mothwithteeth · 2 years
heeeeyyy its me. im sharing a secret with you today and i feel like tanjiro for that reason hehehe~ whenever i can't find your blog on my dash, i make it a pont to find your blog and see what the vibe is today. also i took the time today to go through your blog and i love the shigaraki content (im not the biggest humungous fan of him) but you make me like him more. i may or may not have shared your works with people but holy cow, i loved ever second of reading it. anyway. love your blog, love your content, love you. have a great day and relax for me <33333
i usually have something kind or witty to say, at least after some time poring over a message, but i can't find anything. this is so sweet and so nice i'm literally floored and maybe a little crying? you're so sweet. sorry the vibe of the day is "why are we dressing like nazis? don't dress like a nazi." dgfjhkl
thank you. i really appreciate it <3
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beauspot · 3 months
so I have this vision in my head of a scene next season
syd is very affected at the funeral since she lost her mom and she starts to cry because it’s overwhelming and carmen (who is obsessed with sydney being ok) notices this and (being literally insane) slips his hand into hers gripping it tight.
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he doesn’t let go until they have to leave and even then she’s the one to pull away as she stands in the pews. she doesn’t look back. but carmy can’t keep his eyes off her.
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he watches her head for the door until his eyes shift to the pew behind them where richie and nat are sitting. staring at him.
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I love the way he makes her smile
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unladyboss · 5 days
With the help of Marcus
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That means more hanging out with any or ALL of those guys
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CARMY, Richie, Marcus, Luca, Connor
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asurrogateblog · 1 month
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did anyone else have a moment like this the first time you listened to dark globe
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kylejsugarman · 1 month
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idk why this is so funny to me. "wipeout" he tripped and broke his neck 😭
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uncriticalbunny · 10 months
desperately need to meet sydney's friends and more of her family next season. i've seen some people hope for big celeb cameos for those roles but i hope they move tf on from that. let some unknowns have a chance pleathe.
but back to my point. we got a glimpse of sydney outside of work with her father in s2. we've seen syd's former colleagues who adore her but that was brief and in a work-related context. how does sydney look and act away from the charged tension with her """"business partner"""" and high stress work environment? around other black women friends and family? relaxing? partying? there's truly so much to explore there.
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blackjack-15 · 5 months
syd's pushing here where she shouldn't, and it's her impatience rocking through again -- "can we jam on it later?" "later is better for me chef" -- carmy says it multiple times and she just speaks right through him. syd's pattern seems to be no confidence -> success -> praise from carmy -> pushing too fast and making mistakes -> blowup -> no confidence. it's an understandable cycle, but it needs to get broken
carmy's lack of confidence in the to-go is well founded -- they're understaffed, 2 hours to service, and it is not the time to talk about risotto
"hey, listen to me, please" he again shows his style isn't shouty and angry, when he's working he's patient and firm; she takes his listing out her strengths and weaknesses as a pejorative sort of thing, but it's not -- he's letting her know he knows how she operates and that she's going to have to give the grace she wants. this was a fantastic exchange, but you can see that it stings her a little in her pride, and so we're definitely gonna see it come up again
because for sydney, any comment by carmy is personal. his praise lifts her up, his critique -- or even just him saying that they'll work on a problem together later, like here -- is a brush off and an insult. their relationship is more intimate (emotionally, not physically) than it should be at this point, mostly because they fit so well together, but they're still employer/employee, which complicates things
his answer to why he called her past places of work being "because your resume is excellent and this place is not" is so good for so many reasons. it's a bit of praise that syd doesn't even react to (because she's worried about what people said about her/why carmy was 'checking up' on her); it shows carmy does due dilligence and thinks through every decision, despite seeming reckless, and -- most importantly -- it shows that he meant his question from ep1 of "why are you here" seriously, and that when he wasn't satisfied with the answer she gave, he went looking for one that would satisfy him
if you ask me, it's another hint to the viewer as well that syd lied about her connection to the Beef, but that could just be my own bias
and when she starts saying "you're saying that's why my business failed" etc etc carmy's genuine confusion at how she got there with his immediate "that's not what i'm saying, no, no -- i'm saying give me a minute" is so so good
it's a shame that syd doesn't hear it and her obvious impatience/irritation when Carmy has to leave as he's explaining himself -- excellent work on his part! shows he's learned from their ep 3 heart to heart! -- just wipes any good feelings she had. her face is so impatient as Carmy's trying to explain where he's coming from that i know trouble is brewing, and it's going to explode. ep 6 out of 8? yeah we're about to have a massive blowup, that's where the pacing's at
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mothwithteeth · 2 years
im eating up all of your content, you're amazing, love. i mean i know you can write now but your every day little snippets give me motivation to get through the day so i just wanted frop by, share a few cheerios and let you know that all your little messages are my itty bitty diamonds that i like to revisit. i think your cool and mfinna stop before this appreciation turns into rambling; keep flourishing my favorite lil moth :p 💕
i genuinely don't know how to respond to this bc you have reduced me to a blushy puddle. thank you so much. you're very sweet, and i always love seeing your pfp come up
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beauspot · 9 months
thinking about the likelihood of carmy telling syd he loves her next season and it’s a coin toss in my head. because jeremy already said carmy loves syd, but he clearly has a hard time saying that out loud, instead he chooses to show it through his actions.
