touch me. Please, ma Paysyul... " she begs. Her little, bottom lip quivering as her eyes become teary, dropping her head to rest on your chest, her ears laying back.
"Aw, has my baby become needy?" you asked, mimicking her pout as you brush your fingers through her silken curls, twirling a strand through your fingers as you wait for her answer. Tsireya nods against your collarbone, turning her head to lay a feather light kiss on your neck, dragging her small canines across the delicate skin of your collarbone.
Tangling your fingers just under her queue, you tug her head away from your neck. "Crawl to our mat and get on your knees." you command, letting go of her hair and backing away. Tsireya immediately crawls to your shared mat. Your eyes are glued to her plump ass as it jiggles at ever movement, her tail swaying slowly back and forth. Reaching the mat, Tsireya cutely settles herself on her knees facing you, resting her hands on her thighs as she waits for whatever you do next.
Your cunt pulses at her obedience, your chest swelling with pride at your sweet girl; you'd bet your next meal that Tsireya is the most well behaved mate on the island. "Such a good girl." you praise Reya, watching as her ears perk up to full attention, her eyes practically sparkling from the praise. Unfurling the blindfold, you walk to Tsireya, presenting it to her once again, letting it rest just a few inches away from her eyes.
Her eyes grow wider the closer the blindfold gets, sensing her hesitation you pull back the blindfold. "Let's make a safe word. Something easy for you to remember that you can say at any time, that means you want to stop. Can you think of a word, ma Tìyawn?" you ask. Her brow bone scrunched together as she thinks hard for a word, her face relaxing when your thumb runs across her bottom lip.
Looking up at you she asks, "Ftang nga?" Uncertainty written across her face, not knowing if that was okay. Smiling at her confusion you pet her hair affectionately, "That's perfect. Remember, say it if you want to stop and I will immediately."
She gives you a softs, "Okay" as you tie the silk fabric around her eyes, her nostrils flaring as she scents you when your chest leans close to her face as you're securing the knot. Leaning down you whisper into her ear, "Sit on your hands, Baby."
Watching as she obediently tucks her hands under her thighs, the sight before you makes your mouth water. Tsireya's the picture of perfection. Her velvety soft cerulean skin looks enticingly supple in the soft light. Her dark curls framing her heart shaped face, her soft nose twitching as she tries to scent your location. Resting on her knees with her hands tucked under her like a good girl, her ears moving at the slightest sound as her tail taps impatiently behind her.
Taking this moment, you quickly reach for your draw for your respirator device. It was something Norm and Max had created a couple years back, using the oily residue from a plant they found in the lowlands they discovered a way to make a serum that would allow humans to breathe Pandoran air. It only lasted a couple of hours, but you'd take every minute you got.
Thankfully the device wasn't complicated to use. It was a simple respirator mask attached to a slender, black cylinder. Made so when you inserted the small vial of serum, it would turn the liquid substance into a mist you inhaled. Checking to make sure the vial of bright yellow serum was fully inserted and punctured by the hypodermic needle inside the cylinder, you seal the bottom. Waiting for the small vibration and blue light to illuminate from ring on top before you proceed.
Taking in a deep breath, you expel all the air from your lungs as you pull off your mask. Resting the respiratory securely over your nose and mouth you press the small button on the side, inhaling as much of the yellow vapors as possible. Pulling the respiratory away, you continue to hold your breath. It was recommended to hold it for thirty or more seconds, but everybody has lived on less. Finally exhaling, a puff of yellow vapors blow out of your mouth, enjoying the cool dryness that coats your lungs.
"Ma Paysyul...?" Tsireya's quiet whimper brings your attention back to her squirming form, smirking as she shifts her weight, trying to get friction by rubbing her thighs together. She's facing you, yet there's an uncertainty if you're actually there, tilting her head as if pointing her ear towards you would make you magically appear to her.
Walking on the balls of your feet you tip toe to her, grasping her jaw in your small hand. Tsireya jumps and let's out a quiet gasp at the sudden contact, shifting forward to lean into your palm. You can't resist her insistence and lean forward, rubbing your nose against her wide, cat-like nose. Drifting down, you watch her lick her parted lips, imagining how plump and soft they are against your skin. You stop to tease her as you brush your lips against hers, revelling in her wanton whimpers. You love kissing Tsireya, always so soft and smooth, tasting like your favorite fruit.
Finally giving in, you capture her lips in a searing kiss, running your tongue across her bottom lip which she immediately gives you access, allowing you to lick into her mouth. Tsireya is intoxicating. Her rough textured tongue dancing with yours as she lets out muffled moans, her sweet, flowery scent flooding your senses, utumauti erupting across your taste buds the more you gently suck on her tongue. You pull away, a string of saliva still connecting between you two, goosebumps littering your skin when you feel Tsireya letting out a soft purr. Wiping your collected spit across her lips you answer, "Yes, Baby?"
Tsireya starts shifting again, clenching her thighs together, pushing her nose against your cheek to rub her scent on you, trying to chase your lips for another kiss you don't give her. "Do you want more?" you ask, your voice seductive as you purr the question against her cheek. She jostles you from the force of her nod, her purring getting louder.
"What do you want?" you can feel the heat flood to her face where it's pressed against your chest. Tsireya was and still is so innocent, knowing basically nothing about physical pleasure when you first mated, and it's taken some time to pry her out of her shell. Always being patient with her, guiding her, and showing her every type of pleasurable thing her sweet mind could imagine. But you need to her say it, beg for your kisses and touches, feel her shudder under you as she pleads for more.
Pushing her off of you to see her flushed cheeks, bottom lip quivering from tears you can't see. "Please t-touch me. Please, ma Paysyul, touch me. I n-need you so much..." her voice trailing off into a sob as she begs for you.
It was all you needed, reaching behind her neck to pull on the strings of her top, letting the delicate fabric fall off of her to reveal her perky breasts, your mouth watering at the sight. "Open" you command making Tsireya's mouth drops open, sticking her tongue. Pushing your thumb into her mouth, you feel Tsireya sucking on the digital, rolling her tongue around it like it was a sweet treat. Popping your thumb out of her mouth, you roll her stiff nipple with your spit slicked thumb, grinning at the sinful moans that Tsireya's letting out as you knead at her firm breasts.
Deciding to reward your good girl for being so well behave, your lips latch around the firm, pebbled nipple, sucking and rolling it around your tongue as you continue to massage the other breast. Tsireya's back arches, pushing the swell of her breast into your waiting mouth. Soft sobs and whimpers coating the air when you pull off her nipple to give her other breast the same attention. Your soft kisses turn bitey the more Tsireya moans, like a sweet melody to your ears as you nibble her perfect skin.
"Ma Paysyul, more please. Please!" Reya begs above you, fighting with herself to not lift off her hands and grab you; to touch you back.
Laying a couple more open mouth kisses, you bite the underside of her breast just to hear her surprised gasp. Pulling off her breasts, you stand up, examining the new purple bite marks that litter Reya's chest. Tsireya shifts and whines when you pull away, ears wiggling to find you as you just stand above her, watching your needy girl whine for more.
Using your years of stealth training from the forest – and having five siblings – you swiftly move behind Tsireya, standing behind this beautiful creature while she's completely unaware. It sends a thrill down your spine thinking above how she's completely at your mercy; making your heart burst at the complete trust.
Her queue rests on her curls like a bed, rolling from her constant moving. You keep your touch feather light when you take hold of the braid covered neural whip. Tsireya spine goes ram-rod straight, her sob cut off to a silent cry. You make no move to continue, playing softly with the dips of her perfectly woven braid. "Are you okay?" you asked, using your other hand to tangle in her hair, rubbing soothing circles into her scalp.
"Breathe, Reya." you quickly remind her, applying pressure into the fingertips massaging her scalp, dropping your hold on her queue to lift her hair off her back. Tsireya exhales the breath she was holding, breathing in deeply as she nods. "Use your words."
"I am okay... Feels good, so good." Tsireya pants, her muscles relaxing under your touch as your hands travel down. Tsireya's whole body shutters, feeling the burning heat of your gaze as you stare at her exquisite physique. Her small shoulders narrowing down to her petite waist, curving outwards to her wide hips that are set off by her plump ass, her wide, flat tail flicking happily. Saliva filled your mouth the longer you stared. But there was one thing wrong with this scene, and it was the tewng blocking your view of Tsireya's dripping cunt.
Unable to resist any longer, you lick a long trail from her shoulder blades to her lower back, biting at the space right above where the strings of her loincloth sits, kissing the buttery soft skin there. Grabbing the string between your teeth, you pull hard, unraveling the string to allow the offensive cloth to fall away. Throwing it to the other side of your marui, your hands gravitate to grab at the plush flesh of Tsireya's behind.
Tsireya let's out a breathy moan as the cool night air makes her leaking hole clench around nothing, unconsciously pushing back into your hold. A wolfish grin spreads across your face as you continue to knead and squeeze her soft ass. Pushing her tail aside, you bite the plush skin, making Tsireya squeal. And that only fuels your desire to continue to bite and kiss her behind, enjoying the way her ass jingles with each little jump and shutter that wracks through her body, uncontrollable whimpers and moans falling from Tsireya's perfect lips.
