#there's some misinformation floating around again
melverie · 5 months
I might make a post about what forging a pact means exactly (mostly for the demon) and what difference there is to being in possession of a demon's grimoire
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regulatedstrawberry · 8 months
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writing-with-olive · 8 months
So on many platforms i've seen people getting hysteric about the october 4 fema alert test thing happening tomorrow.
Your phone's gonna beep for a couple seconds. That's it. The world's not gonna end, it's not gonna be super dramatic. it'll be like if you got an amber alert or severe weather warning on your phone, except there's no emergency. A lot of warning posts came out because the beeping could be problematic if you've got a secret phone that beeping would give away, but if that is not you, you have nothing to worry about.
related, some misinformation i've seen floating around:
an EMP's gonna go off and shutdown the entire electrical grid. No. This is not happening. These tests are routine, and are not indicative of an emergency like that. Most posts i've seen about this were to use hysteria to whip up engagement. they're not serious in any way.
WW3 is about to start. Also no. depending on where you get your news from it may or may not feel super dramatic, but we're not about to get into WW3, and this test is, again, routine and normal
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uhhhhhh so this ended up being much much longer than i intended (what a surprise) so i'm posting this as an independent drabble instead of as a response to this ask
i think i need emotional support after writing this
pairing: levi x reader
word count: 3.3k
notes: canon!verse, post-war!levi, hurt/comfort, vague mentions of depressive symptoms, apologies if i get some s4 details wrong, i need emotional support now
Until I See You Again
| part 2 >>
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It had been a few months since the raid on Liberio. You remembered your reluctance to hop onto the airship and leave Paradis Island. You couldn’t remember what it was exactly that made you hesitate other than a daunting feeling that you couldn’t get rid of.
You remembered your mobility gear failing as you flew through the night sky, desperately trying to find your way back to the airship. You remembered getting caught in an explosion and getting bombarded with sharp pieces of shrapnel as you lost control of your body. You vaguely remembered Levi calling out your name, although you weren’t sure if you had just imagined that or not. 
The next thing you remembered was waking up in a stranger’s bed. It seemed that one of the Eldian families that lived in a part of Liberio that wasn’t as affected by the raid had taken you in. Although your injuries were not fatal, they were severe enough that you were under their care until very recently. As a result, you found yourself woefully unaware of the details of the war that had recently begun.
It was agonizing for you to be forced to stay in bed and rest, being taken care of by complete strangers as the war raged on around you. Once you were finally up and moving, the end of the war had passed and Liberio was in absolute chaos. 
You had desperately tried to find information on the state of Paradis and the Eldians that had once inhabited it—the ‘island devils’, as the Marleyans would call them—but there was so much misinformation floating around that you couldn’t be sure what to believe. Some said that the island had been abandoned after being flattened by the Rumbling. Some said the last few survivors perished during the final fight with the Founding Titan. Some said they fled and mingled into Marleyan society. People said a lot of things and you had no idea which ones were true. You had even considered trying to travel back to Paradis Island to figure out the fate of your people and more importantly, the fate of Levi Ackermann.
You waited. You spent weeks waiting, hoping to hear more solid news over what had happened. You continuously mingled around the public spaces, hoping to pick up information, or hang out at the port to see if you could find your other half amongst the refugees. 
You waited for weeks, yet you found nothing. You desperately wanted to continue waiting on the off chance that you might run into him, but you knew that it was more realistic to assume that he had perished during the climax of the war. Every time you saw someone that looked even slightly like him, you wanted to run to him and embrace him. Every time you looked closer, you saw that that someone was never actually him.
You sighed as you held a small hand-sized water lantern with both your hands. You had purchased it around two weeks ago as you emotionally prepared yourself for this moment. 
You slowly kneeled down to the ground with a heavy weighted feeling appearing in your chest. Everyone was gone. Levi was gone. You couldn’t imagine living your life without him, but you had to. If nothing else, you had to try—and in order for you to try, you had to let him go.
As you had that thought, you gently dropped the lantern into the water, having lit it up on your way over to the dock. You sat and watched as it floated off away from the coast and towards the ocean. 
“Until I see you again,” you whispered underneath your breath, “Levi.”
It had been a few months since the raid on Liberio and a few weeks since the end of the Rumbling. Although things were relatively calm compared to the chaos that ensued when Eren Jaeger brought down the walls on Paradis Island, it didn’t bring Levi Ackermann any peace.
Things had happened much too quickly. One minute, he was looking off the bridge of the airship next to you, appreciating the sight of the ocean below you and the stars above you. You two had relished in the few minutes of peace that you’d be able to steal before the raid. He remembered the two of you chatting over what diner to eat at after you got back to the island or where in the Forest of Giant Trees that you wanted to visit to get away from the noise of the town around you. 
He remembered watching you disappear into that sea of fire, having been just a second too late in grabbing you. He remembered being forced to flee, despite all of his instincts telling him to jump into the fire to save you. After believing that he had lost you, he channeled all of his emotional energy into the war that had begun with Marley. 
However, now that the war was over, all he could think about was you. He would wake up in the morning, longing to feel your touch and hear your voice. He longed to see the way you’d lazily get out of bed with the grumpiest expression or how you would get subtly whiney whenever he had to drag you out of the house to work. He missed your embrace and it hurt like hell every day that he had to wake up without you.
It had been weeks since he had established his own place in Liberio. He found it next to impossible to integrate himself into Marleyan society. Even going outside was torture, with the only thought crossing his mind being that one fateful night in the very town he currently stayed in. The structures around him were all still the same. Every day he went outside was another day that he was forced to relive your death.
He had a meeting face-first with a thunder spear. He lost the use of one of his legs during the final battle of the war. He had suffered so many injuries, so quickly, yet he lived. Part of him wished he didn’t. The guilt of him being the one that survived tore at him with every passing minute. He couldn’t even begin to count the amount of people that have died around him. It was like being around him was a curse—one he couldn’t save you from. 
Everyone that he had worked with was gone. He truly was alone. It was agonizing. There was no war to fight and no Titans that needed to be killed, putting him at wit’s end over how to distract himself from the grief that was pushing down on him. Every time he saw someone in Liberio that looked like you, he felt his heart clench as if it suddenly forgot how to function. Every time he looked closer and saw that it wasn’t, he felt like the heaviness in his chest grew. Everything around him only contributed to his grief.
When everyone had gotten killed by Zeke in Shiganshina, the only thing that allowed him to keep his resolve was you. Grieving everyone was at least a little easier as long as he had you by his side—but that fell apart the minute he saw you disappear into the flames.
