#so they just haven’t seen Ranpo in his most serious moments
moonyeclipses · 1 year
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Rant(?) incoming I’m just gonna be talking about my fav boy and how much I hate his mischaracterization
But am extremely excited for the new season and maybe it’ll happen less cause I think a good chunk of the fan base probably just, view him differently from being anime only?
Hopefully lol (also manga and light novel spoiler warning!)
Excerpts from my priv twitter (but slightly altered to get my point across more):
Of all the bsd characters I think I could write the most about Ranpo and his characterization and how ppl completely fuck it up
Like- it’s hard to read a lot of fanfic with him cause they don’t portray him right? Like just the ‘UwU sweets loving boy who knows everything but is still oblivious’ OR ‘self centered arrogant man who acts too childish for his age and thinks he’s better than everyone’
I know we haven’t really gotten to it in the anime yet but his whole thing is the fact HE DOESNT KNOW EVERYTHING- but he’s also aware that he knows a lot more than everyone else so people view him as this all-knowing unbeatable person when it’s simply not the case
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Like, he puts himself on such a high pedestal cause he knows his family puts him on such a high pedestal, they expect him to be able to do everything and to know everything, and that’s why he fights so damn hard for the agency - he doesn’t want to let his family down
He’s always feels so isolated cause of it, and he’s so scared of messing up and he does mess up and it RUINS him
That arrogant front he puts is cause once your the best of the best there’s no where to go but down right? He keeps trying to prove himself and prove himself - he also doesn’t want to give anyone the idea of otherwise because he feels he has to be the one to keep everyone safe- if he shows weakness their enemies will find the loopholes and unfortunately for him that did happen
And yes he’s childish! He was literally sheltered from the entire world besides his also super genius parents for the first FOURTEEN YEARS of his life, he genuinely believed the world was out to get him and didn’t understand it once he was shoved into the outside world alone without the guidance of his now dead parents
They planned on raising him as a normal child to be a good person and not use his genius skills for bad, but they died early into the plan so he just, doesn’t know, doesn’t know any different
He thought everyone could see what he could and just refused to acknowledge it, and every time he would call something or someone out HE would be the one punished for it, it wasn’t till Fukuzawa came along and told him that he’s the only one to do that
AND, he knew to protect him at the time he told Ranpo his deduction skills were an ability, and Ranpo held onto that for protection, cause he refused to believe he was different for no reason, Fukuzawa knew he would be isolated from both normal people AND gifted people because of it
Please read the Untold Story of the Founding of the Detective Agency if you haven’t, it’s the third light novel and it’s about Fukuzawa’s and Ranpo’s meeting when Ranpo was only 14 years old and how Fukuzawa took Ranpo in and eventually created the Agency - it really helps you understand him more and why he is the way he is
Also! Once he discovered he is different, his first reaction wasn’t to use it for this benefit, his first reaction was “the people in the world are like infants, I understand now, the world isn’t cruel, it’s just stupid, and I need to protect them!” This has been his mindset since them, if no one else can see it, then he can and has to save them
It’s like having a pet and calling them stupid in an affectionate way whenever they do something dumb and taking care and nurturing them
Even if he’s not all that emotionally vulnerable and caring, he shows how much he cares through his actions - he’s different, he knows it, he states it like the fact it is, he brags as a manipulation tactic, but he still is a man who’s childhood was cut short, and grew up thinking murder is normal and a everyday casual thing, he loves praise and sweet things because he just simply does, he acts childish I believe as a way to keep a happy front and to stop others from worrying
“Alls well that’s well for me” he means it in the sense of, “if I’m happy, if I’m not worried about something, then no one else has to be, because I have the situation handled” and we see the opposite of this during the DOA arc, when he’s trying to outsmart fyodor and suddenly he gets dead serious - everyone is unsettled by it, they realize how serious the issue is
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Idk guys I just, yes he’s a man child at times, yes he acts arrogant and self centered, yes he loves sweets and a lot of things children love but I hate it when people see it as his only traits
They don’t realize how deep his character is and how much he knows. His deduction isn’t just towards mysteries, he can read people in an instant, figure out their life story and more
He may not be a manipulation expert like Dazai but I don’t think he gets the credit he deserves in his other skills and how just, aware he is of everything happening around him - and how normal he tries to perceive himself and live his life in other non serious situations
And people don’t tend to realize how much he cares for everyone, all the innocent people in the world, and especially the agency who is family to him - he’s sacrificed himself on more than one account to protect them
He also puts his trust in the world even though he knows not everyone is as smart as him, because he knows he doesn’t know everything like when he did the press conference to prove the agency innocent
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And you can see how relieved he is when some of them do, even if there’s a book that change reality to point all fingers at him
Anyway yea, I sincerely hope with the fourth season (and praying they animate the untold origins for the first couple eps like they did with the other light novels) more people will appreciate Ranpo, and the true Ranpo and not just some simple aspects of his character traits
Thank you for coming to my TED talk LMAO
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sleepyghostuwu · 3 years
Part 1/??: Akutagawa fluff
Warning: minor mention of suicide (because Dazai’s just there lmao)
I thought of this story sometime after watching “My Neighbour Totoro” and seeing Akutagawa a few times in “Bungo Stray Dogs”. I remembered the umbrella scene in “My Neighbour Totoro” and somehow started liking Akutagawa for a while, and ended up with this. It’s pretty fluffy thinking of it uwu and I thought I should share it with you ^-^ 
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I’m bad at writing romance so it’s gonna sound mainly platonic. At least for now ;) Enjoy!! 
