#selling saas
youtubevideopromotion · 3 months
From cringe tactics to value-driven selling, this episode exposes the industry's challenges and new approaches. They discuss the ethical implications of AI, the impact of technology on sales, and the importance of authenticity in salesmanship. For more click here
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hildegardladyofbones · 5 months
EKRE jätab sellise "eesti ftw" mulje aga kui natukenegi lähemalt uurib on see kõik üks usa konservatiivsuse eesti keelde tõlkimine
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leeenuu · 1 year
igastahes, sõbrad, käisin mina täna poes ja ostsin kohukese jäätise ning tbh ma ostaks uuesti
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reanimaator · 1 year
Fuck, miks päike Thedasel põhjast paistab?????
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kajmasterclass · 7 months
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tasakesi · 1 year
kas nad saaks juba selle abieluvõrdsuse ära teha!? mis nad kavatsevad 4 aastat sellega tiirutada??
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diffshop · 1 year
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Let's follow Shein to select your product for sale!
There are three most popular products in the Women/ Shoes & Accessories of Shein this week. 1. Women Buckle Decor Thong Sandals, Fashion Summer Flat Sandals   - Price: USD13.10   - Unit (monthly sold): 20894   - Monthly Sales: USD273,712
2.   2500pcs Clear Disposable Hair Tie   - Price: USD1.90   - Unit (monthly sold): 20882   - Monthly Sales: USD39,676
3. 50pcs Flower Design Hair Claw - Price: USD 2.40 - Unit (monthly sold) : 20844 - Monthly Sales: USD 50,026
The data is according to Diffshop, an e-commerce store/ social media ad all-in-one research tool. If you want to know more data about Shein and other platforms, just try the free version and customize your filters in Diffshop to find more business opportunities!
Diffshop: https://www.diffshop.com/
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davidjacobs01 · 2 years
Sell my SaaS Business - David Jacobs Business Broker
Why is Now the Time to Sell my SaaS Company? Knowing why software companies are usually sold will help you better frame your response as the seller. It will also help the buyer to understand better if their platform could serve as a viable option for the seller’s goals. You Don’t Have The Means for Future Growth Your business can be stuck at its current size for many reasons. Maybe due to the lack of a large addressable market. It could be a lack of well-developed sales and marketing teams. Perhaps your product market fit isn’t tight enough. Understanding these and other reasons for a SaaS company’s lack of revenue growth will be essential to know who the likely buyer should be and how to present the business to get attractive offers. You’re In It For The Product-Building Many software company founders are technical by nature. They enjoy building things and seeing their ideas evolve into full-featured products with paying customers. Of course, most people need to earn a solid living from a financial perspective, but from a personal fulfillment perspective, they like building stuff. Once the product is built and a stable base of subscribing customers is achieved, managing the administrative aspects of the business isn’t attractive. Your Product is Not a Whole Business You’ve developed a fully functional product that customers love using, but you’ve realized that a product is not a company. Suppose you lack the interest to build a global sales and marketing organization, a 24/7 customer service staff, and a finance and accounting department. In that case, it could be time to consider being acquired by a larger company. What are Your Plans Post Sale? Rarely will a business owner be able to sell their company and walk away. You should plan to stay involved for at least six months and probably 12 months post-closing. The longer you are willing to stay involved in the business, the more options you’ll have to attract potential buyers and increase the value of their offers. Visit our website to get to know more details about how to buy or sell your Saas Company."
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moghedien · 8 months
ok so i was genuinely unsure about how I felt about the way Lanfear was revealed in the moment, but there are three main things that are really selling it for me:
1: It immediately sets up the threat of going up against a Forsaken:
So far we haven't really gotten much of an indication from the show about what the Forsaken really are, who they are, and why they're any different that a regular darkfriend. Obviously there's still a ways to go in explaining it, but Lanfear provided an immediate visual explanation
Because for example, we've already seen one darkfriend innkeeper who had a thing for Rand (or pretended to) take a knife through the throat
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We've even seen Rand stick around and linger by her body and its very clear that absolutely nothing happens.
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We get a lingering shot on her bleeding out and she is very clearly actually dead in this moment. Its not even really a question.
