#sumin scenarios
rizzkisworld · 1 month
Take The Shot - Choi Sumin
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Pairing: bestfriend!Sumin x gn!reader
Warnings: none??? Idk
Synopsis: Sumin talks to Minjae and officially confesses his feelings for you
Genre: Fluff!!!
A/N: Y'all we are so back!!(I'm feeling inspired)
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Whispers of winds whistling in your ear as you both stood in silence. The sky was a little cloudy, but the sun peeked through just a tiny bit. You were still in shock at the words that came out of your best friend's mouth. Is this moment even real? What led up to it? What made him say that now?
In the gymnasium stood Sumin and his friend Minjae. “I wanna confess, but how?” Sumin heaved a sigh. “Aren't you really close? You should know what Y/n likes.” Minjae tried to encourage Sumin. “I've had crushes before, but there's something about Y/n that I can't explain. I don't wanna risk ruining our friendship.” He thought back to some of the moments he's spent with you.
The time you first met in middle school. He was trying to impress one of the girls in your class, but ended up tripping and falling flat on his face. You helped him gather his things and since then you've been besties. The time he got rejected by the person he swore would be his lifetime partner in highschool. You were there to comfort him. The time you were over his house and you attempted to make cookies. The results…… Total fail. Though you swear it was his fault.
A small grin appeared on his face, the same one that appears all the other times he's thinking of you. His thoughts were so vivid in his mind that he almost missed what Minjae had to say. “Look, life is kind of like basketball. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. In other words, you have Y/n now, but if you let go of this opportunity you may not have Y/n later…wait that was poetic I need to write that down-” “Not the time Minjae.” Both of them started laughing, lighting up the pressing mood. Sumin was ready, cause like Minjae said, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
That's what brought you to the situation you're in now. Sumin texted you to come outside on the field near the bleachers. His text was very cryptic, so you worried just a little bit. You rushed outside to find the boy with his back facing you. “Is everything okay?” You asked, gently tapping him on his back. He sharply turned around to face you. A tint of blush covering his handsome features. You furrowed your brows at him, because what in the world was happening? He wasn't even saying anything. Just looking. Just staring. It honestly left you with a little discomfort.
It was complete silence. “Sorry if I-” “I like you too.” You blurted out. There the silence was again. “Repeat that for me?” Sumin, with a smirk on his face, leaned in closer to hear you say those words again. How was the same boy that was just super nervous teasing you now? “You heard me!” You playfully smacked his shoulder. “Ouch! No need to hit your new boyfriend so hard.” Sumin acted like your hit hurt him. “Boyfriend?” You tilted your head to the side. “Problem?” He asked. “You didn't ask me out yet, you only confessed your feelings.” You didn't miss the way Sumin began blushing again. The thought of actually having to ask you out felt unreal.
“Uh, are you-” “I like you a lot.” He blurted out the words, cutting you off. “You what?” Thinking you misheard him, you asked for him to repeat himself. “How was your day?” He smiled from ear to ear. “That is not what just came out of your-” “I asked you, how was your day.” He maintained the same smile. “It was fine, but what is going on here?” You asked, feeling very suspicious of him. “My bad, um…. I've been feeling this way for a long time and I'm feeling very nervous to tell you this…. Y/n I……” His voice trailed off leaving you in suspense. He what?
“I don't know when this feeling started, but all I know is just that I've never felt this way with anyone else. You're the person that makes my day and I look forward to talking to you whether it be in person or on the phone. I've never felt so nervous to say something like this ever in my life, but…. I really like you alot…like alot alot." Sumin’s eyes looked everywhere, but your eyes.
“Will you be mine?” Sumin shyly grinned. “Of course!” You leaned in to hug him. The hug lasted about two minutes. Sumin slowly pulled away and looked you deep in your eyes. His hand slowly caressed your cheek. Leaning in, the both of you closed your eyes, waiting for your lips to touch. “Well, would you look at that, the power couple of the century.” Seeun, who was standing next to Minjae, teased. Sumin's face said it all. He was so done with those two. “Let's escape.” Sumin whispered before grabbing your hand and running off the field together.
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bzbnong · 10 months
oiii, você pode fazer um imagine do xikers da mancha de batom como o do bnd? eu gostei bastante dele!
tá na mão! fico feliz que tenha gostado do meu primeiro post :(
🍥 :: ‘‘XIKERS na trend de mancha de batom..❞
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gênero: fluffy, romance (?)
(!!) : deixei apenas com "você" o suposto pronome. tudo deixado em minúsculo propositalmente (apenas pela estética) e desculpem caso haja algum erro ortográfico. relacionamentos estabilizados.
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ficaria surpreso pela oferta repentina, mas aceitaria, sem muitas perguntas;
ele deixaria você escolher a cor do batom, mas ofereceria para retocá-lo;
seria simplesmente adorável vê-lo com aquele olhar dele amoroso para cima de você, com os olhinhos rechonchudos e grandes parecidos com o de um cachorrinho brilhantes te admirando
serpentearia a sua cintura com carinho enquanto estava encima do colo dele, o beijando;
receberia cada pequeno beijo com um sorriso no rosto, quietinho, apenas aproveitando toda a situação calma que estava;
deixaria claro o quanto gosta de você apenas pelo jeito que ele te olha;
estaria um pouco tímido, não iria negar, mas, no meio daquela situação tão agradável, não estava se contendo tanto para ela acabar. seria menor do que ele realmente é demonstrando estar com vergonha e isso te atiçaria e te faria segurar as bochechas dele, depositando mais de um beijo necessário nos lábios dele, ele tinha esse poder;
depois que terminassem o vídeo, ele te posicionaria no sofá e te encheria de beijos.
deveria confessar que não curtiu tanto a ideia de ter o rosto todo sujo de batom (grudento) mas aceitou por você, porquê te ama;
na verdade ele estava prestes a negar porquê 1° foi pego desprevenido 2° o rosto dele estava pegando fogo (estava tímido) 3° várias pessoas iriam ver;
nervoso, mas feliz por estar recebendo inúmeros beijos de graça, ele aprecia gestos doces como estes;
ficaria nervoso com os seus primeiros beijos no rosto dele. na verdade, estaria nervoso desde que você passou o batom, porém agora ele estava ansioso para que os beijos no rosto acabassem, queria que você parasse de enrolar tanto para beijá-lo definitivamente;
seguraria de leve a sua blusa, procurando algum apoio, o que não tinha. ao mesmo tempo que sabia que várias pessoas assistiriam, fez questão de te olhar com uma forma mais atenciosa;
te abraçaria com força assim que o vídeo acabasse e aquela tentação estivesse passado;
daria beijos leves em sua boca, ainda demonstrando o quanto te ama;
apesar de ser a primeira trend de casal de vocês, ele adoraria e no off estaria procurando algumas outras trends para fazerem.
estaria nas nuvens, com toda certeza;
o rosto dele ficaria vermelho desde o pedido, poderia até arriscar a dizer que era a cor de pele dele;
daria um sorriso de orelha a orelha e riria de vergonha quando você comentasse sobre o novo tom de pele dele;
ele provavelmente se derreteria de tanto amor e carinho;
coraria nos primeiros beijos e daria pequenas pausas em sua ação para te abraçar bem forte, porque o coração dele não estava aguentando mais bater com tanta força, ele estava sem palavras, estava completamente nervoso;
arrumaria os fios rebeldes do seu cabelo;
repetiria o vídeo inúmeras vezes desde que foi lançando apenas para ficar sorrindo igual um bobo vendo o quanto vocês combinam e claro, leria os comentários, que eram apenas coisas boas, os comentários citavam o quão bem ele olhava para você e o quanto se lamentavam de estarem sozinhos;
no fim, ele estaria nas nuvens, ficando completamente orgulhoso por ter você e de ser tão amoroso consigo.
acharia a trend adorável, mas ainda ficaria confuso de como ela funcionaria, entretanTO, ele aceitaria;
considerou o seu desejo de fazer a trend, fazendo o possível para te deixar feliz;
ficou confuso no início, não sabia como ainda funcionava, mas depois de ver a expressão dele meio desorientada, você explicou mais um pouco e ele pôde entender completamente, sorrindo amplamente;
desajeitado, não sabia onde colocar as mãos, estava completamente perdidinho;
estava completamente lisonjeado por você estar enchendo ele de beijos, de graça praticamente e mostrando para futuras inúmeras pessoas quando o vídeo fosse lançado;
se divertiria bastante ao ver o próprio rosto todo manchado com seu batom, soltaria aquele sorriso doce dele e depois se gabaria horrores de ter feito essa trend com você;
você beijou todo o rosto dele, enquanto ouvia minimamente a risadinha dele;
te beijaria na mesma intensidade que você o beijou antes, para compensar.
adoraria 100%! Ganhar beijos seus? de graça!? ele amaria;
mas, no fundo, estaria todo acanhadinho e isso só de reforçou mais quando disse que teria que gravar;
a graça de fazer essa trend com ele seria como ele fica extremamente fofo com o rosto todo vermelho e como ele estava quietinho, apenas recebendo os seus beijos, com um leve sorriso, marcando as bochechas dele;
ele amava receber seus beijos ou qualquer tipo de coisa que viesse de você e isso não seria um segredo. agora, beijos manchados? ele realmente estava adorando sentir isso;
com toda certeza ele gostaria de retribuir essas quantias de beijos depois;
ele não colocou as mãos dele em lugar nenhum, apenas ficou admirando você e as aproximações que você dava quando ia beijá-lo;
o coração dele estava sentindo cócegas com isso, você nunca tinha ouvido tanto a risada dele como ouvia naquele momento e também nunca viu ele se esconder tanto na curvatura de seu pescoço como no momento;
ele se sentiria orgulhoso, feliz e estaria soltando fogos por ter você.
ficaria meio incerto sobre, mas não era aegyo, então estava bem sobre;
achou a trend uma baita de meiguice e de melação, por isso ficou incerto e consecutivamente sério, mas, depois de ver a sua reação, pedindo para fazer, ele aceitou;
completamente rendido a qualquer coisa que você o pedisse apenas por ser você;
ele gostava de cada beijo seu, mas continuava com a feição séria;
você encheu a bochecha dele de beijos, era o seu local favorito de beijar, afinal, elas eram cheinhas e, de longe, esse era o maior charme dele;
cada aproximação sua ele tentava manter a seriedade, mas você começou a atrair ele cada vez mais;
ficou sério, mas, depois que ele percebeu que o rosto dele já estava todo manchado de batom e que estava na etapa final do vídeo, ele te deu um sorriso, limpando a parte suja do seu rosto de batom te olhando com ternura e paixão;
amou a trend, mas jamais e de forma alguma iria admitir isso! só nas memórias faria isso.
