#stargate atlantis rp
thebridgehqs · 4 months
Welcome to 1926 – Elizabeth Weir !! I hope you feel right at home here in Sydney. Before you get too comfortable and see what all our city has to offer, be sure to review our CHECKLIST. We’re so glad to have you with us, Momo !!
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Look who just woke up- is that JENNIFER LAWRENCE? No, I must have been mistaken, that’s ELIZABETH WEIR from STARGATE. I heard they are 33 YEARS OLD and stuck here just like everyone else. Even in the 20’s, she still gives off a SPIRITED DEBATES, SAVING EVERYONE BUT YOURSELF, COLOUR COORDINATED BINDERS, HANDWRITTEN LETTERS & LOSING YOURSELF IN WORK impression. In Sydney, they work as a DIPLOMAT. They’re known to be quite EMPATHETIC & PRACTICAL, but have a tendency to be MYSTIFYING & CRAFTY on their bad days.
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spideystark · 2 years
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"Look, if you think me using my bio-chem degree to create realistic movie theater grade popcorn butter is a waste? Then you can keep your opinions to yourself because your wrong."
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rp-meme-central · 1 year
Stargate Atlantis - Tabula Rasa - sentence starters
1. “I’m sure you’re wondering, who tied you to the desk? Well, the truth is, it was you.” 
2. “It doesn’t have a name yet, but I’m thinking of calling it.... ‘______’. After you.”  
3. “_____ may look like _____, and they may use some of the same technology, but they’re going to be a lot harder to put down.” 
4. “It’s the soldiers, they’re after us. If they catch us, they’ll take us away.” 
5. “What the hell is going here? Why can’t I remember anything?” 
6. “You should come hide with me. It’s safe.” 
7. “Why are they doing this to us? Why can’t anyone remember?” 
8. “Five bucks says you start losing your memories first.” 
9. “Don’t look at me that way. It’s easy to get turned around in this place.” 
10. “We need to delay this thing as much as possible. If we all go, there’s no coming back.” 
11. “It says ‘Find _____’. How are we going to do that?” 
12. “You can fly this thing. It’s in your blood. Literally.” 
13. “Wait a minute. What is this place? What are we doing here?” 
14. “Sorry, _____. You’re just going to slow me down.” 
15.  “Look, I know you’re probably panicking right now, but there is no time for that. You need to focus.” 
16. “You’re not going anywhere until I get some answers. I need to know what you’ve done to my people.” 
17. “It’s the pills. They’re what’s making you act like this. They’re confusing you. They’re making you unstable.”
18. “I know you don’t remember everything. You have no idea what’s going on. You’re confused, maybe even a little scared. I know I would be. But you have to trust me.”
19. “We’re friends. The things we’ve been through together, I don’t care what anyone says, no disease can wipe that away. Not completely.” 
20. “Then shoot me. And you’ll be all alone, in the middle of a dark forest, with no idea who you are, where you’re going, or what to do next. How can I possibly make it any worse?” 
21. “You must do this, it is our only chance. The knowledge is inside you. You just have to find it.” 
22. “You’ve got to listen to me. Everybody on this base is going to die if you don’t.” 
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glowingeyedgoddess · 7 months
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Stargate Galaxies; an AU Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis RP (Jcink)
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sasori-rp · 2 years
!!Looking for RP partners!!
Hey there!
I'm currently on the lookout for RP partners in various fandoms. I have plots and ideas for each of them, but I also welcome your ideas gladly.
I'm a Literate - Advanced Literate roleplayer and mostly interested in 1/1 Rps, but I can ocassionally do group Rps as well.
- Assassins Creed Odyssey
- Ancient Greece
- Detroit Become Human
- Stargate Atlantis
- The Hobbit
- Castlevania
Assassins Creed Odyssey
- A continuation of after the end of the game, based on history. Including Alkibiades' invasion of Sicily and flight to Sparta.
-> Canon based RP
- An OC centered story where the OC, Delana, travels all across Greece to find out about her past and tries to make her way back home. Clashing with Kassandra, being charmed by Alkibiades and eventually falling for Stentor, all of which threatens to tamper with her plans of ever returning home.
