#the packaging to prevent it from breaking in the mail
dreamersbcll · 10 months
Ever since the latest Woodsboro massacre, Tara has had trouble keeping up with walking around the city.
She tried to hide her limp, but everybody could see through her.
Especially Sam.
Watching her sister hobble around the city was painful, as Tara would take a “breather” every few minutes to “catch her breath.” Sam knew she was just slowing down to ease the ache in her leg but never pressed Tara to tell her that. She knew her baby sister was too proud to admit that her old injury still haunts her.
Until one day when Tara calls her, crying that she was stuck in Central Park because her leg was locked up, preventing her from moving.
Sam dropped everything, leaving work early and heading straight to her baby sister. She found Tara on a bench, face red with embarrassment and eyes swollen from crying. She spent two hours soothing her sister, holding her close, and trying to rub the knot out in her leg.
Once they got home, they never spoke about it again.
A week later, Sam calls Tara from work and asks her to pick up the mail.
Tara heads downstairs, finding an enormous package with her name on it. She enlists Mindy to help her drag it up the stairs. There the two break open the box, finding a brand-new motorized scooter.
Mindy doesn’t quite understand why Tara breaks down crying but helps her build the scooter anyways.
From then on, Tara zooms around the city in style.
And Sam breathed easier knowing her sister could get around the big city without a hitch.
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plainemmanem · 2 years
Hi! How are you! This is my first ever request XD. I love your writing and I hope what I ask isn’t too much. I was just wondering if you could do a poe x reader where they come from our world and end up in the Star Wars universe. If not that’s alright and have a nice day!
first off, thank you so much for the sweet ask, lovely anon🥰 i’m honored to be your first ever request:] i kind of took a few liberties with this idea, so i hope you like it (p.s. im doing well, i hope you’re having an amazing day!) let me know if you guys would be interested in a part two !! or possibly a series?? lmao this was so fun to write, i'd be down for more <3
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It was a typical day in the office. Read reports, print papers, repeat. Nothing out of the ordinary. It was excruciatingly dull, and was rather thankless, but you desperately needed the money.
The office was bland, both in style and in substance. The walls were an off-white, the cubicles a mind-numbing shade of grey. And the work being done in those cubicles? Well, that, too, was mind-numbing. 
The only good thing about your job was your work crush.
He was a mail carrier three floors down, and he sometimes frequented your boring office floor to hand out small packages and the like. You, yourself, have never actually received a parcel, but you’ve always admired the man from afar. He was very handsome with curly, rich brown hair and a solid build. But it was his smile that gave you butterflies. He has the most perfect set of teeth and plush, soft lips. Or, at least they looked soft from across the room. 
You’ve never spoken to him, too afraid to approach him and make a fool of yourself. He seemed to be friends with everyone on the floor; he was always chatting and laughing with your coworkers in the cubicles around you. But you were rather shy, opting for a quiet work day in your cubicle and your lonely walk to your car before driving home to your empty apartment. 
The other fear preventing you from approaching the cute mail carrier was the possibility of ruining the only exciting thing going for you. While the day was long and grueling, you would always have an eye out for the man, hoping to catch a glimpse. And if you happened to see him, well, then it was a good day. He kept life interesting.
Luckily, today was a Friday, which meant only a few more hours until you could be left to your cozy retreat at home. You glance up to the clock. 3:15. Not too bad, only about two hours left. 
You decided a break was well deserved and got up to refill your coffee cup at the small kitchenette at the end of the hall. You left your cubicle and went out into the corridor, praying you wouldn’t encounter anyone in the kitchen that would force you to keep idle chit chat. Just as you turn into the kitchen’s small entryway, you slam into a solid wall. 
No, not a wall, a person. And not just any person, but the mail carrier himself. Your eyes rake up his solid chest to his warm, honey eyes. You’ve never seen them this close up.
“Oh- sorry!” You finally heard his chipper voice for the first time.
You just stood there, staring, trying to work out if this was real, or simply your imagination. You see the man duck down slightly to examine your face, trying to decipher your frozen state. He takes a small step back and extends his hand towards you, a coffee cup of his own in the other hand.
“I’m Poe. I think I’ve seen you around on this floor, but I don’t think we’ve officially met.”
You look at his hand and try to shake yourself from your daze.
“Uh- Hi!” you quickly take his hand and give him your name with a shy smile.
He tries your name on his lips, and small goosebumps run up your arms at the sound.
“I like it,” he says with a kind smile, retracting his hand away, “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” 
“You, too,” you say, voice wavering slightly at the prospect he has noticed you before. 
There was a beat of silence, not uncomfortable, just… charged.
“Well,” he starts, tearing his eyes from you to glance at the cup in his hand, “I was just coming to grab some coffee, so I guess I’ll be on my way…” He looks at you again, trying to read your expression. 
You let out the breath you had been holding and step out of the entryway to allow him to pass.
“It really was nice meeting you,” he says, before saying your name one last time, sending shivers through you once again. 
“It was nice to meet you, Poe,” you say with a small smile.
He smirks into his coffee cup and heads down the corridor, leaving you flustered and alone in the small kitchenette. 
The rest of your day was uneventful, and the second the clock hit 5 you gathered your things and scurried out to the parking lot. You wracked your brain for where you parked this morning as you walked aimlessly around the lot. 
As you turned a corner, suspecting you parked in the area, you saw a gold coin lying on the concrete a few feet away. Your brows furrow. A gold coin? What on earth would that be doing on the ground of a parking lot?
Curious, you approached the item. As you stood over it, you squinted to try and see the design on the coin’s face.
“Traveler’s coin” was sprawled in intricate cursive. Traveler’s coin? You bend down tentatively to pick it up. 
Just as your fingers grazed on the cool gold plating, the world around you spun until it was just a blur of color. You closed your eyes to stop your impending nausea, then, after a few moments, you gently opened your eyes. 
You couldn’t believe what you were seeing. You were surrounded by jungle. The air was thick and you were surrounded by noises you’d never heard before. Bugs chittering, birds chirping, whistling of vegetation. But something was… off. This didn’t look like a normal jungle you would see on National Geographic. The plants were… strange. You were never a plant connoisseur, but the greens you were seeing around you looked otherworldly. 
