#that shit can not be healthy I just don't understand 🙄
rutadales · 4 months
people who participate in hate-fandoms need to get an actual hobby I'm so serious 😭 not to be a hater but for the love of God log off. genuinely humiliating to be spending that much time caring about something that makes you so miserable that is ultimately so meaningless
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andpierres · 1 year
I 100% agree we should be careful about what we reblog and be aware of who the terfs are in our community and block them, but can we not pretend it’s easy? I’m sorry but it IS hard, and I’m hoping as a fellow trans person you can understand this. I mean, to make sure someone is not a terf that means possibly subjecting yourself to transphobic posts that can be distressing/dysphoric/triggering/etc. And I’m not saying we should be slacking just because it’s hard, i just want to recognize that it takes a toll. And people could say “You don’t have to go through someone’s posts, you can just go through a blocklist,” but at the same time we preach “do your own research,” and I’m someone who wants to do my own research before blocking (because come on, it’s the internet 🙄). You don’t have to respond to this at all, and I’m sure you said the whole “it’s not that hard” thing because you’re frustrated and I totally get that, just it is hard sometimes… like I just went through that persons blog rn to see what made them a terf and now I wish I could put my brain through the washer machine lmao seeing that shit just really takes a toll. Anyways, again, no hate to you, and no need to respond. you’re one of my favorite artists and I appreciate you for making us aware of the terfs causing harm in our community!
i wasn't really sure how to respond to this, because i do appreciate the kind words (thank you!). but at the same time, i want to, as gently as i can, combat the idea that making our community safer for one another -- particularly for trans women & trans fems -- requires a level of effort that we shouldn't try to put in.
i know it sucks. im subjecting myself to the same posts you are. and that part, unfortunately, never really gets easier, at least it hasn't for me, even in all the years ive been on this goddamn website. what DOES get easier, though, is learning how to recognize terf dogwhistles, and finding tools to use to make the overall process easier, like shinigami eyes. this allows me to spend less time actually hunting on terf blogs, which makes the process both faster and much easier to handle.
but obviously, still, not everyone can do this. particularly trans women!! which is, again, why we have things like shinigami eyes, as well as the work of other people in our community to double check allegations for you. i do think it's important to double check information, obviously -- but if the notes on a post confirm the information presented to you, i do think it's also important, and healthy, to foster a certain level of trust with each other. double check your sources, yeah, but if double checking the sources would do you harm, well... that's why i made the post in the first place!
ANYWAY. the point of me saying all this isn't to shame you or blame you or anything like that -- and im sorry that you had to experience all their bullshit for yourself. maybe framing it as "easy" wasn't the best wording on my part -- rather, i think that it's worth it to invest time in understanding WHY terf beliefs are harmful, why they choose to believe them, the goals of their community and such, because then, instead of simply seeing "x is a terf" and having to scroll on their blog until they all but say "yeah I'm a terf", you can spot patterns and ways of thinking that will tell you someone is a terf even if they don't put that they are one directly on their blog description or something. this is super important when it comes to spotting cryptoterfs especially.
again, you're very sweet, and i appreciate you reaching out. more than anything else, please take care of yourself!
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The question of the day is:
if you don't want to watch the news, does that make you racist?
For context the reason I don't want to watch the news is cuz I NEVER want to watch the news, regardless of what's on it. Whether it be positive or negative.
That being said, someone I considered my bestest friend told me I'm racist and privileged cuz I'm white (she's mixed) and cuz the news makes me depressed. Being that the main issue in the news currently is the fucking war in Israel and Palestine. And apparently, at least according to her, this has to do with race??? Even tho it's a religion war. A territory war. Saying this is about race is ass backward since Palestinian's aren't a race. The same way American's are not a race. But yeah I'm so privileged cuz I can turn off the news (bro, so can she!!) and forget that it exists cuz living in ignorance is, well, ignorant. Cuz "silence is violence". That's bullshit BTW. She brought up all these liberal leftist talking points. And said I need to post shit online cuz it'll "make a difference" or whatever. yeah okay, it'll totally stop the war that's been going on longer than I've been alive. Same way that posting a little black square for blm stopped black lives from being murdered, uh-huh.
