#they = roskomnadzor
myname-isnia · 1 year
They blocked Ao3 what is the point anymore
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lenskij · 7 days
hello. does anyone have alternatives to the owl app for pretending to learn french?
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they think they can stop me from posting fics about non traditional food practices. think the fuck again.
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Pressure on social media companies dates back to 2015, when a law came into force obliging them to store the personal data of Russian users on Russian territory and giving the government the power to fine them, or close them down, for not doing so. None of the Western companies have complied, which led to the closure of LinkedIn in 2016. Google, Meta and Twitter have collectively been fined more than $600,000 since the start of 2020.
It was in 2016 that requests from the Russian government to Google to remove videos from YouTube and to block certain search results began to rapidly increase. The company's transparency reports show that over the last 10 years it has received more such requests from Russia than the rest of the world combined - Google says a third of them relate to "national security".
Like the other Western companies, Google complies with some Russian requests but not with others.
Efforts to control the spread of undesirable information on social media accelerated further in early 2021, after the return of Alexei Navalny to Russia from hospital in Germany, where he had been treated for poisoning with the chemical weapon Novichok.
Navalny was immediately arrested, leading to unsanctioned protests in Moscow, St Petersburg and other cities, which supporters widely advertised on social media.
This prompted angry complaints from Roskomnadzor. The posts were quickly removed from the third most popular social network in Russia, VKontakte (or VK.com), owned at that point by oligarch Alisher Usmanov, the former Arsenal football club shareholder.
But Western social networks were less accommodating, so Roskomnadzor started taking them to court and fining them.
Its next step, in March, was to slow down traffic on Twitter, for its refusal to delete these and other posts. Pictures and videos, in particular, became slower to load.
And later in the year it persuaded Google and Apple to remove from their stores a tactical voting app, designed to help Navalny sympathisers unite behind a single candidate in local elections, thereby maximising the chance of defeating the candidate of the ruling United Russia party.
The head of Navalny's team, Ivan Zhdanov, denounced the companies for what he described as "a shameful act of political censorship".
He later tweeted part of a letter from Apple, which pointed out that prosecutors had said the app was enabling illegal "interference in elections" and that media regulator Roskomnadzor had warned the company that it was promoting an "extremist organisation"
  —  How Russia tries to censor Western social media
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tomorrowusa · 2 years
Tumblr and Russia these days
I get the impression that Russia has not just given up on Tumblr but has forgotten about it almost completely.
A few years ago scores of accounts here were identified as having connections to Russia’s euphemistically named Internet Research Agency (Агентство интернет-исследований). Slack monitoring during the Yahoo era allowed the proliferation of such accounts. But in all fairness, Tumblr was far from the only platform affected by infiltration from Putin’s disinformation spreaders.
Tumblr Finally Breaks Its Silence on Russian Propaganda
Since 2018, things have gotten more quiet on Tumblr’s Russian front. Of course there are users from Russia but the serious attempt at infiltration by the “Trolls from Olgino“ (Olgino is the Saint Petersburg neighborhood where the Internet Research Agency is located) has subsided.
Fast forward to the invasion of Ukraine. Putin is attempting to put pressure on international sites which report the truth about what is happening in Ukraine. I clipped this from The Guardian.
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In the Orwellian eyes of the Putin régime, “false information” = the truth. This is a country where you can go to jail for calling the war a war. The de facto definition of “Nazi” currently is anybody opposed to Putin’s policies. Never mind that Putin’s rule is ever increasingly fascist.
But apparently Kremlin censors have overlooked Tumblr. So at least for the immediate future we can create posts which allow some Russians to understand what is really going on in the war. So if you take the time to post factual articles from credible news sources, then you will be helping to circumvent Putin’s Iron Curtain of censorship surrounding the war.
Examples of news stories to write about...
Ukraine strikes psychological blows in game of drones over Crimea
Germany's Scholz says Putin started war for 'completely absurd' reasons
‘The commanders don’t give a shit about us’ In one Russian brigade, around 700 soldiers have refused to fight. But their superiors won’t let them leave.