You glance around, noting that the coin was nowhere to be found. The only things you still had were the clothes on your back and the purse you were carrying. You hastily reach inside the bag to grab your phone, turning it on and praying for cell service. Nothing. Just to see, you dial 911, but receive only static. 
You start to hyperventilate with panic as you push yourself up from the damp earth. You rest your hands on your chest, trying to calm yourself with your steady (but fast) heartbeat. 
All of a sudden, you hear a loud THUMP behind you. Spinning quickly, you lay your eyes upon… Poe? Mail carrier guy?
“Wh-?” but you’re too confused to finish.
He looks up to you, mirroring your dumbfounded expression. 
“What happened?” he asks you, as if you would have the faintest clue why you were all of a sudden in the fucking jungle.
You just give him a “Does it look like I know what happened?” look, before rushing over to him to help him stand. 
“How- What- What are you doing here?” you ask.
“I- God- I saw you leaving the office, and I was… well, I was hoping to catch up with you, and I saw you in the parking lot reaching down for something and the next thing I knew, you were gone. Like, just, vanished. So I went over and saw that… coin? I don’t know. I- I touched it and now… now we’re here.” He looked around him, trying to take it all in, just as you had done. “But… This… doesn’t look-”
“Normal?” you say, finishing his sentence for him.
“Where exactly are we?” he asks, looking at you.
“Poe…” you say with a sigh, “I have no idea.”
send me a lil something ;]
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max-nexus · 6 months
KGTAC Analysis Pages 2120-2228: The Ultimate Analysis of Ultimate Destiny
First Analysis
Previous Analysis
Next Analysis
Welcome to the world's most delayed analysis post ever! Sorry about how long it took, i got busy for a while there. It won't clear up for a bit (Future note: It has somewhat, that's the reason why this came out THIS LATE) but I'll talk about that at the end of this analysis. Also, I'll begin to refer to the original Home-Skillet as Home-Skillet BETA because KGTAC Act 2 has had it's title drop. Like it was so late that my previous draft before uploading went up to 2070, my reason for not updating is College. (Future Note: Another thing is that some of these notes here are from when the pages originally updated, I'll include notes on if i got something wrong in those old ones.)
2120: I was right! Though i still think there needs to be a handle on the sliding door... Wait, is that a couch in the pool?
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2121: Well i had the right idea of the arrangement. Also… Does he have a second pool? I don't think his window would be facing towards the pool. Like unless I've completely misunderstood the angle Fred's room is at. This ain't right. Here are some more images to get my point across. Though i could be misunderstanding things. Due to this line in page 2098 "You continue forward until you take a LEFT (camera's right) at the end of the hallway." This says that he takes a right. Either way this makes no sense. BOTH IMAGES IN ORDER
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2125: Well, i guess he will never find out WHATS IN THE BOX! Although, it doesn't prevent someone else from finding it.
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2126: Wait, did Fred actually go to Easter Island? I kinda just noticed the portrait. 2127: I think this is Sour-Carbonation (Ana Hepburn) Since they use the same color. Its neat that they're using numbers, as they're on the phone (or in this case, the fax machine) (future note: i probably would've put in an image if i got this out ages ago, but since this came out so late, Ana Hepburn got introduced, so everyone reading this already knows who she is, and thus an image is pointless.) 2128: I wonder what's in the package? It's probably SBURB, that's what she gave in the original 2130: Huh, still in shadow. I think the game is probably in the box (due to the fact it'd be weird to mail a game in an envelope, not much packaging to protect it), but i wonder whats in the envelope. It's truly a mystery. (It was in the envelope)
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2134: YESSSS, FLOPPY-DECK BEING USED IN THE PLOT 2135: LETS GO!!!!…. Wait Fred! you need floppy disks!, you need to grab those too! At best that floppy-disk in there is empty. 2136: Nice, He got the floppy(Future note)... I wonder if he could copy items. Y'know like put an item on the FLOPPY DECK to put it in a floppy disk, put the floppy disk in the computer, copy it onto the computer, and copy that stuff onto another floppy. Breaking the law by copyin that floppy and learning a real life duplication glitch.
Image uses frame from KGTAC PAGE 2139
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2148: YOU DON'T NEED A KNIFE FOR VANILLA ENVELOPES, EVERY ONE OF THOSE I'VE SEEN CAN BE OPENED BY HAND!!!! 2152: The plan is joever… What, you expected an in-depth analysis of the previous panels. I did too to be honest but everything there was fairly straightforward, nothing cool to point out. I'm honestly a bit surprised. I was looking for it, the best we got was a UPSIDE DOWN FLOPPY DECK!!!
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2158: Neat, Sburb! Published or made by Sky'Acom. Interesting that its not Skaianet, i wonder if this will mean something in the future. 2159: Neato, It also just came to mind that Fred over here never used a computer before so i can't wait for wacky Sburb Shenanigans, especially if no one else really struggles with the controls.
KGTAC Page 2160
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2160: OOF, i was so wrong. It's not a copy of PHOTOCHAT, it's theme park... whatever that is... What the hell is "awesome suicide sequence" supposed to mean 2163: Huh, this implies that a family member of his owns GAME BRO, or he himself does. 2167: So.. that was the Intro Flash, fairly different from the original H-S Intro flash, (Future writings) Like it goes for a Normal homestuck-esque logo at the end, meanwhile in the original it was a fake out for the real logo.
H-S BETA PAGE 70 (end frame)
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Honestly there's a lot to the original one, sadly there isn't much else to talk about here as its all fairly different but in ways that's more valuable as an interesting comparison between the two versions of Home-Skillet and not for theorizing about what happens next. I guess since i don't think i ever mentioned it. but Home-Skillet Beta Fred has a non-Sylladex inventory system until the author decided to just give Fred a Sylladex. This is very much unlike KGTAC Fred who just... grabs things... some mind bending stuff here i know. Maybe I'll talk about it in the future when there's more to KGTAC H-S, Like when it gets fully past the H-S Beta in terms of content.
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2168: ITS HER (also future note, we didn't go instantly to Ana in H-S Beta)
2169: The name gag here is different, also H-S Beta's name gag is similar to Rose's name gag.
