#thats the feel i get with scammers
dandyshucks · 5 months
i think someone on instagram is trying to scam me but it's really funny because I don't feel comfortable doing commissions rn so their scam is just failing miserably HFSDGJKL
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the thing about the Anastasia stage musical is that like…….. as a story it’s a real improvement on the original film. way better construction, stronger characterisation etc etc etc. but…. the same choices that make it technically a better narrative also have really weird knock-on effects on the message.
Replacing rasputin with a communist party officer who’s father was one of the ones who executed the romanov family??? UGH that’s so good that’s so juicy the dynamic between the villain and Anya is SO much more interesting than in the original film. But it leads to scenes like Still/The Neva Flows where it’s like.
“The Romanov’s were given everything and gave back nothing until the russian people rose up and destroyed them!”
*girlboss voice* “All but one. I am my fathers daughter”.
And i’m just… ok but he’s right though. He’s absolutely correct there. Factually he is accurate. But she’s the protagonist and he’s the antagonist so the framing is that she’s the one we should be rooting for here. There’s no point where Anya is like “wow my experiences growing up poor and destitute and orphaned have made me morally uncomfortable with the idea of claiming my place as the daughter of the tsar and that’s going to influence my decisions and actions”. She’s just like. Oh cool i get to be a princess??? neato.
#unironically this was one of the reasons i was team great comet that year when we had two musicals about rich russsian shenanigans#because that show was like. god these people are awful. yes here’s an emotional story about them but. fucking hell they’re all awful.#and anastasia was like… eeeeeeeeehh but what if they were actually victims 🥺#they should have made her a communist fully committed to the cause#that’s how she knows gleb and how he’s secretly in love with her#but she needs money so she teams up with some scammers to con the old rich russians clinging to the past out of their hoarded wealth#she’s fully in on it being a con from the start#as she’s learning about the romanov’s though she starts fantasising about what her family would have been like…#you could have a scene where she’s like… wow i’ve been learning about these people so much i almost feel like they are my real relatives#and she starts remembering bits and pieces and it’s extra confusing bcus she remembers them fondly#this world this life that she’s so morally opposed to… but it’s starting to feel like home somehow#and when she sees her grandmother that’s when it all comes back#and at first she’s so elated that omg this actually IS her family she’s found them she’s home#and then she has to *become* anastasia. get dressed up in the dresses and the jewellery and the tiara and claim her title and.#now she’s conflicted.#now it’s a choice between the family she always dreamed of and her own moral views on their lives and their indulgence and their power#and she decides she doesn’t want to be part of that#and THATS the main reason she leaves
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puppetlooselystrung · 20 days
man im sorry but im gonna say it again. i dont respond to asks that ask me about donations. there has been too many times that ones circulated via asks have turned out to be scams. i only reblog ones i see on my dash or are actually vetted. i report asks that do this.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 7 months
Tumblr media
words: 8.8k
warnings: 18+ only!!!, smut, stepdad!rafe, pervy!rafe, rafe meets reader when theyre 17 but nothing happens until 18, lots of use of daddy, taboo sex, age gap (rafe is early 30s reader is newly 18) scammer!rafe??, cheating, unprotected p in v sex, breeding, male and female receiving oral, fingering, virgin!reader, innocent!reader, lots of pet names (little one, little baby, baby girl, etc), reader is described as small chested and feels insecure about it, manipulation, power dynamic holy shit thats a lot of warnings
taglist: @drewstarkeysbae @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @slut4drudy @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450
rafe wasn't sure what to expect when he learned his newest mark had a 17 year old daughter. 
he had long been cast out by his father, ward keeping him far away from the cameron investments, but he still carried the name. 
rafe had found a new way to fortune, one that allowed him to rely on his natural talents, good looks and charm. he flirted with wealthy (usually older) women until they agreed to a date, then had them fall so completely in love that they married rapidly without prenup only for rafe to divorce them later and take a hefty sum away from them.
he already repeated he process three times in a little under five years. he was worried about the reputation he would get, if the rich women of the outer banks and surrounding areas would discover his scheme and he would be out of luck, so when a new divorced mother of one moved in to a sprawling mansion, rafe was quick to greet her and turn he flirt on.
the first time he saw you he was shocked how different you looked from your mother. he pictured her daughter to be a miniature version of herself, bold and chatty, flaunting tacky jewelry and guady animal print.
but you were almost the stark different. sharing the same bouncing head of curly hair was where the similarities seemed to end. it was a ‘family pool party’ where rafe first saw you. it was more of an excuse for your mother to bring her friends around and show off her new younger boy toy who was just head over heels for her.
you greeted rafe with a quiet hello before retreating back into the shade, covered in a pale yellow sundress, but the blue of your bikini straps were peaking out, making rafe hopeful that you would get into the pool, but you spent the entire party under the shade of the balcony while your mother paraded him around.
he found a quiet moment while she was distracted with her margarita to slip away, coming to sit next to you on the soft white jacquard couch, another symbol of your mother's wealth, having such an expensive piece of furniture outside without a care if it dirtied or got ruined my the frequent bad weather.
“hello little one.” rafe says softly, afraid by the look on your face that he would startle you into running and hiding.
“hi rafe.” you whisper, hands twisting in your lap as nerves turn in your stomach. he's the first man your mom has dated since her divorce, and you're glad to see her happy, but rafe is not what you were expecting. your mother told you her new boyfriend was young, but you didn't expect early 30s when your mother is pushing 50. “my mom has told me a lot about you.”
it's not exactly a lie, she has gone on and on when she gets home from dates with rafe, it's just that you've gotten very used to tuning your mother out.
“yeah, she's told me a lot about you too.” rafe leans in closer, “why don't you tell me a bit more?”
“i-i-um.” you stutter over your words, eyes shooting down to your lap after making brief eye contact.
“do i make you nervous, y/n?” rafe asks, practically purring your name out.
you laugh awkwardly, tucking your hair behind your ear as you fein a sudden interest in the partygoers to give you an excuse of something to look at. “everyone makes me nervous.” you whisper. it's not like rafe doesn't already know, you're sure he can tell from your behavior. you have a lot of issues after your dad abandoned you and your mom, and it manifested mostly in anxiety.
“oh, poor baby.” rafe pouts, placing his hand on your chin and turning you to face him, not letting you avoid the eye contact.
“im not a baby.” you say, eyes flickering all over rafes face as you take in the details close up, his powerful cheekbones and shining eyes. “i turn 18 next month.”
“oh yeah?” rafe releases your chin, and you somehow gain the confidence to keep looking at him, drinking in his features. “are you going to invite me to your party?”
“im not going to have a party.” you say, like it's obvious.
rafe goes to push back, starting to argue “but a pretty little thing like yourself-” when your mother cuts him off with a yell of his name, making both of your heads snap to her, where she's waving rafe over to introduce him to a new friend that just entered the backyard.
rafe sighs, slipping his hand onto your lap and giving your thigh a squeeze before standing up. he looks back before he walks away, again maintaining eye contact as he says “it was nice to meet you y/n. ill be seeing you a lot more from now on.”
and rafe keeps true to his word. he continues to swoon your mom, but makes a point to spend time with you as well. your mom sees it as a show of how serious he is about the relationship, she doesn't realize how rafe looks at you.
“your birthday is this weekend?” rafe questions, but it's more of a statement. he takes a strand of your hair and twirls it around your finger, unable to keep his hands away.
“yeah.” you whisper, trying to pay attention to the project you were working on, your sketchbook sat in your lap, angled so rafe couldn't see what you were drawing.
“and you still don't want a party? what do you want to do then little one?” rafe kept using the nickname, even after you pushed back that you are almost a legal adult and not little.
“i don't even have any friends here.” you sigh, almost wishing you were back in high school so you could have a way to meet people your age. “they're all back in california.” 
you send out a silent curse to your father, and your mother. your father for leaving you, and your mother for reacting to it by moving across the country to the opposite coast, escaping the pain and embarrassment in favor of you losing all your friends and everything you knew.
“what are you going to do for your birthday then?” rafe asks as you start to draw again, finding it easier to talk when your charcoal pencil is also moving against the page.
“probably nothing. maybe see a movie.” you shrug. you've gotten used to doing things on your own. despite mostly staying in the house, you did occasionally need breaks from the same scenery, and more aptly, your mother. you always hoped you'd meet someone your age, but even when you were out doing things solo and saw other teens, you couldn't bring yourself to speak to them, your shyness winning the battle over wanting friends.
“i'll come with you, little one.” rafe offers. he was close to getting a ring on your moms finger, in record time. the divorce made her not only vulnerable but also needy to replace the husband figure in her life, not realizing that all of rafes money came from running this same scam. he could use hanging out with you on your birthday to his advantage, showing your mother how serious he is about the relationship.
“okay.” you whisper, hand shaking causing you to mess up the drawing, excited and nervous for the weekend. it's not that you dislike spending time with rafe, he just makes you nervous, like any ridiculously good looking man would.
“i’ll see you saturday then.” rafe says, standing up as your mom enters the room, now dressed and primped, ready to go on the date rafe was whisking her away on.
you keep your eyes trained on your sketchbook as rafe greets your mother with a kiss, and you cringe knowing her tacky red lipstick is going to leave a stain on his mouth, but you don't look up to see.
“hi little baby.” rafe greets you after sending your mom out for a spa day, giving you time to go see a movie together. you don't even care that your mom is away on your birthday, you rather spend it this way.
“hi rafe.” you say, not bothering to correct him that you are in fact 18 now and not little or a baby.
rafe surprises you when he wraps his arms around your shoulders, squeezing you into a hug. you freeze up, not used to the intimate contact. your dad never hugged you his way, and your mom was never very affectionate either. 
“happy birthday.” rafe purrs into your ear, burying his head in your hair, nuzzling into the curls.
“thanks.” you mumble, keeping your arms flat against your sides as rafe pulls away. you definitely didn't have the confidence to hug him back.
rafe stays quiet as he leads you out the door with a steady hand on your back, making you shiver as goosebumps rise up your arms despite the warm north carolina air. he even gives you a hand to help you up into his truck.
“do you want to get dinner first, pretty baby?” rafe asks you as he starts up the truck and shifts it into gear. you feel your cheeks flame at the name, wriggling your hands together in your lap in nervousness.
“no.” you whisper, and you're surprised rafe can hear you over the sound of his truck. “i, um-” you pause to clear your throat. “i don't want to get full on food and not want popcorn. maybe we can go after.” 