"Do you want more?" you withdraw all touch as you stand, biting the inside of your cheek to keep from chuckling at the high pitched whine she let's out. Tsireya nods vigorously, shuffling forward to try and catch any type of skin contact without reaching out to touch you. "Yes, please! Touch me, please. I want more!"
You 'tsk' as you kneel in front of her towering form, "What do you want, ma Tsireya? I can't please my good girl if she doesn't tell me what she wants."
You're just taunting her at this point, teasing and drawing out her last ounce of wariness to get her to confess, to admit how much she wants you. "Please..." she pleads, rocking on her calves, rubbing her sticky thighs together.
"Please what?"
"Fuck me! Please, use your tongue on me!" Tsireya sobs, staining the blindfold with blotches as she cries. So on edge from the teasing, her pussy throbbing so hard, releasing so much of her slick it was puddling under her. You couldn't help but feel pride at the usage of the vulgar human word; your sweet and innocent Tsireya may not be innocent for much longer, not as long as you had a say.
Pleased with your answer, you reach out and pat her strong thighs, "Spread your legs for me, ma Oeyä Yawntutsyìp." Immediately Tsireya shifts, splaying her legs open, providing a perfect view of her wet folds.
"Fucking hell she's so wet." you think.
Her pretty pussy is drenched, clit puffy and throbbing as it begs for attention, hole realising more slick as it pulses with every rapid heart beat. "Look at my poor baby, all dripping and needy. Have I been too mean, ma Oeyä Tìyawn?" you asked as you run your fingertips through her folds, gathering the wetness to glide over her clit. Tsireya loudly moans at the contact, bending forward to rock her hips into your waiting hand.
You tap her clit, retracting her fingers to suck the sweet nectar off your hand. Ignoring Tsireya's broken pleads – her fear of you continuing your teasing was amusing – you lay on your back, scooting up until Tsireya's slick cunt is hover just above your lips. You blow a puff of air onto her hole, watching it quiver as Tsireya moans, hips jumping away. "Sit. Just don't kill me. Use your hands to brace yourself." It wasn't the smartest idea to have someone so much bigger and heavier like Tsireya sit on your face, the real possibility of her actually crushing you was way higher considering how weak you are compared to her. But you can't resist, you need to smother yourself in her pussy, drink ever last drop she has to offer even if it kills you.
Leaning forward on her palms, Tsireya maneuvers her hips to settle over your waiting mouth, a shakey moan gracing your ears when you finally swipe your tongue through her folds, wrapping your lips around Tsireya's puffy clit to suck hard. Laying your tongue flat, allowing Tsireya to freely grind against you, she whimpers loudly, her head falling onto your stomach to leave panting, open mouthed kisses. "Feels so good... Please, ma Paysyul, do not stop! Ah–"
Her words are cut short when your tongue teases her entrances, teasing her hole before dipping in to massage her gummy walls. You groan at her taste, sweet like utumauti with a mix of sea salt. Tsireya shake above you the more you groan into her, suckling on her cunt like your favorite meal.
You loop your arms around her tone thighs, using her as leverage to bury your face into her pussy. Her thighs shake in your hold, hips pushing further into your mouth as her moans turn to cries of pleasure. You ignore the dull ache in the back of your head from her rough grinding, rolling your tongue around her bundle of nerves just to hear her high pitched moan. "Close... so close. Please let me cum! Can I please cum?" her whole body shaking as you devour her.
You smile against her, giving her pulsing hole a gentle kiss, "Cum for me." you tell her, sucking her clit before dipping into her quivering hole. Tsireya screams above you, her body locking up as her orgasm ripples through her, causing a electric heat to numb her limbs. You nip at her clit, continuing to lap over her sensitive bud even as she shivers, her hips undulating across your mouth, drawing out her orgasm.
You tap her thigh, signaling for her to get up. Slowly her hips lift and you slide out from under her, wiping your wet chin with your palm, licking off her sweet nectar as you watch her. Tsireya's still hunched forward on all fours, panting and shiny from her sweat. You pull the strings of her blindfold to pull it off, folding the silken cloth as you wait for her to calm down.
"Do you feel good, ma Oeyä Yawntutsyìp?" you inquire, laying on your side, propped up on your elbow.
Tsireya suddenly gets up, climbing ontop of you to hungrily kiss you. Groaning when she tastes herself on your tongue, nibbling on your bottom lip. "I feel so good, ma Oeyä Paysyul. Thank you." she says pecking your lips.
Eywa, does she look beautiful like this. Her pupils blown wide, her eyelashes clumped together by her tears, her eyelids drooping as she squints, readjusting to the light. Her hand greedily scales down your body to grab at the blindfold, "I want..." her curious eyes plead with you as she fiddles with the silk fabric in your hand.
Your brows raise in surprise, a playful smirk graces your lips. "Does my baby want to blindfold me?"
Tsireya matches your smirk, biting her plush lip as she nods, pulling you up to sit. Her eyes rake over your body, her tail wiggles the more excited she gets, a sinful giggle leaving her beautiful mouth. "Sure baby, do whatever you want to me." you tell her, leaning back on your palms as you wait for her curious touches.
"And so my sweet, innocent girl has finally had her first taste at pleasuring corruption."
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©️Eywaite2023 | All rights reserved. Do not republish, steal, repost, modify, translate or claim any of my work as your own.
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thelastwarriornun · 8 months
30 from the prompt list?
“I need your help.” 
Lilith knows how it must look, the three of them, rain soaked,  clothes flecked with blood. A wolf, and two seraphites. One, barely more than a child, and the other clutching a blood soaked bandage, held tightly within the safety of Lilith’s arms. Camila’s pistol is level with Lilith’s chest, as fear fades to recognition, and lands somewhere near concern. And yeah that stings more than it should.
“Lilith what is this?” Anxious now, as Camila’s eyes dart to Diego beside her.
“I owe her my life. Can you, or can you not help her?” Lilith sounds clinical. Anger bubbles beneath her tone and Lilith hates it. Hates it even more when Camila flinches, as if Lilith’s struck her. And Lilith longs for a time before this thing between them had festered, when it was new and full of hope, rather than this. 
“Lilith.” There’s a tug at her back, Diego’s voice is soft, despite the fingers still wrapped around his bow, knuckles white with the stress of it. “I thought you said they could fix her.” 
The words are a bludgeon, and Lilith can feel the muscles in her jaw grow taut with the scream she swallows. It's unfair. Diego is little more than a child. Lilith hasn’t asked, but she can’t imagine he’s more than fourteen, and already he’s familiar with the anguish of rejection, of abandonment. And for what? The crime of being born in the wrong skin? For being brave enough to try and fix it? It’s a crime Lilith understands better than most. After all, when was the last time Lilith had felt at home in her own skin? It's abhorrent. Sometimes I forget there are worse monsters in the world than the infected. Like Shannon. Like me. 
"Cam." Please. It's barely a whisper, one that couldn't possibly travel across the expanse of the entranceway. And yet? 
"Come with me, we'll bring her to the back. Reya should already be in the exam room ." 
It feels like a dream. Camila at the helm, as Lilith carries Yasmine through the lowlit maze of empty tanks. Diego is never far, a hand twisted in the thin material of Lilith’s tank top. 
Reya is pale, angry, her expression accusing, as if Lilith has brought ruin upon them all when they enter the room. Maybe Lilith has. But Reya is a healer, and those instincts are deeper than the rancour between them. It’s the reason that Reya will do her best to save Yasmine, regardless of her place of origin. Something to be grateful for at least. "Put her down here." 
So Lilith does, as delicately as her aching muscles allow. Lingers just long enough to squeeze Yasmine’s uninjured hand in parting. "We'll wait in the hall."
Reya doesn’t spare a glance in her direction, but Lilith is in rare form tonight. Against her better judgment Lilith catches Raya's elbow, tensing when Raya rounds on her. "I just wanted to say thank you."
"Don't thank me yet." 
They set up a pallet for Diego when it becomes obvious he won't stray far from the makeshift operating room. It's not much. A patchwork of various blankets and pillows, barely masking the cool concrete beneath, but it's something. It’s everything to a kid who's spent the last day fighting for his life. 
It only takes a second, a single assurance, Lilith promising to wake him if anything changes, for sleep to overtake him. Lilith loses herself for a moment. Watches the sharp lines ease, as the stress and lingering tendrils of death slipping away, until all that remains is the young boy beneath. 
Camila takes her hand, and Lilith's protests fall on deaf ears. We won't go far. I just need to make sure you're okay. Let me take care of you. Please. 
Lilith goes, unwilling, and undeserving, and that's always been at the root of this. Camila pushes her down into a chair, first aid kit in hand. It’s then that Lilith feels it, remembers that some of the blood covering her body is her own. So Lilith rolls her shoulders, revels in the aches, both small and large, that make themselves known. 
