#she fingerguns her way out of it and just BOLTS
shy-peacock · 15 days
Rayamaari as tiktoks (pt regular show)
Raya, spiraling: this is bad…this is REALLY BAD 😵‍💫
Sisu: Dude- what is it??? 😟
Raya: I kissed Namaari 😵‍💫
Sisu: Whoa-..…I owe Atitaya…so much money..😦
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.25
Keith was impressed. He was impressed by Lance’s work ethic. Since damn near throwing his laptop in Lance’s lap, the vampire had been typing and clicking away, distracting Keith from the videos he was supposed to be watching. His heart wasn’t in it. Pidge and Hunk might be a step above normal paranormal investigators, but they were still so clueless of the world around them. Peering over to look at Lance’s screen, Keith quirked an eyebrow. His feelings of being impressed changing as he barely stifled a laugh as he found Lance wasn’t working on ghost hunting, instead in the bottom of the left hand corner of the screen was a video of cat compilations playing as the vampire checked his emails. Pidge was going to be super cranky when she found out. Her wrath was nothing to laugh at, finding it somewhat annoying she’d declared herself boss of their weird club thing. Her passion couldn’t be faltered. She’d already seemed to have sussed out what she wanted to investigate next, which was one of the local pubs where guests had stated they’d seen ghostly apparitions and heard crying only to find no body there. Personally he thought the cries were probably from other guests having sex. He’d made that mistake before, before he knew what Adam was to Shiro. Having woken in the middle of the night to someone “whimpering” “oh, Jesus” repeatedly, he’d crept from his bedroom, barely three steps into the hall before he realised it was Shiro, and that the pair of them had left the door opened while they boned. He’d bolted back into his room, thrown himself down on his bed, then buried himself under his blankets as he tried not to hear what was happening between his brother and his boyfriend. The following day Shiro had walked with a limp, Keith feeling highly uncomfortable as he knew what’d happen. The following week when Adam had come down with hip pain, and Shiro was fussing over him ridiculously, Keith had invested in a new set of noise cancelling headphones. There were just some things about his brother that he didn’t need to know, ever.
Keith wasn’t aware that Lance noticed he was watching. Closing his email, the vampire opened up a blank word document. Thinking he was about to draft a letter, Keith had almost turned away when Lance started typing
“Don’t tell Pidge. She’ll shoot me”
Keith couldn’t help the almost giggle light laughter he barked out. Lance sighing at him, as Pidge dug into his side with her elbow
“Something you want to share?”
“No. No, Lance just clicked on a dodgy link and I was laughing at his stupidity”
Lance typed
“Thanks for nothing”
As Pidge sighed deeply, as Keith bit down his laughter. It wasn’t his fault Lance had been sprung doing the wrong thing
“Can’t you take this seriously?”
Lance raised his head to look to Pidge
“I didn’t mean to. I don’t know why Keith’s even laughing”
“Because you’re an idiot?”
“Thanks, Pidge. If you’re so smart, what did you find”
“I never thought you’d ask. Okay, guys. I’ve got a plan for this weekend”
Hunk and Lance both groaned simultaneously. Shay laughing at the pair of them
“I think your assistants are too keen on your plan”
“They never are, but if it’s the five of us, we should be fine. Keith can man the camera, while we explore”
Keith’s internal humour dried right up. He wasn’t supposed to be being involved
“Why me?”
“Because you’re the photographer of the group. Now, guess what I found, guys!”
Pidge was way too into this. When no one replied, she cast something to the screen before getting up and walking over to the TV
“What’s that?”
Hunk already looked panicked at the thought of whatever it was on the screen behind Pidge, his tone just a pinched
“I found an old map of Garrison, it’d been miscategorized...”
“You mean you were snooping where you weren’t supposed to and found an old map that wasn’t supposed to be found, don’t you?”
Pidge shot Lance fingerguns
“Got it in one. You know how we guys knew about the tunnels under the town, and the old mine shaft from when Garrison was first founded? Well, I find it! The mine, I mean. They repurposed the mine into a temporary base in case they needed to retreat, but I bet you’ll never guess where the entrance is...”
Pidge drew herself up for the big reveal, Lance spoiled it
“It’s under the pub”
“... In... dammit, dude. I was going to say that”
“You snooze, you lose”
“You’re a douche”
“Rude. I thought we talked about this before”
“Yeah, but like... I’ve found the other entrance. It’s next to the cemetery”
Pidge perked back up, Keith had a bad feeling. Messing around in, and around, a cemetery wasn’t a thing. It wasn’t respectful. Those people who’d been buried there deserved to rest in peace
“Pidge, I don’t think we should be messing around near the cemetery”
Keith nodded his agreement with Hunk, Shay also looking uncomfortable
“It’s near, not in. Look, here, see this bit here, that’s where the gates are now. But you keep going a for maybe 150metres past that, down the slope bit and you come to where the entrance should be. It’s probably barricaded up, or even like buried, but we can still suss it out. No one’s been down there in like a hundred years, can you imagine what’s down there?”
“Pidge. This is really bad idea”
“But don’t you guys want to find the entrance?”
Hunk shook his head
“It could really dangerous down there”
“We’re only going to have a look”
Lance sighed at Pidge
“We never just have a look. I’m with Hunk, I don’t mind if you can get access through the pub, but going out to find the entrance to a mine system that’s probably no longer stable isn’t a good idea. There could be a rock fall, or worse”
Pidge deflated
“So you’ll only go in through the pub”
“Yeah. Sorry, Pidge. I know you’re really keen on it, but it just isn’t safe”
Keith agreed completely with Lance... except about entering through the pub. Some things were best left alone
“Fine. I’ll go see them again... you guys are so lame”
“We’re only lame because we don’t want to see you hurt”
“Whatever. Why can’t you guys be on my side”
“It’s not about not being on side, it’s about safety. That mine has been closed up. There could be mould, or worse down there. You could get seriously sick, provided you don’t get hurt first. If anything happened to you, it’d break me to pieces”
“Okay. I get it. Fine. Whatever. Hunk, start packing up”
“But I...”
“You’re my lift. Right now I want to go home”
“I get it. Okay. You don’t want me hurt, but I’m not a baby. I’m also not a total buzzkill like you are. You always think you know what’s best, Lance. You don’t”
That wasn’t fair on Lance. Lance insisting on talking things out
“I love you, you idiot. You’re not listening to me and I don’t want your life in danger”
“I can take care of myself”
“I know you can”
Pidge brushed Lance off. Keith feeling like she was acting like a baby by having a temper tantrum over not getting her own way. Lance was genuinely concerned for her, his points valid
“Hunk, start moving”
Keith felt awkward as he said goodbye to Hunk, Shay, and Pidge. He’d walked them to the door, Hunk assuring him she’d come round and see sense once she calmed down. Keith wasn’t so sure. Wandering back into the living room, Lance had thrown his laptop to the other side of the couch, had his glasses off and his hands covering his face as he leaned back to rest the back of his head on the cushion behind him
“That went well”
“Are you okay?”
“Is Pidge going to be okay?”
“Nope. Now we have to go out tonight. I don’t wanna go out tonight”
Walking over to the couch, Keith dropped himself down beside Lance, poking him in the leg
“What do you mean, we have to go out?”
“Because I’ve known Pidge long enough to know she’s gonna wanna go snoop at the entrance”
Keith had suspected. Pidge had given up too easily
“She doesn’t listen when she gets fixated, does she?”
“And you have to go make sure it’s safe first?”
“Yep. Not the first time either. She found a club once in Platt, so I checked it out. Pretty much dealer central. Anything you wanted. Pretended my drink was spiked the next day. Let’s say we didn’t ever go to that club as a group”
“She’s lucky to have you”
“Yeah. It’s not just a me thing right. You wouldn’t want your little sister playing in an abandoned mine, would you?”
Lance moved his left hand up as he looked at Keith. Keith feeling himself nod, as Lance didn’t look as okay with things as he was pretending
“No. Hell, I wouldn’t even want Shiro poking around in there”
“Okay. I don’t know if it’s me overreacting, or if I’m being stupid”
“Neither. So why do we have to go?”
“I’m going, and you’re going because I figured you’d want me to not get myself killed on your watch”
“Is it likely?”
“Who knows. You stay in the car. I don’t want you hurt either”
Keith scoffed. Whatever Lance could handle, so could he. He wasn’t scared of deep dank tunnels and potentially being buried alive
“I’m a hunter”
“You’re a human. I’m going to grab something to eat. We might as well head off now, I can point the pub out on the way there”
Keith wrinkled his nose. He honestly wanted to veg out on the couch and recover from too much human interaction
“The sun’s still up”
“People could see what we’re up to”
Lance sighed at him, letting himself slide sideways so he was leaning against Keith with his head on his shoulder. Keith’s heart did a weird beat, the closeness weirdly intimate... What was he supposed to do? Shiro normally hugged him or ruffled his hair if Keith sat against him the way Lance was right now
“Um, Lance?”
Lance made a show of groaning and stretching as he sat back up. What the hell was that? Why was Lance touching him? Now his arm felt funny...
“You’re right. We’ll wait. Dinner first, then near death adventure. Whooo hooo”
“I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not”
“Sarcasm is wasted on you”
“No it’s not, you’re weird”
Lance patted his leg, before shuffling forward on the couch
“I’ll grab a bag and meet you in the kitchen”
Great. Just great. Keith really didn’t want to be going on an adventure, but Lance had made his mind up and Coran had told him to look after Lance... which meant he had no choice but to do what Lance wanted.
With the sun still in the process of setting, Lance turned tour guide, describing the “pros and cons” of each business as he drove down the Main Street. Keith didn’t particularly care. He was more worried about being pulled over by the police with rope, two flashlights, and a shovel in the back. Lance didn’t seem to care, or maybe he did care and was talking about everything in an attempt to avoid the real issue of them about to do something very stupid.
Turning off the main road, the road to the cemetery was gravel. Old weeping willows marked the side every few dozen metres, giving it a weird feel when compared to the rest of Garrison. It was almost pretty. Cows gazed in a couple of the paddocks they passed, some kind of crop in others. He’d brought his camera because Lance had told him to, and now he really wanted to capture the view
“Want me to pull over?”
Lance was already slowing down as he guided his bronco to the gravel shoulder of the road. It wasn’t much, barely distinguishable from the road with the exception of weeds
“Huh? What are you doing?”
“You said you wanted to take a photo”
He had?
“No I didn’t”
“Yes, you did. You clearly said “I should take a photo”
Keith didn’t remember saying it... Maybe he had? Shiro’d teased him for it before
“I was thinking it...”
“And saying your thoughts out loud, apparently. If you wanna take photos, go for it. I’ll wait”
“Are you sure?”
Lance cut the engine
“Dude, don’t make this weird. Go take photos of the sunset”
Keith felt a tad foolish as he climbed out the car. Lance had told him to go for it, and now that he was, he kind of felt like he was keeping him waiting
“Are you sure you don’t mind?”
“Nope. I gave you a camera so you’d have something of your own to do. You like photography, so go crazy. It’s not like the mine entrance is going to pack up and leave town while I’m parked here”
Keith still felt weird about it, but Lance had said it was okay, so it must be.
Practicing with his camera was fun, Keith took as many photos as he could knowing he’d cull the ones that weren’t up to his standard later. There was something about taking a photo. About capturing that moment, because no two moments were ever the same. He’d never be standing out on this road again, at the exact same time, capturing the exact same things again. There was something beautiful in it... not that he’d describe it like that to anyone. He still got embarrassed when Shiro would make a big deal out of some great photo he took. Secretly he was pleased, but he didn’t want to let that show. He wanted to keep the feelings that went with the image to himself. It wasn’t like he was a professional, he was just a guy with a nice camera and a nice view. That was it.
As the sun dipped lower in the horizon, Keith climbed back into the bronco
“Good to go?”
