#the class of 86
orchidvk · 1 year
I actually don't like to promote my stuff or anything but I just wanted to share this series I have going on with you!
I already uploaded part 9 today so if you are interested just take a look and decide if you like it!
Have an awesome day <3
I uploaded the link for the FF here
This is much more comfortable for you! <3
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topgunsocial · 5 months
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tomc4t · 2 years
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goose looking at maverick and smiling-
ice not so subtly looking over at mav-
mavericks little smirk-
literally everyone else looking dead
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fangirl6202 · 9 months
Hangman: do you think he's ever going to notice me?
Coyote: *thinking back to Rooster literally tripping on the tarmac because he smiled*
Coyote: yeah Jake. I think so.
On the other side of the Hard Deck:
Rooster: there's no reason to think he's into me
Phoenix: *thinking back to when Hangman got fully tackled because he was too busy staring at Rooster during dogfight football*
Phoenix: I fucking hate you
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misanderousmisfit · 1 year
Iceman visibly upset picking up his trophy and zipping his pants back up: Why is it called the ‘Top’ Gun trophy if the winner isn’t entitled to top the losers?
Maverick pulling up his pants also visibly upset: I let him win for nothing?
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pollyna · 1 year
au in which the whole '86 class celebrates the last of Ice's edibles with a sleepover that the Daggers crush when Bradley takes them over to Mav's house. After the first half an hour of pure chaos and people asking how many admirals he calls uncles and how many of them call him baby Goose, Omaha asks, but where's Mav? and Slider starts to giggle so much that he cries, and Merlin follows him, and within ten seconds they're all laughing.
"It's a funny story" starts Admiral Neven "a life time ago, Mav was so drunk he could barely walk straight, and Ice was tipsy."
"Iceman is never tipsy!" Admiral Williams intervenes.
"Exactly! So Mav wanted to see the stars. He took Iceman's hands, and they spent hours out on the deck, but we had to go back because we had a hop at seven, and nobody had the guts to go outside because we thought they were finally getting some! Then Merlin gets up and says he is going to do it, and we all follow him—just to actually get outside and find two idiots whispering like kids and kissing, all still dressed up and more sober than an hour before. After that time, if they get drunk or even tipsy, they disappear, and you can always find them in a garden or a patio! When baby Goose was little, he used to sneak behind them and cuddle until he fell asleep" the Admiral finishes, pointing at a photo of the three of them, in the exact same situation he just described.
Bradley, seated between Admiral Kerner and Wells, smiles and says, "Ice used to pick us up after we fell asleep and take us in bed.
By the time Ice and Mav are back in, hours later, all the elven Daggers are sitting around Hollywood, who's telling them wild stories, and, considering how red Bradley's face is, they are almost certain they know what tale their friend is sharing.
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paxdracona · 8 months
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Don't you just hate it when your oh so funny friends snatch you straight from a nap to wrangle you into ~witty~ tshirts? (said friends know their only chance is when Mav's guard is temporarily down, smart)
WIP that I keep waffling over because I want ~*companion pieces*~ but they keep not working out >:{
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iwontactmyagenoi · 1 year
Currently thinking about Icemav’s Easter family meeting.
They invite the ‘86 class every year and that’s their family.
They try to be there every single year, wether they’re on an assignment right before or if they have meetings to attend, they promised to be there every year.
They bring chocolate for everyone, special snack day
They do an egg chase where they use the whole house and the backyard as a hiding place.
One year, Ice hid a special gift for Slider to thank him for al the years as his RIO (he was soon to be grounded with receiving his rank of Admiral) and it became a tradition, hiding special gifts for each other.
They all sleep over at Ice’s house and leave in the afternoon the day after.
They always add a chair for Goose, a chair that should’ve been occupied. To never forget him.
Happy Easter everyone <3
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sicc-nasti · 9 months
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Could Shifter possibly get a kiss on the cheek? :3
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10$ in change means Shifter gets a kiss on the cheek and for the other $9.75 a "Use Brodies skull like a squeaky toy!!!" Brodie: *squeak* THANKS F- *squeaks* OR THE SU- *squeaks* SUPPORT *eyes bulge out squeaks* SHIFTER
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storeboughtbrand · 2 years
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Mav: Guys...I just want to know. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.
