#the part at 1:50 makes my heart ache
zishuge · 2 months
did more transcription work this morning of the soft piano music that plays during the tender nanqiu scenes in the spirealm that i'm so in love with. sheet music is here for anyone who would like it. note: this is beginner level - anyone who's played piano for probably a few months should be able to play this :)
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ethanmorales · 1 year
All Parts Now Posted - Masterlist
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Part 1 - Ablaze
Pairing: Ethan Morales x reader 1.3k words Tags: make out, angst Warning: swearing
My fingers grazed against his chest and as I let my hand wander down his torso, I felt every muscle under twitch in anticipation. I looked up at his face and he was already looking at me with a mixture of lust and longing.
“I missed you,” he whispered.
Oh and I missed him. For what other reason would I have climbed through his window at 2:12 in the morning?
But I didn’t say it back. That’s what got us into this mess in the first place. Me caring. Me wanting him so bad it hurt. Me falling while he was always just having a good time.
I looked up at him, pulled out of my thoughts by his inquiring tone.
“Just kiss me,” I demanded.
He only hesitated for two seconds, just briefly enough for his brown eyes to send a silent question, “everything okay?” But his mouth never asked; it was too busy connecting with mine in a blazing kiss that threatened to consume me, him, both of us together.
Everything was on fire. Everywhere he touched. Everywhere he kissed. My skin burned with his touch and for it. We barely paused for breath as he laid me down on his bed. He unlinked our mouths long enough to grab the hem of my shirt and help me out of it. Then we lit up again.
I glided my fingers in the soft waves of his hair as his mouth found the spot where my neck meets my shoulder. His teeth gently grazed against the skin, just enough for me to feel the pressure but not enough to cause pain and then his tongue followed. He started trailing downward to my chest with that same technique.
"Ethan." It was a half-whispered moan. I say half whispered because it was not as quiet as I intended it to be.
At his name, he looked up at me, smiling that damning adorable smile of his and placed a finger over my lips.
"My parents' sleep next door."
He was better at whispering than I was. Probably had more experience at this kind of clandestine middle of the night type of encounter. Before the bitter thought took full effect in my head, his mouth clashed against mine in another fiery kiss. Almost like he wanted to distract me from my own thoughts.
It was working.
The kiss that started like a flame scorching through us with intensity and desperation, simmered down into a heart wrenching slower tempo. Our mouths molded together, his tongue slow danced with mine in perfect unison... and I was lost.
Lost to the sweet taste of his lips. Lost to the movement of his pelvis against mine and the calculated motions building up the fire that he had awoken in me. Though we still had enough clothing separating us from the fusing of our bodies, it didn't dampen the ever-present ache within me.
With the way he touched me, you would think he felt the same.
So, I was lost. Lost in the depths of longing. Longing for this guy that could never ever reciprocate such feeling in return.
I pushed away from him as abruptly as I had the thought. I was met by a look that someone that didn't know him would think is concern. But I knew better.
"I have to go." My words practically a mumble.
"What?" he seemed disoriented in a way, his eyes searching for something in mine that I didn't want him to find.
"It's late," I said, "If we wake up your parents, they'll disown you for real this time."
Ethan's eyes though still confused, hid partially away by the appearance of his mischievous smile, "So what? They've disowned me like 50 times already. Just this year."
I rolled my eyes.
"You say that with so much pride," I whispered, simultaneously pulling myself out of his grasping hands. I heard him groan in protest behind me as I pulled my shirt over my head.
"Because the shit they say doesn't mean anything. They think that by acting like they're disappointed in me, I'll just magically turn into the son they always wanted. It's bullshit."
I shook my head at this rant and turned to face him. He had gotten up from the bed as well and was less than two feet away from me.
"If you really didn't care, you wouldn't' have shushed me earlier. But God knows you're too cool to admit to caring about anything so I'm not having this argument with you." I sounded defeated. He noticed the change in my tone immediately, his eyes narrowed.
"Why do we have to argue at all? There are way more fun things that we could be doing right now." Even as he said it, I could see that he didn't mean it. Something in his expression closed off at my previous comment.
"I have to be up early anyways," I said gently.
"Sure. Whatever." He walked towards his window. I followed behind until we were in front of it.
I looked up at him. He didn't seem to want to look me in the eye as he avoided my gaze. I gave up.
"Okay. I'll see you around then."
My voice was small, and I hated myself for it. This is where we end up every time. I understand that he has never claimed to be anything but who I've always known him to be, but can you blame me for wanting more? I'm only human. And I know... that's it's wrong that I want him to change for me. I should be accepting him as he is or staying away from him, but I can't. The harder I try, the easier it is for me to end up here with him. Stuck in this goddamn tragic loop of ours.
I shake my head to myself and throw a leg over the windowsill. As I push myself out and my feet touch the freshly cut grass of his backyard, I thank God he lives in a one-story home.
When I turn to close his bedroom window, he stops me with a hand over mine. I move mine away and he frowns. He proceeds to climb out of his window.
"What?" I ask, unable to keep the edge out of my voice. I was already too emotionally drained to hide my upset.
He blinks with confusion. "What am I doing wrong?"
I huff but say nothing.
He sighs, "How do I stop upsetting you if you won't tell me what it is that you're upset about?"
I snap. "You. You are the reason I'm upset!"
His eyes widen, "What about me? "
I want to tell him. I want to tell him everything. All the things he makes me feel; good and bad. My fears. My thoughts. But I can't. Because I know what he will say.
"I didn't sign up for this".
"We had a deal."
"Don't start getting clingy."
I've heard it all come out of his mouth before. Not with me. With the many girls I've seen him with. But still. I refuse to make the mistakes the rest of them did. I will never admit that I had fallen for him. Not now. Not ever.
I held his gaze for a second, but his beautiful brown eyes made my poor heart flutter uncomfortably in my chest. I look away.
"Nothing, sorry. I really gotta go. I get cranky when I don't sleep."
I start turning around to leave, but then feel his arm snake around my waist and pull me in against him, leaving no space between us.
I look up at him in a question. His eyes scanned my face for something, though I'm not sure what.
That's all he says before his mouth crashes over mine.
I didn't want it. The rational part of me knew that I should back off and walk away. But as soon as his tongue invades my mouth, the heat of our flame sears through my whole being... and we're back to where we started.
To be continued...
A/N: Haven't written in ages. But after watching season 4 of Never Have I Ever.... I had to. My goodness, Ethan got me feeling all kinds of things lol. Made a new blog just to write this without judgement. Let me know if you want a part 2. I feel like this might deserve another part. Or maybe I can turn it into a series? Let me know if you liked it and I'll write more :)
Update: will be doing a part two! Maybe 3... we shall see :D
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albertasunrise · 1 year
Only You - 50/50
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Summary: Having spent most of your life in relationships that went nowhere. You struggled to trust that this man… this ray of sunshine… wouldn’t leave you eventually. (18+)
Relationships: Reader x Ben Miller
Warnings:Like AO3, I choose to give none. Read at your own risk. 18+ (So... sorry this took so long!! I hope you enjoy this update ♥️)
Series Masterlist - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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“What do you mean you’re pretty sure it’s mine?” Ben growled out as glared at you “You and Mike not been fuckin’ too?”
“Well yes.” You replied “But he always uses a condom and well… we didn��t.”
“Fuck!” Ben yelled as he got to his feet.
“I know this isn’t ideal but-“
“Ideal??” He scoffed “This is a fuckin’ shit show!”
“Benny please-“
“So what’s the plan?” He interrupted “Marry Mike and pass this baby off as his?… Cus I dunno if you’ve noticed sweetheart but we don’t look all that much alike.”
“No. That isn’t my plan.” You grumbled, feeling your temper rise.
“So what? How are you gonna fix this?”
“I’m gonna get rid of it.” You answered plainly and Ben’s jaw dropped.
“Like you said. I can’t pass this kid off as Mike’s and we’re gonna get married so the only solution is to terminate it.” You continued with a shaky voice as you looked up to see the crestfallen expression on Ben’s face.
“You’re gonna kill my kid?” He spat, tears forming in his ice-blue eyes.
“Ben, come on, we both know this is for the best.”
“Do we?!” He shrieked “Cus I told you the other day that I wanted kids with you… I want this and now you’re telling me it's there but I can’t have it?”
“Benny please don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”
“Why fucking tell me if nothing I say is gonna change your mind?” He shouted, anger bursting from the seams “Did you just wanna hurt me some more of good measure?”
“No.” You choked as your tears flowed freely down your flushed cheeks.
“Then why?” He sobbed “You give me hope, then you rip it away. Over and over.”
“I fucking hate you Stitch!” He choked “I hate you.”
You sobbed hard at this confession. Your cries were guttural as you clutched your stomach and wailed. Benny watched you, his heart aching to comfort you but his head telling him to tell you to leave. He hated the fact that he didn’t hate you. Not one bit.
He just hated that he couldn’t have you.
“I should go.” You piped up when your cries quietened.
“Yeah, you should,” Miller replied, not looking at you as you stood to leave.
“I am sorry Benny.” You sobbed “I never meant to hurt you.”
Ben didn’t answer. He didn’t even look at you. Just stared off at the wall as you let yourself out. When he was sure you were gone, he let his wall break. Tears poured from him like a broken levee.
He wished you’d never told him you were pregnant.
That he’d never asked for your name.
Ben thanked Frankie with a nod as the pilot placed another beer in front of him. They sat in tense silence for a while before Frank finally asked Ben the inevitable question.
“How are you doing?”
“I'm fine!” Ben replied but the older man wasn’t buying it.
“You’re a shit liar you know.”
“What do you want me to say Fish?” Benny growled, “The woman I love gave me hope that we could be together, only to stomp on it.” The younger man spat out “And not she’s pregnant with my kid but she’s getting rid of it-“
“Stitch is pregnant?” Frankie blanched.
“Assumed you knew. She and Maria are tight aren't they?”
“Well yeah but she’s not been over lately.” Fish replied, “She’s getting rid of it?”
“That’s the plan.” Benny scoffed and the pilot let out a long sigh.
“I’m sorry brother.” A comforting hand was placed on Ben’s arm “I know you wanted a family with her.”
“I wanted everything with her!” He practically yelled, “I just don’t get why she fucking told me if she planned to get rid of it all along.”
“Perhaps she felt like she owed it to you.”
“Yeah well… best she’d just kept it to herself.” The blonde scoffed.
Frankie gave him a sympathetic smile, watching as the man pushed himself to his feet “Need a piss.” He grumbled out, leaving the pilot alone.
Picking up his phone, he called the only person he could think of.
“Hey, it’s me.”
You were startled by banging at your front door. Checking your phone you noted it was a little after eight. You weren't sure who it was. Mike having had to work at one of the restaurants that evening. Padding across your lounge, you pulled the blanket around your shoulders tighter as you opened the door to find a furious-looking Maria standing there.
"What are you-"
"You're pregnant?!" She practically shrieked, before looking down quickly at the sleeping baby in her arms.
"How did you?…"
"Ben's out for drinks with Frank." She stated, stepping into your house "Assumed you'd told me and that Frank would know."
"Apparently you're getting rid of it?"
"Look, I didn't judge you when you told me about what happened with Ben… Or even your choice to stay with Mike - which is dumb by the way - but I can't stand by and let you get rid of something I know you want."
"It's Ben's though Maria!"
"I know that." She replied plainly.
"So what, I tell Mike I cheated and got pregnant and that I want to keep it?" You scoffed "He'll leave me!"
"What do you mean so??" You shrieked, sighing when the baby started to cry.
"Take her a sec." The older woman sighed as she handed you the wailing infant.
"I'm sorry Princessa." You cooed as you rocked her in your arms, watching as Maria pulled out what she needed to make the little one's bottle.
Suddenly the crying stopped and two big, wet, round, chocolate-brown orbs stared up at you. You smiled at her and she smiled back, giving you that gummy grin that you loved too much and suddenly something inside you shifted.
"Come here l
Lila" Maria cooed as she took her baby from you and perched on the couch, smiling when she latched to her bottle eagerly.
She then looked at you. Noting how you were staring at the little one with an expression that was plain as day. Your hand unconsciously resting on your stomach.
"I can't do this." You choked as you finally tore your eyes away from the baby and looked at your friend.
"I know." She replied with a knowing look "I will support you. Whatever happens but know that Ben wants this with you…" She trailed off.
"I know he does."
"Then stop putting the wrong man first." Mari sighed "Choose the man that wants to give you the world… Not the one that can give you expensive presents."
"You're right." You nodded "I need to tell Mike."
"Tell me what?"
The two of you jumped as you turned to look at Mike who was standing beside your open front door. His brows were pulled together as his eyes flitted between you and Maria.
"Baby… Tell me what?"
"Mike, I'm pregnant." You sighed, your expression severe.
"Really?" Mike squeaked, a grin filling his features as he took a step towards you.
"Mike it isn't yours." You stopped him in his tracks and his elated expression returned to confusion.
"What do you mean it's not mine?"
"It's Ben's." You confessed, your heart thundering in your chest "When you were away, we… Well, we-"
"You cheated on me." He growled and you nodded "And now you're fucking pregnant with his bastard kid?"
"Mike!" Maria warned but the man was having none of it.
"I shower you with gifts… treat you like a queen and this is how you repay me??"
"You cheated on me too Mike or did you forget about that?" You growled.
"I made a mistake!" He yelled, groaning when Lila started to cry again "Get that fucking baby out of here."
"No!" You yelled, "Maria stays."
"We need to talk about this-"
"There's nothing to talk about." You snarled "I chose you over Ben because I felt bad for you. I broke the heart of the man I love because your mum died and I felt like it was my duty to get you through it."
"Damn right, it is!"
"Well, I'm done putting everyone else first Mike." You snapped "I am putting myself first for once."
Your chest was heaving as you stared at the man. Your eyes burning into him as you finally said what you wanted to say to him all those weeks ago.
"It's over Mike." You stated plainly "I'm in love with Ben… I want to be with him and I wanna raise this baby with him."
"Fucking bitch!" He spat as he pulled off the keys you'd have cut for him and threw them at you.
You flinched as the metal objects hit your cheek, schooling your features to remain unaffected when you touched your cheek and they came away blood.
"Don't come running back to me when he leaves you." He scoffed before storming out of the house.
You let out a shaky breath as you felt your emotions start to bubble over. You sobbed as you held your cheek, sprinting to the kitchen to grab a cloth. Your emotions were a mess. On the one hand, you were happy you'd broken things off. On the other, you were terrified that you were too late. You knew you had to speak to Ben. You just hoped he'd listen.