“Cool. It’s not that much further until we reach the entrance”
Lance wasn’t going to ask to see the photos? Something about Lance not asking disappointed him. Not that he wanted to share, but now he kind of felt like he had inconvenienced him after all. Realising Lance hadn’t turn the engine back on, he looked at the vampire
“Yep. I take the safety of my passengers seriously”
It was a dirt road with no traffic. Begrudgingly Keith pulled his seatbelt on
“Yep. Okay, let’s get this show on the road”
Lance slowed to a crawl as they passed the cemetery. It wasn’t much. A wire fence around the graves with a gate that’d seen better days
“It’s like heritage listed. They clean it up every couple of years. There’s actually a trust that makes sure the older graves don’t lose their markers from erosion and that...”
Not like in big cities where being buried only lasted for like 25 years before someone else was buried on top of you and headstone was tossed
Lance snorted as he shook his head
“I’ll bring you back here sometime during the day. The old headstones are kind of cool”
“Do you have a headstone?”
“I don’t know, do you?”
Keith deserved that. Lance was dead and alive at the same time
“Don’t be. No, I don’t. When I’ve been in one place too long, Coran helps me “disappear”. It’d be nice if I could actually age past this, but the people I used to know wouldn’t believe it was me anyway. I look too young to be me”
“You don’t age? At all?”
“I wish I did. It’s hard looking like a teenager. People try to say I’m “woke” or “lit”. Don’t even get me started on modern music. I miss the days when the lyrics told a story”
“You sound like Shiro. He’s the same”
“I would say he’d a smart man, but you’re both kind of... the same”
Lance’s comment got under his skin
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means I told you both you’re not a vampire from the very beginning as you both kept acting like you were. Seriously, you two are so alike that it’s laughable”
“I’m going through changes. You don’t get to be like that when you bit me”
“I bit your melodramatic arse to save you. And told you repeatedly. I’m not getting into this argument again, but you both need to use your ears when someone is trying to tell you the truth”
“How was I meant to believe you?”
“Because I saved your life?”
“You could have been planning to snack on me later”
“Keith, you might be a snack, but I try to limit my bread intake”
Keith blinked half a dozen times. Lance had to mean he was a human sized blood bag snack to a vampire, not that he was... what? Did Lance... no... Lance couldn’t... think he was hot. He was just himself... with weird purple eyes and black hair that was most definitely not a mullet... He didn’t have fluffy brown hair like Lance’s, that always sat in a kind of scruffy casual without being untidy. His skin wasn’t all brown and smooth, nor was he sporting eyes so bright and blue. Not that Keith noticed, like that, he was just observing him. Yep... Outwardsly Lance wasn’t a horrible looking specimen... maybe. He wasn’t sure... Why was he still stuck on this chain of thought?
“Dude, relax. It’s a joke. Okay, we’re here”
“Here” was a barren looking stripped hill. Half a hill, it’d been mined back to expose the stone beneath
“It’s all sandstone up there. They mined out the sandstone and shale. They eventually hit coal down there. Most of the older buildings in town are made from sandstone. I guess having the cemetery so close to the mine made it easiest when mishaps occurred. Don’t tell Pidge, but I already had a fair idea about this place existing. I mean, it had to exist, but we’ve got this old quarry further out that closed down in the ‘50’s, so I guess most people just think most of the stuff came from there or was shipped up from Platt”
“I don’t think I needed the history lesson. Your age is showing”
“I wish it was. I think I’m the only person in the world who hopes to wake up with grey hairs and the occasional wrinkle”
“I think you’re fine how you are”
Keith died on the inside. Fumbling his belt undone, he rushed to get out of the bronco. What the fuck was that? And was there any way to accident murder himself under a ton of rubble in the mine?
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im-a-rocketman · 6 years
Dear Evan Hansen 1/2/18
I had to opportunity to see Dear Evan Hansen live in New York and it was so amazing and powerful, I thought I would share some of the highlights here.
-First of all every single person was so amazing and so talented.
-I didn’t notice until I saw the show live, but the way Zoe acts, it seems like she’s kind of depressed too.
-Not to the extent that Connor was, but she was very apathetic and angry a lot of the time.
-When Jared calls Connor a freak he goes “you’re such a...” and then pauses like he’s searching for the right word, eventually deciding on “freak...”
-And then he BOLTED out of there.
-In waving through a window, there’s a short bit where Zoe and Evan talk. After Zoe leaves, Evan starts to run after her but stops and keeps singing instead. It was a really small moment but it was really powerful.
-Also the choreography was AMAZING.
-In For Forever, after the lyrics “like girls we wish would notice us, but never do” Evan does this little cough and nods towards Zoe. It added a nice little laugh to the moment.
-In Sincerely Me, when Jared’s asking Evan if he’s having trouble breathing, instead of answering, Noah just screamed in Will’s face.
-Also in Sincerely Me, when Evan turns to Jared to ask “what the hell?”, Noah just shrieked the lyrics it was pretty great.
-Noah did a lot of screaming.
-It was like Evan got to anxious and overwhelmed, he would just end up shouting.
-I actually thought it was a nice touch. It reminded me a lot of what my own anxiety feels like in my head.
-I can’t remember exactly what line it was, but in one of the lines (I’m pretty sure they were talking about Connor’s depression somehow) Connor did fingerguns and it was pretty relatable.
-Cynthia hands Zoe the letters before they start singing Requiem, and during the song Zoe crumpled them up and it sounds like such a small movement but it was really powerful.
-If I Could Tell Her is a song I don’t usually listen to (for personal reasons. I really like the song, but it brings up bad memories), but seeing it live was still so amazing. I actually didn’t think about those memories at all, just because the live performance was so mind blowing.
-In Evan’s speech, after Evan freezes up and drops all his notecards, Noah collapsed on the floor. He wasn’t just kneeling, he had completely collapsed.
-He scrambled back and his hand was shaking slightly. And he looked so terrified. I was sitting in the back row and I could see clearly how terrified he was.
-During You Will Be Found, everyone was looking at Evan and tapping Evan on the shoulder and smiling at him. Evan just looked so overwhelmed, but also really happy, throughout the whole thing.
-The whole cast, except Heidi, sang You Will Be Found. But Heidi came out at the very end, and instead of singing she looked around her in confusion, as if you were watching her see The Connor Project on her computer. As if you were seeing her look at this website where her anxious 19 year old son was the president of a club. She just looked so lost and confused.
-Before To Break In A Glove, after Zoe comes in and asks Evan if he wants to stop talking to Larry, Larry goes “Women, right?” and Evan just sort of awkwardly mumbled, “I know right..”
-I know everyone hates To Break In A Glove, but I thought it was actually a very powerful song to watch. You could see Larry starting to realize he hadn’t helped his son and that he should’ve done more.
-When Evan says “dating officially or whatever”, he didn’t do the crab hands but it was still pretty funny.
-Only Us was a really cute song, I’m just putting that out there.
-There was one part where Zoe was sitting on Evan’s bed, and then she gestured for Evan to join her and he just bolted towards her and jumped onto the bed. It was really cute.
-In Good For You, everyone sort of crowded around Evan and he just looked so overwhelmed and upset.
-When Evan says “tell everyone how you wrote emails pretending to be a dead kid” Noah got right in Will’s face and screamed the word,
-And when Jared said “Fuck you, Evan. Asshole.” he sounded like he was about to cry and he was running away before he could even finish the sentence.
-When Evan told the Murphy’s the truth, Zoe just looked so heartbroken.
-Before Larry left, he stood in front of Evan and they just stared at each other, like they were both wishing things were different or that one of them would say something to make the other feel better. But nothing happened and Larry left.
-Connor came out for a second in Words Fail. He just looked so disappointed and shook his head before walking off stage.
-That was the only time he walked on or off stage.
-In So Big/So Small, there was a point where Evan hugs Heidi and he just launched himself at her and they held each other so tightly.
-The ending was so powerful. You could see the difference in Zoe and Evan’s characters. As if it had actually been a year, when it had only been a few moments.
-The colors were so bright and Evan’s ending monologue was so inspiring.
-I stagedoored after the show, and I was able to meet Kristolyn Lloyd, Asa Somers, and Noah Galvin.
-I didn’t get to talk to Kristolyn and Asa much, but I got to say a few words to Noah and he was super sweet.
-He liked my Slytherin beanie and gave me a fist bump because we’re in the same Hogwarts house.
-I was super star struck the entire time.
-All in all, the entire experience was amazing and breath taking.
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Act 3, Chapter 3: As Told Through the Eyes of the Beastly Bros
“Where is he?”
EB looked at the gargantuar. “You expect me to know?”
Smash growled. “We need to find Rustbolt.” The ground trembled. A roar echoed through the streets as the gigantic beast barreled down Zombopolis’ Main Street.
“CHAAAAAAAAAARGE!” Screamed Electric Boogaloo, as his Beastly Bro plowed through the asphalt. As night sky became sunrise, Smash leaped high into the air and clutched the side of a building.
“We are not in Zombopolis anymore,” said the monstrous zombie in his gravely Russian accent.
“You mean we’re in The Shadow’s terr’itry?”
Smash nodded. “But Rustbolt is plant now, maybe we find him here.”
EB sighed. “I hope we do. We gotta give him the message, and then get back to Zomboss ASAP.”
The Smash turned his head to the side, all dramatic anime edgelord style, when they talk to the guy behind them but looks to the side instead of turning around. “If you had to choose, between Rustbolt or Zomboss, who would you choose?”
EB bit his lip and looked out in front of him. The sun was rising, and what a sight it was.
“Boogaloo. Who would you choose?”
~FLASHBACK~ (sorry I’m doing these so much, I just keep getting good ideas for them)
“Hey, Brainstorm!~” EB beamed, grinning ear to ear. “I got your text.”
“Good,” said the professor absentmindedly. He was texting on his phone. “Rustbolt will be here shortly.”
“Okay.” EB had seen Rustbolt around, and the two always said hi to each other, but had never really truly met. “So what’s this experiment?”
“Oh, you’ll see.” Brainstorm had an evil grin. EB chuckled and rolled his eyes. The prof always had EB come over, usually to be used as a power source. EB didn’t mind, though, because he’d always end up helping out in an unexpected way.
“Yo yo yo, I’m hizzity here.” Rustbolt descended through an open roof panel, his rocket boots slowly shutting off as he descended to the floor.
“That was AWESOME!” Boogaloo hopped up and down a few times, excited and amazed.
Rustbolt smirked and bowed. “Thanks, Electric Boogaloo.”
EB and Brainstorm looked at each other. Their cheeks puffed up as smiles grew, and they simultaneously burst out laughing.”Bruh, Just say EB.”
Rustbolt chuckled and rolled his eyes. “You’re a real comedian, arentcha.”
“I’m as funny as my hair is big,” EB popped and locked, pointing to his ginger afro.
“Your hair is big, but know what’s bigger?~” Rustbolt pointed to his crotch. “I named it the Hydraulic Humper.”
Two very different reactions came:
Brainstorm, caught COMPLETELY off guard, reeled in a mixture of disgust and horror.
EB, however, howled with laughter. “The hydraulic humper, HAHAHA!”
Rustbolt chuckled. “I just made that up on the spot to be honest. I wouldn’t actually name it. Only weirdos and lonely people name theirs.”
EB, still laughing, patted Rustbolt’s shoulder. “I like you.”
“I like you too, man.” Rustbolt slapped his hand over EB’s face.
The two burst out laughing.
“Okay you two.” Brainstorm coughed to get their attention. “Let’s start the experiment.”
Both nodded in unison, still quietly giggling.
“Rustbolt, your shrink ray, please.”
“Bingo bongo, bro.” Rustbolt produced his shrink ray.
“Ready to fire?”
“‘Course, bro. What at?”
