#ignore the absolute mess of my kitchen counter
zishuge · 2 months
did more transcription work this morning of the soft piano music that plays during the tender nanqiu scenes in the spirealm that i'm so in love with. sheet music is here for anyone who would like it. note: this is beginner level - anyone who's played piano for probably a few months should be able to play this :)
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charmercharm3r · 1 year
Phase One: Emotion Sickness
Masterlist, Story Masterlist
wc: 8.7k
Story Synopsis: Whoever said patience is a virtue have never met Jisung and Minho.
warnings: smut, explicit sexual content, poly!minsung (jisung chapter focus), dom!jisung x brat!reader, mxm, overcome angst, alcohol consumption, unprotected but clean piv, orgasm denial, a nice lil slap, lots of teasing and back talk, marking, talk of training reader, cream pie, stupid asses in love
Phase One ☆゚.*・。゚Phase Two
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Being best friends with Jisung is like living in a sitcom every day of your life. Everything about him is comical and endearing and you love every bit of him and his huge personality. You’d been friends with him for so long that when he sat you down, worried look on his face, and told you he liked both boys and girls you raised an eyebrow at him, “am I supposed to act surprised?”
“You’re not?” His expression changed from worry to confusion.
“As if we’re not a pair of bisexual assholes.”
“Wait, you like girls too?!”
“How have you survived this long?” You stood from your seat and pressed a mockingly sweet kiss to the top of his head, pulling him into a hug.
Nothing in your friendship had changed other than things were a lot more open between you and Jisung. The two of you shared love interests and swapped between them like clothes back and forth, generally no relationship going past anything other than a second date and maybe taking them home. You both even went to testing centers together to make sure neither of you contracted any of the nasty. Definitely fun, reckless things kids in college did. That was, until Jisung met Minho in your senior year.
Minho was a few years older than you both, had a permanent job and lived on his own. He was his own person that somehow wiggled his way into your duo to become a trio. You weren’t mad at it, by any means, Minho was one of the most attractive, intriguing, successful men you’d ever seen. For that reason, you questioned why he wanted to be friends with Jisung, and even more, friends with you.
It became evident early on that he wasn’t leaving either of you alone any time soon and you became used to his presence, eventually coming to the point where you wanted to be around him just as much as you did Jisung. The three of you were the pinnacle of friend groups. So bound at the hip, none of you ever realized how strange it looked on the outside.
But Jisung and Minho started spending more time together, without you. Sure it sucked and yeah, you were hurt that they never bothered to invite you, but Minho was always Jisung’s friend before he was yours. You always just thought the three of you were a package deal, not accessories to be mixed and matched.
They made up for it in time after you expressed your feelings and were gracious not to make it a bigger deal than you wanted it to be. There weren’t even any tears shed… by Minho. You and Jisung, on the other hand, were absolute jokes of a mess, faces red, covered in tears and snot running down your noses, weeping into each other’s arms because you’re both the most dramatic people any of you know. When you pulled Minho into the hug, squishing Jisung between your bodies, he thought he might’ve shed a tear with how tightly you held him. But as the two of you fell apart, Minho wouldn’t bring himself to unravel out of sheer need to protect his only two constants. So he wrapped himself around you and Jisung, blanketing you both until your breaths and heartbeats returned to normal.
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“C’mon Min, it’s just a little get together. You don’t even need to bring anything other than your pretty, pretty face,” you smiled up at the brunette who was flowing about the kitchen while you sat on the counter.
“You’re in my way,” he murmured and reached around your body to grab whatever he needed.
“You’re avoiding the subject.”
“Not avoiding. Just ignoring.” 
Just as you spoke, the sound of the front door rang through the apartment, “who’s rude?” Jisung sounded. He kicked his shoes off and joined you and Minho, sitting on a stool at the kitchen island.
“Your boyfriend. He doesn’t wanna go to Changbin’s party tomorrow.” Neither of the two reacted at the labeled nickname. They were used to you making jokes, even turning it around and saying they were your boyfriends, too.
Minho peaked his head out from around the refrigerator door to look at you, “you said it was a ‘little get together.’”
“Potatoe, potato.”
“Why don’t you wanna go to Changbin hyung’s thing? Didn’t you agree to give him some cookbooks as a housewarming gift or something?” Jisung snatched a crouton from the salad bowl Minho was preparing, earning him a sharp look from the older.
“I just don’t feel like socializing.” Minho groaned into the fridge, closing the door around his head, hiding.
Jisung stood and wrapped his arms around Minho to playfully shake him back and forth, “pleeease, hyung?”
“Pleeease, Min?” You copied Jisung’s tone, “it’ll be so much fun. We can drink and eat good food and–”
“Fine,” he pulled his head out of the fridge and pushed Jisung away, “but we’re leaving by 10.”
None of you left by 10, and the housewarming party was not little. It was like you were back in college with how many people you didn’t know crammed into one room. And like most college parties, everyone was wasted beyond belief, even Changbin who was meant to be hosting. You, Minho, and Jisung tried greeting him only to be met by his overly affectionate persona that showed face when he was drunk. He had slung his arm over your shoulder and slurred incoherent sentences in your ear that made you laugh.
Minho didn’t like that, he shoved Changbin off of you and let him fall to the couch to let someone else deal with.
As the three of you made your rounds to greet everyone that was sober enough to speak to, you came to the conclusion that you couldn’t let your friends be shit faced without any supervision. You took it upon yourself to watch over them, keep their face out of toilet bowls so they don’t drown and put a pillow under their heads when they finally passed out. Chan was sort of helping, though only for a little because Jisung convinced him to take a few more shots knowing how much of a lightweight he is, and Chan was soon down for the count as well and taking up space on the hallway floor. Felix and Hyunjin were nowhere to be found, you could only guess they either left early or occupied one of the bathrooms to share the toilet. Seungmin refused to let you help him make it to the couch, Minho had to throw him over his shoulder to cooperate, and Jeongin followed you like a lost puppy until you coerced him into Changbin’s bed beside him where they both fell asleep.
You were too absorbed in getting all the other strangers out of the house and making sure your friends didn’t die that you didn’t realize it had probably been hours since you’d spoken to Minho or Jisung. Even if you arrived with and planned to leave with them, you suddenly felt lonely.
Turning down the music and flicking on the lights, you picked up whatever trash you could to get ahead of cleaning when you heard voices coming from the kitchen. Surely, it was your best friends because they would never leave you behind. Without thinking, you headed for the garbage can in the kitchen and hoped to talk Minho into forgiving you for keeping them out so late. The voices fell silent, as did your footsteps when you tiptoed over a passed out Chan to step into the room. You laughed at his sleeping form, using his jacket as a blanket and one of the couch’s throw pillows tucked beneath his head. 
Just as you entered the kitchen’s doorway, your eyes fell upon what was both the most confusing and entrancing of scenes. Pinned between the countertop and Minho’s body was Jisung with his fingers carding through the brunette’s hair, tugging him closer while their lips moved in together in a delicate dance. The sound of their mouths colliding and lungs striving for air was the only thing you could hear, ringing in your ears like a siren song. Minho’s hands snaked around the younger’s waist and made him look small in his grasp. You particularly watched the way neither of them seemed to be in a hurry and how gently they held one another. Your hand moved on its own, coming up to your mouth to touch your lips like they were longing for the same warmth. The movement made the plastic red cups in your hold drop to the floor with a loud clatter, scaring you into dropping everything else, too.
The two boys pulled away from each other in the blink of an eye, immediately realizing that it was you. Their stares were wide and frantic and ears tinted red. Jisung scratched at the back of his neck and readjusted his shirt, Minho ran his fingers through his hair, and both their lips plump, glossy, kiss bitten. They looked between each other and back at you, then each other again before taking a step forward in unison towards you. You took a step back, still unsure of what to do. Neither of them pressed again, just watching your movements.
“I didn’t mean to intrude…” you laughed out of nervousness and embarrassment, moreso the latter hoping they couldn’t see the pink that covered your cheeks. “I’m… I’m gonna go home.”
“We’ll come with you,” Jisung was quick to speak, holding his hand out. You backed away another step, an anxious chuckle leaving you.
“That’s okay. I– I’m gonna sleep at my own place tonight.” Jisung backed down, knowing that the sympathetic smile on your face was enough to show you weren’t mad or upset, just needing space.
However, Minho looked like a lost puppy that was just kicked to the ground, more than hurt. The sheen that covered his eyes were painful to look at, as though you’d been the one to hurt him. As far as that was from the truth, you still had to blink a few overwhelmed tears away while simultaneously feigning a smile so hard your cheeks hurt. His hands were less antsy, clutching one over his chest. As you looked between them, you swiped the stray moisture from your eyes and gave them a thumbs up, “I’ll see you guys… uh… soon… Bye.”
With that, you left, hoping the night air would make the fog in your brain dissipate.
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Out of all the things you expected the night to bring, seeing your two best friends kissing definitely wasn’t one of them. By no means were you angry, not at them, at least. Confused, sure, but who wouldn’t be? More than anything, you were curious. They seemed so comfortable with each other, as though they’d been doing it for years.
If you hadn’t alarmed them, what would have happened next? If you hadn’t run away, what would they have said? If you hadn’t reacted so badly, would you be asleep next to them and not in your own bed alone?
As you laid facing the ceiling, your mind wandered back to the night before. The sounds of their wet lips smothering one another, the grip of Jisungs fingers pulling Minho’s hair so sweetly and Minho caressing Jisung like he was fine china. You wondered when the hell that had happened, when they happened. There wasn’t a day since you had expressed feeling left out that they had neglected inviting you, so how the fuck did you miss all the signs? And why was it bothering you that you did? You should be beyond the moon that your two most precious people in the world are seeing each other, because they’re perfect. They’re perfect together and you couldn’t have picked anyone better to make them happy. Right?
Right. They’re carbon copies in different fonts, strangely perfect and perfectly strange. Why does your chest feel so tight? Since when did your heart beat in your stomach? There’s no way you could be jealous, or else you’d be an even shittier person than you thought you already were.
In the two days you had been ignoring their texts and phone calls– mostly Jisungs’s– you ran through every possible explanation your smooth brain could come up with. There was that they were drunk and it was a spur of the moment thing. Though, that wouldn’t explain either of their reactions, if that was the case then they would’ve laughed it off. You also theorized that maybe Jisung had food on his face, it was a common enough occurrence that you couldn’t rule it out entirely. Yeah, that’s the one. Minho was helping him because Jisung would rather aimlessly lick his tongue around his lips than use a napkin, and it just so happened that they—
Knock, knock, knock.
You weren’t expecting anyone, and deliveries can never make it up the six flights of stairs to get to your front door. Haphazardly, you tiptoed to the door and looked through the peephole. Jisung was bouncing up and down in his spot, ashy blonde hair messy like he’d just wrestled with a bear. His head snapped straight up to the dark side of the peephole, “Y/N, c’mon. I heard you walk up to the door.”
“Fuck,” you curse to yourself before letting him in.
Jisung pushed his way through before you even had the opportunity to open the door all the way, kicking off his house slippers and pacing around your living room. Slowly shutting it behind you, you leaned your back against the door and clutched onto your elbows. He waved his hands around like he was having an internal battle with himself. In fact, Jisung looked like he’d been fighting that battle for the past two days. He was still dressed in his house shorts and a ratty old shirt you remember him buying years ago, there was a hole in his sock where his big toe was and it made you smile small at his never ending hardheadedness even after both you and Minho told him to throw the pair away.
“Ji,” you called, voice cracking slightly. He stopped his stride and eyes shot teary daggers into your soul. “You don’t need to explain anything to me.”
“B– but I need to! Things are so much more complicated than it looked when you found us and you deserve answers because you’ve never once kept anything from us and–”
You took a few strong steps forward to catch him by the shoulders and came face to face. He was almost shaking in your hold, letting your hands warm the cold skin of his neck to sooth him. Jisung melted into your touch and you could feel him already beginning to calm, though his lip still trembled, so much he wanted to say but had no idea how to say it. So you spoke first, “you two are my most favorite people in the entire world. If you’re happy, I’m happy.”
“That’s the problem,” Jisung took your hands and guided them to his cheeks, keeping you from moving. He took a closer step into you, “you’re our favorite person. And the way you looked at us…” The way he referred to the pair of them made you feel just that much more sick in your gut. “I’d rather die than have you look at me like that again.” His hands held yours tighter, squishing your palms to his cheeks to the point of his lips puckering. 
You didn’t say anything, instead waiting for him to calm down enough so that he could articulate himself the way he wanted. When he did, Jisung sucked in a deep breath and closed his eyes. “I need to tell you something but you need to promise me you won’t run.”
“You know I have a 14 minute walking mile time.” He laughed breathily and guided you both to sit on the floor, couch behind your backs with your hands still glued to his cheeks. “You can tell me anything.”
“Min wanted to wait, but I can’t stand not talking to you for so long–”
“It’s been two days.”
“Exactly. And I’m going crazy because I love you so much…” Jisung gritted his teeth as he said it, you filled the tense silence by whispering, “I love you, too.”
“No, no… Y/N. I love you,” his tone went higher the more he spoke, scared of the blank, expressionless look on your face. Your silence made him keep talking, “I’m in love with you and I’m in love with Minho and he’s in love with you, too. We’re in love with you and I can’t take another second without you knowing that.”
Either you felt everything at once or you felt nothing at all, though you doubted the latter was the issue. The problem was that you didn’t know what it was you were feeling, the two days of voluntary solitude wasn’t enough for you to understand the panging in your chest and how your heart was about to fall out of your ass or the way you wanted to jump Jisung’s bones and hug him until you molecularly phased into his body. All that, and all you could say was, “I love you, too,” again.
It seems he had the same thoughts you did because Jisung crashed his body into yours and sent you slamming into the floor with him keeping you in a bone crushing embrace. His head stayed buried in your neck and hand tangled in your hair, the way you remember him doing to Minho. The feeling of him pulling you in closer by the roots had you wrapping your legs around his torso so the two of you were shaped around one another like a vine. How long you stayed like this, you didn’t know, just that he left supple kisses along the junction of your shoulder that made your head spin with adoration. 
More than likely it was hours later that the two of you made your way into your bed with a laughable amount of snacks and coffee to keep you awake for another two days, snuggled beneath the covers. This was normal, in bed with him doing nothing but talking and sharing your thoughts was what you and Jisung did on a regular basis. Except now, he was on his side, head propped in his palm and looking at you like you held the world in your hands. Little to your knowledge, he always looked at you like that. It was only at this moment did you realize.
“When did you and Min… get together?” Your voice was soft, listening intently.
“The same time you got mad at us for leaving you out. That wasn’t intentional and I already knew how I felt about you. I was just… caught up in the moment for a little? God, I had never felt so shitty in my life, making you cry like that.” Jisung lifted his hand to thumb at your cheek as you smiled into his touch.
“Yeah, I didn’t really appreciate that either,” you joked. “So… you’ve known you liked me–”
“Love you,” he corrected.
“Loved me,” Jisung nodded in approval. “And you told Min before you told me?”
“I was scared! You don’t have the best track record with confrontation, babe.” You both giggled at the recall of the previous night, your head falling against his chest to hide the tinge of pink on your cheeks. His free hand held your cheek to his pec and soothingly massaged your scalp until you both relaxed.
It was silent again for a little as you readjusted to lay completely in his arms, engulfed in his scent and body heat. As you laid there, your mind went through all of the times where the three of you were together, you scanned the background of your memories for all the weird stares you’d get from passersby or comments your friends made, even the times where they’d call themselves your boyfriends and how easily it rolled off their tongues.
Jisung looked down at you, humming with confusion, “okay?”
“Break it down for me.” You drew meaningless shapes into his skin through his shirt, feeling his heartbeat pick up just a little. “I wanna know how this is… all gonna work.”
“Oh! O– okay, well,” Jisung took in a large breath before reaching for your fidgeting hand and intertwining your fingers. “We’ll go slow, step by step, take as much time as you need to feel comfortable. Phase one, we do everything we already do just with a few… more than friendly perks.”
You lingered on the way your hand fit in his so nicely, skin soft and his pretty fingers decorated with rings. “What about Minho? You said he didn’t want you to tell me yet.”
Jisung sighed at the mention of the older. “We let him bring it up at his own pace. He scares away like a cat, y’know.”
The longer Jisung played with your hand, the longer you yearned to touch him, more of him. Mentioning Minho made you remember the tight grip he had in the brunette’s hair, how sweet he sounded when kissing him. You bit your lip at the thought and was suddenly raging with confidence. “So,” you sat up and looked at him, now towering over his figure. “If I wanted to kiss you, would I have to wait to do it infront of him?”
“Y– you wanna kiss me?” Jisung’s eyes widened, pads of his fingers coming up to press against his lips.
Taking his hand away, you guided it to your neck the way he did to you earlier. “Since we’re being honest, I can’t stop thinking about that night, you and him.” His grip tightened just a little as your hand splayed over his chest and slowly rose up. “Can I? Kiss you?”
“Oh my god, I’ve been waiting for you to as–”
Jisung pulled you into him before he could finish his thought, slotting against you with ambition. He felt just as you imagined him, eager but mindful in how to hold you, letting you set the tone with just closed mouth smooches as the sounds of your lips smacking bounced off the bedroom walls. Both his hands found their way into your hair and pulled you impossibly closer until your body fell onto him entirely. You didn’t know what to do with yourself, kissing your best friend until you were both breathless and needy, knowing better than to do anything more.
But oh, how you wanted to. You wanted to kiss him everywhere, make him cower into the sheets and make him feel how much you loved him. There was just too much right now, too much to be figured out. A night of desire wasn’t worth a lifetime of friendship.
So as you pulled away, reluctant Jisung whining and chasing after you for more, you let your forehead rest against his and let out a satisfied laugh. “Slow,” you whispered, letting him pepper kisses to your cheeks.
“Can’t we just jump to phase three?” He breathed against your skin.
“What’s phase three?”
Jisung’s lips made their way down your neck, his tongue leaving wet streaks the further he descended. “You, me, Min, a big ass bed covered in rose petals and candle light. Maybe a kick ass playlist to set the mood–”
The sound of your phone ringing made the both of you jump as if you were being caught doing something illegal. You broke into another fit of giggles when you found out it was Minho calling you. “Hey, pretty boy,” you answer him with a grin, still looking down at Jisung who stared up at you fondly.
“Jesus, Y/N. Are you okay? Why haven’t you been answering? Are you home? I– I’ve tried calling you for days–”
“Two days, Min.”
“Days. It’s been days.” Jisung could hear his voice booming through the phone, laughing and shrugging at how it’s the same thing he’d told you.
“I’m okay.” You eased his worries with two simple words, hearing him sigh on the other end of the call.
“You’re okay,” Minho repeated, relieved.
There was a pause in his breathing, probably unsure of what to say as he walked on eggshells. You knew this about him, he needed careful approaching, as Minho doesn’t like what he doesn’t already know. “I’m coming over tomorrow,” you stated.
“I’d be upset if you didn’t.”
Chuckling lightly, you let Jisung bring your fingertips to his lips and press a kiss to them. As you smiled at the man beneath you, you spoke into the phone, “love you.”
“Whatever… Love you, too.”
“Love you, too!” Jisung yelled into the speaker before you hung up, hearing Minho let out a strangled call of the other boy’s full name and the line went dead.
Jisung immediately took your phone and tossed it aside so he could kiss you again. And again, and again, and again, until both your lips were raw and bruised and chapped.
He slept over and the two of you went over to Minho’s the next afternoon. You were dizzy with how quickly things were changing in your trio’s dynamic, but chose to embrace it rather than question it. Jisung assured you that everything will move as you chose, there was no pressure to do anything you didn’t want to— except talking to Minho. That was something the two men previously agreed that that was Minho’s conversation to have with you. It made you nervous, but if you know him like you think you do, it shouldn’t be anything to worry about.
Nothing was out of any sorts. The topic of the housewarming party was nowhere in sight as you ate lunch, stayed for dinner and even dessert, deciding to call it a night a bit later.
Days went by like that. In front of Minho, everything was the same. But when you and Jisung were alone, things began to get more and more heated. Hands roamed further, kisses became more desperate, you had to force yourself off his lap out of guilt that Minho didn’t know what was happening.
“Baby, you think I wouldn’t tell him? He knows,” Jisung explained after what was probably the fourth or fifth time that week you’ve stopped before you could even get started.
“He knows?! For how long?!” You fully slammed on his crotch, Jisung wincing in pain and accidentally knocking his head back against his headboard. Crossing your arms over your chest, you could feel his cock twitch in his pants at the heavy contact.
“For a few days— can you not sit—“
You intentionally sat deeper, crushing him. “When exactly did you tell him?”
“Three days ago— Y/N, my balls, please—“
“We could’ve had sex three days ago without me feeling like a guilty piece of shit?!”
“There’ll be no dick to have sex with if you don’t get up!” You lifted your hips with a roll of your eyes, Jisung sighing with relief as the pressure alleviated. “I briefly mentioned it in passing that you were a little weary about moving forward without talking to him.”
“Oh… Well, what did he say?”
“That he’s getting there. He’s just really embarrassed,” he caught your hands fidgeting again, holding them tightly in his own before guiding your palms against his chest.
“Embarrassed? About what?”
“How you found out. Let him tell you the details, I think it’s better that way.” You nodded, exhaling deeply as your heart sank a little that Minho was too embarrassed about the whole thing to even speak to you.
