#stella's an edgy bitch
showtoonzfan · 1 year
Another new critique video I mostly agree with, this is made by the same person who made that “How to waste a villain” Stella video. I’m sorry but the female characters just don’t get the proper focus and time the same way the male characters do. They’re all obstacles for the male characters, mainly Stolas and Blitz because the show is fucking revolved around them. Octavia can’t be a character on her own or focused on alone without be attached to her father, Millie has the personality of stale bread and is attached to Moxxie, having absolutely NOTHING going on for her other than being a southern bad ass fighter, Verosika is just a standard tool for Blitz’s “development” to show that he’s a 2 dimensional character who deep down “cares” despite Verosika not even showing up since episode 7, Loona is an unlikable bitch who never changes even when the show tries to give her a sad backstory and have her be “lonely”, and mainly only gets focus when the show wants to dive into her relationship with Blitz despite that never changing either, and finally Stella is a one note boring bland villain who could have been a 2 dimensional character that actually had a relationship with her daughter and still been the antagonist, just EXPLORED more to make her actually interesting, but we can’t have that since the all the show wants to do is suck off Stolas and Blitz and paint them in a godlike light where they never get the consequences of their actions and get praised for being “2 dimensional”.
The funny thing is that I say Millie has the personality of stale bread, but honestly? This is just my opinion but I think almost all of Viv’s female characters have the personality of stale bread, or they’re at least so by the numbers like I said before. I literally don’t blame the fandom for favoriting the male characters more because the female characters are so bland and uninteresting compared to the males, and that’s the writers faults because you can smell the favoritism. They all try so hard to make characters like Blitz and Stolas into 3 dimensional characters that they push the others to the back and only focus on THEIR perspectives and are so AFRIAD to actually paint them as flawed beings that can be in the wrong and do bad things that aren’t excusable. I think that pretty much sums up Viv’s outlook on her male characters as a whole. She tries so hard to make most of them either 3 or 2 dimensional, especially the ones she favors and are her “babies”, she adds so many things to them, once again being an overly ambitious writer, for example look at all the things she’d added to Angel and Alastor’s characters over the years compared to Charlie or Vaggie. Even fucking Husk has more stuff to him than Charlie or Vaggie does. This is why everyone thought Charlie was so fucking boring compared to Alastor or Angel because she is. She only has one thing to her and isn’t developed enough to even be interesting compared to them. While the majority of her male characters are either 3 or 2 dimensional, her females are either 2 dimensional (but flat) or 1 dimensional, having basic labels to them like “the nice but snarky one” or “the edgy mean bitch”.
Viv just clearly enjoys writing and developing her male characters more and that’s been clear even before Hazbin came along. I don’t understand why both her male and female characters can’t be interesting. What’s so hard about creating a female character that’s on part with her males? What’s so hard about putting the same energy and effort she does for writing characters like Angel, Blitz, and Stolas for a female one? What’s so hard about making her females 3 dimensional and engaging? I’ll never get it. In my personal opinion guys, I don’t think the show is sexist nor do I think Vivzie as a person is, but one thing is clear, whenever she creates a female character, she sees a VERY limited option on what they should be like. It’s like she doesn’t know ANY other kind of tropes or character quirks outside of being eye candy or extremely edgy, and that’s the problem. No character should be so damn limited or by the numbers, any character can be many things as long as you put your mind and effort to it, and that’s something Viv and HB writing team hasn’t done. They would rather focus on their male twink yaoi fanfiction soap opera that HB has become, and as for Hazbin? I’m expecting the same thing honestly, just the female characters to be mainly flat and the males being more dimensional and developed.
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hearts401 · 3 months
Why do you think Helluva Boss is better, in terms of writing?
OOOH i have a LOT to say about this.
I think it's a lot less rushed. it FEELS a lot less rushed. And thats not saying its all perfect, it went pretty fast too, but not as fast as hazbin.
For example, hazbin had this big deadline and they had to fit in angels arc, the carmilla/vaggie situation, the heaven stuff, AND charlies shit with her dad. So despite it being a comedy, they had to stuff a LOT of things together, which means theres less chance for filler which means it gets rushed. (bc honestly, it feels less like a comedy and more like an edgy teen humor show BECAUSE they're stuffing the comedy in while rushing to get all the important lore bits in)
so helluva boss feels more like a comedy. they have serious moments, but it leaves space for jokes and humor that dont feel out of place (for example, in the hh finale they kept making jokes that rlly didnt fit? like charlie profusely apologizing to angels who are slaughtering her people? or when pentious died and it was a joke but we were supposed to take it seriously???)
helluva boss has episodes with less emotional baggage in them, like the pilot, murder family, spring broken, and CHERUB, and the harvest moon festival, all in season one. and while they do HAVE emotional moments, theyre not super heavy. then you have episodes that feel like a mix, like truth seekers and loo loo land. and then you have heavy episodes like ozzie's and queen bee. its much more balanced (and im focusing on s1 of hb bc its unfair to pit a two season show against a one season show.)
also also also, and this is smth i complain about a lot, Hazbin Hotel is OBSESSED with making their characters as likeable as possible. unfortunately this falls on characters who DONT DESERVE IT. Like angel dust. When he harassed husk, it was supposed to be humor and funny and whatever, but when husk snapped at him, he was the bad guy suddenly. and angel still never apologized. and im not saying hb doesnt have that issue (ESPECIALLY with stolas) but i think its handled better.
blitzo is a good example. i have complaints about the circus situation, but in the end hes still not a good guy, excuse or not. he's rude, he's nosy, he's dismissive. he hunts his sister down despite her making it very clear she doesnt wanna see him. and he brushes off stolas and even uses him under the guise of a sweet date. in general, blitzo is just waaay better handled than angel dust is.
i also like the villains more? theyre not made out to be a joke as much as the villians in hazbin (per my earlier statement about all the humor being stuffed in) crimson is made to be genuinely intimidating, striker, while mocked a lot, is still a very serious villain, mammon is a big joke on purpose, and it makes sense! and then other antagonists (verosika, one and two, ect) are made out to be funny because theyre NOT big villains, they're just bitches who have beef with imp. the worst villain in hb is, of course, the one woman, stella. but thats a conversation for another ask.