Part 1:
- It was a quiet day in Yokohama at the Armed Detective Agency (ADA). No serious crimes have been committed at the moment, and you had nothing to do at your desk except to read some papers and hear Dazai talk about interesting methods of suicide. 
- Just as you were assuming that you have to stay at your desk for three more hours before tea, Ranpo asked you to get him snacks from the nearby minimart and texted you the list of snacks you had to buy for him. “Don’t forget your money!” 
- Since it was raining, you also brought an umbrella to shield yourself while crossing the street.
- The minimart wasn’t crowded and you found whatever snacks Ranpo asked for. Mission accomplished! :D 
- As you came to the street to wait for the green light, you suddenly hear someone coughing next to you. You peek upwards from your umbrella to find a pale young man standing next to you. 
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- The man’s hair looked odd; it was black with two white locks. He was in the rain, trying in vain not to cough like mad. 
- Hm…haven’t I seen him before? 
- Oh wait— 
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- Panic starts to rise in you. What is the most dangerous man of the Port Mafia doing here? He’s not going to blow up the streets, is he? What if he attacks me? What am I supposed to fight him with? A bunch of snacks?! 😰 
- You wait for Akutagawa to notice you, but he doesn’t. (If he did, he’s most likely ignoring you because he has never seen you or heard of you before.) Relieved, you concluded, maybe he’s just crossing the street like a normal person. (Admit it: even villains have a life.)
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- You try your best to ignore Akutagawa, but his coughs keeps grabbing your attention. Poor guy, he really needs an umbrella. 
- You hold up your umbrella to shelter a shocked Akutagawa and ask, “Hey there, do you need this?” 
- Akutagawa is silent, perhaps from astonishment. Are they trying to help me? He declines it by looking away, because he doesn’t want to look like he needs it. To him, asking for help is for the weak, and he doesn’t want to be weak. 
- You’re persistent, though. “Take it,” you nudge the umbrella at him. “You need it more than me.” 
- Silence. (Aku’s so stubborn…) “It’s alright. You don’t have to return it. It’s not like we’ll see each other again or anything,” you tried to reassure him.
- More silence. “I’m not taking ‘no’ for an answer,” you say in a firm voice. 
- Slowly, Akutagawa takes the umbrella and shields himself from the rain. When he looks at you with a seemingly blank expression, you smile and tell him, “Take care of yourself.” ^-^ 
- Few minutes later, the green light switches on and you hurry across the road, hoping to lose Akutagawa as soon as possible. 
- As for Akutagawa , he tried to call you, but you were already far away and he didn’t want to chase you. Quietly, he decides to find you again so that he can tell you how grateful he is and repay your kindness. 
- He rarely gets anything from strangers, after all.
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masked-buffoon · 3 years
Chapter 9: Scheming anew (Part 3)
Warnings: Dazai and Ogawa being the schemers they are, I suppose...
Author notes: As you may have noticed, chapter 9 is lighter than the previous ones, but I hope you’ll enjoy it as well...!
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When I woke up, the next day, I felt incredibly light. No nausea, no headache, no weakness in my limbs; I had retrieved this feeling of health I had lost with Dazai when he had disappeared from my life. Even the grubby bed seemed comfortable to me, and I could not help cuddling into the thin blanket, seeking for some warmth the dirty material could provide me. It felt good not to be sick... It felt good not to wish for death anymore... I did not think it would be so simple to cling onto life again, but the slightest prospect, like a ray of tepid light, could make one hopeful once again. I was only a foolish human trying to hold onto my reason to live, a mere parasite on this unfriendly earth, yet even the lowest bug wished to live on. I wanted to live once more. So I faced the upcoming day with renewed fortitude.