Mav: Smart choice, I was lying. *looks around the circle consisting of Rooster, Bob, Phoenix, Hangman, Payback, and Fanboy. Then he looks up at the break room to stare at Halo, Fritz, Coyote, Omaha, Yale, and Harvard. The other group stares back instead of hiding* So...no one wants to fess up?
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Mav: Okay..I see how it is. *turns to look at Rooster* You know anything?
Rooster: Nope, I had no part in this Mav-
Mav: Bullshit, I can see the corner of mustache twitching, it only does that when you're hiding something from me.
Rooster: *checks to see if it's true but realizes he fell for the trick* Shit!
Mav: No part of this, my ass. The longer this takes, the worse the punishment's gonna be. *narrows his eyes at Rooster before whipping his attention to Fanboy* How bout you, Fanboy? Got something to tell me?
Fanboy: *avoids Mav's eyes to look at the others. Phoenix makes a zip-it motion. Hangman mouthes, "you better fucking not."* I don't know anything either, Captain.
Mav: *squints harder* So....I guess Cyclone's office randomly decided to redecorate itself overnight?
Hangman: *because the man can't help himself* Cyclone may have finally decided to spruce up the place.
Mav: *zeroes in on Jake* Really?! He decided to replace every single picture in his office spontaneously...with shirtless pictures of young me!?
Hangman: I mean, you were a hot young twink back then, Pops. Can't really blame the admiral.
*Everyone except Mav facepalms*
Mav: *sighs while muttering you cannot kill your child, you need 12 to make a full dozen* Given the withstanding silence, I'm going to make an educated guess and say it was a group effort. *the group starts to protest* which I do respect. I'm glad to see you each have each other's back. That being said, speak now or forever hold your piece.
*Everyone remains silent, though there are a lot of shifting eyes and suspicious looks traded.*
Mav: Then....you leave me no choice...*pauses dramatically to make eye contact with everyone* you are all banned from my house for an entire week-.
Everyone: WHAT THE FUCK!
*violent banging on a window can be heard from the break room and Mav looks up. Halo and Harvard are both holding up pieces of paper with the words "HELL NO!" & "YOU CAN'T DO THIS US!" angrily scribbled on each respectfully*
Mav: Hush! All of you! You all did something wrong and now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions - No, stop it, all of you, those eyes are not going to work on me.
Phoenix: Sir, hypothetically speaking, *Mav raises his eyebrow* if we were the ones to put up those pictures instead of Admiral Simpson, I would think you would find it funny too.
Mav: Oh, don't worry, Phe, I burst out laughing and couldn't stop for 10 minutes straight when I walked into his office. In fact, I almost passed out from lack of oxygen.
Phoenix: Then why-
Mav: My problem with all of this is that he won't give the photos back.
*stunned silence*
Bob: I-I'm sorry, sir, did you just say-
Mav: I said what I said. Cyclone won't give the photos back.
Rooster: *whispers what the fuckkkkk* Okay, well.... we can steal them back for you...
Mav: Nope, there is no redemption round for any of you. *he cocks his hip and points to everyone, including the people upstairs* Now, thanks to all of you ......I have no choice but to seduce Cyclone to get them back.
Daggers.exe has stopped working
Rooster: *faints but Fanboy catches him, but they both collapse on the ground*
Payback: *chokes on his spit and starts up a coughing fit*
Hangman, Phoenix, and Bob: *all have varying glazed looks of horror, with Jake's being the most horrified*
Payback: *in a raspy voice* S-Sir, you must be joking!
Mav: *with the most serious look they had ever seen* Did I stutter?
Hangman: What the hell..there's no reason for you to do so *mutters why would you even* we can sneak into his office after hours -
Mav: And risk more of Cyclone's wrath? I don't think so, Lieutenant.
Fanboy: *still on the ground holding the downed Rooster, lightly tapping his face to wake up* Sir, Why is it so important that you get those photos back?
Mav: Why is it so important? Why is it so important!? I'll tell you why it's so important! It's because there are only a handful of copies of those photos, those being included!
