slybluehologhost · 7 months
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-shape.memory.music- DRAMAtical Murder soundtrack (2012)
I recently managed to pick up a copy of this CD secondhand after a long time of searching for one at a reasonable price point. I figured I would make it available to others to enjoy as well, as it's not accessible via streaming in a number of countries. The booklet also contains some very cool artwork, as you can see above.
Package details & link are under the cut, or you can click here for a static page.
> [ L I N K ]
2-Disc CD — 2012 > Includes main cover scan, inner booklet scan, promotional obi scan, Disc 1 MP3s [9 tracks; OP & ED songs], & Disc 2 MP3s [24 tracks; background zap music]
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turtleations · 22 days
Interview with SEIJI KIMURA (Ex-Zeppet Store vocals and guitar, currently active with solo-unit hurdy gurdy)
Published in the hide BIBLE (by Akemi Oshima) 2008
Note: Just like with INA's interview, I am keeping the honorifics on all names as Kimura used them (i.e. hide is referred to as hide-san throughout the interview).
Note 2: As with the two previous long interviews, this is very, very close to an actual translation. Many of the things I give you here are Kimura’s exact words, just moved from first to third person. The prompts and questions of the interviewer are actual translations.
Note 3: On the name "Seiji Kumura": Usually, when written in roman letters, I found the name transcribed as "Seizi Kimura". I am using "Seiji" because this is was the book uses. I also have it in the title in the order given name - family name, even though on all other interviews I keep the Japanese order of names, because, again, this is what the book does.
Note 4: The desciption in the title is from 2008. Zeppet Store did in fact reunite in 2011.
Kimura-san, after hide-san passed away, you were asked to speak in various places, weren’t you?
Immediately after hide-san’s death, Kimura wasn’t in a situation to talk about anything. He was doing a live radio-broadcast at the time, and about three days after the funeral, there was a broadcast from a satellite studio in Sendai. Numerous listeners gathered there at that time because everyone wanted to hear about hide-san, and it was very hard to speak in all that.
This is going back in time, but when how did you first meet hide-san?
A year earlier, the indies label UNDER FLOWER RECORDS had made 1000 copies of Zeppet’s album “Snap, Slide, Sandpit”, but since they did no lives and were overall unknown, those didn’t sell well. Among the acquaintances of their drummer Yanagida was a stylist who knew hide-san. According to tales from the office, that person passed the CD to a bunch of people, and one copy ended up at HEADWAX.
The CD just happened to end up in hide-san’s office?
Yes. Hide-san was living in LA at the time, but it seems that after he returned to Japan, he took a selection of the CDs scattered around the office home to listen to them. One of them was Zeppet’s, but since it was all sung in English, he didn’t think it was from a Japanese band at first. When he learned that it was from a band near Shimokita, he said “We have to do something with this” and contacted them. At the time, HEADWAX was associated with a band called DEEP, and it was at their one-man live that Zeppet Store met him for the first time. They knew they were to meet him that day, but the band members still questioned it, wondering if this was for real, when the elevator doors opened and hide-san was standing there.
Was he there by coincidence?
No, it was like he had been waiting for them. He was sitting there on his own, going, “Yo!” and they were very surprised.
While you knew X JAPAN, there was no similarity between their music and yours, was there?
None whatsoever. Zeppet Store couldn’t believe it when they heard that hide-san had taken an interest in them. Since their musical activities and their field were so different, it seemed very strange. Until they met him for real, they were sceptic and took that talk with a grain of salt when someone told them about it. It was only when they were drinking with hide-san after the live and he kept talking about their songs and their lyrics that they were thought, “Hey, this guy was really listening to us!”
What image did you have of hide-san after meeting him in person?
Before, Kimura did not know him at all. Even X JAPAN he only knew as far as “Kurenai” and such. They were on TV often, but the only impression he had of hide-san was that he had an existence completely separated from his own. When he heard about hide-san’s interest in them, he borrowed his solo CD from a co-worker, listening to his music properly for the first time.
Did you think it would be rude not to?
Yes, but frankly, in the beginning, he didn’t quite get it. It was completely divorced from X JAPAN, and while Kimura thought that hide-san was the kind of person to be doing appropriately interesting stuff, it was so different from what Kimura listened to that he didn’t know what to make of it.
What impression did you have when you met hide-san for the first time?
It was at the afterparty of a DEEP-live, when hide-san went directly to the members of Zeppet without even talking to those of DEEP, to chat with them on his own. They were drinking and Kimura was lacking confidence in it all, but seeing the earnest look in hide’s eyes, he ended up thinking, “This is a grown man I can trust completely.” It made him happy that hide-san cared about and spoke passionately with them, and he gave the impression of really loving music. At that time, they didn’t talk about business at all, and with hide-san endlessly asking about their lyrics and melodies, the impression changed to that of one single-minded about music. Until then, Kimura had thought him just a scary young man.
After that, did you sign up with hide-san’s label at once?
That fateful album came out in ‘94, they met in ‘95, but with hide-san living in LA, they couldn’t often talk directly. So, they started talking business with the representatives of HEADWAX. They talked about recording a demo tape with all their new songs of that time, but when that tape was done, it was deemed so good that all those recordings ended up as the final version. Since the songs were all in English, the idea quickly changed to releasing it in the US, and they eventually did so with the album “716”. They met hide-san again when they went to LA.
For the second time?
