#it works with a vpn but like... barely
myname-isnia · 1 year
They blocked Ao3 what is the point anymore
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futuretrain · 8 months
i really should just mute the word 'twitter' on here because i don't wanna seem like i want to defend that goddamn website lmao but a lot of the things people on here say abt it fall into the same "usamerican citizen going 'haha someone actually uses whatsapp like a weirdo just text'" category of clueless because it misses the fact people from all over the world use it in many different ways
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memorydragon · 1 year
When you're trying to make a post about how underrated badass Wen Ning is, but the vpn chooses that moment to flake out.
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lucid-loves · 5 months
Taste Like Venom ~ Simon "Ghost" Riley Part 2
Pairing: Ghost x assassin!reader (fem!reader, no use of y/n, callsign “Hex”)
Word Count: 3.1k
CW: angst, violence, blood, strong language, scars, enemies to friends to lovers trope, slow burn, clear attraction and sexual tension, reader POV and ghost POV, minors dni, Soap lives in this AU
Let me know if I missed any CWs.
Story Synopsis: After Makarov gets away once again, Laswell decides to force a favor from you, the world’s greatest assassin and best-kept secret. You are now expected to help the 141 with taking down Makarov in addition to playing nice with them. It’s hard to play nice when you have always worked alone. It doesn’t help that one of the team members, Ghost, gets curious about you in each interaction. 
Chapter Synopsis: After a few days of planning, it is time to head out to get new information on Makarov that would hopefully lead to his takedown. You have decided to take control with a plan that makes Ghost want to get to know you even more. Turns out, you’re quite good at the game he wants to play.
Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6 ~ Part 7 ~ Part 8 ~ Part 9 ~ Part 10
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The 141 have been treating you like a feral cat ever since they arrived. Every time they tried to get close to you more than necessary, you distanced yourself and threatened violence. Despite the conflict, you have attended every brief they wanted to have. From a distance of course. Kate had sent you files upon files of information from the identities of the men you were working with and mission reports. Soap, Gaz, Ghost, and Price had impressive records. Many successful missions, few failed. However, they were clearly stuck in a box. 
The government’s military had a very particular way of doing things that are absolutely wrapped in red tape. They trained soldiers to think a certain way and do certain things. To you, it was like brainwashing. That was part of the reason why you didn’t fit in when you did try joining the military long ago.
The boys clearly needed a new perspective. The official ways of the military weren’t working. It would be insanity if they kept trying to do the same things over and over again. 
The day before you were to all head out again, you decided to change their plans at the last minute. They scheduled a checkpoint back in civilization where they would be provided an armored car and instructions to drive it to a hangar. From there, you were to fly to Italy and capture one of Makarov’s weapons dealers for interrogation. Except, you decided that you weren’t going to do any of that. You couldn’t stand wild goose chases.
You had called a meeting, much to their surprise considering that you barely even spoke during their scheduled briefs. It didn’t take long for them to gather around the table, take a seat, and tune in to what you were about to say. Did you finally trust them? Decide to cooperate like a good soldier?
“We’re going off-grid.” You announced loud and clear, asserting your authority. 
“We’re already off-grid.” Soap retorted, clearly confused by what you meant. You had to stop an insult from escaping your lips.
“No, you’re not. I’m talking about cutting off government and military contacts. No check-ins, no checkpoints, no assists. Everything from here on out is unreported, completely classified, and off-record. Laswell will be our only life-line and she is also going under the radar.” You explained with no hesitation in your voice. 
At this, Price stood from his seat in defiance. “Are you crazy? We could be labeled as deserters!”
You had a solution for this. “No, you won’t. I know how much your reputations and jobs mean to you, even if I think it’s blind stupidity. Kate is going to submit fake reports and check-ins. VPNs are going to make it seem like we are where we are supposed to be.”
“Then what the hell do we do now? Where are we supposed to go now?” Gaz spoke up now, his tone much more gentle in comparison to the outrage they all must feel. They probably weren’t used to taking orders from someone from the outside of their little boy’s club. 
“We’re still going to Italy, but we aren’t going the way that is expected. We aren’t securing the target either. We’re going to spy. Gather information from their own natural conversations and slip-ups. Take note of everything.” You elaborated, all of this information seeming quite obvious in your own head. 
Price let another outburst slip. “We don’t have time to just wait around like that.”
You rolled your eyes and headed to the whiteboard that was scrounged up from your basement earlier in the week. On it, you wrote “patience” and circled it. “Makarov has always been one step ahead of you. It’s because he has patience. The patience to sit down and plan what he’s going to do next. Your actions have all just been reactionary. Besides that, he’s Jokering you.”
It took them a moment to let that settle in, trying to decipher what you meant. Eventually, one of the boys got it. For some reason, you were surprised that it was Ghost who understood first. “You mean he’s expecting us and wants us to show up. Like Joker and Batman.”
You nodded, but didn’t slow down your flow. In another life, you probably would’ve made captain with your natural leadership, even if it came from a place of desire for control. “Exactly. This new plan also eliminates the possibility of a mole leaking information.”
The boys looked at each other in panic at this one. Price was offended that you would accuse any of his men to be a mole. Here and back home. However, he bit his tongue and dug for more information. “A mole?”
“I don’t have much proof yet, but I have my suspicions. A lot of what makes up Makarov’s madness is patience. Some of it, though, is knowing sensitive information. Reading the mission reports, several points of interest implied that someone was leaking information to him. If we go with my plan, then we will see if my theory is true. If not, then no harm done.” You reasoned.
Soap’s curiosity got the better of him. He just had to ask. “Who do you think the mole is?”
You were blunt with your answer, not one to sugarcoat anything even if it hurt. “Shepherd.”
Price swore under his breath, your theory making sense to him now. All of the 141 have been suspicious of him ever since the incident in Mexico. It was startling to them that Makarov was transporting him as a prisoner in Siberia at one point as well. He may very well be the reason why they can’t catch Makarov. All the times he got away seemed to be under Shepherd’s watch. Why didn’t they see this before?
Finally, Price gave in. The reasoning was just too sound to completely ignore. “Fine. We’ll go with Hex’s plan. For the time being, Hex will call the shots.”
The next twenty-four hours were tense as everyone gathered their things and prepared to start their first mission now under the radar. You could tell that the squad didn’t like the fact that you were essentially their new leader for now. However, they wouldn’t dare defy their Captain’s orders. This kind of loyalty instilled by the military was one thing you were grateful for. 
It was three in the morning and you were still up, printing things that would aid your journey in the office. The boys have already retired for the night, the time for departure being bright and early at five o’clock. They needed rest before what was to come. Who knew when they would have comfortable beds again. 
You yawned and took a sip of your coffee, watching the printer slowly turn out what would become stickers. It was an old printer so it took ages just to print one thing. Agonizingly slow. 
Suddenly, you felt a pair of eyes on you from the shadows. You have already started to become familiar with the feeling and who it was from. His gaze barely left you when you were in the same space together like you were a specimen to be observed. You decided to ignore him, refusing to entertain him in any way. 
Eventually, he emerged and stood in front of your desk. The walls were lined with more books. Instead of classics, though, the shelves were lined with more modern pieces along with comics. “I didn’t peg you as a comic book fan.”