Hangman: *whispers* why do you even have-
Mav: And they were all Christmas gifts to specific people!
Hangman: *proceeds to faint just like Rooster, taking Payback down with him.*
Mav: *continues ranting* I don't know how you kids were able to get your hands on those photos, but now someone is missing their photos and I'm not keen on remaking them anytime soon. So, if you would all excuse me, I have to call my husband and explain to him why I need him to bring me my special change of clothes. *turns on his heel and struts away, missing Phoenix and Bob turning green with horror*
*He gets all the way to the Hanger but is stopped by Hondo and Warlock*
Hondo: Ugh *glances at the group of traumatized aviators, foaming at the mouth* Mav? What was all that about?
Mav: *gets that Look on his face* that, my friend, was the sound of 75 bucks making its way into my pocket.
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Next >>>> The Aftermath 😳
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orchidvk · 1 year
Hello there! ^^
I just needed some advice and thought you could help me out.
I wanna work on the next part of my series and now I'm thinking about introducing two OC of mine.
But then I thought, maybe that wouldn't fit the series (the oc's got mentioned but never appeared)
So if you have a second please tell me your thoughts.
Thank you <3
Summery of the Series: Rooster and the daggers look at old tapes recorded by Carole and the class of 86. Capturing Holidays, Birthdays and even small things like a time on the beach.
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topgunsocial · 3 months
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Someone tell me which WIP I should work on instead of studying for my finals
You Have the Wrong Guy - in which everyone is giving Jake the shovel talk when it was Bradley who broke off their first relationship - Exs to Lovers, ft. dagger squad and class of 86’
Unpacking - how each of the daggers (and Mav) find out about trans!Jake - not romance centered but has the development and destruction and ultimately getting back together of Hangster, Javy is the best friend ever and deserves all the love, this is very self indulgent
Running - Jake has ran his whole life. If no one can catch up to him no one can leave him. Then he meets Javy. The man seemingly has unlimited  patience and always seems to be a step ahead of Jake. - character study, Macheresin, Jake has an absent father and issuesTM
Ballett AU (unnamed) - In which Ice is a Ballet instructor and Mav takes care of Amelia for Penny when he’s not test piloting the military’s newest planes. - plenty of misunderstandings, Icemav endgame but mistaken Mav/Penny, Penny&Sarah friendship
Dinner for Three - when Beau gets an invite to the Mitchell-Kazansky household he figures it’s something to do with the dagger squad, after all the first (and only other time) he was invited over was to celebrate the success of the dagger mission, what he was not expecting was a fancy dinner cooked by the handsome couple that are blatantly flirting with him. This is some cosmic joke, right? - Cyclone/Maverick/Iceman, might end up being smut but won’t promise anything, ft. Cyclone having a massive crush on Ice and reluctant feelings (ew) for Mav, surprise they like him too, Bradley shows up in here for some reason
Dadmral - the obligatory fic in which the dagger squad finds out Mav is married to the COMPACFLT - Pov Phoenix which is different for me lol, some texting, dagger squad and class 86’, Icemav, Ice is alive, Rooster gets smothered by his uncles who have missed him
Coming Home - Rooster fixes his relationship with Mav while working on the Mustang and getting awful (and some good) relationship advice - Icemav, Hangster, Mavdad, Icepops
Goose Been Knew - in which Goose has to deal with idiot pilots who clearly love each other (twice), don’t worry he has a lovely wife and partner to go complain to. - Goose lives, Icemav, Hangster, Slooserole, really just short bits of Goose putting up with Mav and then Rooster
Guitar - Bradley owns a guitar for reasons completely unrelated to his ex who he’s definitely not still in love with. That would be crazy. They’ve been apart for years. - Hangster Exs to Lovers, bitter Hangman, Phoenix and Javy are DONE, the rest of the dagger squad are confused
A Series of Weddings - Tom and Pete get married for the first time in 91’ despite what the world tells them they can do, they talk about it in 2011, they get married legally in 2013 when Ice is diagnosed with Cancer, talk about redoing vows and throwing an actual celebration in 2015 (they don’t), redo their vows in the spring of 2021. In 2023 they attend the Bradley’s wedding. - this is honestly one of my favs, inspired by this post, Icemav, no relapse of cancer, lots of weddings, love, and fluff, Hangster at the end, class of 86’
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redhead-writes · 2 years
Hollywolf as Bob’s guardians
So Wolfman sees this kid, maybe around 12 or 13, in a mall arcade locking the target and shooting all the targets close to perfectly. His interest is piqued. He is still in his uniform so it would not look weird that he is approaching a child. When Leonard approaches him, he recognizes the grandson of their neighbor, an old lovely lady but could give people a run for their money. 