Anyways this delved into her bringing up my ed and telling me it's not valid cuz she's fat and I have no right to say I'm fat cuz I'm "significantly tinier than her" (bro it's a fucking eating DISORDER. It's not rational)
Another reason I didn't want to watch the news or whatever is that it's all lies. It's so biased and I didn't want to get triggered and relapse. Since I'm now a mother I was hoping to stay clean and healthy. Welp no, this whole situation caused me to relapse not only on my ed but on self harm. Trust me, if I wasn't breastfeeding I'd be downing diet pills like candy. But either way, I've been so incredibly depressed. I've been sleeping most of the day. I don't even want to be with my baby. I cried a lot over this. I just don't understand.... we've been friends since forever. Why all of a sudden has she turned into a raging bitch?!
I deleted social media cuz I was sick of seeing her stupid face.
I mean there's a lot of factors, like, not sleeping, not eating well, abusive mother, childhood trauma, shitty partner, having a toddler, money issues, body image issues, whatever else she's going thru. But the fucking thing is, I'm not your fucking punching bag. What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!
And so she has my stroller. And I have her shit cuz she had spend the night and didn't take all her shit with her when she left cuz she was going to come back but now,,,, whatever. I'm so fucking pissed.
But ya know, I'm just a racist, white privileged American. 🙄
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atypical-irritant · 1 year
Discourse Stances & Personal Opinions
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On the topic of my general views, my present stances are;
PROSHIP/COMSHIP » People are free to "ship" whatever they want, even comship. No stranger online has any right to dictate another person's art, written or otherwise. Don't like? Don't look.
PRO CONSANG » Consanguinamory is odd and, personally speaking, I couldn't have less attraction or interest in it if I tried. That said, what consenting adults do together is none of my concern nor should it be anyone else's. The arguments about inbreeding reek of eugenics, anyway.
PRO PARAPHILIA » I have no issue with paraphilias in general. Demonizing someone based on what's in their head is textbook thought policing. If someone is struggling with those types of thoughts or impulses, they need help; not harrassment.
PRO MOGAI » MOGAI orientations and microlabels exist and do plenty of good for those who use them. They don't "give the queer community a bad name", though queer folks parroting homophobic, conservative rhetoric in hopes of being considered socially palatable sure do. MOGAI labels are just people exploring their understanding of self; get over it.
PRO SELF-DX » In a world where it cost over $2,000 just to get some neuropsych to ask me a few questions, self diagnosis is a valid action. Even if it wasn't, demanding medical proof from strangers is much worse. If they're wrong, that's their problem and not your concern.
PRO KINK » Kink is healthy (because that's somehow controversial 🙄).
TRANS-ID NEUTRAL » I don't care if someone identifies as transid. I can't say I fully understand it, but I don't make it a habit to take someone else's identity personally. If their self perception offends or otherwise upsets you, then it's your responsibility to avoid them for their's and your own sake. Harassing and demonizing them won't make them go away
ENDO SAFE » (TL;DR I can neither confirm nor deny the possibility endos exist and, to my knowledge, no one can nor should they try. I'm also critical towards those who are aggressively against their existence.) When it comes to the possible existence of non-trauma formed systems, I believe that, due to the covert nature of dissociative disorders such as DID and the varying affects societal stressors can have on a person, it's entirely possible anyone believed to be non-traumagenic could very well have gone through trauma and not recognize or remember it. I also believe that entire possibility is completely irrelevant and serves no purpose other than to make others paranoid of their own mind. In the same vein, anyone that shares a similar opinion who then goes on to declare non-traumagenic systems are impossible and/or demands endogenics find "proof", needs to read up on the argument from ignorance fallacy and get their head out of their own self-absorbed ass. Endos exist because they say they do. That alone is a very important distinction that deserves to be identified and treated with the same legitimacy as any other system. They're clearly separate from traumagenic systems, seeing as their mere presence in the general plural community played a sizable part in creating the incredibly divisive atmosphere we have now. Fakeclaiming is even more outlandish when you consider the likelihood that large slews of people with zero prior relations all decided to fake a covert and complicated dissociative disorder for fun/attention. Should I recommend reading about Occam's Razor next?