meanwhile the hazbin villains are sooo dumbed down. our most serious villain was lute. adam was a huge joke and relatively annoying at times? like most of what he did was watered down by bad jokes (like killing pentious??? ppl seem to forget adam beat alastor without even tearing his clothes and its because everytime hes on screen theres a terrible joke about to be made) and the vees are just??? eh??? i dont have a TON of complaints about velvette aside from how little she actually did to the point where she hardly feels like a villain? shes moreso just annoying. and then vox hypnotizes people and hes like. evil ceo type shit but thats overshadowed by his crazy ass beef with alastor because again, he didnt do much else. and then val had that stupid scene with vox that i hate so so so so much. hes made out to be funny when he SHOULDNT BE!!! They dont take val's character seriously its weird. ick. and also we didnt have many villains to even go off of? helluva boss gave us lots of characters to work with in season one, and all of them are unique in some way, and had time to shine and will have more time to shine later because the story isnt rushing. hazbin INSISTED on concluding this arc in one season when it really shouldn't have. they didnt have the time to do it, and they tried anyway. helluva boss is better because they gave it TIME. striker is introduced in season one and we KNOW he'll come back because he got away! and he does! and hes great because they gave him TIME to be there and be gone and be there and be gone.
and now he's our most recurring villain. and i think hes awesome. crimson didnt actually have a lot of time to vanish and come back, but hes also new so its a bit different. and he had two episodes in between showing up and disappearing, and the second one had more focus on striker anyways.
i think that while hazbin is a 4/10 for me (5 if im being generous), helluva boss is a 6 or 7/10. the worst part about the helluva boss writing is stolas's family and how the women are written tbh.
tldr: helluva boss is better paced and the characters are better, and hazbin hotel is too rushed and forces these characters onto you
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beastabyss666 · 2 years
Helluva Boss Season 2 Episode 2 is a fucking disaster...
Like....I don't know what to say. This episode was so chaotic, noisy and bizarre, it made me dizzy. Okay, Octavia wanted to see the meteors and stole her dad's grimoire. Why did the magical grimoire, created by someone very powerful, didn't comply with her request and sent her to LA? She literally said "Take me to the stars". Of couse she meant space, not some fucking Hollywood. And again, Loona is bitching on every other person around her. How surprising. Though Blitzo was right, she's bad at her job. And they didn't even notice Octavia sneaking in their office... But the second part of the episode – jesus fucking christ, I can't describe it with all words in the world. Firstly, Millie and Moxxie were completely unnecessary and useless in this episode. They did nothing but wasting the time which could be used for something more meaningful. Also...Is it only me who noticed Millie and Blitzo's correspondence? It was 19:04. Millie sent the image of a gag, asking "Moxxie be into this you think???". I'm sorry, but that's too much even for this show. The social commentary or satire or whatever is so tasteless. And of course, self insert of Brandon Rodgers. Because edgy people always want to put their ass in their mediocre project. Stolas' human version is repulsive, other human designs are atrocious, pacing is hit-and-run. Loona treats Blitzo like shit and hits him in balls after saying that fathers make mistakes sometimes. What the heck? Blitzo is not such awful father. He loves his daughter and cherishes her, yet she's still acting like a bitch despite being kind to Octavia which she sees first time in her life. And....What's the purpose of that "dramatic" scene? Stolas didn't care about Octavia, he was an asshole in the very start of the episode, screaming on Stella in front of his daughter. He didn't give a fuck at all, so why Vivzie wants to show him as a good father and an innocent person? He only noticed when Blitzo called him about the grimoire. I'm sorry, this doesn't make any fucking sense. The writing in this episode is HORRENDOUSLY bad. And I thought that Circus and Cherubs episodes were the worst. Millie and Moxxie are walking without disguises in the daytime, but no one gives a shit. Blitzo didn't have a normal disguise, but no one gives a shit and mistakes him for another guy. What about the visuals – animation lacks frames and smoothness, backgrounds look flat and characters blend with them(as always), direction is awful. I'm sick of this, every time I say "Oh, this is a total shit", Vivzie manages to make something worse. This episode was very difficult to watch, I'm out.
Too much gore and cynicism. Overall, this episode is really meanspirited even for this show. But.... It feels like a total filler. No good plot, witty jokes(it's Hollywood and all, c'mon, you can make so many awesome jokes that aren't just "haha sex drugs alcohol"). And there's no character development. Stolas is still a dickhead who doesn't care about his daughter and is just there to flirt with Blitzo for the satisfaction of fans' fantasies. His actions have no consequences, as with other characters. Loona is still a shitty person and her backstory makes her even shittier. Her life was terrible in that "orphanage", yet she has the audacity to physically abuse her loving and caring dad for nothing. However, seems like fans ate even that garbage. Expectable.
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floralovebot · 9 months
What kind of tattoos do you think the winx and specialists and also the trix would get? I remember reading a post on tumblr how all the guys would get a tattoo honouring nabu and it was so sweet!
ooo fun!!
maybe it's me being boring but i can't picture most of the winx or trix being heavily tatted. i can see musa and stormy having more tattoos (and honestly maybe even tecna), but i think most of them would have like,, one or two simple ones! i definitely think the winx at some point would get a group tattoo though!! maybe something classic like a butterfly or even the number 6 (maybe 7 if this happens after roxy joins them)!
but for some individual hcs under the cut cause it got Long oops:
bloom: very very simple butterfly with hearts! i could also see a flower tattoo too honestly :) i think any tattoo that bloom gets would be very pinterest inspo ish if you know what i mean
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stella: it's very on the nose but i do think stella would want something that honors her heritage and powers! i think she would prefer simple and elegant tattoos :) i also think she'd eventually get a matching tattoo with brandon!
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flora: you already know i'm gonna say flowers man cmon aljgd i do think she would want something a little cuter though!
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musa: OH musa would get a sleeve i simply do not care argue with the wall!! personally, i can see her doing one full sleeve and one half sleeve! what she gets,,, definitely things that are music related, i can see her really wanting something that represents riven but disguising it as something else Just In Case, minimal nature, minimal animals, maybe some band tats? (i feel like musa might be an impulse tattooer,, akjdkjagd)
it's hard to find full sleeve pics that would have everything musa would have so there's one sleeve inspo and a couple of separate tattoos that would actually be in the sleeves!
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aisha: again very on the nose but she would definitely get something wave/ocean themed. i can also see her getting something to remember nabu or match with nabu in aus where he's still around
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tecna: ...
