#thank you for the askkkkkk!!!
groovyace · 2 years
Your art is amazing and gives me so much serotonin 😩 do you have any more no capes au art? I really like it
Yeah sure have a tim. Imagine jason is there with ur little mind particles.
This of course takes place in my mind palace where tim and jason go to school together for a single year (before jason graduates), and they glare and gossip abt their classmates at their lockers. Like oop the Wayne bros are talking shit again what a surprise.
Then of course jason drives them to mcds at lunch and they talk abt dnd or some other nerd shit over fries.
All is well.
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transbeeduo · 5 months
freaking. cant think head empty BUT take this:
cRanboo coming home from mining early every night to make sure Tubbo hasnt exerted himself too much while pregnant. taking many days off of mining to make sure Tubbo is healthy and eating Not feeling too too bad. of course, with the severity of the pregnancy, he'd definitely feel like crap most days, but Ranboo still tries to make sure its better for him. blankets, pillows for his back, etc. and making sure Tubbo moves enough but also not too too much moving. and Tubbo is a bit bitter about it because mans wants to chop his wood. but Ranboo hid his axe. and he cant make a new one. so he's stuck with simple, mindless tasks such as NOT chopping wood.
i cant think of anything else my head is too empty and my brain is too slow and tired. gonna go sleep now actually
ANONNNNN ANONNNN THIS IS SO FUCKING REALLL YOU GET ME Tubbo is SUCH a “i need to be busy or i explode” kind of guy so it was NOT FUN for him to have to sit at home all the damn time. And Ranboo was ABSOLUTELY fawning over him the whole 9 months which Tubbo needed so badly oh my GOD was it rough on him,,,, poor guy,,,,
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darkseldarine · 1 month
its over a whole day but u are my giratina mutual :3c
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LMFAO YAYYY!!! I love this because this ^ is my mental image a shocking amount of the time. It's like my brain's screen saver.
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caterpillarinacave · 5 months
7 (something fandom does that you like) for Henry and 20 (ideal best friend) for literally any (or all of) the triplets
“7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?”
Ngl, I find a lot of the way the fandom talks about him somewhere on the spectrum of disappointing; however I do like how everyone knows just how much Henry and Charlotte love eachother. It’s universal knowledge that they love eachother more than life itself <3
“20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?”
Peter: Alexander Lightwood, from the beginning. Peters got a little trio going on with Alexander and Zachary Carstairs, plus there are his sisters, but Alexander and Peter are Will and Jem level parabatai. They love each other dearly, and really are perfect for each other.
Marigold: Honestly she’s not great at the whole friendship thing. She gets along really well with Grace, her older brother but, you know, if Christopher had lived? They would have absolutely loved each other.
Thelma: If we’re looking at younger, roaring 20s aged Thelma, despite being a lot younger she gets along really well with Eugenia Lightwood- Thelma was convinced she was the coolest person ever as a wee little child, and once she got a little older they hang like old friends.
Also, her wife. Thelma enjoys her day to day company as much she enjoys everything else about her.
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 2 months
Thank you for the ask!!! ask game
📸 - What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
hahahaha... Funny question. It has literally been this since last year /srs.
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And my home screen is this fanart from insta that i will not screenshot because it is FANART. It's so good though. Also lumity obv. I am that person.
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un-local · 3 months
How about 29 for the ask game
Heyooooo Z :D
29. three songs that influenced you most (some songs change or save lives)
Also answered here! But here’s three more :3 
Ceremony by Joe Satriani
Influenced my taste, mostly. Sometimes my dad would let me listen to his mp3 player as a kid. I remember this one was one of my favorites. Still is—I love the intro. I think Joe Satriani gave me a taste for stuff a little more “off the beaten path.” I didn’t listen to much pop growing up, but this, this I definitely remember.
But more recently:
I Wish You Had a Perfect Child by Abstract Deviation (instrumental)
Found this a few years ago. Love it. Top 10 songs to endure horrors to. There’s this part at ~2:09 that just… increases my ability to withstand misery by 1000%. It’s like I receive a buff every time I listen to it XD
I've still never heard the version with vocals. I don't even care too this song is already great as is
And on the other end of the spectrum:
Self Hypnosis by Grails
8 minutes of pure guitar instrumental. My heaven. I’ve been listening to it for a few years; it’s great to work to, but also to just kick back and enjoy the moment to. Versatile, in that sense. I think in the moments I’ve heard it while walking outside really made me appreciate the moment a lot more. 