But with Lanfear we kinda get the exact opposite of this moment. We see her take a knife to the throat and clearly go down, then there is no lingering by the characters.
The camera goes back to her and we see the saa very clearly moving in her eye, then she blinks and breaths in.
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And by this being the opposite of Dana, I mean that with Dana there was no question that she was actually dead. With Lanfear, there is absolutely no question that she's still alive.
Dana was also a darkfriend, but this is very clearly showing non readers that Lanfear is something DIFFERENT. We're told she's a darkfriend of some kind, then we're seen that she actually apparently cannot die by normal means. This coming AFTER the reveal that she is definitely a channler of some kind, and if we now know she's a Forsaken, then we know that Moiraine clearly said the Forsaken are the most powerful channlers ever, more powerful than any Aes Sedai.
And now apparently they can't die.
2. Its foreshadowing.
Moiraine was able to take out Lanfear (if only temporarily) with a physical attack because Lanfear was so fixated on Rand.
The above is also a spoiler for the climax of a certain book.
I'm not gonna get into it, but its clearly like showing that there's a course of action and there is a playbook that works here.
3. NOW we have Lanfear
Before we had Selene. I'd argue there were even moments where we had Mierin, but the only time Lanfear has really come out before this was when she went into Rand's dream and threatened him in episode 3.
By this I mean that while Selene was always obviously an act Lanfear was putting on, it stopped us from really seeing how manipulative and obsessive Lanfear could be and was currently being. If we didn't know she was Lanfear (and non readers shouldn't) then there's no reason to realize the lengths to her manipulation. We still don't know that the man she was telling Rand about was Lews Therin. We still don't know that Lanfear even knew Lews Therin much less would want to rekindle any kind of lost romance with his reincarnation. Because even when Lanfear was being honest as Selene, she was keeping herself back. She wasn't latching onto Rand and telling him that he was hers. She was very clearly holding onto the memory of Lews Therin, but there has yet to be any clear indication that she 100% buys that Rand and Lews Therin are the same person rather than Rand just being his reincarnation.
So while Lanfear was definitely getting some joy out of sleeping with Lews Therin reborn, there is no real indication that that is what she wanted. She said she wants Lews Therin. She tells Rand she's more or less settling for him. Let's assume that was 100% honest for the moment (because I believe it mostly is to a point), I don't think that's the case after this episode. Because Mierin Eronaile suddenly got the one thing she'd always wanted:
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If you watch the moments immediately before this scene and immediately after, there is a shift in how Lanfear is acting here.
Before she was very clearly putting on an act. She was playing up being afraid of Rand and didn't seem at all concerned about keeping him here. The most she does is ask him where he's going to go, and even that is said in a weird tone unless you know that she's probably going to use this information to keep tabs on him and report it/follow him herself.
But Rand does the one thing he absolutely shouldn't have done with Lanfear and told her that he loves her.
So now I think is the moment where Lanfear is willing to accept that Rand is Lews Therin. Because if Rand is Lews Therin, then Lews Therin just said that he loves her.
And her entire tone shifts here. You can see she's visibly shocked in the moment, and then smiles and flips the scene to her being afraid of him, to her reassuring him and telling him that he should have told her and telling him that he didn't do anything wrong and he was just acting in his nature. Before she was bringing up the inn and was clearly trying to make him feel bad. Now she's clearly trying to reassure him and keep him around. Absolutely manipulation but I think she didn't really need him to stay until he indicated that he loved her.
So what this means is that we now have Lanfear, who is established as being unkillable and one of the most powerful and oldest being in existence, NOW becoming obsessed with Rand al'Thor and thinking of him entirely as Lews Therin. And not only that, but now she's PISSED because he just left her and was taken away from her by Moiraine exactly when she finally had him back after thousands of years.
She finally got everything she's wanted and it was immediately taken away, and I think that's frankly terrifying, so yeah, I think I do like this reveal now actually.
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thesirencult · 8 months
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On this episode of "Icy Diaries" we will explore the dynamic of personal timelines, divine timing and why you shouldn't listen to the "gurus".
Back when I was in highschool I used to share a desk with a girl named Marie. Most people wanted to leave our small hometown and move two hours away, to the big city. Everyone was obsessed with leaving and never coming back until their success could make people jealous on a cliché highschool reunion.