When Dazai came back, as he had promised, he was not alone. His colleague, the man named Kunikida, whom I had mistaken for a police inspector, was there, too, and he looked annoyed.
"What the heck are you doing there?" He glared at me.
"She is the lost friend I have told you about~" My former superior hummed teasingly "Say 'hi', Kunikida-kun~"
He grumbled a quick greeting before realising Dazai was toying with him.
"Wait, lost friend or not, this person is a shady woman of the underground business, I can't let her off the hook...!" He exclaimed.
"You are right..." I sighed "Except I quitted, long ago, any occupation related to the said underground business. I have nothing to do with that anymore. Only, I'm a bit at loss as to what to do now; I've only ever known the underworld."
"See~" My friend elbowed his colleague "You don't need to sell her off to the police~"
"She does carry firearms —"
"Ogawa helped us solve the murder. Thanks to her, we only need for the fingerprints to come back from the lab to identify our culprits. And, she's an important witness~" He smiled sweetly "So~? Pretty please~?"
I also cracked a smile, hoping he would not try to handcuff me again. If he did, I would try to defend myself anyway...
"You piss me off..." He sighed heavily, walking out of the room "Do whatever...! I don't care!"
"Don't worry about him, he's always like this~ He did not even recognise you from last time...!"
"You brought me to your workplace?" I realised, surprised "One of your colleagues has a healing ability...?"
"Yes. She is a great doctor. But a bit sadistic... Her ability requires her to practically kill the patient." He explained with a slight frown "Well, no one really wants to get hurt thanks to her..."
"Do you work in a legal organisation of ability users?"
"Yes...! I just entered a month or two ago...!" He cheerfully told me "I am a member of the Armed Detective Agency now."
"The...?!" My eyes widened "I did not expect you to... They literally are opposed to the Port Mafia, after all... I suppose none knows about your previous occupation..."
"That's impractical for leaking secrets." He laughed "But I make it a point to keep this a mystery. A single member saw through me, though, but he's too good a detective not to notice."
"Would his name be Ranpo-san...?" I guessed, remembering the name from the previous day.
"Hoh, you already know a bit~" Dazai noted, sitting on the bed "How can you sleep on this thing?"
"I don't..." I reminded him "Or at least, I didn't until yesterday."
"Yes, I'm sorry..."
"There is no need to apologise." I shrugged, sitting in front of him on a chair "So? When is the murder going to be solved?"
"This evening at most. Thanks to you~" He smiled.
"I'm glad you're doing alright, then..." I smiled back "Moreover, those clear colours suit yourself much better than this dark coat you always wore."
"Ogawa, you... Can..." He had a gesture around his eyes "Again...?"
"Slightly. I guess I'm starting to feel happy again. And sleeping must have helped." I admitted "Thank you..."
"What's with that half hearted thank...?" He pouted, crossing his arms.
"It's not done on purpose...!" I defended "But I'm a tad scared... Being happy is just such a warm feeling, I'm afraid it will be too overwhelming...! Not to mention, if I were to lose happiness again, I may not be able to raise ever again from scrapes..."
"What do you need to be happy...?" He wondered, much for himself "What is the secret recipe which makes you happy...? I'd like to know..."
"It depends on everyone." I told him "To me... Your presence is more than enough to fill the holes in my heart."
I looked away a moment, embarrassed by my own words. How could I tell this man he was my very reason to be, the one who articulated my body and gave strength to my muscles to move on with life...? I thought it was better to keep those feelings for myself, at least for the moment. If Dazai felt too implicated in a relationship, he could break it and run away again, just so he would not feel suffocated. I did not want him to leave another time, yet the case would be solved by the evening... How to prevent him from leaving so soon...?
"You are so, so selfish..." He chuckled "What if I don't want to be with you~?"
"Th-That...! Obviously, if you don't want to be with me, I would never insist on staying by your side...! Your presence is important, but your own well-being is more meaningful to me..." I confessed, embarrassing myself even more "What I mean is... Is... I..."
I ended stumbling on my words and stuttering absolute nonsense under my mouth, cheeks radiating with heat and fingers fidgeting nervously as I desperately tried to remember how to make a sentence. Dazai laughed.