“Is he… embarrassed of me?” The sting of hot tears wanted to swell in your waterline, suddenly overwhelmed with guilt that you caused him to feel such a way. You know Minho, you know Jisung, and you know that there has never been a time where you didn’t think you couldn’t go to them for anything. You were sure that if you killed someone, they’d get rid of the body to keep you out of jail. Or better yet, help you plan the murder so none of you were even considered suspects.
Jisung sat up and wrapped his arms around your torso to bring you in for a hug, tucking your head into the crook of his neck. “Baby, baby, no. That’s not it at all!” Your small sniffle had him squeezing you tighter, “I can’t explain it to you the way that he can, but just know we love you. And we want to be with you. You know how weird his mind works. He’ll talk to you about it soon.”
Nodding in agreement, taking Jisung’s words to heart and letting your mind drift away from the brunette and back to the ashy blonde beneath you.
Pulling away from your hiding spot, the aching between your legs was still painfully present, as was the straining in his pants. Pushing his hair from his face while your other hand thumbed at his mouth, your eyebrows raised, “I’m guessing you’re not big on cock stepping?”
Laughing, falling back and taking you with him, Jisung’s hands slipped just under the hem of your shirt to feel your warm skin. “Not particularly. I’d like to have kids someday.”
You smiled as he kissed you, a simple peck that multiplied down his neck and across his exposed collar bones. He liked that area, you noted in the way his hips kicked up into yours and the grip around your waist grew stronger. His hands slipped higher until you decided to discard the shirt entirely, your bra clad cleavage proudly in his face. It wasn’t anything special, but Jisung’s eyes blew wide as though your covered breasts were the key to his life’s questions.
“How can you go from crying about our boyfriend to having your tits in my face? Like a fucking angel,” he ogled your chest unabashedly.
“I’m not even naked yet,” you giggled, blushing.
“Oh god, you’re right.” Jisung dragged his hands down his face while letting his eyes roll back and dramatically whimpering.
Leaning down to kiss him, you shot back up just as quickly, “our boyfriend?”
“Your boyfriend, my boyfriend. The broody, moody guy that cooks for us sometimes and smells really good—”
“Han Jisung,” you interrupted him once more. “Ask me the question.”
“Y’know, I had a whole speech prepared.”
“Did you, now?”
“I was waiting for the right time to say it.”
“I was! I practiced it in the bathroom mirror and I gotta say, I’d definitely date me.” Nodding your head some more, you tapped your forefinger against his cheek. “Fine, fine. Cliff notes version,” your approving hum made Jisung clear his throat. “Please do me the honor of allowing me to be your one of two boyfriends.”
“Only because you said please.”
You were flipped onto your back in the split second it took to kiss him again, a squeal leaving your lips when your head hit the pillows. The room was filled with giggles from you and Jisung, hands roaming where they never had before but feeling as though they should’ve been the whole time. He never stayed away for too long, when he took his hands away to strip off his shirt, Jisung grinded his hips deeply into you, fabric on fabric good but not nearly enough.
You’d seen him shirtless more than enough times and each time you’d wanted to run your tongue through the lines of his abs. How badly you wanted to do that now as Jisung towered over you, looking down at your body, his to devour. His eyes were dark, tiniest of glimmers when he smiled deviously. Thumb pressing against your lips, Jisung tilted his head and pouted, “I’m gonna have so much fun with you, baby.
“If it gets too much for you, call yellow, we’ll slow down. Say red and we’ll stop completely. Okay?” You nodded, understanding what you were getting into with him. There have been enough vague yet pinpoint detailed stories shared, making you all the more excited to finally experience it for yourself.
He didn’t need to force his digit past your lips, you let him in without a fight, immediately sucking and teasing him with your tongue. Jisung tsked at your eagerness, “what happened to going slow, hm?”
Teasing. He was teasing you, using your words against you because Jisung knew that’s where his strength lied. He knew he could say the nastiest of things and get away with it, he did it before everything happened and now he could say it with all intents and purposes. Your hips rutted up from under him, but Jisung’s body weight kept you pinned to the mattress. The more you squirmed the bigger he smiled. His chest heaving up and down with heavy breaths was taunting you, your free hand reaching up to trace your nails down his skin from his pec down to the hem of his pants. Jisung shivered at the feeling and you had the honor of witnessing his cock twitching.
Plucking his thumb away, Jisung smeared your saliva over your lips and cheek until his fingers tangled in your hair again, this time yanking you somehow even further against the pillows. Your wince was followed by a menacing giggle, provoking him into gripping the roots tighter. “I don’t know why you’re laughing, babe.”
“You’re so cute when you try to be scary,” you pouted up at him mockingly, laugh turning into a moan when he tugged your head up and leaned over to be centimeters away from each other.
“Is being intimidating only Min’s thing? You’ve got a lot to learn.”
“Then teach me. How scared should I be of you, baby?”
Jisung huffed and threw you back down, climbing off your body entirely and stepping to the side of the bed. You laid on your side, looking up at him as his eyes raked up and down your figure, bra strap slipping off your shoulder and house shorts riding up to just barely show the outline of your aching cunt. Jisung’s mouth watered as you waited for his response, your face feigning innocence while your body was screaming for his touch.
His hand lingered over the button of his pants for a second before crouching to your eye level. “You want the beginner lesson?”
“Advanced.” Jisung pecked your lips once more before standing tall again, finally undoing his pants and relieving the pressure. His bulge fell over the zipper, covered only by his boxers and even those seemed too tight. You bit your lip, reaching out for him. Jisung slapped your hand away and scrunched his eyebrows together, “who gave you permission?”
“I did,” you answered immediately.
“You’re not the boss, baby. Not right now. I don’t have the patience to deal with your brattiness, you’ve kept me waiting for too long already.” He took his pants off and boxers along with it, length springing free in your face.
“Why’s that? You only let Min talk shit to you?”
“Nah, you’ll see. I’ve trained him real good, and I’m gonna do the same with you.”
Jisung manhandled you to hang your head over the edge of the bed, looking at him upside down. The way he threw you around like a ragdoll was painfully arousing, you knew he worked out, but not just how strong he was. “Oh, so you can use those muscles. Who knew?”
“You’re still making jokes? Aren’t you the one on your back?”
“Aren't you the one on a leash?”
“And who’s holding the lead? You?” Jisung scoffed, taking his cock in hand and slowly stroking. It wasn’t until you saw it in his grasp did you realize the extent of his size, you turned to get a better look but was shoved back into position instantly. “No, of course you aren’t. You’re too cock hungry to even control yourself. What ever made that pretty head think it could control me?”
Holding you down by the shoulder, your mouth opened and tongue fell out as Jisung gave a few soft slaps to your cheek with his dick. As degrading as it was, nothing was more humiliating than the fact that you couldn’t stop your legs from pressing together and your hands white knuckling the sheets to stop from shoving them down your pants. He chuckled and his own jaw went slack. “See? Just a slutty little puppy. Wanting to suck on anything and everything.”
You whined a little when he forced your mouth closed with his free hand and held you steady, smearing his precum covered tip around your lips. “Aw, you sound so cute. Cute pup.”
Hips kicking higher, you let them fall back down roughly and drawing his attention elsewhere. Jisung let your jaw go to shove his cock down your throat unexpectedly, making you gag and tears immediately flood. He didn’t give you room to even think, his balls pressing against your nose and leaning over your body to bury himself deeper. Just when you thought you were going to tap out, Jisung pulled away and had you gasping for air.
“Where’d you learn to take cock so well, pup? Mind if I help myself?” He didn’t wait for you to reply, propping himself up on either side of your torso and blindly entering your mouth again. Your throat constricted around it for a few seconds, letting himself succumb to the warm, wet walls. The muffled whimper made goosebumps rise along Jisung’s skin and pull out to the tip. You swirl your tongue around and around, suckling him like a lollipop and attempting to keep your hands to yourself. As if not touching yourself was torture enough, he took a handful of the front of your shorts and pulled, center seam rubbing against your clit easily with how wet you were.
“Didn’t think you’d give in so easily,” he laughed darkly and practically holding your lower half in the air by your shorts, frantically searching for friction. “You were even easier to tame than Min, just had to tell him how cute he was and he was a goner. You? All you want is a good cock to pacify you, hm? Who woulda thought.”
The mumble of your attempted response was intelligible until he pulled away to let his dick fall from your mouth, “what was that, pup?”
“Need your cock,” you breathed heavily, finally able to now that your mouth was free.
“Yeah you fucking do,” Jisung dropped your lower half and stuck his hand down the front of your shorts, fingers swiping at youre core and spreading your arousal beneath the fabric. “Gonna make you crave me all the fucking time.”
Finally being touched had your jaw hanging open again, but he didn’t seem to notice, entranced by the lewd sound of your wetness. He wasn’t rough but not gentle either, massaging the perfect amount of pressure to the bundle of nerves and made you rub your hips into his palm. You’ve been worked up for days, desperate to come, desperate enough to grab his hand and still him, using him to your pleasure without care. Jisung let you for the time being, stuck in a trance watching the way you moved. How small your hand looked wrapped around his wrist, it’d look even prettier around his–
“Gonna cum, fuck, fuck, fu–”
Jisung stole himself away just before you could finish, killing the impending high you so deeply wanted.
“No, no! Fucking hell, why?!” You whined loudly, legs spasming from denial.
He didn't answer you, not losing any adrenaline and still able to powerfully maneuver you away from the edge of the bed, strip away your remaining clothing, and have you sitting on top of him again in a moment’s notice. Jisung sat with his back against the headboard, though low enough that your head leveled higher than his, staring down at his sweaty, smug face.
“Fucking pillow princess,” you murmured out of spite, not thinking anything of it as you reached for his cock.
Grabbing your hand tightly, “the fuck did you call me, pup?” Jisung tilted his head back and dominatingly peered at you through sharp eyes, clearly not playing.
“Pillow. Princess.” You struggled to get out of his grasp. The denied orgasm had pissed you off, initially ready to let him have his way until he stripped you of the one thing he knew you’d been pining for. This was retaliation.
The light slap across your cheek sent you into a monetary daze, eyes going wide at the sting. Jisung was already looking at you when you peered down at him, clear in the way his chin tipped up at you that you had lost that battle.
“Don’t bite the hand that fucking feeds you, pup. Be my good fucking girl and ride.” Not like you were beaten into submission, moreso talked into it, you whimpered and lip involuntarily pouted. Jisung’s handle on your wrist loosened and allowed you to take his dick in hand, pressing the tip to your entrance. As a last desperate act, you circled it around the rim, gathering your essence and teasing the both of you. “Last warning,” he threatened, not bothering to look at you as the sight of him about to enter you was distracting enough.
When you sank down, slow, inch by inch, you melted into one another as you came to the hilt, shivering once your clit made contact with the warm skin of his pelvis. Jisung’s shoulders relaxed, his hands rubbing soothingly over the tops of your thighs and up your love handles. The two of you stayed like this for a while, his domineering act washing away a little as your lip continued to tremble. He smirked, cupping your cheek, “awe, too much for you, pup?”
His counterfeit sympathy was obvious, but you’d take what you could get, nuzzling into his palm and nails digging into his abdomen. Jisung nodded along with you, jutting his lower lip out while also reading your face for any sign of discomfort. He knew you had limits, just testing where they were knowing fully well you could stop if you wanted.
Though, you shook your head, no, brows scrunching together and eyes blinking away pleasureful tears. You were already breathless and overwhelmed, leaving red crescents into Jisung’s skin wherever you laid your claws, but he seemed to like the pain. He pushed your hands deeper into him and looked straight into your eyes, “ride.”
Experimentally, you leaned forward and lifted your hips, sinking back down almost uncoordinatedly with how excited and overwhelmed you were. Jisung could feel your thighs shaking as you sat down fully on him, he placed his hands on your love handles and gave an encouraging squeeze.
Raising again, you slammed down harder, repeating the action until you found a steady rhythm. Filling and emptying, again and again, you were dizzy with how good it felt. Heat flushed your body as you lost yourself in working against him, genuinely paying no mind to the man blushing beneath you. Jisung gazed at you in awe, adoration as you enjoyed yourself. He didn’t even feel the need to help you anymore, putting his hands behind his head and took in the sight of your tits bouncing with each motion. The longer you kept your pace, your knees and thighs burned and muscles began to grow tight. You changed the position slightly, propping one leg up and using that leverage to continue. But even that became tiresome, finding yourself growing much too emotionally saturated to bring yourself to orgasm.
Jisung could feel this, your frustration, and he felt somewhat bad that he hadn’t given you the first high. Only somewhat. Seeing you work yourself into a whining, moaning mess made him smile to himself and sit up to press his chest to yours. Jisung peppered kisses along your collarbone and softly worked you down to a slow grind. Your heart rate fell steady as he finally indulged you with a sweet kiss, stark comparison to the mean words he spat earlier.
He wouldn’t be Jisung if he didn’t leave you wanting more, pulling away prematurely and leaning back again, this time taking you with him. He guided your hands to hold onto the top of the head board and smother his face in your breasts. Marks he bit into your skin felt more pleasurable than painful, you wondered if the slap before truly hurt or if you were just shocked.
Your grip on the headboard tightened as his hands lifted you a bit more by your bottom and spread your knees wider. Jisung jutted up slightly, testing his and your patience. He did this again, shallowly thrusting just the tip into you, making you moan, “Ji, baby, pleeease.”
“Am I still a pillow princess, pup? You couldn’t even get yourself to cum, now I have to do all the work.” Even if it was mean, his tone of voice like mothering a toddler that was learning to eat on their own, gentle teaching.
“Hnghhh, nooo,” you mewled.
“No, what, pup?” Jisung continued his depthless ruts, egging you on.
“Can’t– need to– wanna cum–”
He could hear how fragile you were now, overall amazed by you to the point he wanted to ditch the entire facade and give you everything you wanted. Though, he needed to see it through till the end, more like to prove to himself that he could do it in the first place.
Adjusting his hands to grip your love handles firmly, Jisung kept you in place to thrust up into you. You were caught off guard at how quickly he gave into your needy pleas, knees almost giving out below you. But Jisung was quick to catch your weight, every thrust up as you fell down kept you bouncing once again, tits jiggling in his face delightfully smothering. The minor slap he left to your ass made your cunt clench and cry out louder, then repeating just to get a reaction. Jisung wasn’t sure what he loved more, how naturally your body responded to him or how you couldn’t seem to get enough.
Your hands moved from the head board to his shoulder, wrapping around his neck to brace yourself on and to feel as close as possible. Here, you were coming undone quicker than expected, having him doing the work now let you fall victim to the euphoria of his cock nudging the sweet spot within you, stars behind your eyelids. Ripples of pain from Jisung teething at your skin meshed with the pleasure, you didn’t realize how loud you had gotten until you couldn’t hear him nor the skin on skin anymore.
Body shaking, coveting for the high and well on its way, you snuck your hands into his hair and hardly needed to tug to have Jisung’s head falling back and looking up at you through his lashes. His thrusts kept a steadier rhythm, digging his heels into the mattress and coercing you into meeting his lips in a jolty, electrifying kiss. Just as your lips met, the tip of his cock hit your soft spot right on target, shoving you face first into the feeling you’d been dying for. Your body tensed and clenched around him, fucking you through your orgasm until it eventually subsided.
A bit longer you let Jisung use your body to chase his own, he deserved it for putting up with your sharp tongue. Even that didn’t take very long, Jisung had been fending off his orgasm for over twenty minutes, from even before you took your shirt off.
And when the white light blinded him, Jisung let out a string of curses and your name, hints of whiney whimpers in between. He was exceptionally quick to recover, immediately noting your state of mind and body and helped you to lay down.
You winced as he pulled out and used his shirt to catch any spillage, holding it to your cunt before he airlifted you to the bathroom. You had forgotten whose house you were in, that’s how hazy you’d gotten.
Jisung let you finish your business, kissing your forehead and wiping your body down with a wet rag once you’d called his name to help you back to bed.
The bed in question was beyond messy, fitted sheet undone and comforter on the floor. Did Jisung always sleep with just one pillow? No, there were the other three strewn about the perimeter of the bed, one somehow ending up at the foot of it. Jisung, seeing where your head was at as he set you down to lay back, said, “got a bit carried away, didn’t we?”
“We?” You joked, voice horse. He gave you a wink and ran off to grab some water before retreating into the space next to you.
Neither of you bothered to get dressed, laying naked in one another’s arms as you decompressed together. “You’re not as rough as I thought you’d be,” you admitted, rolling over and throwing a leg over his torso.
“I’m not? Noted,” Jisung raised an eyebrow and kissed your forehead again. “If we’re giving feedback, I’d say Minho is gonna have a hell of a time with you. He’ll like the whole brat thing.”
“Did you?” You look up at him, genuinely just curious.
“That’s not even a question,” he waved it off, scoffing because how could you not tell that he was internally cursing himself for not confessing to you sooner if that was the outcome? “Everything I could ask for and more.”
“I liked the nickname a lot. No one’s ever called me that before.”
“Yeah? It suits you. Cute puppy,” Jisung wrapped his arms around your shoulders and squeezed tightly, knocking the air out of you. “But I’m curious,” his voice dropped just a little. “You think of us? Me and Minho?”
“Well— yeah. And honestly, I thought the roles would’ve been reversed.”
“You think he’s a top? Oh, sweet, sweet, baby.” Jisung pecked loving kisses to the top of your head, “he’s half a power bottom at best.”
“To be fair, I didn’t even know he liked girls,” the whisper in your tone softened along with Jisung’s touch, moving to gently run his fingers through your hair.
“He’s the real pillow princess, baby. You might have to knock some sense into him.”
Smirking up at him, “you’ll let me?”
“I’ll let you do anything you want to him.”
“Mmm, you wouldn’t mind if I mark him up?” Jisung’s eyebrow raised, intrigued, “let me cover him in pretty bruises?”
“I’d kill to see that, pup.” You were being smothered in kisses once more, closing your eyes and falling victim to his sweet touches. “But tell me what else you think about. You’ve piqued my interest.”
“You want me to tell you that I fantasized about my best friends making out?”
“Duh. Me, though, tell me what you think about me.” You could just tell he was wiggling his eyebrows with a sly smirk.
You groaned, “in the morning. Tired.”
Jisung took hold of your shoulders and shook you side to side, whining, “nooo, puppy, pleeease? Just a few compliments then I’ll leave you alone, I swear.”
Protests went in one ear and out the other with him, not letting you lay still until you gave him what he wanted. “You’re so lucky I like you, fucking menace.”
“Just like?” His mouth fell open into an “O.”
“Love. I love you.”
It was a lot easier to say when you had your face buried in his chest, not having to look him in the eye as you did. You knew that if you had been looking at him, you might’ve broken into tears, which would’ve made Jisung cry, too. That still didn’t stop your face from heating up and being hit with another rush of emotions.
“How much?” He teased, thankfully not seeing your eyes glaze over.
“I love you a lot. Like, a monumental amount and… Min, too. It’s scary,” your voice falling short and nuzzling your cheek into his skin.
Jisung let you take your time to slow your breathing again before he spoke, “I’d kiss you but I’m scared if I look at you, I’ll cry like a baby.”
“I know you will. Just hold me?”
He did, tighter, if that was even possible. “I will, just like this. Except when Min’s here, he’ll be right behind you to keep your cute booty warm when you fall asleep. You won’t have any space to move ‘cus neither of can stand to not be touching in some way. You’ll probably overheat and be on the verge of death by heatstroke, we give off heat like fucking furnaces. I’ll have a little snack on my side table in case you get hungry in the middle of the night, or you can roll over and get a few cuddles from Min, I won’t be upset, cross my heart.” You giggled at that. “We can move into his place since we all know he has the biggest bedroom, or we can look for another place to fit all three of us and give you a nice, big closet. Every night, we can take turns cooking and let Min throw a fit when we both burn the food so he ends up cooking for us anyways…”
Your chest was filled, warm and sickeningly sweet with the words Jisung continued to whisper in your ear until you eventually fell asleep. The nauseating feeling of waiting, wondering was nowhere near now that there was a clear landing for where you stood in their established relationship, at least, for now.
A/N: YAYAYAYAY phase one!!! idea: 10/10, execution: 4/10...I've been having a hard time connecting ideas lately and I think it's just stress but I'm hoping this lived up to expectations ://
feedback!! feed me!! I love love love hearing what you all think! it really does help me improve as a writer, even if it's constructive!
reminder to drink water, eat three meals a day, give your loved ones a hug. < 3
tags: @sensitiveandhungry @babebatter @aliferousminho @changbinluvr @epiphanynaffit @fawnpeaks @linovely @dumplinbokkieracha @finnydraws @naturules @djeniryuu @hamburgers101 @skzhomiehopper @yesv01 @hyunjinsamdl @angelica-erin-caelius @dazzlingligth @lvrmin @alexis-reads-fics @linaliskz @0002linoskitten
story tags: @bookwyrm28 @ladylexis @blankdyean @sujurunaway @mal-lunar-28 @pussy-drunk @bangchxnnie @lyramundana @bumblebee-zone @bloopreads @propertyoftoru @ana-stasssiaaa @iheartjozzy @kurxxmi
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HELLO. smut request: ari + thigh riding (but make it a punishment). that is all. BYE
That Ain't Workin' Tonight
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PAIRINGS: Ari Levinson x Girlfriend!Reader
WARNINGS: Swearing, allusions towards unprotected sex (my loves, please wrap your man's ding-dong before hopping on it), Daddy kink, nipple sucking, mentions of cum, squirting, THIGH RIDING!! (an absolute fave) (If I missed anything out, please feel free to DM me 😊)
Stumbling into the apartment, you toe your heels off clumsily. And the fact that you are slightly intoxicated is not helping you at all.
