#seriously you’re not supportive at all
ayasenisan1713 · 8 months
Me, doing a presentation: I think this painting looks scary-
Teacher: Personally, I don’t find it scary. I find it relaxing to look at.
Me: … (I’m doomed.)
Classmate: *raising his hand*
Me: *turning to the classmate because my grade depends on convincing the teacher*
Classmate: I also think it doesn’t look scary *explanation*.
Me: I’m gonna kill you.
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mycological-mariner · 12 days
First day of Pride and I just want to shine a light on all the trans people who are unable to transition, especially those who aren’t fresh faced university grads. Those who don’t live in a supportive or even just accepting home or community. Those who aren’t well off, those who aren’t good at or popular enough to crowd fund. Those who can’t afford transitioning. Those who can’t even transition socially or need to stay in the closet for your safety. Those who rely on benefits or unforgiving jobs to just pay the bills. Having to hear day in and day out you’re just GNC, that your pre-transition body is “ugly” and the ways you can express your gender are “cringe.” Every trans person who’s been told they aren’t “trying hard enough”. Those trans people who won’t even get to imagine transitioning for years.
I see you. I love you. You’re so undervalued and under appreciated in a world where being a white, well off 20 year old on HRT and getting surgery is more common to see than people who work full time and just don’t have that privilege. It sucks, so much. But you are loved and you are seen.
Happy Pride Month to trans people who aren’t where they want to be. The world is better with you in it. We all need each other.
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princessefemmelesbian · 11 months
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Well would you look at this. 😵‍💫 Because obviously if you dare say anything as wild and controversial as “lesbians don’t like men, please stop using a label that hurts us and tries to force men into our identity” you’re a raging terf radfem transmisogynist. Because obviously ONLY trans women use the bi lesbian label and it’s not like there are transfem lesbians who are rightfully against the label as well or anything and it’s not like terfs use the label to refer to cis lesbians who date trans women and why can’t you just let people identify as how they want of course lesbians like men stop the infighting already if you disagree with me that lesbians can like men then surely that’s because you’re an exclusionist gatekeeper who hates trans women.
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asteria7fics · 2 months
Well goobers, it’s finally here.
The final chapter of The Song of Broflovski
I wanted to link the full fic here again, in case you somehow found me on Tumblr but not on ao3!
You can read the entire fic here if you haven’t already!
I also want to take a minute to get a little sentimental. I really didn’t expect this fic to gain any traction. I asked myself several times “who other than me would want to read a Trojan War/South Park fan fiction?”
Turns out, there’s a few of you out there!
I want to seriously thank everyone that’s been along on this ride with me from the bottom of my heart. It means the world to me to have been able to share this silly idea with all of you, and for you to have enjoyed it.
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Now that the fic is fully published I’ll be happy to discuss more of my process/thoughts/spoilers in my asks, so please don’t be shy! I want to share what you guys want to know!
As for what’s next, there will be some big changes coming to my blog in the next week in preparation for my next project that I’ll be sharing. Please look forward to it!
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firefly-sky · 3 months
to the kyman shippers who think holocaust aus are okay
read “night” by elie wiesel. then you can come back to me and tell me if that sounds like something that should be fucking romanticized.
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
Good Morning 🤍
What a unique/special number that I woke up to on here✨
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Thank you so so much for being here. Whether you just started following me hours ago,days, weeks, months. I appreciate every single one of you. 🖤
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dykeomania · 4 months
i’m also really sorry but continuing to actively promote a brand or a franchise that is notably guilty and complicit and even exploitative of what’s happening in palestine not even just financially but promotionally (continuing to write for said franchise, continuing to repost things relating to said franchise, at all) is morally counterproductive and contradictory and i just have to say that because i feel like no one else is going to
#and i’m going to be so honest this is in fact directed at the last of us writers#because if you do all of this only to continue to write for fictional characters that have ties to the game and the game itself is like#problematic in nature#then that doesn’t make any sense#you kind of have to stand on business#i feel like what’s happening in palestine is such a real thing that extends far beyond like fictional characters#and especially if there’s a company or something that is moving in a pro israel fashion in any way#if you choose to embrace that on your own terms so that you can feel better#you’re still embracing that company#you’re still embracing that franchise#you are not fully standing on business#and that to some extent makes what you’re doing performative#i’ve had this conversation with a few of my friends because like seriously in the grand scheme giving up like#comfortable access to like starbucks and games and tv shows that outwardly have a pro israel narrative or support israel#is really not that difficult and if it is difficult for you then i think you need to redefine your activism#it’s not a matter of what you’re doing right now but what i will say if this conversation surrounding palestine dies down and people just#go back to pretty much what is business as usual and disregard everything you’re doing now if you’re doing anything now#that’s really not okay#and it’s actively not okay to play for two teams#especially when one so clearly morally outweighs the other#stand up#download hinge#or tinder#find another fandom to write for and promote and embrace#it’s gonna be okay
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sleepgarden · 5 months
I’m very sorry to anyone waiting on me for anything, this week I’m going to contact everyone and get back to any messages that I haven’t yet. Thank you so much for your patience!