"Would it help if I said I'd like you by my side~?" He asked.
"... Very much..." I laughed too, rubbing the back of my head "You've already told me, I'm such an idiot..."
"You're not an idiot. You are insecure... And I can understand."
"Can you really...?" I raised a teasing eyebrow.
"I can~ You said you were afraid of losing happiness again, which means you are afraid of losing me again. Is that wrong...?"
"That's right..." I conceded "You're still as skilled as ever for reading one's intentions and issues..."
"But I lack the insight you could provide by reading thoughts. I do need my lieutenant, finally~" He grinned.
"... Do you truly need me...?" I suddenly remembered he was now surrounded by people who could care about him too.
"No one... No one would describe a sunset as good as you do." My friend assured, taking one of my hands into his.
As the thoughts disturbing my mind calmed down, his voice was the only thing I could focus on, and I was forced to listen solely to him.
"Please, get your colours back to paint my grey world with the most beautiful tones, Ogawa..."
I squeezed his fingers tightly, trying my best not to let out the tears I had held back for too long. The warmth of his skin and the slight toughness of his bandages... I had longed to feel them against my palm again, those sensations which made me feel alive. And his words... Could there be more touching declaration of friendship than his...?
"If... If I promise once again to stay by your side always... Will you be able to see at least one colour...?" I shakily asked him.
"I can." He nodded with a slight smile "I've only ever seen this colour, and I lost it when I left you... I had forgotten how beautiful it was..."
"Which one is it...?" I grew curious.
"I can't tell~ That's a secret~" He grinned "I wonder if the other ones will be as pretty, Ogawa..."
"I can't wait for you to tell me, Dazai... Now... How can I stand by your side again...?" I became more serious.
"Why, it is fortunate that you officially left the Port Mafia. Thanks to that, the files about you and any hint that you might have belonged to the organisation have been destroyed and you can basically start again from nothing, unlike me who had to hide for two years." He explained, letting go of my hand.
"Then, it will be easy to find a job, if only I had some qualifications..." I murmured, thinking.
"Easier than you think. There is a place I'm thinking about, and they should welcome you very warmly." He declared "What about joining the Agency with me? You're an ability user too, after all. The only thing is, I cannot recommend you for I haven't been one of theirs for too long... Well, Kunikida-kun will lend a hand~"
"Are you sure...? I'd be glad to be part of the Armed Detective Agency, but will he agree to it...?"
"Um, you're right... But we can't just bring you to the offices and introduce you, can we? Well, I personally would do that, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't agree~"
"I wouldn't." I conceded "But... I may have a plan...~"
The hostel room I rented had a balcony. A small, dirty and barely hanging balcony, and I had chosen it to be the main actor of my plan to enter the Armed Detective Agency. At least to be introduced properly before being accepted and potentially registered. Dazai had approved of my strategy and, whereas the balcony was the protagonist, I needed a second actor who would be the triggering element of the plan; Kunikida.
The day was slowly ending and the murder was close to being solved. The detective entered my room to fetch his colleague and leave the substandard place to study the hints in their offices. We exchanged a quick glance; the plan began.
"Dazai!! Still procrastinating...!! Damn, you shouldn't have lost this friend in the first place if you have so much to tell each other...!" He grumbled as usual "I have the evidence sent by the lab. There is nothing more there, let's leave now."
"But Kunikida, Ogawa there needs my ability to cancel hers and be able to sleep..." Dazai protested softly, getting well into his role.
"... She cannot control her ability...?" He suddenly realised I had had access to his very thoughts "That's... Ah...!! You must have heard everything..."
"More or less..." I chuckled "But don't worry, I cannot focus on one's thoughts. Besides, I am no one to judge, I have heard so much in the past few years..."
"So? Will you allow me to stay a bit more...?" Dazai asked again.
"... No..." He sighed, visibly conflicted "We have too much work to do, if you don't come the schedule will be messed up and I won't be able to fix it...! My apologies, Ogawa, but I can't put the case aside for a single person..."
"I may have told you, already, but... You're a truthful person, sincere and honest..." I murmured, standing up "I can't win against such ideals, so... I'll just relieve myself with morphine..."
"So you are a drug addict...!" He frowned, grabbing my wrist all of a sudden "I can't let it slide this time...! At the very least, I have to send you to a place where they will take care of you —"
I struggled to pull away from his grip and intentionally led him outside, on the balcony. I had even opened the tin bay on purpose... Dazai nodded; we could start the second part of the strategy.