“I have a lot of time on my hands. I read everything.” You curtly responded, watching him from the corner of your eye. He was still wearing that skull balaclava, but he was dressed in pajamas. Long, flannel pajama pants, a tight black t-shirt that showed off his muscles and tattoos. You could just about trace every definition of his strength with your eyes. 
“Couldn’t sleep?” He tried continuing the conversation. He was stubborn, you gathered. He lived by his words, trying to get to know you when you clearly didn’t want to be known. Yet, he now knew that you were a reader of just about anything. Classics, modern, comics, cookbooks. It didn’t matter to you. A book was a book. Books were meant to be read. 
“I don’t sleep.” You threw him a bone, hoping that he would be satisfied with this miniscule, insignificant piece of information.
Ghost didn’t say anything for a while. He just watched you watching the printer. The way the lamp illuminated your features, the way your own set of pajamas hugged your curves, and the way you lazily watched the paper emerging from the machine had his stomach do flips. He was impressed with how you handled the meeting today. Well, not just impressed. Attracted. The way you carried yourself, presented ideas without remorse, and connected the dots was a sign of intelligence. Even natural leadership. For him, it was incredibly attractive which at the same time frustrated him.
Simon wanted to get to know you, but at the same time, he didn’t. You were still frustrating to deal with. He didn’t like how you talked back and stubbornly refused to get closer to them. Yet, there was something about you that he couldn’t ignore. Not just looks and intelligence, but a sense of loneliness. He could feel it in the walls of your home and the way you bit back at attempts of compassion. You didn’t like people. At the same time, you confided with Kate. That was enough of a sign that you did need human interaction. Wanted it.
He sat in a lounge chair on the opposite end of the room, still wanting to push your boundaries. “Got any recommendations?”
You didn’t miss a beat. “Yeah, I recommend you get the fuck out of my office.”
He scowled and suppressed his urge to storm out. You were a real piece of work. “I meant book recommendations.”
The paper was finally done printing which you swiped up eagerly. Taking a pair of scissors, you began to cut out your images. “None that you would like.”
“Try me, Hex.” He pressed.
You gave a long, exasperated sigh. This was ridiculous to you. However, you thought about it for a moment. Perhaps having him read a book would get him to shut up. Especially since you will have a long drive together in a few hours. The last thing you wanted was roadtrip talk. Finally, you paused your work to find a book for him off your shelf. Once you spotted one of your favorites, you slid it out and tossed it to him.
He caught it with ease, processing then to examine the cover followed by the synopsis on the back. He looked up, questioning your recommendation. "This is what you like to read?"
"I don't like the bare surface. I like the deeper meanings.” You confessed, a little annoyed that he seemed to be bashing your recommendation despite asking for it. 
“You’re an analyst.” He pointed out, a smirk concealed under his mask as he learned more snippets about you. Your displeasure at his comment was obvious as you frowned and crossed your arms across your chest. 
You walked over and attempted to snatch the book out of his hand. However, he stood up and held the book above your head out of your reach, looking down at you for a reaction. Instead of jumping in attempts to grab it, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled it down to your level. Your blood was hot with anger. “What fucking game are you playing at?! You think this is fucking funny?”
“It’s amusing, I’ll admit. I’m just getting to know you, though.” He admitted, his heart thumping hard against his chest from the thrill of getting your attention, even if it’s like this.
“I’m not your fucking recruit or your fucking toy, understand? If anything, I am your enemy that you’re forced to work with this one time.” You seethed, eyes blazing. You wanted to view him as an enemy to ensure that the distance between you two was even further. If he hated your guts, it would make things much easier. 
Instead of agreeing, he just shook his head. You frustrated him, sure, but he couldn’t hate you. “Keep your friends close but your enemies closer, Hex.”
You gave it some thought for a moment before letting go of his shirt and turning back to your little arts and crafts project. At first, Ghost didn’t know what to think of your response. He expected to hear some fighting words back or maybe an attempted punch. Not surrender like this. Your next words caught him even more off guard. “Read the book and let me know what you think. Don’t dog-ear it either. I can’t stand that. There are bookmarks in the coffee table drawer out in the living room if you need one.”
Your tone was calm and collected. Calculated. Oh, but you planned to knock the wind right out of his sails soon enough. You were just waiting for the right timing.
Ghost gathered himself, trying to figure out what was going on in that brain of yours. It made him uneasy, yet thrilled. It was like he was on a rollercoaster blind. For now, he played along. “Fine. Just don’t complain if I criticize your selection when I report it back.”
As he made his way out of your office, you shrugged and gave a wicked smirk. Even if it was malicious, it made his breath hitch. It made him want to see what other smiles you had. Joyous, silly, sympathetic, all of it.
Just before he left completely, you gave a final retort. “You got a deal, Simon.”
He halted in his tracks, feeling a shiver run down his spine. The electricity traveled through his nerves as you said his real name in that mocking tone of yours. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. You knew his name, signifying that you were already ahead in this little game he initiated. A step ahead. It enraged him that would use his name so bluntly, mockingly, and disrespectfully. 
To hear his name on your lips, though, at the same time, made his heart quiver. On the way out, he slammed the door, your muffled laughs of victory behind it making blood rush to his ears. Another beautiful sound that he both admired and hated.
At five o’clock sharp, you were closing the door to your cabin and whispering a temporary goodbye to it. The outside of the cabin was run down, the porch nearly falling apart from rot. On the outside, it looked abandoned. The perfect cover hiding the place you called home for the past couple of years. You were going to miss it.
“Alright, men, time to hike.” Price ushered forwards, leading the strange pack toward a vehicle you kept camouflaged near a dirt road. Within an hour or so, everyone should stumble upon a dirt road leading to a nature park, one that hasn’t received visitors in years. From there, you could lead the way and take the car to start the road trip to Italy from Austria. 
For now, you walked rear, right behind Ghost that also preferred to be in the back of the pack. After some time, Soap, Gaz, and Price were comfortable enough to engage in casual conversation to pass the time. Simon was listening, chiming in every now and then. His senses were mainly focused on you though. He wondered what you were thinking about. Were you listening to the conversation? Answering the questions in your own head? 
A little bit perhaps. Your own senses were mostly trained on the environment. Small animals scurrying in far off shrubbery, birds flapping their wings to get to different branches, the feeling of leaves crunching beneath your boots. It kept your head quiet as you walked.
Finally, a dirt road was revealed beyond some trees, a sign that it was time for you to lead the way. You snapped out of your meditation and headed up to the front. Looking both ways down the road before stepping out, you led the way to the vehicle you only used occasionally. It didn’t take long for you to track down your car. “Gaz, Price, help me take the camo off. Soap, keep an eye out for any hikers.”
They obeyed like obedient dogs of the military, following your orders as instructed. Ghost stood silently, watching the branches and leaves reveal just what kind of car you planned on packing them all in. Much to his amusement and horror, it was a minivan. The kind a football mom would drive her kids’ team around. “You’re joking.”
“No, I’m smart. This will receive a lot less attention compared to an official military armored vehicle. Here, keep yourself occupied and put these on the back windshield.
From your pack, you fished out the craft you were working on last night. Hand-made stickers of a stick figure family along with a few cliche, family-friendly bumper stickers. “PTA Mom,” “Go Little Sharks!” and “Pomeranian Family” were just some of the cringey bumper stickers that you handed to Simon. He didn’t know if you were a genius or crazy. Maybe both. 