ANTI SYSCOURSE » This is somewhat complicated. Those who treat "syscourse" as an excuse to harass people they don't agree with are the problem, not the groups as a whole (though I wouldn't say syscourse in general is all that productive either). Essentially, I can't stand die hard exclusionist and "antis" from either side of syscourse arguments. So why do I participate in it? The behaviors of those who genuinely believe they're making some type of difference and wholeheartedly believe their shit fascinate me.
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I'll add more as I'm made aware of other hills people intend to die on. Feel free to send me an ask if you're curious about any of the things mentioned or have information that I've perhaps missed. I'm not above changing my mind. Conversely, I'm not beneath telling self-important assholes how wrong they are neither.
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
They are constantly out of touch even in the heart of the pandemic, they did questionable things. I understand Colby wore a mask and gloves (probably the only one who did) and spent time in his room, and complained about corey having people over but he was still part of the gathering’s so hes not completely off the hook. I do agree though that Colby tries to make things right, further clarify what he meant, and apologizes for even the smallest things. I like their content but that does not mean i have to agree with everything they say or put out so thats where my rant starts.
What made me mad during the pandemic is that even though we were watching the stories of them constantly having gatherings and people over, Katrina was on younow saying she never went out and stayed in her room all day🙄, and Sam was preaching that people should stay in and how he wasn’t supportive of saddle ranch and all those gatherings 🕵🏻‍♂️. How can you be so hypocritical and out of touch, we saw it all.
Then with that post about not making a fuzz over vacationing when he literally had just gotten back from Europe. He did another style ted talk about how resting was overrated when he literally is his own boss and can stay up and sleep in however long he wants to, and knows he wont get fired or written up for it. People need to decompress and rest, not everyone has the luxury to even sit down for long periods of time. He is basically giving a how to for someone who lives his lifestyle which i can bet every dollar is none of us. He is marketing to the wrong crowd. His talks would better perform at creator conventions not with impressionable fans who are then pitched a new hoodie that accompanies his talks. The comments also bother me because i have checked some of these fan accounts and they’re little kids, what would they know of vacationing or working, they’re children and they will reply with “thank you sam i needed that”. Then like you said if someone disagrees, he doesn’t bother to correct himself, he simply ignores because to him he is right and he probably thinks they are hating. He never apologized even when people say he hurt their feelings, Kat wont either. Plus in more than one occasion he has mentioned Colby asking him for advice on how to answer or deal with fans not agreeing and he has admitted that his advice is to “ignore the hate”.
i try not to remember the early days of the pandemic just bc how annoying and disrespectful everyone was, not only snc or their friends but most influencers. also, we're still technically in the pandemic. it's just collectively most ppl aren't as cautious as they once were.
nonetheless, i get what you mean.
and again, i think sam really does have the mentality of "feel less, work more". he'd rather not worry about his emotions and just hyperfocus on working and being productive. which look, i get to some degree, but that's not a healthy way to live life. you can't ignore your feelings or pretend they don't exist. bc this is the type of shit that happens; you become out of touch and lose track of what actually matters.
with sam, he kinda just… puts his opinions out there and doesn't really want to have a discussion. maybe it's bc he already thinks he's right, or maybe it's bc he'd rather just have ppl agree with him than not. idk, but he could definitely do better with giving advice.
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I'm genuinely so tired of seeing people defend Loki/Sylvie by saying that Loki is the biggest narcissist in the MCU so of course he'd fall in love with himself. "It's hilarious! It's perfect! It makes so much sense! He literally can't love anyone else!" Thanks for doing this, show. Seeing my favorite character reduced to this is just so enjoyable and fun, I can hardly contain myself.
I talked about narcissism here but this is what happens when writers who know nothing about it and don't bother to do their research end up using words they don't understand and so a term that has a lot of weight turns into some odd and stupid popular word used to psychoanalyze pretty much anyone.
