collabwithmyself · 1 month
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Some commissions I've gotten done so far, for @snailcorpseeater, @shineyfish, @artsy-dragoness, @randomgooberness, and @mixel-pixel! Thank all of you, your characters were a delight to work with!
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musicallygt · 1 year
Reigen handheld moments? (Serizawa hold him gwntly mayhaps?)
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i need to draw serizawa more this is only like my second time
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sleepdepravity · 1 year
I know you're probably getting lots of messages about your Reigen fics (as you should they are wondrrful) but I just want to let you know that I've read most of the fics in He Is Beauty, He Is Grace, That's A Lie, Please Save This Man From Himself like eight times over. Specifically the genie one and the shrinking one. I could probably recite the shrinking one from memory. You are a huge inspiration to me as an author <3<3<3
Also getting my daily timeloop email for the past two weeks has been great so thank you for that
Ah…thank you…that is so many oneshots to read so many times…(how many did I write, 30???) I’m so flattered to be considered an inspiration!
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hasnomoxxie · 1 year
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Biblically accurate Peppiblast
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vulture-brainrot · 5 months
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first time making gifs like this :3
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pkdotts · 1 year
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aughhh why are mixels such an aesthetic ✨💖
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lilyspond64 · 9 months
the good will leaving artistic freedom enjoyers the second they see mixels
its me im artistic freedom enjoyers do whatever u want with ur art but mixels will make me scream with a blood curdling rage
i wont stop you but i will cry
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greentrickster · 1 year
🦊 I fear your power every time I look at the number of chapter Saturation has
🦊 = fairly intimidating
To be fair, every mega!fic I've written to date has been an accident, and I also feel intimidated and stunned every time I look at the chapter count. >_>U
Thanks for the ask!
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gronglegrowth · 2 years
I genuinely don't think mixels can be good in any situation - maybe if they're two different textures yeah but if you incorporate mixed resolutions on the *same* texture, it just looks horrid
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collabwithmyself · 2 years
@mixel-pixel said "liar liar gutg au" so here
When Hitoshi comes in to hand over the day's mail, Jackie can see the crease in his brow, the way he fumbles with his bag. Not one to turn a blind eye, even to a stone wall, she asks, "everything alright there, Goldilocks?"
"Nope," Hito replies cheerily.
Jackie blinks.
Hito blinks.
"Uh," Jackie says, "what's the problem, then?"
"Oh, I'm saying things I don't want to," Hito blurts out. Then he slaps a hand over his mouth, wide-eyed.
Jackie can feel her eyebrows climbing into her hairline. This is... extremely unlike Hitoshi, to just say things outright like this. There's a prickle of alarm at the back of her neck. "Like what?" she prompts uneasily.
He can't seem to stop himself. "Oh, this morning when I was talking to Akiko--" Her coworker? "--I told them how much my back was hurting and how worried I was about their grades--" He's looking steadily more mortified, but he keeps going. "--and now that I'm talking to you I think we should stop having--" He slaps both hands over his mouth.
Jackie's certain her eyebrows have lifted clean off her head now. "Hito, we're at work."
"I know!" he squeaks, voice muffled behind his fingers. "I'm sorry! I can't stop!"
Bewildered as she is, she presses on. "So... what is this, then?"
"I don't know!" Hito all but wails. Then he freezes, looking like a deer in the headlights.
She's pretty sure she's not getting her brows back. "Do you want to sit--"
"I'm using my job as an excuse to end this conversation! Bye!" Hito turns on his heel and bolts right back out the door.
Jackie watches him go, baffled. He didn't even give her the mail.
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creepa-b0t-inc · 1 year
Also making a collection of secret bosses. Why? Because I felt like it.
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Let me know who I'm missing, and if possible, getting sprites would be nice so I can add them to the chart!