Camila’s hands are gentle in their exploration. Memories swell up, like two orchestras, and  Camila as their conductor. Each brush of her fingers brings with it a new crescendo, a new thread of memory vying for attention. Each touch tugging along two threads,the origin of the injuries Lilith’s obtained over the course of the day, and its source, with the memory of Camila, all skin and soft lips never far behind. It's a duet, desire and pain, twin flames colliding in a shared blaze that leaves Lilith tense with restraint. Lilith flexes the muscles of her jaw, clenching it so tightly that her teeth grind with the force of it. Wary that if words were to escape from between her lips they would speak the truth of it.
"I thought you were dead. Reya said the patrol went sideways. She told us they dragged you into the woods." 
"I almost was." Lilith thinks of the rope. Burns adorning her wrists and neck where they'd bound her. Lilith remembers each painful bump as they'd dragged her through mud, and stone to the tree. Remembers the noose drawing tight, and the first wave of panic when they'd pulled her up, teetering on the tips of her toes. Not enough leverage to suck in a full breath, but enough to keep the slow creep of black around her vision from overtaking it completely. 
"How did you escape?" Fingers ghost over the raw skin of her neck, before it’s replaced by a numb sting, and a waft of antiseptic fills her nose.
Lilith closes her eyes, thinks of the cold press of the blade, touches just above where blood has bound her tank top to her abdomen. It’s a small cut, nothing life threatening, but a reminder of how close Lilith came to disembowelment, to death. "They dragged Yasmine into the clearing, said something about her and the other heretic. I didn’t understand most of it.They did that to her arm, her own people. " Lilith sucks in an unsteady breath. Thinks about the unsettling sound of bone and flesh shattering. Neither one a match for the hard metal of the hammer. “Diego put an arrow through one, and Yasmine managed to kill the one holding her down.” 
"And the last?" Camila prods carefully. Seraphites operated in sets of three, a trinity. 
Lilith closes her eyes, thinking of the woman. The pleasure Lilith had taken in feeling tendons, cartilage, and bone give way between the press of her thighs, with a snap of finality. The joy and satisfaction, easily disguised as adrenaline coursing beneath her skin. A life was owed, and Lilith was all too willing to play judge, jury and executioner. “She got what she deserved.” 
Camila’s expression is everything Lilith expects it to be when Lilith opens her eyes. Full of concern, worry, and something else. A softness that Lilith craves, as much as she spurns. “Lili, what's your plan here? I mean when they find out that you brought the enemy across the boundary–” 
“You can’t tell anyone. If the wolves find out they’re here it’ll be a witch hunt.” Lilith snaps, fingers clenching against the wet canvas of her pants. 
“You know I won’t turn them in, I wouldn’t do that to you. I just want to know what your long term goal is here. Eventually he’s going to realize you’re alive, and when he does I’m not sure there’s much any of us can do.” And that’s the crux of it. Adriel’s strange fixation on her was a prison in itself. 
“Leave Adriel to me. As soon as Yasmine can walk we’ll be out of your hair.” The words are acid on her tongue. 
“That’s not– I’m scared for you Lilith. You show up here covered in blood, with two seraphites and I’m just supposed to what? Patch you up for the hundredth time? Wish you the best? Let you go back out there to fight a war against everyone? Eventually there isn’t going to be enough of you to knit back together.” Camila’s words are a plea, eyes glistening with unshed tears. 
This is worse, worse than the pain, and worse than the anger Lilith expected to find. Instead guilt gnaws at Lilith’s already eroded edges, her own anger evaporating as quickly as it arrived. “I’m sorry.” 
“Just tell me what’s changed. You’ve killed dozens of seraphites since we came to Seattle. Now you’re saving them? What’s so special about these two?” Tear lines, like silver, glisten in the low glow of the hall. They’ve done this dance before. Camila, heart in hand, extending an olive branch, as if Lilith hadn’t burned down every single bridge between them over the years.
“They saved my life. There was a moment where I thought that I was dead, but they came back for me. Broke a window and lifted me out.” Another ragged breath fills the hallway as Lilith steadies herself. “That kid out there? He just watched the only family he’s ever known turn on him, for nothing more than being himself. His only crime is that instead of just surviving, he wanted to live, and even after all of that he saved me. So the least I can do is help him to have that chance.” 
They hold each other gazes, words failing to express the weight of the unspoken. 
Will this be enough to wash me clean? If it can’t, if my sins are too numerous for absolution, can I at least save him from the same fate?
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ash-mcj · 1 year
kiri sully x female!reader
modern AU | all characters are adults
prompt—"i don't want a shy Kiri, I want a Kiri that gonna kiss me so hard in a party bathroom and go away giving me smile as if she didn't just make me so fucking needy" (x)
Tsireya was already running down the driveway towards your car when you pulled up to her house. You put the car in park and unlocked the doors half a second before she pulled yours open, a bright smile on her face.
“You’re here!” she greeted amiably. “You took long enough.”
“Yeah, yeah—I’m here now,” you said. Sure, you were a little late—but was it really your fault, when she invited you to come over less than two hours before you were expected to get there? 
Tsireya grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the car. “Come in and get something to eat and drink. We bought so much crap and it needs to be gone before tomorrow.”
“I can probably help with that,” you agreed, letting her drag you towards the front door. As you approached, you caught the rowdy voices of more people than you thought were supposed to be hanging out tonight.
You squeezed her hand and stopped walking, forcing her to pause with you. “Reya, didn’t you say this was a kickback?”
“It was,” Tsireya answered, then pursed her lips in annoyance. “Then Ao’nung invited his stupid friends, and now it’s a party. And our parents are going to kill us when they come home tomorrow, because Ongu already broke a picture frame by knocking it off the wall, and Koro doesn’t know when it’s time to stop drinking until he pukes.”
“You know what, I just remembered that I actually have to be up early tomorrow,” you lied, the thought of dealing with Ao’nung’s friends all night making you slightly regret coming. “I should probably get going.”
Tsireya’s eyebrows pinched together and you knew you were about to be hit with her pleading eyes—which nobody in the entire universe other than her own parents could hold strong against—but her expression quickly relaxed into faux indifference.
“Fine,” she sighed. “I guess Rotxo will have to try keeping the boys away from Kiri by himself. Hopefully he manages.”
She was evil. Everyone always thought Tsireya was such a perfect, sweet angel—but they were wrong.
You rolled your eyes and stomped into the house, muttering, “I don’t know what Lo’ak sees in you.”—which was a damn lie, because you probably would have gone for her if she wasn’t your best friend. She was probably the second hottest girl you’d ever seen in your town.
Right behind Kiri Sully, of course.
“Dude, stop,” Rotxo chuckled, as he watched Ongu dance around the living room to the beat of the music blasting from a stereo on the coffee table. “This is embarrassing.”
“Nah, bro, you look good—keep going,” Ao’nung cheered him on, his phone raised and obviously recording—probably for blackmail. You made a mental note to ask Ao’nung for the video later.
The coffee table was covered in empty beer bottles and soda cans—and you felt pretty confident that you could guess which choice of drink Ongu had, from the uncoordinated swaying of his body.
“Come dance with me,” he said, offering a hand to Nash’vi—who shook his head and playfully pushed him away.
“Nobody wants to dance with you,” Rotxo told him.
“Kiri does!” Ongu claimed, pointing at her. “C’mon, Kiri, you know you want to. One song.”
Kiri scoffed and raised an eyebrow. “I’d rather drink acid.”
“Oof,” Ao’nung snickered as he turned the camera to her. She stuck her tongue out at it, then took a drink from her soda.
“You’re breaking my heart, Sully.”
“That really sucks,” Kiri deadpanned. “For you.”
Ongu put his hand over his chest and stumbled backwards, as if he’d been shot—but it somehow turned into a very messy body roll of some sort.
“I think I have some tape in my car, if you wanna put it back together,” you suggested as you sat on the armrest of the couch, beside Rotxo. He held his half-empty beer up for you, and you took a swig, before passing it back. “I’m surprised Lo’ak isn’t getting in on of all… this.”
“He’s in my room,” Tsireya said, heading for the stairs. “So is Neteyam. You can join us, if you don’t want to hang out with these fools.”
“Well, what are you doing down here?” you asked Kiri. You’d rather be upstairs, but you weren’t going to leave her by herself.
“They needed a babysitter, since they collectively share half of a single brain cell, and I pulled the short stick.”
You gasped and put your hands over Rotxo’s ears. “Don’t say that about him—his heart is huge, despite his small size.”
Rotxo smacked your arms away from him and you laughed, before stealing his beer. 
As you brought the bottle up to your lips, you caught Kiri’s stare from across the room. Her eyes slowly roamed up your body, heat building in them as she took in the way the green dress you wore accentuated your figure. When she finally met your gaze, a smirk played on her lips, and she shot you a wink that made your breath hitch.