ele queria fazer, não iria negar, entretanTO, ele sempre ficava tímido quando ia te pedir, então deixou para lá;
ficaria fazendo palhaçada a cada beijo que você o desse, para disfarçar o nervosismo;
provavelmente, para descontrair um pouco, ele também retribuiria alguns beijos, fazendo você o olhar com ferocidade, porque seria você que teria que beijar ele, ficaria com um biquinho nos lábios para fazer você mudar de ideia e beijar logo de uma vez os lábios dele, só para conseguir o que quer;
quando você desse todos os beijos no rosto dele, ele sorriria igual um bobo, não pararia tão cedo;
deixaria pairar as próprias mãos em sua cintura e assim subiria o olhar de ternura pra você;
amaria cada beijo seu, amaria cada toque seu nele, amaria tudo, tudo, exatamente tudo. faria até a brincadeira de que se você não o beijasse direito, algumas pessoas poderiam paquerá-lo assim que o vídeo fosse lançado, te atiçando;
assim que você terminasse, ele se encontraria abraçado com a sua barriga, te irritando um pouquinho antes de realmente gravarem o vídeo;
no fim, ele ficaria ao seu lado na sala e não tiraria o batom, apesar de ter reclamado horrores e ter te irritado horrores dizendo que gostaria muito que o batom não saísse (óbvio que era ironia, ele adoraria que o batom saísse). você olhou para ele, cruzando os braços e assim ele te deu um beijo, dizendo que só queria te irritar porque te ama.
deu um sorriso angelical quando você sugeriu fazerem a trend;
muito, mas tipo, muito tímido mesmo. você o veria corando frequentemente;
o sorriso dele brotaria no rosto a cada milésimo, parecia impossível encher o rosto dele de beijos (mas a cada sorriso que ele dava, mesmo assim, o rosto dele recebia um beijo);
cheio de elogios e beijos. quanto mais ele te elogiava, mais você o beijava, apenas para ele parar um pouco. praticamente ele lutava contra o nervosismo te elogiando;
ele não precisaria fazer biquinho para dar volume aos lábios dele, já eram cheinhos e isso era algo que você aguardava bastante para fazer, beijar os lábios carnudos dele;
carinhoso e mais tímido ainda;
tentaria acariciar seus braços, seu rosto, suas bochechas, seu cabelo... tentaria fazer de tudo para lutar contra o seu próprio nervosismo, mas ele sempre se encontrava, no fim, sorrindo para combater isso;
depois de ter beijado todo o rosto dele, você retocou um pouco o seu batom e beijou os lábios rosados dele, ficando lá por um grande tempo. ele realmente ansiava por este momento.
"surpreso" foi como ele se sentiu com sua proposta;
depois que você ofereceu a fazer a trend, ele rapidamente foi para a sua caixinha de batons e foi escolher um;
ele se rendia fácil a você, faria qualquer coisa para te fazer feliz e, aceitar fazer essa trend com você não foi diferente;
daria aquele sorriso lindo que ele tem quando tudo terminasse e faria a maior questão de você realmente sujar todo o rosto dele com os seus beijos;
adoraria cada beijo seu;
cruzaria os braços na sua cintura, deixando vocês realmente bem pertinhos um do outro;
te olharia como ele olha o céu, com preciosidade, com brilho nos olhos;
depois de se recuperar da surpresa inicial, (afinal, quem não ficaria surpreso com centenas de beijos?) ele com toda certeza retribuiria, sendo com abraços calorosos e beijos, muitos e muitos beijos.
gargalharia por uns bons minutos achando que você estaria brincando com ele, mas, depois que ele percebe que não é uma brincadeira, ele começa a ficar vermelho, tipo, muito mesmo, mas aceita;
tímido, essa palavra o define, apesar de parecer o contrário;
estavam na sala e você se pôs ao lado dele, segurando bem as bochechas dele e se aproximando a cada beijo, que ele sorria, como os outros, a cada beijinho que recebia;
ele olharia loucamente para os seus lábios quando você não estivesse beijando o rosto dele, queria mais que tudo que ambos lábios se tocassem;
acariciaria você e te elogiaria e assim ele começaria a corar novamente;
acharia engraçado o suficiente o quanto o rosto dele já teria sido marcado, depois ele tiraria uma foto do próprio estado para ficar de memória;
amaria essa trend, amou que o vídeo fosse postado, ama amar você;
por mais que estivesse muito tímido, seria ousado o suficiente para simplesmente dizer que em algumas partes estaria faltando e que você teria que esconder bem o rosto dele para que ninguém nos comentários desse em cima dele.
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starryriize · 4 months
reaction when wearing a revealing outfit | xikers
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a/n: got distracted on pinterest looking at hyunwoo...but i have so many thoughts about this!! i tried to not repeat myself too much but i could see them all being so lucky to have you!! love you, nonnie and @chiiyuuvv 🧚🏼‍♀️🫶🏼
not proofread!!
⊹ minjae - he's so protective over you when he sees you wearing a backless top. his mind is racing because every part of you is so pretty and mesmerizing? he just wants to press soft kisses all over your back (perhaps make it arch too)!! has a hand on your lower back to signal to any wandering eyes that you're his! overall, he thinks you're stunning and doesn't mind you showing off your figure- if anything, makes him want you more!
⊹ sumin - literally devouring you with his eyes when he sees you in a corset top that shows off ALL of your best assets!! he can't help but stare at your figure and all he can think about is undoing the ribbons of your cute top! wants to mark you up so badly too :( he thinks you're absolutely gorgeous and lowkey smirks because he has such a goddess for a girlfriend! he's so proud to show you off too!!
⊹ junmin - he’s so shy when he notices how your dress stops right at your ass! tried so hard to not grab it when hugging you but he can’t help it :( your ass looks so perky and cute in your sparkly dress!! he’s adorable and honestly, loves it when you wear anything that shows off your figure! he blushes thinking to himself how he managed to find someone so sexy!
⊹ hyunwoo - he’s so cocky when he sees you walk down the stairs in a top that was strapless, cropped, and backless! he’s definitely a tease too :( keeps his hands either on your shoulders, waist, or lower back! he’d probably not want you to wear it out in public though because he wants you all to himself (and wants to take it off you)
⊹ jinsik - he’s a confident bf! practically worshipping you when you come outside in a dress with a high leg slit!! all he can think about is how pretty your legs would look on his shoulders :( doesn’t stop looking nor does he stop giving you compliments like “you’re all dressed up!” and “you look so ravishing tonight, love.” he’s definitely taking your dress off and you’re in for a long night!!
⊹ junghoon - he’s a shy boy! he’s sees you looking so pretty in your little black dress and he can’t help but stare at how the dress has a low-cut neckline and how the dress makes you look like….a princess! (a princess he’d love to give kisses to) besides staring, he’s super respectful and says “you look like a dream.” honestly, he just makes you blush because he thinks you’re unreal and angelic looking :(
⊹ seeun - he falls between being speechless and being whipped for you. he’s speechless because he thinks you’re absolutely jaw-dropping gorgeous in your plaid shorts! he takes note of how good you look and how long your legs look in shorts! has one hand on your leg in the taxi to remind himself that he really, truly has you in his life :( the type to cling by your side the whole night and kiss you when he sees the perfect opportunities to do so
⊹ yujun - his brain stop working when he sees you walk in with a plain white dress shirt and a high-waisted skirt. he knew you had a charm and that you were gorgeous! practically forgetting his words, blushing, and avoiding eye contact :( he tries to not notice how your skirt rides up when you sit down, but he can’t help it! he doesn’t say anything about that though, just blushes and says “you look really cute!”
⊹ hunter - he knows how pretty you look in your off-the-shoulder shirt and the best part for him is the fact that you’re his! places kisses on your shoulders and gives you back hugs every. chance. he. gets!! he doesn’t care that you’re both in public too! smirks when people start staring at him and then pulls you in for a sweet kiss
⊹ yechan - he’s a super sweet boy! he used to think nothing of you in a cropped shirt since a lot of girls his age wear crop tops. so what’s different about you wearing them? but he was wrong. he’s internally panicking when he sees you in a crop top :( he thinks your belly looks beautiful and he thinks it’s silly that you were ever concerned with getting abs! all he can say is “you’re glowing today” and “confidence looks really, really good on you!”
a/n: whichever outfit you wear, you’re beautiful!! i have no doubt that all of xikers would find you perfect in whatever you wear🫶🏼 keeping shining like the diamond you are <3
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chiiyuuvv · 1 month
xikers when you have a soft voice!
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stranger!xikers x fem!reader 0.4k words requested!
▸ 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺?
꒰ minjae and junmin ꒱ I think these boys would be the most visually shocked out of everyone else in the group. Like *gasp!* That’s what her voice sounds like??
Minjae would start stuttering in the middle of his sentence because he was so taken off guard. He’d get a little flustered, his face turning a little red from embarrassment, and because your voice is cute ^.^
Junmin would also be flustered, but since your voice is so soft, he’d shut up immediately. He doesn’t want to interrupt this peaceful environment you just created. Your voice sounds like music to his ears.
꒰ sumin, hyunwoo, hunter, and yechan ꒱ These boys wouldn’t want to make it a big deal in case you find your voice embarrassing, so I think they would have very casual responses (compliments).
Sumin would be a little flirty from the rest, just a simple, “your voice is as cute as you!” to hopefully brighten put your day with his compliment ^^
“You should do some voice acting, because I think your voice has talent!” Hyunwoo would say with a little nod because he truly thinks that.
“Your voice really suits your vibe, I love it!” Hunter would smile, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“Oh, I thought you’d have a deeper voice..” Yechan would admit, although everyone in the room would think it's a bit insensitive to say, “but this one suits you more! (^^)” he’d finish his sentence cheerfully.
