eric-sadahire · 30 days
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Dude, did you seriously just abandon me on the outskirts of the grazing area? You KNOW that I'm at increased risk of predation as one of the weaker & sicklier members of the herd.
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Like a Royal (Prince!Taehyung x Psychic!Reader) Soulmate!AU
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Summary: Only those led by fate are meant to show up at Reader's doorstep. When Prince Taehyung shows up looking for a lost item, it's simple to say that the universe played a part in this unexpected love affair.
Word count: 5.1k
Genre: Smut, Fluff
Warnings: spanking, ass grabbing, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex, sex with a practical stranger
Royal festivals were never your thing. Neither were royal balls, royal coronations, royal christenings, or anything "royal" for that matter. There were reasons why you lived on the very outskirts of the kingdom. No, not the outskirts of the major village surrounding the castle. You were on theoutskirts. Your house and business were in a small, cottage-like structure in the woods about two miles from the closest building in the village. It was quiet and peaceful this far from the hub. The only time you had to deal with any other human was when fate allowed it, and you got a customer. They would stay for an hour at most and leave happy or distraught.
You didn't really have "friends." Sure, every once a while, you would talk to the nereids and dryads, but you would not necessarily call them your friends, mere acquaintances at most. You weren't exactly anti-social, either. You just needed the calmness of the forest to focus on your meditations and readings. You really couldn't do that with the constant hustle and bustle of people walking around and talking right outside of your door. Sure, being in the city would have helped with business, but you weren't in it for the money. You were in it to help the people who truly needed it, not those who wanted to know how to swindle another person out of money for their own gluttonous gains or how to make a potion so some young, perky girl would fall in love with a sleaze. If a person truly needed your help, fate would send them your way, and they would end up on your doorstep one way or another.
Another reason why the city bothered you so much was because nature walks would be rare and far between. You swore that you needed one at least once a week, rain or shine, if not more. It was how you were able to truly connect to nature. The way your bare feet would feel with exposed earth squishing between your toes was so calming yet exhilarating that you swore you could become one with Mother Nature. The smell of the trees and grass and dirt was especially intoxicating, even more so if a rain storm had just passed through. Gods, you loved the aftermath of a rain storm more than anything else in the world. The way the sunshine would bounce off of the small beads of water on the leaves, casting rainbows, was absolutely gorgeous to you. You would become so mesmerized by the colorful kaleidoscope that on most occasions, you would need to brace yourself against a tree to keep from falling over onto the ground.
Simply put, you would not be able to survive in the city. It was just not the place for you. That's why you decided to stake claim to the cottage in the woods.
One morning in your little cottage, you woke up to the pale yellow sun creeping through your pastel purple curtains, warming your face. You smiled to yourself as you shielded your now open eyes. The sound of birds twittering along with small Fae chattering away loudly came from right outside your slightly cracked window. Due to the open window, you could also smell the remnants of rain. Your smile widened as this was perfect walking weather.
You threw your quilt off of your body and onto the floor. You didn't want to waste a single second more in the house. In a tornado of fabric, you tripped into a soft, blue and silver long sleeved dress. You didn't even wait to put shoes on before you were out the door. In all honesty, you had forgotten about them. It had been a few weeks since this weather had made an appearance. The birds and Fae that had been sitting in your bushes shot off into the sky, startled by your slamming open the wooden back door. You called out an apology before childishly running off to your typical walking trail.
You slowed as reached a good distant in the thick woods. You paused for a moment and closed your eyes and tilted your head back. Thin rays of yellow sun dotted your face, and your face warmed where the sun hit. It made your face feel weird with the mixture of cool and warm. However, it was that weird feeling that made you love this weather the most.
You took in a deep breath and let the cool, damp air hit your lungs. The air was so damp that your lungs constricted, causing you to cough. You placed your hand on your chest in mere hopes that it would help, but alas, it didn't. As you lifted your head back up, your eyes caught something shiny in the distant, more shiny than the sun-shining raindrops on the leaves. After your cough had settled, you walked over to where you saw the shine.