Send me a number!
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mickmundy · 1 year
I literally did follow you for bushmed. And correct opinions. Anyway 18. From the unusual otp ask game (for bushmed obv)
What are the small gestures with which your otp says 'I love you'? Are those daily rituals? Is the other aware of the intention behind those gestures?
What are the small gestures with which your otp says 'I love you'? Are those daily rituals? Is the other aware of the intention behind those gestures? so this is actually like... one of my favorite kinds of intimacy... like the kind that isn't like Grand Flourishes but smaller, more subtle things... i think once they're together they're definitely aware of them, but before they're dating.. no way! SKDFKSDKF... but that doesn't stop them from doing them!
i think sniper shows his love for medic this way by doing things like:
waking up early (he always does) and feeding archimedes/tending to medic's dule. medic makes his own hours and his sleep schedule can be all over the place, so this is one less thing medic has to worry about!
helping medic out by doing some minor stitch work or general aid for the other mercs on the field or post-battle. medic's work is never done, but if sniper can help lighten the load a little bit, well, he's glad to!
defending him on the field... obviously! of course this also just falls within the realm of his Job Description, but if he's feeling flirty he'll wait to get that crispy headshot so that their blood sprays all over medic (it makes him giggle every time)... <3 HEHE
fishing him out of his lab when he knows he's been in there for too long and inevitably fell asleep sitting at his desk... ;-; sniper scoops him up and carries him to his room and tucks him in, lets him sleep... sometimes he'll nap with him but he's always afraid of waking medic up!
and i think medic would do things for sniper like:
Silently identifying "whats wrong" with him and just "fix it" without Drawing Attention to it... for example, massaging sniper's arthritic hands... he's not going to be like "HEY is your arthritis flaring up!!!" because he knows that'll make sniper feel like he's Asking for Help or that he's doing it as a Doctor and not as a Lover. he'll just take sniper's hands in his own Gently and start rubbing them/massaging them... and sniper Instantly Relaxes and just starts purring because it feels so good.....!
making sniper eat breakfast with him in the morning.... i've talked about how i think they both have crappy eating habits and often forget to eat, but medic reminding sniper reminds him to also do it for himself! breakfast is the one meal of the day that medic always remembers to eat because it's the first of the day and it sticks with him the longest. feeding sniper off of his own plate and making sure he has something in his stomach for the long day they have ahead of them!!
making sure sniper knows he can always excuse himself and take time for himself if he needs (and giving him that "Out")... if they're out with the other mercs and medic knows sniper's probably kind of at the end of his Social Wire he'll say things like "sniper, can you go and get me [something from somewhere]"; not because he needs the item Whatsoever but so sniper can have a chance to take a breath of fresh air, have a cigarette if he needs it, take a walk etc... :) sniper realizes what medic's doing after the first couple times and it means so much to him. obviously medic wants sniper on his arm all the time!! but he also knows sniper's nature and knows sometimes he needs a break. nothing wrong with that of course!! ^v^
also, this one is one of my favorites and i could make a whole separate post about this but: they both love making each other comfortable in their own spaces. medic making the infirmary more comfortable for sniper when he knows he’s coming, sniper letting medic have a little drawer in his van for his clothes and a spare pair of his glasses (i wrote a lil oneshot about this here) … i think medic and sniper are both mercenaries that value their personal space and their Spaces Themselves as their sanctuaries, so both of them know how big of a deal it is to the other! they want each other to be comfortable in their Homes (medic’s lab is Just As Important as his room even though it’s not his home)!
all in all i think they both know these things come from a place of love, but they just silently affirm it. neither of them need a lot of Reassurance that the other loves them, but these little things just shows the other that they're here for each other! ^v^ <333
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antihibikase-archive · 7 months
fanfic writing ask game yayy!!!!! ❤️ ✨️👓💌🎨 :>
HI MAIT!! Thank you for the ask! x]
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
I really like most of the lines from my surrealism writing, so here's three of them! :]
You are an offering to the gods, a beloved sacrifice whose birth has been written in the stars.