Once the camo was clear, stickers on the minivan were secure, and the coast was clear, the men filed into the car like a little league team. They even argued about who was going to the poor victim in the very back seat. Of course, being the youngest, Gaz pulled the short straw on that one. “God damn! My legs are up to my fuckin’ chest!”
“You can switch at pit stops.” You reasoned, taking the driver’s seat naturally. Much to your dismay, Ghost decided that he was going to sit up front with you. Your passenger. 
You knew he did this on purpose. “Do you really have to sit up here with me?” 
“Of course I do. A happy family always has a mom and dad at the front.” He teased nonchalantly. You knew he was smiling cockily under that mask. You hoped that the rest of the 141 didn’t hear his inappropriate comment. The last thing you needed was for the rest of the team to start testing your patience too with teasing.
You started the car and slowly pulled onto the road. “You’re insufferable.”
“Thank you.” Simon simply accepted, taking it as a compliment. Even if you weren’t thinking about him in a positive light, you were still thinking about him. That alone was enough to make him feel like this was his own victory.
You turned on the radio, hoping that music would chase the thought of Simon out of your head. 
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"Daddy Please" Murder Daddy Kinktober 2023 Day 3 Stepdad!Dave York x Reader
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This blog is a 18+ space, Minors, do not engage. If you are under the age of 18 you are not welcome here. This blog is a personal space and I write predominantly smut, with some dubcon and other Dead Dove Do Not Eat level content. I will always pre-warn for anything triggering and will always endeavour to include tw/cws in the tags, and warnings at the top of my fics.  Please heed these warnings and the warnings put in place on each individual fic and chapter. Your reading and consumption of my work is your responsibility but I will endeavour to mitigate any discomfort for you, the reader, as possible. Once again, this is a 18+ space and minors should not interact.  Specific Warnings: Daddy Kink, Sex Work, OnlyFans, Cam work, Infidelity, Step-Cest, Dave York(he always needs his own warning), Possessive!Dave, Men being sexist dicks on the internet, choking, degradation, rough sex, rough oral sex, exhibitionism. Let me know if I missed anything! Graphic made by me, does not convey shape, race, or hair colour of reader, the panties just looked so good, no use of Y/N.
Summary: Your hot stepdad Dave York catches you creating OnlyFans content. [Read on AO3] - [Ko-Fi]
“Honey? I’m home!”
Dave calls from the front door as he shucks off his dress shoes, hoping beyond hope that his wife was home and his stepdaughter – you – were not. But silence is all that greets him, neither of you it seems are home. He sighs to himself and heads straight for his basement, or his man cave as your mom calls it.
He descends the stairs slowly, fatigue making his body sag, frustration making his neck ache from strain. He’s been gone two weeks on a business trip in Hawaii, to you and your mom, it was some tax scandal for a congressional race in Arizona. In reality, it was a hit on some one-percenter who had fallen on the wrong side of a cartel.
Money can’t buy sense.
He thinks to himself as he throws his suit jacket and briefcase down on the tan, L-shaped sofa in the middle of the basement. He flicks on the TV to check the news and as expected, his hit was on every channel. He smiles morbidly to himself at his anonymous infamy. He groans and stretches as he looks around the bare, dark wood panelled walls, he really needs to remember to decorate this space someday.
The TV runs as background noise as Dave steps into the small office to the right of the basement. He strips bare, his clothes pooling at his feet as he locks the door behind him. This room is more his own, a double bed with crisp white sheets dominates the room. A desk and computer with multiple monitors squeezed into the right side of the room, and a door leading to his ensuite. A small dresser acts as a nightstand wedged between the wall and the bed.
The small space comforts him, one door in, one door out. No windows, no surprises. He lets out a long, heavy sigh of relief as he lets himself relax for the first time since he left two weeks ago. Dave pads into the bathroom and showers, brushes his teeth, and shaves the two weeks of stubble from his face.
Suitably refreshed he throws on a pair of sweatpants and flops down into his leather office chair. He wakes his computer from sleep and pulls up his VPN, scrambling his IP manually before logging into a private browser. Some of it is habit, some part of it is to make sure his wife never sees his browsing history. He doesn’t bother with headphones, no-one is home, and he probably won’t last long anyway.
He almost feels ashamed, sneaking around like a teenager, but when your mom refuses to so much as touch Dave when you’re around, he feels like he has no other choice. The video starts and the streamer is nowhere to be seen, her usual purple sheets are made neatly, her blackout curtains drawn as always. But there’s something new, something that Dave feels uneasy about.
A string of bumblebee fairy lights; hung over her headboard. Double layered in a rainbow of colours that pulse and fade like fireflies in the Summer. Something about it is too familiar, something he feels like he should recognise. He shakes himself out of it, turning to the comments to smirk at their desperation as the stream officially starts with her usual greeting.
“Hey there Daddies, you miss me?” The sweet lilt of his favourite OnlyFans streamer, Princess Luna, is like music to his ears as he feels his cock hardening before she’s even on screen. Comments flash up in the live chat straight away, and Dave chuckles to himself.
He never comments, he just subscribes on his private credit card, tips generously, and almost never misses a stream. Especially when it’s her. He feels superior to the others, never begging for attention, just admiring her in a way he feels no-one else can. He knows he’s being more than a little delusional, but he doesn’t care.
Moments like this, he can forget about how miserable his marriage is.
ImUrDaddy: Oh baby where’ve you been? Daddy’s cock has missed you.
StepDadz129: Fuck Princess, come on let us see you. Daddy needs you.
PDaddy1$: Stop teasing me Luna darlin’, show me that tight little cunt.
The messages keep on coming but Dave isn’t looking anymore, all he sees is Luna sliding into view. As always, Luna’s face is covered with an elaborate masquerade mask. This one is a deep burgundy with black lace forming a veil over her mouth, with gold filigree in swirling baroque floral patterns around her eyes giving her a mystical air.
Her dark red lace panties and bra compliment the mask as she settles on her knees in the middle of her bed. He slips his cock out of his sweatpants and takes himself in one hand, sliding over the soft foreskin languidly as he takes in her breasts. Salivating at the way they swell over her lacy cups, begging to be freed.
“I’ve missed you Daddy, been so tense these last few days, missing my step daddy so much.” She continues and Dave groans audibly at the taboo pet name, his cock already fully hard.
“He’s been away for two whole weeks, and all I want is him to stuff me full of his fat cock until he spills his load in me.”  
Dave tries to push the nagging feeling in his mind away, something is off, but he grits his teeth as he focuses on the beautiful woman on screen, her hands already pulling her lacy bra down over her pert nipples. He slowly pumps his cock, desperate for release but he’s not going to let himself go. Not yet. The shows only just begun.
A knock at the front door startles you, your two fingers are deep inside you as the stream begins to heat up.
“Shit,” You curse to yourself and quickly spring up from the bed, “Sorry Daddy, I’ll be right back.”
You hear the comment notifications go wild in your wake and you silently bless whatever distraction has come up. Your viewers are going to be so thirsty for you once you get back. You shoulder on a black silk robe embroidered with white cranes and loosely tie it around you.
You hurry down the stairs, eyes glued to your phone where you watch the comments come in on the stream.
PDaddy1$: Baby! Come back you were doing so good for me!
ImUrDaddy: Aw baby don’t be a brat, I know there’s no-one there!
StepDadz129: Bitch!
