#teeny tiny simon riley ; ghost
sudsyv2 · 1 year
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There’s no thought behind those eyes of his when he was wiggling his little steppers
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wrylu · 5 months
FUCK!!! it's finally done. after a whole day
COD CHARACTERS, but they're B U G S
cw insects!! if you get hibbie jibbies from buggo art or just bugs in general, u can scroll💗
and for those who wanna see the art, it looks better if you click on it and zoom in on it or something :)
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the worms in my brain bothered me last night to draw cod characters but they're bugs and this morning i started IMMEDIATELY
at the cost of my fingers, wrists, and hands 🕊
the amount of tags on this one.
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solivagantingrebel · 7 months
I love Ghost with light brown eyes that catch the sunlight perfectly, makes them look golden, I also like him with dark and fathomless brown eyes that's downright intimidating to look AND I also like Ghost with rusty brown eyes that look vaguely red if you don't focus too closely. Anyway, I love brown eyes (especially his design choices).
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lululandd · 1 year
Ok I can't stop thinking about the froggie statues in the plants. (Find all the froggie figurines!) Reader should keep a teeny tiny one in her pocket so that when (if?) Ghost eventually invites her inside, she can sneak one in his apartment. 🐸
at peace;
pairing: simon ‘ghost’ riley x f!reader
wordcount: 1205
warning: fluff, froggies, simon riley is a fucking mess, part 2 of this fic
note: also on ao3
summary: what tendy said.
The last time he felt nervous to the point of nausea was a year ago, when he learnt of Graves and Shepherd’s betrayal. But today he felt even worse than that. He saw a glimpse of her daily, sometimes once every two days. The woman saunters to his balcony, waters his plants, wipes the little frogs clean—apparently he missed a little purple one by the orchid—and goes back upstairs. 
He bought different kinds of teas the other day, not knowing what kind she would like, and now the possibility of her not liking tea at all made bile rise up to the back of his throat. Why is he feeling like this? She’s just his neighbour. He’s just being polite by repaying her for making his fire escape look decent. He’s killed men numerous times before and felt nothing, but why is asking his neighbour to come insi—
Realisation hits as he ran for the sink.
He’s never invited anyone in before. Not even Johnny knows where he lives. This would be the first time since he moved here that he would invite someone inside. He looked around the place. Is this how normal people live? Could it be too… pristine? Too immaculate? Should he have at least one picture on a shelf? He glanced at the gloomy state of his apartment and decided he needed to add a little more…. life to it. 
He was caught off guard on his way back from his third trip to the store. He had a little shoe rack and some books on the backseat of his car. 
“Hey neighbour!” He heard her speak.
She nodded. The woman had a cup of something he can’t distinguish but recognise the café it came from. “You need help?” She gestured at his car.
“Yes.” He answered without thinking. The word just fired out of his brain like a bullet; straight out of his mouth. He didn’t need her help, didn’t want her help. There’s a very empty picture frame on the desk next to the telly and he’s fairly sure she’d be weirded out by. “In a bit.”
She visibly backed off and he thought he had said the wrong thing when she just nodded, “I’ll swing by in an hour? That allright?”
He fixed his empty frame problem, placed the books down, and arranged all the extra knick-knacks he bought to somewhere he thought would look normal and presentable. It was after spraying his living space with some air freshener that he started questioning what he was doing. Why was he doing this? To what extent is he going to pretend he is a functioning human being? Would he have done the same thing if Soap was to come over?
A knock on his balcony door lets him know if he would pass as being normal to a civilian. He was greeted with a decent sized tupperware of brownies half shoved into his face. “So what am I helping with?”
In his daze to make his place seem normal as possible he had cleaned and put everything in its place. “Sorry, fixed it actually. Fancy a cuppa instead?”
She handed him the brownies so she can take her shoes off. She left them outside by the plants, and saw they were just like them, colourful. He gestured to the sofa as he walked to the kitchen, “Any requests?”
He was unimpressed when she skipped the sofa entirely and walked with him to the kitchen. The girl probably doesn’t trust him with her tupp—
“Any would be fine, I’m not picky.” She instead sat on the dining chair that previously held his dying plant. The plant that started all of this.
“There’s a couple. White, black, earlgrey, chamomile, matcha, as—.”
“No way. Matcha? Do you have that whisk thingy too?” She moved her wrist around.
He opened a drawer and grabbed the wooden whisk and proudly held it up. “You want matcha?”
To his dismay she shook her head, “I’ll just have whatever you feel like having right now.”
“Guest’s choice.”