Maria then helped you clean and dress the gash Mike had inflicted on your cheek. Three butterfly stitches standing out in stark contrast to the redness of your skin.
"I need to talk to Benny." You sighed when Maria grabbed the last of her things to leave.
"Yup." She chuckled, smiling sweetly at you as Lila snoozed on her shoulder.
"Think he'll listen to me?"
"I think that boy loves you." She replied, "You hurt him and you're going to have some work to do but I know that he wants this with you."
"He told me he hated me."
"He doesn't hate you, sweetie." She sighed, tilting her head to one side as she spoke "He hates that didn't just act sooner."
You thought about waiting a few days. Waiting for the dust to settle but you knew that that was just you trying to avoid the potential rejection that was waiting for you. So when you found yourself standing in front of his door with your fist raised, ready to knock, you took a steadying breath and did it.
Ben's face when he opened the door wasn't hard to read. He didn't say anything. Just stepped aside to let you in and you thanked him with a small nod. When you were sat and so was Ben, the two of you sat there in awkward silence for a while. Neither one of you knew what to say to the other.
"I told Mike." You piped up when the silence became too much and Ben nodded but didn't say anything "Ben?"
"What do you want me to say?" He grumbled and you rolled your eyes at his response.
"How about what did he say?" You asked as you tucked your hair behind your ear, revealing the cut on your cheek that was now bruised around the edges.
Ben's demeanour instantly changed. He shot to his feet and sat beside you, his fingers brushing your skin as he inspected the injury.
"Did he do this?" He growled as he pinched your chin and brought your gaze to him.
"He uh… He threw his set of keys at me." You sighed "We broke up."
This grabbed Ben's attention. Sitting back, his eyes studied you closely as he waited for you to elaborate.
"Maria made it very clear to me that I have been making stupid decisions lately." Ben scoffed at that but smiled, feeling his anger start to fizzle a little "I have always put everyone else first. I stay with Mike because I felt like it was my duty to support him.
"I have never put myself first before so this is me doing that… I love you, Benny. I love you and I know I have fucked up so bad with you but if I'm not too late… I choose you."
"Before you say anything… I uh… Well, I have something to show you." You said as you rummaged in your bag and pulled out what you were looking for "Thought you might wanna see these."
His eyes went wide as you handed him the sonogram pictures from your scan earlier that day. He choked on a sob as he looked through them. A bright smile filled his features as he studied them closely.
"I want to do this with you, Benny." You piped up after a short pause "I want to have this baby with you. I want to be a family."
He looked up at you with a teary smile and beamed. Nodding like a loon as he glanced down at the pictures again before grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you in for a kiss that took your breath away.
"Okay." He whispered against your lips as he pulled back enough to look at you through his long lashes "Let's do this Stitch."
"Yeah?" You asked, your voice trembling with a mixture of need and excitement.
"Let's have a baby."
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Taglist form
Tags: @hayley-the-comet @ajeff855 @mavericksicybabe @supernaturalgirl20 @dihra-vesa @nicolethered @practicalghost @theanothersherlockian @gallowsjoker @little-mrs-morales @sunnshineeexoxo @aliwritesfic @maryfanson @sherala007 @ayrusss @greeneyedblondie44 @elegantduckturtle @jediknight122 @goodgriefitsawildworld @voteforpedro09 @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @mishasminion360 @giggly-otter @athalien @mssbridgerton @huitzilinthebudgie3 @samanthacookieone @salome-c @radcollectivesoul @pedrohoe04 @paintlavillered @ktmadden86 @hotchlover @kirsteng42 @djjarins @balekanemohafe @misscampacyn
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calico-heart · 6 months
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
Basic rules: choose 10 fandoms that you are part of/support, and choose a favorite character from each of those. Then, tag ten folks!
Thanks for the tag @briar-ffxiv :3 idk how i'm supposed to pick a single favorite out of all these tho cries. Obvious fandoms are up top, but some (maybe. a little.) less common ones show up further down!
FFXIV // Alisaie Leveilluer
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I think she's one of the most dynamic characters in the series, and I love love love seeing her come out of her shell as the expansions go on. Her personal arc focuses so heavily on surviving grief and learning to keep an open heart even when faced with loss over and over again, and I appreciate how well that ties into the main storyline, too.
Fallout 4 // Piper Wright
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My wife <333 Piper's reckless go-gettem attitude and propensity for ruffling feathers on her quest to out the baddies really endeared me to her. Finding her soft heart under all the bravado and banter is really rewarding, and I love how committed she is to standing for her ideals, even if it means standing alone. Fo4 has such a cool setting to get immersed in overall, and I really do enjoy all the 50s/60s US tropes thrown into the mix with it.
Reth // Palia
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The epitome of making objectively horrible choices for arguably noble reasons. I love this walking disaster. He made me soup. I like how most of the Palia characters have more to them than meets the eye at first meeting, and how many ways they can surprise you as you build relationships with them. But gaining the disgraced pariah Reth's trust? Becoming someone he's brave enough to ask for help from? I treasure it above all the others LOL
Gale Dekarios // Baldur's Gate 3
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I'm NOT going to essay I'm NOT going to essay I'm not -- But seriously I do adore this guy's arc. I like how messy it is, even if in more subtle ways than, say, Astarion (ilu too boo.) Gale has so many "gifted kid" trademarks and strikes me as someone who's entire self worth has been based on how useful or interesting he is to others. It's hard to fault him for his ambition, when his magical prowess was the only avenue he had to make meaningful bonds up until the whole tadpole nonsense. BG3 exceeded my wildest expectations out of an RPG and continues to do so every time I pick it up.
Anders // Dragon Age II
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I feel obligated to say I don't really consider myself part of the DA fandom because every time I've poked my head in I've found it to be a wretched hive of scum and villainy with the most inane batshit discourse I've ever seen in my life. But the game itself? Love the game. Love the characters. Anders broke my heart. I really enjoyed his internal turmoil and the very literal ideological battle between justice and vengeance he faced throughout the game. I'll eat that up.
Obi-Wan Kenobi // Star Wars
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He's baby.
I definitely pick and choose which installations of the behemoth that is the Star Wars franchise to consider canon, and like Dragon Age I try not to actually get involved in fandom spaces. Ever. But I love Obi-Wan's story in the prequels especially, and if you've followed me very long I'm sure you know how much I like my hurt/comfort and angst, which he has in spades.
Halo 1-3, ODST, & Reach // The Arbiter
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I grew up on Halo and even have a little poseable model of this guy decorating my bookshelf. Halo's a shooter game first, of course, and I spent a good chunk of my childhood rerunning levels, and playing ninjanaut with friends on splitscreen. But its lore also fell into that sort of early TES space for me, where you had enough of an idea of the world for it to capture your imagination and inspire you, without being overwhelming to keep track of. The angst. The mystique. The badass alien with a glowing sword. 10/10. My Spartan OC is called Artemis and my brother has one named Ares and yes we did slay in PvP as teenagers.
Firefly // Simon Tam
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Choosing Firefly is predictable af but thats ok. It still makes me ache wishing we got to know more about the world, the characters - and maybe that unfinished homesick feeling is part of the appeal. I loved watching Simon be so out of his depth in the frontier of space, but willing to giving up everything for someone he cared about and learning to make a new place for himself with Firefly's motley crew.
Mizu // Blue Eye Samurai
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I was not prepared for this show to WRECK me like it did. I thought it was going to be a run of the mill cheesy samurai anime and GOD. The thoughtful, clever storytelling and dynamic characters knocked me on my ass. I couldn't stop watching. The cast is incredible, the art style is gorgeous. Every single aspect of this show ties into this theme of being caught between two worlds, and Mizu's story is one I am not going to forget any time soon. If you haven't watched this, you're missing out.
Mal // The Dog Master
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I'm not sure there's even really a FANDOM for this book. I haven't ever met anyone else who'd even heard of it, let alone read it. But a fandom can just be me, occasionally pitching it desperately to friends, right? XD The story follows several tribes, but the "main" character is Mal, who was kicked out of his tribe and survives partly by befriending a wolf and raising it. It's pretty cleverly written, with several timelines converging at unexpected moments to offer up plot twists and tie-ins that really wouldn't have been possible if it was written another way. I'm a little geeky about it just for the structural approach. But there's honestly not enough good caveman books out there, and this one has a wide cast of unique and interesting characters who feel very human.
I will tag @ronqueesha @bogglebabbles-main @sayonaramidnight @traveleorzea @orime-stories @silentletterwords @ellastara @rinka-fortemps @eriyu @jameswrites
And anyone else who wants to! I'd love to see your lists! But no pressure ofc <3
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queenofanime · 2 years
could like make a second part to the horse dude/beastars x fix reader PLSSSSSSSSSS idk do whatever you want just please make a pt2
Yafya x fox reader
Part 1
One could take all the preventions in this world, be cautious all you want but another animal isn't… and you get all caught up in their mess. There is also such a thing as bad luck and a bike accident was just such a thing. It happened so fast, Y/n wasn't able to react to it.
**** The moment the bike hit the concrete wall, I assumed I was dead. The bicycle had flipped so many times that I had become disorientated. I kept waking up, only to become unconscious again. I preferred to be unconscious rather than awake. Because when I was awake I could taste the coppery blood pooling in my mouth. I could feel it grazing my teeth and soaking my tongue. I felt the aching and cracks in my bones. Each crack felt like rocks were burrowing into my skin. I sucked in cramped air, feeling my lungs caving in on themselves. I could hear the sound. It was a noise, mangled metal. I saw the spots in the corners of my vision. Then came a blue flicker, the sound of sirens in the distance.
To say Yafya was panicking, was an understatement. The horse swallowed hard, trying to keep the stoic expression he was known to wear. But from the corner of his eye, Gosha could tell his friend was scared. He was scared of losing someone who had crawled their way into his heart unexpectedly. The ride to the hospital was rather quiet; time seemed to pass in slow motion. Yafya decided to keep his eyes on the road, keeping himself from spiraling. 'What if the last thing he sees is your lifeless body, rotting away in a hospital bed?' 'What if you died, without ever knowing how much he loved you and how you are worthy?' 'What if you leave this world feeling underappreciated, filled with bitterness about all the animals (including him) that took you for granted?' It was clear that the view wasn't helping him at all with his thoughts.
**** Once the nurse greeted them and explained the accident, she let the visitors through Y/N's room, where the little fox was resting. Louis and Legoshi felt bad when they saw Y/N. After their unexpected visit a few months ago, they had become quite close, since there wasn't a big age difference. Haru had also been introduced to Y/N and had hit it off immediately. After a couple of minutes, the only one present was Yafya.
**** It hadn't been long since the accident, and as my aburn eyes open slowly, adjusting to the light of the room, I remembered my near-death experience vividly. I didn't exactly know where I was but from the cold metal bed rails, the soft pillows, and the scent of get-well flowers, I could guess it was a hospital. But what really got my attention was the soft snoring sounds that came from below. Slowly, I turned my gaze to the sleeping horse, sitting next to me on the floor, his hand holding my own. Looking at him, Yafya's pose didn't seem at all comfortable. Despite his young appearance, Yafaya was already in his 50s and it made me worry that his body could possibly hurt later on. Subconsciously, my small hand started caressing his much bigger one. His hand was rough, his nails shorter than mine, but I couldn't care less. My eyes traced over his facial features; loose strands of his black crest falling, covering his eyes. Though my scouting came to an end when the sound of the door opening interrupted my concentration. Panicking, I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. The doctor and nurse stepped into the room, waking Yafya in the process. I kept my eyes close. Attentively, I listened to the doctor and the old herbivore talking about me. After asking about personal information and things such as insurance, the nurse replaced my serum and both left the room again. I could feel Yafya's intense gaze on me, but my eyes were kept shut. After a couple of silent seconds, I heard a chair being dragged across the floor, shuffling, and silence again. I tried my best to keep my cover and act unconscious as best as I could. My curiosity slowly betraying me. "I like you," he finally said. "No, I'm not expecting a reaction, I'm just stating the fact that I like you. I've been in major denial for months now, denying these feelings inside my heart but I'm done. I like you. There… it's out in the world." Yafya took a deep breath before continuing, "I like you, and if you don't feel the same, that is okay too. I'm not expecting you to like me back, no one ever does." And I could only wonder how the hell someone could see his face, hear his thoughts, and look at his smile, but not fall in love with him.
@toxic-chainsaw-666 @couldyouspeakmyname
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scribbles97 · 7 months
Left Behind - Chapter 53
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 Chapter 48 / Chapter 49 / Chapter 50 / Chapter 51 / Chapter 52 Read on AO3
Going back to the hospital the following morning was the last thing on Lucy’s mind. Whilst she had been with Scott there had been a distraction for her, the focus on Tia and what happened next for the young security specialist. But once she had returned to the apartment her thoughts had turned elsewhere.
Hugh had always been a friend. Since Sally had introduced him as a potential manager for the Europe base of Tracy Industries, Hugh, Jeff, and Lucy had all talked frequently. She couldn’t count the number of nights they had shared a tipple and a laugh between them, of course it had continued after Jeff.
He had been there. Hugh had lost the woman he had loved all his life when Penelope had been but a babe. When he had listened to Lucy it had seemed different to anyone else’s ear, there were no condolences or words that sounded falsely hopeful, just a quiet reassurance that someone else really did understand.
And she had fallen. She had fallen so hard without even realising it.
But now Jeff was coming home.
“You mustn’t sit dwelling.”
She glared from the sofa at the taller older man, hugging her mug of coffee slightly closer as he closed the door and stepped into the room.
“Good morning Kyrano.” She sighed, looking down into the mug.
“Jeff has been gone for an extended period. Do you not think he would expect your eye to wander?”
Jolting upright, she glared over the back of the sofa, “Kyrano!”
He simply smiled from where he was leaning against the kitchen counter, like the cat that got the cream. His intention was to rile her.
Well she wasn’t going to rise to it.
“Lord Creighton-Ward is an attractive title, not to mention the looks of the man himself.”
“Tia’s fine by the way.” She sniped, sinking back down with her coffee.
“I have just come from the hospital, she and Scott were talking to the neurological specialist.” He stated turning to the kettle, “I take it that it was a discussion with Scott that made you realise how you felt about Hugh?”
Lucy shook her head, he was being pushy, not to mention how overt he was being about it. The man had a point to make and, for once, wasn’t interested in his usual gently-gently approach.