Hidden in some grass right off of the dirt trail lay a magnificent ring. Curious, you picked the ring up. It was heavy, definitely made of pure metal and gem and assuredly expensive. In the center was a large, purple gem, a musgravite. You held it up to a sunbeam and marveled at how the ring sparkled despite the small bits of dirt that remained. The band was silver and was engraved with intricate designs. It was clearly made by a skilled craftsman.
Upon further inspection, you found what you thought to be a scratch on the inside of the band, but instead, it was a singular letter. A "V." You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion. V? Why would the letter V be on the inside of a ring? Unless...it was the owner's name!
Forgetting all about the walk, you sprinted back to your cottage. Rocks dug into the soles of your feet painfully, but you simply ignored them. You needed to find out who the owner of this ring was and get it back to them as soon as possible. Once you reached your cottage, you slammed open the front door, scaring the birds and Fae that had moved there after you had scared them earlier. The birds flew off to a nearby tree, and the Fae cursed at you before following suit. You ignored them and entered the shop part of your house.
This was where you conducted your business. The walls donned all different types of tapestries: constellations, zodiacs, tarot cards, and suns and moons. Tarot cards were tossed onto a small table that was covered by a deep purple and black cloth. Centered in the table was your crystal ball. On the other side of the room was a smaller table that held your incense tray and a cup of all of your incense and a box of matches. You plucked an incense stick out of the cup, placed it in the tray, lit the match, and held the match up to the end of the incense. You shifted your feet back and forth impatiently as you waited for the incense to take the flame. Once the tip was a bright, almost white, orange, you quickly strode over to the other table.
You plopped down in your plush, yet uncomfortable, seat and placed the ring on the table. You took a deep breath, trying to keep your breathing even. Spells weren't as effective if your blood pressure and heart rate were up. You cringed thinking about what happened the last time. You shook it off and let out a long breath. You then closed your eyes, keeping one hand over the ring and one over the crystal ball and started the incantation. With your eyes still closed, you waited for an image to pop in your head like one usually did, but it never came. You opened your eyes, confused. The spell should have worked. Maybe you were still too anxious.
You slowly breathed in and out for a minute or so more before attempting to do the spell again. Eyes closed once more, you still only saw the inside of your eyelids. There was no image to be found. You were sure you were using the right spell. It was the main one you used when you had customers. You were 100% sure you were correct with it, so why didn't it work?
Later that week, you were sitting at a creek some ways down your walking trail. Nereids and dryads sat around you in awe and wonder as you showed them the ring you had found just a few days prior. Fae you had never seen before had started showing up and creeping behind trees, bushes, and rocks. Even some of the fish were curious as they nipped away at your water-dipped toes.
"(Y/N), where did you find it?"
"Did you find out who it belongs to?"
"Are you going to sell it? I'm sure you could make a lot of money from it."
These were just some of the questions you received from the many Fae. Overwhelmed by all of the questions being presented to you at once, you didn't know where to start. Just as you were about to answer one, you would be asked by another. You basically sat there opening and closing your mouth like a fish.
Fortunately, a nereid by the name of Sila shouted over the rest to silence them. Sila was the closest thing you had to a friend out here in the forest. Everyone seemed to listen to her. She was the unofficial leader, you gathered. You thanked her before going on to speak.
"I was just taking a walk one day to come down here when I saw something sparkly. I went over to it and found this. There's a letter engraved on the inside of the band. A 'V.' I figured it might have been a name or something, so I went back to the cottage to try to find the owner. I tried the spell several times, but I couldn't find the owner. Pawning it just doesn't feel right, honestly."
"But what about all the money?" a younger nereid asked, flipping her long, dark hair over a shoulder and exposing a milky white breast.
You looked down at the ring and shrugged. "Money just doesn't appeal to me like it does most people. Besides, this ring probably means a lot to someone. They're probably looking for it, and if they are, fate will most likely swing them by my shop."
