#serirei fic
mangatxt · 2 months
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title: analog (8k words, 1/10 chapters, ongoing) by @toyota-s, @crownorclover
fandom: mob psycho 100
relationship: serirei (serizawa katsuya/reigen arataka)
details: rated t, android au, post-apocalyptic au, climate collapse, hurt/comfort, trans reigen, nb minegishi, coffee shop, flashbacks, healing, first meeting, getting together, found family, serizawa pov, illustrated
work summary:
The world ends, not in a bang but as a slow and tedious affair. Left behind by the mysterious “president,” Serizawa manages the cafe at the edge of his coastal town, keeping his distance from entanglement with the mortal villagers. Reigen desperately chases rumors on his moped after a devastating flood separates him from his not-quite family. Fate crashes their lives together — the android burdened with immortality against the man all-too-aware that he’s running out of time.
read it here: first chapter
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barmecidebiohazard · 1 year
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Hey if you wanna read a serirei fic that will blow your tits clean off with the suspense and emotion, might I suggest sweet little lies by @kellen-kat because it's had me hooked for a week now oops
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just-anarchie · 1 year
Chapter 2 of The Truth is (Hard to Explain) is out!
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oohbrother · 1 year
Here’s my serirei fic I wrote for new years!
The new year. A chance to reflect, and think of things to look forward to in the upcoming year. And the most important part of it is to have friends by your side to celebrate what’s to come and to reminisce about good times.
Reigen Arataka, however, did not see his New Year’s plans going this way. He figured he’d be spending it alone again.
That is until Serizawa asks him if he has any plans.
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acermp100 · 1 year
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Fuck it, we ball.
Started a larger writing project about an Incubus Serizawa.
Def having a blast working on this
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maibeloved · 1 year
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30+ year old coworkers sure are comfortable with each other
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nina-rosa · 1 year
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(read from left to right →)
🌸 The negligible self 🌸 chapter 1, p.1 to 7
A comic based on a serirei (from mp100) fanfiction written by @homosexual-fanfiction (@/ch_am on Ao3)! Please go read the fanfic there too because it’s really good!!! T v T
I don’t know if I’ll adapt the whole story (even if I really want to!!!) so for now I’ll try to do as much as I can, starting with that first chapter (which is already entirely storyboarded)!
Thanks to Camp for allowing me to draw their story and for helping me while designing some of the settings and Aimi <333 and thank you again for writing such an awesome and inspiring story!!
You can find Camp here too: @ch-am
I hope you’ll enjoy this first bouquet of pages!!💐
Here’s the link to the fic!!
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monteruu · 1 year
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recently reread one of the fics ever so i drew some of the scenes that i think about alot :)
[image id: 3 digital illustrations of reigen arataka and serizawa katsuya from mob psycho 100.
first image: serizawa and reigen holding onto each other hip to hip without their suit jackets on as rain falls on them soaking them. they both have content looks on their faces and serizawa is laughing as he looks up into the rain.
second image: they are tightly clutching one another closely as they look disheveled and both have scratches on their suits and skin. reigen is looking up sadly at serizawa as serizawa holds the back of reigen’s head and hides his face in reigen’s neck. a golden light comes from the left side of the image highlighting parts of them.
third image: they are sitting at a bar together with their backs to the camera and without their suit jackets but we see their profiles smiling at each other and red with drunkenness. reigen is resting one of his hands on serizawa’s thigh and in reigen’s other hand he is holding a lemon sour that is sloshing around. serizawa’s umbrella is sitting on the floor behind him covered in rain droplets. end id]
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saltycharacters · 2 months
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[ID: Digtal fanart of a fan story featuring Reigen Arataka and Serizawa Katsuya, as well as some other Mob Psycho 100 characters. The 1st drawing has Reigen kneeling atop a work desk, background bathed in grey static as small objects such as paper and cigarettes surround him. Corded phone in hand, he's glancing up desperately. Above him, Serizawa's figure is tinted blue while he also holds a phone up to his ear, back turned as a flow of color connects his heart to Reigens. The vague outlines of Kageyama "Mob" Shigeo, Kuratara Tome, Kageyama Ritsu, and Suzuki Shou float at the top, all appearing anxious or upset. The words "Dream Dial" covers Hanazawa Teruki and Dimple amongst the group, though the words are removed in the cropped copy shown in the last image. A related illustration under features Reigen, sitting in a dark, eerie office cubicle as he flips through a small notebook, glancing at a corded phone on his desk that glows from its small screen. On said screen, the word "Unknown" is spelt out. The other cubicles are empty, only occupied by people with water coolers for heads, and the words "Dream Dial" again appear in the corner. The last two images are cropped close-ups of the first drawing. End ID]
Had to draw some fanart of my favorite MP100 fic, Dream Dial by Alakazamboni!! It's yet to be finished but still totally worth the read if u like MP100 and Serirei
You can check it out -> here <- :]
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
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also I drew this for sister's serirei roommates fic
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mangatxt · 1 year
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title: the parachute candidate (144k words, 10/10 chapters, complete)
fandom: mob psycho 100
relationship: serirei (serizawa katsuya/reigen arataka)
details: rated t, established relationship - married couple, relationship study, future fic, politics, elections, hijinks and shenanigans, fluff, humor, news & social media, case fic, action, found family, light angst, proposal
summary: When Jodo Kirin retires, Reigen seizes the opportunity to save the psychic world from the reign of Roshuuto by running for union president. Serizawa learns the world of supernatural politics is hardly a party, especially when you're poised to be the first First Gentleman.
chapter summary: In the quiet after the storm, Reigen and Serizawa pick up the pieces, clean them off, and rebuild together. They aren’t alone, even if it’s way past everyone’s curfew. Trouble comes knocking, and it’s not only the upcoming election. Shigeo crosses the finish line as Reigen’s approaches. There’s a proposal, an endorsement, a confession, an offer, an accusation, and a fire sale at Book of Book. (Has anyone heard from Roshuuto? Someone should give him a ring.) At the end of it all, Reigen and Serizawa hope for a safe landing, and beyond that — a more perfect union.