You roll your eyes, clicking the mute button on the one comment before you hop down the bottom step. You check yourself out in the hall mirror for good measure, modest enough to answer the door but slutty enough to raise an eyebrow. You grin triumphantly and open the door wide, clinging to the edge of the door to greet them.
Rage courses through Dave’s veins as he sees the slew of abuse popping up on the chat the moment Luna disappears. He hates it when the entitled pricks come out to play.
His head snaps towards the basement stairs when he hears the sound of someone in the hall upstairs. Immediately Dave switches into work mode, ripping the desk drawer almost off the runners as he snatches up his pistol. He snaps in a mag and stuffs his achingly hard cock back into his pants.
He stalks back up the basement stairs, breathing slow, regulating his heartbeat as he prepares to face the intruder. He cracks the basement door open and sighs with relief as he quickly flicks the safety on his gun before stowing it in the back of his waistband.
It’s just you.
He thinks to himself as he eyes you from behind, the basement door has a perfect view to the front door, and more importantly your bare legs. His breath catches in his throat as he takes in the silk robe hugging your curves so beautifully. He hears your flirtatious giggle and if he wasn’t already hard, he knows he would be just at the sound of it.
Get it together, that’s your stepdaughter.
He scolds himself internally, but thinking it only makes him ache more. Isn’t that exactly what he was just watching on OnlyFans? He shakes himself out of his dark thoughts just as you finish signing for the parcel.
“Thanks dude, have a great day!” You call to the delivery driver and Dave makes his exit hastily. He closes the door without a sound and creeps back down to the basement.
Only once he’s back in his chair, watching abusive comments piling up in the live chat does he let out the breath he’s been holding. He stows his gun once more and waits for Luna to return.
She steps back into view with her phone in hand, black robe with embroidered white cranes on the hem. She’s texting in earnest before throwing the phone back down on the bed. A notification comes through on Dave’s phone and if he wasn’t already joining the dots the confirmation makes him almost come in his pants. The text comes through, from you.
Hey Dave, package for you on the kitchen counter, can’t wait to see you later! Xx
His heart is in his throat, surely it has to be a coincidence, some fucked up twist of fate. That can’t be you? You can’t be Princess Luna, surely?
“Sorry Daddy, a parcel came for you, left it on the kitchen counter for you.”
Then he hears it clear as day, you alter your voice a little, maybe you use software, or are just that fucking good an actress. He honestly can’t tell.
But the moment the robe drops from Luna’s shoulders he just knows.
“It’s you.”  
“So where were we Daddy?”
You ask to the webcam, mask secured, and panties pulled to the side, aimed directly at the professional camera you have mounted on your desk. You pull your phone back up to check the messages once more.
A litany of abuse for leaving too soon from your lowest tier supporters, typical. You have to have thick skin in this line of work, so you just mute a few before a familiar username pops up. Your eyebrows raise in surprise, it’s your favourite customer. The faceless, voiceless patron of your works that simply pays your highest tier, tips often, and not once has he given you abuse.
DukeSilver09: Hey there hon, don’t listen to these pricks, you’re doing a great job for me Princess.
Your cheeks heat up at his kindness and for the first time, you’re not just getting off to your own fantasies.
“What’s your story then Duke Silver? Fan of Parks and Rec?”
DukeSilver09: Yeah, my stepdaughter recommended it to me for when I’m travelling.
Your brows furrow for a second, trying to remember if you’d recommended it to Dave, or if it was just some crazy coincidence.
“Good taste, you fuck her yet Duke?”
You feel your orgasm building as you work a third finger inside you, rubbing your clit frantically as you imagine it’s Dave on the other end of this conversation. God, you wish. All you’ve wanted since they got married last year was to get him in your bed.
A girl can dream.
DukeSilver09: Not yet, but I think I’m about to get lucky.
“Good for you Duke, fuck her like the good little girl she is.”
You’re vaguely aware of the other men in the chat, some loving this interaction between you, some jealous, some angry, but you don’t care. All you care about is this stranger bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
Unbeknownst to you, Dave is leaning against the wall opposite your bedroom, waiting, phone in hand as he continues to watch you. He has headphones in to make sure he can still hear you without alerting suspicion. Dave types out a reply instantly.
DukeSilver09: She’s no angel, trust me, I know she’s filthy. I see the way she fucks me with her eyes at dinner.
Dave watches as you convulse on the bed, fingers working into your wet pussy, the squelching almost audible through the door. But maybe that was just his imagination running wild.
“Oh fuck, yeah? Well make sure to make her pay for being such a slut, sounds like she deserves to be punished.”
He groans aloud at that, and you freeze on the screen, Dave curses under his breath as he clamps his mouth shut.
This was stupid, fuck get out of there.
Dave looks down at the screen and sees that the livestream is muted, the sound hadn’t come from his headphones. He looks up and watches in disbelief as you open the door, robe on, mask off. Looking at him with a knowing look that would make even the toughest man flinch.
But Dave’s no ordinary man.
Dave stands there for a moment, frozen in place, but his face is anything but shocked. His one eyebrow is cocked, his plump lips curved up into a smirk, making his cheek dimple.
“Hey there Princess, what’re you doing in there? Got a guy over? You know how your mom feels about you having the door shut if you have visitors.”
“Nope, no-one here but me, Da- Dave.” You falter, already the taboo falling too easily from your lips.
It can’t have been him? Surely not, this is just some fucking weird coincidence, right?
“Then you won’t mind if I come in? Check on those fairy lights?”
“I don’t think-!” You start but Dave has already crowded past you, you suddenly realise he’s only got sweatpants on, his body heat rolls off onto you as you take in the painfully obvious erection straining against his pants.
“Well, well, this is what you’ve been up to.”
Dave purrs, picking up the mask you were just wearing, turning it around in his deft fingertips as he looks at the livestream. He’s just out of camera-shot as he grins at you wickedly.
“Dave please, don’t tell mom.”
“About which bit?”
You give Dave a confused look, breathing becoming laboured as panic sets in.
“What do you mean?” Your voice is barely more than a whisper at this point, and you feel compelled to shut the door behind you.
“What don’t you want me to tell her?” He asks, one long stride and he’s got you backed against the door, his free hand circles your neck, gently, a promise more than a threat, “That you’re whoring yourself out to dirty old men online?”
“Dave please, I can-!”
“Or that you’ve been waiting for me to stuff you full of my fat cock until I spill my load inside you?”
Your brain short circuits as you realise it is him, there’s no doubt now, he’s been watching you for months.
Did he know it was me?
“Dave please, it was all for show, I promise.”
Dave clicks his tongue in disappointment, but his hand tightens around your throat as he uses his thumb to nudge your jaw to the side. He leans in, pressing his rock hard, aching dick against your bare stomach as he rubs his cheek against yours.
“You sure honey? Because I’d be mighty disappointed if that was the truth.”
You moan, the sound escaping you before you can even think to stop it, you roll your hips up against him and wrap your arms around his neck before turning to face him. Your noses press against one another as you look up through your lashes into his hooded, lust-drunk eyes.
“You mean it Daddy?” You breathe as you brush your lips against his, your whole body vibrating with arousal as his breath fans against your skin, foreheads pressed together as you try your hardest to hold back.
“‘Course sweetheart, how could I not? You’re fucking gorgeous.”
“But what about-?” You begin to protest, and whatever you were about to say is lost as Dave’s lips crash into yours.