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2170: Nice (i was right)
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So yeah these rooms are fairly different. The H-S Beta one was very Rose reminiscent, down to the window. I guess to note whats the same we have
The heater
Books under the bed
The bed itself is the same design wise
a general "clown" theme
Honestly i don't have much to say with this room at the moment... The KGTAC version has a big YELLOW SUBMARINE PLUSHIE. Home-Skillet Beta Ana has 2 SBURB Posters and what appears to be a COMMODORE 64 floppy disk drive next to her laptop COMPARED TO G64 FROM GAME DEV TYCOON
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I'm using the Game Dev Tycoon one since it gets the point across, and because i thought they looked kinda similar. But yeah... There isn't that much to talk about here beyond this.
GENERAL ANA COMPARISON: I used two panels to compare Ana's sprites from H-S Beta to KGTAC H-S It's so similar i thought they were the same, I had to overlay the two to notice the head is slightly different. (I used XOR on the KGTAC one and overlayed it on the H-S Beta one) The white pixels on Ana are the differences... I wonder why its so similar when Fred got a more notable coat of paint. y'know like slightly different pockets, belt is a few pixels different, etc. where you can tell it was redone a bit, meanwhile it looks like Ana at best got a slightly different head, with everything else being lifted from the original. I'm not judging, I'm just curious as to why its only the head that's different.
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2174: Neat, she still has a bubble deck
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2181: Cool (Just putting this here, i do like this a lot.)
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2182: Savor this Folks! We got a nice comparison between H-S Beta and KGTAC H-S, We won't know when we'll run out of comparisons til we do. But for actual notes, Its interesting "The Theories Of The Strange" is the same book from H-S Beta, The difference in color is probably more so because of a filter being applied to darken things. on Commander and Sharks, the narration is notably different, The yellow alien used to be called Viola but is now Jacello. The green one used to be called Shark but is now Leonardo Travesty They also weren't Chefs, instead they went around the universe eating new "lifeforms" The closest things to being chefs was making food. In the KGTAC H-S Panel, the yellow text says "From the Edge(s?) of the Universe, the finest silicone based chefs share their secrets" (Wait A MINUTE, I JUST REALIZED "Commanders and Sharks" is a reference to "Commander Cello" and "Sharkalien") 2193: Wow, this is different 2194: Yeah, totally different. It was much bigger in H-S Beta. Like there's nothing here that's shared. Even the portrait is different, like look, that clown is at a different angle.
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2201: Huh, i wonder why Ana has a keyboard here, In Home-Skillet she played a Saxophone, Here's the flash of that here.
2203: … huh 2211: OH! i actually have something to talk about there, something like this happened in the Home-Skillet Beta, but instead it was done by Fred to enter the basement of his house (which we have not heard of in KGTAC Home-Skillet, maybe its that mystery door?)
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Extra Notes: I forgot Edmond existed. Edmond didn't do anything (since they're dead.) They also weren't prototyped so they never got to do anything, Instead it was a clown in a Birthday hat
Also Here is the Page 70 flash on YouTube for easy viewing if you're interested, all of these videos are unlisted since I didn't create Home-Skillet and it doesn't feel right to make them public. Only really putting them here since it shares some relevance with what I'm talking about here and well i haven't gotten any complaints so far.
Apologies for how late this analysis was, It wasn't THAT difficult to make this, its just that i didn't have much time due to starting college and being a bit overloaded with classes. Which meant what free time i had i used to game and read instead of hobbies like the analysis. (Like yeah... I had up to Fred's house part of the analysis done like 6 weeks before posting this... I just got the free time to finish this up recently and also that apology for how late it was was written around that same time.... So Yeah!)
What next for the analysis posts: I still want to make these, This post took many hours to make, Probably over 12 hours total (i should probably start keeping track of the time here) Like my final edit here was about 6 hours which was adding new things i noticed, all the flashes, the ending, clearing up anything vague, and fixing minor grammatical errors. I'm just imagining how long this would've taken if the author didn't take a break. I'll still keep making these, but yeah, These posts are definitely going to be rarer as i don't have a summer break's worth of time and due to the way these analysis posts work. (I talk about every page with anything to note, doing multiple re-reads of relevant sections, and generally looking around both fanventures.)
Whats next for my blog: It'll go back to normal with my reblogs, i sorta didn't want to reblog anything until this update came out so i can explain everything here. Hopefully no one here minds that since i have interests outside of KGTAC and Homestuck. (and even then, i didn't reblog Homestuck stuff, since i wanted to explain things first in an update)
Well I hope you all enjoyed the end of this analysis, I did my best to try and keep this as polished as usual. For some final thoughts, THE BOX is probably going to show up later as a Chekhov's gun sort of thing. another thing, WHATS IN THE PACKAGE!?!?! No, seriously, I've got no clue what it could be, it could be a sylladex, but that's sorta a big box, maybe a SYLLADEX STARTER SET (alliteration my beloved) would make sense in the box, we might get more hints later. Outside of theorizing, i do kinda miss the flash files. With flash files, i can grab assets out of them, which can be useful for seeing things you otherwise wouldn't, higher quality assets, and for asset ripping. You can't really do that with a video. Yet another thing to note is that the Act-Act structure for ACT 2 of KGTAC might be rolls, as that's how it was in Home-Skillet Beta (And yes, KGTAC does have ACT ACTS, in Act 1 it was END OF DAY X). Well anyways, if anyone has any questions, theories, or noticed i missed something, I'd like to hear em.
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eurotastic · 1 year
Eurovision reviews 2023- semi final 2
Here's some general information: I went to the London Eurovision preparty in April, and I had the best time, and for that reason, my opinions are partially based on the live performances that I saw there. As usual, I'm primarily basing my reviews on the song quality (do I want to listen to it outside of the competition?), and the preview videos for the staging - The full package that we're getting in the actual show. I'm also taking general fandom opinions into consideration with some of the songs, in case I think the fandom is overhyping or underrating an entry. I feel like I'm overexplaining the way I judge the songs, mostly it's just based on vibes, but the bottom line is that these are just my personal opinions and you're all free to send me anonymous hate mail if you disagree.
Denmark: Breaking My Heart - Reiley
When the EBU are deciding the running order for the semi finals, they're always giving the first spot to a strong, upbeat entry to make sure the audience gets hyped up. This is to prevent the viewers from getting bored and changing the channel when the show has barely even started. Out of all the songs available in the first half of this semi, Denmark seems like a decent pick to open the show. Not because it's good or anything, it's just slightly less awful than the rest of the songs we have to sit through.