Marie though was different. She decided to stay in our hometown and focus on herself. She was always very overweight and never had a boyfriend. Once we were talking about first kisses and she confessed to me that she had not even held hands with a boy, let alone kissed one.
She also didn't know what career she wanted to follow, even though she was a straight-As student, highly emotionally intelligent and very tech savvy and intelligent.
Marie was a late bloomer.
A few years passed, C*VID hit and I decided to visit my hometown.
I got off the train and I started walking towards my childhood home, thinking of warm cups of cocoa and waffles.
As I turned the corner I saw a long haired brunette in tight gym clothes getting off the passenger side of a Porsche. Her man was holding the door open, waiting for her to get off the car.
Looking my way she smiled and waved. I immediately recognized that warm smile and those caring brown eyes ! It was Marie !!!
Turns out, Marie trusted her path and didn't listen to others around her urging her to go to the big city. She worked part time jobs and started attending an online European university program that she could afford without going into debt. For 4 years she had worked on building lucrative online businesses and had founded several projects along the way, even selling a couple of e-commerce stores and a SaaS web app. She had tried moving to the city and had been accepted to a good school but she didn't want to burden her family. People made fun of her for not leaving the town and said that she was scared to get out of her comfort zone ! Who knew !
One day she decided to hit the gym and she became friends with her mentor (a story for another day) and a guy who went to our middle school but switched to a different highschool. He didn't leave our hometown too. His family owned a business and he decided that he wanted to learn the ins and outs of it to take over at some point. It was a very very lucrative venture. Like in the MILLIONS. I learnt that they were planning on getting married and moving in together in their home.
I would have never imagined these two together, but seeing them now side by side something clicked in me :
It all happens for a reason, at the right time.
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The story above, portrays to me the importance of following your heart.
I know that many people tell you to suck it up and go cold. Sometimes we need that. Other times though, we need to trust the journey.
Marie never seemed like the type of person who could build businesses. She kept private. Marie played the game right though.
She didn't go after the BIG city sharks. She opted for her small town boy who kept her satisfied. Because that's what she wanted.
She didn't force it and she made the best she could with the tools she had.
Now she can enjoy her life, just at 25, while other classmates of ours are slaving away in corporate offices to pay off college debt.
That was the right decision for her.
Each one of us is on their personal journey. Your timeline is yours. It's not your mama's, neighbour's or friend's. If you can utilise a cheat code don't make it harder just to feel like a victim.
You won't get a prize for suffering.
After my meeting with Marie I started seeing life differently. I decided that I would never let anyone shame me for my choices. Your inner voice holds the answers, you just need to listen.
I always wanted to follow my passion for astrology and helping people to reach their highest potential. Actually Marie was one of the first people I analysed the chart of. She was super chill and open minded from the start. I'm very happy that she let her light shine to the world, in her own way.
You are a queen and you are always on time 💋
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pikahlua · 1 year
MHA Chapter 387 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 火叢は血が濃いんだ ひむらはちがこいんだ Himura wa chi ga koinda “The Himura blood runs thick.”
tagline 1 No.387 煮凝り  堀越耕平 ナンバー387 にこごり  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 387 nikogori   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 387 Aspic   Kouhei Horikoshi
tagline 2 語るは… かたるは… kataru wa... The speaker...
2 古くからの庄屋だった火叢は農地改革後も分家を増やす事で ふるくからのしょうやだったひむらはのうちかいかくごもぶんけをふやすことで furuku kara no shouya datta Himura wa nouchi kaikaku-go mo bunke wo fuyasu koto de “The Himuras, who were village leaders from ancient times, by increasing their family branches even after the land reform, they”
3 財とプライドをなんとか保ってきた ざいとプライドをなんとかたもってきた zai to PURAIDO wo nantoka tamotte kita “somehow managed to keep their wealth and pride.”
tagline 3 超常解放戦線幹部 ちょうじょうかいほうせんせんかんぶ choujou kaihou sensen kanbu Paranormal Liberation Front Officer
tagline 4 外典 個性「氷操」 げてん こせい「ひょうそう」 Geten   kosei 「hyousou」 Geten  Quirk: Ice Manipulation
4 でも超常が起きると共に加速度的に零落していった でもちょうじょうがおきるとともにかそくどてきにれいらくしていった demo choujou ga okiru to tomo ni kasokudo-teki ni reiraku shite itta “But that all fell at an accelerating pace to zero in tandem with the awakening of the paranormal.”