He cursed to himself as he slowly walked across the dock, frowning at the prosthetic leg that he had gotten attached onto him a little while ago. He knew it was helpful and gave him some autonomy back in his life, but it was annoying for him to have to readjust his own pacing from having an artificial limb. 
He looked back up and watched the sun that was slowly dipping beneath the horizon. He had come here so he could walk and ease into walking normally again, but also because the scenery brought him at least some sense of comfort. The two of you would commonly walk on top of the walls during sunset when stressed, simply chatting and enjoying each other’s presence, and walking on the dock seemed similar. While it felt like breathing got slightly easier as he recalled that memory, walking in that view without you by his side made him feel emptier than he had felt this morning.
The frown on his face grew as that heavy feeling within him continued to grow. He didn’t know what to do. If he went home, he’d be miserable. If he stayed here, he’d be miserable. If he went to hang out at a local cafe, he’d be miserable. There was nothing he could do. 
He glanced towards the far end of the dock and let out a dejected exhale as he saw someone kneeling down on the dock that vaguely reminded him of you. He watched the way that their hair shuffled around as they stood back up. He watched the way they held themselves as they walked back onto the streets. He watched the way they hung their head down while taking unsteady, slow steps forward, similar to how you would when you were upset. 
As he continued to watch, he felt his heart rate slightly increase.
It couldn’t possibly be you. He had played this game at least a dozen times already. He would see someone that looked like you. He would get near them to see if it was you—and it never was. He didn’t want to hold onto hope just to be disappointed. He watched you disappear into that explosion. There was no doubting that—but he couldn’t stop thinking about it.
What if it was you?
Like every other time, he couldn’t get that thought out of his mind. With the war being over, he also had no way of replacing that thought by keeping himself busy.
“Tch,” he clicked his tongue quietly, frustrated at his own inability to control himself as he began to make his way over towards this stranger, just so he could get his brain to shut up once he sees that it isn’t you.
You silently thanked the rain clouds that had quickly filled the sky as you felt the rain drops gently fall. It wasn’t a full drizzle, but the gentle rain was more than enough to hide the tears that were now flowing down your cheeks.
You weren’t ready to let go. You didn’t want to let go. As you made your way back home, you couldn’t take your eyes off the floor, as all of the memories of your life together with Levi began to emerge all at once. Every single time that he had provided you with a source of strength that no one else could would not be felt again. He would never be there to help you on your low days again. He would never silently hold you as you sobbed about the loss that you had to cope with ever again. You would never feel his embrace again. You would never feel him again.
At this point, nearly everyone had either gone home for the night or walked indoors due to the rain. You couldn’t be bothered with it. Returning home to an empty apartment that you had no energy to upkeep felt more agonizing than standing in the freezing rain. Every step forward felt like it took all of your energy and part of you just wanted to collapse onto the ground and never get up again.
You took one more dejected step forward and opened your eyes as you felt yourself bump into someone. 
You were already emotionally exhausted, so bumping into this stranger when they had more than enough room on the sidewalk to pass you without entering your bubble was more than enough to irritate you. 
A scowl appeared on your face, but quickly disappeared
You felt your irritation get replaced with grief again as you looked down towards the stranger’s shoes, having been walking the entire way home without looking in front of you, only staring at the floor. The way the person stood in front of you felt familiar. The way their body slightly shuffled as the rain dropped down on you felt familiar. The way the person was standing felt familiar. Even the way they subtly smelled seemed familiar.
You noticed your breathing halt as those foolishly hopeful thoughts entered your mind again.
It couldn’t be him.
You’ve played this game over and over again. It was never him. 
You found yourself scared to raise your gaze. You wanted to cling onto this feeling of hope, but you knew it would dissipate the minute you saw that it wasn’t him. You weren’t sure how much of that you could bear.
Slowly, you lifted your head, fully preparing to mask any additional tears that were threatening to fall so that you didn’t end up sobbing in front of a complete stranger.
Your eyes made contact with blue-gray ones that looked right back at yours. They were familiar. They were tired and worn, as if they had seen too many horrors to imagine—but it was familiar.
It couldn’t be him.
You then noticed the way this stranger’s hair situated itself into an undercut. You noticed that he was barely taller than you—and you were already quite short yourself. You noticed the way he stood.
You felt yourself freeze up as you questioned the reality around you.
“Is this real?” you asked underneath your breath.
You felt a familiar grip on your waist as the person in front of you reached out. It was so familiar you wanted to collapse into him.
“Is it?” a familiar voice responded.
Hearing Levi’s voice for the first time in months finally ripped you out of your stupor.
He was here in front of you. It wasn’t a hallucination. You didn’t know how he was here or how long he had been in Liberio, but he was here.
It was like you could finally exhale after having held your breath ever since you woke up after the raid. As you felt his hands on you, saw him in front of you, and heard him speak to you, you felt your breathing destabilize as your efforts to mask your tears completely faded away.
You collapsed into Levi’s chest as his arms wrapped around you. You pulled him close as you sobbed, processing all of your grief at once. You hugged him tighter and tighter, wanting to ensure yourself that this was real—that he was real.
Levi took a deep breath as he somewhat buried his face into your hair, relishing in the feeling that he had missed for so long.
All of the pain you had felt throughout the past few months compounded together and ripped itself out of you all at once. It was absolute torture—but with every ounce of strength you had left, you would strive to feel this pain and be next to him, holding onto him, so that you would never lose him again.
You couldn’t take your gaze off of him.
The two of you had walked to his apartment since it was closer to the docks, compared to yours that was further inland. You currently rested on his couch with one of his jackets wrapped around you since you ended up being drenched in rainwater. 
You curled up and pulled his jacket in closer as he gently set down a cup of tea in front of you. You shakily grabbed the cup and slowly brought it to your lips, with a fresh wave of grief rolling through you as the liquid made contact with your lips. 
You gripped at the handle of the cup, shutting your eyes at the thought of just how much you had missed the way he made his tea. Over the past few months, you had tried to duplicate his brew in a vain effort to pretend he was still next to you, resulting in failure each time.
You listened intensely, continuing to sip at his tea to warm yourself up as he filled you in on the events after you had “died”. He spoke of Eren’s betrayal and how that led up to the climax of the war. He spoke of the insurrection within the walls. He spoke of the accident he had found himself trapped in. He spoke of all the events that you had missed out on.