Armenia: Future Lover - Brunette
The idea for this song is really good, I like that it's a slightly different take on a love song, and the instrumental production is fantastic. With that said, the lyrics are awkward as hell even though the basic idea was good, and the song feels disjointed and unfinished. She's singing that she's going to "be good, do good, look good", and she's only really succeding at looking good.
Romania: D.G.T. (Off and On) - Theodor Andrei
You know how everything you did at the age of 18 feels horrifically embarrassing in hindsight? Well, this kid gets to show all his incredible 18 year old ideas to the entire continent of Europe, in all his embarrassing 18 year old glory. He is talented, he is creative, and he has awful taste. It's the greatest unintentional comedy moment of the year for me.
Estonia: Bridges - Alika
Nice singing or whatever.
Belgium: Because of You - Gustaph
Is this the first time someone has walked that fucking duck on the Eurovision stage?
Cyprus: Break a Broken Heart - Andrew Lambrou
This is extremely boring but in a competent way. I don't like anything about it, but in this extremely shitty semi I'm at least willing to respect it just because there's nothing I dislike about it either.
Iceland: Power - Diljá
After I got home from London, I showed my sister a big slideshow of all the photos I took at the Eurovision preparty, and here's the thing: once I got to the photo of Diljá, I couldn't recognize her at all, despite watching her live just a few days earlier. I couldn't remember who she was, what country she was from or what her song sounded like. My mind was just blank, and I could not for the life of me remember who this person was. I had to google the full line up for the preparty just to figure out who she was. For the record, I didn't have any issues at all remembering any of the other singers.
She's just trying so hard on stage, running around all over the place, jumping up and down, shrieking her lungs out, to the point where it just gets exhausting to watch, and despite all of that, there's absolutely nothing to remember about it. It's a disaster.
Greece: What They Say - Victor Vernicos
I could listen to this song for 24 hours straight without remembering a single second of it afterwards.
Poland: Solo - Blanka
I think we're all familiar with the term "fanwank" - every year, there's a song that the fandom just loves even though it has very little appeal to the mainstream audience. The fanwank usually ends up getting eliminated in the semi, and the fandom acts all shocked even though anyone outside the fandom bubble could have seen it coming from a mile away. With Poland this year, we have the rare reverse fanwank- the fandom has convinced itself that this song is the worst thing to ever happen to Eurovision, even though it's just a decent, inoffensive pop song. It's fine, guys, this is literally fine.
Slovenia: Carpe Diem - Joker Out
I love how in this sounds like an early 2000s British indie rock song, in terms of instrumental production. Rock music in Eurovision usually sounds really overproduced to the point where the instruments are barely recognizable, but this one has fantastic guitar work that sounds like it's being played live. With that said, I hate that it's called "Carpe Diem", that's a really tired lyrical cliche that makes the whole song feel less interesting.
Georgia: Echo - Iru
This song is so meaningless that it's almost impressive - these lyrics don't have more content than a blank piece of paper. To make matters worse, she's doing this overly dramatic vocal performance without conveying any kind of recognizable human emotion besides "dramatic eurovision ballad", so I guess we'll never find out what they're going for here. I miss weird Georgia, can we have weird Georgia back next year?
San Marino: Like An Animal -Piqued Jacks
You know, when you're learning a new language, there's always that awkward stage where you're good enough at it that everyone understands what you're trying to say, but you're still bad enough that your wording gets unintentionally weird at times. At this stage, you might want to stay away from songwriting, or you'll end up with song lyrics like "I can smell you like an animal".
Austria: Who The Hell Is Edgar? -Teya & Salena
This song has both a fun gimmick and a serious message, so it's pretty much a perfect fan favorite. It's the only truly great song in this semi final. With that said, I need to nitpick the staging. It's too monochromatic and the dancers look too serious. They could have had way more fun with it, but it's whatever, I'm just being whiny.
Albania: Duje - Albina & Familja Kelmendi
I haven't had a single positive thing to say about this song until now, but comparing it to everything else in this garbage semi makes me appreciate it a little more. It's classic early 2000s Eurovision, it's dramatic and there's fire on stage. I guess this is fine.
Lithuania: Stay - Monika Linkytė
I keep seeing people in the fandom saying that all the moms in Europe will really like this one? Those people need to go apologize to their fucking moms immediately, because I don't understand why women would go for the most boring music possible just because they've had kids. What a fucking insult.
Australia: Promise - Voyager
The keytar is the only thing in this entire semi final that is making me feel real happiness.
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unogeeks234 · 14 days
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Oracle APEX (Application Express) is a powerful low-code development platform that lets you rapidly create enterprise-grade web applications. To make the most out of APEX, it’s crucial to follow best practices for performance, security, and long-term maintainability. Here’s a breakdown of key areas:
1. Modular Design and PL/SQL Packages
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payrollbd · 2 months
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lovedlace · 3 months
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@wolfpackmuses summoned cupid ! ♡ ˚.
❛  is there anything else i can do for you?  ❜ From Gang Orca? (Also it's been a while, so hey! Hope you've been well!)
✿ ⧽ forty random questions .
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❥ “Oh, not at all! Thank ya, you’ve already been a hugeeeee help!!” Kiwa thanked the other profusely with a small appreciative bow. She’d gotten a bunch of boxes in the mail today… and while she was certainly strong and capable of carrying a lot at once, it was usually at the risk of accidents happening… and all these packages had fragile project pieces in them.
So, she called the only other strong and capable hero she just so happened to know (totally not cause she kept a close eye on him out of curiosity) was free today. It was definitely much quicker with the two of them, and the extra help prevented any mishaps that could break anything. Genuinely, she couldn’t be more thankful Sakamata took time on his day off to help even just a little.
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“Wanna come in for some drinks n’ snacks though? Least I can do to thank ya for the help! If ya don’t have other things to do, that is… otherwise I’ll just owe ya a dinner date! Or, y’know, we could do dinner anyway.”
Real smooth, Kiwa…. very subtle way to ask him out on a date sometime… 11/10.
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steadfastmockingbird · 5 months
Quality over quantity.
I have a head full of thoughts, most of them angry in a pathetic, I-am-currently-anemic kind of way. Rambling suicide prevention talk below, about someone else's future actions, not mine.