Being the top employee at your firm, you finally got the promotion you worked your ass for. And your girls wanted to treat you to a night out.
You couldn’t deny that the idea of having a night where you didn’t have to think about work was entirely enticing.
So, you kissed your boyfriend goodbye and told him a rushed ‘don’t wait up’ before slipping out of your shared apartment.
Ari was all for you having a fun night with your girls, but what he was not having was you not answering any of his texts.
The 6’3 man knows his woman can handle herself, but still, he can’t help but feel the need to check up on you every hour.
And his worry just increases tenfold when you don’t even come online for the rest of the night. He checked your location, and it stayed constant throughout the entire time, which calmed his thoughts by a milligram. But still.
So, there he sat on the couch, waiting for you to get home.
And you finally did.
“Why didn’t you answer my texts, sweetheart?” His arms are crossed over his chest as he looks over at you.
The short cotton-red dress stops at your knees and flays around your hips every time you move your body a certain way.
You hiccup before you answer, “I was out, Ari. I told you, baby.” The alcohol still in your veins made you a little woozy, so you stumbled again and almost fell. But if it wasn’t for the counter in the open kitchen, you would’ve fallen.
“Sweetheart,” he says, getting up from the couch and making his way to you. When he does, he softly grabs you by your shoulders and redirects you to the living room. He walks with you and sits you down before crouching in front of your body.
“I can walk by myself, mister.” You pout and cross your arms, your drunken state still possessing your body.
Ari chuckles and takes a hold of your chin, sweeping his thumb over your pouted bottom lip.
“You didn’t answer my question, sweetheart,” he says with a serious face, looking at you with that look.
And you instantly sober up.
You’re in trouble.
“I-, I was-,” you’re a mess trying to form any sort of sentence; you squirm in your seat under the stare of your boyfriend.
Ari tsk’s, “not the answer I wanted, sweetheart.” He caresses the side of your face before tucking a stray piece of your hair behind your ear.
“Tell me. Why didn’t you answer my texts?” He says it slowly, like trying to make sure you get how mad he is.
“Didn’t see ‘em,” you whisper, placing your hands on your thighs. Ari hums disappointedly, “it ain't like you to ignore texts, sweetheart.”
“I'm sorry, Ari. I didn’t mean to.” You think you can get away with this? Throw on some charm and innocence. You know your man loves that.
“Ah, ah, ah. That ain’t workin’ tonight, sweetheart,” he says, shaking his head, his hand trailing down to encompass the column of your throat. You inhale sharply and squirm even more in your position.
“You know, I’m not really happy, princess,” he says, trailing his other hand up your leg and skimming the area around your knee. “You’ve been a bad girl tonight, yeah?” He nods at you, expecting an answer.
You know this version of Ari, and this version is the one you can’t say no to either.
You nod as a response, afraid that your voice might crack with anticipation if you utter a word.
“Words, baby. Daddy needs to hear you speak, sweetheart,” he says, tightening his grip slightly around your neck and making you gasp as your eyes slightly close shut at the sensation.
And in a moment, everything changes.
You don’t know how, but suddenly Ari’s moving, and you’re sitting on his lap. He moves his hands up and down your thighs, slowly inching your dress higher and higher.
He groans at the sight of the lacey, nude underwear you have on. “All so dolled up, huh?” He leans in and starts kissing at that one spot below your ear, grazing his teeth on your skin.
You shudder and whimper at the feeling. Your hands move to grip his broad shoulders, and you whine into the crook of his neck.
He chuckles as he continues to abuse the expanse of your neck with his bruising kisses.
“Daddy was going to treat his baby tonight; he knows how hard you worked for that promotion.” He hooks his fingers at the hem of your underwear and drags them off before flinging them somewhere in your apartment.
You let out a soft moan, “Ari.” He grips your thighs hard. You're pretty sure there’s going to be a bruise there in the morning. “Don’t think that’s right, pretty girl,” he says, smacking your thigh gently, and you gasp. “Daddy, please.” You throw your head back and beg at the man in front of you. "There we go," he smirks.
You move your hips to grind at the clothed tent forming beneath his cotton shorts, but Ari looks at you with a slightly disapproving face.
His hands immediately go to your hips, and he moves you to sit on top of one of his thick, muscled thighs.
"Oh, sweetheart, you got to earn my cock tonight,” he smirks at you before settling in and leaning back on the couch.
You blush at the comment and gulp, “I-I don’t know what you mean, Daddy.” Ari chuckles. “Oh, I think you do, princess.”
He leans in and captures your lips in a heated kiss. You run your hands through his hair and grip at the roots. He growls and bites your lower lip, making you moan softly.
Ari grabs your hips yet again and starts to move you back and forth on his thigh.
“Ride my thigh, baby,” he growls against your lips.
You nod and go back to grab his shoulders. Then you start to move yourself up and down on his thigh, you moan at the friction you feel against your sensitive little button, and you start moving faster.
“Yeah. That feels good, baby?” Ari roams his hands all over your body, caressing and groping every inch of you that is and isn’t covered.
He unbuttons the front of your dress and lets it fall off your shoulders, and he groans at the sight of your boobs moving in tandem with your humping.
He reaches for your back and unhooks your bra. He takes it off for you and throws it somewhere. Then he dips his head in and takes one of your pebbeld nipples into his mouth and starts sucking hard.
You grip onto his hair for dear life as you move your hips over his muscular leg, and your moans get louder and higher in pitch as you feel your slick coat his thigh.
“Daddy, it feels so good,” you whine, and you throw your head back, biting your lip, trying to quiet your moans.
“Nuh uh, baby, non’ a that lip-biting business,” he lightly taps your cheek. “Let me hear you how good I make you feel,” he says, starting to lightly bounce his leg, and it’s game over for you.
“Oh fuck!” You drop your head onto his shoulder and start to drag your pussy on his hairy thigh. The wet squelching of your cunt makes the tent in Ari’s pants incredibly painful to resist.
“Daddy, daddy, please. I’m going to come,” you whine harder against his shoulder and yell when you feel his calloused thumb rubbing at your clit.
Your moans are high and shrill, as you are near your climax.
“Attagirl, that’s it. Make daddy proud; make a mess on my leg,” he presses down on your clit and rubs at a speed you didn’t think even existed. He switches breasts and starts his assault on the other one.
The band in your core snaps, and you squirt all over his thigh and soak his shorts. Your juices drip onto the floor and also stain his cotton shirt.
“Shit, m’ sorry, daddy,” you pout. Ari makes a final suck before popping off, then he shakes his head and smiles. "Nah, you did a good job, princess. You made Daddy proud,” he says, wiping his index and middle fingers up and down his thigh, gathering your release before popping them into his mouth and sucking them clean.
You whimper at the lewd sight, “daddy.”
“What do you want, baby girl?" Ari rubs your thigh; he picks you up effortlessly and walks the both of you to your shared bedroom.
He softly lays you down on your bed and takes off his shirt. When he sees you bite your lip, he smirks. “Ready to take Daddy’s cock, sweetheart? Ready to be a good girl?”
You nod hard, so adamant to feel him stretch you out.
You eagerly, and messily, take off your dress and drop it to the floor before shimming down so you lay flat.
Ari chuckles at your neediness. He takes off his shorts and pulls out his leaking cock from his boxers.
His manhood slaps his toned abs, and his puffy mushroom is blaring red and is shiny with his pre-cum. He spits on his hand and holds on to his shaft, moving his hand up and down.
He leans over you and kisses your nose before pushing your knees apart and settling in between them.
Ari chuckles as he slaps his tip on your entrance. “Open up f’me, sweetheart.”
Mishhh, this ask!!! Love when horny girlies come together to be horny together.😌😌😌
Again, requests are open lovelies :)
Till' then
Stay Coquette-y,
Anya 🫶🏽🕊️🎀
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tkaulitzlvr · 9 months
could u do 2008 tom getting in an argument with the reader and after arguing a lot, the reader just tries to go to bed. after a couple mins, tom realizes he was wrong and tries to climb in bed with the reader and is like super clingy and tries to touch the reader but gets ignored. and he’s all like “yk how i get when i can’t touch you” AUGHH😩😩 and then it’s js smut that ends with fluff/aftercare
btw ur my fav writer ever i absolutely adore ur writing 🖤
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synopsis: you are tired of arguing, deciding to go to bed before things get too out of hand. tom realises that he has messed up, but you are being stubborn, still not over what he has done. he doesn’t give up so easily, begging to get what he wants.
content: angst to smut, little bit of fluff throughout.
a/n: thank u so much that really means a lot!! love this idea, i hope u enjoy!💞
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“you know what? i’m done. i’m tired of explaining this to you when you clearly don’t get it.” i huff, shaking my head and running my hands through my hair.
“you’re right. i don’t get it. you’re mad at me for doing my job!” he shoots back, eyes cold and dark, jaw clenched as he stands across from me on the other side of the kitchen.
“you can’t be fucking serious! don’t paint me as some clingy selfish girlfriend when all i’m asking is that you don’t come home at midnight every night, and go straight to bed! it’s like we aren’t even together anymore. we live in the same house but we never talk, never communicate. you only show me affection if it’s a quick kiss or hug, or you want sex.” i rant, fuming at his lack of mindfulness, failing to believe how he is so oblivious.
“what so we’re just lying now, is that what this is?” he scoffs, taking a breath before continuing. “cause you know that’s not true. i always hug you, kiss you, tell you i love you, don’t i? and you know that i value you way beyond sex, so don’t even go there.”
“you’re completely missing the point!”
“then what is the fucking point?”
his voice raises far higher than mine, louder than it ever has before. he would never raise his voice at me, not like this. my mouth opens, tears clouding my vision as i am taken aback at his sudden outburst, but he doesn’t seem to care, my silence only seen as an invitation to keep going.
“hm, what is the point? you’ve always known that my job demands a lot of me, and i told you that it would be difficult, but i’m trying my best. if i could be with you more, i would. you know that we’re pushing to get this album perfect, so can you give me a fucking break and stop acting like i’m some awful boyfriend?” he shouts, anger laced within every word, each one stabbing me right in the heart, making me feel stupid for even bringing this whole conversation up. i just missed him, but he couldn’t seem to understand why.
i nod my head, pursing my lips together as the tears cascade down my cheeks.
“okay. i’m going to bed.” i whisper, not waiting for him to respond, turning away from him and leaving the kitchen, trudging up the stairs towards our bedroom. he doesn’t follow me, instead i hear a loud bang come from the kitchen, his fist colliding with the counter as he curses in frustration.
the room is strangely cold as i walk into it, completely dark with little natural light coming through the window despite the curtains still being wide open, reminding me of how late it is - and how long i had been waiting for tom to come home. my feet walk along the carpet, the floorboards creaking a little until i arrive at my bed, climbing into it and letting the covers embrace me, instead of tom. i feel numb, not enough energy in me to cry, yet too upset to just sleep it off. instead, i stare out of the window, the cityscape invading my eye line as i try to distract myself from what had just happened, watching the world around me as it moves on and on, wishing that i could do the same.
the door slowly creaks open, my head turning in its direction as tom walks through it, his expression one of pure regret. he is silent, not saying a word as he goes over to the mirror, taking his cap off and placing it gently on the dresser, taking his dreads out of their ponytail, his eyes suddenly meeting mine through the mirror as i stare into them.
“baby can we talk?” he says, still looking at me through the mirror as he removes his shirt, folding it neatly and leaving it on top of the dresser, his bare back facing me from across the room.
“about what?” i scoff, finally breaking the eye contact and laying down, staring motionlessly at the ceiling. “you were pretty sure of what you said, there’s nothing else to speak about.”
my gaze still fixed on the ceiling, i hear him step away from the mirror, walking cautiously towards the bed. i feel it dip beside me, before two arms snake around my waist.
i roughly pull away from his grip, taking his hands and shoving them back in his direction, not falling for his attempts to iron out the tension, especially ones that involve him putting his hands on me.
“baby…you know i didn’t mean any of that.” he calmly speaks, trying again to touch me, this time taking my hand in his. once again, i refuse, shuffling even further away from him.
“can you not touch me? i’m not in the mood for your shitty apologies just- go to sleep.” my voice is harsh, hurt taking over his expression as i speak, but i don’t feel an ounce of sympathy for him. instead, seeing him experience even a fraction of the sadness that he had just put me through satisfies me.
“leibe…please listen to me. i’m so sorry.” he begins, turning onto his side so that he is now facing me. “i’ve been a shitty boyfriend lately, you don’t deserve that. i’ve just been so caught up with the album and it brought me away from you, but i shouldn’t have let it. please baby, please forgive me. i’ll never let this happen again.”
as he comes to the end of his speech, his hand tentatively reaches for my cheek, his thumb trying to stroke the skin, but i move backwards, becoming irritated at his ignorance.
“are you deaf? stop touching me tom!” i ignore his apology, because right now, it means nothing to me, his initial words still a fresh wound. no apology, no matter how sincere, would be enough to make me forget them just yet.
“schatz, please, you know how i get when i can’t touch you. don’t accept my apology, don’t talk to me, i get it, i deserve it. but please my love, just let me hold you, that’s all i want.” he begs, his voice reducing to a whisper as it cracks a little.
his love language had always been physical touch, and, even when we were fighting, he would always hold me whilst we slept, no matter how mad i was. i knew that me refusing his touch was getting to him and, despite me being completely infuriated, it was impossible to ignore the slight pang of guilt that settled in my heart as i listened to his pleas.
i say nothing, moving a little closer to him, leaving enough space so that he would have to reach out to be able to touch me. he takes my silence as a yes, inching his body closer to mine, his arms pulling me tightly into him, his head resting in the crook of my neck. i feel him relax a little, his shoulders dropping as he pulls me further into his embrace, holding me so tightly that i can feel his heartbeat from within his chest. his breathing tickles my neck, his head snuggling into it as he takes in my scent, clearly having missed being this close to me. but still, i say nothing, giving him this small sense of comfort though anger still courses through my veins, in no position to forgive him just yet. however, it is impossible to deny the security i gain from his embrace, the way his hands run comfortingly up and down my back giving me a sense of contentment that only he can bring.
“i love you. i love you so much.” he whispers into my neck, planting a short and soft kiss there. “you’ll never understand how much i love you baby, you’re everything to me, my whole world.”
his hands begin to caress my lower back, travelling downwards and giving my ass a soft squeeze as his lips plant slow kisses on my neck and collarbone, all whilst he continues to whisper sweet nothings into my ear, pouring his heart out whilst his movements begin to increase - making his intentions crystal clear.
“tom please, not now. i’m still mad at you.” i say, trying to keep my voice stern, but an elongated sigh pours from my parted lips once his find the spot below my ear that makes me go crazy.
“you won’t be once i’m finished, i promise baby. just let me show you what you mean to me, mhm?” he asks, pulling his head from my neck to look into my eyes, a glint of desperation present within them.
i study his features, starting at his brown eyes - warm and enticing, looking into mine with so much admiration, so much love. his skin, smooth and flawless, unable to count how many times i have felt it against mine. his lips, soft and inviting, decorated with a small metal ring, loving how it would always feel against me, the harshness of it always contrasting with the warmth of his lips as they would move against mine.
and it is that small glance that makes me give in, my hands reaching for his head as i pull it downwards, quickly joining his lips with mine. he is taken aback, but it only takes him a few seconds to kiss me back, cupping my face with his hands and bringing me in even closer, our bodies merging as one.
he pulls away, a soft smile tugging on his lips as he begins to gently remove my clothing, starting with my shorts, kissing upwards until he reaches my hoodie, that soon following, leaving me in only my lingerie.
“so perfect.” he mutters, pecking my lips. “you’re so beautiful meine liebe, you know that?”
my cheeks heat up at his words as they spill like liquid gold from his pink lips, our fight feeling further and further away. it becomes harder to imagine that it ever happened, the way he touches me with such care making it seem almost impossible.
his clothes already off as he always sleeps in just his boxers, he reaches to remove his underwear, turning his attention to my own panties, letting them join the existing pile of clothes scattered around the room.
he moves to the top of the bed, sitting with his back resting against the headboard, gently picking me up and placing me into his lap as i straddle his waist, hands resting his shoulders as i stare into his eyes, a little nervous as i am never usually the one on top.
“tom i-”
“shhh, you’re okay, just ride.” he comforts, moving loose strands of hair from my face, placing a reassuring kiss on my lips.
i nod hesitantly, lifting my hips up and sliding down onto him, moaning as i take him in, my walls stretching as they become accustomed to his size. tom’s head has fallen backwards, fingers digging into my hips a little as his lips are parted, no noise escaping from them.
once i am used to his size, i begin to bounce slowly, picking up a steady rhythm as tom continues to hold on to my hips, helping me move.
“doing so well baby. just like that.” he sighs, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip, eyes squeezing shut.
it doesn’t take long for my legs to ache, no longer able to continue moving up and down, already tired. my movements are slow and lethargic, almost half-hearted as i try my best to keep going, chasing my release as i crave it more than anything, tom clearly feeling the same as his hold on my waist only tightens, his grip strong enough to leave faint marks on the skin.
“i can’t.” i whine, frustrated that i can’t keep going, completely spent. i fall forwards, collapsing onto tom’s chest, still inside him as he slowly thrusts upwards into me, his arms wrapping around my back as he kisses my forehead.
“you did so good baby, don’t worry.”
those are the only words he says before swiftly flipping us over, my back flush against the mattress as he begins to thrust into me at a relentless pace from above, my mouth falling open as loud moans pour from it, his name a mantra as it effortlessly falls from my lips. he hits places within me that have never been touched before, so deep inside me that i can feel him in my stomach, a small bulge visible as he moves in and out of me.
“love you so much, fuck-” tom groans, his hands on my thighs as he kneads the flesh, prying them further apart as the pleasure prompts them to try close around his waist.
“getting close baby, you close?” he mutters, moving his head so that his forehead is against mine, eyes studying my face as he awaits my response.
all i can do is let out an almost inaudible ‘mhm’, so close to my release that i can almost feel it, the knot in my stomach ready to burst any second. the way his dick twitches inside of me tells me that he is there too, his thrusts irregular.
“let go schatz, cum for me.” he says, watching as my face twists in pleasure, my release washing over me, the pressure of his coming at the same time too much as i squeeze my eyes shut, hands clutching onto his upper arms. my entire body shakes, the feeling overwhelming, mouth open in a silent scream as tom moans into my ear, still rocking in and out of me slowly, riding out our highs.
i am completely spent, laying motionless beneath him, my throat raw from the sounds that had emitted from it, breathing heavy and reckless. tom pulls out, wiping a few tears from my eyes that i hadn’t even realised had fallen, kissing the skin afterwards.
“you okay baby? you did so good, did i go too hard?” he says, my mind not fully registering what he is saying as i am completely exhausted, eyes starting to flutter shut. “you can’t sleep yet, let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?”
i manage a weak nod, feeling tom lift me up bridal style, carrying me into the bathroom and carefully placing me on the counter. he walks over to the bath, turning the taps on and letting the water run, before rushing back over to me, taking a damp cloth and wiping me with it as a jolt when he is a little too rough, the area sensitive.
“sorry baby.” he mutters, kissing my forehead, separating my legs and moving to stand between them, embracing me in a hug and resting his head on top of mine whilst the bath fills up, small ‘i love you’s’ escaping his lips as he rubs my back, trying to soothe me in any way he can.
after a couple of minutes, he picks me up, gently placing me in the bath as the water submerges me, the warmth of it already easing the aching pain that runs through my body. he climbs in behind me as i sit between his legs, my back against his chest.
he washes my hair, massaging the shampoo into my scalp as my head falls backwards onto his shoulder, the feeling relaxing me even more, completely at peace in his arms. he moves to my body, carefully washing the delicate skin, planting occasional kisses on my shoulders and back as my breathing slows, on the verge of falling asleep.
he sees that i am too tired to stand up myself, picking me up and carrying me out as i wrap my arms and legs around him. he finds a towel, setting me back on the counter and drying my body, leaving the bathroom for a second and returning with some fresh ‘pyjamas’ - which consisted of a random t-shirt of his and some clean panties.
“come on baby, put these on then we can go to bed, mhm?” he says as i lift my arms up, allowing him to place the t-shirt onto my small frame, the material hanging off my figure as it reaches my knees. he takes my panties, moving them up my legs slowly, my hips bucking upwards so he can fully put them on me, finally putting his own underwear on.
he takes me to the bedroom, tucking me into bed and placing the covers over me, climbing in beside me, his arms wrapping around my waist as i cuddle into him.
“i’m so sorry for everything. i love you.” he whispers, kissing my hair softly.
i mutter a small ‘love you’ against his chest, falling asleep within minutes, completely exhausted.
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requests are open! keep sending them in!!
