#the baron wrote this
hasello · 1 year
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Baby Blue (16/25)
Is it just his dizzy mind seeing nonsense or is Leo getting comfortable around Barry? Whatever it is, he doesn't like it.
Also I hope the dialogue's easier to read now!
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aquitainequeen · 11 months
Ridley Scott: I made a film about two rival officers constantly duelling throughout and in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars, and now I've actually done a film about Napoleon!
Me: Great! Could you also do a film about Baron Dominique Jean Larrey, a vital innovator in European battlefield surgery and triage, often considered the first military surgeon; who pioneered the ambulance volantes ("Flying ambulances") to quickly transport wounded men from the battlefield, effectively creating a forerunner of the modern MASH units; co-led the team that performed one of the first accurately recorded pre-anaesthetic mastectomies in Western medicine; was spotted helping wounded men while under heavy fire during the Battle of Waterloo by the Duke of Wellington who purposefully ordered for his soldiers not to fire in Larrey's direction; and when captured by the Prussians after the battle was about to be executed on the spot when he was recognised by one of the German surgeons, who pled for his life because he had saved the life of Field Marshall Blücher's son some years earlier?
Ridley Scott:
Ridley Scott: Um.
Me: Yeah. Didn't think so.
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bambiraptorx · 1 year
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Part of my Minor Interference AU, where Draxum agrees to train the turtles and finds himself losing his mind because of their gen z chaos.
Also known as: that feeling when you've quoted vines around your parents so much that they quote them too.
More comics set in this AU are here and here. I might do a post explaining my thoughts so far if anyone is interested.
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thedawningofthehour · 6 months
Helloo!! I havent finished the latest chapter yet, but the second part of Galois‘ perspective made me wonder!! There was a choice to be made for Donatello, had he submitted to Draxum right away, he would have lived on as Donatello. Would Draxum still have changed his memories to that degree?? As in, would Donnie think he was raised by Draxum orr would he have only manipulated him to make him believe he was willingly working with Draxum. Im guessing, had he joined Draxum sooner, he wouldnt have his scars on his wrists and ankles, so there would be no story of him being held captive by the foot, would there?? Anywayy, gonna enjoy the rest of it now
I'm trying to remember what I even thought in the beginning. Draxum wasn't going to completely rewrite him if he didn't have to, but thinking about it I definitely think he would have done something. I mean, come on, he's smart. And he obviously understands and respects how smart Donnie is. So he knows that he can't underestimate Donnie, because Donnie can and will wreck his shit.
Likely, Draxum would have cast the second part of the spell that made him super agreeable and unable to doubt anything Draxum told him, just to sort of tweak his moral compass (lol, Donnie's moral compass spinning wheel of doom) and ensure his loyalty. This was a lower intensity spell and he wouldn't have needed Hypno for it. He might have erased Donnie's memory of that day, just to keep him from getting fussy about the whole 'arm-breaking and welding you to a table' thing. (but that's fairly easy to do, and easy to explain away) He probably would have cooked up some story about rescuing Donnie from X villain and then taking him home to treat his injuries. Maybe he would have still blamed the Foot, they were a convenient scapegoat.
No, he would not have his scars, those are there because Donnie basically degloved himself. It wasn't even a single injury, it was a thousand of little ones all stacked up on top of each other and then were prevented from healing because he kept reinjuring himself. If Draxum had been able to take them off within the day he would have had some marks and cuts, (Donnie had more strength to struggle at first, plus he was on painkillers while Draxum healed his arm so he might not have even realized he was hurting himself) but they would have been healed pretty easily. If Draxum wiped his memory of the previous day he might have said Donnie was out of it and thrashing around while Draxum was trying to treat him and needed to be restrained for his safety. (which happens-my mom tried to fight the dentist when she had to get a few teeth pulled)(she lost btw) He would have let Donnie tell his family that he was alright, if not where he was. Once he felt confident enough in Donnie's loyalty to allow him to communicate more regularly with his brothers and maybe even see them in person, he'd spin some story about only intending to treat Donnie's wounds and send him home once he was out of danger, but they got to talking and just struck up such an understanding or some bullshit like that. His original plan had a secondary goal of changing the minds of the other turtles, but that was more of a bonus thing. He only needed Donnie.