My thoughts are angry because I will almost definitely lose a person close to me to suicide eventually. I've promised I won't try to stop him when the time comes - he has multiple agonizing and life limiting conditions, and getting decent care won't happen any time soon. You can blue sky all you want about fixing the system in the future and how one day it'll all be perfect, but that doesn't change the reality for people suffering right fucking now. They have breaking points. Anyway. When he chooses to go I won't be calling the cops to re-break his spine on the way to psych incarceration or crying down the phone that this is soooo unfair to me and how dare he make me suffer.
I'm angry because so many attempts at suicide prevention look like that. So much of it is a phone call to have the inconvenience dragged away or 'don't be so SELFISH and hurt the other people in your life by dying' when actually, if I forced him to stick around, I'd be the selfish one forcing him to endure that level of pain and what doctors often euphemistically call 'SLS' - 'shit life syndrome'. I refuse to make him suffer for something I'll get over. I'll survive the grief; in a few months 95% of the agony will be gone and the 30 or so years I have before lithium shreds my kidneys for good will be more or less okay. The gradual fuckening of his body has been happening for decades already. He's tired and done, and if he's forced to live another decade against his will it will be in constant fucking agony.
I'm angry because as someone who has made sincere attempts to kill myself, what stopped me was not the police at my door or well meaning empty gestures like 'talk to me any time!' from people who called the authorities when I went to them for help.
What stopped me was a package in the mail containing a band shirt, a book and some yarn. I had to finish the book, you see, and find a use for the yarn. What stopped me was getting care for a condition (dysphoria, wheee) I didn't even have the words to describe at the time. The most someone has ever, ever done was telling me the name of the demon at my heels. What stopped me was community; a dear friend saying to me what I say now to the person I'm likely to lose. What that friend said was 'I don't care how long you live. I want you to live well while you're here. Quality over quantity.' He gave me the cash to buy my first binder as he said that. It fell to rags a decade or so ago but I've never forgotten.
That's in my head every time I talk to the loved one I'll eventually lose. Focusing on the quality of his life has done more to prevent his death than a thousand lectures about selfishness or taking the coward's way out or how much other people will be hurt. Definitely more than any psych ward stays. When people have little comforts and things that bring them joy and can take care of themselves and feel valued and supported by those around them they're far less likely to end themselves than the person who hears an empty 'my door is always open' knowing that the door will be slammed shut, locked, and alarmed when they actually ask for help.
I sent him a mug with two handles a month or so back. Trawled Etsy for one that looked like an actual mug for grown ups, instead of a bigger version of a plastic toddler sippy cup. One of his conditions limits the strength and use in his arms and shoulders, but a cup of good coffee is one of his big joys in life. I want him to have that joy for as long as possible. In the past I've sent him a space heater, so that he can have more comfortable showers. Thick socks, so that the Massachusetts winter doesn't cause him as much pain. Gluten-free Jaffa cakes and English chocolate, because Hersheys is a crime even when you're not already suffering and gluten is his arch nemesis.
And I'm angry because it's not enough. I can't fix him. I feel powerless and frustrated because I will lose him eventually. It sounds cynical to say I've bought myself an extra few years with him by refusing to give up and trying to make sure he's at least comfortable, but that's how it feels. I spend time trawling the internet for two handled mugs because I am selfish, and I'm not willing to give up on him yet, but if I'm asking him to stay I should at least be minimizing his suffering.
If I fly out for his funeral, and there are people all around lamenting that they should have done more, but they didn't even take the time to make sure they had food he could safely eat when he visited... it won't be the fucking dead I'll be speaking ill of.
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thescorpionmonarch · 5 months
On Monday 11/27/23, Full Moon In Gemini Opposite Mars and Sun conjunction in Sagittarius. Moon Square Lilith in Virgo. Moon Square Pisces. All of these are in a T-square (very harsh aspects). Moon in out of sign trine with Pluto in Capricorn. Pay attention to Mercury since it is the ruler of this full moons transit which also in Sagittarius and in its preshadow. Mercury Square Neptune in Pisces. Mercury Trine NN in Aries. Mercury Sextile Venus in Libra conjunct South node (venus opp north node).
-Parents Needing to get along and agree on the right approach towards home life raising kids is highlighted.
-"what does it mean to be a parent?"
- Being Privy to hidden or private info without others knowing you know. Includes eavesdropping.
-Needing to redefine boundaries in relationships and in home life.
- Unstable sleep pattern/routines or stable routines being messed up or needing a new sleep schedule
- Medicinal Magick/ritual studies which includes preventative care
-Projecting ideal reality onto current. Clouded Judgement.
-misunderstandings. Also projecting ideal understandings vs actual truth on what was meant
-Teaching and story telling about harsh moments in life and better ways to approach a problem. Being honest with one's past ignorance and deficiencies and honoring a need for a different approach
-Job changes in hours, pay, job duties, or a different job
-careers in medicine being highlighted
-in need of financial help to take classes or go to college
-return to college after a long break from it
-switch in colleges attended. Change in degrees. Needing to retake or review older classes
-Ask for help on how to study and focus better. Get accommodations. A need for tutoring.
-Vacation time. Need to expand ones mind via travel.
-Need to learn another language
-Dating/Relationships/Marriage outside one's ethnic background
-Travelling with romantic partner
-Jobs in the travel industry Being highlighted
-Increased typos and errors in who receives what packaging or mail. Delays in deliveries or expected travel time or dates.
-Telepathy getting loud
-Need to set boundaries with different spirits and Entities approaching also. "One at a time speaking please"
-Increased boredom. A need to be physically active in the cold
-611 repeating number is a message about someone being sick or in need of medical assistance.
-Solo vacation to meet family or friends. Especially if they are foreign or you are foreign.
-Need and passion to study family ethnic roots and cultures
-Slow down. Take a break. Come back to the project later.
- Pause the conversation for later. Cool down. Watch for too much aggression in communication approach or being to forceful
-Mutable signs are the most impacted here, but this is for everyone.