꒰ jinsik, junghoon, and seeun ꒱ These boys would find it a perfect opportunity to flirt with you. Your voice is soft, and dare I say cute?? They're going to have a field day making you blush.
“I didn’t know it was possible to have such an angelic voice in real life,” jinsik would state with a little smirk fixated on his lips, although he’s screaming on the inside.
Junghoon has the unexpected rizz, trust me. “If I was a girl, I would have done the same thing as Ursula to get that soft voice.. You’re lucky that I’m not.” SCREAMINGGG
“I could listen to you for the whole day,” seeun says in a flirtatious tone, resting his chin on the palms of his hands as he mentally kicks his feet like a schoolgirl. 
꒰ yujun ꒱ I think this boy would do dumb stuff just to hear you talk.
“Do you ever walk your fishes??” yujun would curiously ask the stupidest questions just to hear your soft laugh, your voice singing out to him almost like a sweet lullaby. He gets so red when you talk, hence why he asks you dumb questions. Also because he can’t find anything good to talk about.
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︴bonus! credit to @marw-lilia for the incredible lines! the way i gasped at the Ursula one-
▸ taglist 🎧 @lil-elle , @hyunukitty , @cake1box , @mars101 , @nenede , @wonootnoot , @pinievsev , @yuniniverse , @hunchan444 , @s00buwu , @cherrycolaberry , @yoiiwonn , @kookieswithjung , @hakyunz
🎬 navi
@chiiyuuvv on tumblr . do not steal works/headers/line dividers
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arafilez · 5 days
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ー☆ㅤㅤ [ csm x reader ] ㅤ੭𓂃 ㅤfluff, crack ㅤ warnings light jokes of "death" ㅤ﹢ㅤ0.4k wc
Sumin peeks from the blanket he has covered up to his nose as he hears light taps of your feet emerging in the room. His green hair falls messily over his head, making him look like a cute, little broccoli and his small, round eyes fix on your figure as he sees you do your night routine.
Sumin has never hated a night routine more.
After what feels like an eternity (it was ten minutes) he scrunches his nose in your direction and whines, “Come to bed, y/n.” You hum in acknowledgement clearly still concentrated on the perfect proportion of your face cream making your boyfriend give murderous looks to the tub of cream.
“Leave the night routine already,” he whines again, bouncing his legs on the bed a bit for extra effect, making you snort and turn around to look at him.
“You know I need to complete this right?” you giggle when you see a deadly glare and a pout adorning his face at the same time and he sticks his tongue out. You turn your back to him again and he groans, head hitting the pillow. A few moments pass and he says the most unhinged sentence ever,
“Get inside and cuddle, before I get hypothermia.”
Your hand halts and hovers over the lid of your box of cosmetics and you turn around saying, “Hypothermia from what? Twenty degrees of the air conditioner and you being under a blanket? Cause of death too flimsy no? Try again?”
That makes him take a big gasp and he replies, “Do you want your boyfriend to die?” You press your lips together to stop yourself from giggling again as you get up (finally) and turn off the lights quickly before getting in bed. As soon as you do Sumin pulls you closer to him and you let the giggle out and turn towards him.
“Are you happy now, you big baby?” you ask, running your hand through his hair and you see the outlines of his big, gummy smiles as he nods excitedly. He pecks your lips and then places little kisses all over your face making you squirm and giggle in his embrace. After a last kiss, long and loving, on the lips, you two settle down comfortably in the covers. “The mere existence of night routine should be a crime,” he says suddenly and you laugh at his righteous voice before you both fall asleep.
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ー☆ㅤㅤ [ ara's notes ] ㅤ੭𓂃 ㅤ sumin broccoli agenda from me & my latte ( @sxmmerberries ) ㅤ𓏧ㅤ library ㅤ xikers shelfㅤ navi
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੭ 𝅄ㅤ ꒰ TAGLIST ꒱ ㅤ⏤ㅤ @haneagerr ㅤ𓏧ㅤ fill this or comment or ask to be added.
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ㅤㅤ(ㅤㅤ© arafilez on tumblrㅤㅤ)
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fordohyon · 5 months
Hii!! I saw you wanted a xikers imagine soo how about xikers reaction when you makeup and wearing a pretty dress in front of them for the first time, but the security have a crush on you? Do it in your style 🥹🥹💕💕
ok, so im a little stupid so im guessing like security guard so let me know if this was what u had in mind, i hope u enjoy tho 😋🫡 please tell me if there are any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes so i can fix them
maknae line will be posted later on, i’ll tag you when i do 🤞
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PAIRING - hyungline!xikers (individual) x fem!reader
WARNING(S) - not sure, pls lmk if there are any
WORDCOUNT - 1.7k (scenarios average 200-300 words)
a/n: jinsiks and hyunwoos are so long?? I was planning for all of them to be around 200-300 though jinsik and hyunwoos is about 400,,
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It's only been 3 months since you started dating and most of your dates were inside your apartment or his, he hasn’t seen you with makeup or any sort of fancy clothing. As a way to celebrate your 3rd monthary, you opted to go on a fancy date, of course, you had to get all dolled up for this moment. "Babe?!" You heard Minjae shout. "I'm in my room!" A sigh of relief could practically be heard by your neighbors. "We have to be there by four thir... Woah... You look amazing!" he exclaimed, cheeks and ears tinted with a soft cherry color. "I... I mean, as always! I, uh, you know! I just... you're gorgeous." the boy continued, though a stuttering mess. "Don't worry. I get what you mean, you look striking yourself! Shall we go now?" You said while applying your lipstick on.
You couldn't help but feel a flutter in your stomach as he placed a gentle hand on the small of your back. You both stepped out into the lobby and made your way towards the exit, Minjae seeing the relatively new guard who’s been eyeing you since he started his job at your apartment block “Hi ma’am, would you mind grabbing a drink with me when you’re free? undoubtedly ignoring your boyfriend who’s right beside you. “Aaah… Sir, I have a boyfriend-” you informed the guard, “Which is I, I’m her boyfriend.” Minjae interrupted, clearly jealous, well not that he’s insecure. “Oh, well.. uh, enjoy your date.” The guard awkwardly laughed out. “Thank you-” “We will.” the jealous boy spurts out.
“You’re jealous?” you questioned. Finding him cute. “Well, I can’t say I'm not,” he spoke out before kissing your lips, smudging your lipstick in the process before burying his head into your neck. “What a baby, I love you, and only you.” and of course, you go on about your day and continue the date.
You had finally gotten the opportunity to go all out with your makeup and outfit considering you’re going to be spending the whole day with him. Your phone rings as you open your drawers filled with makeup, catching a glimpse of the caller, noticing that it's your boyfriend you press the call button. “Hi, darling, I'll be there in 5?” he says, unsure if you’d be okay with him going earlier than you expected. “Alright, hurry up… I wanna see my glorious boyfriend!” you utter whilst you pick up your phone to open your camera, “Oh- Wow! You look stunning… I’ll be there as soon as possible! Bye!!” he exclaims before hanging up the call. Gathering all of your makeup that’ll probably smear and placing it in your empty pouch. The doorbell buzz spirals to your room. Walking towards the door and grabbing your bag just as you open the door.
“Hi, You’re enchanting.” he compliments you once again, “Thank you… Shall we go?” you smile, asking him, and soon after you receive the response “Certainly”,
A few hours after you‘ve left and eaten. Both you and your boyfriend have decided to go shopping for new clothes, with Junmin of course. Although he’s just following wherever you go, Junmin can’t ignore the stares that the security that you’ve been passing by plenty of times. Who eventually came up and gave you a paper with a number on it, presumably the security guards’. “Darling, throw it… please?” unpretentiously, you’re gonna throw it away, you already have a lovely and amazing boyfriend, though it is fun to tease him from time to time. “Hm… I’ll think about it.” you taunt him, seeing his brows furrow and his lips forming a pout. You take this as a chance to kiss his lips, seeing his ears getting red and his eyes going blank makes you smile from ear to ear. “You’re cute. So cute. I love you and of course, I’ll throw it.”
Both you and Sumin love picking out each other's outfits when you go out, however, today it's different. The two of you have agreed on not showing each others' looks before meeting up, you haven't necessarily worn much makeup with him, and this was a chance to surprise him with a look he hasn't seen you in before. Just as you zip your pants up you hear someone knock at your door, trudging towards the door, albeit checking the peephole first, noticing the blond hair you figure that, that's your boyfriend. Opening the door the first thing you see is his gorgeous smile makes you melt, you hear him clear his throat before saying "My princess.. you're breathtaking. Should we go?"
"The Art Museum, right?" You question, receiving a hum from the blond.
Before entering the museum Sumin had caught the guard staring at you, he didn't think of it as anything, or at least before the guard came up to you and asked if you were single. Receiving the most obvious answer, which is no. Sumin who was staring at the security with slightly creased brows, pulling Sumin away, his eyebrows now slightly relaxed, “What was that?!” He questioned, voice laced with disarray. “Not sure either, my prince,” You let out as you raise your brows.
You and Sumin go on about your day hopefully, with no more interruptions, you both have long forgotten the scenario that happened a few hours ago.
Jinsik didn’t know how important this event was till you went to his apartment wearing elegant clothing and makeup, his messy morning hair and pajamas looking extra cute “You’re beautiful, though if you don’t mind me asking, where you’re going?” He asks, “Do you mind going with me? I have to be there by 9 am,” Your eyes dilate as you check your watch. “Should I uh… Just wear a suit?” He stutters, after receiving a nod from you he checks his clock and instantly runs to his bathroom. Waltzing over to his couch and taking your pocket mirror out to check if your makeup is smudged.
It’s been about 10 minutes and your boyfriend Is still sprinting around the place, brushing his hair as he walks up to you “Can you help me with my hair, please?” Jinsik looks at you, trying to see what your answer would be on your face. “Yes dear, I will. Though you have to hurry.” His face lights up, giving you the widest smile after.
You’re now driving to the event parking. You tell them your name and take your ticket. Your car circles around the parking lot checking to see any available parking spaces that are closer to the entrance with Jinsik helping you. “Dearest, there’s one over there!” He exclaimed as he pointed his finger towards the spot he was talking about. “Shall we go inside? I have to introduce you to my coworkers! They’ve been wondering who my plus one is!” You ramble excitedly, “Yes we shall.” He kisses your nose and gets out of the car, opening your door for you.
