#thank u thank u!!
iiheartsai · 2 months
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holyshonks · 7 months
halo asks!
💞 💉 🥊 🎉
💞 favourite moment in a game?
I mean is there any scene more iconique than Thel killing the Prophet of Truth?
🥊who are you beating the shit out of?
Dhas Bhasvod gets the steel chair.
💉 flood, covenant, prometheans, or the banished?
The Covenant! One thing I love about the Covenant is that it was very organized and a deeply delicious bureaucratic nightmare. There was a Vice Minister for everything, a council for everything. I'm recalling when Zuka 'Zamamee sat his butt in a waiting room for ages just for the Minor Prophet of Stewardship to deny his request. I want to know what every washed-up San'Shyuum politician was up to and why. I'm most vocal about the Sangheili, but I find every Covenant species to be so fascinating.
🎉 - share your favourite character headcanon
I agree with people who think that John looks absolutely beat to hell. I think homie is walking scar tissue.
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trainedmutt-a · 6 months
🖼 my favorite types of characters
🖼 my favorite types of characters
the ones who are FUUUUUCKED UP 😌😌 i wish i was joking but im not. i love exploring the darker sides of people, writing characters who are flawed in one way or another. it’s what makes an oc interesting to me tbh because i feel like as a whole, humans are pretty fucked up and i like to see that reflected in a character
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sochilll · 6 months
3 for the book ask?
3. What were your top five books of the year?
Ooouugg this is so hard but I shall try. (These aren’t necessarily in ranked order they’re just the top 5)
1. As Good As Dead by Holly Jackson
We all know I am simply insane about this series and the last one was SO good. The way it wrapped up, Pip’s spiral/arc, the extreme fear, the scheming, the ENDING WAAAAAHHHHHH. I simply think everyone should read this series.
2. She is a Haunting by Trang Thanh Tran
Love love love this book. I did a presentation on it for class. It’s written so beautifully and the story is so interesting. The way the ghosts/horror manifest is so cool and wow it grossed me out so much (pos). Also! Gay women!
3. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
It took me so long to finally read this and u know what? It was worth the hype. Very fun story I love insane women <333
4. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Technically I did read this in high school but like barely lmao. I wanted to revisit it like almost 10 years later as an adult with a lit degree lol. And it was great! So many good moments and quotes about books and writing.
5. The Cat Who Saved Books by Sosuke Natsukawa
I bought this completely based on the cover when I was in Ireland and it was so fun! Silly goofy story but also really heartwarming and sweet. Very much reminded me of The Little Prince. Plus I love a book about books <3. Also the kitty on the cover looks like my little goyl 🥰🥰🥰
Book asks!
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seiwas · 8 months
I find it very lovely how you take the time to drop in a sweet message in people's inbox who reblog your works💗 Honestly, I'm so glad I found your blog and your writing is my fav now too! Cant wait to see you grow 🫶🏽🫶🏽
nonie 🥺 you are so sweet!!! thank you so much for dropping by and telling me this omg 🥺 i just think!! you receive love to give love!! 💞 and i think thanking the people who leave such nice tags on my fics is just a small way i can do that!! 🥹
i’m so happy to have you around nonie!! and i am so flattered you like my writing omg 🥺 thank you thank you!!! i am so touched 🥺
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shiftylinguini · 9 months
Hello! For your asks:
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
and 30. (for the ask anything) Do you have any advice for getting out of a slump/getting writing confidence back?
Thank you so much!!
Hello hello, thank you!! These are great picks: 
13. How much planning do you do before writing?  
It depends, sometimes yes, sometimes no? I have a sort of "whatever works at the time" policy on this, because I never used to plan (beyond having a few scattered notes about things/lines/scenes I wanted to include/dialogue I didn't want to forget that I thought of while in the shower etc.) and then i got it into my head that i NEEDED to plan in order to be doing writing ""properly"". This worked a bit, because for longer fics it absolutely helps if I have a skeleton boned out that I can hang my fic meat on, BUT it also can be a problem because then i put a lot of energy into the planning stage and burn out on the writing. I think in essence, I have to make sure I don't turn planning into a form of procrastinating from doing the actual writing. 
And not let the perfectionism creep in, because the number of times I have put off writing, because i needed to write A Very Good Plan, but I needed the mood to be just right before I did that, my god. 
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic? 