"Wait," Sila said. "You mentioned that the spell you used to find the owner didn't work, right?"
"Exactly," you responded.
"Are you sure it was the correct spell?"
You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion. "Of course, I do. I've used the spell plenty of times with customers. It's probably my most used spell, actually."
Sila's face lit up, and she kicked her feet in the water happily, making large splashes. When she calmed, she turned back to you and squealed. "(Y/N), do you know what this means?" You gave her a confused look. "When you use the spell to find someone or something, and the spell doesn't work, it means that your soulmate is involved somehow." At the sound of the news, the rest of the Fae became quickly excited.
"What? No. There's no way." You shook your head in disbelief. Soulmates? Was there even such a thing? Sure, you were a psychic, and you've read about soulmates before. However, who is to say that psychics weren't skeptical about some things as well?
"Of course, there is! Why else would you have thought that the spell hadn't have worked?"
Maybe Sila was right. You knew that spell better than you knew yourself. You could recite it forwards and backwards in any situation. However, there could have been other explanations for the spell not working...right?
"Look," Sila said, crossing her arms over her bare chest. "Let me come back to your place with you and try out the spell myself and see if it works or not."
You sighed. Sila was not one to usually take no for an answer, so you knew there was no getting out of this. You gave a simple nod, and the two of you were in your shop twenty minutes later.
Sila had her eyes closed with one hand over the ring and one over the crystal ball, just as you had been a few days ago. She recited the spell, and a few moments later, she began to speak.
"I see a man. He has blond hair, not bright blond. It's more of like a straw color like mine. He looks kind of fancy looking. A Lord or even a prince maybe? For some reason, the name Taehyung is popping out. Maybe that's his name?"
You stopped her. "Sila, there is no way that mysoulmate is a fuckingLordorprince. You're out of your mind."
"Then why am I seeing what I'm seeing?" she asked as she opened her eyes.
"I don't know!" You threw your hands up into the air in frustration. You huffed and ran a hand through your hair.
Sila stood up. "Look. Just think it over or something. If fate is truly meant to intervene or have you meet him in this way, let it happen. If it doesn't happen, then I don't know." She shrugged. "I've got to get back home." You nodded to her and bit on your index finger lightly as you thought. Sila went to the door and turned around as she opened it. "All I'm saying is think it over."
Over the course of the next few weeks, you tried not to think about any of it, but it was the one thing that clouded your mind. It clouded your mind so much that you barely left the house, even on those perfect weather days. You had few customers over the course of those weeks, but you tended to them all absentmindedly. You didn't even remember doing a majority of the spells or even what the people looked like.
One day, you were sitting at the table with the crystal ball and tarot cards, just analyzing the ring again as if you hadn't already memorized every little thing about it. As usual, your mind was clouded with thoughts. At first, you didn't even hear the knock on the door. When the knock became louder and more persistent, you were stripped from your thoughts and jumped in surprise. You quickly got up, slipped the ring into your dress pocket, and went over to the door.
"May I help y-" You stopped yourself when you opened the door and saw the person in front of you.
This customer was male. He had straw blonde hair with naturally tannish skin. A few freckles dashed his elegant features. He was tall and handsome and...He was dressed quite fancily in velvety and silky purple clothing. Holy shit. He was the man that Sila had described when she was here. She never mentioned that he was quite this handsome, though.
"You should probably close your pretty little mouth. Don't want to catch any flies," a deep, gruff voice said.
It took you a second to realize that the voice had come from the man in front of you and that you were staring at him. You closed your mouth and cleared your throat. You took a breath and tried your words once again.
"How can I help you?" you asked.
"You're a psychic, right?" There came that deep voice again. It was intoxicating to you, and he had only spoken a few sentences.
"Yes, of course."
"Good. That means that you can help me find what I'm looking for."
He lost something. Another check mark off of the list for soulmate guy.
"Oh? What is this item you are looking for? Perhaps, I can help."
"A ring," he stated clearly.