The second time, yes.
Had it been hide-san’s idea to do a proper recording on the demo tape?
 Yes. Since Zeppet were amateurs, they didn’t really understand the meaning of demo tapes. Since they were now in a studio much more splendid than what they had worked in before, they reworked their lyrics, fixed the arrangements, and recorded it all giving their best.
And suddenly, you debuted in the US.
Yes. Because they released the demo tape like it was a competition, three companies put their hands up for it. They picked the one with the most favorable conditions. Since they would come out specifically in the US, it was decided that they should do some promotion, and while they only gave three concerts, they stayed over there for about a month.
That’s amazing! (laughs)
It was mostly sightseeing. In LA they did serious promotion: Went on the radio, gave interviews, appeared on TV, had a live at the “Viper Room” run by Johnny Depp, and more. They were put in charge of an event by an organization like the Japanese JASRAC [Japanese Society for the Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers]. Because there are a lot of Japanese people in San Francisco, they  interviewed with the local newspaper and gave a concert, but next they went to Seattle and there was nothing (laughing). So they went to have fun at the club night after night.
What was meeting hide-san for the second time like?
Kimura’s got an entire mountain of memories of that second time in LA. One time, hide-san took them to a Japanese restaurant he often went to, and as they went back to the hotel in two cars, music by Zeppet was played on the radio of the car hide-san was in. The car suddenly stopped, and hide-san said, “It’s on!” while crying.
Yes. They were drunk, but all the band members and hide-san sat in the car, motionless, for four minutes, and hide-san was crying. And then he fell asleep, with an extremely happy expression on his face. They delivered him home like this.
Did you talk a lot when you were in LA?
They did. Hide-san came to see them live in LA, and after the concert was over, he said, “If you ever win an award, you can say, “Thank you, hide”. That’s enough.” At just that time, hide-san was starting zilch, and Kimura thinks that releasing an album in the US had been his dream as well. It seemed like the fact that he got this small indies band in his employment to debut there first made him very proud and happy.
You said you had three lives; did hide-san come to see all of them?
No, just the one in LA. It seems like he wanted to come to the others, but his own schedule made that impossible. Since there had been no opportunity for him to see them in Japan, LA was the first time he got to watch them perform. Anyway, in Japan, they were a band with roughly fifteen people in the audience. Fifteen was the biggest crowd they had ever assembled. At their worst, it was three.
And then you suddenly gave concerts in the US.
It was like a dream. Until then, they had only had stages of around 20 minutes. Now there were 40 minutes, and that they came out for encores also started in LA.
Did hide-san say anything about his thoughts on your live?
There was only one negative thing Kimura got: That he did not convey enough strong emotions with his eyes. “You have to put a bit more power into your eyes,” he was told. “Don’t make eyes like Mogutan,” hide said and called him Mogutan [Character from “Manga Hajimete Monagatari”, an educational program for children that ran from 1978 until 1984] for a while. Aside from that, he didn’t say anything. He liked Zeppet as it was and didn’t feel the need to interfere with Kimura’s handling of it. He said he was not a producer, just a collector who liked Zeppet, so as long as he could get their work out into the world, he was satisfied. Hide-san didn’t say anything about their musicianship or their visuals. In fact, it was a bit anti-climatic.
Weren’t there any songs he didn’t like?
There weren’t. Their first two albums – the one that got them to meet hide-san and the one after that – were in English, but their debut was made in Japanese. Since he had been singing exclusively in English until then, Kimura was very anxious about that and wondered what hide-san thought about it, but hide-san only said, “It made me cry.” Afterwards, Kimura was called alone to the Sendai concert of the PSYENCE-tour to perform there on his own. He took the Shinkansen to Sendai and performed their single “Koe” before the encore. Since he came alone and didn’t bring anything, hide-san said, “Use my guitar”, and let him borrow it.
Your impressions of that time
It had been just before hide debut, and Kimura realized what it meant to give music his own color. hide-san’s thought process was unpredictable. Kimura thinks his way of thinking must have changed somewhere along the way to keep up with hide-san’s. When they they had someone from the audience come up on stage and dance during the song called “Beauty & Stupid”, Kimura asked hide-san, “Please let me dance as well” and was allowed on stage. Since he didn’t have a personality like that, something must have changed. The tour was stimulating like that. While he was dancing in female clothes wearing a wig, it was pointed out during the MC that “Kimura, who was singing yesterday, is dancing over there.” Later, during the afterparty, DIE-san sang and played “Koe” on the keyboard and the members of hide-san’s band were crying. Inada-san (INA) was wailing. At that moment, Kimura thought, “I’m lucky to debut among people like these.” In the end, Kimura couldn’t keep going with them due to some sudden developments, but it was fun, that year, shocking as it had been.
Zeppet’s activities then?
They also went on tour. When they did their tour starting with their second single, they were also in a place where hide-san was scheduled to be. They saw his live in Sapporo.
Did your impression regarding hide-san change?
Kimura thought that if you know him better, hide-san is a pretty kind person. Even if he raged when drunk, he would always say, “I’m sorry” the next day. While irrational things made him angry, he was never angry at the members of Zeppet. No matter how drunk he was, he always supported them. He took them to a lot of bars, and later they heard from the staff that he paid for everything with his own money. He was like the embodiment of kindness. To Kimura, he was a music-loving, mischievous older brother.
You were taught many things.