“I brought brownies. Host’s pick.”
“Matcha goes great with brownies.” He lied. He just wanted to see her eyes light up like earlier.
She nodded enthusiastically, “Whatever you say, you’re the tea expert.”
Fuck. She was just being polite and leaves everything to him because she thinks he’s knowledgeable. He needs more info about tea if he— If he what, actually. Why does he keep thinking about what she wants and what she thinks of him? Would he have thought the same if it was Price thinking he knows more about tea than he really does?
He was so absorbed in his own thoughts that when he turned around to hand her the tea, she wasn’t in her seat anymore. She was looking at the books he had put on the shelf. He had to walk over to hand her the mug.
“You a fan?” She pointed at his freshly purchased Dune books, he sees the sparkle in her eyes again and he has to disappoint her for the second time today.
“Haven’t read ‘em yet. Thought the covers looked interesting.”
“So you just… bought the whole hardcover set because they looked… pretty?” He notices the many crinkles at the edge of her eyes when she smiles. He would like to coun—
“Gotta match my new garden.” He nodded at the balcony. It was utter horseshite from his part but he must admit that the books did make the view prettier. He needs to take that into consideration when buying things now.
The way her face lights up to look up at him mimics the first time he had offered his space to her. “You mean it?”
He took a sip of his tea with one hand and crossed his heart with the other. He hoped this would distract her from his face because he was sure he was blushing. Where’s his mask when he n—
Ghost doesn’t belong here, not now. Ghost will be needed someday when someone bothers her. Ghost will be sorely awakened that day when she tells him she shouldn’t be coming over anymore, but for the time being Ghost doesn’t belong here.
He reminded her about the brownies and glad that whatever bollocks he spewed earlier turned out correct. Matcha did go with brownies. The girl said so herself.
“I’m Simon, by the way.”
He got a call from Price that night, and for the first time, he was sad he had to leave. His mind wandered to his books and wondered if he will ever even read past a quarter of the first one. As he walked over to look at them, he noticed something.
There was a skinny little frog covered in glitter—standing upright with an unamused face—hidden behind the books and the empty basket he had up there. He then moved the frog front and centre, where it really belongs.
Or, that’s where he thought it does, until a week later. The glitter caught his eye as he scans the room one last time before leaving, so he snagged it from its perch and slips it into his inner jacket pocket, comfortably held against his heart.
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sensivs · 1 year
I'm thankful for the bazonga m!reader fics which i found you with 🤤
Could we get some boys cumming just from praise🙏🏻😊
YES OFC 😊😊😊🫶🫶🫶‼️‼️‼️
The skin roughly slapping against skin was the only thing heard in the room, soft moans left roach’s mouth even when you relentlessly pounded into him.
“You look so pretty like this Gary! Your doing so fucking well~” gary’s moans got a little bit louder due to your words of praise.
His eyes gathered up large amounts of salty water, his grip tightened on the bedsheets, grunts replaced his moans.
Then, a loud moan ripped itself out of roach’s mouth as cum spurted out of his tip. You then soon followed up with him.
Cum overflowed out of the 6’4 (I was shocked when i found out that roach is 6’4, twt has deceived me once again) man’s ass.
“AnG~! oH mEin gOtT aH~!!” König screamed out as his already tight grip tightened. His nails dug deep into your skin and was most definitely going to leave a mark.
Your dick pounded into him like there was no tomorrow, “fuck, your so fucking beautiful when your below me~ your too perfect for me~”
König’s dick started twitching uncontrollably as he then started to cum. Hot sticky white ropes flew onto both of your chests.
“Good boy~”
Low grunts and moans left ghost’s mouth as he was relentlessly being fucked by you, his grip on the sheets tightening more as you thrusted into him.
“Your ass feels so fucking amazing. God you look so good under me” you whispered between harsh pants.
Ghost’s grip couldn’t get any tighter than they were right now, tears gathered up in the eyes of the all mighty Simon Riley.
Ghost then let out the loudest grunt his vocal chords could give him as cum flew out of his dick. Tears falling out of his eyes, his mask capturing all of them,
Gaz’s loud moans filled the entire room, he was a loud guy when it came to getting his ass getting absolutely demolished by someone else’s dick.
“Just like that gaz ah~ keep riding me like there’s no tomorrow. Oh fuckkkk your doing so well”
Your words of encouragement made gaz cum immediately, but he couldn’t stop riding you. He just had to please you (and also he wants more words of praise).