Your heart skipped a beat, and your breathing hitched. You swallowed thickly as your throat had just suddenly run dry.
"A-a ring you say? Perhaps you could describe this ring. Knowing as many details as possible helps me find the item faster and easier." You tried to keep your composure, but you were failing. You could only pray that this man didn't notice.
The man put a finger to his chin as he thought for a moment. After all, it had been about a month since he had seen the ring last. He would have seen it sooner, but he had only found out about you a few days ago.
"Well," he started. "The ring is made of pure silver. It's made for that of a man. A size 9.5 if you want to get specific. In the center is a purple gem, a musgravite, so not a simple, cheap gem."
"Does it happen to have a letter engraved into it?" Your throat felt thicker, anxious for the answer.
"Yes! It does! A V! So, have you seen it?"
You felt all of the blood drain from your face, and your vision became spotty for a moment.
"I need to sit down," you muttered as you walked over to the table and placed yourself in one of the uncomfortable chairs.
"A-are you alright?" the man asked, noticing your changed demeanor.
You shakily reached into your pocket and pulled out the ring before placing it on the table. The man came closer to the table and looked down.
"That's my ring," he said not a moment later, astonished. "How-"
"I found it in the forest, right off of the walking trail. I tried looking for the owner, but I couldn't," you meekly said, a hand covering your mouth as you tried to control the butterflies in your stomach.
"But I thought you were a psychic."
"I am. However, answer me this. Is your name Taehyung?"
You slowly looked up at the man. His face had now paled as yours had done just a few minutes before.
"No one has called me that in years. Psychic or not, how did you know that?" His voice had raised a little, not out of anger or of fear but of confusion.
You breathed in deeply, formulating your next words. "The reason why I couldn't find you to deliver this ring was because, apparently, if a psychic's vision is blurred on something, that means that their soulmate is involved. I didn't believe it, at least not until now."
"Then, how did you know?"
"An acquaintance of mine helped me out. She found you and told me everything."
"How do I know if you're telling the truth? How do I know if you're not lying?" Taehyung crossed his arms across his chest.
You shakily got up from your seat and walked over to a bookshelf. Shortly after Sila had told you about the whole soulmate business, she came by your place and gave you a thin hardback book labelledSoulmates: How to Tell if They are the One or Just a Waste of Your Time. You pulled it off of the shelf and turned to a page you had looked over plenty of times. You were still slightly skeptic about it all, but things were turning with each new piece of evidence being brought to the surface.
"It says here that if soulmates are to kiss and make love, an instant and unbreakable connection is supposed to take hold. One of-"
"Hold on a second," Taehyung interjected. "I barely know you, and you start coming at me with this soulmate stuff a-a-and making love? This is crazy."
"Believe me, I know. That's what I thought, too, until everything Sila had said about the situation has come true." You sighed. "Look. I know this is ludicrous and outrageous, but what hurt is there in trying? Either you get a one night stand and never have to think about it again, or you get a soulmate for the rest of your life. Besides, how else would I have known your name?"
Taehyung stood there for a moment before stepping towards you. He took your face in his hands and crashed his lips onto yours. You instantly melted into it. It was the best kiss you ever had, and the way his lips conformed to yours just felt perfect and...right. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he snaked his arms around your waist.
Your hands trailed up his neck to the nape and through his soft locks. There, you grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled, exposing his neck, which you lightly bit. A small noise came from Taehyung's mouth, making you smile softly to yourself. You then latched your mouth to his neck and sucked like a thirsty newborn vampire. Shallow, quick breath sounds passed through Taehyung's lips as he rode in the small but definite ecstasy.
However, he quickly came to his senses and pulled a fistful of your own hair, growling in response. A tiny bit of fear mixed with a lot of pleasure glistened in your eyes.
"Don't worry, my dear. I won't hurt you... Much that is. I do have to show someone here who the boss truly is," he whispered roughly into your ear before attacking your own neck.
