#the featured summons !!
magpiesketchins · 2 months
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The badge was important. Yes. It was shield-shaped. For protection. He’d thought about that, in the long nights in the darkness. It protected him from the beast, because the beast was waiting in the darkness of his head.
He’d killed werewolves with his bare hands. He’d been mad with terror at the time, but the beast had been there inside, giving him strength...
To go with my Guarding Dark design, I decided to give him some company in Sam Vimes’s head. Meet the Beast :)
I had the idea that the Beast is a great, hulking, shifting creature that never seems to be still. There’s a description of Vimes in Night Watch that’s stayed with me that’s: “You can see his muscles thinking for him. But he overrules them moment by moment!”
And that’s what this is. The Guarding Dark is the part of Sam Vimes that watches all the other parts. The Guarding Dark is the watchful eye, the shield that keeps the beast in check.
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tabooiart · 5 months
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they're horrible <3
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ventiswampwater · 1 year
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bo sinclair x afab!reader
rating: explicit
wordcount: 941 
Reader POV. Your dreams take you to different places, but you’re never too far out of reach. 
EXTREMELY dubious consent as always. Mostly weird prose, but there’s some smut thrown in here as well. Somnophilia, cockwarming. 
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A/N: It’s been raining for nearly a week straight where I am. Every single day has been grey. This idea burrowed into my brain and now I’m inflicting it upon you. Similar vibes to poacher’s dream. I just...really wanted to write something that reminded me of the feeling I was trying to capture with that fic. Somnophilia’s been on my mind ever since I read this absolutely electric fic by our lord and savior, @visceravalentines​. Definitely go read it if you haven’t already. It features a lovely man who is not at all like the one in this fic. We should all make out with him instead, probably. We won’t.
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You’re lost in a quagmire of green, knee-deep in muck.
You’re running from something, but you aren’t sure what. You feel like it must be close. You can hear crashing, the sloshing of something at your heels. The water is dark here, it’s deep. You need to watch where you’re going, but you won’t. It feels familiar.
Maybe, if you push a little further, you’ll reach the edge of the marshland.
The trees crowd around each other, their bulbous trunks bursting out of thick green algae. It’s so dense here, impossibly heavy with warmth. It soaks through your clothes, bleeds under your skin. If someone sliced you open and cracked your bones apart, you’re sure you'd flare hot. Chalky white and exposed, scattering chunks of marrow over the swamp. 
Things end up here when they have nowhere left to go. They get caught in the hanging moss and become part of the scenery. 
You’ll make a mess of this place, but it won’t matter. There are animals here, bigger than you, and they’ve been waiting. You couldn’t ever run very fast. These kinds of games are about losing.
It wasn’t behind you, anyway. It caught your ankle underwater and pulled you down, tumbled you underneath its weight. You’re spinning wildly, rolling and churning, filling your lungs with water (but it’s so hot here, and you like that stuff).
It’ll play with its food until your neck snaps. Trailing blood in the water, dragging you back to a den squashed in the mangroves. A place of dead things, hobbled together out of reeds and a dozen people’s bones. You wonder if they sparked like yours, if they’re kindling too.
Your body is perched on top of a waterlogged tire and hid away until it starts to rot. It makes it easier to eat when it’s soft like that, when the botflies come. Practical things are sometimes the cruelest.
God, you’ve never been anywhere this hot.
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You wake up with your face pressed into the pillow, huffing out shallow breaths. The room is bathed in pale light, milky grey with the faintest wash of blue.
The grey disorients you. There was so much light before. You blink a bit in the gloom. Water is still rushing away above you, beside you. It’s impossible to tell what time it is or how long you’ve been asleep. It feels like forever. You lived and you died long before you were spat out here.
Out of the heat of your dream, you’re surprised to feel your skin prickle with goosebumps. You must have thrown the sheets off in your sleep. The position you’re in feels unnatural, one leg hoisted away from you. It rests on something solid, something warmer than this room.
You feel so full (of water, of bugs in your belly eating away the soft tissue, of life).
Stop, look at the window. You’re not underwater. It’s raining, dripping tears down the glass. You’re awake again and the fullness is the pressure between your legs.  
Bo’s hand cups at your breast, jiggling the flesh to test its weight in his palm. He catches your nipple between his fingers, tugs at it. When he rolls his hips, you let out a soft little noise, mouthing at the pillowcase. His cock pulses inside you, thick and warm. 
He’s already so deep.
“Couldn’t help myself.” He murmurs into your ear. “Not with you movin’ round like that.”
