#shut up sketti
spaghettiisinmysoul · 6 months
My cat is sick and I’m sad about it so I’m coming to tumblr to ask you fine folk for the silliest photo you have of your cat :)
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Too chonky for hims box
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@nicholas-wolfwood // continued from here!
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"Hey, I don't mind! It's taken a couple... dozen hits over it's lifetime, a little fur won't hurt." he assured, already half-finished with the process of removing it. The hood was roomy and the body was large enough that he was... decently sure it would work as cover.
Though there was an urge to drape it over the undertaker's shoulders himself, it was quickly overwritten as 'just hold it out for him to take instead, idiot'--
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hetalia-club · 22 days
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This is exactly how I dressed in my hipster years in 2012-14 change out the shoes for converse and that’s me. I had a Jeepers Creepers hat like he has here too but it was black and didn’t have the string. I even had this hair cut…. It was more of auburn red but this solidified that I have been obsessed with him for longer than I realized much longer.
It was like just hating someone because your friends do, then you talk to them and find out that they’re not so bad at all. Sure they’re kind loud and a little fucking annoying but that’s part of the charm. I mean who isn’t a little annoying sometimes am I right?
Also the SECOND I let myself look at him in a light that would be ‘hot’ I instantly fell for him. I never fell for an animated character faster. I was exactly like: “okay but why he kinda 😏” and it went from that to “shut the fuck up!! Hes the hottest thing that’s ever been drawn I would do anything and everything for him idc how depraved it was. He’s daddy and you’re all afraid of the truth!!” There was zero in between. Im not even embarrassed about it because I know I’m so right about this and I do believe one day you all will wake up and smell the skettie one day possibly sooner than you may think.
You can go back to my posts from early 2023 back I didn’t care about him in fact I was confidant I hated that little bastard. I did not expect this for me but I’m not fighting it.
I was an Italy simp sleeper agent I think.
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
Grocery Store Blues - Chapter 3
Eddie Munson x f!reader/f!oc
series masterlist
warnings | 18+ very fluffy, cavity-inducing even. a little single mom angst
a/n | I'm still really stoked to be writing this so I figure I'll just keep posting chapters whenever as long as y'all want to read it :) thank you again for your support with this fic!!
It’s Saturday, and Eddie’s coming over for his promised bowl of cereal. She doesn’t have class or work on Saturdays, it’s her one day completely off right now, usually used for laundry and studying and whatever other loose ends she can manage to tie up. She can’t help but feel a bit anxious that her to-do list is going untouched this morning, too busy cleaning the apartment and fretting over what to wear. She settles on her good jeans and the one clean blouse that Poppy hasn’t managed to spill juice on this week. Poppy insisted on wearing her princess costume after she told her girl who was coming over. When they had left the carshop, new tire intact, Poppy had sleepily mumbled “bye, Skettie,” to the man, seeming to get his name mixed up with the word she used for her favorite dinner. Eddie had just beamed at that, giving her little fist a squeeze before she tucked back into her mom’s neck. 
He said he’d come around 10:00. It’s currently 9:45, and she’s fluffing couch cushions like a complete fool. Poppy is drawing at the coffee table, looking up every now and again to watch her mom’s strange behavior. She finally sighs, 9:50, and perches on the end of the couch, head in her hand, watching her girl drawing what looks like a fire-breathing dragon. In all the fairytales she's been told, Poppy seems to have a particular affection for the beasts and monsters of the stories, the princesses and their love stories a mere afterthought for her. The doorbell chimes and Poppy’s head shoots up from her work, grunting as she stands and toddles over to the door. She follows behind her girl and looks through the peephole to see Eddie standing there, gallon of milk in hand. When she opens the door, Poppy giggles, shouting “Skettie!” 
“Hey, Poppy. Wow, I guess you really are a princess, huh?” He bends over, leaning in conspiratorially as she giggles, “that makes your mom the queen, yeah?” Her girl is beaming, nodding and smiling and bouncing on her feet. She grabs his hand not holding the milk and not so gently drags him into the apartment, telling him that she wants to show him her “pitchers” she was drawing, leaving “the queen” in the dust to shut the door. He hobbles gracelessly behind her and when he sees her drawings, he gasps.
“Those are the wildest looking dragons I’ve ever seen!” He kneels down with her at the coffee table, having found the quickest way to her daughter’s heart. She leans up against the wall, watching him fully enrapt in what her daughter’s telling him about her dragons. He glances up at her and mouths a smiling “hi,” his brown eyes crinkling, before focusing back on Poppy. 
She clears her throat, “hey, Pops, why don’t you go wash your hands before we have a snack, baby?” Her daughter’s eyes light up and she’s already scurrying down the hall towards the bathroom, since that’s where the sink with the footstool in front of it is. Eddie laughs as he stands, passing the forgotten gallon of milk to her, “I think you have the best kid I’ve ever met, she’s kinda awesome.” And just like that, Eddie’s found the way to her heart too.
“Well, I might be biased, but I think she’s the best too.” She walks over to the kitchen, grabbing bowls and spoons. Eddie follows behind her.
“How was the rest of your week? Flat tire aside, of course.” He leans against the counter, trying to catch her gaze. She hums a bit noncommittally as she opens the Lucky Charms box.
“Fine, what about you?” He snorts, “Before I answer that, can I ask you another question?” She nods, glancing at him. “How was the rest of your week, really?” She stops fiddling with the bowls and sighs. 
“Busy. But it always is. I just really need a break.” 
“Exams next week, right? Then you have a few weeks off?” She nods. Since the night of the flat tire incident, they had talked on the phone a few times, later at night when Poppy was already asleep and Eddie was home from work. She had told him all about college and work, and her plans to become a teacher. Eddie told her he had failed senior year three times before finally graduating, said that if she had been his teacher he knows he’d have gotten it on the first try. In turn, he told her about his Uncle Wayne who had basically raised him from the time he was just a little kid, and about his band that still played at the Hideout on Fridays, even though it was 1991 and everyone was saying that metal was dead. She had learned that he’s 26, just a few years older than her, and when he had asked why he’d never seen her around before, she had made something up about moving to town to be closer to her aunt, which wasn’t wholly untrue, but she still wasn’t ready to risk scaring him away yet. 
Truthfully, she hadn’t been getting much sleep this week, and neither had Eddie, because they’d start talking and all of the sudden it’d be 3AM. It was easy with him. But now, with him standing in her kitchen, she was nothing but nerves.
“You didn’t tell me how your week was.” He huffs at that, “work was work… played to a grand total of ten drunks last night, so all in all a success.”
“Man, you’re really selling your band to me, huh?” He smiles crookedly at her, shrugging his shoulders.
“What can I say, babe. We’re a hot commodity around town. Guess you’ll have to come see us some time.” She shakes her head, a light giggle, but meanwhile her brain is chanting babe babe babe like a demented marching band.
Just then, Poppy comes pattering into the kitchen, scooting herself between Eddie and her mom to press her face into her jeans. 
“Hey, Pops, all clean? Give us one second then we’ll go sit down for a snack.” Eddie watches as she pours two regular sized bowls of cereal, and one much smaller. She then proceeds to pick most of the marshmallows out of one of the bigger bowls, transferring them to the small one. She digs a spoon into each before handing Eddie the bigger bowl that still has all its requisite marshmallows. She picks up the two other bowls, and nods towards the milk carton.
“Can you bring that over to the table please?” He nods, grabbing the milk and following the little family over to the table.
“Skettie, can you help me?” Poppy’s a little small for her age, and still needs help getting up onto the chair, she reaches her arms out to him. She’s about to tell Eddie that he doesn’t have to do that, that she can get her girl, but he grins wide and says, in a horrible British accent, “well certainly, your highness, it would be my honor.” He does a goofy bow that gets a giggle out of her, gently hoisting her onto her chair with a dramatic groan before settling into his own seat. She can’t stop smiling.
