#shes 5'10 and shes got these beautiful broad shoulders
lavenderedhoney · 2 years
I love that I can make her feel small and dainty 😭💖💖💖
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catch22inareddress · 5 years
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Della Fontaine is the typical girl next door. Fresh from North Carolina and coming to the Big Apple for the change of scenery. However, her next door neighbor, Sebastian, is the opposite of her. Outgoing, handsome, popular, with a twinge of heartbreaker lurking around his soft edges. 
His ex is the epitome of everything she’s not. A model, vicious to the core, and willing to go to extremes to make sure that Sebastian’s sees Della for what she isn’t. Her. 
 What happens when neighbors become friends while trying to ignore the chemistry between them? Will the stars keep pushing them together or will it all come crashing down?
Chapter One: Designed by Destiny
1. Fate; a predetermined or unavoidable destiny.
I never believed in fate or kismet or whatever the hell you want to call actions or consequences that makeup one's life. It's arduous to think that no matter what you do, no matter what decision you made you will end up at the exact same point because it was by fate's design. I've made selfless choices and been a reasonable person in hopes that the next person would pay it forward, not to benefit myself or my situation. Other times, I've been selfish and made a decision only to help myself, I'm human. Yet, none of these choices that I have ever made hurt anyone.
Every break up I've ever had has been amicable. Although, it probably helped that it lacked in all things passion and was more practical than anything else.
The reason I'm currently mulling over my belief in kismet is the fact that my very handsome and recently unattached neighbor is doing pull-ups from his balcony while I'm pretending to read my book.
While I could say that me choosing to sell all of my belongings and leaving all of my friends behind in North Carolina to move to New York was just an arbitrary decision. That this building that my new boss just happened to need to sublet was a fluke when I had no place set up to live. I could also say that the fact that my neighbor being non-other than Sebastian Stan, the walking lady boner, was just pure luck and nothing else.
Kismet? Luck? At this point, do I really care? Not particularly. He's single, sure. However, let's be realistic. I'm not like his last drop dead modelesque Brazilian style girlfriend. I'm the girl next door type who works mostly from home as a graphic designer who decided that for whatever reason, wanted to work closer to the actual office when I don't EVER go into said office. Him just being single means I don't feel guilty for eye diddling him from the next balcony.
I've been here for a few months and still haven't gotten used to his god-like perfection. I keep thinking that staring at him more will help with that but ...no, not yet. Like many other women, I am not immune to his charms.  At our first encounter, I nearly was a stuttering mess of goo all over the floor. The mere recollection of it makes me turn shades of pink.
3 months ago:
"Hmm, box number 5?" I said looking for my mailbox. The numbers were worn off even though the building was newly renovated and in near pristine condition.  
I spotted it and inserted the key, but it got stuck to my dismay. "Seriously?" As I grunted and tugged at the key, I heard a girlish giggle from behind me.
"Have you never worked a mailbox before?" I turned to see this 5'10'' model that was apparently a mean girl in school. I gave her my best smile despite myself.
"I have, but it would seem the ones in New York are sooo different from North Carolina....and I just can't figure it out." I drew out my southern accent for effect.
Just as I said it a broad-shouldered man with a baseball cap came around the corner chuckling at my statement, while his girl toy was huffing at my sarcastic remark. To be frank, I was surprised she even picked up on the sarcasm. "Not funny, Sebby."
He shrugged. "Funny, especially because you were being rude, Sophia." Hmmm. Sophia. Sounds exotic. As soon as my eyes meet his bright blue orbs, all my snark went straight back to the Carolina's in a handbasket. "H-Hi."
He held out his hand. "Sebastian. We're neighbors. This is my girlfriend. Sophia. I apologize for her manners, she can help it, but she chooses not to."
My slack jaw must've thrown him off because he just smirked and stared at me. I managed to garner some of my wits back, yay for womanhood everywhere. "Well, that sounds like a personal problem. I'm sure she'll do great things in life.." He smiled as we both took in her making funny faces at her selfie camera. He grunted out a sarcastic yea as I tried to hide my snicker.