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little-bumblebeeee · 3 months
Hey, this is my first time doing an ask so could you please do steve harrington angst where he feels a lil distrust cause of how things ended with nancy with comfort at the end. Feel free to ignore if you're not up for it 🙃
Omgggg babes sorry this took longer than expected, I started a new school and got food poisoning lmao 👍
Anyways without further ado,
Steve Harrington x reader, slight angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, Steve thinks reader might be cheating or is unhappy, 1k words ♡ (hardly proofread, forgive me love)
You had to stay late for work to fix a mess your boss made, and in your haste to finish it you forgot to tell Steve. Sure, you haven't been dating long and sure, you don't live together, but lately he's been staying at your place to escape the big empty birdcage that is his parent's house, so maybe you should have told him.But you didn't, that's the thing. The sun has already set by the time you get home, your cheeks flushed from the cold as you quickly close the door to let as little heat out as possible.
"Steve? Are you here?" You call out, seeing the light from the kitchen on but no noise. Not the clink of the dishes being washed or the sound of something being stirred, no sizzling of food and no shuffling of feet to the pop music Steve likes. No noise and no answer.
"Stevie?" You call out once more. You have a feeling that he's here, the imaginary hook in your chest that pulls you closer to him feeling short. When you show up to the kitchen, there he is, standing in front of the counter and looking down at his cup of hot chocolate, little marshmallows disintegrated and no steam rising from the top, he must've been standing there for a while.
"Hey." He says softly, bringing the mug to his lips maybe for the first time, frowning at the cold as if he was completely powered down before you stepped into the room. He sets it back down to be forgotten until the mug needs to be washed, turning the burner back on that has the pot of milk on it.
"Sorry I got home late, my boss is an absolute child." You say as you lean up against the counter, watching as he stirs the milk in the pot and shakes the chocolate packet. "Oh no, it's fine. It's fine. You don't have to tell me everything." He says, the muscle in his jaw clearly clenched.
"Steve, you alright?" You ask, stepping just a little closer with your arms crossed loosely upon hearing the tone in his voice, firm and steady, as if he's controlling every word, every breath, every little movement. It's a little scary and concerning– but you've seen him like this before. He's just annoyed and doesn't want to be snarky with you. Before he can say that he's fine, you raise your eyebrows at him, daring him to say that he is because you know he's not. Daring him to say that he had a tough day because he already called you during your lunch break to tell you how good of a day he had.
"I just.. were you actually at work? Just tell me the truth." He asks you. The truth? Does he believe you're lying? Sure, you haven't been together for a super long time, but why would he think you were doing something else? You told him what happened– does he not trust you? You just can't help but wonder what goes through his mind in times like this.
"I was. I just couldn't text you because my boss won't stop acting like a child, I told you." You say. The hurt and confusion you feel must be visible on your facial features because he puts down the packet of chocolate power, turning to face you.
"I don't mean to offend you or anything but how am I supposed to know I can trust you? We haven't.. we haven't been dating long, I know– and you can call me crazy or paranoid or say all of this is bullshit but I.. just want to know. I want to make sure you're okay– I want to make sure we're okay. I don't want to be lied to." He explains, running a hand through his hair and pinching his nose once or twice, a clear sign he's holding everything back. You two haven't really... talked about past relationships, but you've heard things. Heard and seen things. All you wanted to do that night at Tina's party was hide in the bathroom until your friend came to pick you up, leading you to hear a conversation you definitely shouldn't have heard. The air feels dark and heavy– something you've never felt around Steve, who practically has sunlight coursing through his veins, making every room just a little brighter. But the sunlight is gone, his blood red instead of gold.
"Steve–" You start, but he stops you in your tracks. "Don't start like that." He says, looking as if you're about to break the worst news to him. You kind of did start like that too– a sort of softened tone in your voice as if you didn't want what you were about to say to hurt him. But you continue anyways.
"You're not crazy, or paranoid, or whatever else. You're just a little cautious. But I was at work, and I can call my boss right now if you need me to." You say, your phone open and held out to him.
Steve just.. blinks a couple times. But he shakes his head, pushing your hand away and pulling you close, his arms snaking around your waist as he buries his nose into the crook of your neck. You feel more than hear the apology, but you know it's being said.
And you know he means it.
Because Steve doesn't lie. He doesn't say things that he doesn't mean, if he tells you that he loves you then he loves you, no doubt about it. "I shouldn't have. I'm sorry– I... things never went right for me, and now that they are, it's scary. It's scary as hell. Because I don't know when it's going to stop, I don't.. I don't know when things will go wrong again. I just.. I love you. Too much, sometimes." He admits, lifting his head up a little with a humorless chuckle, brown eyes boring into your soul.
"And I don't ever want to let you go." He adds. He proves his point by squeezing you tighter, putting everything he has into this one squeeze as if someone is waiting just behind you to steal you away.
His skin shines golden once more, the room feeling warmer and brighter. Everything seems to feel less dull when you love him, doesn't it?
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thefallennightmare · 7 months
Comfort-Noah Sebastian
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*gif created by me. feel free to use(sorry for the poor quality)*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings: language, mentions of period, and all-around good fluff.
Summary: Reader suffers from really bad period cramps and Noah takes care of her the only way he knows how.
Authors Note: Again, to the anon who requested this, I'M SO SORRY! I completely forgot so I really hope this makes up for it.
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A soft voice sounded from the other side of the door, followed by a gentle knock. I peered over the piles of blankets that I cocooned myself under and called out that the door was open.
"How're you feeling?" Noah asked with a frown.
I sighed and clutched my lower stomach. "The pain is terrible and the warm compress doesn't seem to do much."
It was like this every month for five days. My period cramps were awful, the pain causing me to be stuck in bed for days. Sometimes it would be so bad that I'd be hunched over the toilet, throwing up. It wasn't anything I enjoyed, so I always made sure that I stayed home away from Noah during those five days once a month. However, since we moved in together last month, this was the second time he'd been able to witness firsthand the pain I went through. And just like last month, he was there for whatever I needed.
"I ran you a warm bubble bath if you think you can make it to the bathroom," he nodded towards the bathroom across the hall.
I sat up slowly. "You didn't have to do that."
Noah shrugged before pulling off the mounds of blankets and taking the now cold compress that I was using to soothe my cramps.
"Soak as long as you need and I'll make you something to eat. What do you want?"
Ignoring the shooting pain that spread across my abdomen, I left a kiss on his lips in a way of saying thanks for running me a bath.
"Honestly, surprise me. Anything sweet."
With a gentle pat to my ass, Noah led me to the bathroom where he parted ways with me to trot back downstairs while I spent the next twenty minutes in the tub letting the warm water and bubbles ease some of the pain away.
Once dressed in a pair of Noah's sweats and oversized shirts, I slowly made my way downstairs to the kitchen where I saw Noah leaning over the sink, mixing something in a bowl. He had yet to get dressed for the day, baring all of his tattoos on his stomach, chest, and arms for all, or just me, to see. His long hair was a disheveled mess, but he still looked absolutely breathtaking. If I wasn't on my period, I'd probably make him take me on the counter.
He peered over his shoulder as he heard me walk in, a bright smile on his face. "Did the bath help?"
I nodded while sitting at our kitchen table. "It did, actually. Thank you again."
"Anytime, angel. French toast is almost finished. There's a glass of orange juice and some meds to help with the pain," Noah nodded to the glass and two pills that lay on the table in front of me.
My heart warmed with yet another small but kindest action from him today. After drowning the meds down with half of the orange juice, Noah brought me a plate of steaming hot French toast which I could only eat about half before the cramps made me hiss out in pain.
"Still bad?" he wondered, pushing his empty plate away.
"Yeah, I feel terrible. We had plans to go to the fair with Jesse, but I don't think I can handle walking for hours," I sighed.
Suddenly, Noah's arms pulled me from the chair, and carried me bridal style through the kitchen into the living room where the couch was set up with an array of blankets and pillows, the title screen to my favorite movie on the television.
"What's this?" I asked with a hint of a smile.
As he placed me on the couch and covered me with blankets, he sunk deep next to me, and I wrapped an arm and leg around him. The comfort of the large couch was exactly what I needed in order to deal with this pain.
"This," he pointed to the television. "Is our plans for the rest of the day. If you feel up for it, we can go to the fair tomorrow."
I stared up at him with so much adoration in my eyes that my heart swelled up in two sizes. Everything he had done since the moment I woke up this morning made every single cell in my body vibrate with love; something I'd never thought I'd get from a partner. I was sure if I told someone I was with that I was on my period, the flow heavy and cramps so bad that I could barely move sometimes breath, they would ditch me for the week and come back when I wasn't a mess.
But not Noah. He even changed the sheets this morning when I woke up to the blood staining my pants and the bed. Not once did he turn away in disgust or avoid me? He was what I thought every partner should be for their significant other.
Turning his chin towards me, I placed a firm but quick kiss on his lips, one he had no issue returning.
"I love you," I smiled into the kiss.
Noah brushed his nose over mine. "Anything for you, angel."
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fenricken · 7 months
DCxDP Week 2023 Day 1
Day 1: John Constantine | Found Family | Oops
Continued in Day Two
John opened the door to the House of Mystery, ready to stumble over to the beaten-up couch in the living room and knock out for the next couple of hours. Unfortunately, it was occupied. 
“Billy, who’s this?” John asked, pointing at the black-haired tyke he didn’t recognize. Billy barely managed to peel his eyes away from the telly. 
“Oh, this is Dani.” He went quiet, engrossed in staring at the static snow dancing across the screen. 
John settled himself down on the other side of Billy, looking at the telly himself. 
“I helped him out with a thing,” the girl offered. She had considerably less trouble than Billy looking away from the telly.
“A thing?”
“A demon, I think. Doesn’t matter to me, just kick their butt all the same.”
John looked at her for a quiet moment, before nodding. “Makes enough sense to me. I’m headed up to bed. Make sure Billy doesn’t stay up too late watching the football match or whatever you’ve got on there.”
He stood, stretched, and left the room. He could feel the weight of Dani’s eyes on his back until he was out of sight.
When he woke up the next morning, Billy was sound asleep in bed. Dani was gone.
She showed back up in his kitchen about two days later, munching on his Bat-O’s.
“Looking for Billy?” John asked. 
“Uah.” She said, mouth full of cereal. John made his own bowl. 
“He’s off-world. Got a mission.”
“Oh. I was hoping to get some help with this.” She plopped a really, really cursed amulet on the kitchen counter between them. 
John sighed. “Can this please wait until after coffee? I’ll show you where we put the evil necklaces after.���
Dani let out a small gasp “necklace jail for naughty necklaces…” before returning to her cereal. 
The girl does have the decency to let John finish his coffee. She’s also kind enough not to comment on the absolute mess that is their “artifact jail” as she put it.  After depositing the necklace, she walks with John back to the entrance, where she pauses, before turning to look at him. 
“I really like House. She’s very welcoming.” She says, before leaving. 
There’s a weight to her words that reveals that she means something far more than just what she said. However, John’s JLD pager has been going off for the past 5 minutes, so he figures whatever she meant is a problem for future John.
He doesn’t see her for a few months, and almost forgets about her. He’s on his way home from the pub, trudging through the filthy snow and trying to ignore the Christmas music blaring out of the stores. He pushes past couples and groups, heading out on his own. There’s a display of tellies, blaring some ad from some American mogul about the morals of the holiday and why they mean you should spend money on his company.
His eyes are drawn to a small figure staring at the TVs solemnly. He’s about to continue on his way, not wanting to get involved, but blue eyes snap to his.
“Er…Darla was it?”
“Dani, Mr. Constantine”
They’re silent for a bit, watching each other. Dani has clearly been crying, but John figures she doesn’t want attention brought to it.
“Enjoying the holiday?” he settles on.
She glances at the telly, watching the ad for VladCo drone on.
“My brother hates Christmas” she says, before going quiet again. John’s getting cold, even if Dani doesn’t seem to be suffering from it.
“It’s bloody freezing out here. Come on, let’s go to House where it’s warm and I have some cocoa.”
After he invited her back, she tended to come by more. She always came with an excuse, whether it was an artifact she thought would be safer with him, or looking for research materials. He was pretty sure she usually came to either hang out with Billy or him, even if it’d be just sitting together in silence.
Billy asked if John was planning on inviting Dani to stay permanently, then showed him a new room that popped up in House. John’s first thought was of what Dani told him so long ago.
His second thought was that it wouldn’t be bad to have her move in. If she wanted of course.
John was having trouble bringing it up to her, despite Billy’s needling. Everytime he started, he chickened out. Even now, they were sitting on the couch together, and Dani was regaling him about an adventure she had in Egypt involving a sentient cat statue, some pompous anthropologist, and a papaya. He was trying to pay attention, but was too busy stressing out about asking if she’d want the room.
“--You should have seen his face, Dad! He didn’t even see that coming!” She laughed, loud and hearty. John tensed. She petered off when she realized he wasn’t laughing with her.
“...you called me ‘Dad’”...”
Her face paled. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean… of course you wouldn’t–” John put his hand on her head, trying to stop her freakout.
“Dani, I wanted to ask–”
She burst into tears before he could continue. “It’s just, my dad didn’t want me, so why would you? I’m just a failed copy–” John pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back in an attempt to soothe her.
“Dani, it’s fine. Hey, it’s fine. “ He just kept repeating that until she stopped sobbing and hugged him back. After a few beats when it looked like she wasn’t going to stir, he took a look to find she had cried herself to sleep. Figuring there was nothing else for it, he scooped her up, and tucked her in the bed in the room House had made for her.
He stayed up through the night and into the morning, too worried Dani would wake up and decide to leave. Then he’d have to expend a lot of energy to track her down. Thankfully, it didn’t come to that. She trudged down the stairs after Billy, who had come home late last night.
The two made an odd sight, Billy clearly ecstatic that Dani had stayed, and Dani looking nervous, and at anything but Constantine.
John pointed at the table. “Sit, I’ll make us some bangers and eggs.”
They sat, and thankfully Billy took pity on John and broke the silence. “How did you like your room? House made it forever ago! Uncle John’s just been too much of a coward to let you know before.”
Dani cautiously answered his questions, and the two fell in to their own conversation while John finished making breakfast and served everyone.
After they finished breakfast, Billy swept up everyone’s dishes, and out the door. “Bye Uncle John, Bye Dani! I’ll see you after monitor duty!”
John and Dani sat in silence for a bit, while she picked at a notch in the table. John took a swig of coffee, wishing it was something a bit stronger.
“My mum died giving birth to me. Growing up, my da did not let me forget that her life was on my hands. It was a shit upbringing, and it burns me to think about. Took Lucifer Morningstar giving him a talking to before anything changed. But despite all that, my da’s issues with me and my birth say nothing of my worth as a person.”
Dani was looking at him now, taking his words in. She scrunched her nose a bit, before breaking into a smile. “You know Lucifer?”
John snorts. “Yeah. Lovely bloke. Likes divesting people of their kidneys.”
She laughed at that, before quieting down. She glanced at him, then back at the table. She took a deep breath in.
“My dad’s name is Vlad Masters…”
“Okay, you can come in my house, but don’t touch anything you don’t recognize. The whole house is magic, and you don't have a good track record with it.” John said, opening the door to the House of Mystery.
Batman and the Flash came in after him. “How long will it take you to find the information on what’s threatening the Watchtower?” Flash asked
John pointed at the couch, indicating they should sit. Almost by habit, he disregarded Dani, who was sitting in the uglier armchair with a bowl of popcorn, watching her static-show again.
Neither Batman nor Flash moved to sit on the couch, both staring at Dani.
“Why’s there a kid here?” Flash asked, waving a hand to indicate Dani.
“It’s called the House of Mystery, lot of mysteries here.” John muttered. Dani immediately followed up with “You’re just jealous because I was willingly invited, you whore.”
She threw a piece of popcorn at Batman, who just stared at her.
“Don’t try to fistfight either of them, Dani. You two– wait here and I’ll bring the research materials.”
John quickly found all the books that might pertain to space vampires, before returning to the living room. The static program had been switched to a documentary on the Nazca Lines, and now Dani was chucking popcorn pieces at Flash, who was catching them in his mouth.
He plopped the books he found on the wobbly coffee table, and Batman pulled out the photo taken from the Watchtower security tapes.
Dani peered over his shoulder. In a small voice, she said “That’s Vlad…”
John glared warningly at Batman and Flash, before softening his glance and looking at Dani. “You sure?”
She nodded, sticking close to John’s back. 
John turned to Batman and Flash. “Looks like he’s a ghost. Current Watchtower defenses should be able to keep him out, but if you don’t mind, I think I’d like to add something a little extra to make sure the bas-punk’s life is a little worse.”
 Batman looked at John for a moment, before taking a quick glance at Dani. “When you have the defenses prepared, let me know. I’ll meet you on the Watchtower so we can get everything installed.”
Got a bit tired at the end here, thinking about continuing it with another of the days. But in any case, just left it open-ended for more Constantine + Dani shenanigans.
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hirsheyskisses · 9 months
Hey, psst! I have a little request, that might be of your interest - it‘s quite fluffy ఌ
So the trope;
„Come on, try one! I sat hours on these!“
„Don’t make me taste the most bread like sweets in existence, idiot.“
You made cinnamon buns, the Heart pirates love your creation, but who is avoiding the kitchen at all costs? Of course - tall, dark and brooding white hat.
Will he eat the infamous cinnamon buns? Is he possibly risking his life for you, because he can’t stand the cute pout you exaggeratedly flash at him?
(You can choose the scenario)
I‘ll leave the fluff expertise to you ✨
Cinnamon Bun Chaos
Summary: Law can't seem to shake the uneasy feeling he's had since he's awoken. Is it the smell? Or perhaps he's sick.. and then.. oh dear. Will he give in to that cute, cute pout of yours?
A/N: help this was so frigging cute to write 😭 @ems-c-lee you know I've gotta do it! AHHHHHH *violent screeching over doc ensues*
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The first thing he'd noticed when he'd woken up was an odd, cinnamon and - very sweet smelling thing. Wearily blinking his eyes, body heavy from sleep, Law raised his head off his desk, noting he must've fallen asleep during another study. Limbs stretching, and allowing his mind to wake up, he noted the still hot coffee that had been placed on his desk. Of course, he thought, the slightest of smiles gracing his features, (Name)-ya always anticipates when ill wake. Taking the cup and stealing a quick sip from it, Law pulled on a hoodie and made to exit his room.
However, the moment he did, he was hit with a wave of unease. That smell was turning his stomach, just a bit. Which was odd. Being the ship's cook, he had always loved most of your cooking. Each flavor complimented the other, and while his sleepy mind could only tell cinnamon from the smell, he didn't mind cinnamon. Well, it could be how sweet it smells. He wasn't the largest fan of sweets, but what could possibly go wrong?
Each step increased that slightly uneasy feeling. His mind slipped away from the smell, for it couldn't be that: worry drifting into his mind. Somethings wrong. Something must be. Maybe its with me? Am I sick? This feeling could easily be sickness, and I'm mixing it up with anxiety. Ugh.
Opening the door to the kitchen, Law made a mental note to keep a physical distance from anyone until he did a check-up on himself. He was met with the kitchen to be crowded-
"These are so good, (Name)! Why didn't you make these sooner?!"
"My stomach is.. in heaven."
"Thats weird, dude!"
There you were. Leaning against the counter with a satisfied glint in your eyes, laughing at the crews antics with whatever it was you had made. Yet that feeling, it worsened, but in the moment, Law chose to ignore it, feeling his mind melt when your smile directed at him.
"Captain! You're up early." You greeted, moving over to meet him. Law nodded, taking a quick drink from his coffee. "Had a weird feeling. It's a bit early for breakfast." He glanced at the crew, who'd hadn't noticed him. "I'll get breakfast started in a few, yeah. I decided I'd mess around and make an old favorite though! Cinnabuns!"
Oh. Oh that's why he had a weird feeling.
"...bread." Law stated, raising an eyebrow. He found himself physically withdrawing himself closer to the door, and you laughed, "hardly! Sure it's made from dough but it's delicious! Cinnamon and sugary and gooey goodness!"
Law mentally cringed, and by now, the three others in the kitchen had taken note of Law's presence. Penguin chimed in, "mornin' Captain! She's absolutely right, you should try one!"
Bepo, who was currently looking like his brain had gone to heaven, "they're amazing!" And Sachi, "I bet you might even like it! It's (Name)'s cooking, after all."
"No way. Keep that bread nonsense away from me." Law grumbled, slowly moving towards the door. You chuckled softly at his movements, staring up at him with doe like eyes.
"Captain.. I spent hours on these.. atleast try it! One small bite?"
You pleaded with him, knowing damn well what his weakness was. Puppy eyes. That way you peered up at him, eyes so wide and innocent, a smallest of pouts resting on your face. It didn't help that Bepo was right behind him, staring at Law with that damn adorable fuzzy face. He could barely resist Bepo, let alone you. And with the two of you combined?
"...don't make me try the most breadlike sweets in existence, idiot!"
You had him backed to the wall, still staring at him, and god he was struggling. "Captain.. jist one bite! I promise I won't make you try any other bread thing againnnnn.." honestly, you weren't even aiming to make him try it: but the way he was squirming was absolutely precious, his ears turning pink as he mentally battled the pros and cons.
"Ack! Scatter!" Penguin shouted, laughter filling the kitchen once again as you all scrambled to escape, but it was futile. Atleast it was for you. One second, you were almost out the door, and then-
You were in Law's. You could never quite get used to his powers moving you around, it was rather disorienting for your mind. Looking back, you saw him: tall, stoic, a shadow over his eyes, ..and a cinnamon bun in his hand.