“sounds good.” rafe says, even though you don't really want to be spending more time with him. it's not that you don't want your mom to be happy, but it's weird to see her with someone other than your dad.
rafes hand slides across the center console, gripping your thigh through your jeans. you tense your leg in surprise at the contact, expecting him to squeeze and then let go, but rafe keeps his hand on your thigh the entire ride there. 
“hold on, i’ll open the door for you, birthday girl.” rafe says after pulling into a parking spot. you wait for rafe to walk around the hood, tugging to door open and giving you a hand out that you graciously accept, willing to put up with the physical contact so you don't risk falling and embarrassing yourself even worse.
rafe leads you into the theatre, and he orders the tickets and popcorn for you, knowing how much you hate talking to others, especially service workers.
“im so excited to see this movie!” you say, taking your seat towards the back of the theatre, rafe setting the popcorn on the armrest in between the two of you. he's surprised to see how genuine your statement is, finally opening up and showing a bit of your emotions.
“if you're excited, then im excited too little one.” rafe says, grabbing a piece of popcorn and sticking it in his mouth.
“y/n i want to ask you something.” rafe calls, stopping your quick ascent up the stairs as you tried to flee before he or his mother stopped you. 
“okay.” you mumble, walking back down the couple stairs you had managed to make it up.
“in private.” rafe clarifies, and you glance between him and your mom, but she just nods that it's okay before turning to the kitchen, becoming distracted by finding herself some wine to drink.
“we can talk if your room if it makes you more comfortable.” rafe says, and you blanche at the idea. no one ever goes in your room, not your mom or even the maids.
“how about the study?” you offer instead, your second favorite location in the house, with cherry wood bookshelves covering every one of the walls and two plush couches in the middle providing a comfortable reading area.
rafe places his hand on your back, fingers playing with the material of your sweater as you walk to the study. upon entering, you flick on a lamp and sit down on one of the couches, hoping rafe will take the one across from you, but of course he slides right next to you, pressing your thighs together.
“what is it you want to talk about?” you ask, your heart beat somehow remaining steady. you realize it's because you've become more comfortable around rafe, even if his touches did still send a jolt through your body.
“ive really been enjoying spending time getting to know you, little one.” rafe places a hand on your thigh, just under where your shorts end. he looks down, marveling how soft your skin is and how small your legs are compared to his hand. “your mother as well, of course.” rafe adds, almost like she's an after thought.
“i was hoping that you would want to spend more time with me. i would like to ask your permission to ask your mother to marry me.”
your eyebrows shoot up at the question. rafe has only been dating your mom for around five months now, and marriage this soon after a divorce seems like such a rush decision, but who are you to judge? you've never been married, you've never been in love.
“i-i guess that would be okay.” you see how happy rafe makes your mom, who are you to deny her that happiness?
“thank you.” rafe smiles, hand moving higher until he's tucked in between your thighs, feeling the heat radiating from your core. he strokes over your thigh as you spread your legs ever so slightly, giving him more space to work. your eyes fluttered closed, lost in the pleasure and rafe hasn't even touched over your underwear yet, just focusing on your inner leg.
“gonna be your new daddy.” rafe hums, his voice bringing you out of the trance that his hands put you in.
you stand up suddenly, making rafe frown as you run out of the study and up to your bedroom, slamming the door shut and heading over to your desk, looking at the drawing of rafe that you had just finished. you take the piece of paper and turn it face down, not wanting to think about him at the moment, wondering when he is going to propose to your mother.
“i can dress myself.” you say, looking at the sparkly pink dress hanging on the back of the door, decorated in fabric petals to signify your role as flower girl, even though you told your mom that you were okay not being part of the wedding party, she insisted that you had to participate in her special day.
“your mother specifically asked me to help you get dressed. what kind of future husband would i be if i didn't listen to her?” rafe raises his eyebrows, already dressed in his wedding suit.
“can you turn around then?” you question, gesturing for him to turn, face out the window of the venue your mother had rented for the wedding. the grounds are beautiful, filled with flowers and neatly trimmed bushes.
“what if something happens, baby?” rafe shakes his head. “i can't help you if im turned around.”
“you want me to get undressed in front of you?” you squeal.
“come on, im about to be your dad.” rafe says softly. “besides, im just helping you into your dress. unless you want me to help you take those clothes off too?”
“no!” you shake your head, looking one more time to rafe to see if he's going to look away, but he makes no move to as you pull you unbutton your shirt, careful not to have worn a shirt that required pulling off over the head since your hair and makeup is already done. 
you're thankful for the simple bra covering your breasts as you keep your eyes on the floor, tugging your pants off. 
rafe stands up straight from his position leaning over he armoire and grabs your dress, lowering it to the ground so you can step in, having already unzipped it in preparation.
you step in quickly, wanting to get covered again as soon as possible, feeling the burn of rafes stare on your scantily clad body, but for your fast movements, rafe is slow, gliding the dress up your body, hands occasionally brushing against your bare skin until the neckline is finally in its proper place.
rafe rounds your body, tugging the zipper up, again letting his finger drag against your skin all the way up.
“you look so beautiful.” rafe ducks his head, kissing your shoulder. you gasp at his lips on you, leaning back into his body as your mind goes dizzy.
“can't wait to be your daddy.” rafe presses another kiss to the space between your shoulder and neck before standing straight, wrapping his hand around yours. 
“let me walk you outside, little princess.” rafe is glowing, and you know logically it must be because of his wedding day to your mom, but a large part of you hopes that it's also because he's excited for you as well. 
“how does a boat day sound, little one?” rafe asks, tugging on your curl that had fallen in front of your face.
“i thought mom had a facial today?” you question, closing your book after slotting the bookmark to save your page.
“she does, i thought the two of us could go. some daddy daughter bonding time.” rafe says, always making a point to have solo time with you since he got married to your mom two months ago.
“okay, that sounds fun.” you nod, wanting an excuse to lay out and tan, and you've found yourself loving spending time with rafe, especially now that he was officially part of the family. he certainly would never replace your dad, but he's made an effort to make you more comfortable around him.
“let me help you pick out a bikini.” rafe says, and you hop up off the couch as he starts to move towards your room.
“no, rafe, that's okay.” you rush after him, taking the stairs as fast as you can.
“come on, let me see. ive never even been in your room!” rafe says, reaching for your doorknob, but you thrust yourself in front of the door, blocking him.
“i… i have my drawings on the wall. i don't want you to see them.” you bite your lip, hoping rafe doesn't push.
“drawings of me?” rafe asks, touching his fingers to your chin and tilting your head up.
“some of them.” you admit, opening the door and trying to close it before rafe can see, but he grabs the wood and forces his body in before you can slam it behind him.
you press your back into the wall as rafe scans the room. you have an entire wall decorated with your drawings taped up. most are black and white with charcoal but you've colored some in as well. there are a lot of rafe, a lot of your mom, of friends you miss that live back in california. the one rafe walks up to is a nature sketch, of the outer banks beaches that you've come to live just as much as the packed los angeles ones.
“you're so talented.” rafe says earnestly. “how come you don't show people your art?” 
“because they're just for me.” you say honestly. you've never had the urge to show your drawings to other people or pursue art further. it just wasn't something that girls in your family did. they were good wives and hostesses. they didn't have time consuming hobbies, especially if they didn't create an instant profit.
“well if you ever decide to sell anything, let me know right away. i’d pay anything to have one of your works hanging in my house.”
you don't mention that his house is now your house, considering he moved in with you right after the wedding. you're too busy blushing over the fact that he likes your art that much, what you deem just quick sketches, he thinks they're good enough to be displayed.
“now where are your bikinis?” rafe questions, moving on from the conversation, knowing you're not bold enough to change the topic yourself.
“um, hold on.” you open up your closet and grab a box out, dumping them all onto your bed. you're not sure why rafe wants to choose your swimsuit, but you don't question it.
rafe hums as he looks through the bikinis, tossing the ones he disapproves of back into the box.
“you dressed pretty slutty back in california, huh?” rafe looks at you, now moved back to your position of being pressed against the wall.
“i-” you begin to explain yourself, but rafe bursts out laughing. “don't look so scared, little one. im not angry. why don't you wear this one?” he tossed your orange bikini at you, probably the skimpiest one you own with the back being just a thong and cups barely big enough to cover your chest.
rafe doesn't say another word, exiting your room and leaving you to take a deep breath. you change into the bikini, looking at yourself in your full length mirror, surprised how much you've filled out the bikini since you last wore it a couple months ago. north carolina has done well for your appetite, filling in your stomach and plumping up your bum. you try to adjust your top to give you the illusion of bigger boobs, but it doesn't work. that's one part of you that didn't fill out at all.
you pull a coverup on over your body before you slip your feet into your sandals. rafe may have seen you in your underwear before but the various employees your mom always has around the house have not.
“ready, pretty baby?” rafe asks when you plop down the stairs, a tote bag in hand that you can see a couple water bottles sticking out of. rafe must be planning on taking the speedboat instead of the yacht, considering your mom insists on keeping it fully stocked despite not really enjoying being on the water, preferring to look at it from afar.
“very ready, d-” you pause when you realize you were about to call rafe daddy. you have just called him by his first name since he got married to your mom, but it almost slipped out anyways, some part of your subconscious associating him with that.
“it's okay, little one, if you want to call me daddy if you want to, or you can just call me rafe.” rafe says, taking your hand as he leads you out towards the dock, looking like your personal marina. you just nod on acknowledgement.
“speedboat today?” you ask as rafe leads you down.
“whatever you want.” he shrugs.
“something with a bed that i can lay and tan on?” you suggest, and rafe steers you towards the smaller of your family yachts.
you take a seat near the front of the ship as rafe goes to the helm to steer you to a secret spot he claims to know of. you pull out your sketchbook and shield it from the wind as you sketch out your view of rafe, a story up behind the dashboard of gears and gages as he drives the boat. you even include the reflection of the sun on the glass.
“here we are.” rafe anchors the boat near a sandbar with clear pale yellow sand, surprisingly devoid of any seaweed or debris.
“it's so pretty.” you say, making a mental note to sketch it before the tide rises. “it must have been so nice to grow up here.”
“mmm.” rafe nods, taking his shirt off. your eyes widen as he reveals his muscles. it's not the first time that you've seen him shirtless, but you've never been this close, and never alone.
“wanna swim before you tan kiddo?” rafe questions.
“um, yeah.” you shrug. you weren't that interested in swimming originally but now that you're at the sandbar you'd definitely like to explore.
“then you'll have to take your cover up off, show me your cute little body.” rafe says, tugging on the strap of your clothing.
“oh, right.” you hum, pulling the dress off over your head. rafe bites his lip, placing a hand on your waist. 