You’re now in the venue with your boyfriend. You introduce him to some of your close co-workers. All telling you how you have a handsome boyfriend who’s fit for your beautiful self, how you’re the perfect pair, and joking around saying they feel so single around the both of you. You approach the security guard you’re acquainted with while your boyfriend gets some sweets. “Hey… I didn’t know you’d be here!” He gasped, he didn’t know about your boyfriend which led him to ask, “Are you free anytime soon? Let’s go out, just the two of us.” Fortunately for you, your boyfriend heard. “Ah- Sir, she’s unfortunately taken, by me,” Jinsik said as he found himself having a burst of confidence but later cringing at himself. “Bye, Sir!” You murmured as your boyfriend pulled you towards your seats. “I love you, dear,” You enunciate as you kiss his lips, feeling him smile into the kiss. “I love you too, dearest,”
You had dressed up and put makeup on today due to your Christmas party. You show up at his place all dressed up, “You’re astonishing” He says, ears red as this was his first time seeing you dolled up. “Hi baby,” you mutter as you kiss him softly.
“Let’s stay here for a while, if you don’t mind, it's a bit too early to go there right now,” you suggest, of course, Hyunwoo doesn’t mind. “Honey, you’re so lovely,” He lets out as he kisses you, he just can't keep himself together when you’re all pretty like this. Not that you’re only pretty today but considering that this is his first time seeing you like this he just can’t help staring at you.
You’ve been watching for at least an hour and you’ve determined it’s time to go, “Baby, we should go now.” you whisper, weakly after sitting the whole hour. Holding your phone up and checking the camera if your makeup has smirched. “Right, let me get my keys first.” Your boyfriend says, kissing you once again. He leads you to his car opens the door for you and gets into his seat afterward.
He has already memorized the shortcuts to your building making it quicker to get there. Unlocking the door and kissing you before you go has been a thing Hyunwoo always does. Usually, he’d go back to his place and wait till you text him to pick you up but today he decided to stay at the mall nearby and wait for you. He had called you a few minutes after finding a place to stay in the mall, informing you that he was staying in the mall near your office.
At least an hour and a half has passed and you’ve finally texted him saying you’ll meet him at the front of the mall, instantly going to the front of the mall. He immediately finds you and he moves toward you. “Baby… Can you answer this number for me and tell them I have a boyfriend?” You huffed out, obviously annoyed. “Ah- Alright…” You give him your phone as the number keeps on ringing.
“Hello? Who’s this?” Hyunwoo questions. “Y/n, how come you forgot already? This is the security guard, you know, the one you always talk to…? I got your number to tell you I want to go on a date with you, though I’ve already told you this a while ago” “Well I’m sorry to say this but this isn’t Y/n, quite obvious already from my voice. I don’t sound anything like her, and she’s not single,” He asserts, voice tinted with jealousy. That’s all it took for the number to hang up. “Block the number, please” Hyunwoo pleas, “Well I wasn’t planning on keeping his number anyways”
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
[8.07] dad!mingi × baby!sumin × baby!seeun (ft. uncles!ateez, dad!hongjoong and baby!minjae)
⇀ mingi really is that dad. an enabler dad.
⇁ i ended up writing this after mulling over it for a long ass while (not really but still, long enough) and at this point brat brigade's spam section is my baby!xikers dumping ground. but lookie @flowerboykun i wrote this idea !
⇁ disclaimer : the author is not forcing any ideas or form of relationship between irl characters. this fic is specifically for entertainment purposes
wc : 1.8 k
genre : fluff, dad!au, baby!au
When you first found out that you were pregnant, your first thought went straight to how much fun you'll have dressing your daughter up. Then you found out you were having a boy and Mingi immediately cried because now he can have his twin. Then the second time you got pregnant, you were still hoping to have a girl to dress in frilly clothes and shove the fact that now you have your own twin to Mingi's face. But that day, in the doctor's office, with Mingi and Sumin with his custom baby Gucci beret in his arms, you found out that you were having another boy. It wasn't like you don't want your children, it was just that you know having two boys means that Mingi's going to have so much fun coordinating both boys' outfits.
So now, when Sumin and Seeun reached 5 and 4 years old respectively, you weren't even surprised that Mingi had dedicated a whole Instagram page to document the daily outfits that he coordinated for them. As pissy as you were that you couldn't dress your daughter in pink tutus or sparkly tops, you have to admit that they looked absolutely precious in the outfit their dad had so passionately picked for them.
Sumin is almost always dressed in how Mingi would be dressed on stage, a muted version of his flashy fashion while Seeun is more often than not dressed as a sporty-casual Mingi. They have their own unique styles, of course, but Mingi would always make sure that whenever they go out, people will IMMEDIATELY recognize them as siblings. And now, he had (somehow) managed to rope you into coordinating outfits as a family which you (and Seonghwa as the eldest representative) had limited to special events only because people (Wooyoung) began teasing you both by using the pictures you posted on Instagram and photoshopping them on advertisements (the worst one was for a hemorrhoid cream) which annoyed you (you taking his old as fuck Bathing Ape jacket and threatening to rip it to shreds and use them to wipe your children's snots). Nevertheless, both brothers love being dressed up by their dads so much and you were absolutely grateful for the fact that they never fought over who gets to wear what when, it had always been civil between them and they even do this bit of commenting on each other's outfits just before they go out. It's safe to say that at ages 5 and 4, they can differentiate between Houndstooth and Glen Check, and which is Louis Vuitton and which is Gucci. Yeah, your babies are SPOILED by their dad.
Their taste develops at such a young age that nowadays, they have begun to accessorise themselves. Sumin has been quite into sunglasses lately, even at night, he'd try to wear his dad's sunglasses on top of his head that just ended up falling over his face so Mingi bought him his first Gentle Monster that he adored to pieces. Seeun, on the other hand, has been into hats as of late, particularly bucket hats. It started when you put one on him as he was going to the mall to have fun with his uncle Yunho and cousin Jinsik, and he came home buzzing with excitement and refusing to take his hat off, so he asked you and Mingi to take him to get more hats the next day (he took mostly buckets, of course).
Knowing how important impressions are to your boys, you were rather reluctant to leave them for their first day of pre-K and kindergarten because you were called to the newly established branch of your company in Gyeongsangnam-do. While Seeun cried freely into your chest, Sumin tried to pack himself into your luggage. Thankfully, you were able to compromise with the boys by letting them wear whatever they want for their first day in a new environment and that they would be able to send you pictures and videos as much as they wanted. You thought that there would be no harm done and Mingi would make sure that both boys can freely express themselves within the guidelines. With teary eyes and quivering lips, both boys spent a whole 15 minutes hugging you until you have to go.
So the next day, Mingi arrived with his boys in front of the school and as soon as they got out of the car, Seeun and Sumin rushed to the steps and posed, beyond excited. "Come on, dad! Take a picture!" Sumin called out as he adjusted Seeun's hat so the front flap doesn't cover his eyes. "Coming!" Mingi grinned widely and immediately crouched down a little bit farther away from the two boys with his phone aimed at them, "Now, give mommy a big, big smile and a big pose!"
Clad in blue and white, both boys were grinning widely, very much happy with the outfit that they were adorning. Keeping with the twinning theme, Sumin had a white long-sleeved shirt paired with knee-length light blue shorts, colourful crew socks that he picked out himself, and original white Adidas with black stripes. To top the look off, he had his sunglasses on top of his head as a fashion statement. Meanwhile, Seeun was wearing a white t-shirt with a light blue puffer vest, matching knee-length shorts and matching bucket hat, crew socks, and original black vans. To top it all off, both boys were wearing different black bags; Sumin with his messenger bag and Seeun with his backpack. Parents walking past them genuinely thought that the boys were celebrity children which was technically true since their dad is an idol but they themselves also seemed like tv personalities with how confident they were in front of the camera and they were dressed too fashionably for a day in school.
When Sumin and Seeun had their fill of posing and taking pictures, Mingi shot you a quick text with a picture of your boys before jogging to his boys who grabbed his hands upon contact. "Okay, it's a big big day for Seeunnie here, so please listen to your teacher for everything. That goes to you too, Sumin, Okay?" Mingi eyed the two boys who were staring up at him intently, "I can't have mommy getting a call saying that you stuck a crayon up your nose again like your first day in Pre-K," Mingi squinted his eyes at the eldest boy who whined and stomped his feet in embarrassment at the mention of his accident while his younger brother snorted at him. Some parents were rushing to get their kids in but the Song boys were enjoying their leisure walk as the family head told them how to conduct themselves. Seeun was looking up at his dad, listening carefully while Sumin was kicking pebbles along the path whilst maintaining hand-holding with Mingi.
Just as the boys were about to reach the entrance of the school, a teacher came approaching with a smile on her face. "Why hello there!" she greeted as she crouched down in front of the boys which made Sumin's smile drop and Seeun stepped back and hid behind one of Mingi's legs, "I see that you two are ready for school, huh? Look at your clothes!" The compliments she was giving made Sumin puff up his chest proudly as Seeun took half a step forward to look at the teacher curiously. "I love your outfits so much, however, we don't allow accessories like hats and sunglasses in our classes," the teacher's eyes peered up to Mingi as if seeking his help to remove the items from his kids and hopefully take him home with him.
Hearing that they couldn't wear their accessories, Sumin and Seeun whipped their heads to Mingi with the saddest face ever. Mingi, however, didn't even need the push from his sons to step up for them. "Why not?" he asked without sparing a second. The teacher seemed taken aback, not expecting that a parent would question the rules that have been established for a long time in the school. "Because... It's an accessory sir, it's not part of the outfit guidelines for the students," if she thought that would just drop it, she was sorely mistaken. Mingi looked around at the other kids that were starting to arrive and noticed some little girls with accessories on them which he pointed at with his chin, "I don't think I read anything about bead bracelets, necklaces, and earrings," he shrugged. To anyone who didn't know him, it might seem like Mingi was being annoying or unreasonable but in reality, Mingi was simply being inquisitive. The teacher seemed stunned because he did have a point but at the same time, no one has ever raised an issue or even just a question about female students wearing accessories before. "Uh... I mean..." Truly, she was stumped but she had to answer because she was supposed to have an answer, "W-well, the accessories the boys wear could be dangerous as things like your son's sunglasses could poke other children in the eyes and no one is allowed to wear hats in class." Hearing their accessories being mentioned, both children grabbed the items mentioned as if to not let anyone take them away. "Yeah, but... Why? I don't see any problem if my boys are not gonna distract any children with their accessories or disturb the class. If anything, those glass ball thingies in those girls' hair ties could potentially blind other children if they snapped or the necklaces they wore could break, fall into a student's drinking cup and choke on it."