"Cap- Law," you corrected yourself. In private, he insisted you call him by his first name. In public.. well, the crew wasn't aware the two of you were dating, so you kept it professional with them. Even if you both weren't aware the crew had long since figured out you both were dating. "-you don't actually need to try it, I was just teasing-"
He raised a hand to silence you. "..just.. give me a minute." Law was glaring at the sweet bread treat in his hand, mentally battling if it was worth taking a bite. Even now when you reassured him of that, you still had those expectant, curious doe like eyes and that cute pout on your face.
You watched as he took a bite, slow and cautious. He was expressionless, chewing it for what seemed like hours, before swallowing and setting the treat down on his desk.
Slowly, the man moved towards you. You laughed nervously, stepping away with each step towards you, "..was it good?"
He moved closer until your back was to the wall, and he was right in front of you. Tattooed hands gripped at your shoulders as he lowered his forehead to rest on yours, staring at you intently. "...law?" You questioned, unsure if he was having some sort of allergic reaction, or post cinnabun crisis, but you shied away regardless.
"...." He dropped his head on your shoulder and pulled you close- tighter than usual.
"..if it wasn't bread, it might've been good." He forced out at last, pressing his face into your neck. "But please, dear heavens, never make me eat that again."
A relieved breath escaped you as you laughed, wrapping your arms around your tense boyfriend, "Roger that! ...I'll make not bread Cinnamon buns then! ..somehow."
"I'd like that."
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bluewasthecolor · 1 year
This is Our Place (We Make the Rules)
Word Count: 2317
Warnings: None!
A/N: This one is dedicated to the anon who requested this and also somebody else. Also this is my first full length fic that isn't about Leah and I hope I did Alexia justice. As always, let me know if you like it and what else you'd like to see from me.
And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear
Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?
She feels like home. That’s what it is, she feels like home. You’ve been trying to figure it out for as long as you’ve been together but today, here, lying on your couch together, you’ve finally put your finger on it. Home was always something that evaded you, you never quite felt settled anywhere you went, always moving. First, when you were young, it was from school to school (by choice of your parents). Now it’s from club to club and even country to country (by choice of yourself). It feels easier that way, to never make anything permanent. You don’t have to deal with the feelings or the mess, don’t have to do any of the hard stuff. But with Alexia everything feels simple. You don’t feel like you need to run or hide or change yourself. You’ve only been together for a few months but it feels like forever in the best way possible.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours, cariño?” Your thoughts are interrupted by Alexia tapping on your forehead gently.
“Just thinkin’” You mumble, snuggling your head farther into her chest.
“Don’t make me force it out of you.” Alexia’s word heed a warning but her voice is honey, punctuated by a kiss on the crown of your head.
“Just about you. And me. And us. And how much I love you.” Your eyes meet the Spaniard’s as you say this, just so you can see her react in the way you know she will. 
No matter how many times you say it, Alexia always melts when you say you love her. Her smile grows wider, her eyes crinkle, and she begins to blush. Knowing that’s the effect you have on the woman is potentially the best aphrodisiac you’ve ever encountered. She’s typically so composed but when you’re around she falls apart, just a little. She’s still the same Alexia, of course, just a little more relaxed. Not that she doesn’t have the same effect on you–it’s actually about ten times worse. You don’t have the advantage of being La Reina, of having a facade, of always staying cool, calm, and collected, so your panic when she’s there is amplified even more. When she looks at you, you can barely form a sentence. You’re putty in her hands, and she knows it–and absolutely uses it to her advantage. The connection the two of you share is magic, or at least something very close.
“I love you too, amor. Forever and ever.” Alexia pulls you out of your thinking once again and her words make you the one to melt this time. 
The rest of your day is spent just like that: lying in bed exchanging sweet nothings, showing each other just how much you love one another. It’s perfect. 
Six Months Later
We could let our friends crash in the living room
This is our place, we make the call
“My glass is empty!” Mapi shouts from her spot on the couch, waving a wine glass in the air. 
You grab a bottle of wine from its spot on the kitchen counter and move to refill Mapi’s glass.
“Anyone else need a refill while I’m up?” You ask, glancing around the room. 
Keira and Ingrid both raise their glasses and you make your way over to them, stumbling before you can get there. Thankfully, Alexia reaches up from the couch, steadying you before you fully tumble over. She takes the wine bottle from your hand, placing it on the end table, and pulls you down next to her.
“Careful, Y/N.” She smirks as you land next to her. “Maybe no more wine for you, hermosa.” 
You cuddle into her side, ignoring the looks from your friends. They love to tease you for how you and Alexia act around one another, but you’ve learned to drown it out. Their teasing is inconsequential to the love the two of you share.
As the night goes on you talk and laugh with your teammates, soaking in every ounce of joy you feel in this moment. Eventually, it gets late enough that everyone’s eyelids are beginning to droop and the conversations are beginning to lag. You’ve gone through another few bottles of wine - despite Alexia’s recommendation that you stop - and, even in your drunken haze, you know you can’t let your friends drive home in their state. Mapi and Ingrid are lying on the floor giggling, while Keira is talking softly with Alexia on the sofa. You observe the scene from the kitchen, where you’ve been washing the dishes. All these women, whom you love in such different ways, make your heart so happy.
“Ale,” You call softly, causing her to look over at you. “Can you come here for a second?”
She stands, walking to join you in the kitchen. In that moment she looks at you with so much love that you want to melt right then and there.
“What’s up?” Alexia brushes a piece of your hair away from your eyes.
“Can we let them spend the night?” You ask, gesturing to your friends. “They can’t drive and we have plenty of space in here.”
“Of course, mi amor.” She breaks into a soft smile as she says this, pulling you into her arms. “We can do whatever we want here.”
You relay the message to your friends and set about finding blankets and pillows for them to use. As you’re setting up the living room for a makeshift slumber party, Alexia leans against the door to your bedroom watching. She loves how caring you are. In moments like this, making sure your friends have a safe place to sleep, on the pitch when one of your teammates is down, never leaving their side, and with her, showing her just how loved she is. She wants to bottle up the way you make her feel and keep it forever, but she decides she’ll settle for just never leaving your side. 
Later, you’re lying with your head on her chest, as you usually do when you’re falling asleep, and her hands are brushing through your hair. 
“Ale?” You mumble, voice thick with sleep. She hums in response. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For loving me. For making me feel seen.”
“Always, amor. I will always love you.” 
It is in that moment that Alexia decides she is going to marry you.
Two Months Later
Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever?
When she finally does propose, it’s not a huge public affair. Alexia knows you too well for that, knows you would be overwhelmed by the amount of people looking on. She takes you on a picnic at a secluded beach, a secret spot the two of you have visited many times before. The two of you have discussed marriage before - it was important to Alexia that you were on the same page before she did anything - but you aren’t aware of what’s about to happen. You’re lying on a picnic blanket with your head in her lap when she decides it’s time. She pushes you off of her, moving to stand, and offers you her hand. 
“Walk with me?” She asks, pulling you to your feet. 
The two of you walk along the water barefoot, hand in hand. A comfortable silence falls over you as you move in perfect sync, each of you finding solace in the quiet. Eventually, Alexia stops and turns to face you. You look at her, a question in your eyes, as she takes both of your hands in hers.
“Y/N,” The Spaniard begins, taking a deep breath. “This is something I’ve been thinking about for a long time. Longer than I’ve known you if that’s even possible. You make me happier than I’ve ever been and I want to keep chasing that feeling as long as I’m alive. I don’t ever want to leave your side.” At this Alexia pulls out a small box and you gasp, finally piecing together what is going on. “You are my entire heart, my entire soul, and everything I’ve ever needed. Will you marry me?” 
“Ale, mi vida,” Alexia smiles at your use of Spanish, it never fails to make her melt when you speak her native language. “I have loved you since the day we met and I don’t plan to ever stop loving you. I do, however, feel like I need to tell you something.” She looks at you with confusion, until you reach into your pocket and pull out an identical box to hers. “I was going to propose tomorrow but I brought the ring just in case there was a moment tonight. This seems to be that moment. On the count of three?” Alexia nods and you hold up three fingers, lowering one at a time. When you reach zero, you each slide a ring on the other’s finger. 
You’re both crying at this point and you embrace. This feels so right, so perfect. You never want to forget the way you’re feeling in this moment, wish you could slip it into your pocket to take home and save forever. 
One Year Later
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
You take a deep breath and look in the mirror, smoothing your dress anxiously with your hands. Your stomach is full of butterflies, your head full of thoughts of what could go wrong. Not with Alexia. She’s perfect, could never fail you, but your faith in the rest of the world isn’t quite as strong. What if the caterers mess up? What if the flowers are wrong? What if–
“Hey. Y/N.” Your worrying is interrupted by Keira, standing at your side. “It’s time.” 
You smile at her and walk to stand in your place before your entrance, not facing the door but rather facing so that your back is facing the hallway opposite the one you just entered from. You know Alexia is likely standing near you facing the opposite way and you resist the urge to turn around and sneak a peek. You agreed months ago that your first looks would be just before you walk down the aisle.
“Amor? Are you there?” Alexia’s voice immediately calms any nerves you’ve been feeling. 
“I’m here, love. Ready?” “More ready than I’ve been for anything.” At that you both turn around and stand in awestruck silence. You suddenly don’t want to move from this spot, this moment. If you could stand here forever looking at the woman who is about to become your wife, you would in a heartbeat. But you have guests waiting and a ceremony to begin, so instead you reach out your hand. She takes it, smiling, and the two of you walk down the aisle together.
It’s a decision you had thought long and hard about, who would walk down the aisle first. Ultimately Alexia had made a point that you both felt was right. She had said that the two of you were equals, that nobody had an upper hand in the relationship, so you should show that to all of your wedding guests by walking down the aisle at the same time. 
When you reach the altar you hand your bouquet to Keira and Alexia hands hers to Mapi. They each smile at you, tears already forming in their eyes. The officiant begins to speak, and suddenly it all falls away. The only thing you see is the love of your life, the only thing you hear is her breathing, the only thing you feel is her hands in yours. Lost in the moment, you don’t realize the officiant has called for you to read your vows until Alexia squeezes your hands.
“I’ll go first, cariño.” She murmurs, smiling softly. She raises her voice before continuing to speak, ensuring your guests can hear her. “Y/N. I think I’ve told you this a thousand times, but you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don’t think I knew true joy until I met you. You are everything good in this world and I will never stop reminding you of that. That, mi amor, is my promise to you. To remind you of how loved you are, how special you are, and how much you mean to me. Everyday until the end of time, I will remind you. I love you forever.” 
Your eyes have filled with tears at Alexia’s heartfelt speech and you pause a moment before realizing it’s your turn to speak.
“Alexia. I think I realized about two months into our relationship what exactly it was that made it feel so special: you are my home. When I’m with you everything else melts away and it’s like I forget the rest of the world exists. You make even the most mundane of tasks feel exciting and the worst of days feel like the best. You are everything I’ve ever needed. I promise to never let you forget how much I love you and to always save a seat for you wherever I go. Being with you is the biggest honor of my life. I love you.”
With that, you exchange rings, kiss one another, and are married. You spend the rest of the night surrounded by all the people you love most in the world, doing what you love most: dancing, laughing, talking, and simply spending time together. You know this day is special and will be one you’ll remember forever, but you also know it likely won’t be the best memory you make with Alexia. There’s so much more to come for the both of you, for your life together, and some of the most unexpected moments will create the most beautiful memories of your love.
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lilmashae · 9 months
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚prank call˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ — ft. skz
thank you all for 300 followers! requests are open, i'll be writing for all groups/series this month and also working on requests. i'm trying a new writing format/style, let me know how you like it!
genre: smut
pairing/trope: frat!au, jock!hyunjin x cheerleader!reader (not that important to the plot)
wordcount: 1.8k
cw: fingering (f. receiving), oral (m. + f receiving). overstimulation, no direct p in v, a bit of angst, cliff hanger?, not proof!read, etc. 
“Who’s that girl he’s with?” 
You’d never seen her before. Maybe she’s a freshman? She must be — everyone knows that Hwang Hyunjin is yours. He’s yours — even though you ignored him most of the time. Still, you didn’t like the way she hung off his arm.
Hyunjin had tried pursuing you multiple times. He’d buy you coffee before morning lectures or leave cheesy notes and doodles on your study guide, “Looks like the prettiest girl has the prettiest handwriting.” He made you roll your eyes — if you were honest, his persistence was endearing. 
“Why do you care, huh? Feeling jealous?” Your friends teased you, one of them poking at your cheek. “Jealous? No way, I’m just curious.” You stare down into your cup, sloshing the golden liquid around before taking a small swig — you’re lying. “Well,” one nudges you. “There’s an after-party at Mari’s — a sleepover, just for the cheerleaders. You coming?” Shoving your hands into your pockets, you pull out your phone. “Maybe — if I feel like it.” 
“You’re coming.” You playfully scoff, placing your phone on the small kitchen island (next to your drink). “Am I?” 
“You are.” She responds blandly, finishing her drink in a few gulps. You stay quiet, agreeing to come along. “My cup is empty…” It’s a soft statement. You walk towards the counter, pouring more liquid into the red cup. You can hear your friend yell (from) behind you, “We’ll leave in an hour!” 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆  ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆  ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆  ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆  ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆  ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆  
“This is boring.” You hum, lying on your back. “Is not! You’re just bored because you haven’t tried yet.” One of the cheerleaders defends themselves, “Sure.” You sigh before sitting up and leaning on your arms. “I’m going to go home. You guys are a bunch of losers.”
 “Here, give it a go.” Mari shoves the phone in your face, “Call whoever you–” she’s interrupted by another girl who blurts out, “Call Hyunjin!” Why him? What would you even say? “Seriously?” You throw a pillow at her, “Hey!” She shouts, “What am I going to say to him?” You look down, messing with the hem of your shorts. “Oh, Hyunjin, my love! How could you forget about me? Who was that girl on your arm — you still love me, right?” They all bust out into “ohs” and “ahs,” giggles erupting into the room. “Shut up! Absolutely not.” You groan, putting your hands in front of your face. “It’s getting late~” Mari laughed, rubbing your back. “Let’s leave her alone and go to bed, m’kay?” 
“You’re no fun, Mari!” One chimes.
“I think she’s so much fun!” You rush to her rescue brashly. “Mari’s the best, the best!” You say before turning off the table-side lamp and pulling the covers over yourself (dramatically). “Night!”
Even though you’d said “Good night,” you couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
Who was that girl? Would it really hurt to ask? You were sure Hyunjin would be more than happy to answer you of all people. But you haven’t exactly been the best to him, ignoring his compliments, rolling your eyes and scoffing whenever you saw him, and even rejecting his presents to you. Maybe he’d finally realized he deserved better — that you weren’t worth his time. Consumed by your emotions, you had decided to call him. You carefully threw back the duvet of Mari’s bed, slipping out into the hallway. Pressing your home screen, you quickly found yourself in your phone’s settings — shutting off your caller ID. 
There’s no way he’d answer a random number. No way. You listened to the phone’s ringtone. Ring, ring, ring, until it clicked. “Hello?” A gasp escaped your lips. You weren’t expecting an answer. Searching for your words, you were immediately brought back by the voice on the other line, “Uhm — hello?”
“Hyunjin?” You whispered softly into the phone. 
“Yeah?” Wasn’t he going to ask who it was?
“Did you forget about me, Hyunie? ” The nickname came from nowhere special — you just felt like using it.
“Forget about you?”
“Mhm… Forget.”
“Hm…” There’s a moment of silence. “I don’t think so.”
“Really? It seems like it. Who was that, Hyunie — the girl at the party?”
“I wanted to make someone jealous…” There’s another long silence, and you can hear his breathing on the other line. “Did it work? Did I make you jealous,” he pauses again. “Y/n? Will you finally go out with me?” 
“How? I–” Your breath hitches — he wanted to make you jealous? “I’m not sure.” 
“Do you want me to prove it?” His voice was sensual and faint. 
“Prove it?” You repeated him, “Prove what? Prove it how?” 
You could hear him chuckle, “Prove that I didn’t forget about you, Pretty. I’ll pick you up if you want to know how.~” 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆  ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆  ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆  ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆  ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆  ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆  
It wasn’t cold outside. The air was humid — and the breeze felt good on your skin. He was obviously fucking with you. It’d been around fifteen minutes since you snuck out of Mari’s apartment, grabbing your phone and a jacket. Just as you were about to walk back into the building, a car rode up next to you. “Did I make you wait?” It was Hyunjin — okay, so he wasn’t fucking with you. “Not really…” You lie — your bold personality suddenly fizzled into a shy and quiet fit. You open his car door, sitting down and shifting in the seat. “Something wrong?” He whispers close to your neck. “No,” you look at him — inches from his face. Why have you been rejecting him again? He’s only ever been good to you — he’s handsome and popular on campus too: captain of the school’s soccer team and a starter on the basketball team, not to mention he’s kind to almost everyone. 
“I-I don’t think so.” Your voice fades out, and you suddenly remember why you turned him down all those times.
 “Be careful of Hwang Hyunjin.” That’s what girls on the team said, “He’ll break your heart.” The rumors seemed to follow you everywhere — and they were right. Even by not getting involved with him, you still ended up hurt.
“I should have just said yes.” You deadpan. Hyunjin tilts his head. He looks confused. “What?” 
“You know, when you asked me out. Even if I was worried to get hurt.” More confusion. “Hurt? Why would you get hurt?” He asks, hand now holding your cheek. You look at him, “You don’t know?” He shakes his head, “You’re supposed to be ‘Hyunjin the Heartthrob,’ right? I should have just dated you — now you’ve moved on.” The shock on Hyunjin’s face is visible. “Really?” He chuckles, “I already told you, Y/N…” He leaned in closer to your lips. “I could never forget you.” You need to close the space between you two. 
This is the first time you’ve spoken to him so casually — without being a bitch, without trying to scare him off. “Kiss me then.” You demand him, and he does. He connects his lips to your own, the two molding into each other. His hands clasp onto your face, and yours find his neck, softly entangling with his hair. You can feel one of his hands traveling to your stomach, then your waist, and finally to the loose hem of your shorts before he halts. “Is this what you want, Y/N — you won’t regret it, right?” You pull away from his kiss, breathless. “Yes, Hyunie. I won’t regret it… Not ever.” You peck his lips once again, and he flashes a grin. His fingers are cold as they loop around your panies. "You're so wet." He hissed, feeling the slick that coated his fingers. He plunged a finger into your entrance, and then another. "Shit.." You blurt out. "How's that, hm? Good for my pretty girl?" He asks, whispering against your lips. "Mhm... 'S so good." Hyunjin curled his fingers up again and again in search of that spongy spot. He flicked your clit with his thumb, forcing in another finger. "You're pussy's so greedy, Y/N. Just like I imagined..." He laughs, and kisses you again. Your back arches, feeling the stretch you whine into his mouth. "F-fuck! You th-thought about this?" He smiles, trailing his kisses from your chin to your neck. " Of course, haven't you? God, I can feel you clenching around just my fingers..." The only thing that felt better than his fingers deep inside of your gummy walls, thrusting — was the knot in your stomach, ready to come undone. "I think I'm... I'm going to cum, Hyunjin!" You whined, grinding into the flat of his hand. "Ah," he tuts, "call me Hyunie again." He slowed his fingers movement. "Mhm! Don't-don't... Shit! Don't stop Hyunie! Let me cum, Baby. Please..!" You babbled as he sped up again. "I'll let you cum, but only because you asked so nicely."
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆  ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆  ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆  ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆  ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆  ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆  
Even though you'd cum once, you weren't done yet. "I want you in my mouth." You told him — how could he deny you? You took his length in your mouth, giving his tip little-kitten-licks before he fully pushed your head down. He filled your throat so well, your eyes teary as you sucked him off — one hand on his waist, the other massaging his base and balls. "Y-you're so good, Beautiful...'S good, you know that?" Your tongue felt hot and wet on him — it wasn't long before he came, emptying his load into your tight throat. "Swallow, Honey." And you did exactly that, poking out your tongue to show him. He took his finger and pressed it down onto your tongue, spreading your spit. "A work of art..." He whispered to himself. "I think it's your turn now." He opened your legs — coming face to face with your core. "Pretty even down here. Look at that." Leaning into your heat, he began to sloppily make out with your lips: teeth gently prodding at you skin while his nose brushing against your clit all while he shoves his tongue in and out of your hole. "A-ahh..." You moan, you fingers finding his hair again. His hands snake around your waist and grip your hips. "You taste so good." He hums, the vibrations send pleasure up your spine, you arch your back, "This is all for me right? You're mine?" You manage to choke out a small yelp, "Yours! I'm-I'm Hyunie's..." He keeps tongue-fucking you, the tightness in your stomach returns as he hungrily eats you out. "Fuck, Hyunie, I can't..." He only goes faster, "Yeah you can, you've got it right, Baby? I have to make sure you're ready..." You can feel yourself opening and clenching down onto his muscle, your hands adventuring his hair, softly tugging as you ride out your high.
"See, I knew you had it in you." He places a soft-chaste kiss on your lips. "Now, Baby's all ready for my cock?"
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ramblingoak · 18 days
Swiss's Cookies
Mushy May in Lucifer's Hollow: Day 16 - Cooking a Special Recipe
Swiss x Phantom (and Sunshine as the world's worst baking assistant)
This fic is set in an alternate universe in a town called Lucifer's Hollow. It's sort of like a Satanic version of a Hallmark town. For Mushy May I'll be using the prompts to post little snippets of life for the humans and ghouls that live there 💙 Thank you to @forlorn-crows for putting Mushy May together!