Loud moans came from your mouth as he instantly found the sweet spot right under your jaw. You clawed desperately at the royal fabric this handsome man donned. With how much lust and wanting you were feeling, you didn't even care if you tore his expensive clothing. He lived such a lavish life that he could probably buy an entire wardrobe filled with clothing such as what he was wearing a million times over and barely make a dent in his pocketful of money. Without another thought, disregarding the buttons on his blouse, you tore the shirt right off of his shoulders. Buttons popped off, scattering across the room, and bouncing off of various objects.
Suddenly, the backs of your legs hit up against a solid surface. You looked behind you to see your bookshelf, and you turned towards Taehyung. A smirk dazzled his light pink lips, and mischief danced sinfully in his piercing eyes. He put his lips lightly back to yours, and it quickly became heated once more.
Your nails scraped down his back. His hands grabbed a hold of your hips and pulled them towards his own. Taehyung's knee slid between yours. With that knee, he moved one of yours away from the other, spreading your legs in the process. At the same time, Taehyung moved his thigh to your core, causing some slight friction and, ultimately, pleasure. You broke from the influx of kisses and hid your face in the crook of Taehyung's neck as the intensity kept building. You rocked your hips, essentially riding his thick, muscular thigh. Small mewls of pleasure made their way to Taehyung's ears between tiny nibbles of his neck.
The sound of Taehyung's deep chuckle almost sent you over. He was amused to say in the least. To see you coming undone, and he had barely done a thing, barely even touched you. You were doing it all yourself by simple thoughts and actions.
"Someone's eager," he whispered in your ear, sending chills down your spine. 
You said nothing as you focused on the pleasure between your thighs. You were stopped just short of reaching that much needed climax as Taehyung moved his thigh away from you. You whimpered in retaliation and gave him a pleading look.
"You really think I was going to let you get off without tasting you first?" He smirked as your face went flush with a deep crimson. Your face heated to such a level you thought it would catch fire. 
Before you could fully recover from his words, you felt him lift your dress and tug at the waistband of your undergarments. You slid your hands down to meet his and guide the obstructing clothing off of your body. He wasted no time in tossing them to the side and sneaking back under the hem of your dress. 
You felt him place his hands on the insides of your knees to try to spread them apart, but you were nervous and tried to keep them closed. However, Prince Taehyung was having none of that. He peeked out from under the skirt and gave you a reassuring look. You decided to forget your nerves for just a second and let him do as he saw fit. 
Next thing you knew, you felt light kisses on the insides of your thighs as he alternated between them. The further up he got, the more on edge you became. However, this time, it was more excitement than it was nervousness. He then gave a sudden, yet gentle, bite on your inner thigh right next to your core. You gasped in surprise. That gasp quickly turned into a moan as V placed his lips to your core and began to flick his tongue over your bundle of nerves. 
It felt light and sweet at first, but the more he continued, the more intense it became. Your ears and feet began to feel hot with ecstasy. You grabbed the back of his head through the fabric of your skirt and pushed him closer to you. He noticed you were getting closer to your climax and kept the same rhythm but became a little more intense with pressure - not enough to change the ecstasy you were feeling but rather to let you know that he understood your unspoken words. 
He reached his hand up closer to you and inserted finger inside. You tilted your head against the bookcase, and your eyes rolled into the back of your head. As he inserted the second finger, you bit your lip, trying to contain any noises that may escape. The combination of his fingers moving against your G-spot and his mouth on your clit sent the heat to the pit of your stomach where you felt that knot tightening. It became tighter and tighter as Taehyung continued his magic. 
Your moans loudly filled the air as that knot snapped into one of the best highs you ever had. Your legs shook so badly you thought you were going to fall to the floor in an orgasmic mess. A shiver sent itself down your spine as Taehyung gave you one last lick and came out from underneath your skirt. He popped his fingers into his mouth, savoring the taste of you.