She pours milk into Poppy’s bowl before passing the carton to Eddie, and in the moment she shares a soft smile with him, her girl has managed to dribble milk all down her front, spoon held aloft.
“Oh, Pops. Gotta be more careful, babe. Let me go get a towel.” It’s a reflex at this point. She’s been helping Poppy graduate to “big girl plates” and “big girl cups” and “big girl bowls” and it’s meant an exponential increase in messes. She swipes a paper towel from the kitchen, coming back and daubing up the milk on her girl’s little chin and on the front of her princess dress.
Poppy, who’s basically already a teenager with the attitude she can put on, scoffs and groans a long drawn out “moooom,” squirming under her ministrations. She puts her hands up in surrender, murmuring, “I’m done, I’m done,” before sitting back in her own chair. She catches Eddie smiling into his bowl at the little scene. 
When she goes to pour her own milk, she pauses, looking down into her bowl. Marshmallows have magically appeared where she had picked them out. She huffs, looking up at Eddie, only catching the end of a very smug grin before he quickly averts his gaze back to his own bowl, hiding his smile around a spoonful. Her heart is kicking in her chest as she takes her first bite.
“So, Poppy, I wanna hear more about your dragons,” her girl’s eyes go wide at Eddie’s prompting, immediately launching into a gasping, stumbling monologue about all the creatures she’s conjured up as well as their respective powers. She’s probably heard these stories a hundred times, but still can’t quite follow them all. There’s a dragon who breathes butterflies and lives in a lake and one who can read people’s minds and only eats sheep. It slightly concerns her what great detail her daughter can go into about these totally random monsters. Eddie, on the other hand, is eating it up, asking her all kinds of questions, helping her come up with names for ones she hasn’t yet. He asks Poppy if she’s ever heard of Dungeons and Dragons and she scrunches up her face, shaking her head.
Before he can explain, she raises her eyebrow at him, reaching for Poppy’s empty bowl before her girl tips it over onto the floor, “like the board game?” He scoffs.
“It’s way more than a board game, babe. It’s a creative odyssey. I think miss dragon princess here could have a real knack for it.” Babe babe babe. She snaps out of it quick, quirking a smile at him. “I think Pops might be a little too young for that, Eddie.” Poppy is the one to protest against that, another eerily adolescent moan and glare, pronouncing to the table that she’s “a big girl,” except she’s still struggling with her r’s, so “girl” sounds more like “goil.” 
Eddie does his best to stifle a laugh, “you are a big girl, miss dragon. Tell you what, why don’t we play a campaign together sometime soon? We can use all those dragons you told me about in the game.” This seems to satisfy Poppy, who beams at Eddie, before asking her mother pointedly if she can be excused to go back to drawing. She nods, watching her girl hop down from her chair, going back to her markers and paper. She turns her attention back to Eddie.
“I guess someone has a new favorite.” Eddie snorts, “hardly, can’t really contend with supermom now can I? And don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll keep our campaign very PG.”
“She’s three, Eds. I need a G-rating at a minimum.” The nickname is new, but she likes it, and he seems to as well, softening a little around his wild edges. He crosses his heart before giving her a ridiculous salute, “yes ma’am, this will be the family friendliest DnD campaign that there’s ever been. I hope you know you’re going to have to play too, though.” 
She just smiles, “I don’t think I could say no even if I wanted to, your enthusiasm is contagious, if not a little nerdy.” 
He laughs at her prodding, “ah man, my super cool, mysterious facade has been seen right through, now how am I supposed to woo you when you think so little of me?” He presses the back of his palm to his forehead, pretending to swoon. She giggles, swallowing the worry in her throat and grasping his hand to entwine their fingers. 
“Don’t worry about it, nerd. I think I’ve been thoroughly wooed already.” He actually blushes at her words. She thinks to herself that she likes him best like this, just a little shy, thrown off his dramatics. She wants to figure out how else she can draw this side out of him. They’re still holding hands and he gives them a gentle shake.
“Well, if you are, as you say, so thoroughly wooed, does that mean I’d have a chance if I asked you out on a real date?” It’s her turn to blush now.
“I’d say the odds would be in your favor, yeah.” 
“How about next weekend? When your exams are all finished?” Her heart squeezes at his consideration for her stupid schedule. She nods.
“What’d you have in mind for this real date?” He’s grinning so hard she thinks his face might get stuck like that.
“Gotta go classic, right? Dinner and a movie? Movie and a dinner? I saw they’re still showing "Addams Family” at the theater. Heard it’s good, unless you’ve already seen it?” She laughs, mostly at the idea that she would have had the time to go see a movie anytime in the recent past. 
“No, that, um, that sounds perfect. I didn’t even know they made a movie of that. Loved that show as a kid.” He nods emphatically, “right? I had the hugest crush on Morticia.” “I’m pretty sure everyone had the hugest crush on Morticia.” Eddie holds up his hands as if to say “you got me there,” then glancing at his watch. He sighs.
“Man, should probably get out of your hair. Have a whole afternoon worth of cars to mess around with,” he rests his head in his hand, “but this was the best bowl of cereal I’ve ever had.” She feels a little flustered under his wide gaze, and tries to hide it by grabbing the empty bowls to set them on the kitchen counter.
“I’m glad you came. Pretty sure you made Poppy’s weekend.” Her girl’s head shoots up from her drawings upon hearing her name, seeing both adults standing from the kitchen table.
“Skettie’s leaving?”
“Yeah, baby, he’s gotta go to work.” Eddie walks over to the coffee table, kneeling down to look at Poppy’s new drawings. 
“Excellent work, miss dragon. You keep coming up with your monsters and we’ll be able to play a game in no time.” She’s surprised when Poppy shuffles over to Eddie, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck. Her girl isn’t one to warm easily to people, normally saving hugs for her mom and her aunt. Eddie looks surprised too, but he’s quick to catch himself, wrapping a gentle arm around her. He glances up at her, checking if it’s ok, and she offers him a small smile. 
Poppy pulls away. Her lovely, shy girl gazing down at her feet. “Bye, Skettie.” Eddie gives her hand a small squeeze. “See you soon, princess.”
He stands, shuffling over to the front door. She lets him out, standing in the doorframe.
“So, I’ll call you? Get that date set up?” She’s fighting the urge to reach out for one of his hands again, instead biting at the corner of her fingernail, nodding.
“Yeah, that sounds good, it’s just gotta be–”
“After 8:30, miss dragon’s bedtime. I know, sweetheart.” And just like that, whatever self control she had left is gone, as she steps forward, pressing her palm right over the name patch on his coveralls and laying a kiss on his cheek. Eddie looks like he can’t believe it, mouth dropped open, eyes wide. She can’t believe it either, and immediately feels a slippery embarrassment settling in her stomach.
“I’m really sorry– I-I– that was stupid– I–” before she can continue her ramblings, Eddie is dipping in to press an equally chaste kiss to her cheekbone. It shuts her right up.
“Don’t know why you’re apologizing. Pretty sure I just saw god when you did that.” He draws that ugly laugh out of her again, she can’t help it, bringing her palm to cover her face.
He grasps her wrist, pulling her hand away, catching her downturned gaze, “I’ll call you soon, sweetheart. Thanks again for a great morning.” His eyes have that soft, rounded look to them as he shoots her one more smile before breaking away and walking off down the hall.
She slips back into her apartment, resting back against the closed door. Her girl looks up at her.
“Skettie’s really nice. I like him.” She smiles.
“Yeah, Pops. I like him too.”
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avataroftheswarm · 1 year
For fucks sake anons just because you can't crawl all over Greenie like a swarm of fucking ants cause Sketti is busy doesn't mean you get to be a little bitch and ruin things for the decent anons. Shut the fuck up and go suck on a glue stick. Maybe it'll remind you to keep your mouth shut and your cowardly little fingers off the fucking keyboard.
