#that's terrifying
sleepanonymous · 7 months
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Nightmare fuel. Absolute nightmare fuel. Sir, why are you looking at us like that?
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pttucker · 6 months
"He was very handsome." In the original novel, the Breaking the Sky Sword Saint never mentioned a man so I felt something strange. "You aren't trying to say that… Jang Hayoung is like your former lover, right?" I was joking but unexpectedly, the Breaking the Sky Sword Saint answered seriously. "His handsome looks are a resemblance." At this point, I wondered if she accepted Yoo Joonghyuk just because he was handsome. The Breaking the Sky Sword Saint didn't care about my disappointment and continued, "He was very handsome but a poor person because of his small size." "…Small?" I was thinking about her ex-boyfriend when something flashed through my mind, causing me to feel astonishment. A person who had a connection with the Breaking the Sky Sword Saint in Ways of Survival. In addition, 'small' was the most appropriate word for him. No, wait a minute. I thought their relationship wasn't good…
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kimidori-frog · 11 months
Can anyone point me to that comic about a guy talking to his master and showing his powers and his master saying "That's terrifying"
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buckttommy · 1 month
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insanityandstars · 2 months
Fun fact I’m gonna rob uou of your very cool buck knifey jdikdjskGRRR
(I'm not against shared custody😚🤞)
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zhimaqiu · 1 year
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but like look at this man. how stunning can a dude be? and that chest? scandalous. *sings hellfire*
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besiegedhunter · 6 months
I saw your thoughts about Game ending and how it's should Red or Lumacub victory from narrative point, but I kinda wonder, if it's really would be possible for any of them to win? Because it's stated that to win Fang has to kill all other, and Hypergryphs don't actually kill their playable characters.
Also, wanted to ask, if Crownslayer actually can even participate in Game, with her not being a Fang? Even if she could win, she still not qualified. I kinda thought she would be less player, and more a vengeful stalker making Red's progress slower.
Yeah you're absolutely right about that. Red nor Lunacub can die but I don't think it's particularly impossible for a Fang to exit the game while still being alive thereby leaving this unnamed one to be the only other Fang left to be toppled.
The most likeliest way I see this happening is Lunacub exiting the game because it's very much what her Signore, Agnese, desires:
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Because of how she talks about nature and Emperor, I imagine that she plans on breaking away from the Signore dei Lupi pack. Maybe only temporarily but enough so that Lunacub can have a life outside of the Signore dei Lupi's game.
Which, while the Signore dei Lupi are a cruel bunch, the thing they care about the most is producing a Packleader and they look down on those who turn away from their purpose. So if Agnese leaves the Pack I think they may not do anything because she's not going to contribute to their purpose.
This as of the moment is the most concrete answer but it's also possible that Red could refuse to play Grandma's game and the Signore dei Lupi deem Grandma as unfit.
Or some deus ex machina like the She-Wolf appears to put an end to this round too.
But I think the only reason they wouldn't go for Agnese exiting the game is if Lunacub is in the event, something I doubt because of how they're framing her but I could be wrong.
And yeah, I don't think there's any chance that Crownslayer could participate in this round. The real Fang, being her Mentor, died and everything points towards it being before they could make Crownslayer their replacement, if that was even intended for this round.
So yeah odds are that she will be harassing Red, fuelled on by revenge like she's always been. That or maybe she's approached by the Signore dei Lupi who chose her Mentor and something comes from that. We'll see.
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asirensrage · 1 year
Self-insert reaction game.
The Walking Dead - Prison chapter
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Absolutely not. I can't deal with that.
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I'm out.
Send me a fandom and I’ll reply with what I think my legit reaction would be if I walked into it.
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anonbinaryweirdo · 7 months
The fact that I always double check if I'm on anon on their blog BWAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHA
SJSKHDKD this is so me <//3 I sent something off anon to a blog I rlly liked before, and I've checked to see if I was on anon at least twenty times before sending an ask out ever since
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what if i played subnautica as an intense thalassophobia haver. would that be traumatizing or what
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Disassociation culture is suddenly returning to yourself in the middle of a street you've never been down before and having a bit of a breakdown because you're completely lost with no idea how you got there
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scaredysap · 2 years
so i may have just been offered a job as a part time lecturer at my uni
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gl1tched-g0th · 11 months
Just hit me that our source came out 5 years ago today. I feel so old
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rintosei · 11 months
hello. how are you.
im in ur fuckin walls. [no im not lol]
😥😥😥😥 is this a threat
don't say my name like that 😥
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2x4plank · 1 year
Saw (2004) is such a funny movie. An angry rat, a Harvard graduate who won't stop mentioning it, a mother, her child, and Amanda are targeted by the pettiest man alive.
You think the Harvard guy has it together but turns out he's really messy and the chainsmoking rat is now looking at him kind of weird. Harvard guy claims to love his wife and daughter but also wants to sleep with a temp worker. Wet rat listened to "Paparazzi" by Lady Gaga and really took it to heart. They get into some whacky hijinks together.
John Kramer thinks rehabilitation for drug addiction is...psychological abuse, murder, and seeing a puppet ride on a tricycle. Kramer's success rate is a generous 0%.
Detective Tapp loses his boyfriend to the funniest trap in the movie. Kramer was building all these complicated nonsense traps, but then eventually decided, "Fuck it. Guns on the ceiling."
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gouinisme · 1 year
i have GOT to start wearing noise cancelling headphones to protests parcequ'à ce rhythme i'm gonna be deaf by the grève reconductible
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