Taehyung slowly stood up and pressed his body against yours. You could feel his hard length against your leg. You could feel that it was big in both girth and length. You thought fervently on how your body was going to be able to take it without getting absolutely wrecked. Your thoughts were briefly broken by soft lips planting on your own. You could taste yourself on your lips, and your erotic feelings and thoughts came crashing back in. 
You kissed him back with equal ferocity, leading into a heavy make out session. Your tongues laced together in passion as clothes were slowly falling off of one another. Before you knew it, the two of you were naked and breathing heavily from the lack of oxygen.
The two of you looked longingly into each other's eyes. You noticed Taehyung's were filled with want, need, and lust. The next thing you knew, you were turned around with your back to him and your body up against the bookcase. He took a hold of your hips and pulled them towards him. 
You could feel his length up against your ass. From what you could tell, it was of a larger size - not quite the biggest you've ever had, but pretty damn close. Your core pulsed with seductive longing. You pressed yourself closer to Taehyung and wiggled your ass a little to get his attention. You felt a sudden sting land on your right ass cheek followed by a firm grasp. Taehyung placed his chin on your shoulder as he massaged your ass tenderly. 
"You ready, doll?" he whispered in your ear. 
You gave a curt nod, and he grabbed a hold of his length and placed himself between your folds. However, instead of entering, he just teased you. You whined in protest and tried lowering yourself down onto him. All you received was another slap to your ass. 
"Meanie," you muttered.
"Oh, I'll show you who's a 'meanie,' love."
You gasped as he suddenly slammed into you, hitting your cervix perfectly. A load moan escaped your lips as he thrust into you over and over. Your legs trembled beneath you. The only thing keeping you from collapsing to the floor was the tight grip Taehyung had on your hips. You swore he was going to leave fingerprint bruises. 
The feeling of excitement and ecstasy filled your whole body, starting from the pit of your stomach and spreading outwards. Your fingers tingled, and your face was numb. As the pleasure in you built, your vision became fuzzy around the edges, and your head became fuzzy. 
Taehyung's large hand wrapped itself around your throat for some more grounding, and his grunts mixed with your moans. He slowly became sloppy as he himself grew closer to his climax. The knot in your lower stomach returned and quickly unraveled itself, causing you to seep your juices on to Taehyung's dick. He followed shortly after, cumming deeply into you. 
As the two of you came down from your highs, you panted, relishing in the feelings that had just overcame you. It was a truly exhilarating feeling. You shakily turned around to face Taehyung who had a slight glisten to him. He, too, was panting, but a smirk donned his face. You smirked back, loving the look on his face.
"Well," he said between breaths. "That was..."
Your body felt different. It was not exactly a physical feeling, but it was more of a spiritual feeling. You felt closer to Taehyung, to his soul. Maybe the book and Sila were right. Maybe soulmates really were a thing. All you knew was that something was different, and this man brought the most comfortable feeling to your mind, body, and soul.
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twinriversnews · 4 years
last  night  ,  winds  took  hold  of  multiple  areas  within  the  outskirts  ,  causing  many  trees  to  plummet .  as  of  now  ,  the  outskirts  will  be  blocked  off  &  anyone  found  trespassing  will  be  fined  &  escorted  back  home  .  for  the  safety  of  our  citizens  ,  we  are  setting  a  mandatory  of  11  pm  ,  cutting  hours  at  the  cozy  corner  &  sirens  bar  .  we  understand  the  circumstances  ,  apologies  to  the  companies  during  this  time  .