His free hand drops the mask before pinning your hip to the door. His broad hand sears against your skin as he grinds down into you. You moan into his mouth, giving him access before he even asks, letting him lick into your mouth with a hunger you’ve never known from a partner.
He dominates you, claims your mouth in a ravenous need that has you whimpering as you spread your legs for him, hitching an ankle around his leg, pulling him in closer as you run your fingers through his hair. You tug firmly and the growl he makes almost has you coming right there and then.
“Dave the stream.” You pant as you both come up for air, but a darkness falls over his vision. You already know what he’s going to ask before he says a word.
“You got another mask I can borrow?”
Your stomach flutters as you realise what he’s suggesting. You’re about to fuck Dave for the first time, on live stream for fucks sake. Your viewers are going to fucking love it.
“Stay here.” You breathe against his lips, taking control for a second and your heart flutters as Dave’s eyebrow raises in amusement. You’re filing that reaction away for later.
You bend over, making sure to brush up against Dave’s rock-hard bulge as you do, and pick up your mask, re-seating it before heading back into view of the livestream. The sound of comments firing in the background makes your stomach flutter in anticipation. You rifle under your bed for your box of props.
“Here you go Daddy.” You purr as you prance back to the doorway.
“Fuck.” Dave rasps as he twitches in his pants. He puts the black and gold mask on, smirking down at you as you bite your lip at him.
“Follow my lead, yeah?”
“Sure baby, it’s your show.”
You lean up to press a soft kiss to his lips. It’s an oddly intimate act and you almost regret doing it until you see the lazy smile spread across Dave’s lips.
You turn to go back to your stream and before you’re even back in shot you feel the sharp slap of Dave’s palm on your ass and you yelp. You look back with a playful look as you roll your eyes at him.
“Hey there Daddies,” You say with a soft, sing-song lilt to your voice, “Sorry about that, I almost got busted! Daddy came home and I had to pretend to be a good little girl.”
You chuckle giddily as you watch the comments flood back in, all positive, begging for you to continue.
The violent banging on your door startles you and you yelp.
“Luna what the fuck are you doing in there?” Dave roars, loud enough for your viewers to hear and the comments go absolutely wild.
“I’m not dressed please don’t come in!” You feign as much panic as you can, pretending to fumble with the computer controls.
“You got a boy in there? I’ll fucking kill him.” Dave roars as he rips the door open. You stand up and clutch your discarded robe against your chest.
“Please, it’s not what it looks like, please don’t tell mom.” You mimic your terrified tone from earlier but both of you now know it’s just an act.
“What the fuck?”
Dave steps into view and you all but whimper as you see the murderous look in his dark eyes. He looks from you to the computer, and back again. His chest heaves and you take a step back, you’re not sure if you planned to or not but the intensity is more than you expected.
“Please, let’s just talk about this.”  
You plead as he crosses the short distance to grab you by the throat, harder than before and you audibly gasp as he takes off his mask. You watch as his eyes scan the stream, making sure he’s only visible from the neck down.
“You wear these fancy masks to hide your whoring from the world huh? Give me one, I’m not about to get caught fucking you on some sick little porno site.”
You make a show of turning to the camera, lace-covered breasts front and centre as you pretend to grab something from the shelf behind. You turn and tilt up onto your tiptoes to replace the mask on Dave’s face. You pout a little. As much as you know it’s necessary, you want to see him, all of him, when he fucks you.
“Good girl, now,” He growls, shoving past you to sit on the end of the bed, “Convince me not to tell your mom, show me if you’re good enough to keep a secret for.”
He’s a fucking natural, lined up perfectly in shot so that you can sink onto your knees in front of him. The notifications are going wild, the cheesy sound bite of a cash register opening and closing as your fans tip you firing faster than you’ve ever known.
“What if it’s too big, Daddy?”
“You’ll make it fit Princess, I know you will.”
You nod slowly and peel down the waistband of his pants and gasp at the sight of him. He’s uncut, thick, and a nice size. A Goldilocks dick, not too big, not too small. You salivate at the sight of him and look up to see his hungry gaze locked on you.
You pull his foreskin back gently and mewl at the sight of his pre-come smeared over his angry red tip. You lap gently at the mess and hum at the salty, bitter taste of his come.
“Good fucking girl, knew you’d be good at sucking dick, bet you’ve had hundreds of cocks stuffed down your throat.”
“Nuh-uh,” You say loud enough for the microphone to pick up, “Only you Daddy.” His dick twitches wildly at that and he looks down at you in shock, you see the real fear of this being your first-time flash behind his eyes and you subtly shake your head. He narrows his eyes and nods imperceptibly in understanding.
“Fuck, been saving yourself for me Princess?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
You punctuate it with a short, wet suck of his exposed tip and he groans, fisting one hand in your hair, shifting slightly on the bed angling it so that the stream can just see your profile as you suckle on his tip.
“See fellas, this is what you get when you’re nice to her.”
You whimper and feel the slick dripping down your legs as you sink lower onto Dave’s gorgeous cock. It’s so smooth, his foreskin making it a dream to sink down onto. He hisses as your lips and nose press into his pubic hair.
“Good fucking girl.” His voice is ragged, and you look up to see his plush lips parted, veins in his neck bulging. You bob your head up and down, hollowing your cheeks out as you flick your tongue against his head every time you come back up his shaft.
“She’s got such a fucking pretty little mouth, don’t you think?”
He shifts on the bed again until he’s standing, you have to sit up on your knees to keep him in your mouth. His face is out of shot, and he looks down at you with care in his eyes. He mouths down a “You ok?” At you and you smile, nodding as you take him deep.
“Shit, look at you.”
Dave’s Hand in your hair becomes possessive as he rolls his hips slowly into your mouth, you gag a little and tears spill from your eyes as you try your hardest to keep it together.
“Doing so well for me baby, making Daddy feel so good.”
You whine at the praise and his willingness to call himself daddy. He lets you take his cock for a little longer before he rips you off with a snarl.
“Need to fill that little pussy up, c’mere.”
Dave pulls you up into his arms and kisses you deeply, tongue licking into your mouth, tasting himself on you with a moan as he picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. He sits down on the edge of the bed once more before turning you in his lap, his cock sliding between your clothed folds as he holds your back flush against his chest. One hand is wrapped around your throat as his other trails down your body to your soaked panties.
“You been saving this for me too?”
He slowly peels them away to the side, exposing your wet heat. You arch your back as he glides two thick fingers through your folds. It feels so much better than you could have imagined. His calloused pads rake through you, teasing at your hole before gliding back up to your clit, rubbing slow, intense circles around your swollen bud.
“Yes Daddy, want you to be the only one, want you inside me. Daddy, please?”
You squirm in his lap, rocking your hips so you coat his length with your slick as it glides through your lips.
“Slow down baby, not going to last if you keep doing that.” He whispers in your ear, chuckling slightly as he nips a warning into your neck. You hum and slow down, but you don’t stop.
“Please Daddy, can’t wait any more, need you.”
It’s only half an act. You’ve dreamt of this for months, desperate to have him. You watch how your mother spurns him, how she hides her phone when he’s around. You know she’s not being good to him.
“As you asked so nicely.”
You’re caught off guard as he notches himself at your core and with one hand on your hip, the other tight around your throat, he drags you down onto his cock.
You cry out in ecstasy as you feel every inch of him pressing into you, every ridge and vein as he forces you down to the base. You’re grateful that you worked yourself open with three fingers earlier or this would have been way too much.