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deathproofpony · 1 year
>"Wet go of fwuffy or giff biggest poopies!" >"Shuddup." >weary, your head aching, you've had it with this thing. you give it a hard slap on the ass. >"wahhhhhhhhhhhhh! meanie hooman huwt fwuffy!" >"I'll do worse than that if you don't SHUT UP." >sobbing to itself, the fluffy finally quieted down but it still strained against the makeshift leash >"Where to?" >"Rendezvous a kilometer up the road. From there we drive to the airfield, then fly to London." >"Then home." >"Damn right." >"Thank god." >Parker stared at the fluffy pony, trying to take in its bright red coat and white mane. It was like a walking, talking piece of candy. >talking. that was what none of the guys could get over. this freaky thing TALKED. >"And they just found it down there?" >"It was eating a plate of spaghetti..." >"SKETTIS?" >"Shut the fuck up! Anyway, yeah... they found a couple of Picassos, a bunch of gold, and this... thing." >"It looks like a little horse." >"Calls itself a fluffy pony. I'm no expert, but my dad was a country vet... this thing seems to have aspects of rabbit, pony, dog, even... human components." >"Those sick fucks." >"Well, maybe, maybe not." >the two men continued up the road, anxious to get to the pickup site. >"They were dabbling in all sorts of weird shit. Occultism. Witchcraft. One guy said they had religious artifacts... like a piece of the true cross and shit." >"So?" >"So they're messing with all sorts of forces they can't control. True, they could have bred this thing... but maybe it came from... someplace else." >"Huh." >they walked in silence a bit further. the fluffy, no longer able to control itself, finally started in with the complaining again >"NU WIKE WEASH! WAN SKETTIS! NU WIKE MEANIE HOOMANS! GIFF POOPIES!" >it turned, raising its tail... but an experienced solider like you is always on alert. you nimbly side-step the spray of foul feces that emitted from the creature's rear end >"Missed me, idiot." >"wahhhhh! nu faiwr!" >"Dammit, man, shut that thing up!" >"Sorry, sir." You smack the crap out of the fluffy, whacking its rear end and then a couple of shots upside its head >"Fucking quiet down or I'll beat the holy hell out of you..." >you brandish a stick, which immediately freaks out the pony. >"nu wan sowwy stick! fwuffy sowwy! fwuffy sowwy!" >"What're you gonna do when you get back?" >"There's a diner up the street from my parents house that makes the best chocolate cream pie in the world. I'm eating an entire one of those motherfuckers myself... I remember..." >*ping!* >the telltale ricochet of a bullet interrupted Parker's story. instinctively you both duck behind a large rock, yanking the fluffy with you >"GAK! nu wike weash!" >"SHUDDUP!" >Parker glanced around, finally spotting a lone sniper in a tree a hundred feet away. >signaling to each other, you ready your guns... >and the fluffy pony gets loose. >motherfucker. >panicking, the ridiculously-colored animal bolts into the road. bullets pop into the dirt around it, causing it to panic more >"eeeee! eeeee! nu wike woud noises! wan go home! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" >the sniper temporarily distracted, you and Parker light him up with your rifles. the body falls from the tree, lifeless >"I'm gonna kill this piece of shit... giving us away... I don't give a good goddam what the scientists say. They can escort this retard themselves." >you leap at the fluffy, unleashing a bevvy of punches and kicks at it. it howls and cries the whole time, pathetically begging you to stop. out of breath, your muscles aching, you finally let up. the pony lays on the ground, broken and bleeding >"Wan die..." >Parker, with an angry grimace on his face, walks up and pops a bullet into the pony's chest. it dies, still trying to mutter something about hurties or owies or its momma or whatever the fuck. >"What did you see, sir?" >"Damn shame... enemy got a hold of the fluffy and beat it up, then used it as a shield. Had to put a bullet through it to get them." >"Yep. That's what I saw, too." >thankfully, the troop transport was just another few hundred feet away. sticking the pony's remains in an extra sack, you and Parker manage to drag your tired bodies over. >"The hell's that?" mutters a grizzled sergeant, chewing on an old cigar. >"Hitler's fluffy pony. It... didn't make it." >"I don't know what you're talking about, but it sounds like you boys need a drink." >"Goddam right we do." >the troop carrier pulls away. you silently thank God and the saints for delivering you from this hellhole. in a matter of hours, Germany would be far behind and you'd be headed home. >with a dead fluffy pony. but still home. >fucking Hitler.
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skettis-neos · 7 years
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Sometimes I go to Biscuit's page and just admire it... I wish I could center it though jfc
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tini-ballerini · 7 years
I wonder if dad is still mad at me for telling him to please stop talking about politics for one (1) conversation with me, wherein he promptly threw a temper tantrum and gave me the silent treatment for an hour and a half (and it was glorious)
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nblesbianbenhanscom · 4 years
71. “Me and the boys will handle it.” No particular ship, just the Loser's Club.
Read it on AO3
Sighing, Eddie leaned back on the pillows. He was sitting between Bill and Richie, their bodies warm pressure against his sides, keeping him still. In Eddie’s lap sat a bowl of popcorn and they were drinking soda, all of them talking loudly as they waited for the others to get there. Bev had shoplifted a copy of Aliens and they were having a slumber party.
Bev wasn’t supposed to be there though, something about six boys and one girl and it not being appropriate, but Bev was coming anyway. The irony of Bev having to sneak out of her house and into Bill’s was not lost on Eddie.
There was only one problem with the night. Eddie did not want to watch Aliens. He’d seen Alien and it had scared the shit out of him, and Aliens was supposed to be scarier.
Everyone ignored his protests though.
“B- B- Bev got this f- f- for tonight. She almost got c-c-caught,” Bill said. Eddie frowned.
“If you're worried about getting scared, sketti, just remember you can hold my hand,” Richie said and winked at him. Eddie blushed.
“Shut up, Richie,” Eddie said. He helped himself to some popcorn. Stan, Ben, and Mike came thundering down the stairs, talking loudly.
“Peanut M&Ms are the superior candy,” Ben said. “They are sweet and crunch and have a good mouth feel.”
“A good mouth feel?” Richie asked. “I can give you a good mouth feel.”
“Beep beep, Richie,” Eddie said even as the others laughed.
“Oh, lighten up, Eds. I was just kidding,” Richie said. He squeezed the back of Eddie’s neck and Eddie shuddered.
“Lay off,” Eddie said and pushed him away.
“Aww, babe, you jealous?”
Eddie blushed and shook his head, busying himself with the popcorn, bouncing the bowl a bit so the kernels bounced before taking a handful and shoving it in his mouth.
“Richie, are you already picking on Eddie?” Bev asked as she tossed down her bag from the open basement window. She jumped down lithely after it.
“Nah, Eddie is just being a jealous bitch,” Richie said.
“Oh, so jealous.” Eddie rolled his eyes and got up, shoving the popcorn into Bill’s lap. “Bathroom.”
He plowed his way past the others and shut the bathroom door behind him. He closed the toilet and sat down, taking a few deep breaths.
“You’re ok, you’re going to be fine,” he told himself. A few seconds later, he flushed and washed his face. He went back to the others and took his place amongst his friends.
They had this down to an art. They built a blanket fort and Bev would sit in the back of it so if Bill’s parents came down they wouldn’t see her. The boys lay in a fairly consistent lineup. Stan slept closest to the stairs because he always woke up first. Mike came next, then Bill, Eddie, Richie, and Ben.
Lately, Ben had stopped being quite in line with the other boys. He and Bev had started dating a few months back, and they liked to hold hands while they slept.
Eddie would watch them sometimes, wondering what it would be like to fall asleep next to Richie knowing Richie liked him back like that. As it stood, Richie was usually all over Eddie in their sleep, as if Eddie was his own stuffed animal. Eddie pretended to care, but he loved it and would put up with all the scary movies if it meant Riche would hold him close.