Just as the teacher was about to answer, two people came and stopped where they stood still. She didn't know whether it was a good or a bad thing, though. "What are you guys doing here?" Hongjoong asked with an eyebrow raised, Minjae on his side on his iPad with his headphones on. Both Sumin and Seeun immediately beamed and rushed to hug their uncle Joongie tightly, greeting him with muffled voices. "The teacher said Sumin can't wear his sunglasses and Seeun can't wear his bucket hat," Mingi sighed, shrugging his shoulders in confusion. Hongjoong furrowed his eyebrows and planted his hands on his hips, "What do you mean they can't wear their sunglasses and bucket hat?" The teacher was about to answer when Mingi answered for her instead, "Well she said those items could hurt other children?" To which Hongjoong replied with a scoff and his arms crossed over his chest, "And those tiny catapults in the girls' hair couldn't?" In agreement, Mingi clapped his hands together, "Thank you!"
It seemed like both fathers were so into their conversations that they didn't realize the kids were looking at each other. Minjae pulled his headphone down and tucked his iPad into his bag securely before taking both of Sumin and Seeun's hands into his. He stepped up to the dumbfounded teacher (who looked like she was about to cry) and spoke, "We'll be getting to class first, miss, we'll be late," he smiled widely before bowing and walking away with Sumin and Seeun in tow, not even giving a chance for the teacher to tell him that he was not supposed to bring electronics into class and that Sumin and Seeun were still not supposed to wear their accessories.
This issue could be resolved, right?
taglist :
@yvnnieurl @kodzukein @phenomenalgirl9 @skzatzloveismonsterous @memorymonster @thesolarplanetarysystem @dreamlesswonder86 @maddiebabyxoxo @imababywolf @do-you-actually-care @marievllr-abg @ilsedingsx @wasteitonserendipity @bbymatz @noonaishere @honeyhwaaa @ateezourstars @yoonjunshi @yoongiigolden @camillelafaye @charreddonuts @jcngh0-hq @kpopnightingale @starryunho @atinct @mirror-juliet @hyuckilstan @jayb17 @kpoplover718 @imswitchbabemox @haatohwa @youngestdelacour @x-bluee @erinaimeexx @blackb3ll @mingiholic @angelicyeo @vampcharxter @meowmeowminnie @marvelous-llama @kawennote09 @hongjoong-lovebot @ming-ki @stopeatread @spooo00oky @asjkdk @shinotani
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sector-i-closed · 1 year
xikers Reaction to You Stepping on Their Foot During Your First Dance
I have no idea why it just came to me and feel free to have your own interpretation
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Minjae: He felt pressure to impress you. So he worked really hard to perfect his dance and everything was going perfect as you swayed with him to the music. That was until your foot found his big toe. "Ahhhhh!" Minjae keeled over suddenly and you stopped in your tracks. Alarmed and worried for him. "Minjae are you okay?" You bend over and rub his back, oblivious that you had stepped on his foot. "I'm fine, my foot got in the way..." He admitted sheepishly. "Are you okay, Y/N? Did I hurt you?" He straightens himself and looks at you with concern flooding his eyes. "I'm okay! I'm so sorry I stepped on your foot!" You pout sadly. "It's okay. I will get better at dancing and make you happy." Minjae smiles at you and takes your hand again.
Junmin: Junmin was quite shy when he asked you to dance at the prom with him. He was enthralled by you completely and had forgotten to keep time with the music when you on accident stepped on his foot and prompted him to wince. "Oh Junmin! I'm so sorry! Are you hurt?" You gasp out and look down at your feet. "I'm fine, this is perfect. Let's keep dancing." He smiled at you shyly and resumed dancing with you.
Sumin: Sumin was excited for this evening to be able to dance with you for the first time, having gotten every detail perfected and he felt good about it yet he was still shy when it came to dancing with you at the prom. Things were going well for awhile until a sudden weight was on his foot. He tried to pretend that nothing happened but the sudden look of shock on his face and the squeak that followed brought you to the realization that you had stepped on his foot. "Oh dear! Did I hurt you?!" You ask urgently. Sumin shook his head and gave you a bright smile. "I didn't feel it~" To which you giggled cynically, "Uh huh, I saw it all."
Jinsik: He was excited to get to dance with you. But very shy and awkward when you asked him out onto the dancefloor. Jinsik involuntarily cursed when his foot stepped on yours. He looked at you stunned, face pink and ears turning bright crimson. "It's okay, you didn't hurt me!" You reassure him and give him a hug.
Hyunwoo: It was all surreal to Hyunwoo, a sweet dream that he didn't want to wake from as he danced with you for the first time and the smell of your fragrance enveloped him like a cozy blanket. The next thing he knew you had stepped on his foot and was about to flee like Cinderella. "It's fine, love. Honestly. Let's just go outside and talk awhile, I want to hear more about you and get some fresh air."
Junghoon: Junghoon felt uncomfortable in the prom setting. Everything was so loud and the dancefloor was stuffy. Still you made it better and he could relax a little. You were apologizing to him constantly for stepping on his feet but he shrugged it off. "I'm fine." Junghoon nodded seriously, even when you stepped on his foot again, finding yourself even more embarrassed despite him not even flinching once.
Seeun: He worked hard to build up his confidence to ask you out to the prom, and his confidence to dance with you was another hill he climbed. So when the ball of your foot met with his toes, he wasn't going to let that ruin everything he had worked so hard for to be with you here right now. "I guess I got carried away... We can stop-" You looked into Seeun's eyes apologetically. "It's okay, let's not stop. Let's go." He gives you a comforting smile and resumed dancing with you again.
Yujun: He was over the moon with excitement and being named the cutest prom king with the cutest prom king/queen was even better. Yujun was all smiles and you were also. That was until you stepped on his foot while dancing to a particularly romantic number. Even to see the pain in his eyes for a few seconds was too much and all you wanted to do was to protect him. "I'm sorry, Yujunnie. I'll make sure to be more careful." You wrapped your arms around him and still swayed to the music. "I know you didn't mean to, Y/N. It's okay."
Hunter: You were caught up in the moment with Hunter. Really, you still couldn't believe that he had asked you out on prom night and the smile that he had when he looked at you furthermore made you feel like you were dreaming. Until his eyes went wide. You turned red and looked down embarrassedly. "I'm sorry Hunter..." You trail off, having burst your own bubble. "Are you alright, Y/N? You're not hurt are you?" Hunter held your hands in his and looked at you in earnest. Tears still threatened your eyes from how sweet he was to you. "I'm fine. But what about your feet?" You pout. "They're alright~ I'll put them in your pocket where I'm sure they'll be safe right next to where my heart is~"
Yechan: The first dance that you had with Yechan was awkward. He stepped on your feet possibly more than you stepped on his. "I'm sorry! I will get my steps right yet trust me- ouch!" Yechan squeaked while trying to hurriedly apologize to you. "I'm sorry I missed the floor that time!" You whined and looked down at the floor dejectedly. "Ai don't be sad! We're both good at this and will get even better!" Yechan beamed at you and your own expression brightened. "Okay, let's try- ow!" You giggle when Yechan accidentally stepped on your foot again. "Oh I'm so sorry!" He sputtered while turning red, all attention on the dance floor turned on the two of you. "Well we are popular anyway~" You tease the adorable redhead.
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shuhwaa · 10 months
Sumin | Kitten [M]
Stayc Sumin x fem!reader words: ~1.6k genre: smut (dom!Sumin, she calls the reader kitten, praise, fingering, public sex, orgasm denial (all reader receiving)) prompts: “We might get caught. Does that turn you on?” + “I’ve barely touched you and you’re dripping already. Cute.” warning: heavy dom-sub dynamic
Desc.: Your girlfriend Sumin takes you out lingerie shopping, when a wicked thought crosses her mind and she decides to play with you for a bit. (requested)
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"You look so cute in this, baby!" Sumin compliments you, making you grow more and more flustered, and then she holds out yet another set of lingerie to you. This time it's a white and pink set, lace decorating the bra and panties, and ribbons placed in any possible place. "How about this?" she suggests, her face beaming with excitement.
"Isn't that a little too girly on me...?" you question, tugging at the bra strap of the completely black and admittedly very sexy set your girlfriend made you try on a few minutes ago.
"Not at all!" she refutes immediately. "It'll suit you perfectly. Try it and you'll see what I mean." You think you see a flash of a wicked grin appearing on her face, but it disappears again before you can think much of it. "Come on!" Sumin urges you on, even pouting at you now, and you give in with a sigh. Trying it once won't hurt you, and if it makes your girlfriend happy then you'll gladly comply. Stripping naked in front of her like she had asked you to when making you wear the other sets she thought would look good on you, you give her shy glances as you find her eyes resting calmly on your body. She seems to be drawing lines along your curves and the way your figure bends and stretches out as you take off the lingerie. It's almost as if you can feel an ever so slight touch against your skin, and it causes a shiver to run down your spine.
"What?" Sumin chuckles. "Thinking of something inappropriate again?" She keeps her voice down now, despite not many people being inside the store. However, you are in a mere changing room after all, and anyone passing by would be able to follow your conversation with no trouble.
"No..." you deny it, receiving the white and pink lingerie from her and putting it on. 
"So cute..." you hear her mutter under her breath as she leans against the cabin wall with arms crossed in front of her chest and when you shoot her a look, you must realize the gaze in her eyes is growing more and more hungry.
"A-am I?" you stutter - you can't help but be flustered at the way your girlfriend is watching you. Adjusting everything with the help of the tall mirror in one corner of the tiny room, she appears right behind you to rest her hands on your waist.
"You look beautiful," she whispers in your ear, and a small whine escapes you, causing her to chuckle. "See what I mean now?"
"Why it suits you." 
"I don't know..." You raise an eyebrow at her, shaking her head slightly. Then she brings one of her hands up to your front, letting her fingers dance down your upper body slowly.