-> Looking for someome to play Stentor and Kassandra
-> Canon based RP, but can include own OCs as well, as long as they're based on ACO
Ancient Greece
- A story of two young civillians escaping war, trying to make a living elsewhere
-> OC based RP
- A story of four young Athenian women fighting for equality. Alternative history.
-> OC based RP
- I'm open for any kind of Ancient Greece based RPs. It can be historical, mythological or improvised. Ideas welcome.
Detroit Become Human
- A story of Ralph getting a happy ending. The OC of the story, Amber, has to spend the night at an abandoned house due to losing a bet. Little does she know that it is already inhabited by the damaged WR600 Ralph. What starts as fear from both sides, over time turns into friendship and later romance. Together they try to make it work as a rather odd couple and aid Markus in his endeavour of freeing the androids.
-> Looking for someone to play Ralph and Markus
-> Canon + OC centered story
Stargate Atlantis
- This RP takes place after the events of the series. Atlantis is back in the Pegasus galaxy and is struggling to make ends meet. They're running low on ressources, having to fight. back the wraith over and over again. The IOA thus decides to send in a group of elite soldiers, in order to aid the Atlantis mission, much to the dismay of everyone on Atlantis. To add oil into the fire, the Atlantis expedition finds itself having to rely more and more on their frienemy Todd. They soon realise, that in order to defeat the wraith, they must make some notable sacrifices. A difficult task begins. One of the soldiers, the OC, Kate, will be tasked with trying to befriend Todd, hoping to not only win him as a reliable ally, but also to learn about wraith culture, to finally turn the tides in their ongoing fight with the enemy. What starts as a ploy, will later turn into friendship and even love, despite all odds being against the unusual couple.
-> Looking for someone to play Todd the Wraith
-> This is a slow burn romance with high focus on wraith culture, cultureclash between humans and wraith as well as sci-fi and background stories
-> Todd remains Wraith
-> Canon + OC centered RP
-> This RP is based on a FF by Lady Mayrid
The Hobbit
- OC based story where the OC, Namara travels to Middle-Earth by means of a portal. There she happens to stumble across three dwarved of Thorin's company on their way to Bagend. She can hardly believe to really find herself in Tolkiens world. She, being an avid fan of the franchise, soon finds herself having to make a difficult decision: Does she aid Thorin Oakenshield on his quest and save his life and those of his nephews, or, does she withhold her knowledge, in order to prevent unforeseen cathastrophies to emerge from the alterered reality forged by her influence?
-> Looking for a Kili
-> This is a OC based story, with adventure at it's core, and is planned to have a romantic sublot with Kili
- Continuation of the story after season 4. Alucard finally faces his demons and heals as a character. A slow burn Romance + Frienship. Alucard x Greta. Perhaps reuniting with his parents.
-> Looking for a Alucard
-> Canon based RP
- Continuation of the events after season 4. Hector travels the world in order to write his book and try to reconnect with humanity. He eventually ends up in Paris, where he meets an OC and her chaotic friends. For the first time he feels as if he actually found friends. Still confused and struggling with all this? Hector has to work through his inner demons and his trauma in order to be able to allow his heart to love again. And that is easier said than done.
-> Slowburn Romance + Family RP
-> OC and Canon RP
-> Looking for a Hector
- I write literate till advanced literate. Occasionally I do semi-lit, but only for action sequences, not as a RP style
- The core of all those RPs is character accuracy. If you wish to play a role, make sure you can portray them accurately. Similarly, I will do my absolute best to do so as well
- No OP OCs, make your characters flawed, please
- SMUT is okay, as long as it is within context of the story. In fact, it is even welcomed in that case
- You reply when you feel like it. I don't care how long you take, just give me a heads up if you want to leave for good. I will do the same.
- I speak German, English, French and Italian, but preferably roleplay in English.
- And most importantly, have fun!
HMU if you're interested ^-^
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the-haunted-office · 2 years
I so badly want to rp with a Stargate SG-1 or Stargate Atlantis blog. Anybody out there interested in a little crossover rp with The Stanley Parable? Could easily have your folks step through a Stargate and end up in my guys’ office! Or the other way around! :3
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sneakymystique · 4 months
Stargate Galaxies
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Random RPF question, but why are hockey and Formula 1 shipping so common? What is it about those sports in particular that lend themselves to RPS more easily than, say, football or tennis or the NBA?