Drinking until morning was one of them, that was something Kimura did not know before being dragged around. He liked alcohol, but wasn’t tough enough to keep going all night. He was taught to go through two or three places and finish it off by eating ramen. Then, when moving on, the walked with a skip to their steps (laughing).
What do you mean?
It was a silly thing, but he liked silly things, and he enjoyed being in that circle. It seemed unbelievable to him, a plain guy who had just debuted, should be friends with these flashy people and be on good terms with them.
Were you ever given advice?
Hide-san never told them to do things in a specific way, but at the time of their major debut, he said, “If you’re active in Japan, wouldn’t it be better to do so in Japanese?” Also, they were often told that bands that do not have a concert at the end of the year are not bands at all.
At the end of the ear? On New Year’s Eve?
They were told to “do that, no matter what.”
What were things you consulted with him about?
When it came to writing lyrics, they consulted hide-san on how to put them down in Japanese. Kimura asked, for example, if it was okay to write the song in Japanese and have only the hook in English. hide told him to just write it the way he likes it and see what happens. They were talking about their second single, “TO BE FREE”, and Kimura was told that it wouldn’t be any problem at all. Then, Inada-san taught them various recording techniques. Like how to make the core sound of the guitar stronger. When hide-san was drunk, he talked a lot, but those were just trivial stories. There was talk about music for about the first 30 minutes, after that it’s all silly but fun stories. He did get passionate talking to guitarist Gomi about effectors, though. Gomi-kun was using a guitar called “Jaguar” at the time, and hide-san ordered a guitar with the exact same shape from Fernandez, which had been, again, extremely cool. The song he used it for, saying he was influenced by Zeppet in this, was “Flame”. That hide-san had been so open about having being influenced by them made them extremely happy. At the time of recording “Flame”, hide-san said, “Please lend me your drums”, and so Zeppet Store’s Yanagida beat the drums for that song on the album. There had been plans for a Zeppet Store concert around that time, but then Yanagida went to LA, and Kimura gave a concert on his own for maybe the second time in his life. Now he does that all the time, though (laughing). Then, however, he was like, “Curse you!” towards Yanagida.
He just had to go to LA on his own. (laughs)
The finished song was amazing again. It had a melody Kimura had not heard before, and it was interesting that hide-san said, “I was influenced by Zeppet and this is the result.” Also, Zeppet had a song called “Flake”, and it made Kimura happy that even the title was similar to one of theirs.
Did you watch an X JAPAN live at that time?
They bothered them at the 1996 end-of-year concert. Hide-san wore a green costume and gave off the kind of fashionable, cool air that had led to PSYENCE. After that, they went to the afterparty, and there was a year-end party from the office as well, it was magnificent. The following year, Zeppet, as per hide-san’s advice, also gave an end-of-year concert.
Did you also hang out with hide-san in Japan?
Yes. At that time, hide often went to a bar called “Rally” in Nishiabazu, and since he also took Kimura along, Kimura also ended up going there on his own.
Huh? Until then, you weren’t the type for that, were you?
Not at all. That, too, is clearly hide-san’s influence. One day, Kimura was drinking on his own when hide-san happened to come into the bar. Except, he was walking on crutches. Kimura had heard rumors that hide had broken his foot in Atami, but the people from the office didn’t tell them anything so they wouldn’t worry. Due to his injury, hide-san was not allowed to drink alcohol. It was not often that you saw him not drinking in a place like that, but having a strong sense of service towards those around him, he still stayed with Kimura for two hours and kept him company without drinking. During this time, he was regaling Kimura with wild, hilarious stories from the past until Kimura was rolling with laughter. “I want to meet Kimura’s girlfriend. Let’s call her, so you can introduce us!” So Kimura called his girlfriend of the time and the three of them kept drinking together. When hide-san got drunk, he would always talk about how useless he was. He liked to make fun of himself. It surprised Kimura how a rockstar like hide-san would look down on himself like that. The truth is, Kimura took after that trait and starts by talking shit about himself when drunk.
Hide-san could tell funny stories, couldn’t he?
No matter what kind of story, if hide-san was telling it, you ended up roaring with laughter. He had mastered the art of conversation. In any case, it was extremely funny. The next time they were drinking together, Kimura passed hide-san a cassette with hurdy gurdy [Kimura’s solo unit] music and asked him to listen to it. Then, it was used, without anyone telling him, in LEMONed’s catalogue video (laughing). About forty seconds of it, and the sound was bad, because it was from a cassette. Just letting it flow at its own convenience. Kimura was happy.
Was it rare for people to drink with hide-san?
It was more like a general trend, they were never alone at the time. The moment hide-san aimed for the counter, Kimura was at his side. Since they couldn’t really talk among all those people, those moments were his chance. They requested their favorite music and talked about bands like KISS, POLICE, or QUEEN. It was a wonderful time.
Kimura-san, what did hide-san mean to you?
Even though the things they did and their music were different, he is somehow still a mark Kimura is aiming for. He would probably get angry if he said that, though. As a human being, Kimura loved him, as a man he respected him, and even now he has yet to meet another person with this passion towards the music they are doing. When Kimura lost his way in regard to music during some part of his life, it was hide-san who helped him find it again. If he hadn’t met hide-san, he would probably be doing some other work now. If you think about it like that, hide-san was his benefactor. Although Kimura can’t surpass him, a small ambition to try still exists somewhere.