"It's perfect for you," she mutters. "So cute... just like you when I make you beg just to cum on my fingers once."
"What?!" you exclaim in shock, pressing your thighs together tightly at hearing her say such words to you in a public space.
"Relax, kitten," she says, bringing her hand down to your core and rubbing her palm up and down your thigh a few times. The nickname makes you gulp, and you can feel heat rushing to your middle. "I'll make you see it. Just keep watching, yeah?" You nod, doing your best not to take your eyes off the mirror while you can feel the way your blood rushes through your veins. Sumin doesn't hesitate to start teasing you through your underpants.
"You know you have to buy it if you make it dirty, right...?" she whispers, dragging her fingers up and down your folds painfully slowly. 
"Huh?" is all you manage to respond, and the grin on your girlfriend's face becomes wider.
"I mean... I’ve barely touched you and you’re dripping already," she remarks, placing a kiss right below your ear and adding, “Cute.” You're about to whine at her, but you repress most of the embarrassing noise coming out of your mouth involuntarily, reminding yourself that you are still in public after all. However, your body is already aching for more, and so you don't find it in you to peel yourself out of your girlfriend's hold and make her stop.
"What? Did you just realize people might hear you?" she teases you, still keeping her voice down. "We might get caught, you know? Or, don't tell me... does that turn you on?" Instead of moaning at her words to admit to her that she's right like you usually would, you press your eyes shut tightly now, your face distorting in the process. Sumin slips her fingers inside the panties now, and you additionally bite your lower lip to keep yourself from making any noise.
"Good girl," she praises you, before beginning to draw painfully slow circles onto your clit. "Keep watching yourself, kitten." You do as told, opening your eyes and seeing the state you're in - it's like every single cell in your body is begging to be fucked by her, and you let out one single, very quiet whine.
"Shh," Sumin shushes you immediately. "I need you to be absolutely quiet, or we might really get caught," she mutters. "You don't want everyone out there to know what a dirty girl you are, right?" You shake your head vigorously, watching closely as her hand moves further down, and she dips a single digit into your dripping pussy. "Good. Then be good for me, and I might just let you cum." You nod now, determined to do everything in your might to please her. The thought alone could get you off right this instant, but you know you'll be punished if you cum without her permission, so you don't let yourself get carried away just yet. 
Sumin pumps that one finger in and out of you unhurriedly, visibly enjoying the way it pains you to not even be able to beg for her to go faster, to give you more. And all the while she keeps whispering praises in your ear, making you clench around basically nothing as she keeps on teasing you. That's until finally, she seems to have some mercy on you.
"You want another finger?" she asks, whispering so closely to your ear that you can feel her lips moving against it. You nod without hesitation. "Really? You don't look like you really want it." Frustration overcoming you, you shut your eyes tightly once again, shaking your head. "So cute... does my little kitten want me to fuck her with two fingers instead of one?" she asks, and you nod violently. When you hear her chuckle and whisper an "alright" at you, you almost break. Feeling her insert another finger almost makes you moan from the relief, but you successfully hold it in.
"Good girl. Are you still watching yourself?" she asks, and you immediately open your eyes.  As a reward, she speeds up her movements, even pressing her thumb against your clit now, causing you to feel your high fast approaching all of a sudden.
"And do you see the way you look in this cute bra and in these cute, soiled panties?" she continues and you nod, feeling your orgasm building up more with every stroke against your clit and every thrust into your pussy. "Good girl," she praises. "And what about now? Do you understand why I said this cute underwear would suit my little cute kitten perfectly?" You think you're beginning to see it - or maybe it's just the fact that you can't think straight anymore - and so you nod strongly and desperately, thinking she'll let you cum if you do so. The wicked grin on her face appears again as she keeps working her fingers inside you.
"You're about to cum, huh?" Sumin remarks, and then she pulls out of you at once, causing a sense of emptiness to overcome you. "Well, I can't let you do that here, in public. Especially not in a set of clothes we haven't yet paid for." She chuckles, while you're still staring at her in disbelief. "But I'll buy it for you if you really want it. I have to reward my kitten for letting me play with her after all!"
You want to yell at her, telling her how unfair this is, and you want to drop down on your knees, begging for her to at least let you finish by yourself, if she isn't going to do the job for you. But you know you can't make a fuss here, or people will really know what you've been doing in here for so long. And so all that's left for you to do is letting your frustration show on just your face.
Sumin notices it, and she grabs you by the shoulders to spin you around. And then she kisses you, sweetly and softly, lips melting against yours and not wanting to separate until you're both out of air.
"Get dressed, baby," she whispers, a warm smile gracing her lips now. "I'll make it up to you when we're home. Promise."
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justalonelybitch · 2 years
Colourful Surprises
Seeun x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff, High School Au
Warnings: Shouting, Pranks, Punishments
Word Count: 1.5k
Buy me a coffee :)
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You strolled down the halls with a skip in your step, a bright smile adoring your lips, whistling a cheery tune as you shoes squeaked on the freshly waxed floors. Hurried footsteps followed closely behind you, distant shouts falling deaf in your ears as you began to hum. “Y/N!!” Your professor yelled, darting out in front of you, halting you in your place. “What is it Mr Lee?” You questioned, innocently tilting your head as you awaited his response. His face was red with anger, you could practically see steam coming out of his ears.
“Don’t play dumb, you know exactly what you did!” He shouted, gesturing wildly  towards his black polished shoes. Only they were no longer just black, but rather covered in splatters of paint. “I don’t see how that.. Colourful situation relates to me,” you trailed off, furrowing your brows together in faux confusion. “So you’re telling me you didn’t stick a container of dripping neon paint to the underside of my desk.” He gritted his teeth, seething with fury.
You simply shook your head, linking your hands behind your back. “I don’t believe there is any proof of such a wild accusation Mr Lee,” you said, shrugging your shoulders. “I know it was you, Y/n!” He said, voice laced with rage. “Lets not jump to conclusions now, it could have been anyone. But I can’t imagine who would do such a cruel thing?” You said cheekily, tapping your chin in thought. “I may not have any evidence to get you now, but I can send you to the student council for breaking the school dress code.” He smirked smugly, hastily scribbling on a crumpled slip of paper.
You scrunch your face up in faux displeasure, tugging at the strings of your non-regulation hoodie. “I’ll let them deal with you, while I try and salvage this mess,” he scowled, dragging you to the student council by your sleeve. You stifled a laugh at the sight of his brown dress pants covered in two splotches of paint on either side of his butt. He was so distracted by his precious shoes that he failed to notice the real surprise, but some things are better left unseen.
Huffing, he pulled you through the large double doors and you plopped down lazily on the first seat you saw. You propped your feet up on the wooden table, dirtied, untied sneakers landing directly in front of the student council presidents face. “Y/n, lovely to see you again, remind me how many times it's been this week.” Seeun greeted, voice dripping sarcasm. “I believe this brings it to a total of eight, I think I just broke a record. What’s my prize?” You inquired cheekily, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
Mr Lee angrily muttered under his breath, handing her his note before scurrying off. Leaving the colourful design coating his cheeks on full display for the both of you to view. You grinned at the sight of a smile briefly cracking past her stoic mask, as much as the student council president tried to hide her amusement, you could always read her like a book. Rising to her feet, Seeun wandered over to your seat, leaning over your legs with a taunting smile.
“This is my favourite part,” she whispered, inching even closer to you. “And what would ‘this’ be?” You smirked, bringing your face impossibly closer to hers, you could feel her warm breath against your skin. Seeun smacked your feet off the large wooden table, taking a seat on the edge of it as she picked up her discarded file. “The punishment,” she grinned evilly, wiping the smirk right off your face. “You’re no fun!” You complained, throwing your head back in annoyance. “I’m enjoying myself though,” she said, tossing the file into your lap before returning to her seat.
“What’s this?” You questioned, flicking through the pages before glancing up to meet her mischievous gaze. “It’s all the chores you must complete before leaving today,” Seeun stated simply, your eyes rolling playfully at her statement. “That’s not fair, this list is huge. There’s no way I’ll finish this by the end of the day!” You exclaimed, eyes darting across what seemed like endless random jobs. “There’s one for every time you’ve been sent to me this year.” She said plainly, barely paying attention as she went back to focusing on her student council duties.
“Aww, I see! This is like your twisted version of an anniversary gift, how sweet,” you grinned. Seeun didn’t pay you any mind, only nervously chewing on the end of her pen, a faint pink tint coating her cheeks. “I suggest you get started now, otherwise you’ll still be here after sundown.” She said, biting back a smile as you scrambled to your feet, saluting her with a goofy smile. Leaning down to her level, you gently plucked the pen from between her lips. Her eyes widened at the sudden close proximity of your face as though she hadn’t done the same thing just mere moments ago.
“I’ll need to borrow this, President,” you smiled smugly, wandering off with the pen and paper in hand. “Y/n!” She called out before you could leave the room. You hummed in response, turning to face her once more, stunned by her angelic visuals every time. “Leave the hoodie. We wouldn’t want you getting in any more trouble now, would we?” Seeun said, raising a threatening brow. You quickly tugged the hoodie over your head, tossing it at the president. “Is this your way of stealing my clothes so it feels like I’m still here with you even when I’m gone? Gosh, you’re so adorable,” you said, spinning on your heel.
Seeun blushed furiously, finally letting a genuine smile creep onto her lips once you left the room. She curled her fist into the fabric of your hoodie, refusing to let you get to her, but it was already far too late for that. It was never the sudden flirtatious behaviour or how close you would get to pressing your soft pink lips to hers that made her heart race, although they still had her stomach filling with uninvited butterflies. What really did it was the rare moments of gentleness your actions held, carrying another deeper meaning to them.
Seeun tapped her foot impatiently on the wooden floors, anxiously awaiting your return as the minutes ticked by. The sun was making its descent from the clouds, rapidly falling through the sky. It’d been hours since you’d left to complete the punishment she’d set for you and school had long since ended. As much as she claimed to dislike you for being the very opposite of everything she’d worked so hard to achieve, she couldn’t bare the thought of anything bad happening to you if she left you alone at such a late hour of the evening. Not that she would ever admit that to you though.
