#shato illustrations
craftysuite · 1 year
#Blog 10
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1. Our best friends.
2. We can talk alot without thinking.
3. It didn't argue, fight or blame you.
4. Your secret sharer.
5. Collection of memories.
6. Best person to cry in front off, without feeling ashamed.
7. All carry along.
8. When we grew old this habit help us to cut the spare time.
9. They don't mess up your things as others do if they know about.
10. Regret it couldn't speak sometime I seek for console. I feel hopeless.
Habit of diary writing is tremendous good thing one can opt. It's best companion of all time.
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hillarydelrey · 3 years
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AUTOR: 샤토(shato)
SITIO WEB: https://grafolio.naver.com/shato
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/shato_illust
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/shato_illust/
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mila2010 · 3 years
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craftysuite · 1 year
#Blog 4
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1. A behaviour.
2. A mirror of oneself.
3. A beginning of new thing.
4. Similarly a spike for destruction.
5. Pen to dumb and deaf.
6. Legacy of vices and virtue.
7. A stone of pathways of history.
8. A revolt, a freedom, a possession.
9. Criteria to measure human feelings.
10. A thought, created the world, and will destroy the same.
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craftysuite · 1 year
#Blog 3
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1. A bond between two.
2. Only relations where fights are allowed and valid.
3. A relation where you don't have to act fake.
4. Accepting mistakes are easier, and though transparent.
5. A secret venture as well.
6. Hangout and hangovers.
7. First bunk, first day out, first drink, first flirt and first date as well.
8. Teaches real values of life.
9. Trouble creator and trouble shoter.
10. A long term permanent investment.
What do you think....... Do it means the same.
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craftysuite · 1 year
#Blog 9
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1. Our best friends.
2. Best company when we were stress out.
3. Beautiful and faithful.
4. Our family member.
5. They were the most calm and cool person, they have lots of patience to hear our rubbish.
6. Busy bee. Always busy never at rest.
7. They very well know whose the stranger is.
8. Harmless companion.
9. Teaches us basic moral values.
10. Only reaches selfless love.
Sure you all have better ideas,...... There are innumerable adjectives we can add to them.
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craftysuite · 1 year
#Blog 8
(A day break)
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1. A cheat day.
2. Weird and crazy plans.
3. Break from routine.
4. Picnic, party, outing ,shopping ,camping were priority.
5. No formals.
6. No early alarms.
7. No hurry rushouts.
8. To do pending uncompleted work.
9. Might be day to compensate sleep.
10. Believe the speed of day passage is more than usual.
Generally it happened with me that I had no Pre plans but it went more better than normal.
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craftysuite · 1 year
#Blog 7
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1. Place to live peacefully.
2. Memory box of our childhood, teen and adulthood.
3. Learning begins and enhance.
4. Where our love ones resides.
5. A place where everyone after a good time, bad hit, fights, arguements wanted to come back.
6. Feel safe.
7. You can be yourself.
8. Your dream begins writing on its wall.
9. A favourite corner, a favourite space,my bed, is found, my treasures.
10. First love is our home, we live, cherish and shine.
Sure, you people also share the same thought, do you agree or not. Let's share.
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craftysuite · 1 year
#Blog 6
(School day)
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1. Best days of life.
2. Initiative the journey to learn new things.
3. Doing foolish and mischievous things.
4. Making friends for ever.
5. Learn to share care and respect.
6. Building bricks of our future.
7. Bundle of unforgettable memories
8. Memorable hangouts, washroom, library, playground, parking, corridor, auditorium. Canteen.
9. Journey to know who you are and what you can be.
10. Good school, caring teachers and forever friends are like blessing to a child ever.
How's your school days.
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craftysuite · 1 year
#Blog 5
(Food )
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1. Platter of tastes
2. Token of love and care.
3. A innovation, a journey.
4. Identity of our roots
5. Colourful, lovely.
6. A evidence of our growth, childhood, adult, old-age.
7. Gift of nature and nurture by mankind.
8. A perfect answer to our hunger.
9. Food we eat, cook reflects our personality.
10. Nutritive source for health.
11. Eating food-relaxing moment, a family time, a friend's gathering, a ritual, a festival.
What you think food is to you?
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craftysuite · 1 year
#Blog 2
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1. A tune for souls.
2. A hidden untold story.
3. A legacy, a heritage struggling to survive.
4. It's a piece of proud who created it.
5. Fun enjoyment, a way to pass out sorrow.
6. Can make you laugh and cry at the same moment.
7. A stress buster.
8. An anesthetic culture.
9. A heart who pen it, a soul who sing it and a paradise to who listen it.
10. A true motivator.
Let's listen to its voice who know it heals what........
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craftysuite · 1 year
#Blog 1
(Travelling )
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1. A way to find to discover new things.
2. Way to spent time with yourself, or loveliness.
3. Stressbuster
4. A excuse to take a break.
5. Boost health somehow.
6. Nice medicine for mind.
7. Way to sort out problems.
8. Re-energized ourself.
9. Outing is must to break the monotonous routine of life.
10. It's fun, enjoyment to meet new people.
Let's travel......
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mila2010 · 3 years
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Late night snack  @shato_illust
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mila2010 · 3 years
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shato_illust      Cat Therapy😻
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