“Look at that baby,” Dave hums against your skin, looking into the camera over your shoulder as he tilts your head down to look at the screen, “Look at how pretty you look all stretched out on my cock.”
You pant heavily as you get used to his girth, it’s blinding. You’ve never had someone fill you just right like this, like you were made to be split open by him. You whine impatiently and a hard slap comes down on your right ass cheek. Dave’s cock twitches up into you as you yelp and mewl at the painful pleasure rocking through you.
“Naughty girl, so eager to get fucked, what would your mother say if she could see you like this?”
Dave taunts you as he moves both hands to your hips, pulling you further back into the bed so he can brace his feet on the sheets, holding you up for the camera to see you suspended above him. You know it’s for show, you know it’s all a fantasy, but in that moment, you lose yourself to Dave.
“Touch yourself baby, need you to milk this fat dick until you’re full of me, y’hear me?”
“Yes Daddy, want you to fill me up, fuck your cum deep into me.”
“Good fucking girl.”
Dave snaps up into you without warning, his pace brutal as he fucks you just right, kissing your g-spot with the head of his cock as you swirl your fingers aggressively around your clit. You feel your release building like a crescendo. The symphony of Dave’s hungry, aggressive grunting as he fucks you harder and harder with every thrust; and the staccato of desperate moans that escape your lips are all you can think about.
You’re about to come as Dave pushes you forward onto your hands and knees, he fuses his hips to yours, not letting you go for a single second as he pushes your head down onto the edge of the bed.
“Fuck yeah, let them see you, how fucking drunk you are on my cock, dirty little slut.”
“Fuck yes, Daddy, fuck me deep, fill me up with your come Daddy.”
The words fall from your lips without prompt or encouragement, you’re coming so hard you can’t keep your eyes open any more, your legs tremble and your arms feel like lead as pleasure rocks through you like no other orgasm you can remember.
Dave keeps fucking you as you whimper and shake from exertion and overstimulation. You let him use you, let him fuck down into you with such force you swear you’ll feel him for weeks. But you don’t care, pleasure ebbs through you like a heartbeat, stopping only as Dave’s hips snap into you one last time as you hear him groan in your ear. He falls against your back, holding you close to him as he releases inside you, pinning you to him as he pants and whines in your ear.
“Such a good fucking girl.” He rubs his nose along the column of your neck and suckles your earlobe into his mouth.
“All for you Daddy.”
You eventually ease off of his lap and turn the stream off without your usual sign-off. You don’t give a single shit about your viewers right now, all you can think about is Dave and the blissed-out look on his face as he watches you, propped up against your headboard.
“So, that was something else.”
You say with a giggle and the smile that spreads across his face has butterflies exploding in your chest. The love, the affection there is something more than just some kinky fantasy.
“Yeah,” He wheezes as he rocks up onto his feet and scoops you up into his arms, bridal style, “Let’s get you cleaned up yeah?”
His whole demeanour has changed, gone is the dominant Dave who just fucked you within an inch of your life, right here the Dave you know so well. Caring, soft, yet still so fucking hot.
“Ok.” You mumble into his chest as you flop against him.
Hours later and your mom still isn’t home, Dave still hasn’t left your bed.
“We don’t have to do this again y’know.”
You eventually say what you’ve been trying to bring up for hours. You’re snuggled into Dave’s chest, under your freshly made sheets, watching some shit on Netflix. He sits up immediately, pulling you up to sit next to him.
“Is that what you want?”
There’s a vulnerability on Dave’s face that makes your heart clench, a myriad of emotions floods through your system. You dip your head, avoiding those soft brown eyes that you adore.
“No, I just, you’re married to my mom.”
Dave’s calloused hand cups your cheek tilting your head up to look at him.
“And where do you think she is tonight? Where she’s been the last six weekends in a row?”
Dave’s eyes are deadly serious, there’s an edge to his tone that arouses you, it’s possessive, frustrated, but most of all passionate.
“Do you want to keep, uh, seeing each other?” You ask as your eyes drop to his lips and you can’t imagine not kissing them again, not feeling them on your skin.
Dave’s answer shocks you, not for his admission but for how firmly he says it, how much passion and surety he can pack into a single syllable.
You respond in turn before pulling Dave down on top of you, crashing his lips into yours as his hips slot between yours like you were made for one another.
What she doesn’t know can’t hurt her.
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
The idea behind a boycott truly seems lost on some. Percy Jackson and the Olympians was watched 13.3 million times since it's release, what, a couple days ago? It's on Disney+ aka the Pressure list on BDS, the author wrote a stupid blog post after 10/7 saying there are "two sides" to the issue, and many people who worked on the show are Zionists. What happened to the good ol' days of pirating? It's all Free Palestine until a show you want drops, huh? And from an author who has never written Arab/Muslim characters well.
I was reading a post on X recently about how someone had to tell her friends to boycott Starbucks because they didn't know it was one of the major companies that so many creators decided to start with because they were the most direct and influential (alongside McD's and Disney). Her friends were happy to do so, it's just they were 'unaware.'
This person also argued that unless you're "chronically online," you wouldn't know about what is happening, and depending on the media you are consuming (especially if it's mainstream western sources because we know they weave a VERY and vastly different story about what is happening in Palestine). I can understand a fraction of what she is saying, while at the same time I think this automatically reveals the willful ignorance that permeates our societies. How so many people can 'turn off,' and not engage or at least not know about what is going on across the globe based on many factors (which includes their governments and censorship -like in Canada it's hard to access videos on the ground in Palestine on Instagram unless you see it on X or Facebook or use a VPN, otherwise we/I can't access Eyes on Palestine on Instagram), is all very confounding to me. Because even without being 'online,' I do believe it's our responsibility to know, at bare minimum, what is happening.
I think at the crux of this (and these are just my opinions of course) is that many people in the global north, firstly, don't want to unpack their complicity in imperialistic and colonialist structures of violence in the global south because of their degree of consumerism (how the systems set up -and how so much of how we live depends on the mass hyper-exploitation of people 'elsewhere' where 'we don't have to see.'). So that in itself is something I think of when I see that there are people who either refuse to boycott big tech or industries that align or support genocidal regimes and powers, extensively so -because that would mean getting uncomfortable, being reflexive, demanding changes from these despicable companies (like refusing to buy from them until the are ethical and sustainable beyond paper), and overall changing your habits. And I don't mean shaming working class/poor people to stop shopping at major conglomerates to buy their groceries because that's not fair -not everyone can afford to buy local and go to farmer's markets. I'm talking about the excessive aspects of capitalism. Or watching/viewing content from places like Disney because they have the privilege to 'look away.'
We all know that if no one consumed a damn thing from these companies, that they'd change their tune very quickly, and it's just frustrating and beyond tragic to see Disney thrive despite how evil that corporation is, and only recently became 'inclusive,' but even so there's many stories and voices they leave out, or don't do justice. I hear you. I know what you mean, and seeing it is disappointing. Because even if you wanted to see those fucking films or series -yes there are OTHER means, but the fact that people will pay to see it and subscribe to it is just frustrating.
As always, boycott Disney.