“how do you not have a boyfriend? with a gorgeous body like this.” rafe sighs, slowly moving his hand lower, tangling his fingers in the strings of your bikini bottoms.
“shy, remember?” you giggle, letting yourself step closer to rafe as he looks down at you.
“you're too pretty to not be appreciated properly, little baby.” rafe sighs again, like he's actually upset at the thought of you being lonely.
you suddenly remember that rafe isn't some random older guy interested in you, but your step dad. the man your mom is newly married to. you step away and to avoid speaking any more, jump over the side of the boat into the sparkling water.
“so just rafe and i for the next week?” you question your mom, following her around her luxurious master suite as she packs a suitcase.
“it may be two weeks.” your mother says, shoving her clothes in before turning to her wall of heels.
“why isn't rafe going with you?” you question.
“y/n.” your mother sighs, stopping her work to turn to you. “please leave me alone to pack. i have to finish this divorce settlement with your father. as much as i'd like to show rafe off to him, rafe has business he needs to tend to here in the outer banks.”
you go to question what business, considering rafe doesn't seem to do anything other than flaunt after your mother, or sneak away moments with you when she's busy, but your mother gives you a pointed look so you shut your mouth, leaving the room.
“itll be nice to have some alone time with my favorite little girl.” rafe says, throwing his arm around you, pulling you into his side. you lean into him, reminding yourself over and over that your dad used to cuddle like this on the couch with you when you were little.
“don't you have business?” you question, letting your finger trace patterns on rafes jeans, swirling over the rough material.
“nothing that's more important then spending time with you.” rafe presses a kiss to the top of your head, and you're glad he can't see your face as it turns pink.
“could we have ice cream tonight?” you ask. you've been allowing yourself more and more to indulge in sweets.
“that sounds good, honey. do you want to choose the movie?” rafe hands you the remote and you turn something on, keeping yourself resting against his warm body.
you're about halfway through the movie when your tummy rumbles. you honestly got so engrossed in the film you forgot you were even leaning up against your step dad.
“is baby girl hungry?” rafe questions. “we can pause the movie and eat some ice cream now.”
you reach for the remote and pause it, mumbling something about wanting strawberry ice cream as rafe follows you into the kitchen, opening up the freezer and pulling out strawberry for you, and vanilla for himself.
“hey kiddo, get us bowls.” rafe asks you as he gets spoons. you have to get on your tiptoes to reach the shelf the bowls are on, cursing your short mother for giving you these genes. 
you slide yourself up onto the counter as rafe hands you your now filled bowl. you barely have time to say thank you before putting the spoon in your mouth, letting out a moan as the taste hits your tongue. you've been craving ice cream all day and it's completely hitting the spot. you work quickly through the bowl, letting your satisfaction out in the forms of moans.
“stop moaning like that, baby.” rafe says, making you jump from the sudden and unusual roughness in his voice.
“‘m sorry.” you look down at your bowl of ice cream, setting it on the counter.
“it's okay.” rafe sighs, setting his bowl down as well.
“are you upset with me?” you ask, feeling tears well up in your eyes.
“no, little girl, im not.” rafe frowns, moving between your legs, your face for once the same height as his with you sat up on the counter. he takes your face in his big hands, stroking the rough pad of his thumb over your cheek.
“sorry baby girl. will you forgive me?” rafe tilts your face to keep you looking at him.
“yeah.” you nod, just glad that rafe isn't annoyed with you.
“you have ice cream on your mouth.” rafe says, and you reach up to wipe it off when rafe suddenly leans in, his mouth pressing against yours, tongue flickering out and licking over your lip, tasting the strawberry ice cream as well as a taste that is simply you.
you gasp in surprise, allowing rafe to slip his tongue into your mouth. you're not sure what to do, or how to react. you've kissed before, but never one as passionate or with this much tongue involved. 
rafe presses another kiss to your lips before pulling away. your eyes are wide when he doesn't say anything to explain himself, simply looking at you.
“you just kissed me!” you say, as if he's unaware of his actions.
“i did, baby girl. did your dad not give you kisses?” he tilts his head to the side.
“maybe when i was little, and certainly not like that.” you gulp, wondering how your mom would feel if she saw that, but she wasn't home of course.
“well then it sounds like he wasn't a good father. good thing you have daddy rafe in your life now. do you want another kiss?”
“i- i think i do.” you say, licking your lips, not giving your brain any time to become reasonable and back out. 
rafe presses his lips against yours again, and you find yourself kissing back. you fist your hands in his shirt, tugging him closer as you moan into his mouth, repeating the same sinful noises from when you were eating your ice cream.
“god, baby, your moans make me so hard.” rafe says against your lips, giving you only a quick second to take a deep breath before he's back to kissing you.
“do you wanna help out your daddy?” rafe asks, moving his lips to your jaw as he kisses there.
“yes.” you answer honestly. rafe has shown you nothing but affection, something you were so severely lacking that you would do anything for him to make up for it.
“want you to suck my cock.” rafe says, making you pull away from the kiss.
“i can't do that!” you say. not to mention that you have no clue how, but you certainly can't do that with your moms husband.
“but you can, baby. it's alright. you trust me, right?” rafe hums, in which you give a little nod.
“then you can help me out. you're so beautiful, baby girl. i can make you feel good too.”
“you can?” you question, tilting your head to the side.
“i can. we can go upstairs to your bedroom if it makes you feel more comfortable. i told you this beautiful little body needed to be appreciated. remember that, kiddo? so let me appreciate you.”
“what about mom?” you question. there's no way she would be okay with this.
“we don't have to tell her. we can just say we had a lot of daddy daughter time and keep it between us. our little secret.”
you're not sure what to say. as much as you want to see what this appreciation rafe is talking about feels like, you're nervous about hurting your mom or taking things too far, after all, rafe is your step dad.
“let me just give you another kiss while you think about it.” rafe says, placing one hand on your cheek and the other on your waist. “just a nice daddy daughter kiss, nothing naughty about it, little one.”
rafe presses his lips against yours, and all thought you have go out the window as you kiss him back, becoming more confident in your movements the longer you go. rafe tugs you closer to the edge of the counter, and you are quick to wrap your arms around his shoulders, trying to copy whatever you've learned from watching movies as well as doing what feels best.
rafe slips his tongue into your mouth again, and you cry out around it when he presses his hips forward, nestling something hard and rigid against your core.
“upstairs, please.” you whisper. 
rafe nods, wrapping his arms around your hips and lifting you easily. you don't know how he navigates the house so well while you're still kissing, too engrossed in his lips to even let him see properly to walk faster. 
he takes you to your room, your safe space that only he has been in. he sets you down on the bed, and you whine when your lips disconnect.
“shh, baby, im gonna make you feel real good soon. wanna suck daddies cock first?” rafe presses his thumb against your bottom lip, now pink and swollen from the intense make out.
“ive never done it before, i-i don't know how.” you admit, dropping your eyes to rafes crotch, the way his length is straining against his pants.
“ill teach you, baby.” rafe takes his shirt off, and you can't resist reaching out and running your hands over his smooth abs.
“you want to take your shirt off too, honey? let me see your cute little tits.”
you nod, letting rafe help you out of your shirt.
“no bra?” rafe questions, eyes widening when he realized he spent all day with you, not knowing you were bare under your shirt until now.
“its not like i need one.” you blush, going to reach to cover your chest, but rafe stops you.
“don't feel insecure, baby girl. your body is gorgeous. can i touch your chest?” rafe asks. you nod, your nipples jutting out from your skin now that they're exposed to the cold air.
rafe cups your tits, pushing what little is there up. he swipes his thumb over your nipple, making you throw your head back in pleasure. rafe smiles down at you, rubbing over your tits, feeling them with his palms, the way your nipples are hard against them.
“feels so good.” you whine, not even realizing that you had squeezed your eyes hard shut.
“i know, baby.” rafe chuckles, kneeling into the floor between your legs. “let me show you how good my mouth feels too.” rafe pulls you closer to the edge, wrapping his lips around your nipple, sucking it into his mouth.
“oh my god, daddy!” you shout out, tangling your hands in rafes hair and holding him to your chest, never wanting the feeling to stop.
“mhm.” rafe mumbles against your skin, pressing a kiss to your nipple before gliding his tongue across your chest to the other side. “daddys gonna take real good care of you.”
“i wanna take care of you too.” you say as rafe sucks on your nipple, tugging it between his teeth gently. you hadn't forgotten the original reason you came upstairs, and want to see what you felt pressing against you earlier.
rafe straightens up, taking your hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze before placing it over his crotch. you experiment with what makes rafe feel good as you feel him over his jeans, keeping your eyes on his face. you stroke the hard length, focusing on where you're guessing the tip is, and judging from the way rafe is groaning, it feels good.
“wanna see it.” you say, tugging on his waistband. “please.” you add in for good manners.
“oh, my baby girl, you never have to beg me.” rafe says, undoing his pants and pulling them down, stepping out and licking them away. your eyes widen when you realize there's a small wet spot on his underwear where you were focusing on earlier.
“are you ready?” rafe asks, his thumbs nudging under the waistband of his underwear.
“yes.” you nod, taking your eyes off his crotch as he drops the last layer of fabric, blinking up at rafe through fluttering eyelashes. rafe smiles at you, a soft grin reassuring you as he leans down, pressing a soft kiss against your lips.
you let your eyes close, focusing on the kiss as you reach out, exploring with your hands as you grasp his length, gasping into the kiss as you stroke your hand up and down. you don't know much about what you're doing, but you can tell that his cock is long and thick, you're barely able to wrap your small hand around him.
“feels so good, baby girl. making daddy so happy.” rafe says, groaning as you stroke your fingertip over the tip of his cock, collecting some of that wetness that you saw earlier.
rafe pulls away, standing back up straight as you finally look down, feeling a funny feeling in your stomach as you take in his cock, long and hard jutting away from his body, the tip a beautiful pink color that you want to capture with paint some day.
you take your fingertip into your mouth, licking over the wetness, the salty taste spreading over your tongue. 
“you can just touch for longer if you're not ready to suck me yet.” rafe says, running a hand over your hair.
you don't respond, leaning forward and taking his tip into your mouth, furrowing your brows as you try to work out what to do, flicking your tongue over the head of his cock.
“that's good, baby girl.” rafe moans, resisting the urge to thrust forward, letting you explore on your own as you pull off to lick down his length, tracing over the vein running along the underside until you get to the base and press kisses as you move back up.
you take his cock back into your mouth, trying to take as much as him as you can, only managing a few inches before you gag and pull off a little. you suck the best you can with him taking up so much space, being aware of where your teeth are and not letting them touch the sensitive skin. you'd never want to hurt rafe.