His hand wraps around your thigh, easing you down. You let out a whine as you feel your walls stretch around him. He hisses out a breath, digging his fingers into your skin.
“You’re so wet, baby.” His voice is husky, the rasp of sleep still thick around his words. You can feel how slick you are, how easy it is for him to push in. “What were you dreamin’ ‘bout?”
“You.” You’re not lying, not exactly. He doesn’t need to know the specifics.
It’s the right answer, or, at least, the one he was expecting. You’re never really sure with him. It doesn’t matter, really. Your dream is getting away from you now, chased away by his hands and his lips and his cock. You were somewhere. He was there. You remember heat, you remember weight. 
(Or maybe that’s all there is now and you’re getting things confused.)
“Thought you were tryin’ to kill me, baby.” He nips along your neck. You clench down around him, moaning into the pillow. “Asleep, squeezin’ me like that.”
Good, you almost say. If I wrap myself around you enough times, you can’t breathe. Neither can I, but I only need to do it once. 
People get rid of snakes, throw them off into the swamp. They’re not supposed to be there. But this looks enough like their idea of home, doesn’t it? They’ll adapt or they’ll get eaten, and that’s all you could ask for. 
His breath is warm on your skin. You reach back, your fingers curling into his hair. 
“You ready to stop teasin’ me?”
(I couldn’t stomach you if I did. I’m not supposed to be here, anyway.)
You almost ask him if he had the same dream. Was it hard, waiting for the rot to set in? Waiting for softness? Did you taste better like that? Would he do it again if you asked him to? Could you return the favor?
Your hand tightens in his hair, giving it a sharp tug. His teeth are on your neck and it hurts in the way it’s supposed to hurt—scorching away inside you.
You’ve never been anywhere that hot, but maybe he has. Maybe he’ll take you there.
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moe-broey · 4 months
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CONGRATS ALFONSE FIRE EMBELM YOU ARE SO EPIC AND SO COOL FOREVER‼️‼️‼️‼️🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💘💓💝💞💝💗💘💖💘💓💘💖💕💕💞💖💝💖💞💗💖💖💝💕💝💖💝💕💕💝💝
Plus some zoom ins of the most worked on panels, slightly better lighting maybe hopefully 😅
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And of course
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The micro organism (about a pinky small)
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marreddream · 8 months
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HOUSAMOTOBER 2023 9-Akasaka Agents everybody's favorite Sandayu!
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rohirric-hunter · 5 months
When they went on to make The Return of the King for GBA the developers learned their lesson and instituted caps for skills so you can no longer make your character completely invincible. They did, however, proceed to add in a brand new broken ability:
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How is this broken, you might be asking. It's just a basic summon and it caps out at five. Well you see, the ghosts scale with Aragorn. And the infinite leveling exploit still exists. They really should have fixed that.
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0ann3 · 5 months
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Finally found the energy and time to draw and the next thing I knew, it was this child's birthday ASKjuhAJDkj
(I might be late irl, but it's still his birthday in-game, so Happy Birthday Hiiro!!!!)
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mail-forwarding · 1 year
I am so unwell about Nightglows MC (and also just MC in general). Gets told that Duo's grand plan hinges on them sacrificing themself, and accepts it without any complaints. "I understand what's needed of me. I trust your decision, Commander." Only objection is that they don't want to put this burden on Duo's shoulders. "You're still just a kid." Is asked to keep that entire convo a secret, and then obediently doesn't mention a word to anyone else, not even Lil Sal. Throughout the remaining days left till the final battle, talks about dreams and plans for after the war, laughing and enjoying the presence of others, despite knowing what Duo's planned.
Sees enemy Cthugha, still lost in the Nightgaunts, and senses his suffering from so far away. Realises immediately that he's not just a shadowbugger, he's a person. All that before they've even met Cthugha. And when told to disregard that by Breke, immediately puts themself on the same level as shadowbuggers. "Wouldn't you consider me an unknown too? Don't I also possess a dangerous power?"
Gets dream-napped by Nodens/Nuada/Nightgaunts and empathises with him. "You're trapped in this weird place?" "Are you suffering?" Disobeys Bertro's command to retreat just to have a chance to talk to Nodens and better understand him.
Promises Duo to keep his plan's sacrifice secret. Promises to help Lil Sal find out about his past and his creator. Promises to find Breke again. Has kept each of these promises, through different lives if necessary. They're so bad at lying and so bad at coming up with excuses, but they always keep their promises.
"Still, you laugh together and enjoy each other's company. It's the best you can do with the time you have left."