"L-Let me go, you're hurting me...!" I whined "It's not my fault, my headache hurts too much...! You wouldn't understand my pain...!"
"Ogawa, there are people who can help you —”
"But if they take my morphine away, how will I fight against the pain...?" I gave him my most pleading look.
"We will find a way, now, come with me...!"
My back hit the railway of the balcony and I could hear the faint sound of dust falling from the platform, indicating it was getting fragile under our weight. It was Dazai's turn to act.
"Kunikida-kun! Ogawa! Come back here, it's dangerous...!" He warned us, grabbing Kunikida's arm to pull him back inside.
I put slightly more strength in my next attempt to free myself from the man's grip, and he let go. As well as the stability of the balcony.
"Ogawa...!" The blond detective tried to catch my hand as I seemingly lost balance.
I dodged it.
"You really are too honest..." I smirked at him "We played you around so well~"
"See you at the Agency~" I waved at him before letting myself fall from the third floor of the hostel.
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mewtonian-physics · 5 years
For the Fandom Ask Game! Death Note (since ya asked), BNHA, Assassination Classroom, and BSD (obviously) - Dino Anon
Woohoo! That’s a lot! Let’s do this!
Starting with Death Note, time to special interest on main~
Favorite character: L! He sure is a trash frog, but honestly, that’s why I love him. It’s so rare to find characters like that, especially amongst the ‘quirky detective’ archetype which I so adore.
Most relatable character: Mello. Ughhhh, that inferiority complex. Pretty much everything about his relationship with Near is enormously relatable. Also, if you count Another Note as any sort of canon, then he canonically writes. So relatable. My son now.
Most underrated character: Underrated? Uh, Sayu. I really wish she’d gotten a bigger role. I love her so much.
Most overrated character: Most overrated, huh... Misa. Can we please stop giving her the pure cinnamon roll treatment? It’s 2019. Let’s be real.
Least favorite character: I’m probably going to get hate mail for this, but I really don’t like Near at all. (Well, drama Near’s a different story.) It’s not at all his fault, and I am trying to like him more, but it is what it is.
Favorite pairing: I’m basic Matt/Mello trash. Don’t @ me.
Least favorite pairing: Any shinigami/human pairing automatically gets this spot. 
Favorite part/moment: The Lind L. Tailor scene and the scenes where Ide and Aizawa come back to help the task force! They give me goosebumps every time I rewatch them. And I’ve seen them so many times now.
Least favorite part/moment: Hmm, I don’t like watching the characters I love die. Shock of shocks. Shock of shocks
What about it got my attention: Honestly, it was like... my second anime ever so I was really just going ‘hey this show is pretty popular isn’t it? let’s take a look’
What about it kept my attention: The mind games, the music, the animation, how it somehow managed to be simultaneously serious and completely ridiculous, honestly just... so much.
Overall opinion: ah yes this is my #1 special interest i will drag anyone i can into it
I, uh, haven’t seen any BNHA. Don’t @ me about that either please
Assassination Classroom:
Favorite character: Koro-sensei, of course! He’s so wacky and fun. I love him.
Most relatable character: Karma. Why do I always relate to the edgy ones...
Most underrated character: I’m not really in tune with the fandom so I don’t know!
Most overrated character: See above.
Least favorite character: Takaoka. He sets off my fight-or-flight instincts. 
Favorite pairing: Uh, I kinda like Nagisa/Karma, tbh.
Least favorite pairing: Not in the fandom enough to really notice any that I’d qualify as this.
Favorite part/moment: The ending. It was so beautiful.
Least favorite part/moment: The ending. I sobbed like a child.
What about it got my attention: ‘Excuse me, what is with the yellow tentacle guy?’
What about it kept my attention: ‘I love this yellow tentacle guy. And everyone else.’ Honestly, the characterization and overall tone of the show were amazing.
Overall opinion: A wonderful show that I’d definitely recommend. Unfortunately I forget it exists sometimes -_-
And now, BSD!
Favorite character: Ranpo! Not too dissimilar from L, but less of a bad person, at least. Haha.
Most relatable character: Either Ranpo(he’s totally autistic you can’t say he isn’t) or Dazai(i’m fine atm thanks)
Most underrated character: I don’t know. It feels like everyone gets lots of love from the fandom!
Most overrated character: Mori...
Least favorite character: Mori die challenge
Favorite pairing: Ranpoe :)
Least favorite pairing: Pretty much anything with Mori in it? For obvious reasons...