“feels so good, little one.” rafe groans, pressing his hand to the back of your head, pushing you back down onto his cock, further and further until you sputter and have to pull off with a cough.
“are you okay?” rafe questions, but you just give a quick nod before retaking him in your mouth, closing your eyes and focusing on moving up and down, even though you can't take him all the way, you focus on keeping a rhythm, repeating whatever motion makes rafe moan the loudest.
“you can use your hand too.” rafe says, taking your hand in his and wrapping it around the base of his length. you hum in acknowledgement, pulling off to lick at rafes tip to get more of the salty taste as your hand strokes up and down his cock. you kiss his very tip, almost as a thank you for your step daddy for letting you make him feel good.
“im so proud of you, my little baby.” rafe says, and you glow under his praise, sucking his cock back between your lips as you bob your head, running your tongue over him as well.
“fuck!” rafe suddenly pulls away, making you pout. 
“come back daddy.” you try to reach out for them, but rafe reaches down and squeezes his cock tightly by the base, chest heaving.
“you almost made daddy feel too good.” he says, giving his cock a quick stroke like he's unable to resist it.
“were you… going to cum?” you question, quirking your head to the side.
“and what would you know about cumming?” rafe questions, making you blush.
“ive watched movies!” you argue.
“want me to help you learn more? i can make you cum.”
“h-how?” you question. sure, you've seen movies but you haven't exactly studied the details.
“i can use my mouth and fingers to make you feel good, just like you did for me, baby girl.” rafe explains, and you don't hesitate to nod.
“gonna have to take your pants off then, baby.” rafe explains, helping you stand up on slightly shaky legs as you pull your pants down, taking your underwear with it, not wanting to waste time before rafe helps you feel good.
“why don't you lay down?” he asks, running a finger over your cheek. you nod, laying down on your bed, head against your pillows, keeping your legs pressed firmly together, worried about how wet you are in your private area.
rafe climbs onto the bed, hovering his body over yours, admiring his tiny and innocent you look beneath him, despite being completely nude. he presses down, his cock rubbing against your stomach as he captures your mouth, tongue flicking into yours. you relax into the bed, feeling safe again getting kisses from your daddy.
“spread those legs for me.” he emplores you. “let me see your pretty little pussy.”
you part your thighs, rafe moving down your body, pressing kisses to your chest and stomach as he gets closer and closer to where you are craving.
he finally settles in between your legs, hands gripping your thighs. he stares at your glistening pussy, shiny with your wetness.
rafe slowly rubs his finger over your slit before parting your lips, his breath catching when he sees all of you. he leans in tongue falling out as he licks a wide stripe over your cunt.
“oh my god, rafe!” you cry out, back arching, having never experienced such a feeling before.
“you taste delicious, kiddo.” rafe says, burying his face in your cunt as he continues lapping over your cunt, overwhelming you with pleasure.
you whine as he switches to kissing, also giving your inner thighs some attention. he places his hand at the top of your cunt, pulling up to stretch out your skin as he leans in and gives your skin a kiss in a new spot, one that makes you scream, body shaking as you attempt to move away, the pleasure too much for you to take.
“shh, it's okay.” rafe says, moving back to kissing your thighs.
“what was that?” you question, breathing heavily, causing your chest to heave.
“that was your clit, baby. kissing that is like how i felt when you were kissing the tip.” he explains, not judging you for your inexperience. “can i keep going?”
“yes, daddy, please.” 
rafe listens, but makes sure to move slowly, getting you used to his mouth in the area as he licks around your clit without directly touching it. you moan out a mix of his name and daddy, blabbing about how good it is when his tongue flicks over your clit, sending another flood of wetness over your cunt.
“good girl.” rafe says quickly, hoping that's all the praise you need to be comfortable, not wanting to take his mouth off of your pussy as he concentrates on your clit, going from holding his tongue flat against it to flicking quickly, showing you all the different types of things he can do to pleasure you.
“st-stop.” you say, trying to shove rafes head away when you feel something building in you, not wanting to topple over the edge. “it's too much!” you shout, but rafe does something new, taking your clit between his lips and sucking it in his mouth.
“im gonna- im gonna-” you sob out some sort of warning, unsure of what is actually going to happen as your sobs shift into a scream, your hips picking up off the bed as you try to squeeze them shut, but rafes hand pushes your thighs to keep them open.
you fall over whatever edge you were on, vision going black as shaking overtakes your body, and controversially to what your were trying to do earlier, you now press your cunt into rafes face as he keeps sucking, working you through your high as he pets your thighs, hoping the bit of soft loving attention helps you through it.
“oh my god, daddy.” you whine, tears streaming down your face as he pulls off, pressing a kiss to your cunt before moving up your body, pulling you against him as he flips, allowing you to rest against his chest.
“it's okay, baby, breathe.” he soothes you, his hand rubbing over your back.
“that was really good.” you tell rafe after a minute of struggling to get your breath back. “thank you daddy.” you lean in and give him a kiss, tasting yourself on his lips.
“want to keep going? or we can be done for tonight if that's what you need, little baby.” rafe says, wanting to take things at your pace, especially after seeing how explosive your orgasm was.
“more.” you say, slotting your leg over rafes body, pressing your chest into his, rubbing your nipples against his skin as you connect your lips, this time taking control of the kiss.
you rub your cunt against rafes abs, soaking them in your slick.
“baby-” rafe warns as you move down, rubbing your cunt over his cock.
“fuck me, daddy.” you say, wanting to feel good together.
“let me-” rafe tries to get out, but you push his cock against your hole, trying to slide down when your get a flare of pain, shouting and pulling off.
“baby girl, you have to let me finger you first. as much as i want you right now, ive got to open you up since it's your first time.” rafe explains, and you whimper out, nodding.
“come sit on my tummy, come on.” rafe tugs your hips, and you move so you're sat on his abs, leaning back slightly so your cunt is on show.
“let me know if it hurts, okay?” rafe says, his hands rubbing over your inner thighs, admiring how tiny you are even when sat on top of him.
“i will daddy.” you hum as he strokes his pointer finger over your cunt, making sure to get it thoroughly wet. he moves down to your entrance, circling it before pressing the tip of his finger against it, breaking through the tight ring of muscle. 
“oh, fuck.” you cry out, reaching behind you to grip rafes hips for stability.
rafe can move easily with one finger because of how wet you are, pushing all the way in with relative ease, but he can feel how you're still squeezing around him.
“gonna add a second, okay.” rafe gives you a warning, not wanting to take too long before he can get inside of you, needing to be buried in your cunt.
rafe pushes a second finger in, making you whine at the sudden stretch. he moves in and out with pace, not letting you focus on the pain as pleasure quickly overtakes you.
“there you go, stay nice and relaxed for me little one.” rafe says, and you make an effort to breathe and keep your legs from going taut as he scissors his fingers, thumb coming to rub over your clit when he sees your face twist in pain.
“i know it hurts, baby, but trust your daddy. gonna make it feel all better.” he says softly, wanting to pull you down into another kiss but knowing you need to focus on staying calm at the moment.
“it's okay, i do trust you daddy.” you say, voice breathy.
“love you so much.” rafe says, flicking over your clit as you cry out, never having heard rafe say the words to you before, but of course he does, he's your step dad after all. 
“please, inside me, p-please.” you moan out.
“okay, fuck-” rafe curses out. “okay.” he takes his fingers out of you, bringing them to his mouth to clean off before flipping so you're on your back on the bed, his body hovering over yours, hips slotted between yours like he was meant to be there. 
“im gonna try and go slow.” rafe says, the key word there being try. he knows how hard it's been to resist you this long, it's going to be even harder to control himself once he's inside you.
rafe grabs his cock, rubbing the tip over your messy cunt before lining up with your entrance, sinking forward as he pushes inside of your heat. you cry out, wrapping your arms around rafes shoulders, needing the connection to get through this as his hips press all the way in, his cock lodged deep inside of you.
“breathe through it, baby girl.” rafe says, stroking your hips with his large hands as you take a stuttering breath, adjusting to his length inside you.
you circle your hips, brows furrowed as you get used to the sensation. you press up, then down, moving yourself while he stays still, allowing you to explore.
“i-i gotta move baby.” rafe finally says, and you nod, still keeping him squeezed close to you as his hips move back, his cock sliding almost completely out of you before pushing back in, keeping his self control by moving slowly.
“this is what a good step daddy does?” you ask, rubbing your hand over the back of his head.
“yes, i take care of you, baby.” rafe says, burying his head in your neck, kissing the sensitive skin there.
“i love you daddy.” you tell rafe, clenching your cunt around him when he starts to move faster, rafe letting a grunt out against your skin.
“so good for me, little one. our little secret.” rafe picks up speed, his cock stretching you open, making space for himself.
“can we-” you gasp out when he pushes all the way in, his hips rubbing against your clit. “can we keep doing this? even when mom gets back?” now that you've felt this level of pleasure, you don't want to go back to going without it.
“of course, baby. we just have to be careful.” he says, sucking a light hickey into your neck, one that should heal before your mom gets back.
“is it bad?” you ask, even as you spread your thighs apart more, “is it bad that we are doing this? won't mom be mad if she finds out?”
“baby, don't worry about that.” he sighs, picking his head up to look you in the eye. “just focus on how good you feel. i love you, i don't love your mom like this.”
“you don't?” you question, eyebrows raising up.
“the love a daddy feels for his little girl is different.” rafe says, pressing his cock as deep as he can inside of you, and you swear he's all the way into your stomach.
“you don't fuck her like this?” 
“no, only you. my little girl.” rafe kisses you, and you moan into the kiss, moving your legs to wrap around his hips, raising and lowering yourself to meet his thrusts.
“my little baby. my sweet girl.” rafe moans, his cock swelling inside of you. “gonna cum inside you, baby. we are gonna feel so good together.”
he moves one of the hands that's gripping your hip to your cunt, rubbing his fingers right over your clit harshly, needing you to cum at the same time as him.
“daddy-” you gasp, throwing your head back, “daddy, you can't, i'll get pregnant.”
“it's okay, little one.” rafe pants, struggling to hold himself back any longer. “cum for me. don't think about getting pregnant. you'd look so cute for me with your tummy all swelled up. gonna fill you with my cum, put a baby in you.”
“yes, yes!” you cry out, rafes fingers pushing you to the edge as his orgasm finally hits, cumming with a shake as he pumps you full, filling your cunt with all of the cum he has to offer. he keeps pumping despite feeling oversensitive, wanting to make sure he stuffs you.