Brainstorm gestured to the wall.
Rustbolt clicked his tongue and shot fingerguns at Brainstorm. “Undastood.”
Brainstorm ushered the two so that EB was behind Rustbolt, then he turned to the dead dancer. “Zap Rustbolt.”
“Wait WHAT!?” Rustbolt turned to look at the other two.
“I never agreed to this,” said EB reluctantly.
“FOR SCIENCE!” Brainstorm pointed to EB, then Rustbolt.
EB looked away, wincing, and made a finger gun. Out shot bolts of electricity. They arced in the air and zapped Rustbolt in the back. Motors whirred, joints screeched and the shrink ray fired up. Rustbolt shrieked in pain. After what semed like minutes on end to EB, the shrink ray fired.
When the smoke from Rustbolt’s suit cleared, Rustbolt stood hunched over. Before him was… Nothing. The walls were blown to smithereens.
Rustbolt collapsed onto the floor.
“You could’ve killed him! AGAIN!” EB screamed.
Brainstorm chuckled. Then that chuckle grew into a full-on maniacal cackle.
EB dragged off Rustbolt’s limp body, and brought him to his house. He layed the unconcious zom down in his bed, and grabbed a Gatorade Frost from his fridge. What, you thought that just because there are zombies that there would be no brands? Zombies don’t kill ALL the humans. Because zombies don’t know how to make Gatorade.
When Rustbolt woke up, EB handed him the electrolyte-replenishing beverage.
“That was a shocking turn of events,” remarked Rustbolt as he swished around the Glacier Freeze in his bottle. EB hooted with laughter.
Ever since then, EB hung out with Rustbolt more and more, and spent less and less time with Brainstorm.
“Rustbolt,” EB said, 100% confident in his decision.
Smash smiled. “I would have hard time choosing. Probably Zomboss, but I would swear to myself never to lay a hand on Rustbolt.”
“Well I mean, you’d crush him.”
Smash let out a laugh. “You are funny. We go see Green Shadow now.”
Smash hopped from building to building. “Did you see strange pink dot last night?”
“Yeah. Weird. Think it was a comet?”
Smash continued to building hop. “Perhaps. Just hope is not laser from space gods.” Before EB had a chance to chuckle, he sniffed the air. “I smell metal.”
A smile slapped itself on ElectroBoogie’s face. “ONWARD, MY NOBLE BEAST!”
Smash, playing along with the whole “beast” thing, roared loudly in response. He lunged at the street, embedding himself into the road and galloped down the street at top speed.
Rustbolt heard a roar. A very familiar roar. His eyes widened as he saw Smash and EB charging towards him. He cowered, almost flinching as the two beastly heroes stopped on a dime (okay a very very VERY BIG DIME BUT STILL A DIME) in front of him.
“Hey, Rustbolt. There’s something we need to tell you. Like now.” EB had a sense of urgency in his tone.
“Zomboss is giving speech today. About YOU.” Smash pointed a huge, beefy finger at the iron clad. “We figure we give you TV to watch on.”
The gargantuar pulled out one of those “Maniacal Laugh TVs,” as they’re called, and handed it to Rustbolt.
“You expect me to carry this?”
“It flies, dummy.”
“Alrighty then.” Rustbolt watched Smash let go of the television set, and the propeller started to spin, somehow lifting the entire appliance. After they said their goodbyes, EB and Smash turned around and rushed back off the way they came.
Rustbolt, after an hour, finally managed to lug this thing back to Flare’s. For something that could fly, DAMN was it heavy. He opened the door to see SF on an Xbox One. “Yo Gree, you ready?” She was talking into a headset, custom made to actually fit on a flower.
“Whatcha playing?” Asked Rustbolt.
“Portal 2,” said Solar Flare. “Nah, just talking to Rustbolt, he just walked in.”
“Portal 2? Oh my god that’s like ONE OF MY FAVORITE GAMES”
“Heheh. Green Shadow says ‘you and me both.’“
“Am I really that loud?” Rustbolt asked.
“Nah, It’s just that there’s not much noise to drown you out. It’s pretty quiet because it’s still early morning.”
“Yeah wait speaking of, how’d Green Shadow get home so fast?”
“She knows her way around town, and you don’t,” Solar Flare said.
“Point taken.” Rustbolt hauled the TV inside and closed the door.
“Alright GS, after this next test I’m going to get off. My eyes are starting to hurt.”
“I used to play this with Brainstorm,” Rustbolt said. “It was so much fun.”
“Maybe you can play one day with Citron, he loves this game.”
Rustbolt shrugged and watched Solar Flare and Green Shadow work on solving the test. After she turned off the Xbox, she tossed the controller to the side and stood up. When the controller hit the floor, Rustbolt stumbled to the side. SF turned to him, confused.
“You didn’t just do that because to the CONTROLLER, did you?”
“God dammit it works with Xbox controllers too.”
“NO WAY.” SF dived for the controller and started mashing buttons.
Rustbolt jumped, punched, shot toast, super-blocked, flew around, crawled, squatted, kicked, crouched, combo-moved, blew bubbles, and swatted his spatula. Not necessarily in that order, though.
SF smirked, turning off the controller. “I’ll keep that in mind,” she said, giggling. Maybe Spudow can set up a donkey kong level for me to play.
“How about NO.”
“I wonder what I could do with my VIVE controllers...”
“SF, for real. This suit has alot of stuff on it, I don’t want you toying with it.”
“Oh shut up, you big baby. I’ll be responsible. I’ll put a camera on a rotobega and play Grand Theft Zombo.”
“Let’s do literally the opposite of that thing that you just said.”
“This afternoon that’s what we’re doing.”
Rustbolt looked at the TV he had hauled into the house. “Please, SF. I need to be watching that TV in the afternoon.” He pointed to it.
SF looked over at it. “Why?”
“Zomboss said he was gonna give a speech about me today. I need to see what he’s gonna say. PLEASE, Solar Flare.”
Solar Flare looked at the zombie before her.
This was a zombie that she had fought hundreds of times. The zombie that was now actually LIVING with her. “If it means that much to you, Rustbolt, I won’t get in your way.” She smiled weakly.
She definitely wasn’t expecting Rustbolt to pick her up and hug her. But he did.
And you know what? She hugged back.
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mariquitamarinette · 7 years
fake dating squared / chapter 4: a new fantastic point of view
(on ao3) 
The world had seemed gray the day before but that day, Marinette thought it was painted pink. She grasped the straps of her backpack, a bashful smile on her face as she remembered last night with Adrien; the way he bolted from his bed at the sight of her, his fist balled up in determination, eyes ablaze as he made his proposition. The fondness Adrien demonstrated for Marinette last night might've been platonic but it still made fireworks soar in her belly.
As she walked up the steps into school, she noticed that the eyes that had been magnetized to her the previous day were now on their phones, undoubtedly analyzing the post Adrien had asked Alya to make. A few strayed to spare her a glance and she heard someone say, “Do you suppose she knew?”
“There you are, girl! Come with me.” Marinette jumped and hardly had time to respond before Alya started pulling her into the school, marching toward the stairs inside the building.
“Alya! You scared me! What’s going on?”
“You’ll see,” she answered simply, more concerned with going up the stairs quickly.
“Where are you taking me?”
“Oh, no. I’m the one that’ll be asking all the questions,” Alya said, wagging her finger at Marinette.
They arrived before the door of the library and Alya pushed it open, dragging Marinette toward the stairs to the third floor.
“What questions? Alya, come on, I’m actually early to class for once! We don’t want to be – ”
Alya finally let her go as they arrived at a corner where Nino and Adrien stood.
“ – Late.” Marinette was then pushed up against a bookcase beside Adrien.
Alya turned on a flashlight app and shined it on both their faces. “Alright, spill; since when are the two of you going out with Chat Noir and Ladybug?”
Marinette turned to look at Adrien and felt her face heat up, even more so when considering Adrien’s nervous stare back.
“Well, um, I started seeing Ladybug a few weeks ago.”
“A few weeks?! Dude, that’s insane! You’d think you’d let your best friend in on news that huge!” Nino was grabbing the sides of his head as if he were trying to keep it from falling apart.
“Same here! Did both of you know the other one was going out with half of our superhero duo?” Alya brought her phone closer to Marinette’s face.
Marinette and Adrien looked at each other. Did I know I asked you to pretend to date me? They both suppressed laughter, unaware the other one had thought the same thing.
Adrien shrugged sheepishly and Marinette nodded apologetically. “Yeah,” they answered.
“Unbelievable!” Alya put down the phone and turned to Nino, shaking her head.
“I’m really sorry, guys, but Ladybug and I were trying to keep it a secret; didn’t want everyone to know and harass us.”
Adrien looked at Alya, silently pleading for her to deliver her line.
Alya nodded and said, “And I’m really sorry about this, Adrien. Someone submitted it last night and I posted it in a flurry hoping anything else would detract attention from Marinette. I didn’t even realize it was you until everyone in Paris had already seen it.”
“You really gotta be more careful, Alya. Now Adrien’s gotta deal with this on top of the attention he already gets normally,” Nino said sternly.
Alya sighed. “I usually am really careful, I swear I’ll never do anything careless like this again.” Adrien and Alya shared knowing looks; Marinette was the only one to take notice.
“It’s fine, really. It’s because of the attention I normally get that this won’t be anything new to me.”
“Then why keep it a secret in the first place?” Nino asked; he was really torn up about Adrien keeping his supposed relationship from him.
“Well, I was really only keeping it secret because that’s the way Ladybug wanted it to be. She’s a pretty private person. Last thing she wants is people messing with her personal life.”
Marinette was impressed with how well Adrien could lie on his feet.
“Is Chat Noir a private person, too?” Alya asked Marinette, arms crossed.
Marinette flinched at Alya’s piercing glare. “Obviously not, with his little show yesterday.”
Adrien’s guilt doubled when he saw Marinette’s scowl as she said that.
Alya dropped her arms and sighed. “Why did you wanna keep it a secret? Did you think we’d judge you or something? I mean, I might’ve been surprised, I thought you liked...” Alya looked over at Adrien; he thought it was just to include him in the conversation but Marinette started blushing and shooting warning looks at Alya before she continued, “you know, someone else.”
“Well, um, it might’ve been that,” Adrien raised his eyebrows; he hadn’t even considered Marinette might like someone else, “but mostly I just didn’t want people saying the stuff they’ve been saying online, you know?”
Alya huffed out a breath. “Have you talked to him since then?” she asked softly.
“No,” Marinette answered bitterly. Adrien winced.
“He hasn’t checked up on you at all?”
Marinette chuckled darkly, thinking about how Chat Noir had been sitting idly on a rooftop waiting for Ladybug but hadn’t gotten a visit from him after she called him out. “He didn’t show up last night at all.”
Adrien frowned. He had tapped on her window, he was sure. Was it not loud enough? Had she been asleep? He had thought she didn’t want to speak to him! And now she thought he was insensitive! Truly, he had the monopoly on awful luck.
“The guy didn’t even call you?” Nino asked.
“Well, it’s not like he can call me.”
Alya frowned. “What do you mean? How do you guys contact each other? Doesn’t he have a phone?”
Marinette blushed, thinking how truly silly this whole scenario would look. “It’s not like we can exchange numbers just like that, Alya. We might know each other in real life and his identity would be revealed.”
“Hold on, you’re telling me that you’re going out with him without knowing who he really is?!” Alya said, shaking Marinette by her shoulders.
Marinette grimaced. Adrien looked on with a pained look. Alya turned to him and asked, “Adrien… Don’t tell me you and Ladybug are the same way.”
He smiled painfully and said, “Well, yeah, I mean, the relationship is still fairly new.”
Nino put his hand on Adrien’s shoulder. “My man… Communication is key to a successful relationship. You gotta establish this early on if you want this to get anywhere. And I know for a fact that you do.” Nino fingergunned him.