The hero meets the glassy eyes of the witch with a warmth he wished to have had for himself all those years ago.
The present that lies before you is enticing, but so is the gaping hole on your doppelganger's chest, where a beating heart should be.
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
Special mention to @robog55, who left really long comments on my Pokemon fics a year ago! I really liked reading her comments, so I don't really have a set favorite out of all of them. <3
I did also get this one just recently.. a lot of comments on my old fic, I really cherished, but there's a lot of them to pick! So I'm picking the most recent one. :]
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👓 What helps you focus when you write?
DEPENDS .. back then, I finished a chapter by listening to the entirety of the Undertale Soundtrack! If a chapter/drabble I'm writing is centered around a song, usually, I just play that song on repeat until I'm done!
Otherwise I just .. hyperfocus on what I'm doing and speedrun it HKJSAHSAJK I tend to focus better when I'm multitasking or outside!
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
I really like casual AUs like. School/college settings, domestic life, mundane things, etc. My most self-indulgent fic is an 11k Kuroshipping fic that just focused on how domestic Hilbert and Cheren are. <3 I love dramatic stories and plots and AUs, but I also like The Sillies.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
AWAWAWAWAWAWA .. anything from my work is honestly so nice to see! I really appreciate every piece of art I get! x] There's no specific scene I can think of rn, but the ones swimming in my head rn are like.. a bunch of key scenes from Blur/Blight and Lily of The Valley AU since it's kinda fresh still..
THOUGH since most of my work is inspired by songs, I would love to see art of Blur/Blight with any of its associated songs! <3 Like the Lower piece or Fruiting Bodies piece Mhizzy drew..
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yuriprince · 9 months
OMG for the animal crossing asks 🍎 for you and ferdinand im so curious :3
🍎 What kind of animal villager would you and/or your f/o be?
- horse is too easy for ferdie……..is what i would say if it wasn’t absolutely perfect. i also really associate colton with him so he’s gotta be a horse, he’s just Gotta. mana is an ostrich, more specifically a crane or heron after her mercenaries.
as for personalities, ferdie is textbook smug, and mana’s probably closest to uchi? if it were fates!mana or awakening!anthiese she’d be normal, but i don’t think that really fits for 3h!mana, especially not preskip. postskip/3 hopes is like, on the cusp of uchi and normal, like she presents to most people as very prim and refined but she’s actually a goofball, but not quite peppy levels of goofball.
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derekgoffard · 2 years
im colins captive and escape during the night while hes sleep. i straddle him in his bed and start making out with him. whats he do huh
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he would explode and die I think
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vakarians-babe · 1 year
lathuilas for bingo?
AHHHH yessss omg ok here we go
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"would flirt with the villain" Narmeleth is her GF ihasdbk;shdf
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rosehearrt · 1 year
💐 - What small things go a long way for your muse? What small favors can someone do to get on their good side?
💝 - What's their love language?
❤ - What's something you feel like your muse needs to work on for a relationship to happen or for a relationship to be healthy? Do you think that's possible? Or is it something that'll likely never happen?
🖤 - What's something that will instantly make them dismiss someone as a romantic partner
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ACCEPTING ━ Let's talk about romance! .
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💐 - What small things go a long way for your muse? What small favors can someone do to get on their good side?
This one actually has four pretty simple answers, which are as followed:
give praise when due - after experiencing a childhood with absolutely no celebration of his accomplishments or positive reinforcement for his constant pursuit of pleasing his family, words of affirmation go a long way for Riddle. of course, they have to be well-timed and sincere, and the person saying them to him has to mean it from the heart, or it won't land the right way. expressions of gratitude fall under this umbrella as well, if they are spoken in a way that includes recognition of how hard he tries and how much work he takes on to do as much as he can for his dorm and his school...even though he can, at times, be misguided or come across as too harsh.
