#swinging a bat at a hornet's nest
literallyaflame · 9 months
a person online: i hate it when adults act like childish little freaks in public, smh. you’re an adult, you should be able to order your own food without help. get over yourself. also, why are some people, like, waaaaaaay too into the stuff that they like? omg, and the people who CLEARLY can’t even have one (1) normal conversation without acting Weird??? it’s embarrassing, u guys are embarrassing, get help
the same person five seconds later: we gotta remember to love and support the autistic community u guys <3
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hoothalcyon · 7 months
tdp canon mlm: i miss my husband :(
tdp mlm queerbait: i seduced you into trusting me and letting me put a magical bug inside of you and i call it "our child"
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binaryeclipse · 2 years
It is kind of amazing that The Clone Wars, a show for children, has an episode card literally dealing with the concept of attachment and yet grown adults on this platform and others still think attachment means love and the Jedi are evil and wrong for forbidding it.
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[Photo id: a picture of a television in a dark room. The screen is black with big blue text that says "Attachment is not compassion." In the corner of the screen in smaller text it says "S2:E8 Brain Invaders" and in even smaller print beneath that "Star Wars: The Clone Wars."]
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beanfreak · 5 months
looks at all the “RTVS hates HLVRAI so much and they’d never make a sequel you guys are so stupid for actually expecting it” posts and points and laughs and chortles and giggles and
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Sorry, we took your story’s themes about healing and compassion and decided that it’s actually apologism. Yeah, stories should only have the audience empathise with unproblematic characters. Humanising a character is now the same as excusing their actions.
Also redemption must be reserved only for characters that we deem acceptable of change.
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crunchy-the-dragon · 6 months
some astarion fans be like "yeah i think its sexy when he continues the cycle of abuse that gave him all sorts of trauma" then act surprised when people look at them weird
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crispycreambacon · 2 months
I really wanna discuss Ryan/Professor with someone, but the problem is that people barely know of this ship 'cause the show isn't meant for shipping, and if they do, they either hate it, ship it only as a joke or are wildly horny over it like.
I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who interprets this ship the way I do, and it sucks 'cause gAH I WANNA TALK ABOUT IT but the chance of someone hearing me out is so low, if anyone wants to hear me out, please let me know 💀🙏🏽
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piscodemon · 4 months
There's a fucking problem in this fandom when I look up "Wyll Ravengard BG3" on Etsy and almost exclusively I get stuff for Astarion. And if you DO find stuff of Wyll. He's whitewashed like 50% of the time.
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dorkygurl-89 · 10 days
(never usually engage with politics but this is just getting annoying)
friendly reminder: if your "feminism" is just attacking and putting down other sides cuz "this side is full of rapists and abusers", you are actively engaging in the same system that fucks you over
there's something called nuance, people
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haystarlight · 1 year
You people who think Steven should've killed the Diamonds, I just have one question for you:
How? With what weapons? With what powers? With what army? How, exactly, could he have killed them?
Even if Steven wanted to, he couldn't have done it, he wasn't strong enough. He wasn't powerful enough. At least, not at the time of CYM.
This isn't like Avatar where Aang could've easily killed Osai if he'd wanted to, he was just some guy with really strong fire bending, he wasn't that difficult to kill.
The Diamonds were the biggest, strongest, most powerful things in the universe. How, exactly, was Steven supposed to kill them? Even if he wanted to, it wouldn't be possible for him.
He has powers and he's strong, but he's not strong enough. He's only 14. How is he supposed to kill them? He's short for a 14-year-old and those things are FUCKING HUGE.
What? With the Breaking Point? The Breaking Point's design is actually really flawed. You have to get super close to the other Gem to be able to kill them. It's not like a gun, where you can shoot from far away, you have to get super close or it doesn't work.
Little potato Steven wouldn't have been able to get close enough to any of the Diamonds to use the Breaking Point, they would've stomped on him.
Any way I try to slice it, there's no way Steven or any of the other good guys could've killed the Diamonds. They were too strong. They couldn't even poof them.
And I guarantee you. The same people who say Steven should've killed the Diamonds would probably have said "Deus Ex Machina" if Steven had suddenly found some great, powerful weapon or some insanely strong power up that would've allowed him to do the deed. You people are never satisfied. You always find something to complain about.
Also also, if Steven killed the Diamonds, then they wouldn't have been able to cure the Corrupted Gems and that would've been a crappy ending for fans of Jasper and Centipeedle.
So, if you have an enemy and you can't kill them (you literally, physically can NOT), you can't lock them up in prison, you can't even ignore them.... what's left? Talking. You have no choice but to use words. It's the only thing you have. Steven had no choice but to talk to them. He wasn't strong enough to do anything else. Talking was literally the only option.
Steven couldn't have killed them even if he had wanted to, he couldn't even poof them. None of the good guys could have done anything. They couldn't lock them up or punish them. It wasn't even an option. Talking was the only thing that had a sliver of a chance at working.
If Steven had tried to kill them, he'd be dead now.
If you want to argue he should've killed them, I need you to explain to me HOW.
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notacopperhead · 3 months
yknow. I'm gonna say something potentially controversial. I find the tik tok euphemisms and censored letters annoying to read, but I honestly don't blame the users. like, at all. the only thing they did wrong was use tik tok in the first place. in a way its a form of resistance, phrases and terms are banned to prevent people from discussing them and they're discussed anyways by working around automatic filters, the same thing happens on Tumblr with a few subjects. I would rather grow up in a world where some kids say unalive rather then a world where some kids don't know what the concept of death or killing is.
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galladegamer · 6 months
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You hate bumbleby cause you're homophobic and/or you're dissatisfied with how they're portrayed in the show.
I hate bumbleby cause I ship Yang and her sister.
We are not the same 😤
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newsfromstolenland · 1 year
It's beyond frustrating when I make a post about an issue that harms real live people and someone decides that it's actually about like. shipping discourse or fandom drama
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tangledbeast · 2 months
Since I am a glutton for punishment and love a good trainwreck I honest to god tried watching Habbo Hostel. Ignoring the....obvious issues. It's weird. Only made it thought ep1 and half of 2. The moment something remotely interesting or funny happens it veers off into another direction. The moment more than 3 characters are in a shot it's a mess. Why is the camera moving like this?!
If it was someone's youtube or newgrounds series I'd be reasonably impressed. But people are supposed to pay for this? And Amazon and A24 were backing it? They couldn't afford to have someone polish it a little?
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autistic-sidon · 2 months
I think after Side Order it's extra funny that those shippers™ (especially on twitter they literally still yap about it to this day) were bending over backwards trying to prove Nintendo had some homophobic agenda.
Like we have Side Order, which features a very unsubtle lesbian couple (Pearl and Marina) as well as Acht who uses they/them pronouns.
I actually think totk itself is a step up from botw in terms of queerness actually! They got rid of the trans woman caricature, and that orientalist ass outfit/transphobic quest. There are also tons of masculine framed NPCS who wear makeup, and the fucking new outfits are so damn cunty? They also brought Bolson back and toned him down without destroying his personality, and making his quest about using his skills to help people. Emphasizes the fact that he's really strong and really smart because he's a damn architect/construction worker. (I also think he's literally living with the Lurelin mayor hello?) And if you're really that mad about gay fish specifically there's two incidents of homoerotic dialogue Dorephan says about/to Muzu. As far as I'm aware Muzu and Yona are not related please don't cut my head off or call me a proshitter if I'm wrong 😭😭
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