He watched, trying to gauge your reaction to the information coming out of his mouth. He couldn’t ignore that intense feeling of guilt that was building up in his stomach. 
You were alive this entire time. His instincts were right. He should have stayed to rescue you. At the very least, he should have come back for you after they escaped. Instead of channeling all of his rage into the war, he should have come to find you—but he didn’t.
As he spoke, your eyes ran up and down his body. You had first noticed his scars when you looked up at him. The right side of his face had two vertical scars, with one running down his cheek and the other running through his right eye. You glanced down and felt your heart drop once you saw the state of his right hand, which was missing his index and middle finger.
Now that you thought about it, when you were looking down at his shoes earlier, you had noticed that one of his legs had been replaced with a prosthetic one. 
All this had occurred without you. All of these injuries that had permanently changed his life had happened without you. You couldn’t be there to support him or help him. He had to navigate it on his own, and that felt just as painful as losing him.
You reached out and gently grabbed at the sides of his face with both of your hands, running your left thumb across some of his scars.
“Are you in pain?” you whispered to him.
He grabbed at your hand, giving your palm a gentle kiss and he shot you a small, reassuring smile.
“Not anymore.”
You smiled back, but you weren’t reassured.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there during the most important period of our lives,” you said as your pain became evident in your voice. “I just feel like I missed out on everything and that I wasn’t here to support you-”
Although you two were already close physically, he still pulled you in closer, planting a kiss onto your lips. The feeling of your lips on his sent a rush of euphoria through his body, a feeling he never thought he would feel again.
After a while, he pulled away, but only ever so slightly. He wasn’t ready to let you go yet. He wasn’t ready to no longer feel your skin on him, even if it was just for a few seconds. He wanted to relish in the fact that you were here.
“Well,” he said quietly as he whispered to you. “Now we have nothing but time.”
Suddenly, living in a post-war peaceful life didn’t seem so bad to him. He pulled you into another kiss, placing his hand at the nape of your neck to pull you in closer.
It had been a few months since the raid at Liberio. During that time, he had lost everyone that had ever mattered to him. He had been forced onto a journey alone, in which he had to explore and find his own place in a world that wasn’t filled with death and destruction. He had been forced to shed his title as Humanity’s Strongest Soldier with no direction as to how to move forward.
However, now that he had you in his embrace again and was able to feel you, hear you, and see you, that journey no longer seemed as agonizing or impossible, as long as he found himself by your side.
A/N: i think i made this angstier than originally intended oops. hope you enjoyed!
taglist: @chaotic-on-main, @romantichomicide95, @levis-squishy-cheeks, @lovolee3
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I’m sure I’ve BRIIIIIEFLY touched on it here before?????? But I wanted to set the record straight on what’s my own interpretation of Luis;
I See floating around a LOT that Luis was indoctrinated/brainwashed by Los Illuminados which like,,,,,,,,,,, no???????? Like,, ignoring the fact that I have seen SOME people turn this into racist/classist rhetoric-
Luis has been out of Valdelobos for YEARS. He left when he was a CHILD- he worked as a scientist for the majority of his life; there’s no way in MY mind that he would’ve fell for the same religious rhetoric the villagers who were already extremely devout Catholics did cuz he probably left that religion ages ago!!!!!!
I personally think it’s more likely that he was blackmailed into working with Los Illuminados- he comes home, finds what he was hoping to be a safe space taken over by a cult, tries to make a cure for the sickness they’re using- and when he finds out that he was working for them and that their intentions are to basically mind control the world, it’s already too late and if he tried to run NOW, he would’ve been chained up and tortured (AND HE ALMOST WAS. IN SEPERATE WAYS. HE WAS LITERALLY ABOUT TO HE TORTURED BY THEM FOR TRYING TO BREAK OUT.) hell maybe LI held the lives of the villagers over his head or something cuz those were his family too!!!!!!!
Some people even say he was ON BOARD with Los Illuminados’ plan??????? @/blveherb has a GREAT post debunking this but the note people point to in-game a lot- there one where he remisces that the world may finally know peace under their rule- is literally just that. Him making an literal observation that anyone would have made. That doesn’t reflect his actions/morals/wants?????? He LITERALLY says in the next paragraph that he doesn’t want that too Hello????
And yeah there’s probably a good chance he WAS curious by the Plaga and had that kinda icarus-burnt-wing thing with it!!!!! Cuz he’s a scientist ofc he’s gonna be interested!!!!!!!! But that doesn’t reflect his dang morals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another thing I see a lot is people trying to point to Luis and say that HE made the Bioweapons like the regenerators and he used live humans?? N o ???????? IN-GAME we get told that a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT scientist made them and it is HEAVILY IMPLIED that Luis was the ‘horrified’ scientist that tried to convince them to stop
(Also cough COUGH a lot of these ideas come from the RE wiki either making shit up or combining og and remake info so people who aren’t able to play the game or read the files get misinformed cough C O U G H )
((Alsoalso hahahahaah can you guys imagine how guilty Luis must’ve felt watching the other scientists slowly die knowing that the only reason he’s survived is cuz of his charm and his childhood connections to the village hahahahahahahahaha-))
This is just my stance on it, and what I think makes the most sense for his character- SO many people want him to be the perfect ‘bad guy turns Good’ character and that he only decided to change after meeting our golden white boy protag Leon and all his actions prior to that were all outta malicious intent. Like,,, to me I feel like it just erases a lot of his upbringing, trauma, and real-world Spanish history which rubs me the wrong way
Edit: adding this too cuz people won’t be able to see the reblog:
Again this is just my own interpretation!!!!!!!! There is HEEEEEEEEAPS of merit and REALLY COOL discussions to be had with interpretations that play into Luis being brainwashed by the cult, or him having a Frankenstein/Icarus like curiosity about the Plagas etc!!!!!!!!
Just don’t. Yknow. Be racist. Or completely misinterpret his character and morals
General good rule of thumb: if you can give the same amount of grace to a white character, try giving it to Luis.
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vintagepresley · 1 month
You're right; this doesn't really add up. I can't stand all this misinformation floating around about E. Like, there's claims he had a 16 year old girl named Heli Priemel constantly in his bed with him in Germany. While it does look like he dated three fifteen to sixteen year old girls over there at some point, I have a hard time believing he'd sleep with any of them, especially considering how strict he was with not doing anything like that with Cilla. He wasn't an idiot nor a p*do as so many like to claim.
Anyway, I'm sorry about bothering you with this; this "gossip" just gets me fired up.