In the past we'd call them proud or self-centered or arrogant... now they're all narcissists. A character who's self-assured, who shows pride in his achievements, who sets clear boundaries and doesn't allow people to disrespect him? That is a healthy attitude but these people would call him a narcissist. A character who has deep insecurities and thirsts for external validation because he thinks he's worthless and so he needs other people to see his value? This is someone with low self-esteem but since they long for validation these people would call him a narcissist too.
The first character is Stephen, the second is Loki. Are they narcissists? Not even close! But too many writers are choosing to use that word to describe them instead of the terms we have been using for decades because they think they make them sound smarter for some reason, and the fans of course buy it.
Have you seen any of those fans call Sylvie a narcissist? I haven't, they only call him one, and the funny thing is that when you ask them why Sylvie isn't considered one they either tell you she's a Loki too so saying "Loki is a narc" includes her (then why not say her name directly?) or they'll claim she doesn't love him so she's off the hook (except in that case if she doesn't love him then the kiss was 100% manipulative, right? No, they say the kiss was genuine 🙄). It's one contradiction after another.
The truth is for anyone who has seen Loki in the movies he wouldn't fall in love with himself, he hates who and what he is and his relationship with Sylvie is the most toxic shit I've seen in a long time.
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skepticalarrie · 3 years
Totally agree with fellow anons, it's your responsability as he reads your blog to keep his beautiful skin healthy. I can tell this lil shit has been sunbathing too much without the proper care over the last year. I guess someone has been spending too much time in italy and LA...
Aaaand pssst Louis, cigars+sun=wrinkles and we don't need that sugar daddy just yet.
Oh ok, I see what this is about now. I’m going through my inbox and realizing there’s a lot of people who apparently don’t like how Louis looks right now. I’ve been joking about the sunscreen thing so I’m just going to approach this politely because I honestly think a few people just need to hear this. And I can't fucking believe I'm "defending" what a white rich male is supposed or not supposed to look like, but.... 🙄🙄🙄 ugh ok here we go.
Louis is going to turn 30. And he looks exactly how he is supposed to look. Which is very young by the way - but it's definitely not the same as being 22. So you all don't like his band t-shirts, and his facial hair, and the "wrinkles", and the hair, and that he smokes..... you want baby face Louis again, you want him wearing toms and braces. And that's not going to happen, this is not Louis anymore guys and you need to stop being so stuck on that image from so many years ago.
Listen, Louis is a very good looking guy, and I understand this is very important for part of his fan base but what you all are saying is very shitty right now. Because he looks great, he looks healthy. I'm not particularly a fan of the hair w/ the cap and the fact that he smokes either but I'm not going to sit here and be frustrated and complain about what this grown-up man is doing with his life. It's dumb, let him be just himself. I love the fact that he looks so authentic right now, it's reliable, it's honest. So if you don't like his looks and if you have a different idea on your head of what he is supposed to look like, keep it to yourself because it's none of your business, Louis already had way too many people in his life trying to control who he is and how he supposed to present himself as.
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akane171 · 2 years
Haha, maybe🤔🤣 
*SOFTLY AND NICELY AND ONLY JOKINGLY BLAMES LW* (Never really cause she's WAY too nice to be blamed, but don't tell her i said that😂) 
Yup, true...At least with the Winchesters they semi-admitted they weren't always perfect or healthy😫
Yeah, now that you say it, it really is strange that there's always alcohol no matter the Time of day🤔😅
Omg, YES, that freaking elevator DIDN'T MAKE ANY SENSE?!! THEY DIDN'T EVEN MAKE A SIDE COMMENT ABOUT IT! But yes, I can only agree on Details over CGI🙈
You're definitely evil and now I kinda wanna get my poor godkid and his even poorer older sister far away and out of your reach😅😭🙈 You literally have no mercy on them, do you? Couldn't you at least have had her time travel to get her father&brother back or sth and no longer be alone anymore?😭
Lol, Same, here have another two high-fives for that😂
If that stereotype was a real person, I'd murder it painfully...😑 I hate it SO much. 
