collabwithmyself · 1 month
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Some commissions I've gotten done so far, for @snailcorpseeater, @shineyfish, @artsy-dragoness, @randomgooberness, and @mixel-pixel! Thank all of you, your characters were a delight to work with!
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ladyluckless · 11 months
HAPPY FRIDAYS BIRTHDAY THURSDAY one year it will be on a Friday and you will be so powerful
you say this but my actual date of birth is a friday the thirteenth
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butcheroni-100 · 19 days
Iris if you had to pick one horror movie to survive what would you pick and why :3
The Ring. I simply wouldn't watch it <3
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cordiform-courier · 2 years
Oh!! What's Ms Jackson selling?
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randomgooberness · 1 year
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Theyre having a normal one
(Freemind + hlvrai au with me and @shineyfish !)
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sugarglider-s · 11 months
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@collabwithmyself @shineyfish @goober826 @atatfortatzelwurm
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yarningss · 2 months
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It's murder on the dancefloor // But you better not kill the groove!
Heart and Casino belong to @shineyfish!
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zerosuitsammie · 4 months
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@shineyfish you're always so sweet and leave tags that make me smile
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godsburnttoast · 1 year
TUTORIAL ☆ kandi stars!
hi! today i'm going to show you how to make kandi stars! they are very easy and fun, and they look great when done! they make really good charms, or work on their own.
☆ 10 beads for the center ☆ 15 beads for the points
DIFFICULTY ☆ very easy
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string on 10 beads. it always needs to be 10 for this method, but you can use any colours you like.
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loop into a circle, then tie off but don't cut the string, you need it for the next bit. also, it helps map out where to put the next few beads if you pop up every second bead. make sure that the string is coming out of a popped up bead.
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string on three beads of any colour and pull the string through the next popped up bead, or one bead over. pull tight and repeat with the rest of the loop.
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once you've put on the rest of the beads, pull tight and tie off. congratulations! your kandi star is done!
i hope this was helpful, if you have any questions or need clarification on anything, please let me know!
also, i wanted to say thank you to anyone who liked or reposted my posts, and to @shineyfish and @kuyrkrzak following me! it really means a lot, you guys are amazing!
don't forget to stay hydrated and have a great day!
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collabwithmyself · 1 year
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ladyluckless · 11 months
Happy birthday!!
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plushmon · 1 year
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more of these guys [ for @randomgooberness and @shineyfish ]
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casi-no · 19 days
Guess this is an intro post? Hi, I'm Casino, at your service. You can call me Casi, if you want.
This blog is mostly gonna be me bitching about work, and any weird stuff I like. Don't get your hopes up about anything special.
Asks are open. If there's anything you need, I'll try to help.
Hi! This is a character/oc blog ran by @shineyfish !!
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cordiform-courier · 2 years
Hey there Hito!! Where is it that you're heading today? Anywhere special or is it just a normal day? (Also! Love the pins! I make pins out of badges too :D)
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randomgooberness · 1 year
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WHATS UP. SORRY THIS COMIC IS 15 IMAGES LONG LMAO I HAVEN'T USED THE NEW POST EDITOR YET SO THIS IS FORMATTED BADLY. Here's a scene from the hlvraifm au! It takes place not long after the scene where Mind was mean to Gordon about breaking his knee GFDHFDKSJ
THE BASIC CONTEXT HERE IS: Gordon shot at the skeleton that only He Can See, and Mind was already at his breaking point because his withdrawals were setting him off- so nausea with the sudden rage and screaming meant he got sick. He and Gordon have a talk! It doesn't go well(at first)!
If you want to see this conversation resolve itself, the rest is written by me and @shineyfish under the cut! Just read the warnings lol
"Just- just forget about it."
"No, I-! I-I want to know- I want to help-" Gordon said, scooting closer. "And- and you're sick, too- is that what you're mad at me for? That I- that I didn't notice? I-I don't know what even caused it you and I are the only ones who haven't drank the fucking...gross sewage water- but we can- man, I-I'm sure we can take another rest day if we need- or- or I could try to carry you? Dr. Coomer probably could, too-"
Mind was shaking, shuffling backward a little. His eyes were wide as he stared at Gordon, expression filled with fear.
"I'm, I'm good! Get the- back away, please. I need space."
If he wasn't paralyzed with fear he would run. He would run so far from this place, aliens be damned. He needed to get out of here alive. He needed to get out. 