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normeacottremovals · 7 months
9 Things To Do Right After Moving In Your New Home
Finding and acquiring a new home is a significant milestone, marking a new chapter in your life. It's a symbol of fresh beginnings, a canvas waiting for the brushstrokes of your unique life experiences. As you stand on the threshold of this uncharted territory, the gleaming floors echo with potential, and the vacant rooms brim with anticipation. However, amidst this potential, many new homeowners find themselves at a crossroads, swamped by the mix of exhilaration and the daunting task of setting up their space after removalists Central Coast help them move into their new space.
Transitioning from the logistical chaos of moving to the step-by-step process of settling can be overwhelming. It's more than just moving boxes; it's about laying the foundation for countless memories, Sunday brunches, movie nights, and lazy mornings. Every corner of your home is a new opportunity, and as you ponder on where to start, this guide aims to offer clarity.
Here's a helpful guide on the first things you should tackle after moving into your new abode.
Inspect Delivered Boxes and Furniture
Before you start unpacking, it's essential to ensure that all your possessions have arrived safely. Check for any damages or missing items. If you've insured your belongings during transit, you may need to file a claim within a certain timeframe, so it's best to get this done sooner rather than later.
Set Up Your Utilities
After a tiring day, there's nothing worse than realising there's no power or hot water. Ensure your electricity, water, gas, and internet connections are set up and running smoothly. If you haven’t transferred your utilities yet, contact your providers immediately to prevent any delays.
Prioritise Unpacking
Tackling your whole house in one go can be overwhelming. Begin with the essentials. Unpack a "first night box" that contains toiletries, clothes, important documents, and other necessities. Following this, focus on rooms that you'll use most frequently, like the bedroom and kitchen.
Install Safety Devices
Safety should always be paramount. If your new home doesn’t already have them, install smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms. Check that they function properly and have fresh batteries. If you have a security system, make sure it’s up and running. Additionally, it's a good idea to locate the main water shut-off valve and the circuit breaker box in case of emergencies.
Deep Clean Your Space
Even if your home looks pristine, giving it a thorough clean can make it feel truly yours. Wipe down surfaces, sanitise bathrooms, and consider hiring professional cleaners for carpets. This way, you're starting on a clean slate and can be assured of the home's hygiene.
Change Locks and Codes
For your peace of mind and security, change the locks of all external doors. You never know who might have had a copy of the keys before you. If your home has a security system or a garage with a code, remember to reset those too.
Update Your Address
Now that you’ve settled, it's crucial to update your address for mail, subscriptions, banks, insurance, and other services. This will ensure you receive your mail and packages at the correct location and can avoid potential late fees or missed notifications.
Introduce Yourself to Neighbours
A supportive community can make a world of difference in your living experience. Take some time to introduce yourself to your neighbours. Not only is this a friendly gesture, but it’s also practical. They might offer insights about the neighbourhood, local shops, or even community events you'd otherwise miss out on.
Plan a Housewarming Party
While you might still be setting everything up, planning a housewarming can be a fun way to break into the new place. It doesn't have to be a grand affair. A simple gathering with close friends and family will suffice. This event can be a motivation to unpack and organise faster and offers a chance to create new memories in your new home.
Settling into a new house is like turning a blank canvas into a masterpiece. While it might seem daunting initially, with a clear plan of action, you can efficiently transform this space into a comforting oasis. Remember, it's not just about unpacking and setting things up, but about infusing the house with your personality and warmth. Each step you take, from checking your boxes to hosting that first gathering, is a stitch in the fabric of what will soon be a cherished home filled with memories. Welcome to this exciting new chapter!
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deepholeplate · 8 months
found that giving free samples
There are many ways to market your soaps and homemade bath products. I have found that giving free samples is one of the best methods for getting new customers for my soaps.You can cut 16 samples from one basic 4 oz. bar of soap by cutting the bar into 8 pieces, then cutting those pieces in half. Next, place a piece of the soap in a small craft bag (you can get these at Stores in the Crafts section) and label it with your business information using regular Avery mailing labels.To distribute your samples, place them in attractive baskets and visit a few non-competing stores to see if they will let you leave your baskets on their counters.You can also staple these to your business cards, and hand them out as you normally would a business card.Yet another method that works better than the above two would be to make what are called ?fish bowls? and leave these at area businesses. 
To make a fish bowl, first print out some cards for customer's information such as name, address and phone number.  Next, purchase a few containers that are clear, and that has a secure lid on them, that are about the size of a regular fish bowl. Some people actually use fish bowls, but I have found this causes problems because the fish bowls break easily, and cannot be closed to prevent theft of your customer's information.Now take the lid of your container, and cut a slot that is big enough for your slips of paper that you printed off earlier to slip into when they are folded in Cell Culture Consumables .  Secure your lid onto your container with tape and then cover the tape with attractive ribbon.Next, make a sign stating that anyone that enters your drawing for a free ?whatever? will receive a free soap sample in the mail. The ?whatever? can be a gift certificate from the store that lets you place your fish bowls on their counters (this helps promote the store, thus making the store owner more agreeable to letting you use their counter space), or it can be a few bars of soap from your inventory or bothNext, locate stores that do not mind sharing some of their counter space with you.
This is where you'll place your fish bowls.Although this method costs a bit more because you are offering a prize, and because you will need to mail your samples, it also produces better results than by just handing out samples.You will get potential customers addresses and phone numbers, when you mail your sample you can also include information about your products, and you can also send them a follow up mailing asking for their input on how well they liked your sample. This information can be very valuable towards the growth of your business.You can also package samples of your bath salts and scrubs in the small zip lock bags as well, and use these instead if you do not make soap.
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apitoprintaddress · 9 months
Why is Address Validation Important?
Whether you’re a consumer trying to place an online order or a business trying to verify address information for mailing or data quality purposes, having accurate customer data is essential. Incorrect or out-of-date addresses waste time and money and can lead to missed deliveries, bad reviews, and unhappy customers. In this blog post, we will explore why address validation is so important and how you can use it to streamline your workflows.
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Why is Address Validation Important?
The primary reason that address verification is so important is because it helps to ensure that mail and packages are delivered to the right place. It can also help to prevent identity theft by making sure that sensitive documents like credit card statements and tax forms don’t reach the wrong people.
Address verification is a process that compares an address to an authoritative database to check whether or not it is correct. This can be done automatically using an address validation API, or manually by contacting the person who provided the address or by visiting the location. There are a number of reasons why an address might not validate, including being incomplete, being a temporary address, or being a non-registered address.