The movie had nice animation but it was kinda meh from what I remember😫 Again, I didn't mind NaruHina at all (esp. since she did indeed like him for him before anyone else did), but the movie was kinda pointless and I still dislike the sudden planet/dimension-hopping they introduced at the end of Shippuuden and them being able to breath on the freaking moon is just...what?😅🙈
Jup, same😂 Have them as Bros and Sasuke be fine alone (seriously, that boy should probably go to therapy for at LEAST 20 years before he even thinks of getting into a semi-serious relationship...) 
Ohhhh, sounds interesting!🤔 Really made me think of Hunger Games and Assasination Classroom tho, yeah😂
It kinda does and I mean, I had a discussion with a friend once where we did point out that having a bit romance is truly fine cause it's hardly believable that truly EVERY character is aro/ace or too emotionally unavailable, but...Agh, just the ratio of story vs. romance is so fucked up😫 
Oh, nononono, I understood that you meant 9am! Sorry, my autocorrect must have changed that to pm and I didn't realize🙈🙈 NO SHAME ON YOU!😭 Ha, zombie😂 You know that Cranberries song? I never have to NOT think of it when I hear that word🤣
YES, EXACTLY! Thank you, FINALLY someone who understands how freaking draining and tiring humans and human interaction are! 
Ohhh, that would actually be funny😂 Esp. if Kakashi still used those stupid/brilliant excuses like "I got lost on the road of life" or "I saw a black cat and had to take the long way around cause bad luck" etc😂
I'm still sobbing over Ace... It never was the Same again😫 (Fun Fact: OF COURSE they'd kill one of my two favourite side characters and never show the other (aka Shanks) apart from in openings😫🤦🏻‍♀️ I really need to stop getting emotionally attached to tragic and absent characters😫🤦🏻‍♀️)
Yup, definitely😅 But BEYOND creepy nontheless...🙈
Tokyo Ghoul is just another tragic mass (and to no surprise I once again got attached to the worst character you can get attached to cause you'll spend 99% of the story wondering where he is, what he's doing or if he's even alive🙄😫)
Oh, you gotta watch/read Attack on Titan's S4 Arc! I wasn't TOO into it before but after that time skip shit went down and uff, my heart died a few times (and I still Love the paralells between the two sides and how all characters are proven to be shades of grey instead of the stupid black-white-thinking animes etc like to have these days...) 🤔
....well, I blame her all the time foer a lot of things, @raisedbyfandomwolves i think you can confirm?
Yeah, well, Winchesters were the equals in the show, I think? Both screwed a lot, both hurt each other, and both apologized many times. In SG... I feel there was imbalance. Alex was usually propped, while Kara was treated like teh bad guy. Don't even let me moan how she treated Kara in the two last eps. And nothing was solved.
I mean, yeah, no cameras in the elvator? No one was surprised there was freaking HOLE in the roof? No one was surprised the levator was destroyed? Like? Someone could have died there, and we would not know. Sigh.
MUHAHAHAHAHA. I was thinking about reversing the future and erasing the bad stuff, becasue of some villain messing with their lives, I didn't plan anything that far ^^' I mean, it could end happy or disastrous. I'm pissed off, so ....
Basically, I'm happy i ended my Naruto journey on manga and have seen like 2 shippuden movies, nothing more. Anyway... all naruto movies suck and all are just dumb fillers. Sad facts.
I KNOW. Kishimoto fucked his character and imo, he seriosuly should have died. ... you know, teh same goes for Mon-El, I wish he had died in the end of s2 because as much as I love Chris and his portrayal of Mon Mon, they destroyed almost everything I loved about him and karamel. What we get was... a slap. Not only Kara will never find a partner, but he will also never move on. Fuck this show.
It's good, espeically the first movie. I haven't read manga (just one vol.) but it is super brutal. And I bought the book and it waits for being read... maybe... mext year?
