#rj vandal
ondastropicais-studio · 7 months
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As tags de pichações, assim como a grande maioria dos grafites de séculos atrás encontrados nas cidades romanas de Pompéia e Herculano, apenas querem dizer: Eu estive aqui!
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meiifiio · 1 month
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applbottmjeens · 11 months
Sgt. Annabelle "Gremlin" Pham
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AKA: Annie (Graves), Belle, Kit, Grem, "GET THIS THING OFF OF ME!", "Little Monster" (Graves)
Blood type: O Positive
23 (Modern Warfare, 2019),
26 (Modern Warefare 2, 2022),
27 (Present, Modern Warfare 3, 2023)
Height: 4'11
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Asian/Pacific Islander (Vietnamese + Filipino)
Languages Spoken: English, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Chinese, Spanish
Religion: Catholic
Marital Status: Single (MW1-2), Complicated (MW3)
Faceclaim: Janella Salvador
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Isabella Reyes - Maternal grandmother (deceased)
Cpt. Francisco "Capitan Kiko" Delgado - Paternal grandfather (deceased)
Phạm Ngọc Anh - Paternal grandmother (alive)
Phạm Vinh Trường / Thomas Pham - Father (alive)
Phạm Vũ / David Pham - Uncle (alive)
Maria Soledad Pham née Delgado - Mother (alive)
Ryan Joseph "RJ" Pham - brother (alive)
CHILDREN (non canon)
Spc. Sylas Thomas "Tommy" Pham/ Phạm Teo Sỹ / "SAINT"/ (ACES AU)
Phillip Fernando Graves II / "Junior" / Ace (ACES AU)
BRAVO 0-6 / Cpt. John Price
WATCHER-1 / Kate Laswell
BRAVO 0-7 / Lt. Simon "Ghost" Riley
BRAVO 7-1 / Sgt. John "Soap" MacTavish
BRAVO 2-6 / Sgt. Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
ECHO 0-1 /Lt. Isobel "Medusa" Williams (@gipsyavnger)
ECHO 1-1 / Sgt. Maj. Hannah "Sparrow" Clayton (@revnah1406)
Alyssa "Aly" Martinez (@alypink)
TANGO 0-1 / Cpt. Lachlan Jones
TANGO 2-1 / Sgt. Damien Whitlock (what're YOU doing here?!)
Col. Alejandro Vargas, Sgt. Maj. Rodolfo Parra, Jesus "Chuy" Ordaz
Comd. Phillip Graves, Ms Sgt. Shane Sparks (formerly), Rozlin "Rose" Helms (formerly). Velikan, SO. Marcus "Lerch" Ortega
Annabelle Pham was born in San Jose, California and raised in an Asian immigrant household in South San Francisco. Growing up working class, her parents encouraged her to pursue her education while also helping raise her sickly younger brother, RJ. Playing softball and being a bit of a rebel, despite her shortcomings, Annabelle had the opportunity to attend an Ivy league college on a partial scholarship, which she rejected after her father's restaurant was vandalized and robbed.
Rather than use the money for school, she pushed her family to use it to repair their restaurant. Annabelle would choose to attend a 2 year college in a CTE program since it was more affordable, working part time in her family's restaurant while she searched for new employment.
While job searching, she became curious about the recruiters office in her neighborhood, and next thing she knew, she was in the army (much to her mother and father's disappointment.)
At some point, then Private Annabelle "Kit" Pham would meet CIA Station Chief Kate Laswell while fighting alongside SAC/SOG officer Alex Keller. Impressed by the young woman's resolve and improvisation, Laswell would choose Anna as one of the three women she'd first suggest to join Taskforce 141 to John Price.
While hiding from enemy forces who'd kidnapped her in a foreign city, Annabelle's quick thinking kept her alive while her teammates were delayed on their rescue.
Anna got her callsign "Gremlin" from her unpredictable and unhinged behavior thanks to her fellow Sergeant Kyle "Gaz" Garrick. Hiding in walls, crawling in vents and ambushing enemies easily thanks to her small stature and the old fashioned element of surprise.
Smart, resourceful and good with her hands, she's a loyal friend and a cautious person whose instincts are good if they aren't clouded by her own feelings. Anna is a hopeless romantic who wears her heart on her sleeve, which can be a good and a bad thing...Especially when a certain Commander seeks to exploit it.