He reached over my shoulder while I held my breath wondering what in the good gravy he was doing. Unfortunately, he didn't grab a lock of my hair and gently put it behind my ear, he did do the next best thing. At least, that's what I will keep telling myself. He grabbed the key that was currently within the grips of hell, otherwise known as my antique mailbox.
He laughed while he gently tried not to manhandle the government's property while I ogled him and his primadonna princess stared at her snapchat and took selfies behind us. "All the boxes get stuck occasionally. You have to pull the key out just a bit, then turn." I tried to hold my breath versus breathing the scent of him in. All woodsy pine and pure deliciousness. "Ah. Thank you for letting me in on the building secret. And here I thought I would have to move." He instantly frowned.
"Now we can't have that, neighbor. The last woman that lived here was a wallbanger and kept me up most nights." Had I been drinking the pretentious drink that his girl was drinking, I would've spewed it all over his preposterously handsome face.
"Sorry, wallbanger? Loud?" He chuckled while Sophia cleared her throat showing her readiness to leave. Slowly,  the three of us made our way to the elevator while she remained transfixed on her social media app. I couldn't help but think that if this were my man, I would put my phone in the sink disposal for more talk time with him, yet here she was squandering precious minutes. Like they say, 'One man's trash is another man's treasure.'
He blushed a bit before continuing his explanation. "Yea. She had a few boyfriends throughout the few years she lived here. But man was she noisy,  the walls aren't thick just so you know. Our beds are on the same one, and her frame would knock the wall and wake me up. I was sooo happy when she moved." I couldn't contain the laugh that bubbled up from within my noticeably smaller chest. Damn Sophia and her genetics....or surgeon.
"Well, that's just fantastic. I'm never gonna look at my boss the same way." He looked at me with his brow furrowed. "Oh, I'm subletting from her. She's..my boss." He let out this heartstopping laughter that made my cheeks hurt I smiled so hard. I probably looked like the Chesire Cat just got a catnip toy, but I didn't care. I risked a glance at Sophia, and she seemed annoyed at his larger than life presence and laughter. He held his stomach as his laughter quieted down.
"That is rich. Please, tell me how that goes." The elevator came to a stop on our floors, and he gestured for Sophia and me to get off before him. I walked past him to go to my door and looked back after he let her inside. He spoke a bit softer to my surprise.
"Sorry about her. She's...well nevermind. Just sorry. But hey, don't be a stranger." I smiled as I tried and failed miserably to be casual and missed my door, nearly falling into my apartment. Sebastian, thankfully, stifled his laughter and only smiled at my clumsiness. "Thanks, but I don't want the fake nails to come out. Oh! That was mean. I'm sorry."
He shook his head. "No worries. What's your name, Carolina?" I smiled. "Della, Della Fontaine." He went closer into his apartment. "Sebastian Stan. Nice to meet you, Della Fontaine."
He was the most genuine person I had met since coming to New York. Well, his whole crew was pretty straightforward, to be fair. He took me under his wing and showed me the best food trucks and places to gorge myself properly.  
"Hey, Della!" He ripped me from my thoughts as he threw a pen at my head from his balcony, missing me entirely but scaring my cat Hagrid. Sebastian yelled out a sorry to the beautiful Maine Coon as he skirted inside to find sanctity.
"You shouldn't throw things, Seb. Last time you pegged Will, and it poked Chris in the eye. Not even sure how that happened." He shrugged and wiped the sweat off his brow while leaning on the railing; naturally, I ogle. I give good ogle.
"What are you doin' tonight, Carolina?" I put my book down, sitting up and shrugging. "I'm suupppooossseee to be setting up my dating profile, but if someone dangles a twinkie in front of me with better plans, I'm game. By better plans I mean laundry, grocery shopping, moving, even driving you to the airport." He frowned but then smiled at my ridiculousness.
"You can't do online dating in New York. So I will definitely rope you in on something better." He stood up stretching. Was he purposely trying to torture the women and me across the street? I know at least two of them have binoculars. One of which is his ex. Yep. Different story, another time.
"First, thank you for whatever plans you have pre-emptively made for me. Second, why can't I date online in New York?" I stood up and wandered over to my side of the balcony to be closer to him.