Adrien laughed shyly and Marinette cocked her head to the side. What was that supposed to mean? Did it mean what she thought it meant?
“Look, all that aside, don’t worry about anybody else, okay? We’ll make sure that anyone that wants to start something with either of you instantly regrets it,” Alya said as she flexed her arm and Nino grabbed hold of his fist.
Marinette laughed and the bell rang at the same time, causing her to jump and yelp. The others jumped, too.
“So much for being early!” Marinette yelled, as she started running to class with Adrien, Alya, and Nino at her heels.
When Marinette opened the door, all eyes turned to her and she felt the urge to run away. Then she felt three hands behind her pushing her gently inside.
Miss Bustier slammed her hand on her table. “How many times do I have to tell all of you that you all need to be in this room before the bell rings? The four of you, with coming in late, you’ve just disrupted the class. I tell you all every day and every day, it’s the same story. It’s as if I tell you in one ear and it goes out the other!”
She glared at all four friends and let her eyes linger on Marinette and sighed, “No matter what’s going on outside these walls, when you come to class, you come to learn. Take a seat.”
They did as they were told and Marinette did her best to avoid eye contact with her classmates. That is, until she wondered why Chloe hadn’t made some snide remark like she usually did when she got chewed out by Miss Bustier. She spared her a glance and saw that Chloe was glaring at her desk, hands in her lap in clenched fists.
At the same time that Marinette looked away from her classmates, Adrien was looking at all of them and feeling the hairs at the back of his head stand on end. Rose and Juleka were both looking at him as they whispered to each other. Nathanael would try sneaking looks at him and look away when their eyes met but mostly, Nathanael kept staring at Marinette. Kim was mouthing at him: Are you seriously going out with Ladybug? The others more or less stared at him unashamedly. All except Chloe.
Marinette was sure Chloe was eating herself up in jealousy of Adrien’s “relationship” and it made Marinette smile to herself. Adrien, on the other hand, frowned at her abnormal silence.
Miss Bustier was busy scribbling on the board when a whisper called, “Psst, Adrien.” He turned and saw Kim leaning towards him, Mylene shaking her head and trying to concentrate on the lesson while Kim continued talking way to close to her ear, “Adrien, that was you in the picture, right? You and Ladybug about to kiss in your room?”
Marinette blushed at the memory and whispered, “Come on, Kim, leave him alone.”
“Chill, I’m just asking Agreste here to confirm what we all saw. It wasn’t photoshopped or anything, was it?” Kim said, trying to lean closer.
Adrien responded, “No… that was me.”
Kim turned to Max. “You see? I told you!”
“Kim, stop talking before Miss Bustier gets mad,” Mylene murmured, turning to him at last.
“Aren’t you the goody two shoes?” Kim sneered under his breath.
“Don’t be mean to Mylene!” Ivan whispered, leaning in close to Kim.
Kim smirked. “Aw, look at how protective Ivan is of his girlfriend.”
“Cut it out, Kim,” Alix hissed.
“Why don’t you make me?” Kim hissed back.
“You sure like talking big for someone who hasn’t been able to beat me in any of his own dares.” Alix smirked.
“Oh, it’s on! I bet you can’t – ”
Miss Bustier threw her chalk onto the floor and yelled, “Not only do none of you respect the hour in which this class starts, but you refuse to keep quiet in my class! Kim, Alix, Ivan – you know what, why don’t you all march down to Mr. Damocles’ office?”
That made Chloe perk up, “Seriously? Some of us weren’t even talking! That’s totally unfair!”
“I don’t care!” Miss Bustier roared, “All of you, march! Maybe this way you’ll all think twice before disrupting the class again!”
The whole class stood up, picking up their belongings, and walked towards the door.
“Way to go, Kim,” Alix said.
“Silently!” Miss Bustier yelled.
The class hurriedly walked out the door. Once outside, Alya said, “That was wild! Have you ever seen Miss Bustier so mad? She’s usually cool as a cucumber, that one.”
“How do you feel, Marinette?” Adrien said, coming up on her other side.
Marinette squeaked and said, “Um, I feel pretty bad. I’ve never seen an entire class sent to the principal’s office before.”
“Neither have I, Miss Bustier must be going bananas,” Nino said.
“Totally,” Adrien agreed and continued, “But, I was also kinda wondering how you’re doing with the Chat Noir thing. I heard you were pretty upset yesterday.”
“Oh, that. It’s weird… Just now, I almost forgot it had happened. No one’s even mentioned it. And you and Ladybug didn’t even stay the topic of conversation for long.” Marinette blushed.
Adrien smiled, “Yeah, that was pretty cool. Everything was the same as always.”
Marinette giggled and agreed, “Yeah, it was.”
Alya squinted her eyes suspiciously at Marinette and then turned to look at Nino; Nino looked at her questioningly, not at all getting her drift.
Marinette cleared her throat and said, “Still doesn’t change the fact of what Chat did, but it’s still a relief that the consequences don’t seem to be that big.”
Suddenly, a teeth-chattering, ear-piercing noise screeched all throughout the school, making the entire class stop in their tracks and squat down, covering their ears in poor attempts to block out the sound.
Through the doors came walking out a teal-haired villain wearing a rigid coat made out of blackboard that reached her knees, holding in one hand a piece of chalk and in the other, a long white pointing stick with a dark purple orb charging at the end. Her skin was as white as glue, her lips were gray, and the outfit underneath her blackboard coat was the same shade of purple as her orb.
“Miss Bustier?!” the class exclaimed almost in unison.
“I regret to inform you Miss Bustier won’t be joining us today! I’m your substitute teacher, The Dominstructor!” She cackled as she pointed the stick at the students, shooting the orb at them. They all screamed as they dispersed, running as fast as they could in all directions, with the exception of Kim, who was hit by the orb and lay motionless on the floor.
“No running in the halls! I will have order!” The Dominstructor exclaimed, shooting orbs in all directions. Adrien and Marinette ran up the stairs, trying to reach the library. They both wondered how they’d give the other the slip and transform.
Once they both stepped in, they looked at each other, wondering if the other was following them.
“Maybe we should hide separately! In case she comes in here looking for us!” Marinette said.
“Great idea! I was just about to suggest that!” Adrien said.
“You take the top floor!”
“Alright, make sure to stay out of sight!”
They both hid behind bookcases, Marinette saying, “Tikki, spots on!” while Adrien was still bounding up the steps.
Ladybug bolted out the door quickly and jumped from the railing onto the courtyard like an acrobat. As she stood up, Chat Noir jumped from the same railing, spinning his staff above his head and landing right behind her.
Ladybug turned and heaved a sigh, “Let’s get moving, Chat.”
He gulped and said, “Of course, my lady.”
Ladybug narrowed her eyes, checking all over the courtyard, but The Dominstructor was nowhere in sight. The only ones in the courtyard were themselves and the near-lifeless bodies of most of their classmates, other students, and several teachers who got hit in their attempted escapes.
“It’s so… quiet,” Chat Noir said as he put his back against Ladybug’s as they walked toward the closest person to them cautiously.
“Could this be her power? Something similar to the Timebreaker? It feels like time stopped,” Chat observed.
“I don’t think so. People are just lying everywhere, it’s not like they’re paused in time.” At this point, they were close enough to Mylene, who lay rigid near one of the stairs, blinking rapidly and whispering way too low to hear.
“Where did The Dominstructor go?” Ladybug asked, propping her up.
Mylene frantically mouthed words and widened her eyes, looking past Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s shoulders.
“The Dominstructor took her voice,” Chat Noir breathed.
“She looks really scared,” Ladybug observed.
Mylene was exaggerating her mouthing at this point, rapidly looking between the two of them and then trying to point behind them with her nose.
The two got the message at the same time and turned to see The Dominstructor charging up an orb. As she shot, they narrowly escaped via yo-yo and extending staff.
“The two of you are disrupting the class!” she yelled as she dragged the piece of chalk down her outfit, the paralyzing screech from before making its return. Chat Noir was mid-somersault over the railing of the second floor when the noise made him land in a roll and stay curled up on the floor, head in between his knees. Similarly, Ladybug let go of the string of her yo-yo as she covered her ears and immediately fell to the ground. It was then that Ladybug, in middle of the torture that was that screeching chalk, zeroed in on it.
The Dominstructor laughed and said, “There must be silence in my classroom! You two need to be disciplined!” She pulled back the pointing stick like a fishing rod as she charged the orb once more, readying herself to throw it at Chat Noir. Ladybug threw her yo-yo at the scepter, the string wrapping around it. She pulled, but The Dominstructor held on tight. Now pointing straight at her, the orb fired in Ladybug’s direction and if it weren’t for her superior reflexes and pure luck, she would’ve been hit. She had ducked down and slung her yo-yo at The Dominstructor’s ankles. With the villain now lying on her back from the fall and her chalk just out of reach, Ladybug went running at her. She lunged for the piece of chalk, but was blocked. The two held on to the rod horizontally, pushing against it from opposite sides. Both shot glances at the chalk.
At that point, Chat Noir was running toward them, but Ladybug took no notice. She took a chance and let go with one hand to try to reach for the chalk. The Dominstructor was then able to overpower her, launching Ladybug backward and grabbing the chalk before she could.
Chat Noir brought down his staff to hit the villain and said, “You know you could’ve kept her down while I grabbed the chalk for you!” The Dominstructor engaged in what looked like a swordfight, Chat Noir’s staff and her pointer being their weapons.
“I had it covered!” Ladybug yelled.
“Yeah, sure,” he grunted, making sure to attack continuously enough that The Dominstructor had no chance to use her chalk, “That’s why you went flying, right? We’re supposed to be a team, Ladybug! You say so yourself every chance you get!”
She groaned and shook her head. “You’re right… you’re right!”
“Of course I am, my catlike instincts are incredible!” He said, flashing her a cocky grin. This was a mistake. In that moment that he looked away from his opponent, he was hit and launched toward Ladybug.
“She’s really schooling us, huh?” Chat Noir rubbed the back of his head as he sat up.
“Focus, Chat Noir!” Ladybug hissed.
“Enough with the chit-chat!” The Dominstructor said, scraping the chalk on her coat. Ladybug and Chat Noir clenched their teeth and plugged their ears with their fingers. They were still disoriented when she stopped to charge another orb and said, “It’s time to confiscate the items responsible for all this disruption! Hand over your miraculouses!”
Ladybug tackled Chat Noir, dodging the attack.
“Don’tcha think it’s about time we teach her a lesson?”
Ladybug nodded, “Right. Lucky Charm!”
The object that dropped into Ladybug’s hands was an empty water gun.
“Toys aren’t allowed in class!” The Dominstructor screamed, making the chalk screech once more. The duo tried to protect their ears as best they could while another attempt to incapacitate them was made. Chat Noir saw the growing orb and with all his effort, threw himself onto Ladybug, evading the attack just in time.
The noise ended almost immediately as they landed. Ladybug looked up at Chat Noir as he propped himself up.
“Thanks, kitty.”
He smiled. “Don’t mention it.”
As they quickly got up, Ladybug said, “Don’t give her another chance to use the chalk. I’ll be right back!”
“Alrighty, partner!” Chat Noir ran at The Dominstructor, ready to swordfight once again.
Ladybug ran to the bathroom, gripping the water gun tightly. She slammed the door open and someone screamed in response.
“Don’t hurt us!” Sabrina shrieked, exiting the stall farthest from the door. When she saw that it was Ladybug who had entered, she squealed and ran to hug her. “Ladybug! You’re here to save us!” As she said that, Chloe popped her head from the same stall Sabrina was hiding in and turned bright red at the sight of the heroine.
Ladybug stopped Sabrina by the shoulders and moved her aside. “Kind of in the middle of a fight here.”