Hollywood played poker with her when he was back from missions. The old lady has saved their arses on more occasions than one. DADT still in place there had been loads of rumors even in their secluded community. Mrs. Floyd heard about it and in a few days rumors died out. 
Neither Hollywood or Wolfman knew what she did but they were forever grateful to her. Also she always had the best cookies for after long deployment and care packages coming to their ships. 
Recently an old lady was joined by her grandson Robert, Wolfman remembered. He seemed to keep to himself and Mrs. Floyd let him be, not telling even her neighbors why he was here.
Kid strikes the last of his target and Wolfman says: “Amazing eye to hand cordination. Have you ever thought about going to be WSO?” Kid jumped a bit and turned around to come face to face with Leonard. He was scrawny, clothes seemed baggy on him and dark circles under eyes like he hasn’t slept normally in a while. Hollywood would say Robert was not cut for it but Wolfman saw something in this kid.
“No, sir…Mr. Wolfe, I haven’t.” “Well…you should, Robert. We would be losing an amazing asset if you don’t consider that.” Kid smiled at him and fixed his glasses that also seemed too big for him. Something in Wolf wanted to take care of this child, teach him all he knows.
“How about we eat some pizza and then I take you back home?”
“I am not really hungry, sir.” Robert looked down on the floor. Leonard saw his hands starting to shake. He had seen similar things in his fellow pilots after a rough mission. What the hell this kid had gone through?
“I am! You can order whatever you want. It is on me. I will tell you funny stories about my deployment.” Wolfman suggested, not wanting to pressure kiddo into anything, but gosh he needed to put on some weight. Robert just nodded following Leonard to the food court. They had a good time and Robert even ate one slice of pizza. That Wolfman took as an absolute success.
He drove them back home where Mrs. Floyd was already waiting for her grandson on the porch. Robert thanked the Wolfman, hugged his grandma and walked into the house. Old woman made her way to him. Just looking at him. Her look could rival Iceman's unnerving one.
“Found your grandson in an arcade shooting targets down, he is good at it. Also Robert ate a slice of pizza and had a milkshake.” he felt the need to count down what they did to her. She cracked a smile, her eyes glistening and started speaking: “It is his first proper lunch since his parents died in the 9/11 attacks. Thank you, Leonard!”
That explained a lot about how Robert acted, how he looked. His want to protect the kid grew with each passing minute. He also wanted to go and kiss Hollywood as a reminder that he still is there.
“I will be around here for a few months and Hollywood, too. We could take him on weekends.”
“Having two best pilots next door already is helping him, but if you both don’t feel bothered, I think it would do Bobby good, having you two around.”
As Wolfman predicted Hollywood didn’t see what he saw in Robert. One of the best WSO’s in the making but with time Rick started to see it. So he took on training Robert, starting with stretches and  morning runs before Robert’s therapy sessions that left him anxious before and tired after. Then followed yoga and meditation, all three of them did because the kid had tripped in going into the therapy too. Not only were they helping Robert but he was helping them. That made Hollywood realize what Wolfman had seen from the start. 
Robert was 14 when he lost his grandma and both Hollywood and Wolfman another dear friend. Mrs. Floyd had written in her will that custody over Robert was split between Rick and Leonard till Robert Floyd turns 18. Mrs. Floyd called them only by their given name and so the three carried on that tradition. It helped with keeping work outside the home. Their psychologist also approved of it.