Some of it is chance. If the right BNFs switched from a megafandom at the right time, the people who go where the good fic is followed them.
Hockey RPF fandom is like half people who actually care about Hockey and half Stargate Atlantis fans looking for something to read.
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Fandom asks meme
1, 11, 14!
1: list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
First, I'm in more obscure fandoms, so there's not much drama. People are more open to different things because they're just happy to see more stuff for the fandom
Second, most everyone I meet is someone that has been in the fandom for a while. People who really do connect with it and care about it (as opposed to people that just stop by while it's popular for a bit, but leave once the hype dies down)
Third, the fan content that exists for my fandoms is amazing. From detailed AUs to just further explaining something from canon to that joke thing someone claims they 'just HAD' to do, it's incredible and I love it.
11: if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
Definitely all my stories in The ScholMander Files. There's really only two people that actually care about this series, but I've had so much fun talking with those two people about ideas for my own fics and theirs, and I've really enjoyed writing these. I've probably written more fics for this pairing than any other single author, and I've got more coming. Which leads to....
14: the ship that always makes you smile
There's a few for this, and a lot of it has to do with RPs here. It's a tie for me between:
☆ ScholMander (Milo Thatch/Commander Rourke from Atlantis: the Lost Empire) - This is probably the unicorn of the fandom in terms of how rare it is. But having written so much for it and even RPed it, this is now canon to me. These two are just so sweet to each other I'm surprised I don't have cavities yet. And it all started because I saw some photoedit fanart that had an image of Rourke with an arm around Milo and I couldn't stop thinking about that image. Now, they are canon to me.
☆ Clu x Tron/Rinzler (from.....uh.....Tron) - This is largely due to RP threads I've done on here. I honestly hadn't thought of this until I started RPing it with people here,but now I love it. Especially Clu and Tron as sort-of-parents for Beck. Ugh, the sweetness!
☆ Halman (Hal 9000/Dave Bowman from 2001: A Space Odyssey and its sequel movie/books) - This is probably the one canon ship I'm into, and yes it is very obviously canon, especially in the sequel movie 2010: The Year We Make Contact when they have the following exchange:
Hal 9000: What is going to happen? Dave Bowman: Something wonderful. Hal 9000: I'm afraid. Dave Bowman: Don't be. We'll be together. Hal 9000: Where will we be? Dave Bowman: Where I am now.
I mean, it's even more obvious than Spirk (which I also love) and that's saying something. Just the way these two care for each other is just so wholesome and sweet. It's the one ship I don't see much smut stuff for, and honestly, it doesn't need smut, it works so well. They are just so good to each other. Dave does not want to kill Hal, he does it because he has no choice and (my interpretation) he figured out at that point that something was wrong, that Hal was 'sick' and Dave didn't want to see this person he cares so much about suffering anymore. But when Hal is brought back in the sequel, Dave takes extra time during his short visit to check on Hal and make sure he's okay and ultimately saves him from a second death, after which they literally spend eternity together.
Honorable Mentions - Spirk (Spock/Kirk from Star Trek), Jack O'Neil/Sam Carter (Stargate SG1), Claire Finn/Isaac (The Orville), Ineffable Husbands (Aziraphale/Crowley from Good Omens, please don't comment about Season 2 as I haven't gotten to watch it yet), Yugi Mutou/Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh), Yugi Mutou x Yami/Atem (Yu-Gi-Oh, Yami and Atem are the same person to me, just at different points in time.)
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Welcome all! Stark here, and I'm looking for some discord partners. Generally, keep things ranging from 2-3 paragraphs. Sometimes, it's longer, rarely ever shorter. Replies range from daily to every few days. Between health and my job, I don't always have availability, but try to at least send messages outside of the rp.
Currently looking for partners to double. I typically write the male role but don't always wanna be stuck with it. Would love to write against some of my wanted characters.