listen & take interest - Riddle has so many different fascinations, of which are constantly changing. He adores learning above all else, and he's constantly starved for information. When he becomes particularly impassioned by a subject, he's been known to go off on tangents about it, both to express his excitement and, at times, to attempt to share the knowledge he holds with others. Oftentimes, others seem to ( understandably ) find this somewhat obnoxious, but it all comes from a good place. For another person to listen to what he has to say with a smile and take a genuine vested interest in it would mean a lot. Bonus points if they can contribute to the conversation, or even teach him something additional he does not yet know about the topic.
notice things - take the time to pick up on things like when he's working too hard, hasn't been sleeping well, or isn't eating enough. The tells may be small and difficult to pinpoint, but if you really look for them, they'll be there. He isn't used to anyone other than Trey caring deeply enough to learn said tells, or to try and fight through his stubborn nature in order to support him or convince him to take care of himself. A lot of people just throw up their hands and give up when faced with his tendency to rage at them, but if you don't do that and in fact decide to stick to your mission of looking out for him / get creative about ways to disarm his temper, it will mean a lot in the long run.
take him as he is - this is perhaps the most important point. Riddle needs someone who will understand his difficulties and his trauma, and understand that even as he works on himself he will be a difficult person to stay with, but to choose him consistently regardless. This would, of course, begin with a friendship that functions this way. Riddle needs to know that he won't be abandoned no matter how hard things get, because he knows he can be a nightmare to be around, but he's also quite sensitive, and he does have rather prominent feelings about most things. Sensitivity to rejection is no exception, especially seeing as though he's been all but refused love by his parents all of his life, and then rejected by the dorm he'd been trying to do right by ( though ultimately knows he failed with his tyranny ). Stick with him - that speaks volumes.
💝 - What's their love language?
He has many different kinds, but gestures mean the world to him. As an old school romantic, Riddle is an adamant lover of bouquets of flowers arranged with the language of flowers in mind ( a guide he lives by ), poetry addressed to him either self-written or passages that remind one of him ( he's liable to do this one often himself, and send novel passages as well ), and perhaps even a handmade dessert or handwritten composition. He adores things that having meaning and sentimental value behind them - a lot of his own gestures are bound to as well.
He also greatly enjoys highly romantic private moments, such as a waltz by candlelight or tea beneath the stars.
❤ - What's something you feel like your muse needs to work on for a relationship to happen or for a relationship to be healthy? Do you think that's possible? Or is it something that'll likely never happen?
There are three things that particularly stand out in my opinion:
his control issues - make no mistake, this is not to say that Riddle will try to exhibit control over his partner in a toxic or abusive way, but he's very concerned with making sure he's the one to oversee everything going on in his dorm, making sure that he's the one attending each dormhead meeting, making sure he's the one correcting negative behavior from the students under his rule, etc. I think that letting go of some of that psychological need to be aware and in charge at all times would be incredibly good for him as an individual, but it would also be very beneficial to his relationship, so that he isn't constantly distracting himself from his partner with his countless duties. I think he could do with sending Trey to weekly dormhead check-ins at times, or allowing him and Cater to oversee things in the dorm. Riddle having less of a chokehold on Heartslabyul would be good for everyone involved.
his fits of rage - a no-brainer. Everyone knows that Riddle has anger issues - in fact I hc that he has Intermittent explosive disorder among a few other disorders which I will get into at a later time ( psa, everything I post relating to my muse's disorders comes from either personal experience with my own disorders or from my professional and educational background, I would never give something to a muse without making sure I'm as informed as possible about it first / how to depict it properly ). But the unfortunate reality is whether directed at his partner or not, these fits of rage could be extremely damaging to a developing relationship, not only because of his partner's personal feelings, but because it could be very uncomfortable for them to witness his behavior towards anyone else as well.
his neurosis - much like when it comes to his control issues, Riddle's obsession with rules and regulations ( alongside his own ridiculous little ideals to live by, as well as outdated mandates from the days of the Queen of Hearts ) often make him aggravated and anxious. He becomes uptight, and at times incapable of seeing reason, which would very likely pose a problem for him while dating someone, seeing as though he would attempt to encourage them to be extremely by the book just as he is...which is rather unhealthy, to say the least.