“Would you drop it!?” She sighed, “Yes, I love him, alright? Is that what you want to hear? I love him but I never realised it because I never thought that there would be anyone other than Jeff. He’s coming home though and that’s made me realise that I love Hugh and I don’t want to lose him out of my life just because my actual husband is coming home and--”
The sight of Kyrano sipping quietly out of a cup of tea made her blood boil, “How can you just stand there drinking tea!?”
“I was letting you get things off of your chest.”
His calmness was irritating. How could he understand? His heart belonged to Onaha and he had never so much as looked at another person in lust.
“Have you perhaps considered that you can love someone without it being romantic?” He asked, watching her as he sipped his tea again.
She frowned as she looked across at him, “What do you mean?”
The look he gave her over the top of his cup was pure disdain.
“Come now Lucy, do you not love Evangeline?”
“Like a sister.” She nodded, Val had been part of her life for longer than she could remember. There were things she had talked about with her that nobody else would ever know, but that was different.
“Did you have intimate relations with Hugh?”
“I’ll throw this mug at you in a minute.”
“We all know that you threaten violence as an outlet without ever intending any harm.” Kyrano tutted, “But again, I don’t believe that Mister Tracy would hold it against you. Maybe you should speak to him about it?”
If it weren’t for her aching leg she would have got up and stormed from the room. As it was she had neither the strength or energy to shift from where she sat, even if it weren’t for Kyrano’s eyes pinning her in place.
“I did not sleep with Hugh!” She yelled, “Alright? I didn’t even realise how I felt until yesterday! I mean-- how badly can you screw up? Wait until you find out your dead husband’s alive before you fall in love with someone else.”
Kyrano’s soft snort was emphasised by the cup being raised to his mouth, “I think you fell in love with him long ago Lucy, you simply did not wish to acknowledge it, and now you must.”
He wasn’t her counsellor. She didn’t even know if he had some sort of qualification in psychiatry. Maybe he just knew her too damn well.
“You were in love with the man before Mister Tracy was even gone.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” She spat, “I love Jeff.”
“And how many people asked you about Hugh the morning after Scott’s passing out parade?”
The night of the party was vague in her mind, but the conversations with Val and then Scott and Virgil were seared into her mind.
“I was drunk.”
“A drunk mind is quite the expressive thing.”
“Kyrano.” She warned, “Just stop it okay? Hugh and I-- we’re not-- I love him but not like I love Jeff! And he’s coming home. He’s going to need me, he’s not going to need to be questioning if I truly love him or if I’m about to run off with a friend .”
Kyrano set his mug down on the counter top, the soft clink of the ceramic the only sound in the room. He held her eye for a moment and she wasn’t sure if she was meant to say more or if he was waiting to say something.
“Does The Mechanic mean anything to you?”
She spread her hands at the change in topic, thrown by his question and how it related to anything.
“No? I don’t-- what’s this got to do with anything?”
She hated his riddles. Hated how he seemed to know so much but shared so little. What did it have to do with her relationship with Hugh?
“I would talk to them both. Especially Mister Tracy, you may be surprised by their opinions.”
She sat straighter as he headed for the door, “But what about the Mechanic? Kyrano! You can’t just--”
He paused with his hand on the knob, “Tanusha is looking into a new role for Ms Anwar, I must go and discuss it with her and our team.”
“So what? I’m just meant to figure the rest out myself? You want me to tell Jeff that I haven’t had a love affair whilst he’s been gone but now I am? You want me to remember who the hell The Mechanic is?”
Kyrano shrugged, “I never said anything about remembering The Mechanic.”
That caught her, no, he hadn’t. Why did she get the feeling she should be able to remember him?
“I’ll speak to you later Lucy.”
Before she could protest he was gone and she was alone. Sinking back into the sofa she sighed heavily, wondering what the hell she was meant to do next.
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sidekick-hero · 1 year
Here is my hand, my heart, my throat, my wrist.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, AO3
(steddie | 3k | sfw)
March 1986
Deep down, he always knew he’d end up here, one way or the other. Steve Harrington does not get to keep the people he loves. He thought he’d learned that lesson with Nancy but apparently, he hadn’t.
Not everything has a happy ending.
How foolish of him to assume that meant something as simple as his own death.
Walking away from Eddie and Dustin had been the hardest thing he ever had to do in his life. He knew they would be safest of all, just decoys, not to engage with the fighting in any way. It was still terrifying to leave them behind. He remembers the relief he felt when Eddie had called out his name, clearly as unwilling to part as Steve had been. They’d just found each other after years of wasted time.
They looked at each other then, both lost for words; because what was there to say that didn’t sound like goodbye?
Now, he thinks, he might have to live in a world in which Eddie’s last words to him are “Make him pay.”
As soon as Vecna had vanished, Steve had turned heels and ran back towards the Upside Down version of Eddie’s trailer. The sinking feeling in his stomach had gotten worse with every passing minute and by the time he reached the trailer park he felt like his stomach tried coming out through his mouth.
He sees Eddie’s trailer about 50 feet to his right and a bit further ahead, he can make out a figure, kneeling on the ground. Steve pushes himself to run faster, his lungs burning and his body aching. He doesn’t care, can only think of big eyes the color of dark amber, looking at him with so many unsaid things. He thought they had time. Stupid. So fucking stupid.
It’s Dustin who's knelt on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. In his arms lays Eddie. Dustin looks at Steve with so much despair in his eyes that Steve can barely stand looking at him. He failed him. Failed both of them and Eddie is paying the price. “Steve – he – he just cut the rope, I’m sorry, I don’t know what – You have to – “ a hiccup, the tears spilling over his cheeks in rivers of loss and despair “you have to help him, please, Steve, please.”
As Steve falls to the ground on Eddie’s other side, he sees the wounds. The blood. The paleness of his skin. Eddie’s eyes look even bigger than usual as they slowly turn to him. There’s a droplet of blood at the corner of his mouth that spills over as he tries to smile at Steve.
“Heya, Stevie.”
His voice sounds weak but has lost none of its warmth. Even dying Eddie manages to have only affection and care for Steve and Steve’s hit with how fucking unfair it all is. Eddie had always been a good guy, had always taken care of Steve for no reason except he wanted to. He doesn’t deserve to die. Steve gets it now, understands why Max loves that damn Kate Bush song so much. He’d make a deal with God if he only could, too.
“Hi.” His voice breaks and he swallows down the rising bile. “Are you – how do you feel?”
Steve wants to smack himself in the face, but Eddie just chuckles wetly. “I’ve been better.” His eyes never leave Steve’s face, like he's trying to memorize every little detail. “It’s not so bad, now that you’re here. I – “ his whole body shudders and Steve sees his breath comes out in little puffs of frosty air. “I’m just so cold.”
Steve grasps Eddie’s hands between his and closes his eyes for a moment as he feels how cold they are. “Let me keep you warm then.”
Steve starts to rub Eddie’s hands between his own, just like Eddie had done for him before. He smiles down at the other boy, crooked, and a tear drops down onto their clasped hands. Then another. And another. His voice shakes as much as Eddie’s body when he says “This reminds me of the first time we met. You remember, the woods? I had a concussion, and it was really fucking cold, I forgot my jacket, and you warmed my hands, just like that.”
Eddie looks at him with a fond look and Steve wants to scream at the universe to take him instead.
“Not the first time.” Eddie says with a smile. There’s blood between his teeth.
Steve blinks at him, baffled. “What?”
“That’s not the first time we met. But I warmed your hands just like that back then, too.”
“It wasn’t – but, that can’t be. I would know – I would remember you.” It couldn’t be right. Steve could never forget someone like Eddie Munson. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Eddie since that first time back in ’83.
Eddie eyes are still fond, but Steve can see how tired they are, how much effort it costs him to stay awake and talk to Steve. “I was being a dragon, remember? Look!" and with that, Eddie puffs deliberately, his frosty breath turning to smoke once more.
It hits Steve like a punch in the face. He remembers now. The little boy he met after he ran away from home and got his jacket stolen. His father had been furious. He always remembered that but had forgotten all about the little boy who had been a dragon. The little boy who had warmed his hands and had gotten him home safely. Just like Eddie had done so many times in the last few years.
“Eddie – “ he breathes out, almost inaudible. Can’t say more because this is too big, too much.
“You were my first friend, Stevie – even when you didn’t remember me, I’ve never forgotten you. After I ran into you in the woods, your pretty face all bruised and messed up, I swore to myself to look out for you the best I could. You clearly weren’t willing to do so yourself.”
Before Steve can say anything to that, like ‘Why couldn’t you look out for yourself, too?’ Eddie goes on. His eyes are closed and his voice has gotten quieter. Steve has to concentrate hard to understand what he is saying. “I just wish I had more time, y’know, ‘cause I get the feeling you’re one rash decision away from doing something selfless and stupid again.”
He looks across Eddie at Dustin, who’s said it at the same time as Steve.
“You’re not dead, you hear me? This isn’t the end, Eddie. You can’t just quit man. We can fix this, right? Right, Steve?” Dustin looks at him, pleading with his eyes for Steve to help him, to save the day like he always does. And Dustin’s right, Eddie wasn’t dead. Not yet. They had to try.
Steve’s about to move to gather Eddie in his arms when Robin and Nancy arrive at the scene. Both are out of breath, and he thinks they want to be pissed that he just took off as fast as he could but one look at Eddie on the ground, clothes soaked in blood and Steve’s hands clasped firmly around his, and they realize why he did it.
“Oh Steve.” It’s Nancy, who knows exactly how Steve looks when he’s gutted at the prospect of losing someone he loves.
He looks at her with everything he feels laid bare for her to see. “Help me. Please.”
She takes a step towards them, fierce determination morphing her tired, dirty face. Steve never met anyone as fierce as her in his entire life. If anyone can do this, it’s Nancy Wheeler.  
Together, they will save Eddie Munson’s life. They have to.
One week later
Steve’s in his room, dressed in nice pants and a dress shirt. He tries to tie a tie around his neck, too but his hands tremble too bad and he has to re-start yet again.
He rips it off his neck and throws it away, uncaring as to where it goes. Who gives a fuck anyway if he wears a tie or not, certainly not Eddie. It’s the only opinion that matters to him right now and he can’t even ask him, has to assume his stance on ties. Fuck.
The tie sails across the mess of clothes on his floor and lands on his unmade bed, right next to a denim vest full of patches and pins. Steve goes over to his bed and picks up the vest instead of the tie.
“You would have hated the fucking tie.” He says to the empty room. “I should just put on the vest, shouldn’t I? It’s way more metal.” Steve nods and smiles, like there was an actual answer only he can hear. He puts on the vest and makes his way down the stairs, where Robin and Nancy are waiting for him. They both look at him open-mouthed as he descends the stairs.
Nancy recovers first. “Steve, you really think this is –“ she starts but Robin interrupts her. “He would have loved it.” That settles it quickly.
“You go ahead and wait in the car, I just need to pick something up real quick.” With that, Steve turns around and runs back up the stairs to his room while Nancy and Robin go to wait in his car.
Steve joins them not even five minutes later.
When they enter the cemetery only eight other people are there, spaced into three groups. Wayne Munson and Chief Hopper stand at the head of the burial site, and a bit to their left the three guys from Eddie’s band. At the other end across from Munson and Hopper, Dustin, Mike and Lucas are gathered in a tight circle. Steve can see masses of onlookers behind the gates, gawking at them and whispering to each other, but no one dared to enter. He suspects that’s Hoppers doing and he’s thankful beyond words for the man who cheated death to come back to help them.
Dustin spots them first and he turns towards them with a serious expression on his face. He looks older now, they all do. Pain and grief do that to a person.
“You’re late.” The quip has nothing of Dustin’s usual tone and Steve thinks of the way Dustin had begged him to help Eddie, to save him. He doesn’t think Dustin will ever be quite the same as he had been before that.
“Sorry, tie wasn’t cooperating.” Dustin just nods, not commenting on the dirty denim vest Steve’s wearing; not even Mike Wheeler has one of his snarky remarks for him. Steve would have given anything for one of the little shithead’s insults right now.
“Should we start?”
They all nod and turn around towards the open grave. There’s a casket in it but it’s empty. They never found a body to put into it and Steve thinks that’s the worst for Eddie’s uncle, to not have that kind of closure. To always wonder, what if. What if his nephew was still out there. What if they had been wrong. What if there still was a chance. He seems like a nice guy; someone who loves Eddie and has a hard time letting go of him. Steve can relate. He doesn’t deserve that kind of pain, but Steve can’t do anything to take it away from him. Not today.
When everyone is gathered around the open grave, Wayne Munson steps forward. “My nephew was a good boy, a kind boy. He had not been without faults, no one is. But he always tried to be better. Better than his father, his reputation. Better than this shitty, narrow-minded town deserved. Better than I deserved. I was supposed to take care of him but really, he took care of me. That’s just what Eddie did; took care of people. I just wish the world would have taken better care of him.”
With that, he kneels at the grave and throws in a mug. Steve couldn’t see what was on it but it must have meant something to Eddie and Wayne. Wayne gets back up and walks to stand beside Hopper again. There are tears on his face, clearly visible but he looks without shame, doesn’t even move to wipe them away.
“You can say goodbye now, too. It means a lot that you’re here, means a whole lot to know that some people knew Eddie, and cared about him.”
His eyes stay on Steve for another long moment, taking in his outfit, the vest that clearly belonged to his nephew and still bore signs of the hardships they went through together. Dustin had been the one to talk to Wayne because Steve just couldn't. He had never been the one good with words.
Everyone steps towards the grave and mumbles a few words, mostly too quiet to hear and throws something into it. Everyone respects the unspoken desire to have something that just belongs to the grieving and Eddie, so they all keep their distance from the grave until it was their turn.
Steve waits until everyone else had their turn and walked away from the grave, towards the exit of the cemetery. Only then does he step forward.
“Hi Eddie.” He pauses, unsure what to say. This was all so stupid.
“I brought you something, too. It’s probably stupid, but so is this whole thing. Hell, what am I supposed to say? That I’ll miss you? That I wish you were here? That I wish I had told you how I felt about you sooner, wasted less time with figuring stuff out? Yeah, well. I won’t say that to an empty grave, sorry.” He takes a deep breath. Then, he reaches behind himself, to the back of his pants where he tucked something. He gets it out and holds it in his hands. “I thought you might find this funny. Or sweet. Or maybe not. Don’t know you well enough to tell, I guess.”
With that, he looks at the tiny stuffed dragon in his hands. He considers it for a long moment before tucking it back into his pants, the vest covering it up.
“I see ya, Munson.” He turns around and walks towards his car. Everyone else had already left; they knew he needed to do this alone.