Fandoms: Marvel (MCU, NMCU), DC (Gotham, comics, Smallville), Stranger Things, Pacific Rim, The Walking Dead, Supernatural, What We Do in the Shadows, Detroit: Become Human, Good Omens, Stargate Atlantis, Hellboy, Sons of Anarchy, Underworld, House, Resident Evil, Call of Duty, Top Gun, Ted Lasso
Pairings: MxF, primary canon x OC
Like to write against: (current wants)
Donal Logue characters (Quinn/Blade, Harvey Bullock/Gotham, Kevin Tidwell/Life, Hank Dolworth/Terriers, Alex Balder/Max Payne, Declan Murphy/Law& Order SVU)
David Harbour characters (Hellboy, Jim Hopper/Stranger Things, Alexei Shostakov/Marvel, Doug Dennison/Sleepless, Santa/Violent Night, Jack Salter/Grant Turismo, Frank Masters/The Equalizer)
Jon Bernthal characters (Frank Castle/Marvel, Sam Rossi/Sweet Virginia, Shane Walsh/The Walking Dead, BJ Rose/Grudge Match, Griff/Baby Driver, Ethan Sawyer/Those Who Wish Me Dead)
Rodney McKay (Stargate Atlantis), Coach Beard (Ted Lasso), Dewey Finn (School of Rock musical), Beetlejuice (Musical)
Like to write for: Peter Parker, Matt Murdock, Eddie Brock, Steve Rogers, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon, Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington, Negan, Carl Grimes, Rick Grimes, Connor, Dean Winchester, Jax Teller, Chibs Telford, Chris Redfield, James Wilson, Jake Seresin, Bradley Bradshaw, Jamie Tartt, Jason Scott, Simon Riley
Ocs: Several on standby but am always willing to make one up with a wanted FC if you want to play one of my wanted characters.
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thebridgehqs · 5 months
Welcome to 1926 – Teyla Emmagan !! I hope you feel right at home here in Sydney. Before you get too comfortable and see what all our city has to offer, be sure to review our CHECKLIST. We’re so glad to have you with us, Momo !!
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Look who just woke up- is that CHRISTINA MILIAN? No, I must have been mistaken, that’s TEYLA EMMAGAN from STARGATE ATLANTIS. I heard they are 36 and stuck here just like everyone else. Even in the 20’s, she still gives off a ALWAYS OFFERING A HELPING HAND, OLD JEWELRY BOXES, GETTING LOST IN THE WOODS, CLENCHED FISTS & A CROWN TOO BIG FOR YOUR HEAD impression. In Sydney, they work as a TEACHER. They’re known to be quite ASSERTIVE & KIND, but have a tendency to be IMPATIENT & RECKLESS on their bad days.
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allthingsroleplay · 1 year
Interest check for a Stargate RP, either during SG1 era or Atlantis era. Basically... found family and adventure in SPACE.
interest check
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averrse · 1 year
🎶 — favorite song at the moment?
my brain is all kaz all the time right now, so... i may know the word by natalie merchant is in my head constantly because it reminds me of him
📺 — favorite movie(s) and/or tv show(s)?
some of my favorite movies are psycho/psycho 2, seven samurai, solaris (1972), harakiri, and deep cover. my favorite tv shows are blakes 7, star trek ds9, and halt and catch fire... but my comfort show is stargate atlantis. (if any of you have letterboxd hmu)
💻 — how many friends have you made in the rpc? feel free to tag a few of them!
my best friend in rp for a long time and through a lot of fandoms is katya (who is also the reason this blog exists hah)
[ munday asks - accepting ]
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nebulousmistress · 1 year
Self Rec Fic tagging game. 
Tagged by @bengesko
Recommend us 3 of your fics. 1 that is the ‘most popular’ and 2 that you consider as ‘hidden gems’. 
This is a hard one... Do I consider a story to be a fic to be a series. And only two?!
My most popular fic, in that it’s a fic and not a series or RP, is Last Will and Testament, a ten year old Danny Phantom fic set after Phantom Planet. Vlad is dead and his will is about to be read to the only beneficiary listed. It’s short, it’s powerful, it’s gut-punchingly heart-wrenching, it’s definitely not a Jack-positive fic as I was in college for chemistry during DP’s original run and the burn scars on my arms from other people’s mistakes were still red and shiny and terrifying to behold.