What did hide-san do as your benefactor?
Kimura loved music and had always wanted to do it, but he didn’t think he could make a living out of it. When he met hide-san, he was twenty-eight years old and pretty late to making his debut as a newbie. As he reached that age, he had given up on a lot of things in his life. He was facing the decision of whether to continue making music while working part-time, or find full employment and become a self-sufficient member of society. It was a time of great worries. Then he met hide-san and his way of thinking changed: He decided that he could trust this person and that he would follow him as far as possible. At that time, Kimura was jobbing at a pachinko parlor, and if he did not become a full employee, he would have to give that up. If he did become one, he could make it to manager. Also, it came with a nice salary – more than double than what he would make as an office worker. Since he was living at the pachinko mansion, quitting that job would also mean giving up his room. His life would change drastically, he’d have to move out, and while he wondered if he could really do this, he was also aware that a chance like the one hide-san offered him would not come again, and so he decided to follow him.
That decision required courage.
So it did. If Kimura remembers it now, he wonders how that was even something to think twice about, but back then, he agonized about it a lot.
He was someone who changed your life, wasn’t he?
If Kimura hadn’t met hide-san, he wouldn’t be the person he is today. He wouldn’t have stood in the Ajinomoto-Stadium. He would probably have continued to do music but would have performed in front of an audience of maybe fifteen to twenty people. Through meeting hide-san and being recognized by him, Kimura became an adult. Hide-san was his patron.
What would you want to tell young fans about hide-san?
They can learn about his music from CDs and DVDs, but the plain, unadorned part of hide-san is not talked about much, so Kimura would like to tell them about him as just a guy. He was made of kindness, extremely thoughtful. Even though he was the main act, he never lost sight of those around him. He showed great consideration for the staff and even gave attention to people like Kimura, who had a completely different view on things. “Kimura-san looks bored, so let’s entertain him” he’d say to the staff. Kimura thinks he was massively tolerant of other people’s faults. He could be troublesome when drunk, but everyone understood that that was just the flipside of all the affection, and no one around Kimura ever said a single bad word about him. Of the people who had even a little bit to do with hide-san, no one really said anything bad. Kimura got the strong impression that he was someone who was loved by those around him no matter what. There is no one else like that. The impression he left was that of a person who wasn’t perfect, but good.
That no one got angry with him even when he was acting irrationally is amazing. Simply put, it speaks of virtue.
Really. When Zeppet was DJing at the LEMONed Club Event, hide-san unexpectedly came to visit. Since there would have been an uproar if he had been discovered, they went drinking together in the back, and because Zeppet Store’s second single had just come out, talk inevitably turned to the band. At this point, hide-san asked a staff member, “Are you promoting it properly?”, showing a glimpse of being the head of their company in a business context. When the staff member said, “I have no idea,” he lost it. So he hit the wall hard enough for it to break and for blood to flow.
 Of course he couldn’t hit his own staff member at his own event. Instead, he raged wihtou involving other people and chased a taxi, that’s all. Hide-san liked chasing taxis, it seems. He liked running, too.
Did you see him run a lot?
He did. Running, rolling… He never failed to do something funny. On hide-san’s birthday, Sugizo-san and J-san of Luna Sea came by. J-san had brought a 1-sho [1,8 litres] bottle of Japanese sake that hide-san liked, putting it on the table with a “Happy Birthday!” And hide-san just said, “I appreciate it, J, but I quit drinking Japanese sake. When I drink it, I flip out.” That got him the admiration of his close friends. Hide-san introduced Kimura to Sugizo-kun and J-kun and really, a lot of other people. Even though hide-san is already gone, Kimura still meets people through him. While it’s not just people hide-san introduced him to directly, he became friends with kyo-chan through hide-san, who came to stay the night at Kimura’s just the other day.  
He had a gift for connecting people with each other, didn’t he?
At the time of Kimura’s debut, most of his fans knew him through hide-san, and even now, it’s thanks to hide that he can connect with his fans. Kimura Seiji is someone living his life in hide-san’s protection and is thus inseparable from him. Even now, the memorial portrait of hide-san in the room where Kimura makes his music is properly decorated. For a while, it was right in the center, but he eventually moved it back some because it was awkward like that. Even now there are probably people who mistake hide-san for LEMONed’s producer. But that is far from the truth. Hide-san always said that he was just a simple collector who wanted to release the things that were good. He approached it with the basic mindset that good things didn’t need to be tampered with, Kimura and the others had complete freedom. They only got four singles and one album delivered through hide-san. For the last single, they had to overcome the fact that their guitarist Gomi-kun, whom hide-san had loved, had quit, but they still got extremely high praise for it. Hide-san called them specifically to tell them that he had cried about a hundred times. It’s because of memories like this that Kimura is still taking singing seriously. Because even until today, there’s been no one else to say such things to him.
Hide-san was also gifted at giving praise.
Hide-san’s praise really became Kimura’s stepping stone. That he could just go for it, thinking, “Next, I’ll write another good song” was also hide-san’s power. That single became the last song of his that hide-san listened to. Even though that is what it is, Kimura wanted him to listen to many more songs.
Is there anything you would like to say to hide-san today?