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dilf-phoenix-rights · 2 years
It’s annoying how many ppl here ignore someone being low key enbyphobic & aphobic as long as they don’t outright hate them and make good fan art
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kimtaegis · 1 year
Hi Annie! I'm so bad with coming up with questions on the spot but I've been loving reading your answers to other people's 🥺 I just wanted to use this opportunity though to say that your creativity and talent never ceases to amaze me, I'm genuinely blown away every time by every piece of content you make. And I also love when you share things about the process behind them, I appreciate all of your hard work so much! I hope tomorrow is a much better day for you <3
oh ivi, thank you so much, this is such a sweet message and I really appreciate every word 🥺💗 I’m always feeling very lucky to get such compliments, especially when I’m having a little creativity crisis just as these days actually, it’s extremely motivating and gives me energy to keep trying creating. and it’s so nice to hear that you enjoy seeing some of the process! I will keep trying to make more mixed media stuff and post ‘behind the scenes’ in the future, I really enjoy it 🥰🥰
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chryblossomjjk · 1 year
Kikiii, everything you share about Yul and dilfJK just makes me so soft 🥺🥺🥺 I am such a sucker for dad Jungkook, seriously. And then that snippet you shared about his car made me so excited to see the difference in the two sides of his character - like the how soft he is for Yul and how we'll apparently most likely hate him??? That sounds so so interesting to me and I feel like I'll really enjoy reading it.
I'm really looking forward to actually meeting these characters because I already think Yul is freaking adorable and I want to see what OC will be like and what's so bad about Jungkook lmao 🥴🥴🥴
Please take your time writing it and I'm sure that I'll love it once you're done! I hope you're doing well 💞💞💞
tbh based on your reaction to practice jk i think you might not hate dilf jk 👁️👁️ (speaks too soon and you end up despising him lmaoidjjdjdhdhj). i love any type of writing or film that is a bit ambiguous, where the intentions of the characters is up to the audiences discretion so i think that will be a big part of this fic!! some will hate him some may see the best in him. im so excited for this piece! once christmas is over i think it will be easier to focus on writing so can’t wait for that!!
this is a heavy piece for sure. i guess i didn’t realize how heavy it was when i outlined it, but now that im constructing words lol im like… dayum… it’s getting hard to breathe akshisjshs. a few dark themes at play in this piece, but im trying to keep them more so subtext that sets the tone of the fic and the characters, specifically jk himself. but will def include all in the warnings list so if anyone is sensitive to darker themes pls make sure to check before reading 💗
and then on the complete opposite end there is cute bby content uGh bby yul!!!! she’s such a doll!! ive been watching this couple on youtube and their daughter is exactly how i picture yul. despite all dilf jk’s faults he is an excellent father n she really does bring out the best in him. she’s his light for real.
the teaser will def let you guys know what is up with this man so oof jaidhrjdjid! manifesting everything pans out the way im hoping it does 🕯️🧘🏻‍♀️🕯️
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stinkbeck · 2 years
😔 this prof has called on me out of the blue every class, i have answered every one of her fucking questions, i have done all the reading except the second half of one of the novels, and she knocked off my participation grade with no explanation.
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faithless-companion · 2 years
I think a lot of you miss the point of legally blonde, Elle doesn’t succeed until she starts taking herself seriously. “Serious” is literally an arc word.