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do you see the vision!! also sorry for the bulge. ajldg
icy: i'd love for icy to be a tattoo bitch but i genuinely think she'd hate tattoos ajhdglag she has commitment issues <3
darcy: ... darcy is really interesting because i can see her both not wanting tattoos but also wanting witchy ones,,, if she Did get a tattoo, this would be the vibe
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stormy: edgy. also collarbone tattoo <3
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sky: would not get any tattoos because he's a loser and also his dad wouldn't let him (may or may not have a secret tattoo on his ass after getting drunk because the specialists thought it would be funny. it may or may not be the group tattoo)
brandon: only has the matching tattoo with stella and a matching one with the specialists! as for what the matching tattoo would be, i really like the idea of a sword that's broken into 6 pieces (that obviously represent all of them, including nabu) and they would get it after nabu eats shit </3
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timmy: would be too nervous to permanently alter his body :( would get the group tattoo cause he doesn't want to be left out though
riven: edgy double full arm sleeve to look tough we are so on to you buddy. also a back tattoo
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also they make fun of him for having a dragon tattoo. he says it's not fair since he got it before they knew bloom had the dragon's flame. no one cares </3
helia: the group tattoo and this one - both on his inner wrist
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he got it when he first joined red fountain and everyone thinks it's fucked up except for riven who understands the importance. ignore them being aliens for one second hear me out Okay
nabu: rip.
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wpdariacutnes · 9 months
Me: well enifing stella a cute icon
Zero a hot Guy icon
A X is a normal red a revenderit icon lol
And is a true a heck a emo games XD
Stella: why a alarm canda axl get so smoke and play a fekrety freks * take a dys normal* i supraze a not super saian but dys a smoke it off
Stella: yoo bro i wake back what * poke face back turn a side*
Dogo: vile a criminal is metal rage frek
Stella: and dys a alarm is freky bruken and glow a too a face and someone skriming like idiot
Dogo: ahhh yes dys heppend like what a do a spice a galaxy a more emo backfleps bitches
Stella: dush
Dogo: okey niby but true enifing a get dys from a been a vip
Stella: * bit look down* and go and hit a slap a face's
"bit a running more a dys plase"
Dogo: bro you adgy vanpire frek head or arm or too head and arm up a head and be a nice a get poppy eyes a not exit a jerkcop
Stella: yeah move you arm a enifing get a jerk off a enifing more destory staws =
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Vile: and?
Dogo: dont play a hartcore dumb * shows handcuffs* better a not move man is enifing get viperesh woring more a save bloodline
Stella: why a smell so rot? *dykosting bit*
"vile stay same plase not move a dogo like "dude what you wona a showing you sylesly now" after a bit smell more"
Vile: I not eat dys Day
Stella: not you edgy dicehead you look like elehadro so shut you not romance type you a freke like caklesh nover
Sigma: *bit a stella arm*
Stella: * look a bit angry more a did he almost let go of something with his fingers and knows make her free because miss it *
Sigma: what a hell you ploblem
Stella: is say save line a enifing get workless~
Sigma: hmh only me side
Stella: nope you backrown lider
Vile: hmh sure like enifing do wona do
Stella: hmh you chemical lover pet face * poke face "dush on dush"* but chill what you wona enifing been a salp now
Vile: let's break things and make terror
Stella: and what?
Dogo: * face pale why toking a too wirdo*
Vile: * bushter one* let go
"yeah battle going like enifing anime look nice a battle and canda bit stella solo a vile omost stap a silver stick in face but get miss it"
Sigma: wer a she's the ass poster *here a das woking a dogo make trap a rope a look hem a up*
dogo: *cut the cables and jumped straight at him with a trick*
Sigma: !? What the-
Dogo: *she took him for a renke and screwed him over (some megic someone knows size but is real anime) and then she hired him out to some racket electric* Hugh same lame guy
Sigma: * cofuze a can't stand back* ugh
Dogo: *sees the lever for this where Sigma is and realized that he is electric showing* and on is off lot now
Sigma: *skriming a pint a get a lot electric a skin*
Dogo: I dont care you attaking same and just like the whitewasher, he's probably your matcher on blitch on hem a born so same a nader universe so not a alone
Vile: why you Stell move it enifing * doing enifing pauze a say a stella move a miss it hem attaking*
Stella: not one expleing dys is one a do
Vile: a wona en-
Stella: *kik a too legs a dys here a gender knows wer next a no legs* you death now
Vile: UGH!?! * fell down a stella did a enifing gril do caresses left and right attacking hem a vile covers hide face*
Stella: dys why never make never week a layer a gender is a usleshiles a miss a barkecore bones a nader edgy bit type on a blitch line!?
Vile: *💢 frow a stella like doll*
Stella: who?!
Vile: a guy can do this all the time
Stella: a what a done on me
Vile: you will see everything
Stella: the same as always, the rock man screams in your face when the Radom duck does it sowing
Vile: *cofuze* what
Dogo: * back wery a hem back side look so edgy a replay a hem death*
Stella: yeah is going so perfect shut
Dogo: * bit so hart a vile neck like animal and role wall side a hem a someone time slap a grund*
Offical note: 15.09.2023.r
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purfectprincessgirl · 3 years
So they released episodes of that Fate Winx Saga thing. Have you watched, and if so what are your thoughts?
Nah... I haven’t watched though it already looked like a mess as is from what I’ve seen of the initial trailers/leaked info/reviews. All I gotta say is...
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solariaswitch · 3 years
What your favourite Winx ship says about you
Bloom x Sky - You’re going with the safe choice. You’re probably a fan of the classic, fairy tale love stories. There’s also a possibility you’re a fan of the Prince Charming concept.
Bloom x Icy - You have good taste. Immaculate. Your favourite genre is enemies to lovers with angsty slowburn. You love analyzing your characters and finding narrative foils in their stories. Starcrossed lovers is your thing.
Bloom x Valtor - Wow. You’ve been in this for a long time. But let’s be honest, the real reason you ship this is probably that you project onto Bloom and think Valtor is hot.
Bloom x Riven - The sexual tension in The Day of the Rose really got to you huh?
Stella x Brandon - You are also a fan of the Prince Charming archetype but you also like a bit of a forbidden romance where the princess falls for someone who’s not royal and is willing to risk it all for them. You love soulmate tropes.
Darcy x Riven - You are SO EDGY. You just LOVE angst,huh? You read fanfics with unhappy endings and scream into your pillow in angst at 3AM. Watch out so you don’t cut yourself on all that edge.