“Then what are you doing in here, Ladybug?” Sabrina asked, hands clasped.
“Strategizing,” she responded, filling the water gun under one of the sink faucets.
Meanwhile, Chat Noir was rapidly swinging his staff at The Dominstructor. She was stuck in defense, gripping her weapon with both hands uncomfortably, since she was still holding onto her chalk with two fingers.
This didn’t last long. Soon enough, Chat Noir was disarmed, his staff sent flying. In the blink of an eye, The Dominstructor, while charging up an orb, kicked him onto the ground. The opportunity to evade the attack was missed.
It was at this time that Ladybug turned to leave the restroom and noticed Chloe frowning at the floor. How strange that she wasn’t fawning over her like usual. Ladybug shrugged and ran out once more.
“Good luck, Ladybug!” Sabrina called.
Ladybug gasped at the sight of Chat Noir about to be turned to a stiff and mute body. As she pulled her hand back to launch her yo-yo, Chat Noir yelled, “Cataclysm!” He canceled out the orb with his hand the same way he once did with Guitar Villain’s attack. That’s when Ladybug, now standing directly behind The Dominstructor, aimed the gun and soaked the blackboard outfit the villain wore.
The Dominstructor turned and snarled at Ladybug. “This behavior is unacceptable! Now you must face the consequences of your actions!” The Dominstructor dragged the chalk down the coat and left a wet smear. Shocked, she stared wide eyed at her now damp chalk. With her ability to he ran up the stairs, trying to gain some distance from the two heroes.
Ladybug grabbed the staff at her feet and threw it at Chat Noir. He caught it effortlessly.
With a glance at their opponent, Ladybug said, “I thought she said no running in the halls.”
She threw her yo-yo to a railing and rose to land in front of The Dominstructor. She skid to a stop at the sight of Ladybug and used her pointing stick to hit her. Ladybug ducked and in that moment, Chat Noir came up behind the enemy and laid the same move on her. This made The Dominstructor fall over the railing. Before she could hit the concrete, Ladybug caught her by the ankle with her yo-yo. Both her stick and chalk fell from her hands and landed on the floor beneath her. Chat Noir jumped over the railing and landed catlike in front of The Dominstructor.
With a smirk, he said, “Seems like you failed; maybe you should’ve studied more.” He then snapped the chalk in half.
“Catch her!” Ladybug called as she let go in order to catch the butterfly that emerged from the pieces of chalk.
Chat Noir did as he was told as Ladybug said, “School’s out for you, little akuma! I’m freeing you from evil!” The yo-yo enclosed itself around the insect and returned to Ladybug. With a click, the butterfly was freed and she bid it farewell. The water gun appeared in her hand and she threw it up into the air, exclaiming, “Miraculous Ladybug!” Brightly pink ladybugs erupted above her and flew all over the school, returning everything to its original state. Ladybug dropped down in front of Chat Noir, both grinning at their victory. They extended their fists like always and laughed.
“Oh, no! What am I doing out here? Today’s lesson plan is completely ruined…” Miss Bustier sighed.
“You were amazing, Ladybug!” Chat Noir said, hugging her.
She wrapped her arms around him, too. “So were you, kitty!”
“There will never be a better team than the two of us,” he said, pulling back to look her in the eyes.
Ladybug’s smile started slowly fading as she looked into the same ardent stare from two nights ago. His smile was soft and sincere as he held her. It wasn’t a surprise to see how he still undeniably liked Ladybug but her thoughts went back to the last time she saw him and how he hadn’t come to see her as Marinette or how he was here, looking into her eyes like that instead of looking for Marinette to check if she was okay and apologize for yesterday.
“I thought he was with Marinette?” Ladybug heard someone say. And that’s when she pushed him away.
“Ladybug, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, Chat. I just want to find my boyfriend before I detransform. You know, make sure he’s okay.”
Chat Noir raised his eyebrows in alarm. That’s right! He had agreed to do this!
“Oh, that’s sweet of you! Yeah, well, I gotta get going before I detransform myself! See you tonight!”
Ladybug stared after him as he ran out of the school. Unbelievable! Not even in an attempt to make her jealous did he think about going to look for her as Marinette! She snarled and ran up the stairs to make it to the library. At the same time, Chat Noir snuck into an empty classroom on the second floor and turned back into Adrien.
“So what’s the plan, lover boy?” Plagg asked.
“Uh, follow Ladybug’s lead?” Adrien said, beckoning Plagg to hide in his shirt.
He stepped outside and came face to face with Ladybug, who had been about to make her way to the third floor. He approached her, taking into account that she wanted people to see them together and that being closer to the railing would let his classmates have a clear view.
“Adrien, I thought you were in… Never mind; are you okay?” She was sweating.
“I’m fine,” Adrien responded.
He felt the eyes of his classmates drilling holes into his skin. He thought back to the picture that he had submitted; should he kiss Ladybug? On the lips? They had made it look like that’s what they were about to do last night, but even the close proximity of their faces had made them laugh uncomfortably and made them worry they would puke in each other’s mouths from the sheer nerves. Would it be suspicious if he didn’t do it now?
Ladybug felt the perspiration trickling the back of her neck. The pause in dialogue between them only lasted a few seconds but it felt like an eternity. And just like Adrien, she was all too aware of the kids from her school looking on at them. Were they all hoping to see them acting on the implication of the Ladyblog submission? She jumped when he suddenly put his hand on her shoulder and started leaning in.
He settled with pecking her cheek. The students below erupted in chatter and Ladybug heard the last beeps warning of an identity reveal.
She squeaked and said, “I’ll see you soon, Adrien! I’m glad you’re okay!” before throwing her yo-yo to the roof across the courtyard and swiftly jumping over to the outside of the school. As soon as she landed, she hid behind a parked car and saw her transformation dissipate.
“That was a close one, Marinette! You stuck around way too long after using Lucky charm!” Tikki said, stretching out on the sidewalk.
“You’re right. I’m sorry, Tikki. Come on, before people start wondering where I went.” She opened her purse and Tikki flew in.
Adrien had gone inside the library, looking for Marinette, and was relieved of his worry when he saw her downstairs when came back out. As he started making his way downstairs, she was approached by Alya and Nino.
“Girl, are you okay? Where were you during all this chaos?”
“Hiding in the library,” Marinette answered.
Nino frowned. “But you just came in from outside?”
“Well, yeah, I, uh, went outside to see if I could catch Chat Noir before he left and talk to him.” Adrien reached them in time to hear Marinette say this.
Nino turned to Adrien and hugged him. “My man! Glad to see you’re unharmed.” Adrien grinned during the embrace.
“Were you able to?” Alya asked Marinette.
Marinette smiled sardonically, “No, he was in a hurry.”
Adrien paled. That’s what she wanted from him? How could he have met with Ladybug and Marinette at the same time?! How could he apologize correctly in less than the four minutes before he turned back into Adrien? He’ll have so much explaining to do!
“What a jerk. Ladybug had enough time to check on Adrien. See what I’m talking about?” He slung his arm around Adrien’s shoulders and said, “Communication.”
“I hardly think that was communication. That was just decency,” Alya said.
None of them knew how many blows they were laying on Adrien, who was then pursing his lips and feeling his stomach sinking.
“Students and staff, considering today’s events, the school will resume regular operations tomorrow morning. I request that staff members stay behind for a meeting regarding your lesson plans and other things that were disturbed by today’s attack. All students are dismissed.” Mr. Damocles announced from the middle of the courtyard, his booming voice resonating to everyone outside the classrooms.
“Sweet! Why don’t we hit up the park or something, guys?” Nino suggested.
“I’m down, but maybe the arcade would be better,” Alya said.
“Oh, you plan on sweeping me off my feet with a day at the arcade?” Nino said mockingly.
Alya punched him lightly on the arm. “Oh, shut up.” Marinette and Adrien laughed along with the two of them.
As fun a day at with her friends was on a regular day, Marinette sighed and said, “I think I’m going to head home; this has been enough excitement for today.”
Adrien looked on at Marinette with a concerned look. Alya just nodded and said, “I get it. We can walk you home if you want.”
“No, it’s fine. You guys go to the arcade. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Marinette waved and turned on her heel before they could say anything else.
Adrien watched her walk toward the entrance of the school and then said, “I think I’ll go with her. You two have fun, okay?”
Nino and Alya looked on as Adrien ran over to Marinette and put his hand on her shoulder when he finally caught up. Nino and Alya shared a look.
When Adrien touched Marinette, she yelped and turned quickly around. “Adrien, aren’t you gonna go to the arcade?”
“Nah, I wanna make sure you get home without any disturbances. Besides, I would’ve been the third wheel.”
They continued walking and Marinette blushed as she said, “Alya and Nino are pretty good at making sure others don’t feel left out, though.”
“That’s true,” Adrien admitted.
“And won’t you get in trouble if you don’t go directly home, anyway?”
“Nathalie and The Gorilla aren’t out front.”
“Shouldn’t you wait for them?”
Adrien stopped walking and, with a small smile, said, “Would you rather I leave you alone?”
Marinette, completely flustered, turned and said, “Oh, no! That’s not what I meant at all! I don’t mind if you come with me! I’d actually really like it! I mean, I wouldn’t not enjoy it! I just don’t want you to get into any trouble! But I want you to walk with me! That is, if you want! We could eat some pastries, maybe, at… my house…”
Adrien grinned. “That’d be great! The pastries your parents make are the best!”
Marinette looked away shyly and they continued walking toward the bakery. “Yeah, um, their macaroons are my favorite.”
“Their croissants are really good, too… But then again, Nathalie bought me some chocolate chip cookies from them not too long ago and I think I might have fallen in love.”
Marinette guffawed and said with a shy smirk, “When do you plan on breaking the news to Ladybug?”
Adrien turned to Marinette in surprise, wide-eyed and smiling. “I haven’t found the right moment to confess it.”
“You don’t want to put it off too long and have her find out on her own.”
“No, that would be bad.”
“It will have been like you were hiding it from her.”
“Maybe Ladybug will be up for an open relationship?”
“You think Ladybug would want to share you?”
“Or maybe she could get to know the Dupain-Cheng chocolate chip cookies and learn to love them like I do.”
“And have a polyamory?”
“Why not? I think we could be very happy together.”
“And what if she doesn’t want to?”
“I guess I’ll just have to live in content monogamy with the Dupain-Cheng chocolate chip cookies.”
“So now we know who you love the most.”
Adrien feigned a sigh. “I guess so.”
Marinette held her sides as she exploded with laughter. Adrien joined in.
“On a serious note, what’s Ladybug like?” Marinette asked curiously.
Adrien whistled and looked up at the clouds. “Amazing. Always thoughtful, kind... A little sassy, but I love it. And funny!”
Marinette was sure she was coming down with a fever. She felt herself start shaking as she nervously smiled. He was so convincing! He was obviously lying; she had been so lame the previous two nights. Sassy? With Adrien? When? She considered telling him that he could pursue a career in acting if modeling ever became boring, but thought against it when remembering she wasn’t wearing her signature red mask at that moment.
Adrien looked back at Marinette and his face heated up. He faked a cough. “Yeah, anyway, she’s great.”
Marinette gripped the straps of her backpack tightly. “That’s nice.”
“So, what’s Chat Noir like?”
Adrien frowned and shook his head. She’s mad at you, Agreste.
“Did anyone bother you this morning?” he asked.
“No, things were quiet. I mean, I heard some people whispering as I approached the school but even the few things I caught were about you and Ladybug and whether or not I knew about you guys.”
“Because we’re friends and happen to be dating both of Paris’ heroes, huh?”
“Yeah, that’s my logic, too. I think Miss Bustier knew about the thing with Chat Noir, too. I mean, it would be hard for her not to.”
Adrien nodded. “I’m glad no one’s harassing you in real life. Luckily for us, we’re minors.”
