howl-of-the-blood · 4 years
DAY 3 - Fancy
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[Sabbeha’s route]
๑ Sabeha’s bewitching ways ๑
The night had fallen more than an hour ago, but the earth is still warm. I am starving and every part of my body aches. But I can't move; not before I get some news. I have to wait. And hope. 
Curtain moves in a swirling motion and a small figure emerges.  
"There you are," Sabeha's voice is stern, "Temperature has finally dropped. She's resting."
A weight of a thousand stones falls off my shoulders.
Kalina... my sister... is going to be okay!
My legs wobble and I would have collapsed if the vidarka wasn't there. Sabeha manages to slow down my fall, but the effort makes her drop to her knees with me.
"Ah!" she growls a number of unpleasant sounding Volček words. "Silly woman, I don't need another sufferer!"
"I'm... sorry," I utter rubbing my forehead, very lightheaded.
"Don't move." She leaves my side for a minute and returns with a bowl of... something. "Drink slowly."
"Thank you," I reply before complying. A fresh, cool water quickly rejuvenates me, spreading from my throat through my chest. Did she... put something in it?
While taking another sip, I look at Sabeha standing a few steps away. With her arms akimbo and a deep frown, her tail hanging low, she looks utterly spent. After a few deep breaths, she raises her arms in the air and stretches them. I take in her figure, her round hips and the curve of her waist. There are no muscles bulging beneath her skin - only soft waves decorate it. She is short and graceful, reminding me a lot more of a house cat than a wolf. 
"I can move my hair so that you can have a better look."
Her purple eyes cut through my core. I am mistaken - she is very much like a wolf!
"I apologize."
"Now, now." She turns to face me, her stance a lot less tired and a lot more assertive. Unfortunately. "Indulge me - what did your eyes see and whispered to your lips making them smile."
Smile? Did I really?
Somehow I know I can't blatantly lie and say that I was looking at her dress - which is a rather plain thing - but I could try to evade.   
"Your white hair. It's... incredible. Also your skin - your freckles are very pretty. You're... interesting."
Her grin grew even wider. I blink. What... did I actually evade by telling her all this? Earth why won't you swallow me now?
She approaches me in small, flowing steps. Again - so catlike. "Saying such nice things about my hair and freckles and that you find me interesting is just a fancy way of saying that you like me."
My whole face goes ablaze, nausea storming in my stomach. But I can't take my eyes off of Sabeha. 
She kneels in front of me, placing her lush tail over her thighs. It is as same as her hair: white as pure snow.
"I know humans are not really keen on girl love - but you're not immune to it either. How do you feel about it?"
Her question took me by surprise.  
"How do I feel about... what?
Sabeha's seductive expression changes back into a grim frown of impatience I've grown to know and fear. "You know what I mean."
"Y-yes, I know! But... I don't know." Why do I sound like Lalik right now? I take in a deep breath. "I don't know how I feel."
Sabeha's suspicious glare softens. "Yes... Of course not."
She shifts into a more comfortable position, mild and caring smile decorating her face. "Volčeks are very animalistic when it comes to coupling. Very... copulatory." She almost spits out the word and leaves me wondering what does it mean. "I don't like that. But there is something I like..." As she smiles in a rather unsettling way, two very sharp fangs emerge. "Let me show you."
My heart jumps, hitting my ribs and she must've heard it. Sabeha giggles, once again flashing her white teeth. "Give me your hand."
Quite weary of her intentions, I place my fingers in her outstretched palm, like they do in the Western courts. With a cocky grin she twists my hand and cups it in her own. She moves her thumb across my palm, barely touching the skin, and her sharp, long, black nail draws invisible lines. The delicate circles, the gentle dance of her finger over my skin, the feathery pressure of her claw - they mesmerize me, encapsulate me in this tiny moment. Like there is nothing else but our hands.
I wish to see Sabeha's expression but... her head is bowed, her curly hair covering her face. Is she hiding herself from me?
Her thumb brushes over my fingers one last time before she lifts my hand up, somewhere behind the curtain of her locks. A soft sensation covers the middle of my palm. It takes a few seconds for my over-stimulated skin to sense a kiss. Shivers run up my spine as she places dozen of long pecks at exactly the same spot. It's so delightful I--
She lifts her head and a satisfied smile lightens her up. What did she see on my face to make her smile like that?
"This was for you," she says, "And this..."
This time she doesn't lower her head. This time she keeps her back straight and her hair out of the way so that I can see what she's doing. And she - without even batting an eye - licks my hand, all the way from my fingers across my palm to the heartbeat of my wrist.
"This was for me."
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howl-of-the-blood · 5 years
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howl-of-the-blood · 5 years
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sabeha should thank the gods tajena isn’t completely human
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howl-of-the-blood · 6 years
Four Hundred Followers Fluff - Sabbeha
Hello, everyone!
THIS TOOK ME WAY TOO LONG! Sorry, everyone!