Both of them were called to San Diego and they took that chance for a new start for all three of them. Hollywood as a joke put a sticker on their car back window saying Baby on board. That is how Robert got his call sign B.o.B. Wolfman and Hollywood teased him softly over it because he always will be their baby on board. Robert simply needed something that reminded him of these two men who helped raise him in WSO he is now. Sense of them with him in that plane.
In San Diego Robert met Ron “Slider” Kaner who owned a private plane company that had special training planes for pilots. Both Rick and Leonard had taken Bob flying before but this was next level. Robert passed it with flying colors, getting out of the plane laughing with Ron. The other two pilots were happy to see their kid happy like that again. He was meant to be in the air. Somehow Robert or how Ron had started to call him Bobby tripped Slider into therapy, too, but he drew a line at yoga and meditation, but Hollywood teasing him about Slider not being limber enough did the trick.
Somehow Hollywood and Wolfman had kept Iceman and Maverick out of Bobbies life. It wasn’t like they kept him hidden away. Simply the other two men had a lot going on in their life. Then Bradley upped and left without another word. Wolfman had gotten an absolute mess of Maverick calling him. Ron had canceled the last of Robert's flying training sessions. Bobby knew they all were hiding something.
That somehow brought in both hurricane and unmovable objects in Robert's life that were Pete and Tom when he was 15. Bobby was alone at home, doing his homework and looking through some of  Hollywood's paperwork. Both of his guardians are still at Top Gun base, training running late. When loud banging made him jump in his seat, Robert hid Rick’s papers and took a baseball bat for self preservation reasons. He was dialing Leonard.
“Bobby? Is everything alright?”
“I don’t know. Someone is banging on our house door.”
“Oh fuck!” cursed Leonard. “That is Maverick. We will be back as soon as possible. We will call his husband.”
“Leo, I think I should let him in before neighbors call the cops.”“Yeah, do that.”
Bob opens the door to have Maverick just fall face first on the carpet in the halfway. The older man groans. Bob closes the doors and goes to the kitchen to get a glass of the water for the man. Maverick, as Wolfman had called him, had sat up and just looked at Robert with glassy eyes.
“Drink this! You will thank me when you wake up tomorrow.”
“Who are you?”
“Robert, Rick and Leonard are my guardians. You must be Pete?”
“Yeah, but everyone calls me Maverick.”
“We don’t use callsigns under this roof. Only given names. Makes you realize you are not your callsign but human, too.”
“Then yeah, I am Pete. Where are your guardians?”
“Coming! They called your husband, too.” To what Pete groaned, hanging his head low but he kept sipping on the water.
“Maybe you want to move to the kitchen. It must not be good for your knees. Let me help you!”
They sat in silence in the kitchen till four men walked into the kitchen. Robert got up and told Hollywood: “I fixed your paperwork. It is under the couch cushions. I am off to bed. We still on for a run at 6AM?”
“Thanks! Yeah, kiddo, we are.”
He could hear a new voice joining the conversation when he left the kitchen: “What do you mean this 15 year old kid is going through your paperwork?”
“Hey! That is our Bobby and he does some paperwork shit for my company, too.” piped in Slider. “He is really smart. We are raising the best WSO while you failed at raising not angry punk pilot. No surprise Mav pulled his papers. You can’t fly with such mental health.”
“Slider, this is not helping right now.” “No callsigns under this roof, only given names.” said both of his guardians at the same time, confusing Pete and Tom even more.
They really haven’t been around a lot. Iceman becoming Admiral and Maverick trying to piss off as many higher ranking officers as he could while trying to raise a kid. It was no easy job. Wolfman and Hollywood knew that hand first but Bradley’s reaction to this was uncalled for.
“Pete, look at me. We will give Tom numbers of really respectable psychological health center. It is really private but it is time you deal with it all. You can’t go again in spiel over another Bradshaw. Me and Hollywood have a kid that had gone through similar shit and we are not putting him in any kind of danger for his progress to drop. Also our own progress to drop. You call them when you feel like it is time but Pete never ever again come to this house door drunk like this. I will call Ron and he will be happy to finally whoop your arse.” ranted off Leonard. These two men could be his lifelong friends but he would not put himself or his family in any kind of bad situation. Maverick just nodded while Iceman was standing close to him with hand on his shoulder. “You did a better job than me and Ic…I meant Tom.”