I'll try to add credits here, let me know what I should add/fix
Jevil/Spamton by Toby Fox
Snow-E by Lemonemy
Gospell design by Scratch Lunin
Blookette by Evil Nya Nya [@SmoochaGhost2 on twitter]
Sunsette & Cressette by Snokie
Wicker/Varminter/Gatsby/Jack/Helios/Nova (But Cooler) by Astromity
Will-fye by Spoon-Breaker
Collage/Stanley P. Scribbleton/Greas-E/Buzzkill/Dr. Pox by IndieMedley
Rublaad by imaginary-regret-608
Banner/Vangel/Haxter by Shaz0s
Halojack/Beltrowel/Gauze by Huecycles
Flowery/Descora & Belle/Atlas by Anne/Bepceleste
Host by Ne0nwithazero
Brandal/Screepto/Fakeris by LocalH00ligan
Radiola by Modtro64
Timber/Starlet/Screamo/Camellia/Wilter/Hycrisik/Mantle Keeper/Hex by R. V. Pine
Sleek by Axniety
Nova by Marnielovesyou
Skuntle Bingoid by ImpactWinter
Tenna by tvlandofficial
RErunner/Lustrelocks/Astrochew by HogRidah
Jukdyne/Dooblod/Terry Crow by RoxRox
Gygar by Rocco
Mederial by PomPom
Nonbinary Secret Boss by Furkrum (I thought it was funny)
Stern by JustTheMoonz
Rachel by R. T. Oak
The Neighbor/Mizpelt/Eve/Gilmore/Kass Sheere/Antoinette/Rock-E/Herifix/Honeur Able/Bellamy/Teel da Eel/Subject_17 by Creepa-Bot Inc.
Dirk/Serif by Emihead
Memme by DELTARUNE Chapters
Glonk by 4chan
Emeraldo by Parkerino69
Micheal Sperour/Shuebert/Min-E by l1zardart1stre
Woostern/BONSLICK THE WICKED/Sonatta/Shikari/Quiddo/Left-E by Mercair
Petaly by Jas
Deadeye by CondorCrest
Vee Sal by Sandshrewdoodle
Verre Trempe by Checherex
Rosey the Rose/Nightmar-E/Orbead by GoYourOwnWay196
Mad Hatter by Scare
Cabelle/Blanca-chan/Hero by Booripley
??? Robot by Deltaconduit
Memodia by Sunhatgirl
Veehenchezz/Olliever by Bonkers B Bonkers
Yogbert by danimodder
Floe/Clawhauz/Vessel by MrkySpices
Ike by TheC0MICguy
Mike by Pep
Mike by Vulpes Borealis
Lucidia by The​Yoter​Man
Immortal Hydrangea/Lillian/Bonibon by Wandering Makers
Sockswald by TheWinterer
Solis by Marineflames
Dillon by jjaym15
Brianna Friz by TheMilkMan
Slush-E by 4444pi
Chancellor by Marmarbles
Minerva by Sylladexter
Seraphim/Laughing Vapor by Weaponizedalibi
Gerden by Right-brain-left-brain
Trinky by Marbles!!
Helel by ZET
Getty Wellson/Davilone by Yinky Tunes
Peris by PetahPetah
Graves by hazard100
Patient Zero by Nermike
Roulette by Dollyglot
Inka by Pixelator
Spree Blitz by Ornstein
Creengle Snap by Kael Salesman
Cehll by A Lego.
Meucci/Roundhouse/Rosaline/Candrell/Coda by Wilkus Milkus
Wormwood by Freedom Co.
Lux Aeterna/Hearty by Spamemailguy
Rumi/Sergoyle by Frosty
Wanky Jo/Nyyrk by Change_it
Hymnis/Knockpad by Bog
S. Lacker by TzarLicken
Tapes by Broom
Horse by ExistingKirb
Pup-C by Scare
Ornamiel/Chrysette/Bandit Aster/Kaerel/Moquiere/Baker & Ratty by Isastuff
Howdy by S.A.