5 血が混ざるのを嫌ったんだ ちがまざるのをきらったんだ chi ga mazaru no wo kirattanda “They hated mixing their blood.”
6 お家柄と…異形差別のコンボね スピナーが聞いたらなんて言うかな おいえがらと…いぎょうさべつのコンボね スピナーがきいたらなんていうかな oiegara to...igyou sabetsu no KONBO ne   SUPINAA ga kiitara nante iu ka na “Sounds like a combo of family pedigree and heteromorph discrimination, eh? Wonder what Spinner would say if he heard this.”
7 Mr.コンプレス ミスターコンプレス MISUTAA KONPURESU Mr. Compress
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1 結果分家…遠縁同士での結婚が相次いだ けっかぶんけ…とおえんどうしでのけっこんがあいついだ kekka bunke...tooen doushi de no kekkon ga aitsuida “As a result, the family branches...had marriages with distant relatives one after another.”
2 血が濃いってそういう… ちがこいってそういう… chi ga koitte sou iu... “That’s how the blood is thick...”
3 自らを閉塞環���に置き みずからをへいそくかんきょうにおき mizukara wo heisoku kankyou ni oki “By placing themselves in a closed environment,”
4 火叢家は縮小の一途を辿り ひむらけはしゅくしょうのいっとをたどり Himura-ke wa shukushou no itto wo tadori “the Himura family steadily shrank,”
5 とうとう本家が身売りを始めたことで事実上の終焉を迎えた とうとうほんけがみうりをはじめたことでじじつじょうのしゅうえんをむかえた toutou honke ga miuri wo hajimeta koto de jijitsujou no shuuen wo mukaeta “and when finally the main family started selling themselves, it came to a de facto end.”
6 残りの僅かな氏族も離散し のこりのわずかなしぞくもりさんし nokori wo wazuka na shizoku mo risan shi “Even the few remaining clans are scattered,”
7 その中の一つだった僕は最高指導者に拾われた そのなかのひとつだったぼくはリ・デストロにひろわれた sono naka no hitotsu datta boku wa RI DESUTORO (kanji: saikou shidousha) ni hirowareta “and I was among them and then picked up by Re-Destro (read as: supreme leader).”
8 異能は世代を経るごとにより複雑に深化していく いのうはせだいをへるごとによりふくざつにしんかしていく inou wa sedai wo heru goto ni yori fukuzatsu ni shinka shite iku “As meta abilities pass through the generations, they deepen in complexity.”
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1 濃く深く こくふかく koku fukaku “In those thickly and deeply”
2 堆積した因子には たいせきしたからだには taiseki shita karada (kanji: inshi) ni wa “ingrained bodies (read as: quirk factors),”
3 本人すら知覚し得ない力が眠っているかもしれない ほんにんすらちかくしえないちからがねむっているかもしれない honnin sura chikaku shi enai chikara ga nemutte iru kamo shirenai “there may be a sleeping power that even the person himself is unaware of.”
4 だが人は心を置き去りにしたままだ だがひとはこころをおきざりにしたままだ daga hito wa kokoro wo okizari ni shita mama da “But people now leave their hearts behind.”
5 明日…何が変わるだろう あす…なにがかわるだろう asu...nani ga kawaru darou “Tomorrow...I wonder what [tomorrow] will bring.”
6 さァ次はおまえだ さァつぎはおまえだ saA tsugi wa omae da “Well, next is you.”
7 警察・ヒーローと何を話してた? けいさつ・ヒーローとなにをはなしてた? keisatsu・HIIROO to nani wo hanashiteta? “What were you talking about with the police and the heroes?”
8 何でもいい聞かせろ なんでもいいきかせろ nandemo ii kikasero “Let me hear anything,”
9 この戦いが終わるまでの暇つぶしに このたたかいがおわるまでのひまつぶしに kono tatakai ga owaru made no himatsubushi ni “to kill time until this battle is over.”