Even now, Kimura still asks hide-san how to deal with it when he has a problem. But now, he has to find the answer himself. He received that strength, and now, by asking, he feels that he is growing up a little. To speak plainly, hide-san’s meaning to him exceeds family. He is so important that inside Kimura, he has the status of a god, even if it seems strange to say it like that. Kimura is truly grateful that he got to meet hide-san, because of that one CD that happened to end up in his hands.
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theskyexists · 2 years
I just realised that Maika cut Tuya off AGAIN. Said: no don't tell me why.
I was like - why didn't Tuya TELL HER? Maybe she did. But she didn't fucking listen.
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dira333 · 18 days
Dress Shopping - Kankuro - Baby Series part 1
Thanks to @neonrogueraven for reminding me of Kankuro
“How many dresses are there?” Kankuro asks, leaning back in his chair. 
You’re on the other side of the door and from what he can hear, getting dressed seems to be an intense workout.
“Five. And a jumpsuit.”
“A jumpsuit?!”
“I know,” you whine, “But Temari ordered it and she’s got style.”
“She doesn’t,” he insists, turning when he hears a telltale sound. “Babe, Kanzo woke up.”
“Can you pick him u-”
“Already on it,” he moves through the room in two steps. His son’s chubby arms are already outstretched, waiting for him to pick him up.
“Did you sleep well, buddy?” Kankuro asks, rubbing his thumb along the creases in his chubby cheek.
Kanzo’s response is a gurgling sound, which is not quite laughter but happy enough.
“Did you make a stink?” He asks next, lifting the boy to sniff his behind. “Oh yeah, you made a big stink.”
Kanzo makes another sound, clearly pleased that he got him there.
“I’m changing his diaper,” he calls out to you, lifting Kanzo onto the table, “Just in case you’re already in that dreaded thing.”
“Don’t worry, this thing has too many strings. I’ll need a minute or two.”
“Strings? What did Tem buy you this time? Haven’t you learned from your own wedding?”
He can hear your laughter through the door, his favorite sound next to Kanzo’s little gurgle.
“In my defense, I looked amazing in that dress.”
“You absolutely did, but it was a pain in the ass to get you out of it.”
“Ah, you will not like this jumpsuit then.”
Kankuro can hear the door slide open, has half the mind to pick Kanzo up as he turns. His son doesn’t mind hanging bare-assed in the air, but maybe he’s also a little distracted by your sight like he is.
The jumpsuit’s dark purple with black accents, matching his face paint and usual uniform, and it hugs you in all the right places. You might complain sometimes about how you still haven’t lost all of the pregnancy weight but if you’d ask him you’d never looked better.
“Your arms look amazing in this,” he stutters, realizing what you meant with “strings”. Like hundreds or thousands of glittering purple snakes, strings of fabric twist around your arms. “You could keep me in a chokehold in that outfit and I wouldn’t complain.”
You snort. “You’re an idiot.”
“And you married me.”
“That I did. I know you like me in everything and a garbage bag, but should I wear this to the wedding?”
“Absolutely not,” Kankuro shakes his head for good measure, “You’re not allowed to leave this house wearing that.”
You laugh. “Oh, it’s like that? Alright, I’ll try one of the dresses next. But first-” You cross the room to squish Kanzo’s cheeks, dropping a wet kiss on his nose. The boy gurgles excitedly, wiggling in Kankuro’s grip.
“And I don’t get a kiss?” He asks, grinning when you lean in to kiss him as well.
“This is the last one,” you declare from behind the door. There’s exhaustion laced into your voice. 
“Look, if this one isn’t the right one either I can go out and buy something else. I know what you like.”
“Yeah, but Temari ordered them especially for the wedding, I don’t want to show up in something else. You know how bossy she can get about these things.”
“It’s not even her own wedding,” Kankuro reminds you. “It’s important that you feel good and that the bride is okay with it.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” It’s quiet for a moment. He can hear you shuffle around and Kanzo’s snuggled into his side, chewing on one of the rings Gaara bought him to help with teething. 
“What do you think?” He asks his son, knowing he’ll most likely not get a coherent answer. “Dress number three was pretty, right?”
“Wrong color,” you remind him.
“I was talking to Kanzo,” He props up his son, mimicking the voice he imagines he’ll have one day. “I think Mommy looked amazing in it. She should keep it for playtime.”
“I don’t think that dress is appropriate for playtime,” you declare, pushing the door open.
Kankuro turns and his jaw slackens. Kanzo, seizing the opportunity, sticks his hand inside his father’s mouth.
“That bad?” You ask, giggling as he sputters around Kanzo’s clammy fingers.
“That’s the dress,” he insists, “It’s perfect.”
“You think so?” You twirl once and he’s already up, catching your hand and pulling you in.
“Definitely. I’d marry you again in this one.”
Kanzo blows a raspberry and you lift him out of Kankuro’s grasp, cuddling him close.
“You think so too? Well, if both my boys agree, I guess I finally have a dress to wear.”
“Where’s my favorite sister?” Temari asks, pulling you in. “Which dress did you pick?”
“It’s a surprise,” Kankuro insists from behind you, Kanzo tied to his front.
Temari sticks her tongue out at him before leaning in to tickle Kanzo’s cheeks. He squeals excitedly and so does she.
“My favorite nephew,” she declares, before winking at Gaara. “So far.”
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ghostoftheyear · 1 year
What is DRAMAtical Murder?
I’m actually a little surprised to be writing this myself, in the year of our lord 2023, but why not? I didn’t know about it myself until recently, and now that it’s available with an official English translation, it’s a lot more accessible.
