#thank u so much!!!! sincerely!!!!!
ozlices · 1 year
nintendo het baiting w sidon and his fiancee only to pull the gayest shit ive seen in a While by having sidon renew his vows w link (they got married at the end of ruta’s quest in botw. obviously. clearly.) and giving him a power that lets him ‘stay by his side forever’. i see you husbands i am so glad your marriage is thriving. good for them. good for them. they also both have two hands for anyone who wants to pull any nonsense im js. there is room for yona she just has to understand link has held sidon’s heart for years first.
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wulfhalls · 12 days
does this mean caligula is back in the running for a name?
kitkat looks like an amadeus. borderline pretentious? check. cool? well, maybe, kinda.
it’s giving aegon 🍳
Kitkat looks like a Gren to me
ok guys we gotta start taking this seriously in an attempt to punish my indecisiveness and to generally piss me the fuck off my father has started calling him linus because he knows I fucking hate it. so we really gotta get this done as soon as 😭😭 1. no caligula is not back in the mix still love the name still doesn't fit the cat 2. I also considered bringing amadeus back but. I don't think it vibes 3. aegon anon we are this close to throwing down in a random location maybe a garden center aegon is not happening and never will be 4. not a bad suggestion 👌 but not good enough
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arainesque · 1 month
omfg i just reread "longing for serenity" I FORGOT HOW BEAUTIFUL IT WAS oh my god.
"Matty gives it to him. He always gives it to him." BEAUTIFUL. "Matty thinks George’s laugh tastes good on his tongue." BEAUTIFUL. you are like my jesus ur writing is a godsend
HELLO!!!!!!???? Someone reading my fics is one thing but going back to re-read something!????! IM so flattered, so so so flattered.
Framing this ask and putting it on my wall.
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modernlovez · 4 months
I am begging to know because you draw beautifully, how do you draw hair??
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Lots of shape language in hair… usually good to keep personality in mind too
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smoosnoom · 1 year
I don't have anyone to scream about this but Mike's widdle ear in the gif you made from the van scene it's that EAR that kills me cause he looks like a lil elf hobbit person and it's just so CUTE cause it feels like everyone draws him with his ears covered and I'm like no show the EAR guys it's right THERE OK ok that's it sorry thanks for coming to my ted talk in your inbox
im so sorry i just laughed so hard at this . i don't mean to downplay your passion for his . ear . and u know what im also insane sometimes but this has singlehandedly made my night oh my god i don't think ive ever laughed so hard . Thank You for this .
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ur spommy fics have been making me go INSANE /POS you're literally SO TALENTED omfg SOBBING OVER GET YOU OUT OF MY MIND (i LOVE the fob references btw <3)
thank you, you're so sweet!! i had so much fun writing that fic, i will tell you the truth. nothing is more fun to write than a good Yearn
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daydadahlias · 9 months
youre my fav writer and i look up to you a lot as an inspiration because of how talented you are
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tooquirkytolose · 2 years
You have all the best opinions and reblog a lot of cool stuff. In a very queer but platonic way I love you and I love following you. No one is perfect and so when you mess up, I will still be here rooting for you. (Unless it’s like. Unjustified murder. You can totally murder a politician tho and I hope you do because it’d be very sexy and cool of you and you deserve it.) But anyway yeah I really hope you have a good day and get enough sleep and also your art is amazing.
Oh this is a rlly sweet message thank you ❤
So ur saying if the allegations came out that my family owned a child slave in the philippines you'd still like me?? 🥺👉👈
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chrisbangs · 1 year
well at least smth nice will happen today 😁👍 i'm getting my second set of albums + my ktown pobs so... 🫶 wish me luck with my pulls
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stonerzelda · 2 years
LIEK HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CHOOSE.....in my stoner sophies choice era T______T
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possession1981 · 2 years
a.c.e's hell (you know nothing) vs. a.c.e's cover of youngblood? hanse's take over mv vs. nct u's baby don't stop mv? kai's peaches mv vs. a.c.e.'s higher mv? based on style only (costumes, palette, sets/locations), queen margot or possession? jacob + chanhee during stealer era vs. during whisper era? in terms of sheer MILFness, ginger lino or silver hair lino?