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1-2 群訝山荘跡より約800m ぐんがさんそうあとよりやく800メートル gunga sansou ato yori yaku 800 MEETORU Approximately 800 meters from the Gunga Mountain Villa Ruins
3-7 ハア HAA “Haah” (Note: It’s the sound of heavy panting/breathing.)
8 爆発… ばくはつ… bakuhatsu... “An explosion...”
9 だと…⁉︎ da to...!? “you say...!?”
10-11 ハア HAA “Haah” (Note: It’s the sound of heavy panting/breathing.)
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1 避難ブロックだけじゃない… ひなんブロックだけじゃない… hinan BUROKKU dake ja nai... It won’t just be the evacuation blocks...
2 今トガの増殖を抑えてるピクシーボブたちもーーー‼︎ いまトガのぞうしょくをおさえてるピクシーボブたちもーーー‼︎ ima TOGA no zoushoku wo osaeteru PIKUSHIIBOBU-tachi mo---!! Also Pixiebob and the others who are suppressing Toga’s proliferation right now---!!
3 いかん…AFO戦のダメージが脚に来ている…! いかん…オール・フォー・ワンせんのダメージがあしにきている…! ikan...OORU FOO WAN sen no DAMEEJI ga ashi ni kite iru...! This is bad...the damage from the battle with AFO is spreading to my leg...!
4 これ以上燈矢を誘導して遠くへ向かうにはーーー… これいじょうとうやをゆうどうしてとおくへむかうにはーーー… kore ijou Touya wo yuudou shite tooku e mukau ni wa---... I have to guide Touya and lead him farther away---...
5 あっ a “AGH”
6 お o “OH”
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1 おどおさん odoosan “FATHER”
2 見で みで mide “WATCH”
3 見でええ みでええ mideee “WAAATCH [ME]”
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1 こんなのできるよぉになったんだぜ! konna no dekiru yoo ni nattanda ze! “I’ve become able to do something like this!”
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1 炎を ほのおを honoo wo “The flames,”
2 止めろ とめろ tomero “stop them!”
3 燈矢…‼︎ とうや…‼︎ Touya...!! “Touya...!!“
4 見でええ みでええ mideee “WAAATCH”
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1 …死なせたくない…! …しなせたくない…! ...shinasetakunai...! "...I don’t want you to die...!”
2 なづぐん nadzu-gun “NATSU-KUN”
3 あぞぼお…おお⁉︎ azoboo...oo!? “LET’S PLAY...YY!?”
4 もう…意識が…! もう…いしきが…! mou...ishiki ga...! His consciousness...is already...!
5 …俺が …おれが ...ore ga ...[Why have] I,
6 灼ける程の熱で やけるほどのねつで yakeru hodo no netsu de with a heat that burns...
7 何でここまで…保ってこられた なんでここまで…たもってこられた nande koko made...tamotte korareta Why have I...been kept here until this point?
8 燈矢…‼︎ とうや…‼︎ Touya...!! Touya...!!
9 おまえはーーー omae wa--- You---
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1 死地での危機感 しちでのききかん shichi de no kikikan A sense of crisis at death’s door.
2 臨死の経験が"個性"を覚醒させる事がある りんしのけいけんが"こせい"をかくせいさせることがある rinshi no keiken ga “kosei” wo kakusei saseru koto ga aru There have been cases where quirks have been awakened by near-death experiences.
3 その一方で人には そのいっぽうでひとには sono ippou de hito ni wa On the other hand, people
4-5 「火事場の馬鹿力」というものがあり… 「かじばのばかちから」というものがあり… 「kajiba no baka chikara」 to iu mono ga ari... have something like an insane strength of desperation... (Note: This is the level of strength Izuku tapped into against Muscular the first time where he broke his body’s limiters. The typical example is of a mother lifting a car off her child in a moment of desperation.)
6 それは覚醒とは違い それはかくせいとはちがい sore wa kakusei to wa chigai That’s different from an awakening.
7 死に瀕した時のみ顕現する力 しにひんしたときのみけんげんするちから shi ni hin shita toki nomi kengen suru chikara A power that manifests only when on the brink of death.
8 ああ… aa... “Yes...”