First of all, DRAMAtical Murder (or DMMd for short) is a visual novel that came out in 2012 in Japan. It was published by Nitro+CHIRAL, features art by Honyarara, and has some amazing music as well (the theme song is by Goatbed, with ending songs by them, Itou Kanako, VERTUEUX, and Seizi Kimura). It is a boys’ love or BL visual novel, probably the softest of the Nitro+CHIRAL titles; since its publication, it has received several additional pieces of media: a fandisk (Re:Connect), a sanitized version for the PSVita (Re:Code), and even an anime which... is certainly one way to get into it.
In 2021, Jast Blue made an official translation which was released both on Steam (censored) and their own website (uncensored). A patch is available on their website to restore the uncensored content for those who purchased it on Steam, which still allows the player to receive all the achievements. There was also a fan translation lovingly created many years ago, and the controversy over which version is better rages on. I won’t comment about it here; just know that whichever version you prefer, that is your right.
But what is DMMd about? Well... this is gonna get long, so let’s buckle in.
DMMd is set in a near-future cyberpunk setting, generally positive and colorful rather than dystopian. The story takes place on an island off the coast of Japan, Midorijima (literally “green island”), where many of the residents have been forced off the island due to the building of a gigantic sort of adult playground, Platinum Jail, where the rich and elite party like there’s no tomorrow. The remaining residents of the island live in what’s left of the city, though the owner of Platinum Jail, Tatsuo Toue, seems to be trying to grasp the remaining land as well for his own purposes.
Some of the residents have taken to forming gangs called Ribstiez, which control different parts of the Residential District. Others play a virtual game called Rhyme that takes place entirely within the players’ minds. This is facilitated through the use of Allmates, small robotic creatures that can look like anything the user desires and have multiple functions -- some manage social media, some help their owners with their daily schedules, etc.
Our protagonist is the young man known as Aoba Seragaki.
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Aoba, 23 years old and single at the start of the game, works at Heibon Junk Shop. He is demonstrated to have an unusually persuasive voice when he chooses to, but -- aside from that, and his hair having sensation in it -- he seems to be an ordinary young man just trying to live a simple life. He lives with his grandmother, Tae, as his parents left Midorijima when he was young, and he has an Allmate: a small, fluffy, blue dog resembling a Japanese Spitz, named Ren.
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Aoba has four potential love interests (plus a secret one whose route is unlocked as you play through the others’ routes).
First up is Koujaku.
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Koujaku is an old childhood friend of Aoba’s. He had to leave the island when they were young, but came back around three years prior to the start of the story. He leads the Ribstiez gang known as Beni-Shigure and has a red sparrow Allmate named Beni. To supplement his income, he works as a wandering hairdresser and sets up on the street to cut hair. He and Aoba have a comfortable friendship that gets tested in his route.
Next, we have Clear.
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Clear is a mysterious stranger who literally falls out of the sky the first time he and Aoba meet. He refers to Aoba as “Master” and refuses to take his gas mask off under any circumstances. To say any more about him would spoil literally his entire route.
Next up is Noiz:
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Noiz appears first when he challenges Aoba to a match in Rhyme, insisting that Aoba is an old player of the game despite the fact that Aoba doesn’t remember ever having played Rhyme in the past. Noiz is part of a Rhyme gang known as the Ruff Rabbitz, and his Allmate is a small black-and-green cube called Usagimodoki. It’s entirely possible he has several of them, since they can be seen hanging in chains from his belt. Noiz works as an information broker to earn an income on Midorijima, but he’s not originally from there, as we learn on his route.
Finally, we have Mink.
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Mink is a complicated character, as he doesn’t speak too much and when he does, it tends to be in riddles. He’s also not originally from Midorijima; while it’s not specified, his aesthetic is very much Native American. He has a pink cockatoo Allmate who is not named during the main game. Mink runs a Rib gang called Scratch made up of escaped convicts. His reasons for wanting Aoba on his side are his own, only revealed far into his route. His is the darkest of the routes, and I would say a trigger warning is in order for this one.
As for the final love interest, I won’t talk about it here. More fun to find out for yourself, right? Just remember: there’s some weird shit in this game.
Lest I forget, I must mention some other important characters. First up, Aoba’s friend Mizuki.
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Mizuki runs the largest Ribstiez gang on Midorijima, Dry Juice. He’s a tattoo artist and owns a combination tattoo parlor and bar, the Black Needle.
There’s also Virus and Trip.
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Virus and Trip (who are emphatically not twins) are a pair of yakuza who seem to show up a lot around Aoba. They claim to be his biggest fans.
Of course, there’s also Tae, as well as Aoba’s boss Haga (who has a robotic Allmate named Junker), Yoshie (who runs a courier service and owns a sleek dog Allmate, Clara), and a trio of young siblings who torment Aoba at his work - Mio, Nao, and Kio. In addition, one of the most corrupt cops on the island, Akushima, regularly pops up to bother the characters.
As the common route progresses, Aoba learns more about himself and his past -- and realizes he has to stop what’s happening before it’s too late. He eventually heads into Platinum Jail no matter which love interest’s route is chosen; the events that unfold change depending on which route you’re on, but playing through all of them and unlocking the secret route will finally reveal the truth of it all.