The movie started slow, the opening credits long and boring. Eddie giggled as he watched Richie give a quick reenactment of the first movie which included the chest bursting scene and Richie even threatened to take off his pants so his portrayal of Ripley fighting the alien in her underwear would be more accurate, but then Ripley appeared on the screen and the others made him sit down.
When Ripley had the dream where the alien burst out of her chest, Eddie jumped and popcorn spilled everywhere.
“Eddie!” Everyone groaned. Someone paused the movie while they cleaned everything up.
Bill took the popcorn from him, but Eddie didn’t complain, just pulled his blanket closer to his chest. Richie kept reaching over him to get popcorn, which Eddie pretended to find annoying, but really he welcomed the distraction.
By the time the crew got to the planet where the colonists were in danger, Eddie was starting to really enjoy the evening and even didn’t mind the first couple of loud bangs.
Just as he was begging to think the movie was actually going to be pretty boring, that the rumors weren’t true and then they got to the room where all the colonists had been gathered.
The Losers fell quiet as they watched the action unfold. Eddie squirmed and bit back the worst of his screams. None of this was lost on Richie who just let Eddie hold his hand tightly under the blanket.
Eddie’s breathing was a little erratic but under control until they got to the scene where Ripley and Newt were locked inside a room with a small, fucking creepy alien, and no one could hear their pleas for help.
“This is so fucking lame,” Eddie announced, his heart pounding in his chest. The others glanced at him.
“You g- g- good, Eddie?” Bill asked.
“I’m fine,” Eddie growled and got up. “My asthma’s just acting up and this movie’s just fucking stupid. I don’t know why we’re watching it.” He pulled himself free from Richie and went to the bathroom, grabbing his fanny pack on the way.
Still grumbling under his breath, Eddie closed the door and turned on the light. He opened his pack to pull out his inhaler and his chest tightened when he saw it wasn’t there. He dug through the small bag, dumping out it’s contents onto the bathroom counter. Pill bottles, bandages, and various other first aid supplies bounced around.
It wasn’t there.
His fucking inhaler wasn’t there.
His mom was going to kill him.
Without turning off the light or picking up his stuff, he opened the bathroom door and rushed to his backpack. The others watched as he fell to his knees and began tugging things out, throwing them all around the room.
Someone paused the movie.
“A- a- are you o- o- okay?” Bill asked.
Tears filling his eyes, Eddie ignored him and he kept searching. When his back was empty, Eddie looked over at his friends.
“What are you looking for, Eddie?” Bev asked softly.
Chest heaving, Eddie struggled to get the words out. “I can’t find my inhaler.” Richie got up before the others could move and went to Eddie’s side.
“Did you check your second fanny pack?” Richie asked as he grabbed Eddie’s bag. He tugged all the pockets open.
“I don’t use my second fanny pack when I have my backpack, asshole,” Eddie snapped.
“Eddie, it’s going to be ok,” Stan said. “Just- just try and breathe.”
“I fucking can’t, jackass,” Eddie groused. He couldn’t believe Stan of all people was being so fucking stupid.
Stan opened his mouth to say something, but Mike elbowed him and he fell silent.
“L- l- let’s g- g- go g- get it,” Bill said.
“If I go home, my mom won’t let me leave. She’ll- She’ll make me-” Eddie hated this. He wanted to go back, wanted the night to return to the levity, but the others were still watching him. There was no salvaging the night.
“It’s ok, Eddie,” Bev said. He looked over at her. “Me and the boys will handle it.”
“If you get caught-” Eddie started to argue, but Bev, Mike, Bill, Stan, and Ben were already getting up looking for shoes and coats.
“We won’t,” Bev said. “It’ll be ok. We’ll be right back.” She looked at Richie who hadn’t moved. “You got him?” Richie nodded. “We’ll be right back.” She and the others slipped out the window Bev had come in.
When they were alone, Richie looked at Eddie.
“You’re going to be ok,” Richie said. Eddie nodded. He tried to take another deep breath, but his chest was so tight.
He hated this, hated how his body betrayed him when all he wanted to do was have a fun night with his friends. True to himself, Richie talked non-stop, but Eddie wasn’t really following what he was saying. Richie didn’t seem to mind. He just kept talking.
Eddie didn’t know how long the others were gone, but it didn’t feel like long before the others were slipping back in.
Bill handed Eddie his inhaler and watched him take a couple puffs. Eddie finally relaxed when he felt his chest start to ease up.
The others talked quietly, and Eddie watched Ben pull the movie out of the VCR and select another from a stack near the TV. Eddie blushed but let Richie put an arm around his shoulder. Stan picked up Eddie’s belongings while Bill and Mike went upstairs to get more drinks and popcorn.
Eventually they all settled back into their places, someone hit play. They fast forwarded through the trailers for other movies until they got to the MGM logo. Eddie settled into Richie’s side, the other boy’s arm still around him, and Eddie smiled when the Spaceballs title popped up on the screen. Eddie loved Spaceballs.
The embarrassment Eddie had felt was melting away as his friends laughed at the movie, quoting their favorite parts. And Richie kept his arm around Eddie, holding him close. None of the others said anything, just like no one had said anything when Ben and Bev had started holding hands before they officially started dating.
They stayed up late watching movies and laughing loudly until Bill’s mom came down and told them to be quiet or they would never be allowed to sleep over again.
It was incredibly late, so Stan put on Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. The others settled around them, and Eddie wrapped his arms around Richie’s chest. Eddie lay there listening to the others talk and Richie’s breathing.
The night had been so up and down, but Eddie smiled into Richie’s chest because the night was certainly ending on a high note.