“You will get used to it. We had help. Our house doors are open to you. We have family dinner each Friday.” said Rick, helping their guests out of their house. When everyone was gone, he slid near his Wolfman and whispered: “That gives me a hard on.” To which Leonard answered: “Don’t tease me.” Order was mixed but that was how it started. Rick really felt turned on by Leonard’s rant. 
Ron is in for a ride and when Bob turns 18, he will become his partner because that kid had saved some thousand dollars for Slider with his amazing  reading skills that take notice of smallest details. 
Also Bob will choose to do his engineering degree before going to pilot school.  He wants to spend more time with Leo and Rick and Ron. Now Pete and Tom, too, before he goes off to become WSO.
When Ice gots sick, Robert cuts his deployment and is there for his uncle Tom because he knows the man. He will act though while he suffers. So Bob pauses his life a bit to help Pete and other Uncles to take care of Tom while Pete is away. They all learn ASL to be able to talk with Tom because no one gets left behind in this family. Tom is Admiral and gets Robert spot on Top Guns engineering team but in the end Bob ends up to be Admirals Kazansky right hand. Writing papers, taking calls and etc. "NOW LOOK WHO ALLOWS BOBBY TO DO HIS PAPERS." *pointed fingers and all*AT LEAST HE DOESN'T HAVE A CHICKEN SHIT HAND WRITING RONNIE it's what Ice totally signs back to Slider. (thank you @pollyna for this one.)
Ice gets better and Bob is sent on deployment to keep his skills sharp. Still he feels bad for leaving his family but all of them say he should go. Penny told him she will keep an eye on those trouble makers. Uncle Pete and Tom will wait with their wedding when he gets back because Hollywood and Wolfman married straight up few hours after DADT was lifted. Bobby was ring bearer. It was a small ceremony in their house's backyard with closest people. It was simple but heartwarming like those two. 
On carrier Bob kept getting care packages that he shared with other people on his squadron. They didn't question it, enjoying tasty stuff that was in those. Bob was happy to share the love he gets from his family. 
In one of the runs of the plane, Bob didn't like the sound of the plane. Uncle Pete and Ron always have told him to listen to planes. He told his pilot that something was wrong and they got to go back to the carrier but he dismissed it, telling Bob not to sweat it. The pilot was sweating it when their plane was going down fast. They ejected and then Robert's body hit the water's surface. He was just floating in the water thinking about his parents and grandma. Will he join them now? No, no, he had reason to live. There was a big family waiting for him to come home. He felt so tired and his head hurt. He could hear Wolfman screaming in his head to stay awake. He did try, oh God, he did try. Robert hoped that his parents and grandma would protect him at this moment and he could float back home safely somehow. 
Bob woke up to the clean smell that always came with hospitals. He was used to it after picking Tom up after his chemo. But why was he here? He tried to move and all his muscles just screamed in pain.
"Hey, hey, Bobby, don't move. You are bruised everywhere."
Bob squeezed his eyes because that sounded like Uncle Pete. He was deployed on a ship nearby.
"Uncle Pete?"
"Yeah, that is me." Whispered the older man, squeezing Roberts hand. "I know you are confused how I am here but our carrier got a mayday signal and I flew out. While in the air they told us more details. I thoug....I thought I will need to tell Rick and Leonard that their son died."
"Brought back bad memories?"
"Yes, kiddo. Still working on them with a therapist. Kinda hard to get through something you burried down in 1986. Then I noticed you in the ocean and called the boat to get you from my carrier." Bob just hummed, finally opening eyes to see Mavericks green eyes looking at him.
"Is the pilot okay?"
"That is our Bobby we know. Always worrying about others. He is back on your carrier. He won't be after your dads get to him. Not to count Iceman calling, too. He is flying out with Ron." Bob groaned. He was not dying. He will be okay. At the same time it warmed him over to know his family got his back.
"Someone needs to keep uncle Ron in check."
"Don't worry! Let us take care of you for once. He shouldn't fear Ron but Tom. To ignore what their WSO says and especially one that had been Admirals right hand. Really dumb. Do you want to tell me what happened?"