This had become normal, lately. You’d been dancing around each other for the past few months, and you were pretty sure that one of you was going to break soon and make a real move. Your flirting had started innocently enough. Boys would try to hit on one of you, and the other would jump in with compliments or innuendos that would make the boys understand that they were going for someone who didn’t play for the assumed team.
“Damn, Sully, your ass looks good in those,” Makeyo—a guy who went to highschool with you and apparently didn’t fuck off to college—said as he trailed behind Kiri on her way to the park bench she was meeting your friend group at.
“It would look even better in my lap,” you spoke, shifting one of your legs out from under the table.
Kiri turned to you with an almost disbelieving smile, and your eyes darted down to your leg, before returning to her. An invitation. You figured it was your job to step in if she was in an uncomfortable situation, right? Any friend would. Girls helping girls, or something.
“You’re right,” she agreed, stepping over to you and plopping down to practically straddle your leg and lean back against you like she belonged there. You wrapped one arm around her waist and waved your fingers dismissively at Makeyo with your other hand.
To your surprise, Kiri stayed there in your lap for the rest of lunch, and your friends didn’t even bat an eye at it as they all talked and shared food. You definitely had no complaints.
At some point, these interactions bled into moments where nobody was bothering either of you. Eventually, they began happening when nobody else was around at all.
You were slightly out of breath as you ran into your favorite coffee shop. You had work in about ten minutes, but you’d happily be late before you tried dealing with the bullshit of your job without caffeine. You had Kiri to thank for introducing you to the cafe, since she worked there. And by some miracle, she was working that morning.
“Running late?” she asked, a teasing grin on her face.
“Very. Be glad you’re working and didn’t have to listen to my ranting about it in the group chat.”
Kiri chuckled. “You think I don’t read the group chat while working? You’re very whiny this morning.”
“Shut up,” you sneered, though there was no bite in your tone. “I need a—”
“On the counter,” she cut you off, nodding towards the pick up counter, where your drink was waiting for you.
You stared dumbly at it for a moment, before a smile spread across your face. “You’re amazing.”
“I know.”
You grabbed it and immediately brought it to your mouth to start drinking as you hurried out of the shop, giving her a grateful wave as you left.
As you got in your car, you noticed writing scrawled on the side of the cup where the customer’s name would usually go.
‘the most gorgeous girl i know’
“I gotta go to the bathroom,” Kiri announced, standing up. She nodded to you and asked, “You wanna come?”
You wanted to say ‘on your fingers, absolutely’—but you more appropriately answered, “Yeah, sure.”
“Why do girls do that?” Koro asked. “They always go to the bathroom together.”
Rotxo shrugged. “Mysteries of the universe.”
Kiri snagged your hand as she passed in front of you, and led you down the hallway. She didn’t say anything or look back at you, so you didn’t bother speaking either. You paused when she reached the bathroom, but she didn’t let go of your hand—pulling you right in with her. Before you could question it, she kicked the door closed and quickly brought the hand that was laced with yours up above your head, pinning it to the door as her body trapped you against it.
“Hello,” you whispered, your eyes darting down to her lips only a few inches from your own.
“I like this,” Kiri complimented, her other hand running up the side of your dress. Your eyes snapped up to meet hers when her fingers trailed across the side of your breast. “When you asked me what my favorite color was the other day, this isn't what I expected.”
“Who said it was for you?” you challenged, though it came out a bit breathier than intended. “Maybe I wore it because I like this color.”
“I’ve never seen you wear green.”
“You pay that much attention to what I wear?”
“Yes,” Kiri answered without an ounce of hesitation.
“So what if it was for you?”
“Well, if it was for me, I’d show you how much I like it,” Kiri said. She hooked her finger under your chin and ran her thumb over your bottom lip, her eyes tracing the touch. 
“It’s for you.”
She grinned, her eyes finding yours again. “I know, baby.”
Your mind was still reeling from the endearment, but she didn’t give you any time to process it, before closing the space between your faces. She released your lip just to gently suck it into her mouth, and you let her. As her soft lips moved against yours with the fervor of dancing around one another for months and finally being able to touch, to taste, you realized that you really would have let her do anything she wanted.
Heat began pooling in your stomach when she let out a quiet moan as you caressed her jaw. Fuck, you wanted to hear more of that. Your fingers trailed down her neck, down to her chest, and then paused at the feeling of the familiar twine-wrapped rose quartz pendant you’d given her. 
She suddenly hiked your leg up onto her hip, and a needy whimper fell from your lips as she firmly pressed her thigh against you. Distantly, you noted that you could feel her grin as she languidly licked into your mouth. 
“You want me?” she whispered, her breath tickling your spit-slick lips.
“For a long time,” you confirmed, using your leg to pull her firmly against your body.
Two sharp knocks on the door behind your head startled you both, and you separated, chests heaving and faces flushed.
“Get out already—I gotta pee,” Ao’nung called.
You wondered if Tsireya would forgive you for murdering her brother.
“Occupied,” you snapped.
“I will piss in Kiri’s shoes, if you guys don’t let me in there in the next thirty seconds.”
Kiri rolled her eyes and shook her head. “We should probably go.”
“Or I could buy you new shoes,” you proposed.
“You’re ridiculous.” She laughed, her hands flitting about your body to quickly fix your hair and resituate your dress. “Sexy, but ridiculous.”
“We’re really gonna let Ao’nung cockblock us?”
Kiri smirked as she tugged you closer by your waist and brushed her lips against the shell of your ear. “You’re so desperate for me. It’s hot.”
“Guys!” Ao’nung complained.
“Yeah, yeah, we’re coming,” you said through gritted teeth.
“Not yet, but that sounds fun,” Kiri said as she moved you away from the door and turned the knob. “C’mon, let’s go rejoin the party. And maybe, in a bit, we can take my brother’s car for a spin. I have the keys.”
You nodded emphatically, fantasies flashing through your mind about how useful Neteyam’s spacious back seat and tinted windows were going to be.
Thank fuck you came to this stupid party.
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prompt literally anything footy au
[teeny tiny ch5 teaser]
group stage, game 1
'hello,' you say, answering your phone the second coach superion calls. you leave your hotel in ten minutes, so you had scheduled it precisely, to be able to hopefully talk to ava before you leave.
her face is slightly pixelated on screen, but you don't care. 'hello, beatrice,' she says. 'ava is just waking up from a nap, so i thought i'd call and then hand it off.'
'yes,' you say, relieved that, so far, it seems like your meticulously crafted spreadsheet has been working: ava has yet to be left alone at the hospital, and when you have talked — between training and recovery and team meals for you; scans and pain meds and physical therapy and a lot of naps for her — there had always been someone to help hold the phone, to situate her favorite blanket you'd had michael get from your house. to love and comfort her: not as well as you would, not like you desperately yearn to do, but enough so that she knows she's not alone. she's cared for, deeply, and always.
'she had a good day,' coach superion says. 'i think she's just a little worn out. plus, she wanted to nap so she'd be awake for your game.'
'okay. well, that's positive overall.'
'the doctors say she's doing really well. they want to transfer her to the rehab facility soon.'
you ache again: you aren't there. you can't sit with ava in the ambulance; you can't hold her hand; you can't sleep overnight in her new room, just so that she wakes up to someone familiar. to someone she loves. 'i knew she would,' you say around the lump in your throat.
coach superion smiles gently. 'dr. reya will call you tomorrow, she said, to go over all the details. but let me get ava for you, yes? i knew you leave soon.'
you wait, as patiently as possible, for coach superion to go into ava's room and your heart constricts and then releases when you see her in her bed, sitting up slightly with a few pillows propped up behind her, the big back brace they'd put her in still and uncomfortable-looking but doing its important job. her hair is greasy, pulled back into a bun — you make a note that, next time, you should have chanel come in a day earlier to wash it for her; you'll have to shift around some things in the schedule but you know you can make it work — and she looks exhausted, but when mother superion holds the phone up for her, she smiles bravely.'
'hey, susperstar,' she says. 'ready to kick some ass today? set the tone for a masterclass world cup?'
there's no one else around: it's not an interview; there's no need to be modest because ava never has been — about you, especially, and her utmost trust and faith in your as a player, a captain, a person. 'i want three assists,' you admit, and she grins.
'that's my girl.' she laughs and there's a part of you that heals. 'you would want an assist hat trick instead of goals.'
it's fond. you shrug. 'start the tournament off the way i want to finish it, right?'
'fuck yeah,' ava says. 'if you score a goal at any point, though, do a little celebration for me or something, okay? just for the gay drama, if nothing else.'
you roll your eyes, but, 'okay, i will.'
'i have to go soon.' you frown. 'but coach superion told me you had a good day so far? they feel like you can move to rehab soon?'
'yeah,' ava says. 'i sat up in a chair today for, like, a whole minute.'
you don't care, at all, whether ava is paralyzed, completely or partially; you don't care if she plays football again: you love her; you love her. but you know her goal is to get back on the pitch if she can, so you smile. 'that's incredible, darling.'
she shrugs. 'not quite like you, but it's something. and my hands worked well enough for me to cut a whole steak.'
finally, for the first time in days, you laugh. 'who brought you a steak? for lunch?'
she grins. 'yasmine. isn't it all on your little schedule?'