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China & America
China: [After School] China: Where are you? China: You left your clothes on the bathroom floor and he's threatening to ✂ them up and she's just sitting there nodding America: ✂💳 after buying new 👌 China: Hilarious China: but you'd have to pry his wallet out his tight arse first and he's waving the ✂ about like right now America: 😐 America: terrorist negotiations are a no no China: Oh, believe me, if he knew you were on the 📞 he'd be straight on to shout at you himself America: if he wants me to walk around naked that's his damage America: she's guaranteed not sitting there 😶 when I do China: They're your best jeans China: you already don't have enough decent gear, you're seriously going to risk it? America: they'll be my best denim cut offs America: I don't come running for him China: Because it's not freezing 11 months and a half out of the year, Ricky China: I don't either but like fuck would I let him trash any of my stuff America: move us 🏝🧉 Gaz 👏 China: You want to fake as delusional as her? China: Fine, I'll be the only one living in reality, trying to talk some sense back into the woman and stopping him from ruining literally everything we've got America: back into? America: you've got jokes China: Please China: She was never this bad before China: or at least for this long, it'd be three weeks max of the lovesick bit and then she'd always come back and be mam again America: from your 🏰 that's the view China: There's nothing about this house that's castle like but he's definitely taken the only appeals it had away China: you miss having the parties and the hangs too America: they're still happening America: Gaz doesn't run the 🌏 America: can't roll out of 🛏 onto a dance floor but it's not 😢 China: But it was better when we could throw them China: and there was no rules around here, period China: You're just giving him reason to stay, the man's a raving lunatic, instead of saying no tah it's like his new cause to fix this family and save us both China: Must've been a fucking general in a past life America: there still aren't, his don't count America: & you're not giving him a reason to fucking go so 🤫 China: You say that but any time we have to be here China: and we do, at least some of the time, we can't do what we always did before and he's calling the shots China: I'm trying to figure out what the hell that would look like, what are you doing? America: watch me America: I'll throw a party right now China: Really China: Good luck with that China: Jesus, he'll lock you up, you know he will, if he doesn't do worse beforehand America: What's Daddy Garry gonna do? Hit me? America: They'd lock him up America: & his head'll 🤯 before mine does China: You don't remember some of the boyfriends she's had China: it's not funny, for fuck's sake China: I want my life back America: the trauma hasn't run deep enough to give me memory loss & you're not old enough to play that card America: it can be anything I want, it's my life America: I remember when we had live laugh love on the kitchen wall China: You know what? China: Let him rip up all your sketty clothes China: you're being selfish, why should I help you America: now the 👖 don't know whose side you're on America: they were THE BEST when you wanted me to come back China: I'm on the side of this family China: but you only care about yourself, apparently America: you're on your own side America: you care about having your life back, not what mine looks like China: I'm the one here arguing with him for your stuff right now China: and I just want things back how they were, for all of us China: him gone and her like an actual person with thoughts and emotions about anything that ain't what he wants America: you said yourself he won't leave if I act any kind of way America: he's crusading America: & I don't look old enough to get high enough to do a mam impression America: what do you fucking expect me to do, Chi? China: Help me work this out! China: Together China: you're still here, you don't get to wash your hands of it and ignore it like Zsa does because it doesn't really matter to her China: as long as he isn't hitting any of us and maybe even then, who the fuck knows with her America: don't ! at me America: if it were that simple, togetherness could get fucked China: It ain't, that's the whole problem and what no one else seems to grasp right now China: we act up, he's got more cause to stay and get progressively worse until we can't do anything and go anywhere China: we do what he wants and stay in line, he'll probably get such a boner he'll try to marry her and adopt us America: the audacity of me taking a 🚿 in my own home China: I know China: why is he not telling her to do more washing? America: be a controlling fuckwit but make it useful America: you could be wayyyyyyyy more productive with this, sir China: I'm not saying that's right either but it's all about how WE have no respect China: she's stopped doing anything that isn't doing her 💅💄👗 for him and we're meant to do it all, apparently America: Mam has respect for his 💪🍆🍑 China: 🤮 China: It goes without saying, but he's literally fuck ugly America: but I DEMAND it's said America: he needs to know on the regs China: He's got this one wrinkle on his forehead that's so deep I reckon it could hold a ✎ China: I hate him America: if you put your 💄 in there next time he's 😪💻 , I'll let you use a DIFFERENT ONE on me China: Alright China: I'll use one of hers America: would she end it if he had 0 hair? America: or eyebrows China: His hairline is dead and she acts like she don't notice China: It's like a spell, or something America: I know someone who'd come over for a face tattoo America: or 🍆🍑 if that's all she cares about China: You do not China: and he doesn't have enough of either to cover, shh America: I do TOO China: Who? America: Si is bored enough without your parties he bought a tattoo gun online China: Oh God China: do not do it he'll be so bad, never mind the hepatitis America: & he's dyslexic China: 😂 China: I can't wait to see what bullshit he decides to misspell on himself then America: [sends her some pics because imagine] China: He's so lame China: I can't believe Gary has wrecked my chance with Jake America: his da is a fuckwit too you'd think he'd be more understanding China: like I wanna tell him anything about this China: it's shaming enough we can't throw the parties no more and everyone knows why America: he's part of the everyone, he already knows China: doesn't mean I want to go and cry about it China: I've got some pride, thank you America: he should have some America: never throws a party at his own house China: That was one of the only things we had going for us America: weakkk America: you have things going for you, ask mam when she recovers from this illness China: Okay, the main thing China: but he's going to start going out with Lucie now instead, I know it America: Lucie's been out with half his friends before him America: not a ringing endorsement, like China: Yeah, she's a right slag, and she'll do it anywhere so she don't even need the free house America: get nan out of hers, she'd do it for the sake of your love life China: We have bigger problems China: sort that one and the rest will fall back into place, yeah America: biggest problem that we don't know how to sort it America: I'll get him to hurt me 🚨🚔 we're almost there China: That's not a solution China: and they won't do fuck all about it until it's serious China: too serious to control America: is if it works America: we know he wants to throw me out the window with the 👖 America: & maybe all the boys will think I'm into some hardcore bdsm shit China: Shut up you don't know anything about that America: 👌 Jake's vanilla that's a shame China: You're 12 and that's not the kind of reputation you want or are gonna have China: that's for girls like Lucie who have fuck all else to offer so they have to go hard with that degrading shit America: told you there was more on offer from us than a free house 😛 America: but stop walking into all my traps that easy China: You're such a dick 🙄😏 China: I didn't mean that was all but fucking hell, it was clearly a big draw China: so many people are airing me right now America: you know who doesn't care about parties? America: the people you air China: Who??? America: [a list which obvs includes Bobby and Libi on it and probably Beck as well] China: So you're just going to list every random loser in school for what? America: 😐 America: & you're gonna kid yourself that there's not at least 3 boys on there hotter than Jake America: get out of your fucking ⬛ China: it's not JUST about hot though, is it China: it's all the rest America: what else has Jake got? China: He's cool America: he's not cool enough to throw a party for you America: you're bored China: I am bored right now America: What's the point of Gaz if he doesn't take her anywhere anymore? America: why's she not bored? China: Yeah get this China: they're talking about redecorating America: what.the.fuck. China: I know China: it's looked like this our entire lives because she can't afford it China: now he thinks he can come in and whitewash everything America: remember when that one before offered to put up a roll of wallpaper and she looked at him like he said he wanted to beat you to death with it America: she'd let Gary kill us China: say goodbye to live laugh love China: it'll be RESPECT RESPECT RESPECT America: he needs to fuck off or I am China: Where to China: no one's got a sofa comfy enough or the desire to do any more than offer a night America: I know plenty of people I can get to desire me China: 🖕 China: not falling for it again so soon America: no 🕷🕸 America: they're not people I want, I didn't say that China: That's not a solution, again China: this is our house China: and our mam China: we need to sort it America: I know China: I can't think around them though China: I need to get out America: meet me [wherever the hell she is rn] China: Okay China: as I have nowhere else to be rn America: bring me a jacket China: assuming you've got one left after his tantrum China: that WILL be resumed, when you're relocated 🙄 America: if he's that desperate to text me China: He's that desperate to shout 'til he looks like a 🍅 America: 😋🤤 China: If you liked it or him at all, you'd be here America: I'm waiting here for you America: with ☕ China: I'm on my way America: I'll text Jake to be here & 🏃👌 China: You will not America: you wanna see him & you're not gonna hit send China: Because I have dignity, I don't know why that's a foreign concept to you China: and I don't even want to see him America: you do, you're losing it that he doesn't wanna see you China: Don't be dramatic on my behalf China: and getting my little sister to beg for me, that's hardly going to win anyone over America: I was gonna pretend to be you China: Ha! China: I'd love to see that, not America: party trick America: if we ever have one again China: If anyone wants to come by the time we've worked this out, it'll be a miracle America: it is getting 🥱 China: Seriously China: not getting aired for no reason America: you should listen to me about nan America: have one there China: The only person who would have a party at their nans house is Libi Foley America: it is mint there China: 🙄 America: it is China: Why? She got a trampoline? 