#that means so MUCH TO ME
helix-enterprises117 · 2 months
Totally seconding what @empresskadia said, you're definitely not annoying! I'm actually always in awe of how much sheer Halo knowledge you have, how well you've thought it out to the point that you can create AUs, you can do crossovers, etc. and they feel very authentic to me. 😎👍
I do know the feeling, though, I often struggle with feeling like people see my username and go, "Ugh, her again!" I don't even know why, it's been a long time since somebody told me anything even remotely like that and, in the meanwhile, I've had so many lovely people welcoming me. It's just... feelings, man, what can I say? They're hard to deal with sometimes.
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Thank you so much. I just didn't wanna feel like I was being overbearing.🫂
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miss-3625 · 3 months
Ok i just read “Eagle Vision” and it was a fantastic fic and so wholesome, pls keep going you’re a wonderful writer !xx
Oh my God?! Thank you so much?!!
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No but really, that made my day! You don't know how much that means to me! Especially because Eagle Vision was a while back (and my first story!) and I'm still not 100% satisfied with it. But I'm happy you enjoyed it!
That is very very sweet to say that! Thank you! I hope you will also enjoy the rest of my AC oneshots! :)
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apllsauc · 2 years
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we dont talk enough about how donnies instrument of choice is a midi grid
[ tc*st fuck off <3 ]
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thisismyobsessionnow · 8 months
(Side note, lace and JO has killed me. I'll be back later to reblog stuff and scream about it, probably)
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shitpostingkats · 9 months
I'm honestly excited to see the rest of your reactions about the synchro arc as one of the few people who actually likes the arc a whole lot
You guys do exist!!!!
I was trying not to get bummed out heading into the synchro arc, because I've heard such negative things about it, and in the back of my head was thinking "surely there's some people out there who adore it. It wouldn't be yugioh if there wasn't an enthusiastic cult following hidden somewhere in the fog."
So it awesome to hear there is! Keep it up! <3
I, for one, am having a blast. The way my silly little guys are back ;-; Yugo's an utter delight. They've really captured a lot of the ideas 5Ds had, with vibes and aesthetics of the modern yugioh era, which is awesome and would have been an easy to mess up creative goal. There's so many little details that makes the 5Ds fan in me point and squee.
Also, Dennis casually deciding 'forget the plot, I'm going to become a street magician.'
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nocturnalzhagreus · 2 months
2, 5, and 7 for Florence! I'd like to know more about her :>
That last sentence alone really flatters me, thanks! Okay here we go
2) Who's your OCs best friend? How did they become best friends?
I haven't really thought of her other relationships that much since she's a bit of a loner but she does have some close friends back when she was still studying in RMU. There was a girl named Beatrice Culmington whom she was really close with. She was also a law student like Florence, and they like to chill on weekdays. Theres also some dudes, one of them being a guy named Valent Claythorne who she met in a campus event. He was quite impactful in her life, and her father wasnt really a fan of it.
5) Do you ship your OC with a Canon character? If so who?
I would say that i kinda ship her with her boss but its actually more in an unserious way. Because they fit more of a "partners in crime" dynamic. In addition, it would be kind of interesting to pair her with Vanora though.
7) Vice-Versa! If your OC is in the modern day, what fantasy class would they be? Would they be a different race?
One things is certain ; she's a shapeshifter. As for a fantasy class i'd say her father was a great mage and wanted her to become one also, but then she ended up being an assassin or something like that. Yet again, she still knows a spell or two.
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masculinepeacock · 1 year
i Sold my first game 😭😭 gonna weep and wail
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i-eated-paint · 7 months
Me when my wife calls me her pretty boy
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ittybittybumblebee · 1 year
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Hi i love you guys
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soaricarus · 9 months
yesterday someone said "You could probably turn your headcannons and lore in a fully fledged novel wth lmao" and i'm still not over it /pos
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miercoooles · 9 months
I absolutely love all your imagines and gonna read them all, but I especially love your Checo one. 💖
awie ☹️ as someone who is very insecure about writing, this means a lot to me and it really gives me motivation to continue writing (if i have time that is).
thank youuu!!🥹 ☹️
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just-a-creep-babe · 1 year
I want to commission you, but I can't even decide what I want.
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Ahhh thank you luv <3333
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some-siren · 11 months
Not N°1 but still LETS GOOOOO
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
Can I just say? I really appreciate you drawing Kakashi with hEDS. Thank you.
sfgkjdsfgsdf you can certainly interpret him as having hEDS in those pics! As I'm shamelessly hurling more of my disabilities at him, I will say I'm only officially diagnosed with A Connective Tissue Disorder That Is Likely Either JHS or hEDS But I (my doc) Can't Make The Official Diagnosis Because I'm Not An Expert, But Holy Fuck Your Joints Keep Falling Out, And You Also Have POTS And Several Other Internal Issues That Sure Read A lot Like hEDS, Hoo Boy. So that's what Kakashi has, too! <3
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honeydew-sillies · 1 year
Just finished Mob Psycho no one hmu only real ones know
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on-the-outside · 2 years
ive been reading your ao3 works and im not even capping you can do really really well as a writer if you planned on going in that direction
i-oh my god— THANK YOU
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