'well, yes, but not what anyone is bringing.'
'sure, sure. but, anyway, i finally don't feel nauseous, and she asked what i wanted, so, you know. go big or go home, right? and, bea, that steak fucked, okay? took me a little time to cut it but i did it, and it was so good. so worth it.'
'i'm really proud of you,' you say, aching to reach out and touch her. you would if you could.
she blushes. 'i think that's my line, right now.' she sighs. 'okay, go be the best in the world. i'll be watching, so, you know, if you could wipe sweat off your face with the bottom of your jersey when a camera is on you or something, that would make my day.'
you laugh. 'how about i send you a... quality picture... afterward?'
she groans. 'yes please. i need to increase the abs spank bank for when i finally get cleared to masturbate again.'
coach superion clears her throat and ava glances behind the camera.
'my bad,' she says, then looks back at you. 'but seriously, please do.'
'bye, ava.'
she laughs. 'bye, bea. can't wait to see your abs later, one way or another.'
you roll your eyes. 'i love you.'
'yeah, i love you too.'
and, well, if you notch four assists, just to show off a little, and send ava a mirror selfie in just your sports bra and compression shorts — you are certainly starting the tournament exactly how you want to finish it.
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vampysparkz · 1 year
🌊Tunnel Vision | Pt.1
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Lo'ak x Fem!Metkayina!Y/n
TAGLIST: @starboyloak @leoloeleosworld
Word Count: 4,676
Trope List:
Slow burn
Slight angst
Na'vi dictionary: Click here for translations!
In this fic, Y/N is Tsireya and Aonung's sister. It's a common trope I know, but it's the easiest route instead of just removing Tsireya all together, we need her for drama.
Long movie scene from paragraphs 9-19. Few mentions of Y/N, so skip to paragraph 20 if you don't want to read it all.
After the main meeting scene, the scenes will be a little out of order movie wise, but nothing detrimental. This is freeform writing!
Fic Playlist:
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When you are young, they all assume you know nothing. Like a small fish swimming its way through warm waters, blissfully unaware of the predator that's only a blink away from taking the fish into its maw.
That is a lesson that all young Na'vi must learn. Every clan teaches it differently, but the lesson always is structured in the same manner. Respect Eywa, the life around you, and your community; fill your chosen role, use your head, and be careful. It is a simple teaching, yet it is fundamental, and vital to every Na'vi's upbringing, for if you disrespect Eywa, she will show you no mercy.
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Y/N sat at the bottom of the deep tide pool with her eyes closed, listening to the surrounding sounds of the waves lapping at the edges of stone, the distant clicking and chirping of the ilu, and the distant bone chilling bellow of the Nalutsa. She did this often, taking comfort in the underwater noises, her hair flowing around her shoulders as the water shifted with the wind. The pool was just deep enough for her to be fully submerged, with maybe a foot of water above her head.
She had been there for maybe ten minutes, taking time to relax after she had finished her chores, but another sound disturbed her peace. She heard the deep call of a horn, muffled by the water. One her people only used for alerts, nothing serious, but it provided a sense of caution. Her eyes opened, blinking a few times so her set of vertical eyelids could keep them comfortable when the cool water hit her pupils.
She slowly stood, rising from the water as she walked out of the pool, smiling softly at the comforting feel of the wet sand underneath her feet. Y/n took a breath when she came in contact with the air, brushing her hair out of her face before wiping the water from underneath her eyes, looking towards the gathering crowd.
Aonung waved over to her, prompting Y/N to walk over to him. He pointed up to the water, her eyes following his hand. "Look" he spoke, and Y/N looked up. She narrowed her eyes as the group of Ikran soared over the tide pools that lined the reef, clearly heading towards the beach. "What are they doing here?" She mumbles, before her eyes widened when she noticed that the Ikran had riders.
"I don't know. We need to gather the ilu, make sure they're away from the pools." Aonung spoke, causing Y/N to roll her eyes internally, but she could agree. This was a little unnerving, outsiders never came to them unless it was serious. She gave a soft nod, walking back towards the water, before pausing. "Where is 'reya?" She queried, looking back towards her brother. "Shes helping Omat with her babies, they're practicing their swimming." Y/N nods in response, before wading into the water, about waist deep. She began clicking her tongue, trilling a few times, Aonung following in a similar fashion. Y/N couldn't help but smile as the ilu began to swim around them, chirping and squealing, while blowing puffs of playful air their way.
The duo sent the group of ilu off towards the village so they could swim and play under the huts, ensuring that they were kept out of harm's way. Y/N gave a soft sigh, before looking up as the Ikran flew overhead, watching them settle nearby just long enough for their riders to slide off their backs.
She and Aonung looked at each other, before walking out of the water and towards their parents, curiously eyeing the strangers. Tsireya was quick to follow behind them, the sisters smiling at each other before making their way towards the group. Aonung couldn't help but circle around the family, Rotxo in his wake, the two boys snickering between themselves when they noticed their thin tails, mocking them out loud. Y/N gave them a quick scolding, the boys falling back into line, not ready to suffer their sister's wrath.
Y/N however, was eyeing one of the boys, her ears twitching slightly at the calls and whistles the Metkayina made as they called their families over. The boy was smaller than the other two, though not by much so she assumed he was the youngest son. He had golden eyes and wore a concerned but lighthearted expression, his hairstyle seemingly a blend of his mother and father's. The boy looked to the girls, and gave a slightly sheepish wave. "Hey" he nods. It was a weak attempt to lighten the thick atmosphere, but it made the sisters giggle, looking to each other with a look that could only mean 'Hes cute'. Their giggling little moment was disturbed by Tonowari clearing his throat, Ronal walking up to stand behind him. They exchanged a quick greeting, as was customary, the entire family participating.
"Why do you come to us, Jakesully?" Tonowari asked, peaking Y/N's interest as she looked back towards the group, smiling and giving a soft wave to the little girl that clutched onto her mother's hand.
"We seek Uturu" Jake spoke, Ronal giving an incredulous scoff. "Uturu?" She exclaimed, as if the mere prospect of the statement was unbelievable. "Yes, sanctuary for my family" He replied, and y/n could only wonder what that implied.
"We are reef people, you are forest people. Your skills would mean nothing here" Tonowari explained, his demeanor calm and reasonable. Ronal on the other hand, walked around the group, her expression one of pure territorialism. "We will learn your ways" Jake nods.
Ronal grabbed at the mothers tail, observing it's thin nature, before walking around her and grabbing the little girl's arm, pulling it out to it's full extension. "Their arms are thin, their tails are weak." She spoke, yanking on the oldest daughter's tail. "You will be slow in the water." She scrutinized, before looking down to the girl's hand, counting her fingers before holding her hands up for the clan to see. "These children are not even true Na'Vi!" She exclaimed, producing gasps and concerned sounds from the crowd.
"Yes we are!" The girl exclaimed as Ronal walked away from her, and back around the group, grabbing the younger boy's hand, spreading out his hand to display the extra finger. "They have demon blood!" She announced, the crowd quickly growing more agitated. Y/N tightened her grip on Tsireya's hand, her sister seemingly equally as anxious.
"Look! Look." Jake exclaimed, holding out his hands, the extra digit equally as prominent. "I was born of the sky people but now I am Na'Vi. A'right? We can adapt" He tried to reason. Tonowari would have accepted them by now, but Ronal was protective of her family, of her people. Y/n loved her mother but sometimes she could be a little overbearing. She found this situation reasonable after all, she was pregnant.
The mother walked around Jake, an expression of equal territorialism on her face. "My husband was Toruk Makto" she spoke, and y/n couldn't help but notice the slight grimace that came across Jake's face. "He lead the clans to victory against the sky people. " Neytiri nodded, looking to Tonowari who quickly looked away; this wasn't his place. "You call this victory? Hiding among strangers?" Ronal snarled. "It seems Eywa has turned her back on you. Chosen one." She challenged, looking to Jake as Neytiri stepped forward, giving a low hiss that Ronal returned. Both of the men seemed offput by the situation, looking at each other as if they were playing a mental game of rock paper scissors, trying to decide on who would step in.
Jake decided to step in first, stepping in between his wife and putting up a surrendering hand. "I apologize for my mate-" Neytiri interrupts him with an annoyed expression. "Do not apologize for me." She seethes, and Jake simply steps further in between the two women. "She has flown a long way, and she is exhausted." He reasons, Neytiri tried to interrupt him once more, but he gave her a stern look instead, so she backed off.
Tonowari took that as his sign to step in, taking a step forward and placing a hand on Jake's upper back. "Toruk Makto is a great war leader, all Na'Vi people know his story. But Metkayina are... Not at war." he nods. Y/n couldn't help but smile when the little girl asked to be picked up, her dad complying and holding her close to his chest. "We cannot let you bring your war here." Tonowari sighed, looking back down to Jake.