He gets into the car and starts driving out of Hawkins. Leaves that godforsaken town in the rearview mirror. Vecna is still around, parts of the Upside Down have spilled into their world and the next battle was just ahead of them. In his not so proud moments, he just wants to floor it, to get the hell out of dodge and let other people deal with this shitshow.
Steve shuts those thoughts down for now. He just drives for almost an hour before a tall building appears around the next corner. He steers the car towards it, parks his Beemer and gets out. There’s no one at the reception when he enters but he doesn’t worry. There never is. The building looks abandoned. Steve knows it isn’t.
He knows his way by now, so he strides towards an unmarked door on the third floor with long steps. The eerie silence around him should be creepy, but somehow it comforts him. It feels like a bubble, protected from the burdens of the outside world. He reaches his destination and pauses in front of the door for a second. His hands reach for his hair, and he fluffs it, just a bit. Shakes his head at himself. Straightens his shirt and adjusts his pants. Then, he enters.
“Hey sweetheart, sorry I’m late. The – everything took a bit longer than expected. How’s one of America’s best kept secrets doing today?”
Big, brown eyes turn towards him, and a smile greets him.
“Hey there, big boy. Pleasure to see your pretty face. I dig the outfit.” Eddie still looks tired, his wounds a stark contrast against his too pale skin and the meds for his pain have him a bit woozy, but it’s getting better. For someone whose heart stopped more than once he looks exceptionally well, Steve thinks. “I’m okay-ish? I would feel better if we could let Wayne into that well-kept secret at least. How’s he taking it?”
Steve thinks about lying but decides against it. It wouldn’t help Eddie, who’d see right through him, but only himself. And he’s trying to be done with that.
“He’s taking it pretty hard. Hopper and Joyce take turns visiting him and keeping an eye out. I think it helps, to not be alone. And it won’t be forever, you know that.” They actually don’t know that. The government puppets keep a tight lid on what was about to happen next. Steve had other priorities so far to really push. He changes the subject, subtle like a ninja.
“I brought you something. A little pick-me-up to motivate you to get better as fast as possible.”
Either the meds are affecting Eddie more than he lets on or he decided to let Steve get away with his clumsy attempt at brightening the mood. Either way, Eddie’s smile broadens and his mood turns flirty. “The thought of getting out of here to have my wicked ways with you again is all the motivation I need, darling.” Steve blushes at the memory, but his grin is pleased.
“Well, then consider this another motivation.” And with that, he pulls out the little stuffed dragon and places it in Eddie’s hands. Eddie looks baffled for a moment before his face lights up so much, it’s blinding. Steve’s glad he didn’t throw it in the empty grave. “You like it?”
“Like it? I love it!” He presses a kiss to it before cuddling it to his chest. “I’ll name him Stevie and I’ll take him with me to bed every night.”
“You think he’ll share with me?”
“Only if you’re real nice to me.”
OMG it's finally done. My first steddie multi-chapter fic and my first steddie fic I ever wrote. Thank you so much @baronsamediswife for your unending support and awesome cheerleader skills. I would crash and burn without you. 😘
And thank you @legitcookie for spitballing ideas with me, cheering me on and beta-ing that final chapter. Writer Soulmates for sure! 💜💜💜
And last, but certainly not least thank you @thefreakandthehair for giving back to the fandom and organizing that winter fic challenge. It was exactly what I needed to find my way back to writing and it's been the best thing ever since 🙏😍
And @urmomification you wanted to be tagged :)) (which still blows my mind tbh)
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mediumtires · 10 months
i only got into F1 this season and dear lord i so wish i had started watching like CENTURIES ago i feel like i missed out on so fucking much! but i love it and i'm having a lot of fun with everything that's happening now and learning about everything that's happened in the past and honestly late to the party, but glad i made it at all lol
anyway, having said all this, i wanted to thank you for Seven Years Next May because it's some of the most beautiful writing i've had the pleasure of enjoying in a bit. i started reading christian/toto stuff on a literal whim just to see what's out there and because i was rewatching dts and there was like a 2 second moment in s3e1 in australia when they were talking and they were both wearing casual clothes and they were so /soft/ that it made me lose my mind a bit.
i still have 3 more parts of the story and i am trying to savour it, it's just incredible, you captured them really well and apart from being so intelligently written and paced and structured, god, the love and the passion and the sex and the tender intimacy between them just feels so real it makes my heart ache, that's the type of love and care we should all be so lucky to find. and this is why i love fan fiction so much bc it's literally a story about two fucking 50 yr old formula 1 principals lol but it's so so much more than that
so yes thank you so much for sharing your writing with us, i am extremely grateful! i plan on picking up the pen myself for some sewis so wish me luck and i wish you a wonderful day & rest of the summer
this is the absolute sweetest fucking thing anon omg. thank you so so much, this made my whole day 🥺
and welcome to hell! i hope you’re not a ferrari fan 🥰
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iheartchv · 1 year
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115 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
🍬 No Strings Attached 🍬 pt. 1?
For @turtle-babe83 s Trick or Kink event. I wanted to do something... special...😈 Hopefully this will give y'all some delicious thoughts of my bayverse AU Dark Turtles (I also tried to keep them short b/c i dont remember the limit for words/pics in posts) I might write a part 2 to give this story an ending, if I find time 🤭
18+ only... reader is female ( female parts mentioned )
October isnt just a month of Halloween or all things spooky... its also the mating season for turtles... of ANY kind ...😈🐢💙❤💜🧡
A/N: this can be taken as whether you already do/dont know about the mating season, but Don researched and told his brothers about it after going a year through it already. They also aren't wearing their gear/nothing heavy and hard to maneuver. Their lair is below the abandoned warehouse by the docks ( New York Bay ), built by Don.
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One random day in October, you decided to make some eats for the clone boys. Not only because it was nice and you were friends with them for a few years, but because you wanted to spend some alone time with your crush ( Lee/Raph/Don/Mike). You two have a 'no strings attached' agreement going on, and that was fine with him. You were fine with it, too, since you didn't have sights on anyone but it was hard to not feel guilty for using him like that... You've had sex a time or two, and while it was nice you wanted something more
Mike x Reader
It was strange to not be greeted by the giant yellow turtle. He would usually say 'hey' with glee and pick you up, twirling around with you in his arms like a ragdoll. Not today, though. Where was everyone?
You silently wandered the dark turtle hideout, listening and looking for any sign of the clones. You thought you heard something above you. You went up the steel stairs that led to the top floor of the abandoned warehouse. What you saw made your heart skip a beat (and almost dropping the food).
Mike was sprawled out on the ground, making noises like he was in pain. His eyes were closed. And his hand pumped his schlongness. The size make your eyes bug out. Heat flushed your cheeks and all the way to your ears. Seeing him do this sent lightning straight to your core. Yeah, it was true you had a crush on him and you both weren't officially dating yet, but it felt awkward and weird; heavy touching and kissing was all that was between you and him.
Suddenly his eyes opened, his usual bright blue eyes was an amber color, dimmed and glossy... and dilated. His nostrils were flared and he was breathing heavily. He sat up, ingnoring his ginormous hard on.
"Y/N! W-what are you...?"
"I'm sorry I disturbed you. I'll just-" you quickly stuttered as you sat the bag down and turned around to head back downstairs. You were then wrapped around your waist by his long tongue, pulling you toward him. "Mike, let me go!"
His three clawed hand grabbed your hip, holding you there. "No can do, babes. You're not getting away... Besides, I know you liked it." He smiled a toothy grin. "I can smell you... and you smell so delicious... I've always wondered what you taste like."
He licked his lips. You shivered and squeezed your thighs to try to ease the ache. He took your mouth with his, kissing you like usual. His growls vibrated through your body, making you moan into him.
In a flash you had your bottoms torn off, your legs spread, and Mike's long tongue slithered inside you. Your aching walls clenched around it as he slid in and out, brushing against all your sensitive spots. The tip of his tongue brushed your cervix because he was so deep. His mouth encircled your mound, groaning as your essence trickled down his tongue.
"Mmmmm~ Mmmmike~~" You wanted to tell him to stop for a minute but it felt too good. Moans and whimpers were all that you could let out. Your body wriggled and moved, wanting to buck your hips and grind into Mike's mouth. You could tell that your climax was going to be mindblowing.
"Yeah, scream for me, y/n. You look so cute when you scream my name. Keep going, baby."
Sure enough your body exploded, your throat letting out the loudest and high pitched cry you ever made. The orgasm was so glorious you swore you had died and went to heaven. You breathed in shaky breaths trying to calm yourself.
"God, babes, you taste so sweet... and creamy..." His voice lowered into a purr as he lavished in your scent. He couldn't deny the throbbing tightness of his cock anymore, he had to be in you now. "I hope you're ready for round 2 ... or 3, because I'm not gonna stop until all your insides are painted white."
Let's just say that you weren't going to feel like walking for a week....
Don x Reader
"I got food." Silence. "Don? Anyone?"
Anyone not running for food was weird. But what was weirder was recieving a message from Don saying that you shouldn't come over for at least 1 week. You sat down food for the other 3 while you carried some for Don. There were times when he didn't come out of lab that someone had to drag him out to just eat. This might as well be one of those times.
You opened the steel door that led down to a basement. Softly you tread the steps, listening for any signs of life. You then heard a faint groan. Did he hurt himself?
"Don! Are you-"
You couldn't finish your sentence. Your mouth hung open at the sight of the tall purple turtles body frame leaning against a wall while his hand pumped his boner. The moans that echoed bounced back to you vibrated your body and sent tingles to your core. Heat crept up to your cheek and ears, and you could've swore that he heard your heart pounding in your chest.
See the full post
141 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
Hello! How're you doing? 🥰 I've got an idea: Their S/O can draw very well, and the boys didn't know about that. How would the boys react if they find their S/O's notebook and see her/his art, including a drawing of them?
Thank you 💜
Im okay ^^ hope everythings been alright for you as well, and hope this is alright♡♡♡
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He sees your notebook sitting on the couch
But he doesnt remember seeing you come in or leave
He figured you left it accidently
Hes wondered what made you smile whenever he seen your pencil move across the paper
Plenty of times when he was in the dojo training/improving a technique, he saw you sitting with the book in your lap
He knew he shouldnt without your permission (whether youd let him or not), but he wanted to see what artwork his angel has done
Opening the cover he finds sketches of people, Japanese inspired designs, and stops when he sees himself
The way you payed attention to the details of his muscles, scars, the design, dips and curves of his shell was impressive
It looked like he was looking at a black and white picture of himself
A smile spread on his face and warmth spread through his body
"Youre so talented, my love"
See the full post
168 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
I just noticed that your requests are marked as open, so I thought I would send one in 🥰
Could I please ask for a one-shot with Bay Raph and female reader? Could be fluff or even a little NSFW if it’s appropriate. Something along the lines of the best friends to lovers trope. However you want to do it, I know it’ll be wonderful! ♥️😘
Sure, lets see if I can make this sweet and spicy 😏😁 hope this is alright
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See the full post
181 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
How would the guys react to there son or daughter getting into the weapons they are not supposed to touch because they want to be just like daddy ?
Awww~~♡♡♡ well lets see...
He was going to scold them, but how could he stay mad at them when they just pull at his heart like that?
Hes reminded of how Splinter was like with him and his brothers; they got in trouble for a short time but then soon started training
He smiled at them and then held them in his arms
"Youre not ready, not just yet."
"When, daddy?"
"Very soon, my little one."
Hed kiss their forehead and hug them
His heart clenched
Hed try not to cry, but turns away to hide his misty eyes
"Daddy? Are you okay?"
They didnt like it when their daddy acted like that
hed quickly wipe his eyes
"Yeah, I'm fine buddy/sweetheart"
He promises to help them train to better handle the weapons, giving them hugs to hide his watery eyes
Hes never been so proud of them
His child wants to be like him?
His heart melted
He felt overjoyed and conflicted
He didnt want to scold them
Hed hug them and tell them he doesnt want them to get hurt
He will secretly invent their very own weapon to practice with under his supervision of course
"Practice makes perfect"
"Thanks, daddy, you're the best"
"You're welcome, my little star"
See the full post
249 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
21 notes · View notes
grumpygreenwitch · 1 year
The Fairy and the Prince #38 + #39 + #40 + #41
Part 1 - Part 2 - Parts 3 & 4 - Part 5 - Part 6, 7 & 8 - Part 9 & 10 - Part 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16 - Part 17, 18, & 19 - Part 20, 21 & 22 - Part 23, 24, 25 & 26 - Part 27, 28, 29 & 30 - Part 31, 32, 33 & 34 - Part 35, 36 & 37 - Part 38, 39, 40 & 41 - Part 42 & 43 - Part 44 & 45 - Part 46 & 47 - Part 48, 49, 50 & 51 - Part, 52, 53 & 54 - Part 55 & 56 - Part 57, 58, 59 & 60 - Part 61, 62, 63, 64 & 65 - Part 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 & 72
Happy Solstice! The good thing about posting all this stuff in advance is that holidays don’t stop the posts. So here you go, a bit of sweetness before things go as pear-shaped as they’re gonna get.
As autumn sank its grip into the land, Adam abandoned the canvas in favor of paper and charcoal, and began to sketch. He quickly became aware of the disconnect Linden had pointed out, wondering how he could have possibly missed such an obvious thing before. Unable to practice on anyone but his friends, he focused on other studies, much to the despair of his art teachers.
On a blustery, dark night, tapping at one of his windows snapped him awake, heart hammering in alarm he couldn't yet understand. "Needlemaw!"
The redcap slithered into the room and turned to help Linden in before facing Adam. "I didnae want to go without telling ye," she began without any warning. "There's war."
"War!" Adam felt all warmth drain from him.
"Among the Underfolk, my people, Boul's people, the smaller sorts beneath the Court," she hurried to clarify, and her heart both ached and soared to see his stricken look ease not one bit. "'Tis not uncommon, Adam. We chafe at each other’s edges, and the Queen doesnae help, she's never bothered. Since she don't care, none of them do, this is how we solve such things."
"Will you be alright?!" he demanded. "Will Boul? Can I help? What if you're hurt?"
"I dinnae ken about Boul, but I think he might be too young to fight. And me, I'll be hurt, I'm sure of it," she admitted casually. At his look she added, "there's pointy bits to every side of me, Adam. Did ye think my enemies were naught like me?"
"No, but..." He chewed on his lower lip. "But it's you I know," he said at last, as usual striking to the core of the matter in a way the fairy-maid could, and did, understand.
"Och." She hugged him tightly.
"What about Linden?" Adam turned to face their friend. "Can you help?"
"I would," Linden looked wounded and angry. "They won't let me, not Boul, not Needle."