Yeah, I have no idea where she got her information from because it sounds crazy. But then again people love using Elvis and using misinformation for views lmfaooo.
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traincat · 1 year
yeah from what I've heard (I don't have the guts to actually read it) that's what's going on right now other than him fighting other heroes and paul still being a mystery
I'm going to marathon through what I've missed at some point, I'm just trying to get up the urge to care. (I got big back into Fire Emblem so I can't even rely on "this series is the main fiction love of my life and I have to do this" right now.) Most of what I've "read" from the past few issues are pages floating around twitter, and they've all been kind of outraged on the PeterMJ developments, which, like, I get, because they suck, but they've been sucking the whole series now so you'd think I'd hear more about Peter stealing tech from other heroes so he can give it to Norman to build stuff for him??
And I'm not addressing anything directly because again I haven't like actually read it yet and I don't want to be part of the comic book misinformation network, even accidentally, but I did read like at least the first half of what's out of this run and the Norman thing was the biggest deal for me. I can theoretically deal with everyone hating Peter for not established reasons or Peter and MJ having badly contrived relationship drama or Mystery Kids or Ben Reilly Evil Again (Take Two) or Peter not working at the Bugle because Marvel hates me personally or even Peter and Flash reuniting totally off page. What I can't handle is the Norman Was Shot With a Good Ray and Now Everyone Feels Sooooo Bad For Him Because He's Such a Nice Guy (He's Actively Falling Apart Because He's Gonna be Evil Again Ooh) apology hour. I can't handle Peter being willing to put his trust in Norman, whether or not Norman had the evil sucked right out of his soul and lobbed at a clone of Ashley Kafka or not. And I can't handle the downplaying of Peter's kills in favor of Norman's. It's always really weird to me when writers are like "Norman is more of a genius than Peter." Norman is more ruthless than Peter. Norman cares about far less than Peter. Establishing Norman as smarter than Peter flips the script in a really weird way (as opposed to characters like Doc Ock or the Jackal, who are established geniuses) that sort of puts them on this uneven footing. It seems to buy into the myth of the super rich guy as inherently smarter than everyone else, and it's not really present in Norman's original story (his introduction up to his death in ASM #122). Like this is a guy who Goblin'd himself because he blew up a bunch of chemicals in his own face. Even if he said he could build me a super suit, if I had anywhere in the realm of the "rewiring a toaster" skill set, I'd be like, cool thanks I'll do it myself. Which is what Peter should be doing, because the core of Peter's character should be a frightening amount of independence. He shouldn't be relying on Norman for a job or a super suit or subway fare. Good Norman or no, Norman helping to rescue MJ or no, Peter should be telling him to go fuck himself in every panel. It's just a basic characterization issue at this point. And this doesn't have to apply directly to whatever is or isn't going on in the past few issues because it applies to the whole run. (I did read the first few issues of Gold Goblin, which were at least an attempt at nuance with Norman, but between Liz trusting Norman and "Gold Goblin" sounding like the ultimate antisemitic dog whistle, I haven't gotten up the will to finish it yet.)
I think I'm also just like burnt out after two uniquely bad runs in a row. Like Slott was bad, but I was pretty used to the specific ways in which he was bad, and occasionally he busts out a good enough scene that it kind of gets you excited again. Spencer and Wells' runs have both had this deeply unpleasant undercurrent to them (Kindred, whatever's going on with Wells revisiting the plotline he wrote with the blizzard from the early days of Brand New Day) that just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But to say anything more specific I would, you know, actually have to read it.
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gogojetters · 9 months
Foz's Age - A Go Jetters Mini-Essay
If you've been in the Go Jetters fandom as long as I have, you'll know a lot about the characters, and have seen a lot of people making easy mistakes, because they haven't seen much media outside of the show itself. One of the biggest misconceptions I see floating around is the age of Go Jetter Foz. While none of the Go Jetters have explicitly stated ages in the show, the description for the show lists them as being "Go Jet Academy Seniors", which would place them at 16-17 years of age.
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However, what a lot of people don't know is that this age range does not actually apply to Foz, and there is a LOT of times this information has been stated! A lot of people can be confused by the spread of misinformation, as well as fan content, so this essay is meant to help people out, by compiling all of the places that this has been said, that being mentioning of Foz's age range and status, with links, and then piece it all together for you to get a proper estimate of Foz's age, and what it means in the bigger picture. All of this information is from official sources.
Common Misconceptions
The biggest misconception regarding Foz's age, as stated before, is that Foz is the same age as the other Go Jetters. This is admittedly an easy mistake to make, as almost every description of the show doesn't make this distinction, mostly for the sake of simplicity. However, in other places, this is solved, namely the individual character biographies for the four Go Jetters. The pitch bio also mentions the fact of the Go Jetters being final year students. However, Foz's biography from this source has not been released to the public at the time of writing this. Nonetheless, there are other biographies which can be looked at which may have similar information.
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Character Biographies
All of the Go Jetters characters have received multiple character biographies over the years, which aim to tell viewers a little something about each of the characters. I will be looking at two specific biographies, both taken from the Go Jetters Magazine- an official source linked to the show, the information shared in which lining up with the show.
The first of which is the "Funky Fact Files"- short character biographies about the four main Go Jetters, and Ubercorn. Foz's listed "Did You Know?" fact cites him as the youngest of the Go Jetter crew.
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Later in another magazine, a "Fact Card" is included with a figurine of Foz. This bio shares almost the same information, again stating as his additional fact that he is the youngest member of the Go Jetters crew. The fact that these two sources back-up each other shows consistency, an important element to proving that Foz being the youngest isn't just a one-off statement.
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(Image taken by rocketrhs11 on Discord, thus the lack of link)
Go Jetters Magazine
There's one other statement from the Go Jetters Official magazine, which isn't part of a character biography that is VERY important to note. That is the following statement, given within the magazine itself: "Foz is so clever that he skipped years at the Go Jet Academy to join the Go Jetters!". The use of the word 'years' plural is interesting, as that implies that he skipped a minimum of two academy years, rather than just one. The source confirms his young age again, through this statement.
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(Image taken by fandoms2023#7756 on Discord, thus the lack of link)
Producer Interview
In an interview from October 2015, around the time of the show's release, the producers for the show sat down and answered some questions about the show, its plot, the process, and of course, the characters. When asked "Can you tell us a bit about each of the characters and what inspired them?", the producers made sure to mention that Foz was the youngest, using the term "child prodigy" to describe him. He is the only Go Jetter to be referred to as a child in this interview, and they again point out that he is the youngest of the team.