Jake shook his head, his hand firmly placed on the little girl's back. "I'm done with war. Okay? I just want to keep my family safe." he nods, causing Tonowari to sigh. He looked to Ronal, the two looking between each other as if they were having an unspoken conversation. After a few painfully long moments, Ronal gave a small nod.
Tonowari nodded in return, and looked up to address the clan. "Toruk Makto and his family will stay with us. Treat them as our brothers and sisters. They do not know the sea... So they will be like babies, taking their first breath. Teach them our ways, so they do not suffer the shame of being useless." He spoke, clearly so the crowd could hear.
Jake gave a greatful nod, each member of the family giving their thanks. "My son Aonung, and my daughters Tsireya and Y/n, will teach your children. " Tonowari nods, and Aonung immediately rose to object. "Father why do i-" Tonowari cut him off with a scolding look. "It is decided." He ordered, causing Aonung to roll his eyes in a defeated manner.
Y/n and Tsireya looked between each other, giving wide smiles and soft giggles before stepping forward, towards the family. "Come! We will show you our village." Y/n beams, Tsireya next to her with an equally happy smile. The girls were twins, but they definitely weren't identical. Y/N was slightly taller than Tsireya, her clothes adorned with jewels and a spattering of shells and beads, she also seemed to have a little bit more of an attitude than Tsireya, who was more gentle.
Once the family had gathered, and Y/n and Tsireya had gathered the necessities the family needed like sleep mats and bowls and such, they made their way to one of the empty huts, making sure it was large enough to fit the whole family. Y/n followed after Tsireya, laughing softly at the little girl, who seemed very interested in the ilu, while simultaneously pretending that the woven floors were trampolines, bouncing along while exclaiming "Yup, yup, yup!" as she went.
Y/n didn't fail to notice the set of eyes that were boring into the back of her head, causing her to smile. When they made it to the hut, Jake seemed comfortable with the place, Neytiri on the other hand unenthusiastically dropped the mat to the ground which caused Y/n's ears to tilt back, worried that she didn't like the hut.
She knew better than to ask however, setting the bag that she was carrying down against one of the columns. She then cleared her throat, running her thumb over the heads on her necklace. "Alright, if it's okay with you Mrs. Sully, I can take everyone to the water when you finish unpacking" She nods with a smile, looking towards the forlorn looking woman, who gave a simple nod.
Y/n gave a smile, and promised that she would return soon, before walking out onto the pathway. She looked down at the water, clicking her tongue and trilling a few times as her ilu swam in front of her. Y/n smiled once more, gracefully diving into the water, running her hands over her ilu's neck, before grabbing into the handle that was bound between her queues. She spoke a few quiet words, before bonding their queues, smiling as she felt the gentle thump of the ilu's heartbeat, and the happy emotions she was feeling. After a few brief moments, the two swam off, completely unaware of Lo'ak's eyes that seemed to be focused on her.
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Lo'ak never really thought of himself as a romantic. He thought the prospect of settling down was boring, he would much rather be flying or hunting.
Neteyam was much more suited for the family life, at least that's what Lo'ak thought. His older brother was perfect, the perfect soldier, born without the extra fingers and toes, it was plain to see why their dad favored the older boy.
Lo'ak was adventurous, rebellious, and problematic, everything Neteyam wasn't. He despised that, Lo'ak got all of his dads qualities while Neteyam got the good of both parents. That thought always made him turn sour, Neytiri blamed it on being fourteen, but Lo'ak didn't think so. He had always been the trouble maker.
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Lo'ak had no qualms with helping his mother unpack, eager to get out and see the water, and even more so, to see the twins. He didn't know why he was so drawn to them, and he couldn't decide who he liked more. He could tell that Neteyam was catching on, grinning as he watched Lo'ak practically run around the hut, trying to get everything put up in record time.
Jake didn't fail to notice either, stopping Lo'ak by placing an arm in front of his chest while he was running, nearly clotheslining the poor kid. "Hold on, boy. Why are you so eager? You hate cleaning." Jake chuckles, looking down at his youngest son, who stared up at him like a deer caught in headlights. "I just uh... I want to go swim." Lo'ak responds, the lie as obvious as can be.
Tuk, being the mischievous little girl that she is, idly walked by, on her way to go look out of the canopy. "He wants to go see the twins~" She chimed, her teasing tone heavy and obvious, causing Lo'ak's ears to tilt back, and an embarrassed purple flush appeared on his cheeks, causing Jake to grin. He pat his son on the shoulder, a proud look on his face. "Go get em, boy." He nods. Who would have thought that this is what it took for Jake to be proud.
Lo'ak gave a nod, and a sheepish smile, taking a step towards the doorway of the canopy. "Thank you, sir." He nods, before walking out onto the pathway. The rest of the kids quickly dropped everything, eager to follow, but Jake stopped them. "Hold on! There's still more to do." he reasoned, but Kiri shook her head. "Sorry dad, we're definitely not missing this." She laughs, and in a blink all the kids were gone, leaving Neytiri and Jake alone in the hut.
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Not long after the kids left, they made their way to one of the pathways that branched off from the main village, and turned into a dock for some of the larger canoes. They called for Y/n, even little Tuk getting involved as they shouted, probably disturbing quite a few people in the process.
A few moments passed, before Y/n swam up, her ilu tailing behind her. She poked her head up out of the water, smiling as she pulled herself up onto the pathway, rising to her feet. "Hello, you finished faster than I thought." She smiles, her tail swaying in a gentle manner.
"Early release." Lo'ak nods, causing Y/n to pause. "I'm sorry, I never actually introduced myself. I'm Y/n, you all are?" She asked, looking over the small group. Each sibling mentioned their names, some (Lo'ak and Tuk) with more enthusiasm than others. Their exchange was interrupted by the soft sounds of padding footsteps, each person turning to look.
Aonung approach, standing next to Y/n and wrapping his arm around her shoulder, causing Y/n to roll her eyes and Lo'ak's eyes to narrow. "Everyone, this is my brother Aonung," Y/n sighed, her tone conveying a mild hint of annoyance as she shifted on her feet.
Aonung was the pro at crashing into situations that weren't his to be in. He thought that since he was the son of the Olo'eyktan, he deserved to be at the center of it all, along with his partner in crime. Said partner in crime, sauntered up behind Aonung, a wide grin on his face. Rotxo was a troublemaker, but no where near to the extent of Aonung, Rotxo actually was generally well behaved. He was usually respectful, helpful, and did his chores, only acting out when he thought it would be funny. He broke up quite a few fights between Aonung and other young Na'vi while they grew up, until he grew big enough to participate. Rotxo was a peacemaker, unless provoked. "And that is Rotxo." Y/n nods, as Rotxo settled in next to Aonung.
It was clear that the two boys were quite protective over Y/n. Aonung because she was his little sister, and Rotxo because she was one of his closest friends, so it was reasonable when they started narrowing their eyes at Lo'ak when they recognized his smitten expression. "And what is it you were doing with them, Y/n?" Aonung asked, looking down to Y/n, who gave a huff. "I was taking them swimming, you're welcome to join us," She nods, wriggling out of her brother's hold. "if you'd like."
Aonung pretends to think for a moment, though it was clear that he had already made his decision. "I suppose we will. Last one in the water is a teylupil!" He grins, the childish banter causing Y/n to smile, watching Aonung dive into the water. She looked to the group, giving a wide smile as she sprung off of the dock, gracefully slipping into the water.
Her strong arms and tail propelled her forward with ease, spinning around next to Aonung to wait for the group. Rotxo was the first to dive in, swimming over to float next to Aonung with his usual smile. Then followed Neteyam and Lo'ak, who (rather unceremoniously) cannon balled into the water, causing y/n to giggle, little bubbles of air rising from her mouth. The girls followed after, Tuk more so flopping into the water, but they all seemed perfectly happy.
The group swam towards the trio of Metkayina, and Y/n made a beckoning motion with her hand, before beginning to swim. Her body slipped through the water with ease, the skilled swimmers naturally much faster than the forest kids. It only took moments for them to be a ways ahead of them. Y/n turned to show them one of the fish, but stopped when she saw that they were so far behind. Tuk, Lo'ak, and Neteyam we're already headed up to the surface. Kiri was off towards the left, watching the hammerbrow fish swim in schools. 'What are they doing? ' Rotxo signed, and Y/n simply shrugged.
She cocked her head slightly, looking up at the group, who had poked their heads back down into the water to view the group. 'Come, swim with us' Y/n signed, prompting confused faces from the surface kids. The boys looked to each other, exchanging confused looks, before looking back down to Y/n, gesturing up to the surface.
She looked to her brother, then to Rotxo, clicking her tongue a bit to get their attention. 'They want us to go to the surface.' She signed, before swimming back up to the surface. She blinked the water out of her eyes when her head breached the surface, taking a soft breath. "Are you alright?" She asked, Aonung and Rotxo breaching behind her, snickering between themselves.