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Let's Rob RJ McElhenny and Steal Her Golden Quill
For no particular reason at all, lets talk about this lovely game by @glaive-guisarme! Let's Rob RJ McElhenny and Steal Her Golden Quill is a game about taking on a fantasy novelist because you're tired of the awful takes she keeps unloading on social media. It is also, notably, a game with no subtext whatsoever.
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This is a game for three to five players. No prep, no GM, about an hour to play unless you really take your time luxuriating in the petty vandalism you wreak on McElhenny Manor.
Players start by choosing a wizardly skill, source of magic, style, and grabbing 5d6. Those 5d6 are action dice, which players spend whenever they want to take an action, adding their skills, sources, and style when appropriate.
Using a deck of cards and prompt tables, players take turns playing as the Lookout and describing the different rooms and obstacles the other wizards run into in their quest.
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It takes a total die result of 10 to take down an obstacle, meaning players have to rely on teamwork to successfully move through the rooms and leave grand enough destruction in your wake.
Let's Rob RJ McElhenny and Steal Her Golden Quill is a fantastic game and Laura Page's writing style is cheeky and delightful throughout, doing a very good job of setting the tone for the game at your table as well.
As the game description says, "There's no losing the game. This is cathartic revenge fantasy, full of big action scenes powered by magic, where short-term failure just means throwing more spells out until the room finally explodes or whatever."
You can buy Let's Rob RJ McElhenny and Steal Her Golden Quill at Indie Press Revolution through the link below, and it's also currently available as part of the Trans Witches are Witches itch.io bundle.
And as always, IPR supports trans rights and BIMPOC creators and gamers. Fascists, Nazis, and TERFs can all fuck right off.
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intolerancecare · 3 months
You know my brother is gay. Before college, he had a girlfriend.
He used to tell me that if you'll search my name on the internet, you'll see that I am a chess champion.
He was also a math whiz.
He was a consistent honor student and also a loaner. (he did a lot of part time jobs before college) He also saves the money that he got from his savings, also from the money that my tita and tito gave him. You know, during occasional visits. He was able to buy his own laptop when he was a student.
He became gay middle of college. My mother was already struggling with his earnings. Mine was just enough as a support. I know that his partner helped him but duh! He and his friends lived in one apartment. I still send money then. If it wasn't enough maybe he adds but if their expenses are big, it's because they lived like F.R.I.E.N.D.S. RJ just chose to be their mama and work while studying. That's what I think. Maybe I don't know a lot, but you see, first time I saw them, they were like a bunch of baby lass. So definitely, it was just sharing and not a sugar mama thing. Some of my friends in college offered to help me too, I just refuse.
My brother worked and travelled. He was earning. I think the unfair sharing would come from their business because I don't know why my family is so flamboyant. I kinda feel that too much might earn mockery. Well, aside from that they placed me in rehab. That, I will never pay. My life is more expensive. My 4 years is cheap? For what crime? Vandalizing sites? I am just preparing to be independent. I am preparing. So, I can pay my current situation later. If they care, maybe 1-2 months would be enough if they think I was so depressed. HAHA. Don't dare try lock me again. That will never change anything nor make any situation better.
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sandrazayres · 4 months
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Corredor cultural Beco do Pantera inaugura etapa ecológica com show gratuito de BNegão e diversas atividades na Lapa
Projeto da Tropa da Solidariedade lança “Beco Verde” com obras a céu aberto de grandes nomes da arte urbana revitalizando a região
O Beco dos Carmelitas, na Lapa, está sendo transformado no maior museu de arte urbana a céu aberto do estado do Rio de Janeiro e um dos maiores do Brasil. O Corredor Cultural Beco do Pantera, criado no local, inaugura mais uma etapa no sábado, 13 de janeiro, com um grande evento reunindo diversos artistas, shows e atividades das 10h às 22h. Trata-se do “Beco Verde”, iniciativa da Tropa da Solidariedade, projeto idealizado pelo rapper Shackal, com nomes de peso na arte urbana no Brasil e no mundo, como Bragga, Marcelo Ment, André Kajaman, Bella Phame, Juliana Angelino, Bruno Big, Thiago Tarm, Pandro Nobã, Juliana Fervo, Ivan Ninety e Feo Flip, que fazem das paredes do beco em obras de arte que contam a história do bairro e da cultura afro-brasileira.