“fuck, daddy!” you whine, pushing his hand away from your clit when it becomes too much.
“my good girl, shh.” rafe presses your lips together, carefully pulling his cock out of you, looking down as his cum slides out of your hole. he reaches down with one hand, ignoring your whine as he pushes his fingers, and the cum, back into your pussy. rafe smirks to himself as you moan, grasping at him with your little hands, thinking to himself that getting her innocent young daughter pregnant is the perfect way for your mom to ask for a divorce.
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comfortabletextiles · 1 month
I have bought a second hand knitting machine. And it was a PROCESS I tell you.
I bought a yarn subscription for 3 months, to soothe my tired soul, and as a treat for surviving a truly wretched march. Wich will be 3600m in hand and plant dyed yarn. (Below the first of three months and the pattern that started my need for a knitting machine)
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Of course I have to see if the yarns to that well together. But also that is a pattern for a passap knitting machine.
So my hunt for a knitting machine started!
First I found one by "brother" complete with pattern magazines and FUCKING PUNCH CARDS . I wanted that one so bad. But we're talking about 270 bucks and I got scammed before so I asked if I can use PayPal business instead of family and pay a bit more so he doesn't loose any money, because I got scammed before and thats a lot of money. And he was PISSED . How DARE me accuse him of being a scammer, his reviews are STELLAR (well, so where the ones of the scammer?)
So no brother for me.
Then I found a Passap! For FREE! But no shipping (now that I have one I understand, it's a heavy creature, and things could get broken easily if you're not careful)
But she lived way to far away.
WAIT her husband travels a lot because of his work maybe he can bring it some day! BUT we are to far south...
So no free Passap for me.
The I Found TWO machines! One for 250 completely with everything AND prodigal package from 1968! 1h drive from us! Husband already said he'll drive! Parallel I wrote with someone who has a Passap for 80,- in my city! That I could have visited and looked at the machine! I wrote with both, had a lovely Saturday and then had a mental breakdown... So at 2 in the night I wrote both, that I can't buy them, because reasons. I felt very terrible... (Especially because I basically wrote the woman 8h before we came that we won't make it...)
I couldn't stop thinking about the machine though, but felt deeply ashamed how I handled everything ... BUT
I wrote the lady with the 1h drive that I talked to the husband, and that we decluttered, and if she gives me a chance I REALLY like the Passap, for real this time!
And she was absolute incredible and kind 🥹🥹🥹
So, fast forward yesterday evening we got itnto the car, and needed 70 minutes JUST THROUGH THE CITY the whole ride in total should have taken 50min!!!! At this point I truly believed this project cursed!!
BUT. It worked out, I gifted her some chocolate as a thank you for dealing with my sorry ass, she went down with the price a bit, and BEHOLD
A knitting machine
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Took some time to figure out where to place her, and even longer to figure out how to work her... But, we're getting used to each other!
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So there is a happy end!
Bonus story: it's her father's machine, and later in live, before he died, he knitted only socks with her. She had some tears in her eyes when we took her (said my husband) I feel really honored that I'm able to give her a second live :')
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yuujispinkhair · 10 months
adding to the sukuna anon, I think sukuna would definitely be the mean dad if he has a daughter who brings boys around and he just stands around menacingly and also unbolts the bedroom door whenever a boy is around!! aint no privacy in that house if he can help it gkjfhdgjkd he'd be so cute and annoying
I also love the idea of him having twin boys too!!! thats so big brained I think he'd find entertainment pitting themselves against each other in wrestling matches and claims he had nothing to do with it when one of them ends up badly hurt gjkhfd
Aahahaha please he would be so annoying 😂😂 He cannot accept the fact that his little girl is a young woman now who wants to make her own decisions and find a partner who she even might want to marry. Sukuna is outraged!!
He is such a manipulative asshole when it comes to his little princess wanting to move in with her new boyfriend. It's funny how this big, powerful man can pout and sigh while asking your daughter,
"So this is it? Your old dad isn't good enough anymore? After buying you all those Barbie houses you wanted? After paying for your tennis camps and gifting you that Porsche for your 18th birthday? After fighting your teacher so you get a good grade in Math? Do you really think this... boy... will be able to take care of you? How big is his apartment again? What is his job again? The last time I saw him, his tie wasn't knotted correctly. I don't think he is capable of being successful in life."
But nothing he says stops his princess from dating this boy and talking as if she can imagine a future with him. Sukuna is SO distraught! You have to pet his hair and hold him in your arms the whole night, whispering soothing things to him.
"You know, darling, it's normal that they grow up and want to stand on their own feet... You have to give her some space. And that young man seems really nice."
The next morning Sukuna hires someone who does a background check of his little girl's potential partner.
"I can't have some crazy guy date my sweet daughter! I have to make sure he isn't some killer or scammer!"
"Kuna...have you maybe considered that you are the one who is acting crazy right now?"
The boyfriend definitely has to have good nerves and true feelings for his girlfriend, to endure all of dad!Sukuna's shit 😂
Some time passes, and the daughter marries that guy. Sukuna, of course, pays for the wedding. He always wants the best for his princess. And after all, he wants to be able to tell everyone that his son-in-law's family didn't contribute anything, just so Sukuna looks like the only good dad!!
It doesn't end there though. Sukuna feels a bit more at ease with his son-in-law now, but that doesn't mean he will ever accept him. Now there is another problem:
Sukuna is also the type of dad who will invite his son-in-law to so-called "boys' weekends". He says it's because he likes his daughter's husband so much, and he wants to show him that Sukuna sees him like his own son. Sukuna grins happily when his princess hugs him and thanks him for being so nice now! And his sweet wife is also full of praise, kissing him and telling him how proud you are of him for finally accepting that his little girl is an adult now.
But in reality, those "boys' weekends" are like boot camps where Sukuna makes sure to show his son-in-law that Kuna will always be the more successful one, the stronger one, the smarter one etc.
When you realize what is going on, you roll your eyes and hug your husband,
"Baby, I know this is hard for you. But it's ok! Your little princess still loves you. Please just leave that poor guy alone. You don't have to assert your dominance all the time."
"Oh no, darling, you don't understand. I have to make sure he knows his place."
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nychthemeron-rants · 3 months
Random Hazbin Headcanons:
Husk was a (deadbeat) family man. He had a wife, kids (probably three, give or take one), and even grandkids. That being said, he never had a good relationship with any of them. His wife divorced him in the 1970's, when they were both in their 70's. Thats how bad their relationship got. His kids barely talked to him, except one daughter who he managed to make amens with.
Husk died of liver failure that he decided not to treat because he was in his 70's and didn't want to bother.
Husk is torn between missing his kids and being very relieved he's not found any of them in hell because it means they're either still alive or in heaven.
Sir Pentious never killed in life. Sir Pentious was a snake oil salesman (hence his appearance), a scammer, a megalomaniac, and a power and money hungry prick who would do ANYTHING to further his own means. He may have attacked people with his shitty newly invented weapons, but none of them proved lethal... except the one that killed him.
Husk and Angel were both WW2 veterans. Angel served in the navy (stereotypical, I know, but it feels like what Vivzie would pick). Husk served in the airforce.
Angel was extremely repressed in life due to growing up in a mafia family. He was never out in life, and was never openly very feminine. That being said, he was extremely close to his sister and was very respectful towards her friends, and actually took women's opinions and concerns seriously. Because of this he would occasionally "chaperone" her and her friends as they all trusted him much more than the other men in the gang. However, he got mocked by the other people in the gang for the same reason the women in his life considered him safe.
Angel's only real relationship in life was a secret boyfriend he had while in the Navy.
Niffty was raised by a loving single mother. She told people her father died in the war, though in truth he was never in the picture.
Niffty went to college, but her only goal there was to find a husband despite her mother encouraging her to get a degree as "backup". She also dropped out at 19 to marry a man she knew for 2 months.
Alastor crafted a reputation as a playboy bachelor, constantly flirting with women in order to draw suspicion away from the fact he never married. In truth, he only flirted with a few close female friends, such as Mimzy who knew he was not actually interested at all.
Alastor's first kill was his abusive father.
Charlie has never been to earth but wants to visit desperately. She's perfected her human disguise.
Now that Charlie knows Vaggie isn't a sinner, she's already planning dates to the other rings of hell, but she feels guilty that the others at the hotel can't explore the other rings too. She's considered talking her dad into allowing chaperoned trips for those staying at the hotel.
Part of Vaggie wishes she and Charlie could return to heaven, but she would never until heaven has had a total overhaul.
Another part of Vaggie wishes they could start a family but Isn't sure it will ever be safe enough for that.
While Angel and Cherri are best friends, sometimes Angel says something that reminds her that he's old enough to be her grandfather.
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mobblespsycho100 · 11 days
👍psychoanalyze ur kabru playlist now boy
yes I shall #1 boykisser... 🫡
ask game thing
anyway formatting the last post was kinda hell for me. which is why I'll do the same exact formatting for this one...
(rambling all over the place is commencing)
1. Valley of The Dolls by MARINA
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baby. where do i freaking begin.
"In the valley of the dolls, we sleep" -> his adoptive mother, Milsiril, is a big fan of collecting dolls. Like, plushies of everything. She animates them to fight, but they're also there to soothe her. She also adopts a lot of children from short-lived races who don't have a family and she got allegations that she treats them all like her dolls lmao... I mean she kind of does in the sense that they're all precious to her. She does respect their autonomy but uhhh still living with such a doting and overbearing/overprotective mother makes u wanna break outta the dollhouse the cage . be free . hashtag transgenderism also gosh im getting off topic . anyway i bet Kabru slept with a lotta those dolls. in his comfy bed . that he left behind because hes not abt that life mama he wanna see the world and save it and get killed in dungeons. boy.
"Got a hole inside of me / Living with identities / That do not belong to me" -> Grouping these lyrics together because it makes sense for my twisted narrative i mean my very real and based takes. Anyway, he's got a hole inside of him the void in his heart (in his mind) and thats why. his autism and ptsd masking swag. thats as eloquent as i can put it. theres a lot more i can say though
"In my life, I got this far" -> He survived the tragedy of Utaya his hometown . the bloodbath because of the dungeon. It has to be for a purpose ™ . It's because he has to save the world from suffering the same fate and it's his burden to bear it's his purpose it was why he survived (the survivor's guilt... goodness man. trauma processing of all time. :[ )
"Now I'm ready for the last hoorah" -> boy . letting these panels speak for itself. putting it under the cut because spoilers for the peeps seeing this maintagged and they're not caught up with manga .