"Linden cannae be seen to be choosing sides within the Court, Adam."
"Oh, always with the stupid Court! Why can't it just be gone, everything I hear makes me think everyone's life would be better if they were gone. Back to wherever they came from, to pester their like there."
"Yui're not saying new things, Adam," Needlemaw said wryly. "Yui're just saying them louder than most."
He growled, and then lunged at her and crushed her in a hug that startled the redcap with its strength. "You come back. Can I ask that? You come back to us."
"Needle, please." Linden's arms wrapped around them like the strong branches of a tree. "Please promise you'll come back. That's all I want."
The redcap had never known safety as she felt in that moment, in that embrace. "I cannae promise I'll come back," she admitted. "But I promise I will try. I will try with all that I am."
Something sounded, far away in the woods, and it was impossible to tell if it was a wolf's howl, or a stag's bugling call, or a hunting horn. She slipped away from them like sand running through their fingers, and was gone as abruptly as she'd come.
Linden and Adam closed the window and curled up before the fire, lost and clinging to one another, feeling like children bereft in the dark.
It didn't get any better. As the last harvest festival was planned and prepared, Linden came into the woods one morning to warn Adam that Boul had been decreed old enough to fight. He wasn't even given a chance to say goodbye.
There was no one they could ask for news. Adam brought dry cherries and cracked barley for the finches and the sparrows, but there was only so much they could tell him; they weren't travelers, sticking close to nest and mate and flock. The swallows had left when the cold weather closed in. He brought bacon rinds out and spent a night under the jousting yard's stands, but the smallfolk there were shy, peaceful creatures. They pointed him out to the kelpie's old pond, and told him to bring salt and meat.
He snuck out on a bitterly cold night with a small bundle over his shoulder, and met Linden in the woods. They raced to the pond as they had once before, their hearts pounding, unsure of what they'd find. As they drew close they saw them at last, rainbow lights dipping and dancing and twisting over the breath-thin ice on the water's surface, and Linden recoiled. "Adam."
"Will they help?"
"Adam, we can't -"
"Linden, I don't care what they are. Will they help?"
"Maybe," Linden admitted. "But pixies are dangerous, Adam. They answer to no court, they answer to no one. They claim everything as their prey, even -"
As they watched, three lights suddenly converged against one. A thin, high shriek reached them from across the water. Blood spattered over the delicate ice, steaming for a brief moment. One of the lights went out.
" - each other," Linden finished.
Adam drew a deep, shaky breath. "I'm beginning to think it's only your people who are nice, Linden."
"We're mostly nice," Linden agreed, their voice gone breathy. "Do you still want to do this?"
"Do you?"
"Yes. I wither a little each day, not knowing."
Adam nodded and took down the bundle. He opened it, reached in, and threw a heavy piece from a steer's leg on the ground before them.
For a moment nothing happened. But as the scent of raw meat and blood spread on the cold night air, they saw a change come over the idle, lazy chaos of multicolored lights over the still, dark water. Like moved to like and they began to swirl faster and faster in tiny hurricanes.
Adam unwound his scarf, dropped his gloves in the middle of it, and twisted it around sharply, waiting. "Get ready."
The pixies came like a swarm of angry hornets. They didn't come for the meat; they arrowed at those who they feared might keep them from such a feast. Adam was done being polite; two of his friends were embroiled in a conflict that he didn't understand. From what little he knew, it was fighting that could have been avoided, if the Queen Beyond the Woods had bothered to even try.
He swung his makeshift weapon looking for no prisoners.
Two pixies went flying, one to crash into the water and disappearing at once, another to slam against the trunk of a nearby oak with a cry, stumbling down into the blanket of leaves beneath the tree, its golden light nearly gone. Two more, though clipped, managed to backwing away. One avoided the prince altogether, hissing like an airborne viper at him.
A smaller, green flock chose to ambush the survivors. Above, a small cloud of violet light swirled. Watching, Adam guessed. A stream of blue tried to use the foliage of the wild irises as cover to rush up on the two friends.
Linden cried out something Adam couldn't understand, and the blade-like leaves closed into an impenetrable wall. No lights came out.
Slowly, so slowly, a single violet light spiraled down. "We greet the Danu child. We greet the mortal prince." The pixie was not human; of all the fairies he'd met, Adam had yet to see one that was so distant from the mortal seeming. It was as if someone had taken clay and smoothed from it two legs and two arms, adding at least two extra joints to each limb but adding no actual body or further noticeable features. It was the size of Adam's forearm. Its wings were a dragonfly's, and its skin was an eel's, smooth and speckled, a deep violet that colored the light coming from it. Its voice was the low growl of a small, angry animal cornered in its den.
"I greet you in return," Adam replied. "And for your courtesy, I offer this gift to you and yours." He gestured to the piece of beef and pointedly backed away a step.
The pixie curled up in the air, twisting a leg around until it could scratch its face with the long, birdlike toes on it. There were no eyes to its face, no nose, no ears. Only a gash of a mouth where jagged teeth like broken glass flashed whenever it spoke. "Freely given?"
"For your courtesy," Adam repeated.
It twittered something and the violet flock crashed down onto the meat, snarling as they tore it apart. Adam let them eat, aware that the green flock, four lights in all, was still floating warily at a distance, and that a dim golden glow was barely visible under the blanket of the dead oak leaves.
Eventually, the same pixie (or so Adam hoped), left the others and fluttered up to Adam, though just out of arm's reach of both him and Linden. "You have more gifts, mortal prince. We can smell them."
"Ah, those are not gifts. Those are payment for favors done."
The flock rose at once. "What need have we to do favors for what is rightfully ours!" the pixie hissed.
"What need have I to offer payment for favors not done." Adam shrugged. "Winter comes. Prey goes to ground, to sleep the winter sleep, to hide under cover of snow and ice. Winter is a lean time for all predators, even the best ones."
"We do not answer to you, mortal prince. We do not answer even to the Danu child!"
"I would never ask that you heed me," Linden replied. "I know what rights you claim, and what you paid for them. They are yours in my woods, always."
The pixie, apparently bereft of the fight it had been expecting, hung silent in the air. "What favors?"
"News," Adam said quickly. "Information. There is a war -"
"It is not our concern."
"I do not ask that you make it your concern," Adam agreed. "I ask, yes or no, do you understand it, the reason for it? The ebb and flow of it?" He crouched down and from his bag pulled out a plucked duck.
"Duck," the pixie breathed. "Greasy, rich, dark, fed fat and lazy duck."
"Careful, pixie," Linden warned, and the trees all around them creaked in no wind. "We will not be lied to."
The violet light pulsed like a small heart. "No and no," it snarled.
Adam hung his head, and threw them the duck all the same. They scattered away from it. "We cannot give you what you ask," the pixie demanded.
"I did not ask you to," Adam told it. "I asked you two questions, and you answered them fairly. The payment's yours. Take it in good faith, but we have no more to say to one another."
They fell on the duck with enough zeal that a fight nearly broke among their numbers, tearing it apart and dashing away with the bits.
"What about you?" Linden called out to the flock of green hovering over the water. "Can you answer fair and honest?"
They didn't draw very close; they were the smallest of all the flocks, barely four in number. "What we want, the mortal prince does not have in his wee bag." The pixie's voice was a mournful loon's call. "What we want, the Danu child alone can give."
Adam looked at Linden in surprise. "It is autumn, nearly winter," Linden sounded just as surprised. "I've very little I can give at the best of times, less now. But ask, and I will give you an honest answer, if nothing else."
"We want a home."
"Traitors!" Voices within the wild irises hissed and snarled. "Cowards!"
"We are hungry! We are tired!" A single green light, parting from the flock, shouted back and moved to hover before Linden. "We know war, Danu-child. We know what brings it about. We fought our own for our freedom. But that freedom tastes stale and false when our children wither in their cocoons from hunger. Freedom has brought us nothing but death. Give us a place in your woods. Give us your law; we have watched you, every season of your life. We know you will be fair as the Queen Beyond the Woods will never be. We ask that you count us yours."
Linden stared helplessly at Adam, who could only shrug. "Do you trust me, pixie?" They stretched out a hand.
Light as a bird, the pixie alighted on their palm and crouched down. They were much tinier, their body no bigger than Linden's outstretched hand. "We do."
"I have no court. I only have my woods, my friends."
"Your woods and your friends are more potent a force than you can imagine, Danu child. We cannot go on as we are. Our light will be gone from the world and we will be forgotten, and I... do not want that for my flock."
Linden drew a deep breath. "Then I count you and your flock mine, pixie. And these are your first laws: you hunt to eat, not for sport. You do no war upon your kin unless they do war upon you. And if they do, they do war upon me."
The woods whispered, and Adam felt as if a hundred eyes were bearing witness to something profoundly momentous. Tiny, twittering, nervous sounds came from the wild irises.
Lightly, Linden kissed the smooth, narrow top of the pixie's head. "It is autumn, nearly winter. But I will find a safe, warm place for you and your flock. If I am warm, you will be warm; if I have food, you will have food. Now answer the mortal prince's question."
The pixie, crouched down on Linden's hand, turned to stare sightlessly at Adam. "Yes. And no."
Adam groaned, but he crouched down and brought out a string of sausages, the last wealth inside the sack.
The pixies squealed like rusty hinges. "Oh, long squish smoke guts!"
"Meatsy meat!"
"Crunchy grains and twiggy herby herbs!" They dove upon the string when Adam dropped it.
"Mortal prince," a thin voice of wind on dry reeds rasped out. "I have the answers you seek."
Linden stared all around in shock. Adam turned toward the oak, not entirely surprised. "Do you?"
"On my life I do," the last of the golden pixies declared, its voice full of pain. "Spare it, and I will give it to you. I have the answers to your questions, and if what I know does not satisfy you, then I will find those that will."
Adam balked. "I don't want to own anyone. I'm not like the Folk in the Woods."
"I don't care," the pixie snarled. "My life is all the coin I have. I cannot be of the woods, I am of the city. If you want your answers, I must live long enough to give them. And if you give me my life, I only have it to repay you."
Adam and Linden crossed a look. The night had gone nowhere they'd meant for it to go. "You know it's right, Adam. If we leave it like this, the moment I let the others loose they'll fall on it. That's their way," Linden said quietly.
"I know, I know, but it's not a thing, it's not an inkpot or a book or something to be owned." Adam pressed his hands to his face and made a high sound of profound impatience. "A task then," he exclaimed on a whim. "If I give you your life, you must find a way to give me mine. Truly and fairly."
"Truly and fairly." The pixie dug itself out from where it had hid, among the autumn-kissed leaves. "And then?"
"And then your life is your own. If you stay, you don't stay because you owe anyone, you stay because you choose to."
"And if you die before I can repay you?"
"Then you're free anyway."
"You make poor bargains, mortal prince."
"Maybe," Adam admitted, shrugging off his coat. "But that's only because I could make them unfair, and choose not to. Pixies." He showed the flock of green lights the heavy coat. "To warm you, until Linden can find something better. In exchange for one sausage."
"Is that satin?" one of the pixies cried out in delight.
"Are those buttons brass?"
"The stitching is gold!"
They all but threw the sausage at his feet. Adam dropped the coat and snatched the treat up, moving closer to the golden pixie and unwinding his scarf. "Can you move?"
It was the size and color of a young trout, golden and rainbow, pink and white and green, flecked with black and brown. Its wings were terribly crumpled and broken. "I have moved all that I could, mortal prince," it admitted wearily.
"Don't bite me," Adam warned. As carefully as he could he scooped the tiny fairy up and bundled it up in the scarf, giving it the sausage at last; it was heavier than Adam had expected, and clung to its sausage as possessively as a miser to a coin. "Oh, gods, now what do we do?"
"Well, you go back to the palace before you freeze blue," Linden told him tartly before gesturing at his coat, which was moving all on its own, full of admiring and delighted pixies. "But I have to tend to this. Pixie, the mortal prince's questions?"
The golden pixie shifted tiredly its featureless head, too exhausted and wounded to even eat. "Yes. And yes."
"Go," Linden told Adam. "Find out what you can, and tell me tomorrow."
Adam ran.
He named the pixie Trout, because it had no name Adam could pronounce. That night, it sat trembling on the prince's desk as Adam bathed its broken wings on willow-tea and stretched them out from the crumpled, broken heap they'd ended up in. "You don't look hurt anywhere else."
"I am not hurt anywhere else. I do not need to be. My wings are all I am."
Trout knew of war. Sitting there and instructing Adam on the brutal attention to its wings, it spoke on its whispering, papery voice. It was an old creature, though pixies were only a step above the kelpie: they counted 'yesterday', 'today' and 'tomorrow', but little else. It had seen war, and had fought in one where pixies had won, and demanded to be free of any Court, a wish which had been granted to them, and which had turned out to be more curse than blessing. But it couldn't tell Adam how long ago, or against who, or on whose side. Only that the palace had not been there when it had been fought, and the lights of its folk had outnumbered the stars in the sky.
"This is no war," it told Adam. "The Court is bored. There are almost no princes left to kill, not until the new crop is weaned. So they made it seem that the above-folk want something from the below-folk and the below-folk went killing the above-folk, and of course neither will abide the other doing that, and here we are."
"For fun." Adam had to stop to steady his hands. "They did this for fun. They started a war for fun."
Trout turned its empty face toward him. "You seem to be caring more about them than about you. I'm not certain those are sensible priorities, mortal prince."
"Call me Adam. Everyone here is a prince, but I'm still the only Adam." He went back to work. It had to be hurting, yanking and tugging on the pixie's wings, but other than grinding the jagged rows of its teeth, Trout did not react. "Do you know who's winning?"
"No one. Whenever one side gets an advantage, they go sneaky-sneaking in and fix it so it's all blood and chaos again."
Adam said nothing to that, because there was nothing he trusted himself to say. Instead he got up and very carefully poured the rest of the willow tea into his wash-basin, thinning it and cooling it with some water from the pitcher. "If you soak your wings in this, they should hurt you less."
Trout eyed him warily, and Adam added a kerchief next to the basin. "And wash your face, too, you have bits of sausage all over it."
"It was good sausage," Trout admitted wistfully.
"If you get better quickly, and can fly to take messages, I'll get you more sausages. And bacon."
"Don't fall asleep in the basin, Trout. I don't want to get bit fishing you out," Adam teased, weary to his bones and yet somehow glad to know at least one problem in his life could be solved with something so simple as bacon.
Trout huffed with offended dignity, and proceeded to do exactly that. But at least it remembered not to bite when Adam did fish it out and set it down on the pillow next to his own.