At that very moment, you stumbled through the creaky old doors, huffing and panting as you ran towards her. “Done!” You cheered with a triumphant smile, slamming the checklist down on the table with a relieved sigh. Seeun reached over to carefully grasp the paper in her hand, carefully inspecting the list. Glancing around the room as you caught your breath, your eyes wandered back to her, much like they always did. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting,” you grinned smugly, glancing at her already packed bags.
“I wasn’t-” You cut off her dismissal, hastily tugging her up by her hand.  “Come on! We’re gonna miss it,” you suddenly exclaimed, pulling her along with you, as she barely managed to grab her neatly packed bags. “Miss what?” She questioned, looking to you like you’d gone insane, but she followed you without protest, letting you lace your fingers with her own. “No time to explain, hurry up!” You yelled, pulling her down the school halls by her hand. You both began giggling at the bizarre situation, laughter coming to a halt as you slowed to a stop as the school gates.
“Isn’t it stunning?” You said, mesmerised by the array of colours that lit up the sky as the sun peeked over the mountains. “Beautiful,” Seeun muttered, both of you hypnotised by the view, uncaring of your fingers that hung intertwined between you. “It reminds me of something..” She trailed off, finally glancing down at your hand in hers. A blush spread across her cheeks, staining them a bright pink that almost matched the sky. Just as she began to nervously pull away, you squeezed her hand, unwilling to let go just yet. The two of you relished in the peaceful silence, just taking in the ethereal sight before you. Though you couldn’t help but steal glances at the angelic beauty beside you.
“The colours remind me of Mr Lee’s butt,” you blurted out, slapping your hand over your mouth in realisation of what you’d just let slip in such a perfect moment. A sudden, loud melodious cackle broke you from your thoughts of panic. You found yourself laughing alongside Seeun in a fit of giggles. “That’s what it is, I knew it looked familiar!” She exclaimed breathlessly between laughter. You smiled brightly at her, admiring her toothy grin as she giggled at your statement. You both returned your gazes to the sun as it retreated behind the clouds, hands stuck together like magnets, bright grins plastered on your faces.
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i hope this isn’t as bad as i think it is, because my brain is fried from hours of non-stop studying
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z1onez · 1 year
hiiii, this is ro!!!! i just wanted to say that I created this account to start writing abt zb1, since I don't wanna mix them with xikers. I hope u don't mind!!!
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kpopidolsfashion · 2 years
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starryriize · 25 days
when they get protective | xikers
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╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼genre/word count: fluff, slight jealousy 760 wc!!
╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼author's note: this was lowkey sitting in my drafts for so long... i felt i repeated myself a lot 😭 i hope you enjoyed this 🌵 anon!! <33 semi-proofread
credit for hunter’s: @chiiyuuvv
🫧laur's taglist: @chiiyuuvv @cherrycolaberry @leehanascent @hyvelxve
based on this ask
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⋰˚☆ minjae: when he sees you in a short outfit, he’s thinking about how he’s so lucky to be yours but then he worries that you’ll be cold. makes sure to give you his jacket and you get worried that he’ll be cold, but he reassures you that he has a sweater :(( he also keeps his arm around your shoulders to let other people know that you’re his and he’s yours!! whispers in your ear that he promises to remind you that you’re his ;)
⋰˚☆ junmin: he would immediately hype you up in your outfit and when you ask if the shirt is too cropped, he’d just say that people can look but that’s all! tells you that he’s the only one who gets to hold your hand and gives you small kisses in public (bc he loves you and to show off)!! gets shy when you tell him to wear a crop top with you but he willingly does it :)) you both look like those couples on the street that people aspire to be!
⋰˚☆ sumin: when he sees you in your outfit, he gets protective over you! not in the way where he’s telling you to change, but he’s definitely glaring at men with wandering eyes. feels a sense of pride knowing that you’re only his!! he’s just a bit embarrassing since he holds you really close to him but you love him for it <33 at some point, he gets annoyed at the stares and just picks you up princess-style!
⋰˚☆ jinsik: he does get a bit jealous seeing the stares that you get and glares at all men who dare approach you…but he also can’t think straight when he sees you in your revealing outfit!! his face is so red and he keeps his hand in your back pocket of your shorts! gets an ego boost just like sumin knowing that he’s the one you kiss at the end of the day ;)
⋰˚☆ hyunwoo: the type to ask if you’re comfortable with it :(( he’s so respectful and even gives you his long jacket to put over your outfit! thinks you always look stunning but he doesn’t think you should be in pain for the sake of fashion!! warns you that it is cold outside and when you wear your outfit anyway- he has jackets, blankets, and more in his car <33
⋰˚☆ junghoon: he actually encourages you to wear your revealing outfit! says you only have one life so you should live it up while you can!! he does get a bit jealous and it’s obvious to everyone but him:// cracks jokes with you about how he rizzed you and how no one else can rizz you like he did!!
⋰˚☆ seeun: he would be slightly jealous...but he really just is scared that you might find other people better than him. reassure him that you're his and then give him the tightest hug :(( lets you go out in whatever outfit you want and he'll put his jacket over your shoulders!! i don't see him getting so jealous to the point where he's glaring but he's definitely obvious about it.
⋰˚☆ yujun: he gets shy when you ask him if you can wear the skirt that is just a bit short :(( says that of course you can but he’s internally going through a crisis. he doesn’t get jealous of people who stare because to him, you are a fashion icon!! hypes you up and happily holds your hand in public <33 people know that you guys are together and you both look like a couple from a kdrama !!
⋰˚☆ hunter: he would side-eye anyone and everyone who tries to get a glimpse at your outfit because it's just a tad revealing! however, he's such a gentleman. puts his arm around your waist and gives you the softest glances :(( he's protective in the way that he only cares about you. he would give you kisses on the top of your head too!
⋰˚☆ yechan: the type to just be a gentleman! he's never been jealous so he's kinda unfamiliar with what to do, but he thinks that people should stare at you!! you're a dazzling star so it makes sense that you get looks, but when the looks become creepy, he's immediately frowning. speeds up walking beside you and links your arm in his to let people know that you're taken :((
~ overall, they're all gentlemen and i think they'd all have a healthy amount of protectiveness over you.
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chiiyuuvv · 2 months
[DAY 16] masterlist ᡣ𐭩 !
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- sumin headcanons! ; touch starved note** sumins song (used to be mardy bum by the arctic monkeys) has been changed to an alternative, since i was having a little trouble writing the original request :'')
♡list : @yzerpoz , @imthisclosetokms , @rizzkisworld , @hyvelxve , @dogyunslover , @starryriize
touchstarved!bf!sumin who..
𖤓 ⤑ hates leaving your side whenever you cuddle, his hands would try to hold your waist down when you try to push away, his head tucked deep inside your neck as he lets out a series of whines. You always try to find new ways to persuade the boy to let you go but, alas, it never works. His clinginess gets even worse when he's been having a hard day at work, he just needs to be comforted in your warmth to feel better :((
𖤓 ⤑ fails to hold back his smile whenever your fingers linger onto his arms, his hair; wherever they land. He just feels so giggly like an innocent school girl, his face hiding in his hands which hides his blushing cheeks. He only gets worse whenever you decide to tease him for it, trying to run out the room to escape your remarks.
𖤓 ⤑ can't get enough of your lips. He loves the soft feel of the plush pink and loves how you smile like crazy. Especially in the mornings: he loves waking up to your hands running up and down his warm, inviting body, before your lips find his. Sometimes, you're not even fully awake yet, so it becomes a little sloppy, but that never not makes his heart skip a couple beats. He also loves half-asleep cuddles; a sleepy, satisfied hum leaving his lips as he nuzzles his head onto yours, leaning into your warmth.
𖤓 ⤑ randomly bites you. Why does he do this? No one knows why. Sometimes he finds whatever you're doing to be too cute for his liking, and since he's just overwhelmed with emotions, he'll just grab your shoulder to bite. That's on most days. If your face is close enough, he will bite your cheeks. Don't say I didn't warn you.
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coreancitizen · 3 months
'Marry My Husband' episode 12
Some thoughts before tomorrow's episode 13 of "Marry My Husband"
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The Yura character — She wasn't introduced out of the blue. She'd been mentioned often enough and teased enough from the beginning that she was bound to show up. I figured it was going to be some kind of stunt casting because the show was hiding her face. Lost on me though, I have no idea who the actress is.
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Yura is not in the webtoon — Yes. But she is in the webnovel, on which the series is actually based on. Whether she's the best character/plot the writers of the series could have picked up from the novel is debatable. But they definitely needed something for the leads after the wedding because in the webtoon, the focus pretty much shifts to Minhwan and Sumin's growing misery as well as Juran's domestic troubles.
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Jiwon's reaction to Yura's appearance — OK, this is the part that has caused quite a bit of uproar. What I'm getting is that folks are confused, angry at Jiwon because Jihyuk and Huiyeon both explained he didn't cheat on her and yet she cut off the relationship just like that.
I agree this is about cheating, but I think folks may be looking at it wrong — Jiwon was looking at Yura as the one being cheated on, not her. That in this scenario, she, Jiwon, is the other woman. Like her mom who made the one-sided decision to cut off her relationship with her dad and leave them both, Jihyuk made the one-sided decision to call off his longtime engagement to Yura. This was underscored by the flashback at the beginning of episode 12, when young Jiwon comes across Dad sobbing as he watches Mom with another guy. "... no matter how long you endure, those left behind get hurt. No matter what the relationship is, once it's started, I don't think it's right for one person to end it one-sidedly."
Why didn't she listen to Jihyuk or Huiyeon? Because, like Jiwon said, everything sounded like an excuse. The hurt from long ago was blocking all logic for her. Plus, I don't think she really had time to process because they were immediately hit with the whammy that is Manager Yang's cancer diagnosis. There's that whole "oh shit, I transferred my miserable fate to one of my favorite people" mind fuck on top of all this.
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Also, she doesn't know what a witch Yura is (hearing about it and seeing it for herself are very different things) . Once Jiwon finds out and then gets the reminder of how shitty her mom is, she goes to see Jihyuk. Doesn't talk to him but it is a step toward him. I can't be mad at that.
Could this angst have been handled better? Absolutely, given how confused people got.
Anyway, this would all be resolved in tomorrow's episode, I feel. Preview shows Jiwon by Jihyuk's side at the hospital. Don't think she'll be stepping back after that and we'll get our power couple in action again soon.