-> epilogue includes embedded illustration from @crownorclover
read it here: first chapter / final chapter (10) + epilogue
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emeraldoodles · 2 months
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The Master Post from Serizawa Week 2024
I had lots of fun participating! Mine are little snapshots from the week, linking one day to the next.
If you would like more story read below.
Thanks @ygodmyy20 & @acermp100 for letting me bound ideas off you the whole week. Also, @yu-artist for sharing the Seriweek prompts!
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Monday, March 25th - Friends
Serizawa made going back to school look so fun Minegishi decided to join. Sometimes Dimple/Yoshioka likes to stop by and say hello. Today he was a distraction to Serizawa, so he had trouble paying attention and listening to the homework assignment.
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Tuesday, March 26th - School
Poor Serizawa, having to stay up late to finish an assignment. At least he's not alone. The cat's name is Gizmo! Thanks @acermp100 for the cat name suggestion. @secretagent9 I really love the idea of a Gundam name, but not being a fan I didn't know what to choose.
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Wednesday, March 27th - Outfit
Reigen and Serizawa were hired to exorcise mischievous spirits that kept harassing the maids at a cafe. Serizawa was very tired from yesterday's school assignment and not on his A-game today.
Reigen volunteered to lure out the ghost by wearing a maid's outfit, but maybe he just wanted to wear it. Serizawa is wearing his cute butler outfit! The maids were very excited to dress him up, not so much Reigen
Reigen: Those brats! Wont even help me tie my apron. Grumble. *struggles to reach behind*
Serizawa: Here, let me. *zips up and hooks Reigen's dress and ties the apron*
Reigen: *many hand gestures* Competition, that's what is is Serizawa! I'm competition because of how good I look.
Serizawa: *chuckles* You do look good sir. Very pretty, very cute.
Reigen: R-really? *blush* I-I er, I mean of course! Now! Let's get to work!
Poor Reigen, he got ice water dumped on him several times that day. He wasn't feel great before the exorcism, but was wiped out by the end the assignment.
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Thursday, March 28th - Food
Mrs. Serizawa is teaching Kastuya how to cook, so he can stop living off instant noodles. Today is a hearty beef & leak stew!
Mrs. Serizawa: Remember, the leaks need to be thoroughly washed.
Kastuya: Nods, Nods!
Mrs. Serizawa: Also, the more passion and enjoyment you put into your cooking will reflect in the final dish. So, relax and take it slow and your love will shine through.
Serizawa is learning how to make tonjiru soup. He wants to make it for someone "special" this week.
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Friday, March 29th - Spring
Dimple: I don't get it. If you're worried about Reigen go check up on him.
Serizawa: I don't want to intrude on his privacy.
Dimple: Ugh, you two are impossible.
It was an unusual day. Reigen didn't show up for work and Serizawa just got a message from him saying "I n68 sick".
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Saturday, March 30th - Comfort/Bravery
Serizawa: Reigen, please eat a little more.
Reigen: No, I feel so sick.
Serizawa: But you've not eaten since Thursday. Here, let me get you just some broth.
Reigen: Kastuya...
Serizawa: Y-Yes?
Reigen: I.... I... Bucket. I need the bucket.
Reigen proceeded to dry heave into the bucket while saliva and tears fell in. Serizawa rubbed his back while he continued to convulse for several minutes.
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Sunday, March 31st - Birthday
Serizawa went over to check on Reigen, who surprised him by throwing a little birthday celebration. It was just the two of them, but Reigen originally had planned something bigger. Luckily, the present, a multiplayer game, arrived on time, so they could play together.
Reigen was still sick, and drugged up, and making bad decisions. But Serizawa didn't mind. A love confession from Reigen made this the best birthday.
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just-anarchie · 1 year
The Truth is (Hard to Explain) - Chapter 1
A Mob Psycho 100 AU based on the podcast musical 36 Questions
At this point, he barely remembers why he had even come to his mother’s house, other than to make a mess of it. The ugly orange curtains framing the couch answer his question. The same color as His hair, he thinks, treacherously.
read the full thing here:
This fanfic is admittedly a bit weird sounding when I describe it, but I can promise one thing: there will be so much angst in the chapters to come
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acekindaneat · 1 year
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From the work "If At First You Don't Succeed, Find A Loophole" by MalkyTop (@sleepdepravity) on ao3!!!!
(even with my busy schedule .. i had to draw today's update, it drove me insane)
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pawapoppet · 1 year
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Reigen doesn’t lean back, stays right there in Katsuya’s space, breathing the same air as him. Katsuya tries very hard to focus on Reigen’s words rather than that fact. x
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acepsychic100 · 1 year
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Ok so i'm catching up on @homosexual-fanfiction 's serirei fic 'The negligible self' and I just can't stop drawing these two because how much I enjoy the writing in it.....
Anyways after reading the scene in chapter 7 I couldn't help but think of a moment where Serizawa's patience actually snapped a little lol
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