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Pre-Production and Alternate Character Versions
While Foz's Titch Hikers and 2014 Game counterparts are not the same character as he is, they are part of the evolution that resulted in the final Foz, and share many of his traits, being his early counterparts and all.
Titch Hikers
In the Titch Hikers biography for "Didge", Foz's early-series counterpart, he is described as being the baby of the group. The use of this word, as well as sentences describing him as short and squidgy, infers him to be of a young age, when compared to the others, who are not described with such language. This is the youngest any version of Foz has ever been described to be. Additionally, his voice in the short pilot by Seed Animation is done by a child actor. The Titch Hikers concept and IP dates back to 2012, meaning that Foz being young in comparison to his team was always a planned aspect of his character.
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Go Jetters (2014 Game)
There are two separate biographies for the version of Foz, or Sceimi, featured in the 2014 video game, which went on to inspire Go Jetters.
The first of which is from the game itself, and is only available in Gaelic. Translated to English, the text reads: "hi explorers! I'm Sceimi, the youngest but the smartest person in the team, and I have a plan. My favorite endings are volcanoes by far… kaBOOOm!!". Once again, the relevant part of this description is the mentioning of Foz's age range.
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The other biography written for Foz is from the Cbeebies Grown-Ups page, where there is a section aimed at telling parents about the personalities of the four Go Jetters. While, like the other early biographies, they do not apply to the Foz from the Go Jetters TV Series, it is stated, once again, that he is the youngest Go Jetter. The exact wording of the statement being "Although he’s the youngest of the Go Jetters, Foz is the brains of the outfit, and it’s usually him who comes up with a plan to save the day".
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What does this mean? (Conclusion)
With all this put together, it tells us, the viewers, one clear message. Foz is younger than his teammates, Xuli, Kyan and Lars, and by at least 2 years, minimum. Combined with the knowledge of his weight (mentioned in Series 2's Wolong Panda Reserve), and the implications that Foz was Tala's classmate prior to him becoming a Go Jetter (Series 3's Honey Bee Hijack, inferred only) Foz's rough age can be placed at 12-13 years old, which is 3-4 years younger than his Go Jetter teammates. Not a huge gap, but a big enough gap for people to need to be aware about it, and keep it in mind for the future.
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Thank-You for Reading! Feel Free to share this mini-essay about, I did all of this in my spare time for free and appreciate all the attention I can get to this. I will be posting this to other social media if and when I can!! And maybe one day, we'll be zooming through the clouds above you!
-Tomm (GoGoJetters Moderator).
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roses-red-and-pink · 1 year
To clarify some misinformation in a couple posts I’ve seen floating around: mormons (a nickname btw) ARE Christians. Our name is the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and is what we prefer to be called. We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, God made flesh, that he died on the cross and atoned for our sins and rose again on the 3rd day. He is the centre of our religion. We have always been, and always will be Christians. We believe in the bible. We also believe in the Book of Mormon as another, equally true book of scripture. They complement each other and teach of Jesus Christ. We believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
As Joseph smith said: “The fundamental principles of our religion is the testimony of the apostles and prophets concerning Jesus Christ, “that he died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended up into heaven;” and all other things are only appendages to these, which pertain to our religion.”
I’m not sure where some people are getting your information, but it’s not from people who actually understand our religion and it’s fundamental tenants. If you would like to know particulars, feel free to message me respectfully, but please always know that my testimony and that of everyone else in my religion is based on Jesus Christ, the saviour of the world. 💕
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justaninfosec · 1 year
The End of Twitter Verified Accounts
Last Updated: 29 March 2023
I’ve seen a fair bit of confusion floating around about what’s happening with Twitter Verified Accounts. In order to better arm yourself against misinformation and disinformation that may well ensue to an even greater degree in the near future, check out the below.
Bottom line is, the Verified Accounts program will “start winding down”, in Twitter’s words, on 1 April 2023. Once that’s complete, the program will no longer exist, having been replaced by Twitter Blue and Verified Organizations. Twitter Blue ISN’T “a price tag + Verified Accounts”; it’s something different.
The Verified Accounts program was launched in 2009, to help mitigate the impact of impersonation of notable entities and individuals. The intent was to verify accounts that were “authentic, notable, and active”. The requirements to be verified can be found here (an Archive link is used in case Twitter removes the page): https://web.archive.org/web/20221109153246/https://help.twitter.com/en/managing-your-account/legacy-verification-policy
You didn’t pay for a Verified Account; in fact, at many points, Twitter took the initiative on reaching out and working with notable accounts to get them verified. It was an imperfect process, and I’ve seen more than one person that was well-known in their industry struggling to get verified amidst impersonations by others. But you didn’t get to spend money and wind up with a checkmark.
Twitter Blue
Going forward, the blue checkmark will mean the user is subscribed to Twitter Blue - they paid money - and met the eligibility requirements outlined here and on its linked pages: https://help.twitter.com/en/managing-your-account/about-twitter-verified-accounts. There is mention of Twitter looking for an intent to deceive, but the criteria are far less clear than for Verified Accounts and it flat out says that using Twitter pseudonymously is not a violation of the Blue policy.
If you change your photo, display name, or username, you will lose your Blue checkmark until the account is revalidated. Given those first two items get changed frequently by many people, it will be interesting to see how this goes. Particularly given Twitter has cut their employee numbers so much, one wonders how quickly they’ll be able to deal with validations and revalidations.
Folks far more focused on the nuances of Twitter than I have expressed expectations that Twitter Blue is going to cause problems for a variety of reasons, including:
Blue accounts have features that will amplify their content over non-Blue accounts. So, pay some money, amplify your content. This is already showing concerning signs in the realm of misinformation/disinformation.
Many accounts that were Verified in the past have indicated they’ll not pay for Blue, which seems likely to bring back at least some of the impersonation issues that predated Verified Accounts.
Verified Organizations
Businesses, non-profits, and government organizations can apply for Verified Organization accounts. Based on some things I read, I’m currently a little fuzzy on whether this includes things like heads of state having to pay to have the account show it’s a government account. We’ll see.
What I suspect will prove quite key in general is that a Verified Organization account will cost $1000 USD PER MONTH minimum. To affiliate other accounts to the organization account, such as an employee account, will cost an additional $50 USD per month.
So, $12,000 per year minimum to have a Verified Organization account. I wonder how many businesses are going to pay that, so we may see further impersonation issues here.