As we can see in canon, he's slowly getting better with all of these, but he still has far to go. I think that ultimately he could get to a place where things are manageable and wouldn't get in the way of his relationship, but I don't really think they're things that will ever just fully 'go away'.
🖤 - What's something that will instantly make them dismiss someone as a romantic partner
answered here !
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ferrethyun · 2 years
hey, deary ~~!! ^*^
#9 please >:]
!!! thank you sm :D
9. Describe your perfect mate
It’s hard for me to say since it varies a lot. I think what would be perfect for me is someone that understands me the most and how my mood and personality are quick to fluctuate n change depending on the situation. someone who understands i don’t always mean what i say, specifically if i’m not in a good mood. but most of all someone who loves me for me :3
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lil-catty · 2 years
for the ask game (* ^ ω ^)
💙 - When you first learned about the Queer community, did you immediately realize ‘That’s me!’ Or did you consider yourself a ‘really good ally’ for some time?
i considered myself a ‘really good ally’ for about a year before realizing that i liked people regardless of gender, and three years before i realized i was genderqueer. it wasn’t a huge step for me or anything. one day i was just like “huh, i like girls. but i also kind of like guys.” (i grew up going to a christian private school so i was very unaware of anything queer related growing up)
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chorus-communities · 2 years
do all of them with your little sun boy go go
hi ily for sending this but it's a LOT of writing sdjkfhsd
🛏: Who wakes up first? What do they do when they first wake up?
I think Cecilia ( dark souls/bloodborne s/i) would, being chosen undead and all, they'd have to kindle the bonfire in the mornings to not go hollow themselves, and they'd hope that some of that kindled humanity might rub off on solaire
☀️: If they wake you up, how do they do it? With a kiss? or Pushing you off the bed?
on the off occasion that solaire wakes first, he'd let them sleep in, since they get so little sleep anyway. if he really urgently needs them to wake up, it'd be with a kiss and some poking.
🧇: Do they cook breakfast? Or do you? What breakfast?
solaire prepares the estus, if that counts. cecilia shouldn't be trusted to do more than kindle a bonfire, they'd zone out and burn whatever they were cooking.
☕️: Do y’all make coffee or tea? What do they put in their coffee/tea?
i mean for all there is in lordran, there may be plants in the darkroot garden that could make safe, decent tea. Anytime the pair passes through there, they'd try to brew something drinkable.
🌤: Are either of you morning people? If not, what’s your pick me up?
Solaire is absolutely a morning person, he likes to wake up for sunrises and generally enjoys morning routines. Cecilia, on the other hand, is an insomnia person, and used to have a love/hate relationships with mornings, but now they've found it more tolerable with solaire around.
📖: Do you have a routine? What is it?
There is a sense of routine, it's just not very consistent. Sometimes the pair will wake up, kindle, fill up on estus and then continue travelling; other times they'd stay at a bonfire for a while, brew some tea, repair equipment or just sit by the bonfire. The latter mostly happens at firelink.
💡: Do they ever get bedhead? Do you get bedhead?
Solaire rarely gets bedhead, although sometimes his hair will stick to his face if he falls asleep in his helmet. Cecilia lives with eternal bedhead and has accepted it at this point
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mack-anthology-mp3 · 2 months
1, 50, 33 <33
lol i forgot i reblogged an ask game and was like noooo how i am every gonna know what the questions areeee hehe
1 - describe yourself through the eyes of a stranger?
maybe a girl but maybe not, dresses so you can tell they're in a band & probably pretty cool once you get to know her
50 - what purpose do you get out of using tumblr?
so muchhhhh there's cool people (hi! hehe) & stuff about music i like & fandom things and art and all those posts that are beautiful works of fiction or concepts even if they're really short and it just feels like a real place even though its a website it feels like i'm hanging out in a hallway with a bunch of cool people having a deep discussion and laughing yknow??
33 - your personal favorite oddity about yourself?
hmmm i do love my taste in media. silly science fiction show combined with conceptual fantasy writing combined with moody postpunk i think even though its slightly an odd mix on paper it feels like very Me and is a good variety hehe
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