~ In Lucifer's Hollow Swiss teaches physical education at the local high school and Phantom owns a bakery called Sweets and Treats ~
Warnings: lots of banter, some cursing, sfw, 1k words (thank you to @ghuleh-recs for the dividers!)
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“Don’t you think it’s weird baking something for a baker?”
“The only thing that’s weird here is your utter lack of faith in me.”  Sunshine flashed Swiss an exaggerated pout that had the multi-ghoul narrowing his eyes.  “Shut up and give me a cup of sugar.”
“Oh I have faith in you, Swiss.  Faith that you’ve never baked anything in your life.”
“I watched my mom make this hundreds of times.”  He threw the sugar in and began to mix the ingredients together.  “This recipe was important to her.  Passed down fro—“
“‘His father and his father’s father and his—’“  She yelped when an egg was thrown her way, barely dodging it.  Both of the ghouls watched as it hit the tile, yolk and shell flying every which way.  “I’m telling Mountain that you wasted an egg.”
“Don’t you fucking dare.”  Swiss threw a rag next and pointed at the mess when Sunshine chose to catch the projectile this time.  “Be a dear and clean this up.”
“Is this how you treat your students?  No wonder Copia has gotten Teacher of the Year twice.”
“I’m gonna make you run laps on Monday if you don’t shut the fuck up.”
“Pfft, like you could make me do anything.”  Sunshine looked up at Swiss from where she was kneeling on the floor cleaning the egg.  “Well, except for this.”
“We’ll see what happens Monday.”  Swiss hissed when Sunshine flicked his tail as she walked by to the trash can but he kept his eyes on the counter.  “Ok!  Time for the oven.”
“What are they supposed to be again?”
“Cookies.”  When Sunshine continued to give them a skeptical look he shoved her out of the way to get the tray to the oven.  “Just you wait, these are magic.”
“Not any kind of magic I’ve seen before.”  She ignored Swiss cursing at her in Ghoulish and swiped a finger through the bowl that had the leftover batter.  As soon as it hit her tongue she made a face and leaned over the sink to spit it out.  “Or tasted.  Satan’s dick Swiss, are you sure this was your mom’s recipe?”
“Of course I’m sure!”  He pushed her to get a taste himself, freezing as soon as did.  Sunshine watched him, waiting for him to react the same but beyond wrinkling his nose a bit he remained still.  “It just needs to be baked.”
“I don’t think baking is going to save this.”
“Oh I’m sorry, did you get a degree in baking when I wasn’t looking?”
“No, but I can tell when something is absolute shit.”
“Say my mom’s cookies are shit one more fucking time.”
“Swisstopher, your mom’s cookies are shi–oh I’m going to scratch your eyes out!” 
Sunshine’s threat was made through a mouthful of flour Swiss had thrown at her and the ghoulette immediately tackled her friend to the ground.  Their claws clacked against the tile as they scrambled around, Sunshine soon laughing in triumph when she managed to get Swiss in a headlock.  She was in the middle of belting out an old Ghoulish victory song when a throat clearing from the doorway had them both freezing in place.
“Um.”  Phantom’s eyes darted from the pair to the state the rest of Swiss’s kitchen was in.  “I can come back.”
“No!  No, wait.  Lucifer’s balls Sunny, let me go.”  The multi-ghoul shoved his friend away and scrambled to his feet.  He slipped briefly in some sugar before managing to steady himself in front of his boyfriend.  “Hey cupcake.”
Phantom’s cheeks flamed immediately at the nickname just like they always did when Swiss used it.  They both ignored the gagging noises Sunshine made while they exchanged a kiss.  As soon as Phantom pulled away he made a face and swiped a hand across his lips.
“Ugh, what is that?”
“I’m making you cookies!”  Swiss’s grin was infectious but Phantom still had to head over to the sink and get a glass of water.  “Sunshine was here trying to sabotage me.”
“If by sabotage you mean give you huge amounts of moral support then sure.”  The ghoulette got to her feet, throwing a glare Swiss’s way before starting to brush the flour off her clothes.  “You owe me a shirt dickhead.”
“I’ll get you a new shirt as soon as you give me five laps around the gym.”
While the two continued to snipe at each other Phantom was busy looking over the mess they had made.  Swiss had been texting him all day about a surprise he was working on and Phantom had been so excited to see it he even closed his bakery a little early.  But this...he slid a claw into the mixing bowl and placed it against his tongue, immediately regretting it.  He scanned his purple eyes over the kitchen again before they finally stopped on a bag laying on its side, white granules spilling onto the floor.
“Swiss, how much of this did you use?”
Swiss looked over, wincing when he got a faceful of chocolate chips from Sunshine.
“A cup.”  He grabbed the paper the recipe was written on and handed it to Phantom.  “My mom had one cup of sugar listed.”
“This is salt.”
Sunshine immediately covered her mouth with her hands, shaking her head when Swiss whipped his head her way.
“I said a cup of sugar!”
“I thought that was sugar!”  She began backing away as Swiss advanced on her.  “This isn’t my fault.”
“You ruined my mom’s cookies!”
“You’re the big cookie expert, you should have noticed it was salt!”
Their voices drifted off as they disappeared further into the house, Ghoulish curses and crashing sounds occasionally hitting Phantom’s ears.  He looked back down at the recipe in his hand, smiling at the little hearts at the top around the words “Swiss’s Cookies”.  Making an easy decision he set the paper down on a clean part of the counter and began gathering ingredients.
Luckily for Swiss he was dating a cookie expert.
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If you'd like to be added/removed from the tag list (or if I accidentally left your name off) of this fic or any of my others please leave a comment or send me a dm! Thank you 💙
My Masterlist ~ My Archive of our Own ~ My Ko-Fi Tip Jar
More snippets from this verse are on my masterlist under "Ongoing Series"!
Other Mushy May days: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
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guilty-pleasures21 · 5 months
Best friend's brother Miguel
Hey guys! So, I based this one off this fic I anonymously requested from one of my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE writers - @exhaslo - and my inspiration on this website. Please check out her account if you enjoy my writing. I hope you enjoy!
Part 1 - the past
Part 2 - the present
Part 3 - the future
Warnings: None. Just a little sweet and fluffy one.
Gabe stood at the counter facing the wall, scraping the butter and sugar off the sides of the mixing bowl before starting the machine up again. “Do you have to separate the eggs like that?”
X ignored the annoyed tone in his voice, letting the white flow from the crack in the eggshell before setting it down and starting on the other one. “Yes! It’s how you make the perfect vanilla cupcake. Trust me! I’ve perfected the receipt!”
Gabe rolled his eyes at his best friend’s proclamation and sighed. “Whatever you say.”
“Just wait ‘til you taste it!” X insisted, turning around to set the bowl of egg whites down by the mixer. “It practically melts in your mouth!” She grabbed the eggshells off the kitchen island and emptied the yolks into the mixer bowl, letting the machine stir the yellow liquid into the creamy mixture of butter and sugar.
“What melts in your mouth?” Miguel asked, strolling into the kitchen. X looked up when she heard his voice, her stomach flipping with excitement as she peeked over at him, her best friend’s older brother. She lowered her gaze quickly when he stopped by the fridge, trying to hide the nervous expression on her face.
“This vanilla cupcake recipe X has ‘perfected’,” Gabe replied, too focused on the mixer to notice X’s reaction. She leaned over to look him in the eyes, her expression serious.
“If you don’t want to help, Gabe, I can always find someone else to partner with for the bake stall.”
“I’ll partner with you,” Miguel volunteered, setting the bottle of milk down on the kitchen island. He glanced up at X, flashing her a mischievous smirk. She gulped at the look and quickly turned away, grabbing the bag of flour beside her to start measuring it out.
“Ugh! Please!” Gabe scoffed. “You’d probably just start messing around with the other guys and then leave poor X all alone!” He took the cup of flour X was holding out to him and tossed it into the mixing bowl while the machine continued whirring away. Miguel let out an offended scoff as he walked over to get a glass from the cupboard.
“I would never leave X all alone!” he argued, leaning over her to open the cupboard door, intentionally pressing his chest against her back as he reached up and pulled out a glass. “Isn’t that right, chica?” She gripped onto the edge of the table, trying to stop the shiver from running down her spine at the feeling of his low voice murmuring in her ear.
“Sure,” she mumbled softly, her tone barely managing to hold the sarcasm she intended it to. Miguel set his glass down and placed his hands on the counter around X, trapping her beneath him.
“How could you have such little faith in me, X?” he asked her, his voice laced with fake hurt. She didn’t respond, too busy trying to steel herself against the way his breath tickled the back of her neck as he spoke, the spicy, masculine scent of him surrounding her the same way his arms did. She snuck a glance over at Gabe, hoping he wouldn’t find anything suspicious about the way the two of them were interacting. He kept his gaze fixed on the mixing bowl, stopping the whisks to start scraping the mixture off the sides again.
“Leave her alone, Miggy,” he chastised Miguel, pretending to be completely oblivious to the tension between his older brother and his best friend. They hadn’t said anything about it yet, so he wouldn’t either. Although he was getting pretty tired of having to act like he didn’t know anything about it.
“But you just told me not to!” Miguel pointed out, still wrapped around X. Gabe sighed and chucked his shoulder into Miguel’s arm, shoving him aside. His brother held his hands up in surrender, then grabbed his glass before backing away from X.
“¡Vale, vale!” he relented, returning to the island to pour himself some milk. X took in a breath, relieved at being able to breathe again, and leaned over the mixer to take a look at Gabe’s work. She nodded, satisfied, then removed the bowl, replacing it with the egg whites so Gabe could start working on them instead. She was so cute, Miguel thought to himself, his eyes drifting over the curves of her hips and ass and trailing down her bare legs as he watched her lean over the countertop. He turned back to the fridge, returning the milk to its original position.
“Oh, wait!” X stopped him, running over to him quickly. “We need the milk!” She stopped when she reached him, fluttering her curly eyelashes up at him pleadingly, and he grinned. He bent over to sneak a glance at Gabe, making sure his younger brother was still completely focused on his egg whites before he took a step back, guiding X further behind the open fridge door. She stretched onto her toes, trying to grab the milk bottle from Miguel, but he raised his arm, holding it high out of her reach. She frowned at him, huffing in annoyance before folding her arms across her chest, her rosy lips twisting down into a pretty little pout. Mierda, she was cute when she was mad. Miguel smiled and leaned forward, closing his eyes and puckering his lips as he silently demanded her for a kiss.
What was he doing?! What if Gabe saw?! Her stomach fizzed with nerves at the thought, but she stretched up and pressed her lips to his quickly, praying that Gabe wouldn’t be able to see them behind the open fridge door. Miguel opened his eyes and grinned at her, finally handing over the milk bottle to her, and she felt her heart skip a beat at his smile. She lowered her head as she snatched the bottle, trying to hide her own smile as she scurried back over to Gabe, her heart thudding with excitement at what she’d just done.
Mierda, she was so cute when she was flustered, her lips curling into that sweet little smile meant just for him. It was too bad that she was still too afraid to tell his brother about them: he didn’t want to hide their relationship anymore, sneaking in a kiss or touch whenever they were sure that no one was looking. No, he wanted to grab her hand and twine her fingers with his, showing her off to the whole world, his precious little girlfriend. He sighed and took a seat at the island, tugging his glass closer to him.
“So?” Miguel asked, licking off the strip of milk he could feel coating his upper lip. “When can I expect my cupcake?” X turned around to face him and he met her gaze, fixing her with a teasing look over the rim of his glass. She lowered her eyes quickly, biting down on her lip to hide that shy smile he loved so much, and he decided then and there that that was going to be his new nickname for her.
“Your cupcake?!” Gabe repeated, scoffing in disbelief. “You can buy it from our stall tomorrow like everyone else.” Miguel grinned at the response and turned to X, injecting his features with as much helplessness as he could possibly muster.
“X?” he pleaded, sticking his lower lip out in a pout. She gulped at the sight, trying to come up with a response. Then, she smiled, her lips curling wickedly at the ends before she leaned over the island, resting her chin in the palms of her hands as she looked up at him.
“I’ll give you a two for one special if you bring all the guys from the football and basketball teams,” she promised him, fluttering her eyelashes up at him mischievously. He smiled, unable to help himself - Dios, she was cute.
“¿Para ti, mi cupcake? Siempre.” (For you, my cupcake? Always.) He raised his glass, downing the rest of his drink and Gabe groaned.
“Ugh! You’re so gross, Migs,” he scolded him, rolling his eyes at his brother’s words. Miguel gestured to X with his glass.
“X doesn’t have a problem with it! Do you, cupcake?” She wrinkled her nose at him, then turned back around to add the vanilla extract and baking powder. Miguel took advantage of the moment to admire her ass, his thoughts drifting to how he’d like to give it a little squeeze before spinning her around and trapping her against the kitchen counter, holding her in place while he kissed her. He loved kissing her, her legs curled around his waist, her arms wrapped around his neck, his own hands running up and down her sides as she explored his mouth with her tongue. She was so slow and careful with her touches, always pulling back whenever he got a little too excited. But he didn’t mind - he wanted her to be comfortable with him; to feel safe with him in the same way she always made him feel safe, bringing food over whenever their mother was having one of her headaches, staying back in the library with him and Gabe when they were too afraid to go home and face their father, dragging them over to her house every time the fighting got too bad for him to handle. He protected Gabe, but she protected him. He stood up and went over to the sink to wash his glass, placing it on the drying rack before leaning against the counter behind X. “You sure you don’t need any more help?”
She turned to look up at him, thinking. She didn’t want him to go back up to his room, sitting alone at his desk while she and Gabe messed around downstairs. Besides being her secret boyfriend that she absolutely adored, he was her friend too, and she loved him just as much as she loved Gabe - just as much as she loved her own siblings. She swivelled back around to grab the mixing bowl, then held it out to him, gesturing from him to steal a taste. He raised his eyebrows, but dipped his finger into the batter, licking it up before pursing his lips in thought.
“Well?” she asked him when he continued to remain silent. “How is it?”
He grinned. “Delicioso.”
Gabe felt his lips curl at the ends as he watched the way his brother’s eyes lit up every time they landed on X. He was a good person, his brother, always looking out for him and putting his needs before his own. But he was always so serious, so responsible, and Gabe sometimes felt guilty that he’d had to miss out on his childhood just to make sure that his younger brother had one. So of course he’d been glad when Miguel and X had finally started dating, his best friend easing some of the tension off his brother’s shoulder so that he could finally relax and start acting like every other teenage boy his age. He just couldn’t figure out why they wouldn’t tell him yet.
X bounced on her toes, delighted by Miguel’s reaction, then moved the mixing bowl to the island, where she’d already set out the baking tray. “Okay, I’m going to need you guys to fill up the tray with the cupcake holders, then we’ll start pouring the batter in. One spoon should be enough for each, because it’s going to rise when it starts baking.”
She left the two of them to fill up the tray and prep the cupcakes, turning back around to the counter to begin working on the frosting herself.
One month ago.
Gabe winced as he heard something being thrown across the room, the sound barely muffled by Miguel’s closed door. He glanced over at his brother, lying on his bed and staring at the ceiling, his ears shielded by the large earphone he’d put on. He always snuck into his brother’s room when it got too loud, the fighting. Miguel would close the door behind him, then go turn on his computer, setting his little brother down in front of it and letting him play whatever games he liked while he himself blocked out the sounds with his music. Gabe turned back to the desk and picked up his phone, shooting off a message to X. ‘They’re fighting again.’
‘Are you safe?’ she replied immediately.
‘Yup,’ Gabe reassured her. ‘In Mig’s room. He’s here w me.’
‘How’s he doing?’
‘Got his earphones on.’ X bit her lip at the response, knowing it must have been really bad for Gabe to message her during the fight. She got up from the sofa and ran over to her mum, quickly finding her in the guest room.
“Mum?” she called out to her. Her mother looked up from her sewing machine, glasses sitting low on her nose.
“Yes, darling?”
“Gabe’s parents are fighting again,” she confided in her. “Can I ask them to come over? Just to play some games and stuff?”
“I’m fine with it, but you better tell your father first,” she warned her. X’s stomach churned at the thought. “Have they had dinner yet?” She looked back down at her phone.
‘My mum’s asking if you’ve had dinner yet,’ she asked Gabe.
“Yup,” she repeated to her mother, looking up from her phone. Her mother nodded approvingly and X went off to find her father. She peered around the doorway of his study, trying to gauge his mood - it was better when he was in a good mood, though he usually said yes to Gabe and Miguel coming over anyway.
“Papa?” she called out, creeping into the room carefully. He hummed in question and she relaxed, her shoulder slumping with relief at the friendly sound: he was fine. She moved closer to him. “Is it okay if Gabe and Miguel come over? We’ll just play some games and watch a movie! We won’t disturb anyone!” Her father frowned and turned to look at her.
“So late?” he questioned. X shifted in position uncomfortably, avoiding his gaze.
“Their parents are fighting again,” she revealed to him. “I’m just scared they’ll get hurt.”
“Okay,” he relented, turning back to his computer. “Tell them to bring their clothes if they want to sleep over. It’s a Saturday anyway.” X bounced on the balls of her feet in excitement.
“Thanks Papa!” She leaned over to give him a hug, then ran back downstairs, sharing the good news with Gabe. Then she pulled up her chat with Miguel.
‘Are you busy?’ she asked.
A notification popped up on his screen and his heart fluttered when he saw X’s name there. He sat up and sighed, a wave of relief washing over him as he replied to her. ‘No. What’s up?’
‘Want to watch a movie?’ He tapped on his phone, thinking. Gabe had probably told her then, that their parents were having yet another fight.
'Yeah!’ she replied enthusiastically. ‘My dad said to just bring your stuff and sleep over.’
Miguel slid his gaze over to his younger brother, already watching him, waiting for his decision. His lips quirked at the eager look on Gabe’s face and he rolled his eyes, letting out an exaggerated sigh. “Pack your stuff. We’ll sneak out the front.”
They’d grabbed some snacks from the kitchen first, then gone to hang out with X’s younger sister and brother in the family room. The former had already been watching something on the TV while the latter was sat in front of the computer, eyes fixed on the screen as he played some shooter game. Miguel and X had pulled the sofa out into a bed and the two of them had settled on it next to X’s sister while Gabe jumped onto the bean bag. They’d joked and laughed as they watched one Disney movie after another, the minutes ticking by as they all sat together. X looked over at the clock, noticing how late it was getting, then glanced over at her siblings, finding them already nodding off in their seats. She leaned over to give them each a little shake.
“Go to sleep,” she whispered, “it’s late.” They got up and began drowsily heading off to their bedroom, leaving Gabe space to bound onto the sofa and sink into it on X’s other side. She wriggled a little closer to Miguel, and he raised his arm, draping it over the back of the sofa so she had more space to squeeze in. They stayed like that a bit longer, all of them fighting to stay awake as the movie continued to play. Finally, Gabe lay down and turned over, curling the blanket around himself as he fell asleep entirely. X turned to Miguel, wanting to laugh about it with him, but found his eyes closed as well, his head propped up on his fist as he rested his elbow on the headrest behind her. He was cute when he was asleep, his eyes closed peacefully, his forehead smooth without the concern constantly furrowing his brows. She grabbed the remote to switch the TV off, yawning as she realised how exhausted she herself was. Then she reached over to the armrest to steady herself as she climbed over Miguel.
He’d felt some movement beside him and opened his eyes to find himself face to face with X, her lips twisting into a sheepish grin as she looked at him. He raised an eyebrow and she reached up to pat his cheek gently, her touch soft and reassuring.
“Go back to sleep,” she told him quietly. He sat up and wrapped his arms around her instead, turning them around so he was sitting on the edge of the bed with her in his lap. His arms stayed firmly around her as he stayed there, trying to get the words out, trying to tell her that he loved her - he loved her - and he was so, so glad to have her in his life. But the words just continued to hover on the tip of his tongue, refusing to make themselves known.
She’d been surprised at first, when he’d curled his arms around her so tightly. But then she’d relaxed into the hug, wrapping her arms around his neck, his soft, wavy hair tickling her cheek as she gave him what he needed. Finally, he spoke, the words a hoarse whisper in her ear. “I’m really glad Gabe found you.”
He loosened his grip on her, enough for her to pull back and give him a pleased smile. “Thank you. I’m really glad I found you guys too.”
He held her for a moment longer, his eyes travelling over her sweet features as he built up the courage to ask her the question. “Can I kiss you?”
What? Her eyes widened in surprise, unsure if she’d heard him right. Then she smiled and lowered her head, trying to hide the curl of her lips at his request. Of course she wanted him to kiss her, of course she’d had a secret crush on him for ages, with his fiery eyes and his heart-stopping smile and his friendly and thoughtful demeanour. He was her first love, and she didn’t think she’d ever feel for anyone the same way she felt about him. Never.
“On the cheek?” she asked shyly, looking up at him again when he didn’t respond. He swallowed hard, his grip on her waist tightening as he sucked in a nervous breath. He shook his head.
Not on the cheek. Her lips parted in disbelief and she dug her fingers into his broad shoulders, her heart thudding rapidly in her chest in anticipation. She smiled again, then leaned forward slightly, closing her eyes as she waited.