Marinette gasped. “That’s right! Paparazzi can’t publish pictures of us! Thank God we’re French.”
“Vive la France!” Adrien agreed.
Marinette giggled as they came upon the door of the Dupain-Cheng bakery. They pushed it open together. Sabine and Tom smiled at the sight of them.
“Marinette! It’s nice to see you have been escorted home,” Sabine teased.
“Hi, mom. Hi, dad. You both remember Adrien?” Marinette said.
“Of course! How are you, young man?” Tom asked, extending his large hand to him.
“I’m great. Just thought I’d walk Marinette home.”
“He wants to be reunited with his star-crossed love,” Marinette joked.
Sabine chuckled. “Who?”
Adrien turned tomato red. “She means the chocolate chip cookies.”
Tom laughed. “You’re in luck. We just made a fresh batch.”
“Why don’t you come get them with me, honey?” Sabine asked.
Tom looked between her and Adrien. He seemed to want to say something more but he said, “Alright, let’s go get them,” and followed his wife to the back.
Marinette saw their intentions and blushed. Adrien, meanwhile, had his eyes fixated on an object he had just noticed on the counter.
“I guess you’re not as mad at your boyfriend as you made it seem.”
Marinette turned, eyebrows furrowed questioningly. When she caught sight of the bouquet Adrien was looking at, she nodded in understanding.
“My mom put them there.”
Adrien nodded thoughtfully. “It is a nice bouquet, isn’t it?”
Marinette considered the flowers and said, “I kinda think they’re obnoxious.”
Adrien tried his best to not look offended. “Well, yeah, I guess they could be seen that way. But, you know, from another perspective they can be lavish and… striking! Very thoughtful…”
“Thoughtful?” Marinette cocked her head to the side.
“Well, if your boyfriend is anything like me, he would have looked up the language of flowers and tried to match appropriate meanings to the flowers available at the shop. You know, like, everyone knows red roses symbolize love and whatnot. And these definitely also mean love, you know, for the most part. But, pink roses, for example, mean gratitude. That is, the dark pink ones, I mean; the light pink ones mean admiration… and they can also mean sympathy.”
“So, Chat Noir is thanking me?”
“Yeah! Exactly! I mean, that might be a little weird; thanking you for being his girlfriend, like you’re doing the guy a favor...!” Adrien scoffed.
Marinette laughed nervously. “That would be ridiculous!”
Adrien laughed along with her. “Yeah, yeah… But, you know, there’s more to the bouquet than just a thanks. Like, these.” Adrien pointed at the long purple and fuchsia blooms. “These are stock flowers. They’re mostly used to fill out a bouquet, but they also symbolize the wish for a long life full of happiness and success. And these,” he pointed to the delicate and small pink flowers, “are Peruvian lilies. They stand for friendship and devotion; that you’ll always be there for them. So, as a whole, the bouquet is trying to say that Chat Noir is grateful for you, will always have your back, and hopes you’ll achieve your dreams of being a famous fashion designer!” Adrien then looked back at Marinette and felt himself go slightly pink. “Or, you know, he could’ve just chosen it because it looked pretty.”
Marinette was blushing, a thoughtful look on her face. “Yeah, that sounds more like Chat. But he did get these instead of your standard dozen red roses, so… who knows?”
Adrien smiled. “Yeah. Who knows?”
In that moment, Tom and Sabine came out to the front with the fresh batch of cookies. Adrien’s eyes sparkled at the sight of them.
“They smell so good!” Adrien exclaimed.
“I think I’m melting!” Marinette said.
“Just wait until you try them!” Sabine said.
The door chimes twinkled and they all turned. Nathalie held the door open with The Gorilla waiting in the car out front.
“Adrien, I hardly think you are in any position to put yourself in more trouble. Get in the car; we’re taking you home.” Nathalie was calm, collected, and serious.
Adrien’s face fell. He turned to say, “Yes, Nathalie. Thank you for your welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. See ya, Marinette,” and walked out the door.
The Dupain-Chengs looked on silently until the door closed. With the sound of the chimes from the closing door, Marinette turned and said, “He didn’t get to eat the cookies! Quickly, put ‘em in a bag!”
Tom placed a handful into a paper bag and handed it to his daughter. Marinette snatched it and bolted out the door. The car engine was already starting up when she waved her arms frantically at them. Adrien caught sight of her and stepped out of the car. Marinette skid to a stop and breathed heavily.
With the bag outstretched to him, she said, “I couldn’t stand idly by and see Romeo leave behind his Juliet.” She immediately regretted saying it, the blood rushing fast to her face.
But Adrien grinned and took the bag of cookies. “I’m glad this love story didn’t end in tragedy.”
Marinette couldn’t contain her giggles as she watched him slide back into the car and saw it drive away.
In the car, Adrien gobbled up the cookies, trying to not think about what his father might say to him about the picture that someone must have brought to his attention already.
“Your father isn’t pleased with the newfound gossip surrounding you. He’s currently en route to Milan for a business trip so he regrets not being able to – ”
“Wait, my father’s not here?”
Nathalie turned her head to look straight at Adrien. “No, he has been preparing for this fashion show for several months and only came to know about recent events concerning you when he overheard people talking about it on the plane before takeoff. He called to make it clear that you are to follow your schedule as always and not go out until he comes back.”
“It’s not like I’m allowed to go out when he’s around anyway…” he grumbled.
Adrien sat back in his seat slowly. He didn’t know if to feel relieved that the sure-to-come confrontation had been postponed or stressed because he couldn’t get it over with that evening.
In the Dupain-Cheng household, the following hours before the sun set were spent doing chores and homework. But it was as soon as the sun hid from Paris that Adrien locked himself in his room, saying he was going to collapse in bed, and donned the outfit of his alter ego. He jumped out his window and scored the whole city, spying on the citizens’ gardens. There were still many hours to go before the scheduled patrol.
Marinette couldn’t catch a wink, feeling like ants were walking all over her body while a rock grew heavier in her chest. She stayed up late drawing up different designs.
“I have to say, Marinette, anxiety sure does inspire you. These are really creative.” Tikki admired the different dresses, coats, and suits Marinette had colored in vibrant and bold reds, blues, yellows, and greens.
“I guess… I just can’t stop worrying about tomorrow. There was a lot of commotion today so that might’ve distracted people from this whole dating fiasco. What if tomorrow it becomes center of attention, again? But more than anything, Tikki… how am I supposed to meet up with Chat Noir in…” she looked at the time on her phone, “an hour and a half when he hasn’t bothered to check up on me as Marinette? He gets to avoid me and avoid apologizing. But I have to meet up with him as Ladybug and pretend everything is good between us? It’s really not fair and it’s not like I can track him down as myself and confront him, and I definitely can’t confront him as Ladybug. Yesterday night was already blurring the lines on our identities and we acted as a team today, so for Ladybug to suddenly get mad at him because he still hasn’t talked to Marinette would just expose the truth and make a huge mess.” She turned back to her drawings, angrily doodling. “I never thought he could be this insensitive.”
An urgent tapping at the window made Marinette jump and made Tikki zoom to her purse to hide. Luckily for both of them, the computer screen had kept Tikki hidden from view. Chat Noir was on the other side, an apologetic expression on his face. He pointed up, signaling to meet him on the balcony.
“Speak of the devil…” Marinette said and huffed out a breath. She glared at the boy and he grimaced in response.
“Please,” he said, hardly audible through the glass.
Marinette sighed, teeth clenched, and stood up. Taking her purse with her, she climbed up the ladder to her bed and went through the trapdoor on the ceiling. Chat Noir was already standing there when she lifted the door. Her lips in a thin line, she climbed out and then crossed her arms and nodded at him.
When he realized she wouldn’t say anything until he did, he revealed the single purple flower he had hidden behind his back. “’I’m sorry’ doesn’t even cover it…”
“Great. More flowers.” Marinette looked up at the sky and pressed her tongue to her cheek.
“It’s just a hyacinth. Didn’t think you’d like anything… extravagant.”
Marinette looked back at Chat Noir. “Do you think you can just give a girl flowers and have everything magically fixed?”
“Of course not! When I gave you the bouquet yesterday, I didn’t think at all about the fact people could record it. I knew that you didn’t want to be on the Ladyblog and I thought that it would just be something that would be talked about at your school. The whole point of us faking this relationship is to have people know about it to make it believable, so I didn’t think it would bother you as long as it didn’t go online.”
“Stop making excuses, Chat Noir.”
“I’m not making excuses; I’m trying to explain! What I did was impulsive and dumb and I really did think you’d like the flowers! It was never my intention to hurt you! I wouldn’t dare do that purposefully! When I found out about the aftermath of my gesture yesterday night, I came running here to make things right. I tapped on your window like crazy; I thought you didn’t want to see me since you wouldn’t answer me. I guess you were asleep or something… So I’ve been keeping my distance until I could give you a proper apology.”
“You couldn’t give me one earlier today at the school? At the very least just check up on me after you fought the akuma? Or were you too busy flirting with Ladybug? If it weren’t for the fact that Adrien and Ladybug had that picture of them leaked, who knows what kind of consequences I would have faced while you were going about your day quietly with your mask-less anonymity.”
Chat Noir pinched the bridge of his nose, wishing he could explain that there was nothing anonymous about his face without a mask. He inhaled sharply and said, “Look, you probably don’t know this, but after using our powers, Ladybug and I only have five minutes before we turn back into our civilian selves. I thought going up to you and saying, ‘Hey, you good? That’s cool, gotta go!’ would’ve been insensitive! I wanted to be able to have this conversation with you!”
Marinette exhaled roughly, her lips pursed. “You’re right... I think if you had done that I would’ve been even more pissed than I already am.”
Chat Noir’s breathing slowed and he said, “If I had been you and I did that, I would’ve broken up with me very publically.”
Marinette snorted once while smiling wryly. “You understand that if you ever pull anything like this again, that’s exactly what I’m going to do, right?”
Chat Noir nodded solemnly. “As you should.”
They stood in silence, taking deep breaths to simmer down their boiling blood. After a few seconds, Chat Noir said, “Marinette, I was hoping you’d let me give you a gift.”
Marinette frowned. “The flower?”
Chat Noir shook his head. “This hyacinth is just a detail. I was actually thinking I could give you a new perspective of the city you live in.” He extended his hand to her.
Marinette smiled cautiously. No way to tell him she’s already seen Paris in every angle possible in the past year as the spotted heroine. She hesitated and this made Chat Noir say, “Can’t you let me win back your trust?”
She raised an eyebrow and warily gave him her hand. He smiled at her, gave her the purple bloom to hold, twirled around, putting her hand on his shoulder, and grabbed hold of her thighs to carry her on piggyback.
“Hold on tight, princess.”
He sped up to the railing and jumped off. Marinette was all too familiar with the sensation of the wind blowing through her hair at this speed, but the absence of her suit and her want to not raise suspicion on her strange comfortability with flying through the air 20 meters above the concrete made her squeal.
Chat Noir laughed and said, “Don’t worry, Marinette. I’ll never let you fall. Just make sure your legs are wrapped around me tight!”
He let go of her thighs as he held his extending staff while they began descending. Marinette gasped when the staff impacted with the ground and catapulted them to the roof of the school. Chat sprinted across the roof and sprang to the next building and the next and the next.
Marinette soon began laughing gleefully and hollering with every rise and fall. Chat Noir was grinning so wide, his cheeks were aching.
When they came upon the Eiffel Tower, its lights breathing life to the landscape, they slowed to a stop. Chat Noir was squatted on top of his 100 meter tall staff, Marinette clutching onto him with all her strength. Her cheek rested on his shoulder. They had both seen this view countless times, but that night, it seemed like world was quieter and kinder.
“She’s still huge,” Marinette commented softly.
“But everything else is insignificant,” Chat Noir whispered.