Favorite part/moment: The first time Ranpo used his ‘ability’, as well as the first time Chuuya used Corruption--aw hell, just ability usage in general is so beautiful.
Least favorite part/moment: odasakuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
What about it got my attention: Some of my friends kept talking about it and they really seemed to love it, so I wanted to know what the big deal was!
What about it kept my attention: Everything? The characters, the concept, the tone and pacing and animation and hhhhhhhhhhhhh it’s such a good show okay
Overall opinion: A+ would and do recommend to people on a regular basis
Thank you for the ask!!! I hope the answers are satisfactory :)
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harukatomoe · 7 years
Hunted in Cold Blood || Evidence 01
"This is a murder."
There was a moment of silence as everyone recollected all they knew to attach it to your statement. Your eyes never left his, for his never left yours. The stare he was giving you was rather unsettling than most, but it almost looked like he was challenging you. Interrupting your showdown, all the local police began to break out in howling and hooting, laughing at your claim.
"A murder? Look at him! He's holding a pistol in his hand and it's been blown through his skull. A murder!" one snickered, receiving he attention from his colleagues he craved.
"If it really was a murder, then how do you explain his last text messages to his loved ones? He wrote out his final paragraph before pulling the trigger." It bothered you of how lightly they were speaking of the 'suicide' now that you declared it as a homicide, they seemed to have forgotten that there was still a dead body laying in the streets as bystanders watched. You glanced away for a moment, observing the women who shook their heads at the officers cackling, probably thinking "These are the people who are 'protecting' us".
"She's right," a man interrupted, holding his hand out as 'stop', somehow shutting up the disrespectful men. Just by taking a look at him, you could tell that he was the man in charge, the chief inspector. He gave all of them a cold, deadly look, sending them cowering with their tails between their legs as they lowered their heads in shame. "thank you for coming, I'm the man in charge, Chief Inspector Harushi, but I'm sure you already know that." You gave a defeated smile, nodding your head. He was rather an old man who had been working for years, a man who had a belly of his own that would make him distinct and, he had a moustache to top it all off. At your agency, you were given all the information about who you would be working with.
"I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thought this was a homicide as well."
You nodded, shaking his hand as a greeting to continue your conversation. "Yes...well, if someone shooting themselves in the streets in the middle of the night wasn't obvious enough. What do you know so far?" You stepped over to the body, squatting down next to it, lifting the cover off of him to observe the poor man. Harushi swayed over as well, taking in a deep breath to give you all he knew.
On the other hand, Ranpo stood with great confusion. How could he have been wrong? He made sure to look at every piece of information he could look at, he made sure to check the body for any given evidence that would tell him otherwise, but yet, how could he have been wrong? Even the Chief Inspector agreed with you. When he arrived, all he had done was greet him and let him work away. Why was he having a conversation with you?
"We still haven't identified the victim, I'm sorry about that. He was seen by a nearby shop owner just swaying as he walked. 'He seemed like he was intoxicated' was her statement until we checked ourselves, no alcohol in his system. She said she saw tears in his eyes as he stopped and looked at her, then pulling out a gun to end it all." Playing out his vague description in your mind, relating it to cases you've done in the past, there had to be more than that.
"Did she say something about him talking?"
"What?" Harushi tilted his head, questioning your theory.
"Usually before a person kills themselves, they say something to themselves or take moment to think about what they're doing. Did she say anything about him talking to himself in any way?" You ushered the last part slowly, eager to receive the information you needed to prove your theory that this, in any way, was just a suicide. His hand went under his chin, looking up at the windows that reflected the stars in the sky for a brief thought.
"Now that you mention it, no, she didn't." His face became stern and angered, he could finally affirm, with that little detail that this was in fact a murder case. "Listen up, men. As Chief Inspector, I'll gladly say now, we have a murderer among us in the city." With a ripple effect, everyone else became serious as well.
"But, my question is," You stood up, going into thought as well. You squinted at the poor man laying dead for an hour or so now, piecing in your head on how the killer could have pulled it off. "how did they do it?"
Everyone became puzzled except one.
"We could be dealing with an ability user." Your head snapped towards the source, your eyes meeting with the same evergreen you met with before. Ranpo was serious, after being wronged and proven wrong, he couldn't make the same mistake again. He agreed with himself to go off of your theory, and watch what you thought about it. Was there really another person in the whole entire universe that matched him? He wanted to know.
Not only was this a murder case.
But, it became a competition between two detectives and their theories.
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