9 あああ! aaa! “I get it!”
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1 冷の れいの Rei no Rei’s
2 "個性"…‼︎ "こせい"…‼︎ “kosei”...!! quirk...!!
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1 勝って かって katte I’ll win by
2 燈矢を見続ける! とうやをみつづける! Touya wo mitsudzukeru! continuing to watch Touya!
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1 全部 ぜんぶ zenbu “Everything”
2 俺の責任だ おれのせきにんだ ore no sekinin da “is my fault.”
-4 全部背負って償いに生きねばと思っていた ぜんぶせおってつぐないにいきねばとおもっていた zenbu seotte tsugunai ni ikineba to omotte ita “I thought I had to live and shoulder everything to make amends.”
5 でも demo “But”
6 おまえはずっと俺を見続けてたんだもんな… おまえはずっとおれをみつづけてたんだもんな… omae wa zutto ore wo mitsudzuketetanda mon na... “you were always continuing to look at me...”
7-8 おまえを見てやれなかった…… おまえをみてやれなかった…… omae wo mite yarenakatta...... “I couldn’t see you......”
9 おまえにも償わなきゃいけなかったんだ おまえにもつぐなわなきゃいけなかったんだ omae ni mo tsugunawanakya ikenakattanda “I needed to atone to you, too.”
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1 同じ夢を見る俺だけがいない家族の夢 おなじゆめをみるおれだけがいないかぞくのゆめ onaji yume wo miru ore dake ga inai kazoku no yume I saw the same dream, the dream of my family without me only.
2 …一人で逝かせはしない…だが …ひとりでいかせはしない…だが ...hitori de ikase wa shinai...daga “...I won’t let you die alone...but”
3 もう誰も…!巻き込ませはしない もうだれも…!まきこませはしない mou dare mo...! makikomase wa shinai “no one else...! We won’t involve [anyone else!]”
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1 地上の移動では間に合わない ちじょうのいどうではまにあわない chijou no idou de wa ma ni awanai They won’t evacuate the area above ground in time.
2 燈矢 おまえの火力も借りて空にーーー とうや おまえのかりょくもかりてそらにーーー Touya   omae no karyoku mo karite sora ni--- Touya, I’m borrowing your firepower to [send us] to the sky---
3 待て…待ってくれ…! まて…まってくれ…! mate...mattekure...! Wait...please wait...!
4 もう少しだけーーー! もうすこしだけーーー! mou sukoshi dake---! Just a little more---!
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1 火叢は血が濃いんだ ひむらはちがこいんだ Himura wa chi ga koinda The Himura blood runs thick.
2 冷!!⁉︎ れい!!⁉︎ Rei!!!? “Rei!!!?”
3 お母さんも おかあさんも okaasan mo You, too, Mom.
4 加担してんだよ かたんしてんだよ katan shitenda yo You're complicit.
tagline 母…‼︎ はは…‼︎ haha...!! His mother...!!
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Adobe steals your color
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When a company breaks a product you rely on — wrecking decades of work — it’s natural to feel fury. Companies know this, so they try to deflect your rage by blaming their suppliers. Sometimes, it’s suppliers who are at fault — but other times, there is plenty of blame to go around.
For example, when Apple deleted all the working VPNs from its Chinese App Store and backdoored its Chinese cloud servers, it blamed the Chinese government. But the Chinese state knew that Apple had locked its devices so that its Chinese customers couldn’t install third-party apps.
That meant that an order to remove working VPNs and apps that used offshore clouds from the App Store would lock Apple customers into Chinese state surveillance. The order to block privacy tools was a completely foreseeable consequence of Apple’s locked-down “ecosystem.”
In 2013, Adobe started to shift its customers to the cloud, replacing apps like Photoshop and Illustrator with “Software as a Service” (“SaaS”) versions that you would have to pay rent on, every month, month after month, forever. It’s not hard to understand why this was an attractive proposition for Adobe!
Adobe, of course, billed its SaaS system as good for its customers — rather than paying thousands of dollars for its software up front, you could pay a few dollars (anywhere from $10-$50) every month instead. Eventually, of course, you’d end up paying more, assuming these were your professional tools, which you expected to use for the rest of your life.