- Esses artistas vêm pintando a região desde 2022, intensificando em 2023. São mais de 15 artistas envolvidos no projeto e nessa etapa do Beco Verde, que apoia a criação de iniciativas de sustentabilidade no Centro do Rio, como hortas urbanas. Fizemos as primeiras ações de revitalização antes da pandemia, só que entrou o lockdown e ficamos sem poder atuar nesse sentido. A Tropa foi fazer outras ações urgentes, como entregas cestas básicas e alimentos sem agrotóxicos. Quando tivemos a reabertura, voltamos a revitalizar o local. Fizemos eventos, como a “Resenha da Tropa”, e agora teremos essa importante inauguração da etapa do Beco Verde, com muitas atrações – conta Shackal.
Atrações musicais e diversas atividades
Além da exposição a céu aberto, o evento terá shows gratuitos de BNegão, Shackal, Vandal RJ, Akira Presidente, SD9, Baixa Santo Sound System, Bebel do Gueto, Old Dirty Bacon, Slam das Minas, Mixtério, Quase Nada Gang, Bloco da Tropa e DJs Foguinho, Egil e Mohamed. A programação contará também com apresentações circenses, batalhas de rimas, recreação para crianças, oficina de Yoga, feira de artesanato e culinária com expositores locais, Flash Tattoo, ação social com entrega de alimentos e rodas de conversa.
- Feira, comida, música, dança... a gente está transformando aquele espaço ali, antes abandonado, em um ambiente catalisador da potência do nosso povo. É um convite aberto a toda a cidade, a todo o Brasil, ao planeta, pois o planeta passa pela Lapa através das escadarias do Selarón e agora também pelo Corredor Cultural Beco do Pantera. É a arte dessa rapaziada para o mundo e nós por nós fazendo a diferença para uma sociedade melhor e mais justa – convoca Shackal.
Inauguração Corredor Cultural Beco do Pantera - Etapa Beco Verde
Dia e horário: sábado, dia 13 de janeiro, das 10h às 22h
Local: em frente à sede da Tropa da Solidariedade, no Beco dos Carmelitas, 9, na Lapa, Centro, Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Entrada: gratuita
Classificação: livre
Mais informações:
Carlos Pinho - Assessor de comunicação
Agência Sobe - Fato Coletivo
Sindicato Nacional dos Compositores Musicais
Centro Cultural Milton Nascimento – Casa com a Música
Instituto LAR – Levante. Ande. Recomece.
Tropa da Solidariedade
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neonvandalsxcb · 7 months
𝐇𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧 • 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐈𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐦𝐞 — ANIMAL CARETAKER
“Do I look like I care if I bore you? If it’s such a problem, why are you so enamored with my art?” — RJ.
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Huang Renjun, an animal caretaker for domestic animals, is less infamous than the vandals he’s associated with. Despite this, he’s noted for his startling appearance, and extraordinary artwork that attracts all due to its inconsistency and extravagancy in size and message. He’s also acknowledged for his overwhelming difference in aggression, versus his docile behavior in calmer settings that’s caused confusion and interest to him and his muddled motivations of vandalism.
Personality, Renjun is detached from people, causing complications in his communication skills and sociality to socialize with others. Heavily introverted and disinterested with people around him, he’s mistaken as cold-hearted, selfish, and apathetic. However, he’s easily intimidated, guarding himself from harmful vulnerability.
Writing Style, third person pov. ; speaks on dash as the color orange, and anon signature is 🐱.
Sexual Orientation, bisexual with no lean; monogamous
Nsfw, dom; safeword — Hellebore
Likes, animals, medicinal care, painting/drawing, stargazing, sleeping/napping, watching movies, gardening, archery, swimming
Dislikes, extremely loud noises, paranormal, jumpscares, coriander, corrupted authority, mornings, deception, overstepping boundaries
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jossbaatlar · 2 years
Laurie Goodman Superintendent | Implementing restorative justice in schools
Shared by Laurie Goodman Superintendent.
 Restorative justice in schools is important for the prevention of bullying, according to Laurie Goodman Superintendent. At present, most schools use a punitive system of justice in which students who break the rules are punished. Laurie Goodman Superintendent notes that the effectiveness of this system is highly debatable. The trouble with using a punitive system of justice is that it may not be the best way to promote positive behavior or prevent future misbehavior. Fortunately, there is an alternative approach to school discipline that has shown promising results. The Restorative Justice (RJ) approach seeks to address conflict in a positive manner with positive outcomes.
 Image credit: Julia M. Cameron
 What is restorative justice?
Restorative justice is a holistic approach that aims to bring together all key stakeholders when a rule is broken, including the victim, the rule-breaker, and the larger school community. This process uses mediation and dialogue as a means of achieving accountability and alleviating victims’ pain.