Agreed. it's like no one can create a stroy without romance? That's dumb? And even if there is no romance, if the series is popualr, there you have SHIPPERS swarming everything and talking about only romances and ugh, just shoot me.
Like duh, who didn't hear about Zombie by Cranberries???? One of my fave songs. Seriosuly.
I KNOW. Look, i like a lot of people, I like having them, but jesus christ just leave me a lone for some time, i need to recharge myself? Also, for a long time my best friend was an extravert who totally, TOTALLY, didn't understand my needs of peace and quiet. After she talked about her LOVE LIFE for HOURS I felt drilled like an lemon after lemonade was made.
He and Tobi, if Tobi was Tobi not Madara xD, they would be best pals, I guess?
.... we seriosuly are spiritually conencted, because aside of the fact all my ships are fucked, usually my fave characters are fucked. Or not mentioned ever again. That's a curse. and you are cursed too =='
ehehehehe, black-white characters - that goes for Supergirl too :DDDDDDDD i mean, minus Lena, who is not black, not white, not gray, she's just shit.
Tbh, haven't been into anime and manga for a long time. Still finishing Skip Beat and I'm wondering if it will ever be finished. Same goes for NaNa and DNangel. And Saiyuki. Not mentioning Berserk... sad life of manga fan, huh?
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ging-pegger · 3 years
long ass rant ab ging 💀
i know alot of ppl dont like him, but ging is really special to me :] i honestly dont even really remember how he came to be such a big comfort for me / how i was just like 😍 awooga this is the one ... but tbh I'm honestly fine w it. Idc that he's an unpopular character, and i don't care that people might think that im really fucking weird for liking him 💀💀 he's my grumpy little man and <33 i love him so much. he has his flaws but so does every other character 🙄🙄🙄
its embarrassing to rant like this but sometimes i just cant help it 🙏 i cannot verbalize the joy and happiness just talking about him brings me . When ppl ask me my opinions on different things regarding him i get so happy because ive spent so long just trying to really get canon ging down 🧐 i mean obviously my interp/hcs arent exactly like the canon but thats to be expected however i feel i do a good job accurately portraying him, and it makes me happy that i can do that
because in a way it's kinda like i understand him, and why he is like he is, and i dont think alot of people in the fandom do, or if they do understand most still do not like. Idk get it ?? Ig? Like they hold alot of things he cant help against him. (Which i mean i dont have room to talk i dislike kurapika and a few other characters for no reason at all)
I just wld like to think that he and i wld get along really well. I wldnt say we're similar, quite the opposite in most aspects really, but the differences compliment each other nicely. Not to mention i want nothing more than to take care of him. help him keep himself clean, and healthy. it's the little things really. I make jokes about sex all the time but honestly most if not all of my actual thoughts about this man are so soft and fluffy its almost embarrassing.
What I would give to make sure he was showered , well fed, and had a decent sleep. he deserves it. He works so hard all the time he just deserves someone to make him feel like the only man in the world. He gets so distracted that he doesnt even take care of himself. what i would give to change that </3
Unfortunately though, i am not a 2D girlboss 🙏🙄 and i cannot waltz in there and change his life. But i sure will think about it long and hard 😍😍 every day 😍😍
i think that the fact the majority of the fandom dislikes him only fuels the fire really. Because i really genuinely like him. Like my little "crush" or whateva aside, his personality is so <3 ik he seems insufferable at times but i just find him to be so sweet !! Like hes all grumpy and gets so flustered easily its so cute 😭😭 stinkie little hobo man (affectionate)
hehe i just dont know how people cld hate him hes so jsajqlaioaosoqoqiaiqi !!!!! i cant even find words to describe him i just. Speechless 💀😭
i get so happy whenever i see content ab him and stuff its like i cant even fucking function 😭😭😭 its bad im down bad for this man
cos like honestly its one of my biggest coping mechs (alongside writing but they go hand in hand tbh) at this point 2 selfship w him zjksjka
theres just something about him that makess me feel safe and secure. it might be my raging daddy issues 💀💀 but talking about/ranting abt ging makes me feel safe and stuff. It helps me calm down and shit. In fact just writing this embarrassing as fuck unwarranted rant has boosted my mood a little :]
UGH ill shut up now but :] <ging3
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lovecolibri · 3 years