"We flew up in the air and the plane didn't sound right. Something was not right even if I checked on it before flight but my pilot distracted me before I could get to the engines. I told the pilot it and he ignored it. After 3 minutes we are falling into the ocean because our engine is on fire. Then my body hit the water and I passed out."
"Bobby, you know that real pilots don't do that. No one gets left behind."
"I know, uncle Pete. I will go back to sleeping. Wake me up when worrywarts get here."
After this incident Robert ends up being deployed in Lemoore and he could go home on weekends without trouble. Then uncle Pete goes missing because he pushed the Darkstar too far. Of course, he comes back to them as Maverick does. Then comes the next punch in the gut. Tom was doing his routine check ups and they told him cancer was back. Bobby was there with him because Maverick had to come back from his bruising. He could see that uncle Tom took it as a death sentence.
"No, uncle Tom. You are stronger than this. We are going to a different clinic."
"No use." Wrote to Tom on his phone.
"No, I am not giving up on you and you are neither. You hear me. You have every reason to live. I will call uncle Ron if you don't follow me to this other clinic."
It took three long days for the blood test results to come back. Robert and Tom were visiting doctor in this new clinic. Keeping it all under wraps to not worry their closest. Doctor told them that there must have been some mistake in testing because it looked all good in this blood test but to be 100% they would need Iceman to check in each week. The relief both men felt.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, all the markers are clear."
After such a miracle they both knew it was time to bring Bradley back and there was only one way to do it. The suicide mission. His dads won't be happy but they will get it. Especially with uncle Pete being the teacher.
There was the first training session with him, Phoenix and Hangman as a team. The blonde man teased him, hitting the target with Baby on board. But Robert could give back as well as he got it. Seresin left them to die which would not roll with uncle Pete or him. So after training, he cornered Hangman.
"What do you need, Bob?"
"Never leave your wingman behind. You may be the best pilot here but you can't do this mission alone. And we can keep up with you, if you don't think with your ego. Also yes, Bob stands for Baby on board. My dads gave me my callsign." With that Robert left with a gaping Hangman behind him. Javy got out of shower, piping up: "You know he is right, Jake. You can't do it alone."
"Damn that stealth pilot."
But after that uncle Pete was not keen on  putting Jake with Bob in the same group. Then all hell broke loose when Jake reminded two men about Bradley's dad. Robert knew Jake was right.
Somehow Robert has ended up as friends with Bradley. He saw both of his uncles in the man and two people he had heard only stories about. Phoenix seemed to trust Rooster but Bob could not shake the feeling of his instincts that Bradley is not ready for it. Jake's words resounding in his mind. Bob had all the reasons to come back alive from this mission. The day on the beach was what they needed. They finally felt like the team. After they went back to the Hard deck. Somehow it ended up only him and Jake left from his squad.
“It seems Hangman had been left hanging?"
"You are funny, baby on board." Slurred Jake.
"Do you need a drive home?"
"I don't have a home. Just leave me be."
"No, in this family no one gets left behind. You should have learned that after my first rant. You can stay at my place for tonight."
Next morning Robert woke up later than usual to come down and see Jake being sat at end of table. His eyes jumping from his dads to uncles.
"Hey, Robert! Why didn't you say your family is made up from Top Gun class '86 best pilots?"
It seems Rick and Leonard had drilled their one house rule in Jake.
"You didn't ask, Jake. Also people start to treat you differently when you explain it. Did they already integorate you?"
"Bobby, you wound us. We were on our best behavior here." Answered uncle Ron.
"I will believe that when ostrich's will start to fly. I know you wanted to talk with him since first training."
"Yeah, yeah, Bobby. He is a good kid."
"Reminds you of you, Ron?" Asked Rick who was making waffles. It made both Ron and Jake choke on their coffees. Uncle Tom didn't take his eyes off Jake that made him twitch anxiously.
"He is just angry that you hurt his husband. He will get over it in a few days. Uncle Tom knows you are right about Rooster. Maybe, possibly, uncle Tom could talk uncle Pete into giving our trio another chance to fly together."
"I will think about it." Tom signed back. Jake seemed to relax also.