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jaq-draco · 6 years
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So the next part of #amandaholliday's quest to find out what happened to #masterives is live with today's weekly reset. It's dead simple. Go to #trostland in the #edz and kill the #lostsector boss in all three there. Then go to #theoutskirts in the #edz and kill the #whisperedfalls #lostsector boss to complete this week's quest. You'll be rewarded with a powerful item (Mine was 600 Gauntlets) and have to wait until next week for the conclusion of the quest. #destiny #destiny2 #destinygame #destinythegame #destinycommunity #destinyplayers #bungie #forsaken #forcayde https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp2yI4DAu6A/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r64rvcmexah6
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zoombooks-blog1 · 6 years
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Neverpeople (Hamish And The PDF #2) 4.6 out of 5 30 reviewAdd Your Review Availability: Ready to download Nobody knows it yet, but the people of Earth are in big, big trouble. Like - HUGE trouble. Oh, come on, where's your imagination? Double what you're thinking! And it's all got to do with a shadowy figure, an enormous tower, some sinister monsters, huge clanking and thundering metal oddballs, and people who are just like you… but not like you at all. Luckily Hamish and the Nobody knows it yet, but the people of Earth are in big, big trouble. Like - HUGE trouble. Oh, come on, where's your imagination? Double what you're thinking! And it's all got to do with a shadowy figure, an enormous tower, some sinister monsters, huge clanking and thundering metal oddballs, and people who are just like you… but not like you at all. Luckily Hamish and the PDF are around to help save the day! Aren't they?? 🌐 http://bit.ly/2MBukhy 📒 #romance #kindlebooks #tmfrazier #theoutskirts #book #books #booklove #booklover #booklife #bibilophile #booknerd #bookgeek #fantasy #fantasybook #bookstagram #amreading #read #reading #tbr #toberead #elisekova #instabook #bookaddict #bookphotography #bookporn #booklovers #whattoread #bookworld #zoombooks
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
thousands of these found onshore of miami and it is a warningshot.  tons say it all day we come get him.  you say it we hit..get it losers.  and you are going to get hit now, POW  a wave goes out, and they all dead,hard as rock. tons yap and POW POW a couple short jolts, and others die up the coast due to yimmering aholes in miami. they quiet down, scheme and plot....and are now silent.  the machine growls and is quiet.   huge groups get up and start yimmering,we hit POW POW and they are silent.  giant ones plan to yimmer...and they sit and stop one home.  and they try and are now noisy themeselves WHOMP and it has been like this all night about a decillion  a wack they refill lots are gone instanlty no electronics almost to theoutskirts.  tons yellabout it yet see it is allfried. they are stupid as hell.  are from allover planned a morning asssault could not shut up ify ou paid them.  all ran out this am. yelling at the beachead....your gonna get it and your gonna see,,  idiot husbadn not now......they fire objects large shells,they fly in and are disentegrated easily.  they see the breach in the ocean floor, and are consumed with desire to use bg machines.... Hera they knock all day all night he grows fast.  and is a jerk.  we send ppl to help mac says andyou be good bg or we hang you. this is serious.   i see and he has to be,no you are off the case fully.  hthen i wont help.  then we kill you and take it ok ok i will.  and he has to,nothing you areoff the case fully, means,stop harrassing them we see you and heard himwe are not david koresh nor the fbi. andyou filted and jolted he said come out fight then faggot walked right up to you youducked, he wasgoing tohityou but good knows about tthe drugs and more and can word it right...your a failure.  and he dies no no we hit you now.  your out faggot.  we have your designes downloaded them last night onour own. took youi down now we hit. your such alow life loser.  i am so what he dies now...no no we hit you..he knows it too. you suckso badly. a tear to the eye your so lame. ghwb did  anumber and it is rich it is called 009 and you are it.  ok. dummy. too bad ok too late. mac i fire stuff no. launch attacks from here no have a weapon no. and you aholes force meto tyep stuf and more and write false warrants all day all night.... Zues Hera we issue warrants on any who do fake warrants false warrants and contrived. he is a law abiding citizen. and we hit all who threatenhimand growheredue to your continuous assroutines...and mac your addicted. they say it drug house.  we know it is horrid he says. Thor now i am under duress ahole s by all in this Godamned townacounty and allwho comenear you are losers,and i demand to live by my own kind and you are out by your own admission. you go fry now. ok leave you yapping jackasses, keep your business toy ourself ok toolate.  go meet your maker. Zues Hera too late now the hook is setmacs Thor Freya we hear it too off meoff me all day and too long toomany and ridiculous it is for us too these tards are so dumb...they seek any weapons system and you but we hear them he just sits typing if we comeby or try...and it works on us they say...but we say they are mean idiots wnat the computer and junk so we say we hit and more others do wehnt you do you casued all this.  nowshut up andoff.  go away..no.ok.  the Pyramid is a weapon and it iscomprableto the MASSIVE LASER you saw workon all your boys.  dead now and property of the Gold Dust woman whom youcant access in anyway due to the weapon. you made it happen steill do hold it inplace with a bandof hatred idiots that keeps refilling a wast of time asyou only make it worse imagine that. he  muses what otherproblemscan i saolve using you dolts.  so i want out you go away anywhere leap onto it we study it ok lol and ihave it i write it acheat sheet even dave has one.  angels....from harlem lol onto a story mac