Winter came on full of bluster and bitterly cold. With pleasant entertainment, the Court didn't see a need to try and shorten the season, and all the misery they'd been holding back was left to catch up with the mortal world.
Adam got somewhat used to carrying a pixie in his pocket as Trout healed, and discovered perhaps the only good thing to come from the war: the Court would have no winter celebrations. It would not close its doors. Linden could stay in the woods. They didn't seem nearly as elated about those news as Adam was, at first, and the prince felt his delight wane into wariness. "Isn't that a good thing? Don't you want to stay?"
"Of course it's a good thing!" Linden was watching pixies come and go, filling old squirrel nests with pilfered wool to make nests no one would oust them from. Perched on Adam's shoulder, Trout watched as well. "Of course I want to stay. It's just. I mean.... Oh, butter and burrs!" They threw themselves down on the worn root of the linden tree and mumbled.
"I said," Linden exclaimed with an exasperated sigh, "that my hair falls out in winter!"
Adam blinked, the concept of Linden concerned over something so alien as vanity impossible to understand. Then, quite mistakenly, he thought he'd got it. "Oh, so you'll need a hat, then! You don't have any."
Linden peeked at him. "I suppose," they replied, sitting up with ill-grace and staring closely at Adam. "You won't think me a silly sight, bare like a tree in winter?"
"Linden, I never think you silly. Reckless and obstinate, but we're matched on that." Adam brightened up. "You'll be here for my birthday! And for the Longest Night! Now I know what to get you for a present." Linden suddenly hugged him, nearly sending Trout tumbling. "They've called you silly for it, haven't they?"
"Well, when has their opinion ever mattered to us?"
Bereft of half their family and forced to wait for Trout to heal before they could do anything about it, they focused instead on younger, simpler times, roaming through all the old familiar places, bringing up rich and merry memories of childhood, unwilling to think of the future and refusing to give the bleak present the pleasure of ruining their time together, taking refuge in the past instead. Linden did lose all their white, gold-tipped hair at about the same time the linden tree lost the last of its leaves, revealing a fine spattering of green freckles on the bark-brown, smooth skin; they promptly hid them beneath a satin-lined woolen cap, and then under any number of caps and hats acquired for them not just by Adam, but by Dane and Beli and Culli.
Without that tempting crown of foliage they discovered the horses were no longer inclined to try to chew on Linden, and suddenly riding was not only possible, but enjoyable.
Sometimes the black dog haunted their wake. Sometimes the black stag shadowed them through the woods.
"Perhaps I should have you teach me archery," Linden commented tartly one of those times, and they saw their everpresent shadow no more, even if the pressure of his presence didn't ease.
In the winter-sere woods, Adam learned to draw Linden at last; the true Linden, the long-limbed creature as graceful as a willow, as sweet as a linden, as powerful as an oak. He learned the true shape of those graceful hands that would gently lift a pixie up to catch a breeze, the sharp bark talons that could snatch and rend the life out of a rabbit so they could have dinner over a small fire. He groused endlessly about the smaller things, far more precious, Linden's laugh, the way the shattered eyes shifted through every color with their moods, the way they curled up among the linden tree roots, stuffed in a whole bunch of coats and cloaks and scarves, having merry conversations with the birds that didn't leave the woods through winter.
He let his eyes lead his fingers as the charcoal stick raced over paper, instead of the other way around. He drew anything and everything, Trout as the pixie peeked warily out of a pocket to speak to the green pixies, always seemingly surprised to be treated with courtesy by them. He drew the woods and added details from memory. He sketched his absent friends and those who waited for him in the palace, Dane and Beli and the Culli-maid, left to his service once Arditty had wed and departed to her own domain.
He would never, he realized one day in profound chagrin, be an artist. Oddly, it didn't hurt him as it had before. This time he'd tried, he really had. He'd found the flaw in himself and corrected it. He could expect no more of himself.
It was also the day, two weeks before the Longest Night festivities, that he realized there were only two princes older than him in the palace. Everyone else was now younger. When had that happened?
Linden, who'd been sitting in the sun, head upturned and eyes closed, basking in the silver, pale light for it brightness rather than its warmth, looked at Adam as he froze in realization. "Are you finished, then?"
Adam looked at the drawing, and felt something inside him hurt in the best possible way. How could it not be love? "I suppose. I'm not very good at it, but it's as done as it's going to get." He felt heat spilling over his face but made no effort to hide the workbook as Linden moved to their feet and approached eagerly.
"Well, let me see." They stared curiously at the drawing. No oil or paint or canvas, only charcoal in fine, measured lines, with precision and care. "Is this what you see," they asked, their voice gone still. "Is this what you see when you look at me?"
"Yes," Adam admitted readily, his heart beating like a warring sparrow's wings. "The most beautiful creature in the world."
Linden's breath caught with a sharp little sound, and they turned to stare at Adam, who stared right back, almost defiantly. The many-colored eyes bloomed into spring and went to a riot of summer right there in that empty winter clearing, and so slowly, so gently, Linden leaned down and kissed their young, oblivious mortal of a prince for a long, long moment. When they parted away Adam gasped briefly, tasting linden flowers and honey on his lips.
"Adam, what do these people teach you, that it's taken you this long?" Linden teased.
"Nothing useful," he admitted, his voice hoarse.
"I've bound my life to a blind idiot," Trout commented dryly from its pocket, and Linden laughed, and for a moment it was summer, sweet and golden, in the shadow of the linden tree.
Adam couldn't keep it to himself, least of all from those who'd known him nearly as long as Linden. Dane took a look at him when he came back that night, dazed with realization, and shook his head, smiling faintly. Beli gave him a narrow-eyed look, and merely warned him very tartly, "Well, this better no interfere with your studies."
Culli merely smiled. After dinner, as she examined his mending, which was never too onerous a task, with Beli and Dane arguing quietly about something to do with the temperature in the rooms and the outrageous price of ink, she gestured him close. Adam stood before her like an errant schoolboy. "Well," she told him. "It's been a bit long coming, hasn't it."
Adam sagged and blew a long breath. "Am I the only one who didn't know?"
"Well, it's not that we knew," she corrected him. "It's just that there had to be a reason for such as Linden and such as you to come together."
"We were friends! We've always been friends."
"Aye, Highness, that's the very point. I'm not saying they loved you from the first. But they did want to be your friend from the first. Their heart was freely given on nothing but what they saw and weighted on a wee lad. How many do you know of their kind that do that sort of thing?"
Adam licked his lips. "Only the ones they've brought. Only our friends."
Culli nodded, and then shook her head in wonderment. "It's hard to know you and not love you, Highness," she told him, and laughed a little when he flushed red to his ears. "Well, go on now. Whatever Beli and Master Leminy might have to say about your lessons, you have to make up for lost time now, don't you? Will you be inviting them to the Longest Night ball?"
Adam chewed on his lip. "I want to, Culli. I want to so much. But it seems so dangerous. The Dowager's so blind in her hatred. I think I need to speak to them about it."
"About it and about many other things." She gave him a pointed look.
Adam scurried into his bedroom as fast as he could.
The thing was, they didn't want to talk about the future, because to discuss a future without including Boul or Needlemaw in the conversation seemed too much like tempting fate to snatch them away in the present. Trout's wings were sloughing off like skin from a sunburn, and the pixie was even more impatient than Adam to be airborne, often clinging to the ears of the prince's charger as the horse raced over the meadows just so it could feel the bite of the wind, as if afraid it would forget what it felt like. Until the pixie could fly they couldn't send word to either of their friends about the Court's treachery, couldn't know if sending word would even do any good.
In the end, Linden decided against the ball. Much as they wanted to see the glitter and beauty that Adam described, much as they hoped that in its own way it would be better than the wondrous galas of the Folk Beyond The Woods, they knew the Dowager Queen for another deadly enemy, and the party for another trap wrapped in satin, gossamer and jewels.
Adam had never really attended the ball beyond showing up, dipping his head politely at the Dowager and making a round of whatever adults had been invited; nothing else was expected of him. It took longer that year because he was repeatedly stopped to hear commentary about how tall he was getting, how broad across the shoulders, how fair on the face. In the end he had to practically sneak into the kitchen, snatching snacks as he went and shoving a crispy meat pastie into the pocket of the elegant, severe blue frock coat he was wearing as a Prince of the Blood. Trout's appreciative trill nearly broke glass.
He dashed away into the woods with a satchel full of gifts, and dropped it in shock when he came to the clearing.
Lights hung everywhere, delicate floating bubbles of color. A few were Linden's pixies; the rest they'd conjured to dispel the shadows of the longest night upon the world, and the clearing basked in delicate, multicolored light that made the ice flash like precious jewels.
He gave them their gift, a wheel of cheese cut into fourths and a whole cured ham hock cut into thin slices, and watched them dance in delight, grinning. Until the sight of Linden took his breath away.
Before they'd decided against attending the ball, Linden and Adam had discussed the matter of attire with some trepidation. Apparently in the Court they were given no choice as to what to wear; it was provided for them and that was that. Adam had no such concerns, and was quietly and deeply incensed at the casual cruelty of such a simple thing as taking choice away from someone you wanted to impress. He explained in great detail the cut and fit of his own outfit, and with some difficulty the more complex and colorful gowns of the ladies of the court, to which he'd never paid a great deal of attention. It was just as well they'd decided against the ball, and both of them blew secret breaths of relief at it.
But that night Linden had chosen an attire for the only person in the world for whom it mattered. They were a fey thing indeed, as luminous as the pixies. The green freckles on their skin gleamed in the dark. Their shattered eyes glowed like sacred lights. Exactly a replica to Adam's clothing to every stitch, they wore a fine white shirt and a rich cravat under a frock coat of every shade of green, every tree stitched in brown with painstaking precision. Their pants were the soft, dark brown of rich earth, dotted with stitched shapes of birds, of mice and squirrels and deer, of wolves and hawks and snakes. Their feet were bare.
There was a thin circlet of living vines on their very bald head.
"You'll be cold," Adam protested in a daze. "You're beautiful, Linden. You're a prince more than I ever will be."
Linden laughed and it was alright, it was really Linden, his Linden. "Do you like it? It took forever to make and I kept thinking someone in the smallfolk would tell you and it wouldn't be a surprise anymore."
"I think it suits you," was all Adam could say. He dropped the satchel and rummaged through it until he found a present. Unsurprisingly, it was a hat.
"Oh, thank you, yes." Linden threw the crown of vines aside, where it promptly burrowed and slithered into the ground, and dragged the hat almost to their ears. Only then did Adam notice that one of their hands was still bark, rather that smooth brown skin.
"Mm? Oh, that." They smiled in triumph and offered the hand. "Look."
Adam took the hand in his and looked. His breath caught; there, surrounded by bark, sat the iron ring, untarnished but made harmless not by fey power, but by the very nature of Linden themselves. "You did it. Linden, you did it!"
"I did! I told you I could." They chewed on their lip. "I gave the knife to Needle, before she left. I hope she's alright. I hope that was alright."
"Well, the handle's from some sea creature, so she should be fine if that's all she touches." Adam saw the light of the shattered eyes falter, and drew himself very straight, offering his most refined and elegant bow. "May I have this dance?"
Linden laughed, caught by surprise. "Are you sure it's alright? Dressed like this? Maybe I should've got the other kind of clothing."
"It's just clothing. It's like me being called a prince, it's just a title because I'm related to the Dowager. Honestly I have no idea how they dance with all those skirts piled on top of one another. This is much nicer." Linden surrendered their hands, and Adam took them, and they danced to music only they could hear, knowing only that they had one another, and that it was enough. "I wouldn't care what you wore, Linden. I only care that it's you."
They kissed, sweet and shy and glad, and then laughed and danced until the cold chased Adam back to the palace.
Neither of them saw the mismatched eyes, one green and one gold, staring at them with hate from the dark.
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hangingthoughts · 1 year
December 16, 2022
Hellooooo. So, let's see what happened today. I was able to make a lot of memories. Haha! I am so happy. You know what i thought of? I cannot pinpoint the time, but i thought of the popular saying 'whenever i get too happy, something bad always happens'. For a second there i was scared, but then there's also this peace (Of course, I can only credit that to God given that He's the Only who provides it, anyway) then if that's the case, I'd like to enjoy the happiness as much as i can and only worry about the sad part when it finally happens. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ i mean, i find it senseless to worry about something nonexistent yet. (But F. Kasi ang tagal niya. Nakakagigil) Unless of course there is some basis to it. But as for my situation, there isn't. There is just... happiness. Hahaha but I know, somewhere along the line, it'll get tired of being a linear, and i accept that. Who doesn't? Even when we all strive for a good posture, my back aches to bend sometimes. Okay, now that that is out of the way. Let's see. Let's break down this day.
1. I was able to start my morning with a coffee talk with my mom. We shared yung napanalunan ko sa raffle na cookies.
2. Hinatid ako hanggang Camella gate kay Flash.
3. Hindi ako late. Hehe. And when i got there, the first two people are Jen and Paulo. And God knows, I'm happy that they are. Because then we were able to make a little chika. I'm glad we're all comfortable with each other.
4. I saw my other classmates na hindi nakapunta nung CASED party. 🫶
5. We finally got our ID lace. I have the official Psych ID Lace. What does that make me? Come on, answer. Oh, as for it, i chose the different one. Wala lang. Just so kunti lang katulad nung akin
5. I was entrusted with the room's key. Hello sir Kenneth 🫡
6. Nakuha ko yung upuan sa harap. Hehe. This is a big deal to me given na i kind of have a short attention span.
7. Hindi naglecture si ma'am. I told the people today na kasama ko na i am not confident today kasi i still feel tired from last night.
8. And today's activity afforded us 50% ng finals sa ITP. Hoorahhh!
9. The activity is just being honest with oneself. Hehehehehehehehehehe and writing letters to another. I apologize to all na sinulatan ko. Wala na po akong mapiga na brain cells kanina. Pagod pa 😭
10. I received so much hugs. GOSH, MY FAVORITE PART. AND I MEAN SO MUCH HUGS. When ma'am ask us to give na the letters, i first went to Shan and gave her a hug. After that, i wasn't able to give the rest because God in His goodness and grace, I was trafficked by hugs. HAHAHAHAHAHA & I am seriously shocked. I didn't expect to receive that much letters and hugs. Aww Lord, You are so kind to me. I feel sincerely comforted and loved. Thank You! And thank you ❤️
11. All those letters. I look like a baliw reading them at public places but hey, i am proud and humbled at the same time. Thank ü
12. We were dismissed early. And what did u know, before i even get out of the room, i received another 2 hugs and an immediate another one paglabas ko. HAHAHAHA Aww this melts my heart. Thank You Lord.