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ssstupid-sssnake · 3 months
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you can try to cheat death but death will cheat you
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quivering rn what the heck
baron from the baronies is something that can be so personal actually
#fantasy high#baja’s blasting#the sheer unadulterated aromantic horror in his and rizz’s interactions jesus christ#‘everyone else will find someone they care about more than you’ hey. hey what if i cried#brennan lee mulligan why did you do this to me#the raw fucking dread the science with rizz seeing everyone he knows falling in love or dancing or making out#coupled with this freakish mannequin thing insisting that it is his romance partner. what the fuck#‘you are quite unlike your parents’ hey what the fuck man#and the fact that baron comes from a mirror which ties him into how riz perceives himself…aaaaaa#what if i cried. what if as in i am and have#AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO#it’s so sorrowful and realistic and terrifying and oh my god#i just can’t get over it. it is an amalgamation of riz’s fears of his friends all moving on from him after high school#and settling down romantically#it’s just so shfofksiokgnririe#AND THE FACT THAT BARON IS CREATED FROM A LIE RIZ TOLD IN ORDER TO FIT IN. HOW HE CARRIES BARON AROUND IN HIS SUITCASE#BECAUSE U CARRY THAT AROUND THROUGHOUT YOUR DAY#the horror of being in the closet is displayed so purely#also like. being aroace is really scary. it seems like everyone else has something magical that you never will#and you can’t attain it#and just jelstieoektkvkksir#they really did it justice#never gonna recover#sorry i wrote this before i learned that baron uses they/them :(#ignore my lack of lore knowledge#what i lack in facts i make up for in vibes
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bdor1995 · 2 years
pentiment liveblog
oh bro no please dont bring up martin luther up at dinner at the monastery i (the player) have social anxiety
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wanderingmind867 · 4 months
Baron Zemo is an unrepentant Nazi and a prejudicial monster, but I still feel a little bad about the cloth permanently grafted to his face. That has to be painful. Maybe it's not good to be able to feel sympathy for a horrible person like that, but it does sound painful. The man spends 20 years (at least) with a cloth grafted to his face. Does that affect his skin? His health? I have to imagine it's hard to eat or drink through his cloth covering. I'm also wondering what we'd find if his mask was removed. I kind of expect him to be badly disfigured, but I don't know.
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tcrmommabear · 11 months
TCR B-Day Bash Day #3: Revenge
Gooooooood morning! We’re back again a day late, but with a much shorter one. This prompt is a continuation of a previous thing I’ve written, which you can read (or reread!) here!
Hope y’all enjoy!
"Just understand, if this doesn't work, I'm placing all blame upon you."
"Just trust me Baron, this'll be hilarious."
Baron couldn't say Muta's words sparked any confidence in the cat, but he didn’t really have a choice. He was here simply as a fellow victim and a witness. Muta said this prank would work well on Toto, and that the bucket of iced water would do no harm to anything other than pride.
While Baron knew better than to blame Haru and Toto for his reaction to the cucumber incident, he did find a little petty joy at getting back at his oldest friend.
Muta and Baron shuffled in further behind the couch, eyes trained on the cracked front door, with the bucket above filled and ready.
A pin could drop in the room and it’d be louder than the pair.
There was a slight shuffle to the right, a figure settling in next to Baron, but he paid it no mind. Likely Haru, just falling in next to the boys when she didn’t understand what was going on.
“What are we waiting for?” Toto asked.
“Toto to come through the front door,” Muta mumbled over.
And both were hit by the fact that it wasn’t Haru next to them.
“Toto?! If you’re not Haru, then where is she?!” Baron panicked.
“She went to get some cake for us?” Toto replied, eyes widening in horror.
The door began to creak open.
“Guys? I’m back-!”
"Haru, wait!"
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savagecat900000 · 8 months
Rosette AU
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mayakern · 1 year
just wanna say i love what you do and i love your creations!! you can feel the care and time you take in your designs, and they always turn out so lovely. i now own five of your skirts!! i plan to own more as skirt restocks come out (i have my eye on that cloud one when it comes out, for sure.) a tad sad ill never get my hands on the milk skirt as milk is like, my Thing™, but i can understand discontinuing it for lack of sales. i still think it was cute regardless!!! thank you for your time and effort. got my eye on your book series when it comes out in full (i hate waiting between books). hope you have a lovely day.
aw thank you that’s very sweet!! 🥺🥺
thank you for enjoying and supporting my work / our store
spitfire won’t be finished finished for a couple years at least, as i’m currently in the middle of editing the “first” book (which is being split into books 1 and 2) and am about 1/4 the way thru writing the “second” book (which is being split into books 3 and 4)
the hope is once i’ve finished the structural edits on book 1 that i’ll submit to pubs, and even just hearing back from pubs takes months tbh, not to mention the whole process of trad pub (if it gets accepted by trad pub)
anyway all that is to say, it’s a slow process so i hope ur ok with waiting!! and also thank you to everyone who already read spitfire (and maybe even firebrand) and who has been so supportive and patient of this strange meandering path i’ve been taking 😭
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asteralley · 1 year
what if...conan started to have a fear of heights. because my god he keeps getting thrown off so many things
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gmanwhore · 2 months
We're playing a fun game called does this song actually relate to the characters I'm relating them to or is it just stuck in my head
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mothmanchronicler · 1 year
prompt: industrial revolution AU. hiram is an oil baron & the riverdale cast are the disease-ridden children that run his factory. betty is inexplicably hunting jack the ripper. archie is a soldier tasked with union-busting but he ends up joining the union himself. veronica orchestrates mass voter fraud. jughead still has rabies. etc etc
The life of a street rat is not envied by many, but Jughead thinks he's got it pretty good, all things considered. A bed to lay his head at night (straw: not bad but for the rats) in a room with enough other kids crammed inside to prolong the wood stove's warmth at least halfway through the night.