He gave me his famous, "Are you serious?" look, like that was going to provide me with allll the answers to the universe. My rebuttal was a challenging, yet mature, raising of the eyebrows.
"Alright, you want me to say it? You're too sweet and good, the girl next door. Wallstreet will devour you. Which means you'll have to bail me out for kicking the douchebags ass for hurting you." Part of me jumped for joy at the thought of my very own knight in shining armor, but then the nail in my coffin came.
"Look, if you really wanna date someone. I can set you up." What's that? Oh sure. I love roses on my headstone. Red, please.
I cleared my throat and tried to sound sprightly. "Only if I get to screen them like online dating can. I don't want to be set up with your dry cleaner or shoe repair guy. Not when you have people like Evans in your arsenal of friends. Not sayin' Evan's would go for a girl like me, just don't set me up with a dumpy loser or I'll cut you. Or at the very least jump on my bed all night long."
He narrowed his eyes, daring my sauciness. "You wouldn't." I nodded. "Oh, one bad date and trust me, I would. Chose wisely." As I turned to sashay into my flat. "Text me my plans tonight, so I know what to wear."
I felt like I won this round as I looked back at the playful glint in his baby blues.
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Sebastian Stan: @guera31 @irishwaffle @hiddlestonstansworld @mcdesij @marvelsvalhalla @sebstanwintersoldier27 @sj-thefan
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Okay y'all. Here's the tea.
I can't fucking choose between Charlie and Barnaby.
Usually if I'm unsure I'll put the house colours together, and if they clash, I generally find the personalities will too. But red/gold and green/gold are both equally beautiful together.
I need your help to pick, guys. I've been stewing over this for weeks (months even), and these are my scatterbrained deliberations:
I mean, what can I say? It's Charlie. I have a soft spot for gingers; especially when they've got that trademark Weasley sense of humor to put a sparkle in their blue eyes. He's kind, loyal, brave, and a damn good friend. You know he'd take care of you. He's also great with animals, and quite intelligent. Not to mention a prefect (get your girlfriend outta trouble, holla). And he can sew.
On the other hand, Charlie is notoriously short. The average adult height in the UK is about 5'10". So if we put all of the professors at or a little under this height range (Flitwick not counted), the students are still being shown as significantly shorter even though they are no longer 11 year old children and are supposed to be going through growth spurts (which is something that really sticks in my craw). Even so, Charlie is noticeably shorter than MC. And if Skylar is anything like me, she's gonna be a busty amazon. Charlie would be eye-level with her tits if she ever wore heels. Which I mean, wouldn't happen until they were older, and he may still be growing now but we all know he's gonna be hella thicc, and I'm... I'm actually really starting to like the mental image of rugged adult beefcake Charlie and his tall-ass amazonian girlfriend. Who is possibly in a leather jacket. Mostly likely because I'm staring at mine right now as I write this. But anyways.
We know canonically that isn't going to happen, which brings us to our next point: He already knows what he wants out if life. He's got his goals set. He's got plans. He is going to Romania immediately after graduation, no and's if's or but's. And those of you who also have experienced this dillema in your personal lives, you know that this can actually be a major issue. #1 rule of dating: DO NOT date someone who's future plans are different from your own. It never ends well--as we already know it won't.
Uhg, my sweet silly beefcake. Don't get me wrong, I love Charlie to pieces, but I personally identify with and relate to Barnaby on a level that my sweet Dragon Boi cannot attain. Not to mention he is also brave, loyal, a very food friend, would 25/10 take care of you, is kind and gentle, has a gift with/love for animals, and displays a deep sense of empathy. Like Charlie, Barnaby will fight for and defend what he believes in, and did not hesitate to put himself between MC and harm's way.
Now, I know what you're thinking; he isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. I've written a very long post describing how I felt about this, but to recap: Barbs displays all of the same behaviours that I did when I was his age, indicating negatively impacted cognitive development due to an abusive household and upbringing. He's already showing signs of catching up and growing. It took me until my early twenties to fully catch up, but now I'm a college student, in the top three for performance at work (which requires problem solving under pressure amongst other things), and regularly discuss biomedical technologies at length. Not too shabby for the big dumb kid, eh. I wholeheartedly feel tgat Barnaby just needs the same time to grow at his own pace. And besides, he's a lovely well-mannered young man.