In terms of hidden gems first I offer a 220k word series. I started The Shadow Over Atlantis during the original run of seasons 4 and 5 of Stargate Atlantis and declared it finished after a mere 50k words. In 2013 I started rewriting it. Then I went on Zoloft and abandoned it until 2016 when a death in the family threw me back into the series. That’s why it changed so much between the original series on Wraithbait and the rewritten series on AO3. The final story is unfinished but it’s close enough to completion that you can still see what the ending would have been.
The second gem I offer is The Traveling Doctor, another Stargate Atlantis story. Post-series. I remember I made myself cry as I wrote it and reading it still does the same. I took the Pegasus Galaxy and I made it so very real by giving it legends, living legends that walk and breathe and grow and live and die and live again. It’s only 1700 words but those words will carve into your soul
I’m tagging @puppetmaster55, @spirits-of-kin, and anybody else who wants to do this.
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aranostra · 2 years
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aranostra horror, fantasy, and science fiction multimuse written by aj including muses from dune (book), grishaverse, IT (book), scream, saw, interview with the vampire, and others 20+ only crossover friendly explores themes of guilt, greed, evil, violence, and survival.
HIGHEST MUSE: ash williams, cheryl williams, lady jessica, gurney halleck, kaz brekker, randy meeks, dewey riley, armand, laurence the first vicar.
also found at @lessluck, @goodjobsport, @mctives​, @purpcse​
guidelines ;; muse list ;; meme tag
guidelines and muse list for mobile:
I’m aj (he/him, 30+) and this is an indie rp blog for various horror characters.
18+ only, crossover and oc friendly. I follow most people back, but I will block for bigotry, drama, harassment, etc.
Because these muse are horror-based, there will be dark and heavy themes. I tag content with “cw [warning]”. If I’m not tagging something you’d like tagged, feel free to contact me. If it’s more comfortable for you, you may message me anonymously and I will not post it; I will just tag what needs to be tagged.
I don’t need many warnings, but if there’s something you know that I don’t want to see, the tag to use is “aj don’t look”.
Please feel free to message me if we’re mutuals! I’m always happy to chat and plot.
jessica of the atreides ;; info
irulan corrino ;; info
gurney halleck ;; info
liet kynes ;; info
Stephen King’s IT
richie tozier ;; info
stan uris ;; IT ;; info
audra denbrough ;; info
Scream (1994)
randy meeks ;;  info
dwight “dewey” riley ;; info
sidney prescott ;; info
Evil Dead (1980)
ashley williams ;; info
cheryl williams ;; info
Five Nights at Freddie’s
henry emily ;; info
william afton ;; info
jesse walsh ;; nightmare on elm street ;; info
john kramer ;; saw franchise ;;  info
brian green ;; carriers ;; info
dennis rafkin ;; thirteen ghosts ;; info
Interview with the Vampire armand ;;  info
louis de pointe du lac  info
Shadow and Bone
kaz brekker ;; info
inej ghafa ;; info
jordie rietveld ;; info
Stargate Atlantis
john sheppard ;; info
Video Games
laurence the first vicar ;; info
brador ;; info
Dark Souls
dark sun gwyndolin ;; info
laurentius of the great swamp ;; info
Dark Souls 3
prince lothric ;; info
brian thomas ;; marble hornets ;; info
timothy wright ;; marble hornets ;; info
alex kralie ;; marble hornets ;; info
jessica locke ;; marble hornets ;; info
evan meyer ;; everymanHYBRID ;; info
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shadowsong26fic · 6 months
🦖 Are there any fandoms you wrote for in the past that you'd like to return to?
🍄 Are there any fandoms you've never written for but want to try?
🦖 Are there any fandoms you wrote for in the past that you'd like to return to?
I actually might get back into Wheel of Time? I wrote like...one or two things for it back in the day; I've been watching the series and getting back into it, and my roommate is going to join me for a reread (her first time through) once we finish our giant Heralds of Valdemar reread, which will probably keep pushing it forward.
🍄 Are there any fandoms you've never written for but want to try?
Every so often I think I'll actually Write something Stargate-related, (either SG1 or Atlantis), but I've only really played with them in RPs and a half-plotted self-indulgent crossover or two, so IDK if that counts since I'm not super interested in writing it by itself, lol.
There are probably others, but that's the first that comes to mind!
Ask me a question!
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