For people who work in prepress, a key part of their Adobe tools is integration with Pantone. Pantone is a system for specifying color-matching. A Pantone number corresponds to a specific tint that’s either made by mixing the four standard print colors (cyan, magenta, yellow and black, AKA “CMYK”), or by applying a “spot” color. Spot colors are added to print jobs after the normal CMYK passes — if you want a stripe of metallic gold or a blob of hot pink, you specify its Pantone number and the printer loads up a separate ink and runs your media through its printer one more time.
Pantone wants to license this system out, so it needs some kind of copyrightable element. There aren’t many of these in the Pantone system! There’s the trademark, but that’s a very thin barrier. Trademark has a broad “nominative use” exception: it’s not a trademark violation to say, “Pantone 448C corresponds to the hex color #4a412a.”
Perhaps there’s a copyright? Well yes, there’s a “thin” database copyright on the Pantone values and their ink equivalents. Anyone selling a RIP or printer that translates Pantone numbers to inks almost certainly has to license Pantone’s copyright there. And if you wanted to make an image-editing program that conveyed the ink data to a printer, you’d best take a license.
All of this is suddenly relevant because it appears that things have broken down between Adobe and Pantone. Rather than getting Pantone support bundled in with your Adobe apps, you must now pay $21/month for a Pantone plugin.
Remember, Adobe’s apps have moved to the cloud. Any change that Adobe makes in its central servers ripples out to every Adobe user in the world instantaneously. If Adobe makes a change to its apps that you don’t like, you can’t just run an older version. SaaS vendors like to boast that with cloud-based apps, “you’re always running the latest version!”
The next version of Adobe’s apps will require you to pay that $21/month Pantone fee, or any Pantone-defined colors in your images will render as black. That’s true whether you created the file last week or 20 years ago.
Doubtless, Adobe will blame Pantone for this, and it’s true that Pantone’s greed is the root cause here. But this is an utterly foreseeable result of Adobe’s SaaS strategy. If Adobe’s customers were all running their apps locally, a move like this on Pantone’s part would simply cause every affected customer to run older versions of Adobe apps. Adobe wouldn’t be able to sell any upgrades and Pantone wouldn’t get any license fees.
But because Adobe is in the cloud, its customers don’t have that option. Adobe doesn’t have to have its users’ backs because if it caves to Pantone, users will still have to rent its software every month, and because that is the “latest version,” those users will also have to rent the Pantone plugin every month — forever.
What’s more, while there may not be any licensable copyright in a file that simply says, “Color this pixel with Pantone 448C” (provided the program doesn’t contain ink-mix descriptions), Adobe’s other products — its RIPs and Postscript engines — do depend on licensable elements of Pantone, so the company can’t afford to tell Pantone to go pound sand.
Like the Chinese government coming after Apple because they knew that any change that Apple made to its service would override its customers’ choices, Pantone came after Adobe because they knew that SaaS insulated Adobe from its customers’ wrath.
Adobe customers can’t even switch to its main rival, Figma. Adobe’s just dropped $20b to acquire that company and ensure that its customers can’t punish it for selling out by changing vendors.
Pantone started out as a tech company: a way to reliably specify ink mixes in different prepress houses and print shops. Today, it’s an “IP” company, where “IP” means “any law or policy that allows me to control the conduct of my customers, critics or competitors.”
That’s likewise true of Adobe. The move to SaaS is best understood as a means to exert control over Adobe’s customers and competitors. Combined with anti-competitive killer acquisitions that gobble up any rival that manages to escape this control, and you have a hostage situation that other IP companies like Pantone can exploit.
A decade or so ago, Ginger Coons created Open Colour Standard, an attempt to make an interoperable alternative to Pantone. Alas, it seems dormant today:
Owning colors is a terrible idea and technically, it’s not possible to do so. Neither UPS Brown nor John Deere Green are “owned” in any meaningful sense, but the companies certainly want you to believe that they are. Inspired by them and Pantone, people with IP brain-worms keep trying to turn colors into property:
The law is clear that colors aren’t property, but by combining SaaS, copyright, trademark, and other tech and policies, it is becoming increasingly likely that some corporation will stealing the colors out from under our very eyes.