Riven x Musa - You like rocky relationships. You like angst, not as much as the Driven shippers, but you definetly like a small dose of it. Your fav genre of fanfics is probably Good Girl x Bad Boy. You will defend this ship until you die. I respect you.
Tecna x Timmy - You’re the best person. You are mature and you can see what truly makes a relationship work. You loved seeing these two grow together and learn to communicate and understand each other. You have similarly searched to develop yourself and grow as a person, you are the only bitch in here I respect.
Flora x Helia - This is also a safe choice. Which is totally amazing! You probably related to Flora struggling to express her feelings. You’re likely to be a Hufflepuff and an INFP. You like soft aesthetics (cottagecore, art kid, plants) and you’re probably some form of artist.
Aisha x Nabu - i love u so much. You are a fan of found soulmates and you like healthy, communicative relationships! Good on you. You are angry at rainbow for killing Nabu and you’re so right.
Icy x Tritannus -”You are a child. And I don’t mean that as an insult, I just mean you’re literally not yet a teenager.”
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thetimelordbatgirl · 3 years
So....I suffered through Fate....so by laws of this fandom that we apparently can’t hate until we watch, I can now conclude on this shitshow. I’ll be nice and list the pros....though they tiny: *Female Specialists. *Male fairies. *Uhhhh.....they got Sky being boring as fuck right I guess??? *...That’s pretty much it lol. 
Cons: *Whitewashing- for some reason, people keep acting like the show somehow excuses whitewashing....no, no it fucking doesn’t- they whitewashed Musa and replaced Flora with a white girl and her white brother to extent- there’s no excuse for this and you all know it, you just refuse to acknowledge it cause it makes you uncomfortable to acknowledge.  *Biphobia- I swear to god, if anyone proclaims this representation as good, then your apart of the problem here of why we get shitty representation- BOTH non-straight characters are with the villain while the show constantly focuses on the straight relationships, and then you got Riven as the character whose supposed to be bi, preying on Dane and getting him into drugs and alcohol and being the show’s walking stoner joke and being the walking sex references while also being an ass, while Dane starts off nice before turning into an asshole as well who like Riven, bullies Terra for her weight, which brings us too.... *Fatphobia- you’d think with how they used wanting a diverse body character to whitewash Flora, that they’d try with her writing....but no, Terra is literally bullied for her weight by Riven and Dane and its just, why- you literally could do anything but the obvious fatphobia, and you went for the obvious one, like, why. *Racist Writing- Aisha is literally the glorified helper of Bloom who gets treated like shit if she disagrees with Bloom ONCE and if she dares act like the sane one of the group by disagreeing with breaking out a murderer and taking her concerns to the teachers? BAD GUY HOW DARE YOU SNITCH ON OUR CRIMINAL ACTIVITY- just, and of course, Aisha can’t be in the right and is treated like shit by Stella until she says sorry- she has no arc, she’s treated like shit and forced to say sorry to criminal friends....just...you all really saw this and said its okay??? *Stella- did Stella hurt the writers or some shit? Cause this isn’t Stella, this is Stella clone but gone wrong. She’s literally a bitch from day 1 to Bloom, lets her nearly get killed on the way home and then gets prissy about her ring, why? Cause of a dick, aka Sky’s. And we learn Stella’s done this before, aka blinding her old roommate when she showed interest in Sky- but oh wait, no, the show insists Stella’s just like this cause of her mom so it’s okay Stella does all this. Can we just stop this trope already? Of giving assholes this excuse? It’s getting fucking old.  *Beatrix/Sam/Any new character really- all in this area cause quite frankly, they add nothing to the show besides replacing the trix and being a boring villain as a result, being Musa’s new boyfriend who only ever make out cause rushes romance and when it comes to the headmistress and Rosalind....we’ll....we’ll get to them in the stupid twists. *Bloom- Cartoon Bloom called, she’s facepalming. WHAT THE HELL WAS BLOOM IN THIS SHOW?! She starts off as typical moody teen and is nice sometimes, but then gets bitchy if someone doesn’t wanna commit crimes with her like??? And then she does that, commit crimes and....get away with it- like fuck off, fuck off with that-  *The Romance- ....it was all fucking shit, especially the love triangle THAT WASN’T EVEN NEEDED- *The Cringy Lines- as soon as I heard Mansplain TWICE, I felt my soul leave my body and I kept feeling like that at other lines- just- just actually talk to teens before you assume this is how they talk.  *The Stupid Wings- YES, THERE ARE WINGS.....but they shit so why bother....like you can literally see them struggling with the CGI as she moves around, let alone her not flying much with them and even then, Blooms the only one to earn them, cause special Bloom bullshit.... *Harry Potter reference- please stop....its 2021, stop referencing that mess... *The stupid twists- this show literally has a unhealthy obsession with upstaging the previous twist it isn’t even funny, its just annoying. First, they believe Blooms a changeling, and then that’s not the case CAUSE BIGGER TWIST. They say that Sky’s dad is dead, BUT OH WAIT- and then the whole stupid ending with Rosalind, I just.... *The Gore- I’m just gonna say right now, if ANY of you don’t like gore, this show ain’t for you- they literally show dead bodies CAUSE EDGY and show wounds being treated real up-close, so uh, just warning. 
In conclusion? This show is shit, it was already shit with the whitewashing and it just got worser when it came out. I want my hours back now, but there you go- I watched the dumpster fire, so stop acting like when I trash this show, I need to give it a chance. I gave it one- it was shit, the fucking end. 
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thebookworm212 · 3 years
Okay so after seeing parts of the power puff girls live action script I have questions.
First off why does every edgy live action remake, make the kids parents assholes? Like riverdale made Betty’s parents into a serial killer and a bitch (not going to talk about the blossoms or the lodges). Winx made stellas mom flat out abusive and floras ( can’t remember her actual name) father committed war crimes. Now in the new powderpuff girl they make the professor to be some awful father who wanted to monetize his daughters.
Like these reboots realize you can have parents who are good and loving, yet they still mess up and hurt their kids. Like they could make a show about the girls growing up and dealing with the loss of innocence that comes from crime fighting. And have the professor be a generally good dad who messed up by putting his daughters in the spotlight to soon.
Second off, these shows realize you can be fun and colourful and still deal with darker topic, right? Like these new reboots can still generally be happy in tone, then occasionally have those darker moments. Like you don’t have to sacrifice on for the other. Most modern cartoons handle the two sides well?
Lastly, why are we taking shows and books that originally involved minors and sexualizing them? Like honestly, wtf?