👌 America: getting low if you're getting jealous America: [but whatever pics or vids we have from being there however many times we have like] China: I don't know what you reckon is cool in [whatever year they're in] these days America: her 🏠 America: some of her friends America: but I think I scared her off China: Well forget her China: She thinks she's something special but she's so not America: you're not describing her China: Sure China: If she's making you feel shitty she's hardly the 😇 everyone thinks she is America: how did you twist it to be her fault from what I said? America: 🤯 China: You aren't scary, she can't hang America: she didn't have you green lighting her on what cool is America: that's why I can China: She's super immature America: that shit must fly cos she's super well liked too China: With other people on your list, maybe America: you know she's got friends on friends, we don't have to downplay it America: it's not gonna make us feel a new way about any of the 💩 going on China: Literally why are we talking about her China: I've got so much more on my mind America: You brought her up to veto nan's house as a party place America: cos you don't want her to hate you too China: It isn't a party place, she's an old lady China: that would be so lame China: she doesn't have a boyfriend, where are we sending her? America: bingo America: use Zsa's flat then, she has a boyfriend, he's all she ever talks about China: Her tiny one bed China: I could have a few main people, potentially America: Princess and the pea isn't a sexy story America: if you're gonna kick it like that with Jake he will fuck Lucie in the PE block China: That's his prerogative if he wants to catch herpes America: everything doesn't have to be perfect America: you 🔊 like Gary China: If Asia is going to stop talking to me, it needs to at least be worth it America: you could trash the place and she'd think she did it 🔎 for her fake gucci belt China: 🙄 China: at least we don't have to worry about her man lasting America: ✂️💖 China: I don't know why they do it America: what are you doing with Jake? China: I'm not China: not like them America: I don't believe you China: Well first off, he's actually decent looking and cool China: and that's the difference China: Gary isn't, and whatshisname isn't either China: and I'm not throwing myself at him America: he isn't cool to me America: if it was so different you'd care about that China: How is he not? America: 🤡 China: What the hell does that mean? America: he thinks he's funny and he's not China: You don't have to think he is China: you're not interested and he's not interested in you China: that's a bit different to Gary fucking up our lives and taking over our mam America: he doesn't need to talk about me ever then China: I'm sure he won't...? America: 😐 China: He's not talking about either of us right now America: 🎊🎉 China: Happy for you America: I'd be happy for you if you used the Gary situation to get a boyfriend who's less of a dick China: Like who? China: [list boys from that list] China: LOL America: 🖕 America: [because we know the boy she likes is on that list honey] China: Who do you fancy then? America: dream on, shady bitch America: I'm not revealing my secrets now China: 😂 China: Omg go on China: I'll work it out America: if Gaz keeps treating me like a little girl without the choking, spitting in my mouth or giving me euros to spend, it's not gonna matter America: he'll think I'm immature China: You're such a dick China: but he's older then China: narrows it down America: as old as you, not as old as daddy Gary China: Well I can work out who it isn't then America: you've got other shit to prioritise China: You should get a boyfriend your own age America: I'm not getting one China: When you do, then America: when I do I won't be doing a poll of our year America: he's fun that's why I like him America: the 2 years aren't what's making me 🤤 China: What's fun mean America: he can hang China: I know who it is America: happy for you China: He's okay, I guess China: if you like that sort of thing America: what the hell does that mean? China: He's a bit China: but if you like him America: a bit? China: Annoying China: but you don't have to see him around school America: I thought you had a real concern! China: I'm not mam, we've still got one China: I just don't think he's cute but he's not like, the worst China: I don't know why he hangs around with who he does though, maybe he's weird America: Jake is who you think is cute & cool so 🤫 China: He's the hottest boy in my year China: who isn't like, the preppy sporty type America: & he acts like it America: talking down to everyone China: You're dramatic America: 😐 America: he is, behaving like 👑 China: You're acting like I'm married to him, for starters China: we were never even officially going out America: cos he wants to fuck around & find out who else is 🤤 China: He can do what he likes America: with Lucie & you won't care at.all. China: 🖕 America: me getting 🍆 could bring mam out of her coma China: If she finds out before Gary China: that might actually be a decent way to look into it China: 'cos clearly, 👑 has failed to save us all America: 👌 I'll do what I can China: all you have to do is heavily hint you are, in the 0.2 milliseconds he leaves her alone America: I'll stand on the 🚽 while she's 🛁 China: Take a piss test China: that should trigger the fear response America: they're expensive America: be going in Gaz's wallet again China: nah, you can get them for a euro in dealz China: market for the skanky slags like Lucie, duh America: I'll go after school tomorrow, he won't be leaving her alone tonight after ✂👖 China: Ew China: I'm definitely finding somewhere else to be America: seconded China: This is ridiculous China: Nan's going to get fed up of us crashing at hers America: that day came a month in China: but like, fed up to the point he'll talk her out of letting us because we should 'be at home' or whatever the fuck China: 🕠 running out America: What a flirty little game of 🐈 & 🐁 America: game on, Gaz China: 🙄 China: We've got no choice so, yeah America: Where are you gonna go? China: 🤷 China: I don't know America: come with me China: Where are you going? America: When you've got nowhere else, 3rd degree questioning's pointless China: Why is it hard to answer a question? America: I don't have an answer yet China: Right China: well, whatever then America: whatever yes or whatever no? China: So you need a dedicated answer, do you? China: You invited me, shouldn't make any difference if I do or don't come, as you've got no idea where you're going America: & you think my pretend babydaddy is annoying China: He very literally is China: if you wanna talk about thinking you're funny, Jesus America: he has a basis for it America: he's got jokes that aren't about what every girl at school looks like China: He's got adhd China: I think America: When he said he was on 💊s not what I thought he meant China: He must have it bad he's so twitchy still China: and he never shuts up China: which is probably why he's friends with the deaf kid America: I take it back, you and Jake are well suited 🤡 China: What? That's not a joke China: it just makes literal sense China: he's so loud America: You're being a dick China: Oh I am not China: it's not like I'm saying it to his face America: you know I like his face & you're saying it to me China: Well you know I like Jake and you're being a dick about him so in that case, we'd be even America: he can help having a shitty personality, that's not the same as an adhd diagnosis China: okay then China: an excuse to have prescribed speed America: what's your excuse for not calling the deaf kid by his name? China: Why does it matter? China: You knew who I meant America: it matters that you're back in your 🏰 China: 🙄 Shut up China: again, not talking to him, just you America: no shit, you don't talk to anyone outside of your ⬛ America: just me China: We're sisters so China: we have to talk, so sorry America: I know how to do a smoky eye & take a drink, that's your main criteria for what a cool girl is China: You wish America: it's not something I'm prioritising pre or post Gary America: you're stuck with me anyway China: And you're stuck with me China: at the minute, that's basically all we've got China: Zsa is literally not taking it in, no surprise there China: and nan is drinking the kool-aid on him now so America: I'll bring mam back with my 🤰 it'll be fine China: **fake 🤰 America: I assumed that was clear cos of having no real 🍆 inside of me before tomorrow America: Gary probably doesn't want to kiss & make up like that, I'm only 12 China: What do you mean tomorrow? America: assuming I do the test in front of her then China: Don't require you to actually do the deed, idiot China: s'all fake, we don't need you to go have a fake abortion, Jesus America: I'm just saying we don't need to waste time typing out a distinction like **fake when it's obvious China: Don't be a twat, I was just saying China: you're so bloody pedantic today, my God America: Don't be putting some kind of tempting fate 🤰 hex on me before I've even done anything with any boys China: Don't be a little slag and nothing will happen China: not going to be me or fate doing anything about it, you're in control America: right now Gary is America: 🚫🍆 China: It's about more than that America: I know China: You don't get it America: What don't I get? China: I've lost loads of friends China: maybe all of them America: you'll get them back the parties are America: when* China: yeah America: I'm fixing it China: **WE are America: did you save my 👖? China: Yea China: I put