i just keep seeing a scene in my mind where they’re just chilling after an intense dinner rush or whatever and syd has her head between her knees as they’re both sitting on the ground behind the restaurant. carmy is looking at her, not looking away and he asks if she’s ok. then maybe syd expresses how she’s beginning to feel the loneliness of her job setting in and like she doesn’t really have anyone outside of her dad. then carmy just stares at her for a few seconds contemplating. he opens his mouth then closes it. he clenches his jaw and forces himself to say it.
“you know i love you, right syd?”
they both freeze. and then she turns to look at him. trying to decipher what he means. he probably means platonically, she thinks. but carmy doesn’t even know what he means. syd nods and she wants to say it back but the words get caught in her throat. carmy shakes his head and doesn’t say a word but she understands. you don’t have to say it back. i know.
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more-relics · 1 year
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Pink Floyd outside a ladies room in 1967
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unladyboss · 9 months
Sydney's Room
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Carmy's Room
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We can compare them, but it doesn't mean that either of them has it easier than the other, or greater burdens to bear. It just means they're different or at different stages emotionally
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thealogie · 11 months
I can’t believe you all let me watch this knowing I’d have to witness Carmy and Syd be Like This
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
actually the immediate aftermath of the news breaking is just as fascinating in a sad, twisted way. jake has to come back home and go back to school like everything’s normal, even though his entire city and eventually the whole country can’t stop talking about the chemistry teacher turned meth distributor and his presumed dead junkie accomplice who spent his final months living in a hole in the ground. they’re still showing photos of the cage (furnished with shackles, slick with his brother’s blood) on CNN when jake walks into homeroom. his parents are smothering him at home, but there’s a glaring space now between himself and everyone else. a few of his teachers take him aside, ask him how he’s doing and if he’s ok; other teachers look at him strangely, as if trying to determine from jake’s face alone his criminal potential. does it run in the family?? a few students greet him normally, but some whisper behind his back or tag him in facebook and twitter memes about the crime as a cruel joke. some of his friends start avoiding him altogether, later messaging him to admit that their parents told them to stop talking to jake. like it’s contagious. like it runs in the family. jake’s brother is gone in every sense of the word, only he’s everywhere, from the untouched bedroom next to his to the comments about what the nazis might’ve done to jesse under every post. “he got what he deserved.” jake wants to be completely alone, away from all of this for just a fucking second. he unknowingly sits in the same place under the back porch that his brother did a few years ago to smoke, listening to music and trying to sink into the dark. there’s a plastic bag of blue rock candy taped to his locker the next day.
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pompadorbz · 2 years
I have like half an hour to spare so here's my specific taka hc that i have ummm
So Ishida having the fire eyes thing looked cool but i constantly wish that it was more used, or better yet: I thought it'd be cool if it paralelled something. So I kinda started rotating fire motifs for Taka, since while celeste is usually portrayed with the fire imagery because of her execution I think it's a cool way to represent Taka as well and I love it whenever I sparsely see it.
At some point I also thought itd be funny to take it kinda literally by giving him a little sprinkle of pyromania as this other thing he's repressed? And so its kinda like. I guess foreshadowing for Ishida in a way. He couldn't allow himself to fuel the fire so the first time he did, he did it recklessly, and it went out of control.
I think he only ever started small fires as a kid back before the shit with Toranosuke went down. They were relatively controlled to pieces of paper outside or just in the fireplace, but after the scandal occurred and they had to move to a much smaller place I think he started a small fire ouside or something, and it spread to the house itself and accidentally burnt the whole thing down.
And hypothetically that would be his chapter 2 secret that we never learn because not even his family knew it was him. They thought that it had to do with the fireplace the whole time while Taka silently blamed himself for making their family debt worse. Its funny because in the hypothetical scenario where this secret is revealed it would also be Ishida foreshadowing.
It also kinda makes celeste's death kinda neat in the domino chain of murders that is chapter 3 because her execution involves fire. Taka almost gets the last laugh in a way if all of this is taken into consideration.
I also like the idea that he has cryophobia as well but that's based on literally nothing but headcanons and would take SO MUCH LONGER to explain in detail so I'll hold off for now, lol.
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maqui-chan · 16 days
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He got his vow and the angel trait taken away by ivory wraith (guy did not survive the halloween blood moon).......................... And it wasn't even ivory wraith themselves that took it away it was one of their damn tentacles....
Well... at least this resulted into me finally seeing the Sydney and Harper scene....
(also dare I say i love how the fallen angel wings look your wings are bleeding and decaying I LOVE IT)
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