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yeah boy hes falling. fallen. uhm. in the pit. Ready for the last hoorah in this case like. yeah 🤣 just leaving it up to laios (Liar . kabru and mithrun dungeon adventure speedrun)
"Dying like a shooting star" -> guy keeps dying. not even like a shooting star really. well. ig hes going out in style somewhat id getting crushed by Falin's chimera dragon claw counts as shooting star style
2. Lip Sinking by The Hoosiers
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We all know Sash does not play about The Hoosiers which is why I have 26 damn The Hoosiers songs on there I should get awarded tbh .
Now Lip Sinking is really good because it's another one of those scammer / masking guy anthems i keep talking about. These lyrics in Verse 5 in particular is really easy to match to Kabru's character moment™ though, so let's break it down.
"I float above my body" -> Common depersonalization experience. For trauma reasons, Kabru probably feels like this a lot sometimes but specifically in this scene...
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(apologies for no alt text peeps . but this is the friendship confession scene for those in the know if it hasnt loaded in yet)
anyway, back to the show (psychoanalyzing Kabru) . I think this disconnect with his words VS his thoughts and his heart is so real. Like. seeing urself out of ur body is again a depersonalization thing, and idk if hes feeling depersonalization in this moment specifically but he was really out of it and in a sort of , scrambled and intensely anxious state. His usually calm and cool persona slash facade is Crumbling and man he hates that .
"Must be out of my mind / Cos I watch myself / Getting it wrong everytime" -> He's like. man what the hell am I saying
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letting the page speak for itself again because It's like. its there i mean its in tha text what am I supposed to dissect hes dissecting himself already 🤭😭 okay. 'What am I saying' 'I can't find the words' so true man idk what the hell im saying either rn
"I can't tell you how I'm really feeling" -> because he doesn't know his own emotions. He thinks he does, he has been so good at controlling them and like being fake about what he's truly feeling in his heart, adjusting his personality for others' sake. So they trust him, believe in him, listen to him. But for Laios, how does he even say anything? Before this, the words just spilling out, he didn't even know how he felt about Laios. It sounds ridiculous even to himself and that's why he clamps his mouth afterwards but indeed it Is what he was truly feeling all along... (and then Laios thinks he's lying and hes like "NO BITCH!!!? what?!!!?! im being vulnerable and honest rn?!?" )
"Cuz I'm just lip-syncing" -> for so long that's what he's been doing. lip syncing, saying things he doesn't really mean to influence others' perception of him... but this time his mouth moved faster than his mind racing with thoughts. that he's able to convey what he truly wanted all along and finally admit to himself and his own consciousness. like. aaaahgh. man hes so special to meeee....
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bonus: the outro's lyrics is rlly good aha. he can finally say what he actually feels... he can be #real.
3. Allies or Enemies by The Crane Wives
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This one is . a lot of vibes I think.
"Are we allies or enemies? / This will be the death of me / This will be the death of me" -> He legit says this to Laios . like hes still wondering if they're allies or enemies . Technically he doesn't want them to be enemies. he's cautious but he knows Laios isn't really a bad guy but like, his mind just keeps fixating on Laios and the steps he takes to get the dungeon under control so. hes desperately trying to figure it out because goodness this guy is so. waugh
"All is fair in love and war, but I can't fight with you anymore / This will be the death of me" -> his mental conflict is sooo tasty to me. like . all is fair in love and war !!! any method is justifiable !!! means justifies the ends but also he understands that in the end he can't fully wrap his head around Laios' love of monsters but he knows that Laios will be the one to conquer the dungeon because he also loves his family. He can't fight with him anymore and he can't "kill" him anymore because somehow this man has wormed his way in. well, he never wanted him dead in the first place but I find that he often thinks about killing him to save humanity from his... well. freakishness (complimentary) (concerning sometimes) ;;; but in the end Kabru lets him go and is willing to trust and support Laios till the end ... also once again the repetitiveness of "this will be the death of me" because he's stressed as helll!!!!
"What happens now, do we have another go?" -> I think this is post-Marcille being talked down out of being dungeon lord . Kabru's probably like ok so now what. well. Laios goes its my turn with the dungeon lording 😭😭 (and shit goes down) (but its okay he got it covered)
"Do we bow out and take our seperate roads?" -> Now this is probably when they're (the whole gang) is like "WHERE'S LAIOS DID HE DIE?" no he lives guys its fine. and namari toshiro and kabru run at him in relief. wauh. and also ofc the whole people coming together to eat faligon meat and save Falin ... yippeee... so yeah they don't go seperate roads because Kabru is like yeah imma be Laios' pr manager . #royaladvisor . sticking with him fr fr
"I'll admit I had my doubts / But I want to be let in, not out / But I want to be let in, not out" -> again the repetition ... of him wanting to help. I've mostly been talking abt how this entire song is Kabru's conflicted thoughts @ Laios but this can also be Kabru lending a helping hand to Mithrun at the end of everything. Because he's the one to like help Mithrun realize that there is a purpose to living and like . new desires and ppl who care abt him... but also yeah Kabru "i want to be let in, not out" because he wants to help out Laios with running the new kingdom instead of being in the background again and being ignored ahhaa he wants to be friends for real (and maybe even . lovers. lets go gay people)
ANYWAYYY YEAH THATS THE END WOOOOO idk how to close this out. happy belated birthday kabru and ty juno for sending this in ajshjdhsb :33 ♡
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trynafindbarbiee · 6 months
I want to vouch for barbie. Since im taking coaching from soya.
Even tho im not supposed to be in tumblr since she said it'll cause me to overconsume, I couldn't help but want to check around and see if you posted more of her success stories (they help massively btw thank you so much) and being met w a person saying that you're scamming us is crazy.
Soya, in my experience, really made me realize Loa and the void in general. She made everything click for me and would motivate me if i ever felt doubtful that i wont enter on my designated day.
Yes there have been scammers in the community but that doesn't mean that every coach that offers a payed (cheap service might i add) is a scammer!
its ridiculous. I had a gut feeling that someone would be mad about the fact that its not free and cause drama. this always happens
Another thing is how can you say that void success stories are unbelievable?? anything is possible when manifesting, be it using the void or not. We make the impossible, possible.
Also there was a poll on whether or not we want to see success stories from soya and the majority voted yes.
And the last thing that got me was the gaslighting bit....you cannot be serious? because she said "well what're you waiting for? go get your desired life"? if thats gaslighting then this entire community is gaslighting everyone. I cannot begin to count the amount of motivation posts that use variations of that exact phrase😭😭😭
promoting your friend's business is not manipulation nor is it gaslighting, its called being a good friend. And with that, many people finally achieved entering the void, which is worth more than 20 fucking dollars.
Anyways. Thank you barbie for introducing me to soya! This isn't shade towards any blogger. Its specific to the ask only.
Hope you have a nice day!🤍🤍🤍
" Another thing is how can you say that void success stories are unbelievable?? "
Yeah exactly, first u say everything is possible and then u go like "Also all the success stories seem so fake. I'm not one to doubt success stories but the first few all seem like they're the same Indian girl and then the last 2 sound like random fictional novels."
Huh..BTW thankyou for taking your time and writing this beautiful ask ! I genuinely appreciate it 🌷
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hoescarer · 3 months
just watched the new episode. warninf for spoilers.if you care :3
little (or big) thibgs i noticed that are interesting to mee or opinions and stuff idk iiddkkkkk ;3
✦ barbs xtra piercibgs mention. like hello. ive been waitinfg for them to be actually brought up (unless it was in a previous episode and i just forgot/didbt catch it idk :3
✦ the fact that ava renamed the gym "ava coleman memorial colosseum". i think the memorial part is hilarious. makes it sound like shes dead or somethinf LMAO
✦ ava fixing/making a wristwatch. lookin all cute and focused. equipment and all. that adhd having motherfucker-
✦ whatever was going on with jacob and gregory.. just saying that i DEFINITELY noticed somethinn.. however, i wont get too deep into it. too controversial, i fear...
✦ barb having an ally christian crisis. thats actually a huge topic for me and i hope the fandom doesnt just.. brush past it. it meant a lot. just that whole conversation with ava was sweet and interesting.
✦ i feel like avas sorority sisters dont like her for bigger reasons than we may think. like yea avas a scammer and she can be annoying but like shes literally just a girl smh. but fr i feel like somethin else is going on there and im mad it wasnt addressed fully.
✦ enby subsitute of course!! wahhooooo!
✦ just ava and barbara in general. teehee.
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xo-lesserafim · 1 year
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author’s note: Episode 2 , LETS GOOOO! But thank you for reading<3. But i make each chapter or “episode” while watching the actual one so thats why I’m word for word<3
Bold: Korean
Italics: Over the phone
Both: Korean and Over the Phone
Back to masterlist
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“KITTY” I yelled trying to find her.
“Kitty! Are you okay?” I asked once I found her.“
No, I just found out my boyfriend is cheating on me” She says almost bursting in tears.
“ Hey, it’s okay. Don’t cry.” I said.
“Just Stop trying to comfort me Andrea.” Kitty said.
I felt hurt but she didn’t mean it, right?”
But I still stood, maybe to still comfort her.
“Dae, I don’t wanna talk to you. Just leave me-.”
“Sorry, I’m just looking for the loo” A guy says.
“I’m Alex Finnerty from Melbourne, Australia. I’m a new teacher here this year.”
“ Why are you not Dae?” Kitty asks.
“ You mean the guy you don’t wanna talk to?” Alex says.
“Are you all right? Can I get you anything?” Alex asked.
“ Never mind.” Kitty says. “ You’re American, right?”
“ Yea” I said. “ I really admire you guys over there.” “…… also very loud.” Alex says.
“ What?” Kitty says.
“ I just notice that Americans speak louder than everyone else.”
“Forgot everything that just happened.” Kitty says.
“ I am going back in there and I am not leaving without answers. Let’s go Andrea.”
“ Excuse me” I ask.
“ Those two girls treat Korean Guys like Pokémon. They are trying to catch them all.” The guy said.
“ Not interested.” “ Get over yourself. I’m trying to help her find Dae.” I say.
“Okay, who are you?” Q asks.
“I’m Andrea Song Covey.”
“ And I’m Kitty Song Covey.”
“ You’re Kitty and Andrea?” Q asks.
“ Wait are you Q?” Kitty asks.
“ Track Star, fellow American, heart of gold?” I finished.
“ Guilty as charged. I feel like we should hug right now. Should We?”
“ Maybe later. I need to find Dae.” Kitty says.