Re:Connect, as befits a fandisk, explores more with each of the love interest routes after their good endings (and also a bit more of the bad endings). It also has a route specifically to fill in Aoba’s backstory and youth. Re:Code is basically the same game, but sanitized -- all of the sex scenes were removed and given “cleaner” CGs. It did add a route for Mizuki, which involved more of Aoba’s backstory. Finally, the anime was passable, though it compressed all the love interests’ stories into an episode each and went with the secret route for the ending. It is absolutely unwatchable in dub, except for laughs and memes. Re:Connect can be found and played with the fan translation online, and is absolutely worth locating. Re:Code, unfortunately, is still only available to play on the PSVita and has not been translated at all.
Oh, and there was also a stage play! Remarkably, they produced a butai in 2019, well after the games had come out, with the different love interest routes portrayed on alternate days. I would be happy to make a post babbling about that if there’s interest. Apparently the original run did well enough that a new production was announced earlier this year, which will be happening at the end of April. A new route was added for Virus and Trip, and the whole thing is supposed to be a “supercharged” version, not just a retread of the original.
OH I FORGOT there are also drama CDs that continued all of the love interests’ stories and had even more new music, as well as some other fun things like a special drama CD for the anime release, an April Fool’s game that basically parodied Mother (Earthbound), and manga. And there’s a webtoon now. And lots of merch. And figures. Basically there’s just a lot of fun stuff to find.
And that’s DMMd! I obviously love it quite a bit, but I certainly acknowledge that it has its flaws and difficult scenes. I’d still recommend it, though. I think the writing is very well handled and the sex scenes are hot as fuck.
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rotxos-sweeetheart · 1 year
!Avatar: WOTW Major Spoilers!
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When we first see him, Jake is clueless, but fearlessly loyal. At first his loyalty was towards the RDA and the Marine life he grew up with, but this loyalty changed, first to Grace, and the new world she’s showing him, the trust she give him, Grace became more than his friend, she became almost a parent to Jake, showing him all that he didn’t understand and explaining it. Norm became a brother, teasing and jealous and caring. Trudy was his sister, she had a smilier rearing, a soldier like Jake, she understood.
Then, not even four months after losing his twin, Jake lost his almost-mother, and his sister, to the same people, the RDA, those he once fiercely trusted.
He goes to war with them, and although he wins, he loses too.
The trust he and the people shared was shattered with the actions of the RDA, and that took time to build back up.
He doesn’t get chance to settle into his role of Olo’eyktan, before he also has the role of father.
Neteyam scares him and fills him with joy simultaneously, he’s so small and pure, and so easy to hurt.
Jake pushes perfection and hope onto Neteyam, unaware of the pressure he puts on him.
Scared worried lost
Then suddenly they have Kiri, who just looks so so much like Grace, Jake dotes on her.
He gives her the world, let’s her chose her path, she’s precious in many ways.
He’s still scared and worried but his girl is special.
He can feel it.
Then Lo’ak comes, and with him comes fights and fearlessness and danger and Spider.
Spider’s only three and a bit, but everything Lo’ak does Spider has to do.
Swingging in trees? Climbing mountains? All of it.
Danger Danger Danger.
Lo’ak is far too much like Tommy, and Spider like Jake.
But Spider is His son, can they trust him?
Fear neglect hate.
Tuk brings hope and love, he dotes on her like he does Kiri.
He fixes his family and his people, he settles, they all do.
Then the sky people come again.
They bring danger and death.
Jake fights back. The people follow.
Now He’s back.
Jake can’t handle that.
They have to leave, now.
Jake will not put his family in danger.
Spider is human. And His. They won’t harm him.
Too late.
Their in Awa’atlu, and Neytiri is too hurt to try adapt but Jake has too. At least his girls like it, even if his sons are causing trouble.
Jake rushes to be accepted, going straight for a skimwing, he has to prove his worth.
Then Kiri seizies, and he has to call Norm and Max, and the RDA are here.
They hunt the Tulkun.
Neytiri feels Ronals pain.
Then He has their kids again.
Jakes ready to sacrifice himself, he’d do anything for those kids, but by Eywa, why could they not listen just once!
Until a Tulkun attacks and then everyone is attacking.
He loses sight of his kids.
He’s too busy keeping Quaritch occupied so they can get away.
He doesn’t know Spider never gave them up, or that he was tortured.
Then the carrier crashes and there’s fire and smoke everywhere.
Where are his kids?
Neteyams shot, through and through, why?
Neteyam dies in his arms.
Spiders there.
But his girls aren’t, they’re on the sinking mess.
He lashes out, he can’t keep his anger back, Lo’ak gets the brunt of it.
He and Neytiri take down all but one avatar, and all the humans.
Then Quaritch is right there, taunting him, Jake can’t block him out anymore.
He turns back to fight.
Afterwards he no longer has the strength to pull himself up, or breath.
He sees Neteyam, but that can’t be right?
As his head breaches water and he breathes, he understands it’s not Neteyam talking him through getting out, it’s Lo’ak.
They find the girls, and Jakes… he’s not happy, but he’s not scared either.
They lay Neteyam to rest, and Jake prepares himself to have to leave once more, he never expected Ronal and Tonowari to allow him to stay.
He finally has a home.
Love happy peace warmth
Jake.. Jake has no excuse for his actions. Not towards Spider, not towards Neteyam, and not towards Lo’ak.
I do not like Jake very much in this movie.