He's even got himself a job that pays real money, not that company store crap that his daddy was trapped in before he kicked the bucket. Sure, his room and board is deducted straight from his salary so it's not much, but it's honest work.
Well, no, it's not really honest work either. The Lodge Textile Factory, like most work available to the likes of Jughead and his peers, pays like shit.
If Reggie's two missing fingers are a testament to quality of the work, that's shit too. At least he was lucky enough to get out with his life intact.
Dilton Doiley, poor bastard, was sucked into one of the giant looms last spring. They spent four entire days plucking pieces of him from the threads and mechanisms, at a lower pay rate because of the "loss of revenue," as one of Hiram Lodge's goons floor managers had put it.
So yeah, its shit all around.
But it's work, and a place to stay, and he makes just enough to send a measly amount back home to Jelly Bean and his ma at the end of the month. Ma says in her letters that she's using that money to put Jelly Bean through school. He hopes that's true, although he's never been one to take what his ma says at face value. He just hopes that Jelly Bean is clothed and fed and kept in good spirits.
His day begins, like all days, with the lady of the house ringing her god awful bell to wake them all up.
"Rise and shine," Mrs Bell calls, voice rough and grating at the early hour. "You best be up in the next 10 minutes or else you'll miss your company provided breakfast."
Jughead groans and it joins a chorus of the others' similar noises. He sits up, rubbing his eyes.
"Company provided breakfast my ass," Reggie grumbles from the cot beside him. "I wish they would just call it gruel, be fucking honest with us."
Gruel might even be a bit of an overstatement, if Jughead's honest with himself, but it's calories and he's never been one to turn down a free meal.
He elbows his way to the shared bathroom for a leak and a splash of questionable lukewarm water to the face.
He's got his bowl of slop breakfast and a seat at one of the uncomfortable tables in the pathetic excuse for a cafeteria when Betty Cooper slides into the seat next to him.
She's as bright eyed and bushy tailed as every, despite the hour and the paltry conditions of their lives.
"Juggie, did you see?"
He doesn't have time to ask what she's talking about before she's slamming down a copy of the newspaper in front of him. He squints at the page as Betty continues to ramble at a mile a minute.
"There were two bodies found last night, can you believe it? Exactly the same as the other. Ladies of the evening, both of them. All cut up and disemboweled. The detectives on the scene said it looked like the killer was playing some sort of grotesque game of 'cat's cradle' with their innards." Jughead drops his spoon and pushes his bowl of gruel away from him. Betty, not even taking pause, grabs it and starts shoveling it into her mouth. "They say the killers getting bolder, killing closer to populated areas. The poor bastard that came across one of the bodies was quoted as saying he say a brief glimpse of a black cloaked when he turned the corner before the killer disappeared into the night. It's lunacy, Jughead! How have they not caught this evil man yet? It's like the police can't do their jobs."
Jughead wants to know where Betty got the idea that the police are capable of doing their jobs, and what her idea of those jobs would be, but he doesn't press the issue. By the time they're being shuffled to the factory floor, Betty has moved onto theories.
"The children's games angle has me thinking," Betty continues as she settles into her spot next to him on the line and ties her hair back in a knot. "What if the killer is someone who works with kids, ya know? Like a school teacher, or or someone who works at an orphanage?"
"Hm, you know that's not a bad theory, Betts." Jughead considers. Beside him, Betty gasps. For a horrible moment, he thinks she's been dragged down by her hair into the machine, but she's just staring at him with wide eyes.
"What if the killer is one of the orphans, Jug? An exceptionally tall, quick, and brilliant orphan? The cops would stand no chance of catching them, if that were the case."
Jughead stares back with equally wide eyes.
"The perfect murder," Jughead whispers. "The perpetrator would be completely under their radar. He'd basically be-"
"Invisible," they both whisper at the same time.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
We've seen more lewdness from Erin then we have from anyone else, even C.C.. At least that I've seen
Ive always been a little shy about nsfw unless someone asks for it first and surprisingly there hasn't been much for demon boi
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galacticneighbor · 1 month
Can't think of chapter titles for my fic so I have just hit shuffle on my playlist until I head a good line <3
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