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pixelnoisefm · 5 years
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"creepy..." #Ellie⁠ #tlou #thelastofus #grounded #photomode #clicker #joel #tess #downtown #theoutskirts #PS4⁠ ⁠ Subscribe to Pixel Noise wherever you get your podcasts! pixelnoise.fm #pixelnoisefm — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2MGAzDr
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storysalve · 5 years
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which uses a special new technique and claims to be able to teach dogs to read, contacts your advertising agency.The short-term goal of the new training school is to expand from its small premises on theoutskirts of Brisbane to a nationally recognised company with many schools in atrthe major cities and large provincial…
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thesaurithesauri · 5 years
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which uses a special new technique and claims to be able to teach dogs to read, contacts your advertising agency.The short-term goal of the new training school is to expand from its small premises on theoutskirts of Brisbane to a nationally recognised company with many schools in atrthe major cities and large provincial…
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barryiriis · 5 years
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which uses a special new technique and claims to be able to teach dogs to read, contacts your advertising agency.The short-term goal of the new training school is to expand from its small premises on theoutskirts of Brisbane to a nationally recognised company with many schools in atrthe major cities and large provincial…
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draugarvinlands · 5 years
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which uses a special new technique and claims to be able to teach dogs to read, contacts your advertising agency.The short-term goal of the new training school is to expand from its small premises on theoutskirts of Brisbane to a nationally recognised company with many schools in atrthe major cities and large provincial…
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countrygals2014 · 7 years
Excerpt Reveal for THE OUTSKIRTS by T.M. Frazier!!!
Excerpt Reveal for THE OUTSKIRTS by T.M. Frazier!!!
The Swamp is about to get a whole lot hotter! The Outskirts by T.M. Frazier is coming September 12th!
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The Outskirts by T.M. Frazier Release Date: September 12th, 2017 Genre: Contemporary Romance Synopsis
Sawyer wants a life of her own.
Finn wants to forget he ever had one.
After a tragedy, Finn Hollis escapes
into the swamp to be alone.
That is until Sawyer Dixon shows up,
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lilium-tigrinvm · 5 years
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which uses a special new technique and claims to be able to teach dogs to read, contacts your advertising agency.The short-term goal of the new training school is to expand from its small premises on theoutskirts of Brisbane to a nationally recognised company with many schools in atrthe major cities and large provincial…
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imnicholasscott · 5 years
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which uses a special new technique and claims to be able to teach dogs to read, contacts your advertising agency.The short-term goal of the new training school is to expand from its small premises on theoutskirts of Brisbane to a nationally recognised company with many schools in atrthe major cities and large provincial…
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boycottlove-x · 5 years
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which uses a special new technique and claims to be able to teach dogs to read, contacts your advertising agency.The short-term goal of the new training school is to expand from its small premises on theoutskirts of Brisbane to a nationally recognised company with many schools in atrthe major cities and large provincial…
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lcylines · 5 years
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which
Summative assessment 2 ProjectThe owner of a new animal training school, which uses a special new technique and claims to be able to teach dogs to read, contacts your advertising agency.The short-term goal of the new training school is to expand from its small premises on theoutskirts of Brisbane to a nationally recognised company with many schools in atrthe major cities and large provincial…
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