The risks to Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia power plant, explained 
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teknolojihaber · 2 months
Rusya yasaklamaya doymuyor: 150 VPN hizmeti yasaklandı
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Elektronik iletişim alanında kontrol ve denetim dairesi başkanı Evgeny Zaitsev Roskomnadzor'un bugüne kadar yaklaşık 150 popüler VPN hizmetini engellediğini açıkladı. 1 Mart'tan bu yana, engellemeyi aşma araçlarının reklamını yapan veya yaygınlaştıran sayfalarda de engellenecek. Daha Güvenli İnternet Forumunda konuşan yetkili, "Şu anda en popüler VPN hizmetlerinin yaklaşık 150'sini engelliyoruz " dedi. Ayrıca, 1 Mart'tan bu yana, Roskomnadzor'un, yasaklı materyallerin engellenmesini atlamaya yönelik araçların yaygınlaştırılmasını teşvik eden sayfaları engellemeye başladığı bir kuralın yürürlükte olduğunu da hatırlattı. Bay Zaitsev , "Engellemeyi aşmak için VPN kullanma konusunda propaganda yayan yaklaşık 700 materyali zaten engelledik " diye ekledi. Rusya mevzuatı, yasa dışı içeriğe erişimin engellenmesini aşmaya yönelik araçların kullanılmasını yasaklamaktadır. Bu araçlar, federal devlet bilgi sistemine (FSIS, Rusya Federasyonu'nda engellenen kaynakların bir listesini içerir) bağlı olmayan, tehditlere karşı teknik araçlara bağlı olmayan ve genellikle engellenen sitelere erişim sağlayan VPN hizmetlerini içerir. Roskomnadzor, Rusya'da faaliyet gösteren VPN hizmetlerinin bir listesini tutar ve düzenli olarak günceller ve ayrıca yasayı ihlal eden hizmetleri engeller. Read the full article
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thenewsmag · 2 years
Ρωσία: Αποσύρονται όλα τα βιβλία που «προπαγανδίζουν» την ΛΟΑΤΚΙ κοινότητα
Ρωσία: Αποσύρονται όλα τα βιβλία που «προπαγανδίζουν» την ΛΟΑΤΚΙ κοινότητα
 Η ρωσική ρυθμιστική Aρχή τηλεπικοινωνιών, η Roskomnadzor, ζήτησε από την ρωσική ένωση εκδοτών – βιβλιοπωλών να αποσυρθούν όλα τα βιβλία με «προπαγανδιστικό» περιεχόμενο της ΛΟΑΤΚΙ κοινότητας μετέδωσε το ρωσικό πρακτορείο TASS, το οποίο επικαλείται τη συγκεκριμένη υπηρεσία. Η Roskomnadsor ανέφερε στην ανακοίνωσή της ότι «η διάδοση προπαγάνδας αποκλινουσών σχέσεων με οποιαδήποτε μορφή δεν…
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russianreader · 2 years
A Miniskirt for Every Day
A Miniskirt for Every Day
Season after season, minimalism remains trendy. If we also consider the current popularity of 80s and 90s styles, it comes as no surprise that miniskirts are in fashion again. Moreover, they’re fashionable everywhere: they can and should be worn to parties with friends, exhibitions, and work. When you wear them to work, you just have to follow a few simple rules. Busting myths There are many…
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creativitycache · 11 months
Ok so according to the news articles Anonymous Sudan isn’t actually Sudanese but actually Russian agents pretending to be Sudanese Muslims to start shit with the goal of aligning Russia as “on our side”. Astroturfing a culture war.
Tbh idk why bother since -gestures broadly at American foreign politics for decades- but sure. Yeah. Let’s go with that.
And Russia has been aiming at AO3 for months apparently since AO3 didn’t remove teenage nsfw fics in Russian.
Ok. So. Um. Apparently Roskomnadzor/The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media has a long history of doing that, including targeting Russian Wikipedia because of their cannabis page.
Alright. Let’s keep rolling I guess.
So the end goal of Roskomnadzor is to censor the internet because they want control over what information can spread. And to do that they try to gain legitimacy/legality over “think of the children” pages. If they can censor Wikipedia for weed they can censor it for how to make Molotov Cocktails.
Ok…makes sense I guess…
So just looking at the “enforcement” section of Wikipedia it looks like to do that they block and if they can’t block they throttle and if they can’t throttle they fine and if they can’t fine they sue.
So what the fuck happened; some Russian office worker saw their squick & went full anti but thought it would be more politic to pretend to be Extremist Sudanese Muslim Hackers? Some 30 year old office Harry Potter stan said “Shit we can’t take on Ukraine & AO3 at the same time”?
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haxyr3 · 4 months
Just to give you an idea how crazy things have become in Russia.
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generallemarc · 23 days
Yeah, so iirc I recently said that, as bad as Google was, at least they didn't bow to Chinese censorship?
Oh, and that's not all.
Using adblock to deny youtube revenue is now a patriotic duty. I'm doing my part-are you?
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myname-isnia · 3 months
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Trans sky :)
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mariacallous · 7 days
The language learning company Duolingo has censored its app to comply with Russia’s law against “LGBT propaganda,” which bans the distribution of information about LGBTQ+ people, according to Russian state media.
On April 10, the Russian state news agency TASS reported that Roskomnadzor, Russia’s federal censorship service, had ordered Duolingo to check its materials for “LGBT propaganda” and to remove any content that violates Russian law. On Tuesday, TASS reported that Duolingo confirmed it had complied with the order.
Duolingo appears to have caught the Russian authorities’ attention in early February, when local media in the Siberian city of Novosibirsk said that an activist organization had reported the company to Roskomnadzor after receiving complaints from parents that the app contains references to the existence of LGBTQ+ people.