“ So you’re the pen pal?” The other guy asks.
“ So you’re Minnie Mouse?” I reply back. “
If he’s Q, then you must be Min Ho.” Kitty says. “ Of course you are. Where’s Dae?”
I followed Kitty to find Dae.
“ What the hell is going on?” Kitty asks.
“ It’s not what it looks like.”
“It looks like you’re a cheater. Are you not upset? He’s been cheating on both of us.” She says to Yuri.
“ No he’s been cheating on you. I already knew about you already. Dae’s American pen pal. I just didn’t know you were you until a few moments ago.”
As Kitty crash into the dessert tower, I fell into the cupcake so she wouldn’t have to be alone.
I mean this dress isn’t my best dress at-least. “ What? Never seen a girl crash i to a dessert tower before?” Kitty says.
“ And never seen a girl fall into a bunch or cupcakes before?” I say.
“ Nothing to see here, people!” We both say.
As she fell down, I was to kinda catch her you could say.
“ Fine, maybe there something to see.” Kitty says.
“ Kitty are you okay?” Dae asks.
“ Get away from me.”
“ And me.” I said running to catch up with Kitty.
Back in the dorms, we were packing up because I don’t wanna be here with Kitty and I feel so bad for her.
When we heard people coming she went to the bed, I went to the door to listen.
“Spill it! When did you get with Yuri? And Where? And how far?” Minho Asks.
“ And most importantly, why?” Q says.
“ Dae you little scammer. What did you convince Yuri to buy you that suit?” Minho asks.
“ How do you know I didn’t buy it?”
“Because it costs 5k.”
“Seriously” Dae says.
“ I don’t know, I feel bad for Kitty.”
“ I don’t.”
“ Thats cold, Min ho. Breaking up with someone is brutal.”
“Except it wasn’t a breakup because it wasn’t a real relationship. No one’s gonna blame you for upgrading a pen pal for an actual girlfriend.” Minho says.
Kitty scoff -shouts.
“ KITTY SHUT THE FUCK UP!” I said whispering.
“Marius?” Q asks.
“ No,no,no!” Kitty says.
“ Your fault kitkat!” I say as we run to our bed to hide.
“I thought Marius went back to Greece?” Q asks.
“ Maybe he changed his mind.” Dae says.
“ Hmm” “Oy, Marius. Wake up! Time for Class!” Minho says as I shush Kitty.
As they were pulling on the blanket we were pulling back to prevent them from pulling off of us.
Once they got it off, I screamed my voice out of me.
“AHHHHHHHH” I screamed.
After screams later the boys went into the living room.
“ Dae’s crazy ex pen pal and her sister broke into our dorm to murder us!”
“ This is our room.” I said.
“ You guys are listed as Song Covey” Q says.
“ So?” Kitty asks.
“ Song can be a guy’s name. That’s why they assigned you guys to the guys dorm.” Dae says.
“What?” Kitty and I say.
“They did this on purpose.
So Kitty could be closer to Dae and Puppy here could get closer.. to me. Plus I thought the little pup knew how to speak Korean.” Min ho says.
“ I told you she was hitting on me on the plane ride over.”
“ I was not hitting on you. But whatever you say Minnie Mouse. And I can speak Korean, I was just blanking out on the time!” I say.
A few seconds later. “Kitty” Dae says. “ Can we please talk?”
“ No, I never wanna speak to you again.” “ Kitty.” “I want my necklace back.”
“ Your necklace?”
“ Yea, the one I gave you when your mom died?”
“ Yea, I have it around somewhere.”
“ Somewhere?”
“ I’ll find it”
“ You don’t even know where it is. Dae, that belonged to my mom.” “
I’ll bring it back to you, Kitty. I promise.”
“Your promises are literally worthless.”
Kitty and I went back into our room. “
All of Dae’s stuff is in the room. Where is he going to sleep?” Min ho says.
As Min ho was saying that Kitty threw a pillow in his face.
In early morning, when Kitty and I were ready to leave for the airport, we had to snuck around Dae.
A few minutes later , Dae was coming over to talk with Kitty.
“ Kitty! I’ve been all over campus trying to find you. Listen, what you saw yesterday me— Sorry. Umm,. The Truth is that— Why is she calling me?”
“ Cause she’s your girlfriend.”
“ No. Just let me explain Kitty.”
“No. After everything, there’s nothing you can say that’s gonna make me stay.”.
“ Maybe there’s something I can do.”
As Dae and Kitty were about to kiss “Dae Heon!” I heard, Dae’s dad was Yuri’s Driver?
As Kitty and I were going to the dorms I heard Q and Min Ho say
“ Dae, have you seen this video of Mr. Han? It’s kind of blowing up.” “ I bet Yuri loves the drama.”
“ I don’t particularly care.” Kitty says as I’m walking to see the video.
“Kitty. Andrea.” Q says.
“ I thought you guys left.” Min ho says.
“We did, but we decided to stay.” Kitty says.
“ And not that it’s any of your guys business, but it isn’t about a boy.”
“ Oh, sweetie” Q says.
“ Our mom went here and being here makes me feel closer to her than I ever have been.” I say.
“WAIT! Dae is on TV?” Kitty says as she pushes me to Min ho and makes me fall on top of him.
“Get off me Puppy.” “
“Guys, shush” Kitty says.
“ so lettuce move on” Gosh I wanted to scream and punch the kid. “
Well played” Q said.
Yuri had tried to hole Dae’s hand, but he wouldn’t let her. “
Oh my gosh. He’s faking it. That’s a fake relationship.” Kitty said.
“Are you sure Kitty?” I said.
“Yes, I’m sure of it.”
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TAGLIST: @chaewon-slays
Copyrights © 2023 xo-lesserafim. All rights reserved. I do not own XO, Kitty , Netflix does<3 do not copy, translate, or repost anything without my permission.
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trapny · 2 months
Had a conversation with a scammer yesterday and it happened at 8 am right before I was going to sleep (I was up very very late due to medical issues that you don't want to hear about and I don't want to talk about)
Anyways here's the entire conversation (with occasional inside commentary ;3)
8:04 AM - Scammer: Hey
8:04 AM - Trapny: Oh my god
(the reason I reacted like this was because I actually had two scammers contact me at the same time. I decided to just talk to this one.)
8:05 AM - Scammer: How are you?
8:05 AM - Trapny: Fine
8:05 AM - Scammer: it seems you are fun to chat with
8:05 AM - Scammer: where are you from ?
8:05 AM - Trapny: Antarctica
8:06 AM - Scammer: really ?
8:06 AM - Trapny: Yeah cause I'm chill as fuck
8:06 AM - Scammer: What do you do for living
8:06 AM - Trapny: I sell trash in an alley to raccoons
8:06 AM - Scammer: okay thats nice
8:07 AM - Trapny: It is very nice
8:07 AM - Scammer: I am a digital marketer with vast years of experience
8:07 AM - Scammer: How can we help ourselves
8:08 AM - Trapny: O shit you're a digital marketer? You think you could help my trash selling business take off?
8:08 AM - Scammer: Can I get to know you more?
8:08 AM - Trapny: Yeah sure bro
8:08 AM - Scammer: yes
8:08 AM - Scammer: did you wanna grow your business
8:08 AM - Trapny: Yeah I'm really tryna grow and reach out to some more raccoons y'know?
8:09 AM - Scammer: yes if you wanna do that I will send you a plan for the task
8:09 AM - Trapny: Uh sure?
8:10 AM - Scammer: IMG-20240406-WA0000.jpg ↓
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8:10 AM - Scammer: let me see some stuffs you sell
8:10 AM - Trapny: Ok ok check me out
8:10 AM - Scammer: alright
8:11 AM - Trapny: IMG-20240406-WA0001.jpg (file attached) ↓
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8:11 AM - Trapny: IMG-20240406-WA0003.jpg (file attached) ↓
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8:11 AM - Trapny: IMG-20240406-WA0002.jpg (file attached) ↓
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8:12 AM - Scammer: ok we first need to create a business suite for your business
8:12 AM - Trapny: I already got one in the alley where I do all my trash selling
8:13 AM - Scammer: okay did you have an online store for selling
8:13 AM - Scammer: that will still boost your sales
8:13 AM - Trapny: Nah man I like to be more personal with the customers you know?
8:13 AM - Scammer: yeah
8:14 AM - Scammer: did you have a channel on YouTube ?
8:14 AM - Trapny: No but maybe I should make one to attract more customers
8:14 AM - Scammer: yes you can
8:14 AM - Trapny: And by customers I mean the raccoons I sell trash to
8:15 AM - Scammer: yes i will drive more audience to your channel
8:15 AM - Trapny: Damn bro fr?
8:15 AM - Scammer: but at first we need to create a channel
8:15 AM - Scammer: are you there?
(At this point, exhaustion had just hit me point blank. It was 8 am and I was very very tired. I didn't feel like dragging this out any longer. In hindsight, this jarring break of character probably confused this guy so much. Which is really funny to me.)
8:16 AM - Trapny: Honestly my guy I'm kinda tired. I'm not keeping up the facade anymore man. Just leave me alone.
8:16 AM - Trapny: Do you ever get tired?
8:16 AM - Scammer: yes, sometimes
8:16 AM - Trapny: Do you ever feel like maybe it isn't worth it?
8:16 AM - Scammer: how much did you make daily?
8:16 AM - Trapny: Go eat some chocolate or something bro happiness is good for you
8:17 AM - Scammer: yes thank
[Number blocked]
And that was the end.
He "yes thank"ed right out of my life.
I gotta wonder what was going through his mind when this happened. What did he think was going on here? I'll never know.
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lemon-koii · 1 year
Twst characters in Teyvat AU
Dorm Leaders edition♥︎
Note: Im back after 2 weeks of not posting and i am very sorry about that! I havent been feeling my self lately and just spaced out every time(very tired and sleepy too.) So I decided that i wouldnt be using my phone for a while just to rest and only reposting posts that i really like.
(Reminder: Please always be hydrated and make sure you guys get enough sleep and rest! Its a terrible experience of being burnt out so please take care of your selves♥︎)
Vice dormleaders
Riddle Rosehearts
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He lives in Inazuma because thats the closest thing i can think of from where his from
Like, the Queen of Hearts is very strict
So which region in Teyvat is the strictest? Inazuma ofcourse!
I was also having 2nd thoughts on either giving him a Cryo or Dendro
But in the end i settled for Cryo since...its pretty obvious
Got his vision after his mother found out about him skipping his study hours and then becoming more stricter than before
Leona Kingscholar
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Iansan is the only picture i can find about Natlan so- Leona is from Natlan!