 “Restorative justice empowers students to resolve conflicts on their own and in small groups, and it’s a growing practice at schools around the country. Essentially, the idea is to bring students together in peer-mediated small groups to talk, ask questions, and air their grievances.”
– Edutopia
 Restorative justice vs. retributive justice
Retributive justice is based on the premise that when a student does something wrong, the student must be punished in order to set things right. The problem with this theory is that it often doesn’t work. Punishment often fails to address the root of the problem, which is why students break rules in the first
 Image credit: Zen Chung
 The implementation of restorative justice in schools
Laurie Goodman Superintendent notes that it can be difficult at first, but it is possible to implement restorative justice in schools. It’s vital to first get buy-in from the administration and then the teachers. If your district has a policy of restorative justice and you feel it is not working, open a discussion on how to improve it. If restorative justice is not yet established in your school, bring it up at the next PTA meeting. The more people who are involved in the process, the more successful it will be.
 The benefits of restorative justice in schools
Schools that implement restorative justice see a decrease in incidents of bullying, fighting, and vandalism. Students who participate in restorative justice programs are more willing to admit when they are at fault for an incident. This leads to an overall decrease in disciplinary problems. Laurie Goodman Executive Director Monarch River Academy notes that schools that use restorative justice see a decrease in suspensions and expulsions.
Restorative justice can be used to prevent bullying and harassment. The students involved get to discuss the issue and come up with solutions to prevent it from happening again. When a school uses restorative justice, the students feel more accountable for their actions and have more respect for the school. Also important is the fact that restorative justice helps improve relationships between parents, teachers, and students. This is something we should all get behind.
 The post Laurie Goodman Superintendent | Implementing restorative justice in schools appeared first on Laurie Goodman Superintendent.
Original post here: Laurie Goodman Superintendent | Implementing restorative justice in schools Laurie Goodman Superintendent | Implementing restorative justice in schools posted first on https://lauriegoodmansuperintendent.com/ Originally published here: https://jossbaatlar.blogspot.com/2022/08/laurie-goodman-superintendent.html
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Laurie Goodman Superintendent | Implementing restorative justice in schools
Shared by Laurie Goodman Superintendent.
  Restorative justice in schools is important for the prevention of bullying, according to Laurie Goodman Superintendent. At present, most schools use a punitive system of justice in which students who break the rules are punished. Laurie Goodman Superintendent notes that the effectiveness of this system is highly debatable. The trouble with using a punitive system of justice is that it may not be the best way to promote positive behavior or prevent future misbehavior. Fortunately, there is an alternative approach to school discipline that has shown promising results. The Restorative Justice (RJ) approach seeks to address conflict in a positive manner with positive outcomes.
  Image credit: Julia M. Cameron
  What is restorative justice?
Restorative justice is a holistic approach that aims to bring together all key stakeholders when a rule is broken, including the victim, the rule-breaker, and the larger school community. This process uses mediation and dialogue as a means of achieving accountability and alleviating victims’ pain.
  “Restorative justice empowers students to resolve conflicts on their own and in small groups, and it’s a growing practice at schools around the country. Essentially, the idea is to bring students together in peer-mediated small groups to talk, ask questions, and air their grievances.”
– Edutopia
  Restorative justice vs. retributive justice
Retributive justice is based on the premise that when a student does something wrong, the student must be punished in order to set things right. The problem with this theory is that it often doesn’t work. Punishment often fails to address the root of the problem, which is why students break rules in the first
  Image credit: Zen Chung
  The implementation of restorative justice in schools
Laurie Goodman Superintendent notes that it can be difficult at first, but it is possible to implement restorative justice in schools. It’s vital to first get buy-in from the administration and then the teachers. If your district has a policy of restorative justice and you feel it is not working, open a discussion on how to improve it. If restorative justice is not yet established in your school, bring it up at the next PTA meeting. The more people who are involved in the process, the more successful it will be.
  The benefits of restorative justice in schools
Schools that implement restorative justice see a decrease in incidents of bullying, fighting, and vandalism. Students who participate in restorative justice programs are more willing to admit when they are at fault for an incident. This leads to an overall decrease in disciplinary problems. Laurie Goodman Executive Director Monarch River Academy notes that schools that use restorative justice see a decrease in suspensions and expulsions.
Restorative justice can be used to prevent bullying and harassment. The students involved get to discuss the issue and come up with solutions to prevent it from happening again. When a school uses restorative justice, the students feel more accountable for their actions and have more respect for the school. Also important is the fact that restorative justice helps improve relationships between parents, teachers, and students. This is something we should all get behind.