Marinette nodded, cheek still pressed to him.
After another moment of admiring the view, the staff started leaning forward. Marinette shrieked, the feeling reminding her of slowly going over an edge on a rollercoaster. At the same time, Chat began singing.
“I can show you the world...! Shining, shimmering, splendid!”
They landed on a building and he continued racing over the rooftops. “Chat, what are you doing?” Marinette cringed as she tried leaning lower and around him to look at his face.
“Tell me, princess,” he stroked Marinette’s chin at the last word and she pulled away quickly with a shriek, making him laugh, “when did you last let your heart decide…”
She put her hands over his mouth and he licked her. “Oh, my God, you’re disgusting!” she exclaimed.
“And you’re a bad sport!” He laughed. “I can open your eyes. Take you wonder by wonder.” With a hop over a chimney, a crab walk on the edge of the roof, and a ducked run beneath an arch, he sang the next line, “Over, sideways, and under on a magic carpet ride!”
“You’re such a clown!” Marinette guffawed.
He simply continued and she shrugged her shoulders and joined in, “A whole new world! A new fantastic point of view! No one to tell us no, or where to go, or tell us that we’re only dreaming!”
Chat Noir tried to finish the song but Marinette was chortling so violently that it was impossible to not join in the laughter, let alone sing over it.
It wasn’t long before they made it back to her balcony. They were still in a fit of giggles when Chat Noir stood on the railing, extended his staff and stood on it.
“Very impressive balance you’ve got there,” Marinette said.
“I know, I know… It’ll be very hard for you to not fall for the very impressive me.” He shrugged jokingly.
Marinette fanned her face dramatically and said, “What ever shall I do?”
He laughed and lowered himself so that his chin was at the same level as the railing. He closed his eyes and puckered his lips.
“What are you doing?” Marinette chuckled, leaning in closer to his face.
Chat Noir gave her puppy dog eyes and whimpered, “Aren’t you going to give your prince a good night kiss? Jasmine gave one to Aladdin…”
Marinette flicked his forehead and chuckled. “Stop fooling around!”
The laughter between them didn’t cease until he launched himself to her neighbor’s roof and dashed down the block. “Good night, princess!” he called out behind him.
Marinette shook her head, her chuckles becoming softer. Tikki emerged from the purse and said, “I’m so glad everything was resolved, Marinette! I can see you’re feeling a lot better!”
Marinette nodded. “I really am, Tikki.” She noticed that she was still holding onto the tiny purple flower Chat Noir had given her. She furrowed her brows curiously at it.
“Do you remember what type of flower Chat said this was?”
Tikki twirled and said, “Hyacinth!”
Marinette sat down on the beach chair she kept on that balcony and pulled out her phone. Her scheduled patrol was still 15 minutes away and she had a text from Alya, but she ignored her notifications and simply pulled up a search engine.
Purple hyacinth meaning: Sorrow, I am sorry, Please forgive me.
Marinette and Tikki shared a look. Marinette sighed and leaned back in the chair, admiring the endless diamond sky.
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sophieaaaah-blog · 7 years
Frozen stars ch 2
Ok I'm finally done with this chapter, took a little while to make because I had lots of schoolwork to do but its here now at least. Trigger warning (Kinda) there is a small mention of cuts so if you’re sensitive please dont read this.
(ps. I havent been able to fix the problem with ao3 yet so ill just post my chapter here for now. Oh and “caraja” is a way to call someone a dick, idiot or whatever in the spanish that I speak. :) )
Lance has only taken care of the creature for a week, only to find out it was a boy, it is a species that is similar to bugs, as well as humans to survive. A female can only breed (By laying eggs) unless there was a male in the picture, and as the creature's name is Leontios, he was a male.
Leontios, well, what Lance likes to call him; Leo is making a run for it trying to break into Alluras room.
“Leo stop ruNNING YOUR GONNA GET YOURSELF HURT!” He shouts as Leo runs hitting with his horns on the door. “LEO!” Leo falls back and before he can hit the floor Lance grabs onto him, and then the door opens. “LANCE!” Allura shouts as she is laying in her bed, sheets covering her body, her naked body, looking like a frightened raccoon. “Sorry! Sorry! I- I’m gonna go!” Lance says before closing the door.
Allura stares at the door, with her then seeing Shiro emerge from under the sheets. “D-Do you think he knows?” He asks quietly. “Aaah, I- I don't know.” Shiro looks at the floor beside him and whispers, “Fuck me.” In a worried tone. Allura glances over at Siro, blushing before she says, “Of course.”, giving off a mischievous smile, before climbing onto him, and hearing Shiro giving of a playful laugh before they hide under the covers.
Lance is in the kitchen, tending to Leo’s wounds he got on his antennas, after getting them bent when slamming on that door. “Leo, don't get yourself hurt like that! I know I've only known you for a week but you’re like a baby brother to me an-” “Green caraja is here.” Leo cuts off,  Lance looks up, seeing pidge walking in with a book about “Advanced alien tech” and looks up. “Oh, hey shi- uh, fuh, fffffeceshead.” Pidge says, as she tried not to swear. Leo looks up at Lance, and says, “Is she trying to say poop? You don't look like poop, more like.. not poop.” Leo smiles, with his arms crossed together, almost proud if that statement. Lance chuckles, looking at pidge with a small smile on his face. “Thanks, Leo. And Pidge, language, I raised you better than that!” Pidge scoffs back and looks at Leo, then back at lance, smirking, “Well at least I didn't teach him how to say carajo.” “That was an accident!” Lance fires back. As Lance and Pidge are having an argument, they’re quickly cut off by the fact that Leo falls down the kitchen counter, out cold.
A few moments pass and Leo is sitting in the infirmary, lying tucked in bed, with a thermometer in his mouth.  
“Is.. is he ok?” Lance asks as everybody else stands surrounded by the sleeping child. “Yes my boy, he’s probably a bit feverish, at the fact that he's been in captivity for a while!” Coran says, and Lance looks down to the floor. “Captivity huh.” Lance thinks to himself and brushes his hand through Leo’s hair. “But, if he's just a bit feverish, then why would he faint?” Hunk asks, with Keith walking next to him with a serious look on his face and nodding. “I, I don't know my boy, but I do know that it isn't something serious, so be calm.” Coran answers back, walking up to Lance and patting him on the back.
Lance is sitting beside Leo, all the others left a while back, but Lance, he could never leave his family that easily. “I'm sorry.” He says, and bows down and kisses Leo's forehead. “Sorry for what?” Lance bolts up at that comment, Leo, now awake, looks at him with wide and curious eyes, although, that spark in them is still gone. Lance, stares at him as him with his nose wrinkled up, he might as well answer the question now that they’re at it. “For… for you being stuck with the Galra, and you know, about your mom too.” Leo looks at Lance confused. “But that wasn't your fault. She got tortured by-” “Stop.” Lance cuts off, looking down at the floor. “Just, just stop. It's just a way to show that we care, when we say sorry, to things like that.” Leo takes Lance's hand and looks at the wall behind them. “Oh, ok- Achoo!” Leo looks sheepishly back at Lance, with snot drooping down his nose, and Lance starts digging his hands in his pockets, looking for a tissue, but instead of really finding anything, he just spills everything that he keeps in his pockets on the floor. “Oh crap! Hey, Leo, wait a sec imma just pick this up.” He reaches to the floor, putting everything that he dropped hastily in his pockets, but, after picking up one specific item, he stops and just looks at it. “what is that? It looks sharp.” Leo asks, pointing at his item, a small sharp piece of metal. Lance, putting the metal hastily in one of his pockets, ignores the question. “Sorry bud, didn't find any tissues, but I think you'll survive. Aaannnyways, gotta go!” Lance says as he fingerguns out of the room.
As he’s walking towards his room, he panics. “HOly shit!” He puts his arm against his chest and crouches, breathing heavily. He didn't know he still had his blade, he thought he threw it away a long time ago, well at least since he turned seventeen. He has never washed his jacket for a while, but he thought that it- no the blade, would just… disappear.
Lance is now sitting in the middle of the hallway having a hard time to breath at the same time as he's crying, he's having a panic attack. He's trying to forget, the memories, the pain, the shadows. Putting his hand against the wall, he tries to adjust himself. “O-kkk ii hhhave t-t- o, hhah, sst-tand upp.” but he can't, the sudden wave of feelings that took over him are now eating at his strength, the only thing he can do now is sit down and, either calm down, or wait until someone walks by.
seconds felt like minutes and minutes feel like hours. Lance is sitting against the wall hugging his knees, and suddenly, he hears footsteps. Coming closer and closer Lance feels himself breathing heavier, and as the steps get louder and louder he starts to panic. He doesn't want anyone to see him like this, he, he doesn't- “Lance?” It's Shiro, seeing lance with his red, teary eyes and in such a weak state, like he has become the prey of a predator, Shiro knows exactly what's going on, he just doesn't know what to do. “Hey, lance! Oh god I- I j, just-” Before Shiro can finish his sentence pics Lance up and starts running.
Shiro runs to Hunks room, knowing that Hunk, is probably the only one who knows Lance well enough to be able to calm him down. When he arrives he knocks heavily on the door, Lance almost hyperventilating as he hugs himself. Hunk opens the door and with a smile seeing Shiro, but it drops as soon as he saw Lance. “OH MY-” He abruptly finishes his sentence starts to wave his hands around Lance, Only to take Lance and say “Private meeting” and then closing the door.
Shiro looks almost dumbfounded after what just happened, but he feels the need to tell the others what happened, he blames himself, he feel like he's a bad leader, a bad dad™. He knows he and the others can be a bit hard on him, but not this hard right? He doesn't even know if it is his fault. 
He hopes not.
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dahlialittlejames · 7 years
Cass Can’t Chill, Ever
I don’t know where this came from but I now have a fic with 12k and I don’t know what to do with it. Please take it from my hands.
Cass rolled the grey, oblong pill in her hand, seated at the table with her brother talking enthusiastically about the new Bendy chapter or something. Rambling about lore while she thought on her new purchase. “Are you really gonna take it?” he asked, seeing her disinterest.
“I spent the money so- might as well?” With Stan’s eyes on her, she dry-swallowed it. Bad move. She swigged some water to wash it down and waited for voices in her head. Another second. Only the buzz of the mall filled her awareness and she remembered. “Shit! Mountain Dew! Be right back, okay?”
She got up to get the drink and left Stan sitting there waiting, plucking at his sweatshirt. He wandered to the Spencer’s nearby. Cass sighed. What a waste of four hundred bucks if this thing didn’t work, even as she sipped her new cup of Mountain Dew. “Why do people even drink this?” she rasped.
Then she heard a bouncy voice and turned to face the soda machine, eyes going deer in the headlights wide. Her hands sweat, her face warm with blood and she heard, “Hey, Cassie! I didn’t see you there.”
She turned to see Em on the arm of Adam, the girl grinning and the guy looking somewhat unimpressed. This was Miss Missing. Cass ‘fell off a bridge once and probably hit her head too hard’ Douglas, with her kiddy red braid and nerdery for art and comics. Too quiet nowadays but memorable enough as that kid who never knew when to calm down about their interests back in middle school.
“Uh, Em?” Cass asked. “Hi.”
“Hey!” she said brightly, with a wave. Adam tugged her toward the Subway.
The pair turned again. Cass looked everywhere but the girl making her want to explode. “Yeah, Cass?” Em asked.
“I- I, uh.” Cass didn’t get to finish. She cried out as something seemed to fizz all over her body, then shoot pain through her head. Like a lightning bolt through her nerves and spine, and she doubled over, spilling the dew all over the floor. She gripped her head. “Ah!”
Target Emmalee Shinkle: inaccessible, a pleasant voice assessed.
“Ow! What the fuck?” she yelled. Here in a food court, with Em tilting her head and putting out a hand. But she drew back at Cass’s outburst and into Adam’s arms. Adam didn’t seem to know if this was good or bad for his chances.