So yeah, we'll see how this goes. I'll post again on the matter after I have a better sense of the shape it's all taking after the 1st of April.
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thorlokibrother · 28 days
UK Voters!
I've seen misinformation floating around about what counts as voter id and who can get it, so here's a reminder that you can get FREE VOTER ID for UK ELECTIONS on the government website, here. You only need your national insurance number and a digital photo of yourself, and once again, it's free.
Too late to get this ID for the elections in May 2024, but plenty of time to get it for whenever we next have elections.
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vitospaghetta · 2 months
I hope you never stop talking about Leon. OG or Remake doesn't matter. Just keep it loud and LOUDER for the people in the back. Please. <33
Now, for my question, as we know that OGs and more specifically CGI movies are only canon to them, the new approach Capcom took with Leon's relationship with Ada starting RE2R to RE4R and how he's basically done with her at the end, there's a vaaast difference there imo it's practically unmissable and even Nick was talking how Leon is "done with her shit" to put it bluntly. So it really does seem like there's a different approach to Leon's entire relationship with her. And when we combine all that, it makes sense that Damnation is cut out of this because it's just not gonna fit... the entire concept and point of this game is Leon moving past his trauma that includes Raccoon City and Ada both, and he does that by forming a bond with another human being that he rescues but also Luis. There's so many different things and the way they play out that to me personally this is absolutely a different take on Leon. They're now two different people/characters. Which is why i am so excited and ready to see how RE6R will play out especially with Ada where we get the utmost closure.
Again, this is my two cents. But i really love your takes and i wish you continue. There's so many misinformation out there that's being spread on an almost daily basis that this fandom deserves some clearance. Stay strong and take care !! <3
Oh I absolutely agree!!! Capcom's definitely taking a new approach to Leon and Ada this time around with the remakes. Admittedly, I'm not the biggest fan of the vilification of Ada in the remakes, but then I've never been a big enough fan of her to have a strong opinion on it either way? Especially since they're just heavily leaning into what was already there in the original games, so I'm all here for this different perspective. Leon's feelings towards Ada in RE4R are completely justifiable and feel very realistic and genuine. Also I'm a HUGE sucker for narratives where two characters grow through their experiences with one another, so the way that Ashley and Leon do just that in the RE4R makes my heart melt. I'm really glad Capcom decided to approach Leon's Raccoon City trauma in the way they did — with his relationships with Ashley, Luis, as well as Ada and Krauser, being representative of him processing his inner turmoil and moving forward.
Hahaha thank you!!!! 🖤 Seriously, I'm glad you like my meta so much!!!
I think a lot of the misinformation floating around is just misguided, ya know? I don't think a lot of people are satisfied with the information provided to them (regarding anything prior to the remakes), so they're constantly digging for more and can easily find themselves believing something that's not necessarily true because that's what they want to believe. They want there to be more depth laid out in front of them than what's already there, they want a certain level of tragedy to be properly explored with good writing, etc.
Then the other part of it is that I think that younger/newer fans just take issue with OG Leon when they're not sexualizing him (which I'm not saying is wrong, mind you). Almost like people are threatened by the idea of their favorite character being flawed in a way that they don't deem as acceptable. Leon's flaws are relatively minimal and often come at the detriment of himself rather than others, but that doesn't mean that he is without any flaws that impact those around him. OG Leon wasn't/still isn't written with gen-z kids in mind, so I feel like it's natural for younger people to gravitate towards remake Leon because he's more palatable. He feels safer, so-to-speak. I think that's perfectly reasonable. However, I think the general bias skews peoples' perspectives when taking OG Leon into account.
Also I think people are just confused lol because of how murky lore shit can be, and again, people are want to believe anything that makes them think that there's more depth than what's being provided in canonical material.
That's why I'm happy to share my own meta/knowledge/whatever, because I think it's nice to offer another perspective into the mix!!
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ericas-spop-blog · 1 year
Metatext - Adora and Mind Control
(Apologies folks, this one is going to be kind of long and rambling).
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While it’s mostly died down, I do still occasionally see people invoke the idea that in SPoP, Adora was magically mind-controlled by Shadow Weaver to justify why she was so okay with, eg, Shadow Weaver threatening to kill Catra for "disrespect” in the pilot.
And (a) No. Like, I can’t control what you put in your fanfics, but that’s just bullshit. If Adora was meant to be mind controlled in some supernatural way, the show would have told us. 
(b) I do understand where the idea comes from, but, well. Indulge me in a digression. Let’s talk adaptation history.
The 80′s Cartoon
For anyone who isn't aware: In the 80's cartoon, Adora is a Horde Captain, and thinks the Horde are the Good Guys because Shadow Weaver has been mind-controlling her since she was a bitty baby. Over the course of the TV movie/pilot the mind control is broken, the truth that the Evil Horde is Evil is revealed to her, and she joins the rebellion.
It's serviceable and fun, within the constraints of being an 80's Filmation cartoon.
But those constraints are why mind control is part of the story. Genre convention and broadcaster standards required that the Good Guys be unambiguously Good and the Bad Guys be objectively Bad. There is no space in that moral rubric for a Hero to have motives beyond a compulsion to "Do the Right Thing", or have a non-standards-compliant idea of what the “Right Thing” is.
So to have Adora start the story with the (obviously, objectively) Bad Guys, they needed a way to explain away A Good Person doing Evil Things; their answer was Magic Mind Control. Sure, Adora was the one walking and talking and leading enforcement gangs, but she’s not responsible, because the magic is forcing her to be like that.
Breaking the mind control is a bright line moment, in which Adora instantaneously transitions from being a Powerless Victim to being a Hero Who Does The Right Thing.
And this works as a metaphor, largely because Adora is the only character who explicitly grew up in the Horde. While 80s!Adora is an adult in-universe, she’s still intended as a surrogate for the child audience, and the conflicts she faces come through that frame. Children are dependant on their caregivers to filter and contextualize information, and sometimes those caregivers are shitty people who use that power to their own ends. Mind control isn’t a terrible analogy for that. It’s simplistic, but, you know. 80′s Filmation.
The SPoP Pilot Pitch
Again, if you haven’t seen it, there’s a “Story Bible” floating around that was the original pitch for the series. It’s a fascinating insight into how the sausage is made, but the relevant parts are:
Adora (and only Adora) is still Mind-Controlled into thinking the Horde are the good guys
Catra has been cast as, not just a fellow Force Captain(who is Bad and revels in that Badness), but as a childhood friend of Adora’s.