[Image ID: A Pantone swatchbook; it slowly fades to grey, then to black.]
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"my boss knows about it and wants me to share the tool I use with the company"
Well right because the company owns the tool most likely...
"should I design it to break once I am gone or fired?"
No...that's illegal, refer to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA).
"or once I am gone should I offer it as a subscription service?"
Well assuming OP means designing a separate solution to sell to other businesses, then yes they should as that is how a lot of successful SaaS businesses have initiated in the past decade.
"Or should I just give it for free?"
Well OP's company already owns it, so it is not theirs to give away, but plenty of opportunity to distribute new code as open source.
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gender-trash · 9 months
like the grand innovation of ros is that actually now 1) you don't have to rewrite your MESSAGING FRAMEWORK from scratch every time and you get a bunch of debug tools for free and 2) theres a bunch of prototype grade components you can probably plug together to get a demo if you know what you're doing
it's great but it's not like. whatever's going on in webservices world. and the webservices people and vcs who are used to it HATE this!!! i interned for a really crappy startup once whose entire concept was "hey, why is robotics not like webservices? clearly we need to reimplement ros but worse and dockerized lol what's hard realtime" and it so clearly had only survived as long as it had because it was The Baby of this VC guy who tried to sell me on javascript like it was an abusive boyfriend i should give ~another chance~, and right after i left they hired a new ceo and pivoted to having an actual product. theres ALLLL these guys coming from webservices land who want to pretend really hard that a malfunctioning robot is exactly as disposable as a malfunctioning docker container, and that gluing together preexisting robotics components (largely research-grade code developed on a completely different robot from whatever your product is) is exactly as easy as gluing together APIs, and it ends so badly for them every time. it's adorable.
relatedly my dad has this theory, which i think has a lot of predictive power, about how a company Makes It Big doing one thing (SAAS, or online ads, or B2B software, or like. making computer chips) and then that product cycle cadence/approach is baked into the company culture so hard that they completely flub it when they try to make something that necessitates a different approach. intel fucking sucks at making software because they inevitably drop support after 18 months because when you make a chip you design it and you send it to the fab and then it's out of your hands and there's no real way to "fix bugs" (you just maintain an errata sheet and add more tests so you can catch the bugs in the next chip you design). webservices companies who do continuous deployment or bust are often really really bad at coping with the sales and maintenance cycles of Big Businesses that a lot of b2b software is for. and software people in full generality have a ridiculously hard time with the concept that you can't exactly continuously deploy improved suspension for your robot chassis, because you have to actually crack the robot open on a workbench and swap it out.
in microservices world one of the baked-in cultural attitudes is "cattle not pets" -- your herd of docker containers is like a herd of cattle; when one of them malfunctions you take it out back and shoot it and spin up a new one, you don't waste energy on failure recovery. when you bring this approach to robotics land it inevitably fails! you have spent 4 or 5 figures minimum on a robot, that thing's a fucking pet! and also, when it malfunctions, it's flailing around potentially doing damage out here in the real world, which is... generally considered to be bad. there have to be layers and layers and layers of safety systems and fallbacks and failure recovery logic and everything needs to be designed to fail into a state that won't maim anyone, or it inevitably will fail, and maim someone. even just "if something goes wrong stop moving immediately" has some complexity to it.
webservices people are also big on "eventual consistency" and almost nothing in robotics is physically safe to do on an eventual consistency basis or else your robot will eventually (but consistently!) destroy itself and/or anything around it. the closer you get to low level control the more important it is to have hard timing guarantees and that's generally sort of antithetical to the philosophy that hardware should be as abstracted away as possible
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unofficial-estonia · 4 months
Palun ta kirjutas 14 lehelise essee don juanist ta räägib iga kord don juanist ta räägib tallinna vanalinnast nagu see oleks don juan teemapark ma ei saa selle eest enam põgeneda no more don juan
vanalinn on don juani teemapark
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alucardsinep · 18 days
ei te ei saa aru don juan tallinnas oli mu lemmikfilm kui ma olin mingi kümneaastane vms. ma mängisin nukkudega seda. see tundus mulle unistuste karjäärina käia linnast linna pidada duelle ja joosta naiste eest minema. ma olin nii normaalne selle suhtes
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