He inhaled another breath, then licked his lips before leaning forward and pressing them against hers. She was soft and small beneath him, and he felt the tension ease from his body as her familiar strawberry scent washed over him. He’d never kissed anyone before, but it felt nice; intimate - like a way he could tell her how much he really loved her without actually having to say it out loud. He pulled back to gauge her reaction, but she stayed in position, eyes still closed, lips puckered up adorably. So he kissed her again, just as gentle, just as light, then he gave her a final quick peck before sitting back.
He felt nice, his lips lush and soft against hers, and she felt like she’d float into the air at any second, her stomach bubbling with happiness as it was. She blinked her eyes open slowly, his handsome face coming back into focus before her: his deep-set eyes, his thick brows, his chiselled features. She grinned and he smiled as well, soft and shy, his sharp canines pressing into his bottom lip. Her toes curled at the sight and she leaned forward again, wrapping her arms back around him. “I really like you, Miguel.”
He ran his fingers along her back, stroking her tenderly. “I really like you too, X.”
Present day.
It was the day of the charity event - the fair they held in their school every year to raise money for whatever organisation their school had collectively agreed on that year - and Miguel had gathered his teammates around him in a group huddle.
“All right,” he began, putting on his captain’s voice, “you guys are going to go out there and make sure my girl … ‘s stall is empty by the end of the day.” ¡Ay, mierda! He’d almost called her his girlfriend! In front of everyone! When she’d specifically told him not to! Not until they’d told Gabe, at least.
“Your girl? Oooh!” Ben nudged Peter playfully, wiggling his eyebrows at him suggestively as he teased Miguel. Miguel rolled his eyes and shot Ben an exasperated look.
“We’re just messing with you, Miguel,” Peter chuckled playfully, taking a brief pause. Then, “we already know she’s your girl.” The group of boys broke into laughter once again. Miguel groaned, pushing them to get them to start moving.
“Just go,” he chided them, following behind as they formed a line to go to X’s stall. She looked up when they came, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion as she saw the entire under 18’s basketball team line up by her stall.
“Two cupcakes, please!” Hobie requested, holding out the required number of tickets once she’d given Ben his order. She grabbed the tickets and handed them to Gabe before picking up two of the cupcakes and passing them over to Hobie.
“What are you guys all doing here?” she asked them curiously. Hobie grinned and gestured to the back of the line.
“Miguel said to make sure his girl’s stall is empty by the end of the day,” he informed X, causing her cheeks to heat up with embarrassment. She leaned over to sneak a glance at Miguel, her eyes lighting up when they landed on him. He smiled back at her, giving a small wave in greeting as he flashed her a proud look.
“Two cupcakes, please,” he ordered, handing her his tickets once he’d reached the front of the line. He leaned over and shot her a mischievous smirk before adding, “and I believe I was promised an extra?” She wrinkled her nose, pretending to be annoyed by the flirtatious tone he always took with her, but he could see the way she’d pressed her lips together to stop her smile as she gave him his three cupcakes.
“Gracias, mi cupcake,” he teased her playfully, causing some of the guys to shoot him puzzled looks.
“‘Mi cupcake’?” Ben repeated, lips twitching with amusement. “Did he just call her his cupcake?!”
“Yeah!” Pavitr confirmed, punching Ben in the arm lightly. “That’s his girl, Ben! What do you expect?” Miguel rolled his eyes as the guys broke into laughter, but he kept his attention fixed on X as he watched for her response. She slid her gaze over to Gabe, biting her lip in apprehension as she awaited his reaction. Gabe threw his hands in the air and groaned.
“Ugh! I know, okay!” he revealed finally, unable to take it any longer. “Just … make it official already! Or something.”
Her eyes widened with surprise at Gabe’s confession and she turned to him fully. “You knew?! Why didn’t you say anything?!”
“I was waiting for you to say something!” he chastised her. She glanced up at Miguel, looking to him for backup, but he just held his hands up in defence.
“Don’t look at me! You were the one who said you wanted to keep it a secret until you told Gabe!” he accused her.
“‘A secret’?!” Ben repeated, serious now. “Wait. You mean you guys are actually dating? Oooh!” The guys broke into a cheer, clapping Miguel on the back in congratulations at the news. X turned back to Gabe.
“How did you know?” He sighed.
“Besides how obvious you guys make it,” he began, his expression softening as he looked at the two of them, “he’s my brother and you’re my best friend. Of course I knew.” He shrugged nonchalantly, the matter resolved as easily as that. X lowered her head, her lips curling into a sheepish smile. Then she straightened and punched Miguel on the arm, trying to get rid of the heat burning her cheeks.
“I told you you were being too obvious!” she scolded him.
“Oh no no no no no,” Gabe wagged his finger at her, stopping her in her tracks. “Miguel was fine. You were the one who was so giggly whenever he was around.�� Gabe fluttered his eyelashes and curled into himself in a perfect imitation of X, his voice rising in pitch as he copied her.
“Oh, hi Miguel! Can you help me with my homework? You guys want to come over today? We can just hang out and stuff! Good job at the game yesterday, Miguel, you were so good!” X frowned and punched him in the arm instead, putting more force into the action this time.
“Ow!” Gabe exclaimed, rubbing his arm as he glared up at her. Miguel grinned and leaned over the table to press a kiss to X’s cheek, overcome by happiness at the knowledge that they didn’t need to hide their relationship any longer. X’s lips parted in surprise and she clenched her fists as she lowered her head, her lips twisting into an embarrassed smile as the guys cheered Miguel on.
“Um, thanks for coming guys!” she told the team before plopping back down into her seat, steadfastly avoiding Miguel’s gaze.
“Cupcake.” He waited until she looked up at him before continuing. “You’re going to come by the haunted house later, right? To support your boyfriend?” His lips stretched wide as he rested his hands on the table, his excitement at finally getting to call her that in front of everyone drowning out the sounds of yet another round of hollers behind him.
She curled into herself shyly, her cheeks catching on fire as she fidgeted with her hands. Her boyfriend! He’d called himself that! In front of everyone! It really was official now. She brushed her hair behind her ear, her eyes staying fixed on the ground as she replied. “You know I get scared, Miguel.”
“You don’t have to get scared, princesa: I’ll be there.” He leaned over the table, trying to catch her gaze. “I’ll even hold your hand if you want me to.” She groaned in irritation as the guys whooped at that, trying not to smile again.
“Ugh! Fine! I’ll come, I’ll come!” She sat up and waved her hands at him, trying to shoo him away with the rest of the guys. “Go!”
“Hasta luego, cupcake.” (See you later, cupcake.) Miguel shot her a naughty wink, then left.
She picked at the skin around her nails as she waited in line with her friends, nervous. “I don’t know, guys. Is it really scary?”
“It’s fine! Don’t worry!” MJ reassured her. Then she wiggled her eyebrows at X and gave her a playful shove. “Besides, your boyfriend will be there to protect you.” X rolled her eyes at the statement, her lips pulling back in a grin.
“Oh my god, yeah!” Gwen exclaimed suddenly. “How come you never told us?! How long have guys even been dating? Like, actually?”
X twirled her hair around her finger as she thought about it. “Um, like, a month?”
“What?!” Gwen and MJ exclaimed together, the news a shock to them both. X winced guiltily at their reactions.
“I was just scared to tell Gabe!” she admitted. “I didn’t want him to think I was going to choose Miguel over him or something.”
“So? What did he say?” MJ asked, curious to find out more.
“He said he already knew! He was just waiting for us to tell him!” MJ rolled her eyes amusement at that.
“You guys,” she sighed, knowing them all too well by now. She’d been X’s friend even before Gabe and Miguel had moved to the neighbourhood and X spent almost as much time with her as she did with Gabe.
“Hey!” Peter greeted the three of them when they’d reached the front of the line. “X! You came!” X brushed her hair behind her ear and glanced up at him quickly.
“Uh, yeah.”
“Miguel!” Peter twisted his head back, calling out to Miguel somewhere inside the haunted house. “Your girlfriend is here.” MJ and Gwen giggled at that, both of them nudging her teasingly. It wasn’t long before Miguel himself bounded out of the room, his eyes lighting up in excitement when he saw X waiting for him.
“You came!”
“Yeah,” she told him, like it should have been obvious that she would have come. “You said you wanted me to support you.” He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a hug and pressing a kiss to the top of her head. She always supported him when he asked, and even when he didn’t, going to all of his games and sitting on the sidelines, cheering him on right next to his brother.
“Miguel!” she whined, curling up against him once he’d loosened his grip on her slightly.
“¿Si, mi cupcake?” he asked her, refusing to let her go just yet. But she wriggled out of his arms, taking a step away from him and setting her features into a serious expression.
“Let’s go.” She nodded to the entrance and he grabbed her hand, gesturing for her friends to follow behind.
“Come on. It’s really good, trust me.”
X pulled her phone out of her pocket, clicking in the message she'd received.
“Oh! My mum's on the field!” she informed Miguel, looking up at him as he walked down the corridor with her. “She said my cousins are doing the bouncy castle. They're probably going to head back soon.”
She smiled as another message came through, squeezing Miguel's hand where it was still firmly clasped around hers. “She says they tried to find me in the canteen, but my stall was already closed!"
She grinned up at him again and his heart leapt at the sight, his stomach bubbling at the adoring look on her face. The look he'd put there. He swung their hands lightly as they continued walking. “You want to go see them?”
“Can you … Do you want to meet my aunt? She's really nice!” She brushed her thumb across the back of his hand reassuringly, her smile turning a little nervous as she waited for his answer. Of course she wanted him to meet her family, of course she wanted to show him off, her sweet and smart boyfriend that she was so proud of and adored so very much. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
“Of course!” he agreed, gesturing for her to lead the way. She squealed with delight and pulled him down the corridor, racing over to her family.
“X!” Her aunt shrieked when she saw her. She held her arms out and X barreled into them, squeezing her tight.
“Masi! How was your trip?” (Aunt!)
“It was fine,” her aunt reassured her before gesturing to her three young kids. “They were mostly just sleeping on the bus.”
“Penji!” her cousins screamed, swarming her and tackling her with their small forms. (Older sister!)
“We came to find you in the canteen, but you’d already sold out?” her mum asked her, curious. X gestured to Miguel, suddenly shy.
“Yeah! Miguel got all the guys from the basketball and football teams to come buy my stuff!” Miguel stepped forward to give X’s mum a hug - a greeting that had become a habit as he’d opened up to her more over time - then he held his hand out to X’s aunt.
“Hi aunty, it’s nice to meet you,” he greeted her politely. “X talks about you all the time. I’m Miguel.” Her aunt reached forward to shake his hand, her lips stretched into that same wide smile that X always wore.
“Hello, Miguel, nice to meet you too!” She shot X a mischievous look. “What a handsome young man!” Her youngest daughter turned to X, eyes wide.
“Is he your boyfriend?” She gasped at her own question and her siblings smacked her on the arm, sneaking glances over at Miguel as they waited for X’s answer. She shifted nervously in position, glancing over at her mother meaningfully - X always told her mother everything.
“Um, yeah,” her lips curled at the corners as she said it. “He … His younger brother is my best friend! So, we were friends first and everything.”
“Did you tell Gabe yet?” X’s mother asked her, features scrunched up in concern. X nodded.
“Well, he said he already knew anyway. So … yeah.” She bit her lip, her cheeks aching from how much she kept smiling.
“Did he say anything?” her mother continued. “Is he okay with it?” She liked how happy Miguel made her daughter, the two of them always finding comfort in one another’s presence. She was an anxious girl, her daughter, and it had been a relief when she’d found a good young man who took care of her properly. She just worried what would happen once Miguel went to university - he was a year older, after all, so they’d have to spend almost as long apart from one another.
“He was fine,” Miguel reassured her. “He said he was just waiting for us to tell him.” Her mother turned to X, a knowing expression on her face.
“See? I told you he’d be fine!” X nodded enthusiastically, smiling happily. Then she turned to her cousins.
“Have you guys done the dunk tank yet?” she asked them.
“Oh! Coach Matthews is doing it!” Miguel pointed out to X. He turned to X’s cousins. “You guys want to try? I can help you!”
X nodded in agreement. “Miguel’s captain of the basketball team. And he’s also on the football team too! He’s really good at sports!”
The kids agreed and Miguel and X led them over to the dunk tank.
“Miguel?” Coach Matthews called out when he saw him approach. “I think there’s a rule against athletes being allowed to do the dunk tank.” He chuckled at his own joke.
“Oh no. I’m just here with my girlfriend’s cousins.” He gestured to X and she waved at Coach Matthews shyly. His eyes widened in surprise.
“You two?!” He was the football coach for both the official school team and the casual after-school club - which X was a part of - so he knew both of them pretty well. He’d watch quietly as Miguel stayed back after his own practice to train with X, partnering up with her on the drills, filling in as goalie when one of the other girls couldn’t make it - even though he was absolutely hopeless at the role, being a striker himself - and they always looked so happy together, the older boy finally finding relief in the smaller girl’s presence. He knew about Miguel’s parents, of course - all the teachers did, all of them making sure to keep an eye out for him in case he needed anything. He was always so quiet, so responsible, and his coach was glad that he had at least one person he confided in. “Finally! I was getting tired of waiting!”
“Coach!” X scoffed incredulously, her jaw dropping in surprise. He grinned and pointed a finger at Miguel accusingly.
“At least I don’t have to watch all the other girls try to flirt with you at practice anymore,” Coach Matthews teased him. X punched Miguel on the arm and he flashed her a sheepish smile before giving her a side hug. Their coach continued. “But stay focused on your studies, all right? I don’t want to see you guys mucking about.”
X straightened and gave him a salute. “Yes, sir!”
Coach Matthews sighed. “Just drown me already.”
The kids tried, one after another, each doing their best to throw the ball hard enough to dunk Coach Matthews and all of them failing miserably.
“Wait,” Miguel stopped X’s youngest cousin before she could take her final throw. He bent down to whisper something in her ear, then looked at her in question, waiting until she nodded in agreement before straightening up again. “Okay. Ready? One, two, three!” He picked her up in his arms and ran to the button, holding her up so she could smash the ball right into it, dunking Coach Matthews straight into the water. Then he set her back down and kneeled by her side to give her a high five.
“Hey, that’s cheating!” Coach Matthews accused them once he’d swam back up to the surface.
“You asked us to dunk you!” Miguel pointed out jokingly. His coach rolled his eyes as he climbed out of the tank.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll see you at practice on Monday, Miguel.” He shot him a warning look, hinting at the revenge he’d be bestowing upon Miguel on Monday. Miguel just grinned and waved after his retreating figure.
“See you on Monday, Coach!” He turned back around to X. “You want to go help with cleanup now?”
“Sure." She shrugged. She turned to face her cousins. “You guys go home first. We have to clean everything up.” Her cousins sighed in disappointment, but started making their way back to their mother, saying goodbye to Miguel before they left. He returned his attention to X, brows furrowed in concern.
“Do you think they like me?” She grinned and grabbed his wrist.
“More than me, probably.” She let out a dramatic sigh, pretending to be offended by the thought. “You’re too cool, Miguel.”
He raised his eyebrows and slipped his fingers between hers. “I don’t hear anyone else complaining.”
X rolled her eyes, but smiled as she tugged him towards the stairs. “Let’s go. Haunted house?”
Miguel nodded and they made their way back up, hands intertwined, the two of them grinning happily at one another the entire time.
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r0-boat · 1 year
I’m in a soft mood, and I can’t stop thinking about bringing Hassel, Rika, and Larry a homemade lunch that that forgot before leaving👉👈 if that’s okay with you, just some extra cute stuff
Reader bringing homemade lunch
Pairings: Hassel, Rika, Larry
Before he goes to work today he kisses you on the cheek; you are just cleaning the kitchen when you see his box lunch on the counter that he forgot to take with him, the school is quite a ways away, but you'd be damned if you'd let beloved go hungry, and not eating the food you carefully cooked and prepared for him.
His eyes light up the moment he sees you, Hassel is always happy to see you. but he has to ask, why did you come visit him at work today? You tell him that he's forgotten something and his eyes widen when you said his lunch on his desk.
Your poor husband is on the verge of tears because he's so lucky to have someone like you. You're so caring and thoughtful, part of him wants you to stay with him for lunch, but he knows that you might be busy with something else.
He says he missed you even though he's only been gone for a few hours, when he gives you a hug and a kiss. he asks if you need a ride home. but it was his students that got you to stay, asking you if they could draw your Pokemon partner; when the students begged Clavell, he relented. Hassel almost cried. He needed to thank his students later.
Work was really killing her today spinning on her chair with her pencil under her nose trying to ignore the grumbling in her stomach. She looked as happy as a puppy when she saw you. she asks What brings you here?
She is absolutely relieved when she sees you put the lunch down on her desk. " you're a life saver!" she explains, kissing you on the cheek. You chuckle, kissing her forehead when you turn to leave; she grabs your arm. Giving you puppy dog eyes as she begs you to stay. How could you ever say no?
Rika tries to feed you her own lunch "babe, say 'ah' !" when you protest, she pouts, " but you made it for me. You deserve to have a little taste.... unless you want my lips instead?" putting the piece of food down and wrapping her arms around your waist puckering her lips.
Geeta I had to send you home because you were distracting. Geeta was very kind thinking you for your kindness and asking if you would like a ride home. Rika's heartbroken.
He usually works right through his lunch breaks, it was you who started providing him lunch that he quit the habit. now your food is something he looks forward to everyday. is already too late when he realized he'd forgotten the lunch you made for him he was already at his office... Oh well he'll just stop by at the Eatery after work...
He was so focused on work he didn't notice you come behind him. You decided to let him work and slowly set it down next to him. by the time he notices you are already gone, but you left a cute note telling him to have a good lunch and you love him.
Larry couldn't help but smile, his heart fluttering in his chest... how he's so lucky to have somebody, he does not mess the days that he would eat alone or work without empty stomach.
After finishing, he calls you, informing you that he saw the note and thanks you again. Then asks if you want to go to the Treasure Eatery for a bit of a date after work as a thank you. You ask him why, and he says, " No particular reason, just felt appreciative of you; I want to treat you." You couldn't hide the smile in your voice. The Treasure Eatery workers absolutely adore you for caring for their tired businessman.
445 notes · View notes
ooffmlsorry · 5 months
First of all Congratulations on 100 followers!!It's been an absolute pleasure reading your stuff! I love the way you write law, so I'd like to request for the prompt "Step away from the tree and put the present down" It sounds so hilarious, I can't wait to see what you come up with!! xx
OMG that’s so sweet! Thank you!! I’ve been having a great time doing this actually. I’m so glad I do a decent enough job of writing Law ‘cause I’m obsessed with him. This is gonna be fun!! I kind of ran away with this one soo....I hope you enjoy <3 :)!!
“You’re a mean one, Trafalgar Law.” You struggle to keep a straight face while singing and twirl just out of your captain’s reach. “You reeeaaally aaare a heeeeel,” you sing, all the while watching Law’s face grow increasingly stern. “You’re as cuddly as a cactus, you’re as charming as an eel, Trafalgar La-aw.” 
You twirl around the kitchen until you’re back to the counter where you left your bowl of cookie batter.  The kitchen smells sickly sweet already, a tray of sugar cookies and gingerbread cookies cool on a rack. You suspect your captain has come to inquire why the Polar Tang’s kitchen has become a bakery. 
“Sing that again and I’ll consider it mutiny, y/n-ya,” Law says cooly. 
By no means do you think he’s joking, all the annoyance in his eyes and tension in his shoulders are real, but his threat rings hollow. Maybe because the only thing you’ve done is poke fun at him, you both know you’d never truly betray him. The fact that you were allowed to tease him at all was the real sign of how strong your bond was. 
“Stop being such a grinch and I won’t,” you say. You begin pressing a person shaped mold into a sheet of gingerbread cookie dough.
You hear Law grumble something under his breath, but you don’t ask. The captain is welcome to grumble to himself as much as he likes, but it won’t stop you from bringing a little holiday cheer to the Heart Pirates. After all they’ve been through they need it, especially Law. 
There’s a beat of silence before Law speaks. “Why are you doing this?” He asks. “There are much more important things to b–” 
“Cookie?” You say. “I made one shaped like a polar bear just for you.” You turn around with a sugar cookie shaped like a bear’s face covered lightly with white icing for the fur and black for eyes, nose and mouth. 
Law pauses to look at it, looks at you, and then to your surprise, begrudgingly takes it in his hand but doesn’t bite into it. “There are more important things to do than bake cookies,” he says. 
You don’t dare comment on the fact that he just took one. You know well enough he’d hand it back to you if you did.“You're trying to come up with something else for me to do, aren't you?” 
“There's always cleaning to do,” Law says. His eyes sweep around the kitchen littered with pans, bowls of icing, food coloring, wax paper, and cookie dough, “and you've made a mess. The cook will need it soon for dinner.” 
“I know,” you say lightly. “We’re having a holiday dinner, remember? Decorate cookies, drink a little, dance? Bepo told you we’re opening presents before breakfast tomorrow.” 
Law steadfastly ignored any invitation to join the fun. As the captain he was aware of all of your plans. He couldn’t help noticing the way the air in the Polar Tang was humming with excitement. The crew seems happier too, he wouldn’t yet say it, but Law knew you were good for their morale.  
“I’ll be in my office,” Law says. 