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
[9.14] baby!xikers (ft. teacher!sunmi)
⇀ truly, they are interesting children
⇁ disclaimer : the author is not forcing any ideas or form of relationship between irl characters. this fic is specifically for entertainment purposes
a/n : finally a standalone baby!xikers fic !!! and i know i used the term baby when i meant kindergarteners, but to me it sounds more adorable and that's still a baby. and i just had to put sunmi here bc wtf they're... adorable together ?? it's giving ateez but shy and still appearance conscious and ofc a whole new meaning to crackheadassery <3 but lookie @flowerboykun babies !!!!!
wc : 1.9 k
genre : fluff, baby!au
buy me coffee ?
After school hours, as parents tend to work longer hours or be busy until a little later, the school provides daycare until as late as 7 pm. Ten close-knitted children found themselves herded into a big classroom by their teachers because their parents were not going to be able to pick them up until later that day. As children of celebrities, this is not a rare occurrence nor is it a daily occurrence for them as schedules tend to change depending on their parents' availabilities. They had no problem with this, however, as they know what cool jobs their parents do for a living and they love spending time together. So even for Yechan who was merely 3 years old, they all were able to adapt to being in daycare rather quickly.
Right off the bat, after they all placed their belongings like school bags and the teachers helped the babies (Yechan and a struggling Yujun and Hunter) store their items in the cubbies, the children were assisted to have their lunch as per the program. The ten children really liked having their lunch at school as they got to eat together and spent their time with other school staff like the lunch ladies and even the groundskeeper when they spend time outside after lunch. Once back indoors after an hour of playing, the children grouped themselves with some others in a manner of activities that they shared their interests in. Sumin, Hunter, and Hyunwoo spent time colouring and drawing in one corner, Junmin, Seeun, Jinsik, and Yujun were doing physical activities like dancing and playing games, while Minjae, Junghoon, and baby Yechan are playing legos (Minjae and Junghoon are, Yechan was just holding onto one piece and staring at the two older boys in awe).
The teachers had yet to have any problems with the boys, as they were in fact the least of their teachers' problems. Compared to glue eaters, serial wet willy givers, booger wipers, and swing pushers, the boys' noise and occasional messiness when they're playing are not even a little bit of a problem. At most, the teachers would simply have to separate one child from another and even then, the same children would find themselves crawling back to each other, playing as if nothing had happened not ten minutes later. So days like this, days where the children sit around and play whatever it is that they wanna play together with their friends are not rare but still not underappreciated.
One of the more senior teachers, Sunmi, was tasked to handle the daycare that day which she usually does so happily, but this was the first time she had to handle the group. Nevertheless, she got into the classroom with a big smile and enthusiasm. "Hi, everyone!" she greeted after closing the door of the classroom. Hearing the familiar voice, Yechan snapped his head towards Sunmi and immediately dropped the Lego piece he was holding before bracing himself and making a run for to woman by the door, surprising Junghoon who had a hand forward, waiting for Yechan to hand him a piece of lego block. The little giggly baby was thankfully caught by Sunmi who propped him on her hip as soon as he was in her arms, used to him acting like that from the times she had taken care of his baby class. Yechan was followed by Yujun and Hunter who looked up at her with big eyes, "Are you gonna play with us, miss?" Yujun asked with a tilt of his head to which Sunmi answered with an enthusiastic nod of her head, "yes! I'm here to play and accompany you all until your parents get here! Now, who wants to tell me what they've been doing?"
Soon enough, Sunmi went around the room asking the boys what they have been doing until she got there (with Yechan stuck on her side be it in her arms, hugging her leg, or just tailing behind quietly). Other than Yechan whom she already had the pleasure of interacting with beforehand, Sunmi was able to know what each boy was like and who they were close with. Of course, the most questionable one in her opinion was Junghoon because he barely reacted to her and when asked, he said that he was making a ship that can help him survive another great flood. It was a simple flat surface. But she was grateful to see that Hyunwoo seemed to understand him well (maybe even enabled him). She also saw how Junmin was able to care for his younger friends while doing his own thing like telling Seeun to be careful as he almost kicked his brother Sumin in the face (and disproved how Sumin said "I can just kick him back"). The diversity of how the children played together was fun to see, no one was stuck on their phones and to Sunmi it was refreshing to see.
When she finished her rounds in the classroom, Sunmi noticed Minjae's work was slowly taking shape and she immediately realized what Minjae was trying to make. "Oh, lookie! Are you trying to make a castle, here, Minjae?" she asked as she crouched down, prompting Yechan to move around her and sat next to Minjae with eyes glimmering with interest. Minjae, not looking up from his creation, nodded quickly and confidently, "Yes, this is the princess's balcony," he pointed to the spot where he just finished. It was genuinely amazing to see such a young child be able to make an actual creation. Without thinking much, Sunmi pat Minjae's head and smiled gently, "I hope I can see the end result," as she wanted to show genuine interest and appreciation for what he was doing.
Time flew while she was on duty, spending time getting to know and interacting with the children. Soon enough, it was snack time for the children and Sunmi immediately took notice, not wanting the children to go hungry as they tend to use a lot of their energy. Sunmi clapped her hands to get the attention of the children. "Come on children, it's time for your snack!" she called out as she headed to the door to get the snack crates that would usually be placed by the door for the teachers to take. Knowing that the school usually gives out two crates, one for the snack and another for the milk, Jinsik, Sumin, and Hyunwoo jumped from their seats and rush to Sunmi's side to help her. Meanwhile, Junmin called his friends and got them ready in a line with the help of Yechan who just parrotted what Junmin said from the front of the line (as he was the tiniest and the most likely to create havoc in the back with Seeun or Junghoon). "Okay, Yechannie, can you help me give the milk away to your hyungs?" Sunmi asked the little boy as she helped Hyunwoo and Jinsik pull the heavier milk crate all the way to where the line started while Sumin pushed the lighter sandwich crate until it hit the milk crate.
Yechan was already holding onto his carton of milk when Sunmi spoke to him, asking him to help give out the milk to his friends and he immediately looked between his milk carton, the milk crate, and his friends. "Uh... Uh..." he hesitated for a bit, looking confused which didn't go unnoticed by Sunmi who crouched in front of him, "What is it, Yechannie? Are the cartons too heavy for you?" She asked, genuinely concerned about him. Yechan simply shook his head and placed his milk carton aside, "No, Yechannie can," he stated determinedly before taking three cartons in his arms and began walking to his friends and telling them to take one from his arms and doing it all over again until all of them got their milk. Sunmi was happy to see that everyone was getting along and even helping her out. It wasn't until Yechan finished handing out the milk cartons and the boys finished getting their sandwiches that she noticed there was one of each left. "Who hasn't gotten their snacks?" she asked, stopping the boys as they were about to sit down in the middle together to share their food.
Sunmi suddenly felt a tug on her shirt and saw that Hunter was the one seeking her attention. "Miss, Minjae hyung is still playing," he said as he pointed to the eldest, still busy with his legos which had had some features added since the last time Sunmi went to check on him. While it was impressive, to say the least, Sunmi also knew that the boys needed to have their snacks on schedule so they would be used to having a regulated eating schedule. It seemed like the boy was completely oblivious to what everyone was doing, however, simply minding his own business with absolutely no care in the world. Even when the children are bustling around, running near him with their food and drink, Minjae didn't even bat an eye which made Sunmi worry.
"Minjae-ah," Sunmi called out to him which luckily he noticed and shifted his big eyes from his work to Sunmi, "Do you think you can join us here for a minute?" she asked as sweetly as she can, not wanting to upset the boy. Luckily for her, Minjae simply blinked and looked between her, his work, and his friends before he noticed that it was indeed snack time. So he nodded and paused his construction to approach Sunmi with small yet quick steps. "'m sorry miss, I was making the castle's courtyard," he said with lips pursing slightly and eyes glancing at her from his bangs. Of course, Sunmi couldn't fault him, he was just so excited about creating something and she did say she wanted to see the end result so maybe hearing that, he became more eager to finish to show her that he was able to deliver. Sunmi simply smiled and shook her head at him, scooting closer to where he was standing to pat him on the head, "Don't worry about it, okay? I'm just glad you're enjoying yourself and you're joining us for snacks." Minjae visibly beamed upon hearing that, a wide grin plagued the boy's face before he nodded and skipped along to where his other friends were.
Seeing the children getting along and being able to follow instructions well made Sunmi's chest swell with pride. Looking at them in their big circle, Sunmi realized that they were so close to each other and they love and cared for each other. Maybe that was what made her duty so easy to handle.
That was until a cry broke the happy bubble and Sunmi heard one of the children yell for her attention. "Miss Sunmi, Jinsik hyung poked his nose with the straw!" Yujun called out before taking a munch of his sandwich as the other children watched Jinsik hold his nose while crying. "Seeun pushed my milk!" Jinsik yelled, still crying. "No, I didn't!" Seeun defended with quivering lips and within no time, he too began crying from the accusation which caused his brother Sumin to whip his head and rushed over to tower over Jinsik and ask if he made his brother cry. This was met with Jinsik, who was still in pain, pushing Sumin away which made him stumble and bumped into Hyunwoo, causing him to accidentally splash some of his milk onto Junghoon who froze (or seem like he froze). Chaos ensued and the once-calm room turned into a state of dystopia.
Perhaps Sunmi spoke too soon.
taglist :
@kodzukein @phenomenalgirl9 @skzatzloveismonsterous @memorymonster @thesolarplanetarysystem @dreamlesswonder86 @maddiebabyxoxo @imababywolf @do-you-actually-care @marievllr-abg @ilsedingsx @wasteitonserendipity @bbymatz @noonaishere @honeyhwaaa @ateezourstars @yoonjunshi @yoongiigolden @camillelafaye @charreddonuts @jcngh0-hq @kpopnightingale @starryunho @atinct @mirror-juliet @hyuckilstan @jayb17 @kpoplover718 @haatohwa @x-bluee @erinaimeexx @blackb3ll @mingiholic @angelicyeo @vampcharxter @meowmeowminnie @marvelous-llama @kawennote09 @hongjoong-lovebot @ming-ki @stopeatread @spooo00oky
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@cultofdionysusnet @kflixnet
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