The only other thing that got lost in this explanation of Carina's whining on Twitter is that she basically said twice she didn't write it but as soon as someone said "maybe you should not watch and take a break since it's not your writing anymore" and her response was "Oh no, I totally wrote that jealousy scene!" Like. Make up your mind which lie you want to lead with. Also, it wasn't jealousy. Dude closed his eyes in pain for exactly .5 seconds. GUESS WHAT, WHEN YOUR EX MOVES ON, IT HURTS. THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE JEALOUS OR THAT YOU'RE GOING TO BE JEALOUS TO THEIR FACE. LIKE, I WOULD RATHER MICHAEL BE JEALOUS AND HANDLE IT IN A HEALTHY WAY FOR ONCE. IT WOULD MAKE ME FEEL BETTER FOR OCCASIONALLY GETTING A RISE OUT OF MYSELF FOR THE BOYFRIEND I LET GO EVEN THOUGH I LOVED HIM BECAUSE I WAS GOING THROUGH SHIT AND HE SMOTHERED ME. BEST LOVE I EVER HAD. OF COURSE I'M JEALOUS OF HIS PEDIATRIC DOCTOR WIFE HE MARRIED LESS THAN 2 YEARS AFTER WE BROKE UP. But anyway... The point is that I don't want toxic jealousy of him giving Forrest the shovel talk, I want realistic jealously of not realizing what you were giving up by pushing them away. Not that Carina would know the difference. Woman thinks putting a gay man in a threesome with a woman is good TV.
Yeah, she's awful and clearly does not understand nuanced human emotion much less how to portray it on screen. I'm so happy she's gone. And jealousy isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just AN emotion. It's about how you choose to act and react to that emotion that makes your actions good or bad. I think we can see Michael being sad that Alex is seemingly happy with Forrest, and see him being upset about it to Isobel (and Max? Please can they start getting their relationship back on track too?) but without dragging Alex or Forrest into dealing with how he's feeling about them being together. I would love for a little thing when Alex breaks it off with Forrest (because we already did it the wrong way around with m*luca, lets not make that mistake again 🙄) and Michael is just like "Oh thank god, I don't think I could have kept up the nice façade any longer, I don't know how you did it!" And Alex just laughs and tells Michael thank you for trying and maybe gives us a glimpse into his feelings last season that we didn't get to see.
I'm sure c*rina is gonna keep talking out both sides of her mouth but luckily we can all just ignore her forever!
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nostuntmanneeded · 3 years
I saw in one of the comments arguing about preferences and that they simply don't find them attractive. Everyone is entitled to their own preferences, no one is forcing anyone to find certain people attractive but at least have the decency to keep certain things to yourself. I mean this in the nicest way possible but what good would it bring to the world if you broadcast how you find a certain person unattractive? Do you tell it straight to your boss' face when you find them unattractive? How would you feel if someone says to you and spread around how they find you unattractive? I once got dumped for looking 'more and more unappealing each passing day' and 'basically looked like a junkie' You know where it got me? I ate and ate until almost everyone around me took every opportunity to call me names and make comment about my weight and even went as far as leaving insensitive comments on my photos online which lead me to becoming anorexic and taking a shit ton of meds and other products that were supposed to make me "look good" until I eventually ended up in the hospital. The point is, you'll never how much your words can impact other people. If you don't find a person attractive, then so be it, no need to start a discussion about it, it wouldn't benefit anyone so might as well keep it to yourself. Nobody asked but for the sake of proving a point, you wanna know how I feel everytime I see those comments about looking "unattractive"? I feel disgusted and icky about myself and that's saying a lot as I'm someone who was considered to have progressed a lot, I finished my rehab and my therapist even said that I was doing impressively well with my recovery but that type of talk still sets me off. Never forget to consider other people who might see it when making statements like these. I go here mainly to educate myself about PR, cultures and etc+ not to make unecessary statements about people's apperances and bodies and upset others. No one ever said that you are not allowed to find people unattractive but be sensitive and smart enough to refrain from having this unhealthy conversation because it literally does not benefit anyone, if anything, it only cause problems. // Man, fuck people! Shaming other people for how they look is so fucking stupid 🙄🙄 Hope your recovery is doing steadily good, anon! <3
I think we all need to understand that it's OK to prefer a certain body type, but it's not OK to shame people for having a different body type than what we prefer.