When he said he wanted more answers about him, he didn't mean like this. This just gave him more questions, and made his teeth hurt. 
"I'm just in pain. A lot of fuckin' pain. I can keep going."
Gordon backed up, looking down guiltily. 
"Shit- sorry," he muttered. "...I... I-I dunno if you're...if you've got like, a fever- or how I'd check right now- but-" 
He paused and furrowed his brows. 
"...no...no your suit would treat you for that. Your suit would give you medicine if you got a virus or something- so you're..." 
He blinked, tilting his head the other way now, looking at Mind again. 
"...The fucks going on with you, man?"
Mind’s breath hitched. Shit.
"What are you, a fuckin' cop? Get off my ass about it, I don't need to tell you anything."
He wheezed again, raising his hand to his mouth. God, he felt horrible. Everything ached. He needed something. Pills, morphine, god he will take getting into a fight with someone just for the adrenaline at this point. 
"God I hate this."
Gordon stared at him, worry in his expression before his brows furrowed, and he huffed out his nose, pursing his lips. 
He looked away and opened his mouth to speak, failing a few times in a row, as if he were trying to say something more calm and nice, before looking right back at Mind, lips drawn back in a snarl. 
"You DO need to tell me!" He snapped. "So I can fucking HELP you! You just THREW UP and you expect me not to fucking do anything!?" 
He made an angry, and pained noise, turning his hands towards the ground so they could push him up onto his feet- which made him hiss in pain, but he stood, staring down at Mind with gritted teeth. 
"You're fucking hiding shit and it's setting us back! If you- if you can't trust me how the fuck am I supposed to trust you!?"
That made Mind shut the fuck up. Very suddenly he was Listening Intently, shoulders raised and curling in on himself.
He felt sick again. How his stupid body could even do that to him after already throwing up was a wonder and a curse.
His voice was very quiet when he answered.
"You wanna fuckin know so badly? Fine. I need Oxy, I haven't had pills in days and was banking on the stash I had here, but someone must have fuckin' snitched, cause I couldn't find shit in my locker. Everything hurts and aches, I feel sick and gross and I have had a killer fuckin headache since the stupid rescas even happened."
He growled at Gordon slightly, defensive.
"I wasn't gonna bring shit up because it doesn't matter. I've dealt with withdrawals before, I'm not useless. I know what I'm doing."
Gordon flinched, and blinked at him. 
"...Ohhh. Oh shit-" He said, looking to the ground. "...Ohhh fuck that's- not good! Okay- well, thanks for telling me-" He paused. "...Your suit has morphine, y'know."
Mind's expression withered.
"I am... I am very aware. I'm apparently not in enough pain for it to give me it."
God, he was not having a good time here.
"...Uh," Gordon played with his hands. "...I...look, I-I've never really- gotten the time to look at the blueprints for the HEV suit other than the uh. medical module- mostly so I could uh- know what the fuck it was doing- I...I can see if I can...trick yours into giving you a little? If it'll help?"
Mind yawned again, but his eyes went wide.
"I don't know if I fully trust you to do that."
He weighed his options though, and man he really needed something.
"... Sure."
"...Alright, cool, uh-" 
Gordon moved to scoot closer, before pausing. 
"...Do you still need space, or?"
Mind didn't answer, instead just moving closer to Gordon himself. Being in the same position was starting to kill his muscles.
Gordon sat there, still playing with his hands. 
"...Uh, y-you need to turn around."
He did so without complaint!... Towards Gordon. He was hissing practically the entire time about his joints.
Gordon let out a small, good-natured chuckle. 
"Thanks," he said, before tilting his head at the module. Four screws...
Ideally, he really, really would've liked a screwdriver right now. But he didn't have one. 
...He did have a combat knife he found off of a soldier, though-! 
Twirling it in his hand a few times, he looked at the screws, lined up the tip of it, and made a noise of triumph when it fit! He didn't fucking expect that! Oh my god- why did it-? Nevermind. Didn't matter, he got right to work unscrewing the cover.
"What is that noise for, what did you do-"
Mind was so incredibly uncomfortable with the position he was in. He did not like having potential enemies out of his line of sight, but he couldn't complain about shit or he wasn't getting that sweet sweet relief.
"Nothing- nothing I just- didn't expect the-" Oh, don't tell Mind you had a knife against his back. "Don't worry about it, we're making progress." 