Not to mention he's taller than MC and already a total BEEFCAKE. And UNF, green eyes + brown hair + broad shoulders = swoon.
I could easily see him scooping her up to snuggle on the couch wrapped up in a big blanket on a rainy day with hot cacao to watch The Never-ending Story. Their home would be cozy but bright, with lots of plants and rescued creatures.
Which brings me to the next thought: power couple that regularly rescues abused creatures from bad people (magickal + non-magickal) and rehabilitates them.
Honestly though, after writing it all down, I feel like Barnaby would be the healthier choice for Skylar in the long run, but at the same time, it's Charlie fucking Weasley.
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agonydearest · 3 years
I love the Artbreeders you did of your MCs and was wondering if you had any written descriptors of them like how tall they are and pronouns.
I actually don't have any listed because Tumblr is a bitch and makes editing that page a pain in the ass - stuff doesn't save sometimes or gets deleted. But I can list everyone below for you along with their perspective fandoms!
DREW KENDALL - he/him - The Wayhaven Chronicles
5'11 with honey-blond hair and hazel eyes, tanned skin and a faint scar that looks suspiciously like a bite mark on his neck (as of Book 1 ending) He has an athletic build from combat training at the Agency and cinnamon-colored freckles scattered across his torso and nose.
JUDE BELLAMY - he/him - Fallen Hero
6'0" with messy dark blond hair and icy green eyes made brighter by dark circles from sleepless nights. Brightly orange tattoos stand out against a classic ivory complexion and numerous scars across an average build.
MATTHEW WISEMAN - he/him - Mind Blind
5'11.5" with dark auburn hair and blue eyes just like his brother. However, unlike Nick, countless freckles dot his suntanned skin, while plush lips are almost always set into a lopsided grin.  Most of his height is in his torso.
HAL KYRILU - he/they - The Exile
6'2" with an imposing figure, dark brown curls that fall to his broad shoulders in a nearly-black mess, and piercing blue eyes like those of a wolf hybrid.  When shifted into his mythosi form, his those eyes turn to an amber gold.
THOMAS INLESS-BOOTH - he/him - The Golden Harp
5'11, olive skin, caramel-brown hair that shines gold in the sunlight, and brown eyes make up a seemingly average man with an aquiline nose and long dark lashes. 
TYLER PARISH - he/they - FTM!trans - Body Count
5'8" frame housing a ball of barely contained energy.  His skin is a porcelain color with scars from gender reassignment surgery still faintly visible on his chest.  Baby blue eyes sparkle with mischief beneath a curtain of hair dyed platinum blond and brushed to give an envious healthy volume despite obviously being chemically treated.
MITHRAS TAYRAN - he/they - A Tale of Crowns
6'1" with golden eyes that stand out against caramel skin and raven-black hair that falls in thick luxurious waves over his pierced ears.  He has a lean build made more athletic by years on the run, muscles defined and bronzed from the sun.
EMMA THOMPSON - she/her - Speaker
5'5" makes Emma the shortest on this list, but her petite build hides a very capable woman who can take care of herself easily, despite what her sweet face says.  Like her brother Noah, she has grey eyes and strawberry blond hair, though hers falls in heavy waves down to her waist.
NOAH THOMPSON - he/him - Speaker
5'8" gives Noah a few extra inches on his twin sister.  His strawberry blond hair is cut short enough to just fall into his gunmetal gray eyes, accompanied by skin the color of sand.
LUCAS DONOVAN - he/him - The Fernweh Saga
6'2.5″ makes him mostly legs with freckles and beauty marks scattered across his skin.  Lucas is a true ginger and has a trusting face that almost always has a polite smile gracing his lips, and his sky blue eyes give him the demeanor of a gentle giant with an artist’s hands, fingers often stained grey from his pencil sketchings.
AEDAN RHYS - he/him - Fallen Lights
5'10" with a swimmer’s build, grey eyes that appear to change colors from blue to green depending on the light, and long golden-brown hair that falls to his shoulders.  Though he shaves daily, he has a permanent stubble along his chin and upper lip.