"You're too fast! Wait for us.." Tuk whines, wiping the water out of her sensitive eyes, causing Y/n to pout softly. "We do not speak all this finger talk." Neteyam spoke, making funny little gestures with his hands, which made Aonung laugh even harder. "I will teach you. Come, I will show you the Txampaysye, they will help you breathe." Y/n nods, before slipping back into the water, only after Aonung and Rotxo had gone underwater.
She was sure to be slower, allowing the inexperienced swimmers to keep up. Once she had found the Gill Mantles, she placed one on each of the kid's backs, her hands unintentionally lingering on Lo'ak's lower back as she watched Rotxo's hands, having been signing to her. She didn't fail to notice how hot his skin had grown underneath her hands, curiously watching the purple hue of embarrassment flush over his shoulders and cheeks, just barely hidden by the water. Aonung hadn't failed to notice, narrowing his eyes at the two with a distasteful expression, in no way happy about the physical contact.
He clicked his tongue a few times, his Ilu swimming directly in between Y/n and Lo'ak, knocking them away from each other. Y/n rolled her eyes, giving Lo'ak a playful shove before swimming a few feet away, initiating a playful game of tag that soon roped in the entire group. Tsireya had joined at some point, Y/n wasn't totally sure when but she knew she had gotten tagged, and had been swimming as fast as she possibly could to evade her sister's repetitive attempts to tag her.
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A few hours passed, spent in the water playing tag, hide and seek, and various other games. Eventually, Tuk had begun to grow tired and particularly fussy, saying that her legs hurt from treading water for so long, and that she was hungry. Regretfully, the other siblings agreed, their bodies not yet adjusted to the constant movements of treading water. With that, the group surfaced and settled in on the warm rocks that sat to the East of the beach to warm up and dry off.
They had gathered snacks on the way, dried Teylu, sliced fruit from the melon tree, and the fruit of the tìhawnuwll tree. They had set up a little picnic, relaxing after the thorough exercise of swimming. They had long since finished their snacks, their bellies full and their muscles much less sore, so they were now lounging on the rocks.
After a few moments, Y/n sat up with a soft hum. "Everyone sit up, I will teach you to breathe" She nods, crossing her legs and sitting up straight, smiling as everyone mimicked her posture. "Start by taking deep slow breaths," She breathed, her hands sitting on her knees as she took slow, deep breaths, looking around the group to ensure that they were practicing. Even Aonung and Rotxo had begun participating, that made her happy. She was glad that they were at least trying to behave.
"You must slow down your heartbeat, imagine a flickering flame. Every breath you take, causes the flame to grow bigger. As long as the flame stays lit, you can hold your breath." Y/n smiles, taking a few more deep, slow breaths, smiling as she felt her heartbeat slow down. She then leaned towards Lo'ak, gently placing her hand over his lower abdomen. "Breathe from down here" She instructs.
She didn't fail to notice how his muscles automatically tensed, or how his eyes widened just the slightest bit. Rotxo, Neteyam, and Aonung didn't fail to notice either. Tsireya gave a happy smile, glad that her sister was getting along with such a cute guy. She closed her eyes for a moment, feeling his faint heartbeat, the gentle thrumming quickly quickening under her hand. "Lo'ak focus.. Your heartbeat is fast. Slow it down" She murmured, Neteyam and Rotxo laughing at the flustered expression on Lo'ak's face, and at the obvious attraction the two had. Aonung on the other hand, wanted nothing more than to attack the boy, but he knew he would have to restrain himself.
"Sorry." Lo'ak murmurs, doing everything in his power to calm himself down. Once his heartbeat reached a gentle pace, Y/n removed her hand, (much to the displeasure of Lo'ak) and sat back in her previous place. "Take a final deep breath, and hold it for as long as you can." She nods, watching as the group took a deep breath and began to hold it, holding her own breath. Rotxo took the liberty of counting on his fingers, the visual aid seemingly helping the others.
The Sully kids weren't able to hold their breath for very long, but it was longer than their previous attempts while underwater. Y/n called that progress at least. Eventually they seperated. Tuk with Tsireya, Neteyam off to his father, Kiri off on her own to explore, and Aonung and Rotxo off to go hang out with their friends, leaving Y/n and Lo'ak alone.
"Can you tell me about your home, forest boy?" Y/n purred, having been laying on her back, sunning herself on one of the rocks with her eyes closed. Lo'ak, though he'd never admit it, had been unintentionally staring. He had been watching how her steady breaths caused the iridescent jewels on her top to shimmer as they caught the afternoon light, casting the purple and blue light across her teal skin.
He had been watching how her hair hung around the rock, still partially damp, perfect coils of hair slowly drying with the help of the warm stone. He found everything about her perfect, her hair, her skin, her clothes, her body. He stopped himself from thinking further. He was more gentlemanly than that.
The question took him slightly off guard, but he decided to answer nonetheless, the nickname causing a funny sort of happiness to bubble up inside of him. "My home?" He repeated, thinking for a moment. "It's big, beautiful. Full of trees and wildlife, like there's something new at every turn. No oceans or beaches, just rivers, waterfalls, and lakes. We lived in the floating mountains with some of the sky people, who were loyal to the Na'vi. The rest of the people live in the village that surrounds it." He spoke passionately, looking up at the sky with a soft smile on his lips.
Y/n listened with a soft smile, eventually looking over to him as she rolled over onto her stomach so she could sun her back, her tail swaying in a content manner. "It sounds pretty." She nods, before frowning when she saw an upset frown grace his lips. She sat up, and walked over to him, sitting on the stone next to him. "What's the matter?" She queried, trying to read the complex emotions on his face.
"Nothing... Stomach ache." He lied, looking away from her. He wasn't about to vent to the girl he was undoubtedly crushing on. That would be so not cool. "No, Lo'ak, you are clearly upset. You can talk to me, okay? I swear to Eywa that I won't judge you." The look on Lo'ak's face soured even more at her soft coaxing, his ears tilting back to pin against his head. "I might never be able to go home again." He whispered, unable to hide the shakiness that laced his voice.
The sudden change in emotion made Y/n feel like her heart was about to be ripped into two. He was only fourteen, yet he lost his whole life, and never had the chance to mourn it. "No, Lo'ak. You will be able to go home someday. And even if you don't, you can make a home here... If you'd like." She murmurs, sliding next to him so she could pull him into a gentle embrace, resting his head on her shoulder. He didn't move away, rather relaxing into the tenderness of the moment. No one had ever actually comforted him. Just told him to suck it up and Soldier on at all points in his life. He hadn't realized how much he actually needed this moment.
They sat in silence for a while, Y/n running a gentle hand over the back of his head. "Eywa has a plan for you yet, Lo'ak..." She murmured into the silence, the only sounds surrounding them being the lapping of the waves on the stone, and the distant cries of the ilu.
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lyranova · 2 years
Hello, Lyra! New reader here!
So excited for your autumn event.
May I request for Julius "full moon" prompt?
Please make it super fluff. I just start working in a new environment and it's quite stressing me out. So I need mental support (and physical too ofc) from the wizard king himself ❤️❤️😘
Looking forward for your stories 😊
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Hiya there Reya 🥰! Of course you can, I hope you enjoy it! It’s not quite as fluffy as I wanted it, it’s more subtle, but there is a little kiss at the end and a “promise” hehe 👀😁! But hopefully your new work enviorment is getting better and it’s not stressing you out as much 🥺🫂💕!
Word Count: 666 (👀😈 /lh)
Warnings: None
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Y/N woke with a start as she heard a twig snap, she looked around as she grabbed her grimoire. A few of the Grey Deer were out on a mission together to investigate a report about a dungeon nearby, the group so far hadn’t been successful at finding it, but they still had a day to search for it.
Y/N looked around with a frown, someone was missing, and she looked closer she noticed it was their squad leader Julius Novachrono.
She sighed before getting up and going to search for him.
She walked and walked through the woods trying to sense Julius’s mana, but she wasn’t the best at doing that, plus with it being so dark she couldn’t see a thing.
Y/N froze as she heard something behind her, she pulled her grimoire out again before turning around to face whatever it was.
“ Wait Y/N it’s just me!” Julius whisper-shouted at her as he held his hands up, Y/N let out a sigh as she put her grimoire away.
“ You scared me! What are you doing out here?” Y/N asked as she crossed her arms, and Julius just gave her a sheepish smile.
“ Nothing, I was just taking a walk.” He told her with a laugh, but Y/N frowned suspiciously at him.
“ You were looking for the dungeon weren’t you?”
“ N-No! Maybe…okay fine I was.” He admitted with a sigh before he rubbed the back of his head. “ But I found something even better!”
“ Something better than the dungeon?” Y/N asked before Julius nodded, reached out to grab her hand, and began to lead her through the woods.
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The two walked for a while before they came out to a clearing, Y/N frowned as she looked around. There was nothing here?
As Y/N turned around to ask Julius what he was talking about she noticed he had disappeared.