The core purpose of address validation is to prevent new inaccurate information from entering your systems, but it’s also useful for cleaning up existing data and preparing it for further processing such as geocoding or mapping. This can be done using address parsing – breaking down an address into its component parts such as the house number, street name, postal code and town or city for global addresses – to find errors such as misspellings, switched letters, abbreviations and missing or extra spaces.
API To Print Addresses – Wix
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outscapes · 10 months
The Top 5 Benefits of Custom Letterboxes
Why Custom Letterboxes are Essential for Home Security
"Your home is your sanctuary, and keeping it secure should be a top priority. It's not just about locking the doors and windows; investing in custom letterboxes can provide an added layer of protection for your property. In this blog post, we'll explore the top 5 benefits of using custom letterboxes for home security. From deterring intruders to enhancing curb appeal, you won't want to miss out on these game-changing advantages!"
Introduction to Custom Letterboxes
A custom letterbox is a great way to improve the security of your home. There are many benefits to having a custom letterbox, including:
1. Your mail will be more secure. A custom letterbox will keep your mail more secure than a standard mailbox. This is because a custom letterbox is made to fit your specific mailbox, so it cannot be opened by anyone other than you.
2. You can choose the design of your custom letterbox. There are many different designs available, so you can choose one that fits your style and personality.
3. A custom letterbox can increase the value of your home. If you ever decide to sell your home, a custom letterbox can add value to it.
4. Custom letterboxes are durable and long lasting. They are made from high quality materials, so they will last for many years.
Benefits of Having a Custom Letterbox
1. Custom letterboxes can help to deter thieves from targeting your home.
2. A well-designed custom letterbox can add security and peace of mind, knowing that your mail is safe and secure.
3. Custom letterboxes can also add to the curb appeal of your home, making it more attractive to potential buyers.
4. In addition, custom letterboxes can help to protect your mail from the elements, keeping it in good condition for longer.
- Deterring Potential Burglars
The primary benefit of a custom letterbox is that it can help to deter potential burglars. If your letterbox is easily identifiable and difficult to break into, it is less likely that a burglar will target your home. A custom letterbox can also be equipped with security features such as a lock or alarm system, which further deters potential burglars.
- Increased Privacy & Security
It is no secret that home security is a top priority for many homeowners. In fact, according to a recent survey, 43% of homeowners said that they worry about their home’s security on a daily basis. With home invasions and burglaries on the rise, it is more important than ever to take steps to protect your home and your family. One way to do this is by installing a custom letterbox.
A custom letterbox can offer increased privacy and security for your home in several ways. First, it can help to deter burglars and intruders. If a burglar sees that your home has a custom letterbox, they may be less likely to target your home as they know it will be more difficult to break into. Additionally, a custom letterbox can also help to keep prying eyes from seeing inside your home. If you have valuables or sensitive information that you don’t want others to see, keeping them hidden behind a locked door is essential.
Another benefit of having a custom letterbox is that it can provide an extra layer of security for your mail. If you are worried about identity theft or fraud, having a lock on your mailbox can help to prevent access to your personal information. Additionally, if you frequently receive packages at your home, having a secure place to store them can help to prevent theft.
There are many benefits that come with owning a custom letterbox. If you are looking for ways.
- Enhancing Home Curb Appeal
A well-designed and installed letterbox can enhance your home’s curb appeal. If you are looking to boost your home’s value, a custom letterbox can be a great investment. In addition to enhancing your home’s appearance, a letterbox can also improve its security. Here are some of the top benefits of custom letterboxes: 
1. They Can Deter thieves - Letterbox that are difficult to break into can deter thieves from targeting your home. If you have a secure letterbox, it will be more difficult for thieves to steal your mail or any other valuables you may keep in your mailbox. 
2. They Can Withstand the Elements - A custom letterbox can be designed to withstand all types of weather conditions, including high winds and heavy rain. This means that your mail will always be protected, no matter what the weather is like outside. 
3. They Can Be Customized to Match Your Home - A custom letterbox can be made to match the style and colors of your home. This way, it will seamlessly blend in with your home’s exterior and enhance its overall curb appeal. 
4. They Can Increase Your Home’s Value - Because they improve both the appearance and security of your home, custom letterboxes can increase its resale value. If you are ever planning on selling your home, a custom letterbox can be a great investment.
- Keeping Mail Safe and Secure
If you are looking for a way to keep your mail safe and secure, custom letterboxes are a great option. Here are some of the top benefits of using custom letterboxes:
1. They are made from high-quality materials.
2. They are designed to withstand bad weather and other environmental conditions.
3. They come with locks and keys to keep your mail safe from thieves.
4. They can be customized to match the style of your home.
5. They are relatively easy to install and can be done by most homeowners.
- Easy Accessibility & Maintenance
Custom letterboxes are essential for home security for a number of reasons. Perhaps most importantly, they offer easy accessibility and maintenance. Homeowners can easily access their mail without having to worry about intruders. In addition, custom letterboxes can be designed with a number of features that make them more secure, such as keyed locks and reinforced construction.
How to Choose the Right Custom Letterbox for Your Home?
There are a few things to consider when selecting a custom letterbox for your home. The most important factor is the security of the letterbox. Choose a letterbox that is made of sturdy materials and has a secure locking system. Another important consideration is the size of the letterbox. Make sure to select a size that will accommodate all of your mail. You'll want to choose a style that complements your home's exterior.
Custom letterboxes are an essential part of home security. They offer a range of benefits, from increased protection to improved curb appeal. With these five benefits in mind, it is clear that custom letterboxes are the best choice for keeping your property safe and secure. Investing in a quality custom letterbox will ensure your home stays protected from unwanted visitors while making sure you maintain its attractive exterior appearance too.
Please Visit our website http://www.outscapes.com.au/
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naksharana · 11 months
Different ways to mail chocolate safely to distant places
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Anyone may wish to get chocolate. Making sure that chocolate presents do not melt before they reach their recipient is the challenge with chocolate gifts, though! This is pretty simple if you are giving your chocolate presents by hand. It is a very different story if you intend to mail them. You may prevent your chocolate gifts from breaking while handling and becoming chocolate soup.
Several methods to mail chocolate safely 
There are several methods to mail chocolate safely to distant places and ensure it arrives in good condition. Here are some options:
Use appropriate packaging materials to protect the chocolate during transit.