He took off the cover, and if Mind could see him, his eyes would light up a little at the sight. He stuck his tongue out as he focused, trying to be quick for the guy but genuinely fascinated by the machinery. Black Mesa sucked, but the soldiering of the wires was amazing. 
After a few moments, he found a small screen, and an even smaller keypad- annoyingly small. He made a noise of frustration as he decided to use the tip of the knife instead of pressing them with his gloved, giant fingers. 
"Shit...The manual override is locked with a passcode," he muttered. "Uh...Hmm. Okay, gimme a sec, I'm going hackermode."
Mind snorted, trying to keep himself from shaking too much.
"What the fuck do you mean by that-"
"It means I'm trying to crack the damn passcode. Sorry, this might take a WHILE, it- wait what." 
He paused, before letting out a long, long sigh. 
"Was the passcode SERIOUSLY 1234?"
Mind Cackled.
He was in so much pain. And the number holding him back from pain relief was the easiest to guess thing in the world.
"That doesn't even surprise me! Knowing this place, it's probably the code to other things too."
"Let's- lets use that code for everything, now. Fuck it!" Gordon laughed, a grin on his face. 
There was a few rounds of beeping, before he let out a sigh. 
"...Okay, uh- th-the suit uh, has the automatic amount to um- it's automatically a decently high dosage for uh, your weight, I think? It should be the same amount I was given, but uh, I-I'm worried about...it messing with you too much. Are you sure you'll be alright? I can lower the dosage," 
The expression Mind made at the thought of lowering the dosage was something to behold. It took everything in him to be casual about this.
"I can handle it. I don't think this thing accounts for muscle and joint pain, and if it does the threshold is incredibly fuckin high."
"...Okay, man, but uh- let me know if you need me to- I-I dunno. Lemme know if we need to stop for the day cause you feel too fucked up, okay...?" He said. "...Are you ready?"
"Gordon. Please just give me it."
Mind sounded a little out of it.
Gordon stared at him for a moment. 
"...alright man." 
He pressed the confirm button, and watched Mind carefully, making sure he had no adverse reactions.
Mind let out a shaky breath, honest to god about to cry over this. Finally.
It took a minute for the morphine to kick in, but the second that he could feel it he visibly relaxed, pupils dilated. It wasn't as high as his normal dosage for shit like this, but it was close enough to get rid of the pain, and for that alone he was thankful. If he can get through a bit more of Black Mesa without feeling dizzy or sick, he'd be golden.
"Thank you."
Gordon felt himself swallow and looked at the ground. 
"...Right, yeah, of course-" He said. "...Sorry it took me so long to notice you were going through it, man." 
He started to put the cover back on, screwing everything back into place.
" 's fine, wasn't exactly jumping to tell you 'bout it."
Mind seemed... Chiller, honestly. A little disconcerting from his previous demeanor but that's drugs for you. 
He was tapping against the ground now, mostly just to do something with his hands.
"...I can get why. I-I'm a little worried, but I'm not going to judge you, or anything." 
He let out a sigh once the panel was back on, tight as he could get it, and he rubbed at his face. 
"...Are you still mad at me?"
Mind stretched a little, shoulders popping.
"Nnnope. It's just a clip anyway, we'll probably find like... A million more from the military around here."
"Wh- really?? Just like that??" Gordon blinked a few times, tilting his head. Mind turned to face him, a little confused.
"Yeah? Told you, man, 's just the clip I was pissed off about."
"...Okay, that's...alright." He let out a sigh, before struggling to get up again. He grimaced, still not liking walking on that knee. He took a moment to adjust, before stiffening, staring at something behind Mind, who looked over as well, seeing nothing.
After a few moments, Gordon shook his head and whispered something to himself, something about not questioning your own insanity. 
"Let's try to catch up!" He said, eyeing the pipes the others had walked on, and climbing on.
Mind stood up, shaking his hands out a bit as he did. 
He looked at the pipes with a grimace.
"Y' sure you can climb that with your fucked up leg? Don't think the HEV suit can protect you if you fall into the radiation pit."
“I’ll just take it slow,” Gordon huffed. ”Fuck it, right? We’re both drugged up enough, we can figure it out.”
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skyllion-uwu · 1 year
meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
[plaintext: 8 meows, each letter cycling slowly through the rainbow colours] (thank you @shineyfish for transcribing!)
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