 Here’s the fourth fluff I prepared for my 400 followers celebration fluff (it took me so long that now I have over 600 lol). If you missed the previous ones, here they are:
Lalik x Tayena
Elemir x Tayena
Ino x Tayena
I am so excited for this one! Sabeha is a new character even for me. 
Without further ado, here’s some wlw fluff to lighten your day (or night)!
NOTE: As I said, I’ve never written about Sabeha before, so this scene might change in the actual novel.
No warnings
“So tomorrow, huh?”
The night is warm and welcoming but the air is a bit too dense and heavy for my liking. Truth be told, it probably wouldn’t bother me that much if  I wasn’t still breathless and sweating from dancing. It feels so good - holding hands with other dancers in a long chain, moving, swaying and jumping in fast rhythm of drums and flutes, all while singing and chanting old songs. Dancing fills me with energy and joy. I feel as light as a snowflake. Sometimes I close my eyes and let myself be washed away from my body - I become one with the song, with rhythm and fiery dance; I flow ethereally, no longer bound by my skin and bones. I melt into the world. 
But it always ends. Every dance must stop and I am always pulled back into my flesh - back to worries and uncertainties of being human. And this was my last carefree dance; tomorrow Kalina continues her journey to Ubeja and I am going back home.
“You’re going back to Volkobran tomorrow morning, right?”
Sabeha’s voice is sweet and melodious even when she’s angry which is a good thing since she’s a rather moody woman.
I lick my salty upper lip before answering: “You know I am.”
“I have to.”
“No, you don’t.”
I exasperatedly shake my head. Sabeha’s been avoiding me the whole evening. She would come and go, her violet eyes reflecting flames of the festive fires and then disappearing whenever I tried to approach her. She’s now kneeling next to me, careful not to touch me, but the herbal smell of her hair and clothes is overwhelming me. Unfortunately, dancing didn’t ease the pain and guilt for parting our ways. Nothing will, I think.
“Sabeha, we talked about this: I am the heir of Trnogorye and- “
Sabbeha grabs my arm and jumps to her feet, pulling me with her. “Come with me!”
I obey her without a fuss as, even though annoyed by her behaviour, I’m still pleased for this chance to talk things through before leaving. I realize how small and soft her hand is compared to mine and my heart flutters melting away all ire within.
After few minutes of walking, Sabeha stops when festival music became just a distant noise, but she doesn’t let go of my hand. She is in front of me and I can’t see her face so her emotions remain hidden. For a while, we caress each other’s fingers in painful silence.
In one elegant motion, Sbbeha faces me, placing her free hand on my cheek. I thought she was going to kiss me but she stopped herself a second before our lips touched. Her eyebrows knit in frustration as she backs away. The moment she opens her eyes I feel my heart sink.
Gods! This hurts too much! I... I don’t want to leave her.
“Come with me!” I grasp her hands and press them onto my chest, “Come with me to Volkobran.”
“To that prison?”, she snarls,”I don’t want to live in a cage.”
“I know...”
I pathetically surrender. I know how much Volčeks hate human cities. I know how much they love their forests and wilderness. But Volkobran is my home, my duty, my... burden.
Sabeha’s gentle hand cups my cheek. She is shorter than me but I sometimes feel so small under her gaze.
“You should come with me, Jenka. Let’s leave together. Let’s abandon this forest and your realm and all that holds us back. Come with me and I’ll take you to the sea. We will visit scorching deserts and icy glaciers. I will show you every wonderful place I gazed upon on my Wandering. I promise you! Let’s go together and see the world.”
Her eyes shine like amethyst even in darkness. She is smiling, radiating hope and vigor that I cannot reciprocate.
“I... can’t. My country-”
“Screw your country! Screw it all!” A painful lump chokes me as she pushes me away. “Your sister is marrying Elemir, right? They can rule both dominions. And she will give birth to many children, trust me. They don’t need you.”
“No. You don’t understand; that cannot be. That’s not how ruling works.”
Sabeha takes a few deep breaths tensing after each as if she’ll start yelling at me; but eventually she deflates, defeat written all over her face.
“I know. I am being selfish, I know. I just... I just didn’t care before. I didn’t need anything, I didn’t want anyone.” Her violet eyes lock with mine, “But I want you now for as long as it can last.”
She comes closer to me and places her hands on my neck, gently brushing my cheeks with her thumbs. My nostrils are filled with pleasant aromas of mint and sage. Sabeha smiles, but her eyes have a woeful shine.
“I’ll come with you, Tajena... I’ll try.”
As these words leave her lips, I am left speechless. How can I reply to such sacrifice? How can I ever repay her for staying by my side? Not being able to think of another response, I press my forehead on hers, hoping she won’t see how, deep inside, horrified and regretful I am for making her do this. Hoping she won’t see that her sincere love pains me almost as much as saying goodbye to her would.
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