Wrap each piece or bar in wax paper or aluminium foil to prevent them from sticking together.
Place the chocolates in an airtight or sealable plastic bag to maintain freshness.
Padding the package with bubble wrap or packing peanuts can provide extra protection.
Insulation: Depending on the weather conditions, you may need to insulate the chocolate to prevent melting or freezing. Add ice or gel packs to keep the chocolate cool during warm weather. In colder climates, consider adding a layer of insulation, like newspaper or foam, to shield the chocolate from extreme temperatures.
Sturdy Box:
Choose a sturdy shipping box slightly larger than the chocolates to allow room for packaging materials.
Avoid using light or weak boxes that may get crushed during shipping.
Reinforce the seams with packaging tape to ensure they stay intact.
Express Shipping: Opt for express shipping services to minimise the transit time and reduce the chances of the chocolate being exposed to unfavourable conditions. Faster delivery reduces the risk of melting or spoilage, particularly during warmer months.
Tracking and insurance: Select a shipping method that offers search and insurance options. This allows you to monitor the package's progress and provides coverage in case of loss, damage, or theft during transit.
Customised Shipping: If shipping internationally, be aware of customs regulations and restrictions on mailing food items, including chocolate. Check the destination country's rules to ensure compliance and avoid delays or confiscation.
Temperature-Controlled Shipping: Consider using specialised temperature-controlled shipping services for delicate or high-quality chocolates. These services utilise insulated packaging and climate-controlled environments to maintain a specific temperature range during transit.
Local Couriers: Explore local courier services at the destination. They may have experience handling temperature-sensitive items like chocolate and can provide faster and more reliable delivery.
Timing: Consider the weather conditions and shipping times when planning the shipment. Avoid sending chocolate during extreme weather conditions, such as heat waves or freezing temperatures, to minimise the risk of damage.
Communication: Inform the recipient about the chocolate shipment so they can anticipate its arrival and take necessary precautions upon receipt, such as refrigerating the chocolates promptly.
Types of chocolates to mail safely
Dark and milk chocolate can typically be safely mailed. It is important to consider the climate and packaging to ensure quality. Dark chocolate has a higher melting point, making it more heat-resistant. However, both types should be packed in insulated materials and shipped expedited if the destination is warm. If you want to gift dark milk chocolate, you should consider the dark milk chocolate price.
Remember, while these measures can help protect the chocolate during shipping, there is still a risk of damage or melting, especially in hot climates. Consider the specific circumstances and consult the shipping provider for the best recommendations based on location and destination.
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regularmailrates · 11 months
The Cost of UK to Canada Postage Rates
The cost of uk to canada postage rates is one of the biggest obstacles when it comes to exporting to the United Kingdom. There are a number of factors that impact the price including weight, shipping timescales and exact destination address.
Individuals can send small packages and personal items to the UK via Canada Post surface options and locally at post offices. For e-commerce businesses with large volumes of goods to ship to the UK, airfreight and direct ocean freight are usually the most economical options if booked well in advance.
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Customs duties and taxes are another big factor for companies exporting to the UK. Goods must be declared correctly to avoid any delays or fines. It is recommended that all imports to the UK are accompanied by an HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) invoice or other customs documentation to help with smooth clearance. For lower value shipments, the de minimus duty threshold of PS135 is often enough to prevent duties and taxes from being assessed.
The UK and Canada have a long history of trade and investment and both countries are strong economic partners. There are numerous benefits for British companies to export to Canada, from accessing its large and growing consumer base to taking advantage of tax breaks and incentives like the Enhanced Investment Allowance.
Jet Worldwide is a leading logistics company that offers reliable express delivery and dependable sea and air freight services to the UK from Canada. Our decades of experience and high standards offer our customers transparency and best-in-class logistics support.
Regular Mail Rates – BLogSPot
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Choosing the Right Office Telephone System
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An office telephone system is an important part of any business's telecommunications needs. At Abu dhabi phone prices, this allows companies to communicate with their clients, suppliers, and employees conviniently and more cheaply.. They also help with employee productivity and can be used as a marketing tool. Choosing the right business phone system can make or break your company's bottom line.
A PBX (private branch exchange) is a type of telephone network that can use both analog and digital technology. It involves a central-office switch that controls the connections between telephone lines inside and outside an organization's premises. A PBX can serve as a company's only communication network, or it can be used in conjunction with a traditional telephone system.
Multiline phones: This is the simplest and most basic form of an office telephone system, which lets callers place calls on multiple lines. These calls are then routed to various telephone extensions in the office. In addition, the phone extension might display a number of incoming calls, such as "Line 1," and it might also have a caller ID that shows a company name or a personal number.
Private branch exchanges: This is a more sophisticated, automatic phone system that larger businesses often use to provide callers with the ability to connect with different people within the company. This system is more complex than a basic multiline phone system, but it can still be installed easily and affordably.
Direct Inward Dialing: This is a feature that helps businesses manage their staff. It allows them to give each worker a personal phone number without having to buy an individual line. The system automatically routes calls to the best person for each call.
Inbound Call Queue: This is a great way to handle overstretched customer support teams. It prevents long wait times by allowing a broader pool of agents to answer calls, and it eliminates the need to constantly ring multiple phones.
Voicemail: Some callers leave messages for an agent to listen to. Depending on the software you choose, you can get these messages through email, text message, or in a voicemail log. In some cases, you can even get them mailed to you.
UCaaS: This is an easy-to-use cloud-based communications platform that combines telephony with other functions like instant messaging and videoconferencing. The system is based on open standards and offers sophisticated features to improve your business's output and efficiency.
Desk Phones: Most VoIP providers offer desk phones as part of their setup package. These devices allow users to make, answer, and divert calls from their desks, and they don't require a cellular connection or traditional copper wires.
If your office is a busy open-plan environment, grandstream headset wireless prevent chatter from disrupting the work of other in-office staff. This can reduce employee productivity by up to 70%, so it's a good idea to consider one of these options for your office.
Group Announcements: A business with a lot of employees might need to alert them to changes in status or new calls. If your phone system has a group announcement function, you can tell them via a speakerphone or an email that there is an urgent matter to discuss.
You can get more enlightened on this topic by reading here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone.
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