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Neste sábado, 10 de setembro, o Hocus Pocus Studio & Cafe traz para São José dos Campos a banda Wicked Souls Tributo ao Iron Maiden. Em sua turnê 2022, a banda apresenta um repertório que abrange os clássicos álbuns da Donzela de Ferro. Além disso, será apresentado músicas lado b e uma música do álbum "Senjutsu". Produção de palco, instrumentos parecidos e vestimentas irão proporcionar uma experiência única a todos vocês. Serviço: Wicked Souls Iron Maiden Tribute Data: 10/09 (Sábado) Abertura da casa: 21h Showtime: 23h30 Entrada: Nome na lista: R$20,00 / Sem lista: R$30,00 Para entrar na lista de DESCONTO basta enviar seu nome para o WhatsApp (12) 99169-5270. Faça um pix e garanta seu ingresso antecipado!!!! Chave: [email protected] Apoio: Epiphone - Seizi - Orange Amps - Zoom Pedals - Royal Music - Dinossauros do Vale - Lamen-Ya e Universo Materiais Elétricos e Iluminação. #VemProRock #VemProHocus #IronMaiden #donzeladeferro #wickedsouls #Rock #HeavyMetal #HardRock #HocusPocus #hocuspocusstudiocafe #hocuspocusstudioecafe #hocuspocussjc #showaovivo #666 #thenumberofthebeast (em Hocus Pocus Studio & Café) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiIgEdLrWg8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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backfromvenus · 2 years
Note #2826
rapper name "seizy whim"
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lucioborges · 2 years
RS Notícias: Ukulele Seizi Maui Crush Tenor Elétrico Sapele com Bag
RS Notícias: Ukulele Seizi Maui Crush Tenor Elétrico Sapele com Bag
    10360293 – Ukulele Seizi Maui Crush – Tenor Elétrico Bag Sapele MAUI CRUSH é a nova versão da linha Maui, que além de todos os elementos que caracterizam essa linha, ganhou um novo detalhe de acabamento que vai deixar seu ukulele super diferenciado e com um visual maravilhoso: o Half Cutaway. Esse corte no corpo do ukulele facilita o alcance às notas mais baixas da escala e dá um charme a…
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brazilianzenguitar · 4 years
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#tbt Sorria, você está sendo fotografado. 😎 . . Capa da saudosa revista Cover Guitarra, com foto da mais que querida @tatyanadandrade Essa Seizi construída na oficina da Teodoro Sampaio pelo gigante mestre @seizi.tagima também marcou minha vida, e tem uma história muito bacana. . . #tbtthursday #tbr #guitarmagazine #coverguitarra #guitarra #guitar #andremartins #guitarrazen #zazen #zenguitar #strato #stratocaster #seizi #seizitagima #friends #purple #fotografia #amizade https://www.instagram.com/p/CGqfHCJnQR1/?igshid=ve0dbp26xbor
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slybluehologhost · 11 months
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THE CHiRAL NIGHT -Dive into DMMd- Live at Tokyo Dome City Hall 2013
In honor of the 10th anniversary of this event, I decided to embark on a personal project to archive it & share it with fellow fans. This year also marks my own 10th anniversary — I first played a fan translation of DMMd in 2013 & found myself immediately connected with its music. This truly was a labor of love to undertake, but I’m happy that I can celebrate this milestone with you all.
Package details & links are under the cut, or you can click here for a static page. For instructions & disclaimers, check out the documentation file.
I am not sure how long I will be able to host these files online without drawing too much attention. In the event that any of these files are forcefully removed or links are no longer active, contact me by email & I’ll see what I can do.
Whether you’re a longtime DMMd fan, picking it up for the first time this year, or just a big fan of GOATBED — I hope that this brings you some joy, too.
> Documentation, Music, & Scans > [ L I N K ] > Video Files > [ L I N K ]
V1.1 — 2013.07.06 > Includes main + alternate (chibi) cover scans, inner booklet scan, Blu-Ray file [.M4V file, 1 disc], DVD files [.ISO files, 2 discs], individual MP3s [30 tracks], & shared PDF documentation
V2.0 — 2013.07.07 > Includes main cover scan, inner booklet scan, Blu-Ray file [.M4V file, 1 disc], DVD files [.ISO files, 2 discs], individual MP3s [33 tracks], & shared PDF documentation
> NOTE: All 6 video files have been zipped into the same folder in order to reduce the total file size. This folder is being hosted separately from the rest of the files due to how large the file size still is. Sorry for the inconvenience — this was the only viable workaround I was able to manage.
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gentrychild · 7 years
Everything I have came from years of ruthless murder. Am I safe? No. But I love. I am loyal. And that is my redemption.
Monstress issue 7, Seizi
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xxdeathspellsxx · 4 years
odd request but does anybody have stills from that video? i had to close my eyes for like half of it and i wanna know what was going on, but i can't watch it :((
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elysiumwaits · 4 years
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roundclowns · 5 years
I need someone to come cuddle me and pat my hair and tell me its gonna be okay until I fall asleep
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djta-shi-blog · 2 years
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Love you Tokyo 🗼 11am Still Party Continue 🍾 . Happy Birthday My Brother @seizytakahashi Love you 🎂 . #hbd #seizy #newplanet #jumanji55 #roppongi #tokyo #domperignon #champagne #djtashi #partylife (NEW PLANET ROPPONGI) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbjT_xAvUnA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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