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wasyago · 9 months
hello hello! if u ever do decide to get more into prime defenders, the first seven episodes are a little iffy but i can attest to it getting better (WAY WAY better) after that, and apparently season 2 is even better. so it might be worth getting into at some point if ur interested ^^
also would HIGHLY recommend blood in the bayou if u like horror because. my god it’s my favorite campaign BY A LOT which is saying something cuz i love all the campaigns i’ve listened to so much, but blood in the bayou hits different. it’s run by charlie, very horror based with a really cool premise that charlie executed fantastically, and it’s only got four episodes ^^
either way i’ve finally caught up w riptide and can finally go through your art for it and oh boy it’s literally so so so cool i’m losing my mind, i love how you draw la alma he is so friend shaped
i hope you’re having a great day, and be sure to Just Roll With It! (<- very funny yet incredibly subtle reference. i’m so tired)
hehehhehe i love the reference >:)c always hear it in grizzly's voice in my head ("and just roll with it baybee!!") and also waaa thank you, i love drawing la alma <3 kitty <3 need to draw more of him, but also there's so many cool npc's that i also want to draw aughh not enough hours in a day smh i need twice as much, maybe thrice.....
about other campaigns!
i think someone said in the tags (or replies, don't remember) under my post that first 7 episodes of pd were kinda eh, and it did feel like the first episodes were less serious and less engaging. like, literally my favorite characters after watching them are tide and wavelength, which is like???? one of them barely talked even. but i do believe that it gets better, i saw some of the art and it looks amazing and super interesting!
blood in the bayou. im so absolutely INSANE about. charlie as a dm is SO fucking good im kicking screaming and crying im not normal. everything from the voices he does to the way he explains things and creates atmosphere to the way he treats players and characters augghhbhhbbbbb words cannot explain how much i love it. i LOVE blood in the bayou, its literally perfect in every aspect. the setting, the game, the art (dont get me started on the art), augh augh augh augh--
both of them (and apotheosis!!!) are on patreon tho, which i sadly don't have access to, no matter how bad i want to watch them or to know what happens next. don't want to get into politics much, but. its not that i don't have 10 dollars or however much the lowest tear is, patreon just doesn't work where i live. same as spotify, paypal, steam, and all the other payed services. vpn works for twitter, instagram, ao3, tiktok, but everything that includes banks and dealing with money and paperwork doesn't get fixed by just changing connection unfortunately. it has its benefits, i don't get ads on youtube or twitch, but everything else sucks. and atm the only real way to deal with it is move to another country... (which sounds pretty good, ngl)
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german-enthusiast · 1 year
Hi :) I hope you are well.
I am learning German and was wondering if I could get some audio book recommendations on Spotify ? I enjoy historical fiction, the classics and weird surrealist literature. My favorite book in English is a tale for the time being by Ruth Ozeki I also liked that book called Perfume but I have forgotten the authors name. I would also like any tv or movie recommendations too if possible :)
Thank you !
I've only JUST reinstalled Tumblr and I'm so glad I saw your ask!
(I'll give short summaries of reccs and links in a list later in the post!)
Surrealist lit and classics? have i got the book for you!
Die Verwandlung von Franz Kafka (Eng: The Metamorphosis) professionally recorded on Spotify.
It might be a tough one, being classics and from 1915, but the text should be available online to read along!
Once you've finished that, I suggest reading (the english) Haruki Murakami's "Samsa in love," a short story based on Die Verwandlung!! (available online!)
Other surrealist classics could be "Der Steppenwolf" (Hermann Hesse) and "Der goldene Topf" (E.T.A. Hoffman) - both of which were works analyzed in the Abitur (german highschool graduation exams) and thus might be especially tough, but on the flip side there's thousands of German resources about the books online!
"Der Goldene Topf" is on Spotify, Steppenwolf doesn't seem to be...
However! As you progress (idk your level but classics tend to be difficult even for natives), you might come to appreciate Reclam (a german publisher) with a focus on classics (known for their small yellow books)) and, great news, they publish professional recording of German classics on Spotify!
In terms of classics, here's my favorite: Stefan Zweig, a german author especially famous for his short stories. One of them, Schachnovelle, is on Spotify by Reclam here!
To be honest, Schachnovelle is a favorite because they made it a movie a couple years ago and it is SO. FREAKING. GOOD. (bad news: incredibly different from the original story but in a way you get two great stories under one name so I'm not complaining!) on the OTHER hand, I just found out that there's an audiobook of the book of the movie on Spotify, so you can also listen to that and then watch the movie (or vice versa)
TV or Movie reccs: if you can, get Netflix and a VPN! with the vpn you should be able to make Netflix think you're in Germany and there is barely a show/movie on German Netflix that isn't dubbed (or at the very least subbed) - really, we dub everything (and it's not bad either most of the time!!)
Besides that, our "öffentlich rechtliche" (the publicly owned) channels have got "Mediatheken" (basically Netflix for their shows) and you can watch most that is published on those channels in TV here (ARD, ZDF,...) on there (often with subtitles! (i should make a post about this, damn!)
Here some german movie/TV reccs on Netflix: Fack you Göthe 1&2&3, (T)Raumschiffsurprise, Petterson and Findus, Mord mit Aussicht, der Tatortreiniger
(Reminder that most shows/movies you already know and love on Netflix will probably be dubbed in Germany! AND that in Netflix in a browser, one can browse by language!)
List of reccomendations & links:
Die Verwandlung (Franz Kafka) - man wakes up in body of a bug (link)
Der Steppenwolf (Herman Hesse) - man thinks two wolfes live inside him
Der goldene Topf (E.T.A. Hoffmann) - man falls in love with a snake who is the daughter of a magician who is a lizard or something? (link)
Die Schachnovelle (Stefan Zweig) (movie version) - austrian notary is arrested by the nazis because he has access to money of noble families, he's put in a hotelroom and deprived of mental stimulus to make him crack but he discovers chess to keep himself sane (link)
Reclam Spotify (link)
On Netflix:
Fack you Göthe - criminal poses as a teacher to get access to the basement of a school where his loot is hidden, teacher-student bonding, Eylas M'Barek (actor) national treasure
(T)Raumschiff Surprise - parody of Star Trek, really funny (maybe moreso to natives), at times a bit problematic because it's from 2004; Germans LOVE it
Petterson and Findus - old man with his cat. cute. nordic. cozy.
Mord mit Aussicht - policewoman from Cologne is relocated to a little rural town (she's a city person, yknow?), little town shenanigans, murder and cute bonding ensues (maybe quite german humor?)
Der Tatortreiniger - a man who cleans up crime scenes for a living. Each episode is him cleaning a different crime scene until a person comes around and starts talking to him (about their life, his job, ...) (similar to MmA, has got the same actor, similar humor)
ARD Mediathek: (link) https://www.ardmediathek.de/
recc: Sendung mit der Maus !!! (a show for kids with both little stories and explaining how the world works, a classic for all german kids, was aired sunday mornings and part of the sunday ritual for many!)
ZDF Mediathek (link) https://www.zdf.de/
I couldn't find non-classics on Spotify that fit your type but should I find some in the future I'll message you and maybe someone else has some reccs!!
Hope this helps!
And I really reccomend the Mediatheken!!!
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lashysdomain · 4 months
Right lesson, Wrong teacher
Tumblr media
tw for violence / strangulation
Previous part
"Those won't work. If we have to go with ones connected to your WiFi they have to be properly encrypted. You already have a VPN as a streamer, right?"
Niriol nods, pushing her keyboard back and turning her attention from the browser they'd been looking at cameras on to look at Vayuya.