DAMIEN NEWMAN - he/they - The Passenger
5'9" means he didn’t get the height he would have had before he took over his casket, but what he lacks in intimidation, he makes up for with piercing sea green eyes that seem brighter under his floppy red-brown hair.  
CREODA VENEGUARD - he/they - The King's Hound
6'2" makes him a very intimidatingly presence, especially accompanied by icy steel blue eyes.  His long dark brown hair is meticulously groomed, but manages to maintain a fashionably messy appearance that some would consider attractive were it not for his trademark glower.
RAFAEL “RAFE” ROJAS / OPERATIVE HELIOS - he/they - Project Hadea
5'9" with olive skin, dark blue eyes that are nearly as black as his hair, and faint stubble lining his square jaw.  He’s got a lean athletic build ideal for an infiltration specialist and surprisingly nice hands.
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superbrian74 · 4 years
She stood in the restroom checking the ad once more. She then adjusted her ginger hair and straightened her skirt and blouse. She thought she looked quiet ravishing in her stilettos black leather pencil skirt and green blouse. She then read the ad one last time. “WANTED REDHEAD FOR CLERICAL WORK. MUST BE ABLE TO TYPE TAKE ACCRUATE NOTES AND ABLE TO WORK IN CONFINED SPACES AND WELL WITH DIRECT BOSS.” She was drawn to the ad but didn't have any idea why. It was an odd add and she was always looking for a new job that paid better. She had been a secretary at a local law firm for the last 6 years and her boss was decent not overly strict but never really a joy to work for either. She really didn't know what kind of secretary she would have to be but figured why not give it a go besides it specifically wanted a redhead that in itself made the trip to the interview worth a shot. She walked out of the restroom and to the office where the interviews were to be held. She opened the door  and there seat were 6 redheads of all shapes and sizes. She was 5'10” long red hair blue eyes and had curves in all the right places. She walked up to the desk and asked the redhead older lady behind the desk if she was in the right place. The redhead receptionist looked up asked for her resume and eyed her over. Then to her surprise asked her to turn around and walk to the water cooler and back and do a spin for her. As she walked she heard a camera taking pictures and when she spun around the receptionist was standing taking pictures and smiling. The receptionist had a name tag on that said Nicole and a lovely white blouse and a black pencil skirt and stilettos. Nicole asked what her name was and then wrote it down on a pad and took the print outs of the pictures she had just taken and slid them all into a folder. Nicole smiled a warm smile and said don't worry you will do fine and he will probably ask you to stay after the interview. Nicole handed her the folder that had her name Ginger on in it and told her to take a seat anywhere and wait till she heard her named called. Ginger went and took a seat by the window and began to look out across the city from the high rise she was in. The floor she was on was 34 floors up so she had a really nice view of the park and the other lovely building in the downtown area. As the day past the girls were called in one at a time there were a few that had long interviews and others that were only in the room for a few moments. There was one girl who came out in tears streaming down her face. Then the time came she heard her name called and she stood straightened her skirt again and looked down to check her blouse and chuckled to herself. She couldn't see if her blouse was a mess because her large breasts were sticking out so far in the new lace push up bra she had bought for the interview. She figured that if they were looking for a redhead in particular then looks would probably play a huge role in the job, She decided to put on of her best feet forward that being her breasts and let the other foot speak for itself that being her big round ass. She walked to the door and another redhead let her enter and showed her to a leather chair in front of a huge mahogany executive style desk. Behind the desk stood a tall man with a shaved head broad shoulders and was wearing a black pinstriped suit. He was looking out the floor to ceiling window over looking the park across the street. He turned around to face her and motioned to the other redhead to get her file. The girl with the name tag Christina on it asked for her file. It took Ginger a few moments to tear her eyes away from the tall rugged looking man behind the desk. He sat offered her something to drink then the interview started. It went like any other interview he asked her to demonstrate her typing practice and her note taking ability. That was followed by lots of questions about work history and why she was looking for a new job. Then he asked if she had any questions for his to which she responded she was interested in what the job paid and the benefits. The gentleman told her the salary would start out around 65K a year with full benefits and other perks. He then asked if she would be interested in the job. Ginger responded that she was very interested and would do anything to get the job. He smiled and said he liked the way she