Bob again was in hospital. This time after the bird strike. He knew someone was there but when he opened his eyes all was blurry. Someone helped to put his glasses back on. Those were his spares because it was flurry before his eyes could focus. In a chair tiny for him sat Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw.
"Hey! How are you?"
"Like I just ejected from the plane." answered Robert, something not nicely scrapping in his chest. Those guilty looks Bradley kept sending him did make the feeling get worse.
"What did you do?" No movement from the Rooster. "What did you tell Maverick?" Bullseye. Bradley looked at Bob so quickly he could hear the man's neck crack.
"I will ask one more time what the fuck did you tell Maverick?"
"He told me how you were taken to hospital. How when you work in this field for long you're gonna lose someone. I exploded at him and told him no one will mourn him if he burns in."
Robert felt like someone had slapped him. He started to push the call nurse button. The middle aged woman ran in his room and he rumbled down: "Man with panic attack at top gun base. Where did you leave him?"
"In common room."
"Please, call Admiral Kazansky - Mitchell straight away." She nodded and left the room. Bob has had enough of this idiot ruining his family. Uncle Ron once said that everyone was coddling Bradley and now he got to see the consequences of this coddling. This ends now. "You are a selfish prick, Bradley Bradshaw. Thinking only - me, me. Did you ever think who was powerful enough in both yours and commanders life to ask to pull your papers?"
"Mom." Bradley breathed out.
"Woohoo! You have won back one brain cell. While you ran away and didn't look back, I was there. I had to look at them while going through losing you. I was there when uncle Tom fell ill with cancer. It had to be you who was there not me. He helped you when your mom was ill but you were not there." Bradley was opening his mouth to retort something. "Don't you dare to say they could call you. We all tried but you blocked all of us and then changed your number. You kept on running from them but they kept an eye on you. Right now I have no idea why. They love you so much and you simply gave it up. You gave up people who love you unconditionally. If something happens to uncle Pete and he can't teach us anymore, I will punch you so hard you will fall in tomorrow. You are selfish, Bradley, and a hazard to my family. So I would love to ask you to go check on Phoenix before my family is here because I won't stop uncle Ron this time. Get help, Bradshaw, than maybe one day you can come back to them and be part of this family."
Rooster got up and silently left the room. Bob was right; he really did hurt his only living family. It was time to talk with Phoenix. She always had good advice.
They were on carrier and waiting for captain Mitchell to call his team's names. All that was left was uncle Pete's wingman. Bob already knew who he gonna choose but he couldn't stop muttering under his breath: "Not Rooster, not Rooster."
It was too late now. Robert looked at Bradley with one look saying: "You better bring him back in one piece."
It seemed to be going good so far and then uncle Pete was down because he saved Bradley and then Bradley too was down. Bob felt all his strength leave him but they had to get back to carrier. Also that it was his uncle Pete and Pete's kid. If there is anyone who can come back from this, than it is those two. There was signal on the radar from Rooster and small relief went trough Bob. Soon enough they were back on carrier. Bob made his way to his uncle. He hugged him as hard as he could. Then he turned to Bradley.
"You kept your promise?"
"I did. I want to be part of this family again. Thank you for kicking my arse."
"Happy to help, Bradley, but if you would excuse me, I need to give something to your savior."
"Go get him, Bob." laughed Bradley. Robert found Jake hiding from the huge crowd.
"I thought you would be basking in the lights of your success?"
"Not really feeling it."
"I wanted to thank you for saving my family memebers." said Bob, pressing his lips to side of Jakes cheek when the other man turned his head and their lips connected. Bob doesn't know how long they just stood there making out. "Good to know that I already had shovel talk from members of your family."
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ya-gurl-emily · 6 months
Hasbro really needs to make more non-weapon accessories for transformers. They gave us a taste of it with 86 Starscreams Throne and coronation outfit, but I want more. I want a dining table, a nice sofa or kitchen set, maybe a cute purse or two.
Basically what I'm asking for is Barbie but shes a robot car.
Carbie, if you will.
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pollyna · 1 year
au in which Mav and Goose are part of the ground crew and Mav moons over a particular pilot inventing the most idiotic dance to have his attention.
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