And that’s. Hrm.
It’s not bad per se, but putting these two idea together makes “mind-control” less an analogy for abuse and misinformation, and more a form of special pleading.
It says that while others raised in a bad environment will accept that badness as normal and acceptable, it would require supernatural compulsion to make Adora do the same.
And because that compulsion is supernatural and external, pitch!Adora is, once again, granted absolution. No matter what she did under the Horde, at the end of the day, it wasn’t her fault.
But while this was a central element of the original pitch, it was dropped at some point during the show’s development.
And that’s where it gets interesting.
2018 SPoP
In the show as aired, the below are still true:
Adora is still weirdly compliant, and treats the Horde as The Good Guys even when they’re being openly, indisputably awful in front of her
Catra is still her peer, still someone who has grown up in the same environment
But, in addition:
The metaphors for abuse have been replaced with actual mundane abuse
Adora is no longer the sole target of said abuse
SPoP!Adora is manipulated and lied to, yes; but she is not uniquely so. Catra knows no more than she does - she is, if anything, slightly more in the dark.
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And yet Catra knows full damn well that she is being mistreated, that Shadow Weaver is petty, manipulative, and unfair.
So why doesn’t Adora?
And this is where the great disconnect happens, where a segment of the audience demands an explanation, a revelation of the secret reason for Adora’s awful behaviour. Adora is The Hero, so she must be A Good Person! Why is the show messing this up?
Which is a failure to understand that the lack of an answer is the answer.
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The show fails to grant Adora absolution because there is none to be had. There is no excuse, no trick, no double-top-secret easter egg buried in the background that explains how Adora could not have known, that she was but an innocent babe compelled by forces beyond her control.
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SPoP!Adora never gets a bright-line moment of transition between helpless thrall and agency-imbued hero because there was no transition to make.
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Adora was abused, yes. She was manipulated, and lied to, and hurt. But for all the power Shadow Weaver had over her, all the pressures applied, she was never mind-controlled. From start to finish, from the earliest flashback to her dreams of a better future, Adora’s agency and her choices - all of them, good and bad - were ultimately wholly her own.
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shadowmaat · 6 months
Mischief and Misinformation, part 3
(part 1) (part 2)
Obi-Wan desperately needed a caf. It seemed like everywhere he went in the Temple there were whispers of his "tragic" padawanship with Qui-Gon or stories of him having crippling insecurities and an inability to take basic care of himself. It was ridiculous! And frustrating. If one more person expressed surprise at seeing him eat a full meal in the cafeteria, he was going to scream.
He was, in fact, on his way to get some lunch for himself and some Healer-recommended snacks for Ani. His impulsive padawan had recovered from eating too much blue custard, but had brought himself to the attention of Master Che, who was, in his words, "punishing" him for his "mistake" by making him eat a healthier diet. For a whole week.
Obi-Wan was pulled from his musing by the excited chatter and galloping feet of some younglings on fast approach. He stepped to the side to give them room to pass, but as the first of them, a young selonian, came careening around the corner on all fours, he spotted Obi-Wan and somersaulted to a stop.
"Master Bee!"
"Initiate Zip." Obi-Wan smiled in recognition. Three more figures came around the corner and piled up, wild flickers of the Force keeping them from landing in a pile on top of Zip.
"Master Bee!" the others echoed.
He recognized them, too. He'd done a few stints in the creches, though it had been a while since he'd had time to visit.
"Good afternoon, Archix Clan." He bowed to them, and they hastily bowed back. "You seem to be in a hurry today. Off to your interdimensional mathematics lesson?" He asked it with as much solemnity as he could muster.
"We're going swimming in the Sesid Falls!" Zip chirped. "You wanna come-"
Issa, a blue-skinned nautolan lurched forward, clapping a hand over Zip's mouth and staring at Obi-Wan with wide eyes.
"Sorry, Master! Zip wasn't thinking! Again." She whispered something to Zip, whose eyes also widened, his ears flattening into his fur.
"Srry Mfr!" he said around Issa's hand.
Behind them, Molly had her hands over her own mouth and Plansa was tugging at her ear flaps. A prickling sense of foreboding had him suspecting he knew what this was about.
Had everyone been reading these spacer stories about him? Even crechelings? He'd tried looking them up after his bout with Kit, but hadn't found anything amiss in the mission archives. Or the wider archives, for that matter.
"Hesa jes' excited for da paddlewompy," Plansa said, her distress obvious from her reversion to Gunganese Basic. "No be sads, Massa Bee!"
Molly nodded agreement, her pigtails flapping against her shoulders.
Knowing he was going to regret it, he couldn't help asking anyway. "And why would I be sad, Plansa?"
Four pairs of eyes stared at him, stricken. Plansa squealed, clamping her hands down on her beak as she tried to hide behind the much-smaller Molly.
"No reason!" Issa began dragging Zip down the hall, the selonian half-crouched to accommodate her. "No reason at all! Sorry! We gotta go!"
She, Zip, and Plansa dashed away, but Molly hesitated, looking conflicted. She was human- or near enough- and the quietest of the group, but now she stepped closer, reaching out to grasp his hand.
A burst of comfort washed through him.
"It wasn't your fault, Master Bee," she said. "He fell. And anyway, he'd kidnapped your friend and was gonna let her die."
A chill prickled between his shoulders. Who fell? Who'd been kidnapped?
Molly released his hand and stepped back, bowing. "You did the right thing. Bye!"
She took off running to join her friends.
Obi-Wan stared after them, trying to piece together what stories he'd heard to see if he could figure out where this one fit in. Other than it presumably being Qui-Gon's fault, which seemed to be the common theme.
"A great tragedy, it was," spoke a familiar voice.
He looked over to see Master Yaddle floating around the corner in her chair.
"Yes, a tragedy indeed when challenge you, Bruck Chun did, and fall to his death, he did, in the Temple gardens."
"Master." Obi-Wan bowed deep. "We both know that never happened. Didn't he join the Temple Guard a few years back?"
Yaddle chuckled, her ears waggling back and forth.
"Find his path, he did. And not over the falls, it was."
She sounded amused. Obi-Wan pinched the bridge of his nose.
"These rumors are getting out of hand. Please tell me the Council is doing something about it."
"Doing many things, the Council is," Yaddle said, levitating her chair higher. "Always busy, we are. A distraction these rumors have been, but the trail we have found."
He straightened. "Do you know who's doing this? And why?"
That was the thing he couldn't figure out. The whole debacle was strange enough, but why him? Why this?