thought and asked if she could stick around for the second round of interviews. Ginger responded sure not a problem. Christine escorted her out another door off to the other side of the office. This door led to a small office where 2 other redheads were waiting. They chatted for a few hours until Christine started to call them back in to the office one at a time. Ginger watched as the sun went down and the night came alive with the lights of downtown. Finally Christine asked her back into the office so she got up strolled across the floor to the office and entered. The man behind the desk was now standing with his coat off and hos sleeves rolled up. He watched her walk into the office. He asked her to walk across the office a few times as he eyed her. He ran his eyes over her beautiful curvy body. He liked the large breasts and that ass. He thought she had amazing legs in the stilettos she was wearing. He walked up to her as she returned from the far end of the office. She looked up into his eyes and saw desire and want there that she had not seen earlier. He grabbed her and pulled her in for a long wet kiss. His tongue darted out and wormed its way into her mouth and then began to wrestle with hers. She instinctively began to slide her tongue over and around his. Then he spun her around and bent her over the huge desk and began to grope her ass. Her arms stretched out and grabbed the far side of the desk and pulled herself tight across the desk. She felt hes erection in between her ass cheeks. It slid up and down the valley created by her ass. He reached up and grasp her large breasts and massaged them through the blouse. He then pulled her hair and made her face face his as he kissed her hard on the lips again. She felt his hand slide the zipper down on the back of her skirt as his legs maneuvered her legs apart and bent them at the knees. The skirt slide off her ass and he was presented with a white creamy round flawless ass wrapped in a light green thong. He slide the string to the side and dropped behind her and licked her sweet succulent pussy. Then he rimmed her asshole. This had never been done to her before and a shiver went up her spine and her mind exploded. Then she looked up and out the window into the dark night. The lights in the other buildings looked like stars and illuminated the evening sky. She was breathing heavy and had never experienced such passion or had her feeling being so overruled by the need to be an animal and just fuck. He slid his tongue up and around her ass before he slid a finger into it and then dropped his tongue to her dripping pussy. He began to lap at her juice as it began to drip of her lips and he never let a drop make it to the floor. He then slid his tongue deep into her waiting pussy and she shrieked with delight and then she felt his large probing fingers start to stretch her tight pussy. Once he was sure she was ready and wet and willing her stood and slide his zipper down. She felt the head of his large cock pushing and begging for entrance into her wet tight hot pussy. Then with a pop his huge head  slid past her waiting lips and there was a huge feeling pleasure. She began to shake and her arms swayed back and forth on the desk. She knocked all the papers and folders off the desk. Then with a hard push he buried his large cock to the hilt and she screamed in delight and a little pain. Just as quick as it had filled her it was pulled back out to leave her empty and begging to be filled again and again. She began to thrust her hips back to meet his forward thrusts so that he went as deep as possible until she started to cuss and swear in a way she had never done before. She had always like to talk a little dirty but this was amazing. As his cock split her in half she found herself screaming out that she wanted his huge cock to penetrate her and fuck her till the head came out her mouth and she would be his slut any day of the week. This only seemed to spur him on more. His pace quickened and the desk began to rock forward with the two bodies slamming against it. She felt her cream running down her smooth creamy white thighs. His hips smacked her ass as his large balls came up and smacked her clit with every inward stroke. His balls were hitting her clit with such force every time she had a small orgasm that was building to one that she though and knew would send her to a heavenly stratosphere where she had never been before. His  large throbbing cock seemed to just keep going and going. His stamina was amazing as he was going at speeds that her younger lovers would brag about but never achieve. Her orgasm finally over took her and her body writhed under his body. She screamed and yelled at the top of her lungs as she came over and over. Her cream began to squirt out of her and her legs gave out and she would have collapse to the floor if it wasn't for his cock pinning her to the desk. He then pulled his cock out of her and shuffled over to the small refrigerator and grabbed to cold waters. She finally collapsed to the floor in a wet heap. Her hair was sweaty and sticking to her face and her thighs  were soaked with sweat and her cream. He handed her an ice cold water before he slumped back into the large leather chair she had sat in earlier. His head hung back over the