"Win or lose, times like these are fleeting, and should be enjoyed for all they're worth. Because either way, this will end."
Their last words before the final mission starts: "I'm so glad I met you (Cthugha)." Their last words before the loop resets: "Thank you. I love you all."
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Phantom Driver/Punch it Old Man!
Danny and Danni on The Ghost Bike. Featuring Bottle the Bunny Backpack.
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breezere · 2 years
So uh.....I'm sorry but could you draw Shuichi as like a normal guy and kokichi as a Demon that shu accidentally summoned? Like, he's a powerful Demon of pride that follows shu everywhere and Angie and Kork are like "....we know this new pos student is something not human" but kokichi disguised as a humans like "nah fam" and shu is like "nah fam" but then shu and koki go home and shus like "yeah I'm gay for a literal Demon keep scrolling" but it turns out kokichi is just a nice chaotic guy born in hell and just wants to live an actual nice life
Idk man this is a thought at 5:28AM after drinking two energy drinks and not cleaning my room
shuichi has no idea how he ended up here but hes not necessarily complaining
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kiyo and angie questioning shuichis new "friend" is a funny thought AJCLVNFKCNC
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sometipsygnostalgic · 10 months
im crying why is every famous youtuber a brown haired white boy
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hiboulu · 2 years
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✨Matching Features✨
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fruixtii · 10 months
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saltprince · 2 months
You'll either laugh or shake your head in disbelief but I don't know how to full auto the game. Best I can do is skip raids
Or I guess I know there's an option to make your characters attack automatically, but I feel like there's a stage beyond that that is eluding me
How about I do neither of those? Granblue has so many features that are hidden in menus and that are far from intuitive, layered in old grime, or new features that get built crudely over old ones. There are features I forget about or don't bother with because of how obtuse the game can be.
I'm going to redirect you to the wiki page which has a writeup: https://gbf.wiki/Full_Auto
And please, if you're interested in full auto or have trouble with features, you can always ask. Of course you don't have to use it, and it can be as complex or straightforward as you want it to be. They're tools meant to serve how you play.
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prototypelq · 9 months
@fluffypichu876 in particular as this post was written for my dear mutual's enjoyment))))))
To my great sadness, there are Not Nearly songs that use organ! This is an actual crime in my opinion, church organ sounds incredibly unique, has an unparalleled range, including sounds beyond what human ear can hear. All of this gives it incredible musiclal properties, which can be used to create a wild range of music and amazing songs.
I'll start with the ones we've already mentioned before, so they could all be grouped together in this post.
Binding of Isaac DLC just casually dropped this banger and left (not really, there are some others very good tracks in the OST, I reccomend checking out Shadowdance)
Knowledge of this wonderful track was bestowed upon my by @fluffypichu876 . Ultrakill OST is badass
THIS BANGER is a Don't Fear the Reaper cover on a church organ. Warning: the song is ripped out of the game files and stitched back together, there are 2 a little rough transisitions (they sort of jumpscare me a little if I'm not prepared), so don't be like me and turn the volume a little lower than MAX, take care of your eardrums.
Bleak Faith Forsaken is such a unique game, a real shame it was not well received. The visual and environments are breathtaking, but for me music is even more so. Composer Martel has managed to combine a truly rare combination of traditional ethnical insturments or song structures, paired this with banger riffs or synth, and made something truly niche and unique. I highly reccomend listening to the entire OST. Personal faves are Nurgei The Blademaster, Mountain Wreath
Found this one just today. Music that makes me want to confess all of my sins and bathe in the slain demon blood. Apparently I have a lot of Warhammer 40k catching up to do...
Now, a more popular and easier to find category - rock song covers! I've had the pleasure of listening to some of these performed live, and I highly suggest any church organ enjoyer looks for local orchestral rock concerts. It sounds fantastic in your headphones, and it sounds even more powerful live (I've found a local organisation that regularly performs these concerts and the tickets are very affordable, catholic church has my respect and thanks for allowing these concerts. They even regularly perform Jesus Christ Superstar!!! respect)
It's a testament to organ's range that you can play an entire rock song with just these two instruments. The drummer is a certified banger for sure, and organ wonderfully plays the guitar part I love this cover more than the original tbh
And classic. Interstellar Sountrack. Brace yourself all you want, you will be blown away regardless.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 1 year
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Sigarda's Summons
With Olivia distracted, Sigarda tore free from her bindings and summoned her Host of Herons.
Artist: Nestor Ossandon Leal TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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