a load of washing on China: so now you're gonna owe me a thank you China: didn't know what else to do, he likes pitting us against each other I reckon America: I bought you ☕ ungrateful bitch China: UM, I meant you're going to owe me a grovelling thank you arselick because Gary says so China: I'm behaving and you're not, right now, cheeky cow China: anyway, I'm nearly there so don't fucking bin it America: I'll put washing on when my newborn is sleeping China: Fucking hell 😂 China: It's tragic, isn't it China: I can't think of anything more tragic China: poor mam China: poor nan America: how old do you have to be before they let you get sterilised? China: Oh, so old China: tell 'em you want to live off the state forever and have 14 of 'em and maybe they'll change their fucking mind America: Gary would do it for me if he was any fucking use China: If you ever really get pregnant, the botched abortion would do it America: I'll pitch the idea to my 1st boyfriend China: Good luck America: we're in the right place 🍀 China: Are we? China: Doesn't feel like it America: for a backstreet foetus killing scheme anyway China: Whatever brightside, I guess America: you sound as tired as I feel America: how early did he wake you? I think it was still fully dark out China: I swear, only solid he's done me China: loads of time to do a full hair and make-up routine America: What classes do you even have with Jake? Like 2 China: Oh, so now just 'cos I don't want to look like a bag of shit that's all about him too? China: Are you sure YOU aren't like them? China: Ugh America: you don't look like 💩 America: it's about him if you suddenly think you do China: I don't think that I just China: I'm not winning anyone back 'round if I do America: it's about the lack of parental supervision not your lack of split ends America: on every level you know that China: It is not China: that's a big part of it, but it is not all of it America: if it's not all of it where are they all? China: There's plenty of boys who care about pretty China: even if Jake isn't one of them China: if I have a desirable boyfriend, that's fucking something America: Jake does care about pretty, that's his main priority America: & why he's a dick to me China: You should've said China: you fancy him America: I'd fuck Gary before him, you delusional cow China: Ha, okay China: you're the one who's so hung up on how he treats you China: I'm so sorry he doesn't fancy you back but I'm actually not because you know I like him America: cos I want you to give a shit that your not boyfriend is like bullying me China: Wow, bullying now, really? America: you're asking for me to throw this ☕ at you China: I won't even come if you're going to be this China: melodramatic China: what do you mean bullying you? America: I mean every party you've thrown he's said something unnecessary to me China: Can you be more specific or America: can you not take my fucking word for it? China: Well not really China: like, if he's just made some passing comments it's not really bullying, is it America: 😐 America: 👌 make excuses for him & keep telling me you're doing things different China: For God's sake China: since when are you so sensitive? America: I've kept my mouth shut until literally now China: As you said, literally, he's joking America: I'm tired & I've typed the name Jake more times than I've ever wanted to China: You can't just accuse people of shit they haven't done China: if it was that simple, we'd say Gary was touching us and ta-da, problem solved America: I'll go down that route if the 🤰 fails China: It's not a fucking joke China: fuck this America: it is if you think I'm living like this for the next 6 years minimum China: You think 4 makes it any more palatable? America: telling a lie to get rid of him is the least of what I'm prepared to do China: I can't think straight right now China: save your ☕ I'm gonna go somewhere else America: Chi China: It's fine America: you're basically here China: I'm going China: I've got plans now America: you do not China: I do now America: with who? China: None of your business America: with who China: Who do you think China: happy now? America: what.the.fuck. China: Leave it alone America: Have you been talking to him all along? China: No, actually China: though I'm sure you won't believe me America: can't believe a word any of you say America: I hope he gives you herpes China: Nice America: You're not, why should I? China: You started this China: and for your information, I've never slept with him, or anyone else America: I did NOT China: then you got in my head America: not on purpose China: I've got my own life America: that wasn't in question China: I don't need your pity America: I don't feel sorry for you China: Good America: I'm fine too, thanks for asking China: You've got friends, who don't just use you for parties China: as you've been so keen to rub in America: & you're calling me over sensitive China: Joke all you lie China: k* America: you think Jake's are better China: Yeah, I do America: 👌🍆😗 China: Jealous much America: LOL China: Enjoy pining after Tweak America: 🖕 China: Enjoy your evening, that's my plan America: talk yourself into it harder America: maybe you will China: 👌🍆😗 America: 🤮🤮🤮 China: I'm not faking a pregnancy America: Lucie's not fake swallowing China: Ugly girls have more to prove America: you 🔊 like Jake America: he'll be excited as hell China: yeah he will America: 🎊🎉 he can stop trying to suck his own dick 🥳 China: you're just a kid China: let me know where you end up, Zsa's or nan's China: and I'll take the other 👌 America: you can take either cos I'm doing neither China: You know what, fine China: I shouldn't be the one doing this America: What this do you mean? Whoring yourself out to Jake or pretending you care what I'm going to do China: Looking after you China: are any of them in your messages? doubt it China: he's got no right and he goes too far but at least he'll be giving a shit where you are America: I don't need tabs kept on me, I'm going to MJ's not to 🍆 or 💊💉 China: 👍 America: I had a feeling Gaz wouldn't be stepping up to make 🍝 China: I can thank him for the diet too America: he'll be thrilled to hear about the 🍆😗 part of it China: I'm not planning to regale him with it China: 'cos not tempting an assault tah America: Mam & Zsa will have more useful tips China: I don't need them China: thank God America: just Jake telling you what he likes 💖 China: Piss off America: 🏰👑💖 China: Yeah, really feel it America: he'll make you feel really good about yourself China: What would you know about it, Ricky? America: it's what you want him for, I know that China: Why wouldn't I want that? China: Just because you've not had it ever America: Why can't you get it from someone else? China: Because I like Jake China: end of America: 😐 China: and every girl but you does too America: [lists all the girls that don't aka the lesbians, other girls he has shaded and girls like libi who are shamelessly in love with someone else/have boyfriends they care about even a little bit] China: 🙄🙄 China: You've got too much time on your hands China: not going to list every girl that does China: you know who I meant and that it's true America: I just spent a decade I won't get back waiting for you China: I wasn't about to come to MJ's and beg for food with you so America: I didn't invite you there, it's where I'm going now since you're on a Jake's jizz diet China: Don't be gross America: It's you who likes him 🤢 China: It's you who keeps talking about his dick China: like, stop America: I'm desensitising you America: so you can bear to look at & touch it China: I don't need that America: then this is me 🤫 China: 👍 China: Thanks China: Guess I'll see you in school tomorrow, or just before, pretending we've been 🛏 or purposely showing we're just coming in China: who knows what will be more effective in the AM America: you do one, I'll try the other China: Yeah China: know which one you'd prefer China: I'm not playing nice so you don't have to, like I always have America: you weren't playing when it was just you & mammy America: neither was I China: She was fun China: before America: I know China: What's not to like America: as her favourite, you would say that China: 🙄 America: & it doesn't matter who she was America: she's a zombie now China: we'll get her back America: What's the cure for swallowing Gary's bodily fluids? China: She's had worse China: equally as bad America: built up immunity China: There's no immunity to shitty men America: as you've proven China: pot kettle America: I don't like Jake, you're deluded China: I wasn't talking about him, moron America: 🖕 China: No, he seems like SUCH a cool, chill guy America: you'd be a shady bitch whatever you think he's like cos you're mad I don't wanna hop on Jake's 🍆 China: Yeah, SO mad China: you're twisted China: and delusional if you think it'd be any kind of competition America: you admitted you want me to be jealous & that his appeal is everyone likes him so yeah America: your priorities are twisted China: When did I? America: read any of this chat back China: 👍 Good one China: I really don't care what you think China: your taste is clearly trash America: I'd follow your ☕ into the bin but it'll make me late for 🍝 China: 😱 China: Can't have that China: I'm waiting for my bus, talk later America: 👋
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philipronans · 4 years
okay so this is actually part of something that’s gonna be way longer (hi post canon florist!mickey fic how are you?), but 1) it was too cute not to post + 2) it works by itself too so why not post it + 3) it’s the first draft so it’s gonna change at least a little bit anyway
Mickey lets himself in through the front door,  careful of the grocery bag hanging from one wrist. He kicks his boots off as he takes his jacket off and hangs it up. The house is quiet, which isn’t all that strange these days, but no matter how much time passes it will never feel right. This place is meant to host the collective hurricane that is the Gallagher family.
He moves through the empty living room and into the equally empty kitchen – there’s an open textbook on the table that tells him Liam is around somewhere. After flicking the light on, he dumps the bag of groceries on the counter and immediately starts putting things away. There’s a box of Liam’s favourite cereal in his hand when he hears the giggling. His lips are twitching as he pulls open the cupboard and shoves the box in the general direction of a shelf.