Calibration in process. Please excuse some mild discomfort, the voice said.
“You call this mild?” Pardon the phrasing earlier- this was exploding. Her head was on fire and she could feel long fingers wiggling into action, as if tuning an instrument and preparing to play. Not sure what that made Cass but she didn’t like it a bit. She fell to her knees.
“Cass, what’s wrong?” Em asked.
“She’s finally cracking,” Adam told her, arms around her now.
Calibration complete! Access procedure initiated. The voice was polite, and the pain dulled. Cass blinked. She looked up at Em and Adam.
She cringed, and pulled herself up from the grimy mall tiles. She reached for napkins to clean up the soda. “Guys, I’m fine, I just need a minute to-”
The voice came back, cordial as ever. Discomfort level may increase.
She screamed. It was being on fire again, and she went bolting for the nearest empty hall of mall. The soda almost tripped her up but she was still Cass the record track jock along with Cass the weirdo. It didn’t make her look more than standoffish in social standing but it meant she found a spot by an empty store and ducked out of sight.
She huddled against a wall. When would the pain stop? Was this what she bought? A giant fucking migraine in an easily consumable shape? She wanted her money back. She’d been conned and now Em thought she was a lunatic even more than she already had!
Through it all the voice still announced its status. Accessing: neural memory. Accessing: muscle memory. Access procedure: complete. It lost some of its stiffness, waking up into a rambling lilt that was sort of familiar. The next words were like a person tossing new sounds in their mouth, to get a feel for her name. Cassandra Douglas.
She took the new sight in from toe to head, going up. Red Converse, to high-watered brown slacks, to a tweed coat, to a bow tie and a sharp face and a ponytail of dark curls and golden eyes smiling right with his mouth. A man, oozing cool and collected with his hands behind his back.
Welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor.... your SQUIP, he said, as if as an afterthought. You can call me by the acronym, if you like!
Cass’s jaw just sort of dropped. She was expecting- leather jackets and greaser gel. Spikes and radiant badassery. Cooler, and not in the sense of calm but punk.
That was just a default mode. I can be that, too! he said. The man flickered to golden pixels, reformed to an old biker getup and slicked back hair. He gave her something of dual fingerguns. Then he flickered to a knight in shining gold armor with a greatsword, then to something out of the Matrix with a long black coat and sunglasses, then to normal again.
She still gawked. He smiled. This is simply a form you trust. It comforts you!
“You look like my dad,” she said, deadpan.
Then your father comforts you! He spread his hands, and flickered into the same slacks and shoes but with a teal sweater and no tie. He looked like a nerd now, but she sort of trusted that more than the other shapes. It didn’t feel as false.
He clicked his rubber heels together. Wonderful!
“Can everyone see you?” she asked. No passerby yet but she didn’t want to look any crazier than she already was. What was she doing? Taking talking drugs to be more confident, which at least was a crazy someone else she knew subscribed to. Bea was a bitch, but she’d been sincere in her advice to go get a squip. Or it’d seemed sincere, but that could’ve been fake if she couldn’t see the evidence that it worked right in front of her.
Which only she could see, because the man said, Of course not. I exist only in your mind. All they see is you, having an animated conversation, with yourself. Think your thoughts at me like a telepath.
“Like from X-men, you mean. Or an Animorph.”
The man frowned. She recoiled a little. She wasn’t supposed to be talking nerd shit, was she? That was something for her and Stan alone. Speaking of, where was her brother? She’d have to tell him as soon as she found him again.
But the man beckoned her to her feet and away from the wall, circled her in thought. He plucked at her hair without moving it, even if she could feel the touch itself, and put hands on her shoulders when he came to face her again. He cocked his head.
I think I’m understanding it now, he said. You want to be more chill, yes?
“More cool.” What a relief this thing knew what she actually had bought and ate him for- wait.
Don’t think about it, he assured. And no! I mean what I mean. Social interactions run on patterns and rules. I have the processing capacity to understand those rules, and pass them on to you! You won’t have to worry about a thing, dear. Leave it to me! Now, he said. Take your hands out of your pockets.
She did, but blinked at him. “I wanted cool and confident- like, I want to be able to talk to people without wanting to stop existing? Can you do more than the aesthetic shit?”
He seemed to ignore her. Slouching, too, my my! An electric shock hit the base of her spine and she squirmed.
“Hey!” she cried.
If you want to appear personable, you must not slouch. Slouching with your hands in your pockets and leaning against a wall is not chill. It is impersonal and unapproachable, he said, as if reciting from a book.
“That’s cool, though,” she said, and resumed her pose. She’d bought him, not the other way around. Didn’t she give the orders and he gave the advice, take it or leave it? Then again, it’d be a waste of money not to at least try his way.
That’s the spirit! He didn’t zap her again, but she peeled off the wall herself anyway. She played with a braid and he batted her hand.
“Stop that! Alright, alright, I’ll- try it.”
Lovely! Now, shoulders back, neck long, no fidgeting hands unless you’re in dire need, and smile.
He presented himself as an example. Easy for him to do, towering a foot over her and everyone else. She was five foot nothing. Still, she mimicked the posture but not the expression. Her brows pressed tight together. You look like you’re about to fight me, darling, he laughed. It will do for now. The first step is acting the part. Pretend you’re confident and you’ll be so in no time!
Cass walked with him step for step back to the stores around the food court, avoiding looking anywhere near the Subway where Em and Adam ate. She instead watched the man and his long stride, tried to ape it but he was taller and she was just a short little geek in a hoodie who was unfeminine and a complete idiot-
Try to drown that out, dear, he advised. Pretend your shoes are heavy. Let them make a sound on the tiles like you deserve to fill the space with it. He smiled.
“Sounds like the director,” she muttered. Maybe theatre was a good idea, not just for Em but for herself. She tried the smiling thing. It felt false, but she managed to keep it up until she saw where the squip was leading her. “Oh, for fuck’s sake. This is the opposite of cool!”
The squip phased his hands through the mannequin in front of the Hot Topic. He swiped the violet wool coat on it and added it to his ensemble, flickering an identical copy over his shoulders. Think what you say, dear. And you want to be chill! Remember, the first step is-
“Cosplaying is a very specific way of acting a part,” she pointed out, arms crossed.
He tapped his lips and strut inside, like he owned the place. For his Whovian attire in that first five seconds, he might as well have. She looked around the busy mall for witnesses, then ducked inside. Twenty One Pilots hit her ears and she shuddered a little, scooting past a couple of kids with Freddy Fazbear plushies and two freshmen bickering intensely about Supernatural or Mortal Instruments or something. She glared down the aisles at the squip, who stood grinning at the Ghibli display. She could walk out of here, she really could.
Ah, but you shouldn’t! You love Spirited Away. It’s in your- top five, it seems. After The Little Prince (2015), Ghostbusters (2016), Stardust (2007)-
She cut off his robotic listing with a frantic wave of her hands. No one else was poking around the display, but she still panicked to think someone saw her making faces at someone who wasn’t there, or to find her loitering around a bunch of cartoon merch. She caught a glance at the Steven Universe rack and whined a little.
The squip if anything looked more pleased. Choose anything you want! I’ll find a way to make back the money for you when the opportunity arises, he said.
“Right,” she mumbled. Already he was faulty at his one job, so she seriously doubted he could do anything money-making from her mind.
Oh, it’s simple, really, he chuckled, eying a plush Calcifer with a smile. I can see infinite possibilities for this reality and a number of others. My processing speed allows me to find optimal outcomes for each, barring human error. By influencing your decisions, I can guide you to a manner in which you make money outside unscrupulous means- by playing the odds of fate itself!
Cass smirked. That was kind of useful, if it really did work. She eyed over the shirts. There were so, so many different things her heart tugged at, but she just clenched her jaw and frowned at each with disdain.
The squip sighed, hands behind his back. Well, there’s all manner of things you could get. I thought something you could wear would be nice. Something to show you’re proud of one of these things. What about a pin? he suggested, gesturing to the sheet of them by the register. At least four of your favorite cartoons, including-
Didn’t have to list it out again. She shook her head. Hell no. Even if the rainbow pin with ‘I can’t even think straight’ made her chest spasm with a laugh. But the squip didn’t let up, pointing out smaller and smaller articles.
Socks! They’re easily hidden- oh, except for in your track practices. What about a necklace? You could tuck it under your shirt! Or a jacket! It’s practical, because it’s warm, and you would get to wear something showing what you like!
Cass rolled her eyes at him but yanked down a lanyard from the nearest display. It had dinosaurs on it, which was nice but not something she had to explain. Dinosaurs didn’t need explaining.
The squip laughed and she threw him a glare but threw it down on the sales counter. If it got the pill off her back, fine. “Yo?” she called.
The clerk was busy with another two customers and told her he’d be right there. Cass wanted to run. Drea and Dani stood in enthused conversation about some band t-shirt, talking concerts and musicals and holding some stranger hostage.
He’s nodding, Cassandra. His facial expression and posture convey he is eager and listening.
Cass tapped the counter. Shit, shit, shit! She wasn’t going to let them see her here, and go telling Em about it like the gossips they were! They were always twittering together at the back of classes, painting each other’s nails and braiding hair-
There is no evidence in your neural memory that indicates they have done either of those things in your presence.
So what? She was going to set the lanyard on the display again and stomp out, but Dani waved. “Hi, Cassie!” she sang out. “We didn’t see you there! Were you trying to check out? Aw, David, I’m so sorry! C’mon, Drea. Hey, Cass, whatcha getting?”
Cass backed up a few steps, eying the door- and walked right into the squip. He smiled down when she glared over her shoulder. Gave an encouraging nod, and prodded her back without zapping it.
She held up the lanyard, lips in a tight white line. “Uh. Impulse buy.”
Drea grabbed Dani and shook her a little. “That is so cute! I want one. Look, it’s got a little dino charm on it!”
Cass forced a smile and said, “Uh, yeah. Here.” She popped open her nondescript black wallet and forked over the five bucks. Not as painful as parting with four hundred dollars for a pill that didn't even work.
Be patient. You'll earn it back. Tell David thank you.
“Thanks, David,” she muttered, and moved to leave, but Drea and Dani were upon her. There were hands on her arms- fucking theatre kids were so touchy! The squip just nodded.
“Cassie! Now that you're in the cast, we should hang out. Do you want a ride home?” Dani asked.
“We were planning on going to see the new Spiderman at Cinebarre,” Drea added, waggling her brows. “Tom Holland is so adorable, right?”
“Pfft, I'm going for Zendaya,” Dani said, and fanned herself. “Like, damn.”
Cass wriggled out of their grip, shaking a little. She couldn't let them see her after the dew incident. Like she'd snapped just long enough to make a scene, then went normal long enough to use Em’s friends for tickets and a ride.
This isn’t a logical leap, Cass. What if they're sincere?
Why do I get the feeling you planned this? Cass winced at their stares. Be actually useful and get me out of here.
As you wish. Tell them you need to take Stan home but you will take their phone numbers and call another date later.
“Uh, I have to take my brother home but I'll- raincheck it? See you at rehearsals!” she said, and edged out before they could even give her their contacts. She ran for another place to be alone, to think things over, and the squip trailed after. She wanted him to go away.
I can’t.
“Yes, you can.”
Even if you don’t see me, I’ll still be here. I interfaced with the security cameras. Stan Douglas is in the Spencer’s Gifts, block 238 of the Salem Center Mall-
“Fuck you. Stop talking!”
A mom covered her son’s ears and Cass stormed further into the shopfronts, face burning. This thing was supposed to help and he just kept embarrassing her. From start to finish this was a disaster, but what did she even do? How did she get rid of him?
His presence nearly answered but stopped. At least he was finally taking orders.
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