  The post Laurie Goodman Superintendent | Implementing restorative justice in schools appeared first on Laurie Goodman Superintendent.
Originally published here: https://lauriegoodmansuperintendent.com/laurie-goodman-superintendent-implementing-restorative-justice-in-schools/
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s-s-a-t-a-n-n · 4 years
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Duque de Caxias
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foreverscrawl · 3 years
Particípio passado do verbo Kitab.
É a expressão característica do fatalismo muçulmano.
Maktub significa: "estava escrito"; ou melhor, "tinha que acontecer".
Essa expressiva palavra dita nos momentos de dor ou angustia,
Não é um brado de revolta contra o destino,
Mas sim, a reafirmação do espírito plenamente resignado diante dos desígnios da vida.
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ratimblu · 5 years
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De segunda a segunda nossa vida é uma aventura ! #arteurbana #grafitti #graffitiart #galeriaurbana #vandalism #vandallovers #RJ #ratimblu #akactos #streetartrio #streetart (em São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxVlKbin0T9/?igshid=l41g9bg838fe
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usehofmann-blog · 6 years
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Essa estampa tem só 2 anos, o tempo passa muito rápido !!! A maior felicidade do nosso time é saber que fizemos bom amigos nesse mundo louco da pichação . “ VIVA O XARPI ETERNAMENTE “ #teamhofmann #usehofmann #xarpirj #vandal #tags #escritoresurbanos #pixo #graffiti #arteurbana #rj #spray (em Rio de Janeiro) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnJz541BgO3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10zlhjh551dn7
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bodinegro · 7 years
Varios demonios que eu mato, eu mato por preocupação
Vandal (chopped)
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deans-baby-momma · 3 years
Truth or Dare-Part 5/20
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Summary: The Winchester sibling trio has been through so much in the last decade. From the night of their parents’ 30th wedding anniversary party where Sam and Dean eased Y/N from her innocence to Sam becoming a happily married lawyer with a kickass nurse of wife to the three of them now living in the same town they grew up in under the same roof where each of them came of age.  Y/N is a working mother of three,  her days spent helping the townsfolk make proper and suitable financial decisions while bustling about escorting her two oldest to school and her youngest, Mary Ellen, to daycare; Dean’s garage is the premiere body shop for classic restorations and  car maintenance; people from other state’s bring their vehicles to them to be repaired. Business at Winchester Wheels  is booming; Sam is the legal council for Winchester Wheels and has been since he moved back home almost 5 years ago. He has his work cut out for him dealing with the people Dean pisses off and threatens to sue the garage on at least a monthly basis.
After one lust-filled night, the siblings become more than family.  They become lovers. The three of them, together and separately.
One big loving family.
So when Y/N’s boss calls for her to take a much needed vacation, the six of them hit the road. What will happen? Will it bring them closer together or break them apart?
W/C: 1243
Warnings:  fluff
After the shenanigans at the cafe and RJ’s insistent revelation, the six Winchesters loaded into the rental vehicle and got back on the road.
“Where to first?” Sam asks, looking at a map on his phone. 
“First stop, Dodge City!” Dean exclaims happily but frowns when he is met with groans. “What?”
“Dude, that is like your fantasy sabbatical,” Sam says, looking over his shoulder at Y/N to see her nodding in agreement. “You love everything to do with the Wild West. Me and Y/N, not so much. The kids are going to be so bored!”
Dean huffs and sighs. “Well just so you know, they have a zoo and a water park that I had planned to take everyone to. Do you want to just cross that off the list?”
Y/N could tell Dean had gotten his feelings hurt at their disregard for his agenda. She scooted forward in her seat and put her arms around his seat and onto his shoulders. “I’m sorry. I’m sure we’ll enjoy Dodge City.”
“Don’t knock it until you try it,” Dean responds and bends his head to kiss her hand. “We’re going to get there just in time for the 5:00 mock showdown between Wild Bill and Davis Tutt. You know Wild Bill got lucky Tutt was such a bad shot. It took ol’ Bill a few seconds longer to steady his gun. Worked out though, because he shot his opponent right in the heart!”
Y/N could tell from the tone of his voice and the slight change of pitch that Dean was excited to be able to witness such a remarkable, albeit remade, event in history. She felt bad about their initial reaction.
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“Oh my god! Did you see that?” Dean remarks as they walk away from the stage of the mock gun battle. “Bill was the fastest draw in the land.” Dean pretends to pull a gun from a holster on his side and makes a pistol with his finger and thumbs, “shooting” left and right; mimicking the sound of shots by blowing air out of his puckered lips. 