The Great Bazow by Lettuce_turtle
Moonslammer by Vindicator
Monitoon/Mixel by Toosday
Senstar by Mr. Luwigi
Foe by Bryleethebig
Goldie by DeltaVelvet
Satinelle by Octobox
Remild by Espeon
Rainie by Left-Brain-Right-Brain
Rael by Direct to Darkness
Roti by Followerex
Candy/Pastrot by ColorWorld
Dr. Etal by Uevos
Edd-E & Snatchy/Princheque by Rejona
Harlamour by Rosaic
Fleur/Ice-E by Red
Railey/Vantablack by Glitch-the-artist
The Hopless by Cyphis6
Tee-V by Filipnofishstickfailure
Alvaos/Soupa by Bryan the Celestial
Lumia/Curly Bracket by Kate Bun
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wibblus · 6 months
hi! Love your models alot and was wondering how you uv unwrap them so the pixel art in the texture look /like that/ I also want to incorporate pixel art into my models but the uv unwrapping part really trips me up 🙏
hihi ! yea UV unwrapping can be very tricky and methods vary a lot across model styles, but here's my process:
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my models are fairly blocky, meaning that (most) shapes can be broken down into a few "sides". here I've used seams to split sonic's body into 4 sides, so i can then easily unwrap it and adjust the UVs. using seams is very very useful to speed up this process, and it keeps things clean.
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this can be seen very clearly in every character's hands ^ basically turning them into lil papercrafts!
with pixel-art textures specifically, there's a few things to watch for: when you unwrap, blender will sorta just orient the UVs however it wants, so it's important to adjust all your UVs to be upright (or just 90-degree aligned), otherwise you'll end up with diagonal pixels. personally, i have all my UVs snap to pixels (UV -> Snap to Pixels -> Corner) to easily align them and make measuring pixel sizes between UV islands much easier, we don't want mixels!!
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^ everything lines up perfectly !
this method does mean that i fiddle with pretty much every polygon to avoid pixel distortion .. a wiser person than i might know a good solution to this pshgjkfd. i try to have a rough pixel size in mind while modelling each part of a model, so that the mesh cooperates well with the textures.
when i start unwrapping a model, i create + assign the texture that i'll use, and then fill it with a checker pattern. this helps a LOT to check for pixel sizes and distortion during the process. then i can just start building the texture on top of this as i go.
i HIGHHLY recommend using the Pribambase blender plugin if you have aseprite for making textures; it links the two programs to let you edit blender textures on the fly, easily make new pixel-art materials, and adjust the world grid to your pixel size. vere good .
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mixelation · 9 months
What made you decide on the name Mixelation?
umm "mixel" is sort of an inside joke/a nickname i had for like a week once. one of the issues with the previous name was there was no "name" you could derive from it that i was okay with being called LOL. the other issue was basically that it was a nickname for tori i didn't super like to begin with but i needed a user name and didn't anticipate anyone, like, paying attention to me, and also it's a nickname from someone i no longer talk to
but it's also just "pixelation" with an m so i figure people could remember it even though it's a made up word? plus maintaining the mi- i figured would help people remember it's ME lmao
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sassytyrantgalaxy · 10 days
Mixels: The i-cubit virus
I finished this Wednesday but never posted it, yes, it took a while, I started around 12 am - 1 am, and finished at 7 pm on Wednesday
Also, I made the pixel voices myself
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zootycutieart · 10 months
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Time for another contest Mixel OC! The theme was "puzzles"! I might have made a Puzzler before for an entry, but when I have this fantribe, I have to use it again!
Sure, you might have to double take when you see what looks like a Nixel in the shadows, but if she's carrying a stylus, don't worry, it's just Nonocross! Sure, she might be a bit flat in personality...and appearance, and she can be tricky to make out her true self, but just the right squares, and she can be made out easily! Or rather, whatever's close-enough to looking like her at times. Unable to talk, she instead draws. Using her graph face, she can pick out pixels and plug in a puzzle. The main issue is that limited space almost always means a very simplified picture. And only having five colors in her repertoire isn't that convenient. But her clues are a great brainteaser! Mixels © LEGO/Cartoon Network Nonocross and the Puzzlers © ZootyCutie (that's me!)
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