hell goes because their youngblood cover is like a drug to me like girl help. save baby don’t stop because its colour grading is just infinitely superior to take over but take over is a bad bitch too. save peaches it is high fantasy but if you had asked about goblin instead of higher it would’ve won easy. possession has to go because la reine margot is a masterclass in how to do extravagant everything without a film looking tacky. since you’re saying jacob+chanhee i’m gonna take that as choosing based on their combined status as a unit and therefore i will easily say save whisper because chanhee with the pink hair is the prettiest prettiest thing i’ve ever seen in my entire life. with lino it really depends on styling… when styled down it’s silver milf win and when styled up it’s ginger milf win.
send me idol vs idol, group vs group, song vs song, mv vs mv and make me choose which i'd save and which i'd drop
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loserchildhotpants · 1 year
those are great photos! You look happy <3 question for journaling what is a favorite quote? (and why if you want). also unrelated question, for the journaling, you can write about anything, subject doesn't matter? (if you wanna share ofc)
; u ; thank you!
despite being Severely Mentally Ill i am generally a p happy person - that's why the Severe Mental Illness sucks so much. by my v nature im a p happy, giggly person, but then the Big Sad comes and puts my brain on a train straight to Dissociation Station where i become stranded. but Nathan's gotten good at capturing candid moments of me actively being happy and honestly that's helped a lot (not just w my self-esteem issues bc it IS helping that, but also in like... reminding me that i AM a happy person? hard to explain)
skldjhf i don't know if i can choose a favorite quote omg skdjhf uhhhhh HH HHHHHH there's way too many. i keep a Google Doc w my favorites, but they span so many centuries and topics i'd have no way of narrowing it down. i WILL say that a famous quote i use a lot, probably more than any other, is 'comparison is the thief of joy.'
That's not to say it's my 'favorite' per se, just that it's the one i use most frequently.
and idk! im supposed to be journaling how im feeling but tbh that's the issue w dissociation - im NOT feeling stuff. i sit and stare at pages and go 'idk what she wants me to put down here. numbness? a vague sense of dread? or does she want me to mention the gasping, crippling anxiety from last night that came on w no trigger and rolled from one attack into another? am i happy? im not actively miserable, so does that mean im fine? is anything even actually wrong w me?'
i don't think i know how to write like, for the sake of myself. idk how to choose a topic to journal abt. examining myself feels like peeling my flesh off and if i can overcome that, i wind up being like 'why am i journaling my feelings? what's so important abt me that it needs documentation? im literally Just Some Guy, my problems aren't that big, im not important enough to warrant documentation' and i can HEAR how that's self-esteem issues talking but i genuinely struggle w it.
but that's why it's nice to get asks like this bc i can actually talk it out and i can USE this. is it journaling in the most conventional sense? no, but it's working at getting me to write stuff down that has to do w me. something something im able to write abt myself and my experiences if it's at the request of someone else something something i cannot seem to accomplish these tasks if it's me doing it for my own sake bc i don't consider myself worth this effort something something
anyway ilu thank u for sending me this <3
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jiminrings · 1 year
Wommaaan how do you have so many patrons this quick???? I'm glad for you ofc but c'mon give me some tips 😭
STOPPPPP IM FLATTERED THANK U SO MUCH 😭😭😭 tbh i didn’t know that i would’ve gained this much in just a month but im so so grateful <3 what i can tell you is that i noticed the influx when i announced the 478 yoongi endgame remix!!! I Put Yoongi In A Situation and that’s part of the reason why i have the community that i have lmao BUTTT im also just new at this and i’ve never been a patron/creator before but what i think contributes is: posting a schedule every month (including exclusive pieces) + updating just as much as i can :)
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calamitydaze · 2 years
don't underestimate yourself!! your ideas and understanding of other people's ideas are genuinely intelligent and you seem to have a good bit to say on things you're passionate about. don't worry about creating your own media if that's not what you want to do, but if you did want to tell a story you loved i have a feeling you'd do it quite well :D motivational speaker out
this is SO kind and i appreciate it so much thank you ☹️🫶🫶🫶
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woozi · 2 years
just in case you missed the comment - you're insane and we love you and appreciate you for everything you do 🦝💗 love liv
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lunariarts · 2 years
bro. bro. like. lunaria from pet pet park. or. +your fursona is the cutest Ever
so so sorry anon I have no clue what pet park is lol the story of this url is complicated and makes no sense +THANK YOU OMG :]
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