Remember scene if Scar singing "Be prepared"
Observing where it takes place, its surounded by rocks and volcanos. Soo-
I personally think that Natlan has many volcanos and it probably even has a side where it has grass and not just a desert. Kinda like Sumeru but less vibrant vibes
He's a catalyst since he's probably to lazy to lift a weapon
Has claymore potential tho
Azul Ashengrotto
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My precious scammer crybaby♡
I first thought that he would be good in Fointen since its water. But I try to relate his(and the others too) life in twst to Teyvat
So i putted him in Liyue since Contracts, ya know?
Azul lives in the coral sea where the sea witch Ursula lived
Ursula handles contracts, And who else in Teyvat handles contracts? Rex Lapis/Zhongli does!
So im thinking he lives in the waters of Liyue along with the tweels
Kalim Al-Asim
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Kalim lives in the dessert side of Sumeru and its pretty obvious why
He's mostly a catalyst since he isnt allowed to be on close combat
Although he can use a spear really really well!(he wanted to match with Jamil)
Trust me, I love Kalim very much. But i cant give a decent explanation about him in Teyvat!😭😭
Vil Schoenheit
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Vil lives in the green part of Sumeru. Specificaly in the city of Sumeru or near the the borders of Sumeru and Fontaine
His Mom is from Sumeru and his dad is from Fontaine so his a mix of both
He is an expert at using weapons but he prefers being a catalyst
Honestly, his vision explanation is already in the picture so- next!
I like Vil but I havent read/watched book 5 yet so please spare me
Idia Shroud
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Congratulations to Idia on being the first ever tall male Anemo👏✨️
*Ahem* back to the topic
The picture it self is already self explanatory but i'll still explain it anyway!
Fontaine is the most technological advanced compared to the other regions in Teyvat, so its pretty obvious on why i put Idia there!
By the way, the "Fontaine" logo in the picture is not the official logo of it. I just found it on reddit
The Shroud parents also has some...suspicious conections to the abyss and khaenri'ah
Malleus Draconia
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"Why did you choose a fanart of the Khaenri'ah trio?" Because the art deserves all recognition
Malleus isnt from any region in Teyvat, except he is from the destroyed nation, Khaenri'ah
He also has direct connections to the abyss
"Omg! Kaeya is a decendant of the founder of the abyss and Khaenri'ah! Can they perhaps be related!?" I dont know~👀
Probably witnessed the fall of Khaenri'ah
(Fanart by haash🌸 on twitter)
I tried so hard to not give the all(except Kalim) a CRYO vision. Because god these kids need thearapy fr
Sorry for any grammar mistakes as English is not my first language♡
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bezzygom · 1 year
DUDE im so curious about your white day au, could you tell us more about it ? :D
some contex for anyone reading:
part 1
part 2
tbh there's not much to my white day au it was mainly supposed to be funny over anything else
the main plot is essentially rui being one of the mages at a castle but getting threatened with being fired which causes him to panic and claim that he has found a way to find the lost prince of the kingdom. he kinda comes up with semi working spell for that in a rush but the spell essentially leads him to a lost prince in general not specifically of their kingdom. after that rui with mizuki and akito in tow (as knights protecting/accompaning him) gets to toya who got adopted by tenmas as a kid and is running a family inn together with tsukasa and saki. theyre kinda hesitant to belive rui at first cause he seems like a scammer but in the end rui promises that he will help find out whats toyas past in exchange and they agree and go with them. but since like ive said all they know is that toya is "a lost prince" theyre not 100% sure its of their kingdom so while theyre on their way back they do like a cheklist of going to diffrent kingdoms for a quick stop and proving that yep toya is not that kingdoms prince
some other stuff that are not the main plot but might be entertaining:
- mizuki knows rui made everything up and is trying to cover for him and akito is the only one in the castle thats like "this guys bullshitting" and volunteered to join him to prove that the guy he found is not the prince. cut to a looney toons like compilation of rui and mizuki covering the truth in front of akito
- theres a slight tenma family side plot with saki wanting to leave to travel the world with l/n but not knowing how to tell tsukasa. In my head she claims that its because she doesnt want him to be alone and its harder now that she knows toya will probalby leave too but its also in a bigger part her being scared of leaving not in a "world is a scary and dangerous place" sense but in a "moving away can be a stressful experience" way and her feeling like telling tsukasa would make it final. toya learns by accident before the story starts and Ive imagined toya and saki bonding in scenes where they talk about how theyre actually kinda anxious to leave their home especially since its always been just the 3 of them. anyways it ends with a happy ending lol
- mafuyu is following them for plot relevent reasons i wont reveal in case i ever want to make more of it
- toya saki and tsukasa would get their white day outfits eventually but its not serious and in my head its them trying to disguise themselves to get into a royal event or something
- I wanted to make it a mizuruikasa au in a sense that mizuki and rui are already acting like a couple and then both of them are looking at this pathetic guy who tries to infodump akito whos a knight about knighthood and they think "I want him"
- theres some akitoya but its also mostly comical with akito having an internal conflict between "damn im falling for this guy" vs "I feel like liking the guy who im trying to prove is not a prince and rui is just making shit up is kinda like admitting defeat and I cant give rui the satisfaction"
- theres a song "learn to do it" in anastasia and this au exists 100% because ive imagined a scene where rui mizuki and akito desperately try to teach toya how to be a prince to it
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sincerlycas · 11 months
Um yes girl give us the ☕️🫖!!!!
ALRRR YALL KNOW I GOT YALL!!😭😭 so first things first right, me and him have been going painting for a while right so around this time we were taking a break and I was sitting on his lap per usual. this time my phone was connected to the speaker since my playlist is the spitting image of his and I had it near the window so my phone can get service so I couldn’t use it yada yada yada. so as I was saying I was sitting on his lap and I asked if I can play games on his phone and he pulls up subway surfers right and I’m said I’m goated at it and I can beat his high score, so I start playing it and the nigga is a goofball so I could see from the side of my while I’m tryna focus that this man got his mouth wide open leaning slowly to get a chimp on my mf chest (😭) and he stops mid way and is like “I thought you were gonna hit me I’m surprised” and I’m like “bitch I was you were a lean closer to getting elbowed” right and he’s like “you can’t be that focused” and I said “nigga please you can’t distract me when I’m focused.” and he’s like oh really??? so he pull up my shirt a little pulls my bra down and starts sucking the fuck out of my nipple tryna distract me from getting a high score and did he succeed?!?!? bitch you know damn well y’all girl didn’t get distracted!… I lied the highest score I got was 4000… ANYWAYSSSSS yeah so fast forward we take another break and we laying on the lounge with plushies and blankets where you can lay down and relax right and when I tell you this man needs skin to skin contact- he needs it. so we cuddling and he damn near got his whole face in my damn neck and we talking and laughing and shit then he takes a lick at my neck and I’m like “you fucking lizard” and we start laughing and starts doing random tongue motions and kept asking me what animal is that then the last one I said “you. you’re the animal” and we laugh yet AGAINN (laugh yall way into some dick/coochie it works like a charm) and he ask if darkskin can get hickeys I’m like “nigga-“ he told me don’t answer that he forgot for a second then i don’t remember how but he starts sucking on my neck again and choking me blah blah blah (🫦) and he goes up to kiss me we kissinnnn and when I told you the nigga slipped his hands in my pants and abused thy clit, he abused it. I was on the verge of screaming 😭. then I sucked his dick and he doing what he doin to meee😁 and suddenly it turns into a competition so while I’m sucking the dick I suck his balls I DONT EVEN GET TO DO ONE SINGULAR SUCK this nigga jump up and say “nahh I’m sensitive there” pussy I know. so I go back to sucking the dick and I end up sucking it so nicely that I caught the nigga staring at me so I being goofy as hell winked at him and that got his ass fucked him goin like “damnn show out then” bitch I will. LEMME STOPPPP anywaysss he goes to eat me out and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MF AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! it was so gooddddd after first when he did it I thought it was his fingers doin that till he moved my hands I was like THATS HIS FUCKING TONGUE?!?!? bih I was grabbing on my own neck for dear lifeee. then yk he try to put it in it hurts yada yada he goes get a condom he goes SLOW then it goes INNNN I’m like lord have mercy then he’s like “i know I know” AHHHHHH so he notices that the nigga I told y’all didn’t pop my cherry for real so he goes DEEEEEP and that’s when I turn into a freak I’m choking this nigga and I’m grabbing this nigga ass forcing him to go harder and shitt. ANYWAYSSSS we finish and a bitch feel like she boutta be knocked outtt and if I haven’t explained before my man isn’t a scammer trapper rapper he’s a scholar so he don’t speak in slang he speaks proper and shit and he analyzes tf outta people. so like we chillin and this nigga talking bout I’m a dominate submissive girl who likes it hard asffff and he like thattt then said a whole bunch of things I’m like…. what am I a book?!?!?!?! but yeahhh yalll that’s all I can remember rnnnn my memory is ass btw.
it’s crazy to because for a while I thought I was gone be a virgin forever or sex wasn’t for me and I was wrong SO FUCK WITH A EDUCATED AND CLEANNN EX HOE OF A MANNNN.
xoxo your favorite hoe 💋 (imma start using that now)
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gold-rhine · 1 year
I know how you feel about the shogun but I’m just curious, where do you stand on the other archons we’ve met?
i'm pretty much on same page with how the game presents them. like i have some opinions about venti's behavior re: attachment issues and how zhongli is a scammer who twists contracts when he wants to, but its not like egregious dissonance. i like them fine.
i generally believe in meeting things at their own terms. like if you wanted, you could get in depth about hypocrisy of morax being shown as a warlord, but also pretending he was super benevolent all the time you guys, and entire havria story quest about how it wasn't his fault weak gods died, despite like. no, that's obviously not how building empire works. but like the setting firmly establishes this is how it's rolling so like ok, i don't see reason to go against it, i'll take a benevolent stoic himbo over warcrimes conqueror
the difference with raiden is that genshin showed me her atrocities and spend like 2 acts telling me "look how bad it is!! it's really fucking bad! it's a srs bsns war, families are being torn apart, ppl lives are ruined, ppl are DYING! it's raiden's fault!! you need to care!" and then in one swoop turned into "its ok now, she was just sad:( her sister died 500 years ago :(" which like, no? thats not proportional to the stakes the game itself raised. you told me yourself that dogboys are having PTSD about their dead comrades, genshin. you didn't have to! we wouldn't be in that mess! but they wanted to take this seriously right until the end, and like thats my problem with raiden
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