You knew it was coming but your shoulder’s still slumped a small fraction. Of course Law would stay in his office while everyone else was having fun. At first you thought your captain’s definition of fun was different from the crew’s but the longer you’ve stayed aboard the more you’re unsure. Every attempt you made to bring him out of his shell was met with resistance at best and outright rejection at worst. 
“You won’t stay for a little?” You ask, no longer trying to hide your disappointment. “I was kind of hoping you would.” 
Something passes across Law’s face, and then it’s gone and replaced with the cool, well-placed wall. Whatever it was, Law had decided to keep it from you. “No, I don’t have time for games, y/n-ya.” 
“Will you be there tomorrow? We all put presents under the tree,” you say. “It’ll be short, we’re just going to open them in the morning after breakfast and then get back to work.” Not to mention you knew your present from him was sitting under the tree, earnestly wrapped with a bow. 
“I doubt it,” he says. 
Just once you wanted him to stick around the ones who love him, yourself included. You’ve always tried to keep your feelings hidden, buried deep under a warm concern for Law’s well-being and an admiration of his skills. 
“I knew you’d say that, Grinch.” You have trouble keeping the bitterness out of your voice. 
You watch Law’s eye twitch. “Am I supposed to know what a Grinch is or are you making up words now?” Law sighs. 
Law’s not known to joke with you like this. The humor you two share consists of knowing looks, whispered barbs, and playful teasing,  but you still stare at him for a moment expecting some kind of punchline.
 “The Grinch?” You repeat.“You know the children’s story about a green monster guy that hated the holidays because he thought they were too loud and annoying so he tried to rob the neighboring town of all its trees, presents, and decorations? They didn’t have that story in the North Blue?” 
“No, I guess not,” Law says. “I’ve never heard that story before.” 
“Well,” you pull a sheet of cookies from the oven and replace them with another batch. “Does it not sound like a certain someone?” You ask playfully. 
He scoffs, “he’s not wrong. The holidays are loud and annoying. They’re a distraction.” Law finally bites into his cookie and pauses to stare at it for a moment, a flash of enjoyment shines in his eyes. He quickly covers it, lowering his head to hide his eyes below the brim of his hat. “Remind the others to keep it down tonight,” he says, then turns and leaves.  
You set aside some of the cookies cooling on the rack to decorate for him later. You chuckle to yourself a little; there were crumbs on your captain’s face. 
You couldn’t lie to yourself anymore. The party is fun, the crew has split themselves into three factions: the ones stuffing their face with cookies, honeyed meats, and thick spiced drinks,  the ones dancing to holiday music, and the ones still sitting around the table raucous with laughter as they play games. The only thing missing…the only person missing is Law. 
At some point he made an appearance to grab a plate of food (much later than he should have, you noted) and then disappeared back to his office. Thoughts of your captain kept lingering, until you couldn’t ignore them anymore.
Which is how you ended up standing outside of his office, with your hand hovering before his door—too hesitant to knock. Why shouldn’t he stop for just one night? Part of you knows it’s your own selfish desire to see him that brings you here, but you know you’re right. After all he’s been through, you want to see him happy. 
There’s a pause after you knock before he lets you in. Law’s seated at his desk, his gray eyes focused on a book in front of him. They slide up to look at you as you enter. 
“Hi,” you say. To give yourself an excuse you take the empty plate sitting on his desk. “Things aren’t too loud are they?”  
“No, thank you,” he says. 
His eyes don’t leave you as you had expected them to. He’s not so absorbed by his work that he looks away immediately. You don’t go into Law’s office often, but you’re one of the few crew members that can without an emergency. The small room is an eclectic collection of all the things Law keeps in his head. Shelves of books, maps, and scrolls line the walls along with a desk, safe, and a couch which you’ve occasionally found him sleeping on. You also pretend you don’t know about the collection of Sora comics hidden behind said couch.   
Law observes you, his hands folded in front of his face keep you from truly reading his expression. The air feels charged as neither of you can look away from each other. Are the tips of his ears red? You wonder.
“What?” You finally ask. 
“Nothing,” Law says. He coughs slightly and looks away from you, “actually, I…” You watch Law think the better of whatever he was going to say. It’s not just his ears that are slightly red, his cheeks dust pink as well. Suddenly your heart is hammering in your chest, butterflies make themselves known fluttering around in your abdomen and below. You’re on the edge of something, you just don’t know what yet. “Thank you for checking on me,” he says. “I’m fine. That’s all.” 
“Oh…okay.” For the second time, disappointment folds over your enthusiasm. “Don’t forget to give your eyes a break, Law,” you say. “Maybe come out and join us for a little bit? The holidays are all about being with the ones you love.” 
Law’s grimace doesn’t quite reach his eyes, “good night, y/n.” 
You’re pleased to know Law isn’t working himself to death in his office, perhaps he was taking a night off in his own way. Regardless, enough of your worry vanished to allow you to enjoy more of the party. You dance and drink late into the night, and even find that a holiday story is being broadcasted on a transponder snail. The crew, equally as exhausted and drowsy, pile together almost like kids sitting around a fire to hear a story. You flop down onto the couch beside them and drift off to sleep. The last thing you remember is the warm glow of the tree lights and the scent of pine.
You wake up to the sound of rustling pine and ornaments knocking against each other. Immediately you’re on high alert, heart bounding. All the sleep that would normally fog your brain and muscles evaporated. Someone was here, in the low light you could see a tall, thin figure crouched under the tree. At first you start to alert the crew, but as your eyes adjust you realize you know that frame, the shape and bend of that body. 
“Step away from the tree and put the present down,” you say, using the most authoritative voice you have. 
Having been caught red handed, Law stops what he’s doing and allows you to flick the common room’s light on. The clock on the wall reads some time just before four in the morning. Of course it could only be your captain. 
Law straightens from underneath the tree. He scowls down at you, holding a present in his tattooed hand. He quickly hid it behind his back. 
Tension slowly leaves your body and is replaced with annoyance and confusion. So many questions swirl in your head, but only one makes it out of your mouth: “I thought you said you’d never heard of the Grinch?” 
Law nearly chokes. “What?” 
“Sneaking in at night,” you say. “Stealing presents. That’s kind of what the Grinch does.” 
“I’m not stealing it,” Law says between clenched teeth. His eyes are hidden under the brim of his hat. Is he…is he embarrassed? “I’m placing it for tomorrow,” he mumbles. 
You look between Law’s blushing face and the tree.“Oh…” you mutter quietly. “I—well, that makes more sense, but…I thought you said you weren’t going to join us tomorrow?” You rub the back of your neck and look away from him. 
“I wasn’t,” he says. “But I—” You’re surprised when he brings forward his hand holding the gift. Law’s blush deepens and his determination to avoid looking at you grows. To spare you both, you stare at the gift neatly wrapped in his hand. It’s no bigger than his palm, a matte gray box tied with a golden bow. “It’s yours. I wanted to say thank you for…for your kindness.” 
You take the gift gingerly in your hands. “You were concerned about finding your place. I doubted you at first,” Law says as you unravel the bow around the box and lift the lid. “But I think your place is here.” 
Inside, a gleaming gold locket sits delicately on a white cushion. A gasp escapes you.
When did he do this? Why did he do this? Your heart beats wildly in your chest as your thoughts race. “I can't believe you….” The metal is cold and smooth against your fingers. It shines just enough to look thoughtful, but discrete enough that few would think of thieving it. That would be Law, you think to yourself, always practical. Still, the gesture touches you beyond words.
“Open it,” he says quietly.
The pendant opens with a small click and inside is a folded piece of white paper. 
A vivere card.  
You don't think you quite understand until the paper flutters away from you slightly. It moves in Law’s direction centimeter by centimeter.
You move the vivere card back into place and shut the locket. For Law to trust you with something so special and dangerous as his location stuns you. No matter what you’ll be able to find your way back to him. “I trust you, y’n... I trust you with the people most important to me and I want you to always be able to find me.”
“Thank you Law,” you say once you find your voice. “I…I can’t believe you did this for me.”
Law’s hand is warm and firm against yours, the feeling of him finally touching you melts every bone in your body. Your heart hammers in your chest. Your eyes slip from the softness reflected in Law’s gray eyes to his lips. “I’m attached to you in a way I’m not with most.” 
That’s all he needs to say for you to pull him close enough to kiss. A surprised sound escapes his mouth before he begins to react. His hand leaves yours to slide around your waist and pull you closer to deepen the kiss. 
You pull away when you're both breathless. A giddy smile pulls so wide your cheeks begin to hurt. Law pulls the necklace from the box and places it around your neck, still blushing as if this was more intimate than locking lips moments ago. 
“Do you know how the Grinch ends?”
Law rolls his eyes but, clearly, decides to humor you. “How does it end?” 
“He learns to love and his heart grows three sizes,” you say. 
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bimbo-baggins86 · 6 days
james is so fucking nasty and no one can tell me otherwise. you wake up in the morning with a bloody mess between your thighs (woohoo, thanks nature.) and james is already up in the bathroom getting ready for work, hears you whining and goes to see what's up, and as soon as he sees that you've gotten your cycle, he's absolutely fucking elated. he's immediately between your legs and you're like "James, no," but he completely ignores you and devours your pussy. not even caring that you just woke up. haven't showered, haven't washed up, haven't anything. but he likes it when you're, as he says, 'ripe.' nasty motherfucker.
Oh he for sure is. This was beautiful and a lil nasty 🤭 thank you 😩😩
18+ MDNI!! Smut <3
Usually when James’ alarm went off and he was getting ready for work, you’d slowly wake up and make your way to the kitchen to make him breakfast. But this morning you were greeted with a familiar cramping and sticky feel between your legs. You knew immediately what it was.
Groaning, you curl onto your side to hopefully alleviate some of the pain. The sound doesn’t go unnoticed by your boyfriend who’s brushing his teeth in the bathroom. He pops his head out, toothpaste residue still around his mouth, toothbrush hanging out the corner. “Baby?” The words come out muffled. He spits into the sink and cleans up before making his way to you when he gets no response.
“What’s wrong, my love?” He asks standing in the doorway, looking at your balled up form under the blankets. He hears another noise of discomfort and immediately he knows what’s wrong.
You pull the blankets off your head just as he’s making his way to you, a dark expression in his eyes. “Jamie..can you get me some aleve please…started my period and my cramps are already awful..”
“Yeah I can do that..after..” He says as his knees hit the edge of the bed causing him to slowly crawl up the bed towards you.
“After? What? No, James..” You start to shake your head already connecting the dots.
He pulls the blanket down your body, smirking. “Oh c’mon baby, it’ll help your cramps.” He wasn’t going to take no for an answer. James hooks his fingers under the waistband of your pajama pants and panties, pulling them down quickly. He grins devilishly at the crimson site that welcomes him, licking his lips. “Y’know a little blood doesn’t bother me.”
“But..but I haven’t showered yet...” You counter.
He shrugs his shoulders and lowers himself towards your core. “Doesn’t matter baby. Besides,” He presses a soft kiss to the inside of your thigh before finding your eyes again, “I like when you’re ripe.”
Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head and as if to make a point he buries himself, taking a deep inhale of your natural scent, moaning as he does. “Smell so good, baby.” He murmurs in approval. “Just a taste please.”
James doesn’t wait for an answer before he’s licking a generous stripe up your folds, groaning. You squirm over the feel, a soft whimper slipping out your lips.
“Stay still, I’ll take care of you.” He instructs before his strong hands are gripping your plush thighs and pulling them apart to fully expose your bloody pussy to him.
Immediately he buries his face in your cunt, tongue prodding into you as his nose bumps against your clit. You jolt at the sudden pleasure that’s amplified from ovulating, fingers instinctively finding their ways into his hair, tugging on it. He moans at your natural and now metallic taste.
He grins against you because of your positive response despite your earlier protests. James’ tongue hungrily laps up everything your pussy gives him. With the way he was moaning and rutting against the mattress, you weren’t sure if this was more for you or him.
He moves to flick his tongue against your clit, before suckling on it as he works two fingers into your wet heat. He curls the digits expertly against that spongy spot, easily working you up.
Your moans are music to his ears and he can tell by the way your grip on his hair tightens and the way your pussy squeezes his fingers you’re close already.
James releases your clit for a moment, “Let go for me baby, I got you..” His lips wrap around your sensitive bundle of nerves again. It has you seeing stars. Before you really realize you’re gushing around his fingers, bucking your hips against his face.
Once he’s sure you’re spent he pulls back. You whimper at the loss of contact as his fingers slip out of you. You spare a glance at his face, embarrassed seeing your blood around his mouth and nose. He can already connect the dots seeing your face. He won’t have that. He takes his fingers and sucks them clean, one by one, releasing each one with a satisfying pop.
“Told you I’d help baby,” He grins down at you, “I think I’ll have to do that again when I get home.”
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starsfic · 8 months
Why PDA is Banned from Pigsy's Noodles
Qi Xiaotian and Red Son have confessed to each other and are happily in love. Maybe a bit too happy, in Pigsy and Tang's opinions.
A cute request from @godsofthecatz, starring Spicynoodles being sappily in love and Freenoodles also being sappily in love while also embarrassing their darling son.
The Zhu family was not shy about showing affection.
Pigsy had watched his siblings and cousins exchange pet names and kisses with their romantic partners and his own parents giggling and kissing over a bowl of noodles. His grandfather had died before he had been born, but he had seen the pictures. His grandmother made up for it with cheek kisses, hair ruffles, and food.
That was fine. Pigsy enjoyed it. He was glad his family members were happy. It showed him how a happy couple acted and what to keep in mind for his relationship. He just didn’t feel like doing public displays of affection.
Tang was also reserved. Unless he was trying to be annoying or get food. Most of the time, they saved stuff beyond light pecks and hand-holding for the privacy of their apartment.
(Pigsy’s favorite had to be dancing in the kitchen as they waited for food to cook, softly exchanging kisses and laughs. Tang had the cutest fucking giggles.)
“My prince!”
“Hello, sunshine.”
However, their son was different.
Pigsy sighed as Xiaotian jumped over the counter to scoop up Red and twirl around, the Monkie Kid and the Demon Bull prince laughing merrily. “At least he’s happy,” Tang said as Red leaned down and planted a smooch on Xiaotian’s lips. He winced at the loud smacking noise. “Really happy.”
Pigsy nodded. In the mess of cleaning up after Azure’s attempted conquest and figuring out that Sun Wukong was technically his magic (sperm?) donor, Red Son had confessed to Qi Xiaotian. He had no idea why the prince had thought that was a good time. However, it didn’t seem to matter. Xiaotian had perked up like a delighted sunflower and had proceeded to be delighted for weeks now.
If only that delight didn’t come with almost obnoxiously loud makeout sessions, hands everywhere even when Xiaotian was trying to clean or, gods forbid, serve food, and the pet names.
Xiaotian carried Red over to their usual booth and set him down, leaning over to kiss his forehead. That didn’t seem to be enough for Red, gripping his head and guiding him down to plant another firm kiss on his lips. Pigsy turned to start chopping the peppers just to avoid the smacking lips, and when he turned back, Xiaotian was hovering at the window. He was going to ignore the smear of red lipstick across his lips. “Hi, Pigsy. Babydoll wants his-”
“Regular order, extra spicy?” Pigsy said. He knew the schedule by now. “And I’m guessing you want to take your lunch break again now?” It was only when Xiaotian nodded that the pet name hit. “Babydoll?”
“Yeah!” Xiaotian’s tail- wow that was weird to say- started to wag back and forth even as a sheepish smile twisted his mouth. “I mean, Red loves being called baby…”
“I didn’t need to know that.”
“And he’s as pretty as a doll!”
“Uh-huh.” Pigsy tried his best not to roll his eyes. Babydoll wasn’t the worst pet name in the world. But it had to be the cheesiest in the ones his son and his suitor exchanged. It was almost like a competition.
“Aw, come on!” Xiaotian whined, leaning forward with a pout. “Red and I aren’t that bad.”
Oops. “I know, kid.” Pigsy reached up and patted his hand. “I’m glad you have someone who makes you happy. That’s all I ever wanted for you.”
“I know.” Xiaotian pulled his hand away, his pout twisting into a teasing grin. “But at least we’re not as bad as you and Tang are.”
And with that, Xiaotian marched over to plant a kiss right on Red’s lips.
The words didn’t sink in until Pigsy was washing dishes after dinner.
Clatter. Water splashed over his front. Pigsy didn’t notice it, more focused on the absolute lie. “Did he say we were as bad as them?!”
Tang looked up from his book. “I thought you were just ignoring that!”
“He did say that?!”
“He did!” Tang shut his book and turned, a mocking laugh slipping through his teeth. “You rolled your eyes, and he saw it! Then he spat out that and…” Tang facepalmed. “I don’t know what he was thinking. He knows us!”
“I bet Red Son thinks that about us.” Pigsy threw his sponge down with a huff. “Have you seen Iron Fan and DBK? Total ice couple.”
“Now, now, let’s not think the worst of Xiaotian’s in-laws.” Tang folded his hands in his lap, looking prim and proper. “I also know what it’s like to sleep with a giant animal…” Pigsy huffed, feeling his face go hot. Ever since Zhu Bajie had taken over, it had been easier and easier to go into his true form. “And I have to keep my love for you contained all day so I don’t do something ridiculous. If I was in her place with a giant bull around all the time? I would go full Ice Queen…”
A lightbulb clicked on.
“What did you say?”
“I would go full Ice Queen?”
“No, no…” Pigsy turned his hand back. “Before that?”
“If I was in her place?”
“Before that.”
Tang raised a brow. “I have to keep my love for you contained…oh.” Tang’s smile stretched his face in a menacing gleam. Most would fear it. Pigsy nodded as delight shot up his spine, feeling his own evil smile twist his face. “Oh, I see what you’re thinking.” The scholar pulled himself off the couch and practically sashayed over, pushing himself into Pigsy’s arms. “I love when you have an evil plan.”
“I love you.” Just like what Red had done, Pigsy leaned over and planted a nice kiss on Tang’s lips. The instant he did, his partner laughed- the cute giggle that came with every affectionate touch, not the evil cackle from before. “And you have an adorable laugh.”
Peals of cute giggles were still escaping Tang. “Really?” he asked when they finally calmed.
“Really. I’m not just saying that to embarrass our son.” Pigsy kissed his cheek for another cute giggle. “You have the cutest fucking laugh.”
“Oh, stop it, my laugh isn’t that cute.” Tang pushed away, biting his lip to contain more of those cute giggles.
“No way,” Pigsy pulled him back and undid Tang’s scarf, exposing both his mating mark and his plain of unmarked skin. As he began to trail kisses down Tang’s neck, he could feel his partner shiver. “You tell me all the time how great my true form and all the other stuff is, you’re not gonna let me do the same?”
Tang whined as he pulled away. “We gotta plan how to do this.”
“And then we’re gonna makeout?” Hickies would help embarrass Xiaotian, but Pigsy also really wanted to kiss Tang some more. “I really wanna hear more of those giggles.”
“Absolutely…” Tang sighed. “With more giggling, since you like it so much.”
Pigsy fist-pumped. “Yes.”
Hopefully, they could actually make up a plan.
“...uh…are Tang and Pigsy…?”
“Ignore them.” Xiaotian’s face was muffled by the wood, faceplanted right in front of the nice tea set Red had gotten him a few weeks ago. “Please, just…ignore them. If we ignore them, they’ll quit it.” Long Xiaojiao raised a brow at her bestie’s condition. Knowing the scene in the kitchen, she was surprised he hadn’t climbed under the table.
Clear in the kitchen window, Tang and Pigsy were doing a dance between making out and actually cooking. At least, Pigsy was. Tang was more focused on trying to goose Pigsy or slip a hand into his shirt. Whimpers and moans of pet names drifted out.
“C’mon, Lovebug, I’m cooking~”
“You’re making me cook, Pugsy-Wugsy…”
Xiaojiao felt that brow raise more. “Lovebug? Pugsy-Wugsy?”
Xiaotian whined even louder.
“Eh, they’re not as bad as my parents.” Red sipped his cup of tea, ignoring the raised brows aimed at him. “I walked in on them having sex at the breakfast table.” His eyes grew distant and glazed, scarred with the trauma. “It took them several hours to realize I didn’t join them for breakfast.”
Xiaotian reached over with a trembling hand. Red gripped it tight. “I’m sorry that happened to you, Babydoll.”
“Eh,” Red blinked to let a smile form. “I’m just looking forward to when we can embarrass our children with what a loving relationship looks like.” He pulled Xiaotian’s hand up and pressed a kiss to the knuckles. “The same way your parents are doing to us.”
Xiaotian felt a flustered smile form, both at Red’s words and the kiss on his knuckles. “I’m lucky to have them show me what a loving relationship looks like, even if it gets a bit much.”
The trio turned at Tang’s coo. He and Pigsy were hunched behind the counter, clearly staring at them. The moment the duo realized that they were being stared at, Tang snapped up and grabbed Pigsy into a frantic kiss. Pigsy yelped, his words muffled by Tang’s lips.
“Tang…Tang…Tang…the wok is on-!”
“You’re setting me on fire-”
“The wok is ON FIRE!” Pigsy shoved Tang away and sprinted out of view, probably to grab a fire extinguisher. “I’M MORE THAN HAPPY TO GIVE YOU ALL MY LOVE, BUT MOVE!”
As Tang screamed and ducked away from the white foam, Red sighed.
“Hopefully, with fewer explosions.”
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