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
Nah because, let’s be honest, Season 2 episode 2 was NOT an Octavia episode. Vivzie may put her on the thumbnail for bate and have the opening be centered AROUND Octavia leaving, but after that, all the episode does is repeatedly cut to her, walking around doing literally NOTHING and serving no purpose, then cut back to what this episode was REALLY made for, more Stolitz bullshit fan service and filler. Octavia only comes back into the narrative in the very end, when the writers actually remember she’s a character and need her. She spends the entire episode wandering around doing nothing, and there was potential to actually FOCUS on her and keep the main characters looking for her on the back burner instead so we can actually LEARN more about her as a character OUTSIDE of her parental issues, ya know…get to know her more but…..NAH. If we did that we wouldn’t of had that “AMAZING” Brennan Ragers joke, as well as Human Stolas and more hot uwu scenes between him and Blitz! And let’s throw in more “Feel bad for Blitz because he’s lonely and no one finds him funny because of his sad clown life”- stuff in there as well even though we already focused on that in “The Circus”, and the show can honestly just hop off his and Stolas’s dick for ONE episode and actually focus on another character’s deep trauma for a change….like…OH YEAH, OCTAVIA. Seriously I’m tired of Viv acting like she cares about her female characters and is a complex writer when in reality she pushes her female characters to the back and portrays them as tools attached to the male characters to give THEM complexity and development, and what little development the female characters actually get, they’re still mainly either tools, or fan service. Even Loona’s depth and development didn’t go anywhere, no matter what she learns or what WE learn about her, she never changes and still acts like a bitch, while the relationship between her and Blitz never improve, even after “Spring Broken”, the episode that ALSO didn’t take their emotional rift anywhere and just forgot about it. Meanwhile Octavia isn’t a character at all unless the show wants to use her to make Stolas look good, or Stella look bad. She’s never allowed to breathe on her own without having to be attached to her parents, and that’s what I hate. What else do we know about Octavia other than she’s an emo teen with daddy issues? What else do we know about Loona OUTSIDE of her being an edgy bitch? They’re both flat and predictable teenage stereotypes, sure they like music and instagram but god Viv, can you make them more definable characters? Octavia liking Taxidermy and stars is the ONLY genuine thing about her that we know outside of the typical female edgy teenage tropes, and that’s a bad sign, and Loona is just your generic Vivziepop female character that likes partying and drinking. Focus on their other interests or OTHER problems outside of their parents Viv, and explore your characters BEYOND their trauma so we can learn more about them as actual people.
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fandomtrxsh19 · 3 years
I just finished Fate and.......... boy do I have thoughts about it. It wasn’t TERRIBLE, just meh. There were somethings I liked, somethings I didn’t like, and somethings I hated. This will contain SPOILERS.
Things I liked:
The sets. Some of the locations were really pretty such as the Greenhouse and outside of the school.
The performances of some of the cast were passable at best. Precious Mustapha’s Aisha and Danny Griffin’s Sky are among the standouts for me.
Bloom vs The Burned Ones: The transformation was a nice callout to the transformations of the original. The fire surrounding her and the fire wings were are really nice and cool touch.
Beatrix was an interesting villain to say the least. I like how she’s a bit of a mystery. I’ve noticed that she’s mostly like Darcy with some powers of Stormy.
The cast interactions: Watching behind the scenes videos and seeing their Instagrams, you can tell that the main girls are really close. You can tell in the Netflix interview that the cast really loved and cares for each other.
The music: I like how they used lesser known songs and others in the scenes, especially in the party scene.
The special effects: How they did the effects for the magic is pretty cool.
Things I didn’t like(strap in):
The Whitewashing: Of course this can’t be ignored or swept under the rug. The is a major issue on the directors and the creative team’s part. One of the things that makes the original so amazingly brilliant is in its diversity, having 3 of the main characters being WOC. This was and still is a bit step in representation on every shows. Winx Club is one of the first shows that I’ve seen where half of the main characters and lots of other characters didn’t look like me, and I LOVED that. The way they casted a white woman in the roles of both Musa and Flora is extremely shocking l and disappointing. Both Elisha and Elliot definitely tried their best with these characters, but this is still a huge issue. Netflix and the creators KNEW about this. The only reason why Flora’s name got changed to Terra is because of the backlash and the fandom calling them out on their bullshit. The way that Aisha’s role has been changed to a stereotype is simply disappointing but not surprising
The Characters: Not going to lie, lots of characters have been messed with and changed in many ways, none are really on a positive way. Bloom is extremely clueless and annoying. She only thinks of herself and whenever she’s on screen, it’s always like she’s internally saying “Everything’s about me. Let’s focus on me.” It just left a bad taste in my mouth. Stella’s just a bitch in this version. She just goes along acting like she’s above it all. This Stella acts like she doesn’t care about the rest of the girls and it’s really infuriating. She just insults these girls that are supposed to be her friends. She just fills the cliche of “ the bitchy blonde” and thanks, I hate it.
The Writing: Where do I start with this? It isn’t later seasons Riverdale bad, but, it’s still terrible. It’s like the writers haven’t even seen or heard of the source material. Just, the lines must’ve felt so awkward for the actors to say. The actors defientley tied their best with what they were given, but that didn’t really make it better in my opinion. They get old fast, especially the way how Bloom kept on saying “mansplaning” whenever she was taking to Sky was just so cringy. They referenced Harry Potter, Earth culture, and movies so many times and I didn’t like it. In the original, the Specilists, Winx, and Trix don’t know a lot about earth culture such as social media, and Harry Potter. I think this helps separate Earth with Magix. The Netflix adaptation decided to yeet that out the window and was like “Lets make this world like our own.” Part of the charm of the original is the even fusion between futuristic and fantasy aesthetics. Guess, they messed up....wow
The fashion: This is obvious. There’s no transformations, no cute and iconic outfits, just clothes that make the cast look bulky. The cast literally look like soccer moms omg. Stella? Wearing black? I don’t know her. Bloom? Wearing red? I don’t know her. Bloom is only shown wearing red ONCE. The whole reason why she mainly wears blue is to contrast her red head, and fire powers. Stella is APPALED, good sir, HOW DARE YOU!!