back of the chair as he gulped down the water. Then he just sat there in the chair catching his breath. For the first time she looked up and saw his cock throbbing and pulsing as it waved back and forth as it stuck up in the air away from his body. His pants were around his ankles and his button up shirt was wrinkled beyond ironing. She watched as his member just pulsed and jumped back and forth in the air with every pulse of his heart beat. She couldn't take it anymore she knew he hadn't cum yet and his cock looked to inviting to just watch it shrink back to normal size. Although it showed no signs of retreating back and falling over limp. She crawled the short distance to the foot of his chair before crawling up into his lap. She slid his member back into her waiting cunt and as it slid back into her she felt that it fit her pussy perfectly. She had always wondered why all the other  lovers she had had always left her wanting and feeling empty. She began to rock back and forth on him a a slow steady pace. His head flipped up from the back of the chair and his looked into her eyes and she smiled at him as she felt him spread her and fill her to the fullest. She began to ride up and down in  his large member and feeling the size spread her inner folds out to the max. She leaned her head back and rode him and the orgasmic wave that was beginning. He reached up and unbotton her blouse and then began to massage her large breast through her bra. She finished taking her blouse off and then reached behind her and unclasp her bra letting it fall to his chest. He then massaged her breasts and kissed them. He took turns between the licking and tweaking of her nipples. He even sucked on her nipple so hard she knew he had to of left a mark. She didn't care as her own pure pleasure was building in her body to another great orgasm. She began to pick up her pace and she slammed down on his cock once and she thought he had gone so far up into her that he was going to slide out her mouth. She kept going and building up speed. Every once in a while she would swivel her hips around and also change the angle of his cock. On one such swivel and plunge his cock hit her g-spot and that was all it took. She screamed in pleasure and her body convulsed under his expert nipple licking and his cock was buried in her hot pussy. She then remembered and article she read and she began to move her muscles in her pussy in an effort to milk his cock. She kept having orgasm after orgasm but she tried to keep riding him as she tried to milk him. She finally gave out and collapsed on his chest. Exhausted she clung to him and her sweat drenched his shirt. He stood up and she immediately wrapped her lugs around his waist and he walked the few steps to the desk where he set her down and withdrew his cock. He the pushed her down and then slid her up the desk so that her head hung off the other side. He walked around to where her head hung and slid his cock into her mouth. She began so suck it with all hr might and swirled her tongue around his head. Then he grabbed her breasts and then just began to fuck her throat using her body as a handle. He thrust his hips forward and watched his cock slide down her throat making it expand as it went down. He started slowly but did not take long to build up speed she was so glad of the hours she spent practicing deep throating her huge dildo at home. This made it easier to accept his large cock as it positioned in and out of her throat. She had also learned to breathe through her nose when deep throating a cock. After a few minutes she felt his cock head expand and then the shaft started to pulse as squirts of seaman shot down her throat. She swallowed every last drop as quickly as she could not wanting any to leak out. Once he had finished he slumped back into his executive chair and let out a great sigh. She lay there for a few minutes and then sat up and collapsed into the leather chair across from him. He then looked at her and the disheveled look she had and he knew he must look like he had run a marathon. He was the first to speak. He said as he stood and started to get dressed. Please see Christine on your way out for your employee packet and the code for the garage so you can park your car there. In your employee folder you will see a dress code and what is expected of you here at work. If you are alright with leaving your current job quickly I will see you here to begin work on Monday. She sat up and began getting herself together just as Christine walked in with a folder and a badge for her. Christine gave the items to Ginger and then walked over to her boss and dropped to her knees and began to lick his now softening cock and clean it with her tongue. Christine licked him clean then helped his finish getting dressed and then kissed the man on the lips. Christine whispered in his ear and he chuckled. He then looked at Ginger and said Christine says you taste divine and  can't wait till next Thursday when she will get to taste it straight from the source. Ginger just gasp and looked dumb founded. She had no idea what she had gotten herself into but there was no way she was not going to give it all she had. With that she finished dressing and walked to her car.
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