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nogacheloveka-blog · 4 months
The Bad Sanses somehow ended up in the Backrooms. №1
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next 2
This is the translation of the first post from Russian to English. I understand English, but it is very difficult for me to write in English, so I asked chat GPT to help me. I have corrected some parts, but there still may be mistakes.
Originally, this drawing was supposed to contain an alarming image to pair with another drawing of Dream with an alarming image. I couldn't make it work, so I decided to draw Nightmare on skates. Behind him, Dast appeared, and I remembered a fanfic that interested me, and gradually, all the others were drawn too.
This is actually art for the translation of the Wayward fanfic, which I sent to the translator to try to give him the strength to continue the translation. I just read the first chapter on ficbook, and I was struck by how Nightmare and Error were not alone, but with the Night's children, wandering around Backrooms.
I know that there is a lot of horror in the text itself, but I am a supporter of cuteness, and my Backrooms with a group of Sanses will be quite toothless and cute. I don't know if my inspiration will last long, but let it be as it is. Plus, Roskomnadzor has again gone through my VPN, and before I can finish reading other chapters of the original, I will need to look for other services (not cool).
The concept is as follows:
🔪 Killer. He doesn't see anything terrifying about his current situation. Probably the calmest of all these newcomers. It's really something new in his life. It is unknown how long his enthusiasm will last.
🪓 Horror. He is currently in a wild panic. He can't stop thinking about the lack of food around him. It's pretty critical for him because of how he was changed by his own dungeon - he needs physical food. But Kill's stupid jokes distract him a little.
🦴 Dast. This guy is extremely tense. He's not all right even in normal times. He found a way to cope by sticking closer to Papa Nightmare, who is quite noticeably sucking out his emotions. He doesn't feel strong hunger yet. It's unclear whether it's due to stress or other reasons.
⛔ Error. Oh, this guy is harder for me, but let's say that together with the soft and cute Backrooms, we have a less unstable and cute Err. He's scared to wander these corridors alone because "these anomalies" can find a way out, but he can't. Fortunately, he doesn't need food. Out of a sense of contradiction, he wanders nearby. They are especially useful to him. At least Nightmare and Cross. At the insistence of the latter, he keeps the group together with threads. He already wants to strangle Killer with them.
⚔️ Cross. An anxious child. In the same degree of panic as Horror, but copes by turning on his instincts as a former guard and watching their backs. He was the first to experience the fear of wandering alone, suddenly getting lost.
🌙 Nightmare. It seems that he is the only one who has fewer and at the same time more problems in the current situation. When they first lost Cross around the corner, they were able to find him by his panic. He feeds on the negativity of those around him, even Error feels it. Feeds Cross and Killer with magic (not ship things). He considers options for what to give Horror as food (remember all those survival guides in Backrooms on a cellulose diet). It is in his interest to take care of the survival of the others in order to feed himself. He uses all his diplomacy to prevent Error from leaving the group - this glitchy devil, due to his proximity to the code, feels all these "portals" that have already separated the group more than once. He understands that the group will soon get used to the environment, and the stress of novelty will be less.
Links to the materials that inspired me:
Original: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46523554/chapters/117149551
Russian translation: https://ficbook.net/readfic/018cc86e-a416-7f80-8511-6d42d3136ac4
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog Killer belongs to RahafWabas Dust belongs to Ask-DustTale Horror belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios Error belongs to CrayonQueen Cross belongs to JakeiArtwork"
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meowmeowmeowsuka-3 · 2 months
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: Kill Yourself[Roskomnadzor does not approve of calls for action to ha..
read more...]
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
A Russian TikTok star appeared to collapse on stage after being handed a summons to join the army.
Xolidayboy, real name Ivan Minayev, was handed the papers at a southern Russian airport on Monday.
Shortly afterwards, he appeared to lose consciousness during a show in the southern city of Stavropol.
Mr Minayev was born in the port city of Sevastopol in Crimea, occupied by Russia in 2014. He reportedly moved to Moscow in 2020.
Xolidayboy is known for his public image, which unusually for men in Russia includes wearing makeup and painting his nails.
He was brought to hospital after his collapse and was reportedly not in a serious condition.
Days before the summons was served, Ekaterina Mizulina, the head of the Safe Internet League, Russia's internet censorship body, publicly objected to "pro-Ukrainian" videos posted by Mr Minayev to social media. In the clips, Xolidayboy appeared to call himself "Ukrainian" and said the Russian annexation of Crimea had not improved life for Crimeans.
Ms Mizulina has criticised and threatened various other Russian celebrities and bloggers accused of anti-war views.
She had previously called for another TikToker, Danila Milokhin, to be conscripted into the army because of allegedly "Russophobic statements," reportedly causing him to flee the country.
In the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the body Ms Mizulina heads asked Roskomnadzor, Russia's media watchdog, to block several Wikipedia pages, including "War crimes during the Russian invasion of Ukraine" and "Bucha massacre" on the basis of unspecified false information.
Xolidayboy's management accuse Ms Mizulina of using his case for the benefit of her own profile.
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