13. I received a chocolate! Yay!
14. I received an invitation to go out for lunch. Unfortunately, i had to decline because i promised today's after class is mine. And i really needed to buy mommy a gift.
15. I went to my happy place today! Yay! Cue happy dance~ bought and brought 6 books home today. And almost all of them are classics. Yay! Praise God! I really missed going there. Really missed it. ♥️
16. It's my mom's bday so we ordered food for dinner. KFC and Pizza. I ate 1/4 of it. I forgot we have rotc tomorrow so good luck to me.
17. And last, we have cake. 🫶🫰♥️😳😍🤭❤️ Mango sunrise. U bet I'm gonna eat.
So far, these are all of them. And i thank God because He let me lived today. I wasn't able to do what I'm trying to be (ehem, Atomic Habits) but I sure am grateful that God planned this and that it pleased Him to let me enjoy this day. All glory to Him really ☺️♥️
So, that's all. Tinatamad na ko. Good night 💤
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natti-ice · 3 months
The Letter- Eddie Munson.
Eddie Munson x gn!reader
You find a letter your late boyfriend wrote you before his death.
Warnings: angst, mentions of death, grief (1.4k words)
Author’s note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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It had been two days since you lost Eddie. Two days of numb. You hadn't cried since you found out he was gone, you were in so much pain that you couldn't feel a thing. That night in the upside down your world changed forever, you lost the one person you ever truly cared about.
Your friends did all they could to console you they were all the nicest you'd ever seen them, It's strange how grieving death makes others see you differently. You became this fragile and delicate house of cards to them, they were afraid to breathe around you terrified you would fall.
You hadn't left the house since that night, you laid in bed replaying that night over and over thinking of all the things you could've done to save him. You knew it wasn't your fault but a part of you felt so guilty. He should be alive, he should be getting awarded a medal of honor for risking his life for the town that wanted him dead, Eddie deserved so much more than what he got.
You know you couldn't keep lying around hating yourself for what happened, today you had planned to go to the school with Steve and Robin to give donations. The town was completely recked since the "earthquake", you figured you could play your part and help.
You took a shower and made yourself look as presentable as possible, people knew you and Eddie were together so you had to act like you knew nothing. It made you sick. You missed his touch, you wanted to hear the sound of his voice one last time but that day would never come. You didn't have much of his things, a few bracelets he made you, and a jacket you stole from him months ago that has become a staple in your day-to-day fashion.
Before heading out you grabbed the jacket off the back of the chair in your room and put it on, you were in a bit of a rush it was 9:50 and you told Steve you'd meet them at 10. You were a bit all over the place, you searched for your keys that weren't in their usual spot. Anxiety builds in your stomach when you can't find them, you looked all over your room, around the house, and found nothing. You searched the pockets of your jacket, maybe by chance you left them in there since you hadn't been thinking clearly the past few days.
Everything felt like it was falling apart and you couldn't do anything to fix it. You reached into the inside pocket of the old jacket, you didn't feel your keys just something that felt like paper. You pulled it out expecting it to be an old receipt, when you laid your eyes on it you realized you were mistaken.
It was a folded-up piece of lined paper, a little wrinkled like someone had been too rough with it. Your name was scribbled across one of the folds with black ink, you recognized the handwriting immediately. It was his. You would often joke with Eddie about how awful his handwriting was and he'd always laugh about it, you could still hear the sound of his laughter. Your heart dropped to your stomach, there was an ache in your chest the same one you felt when Dustin told you he was gone. 
You had never seen it before, you had no idea how it got in there. You slowly started to unfold the paper, trying to keep your hands as steady as possible. You could see scribbles throughout the page, he never had a way with words. 
You took a deep breath before you began to read, 
My love,
There are a few reasons you might be reading this, 1) you found it prematurely and we are now having an awkward conversation. 2) You found it before I could steal it back and we are now having an awkward conversation. Or 3) I didn't make it out alive. 
I really hope that you never have to read this, but in the case that you do read it, I just need to tell you everything. I'm terrified of this whole situation, I kinda miss the days when I hated this shit town because of the people and not the evil that lurks under it. I don't know what's going to happen, I have a really bad feeling it's not going to end well. There are so many things I want to say to you but I'm afraid I won't have enough time to write them all, you're kinda in the other room right now. 
I'm very surprised I haven't had a psychotic break yet, you're the only thing keeping me sane right now. Thank you. Thank you for being there for me even when I didn't deserve it, things haven't always been easy in our relationship but you never gave up on us. You make me want to be a better person every day, I don't want to run and hide from the emotions I don't understand because you don't run. The fact that you've been dealing with this end-of-the-world shit for years is crazy, I wish you would've told me but a part of me is happy I was oblivious. I wish I could've been there for you during all of this. 
Do you remember the first day we met? I remember it very clearly, It was the first day of sophomore year and you were wearing this old shirt of a band I'm sure no one had ever heard of besides me. I knew I had to talk to you, but I was afraid that you wouldn't want anything to do with me. "The freak" a nickname I've grown to like, I just wasn't sure you would want anything to do with someone like me. When I finally worked up the courage to say "nice shirt" and I saw your smile, I knew you were the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Yes, I know how crazy that sounds because I was 16, and to this day it still holds true. 
That's when you felt it, the wetness dripping down your face, you didn't realize you had started to cry until teardrops hit the paper and smudged the ink. You blinked the tears out of your eyes and wiped the away with your sleeve before continuing to read. Your brain read every word in his voice. 
I should wrap this up, you guys are probably ready to leave by now. I am so sorry for any pain this may cause you, seeing you hurting kills me, but you're the strongest person I have ever met, you'll be okay without me, I promise. I just want you to know, I will love you until my final breath. You are my greatest love and I am eternally grateful to have felt your love.
You are going to save the world, I believe in you.
Forever yours,
You allowed yourself to weep, the one thing you've dreaded since he died. Crying solidified that he was gone, it made it real. 
After what felt like a lifetime you finally calmed yourself down, it was well past 10 now but you had promised your friends. You got off your bed, your pillow was completely soaked, and you walked over to the mirror in the corner of your room and stared at yourself. Your eyes were red and puffy, you wiped away the remaining tears on your face. You looked at yourself so long that your reflection seemed to be a complete stranger. 
You couldn't bare it much longer, you had to look away. You took the letter that was still clinched in your hand and shoved it into a drawer, before you could shut it you saw the keys you had been searching for. You let out a shaky breath while staring at the crumpled letter, you waited for a miracle to happen, for him to pop up behind you and say it was all a cruel joke. You knew once you closed the drawer, he was gone forever. 
You thought about what he told you "You'll be okay without me, I promise." Was he right? Could you really get through life without him? At this moment you couldn't answer, you thought about what he would want for you. You knew Eddie best, he wouldn't want you sulking around feeling bad about yourself when you knew there were people who needed your help. 
Without a second thought, you decided you will do whatever it takes, you wouldn't let Eddie become a fool for believing in you. You took the keys from the drawer and closed it, you shook the nerves out of your hands before heading out. This was a start, it was small but a start nonetheless.
Every single thing you did from now on, was for Eddie. 
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baenxietydad · 7 months
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we should take a walk, and look at all the flowers
they're homosexuals, your honor
there was the shitpost one, now the gross and cute one
Slow Burn - Kacey Musgraves
In Tennessee, the sun's goin' down But in Beijing, they're headin' out to work You know the bar down the street don't close for an hour We should take a walk and look at all the flowers
It's giving Hatfish on their silly little forest walks, Mu-yeol pointing out every edible or medicinal plant and Hatter's just like
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and the song in general is about kinda gradually coming to love someone, very gross, very sweet
Lover Boy - Phum Viphurit
Time and toys may fill my heart with joy I'll know peace when I'm your lover boy I'll be your new school soul Silver and gold New desire Friends on fire Call me, "Lover boy" ... Darling, I got my trust issues Warning, you stay away
You Are Mine - The Avett Brothers
You are mine The edge I need when I am out of line The air I breathe when I believe I'm dying I guess you are there
We're So In Tune - Kississippi
I'm feeling kinda dizzy Getting tender for you No drama, you just bring My heart so close to Passing it's limitations It's such a bad design It's not an invitation I gotta catch my ride
Playing the same song Like I'm playing my cool Hard not to fall in love when We're so in tune
This song is go girlypop but it is unfortunately also the most Hatfish song to ever Hatfish
남자가 사랑할 때 (Man In Love) - Infinite
But like, specifically I need you to listen to Kim Tae-rae of Zerobaseone sing the part after the rap verse on Boys Planet because that's good stuff right there
Like a young child, I keep laughing for no reason I control myself by saying that I’m different from others
When a man’s in love, he wants to stay by your side There’s always so much he wants to do for you When I’m in love, I want to give everything in my life to you With just one expectation, your heart When I’m in love
Look carefully – if you feel this, that means he’s fallen for you
And you thought I wasn't gonna find a way to put K-pop on here
Everywhere, Everything - Noah Kahan
Drive slowly, I know every route in this county Maybe that ain't such a bad thing I'll tell you where not to speed
It's been a long year and all of our book's pages dog-eared We write out the ends on our palms, dear Then forget to read
We'll Never Have Sex - Leith Ross
Oh, you kissed me just to kiss me Not to take me home It was simple, it was sweetness It was good to know
You look perfect, you look different I don't wonder about your indifference If I said you could never touch me You'd come over and say I looked lovely
Depollute me, gentle angel And I'll feel the sickness less and less Come and kiss me, pretty baby Like we'll never have sex
I could actually write a thesis paper about how this 1:39 long song is Hatfish af.
Drink The River - Gabe Lee
And I can't drink the river to dry the land Bury the ocean beneath the sand But I can love you Until the tide pulls me under by and by
Rain On My Tin Roof - Seth Avett
And if there were ever a reason to stay Turn off my phone and become one with you and my bed It's the rain on my tin roof
The amount of times Hatter has to remind him he needs money for Nemo's tuition to keep him from calling out of work tbh
200% - Akdong Musician
MORE K-pop for the masses
It must be L.O.V.E 200% sure of that I want you really I mean really Really, I like you and my reddening face is evidence for that
Canon that Akmu is some of the Korean music Mu-yeol will try to get Hatter into lmao
Around Your Room - Kississippi
Throw your heart at me, I'm a sucker for you That's something that you might say and confidentially I'm a sucker for you too 'cause my heart's stuck that way Nothing's gonna change, gotta love that belly ache
This song makes me so FERAL about Hatfish, particularly this lyric
Steady when you are around me A babe in the woods for legitimate longing
Excuse me??? "A babe in the woods for legitimate longing" in your 40s and 50s because someone wants to love you, I'm weak
Twin Human Highway Flares - The Mountain Goats
Can't believe y'all thought there wouldn't be a Mountain Goats song, wow, that's clown behavior.
Sunset spilling through your earrings all over your body When we shut the motel room door behind us, we knew we'd hit the motherlode On the day that I forget you, I hope my heart explodes
Chateau Lobby #4 - Father John Misty
People are boring But you’re something else I can’t explain ...
First time, you let me stay the night despite your own rules You took off early to go cheat your way through film school You left a note in your perfect script: "Stay as long as you want," and I haven’t left your bed since
The Genius breakdown of the lyrics is *chef's kiss*
Strawberry Queen - Charles Wesley Godwin
Felt like Adam next to Eve staring at a fruit of God So I wrapped a bow around my heart and placed it in a box of cherry wood I asked her if she could take that box and do it good She smiled and said she would
*inhales* Okay, listen, the VIBE is more fitting than the actual lyrics of the song, let me explain. The singer is from West Virginia, he's a proud Appalachian man, and his wife who he wrote the song about is from Florida. He wrote this song about how he never, ever thought he could be with someone that wasn't also from the mountains, not from his culture/background, who didn't understand.
And that very much parallels Hatfish! Mu-yeol never would have thought he'd pursue someone who checked all three of these boxes: A. from the West, B. a human, and C. most importantly, a sorcerer. Sorcerers and fairies have MAD beef in Korea, sorcerers were barely on his radar to interact with back in Korea let alone befriend and catch feelings for. So yes, this is on here for how perfectly the song's energy matches!
Bring Your Love to Me - The Avett Brothers
Bring your love to me I will hold it like a dandelion One I want to save, one I want to keep From the breeze that follows me and no one else I can only stand here still And I can only hope you will Keep me in focus long enough to tell I'm trying to help
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donttalkaboutmemes · 10 months
Mulan (1998) Lyric Meme
Under the cut you will find 80+ lyrics from the 1998 version of Mulan to use for your enjoyment!      
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Honor To Us All 1.      “This is what you give me to work with? Well, honey, I’ve seen worse.”
2.      “We are gonna turn this sow’s ear into a silk purse.”
3.      “We’ll have you washed and dried, primped and polished til you glow with pride.”
4.      “Trust my recipe for instant bride.”
5.      “You’ll bring honor to us all.”
6.      “Wait and see, when we’re through boys will gladly go to war for you.”
7.      “A girl can bring her family great honor in one way.”
8.      “Men want girls with good taste.”
9.      “We all must serve our emperor who guards us from the Huns. A man by bearing arms, a girl by bearing sons.”
10.   “When we’re through, you can’t fail.”
11.   “How could any fellow say no sale?”
12.   ���Now add a cricket just for luck and even you can’t blow it.”
13.   “Ancestors, hear my plea. Help me not to make a fool of me.”
14.   “Keep my father standing tall.”
15.   “Scarier than the undertaker we are meeting our matchmaker.”
16.   “Please look kindly on these cultured pearls.”
17.   “Please bring honor to us all.”
18.   “Look at me, I will never past for a perfect bride or a perfect daughter.”
19.   “Can it be I’m not meant to play this part?”
20.   “Now I see that if I were truly to be myself, I would break my family’s heart.”
21.   “Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me?”
22.   “Why is my reflection someone I don’t know.”
23.   “Somehow I cannot hide who I am, though I’ve tried.”
24.   “When will my reflection show who I am inside?”
 Make A Man Out Of You
25.   “Lets get down to business to defeat the Huns.”
26.   “Did they send me daughters when I asked for sons?”
27.   “You’re the saddest bunch I ever met, but you can bet before we’re through, Mister I’ll make a man out of you.”
28.   “Once you find your center, you are sure to win.”
29.   “You’re a spineless, pale, pathetic lot and you haven’t got a clue.”
30.   “Somehow I’ll make a man out of you.”
31.   “I’m never gonna catch my breath.”