God that's hard. I'm immediately blanking on having ever written anything. I think a line I like is Draco calling Harry a leg of lamb in Two Weeks haha, I thought that was funny then and still do LOL
and 30. (for the ask anything) Do you have any advice for getting out of a slump/getting writing confidence back? . (for the ask anything) Do you have any advice for getting out of a slump/getting writing confidence back? 
this is such a good question, and my response got looong so i'm putting it in a seperate post if that is okay!! (the low confidence slump, my god, but have i been there!!)
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peevishpants · 2 years
5, 9, 14 for the artist ask game?
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
oh boy. I probably post online, about 10-20% of all the art I make? I do "art" professionally too so a large chunk of stuff I draw isn't illustration - it's assets, backgrounds, comic panels etc. Which are either NDA or just a bizarre thing to post (wanna see like 50 pictures of photobashed rocks? and 4/5 of being just recolours/different angles of the same rock? lol). Out of all the "postable" art I make, I'd say I upload around 50% of it - there's a lot of commissions and sketches/wips I could TECHNICALLY post but just can't think of a stupid enough caption to go with it, or I don't want the pressure to finish wips I want to abandon, or the art doesn't serve my higher secret agenda of personal curation haha, but i do like to share!
9. What are your file name conventions
Personal: Tend to name things as simple single word file names, which means I run out pretty fast. I have "fish" and "fishly" and "fishhhhhh" at this point. When the word's been taken already my hack is just hold a letter down on the keyboard for a couple seconds then call it a day. Or, passionate keyboard smashing. BUT IN MY DEFENSE I do format version controls decently - I append "sm", "crop", "big", "alt", and numbers to stuff that needs to be exported to multiple files.
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I don't know why this one was called jellicles it's a transistor doodle. I think I just watched CATS maybe
Professional: I'm a good worker I name and do version control well!! rest assured my naming conventions are CLEAR AS DAY where others are concerned
14. Any favorite motifs
Yeah! I love to shill my interests in any form, be it just talking about it to people or incorporating them into designs. I like reading about fish and aquatic life, as well as culture from historical Asia - this includes ceramics history, tea, forms of entertainment, myths, fashion... just evolution of anything be it human culture or living things, it's cool to learn about how things have changed. One thing I like in terms of faces is red eye shadow. It instantly makes anyone look cool + now that xiao and genshin impact are popular, I see more and more artists opt for adding very traditional-chinese makeup to their OC designs and it makes my heart SING
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hwat · 1 year
i love your animal crossing areas
Thank you!! Seeing all the love my ac posts are still getting makes me so happy. God I was insane for some of the shit I made in that game though hahaha. One day I’ll go back and actually finish an island
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gogycule · 2 years
Austin is not an official host of of fear& (Hasan and will are the only two real hosts, though will may not be there this time) there is somewhat of an ongoing joke that both Austin and qt are the "new permanent hosts" so it's a toss up whether he's there or not. I'd guess not though.
nmplol is Nick, sodapoppins roommate and otk member. he's been dating his girlfriend Malena since she was 17 and he was 22 (she was sodas editor). they're still dating now like 10 years later but still... it's an open secret in the community and they even make jokes about it on stream. both Nick and Malena are close friends of lud and qt, were at shitcamp last year and Ludwig was over at nicks on his channel doing a twitch streamer tier list like a weekish ago.
to my knowledge qt hasn't done anything catastrophically bad herself, but livestreamfails just has a huge hate boner for her. Basically her involvement with controversial streamers like Kacey, minx, and mizkif (though they are no longer friends) means shes constantly under fire over there. They'll criticize her for being a bad feminist and then be wildly sexist to her, not taking her sarcasm as a joke/ taking her old character bits seriously etc.
they also kind of idolize Ludwig on lsf so they see qt as some sort of evil seductress who's imprisoned him lol.
(also for some reason I my head qt had been streaming for longer than 6 years... I swear 2013-2018 blends together for me)
-old twitch drama frog/anf anon
"evil seductress" 😭😭😭 i'm pretty sure they're doing the same with xqc's gf rn
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doctapuella · 1 year
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
🥺🥺 back at you!!!!
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shadow--writer · 2 years
happy birthday!!
aaaaaa ty!!!!
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chiisana-lion · 3 months
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annakarenina · 8 months
this comment on a tiktok where theyre crying because their dog isnt gonna live forever slaps
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muppetsnoopy · 6 months
they need to invent magic.spell that flosses and brushes my teeth for me and also tuckes me into bed soso cozy
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ashrayus · 1 month
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more of them lets goo!!!!
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please check out my The nefarious anglerfish tribute video i am such a big fan
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