The character erasures: There’s no Winx Club without Tecna. Our tecnomagic icon is one of the pillars of the group. She makes sure descisons are thought through logically and comes up with amazing plans. Her powers are extremely powerful and useful in lots of situations. Also, the lack of Helia, Brandon, and Timmy disappointed me. Those guys are amazing characters and Brandon has an amazing personality and character growth that he goes through. Smh Netflix
The pace: The way scenes and storylines would progress was just awkward. The show starts off with Bloom at Alfea, then meeting Sky and I was just like......”What?” Scenes that are more “down to earth” and “chill went by kinda quickly to get to the “darker” and “edgier” scenes. It just weird and boring sometimes
Miscellaneous: The biphobia in Riven’s character and the fat phobia in the first 20 minutes. Seeing Elliot’s character constantly being bullied, not only broke my heart, but left a really bad taste in my mouth.
Now, these are just my opinions and scratch the surface of my feelings about this. As an adaptation of a preexisting property, I give it a 4/10 and as an independent show, I give it a 5/10. There were some good points and character growth, like the whole thing with Stella and her mom, but it was mostly disappointing.
According to Ignio, he and Brian Young think that animation is only for kids. He has literally said in an interview that this is “for the older fans who grew up with Winx” and “ They would like the darker and edgier version.” This makes me mad since I prefer animation to live action. These showrunners, creators, etc are in the wrong here. There are still lots of other cartoons that have a bright and colorful aesthetic and tell dark stories(I.e Madoka Magica). We don’t want another Vampire Diaries or Riverdale. We’ve already seen enough teens shows that are dark and edgy. What we need/want is a show that tells a story and honors the source material in an appropriate and special way. What we wanted and needed is a Winx Club adaptation that respects the source material, and keeps its fun, bright, and colorful aesthetic. Not, whatever Netwinx gave us. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go rewatch the Nick/4kids/Cinelume dubs and WoW so I can cleanse my palette from what I just watched.
PSA: PLEASE don’t bully or harass any of the actors. They clearly tried their best with what they were given. It isn’t their fault at all.
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whereflowersbloom · 3 years
Winx Club Netflix series so far:
-Sky has no flavour. Boy, you need a personality.
-Who is this Terra?? Why did you replace Flora???
-So the other world is basically England huh
-Stella is a total bitch.
-You ain’t fooling me. You are using Aisha to make me forget you white washed Musa and Flora
-Sam and Musa are cute!!! I approve.
-Why did the writers not include my charming Brandon???
-Bloom is useless and dramatic.
-where are the other Trix??
-Aisha calling everyone on their shit. You go girl!!
-Sky and Stella? RLY
-Riven is an ass. Only thing on point so far.
-This is Riverdale 2.0 but with some ‘magic’
-They aren’t witches. What’s with this Sabrina wannabe vibes? This is a show about fairies.
-Stella all thirsty for Sky’s insipid dick.
-Riven is high 24/7
-Stella’s mom is an edgy Bitch.
-there’s literally nothing aesthetically magical about this school??! Where are the fairies Bro.
-Yeah the writers had no idea what they were doing.
-I can’t even begin to tell you what is wrong with this show because it’s literally the whole damn thing.
-Thanks for ruining my childhood in less than 6 hours.
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wpdariacutnes · 11 months
Me: someone time get more dream but enifing more get nightmare more and enifing heppynt a lot bit wirts edgy but more sowing fobia staws logic a sowing woring me a lot like
Numer dream is 55
Numer nightmare is 89
And more spid me on self lot a life
Me: like a neber one a i dont knows say a bit play like wirts romance dead sowing persen but bit a bed dream and look a more be rezan a dys persen be star a rope's rose and nader chraing a nader help out but ploblem sowing hirding nose a run away a dys more be insaide dys rose and canda get a kill because someone close dys and pull out a fanely see only arm a enifing so drop Oli red robot staws and end here
And bit cut a lot dys more be radom frow finks but enifing cofuze wer puding me same a lot time role a fice galaxy room like same cofuze someone time be nice a toking enifing self see ploblem like me so enifing fine but only dys a radom glass dizaine a bit see a glass but not yet and role enifing roud and can't move but can toking same a rund enifing a hem push like more be jonger boy and canda rezan coll me a hellena and enifing code no Real bratcher in her plase enifing like dys
Or dys one code so lot sinbolizam but wery cofuze why say a code make wirts gore but not see blood but toking is bit spishens like dys code jonger woman a be fatazy animal human a be a deer female deer and be code help out a gril stella but more emo gril but suprazele bit expleing why here be on best frends kill a parents same a code chraing Stephen a realityship type's code testy or hide her but fell push away a wery angry a kill her and now a be a her and toking shiti her side a onesly testy her slowly a make insanety but so kill her reddy but not enifing do das so panik a enifing bit a be angry expleing her a dys woman deer someone time a more be a bitch move be a dys skull a head das dys deer woman say wellcome me emo same hazbet a radom rezan be more dead body deer eke: enifing blood finks or enifing dys more Real expleing life as dead enifing so enifing same spid time a onesly get spooky hem a look wall and bit not move and not look hem a dys dead deer hazbet only note finks and end here a more fix her and canda more pastel colors out her like but a sewing but still ok there was nothing like there are cherries or something more it's bad there is an explosion of something after that and then it calms down
Or neber one smole dream a enifing angel rund a sky enifing so cartoon look after a nader a look zodiak shooter a get shoot a self element a forw angel wing start burn the wing and more like clouds a fanely reality since he hit me, the face felt more like the ground and it was like a rotting bark toy and he's dead but more real it's that shattered face from the ground (and dys a more hide because i dont knows finks)
And radom more wirts one but more kidcore sinbolizm like enifing love finks name like enifing kiss you or spid time next you is real persen a dys kidcore name a dream and someone play tamagochi a say a dyfrent because gif me soda here a name is tamagochi and is gummy apple frever someone use a YW2 staws like old hip hop robot voice enifing like dys a dys a play tamagochi is after tuchberry's and only look a animal because wery frendly a enifing coll me poppy/dogo get pepsi or das dogo so enifing animal look more a normal like animal finks like Juliette/ wenesa/ morty and wolly but cofuze me a look radom animal mix a face a flowers sowing a enifing love say only howdy or enifing soda finks a testy like cute and pozitiwe but me bit ploblem a crisisam a bit problem a look canda simulator a nader out dream a dys a kidcore star lafing and finks a get sadeseda or enifing more make me canda sed a fanely do sowing like icecream staws and start a hem and me skriming because i testy water and he herb bucket a take me back a more better from and more dys a make gif body back
And get a radom dreamcore a canda bit wery old and bit cofuze because is wery old but
Enifing altcore is make a gril a wery look a get chess a hole hart radom smole a skirt and long treasure chests but they're starving for those sports pants and those trumpet heels and I think she wanted her plagues wife what would infect all those who supposedly hate cows because she was tied to a cow very much but it's bad that some people cut their lives because they couldn't stand on their feet anymore and gave cerpeni so she made people like if they killed cows it's like plagues wife would kill but I don't know why like a miszałan that it's 🐙or something logical like that I got a dead face of a killer whale but it was alive because it was zombie but the stomach turned upside down but it still moved its mouth amia and she was stroking the glass and more dys is fanely woman a dys white get out and radom rezan start click her face a get rip off but Stell love her
Offical note: 24.07.2023.r
0 notes
miraculoustails · 3 years
So, as a fan of Winx Club, I was super excited when the trailer for Fate came out. Soon after, someone pointed out Techna was missing and Flora was replaced with her white cousin (coughwhitewashingcough). I quickly realized this would be another Voltron or Riverdale. I watched the series so I could know everywhere it got wrong, and hopefully enjoy it some. So here’s my review of Fate (may contain some spoilers of Fate, but definitely of WC)
Bloom. Let’s start with all that’s wrong with her. Bloom is supposed to be confident, but slightly unsure. Fate!Bloom is extremely insecure and miserable. She’s always doing something super “edgy” and “breaking the rules”. From the way the first season has gone, it doesn’t even look like she’ll be a princess. She’s just labeled as “super powerful changeling”. Which is another thing. Her parents. They’re supposed to be her super supportive adoptive family who ADOPTED HER. Instead, her parent’s REAL child died of a heart condition, and they unknowingly raised Bloom all these years. They didn’t even raise her well, as they were super super abusive. Yet she still loves them and it’s never adressed how abusive and disgusting their actions were. Instead it’s just “complicated”.