32.   “Say goodbye to those who knew me.”
33.   “Boy was I a fool in school for cutting gym.”
34.   “This guy’s got ‘em scared to death.”
35.   “Hope he doesn’t see right through me.”
36.   “Now I really wish that I knew how to swim.”
37.   “We must be swift as a coursing river, with all the force of a great typhoon.”
38.   “Heed my every order and you might survive.”
39.   “You’re unsuited for the rage of war. So pack up, go home. You’re through.”
40.   “How could I make a man out of you?”
 A Girl Worth Fighting For
41.   “For a long time we’ve been marching into battle.”
42.   “In our thundering herd, we feel a lot like cattle.”
43.   “Like the pounding beat, our aching feet aren’t easy to ignore.”
44.   “Think of instead a girl worth fighting for.”
45.   “I want her paler than the moon with eyes that shine like stars.”
46.   “My girl will marvel at my strength, adore my battle scars.”
47.   “I couldn’t care less what she’ll wear or what she looks like. It all depends on what she cooks like beef, pork, chicken.”
48.   “Bet the local girls thought you were quite the charmer.”
49.   “I’ll bet the ladies love a man in armor.”
50.   “You can guess what we have missed the most since we went off to war.”
51.   “My girl will think I have no faults.”
52.   “How ‘bout a girl who’s got a brain who always speaks her mind?”
53.   “My manly ways and turn of phrase are sure to thrill her.”
54.   “He thinks he’s such a lady-killer.”
55.   “I’ve a girl back home who’s unlike any other.”
56.   “The only girl who’d love him is his mother.”
57.   “When we come home in victory, they’ll line up at the door.”
 True To Your Heart
58.   “I knew at once that you were meant for me.”
59.   “Deep in my soul I know that I’m your destiny.”
60.   “Don’t think so much. Let your heart decide.”
61.   “I see your future and it’s tied to mine.”
62.   “I look in your eyes and see you searching for a sign.”
63.   “You’ll never fall til you let go.”
64.   “Don’t be so scared of what you don’t know.”
65.   “You must be true to your heart.”
66.   “That’s when the heavens will part and shower you with my love.”
67.   “Open your eyes. Your heart can tell you no lies.”
68.   “When you’re true to your heart, I know it’s gonna lead you straight to me.”
69.   “Someone you know is on your side can set you free.”
70.   “I can do that for you if you believe in me.”
71.   “Why second guess what feels so right?”
72.   “Just trust your heart and you’ll see the light!”
73.   “Your heart knows what’s good for you.”
74.   “Let your heart show you the way.”
75.   “My heart is driving me to where you are.”
76.   “You won’t get lost with your heart to guide you.”
77.   “When things are getting crazy and you don’t know where to start, keep on believing.”
  Reflection (single)
78.   “You may think you see who I really am, but you’ll never know me.”
79.   “Every day it’s as if I play a part.”
80.   “If I wear a mask, I can fool the world, but I cannot fool my heart.”
81.   “I am now in a world where I have to hide my heart and what I believe in.”
82.   “Somehow I will show the world what’s inside my heart and be loved for who I am.”
83.   “Must I pretend that I’m someone else for all time.”
84.   “There’s a heart that must be free to fly that burns with a need to know the reason why.”
85.   “Why must we all conceal what we think, how we feel?”
86.   “Must there be a secret me that I’m forced to hide?”
87.   “I won’t pretend that I’m someone else for all time.”
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slynbarnes · 1 year
Embers: Season 2 Episodes 31-40
S2 E31: 
(Finally, back to your room Leo grabs you by the shoulders, pulling you into his lips. Kissing you in a dominant way, filled with hunger. His jealousy raging after watching you with Bucky. He pulls you onto the bed stripping you of your clothes, kissing all over your body. You let out soft moans as he nips at your skin. You start taking his clothes off, throwing them off to the side. His large hands travel your soft skin, finding their way to the soft, wet flesh causing you to writhe under him. He teases you until you beg him not to stop and just upon your climax he comes to a hault, pulling away from you before suddenly bottoming out inside you. You let out a soft, muffled cry into the pillow. He picks his pace up and leans down to you, kissing your sweet flavored lips. You kiss him back melting into him. Your whole body fills with need for more… but just like that you feel him finish before you have the chance to. Leo rolls over onto the warm sheets next to you breathing heavily, you can feel this time was different. Before he was sweet and loving but this time he was upset about something. This time it felt wrong. You roll onto your side, his arms wrapping around you. You are unsure why but tears fall from your eyes leaving trails of wet sadness down your cheeks. A feeling of longing for something… for someone. Missing them. Your heart aching for them.) 
S2 E32:
(You, Lucas and Buck go to an Arcade for Family night. You race go carts and play lazer tag, air hockey and eat pizza and have a total blast.)
S2 E33:
(You, Nat and Wanda are in the lounge.) 
(You are all laughing.) 
N: Ugghh Wands we need another girl trip soon. I need a break from work. 
W: Yes! The one we went on a couple years ago was the best. 
Y/N: What’s a girls trip? 
N & W: WHAT?!? 
W: How do you not know what a girls trip is? 
Y/N: I practically lived under a rock for a little over 50 years because of Hydra. 
N: Right… sorry. Its exactly what it sounds like it’s just a trip girls go on together and we get to do girly things like go to the spa and drink fruity cocktails and of course dancing and whatever else the location offers. 
Y/N: That sounds amazing. 
W: We do have this weekend off. Why not go? The boys can handle anything that comes their way for 3 days and we could just pack up and go. Every girl deserves to experience a girls trip so we have to go now. 
N: That’s perfect actually! Let’s do it! 
Y/N: I doubt Buck will have a problem taking Lucas for the weekend. Let’s do it! 
W: Perfect it’s settled then! Where should we go?
N: How about Vegas? Could be fun.
W: Yes! Casino’s, good food, strip clubs and lots of good music. 
Y/N: Sounds like good trouble to me! 
N: This is going to be so much fun!
S2 E34: 
Y/N: (You knock on Buck’s door.) 
B: (He opens the door to see you standing there with a wide grin.) Hey, doll. 
Y/N: Hey so I was wondering if you wanted to take Lucas for the weekend? Nat and Wanda invited me on a girls trip since I have never been on one. 
B: Of course. I never have a problem taking him. Where are you guys going? 
Y/N: Los Vegas...
B: You will have fun! Steve, Bruce, Rhodey and I went for Tony’s Bachelor Party. 
Y/N: What was it like? 
B: Bright (He laughs) There are so many lights and there is a ton to do! I know you will have a lot of fun! 
Y/N: Thank you, and thank you for taking Lucas, I owe you one. 
S2 E35:
(Girls Trip! Part 1) 
(Add Dialoge when I make the videos) 
(You text Bucky but not Leo) 
S2 E36: 
(Lucas and Bucky Bonding look below for context for their weekend) 
(Add Dialoge when I make the videos) 
S2 E37:
(Girls Trip Part 2) 
(Add Dialoge when I make the videos) 
(You text Bucky but not Leo) 
Y/N: Wanda! What are you doing? What about Vis? 
W: What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! (She laughs.) 
N: Drunk Wanda+Away from Work= Crazy Fun Wanda. You should join the fun. 
Y/N: I already have plenty of boys in my life but not enough alone time and alcohol so I think I am already in my own fun zone. (You laugh) 
S2 E38:
(Bucky and Lucas’ Weekend) 
(Add Dialoge when I make the videos) 
S2 E39: 
(Girls Trip Part 3) 
(Add Dialoge when I make the videos) 
(You text Bucky but not Leo) 
S2 E40: 
(You walk out of the elevator and into the lounge where Lucas and Bucky are playing Battleship.) 
L: Mom! I missed you. (He says knocking into you with a big hug.) 
Y/N: I missed you too buddy! How was your weekend with Bucky? 
L: It was amazing! He took me out on one of Sam’s boats and we had cake, then we went to a cook out and had fish with legs (Shrimp) and we played games on the boat! Bucky taught me about sailing and knots and we had pizza for breakfast and we went to the beach! It was awesome! 
B: I thought if you were going to be having so much fun, doll. We might as well have some fun of our own. Speaking of how did Vegas go? (He asks although he pretty much already knows everything.) 
Y/N: I’m so happy to hear the both of you had fun this weekend. I had a lot of fun myself, we went to a casino and we had drinks, we went to see a few shows while we there it was a blast. 
B: Good! You deserved a good weekend. I am so happy you are home though. Lucas and I missed you. 
L: We did! We should all go for cocoa! 
B: I love that idea! What do you say, doll? 
Y/N: How could I refuse? Lucas go grab your jacket and your shoes. 
L: Okay! 
Y/N: Did you see that? He is excited to see me! (You jump into Bucky’s arms exploding with happiness.) I don’t know what you did but I love you so much for it! 
B: (Wrapping his arms around you squeezing you tight, he whispers,) I love you too… (So quiet you don’t hear it but he means it more than you would ever know.)
0 notes
( let's see ) 26 , 36 , 37 , 48 , 50 , 82 , 90 , and 98 .
How long has this been here?! I didn't see it until now, wow. Apologies on the delay.
Tumblr doesn't show the date an ask was sent, so I have to guess which post this corresponds to. I think it was for this question list? It's the only recent one I can find that has 98+ questions on it, anyways.
26. Have you ever been famous?
Not to my knowledge! I had a speaking part in a school choir performance once. And in middle school when I wanted to try drama club, they cast me as the lead role, but I was like "Wait, wait, no, I don't want the LEAD role." But they wouldn't give me another one, so I wound up quitting the club that same week. :P I knew the lead would require a lot more work, memorization, and time than I wanted to put into it. Not to mention, I had MASSIVE stage fright and didn't want to be performing solo in front of the audience for long.
(Choir was different because the attention wasn't on me, specifically. The speaking part was different because it was like 30 seconds and then it was over, I could practice and perfect it and then get it over with and melt back into the blur of choir-singing faces.)
Anyways, I did get a poem published in a poetry collection once (I'm still bitter that it was, of all my poems, The Raven and The Dove), and I had a picture of a pointillism raven published in a pagan magazine when I was about 16, but I've never drawn much attention to me, specifically.
36. Favorite clean word?
Maybe "ephemeral"? Could also be "susurrus" or "murmuration", maybe diaphanous. I just love the sound of all those. But for sound as well as meaning, I think my favorite word is halcyon.
37. Favorite swear word?
Are we only talking about in English, or can I grab one from Finnish? Because there's something very cathartic about screaming "PERKELE" at something that pisses you off. (It translates to something like "devil", but it's pretty multi-purpose.)
If only English counts though, probably an F-bomb. A well-placed "fuck" adds so much color to our language. I love its adaptability, too! It can be delighted or furious, sincerely emotional or just really emphatic. When someone brings out the F word, usually you know they Really Mean It.
48. Can you curl your tongue?
Yep! I can twist it upside down, fold it backwards on itself, and partially do that "flower" pattern if I use my teeth as leverage, but I can't do it with 3-5 "petals" the way other people do. Also roll my Rrrr's and touch the tip of my nose with my tongue.
50. Left or right handed?
I'm like 75% ambidextrous! SLIGHTLY more right-handed than left, but not by much. Which hand I use varies greatly on the task and how I'm posed at the moment. If it's more convenient to use my left, or if my right shoulder is aching, I'll use my left no problem. When I was learning to write in elementary school, I kept switching my hands until my teacher eventually told me to use my right hand. I never practiced with my left, so I can only write with my right hand, but when I'm using other tools there's an equal chance of me using my left hand, especially for finer details.
82. How fast can you type?
The fastest I've ever clocked my typing was 120 words per minute! (Granted, I was typing the words of an Evanescence song I know by heart. But my brother timed me. My youngest sibling witnessed it. I typed for a minute and a half, and typed 180 words. Only a handful of typos, too!)
Even with editing and proofing, the temporary staffing test thing clocked me at 85wpm.
In short: HELLA fast.
90. What makes you angry?
A few broad-stroke, general things. Cruelty, bigotry, mistreatment, nationalism, cults, capitalism, generally things that hurt or manipulate people or leverage their suffering for someone else's gain.
Also people being willfully ignorant in a way that hurts other people. Subset of that, internet trolls. Other subset, intentionally ignoring peoples' needs.
And those who don't respect your boundaries when you lay them out clearly. It's okay if you accidentally cross a line without knowing I Don't Like That, but when I TELL someone "Hey, that's not cool, don't do that", and they keep doing it, then I get irritated. Forgetting the first few times is one thing. It'll Irk^tm me but it's understandable, I won't get Angry. But if you intentionally keep doing it because you think my reaction is funny, or because you don't think it's a problem and I ~shouldn't~ be bothered, then I'll get Annoyed and that quickly coalesces into Actual Anger.
98. Do you have any scars?
I have a few, actually! All but one of them are super tiny, though. A lot of them have faded since I started taking vitamins and medication that lets me actually absorb nutrition, but here's a selection off the top of my head:
~ The big one on my left arm from falling on a broken fan grate at about 4 years old.
~ The one at the base of my left pointer finger from my uncle's rabbit biting me.
~ The one on my shoulder from the time we had a breaking decorative fence gazebo thing and I ran into a nail sticking out.
~ The tiny patch of ancient rug burn from the time I was at my then-bestfriend now-girlfriend's house and watched a Teen Titans episode and got so emotional I somehow tripped over myself and scraped the back of my right hand on the carpet.
~ Very near that one, I have a scar from the time one of our family cats fell off the back of the couch and I caught her midair, but not without her claws digging into my hand. (She was just trying to catch herself, not hurt me, don't worry! It was Belle, who I strongly suspect had some kind of neurological thing going on because she was pretty clumsy and moved differently from other cats...)
~ I have very faded but still noticably Different-Textured scars on my heels from my very FIRST cosplay, the 80's Raven one. She had heels in the comics. I had never worn heeled shoes for longer than an hour before. I think I was at that convention for four hours. I didn't know my heels were actually bleeding until I took them off, and nobody had told me to put something cushiony over them...
~ The scar on my hip from, ironically, cosplaying my character who has a scar on her hip. My father, who did special effects as a hobby, told me to use rubber cement to stick the fake scar on, and I listened to him. Please, dear gods, DO NOT USE RUBBER CEMENT on your skin! That shit BURNED going on, it stung all day, and by the time the convention was over and I had to take a shower, it had eaten through four small patches of my skin. I later learned that stuff is super caustic and it was not, in fact, just because I have sensitive skin. I'm still bewildered that he told me to do that??? Spirit gum is the obvious answer, I know that now, but I very much did Not know that back then.`
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