#the antibats
natetrx · 6 months
Bass Girl appreciation post <3
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(I'm mentally ill)
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mykilljoyhq · 9 months
There's an alternate timeline where you and I are constantly fawning over him and petting his mohawk until he freaks out and tries to bite or scratch us but only because he doesn't know how to handle attention. Touch starved baby 🥰
Omg yessss
He is really touch starved.
Come here and let me hold you, you punk evil stick man
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antibatsidekickgirl · 2 months
Dumb Aquabats memes part 1/?
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Yes I know it's not funny.
(Also, feel free to use these anytime you like!)
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brendonloverurie · 11 months
I made a meme, sorry in advance guys lol.
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xsuperradbatx · 2 years
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thinking about mikey way as an antibat
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sillyfartguy69 · 2 years
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would u accept?
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coldbrewarts · 4 months
Here is a rec list of my favorite Domino twins/Fives lives AU pieces (no cloneshipping because that’s bad) all AO3.
Fate is Overrated, Anyway by Antibats (this one is my absolute favorite just with the group of characters that make up the team from Obi Wan to Ahsoka and Cody and Fives and Omega…. It’s perfect)
Pick up the Pieces and Wake Up Call by JGVFHL
Nuhoyi, Vod'ika [Sleep, Dear Brother] by TooBusyWriting
You can go Home Again by freakface
That’s it Boys, Stay Together by hearth_goddess (feat. The rest of the dominoes) and plan 88
But you’re Dead! By Catgurl23
You Could Press a Knife to My Throat by Sanctuarys_OutPost
You Were Gone by Geekygirl24
It’s Only a Matter of Time by Jaybird1129
Once A Domino, Always a Domino by Gobayern16
Homecoming by ameanstoanendor
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MCR’s History with Yo Gabba Gabba
So many people post about how weird it is that the everlasting-emo band My Chemical Romance appeared and performed on the children’s television show “Yo Gabba Gabba”. 
So let me tell you why they did that, and why the aftermath is so damn cool.
Once upon a time, in the year 1997, a superhero-themed ska band known as The Aquabats made a goofy, low-budget music video for their song “Super Rad”, which featured a Godzilla-style costume monster...
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Recognize him? You should! 
This Aquabats villain is the earliest form of “Muno”, who was acted and voiced on Yo Gabba Gabba by Adam Deibert (aka Prince Adam of the Aquabats). The lead singer of the Aquabats and their founder, Christian Jacobs (M.C. Bat Commander) also happens to be the creative director and executive producer of Yo Gabba Gabba.
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So when Gerard Way said that he’d love to do a cameo on YGG during an interview at SDCC in 2011 (while promoting his Danger Days comic series), Jacobs got in touch. As fans of each others’ music, it was a natural fit, and after MCR made their YGG cameo, Way and Jacobs kept in contact.
A couple years later in 2013, Jacobs invited Way to write and direct an episode of The Aquabats! Super Show! This collaborative episode features The Aquabats fighting their evil counterparts, The Antibats (and their fake band, Asthma), led by Mikey Way. 
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Other guest starring bands on YGG include Jimmy Eat World, The Killers, Devo, Taking Back Sunday, Weezer, MGMT, the Ting Tings, and The Flaming Lips. Regular segments on the show included Biz Markie’s Beat of the Day and Mark’s Magic Pictures, featuring Mark Mothersbaugh of Devo.
Suffice to say, Christian Jacobs’ early ska career in the 90′s set him up to create two very different but incredibly fun children’s shows; both of which have introduced young kids to revolutionary bands and their generally positive messages. 
And if you liked seeing MCR show up for seemingly no reason on Yo Gabba Gabba, you’ll fucking LOVE The Aquabats! Super Show! 
In fact, you should go check it out on their YouTube channel right now, where a good amount of the episodes are free. Fuck, even Rhys Darby of Our Flag Means Death fame showed up on the Shark Fighter! episode of TA!SS! 
I’ve seen The Aquabats live and would love to do so again. Their concerts are super fun, engaging, and aimed primarily at children (Pizza Friday dance party anyone?). They just want people to be kinder, enjoy music, and have fun together.
So yeah... Emo kids should 110% be supporting the ska scene and vice versa. Listen to some Aquabats and MCR, support both bands whenever possible, and remember that we’re all friends here. Every snowflake is special!
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aquabatsconfessions · 3 months
The Antibat Leader/Asthma frontman is my favorite character. The Antibats are definitely underrated.
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natetrx · 5 months
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This is one of the most stupidest ideas I think I've ever had
Alternative one cause why not:
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mykilljoyhq · 9 months
I'm always willing to talk Antibat Leader if you want! I found myself with a crush on him....
Yes I would like that a lot
Omg yes my tism is going wild
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antibatsidekickgirl · 3 months
I find it really funny that in the Antibats episode, Silver Skull seemed scary and mysterious and dangerous, but in the reboot episodes, he has a more foolish, silly vibe. His villainous plans really fell apart without the Antibats.
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And him playing with Cobra Man was hilarious.
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brendonloverurie · 11 months
Me after watching the Aquabats episode with Mikey Way as the Antibat Leader:
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(I'm currently self shipping btw)
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randomwordzard · 4 days
my homies wanna get into The Aquabats Super Show, which episode should I show them first? (not necessarily the best ep in general)
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aquafinnie · 3 months
I can totally understand simping for a character with little content, I really like the Antibat Leader/Asthma frontman, he doesn't even have a name 🥲 we need the villains to come back and team up.
Aquabats underrated villains gang fr 😢
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episodeoftv · 9 months
Round 1 of 8, Group 8 of 8
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propaganda and summaries are under the cut (May include spoilers)
Spy x Family: 1.12 Penguin Park / ペンギンパーク
A trip to the local aquarium results in mayhem for the entire Forger family as Loid is assigned a mission that is, fortuitously, located in the same place.
Spy x Family is already the show of all time but this episode just perfectly encapsulates the chaos and omedy this show is. three dumbasses who have never once lived a normal life and are also Autism™ desperately trying to act like a normal family. none of them are communicating with each other. the superspy dad is literally so fucking tired he's going to explode. the telepathic 4yo does half the work. the assassin mom kicks a guy into the ceiling. every line anya says is fucking gold and fucking adorable. i watch this episode twice daily
The Aquabats Super Show: 2.05 The Antibats
Two competing bands seeking revenge on The Aquabats! unite with evil Silver Skull and become the Anti-bats! Ricky abandons The Aquabats! for newfound love and must choose between his new girlfriend and saving his friends as the mighty Anti-bats close in.
Okay, first off, I'm probably WAY to old for this show, but it's so good! Yes, it's a corny kids show, but it's so amazing! This episode features Mikey Way from My Chemical Romance as one of the villains (he looks SO hot btw) and the plot is so funny! It's loser heroes against punk villains, random sound effects, corny acting, and a random fake popcorn commercial spliced in??? And it has a special place in my heart because I was really sick while watching it. But you absolutely can't take it seriously. Like. At all. You have to get so hyped up on candy (I ate Skittle lol) 10/10 experience would recommend. And it was released in 2013. 10 years ago.
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