Aisha’s just. Yikes. They made her into a goody two shoes bookworm. While i’m not sure how exactly, something just feels wrong and racist about it. I could just be leaping because of the previous whitewashing racism. She’s also super jealous of Bloom for her progress in magic, and it’s just. Never adressed. She’s super helpful and will break any rules in the first like two episodes then she suddenly becomes rigid rule addict out of nowhere.
Tella, aka “Flora’s cousin” is SO annoying. They made her into this awkward fat girl and constantly make fat-phobic jokes. It’s shown as bad, but also in a way, it’s not. There’s another character that’s queer and the only way his queerness is talked about is homophobic jokes by Riven. Side note, Riven is an asshole but jfc they went WAY too far with his dick-ness. He’s practically a bad guy. But anyways, Tella. The fact she’s a whitewashed Flora already makes me hate the character, but she’s always whining. She’s constantly bullied, and she stands up for herself but she also likes it??? Which is wrong in so many ways.
Musa. She’s supposed to be a sound fairy, but they made her into a “useless mind fairy” called an empath. She can feel everyone’s feelings and cant turn off the power. Which makes no sense because every other fairy can turn it on/off. They just couldnt think of something to make her power difficult to use (they wanna be edgy). She’s also a huge jerk to Tella the first episode, which is understandable, but still. Winx Musa is supposed to be a lot more tolerant.
And last, but certainly very far from least. Stella. Stella is absolutely ruined. The show is supposed to start off with her saving Bloom, in the human world, from a witch-made monster. But it starts with Bloom going to school after she was just. Found. By the headmistress. And Stella’s a complete bitch, trying to get her killed. Stella’s abusive and toxic, and suddenly gets a “redemption arc” where she goes “sorry for being absolutely horrible. It’s mommy issues. Not my fault :((( im so broken” and everyone just pretends nothing happened. Not to mention she’s fucking Sky, and don’t get me started. Sky’s not even supposed to know her.
Which leads me to Sky and the specialists. Sky’s all like “oh i shouldnt keep fucking Stella but she needs me. But also, hot new freshman looking fine (´≝◞⊖◟≝`)”. And he’s repeatedly talking about how “broken he is” and how he wants to “fix everything so he doesnt have to think about his brokenness” and he’s just “a fixer” (aka weirdo speech by jughead). As for the specialists, they’re supposed to be at a whole seperate school. But for the sake of throwing in early romance and sex plots, they made it different sections of alfea, yet having a “headmaster” for the specialists that’s still not The Headmaster??? Not to mention, as far as i remember, fairies were all female and specialists all male, which does have some sexist connotations, but now they’re both co-ed and im not sure how i feel about that.
Now, as for the show as a whole. The plot is try-hard. It has it’s enjoyable moments but bloom isn’t supposed to care so much on her past. She does care, but that’s supposed to be so it leads her to clash with the witches. At first, it seemed like there was a witch school like there should be, but now it’s a village that was destroyed years ago?? So it’s quite confusing what’s going on with the witches. There’s a completely seperate enemy, possibly made by the witches though. In Fate, everyone knows truths about Bloom’s past, but it’s hidden. Meanwhile in WC, no one knows she’s a princess or how she ended up in the human world. Im pretty sure fairies in the human world are supposed to be semi-normal, (harry potter wizards/witches kinda thing). However, in Fate, there hasnt been a fairy in the human world in ages. In an effort to avoid major spoilers, i’ll just say. The drama with Rosalind is so stupid and cringy. Also the shock factor in the last episode, which is supposed to show you how she really is evil, it was unnecessary. It made me feel nauseous and shocked in a very bad way. Shows are growing this habit of having dramatic twists where something graphic suddenly happens with no warning, but the problem is that there’s no warning. It’s bad enough even when there is awarning, but it’s still intense for even mentally healthy people. Very damaging to those of us who have mental disorders.
I could have so much more to say on how disappointed I am, as an adult who grew up watching winx club, but im very tired and honestly, i could go on forever. All in all, as it’s own show, Fate is not bad, even enjoyable once you get into it. But as a Winx Club remake, it crushes my dreams and breaks my heart. It stomps all over my childhood and what was dear to me. I think i will continue watching it if more seasons come out, but there’s very little i enjoy about the show. It’s nearly impossible to enjoy if im comparing it to Winx Club, but a decent amount easier if i watch it with comparisons. If were to rate it, i’d probably say it’s 2/5. 2.5 if im being generous. I’m just very disappointed in this reboot, and wish they had made it more accurately, rather than trying so hard to appeal to young adults.