Yaddle hummed, starting her chair back down the hall. He moved to keep pace with her.
"Years ago it was done," she said. "Discovered the slice only now, we did."
"Someone sliced the Temple records??"
It wasn't unheard of, but it was extremely rare; moreso since Jocasta Nu took over the Archives.
"Displeased, the Master of the Archives was," she said, as if that wasn't an incredible understatement. "Corrected, the security flaw was.
"I imagine that Madame Nu had quite a lot to say about that," he said.
Yaddle laughed. "Protective, she is. Correct she is, also. Lost we would be, without knowledge. And led astray, we can be, when misrepresented our history is."
Obi-Wan nodded. "Do you know who did it?"
Her ears flicked in acknowledgement. "Know him, we do. And know him as well, do you."
If he didn't know better he'd say the look she gave him was sly. He slowed, frowning. She slowed her chair to match him.
"A great dislike someone had for Master Jinn. An equally great affection he had for you."
Obi-Wan wasn't sure "affection" was the right word for the pitiful life the stories had depicted, but he could feel the pieces start to click together in his head.
"Affection, yes. Skilled, he is, in deception, and inclined, he is, to, hrmm... mischief."
It hit him like a rock to the head.
Yaddle snorted, her ears pricked forward in blatant amusement.
"Much to answer for, your friend has," she said. "And arrive soon, he should, at hangar 8-Kresh.
"Thank you, Master." He bowed to her. "I believe I'm needed elsewhere right now."
It had been a while since he'd spoken with his dear old friend. Now seemed like a good time to catch up. He turned, heading for the hangars.
"With you, the Force is," Yaddle called after him. "And need that, your friend will, when find him, Jocasta does."
Obi-Wan picked up his pace.
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are you scared of dyhydrogen monoxide too? it has chemicals and is more than two syllables after all :/
You know, I used to laugh at the dihydrogen monoxide stuff. When I was in middle school and high school (which was many moons ago now) we’d either read an article or be shown a video about it about once every other year, and typically the point was to illustrate how information can be manipulated to make anything scary. I still see it floating around every now and then, sometimes retaining that original sentiment and almost always with an elitist air of “lol, look at these idiots who don’t know things!”
But then when I got a little older and gained more life experience, I started to put my critical thinking cap on and realized that the whole thing was kind of bullshit. In a lot of the videos you see where people are going around with the clipboards asking people to sign a petition to ban dihydrogen monoxide, it’s in a large public setting like a fair or festival or park or other environment where folks with clipboards and noble causes are a common sight. People are focused on other things and if a nice kid comes up and asks for their help to ban a chemical that’s in acid rain and kills you if you inhale too much of it, most of polite midwestern america isn’t going to solve the mental riddle of what this substance actually is based on the clues provided. They’re going to say “yeah, sure” in order to get back to their afternoon as quickly as possible. When I first saw the meme in action, smartphones weren’t a thing yet so people couldn’t even quick google what the clipboard warrior was talking about.
Also, even if someone knows the chemical formula for water, there’s no reason most people would know to associate it with the name dihydrogen monoxide. Chemical nomenclature is up there with trig and diagramming sentences on the list of things people often bitch about learning in school and then never having any use for again (do kids still even diagram sentences? did I just date myself?) Even in chemistry classes you’re never going to hear water called dihydrogen monoxide, except maybe as a joke in connection with the meme. The only part of the name most people would recognize is the “monoxide”, in the context of carbon monoxide, something widely understood to be undesirable in the home. There’s actually a certain logic to it - if you have a thing in your home that monitors this substance and you know that if that substance is detected you need to vacate immediately, it makes sense to be wary of a similarly named substance. pattern recognition for survival, etc.
I guess the point I’m getting at here is that it’s not reasonable to expect people who don’t regularly work in fields that involve chemistry to just know how to pull apart the names of chemicals and determine what purpose they serve or characteristics they might have, and I don’t think the approach of “here’s a thing that has all of these negative characteristics and which I’m going to describe in the most disingenuous way possible, oh wait, GOTCHA!” is at all useful or productive. People don’t know things. That’s okay. The correct response is to offer information in an accessible way for them to learn, not point and laugh or pull out some douchey and equally unhelpful catchphrase like “everything is made of chemicals.” It’s natural for people to be concerned about what’s in their food and water, especially given the many substances that were once perfectly legal and in common use that are now banned because we discovered how dangerous they were later on (asbestos in particular is a specter that will probably be haunting my industry for the rest of time.) And if there’s one thing to be learned from the dihydrogen monoxide meme, it’s that you should always be aware that there are people who are out to misinform and try to manipulate you for profit. Government regulatory bodies are not exempt from this.
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dramamelon · 8 months
Hey, I’m a disabled artist who uses AI to regain access to some of what I lost. Not because I ‘suck’ at art and want to ‘cheat’ at being better, but because holding a stylus/pen/paintbrush/etc for more than five minutes will leave me in pain for days after. And I used to believe the internalized ableism telling me I should push through the pain to make art, but then I learned that I was actually permanently worsening my condition every time I did that. (According to my PCP, at least.)
So I can’t make art at all unless I can do it in sessions of under 5 minutes. And generating AI art for the base and then editing that allows me to create again without doing irreparable damage to myself. It’s still a pain in the ass because AI art isn’t nearly as advanced as people believe, but still. There’s basically nothing but misinformation floating around tumblr, so I don’t blame people for having the wrong idea of what it is and how it works.
Anyway, I’m messaging to ask if, knowing that, you want me to unfollow you. Since I had been enjoying your stuff but maybe you don’t want me here. I’ll respect that, if so. Just let me know.
Hey, anon!
There's a big difference between using AI generated stuff as a base to work from and trying to pass off unaltered AI as one's own work from start to finish. I've no issues with the first one and, in fact, understand completely. As a matter of fact, I don't have a whole lot of issue with people posting unaltered stuff as long as it's acknowledged that AI was used to create it. Some interesting things have come from the tech. (There's a lot of nuance in the discussion that doesn't tend to get brought up, definitely.)
A tool is a tool. AI generators, unfortunately, are a tool that are being exploited to the detriment of many by some less than savory people. As a writer and an artist, I'm very much against the way AI has been trained and can't wait for the current over-usage of it anywhere and everywhere to die a painful death, but I do see a future for it as a tool.
All this is just to say, no worries! :D From what you say in the ask, you're using AI as a tool, as it's meant to be. We're good. 💜
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