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candythemew · 2 years
To everyone reblogging my silly undertale comic, thank you!! It really means a lot! I don’t post often because I often feel like I’m not good enough.
SECOND OF ALL, to those of you in the tags who haven’t watched Interstellar and really want to, DO IT! It’s a long movie, but it really makes you think. I experienced every emotion at once in a mere 3 hours.
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levi-my-beloved · 2 years
You made me cried so hard with the last 2 chapters of Ackerbond. I FEEL LIKE A WRECK AT 6AM. TEARSSS IN MY EYEEEES. THE WEDDING AND MY GOOOOD. 😭😭😭 the emotions within those chapters were insane and absolutely gorgeously played out. 👏👏👏
i’d say i’m sorry buuuuuuuuuuuuut imma open a private swimming pool with y’all’s tears :3
nah fr that’s so so sweet of you to say. it’s a dream of mine as a writer to have such visceral effects on my readers, be it happy, sad, horny, angry, i’ve always admired author’s abilities to manipulate a reader’s emotions so, to be told i’m somewhat able to do that to is genuinely more than i could ever ask for, so thank you so so much ❤️❤️❤️
but if y’all think this is sad… i may have to tweak the ending of the series
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themirokai · 1 year
I got this comment on a story from my Other AO3 Account this morning.
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(Info redacted because I prefer keeping these accounts separate but no one follows me on the side blog I have for that account.)
The story was posted almost a year ago and is relatively “popular” by my average statistics even though it has tropes and themes that are big turnoffs for a lot of people (hence separate accounts). This popularity is undoubtedly because it’s a Marvel Loki story and that fandom is massive.
So there is obviously an algorithm or a bot scrubbing ao3 statistics and leaving this comment on fics that meet a certain metric with the main character of the fic inserted into the comment.
I had a little time to kill this morning so I decided to investigate further. And y’all this is so predatory. Come on this journey with me. It made me mad. It may make you mad.
First, if you go to Webnovel’s website, you HAVE to choose between male lead or female lead stories before you can go any further. WTF?
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And that’s weird, but this gets so much worse. This is basically a pay-to-read site that has different subscription models. Which… okay BUT! The authors don’t get paid! Look at that comment again. They’re promising a supportive and nurturing community, but zero monetary compensation. It’s basically, “post your stuff here so we can get paid and you can get… nice vibes?” I mean look at this Orwellian writing:
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Using the phrase “pay-to-read model” in the same sentence as “qualitative changes in lifestyles for authors” deliberately makes you think that you can get paid and maybe even make a living on this website. But that’s not actually what it says and authors will not receive one red cent.
Oh but wait, the worst is still to come. In case this breaks containment (which I kind of hope it does) this is where I mention that I’m a lawyer in the US.
I don’t do intellectual property or copyright law but I do read and write contracts for a living. So I went to look at their terms of service. It was fun!
Highlights the first, in which Webnovel gets a license to do basically whatever they want with content you post on their site. This is how they get to be paid for people reading authors’ writing without paying them anything.
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Highlights the second, in which Webnovel takes no responsibility for illegally profiting off of fan fic. This all says that the writer is 100% responsible for everything the writer posts (even though only Webnovel is making money from it).
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Highlights the third which say that by posting, the author is representing that they have the legal right to use and to let Webnovel use the content according to these terms. So if a writer posts fan fiction and Webnovel makes money from people reading the fan fiction, and the House of the Mouse catches wise, these sections say that that’s ALL on the writer.
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So that’s a little skeevy to start off with but the thing that is seriously shitty and made me make this post was that these assholes are coming to ao3. They are actively recruiting people in comments on their fan fiction. And they are saying they are big fans of the character you’re writing about and that they share your interests.
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They are recruiting fan fiction writers and giving every impression that you can make money from posting fan fiction on their site and hiding the fact that you absolutely cannot but they can make money off of you while you try, deep in their terms of service which no one but a lawyer who writes fan fic and has some time to kill will read.
I see posts on here regularly from people who don’t understand how this stuff works, don’t understand that they (and others) can not legally make a financial profit from fan fiction. And there are tons of people who will not take the time to dig into the details.
Don’t deal with these bastards. Fuck Webnovel.
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