“ Down here!” Julius said happily as he waved at her, she frowned as she noticed that he was laying down on the grass looking up. “ Lay down and you’ll see what I’m talking about.”
Y/N frowned but did as he asked and lied down next to him, when she did her eyes widened and a soft gasp escaped her lips.
There was a full moon shining brightly above them, it was much bigger than when they saw it in the Capital. She heard Julius chuckle beside her.
“ This is what I wanted to show you, just look at how beautiful and amazing it is!” Julius said softly as he stared up at it, Y/N nodded before she turned to look at him.
Ever since she joined the Grey Deer she had been close to Julius, he was only a couple of years older than her, and they had a lot in common, so it was inevitable that they would become fast friends. But she hadn’t expected to fall in love with him as well.
“ Yeah it is.” She muttered softly, although she wasn’t really talking about the moon. Instead she was talking about the blonde haired, purple eyed man lying next to her.
The two laid there talking and watching the stars and moon, eventually Y/N fell asleep curled up against Julius’s side.
The man chuckled before he moved her hair out of her face, he knew she was beginning to develop feelings for him, and ever since he figured it out he had been trying to put distance between them. Although now that they were lying here together, he realized it wasn’t working and instead he was growing feelings for her as well.
“ Maybe once I become Wizard King I can finally tell you how I feel and we can be together. Just wait until then okay?” He asked her softly as he placed a gentle kiss on top of her head.
He let out a soft sigh before he stood, picked her up bridal style, and carried her back to camp.
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Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day 🥰!
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neteyamsoare · 1 year
In Love With Her Touch.
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༉‧₊˚. Featuring. Lo’ak Sully x Tsireya.
༉‧₊˚. Request From [@redheadvalkyrie]. Can you write about Lo’ak x Tsireya! About how their love language is physical touch and maybe Lo’ak teasing her about her small height and small hand size compared to his. And the family catching on to how much they like each other!! Thank you!!
༉‧₊˚. Summary. While their original plan was to keep their relationship a secret, their love language made it pretty obvious.
༉‧₊˚. General Tags. Fluff.
༉‧₊˚. Content Warnings. Aged up! Lo'ak & Tsireya.
༉‧₊˚. Word Count. 914.
༉‧₊˚. Index. Tsawksyul — [sun lilies].
༉‧₊˚. Notes. Decided to do headcanons for this. I love writing this, it was cute. I hope you like it.
༉‧₊˚. Extra. Comments, likes, and reblogs are highly appreciated but not pressured. 🤍
༉‧₊˚. Starred Links. Navigation + Masterlist + Prompts + Taglist
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𝜗𝜚 — Lo'ak woke up earlier than usual, it was still dark outside and his family was asleep. He tipped toed out of his Marui so no one would notice he was sneaking out.
𝜗𝜚 — He was meeting up with Tsireya for their usual sunrise date, being able to start his day with the Tsireya who he couldn’t even manage to think of living without.
𝜗𝜚 — Ever since the day she held his extra finger and told him that she saw him, his feelings for her grew tenfold. He would do anything for her and if that meant waking up early every day and watching the sunrise, he would do it for the rest of his life just as long as she was next to him.
𝜗𝜚 — Both had decided to keep their relationship on the low before letting others know.
𝜗𝜚 — He finally got to their spot and set up the blanket, he had gotten some tsawksyul on the way because those were Reya’s favorite.
𝜗𝜚 — Just as he finished setting the flowers up two hands covered his eyes and he smiled, “Hey boo,” she giggles as she removes her hands and Lo’ak turned around and puts his hands on her waist as she stands on her tippy toes, her arms wrap around his neck as their lips connect.
𝜗𝜚 — Their kiss was deep and slow as they enjoyed the sound of the waves clashing together.
𝜗𝜚 — As their lips disconnect, she smiles up at him and he chuckles, “I just find it so cute when you have to stand on your tippy toes just to kiss me,” She rolls her eyes as a grin appears on her face and she starts to walk over to the blanket but Lo’ak softly takes her hand in his.
𝜗𝜚 — A mischievous smile appears on his face. “Like look at how small your hand is in mine,” he chuckles as he brings her hand to his mouth and places a few kisses on it.
𝜗𝜚 — “Are you going to make fun of how I’m short all day or are we going to watch the sunrise?” She looks up at him grinning hard as she can’t get over the fact of how cute her boyfriend is.
𝜗𝜚 — Finally being able to look down at the blanket, her eyes light up as she sees the tsawksyul laid out on the blanket, “Oh my Eywa, you remembered tsawksyul are my favorite,” She picks up a few and smells them and smiles as she turns to him and hugs him.
𝜗𝜚 — “Of course, I remember, I always listen when you talk,” he smiles as a darker shade of green shows on her cheeks. “So cute, come on,” he takes her small wrist in his and leads her to the blanket and when she sits down, she straddles his lap, and one of his hands lands on her waist and the other on her thigh.
𝜗𝜚 — These were the moments that made his day when he could enjoy the feeling of her touch on him. His tail wraps around her waist and she smiles as she cups his cheeks.
𝜗𝜚 — The joy of feeling each other was their love language even if their relationship were secret, it didn’t stop them from sneaking little affections to each other, Lo’ak would touch her tail as he walked past her which made her blush, and course, she would touch his and a smirk would appear on his face.
𝜗𝜚 — He would find any excuse to touch her, whether it was just a pat on her head or touching her hair, or just even holding her wrist, he just loved being able to feel her against him.
𝜗𝜚 — She leaned down and once again their lips connected forming their own little dance, they totally forgot to watch the sunrise and they didn’t mind one bit, they got the rest of their lives together to watch it.
𝜗𝜚 — They laid down on the blanket, her leg on his, his arm on her waist as her hand was on his cheek rubbing it softly and they looked into each other’s eyes smiling.
𝜗𝜚 — They were so into each other that they didn’t know time had passed and they now had an audience.
𝜗𝜚 — Their families watching them from afar smiling except for Ao’nung who just rolls his eyes.
𝜗𝜚 — Neytiri put her head on Jake’s shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her, “Ma Jake, they remind me so much of us,” she smiles putting her hand to her mouth. All Jake could do was nod and smile. He was happy that his son was happy.
𝜗𝜚 — Ronal steps closer to Tonowari and puts her hand on his back while her other arm holds their baby.
“Look how happy our little girl is,” she smiles as she looks up at him as he looks down at her returning her smile. He kissed her forehead and once again looked at the young couple, sure he thought Lo’ak was a bit of a troublemaker but he had no doubt that he would keep his little safe with the look he was giving her, it was the same look he has when he looks at Ronal and it made him smile.
𝜗𝜚 — Neteyam was happy for his little brother, finally not causing trouble for once. 
𝜗𝜚 — Kiri thought they looked cute and matched each other very well. 
𝜗𝜚 — Of course, Tuk loved them, she loved Tsireya and loved seeing her older brother happy. 
𝜗𝜚 — Spider pretended to gag at the sight of them being “too lovey-dovey” but inside he was happy for Lo’ak. 
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🔖 @livelaughloak @blackheart-stuff @amart-e
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© neteyamsoare 2023. | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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kkglinka · 1 year
Giving away prompts here:
1) Ava finishes harrowing Reya's realm, focuses on Bea's location, and promptly drags Mary and herself into the middle of a pride parade. Oh, well, I guess we better grab some flag capes ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ (Spectators assume it's all part of the show, so nbd).
2) Ava's back, they're lowkey a couple because why waste time, but because the OCS has to be super careful with new recruits, what with the entire church being infiltrated by cultists, the in-group are super tight about privileged information. Like, god is real, there's probably more than one, Ava really is jesus 2.0 but that either means christianity itself is totally bogus, or we've got a for-realsies prophet (cue jewish laughter), the OCS+ArqTek probably are the start of a new church (oops), but don't scare off the newbies. Cue newbies fetching a very drunk Ava and Bea directly from a gay rave (Bea's high on E but Ava fixes that real quick), awkward armoring and van ride to follow (mostly because everyone was unnerved by Bea's initial sky high manic grinning) but also because Ava's like, I 100% guarantee Reya doesn't have a problem with it. Because I'll punch her in the face if she does. :):):)
*waves* Be free, fleeting notions! Goodbye! Good riddance! Do not plague me again!
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leet911 · 4 months
Femslash February Unofficial Day 6 (WN)
Prompt: AU
Ava had not stolen the godtech herself.  The Halo had been thrust upon her lifeless body.  But now Ava held the godtech, embraced it, traveled the wormholes and conversed with the AI gods themselves.  Ava had fought the ascended Lilith, summoned Tarasks to her side, and defeated the avatar Adriel.
But the godtech had not changed Ava.  Of that, Beatrice was sure.  Ava had deserved the Halo, even before her resurrection.  Something in the Other Realm that had changed Ava, taken her away from Beatrice only to return her transformed, unfeeling.
It was Reya who had stolen Sister Beatrice’s love.
(Feel free to follow along on AO3 even though I'll probably post to Tumblr first each day.)
Prompt list is here.
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