Y/N shakes her head as she carries a sleepy Mary Ellen on her lap as RJ holds his uncle’s hand and Izabella holds her father’s non-gun one. As they walk down the street of the city decorated to look like an Old West town, they each take in the sights from the displays of the attire of times gone by. 
She can not imagine having to wear such drab and concealing garb that the women wore back then. Added to the fact that they were usually also squeezed into a corset that was two sizes too small and Y/N wonders how they ever got anything done, much less felt like populating the world.
She looks at one of the pictures that is hanging on the wall. The Vandall Family were photographed in front of what Y/N assumed was their homestead. The husband and wife and their 13 kids were all lined up from tallest to shortest. The woman was also holding an infant in her arms so that made 14 times she had taken off all those layers and laid with her husband to get pregnant. Unfathomable to Y/N!
Back at the hotel they had gotten rooms at, she places Mary Ellen in the provided crib and closes the door to the adjoining room. Izabella and RJ are in the adults’ room with Sam and Dean watching cartoons so Y/N decides to take a shower while the baby naps.
As she is rinsing her hair, she hears the door open and feels a presence enter the room. She waits and just a few seconds later, Dean’s head pops around the curtain.
“What a lovely view,” he says as he eyes her up and down. “So sexy,” he continues with a smirk on his face. “And all mine.”
“Uh huh. What do you want?” Y/N asks, trying to act nonchalant, that the fact that Dean is ogling her naked form is not turning her on. But sure enough she feels the first of the tingles in her pussy as he licks his lips.
“Sammy said he would watch the kids so we can go out,” Dean tells her, his eyes still trailing up and down her body. “So Y/N, wanna go on a date with me?”
Y/N stops what she’s doing and looks at her brother. An actual date? One where they can be the couple they want to be; hold hands and kiss? A date where they don’t have to worry about who sees them together?! The thought of that alone gets her blood pumping and her heart beat rushing.
“Yea,” she answers delighted and anxious.
“Okay. Well, dress up little lady because I am taking you out on the town!” Dean imitates a cowboy as his smile stretches across his face. He winks and blows her a kiss before disappearing. She hears the bathroom door click shut and she waits until she is sure Dean is back in the other room before she squeals.
Their first date. The first time they can go out and be a couple. She hurriedly finishes washing before turning the water off and stepping out of the tub, wrapping the fluffy hotel towel around her. 
She’s going on a date, her first official date. Ever!
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Knowing this is a special occasion, even if it is just for her, Y/N takes the extra time to style her hair the way she wants it and picks out the best blouse she had packed, pairing it with a pair of black trousers and her slip on booties. 
She even puts on makeup, using the barely-ever-used eyeshadow palette to create a smoky eye effect. She tops that off with a thin layer of mascara and some blush on her cheeks. Looking in the mirror, the reflection shown back to her is of a full-grown woman and not the half-grown kid she was so used to seeing when she looked at herself. 
Looking at her reflection, she now knows how she attracted both Dean and Sam because even she will admit with the way her clothes fit and her hair and makeup on point, she was beautiful and sexy. 
She briefly wonders what Dean’s reaction will be and doesn’t have to wait long to find out. The sound of the key in the door draws her attention and she looks over as Dean walks in. He is dressed up also. 
He is wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, with no holes or snags in them, a cinnamon colored henley under a multi-colored flannel, the colors distressed and faded. The jeans were tight around his thick thighs and groin, leaving little to the imagination. Y/N could melt into the floor right there.
“Hot damn,” Dean exclaims as he takes Y/N in. “I am one helluva lucky son of a bitch. You are gorgeous, baby girl.”
“Thanks, handsome. You look mighty fine yourself.”
“Ready to paint this town?”
“As I’ll ever be,” she answers with a smile.
Dean places his palm on the bottom of her back as they walk down the street heading to, what Y/N is sure, some cafe that serves lukewarm coffee, cold pie and has dirty ashtrays on each table. 
Imagine her surprise when  Dean directs her to the exact opposite of her assumption.
A/N: If your username is marked through, it’s because Tumblr wouldn’t allow me to tag you. Sorry. 
@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss @spnbaby-67 @tftumblin @sea040561 @delightfullykrispypeach @larajadeschmidt13 @atc74 @vicariouslythruspn @squirrelnotsam @death-unbecomes-you @sandlee44 @blacktithe7 @hoboal87 @mogaruke @deanwanddamons @onethirstyunicorn @supraveng @deandreamernp
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