The giggling gets louder the longer he stands there and when he eventually turns around, Franny’s head is poking around the edge of the fridge. She grins when he raises his eyebrows at her.
“Uncle Mickey!” She cries, charging towards him and wrapping her skinny arms around his shins.
He carefully puts the box of off brand Cheerios back on the counter and lets a hand brush over her hair. The ponytail that Ian had managed to tame it into this morning is barely hanging on.
“What’re you doing, kiddo?”
She releases his legs and holds her arms up. Mickey makes a show of sighing dramatically before lifting her up and settling her on his hip. Her hair tickles his cheek as she settles her head on his shoulder.
“Oh, yeah?” He jostles her a little, and then goes back to putting the last of the groceries away. “What’re you hiding from?”
“Great job.” He says, quirking an eyebrow at the top of her head. She laughs again and pats at his shoulder. “Where’s Liam?”
Franny lifts her head and points at the ceiling.
“You down here by yourself?”
He shifts her around so he can sit her on the counter. She grumbles a little but quickly settles down when he opens a pack of cookies and hands her one. They’re triple chocolate – he’d learnt how to get into her good graces early.
“Hey, Orphan Annie, I asked you a question.”
Franny takes a huge bite out of the cookie and chews noisily. She doesn’t answer him until she’s managed to get cookie crumbs everywhere. The look she gives him is all Debbie, telling him he’s an idiot for even asking.
“You’re here!”
He sighs, but his mouth twitches. “Not exactly what I meant.”
His line of questioning is cut short when Liam appears at the bottom of the stairs. The orange t-shirt is damp around his neck, so Mickey doesn’t do anything but nod at him.
“Hey.” Liam says, eyeing up the pack of cookies. He must decide better of it, though, because he slips back into his chair at the table and pulls the textbook closer.
“You okay with spaghetti for dinner?”
Franny claps, forgetting the cookie still clasped in her hand and sending crumbs flying all over the place. She giggles at the unimpressed look Mickey gives her and squeals out something that kinda sounds like “Sketti!”
“I get a choice?” Liam asks, not looking up from his textbook.
Mickey shakes his head. “Not really. Just wanna know how bitchy you’re gonna be about it.”
Liam glances up at that and offers him a level look. He cracks a smile when Mickey snorts. “It’s fine with me.”
Mickey rummages around in the cupboard for a few minutes to find the saucepan he wants. Once he’s found it, he stands back up to find that Franny has helped herself to a second cookie. He raises his eyebrows at her, and she at least has the decency to look a little ashamed.
“It’s a good thing you’re cute, kid.”
Franny beams at him.
Ian comes in through the backdoor almost twenty minutes later. He pauses long enough to shrug his jacket off and put it away, and then he’s placing an obnoxious kiss to the top of Liam’s head just to hear him groan.
Mickey glances up from where he’s stirring the pot of pasta sauce and smiles. “Hey.”
Franny, who had been relegated to a dining chair, darts for Ian. She laughs when Ian catches her and easily lifts her into the air. She smacks a kiss to his cheek.
“Thank you.” He says, carrying her over to Mickey so he can press a kiss of his own to Mickey’s temple. “Hey yourself.”
Mickey stops stirring long enough to study his husband’s face. They aren’t dark enough to be worried about yet, but there are circles under his eyes and his cheeks are looking a little gaunt. He lifts a hand to stroke a thumb over Ian’s cheekbone.
“Have a good day?”
Ian catches his wrist and brushes his lips over Mickey’s palm, before stepping back. He pretends to drop Franny, smiling when she shrieks and wraps her arms tight around his neck.
“No one puked on me, so that’s something.”
“If that’s all it takes, I’ve had a coupla good months.”
“Yeah, well, we can’t all be as lucky as you.” Ian smiles and stoops to put Franny back on the ground. Thankfully, she doesn’t make a fuss about and instead just goes back to her seat at the table. “You need any help?”
“Yeah, actually, grab me some bowls? This is almost done.”
Ian does as he’s told, and Mickey goes about dishing up. He grabs two bowls and carries them over to the table, Ian not far behind him.
“Eat it slowly.” He aims at Franny, knowing she won’t. She nods solemnly but digs in the moment the bowl touches the tablecloth. He turns to Liam. “Better move that book of yours, Einstein, unless you want meatball juice all over those fancy pages of yours.”
Liam snaps the book shut and carefully places it on the empty chair next to him. He murmurs his thanks when Mickey places a bowls in front of him and picks up his fork.
Mickey sinks into his own chair and immediately hooks his foot around Ian’s ankle.
“Went to see Larry today. About findin’ me a new job.” He says, after he’s finished chewing a mouthful of noodles.
Ian stops twirling his fork and glances up at him. “How did that go?”
“Well, he’s definitely still Larry.”
“You doubted?”
“No, but I hoped. One of these days, Gallagher, my dreams of him being replaced by an alien will come true.”
Ian snorts. “So, what’d he say?”
“About an alien kickin’ him outta the job? Not a lot.” He grins at the unimpressed look Ian gives him. “Nah, he said he’d look into it, but he’s not promising anything.”
Liam sets his empty bowl aside. “May I be excused?”
Mickey shrugs and Ian murmurs an agreement. Liam pushes away from the table, snagging his book on the way.
“You still got homework?” Ian asks.
“A little. Math.”
“Let me know if you need help, man.” Mickey says, kicking Ian in the shin when he notices the sappy smile he’s trying to hide.
Mickey nods and turns back to his food. He huffs when Ian doesn’t stop smiling at him.
“Shut the fuck up.”
 Later, when the dishes have been put away, Liam’s finished his homework, and Franny’s been tucked into bed, Mickey all but faceplants onto the mattress. It’s barely eleven o’clock but he is beat. He yawns audibly.
“Are we getting old?” He asks, flipping over so he can watch Ian get undressed.
Ian, now only in his underwear, climbs onto the mattress. He waits until they’re both comfortable and his hand is buried in Mickey’s hair before answering. “Nah, we just got responsibilities and shit now.”
“Fuck, I think that might actually be worse.” Ian gives his hair a quick tug. Mickey presses a smile into the hollow of his throat. “Don’t start shit you’re too tired to finish, Gallagher.”
As if to prove his point, Ian yawns. He’s quiet for several minutes.
“You think Larry’s actually gonna find anything?”
Mickey groans.
“Fuck sake, what have I told you about bringing our P.Os into bed?”
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spaghettiisinmysoul · 1 month
Being an adult means having a meltdown over buying an incredibly soft wolf plush and then immediately burning the shit out of its fur at the laundromat cause apparently the low setting on the dryer wasn’t low enough
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orangetintedglasses · 10 months
( brain: hey what if she didn't make it o--
me: )
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blizziepizza · 6 years
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@ art commenters: please don’t do this
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t-ricks-127 · 7 years
(( omg when I come back I'm inking this ahhhh I drew 127 with a pony tail and he's so happy about it oml))
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lustingtc · 5 years
12th June 2019
Quick one bc I need to revise 😔😔😔
I saw T this morning and 😳😳😳😳
He didn’t have his glasses on 😖😖
He kinda looked like a rat 😷😷 but also really cute,,, QwQ 💝💞💓💗💖💘💕
Then to the end of the day...
Before English actually but sHUT UP
Some sketty 2nd yr was chatting to T for farrrrr to long 🤢🤢🤢
But he looked so disinterested lmfao sksjsksks
Then A was like “She’s brown and he’s islamophobic, so most likely racist. Don’t worry” and I was like 😌😌😌
We love a man who’s all for white power✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻🥰🥰🥰🥰💝💞💓💗💖💘💕
Anyways lmao,,,
He was cute and we kept making eye contact 💝💞💓💗💖💘💕🥰🥰💝💞💓💗💖💘💕
So. I love one man.
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