I’m so fucking late to this and I’m so sorry
I wanna give all of you a big smoochie on the forehead and tell you all that I love you you guys individually
Have another little teeny tiny doodle
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rottingpirate · 2 years
not sure if u take requests but if u do then could u write like gaz, soap and ghost with a tall male reader?
Have a nice day <3
Yeah ofc :)
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Ah yes, Simon "Ghost" Riley
In all his 6'2 or 6'4 glory
Could not give a single fuck about you being the taller one
Maybe a teeny tiny itty bitty bit intimidated when you guys first met
I mean he's a mountain of a man himself but god damn
You looked like a whole brick house that could snap anyone in half
Will NEVER in a million years admit it but he loves how safe you make him feel
Very awkward when it comes to affection
Little spoon. Always and forever.
Ghost doesn't sleep much but he does feel a lot more relaxed in your arms and he just likes to listen to your calm breathing while you sleep
Wears your hoodies
Also likes seeing you wear his clothes 'cause he likes how tight they are on you
Don't tease him about being shorter though
Call him an oompa loompa and his face will go from 😐 to 😡 in matter of seconds
You will regret it
He might make you carry him around when he's feeling lazy
Another reason why he likes wearing your clothes is because they smell of you
He will laugh everytime you bump your head
Play wrestles often...your imagination can figure out the rest
Soap would love his bf no matter his size
He actually digs that you're tall
Taller than him anyway
Sometimes he does forget that though
Like bitch how??? You're taller than him by three or four inches???
He'll use your height to reach for things he can't
But won't hesitate to kick you if you hold things out of his reach
Gets flustered when having to look up at you or having to go on his tip-toes just to kiss you
Rest your chin on top of his head while smirking down at him and he's too far gone
Won't say it out loud but he loves how you can pick him up like he weighs nothing
Was ecstatic when you first borrowed him your clothes
They're quite loose on him
He looked way too damn adorable with them on
If he's feeling flirty or drunk he's gonna refer to you as "daddy long legs" just to tease you
Or fucking "hot giraffe"
Like Soap he doesn't care about the height difference that much
Height is not something he cares about in a person
You could be looking the worst you've ever looked and he'd still think you're the most gorgeus human ever
Gets embarassed because of how easily you tower over him
Might get frustrated about not being able to give you forehead kisses
Cheesy pick-up lines
"I know the air is pretty thin up there, why don't you lay in my bed and catch your breath."
Will show you off
Likes to jump on your back which results in both of you falling to the ground
Piggyback rides
He loves to cuddle by your side and rest his head on your chest
Hugs from behind whether he's to one giving them or receiving
Will definetly steal your clothes no matter what your style is
Be it tight clothes, baggy clothes, suits, shorts, crop tops, he will take it all
Will lean againt your back when tired
If you both drive the same car he would get annoyed when the seat is pushed too far back
Likes it when you pat his head
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8-rae-rae-8 · 1 month
Dear, I hope you know that whenever I think of Little!Ghost, especially your Little!Ghost, I imagine him somewhat like this:
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Little Ghost,, so itty bitty,,, teeny tiny Simon Riley,,,,
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dhampiravidi · 5 months
no more teeny tiny Jason, Ghost, or Karlach (the chonky positivity post)
ngl, if you're drawing Jason Todd/Red Hood, '22 Simon "Ghost" Riley" or Karlach Cliffgate & they aren't tall w/slightly chonky muscular bodies, WHAT IS THE POINT?? they're all canonically over 6 ft (2 m) & known for regularly lifting large amounts of weight for their day job. examples:
holding up part of a collapsing building [Jason]
throwing/tackling a 300 lbs (136 kg) woman [Jason]
wearing military-grade tactical gear during long missions [Ghost]
occasionally carrying built, grown men [Ghost]
tossing Johnny (his 5'11"/1.8 m BF) around [Ghost]
her role is literally Tank/Fighter, in simplest terms [Karlach]
she's 1 of Hell's greatest warriors [Karlach]
if you make them "slim n' trim", I will be ANGRY--
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cyansyrup · 7 months
Welcome to my lil virtual cove! (Take your shoes off at the door, you gremlin.)
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UNDER CONSTRUCTION! I'm new to the whole public fandom blog thing--gimme a bit :')
Masterlist (Currently a teenie tiny baby masterlist)
Moon and Sea (Coming soon!) - Goddess!Mermaid!Reader
Burned Lace(18+) - COD - Simon "Ghost" Riley x Devil!Reader
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solivagantingrebel · 7 months
Bleeding into a character is like; I'm giving Ghost dimples, fuck you.
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