It's also important to know that it's OK to feel concerned for someone, but it's not OK to shame them in doing so. Also, if you're concerned about someone, make sure you know them personally and you know they actually want to talk about something.
There are too many messages out there as to what a universal "healthy body" looks like, and in reality, there is no universal healthy body. We're all different shapes and sizes, and we're all healthy at different weights.
We need to be mindful of people who have struggled with their body. It's not like clothes where we can just blatantly say "that doesn't look good." We're talking about real people with real feelings.
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the-invisible-queer · 2 years
I knew listening to Marc again was a bad idea.
Dream starts with me scrolling on TikTok and my FYP is saturated in a video of Marc kissing this other male Spanish singer.
Then I get a DM from Marc's official IG saying I've won a date with him and I'm like "wtf?"
So I go on a date with this dude. Apparently it's his PR team trying to squash the "Marc is gay" rumors and he's all "I don't give a shit what people think about me as long as they like my music. But I'm not gay that wasn't me. It was a dumb impersonator."
And I'm like 🤷 because I don't give a shit.
BUT THIS MAN treats me with so much respect. Calls me by my chosen name. Uses correct pronouns.
I don't even expect that shit from IRL Marc but my brain took some liberties.
He asks if I'd like to join him on tour and like I love his music but I'm still not convinced I want to spend time with him.
So I turn him down. Go on with life as normal. Except it's not.
And I'm just like no leave me aloneee
And then he says that his PR team will pay me to pretend to be his partner.
So of course I get to make money to pretend to like this guy? Okay. I'll do it. Did not consider that PDA was also expected.
We go to a handful of events. One where I meet JLo and we hit it off. So Marc is like "since you and Jen like each other you should meet the kids" and I'm like "this is all fake. You don't need to introduce me to your kids" but he insists we all go on vacation. He invites my parents too.
On vacation the man is really TRYING to get me to like him. And tells me he's known about me since my old fan page because Shannon (his ex) used to show him all my edits and then he asks why I feel the way I do. Because I went from superfan to not giving a shit. I tell him what happened on my end and it's awkward between us for a minute.
Jen asks what happened and I tell her the truth about it being a PR stunt which she finds hilarious. And she tells me she thinks Marc really likes me and I'm like 🤷
I meet his and JLo's kids. I like kids. My inner kid is still alive and well so I know how to get along and I understand them.
APPARENTLY me being a decent human being around his kids makes him fall in love with me.
And I'm still like "this is just a job I'm getting paid for"
THE MAN BUYS MY PARENTS A HOUSE and I'm like "this isn't gonna make me like you"
And he insists its not to impress me. He just gets along with my parents.
My dad who despises him is now telling me to give him a chance and I'm just like no.
We're on the red carpet of either the normal Grammys or the Latin Grammys I don't remember AND HE PROPOSES
KEEP IN MIND as far as the public is aware we're in a very healthy and loving relationship
So I panic and say yes but I figure we can make something up to end the engagement later I just need to get over the embarrassment.
As soon as we're alone after the engagement I start yelling at him. I'm FUMING!
He tells me he genuinely loves me. And I'm just like "THIS IS ALL FAKE" because it is
And he's like "you keep me humble" so I tell him it all has to end. I leave an return to my "normal" life. His PR team hasn't publicly announced the split but there's speculation because he shows up at a few events alone.
SO THEN Jen calls me begging me to give him a chance because he's been insufferable.
And like no thank you I don't want that shit. The fake dating was fine whatever. But the engagement was too far.
And I woke myself up from the embarrassment 😭
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