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magicalgirlagency · 3 years
PLEASE rip it to shreds!
Let's see...
First things first, the fashion is atrocious. Stella would rather DIE than dress blandly like a Karen, or fucking behave like one! Just because she's of royal blood, that doesn't mean she needs to be a stereotypical rude prep bitch!
The fashion color coordination is so juvenile and predictable. Just because Bloom's powers are fire-based, it doesn't mean that 90% of her wardrobe should be red!
What's the use rebooting a show that's heavy on the transformations, if you don't fucking have transformations?!
Bloom's "transformation" was certainly NOT a transformation. They made her look like a fucking Bargain Bin Jean Grey!
The Otherworld is such a dumb name. It sounds like something straight out of Mortal Kombat!
How do they have access to Earth technology? Wasn't it considered obsolete by the Magic Dimension's standards in the original series? Isn't Earth's government aware of the Otherworld's existence?!
Didn't Rainbow once built Alfea in real life in Italy? Then why not do your recordings there, instead of some boring european dark academia castle?!
If you dumbasses at Netflix are expecting a pun prize for naming your Trix hexafusion Beatrix, get ready to be severely disappointed...
@ Writers, producers, showrunners, whoever is in charge: You can be both plus-sized AND a person of color. The two aren't mutually exclusive, you know!
And why add a plus-sized character to the cast, if you're going to constantly bully her about her weight?
How much you guys wanna bet that they'll try and add Flora and Tecna to the cast on the next season so they can save their sorry asses?
Sky and Riven were the only original Specialists we've seen in the new show! The other guys were written out entirely!
Speaking of Sky, wasn't the love triangle drama in the original series with Diaspro? And it wasn't Diaspro the one who drugged him with a love potion so he would leave Bloom and marry her like first intended?
Funny how Brian Young says that Winx Club needed more diversity and real people, when he doesn't consider latinx and asian people as real people!
Making 99% of your cast white and adding only one black person and calling it a day is NOT being diverse!
Aisha deserves a better characterization than being "Teacher's Pet" or "The Mom Friend";
Why make Winx Club dark and edgy, when the original series already had plenty of dark storylines to work with?!
It's extremely homophobic that the LGBT+ characters in the series are antagonic. And it's crazy, because Winx Club has made me question my sexuality back in the days...
Teenagers don't get shitfaced with alcohol and drugs, let alone have sex. Trust me, I've been a teenager once; hung out with them, even!
Plus, Harry Potter references? In my 2021?! I don't care if you like it; I just don't wanna hear anything from that TERF shithead of a woman ever again!
Brian Young, Iginio Straffi and everyone else at Netflix: Eat my entire ass, and choke from eating said ass.
...aaaaaannnnddd that's all I got from the top of my head.
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What do you think of the Netflix reboot of the Winxs?
It’s bad Jim. 
Seriously I’m gonna ramble a little bit on both the trailer and yes I did read the preview of the tie-in novel. 
Okay, first. Let’s discuss the obvious: the casting and whitewashing.
Winx had 3/6 of the Main Characters be poc. And while the series does have it’s problems with that, this is a new level of clownery. Especially Flora. They just replace her with a white lady and call her ‘Terra’ as if it’s not.... I don’t even know what they’re thinking with that. 
I am white af though, so I’ll leave the discussion on that to actual poc and just say I agree.
Now to the characters they deleted or changed completely:
They got rid of Tecna which fucking sucks. Probably because they’re making this bootleg Hogwarts and Tecna’s thing of Technology Magic doesn’t fit with the old fantasy ‘we still use quills and ink on parchment’ vibe they’re going with. 
Speaking of bootleg Hogwarts, even Faragonda wasn’t spared as she got a name change and is more.... sketchy Dumbledore. 
Icy, Stormy and Darcy are being replaced with a single girl called ‘Beatrix’. Who wants to make bets on everyone nicknaming her ‘Trix’? Anyone? 
Sky and Riven are the only Specialist that made it, but there will probably be other Specialists that are just. Renamed versions of the other ones. Sky probably going to be just romance drama but Riven.... what did they do to my boy??? Some edgy white boy with a knife. They hammer in the fact that he does drugs too. Like it’s his first pov scene and he’s like ‘yeah I spent summer vacation getting high and I’m gonna skip class to go in the woods and get high again’. 
And as for the main five Winx that made it? Oh boy. Oh boy oh boy oh boy. 
Idk what to say about Terra because she’s trying to be Flora but really isn’t. Musa is kind of a bitch. Stella is also a bitch in that ‘popular prep’ way. Bloom is the epitome of ‘I’m not like other girls! I don’t want to be popular and preppy!’. 
Aisha seems to be the only one who’s decent so far, but I don’t have much faith. 
Now to some other notes!
No wings???? Really???? The show is called Winx! They’re Faeries!!! Why would you get rid of the wings????
God the fashion. Even if you’re making it dark and edgy can you please look good? And let the girls keep their color schemes! Bloom should be blue, not red. Red is Musa’s color. Purple is Tecna’s but she’s not here. Aisha got the green and Flora was pink. 
Bloom discovering her powers in the reboot is.... getting in a fight with her mom and burning the house down and now she’s all guilty. It also seems like the twist is going to be that she’s one of the evil ‘burned ones’ that did some scary shit and disappeared years ago but ‘I guess she’s good but we’re gonna be scared of her and others will discriminate’. 
But you want to know what pisses me off most about the ‘Edgy, Dark and Griity Reboot’?
They didn’t have to change so much because Winx is dark af anyway. 
Let’s look at Bloom’s original backstory from the series! The planet of Domino was attacked, all it’s people trapped in a void dimension except for Bloom, who was a baby sent to Earth, and Daphne, who was cursed to be some kind of Spirit. The planed itself is now a frozen wasteland. 
You want to make it darker? Focus on it more! Focus on how an entire planet was wiped out less than 20 years ago. How there are a handful of survivors who mourn those they lost. How Daphne is traumatized as FUCK for being a cursed Spirit for years! Bloom feeling guilty despite having been a literal baby and couldn’t have done anything! If you really want to darken it up, don’t trap everyone in a void dimension, just kill them(which to be fair I did in my reboot but you know).
And that’s just Bloom’s backstory! That doesn’t even touch what actually happens throughout the series! 
Basically if you want to reboot Winx Club, don’t make it ‘dark and gritty’. Just make it more mature and have them explore the darker themes that already exist. 
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