"Make sure no one sees what connection you're attached to. You shouldn't have any reason to show your screen, but it's still something I'd caution against. Don't sub to the ones you see sponsored videos from all the time. They're fine for your every day consumer, but people know how to pick through the connections."
"Are any of them really even safe...?"
"No, not really. Not when the people you deal with are neets."
The gold blood sighs, knowing the feelings swirling within Niriol all too well. She's never properly addressed them in herself, but she should at least try to offer comfort or advice to some degree right?
"Your world's been turned upside down, and I'm only surprised it took this long-" she pauses seeing the seadwellers gaze shift away in some emotion she can't recognize, "Perhaps that was uncalled for. However. You're a content creator with over 300k followers and you can't stand up to your chat half of the time beyond telling them to drop a topic. You can't rely on people you know to keep you safe. They can't always be there."
"I know you're right, Vayuya.... But I don't know if I can hurt someone..."
"If you can't defend yourself, you're going to end up like me."
Not elaborating at all Vayu pushes off the desk she's been leaning on, shrugging her jacket to the floor and gesturing for Niriol to join her in the middle of the studio.
"Hit me."
Snorting at the shocked expression that instantly takes over Niri's worried face Vayu motions her closer, grabbing onto the shorter woman's arm once she's in reach to twist it behind her.
"Break free, come on; you're a seadweller, use your strength."
Silence fills the room. Vayu's grip tightens, twisting the arm further the longer the violet makes no move. Her voice booms when she's waited all she can tolerate, Niriol flinching at how loud she is.
Her teeth grit, jaw opening again to shout but she inhales sharply instead, letting go as she presses a hand to her stomach. There it is. A solid blow to her stomach from the seadwellers elbow packed a bit more punch than she was anticipating, but she won't back down on this now.
Vayu doesn't have time to speak again as she's toppling over onto the floor, barely over 5 feet of violet having slammed into her harder than she could prepare for. The small hands that wrap around her throat are clearly hesitant but take a strong grip from the loud gukk as her airflow is cut off.
It's sloppy, and her hands aren't in the right place, but crushing the windpipe is always a valid way to get someone to back off for a while. Trying to get air with her vision quickly fading Vayu grips tightly onto Niri's arm, giving a tug in hopes she'll let go on her own.
Her vision almost entirely fades to black before Niri's grip is loosened. The deep breath Vayuya takes in causes pain from her lungs having been so tight, pulse visible in her neck as blood rushes back to her brain. Her recovery will be slow, but it's better than having died in a way. The weight of Niriol on her chest hasn't let up and when she feels the soft wet plop of tears on her cheeks it's easy for her to tell why.
"You did good... I'm alright." she whispers, reaching out a hand to pat the poor woman's leg. "Far better than I expected...." After a moment she's able to sit up, putting a hand against Niri's back to keep her from falling. "You can't hurt me in a way that'll be a problem. Everything's alright..."
As uncomfortable as this close of contact makes her she still pulls the smaller woman into a hug, one hand gently patting the seadwellers head as she begins to sob into Vayu's shoulder.
"Kheron's going to extra kill me now," she mumbles under her breath, hoping that Niri will calm down before any of her quads arrive.
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mavigator · 6 months
i think peter doesn't use his phone for anything except calls and texting because one time he was on an app and got an ad and instantly threw the phone at the wall with full spider-strength because his spider-sense wanted to save him from being advertised to
peter has had the same android for years and years it’s barely hanging on but he refuses to get a new one because It Still Works. he has a giant brick case on it and a VPN and the screen is so cracked you can barely see anything but he’s done so much customization to it it’s like his baby. but he truly does only use it for texting and phone calls and he’s terrible at responding. he also uses it to check the news
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 9 months
I don't think Layover did great tbh. Terrible on YouTube (including all his MVs, Tiny Desk, and music show performances), underperformed in the biggest music markets, did poorly on k-charts (that debut was abysmal compared to the other members), predicted for less first week albums in the US than D-Day despite an extra version (but waiting on chart). Here’s a chart I’ve seen floating around Twitter that gives a good idea. Probably need to verify some of it, but I think it’s mostly accurate...
His fanbases started working really hard on his first week Spotify streams when they realized he wasn’t doing great anywhere else, so he ended up with higher first week streams than FACE and LC, but barely, and most of his streams came from SEA (which isn’t a big deal or anything, but a lot of it was definitely from mass streaming farms). He also had a massive day 8 drop and allegedly way lower than day 8 for FACE. And let’s note that Layover has one extra song instead of an interlude too. He’s also higher on some official album charts, but that’s only because FACE wasn’t eligible because it’s an EP. He had much bigger overall album sales, but we were expecting that with vbar. I think they bought like 840k? So over 1/3 of his sales.
Unless I’m missing some achievements or got something wrong (I haven’t kept up with everything), I think it was a pretty meh debut considering all the promo he did and the fact that he’s “the most popular member”. They only have those first week streams, pretty sure. LMA has had good longevity though, so I guess we'll see. And BTW, they’re saying his hot100 performance was hurt because of DC2 sales being gone, which, sure, but he had 50k Slow Dancing CDs to compensate, way more than LC, and they couldn't even completely sell them out. I think his stans were using VPN to buy on iTunes in the US too because a few days in he went from 1 to 44 on iTunes chart with no explanation and never recovered. Curious what his final sales end up being. I'm not saying he did bad, but I don't think it's really anything to brag about either... I haven't seen a ton of objective people talking about it though so idk for sure.
The spreadsheet is killing me hahahs #dedication. I would like to know the missing numbers and positions, tho! Still, thank you.
I knew about kcharts, youtube, albums, and first week on spotify for the album. I saw some number that I assume included his prereleases, and it really is nothing major considering the first tracks released, and the fact that it had one more song than face. Just five minutes ago I saw that on their 8th day, like crazy (combined) had the same number of streams as Taehyung's entire album??
Sidenote: if there's one thing I was forced to learn this year, is how much difference combined versions of a song can make.
I don't think he had that much of international promo, or at least I didn't see it. I know he's been to A LOTTT of korean shows, and also his promo for pre-releases was already longer than Jimin's, but I think he just comes across as a really uninteresting person so I don't know if people would actually tune in to his music, no matter how many times they see him on TV. He definitely got more than Jimin, that's 1000% for sure, even if we consider the MVs alone; he got the same thing Jimin was denied.
I knew he'd get more albums sales, because past experience. And I knew they'd try hard to stream to break some "records", even if it won't hold up for too long. I also knew he doesn't really have many fans in the US, (I still think Jimin's the most popular member there). I've also been saying since the day I opened this blog that his "popularity" is overrated and he's never really been in the same league as Jimin when it comes to music. I blew off so many people here who would come up to me and try to convince me he was competition to Jimin or better than him in some way.
I guess the only thing I'm surprised with is youtube. I got his tiny desk video on my homepage today (saved it to watch later) and it has less than 300k views.......... It's kinda crazy. I wonder if part of the reason he got his visual album was because his youtube numbers were usually better than everyone else's combined and they believed he'd do good.
Oh, and the songs credits. It's unbelievable to me that he did NOTHING on it. People who work on songs get credits even for writing two words, so I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that he didn't do anything at all.
I'm also curious if they would've restocked the digital CD had it been sold out, but my gut tells me they wouldn't have, or it would've been just one more, and a smaller batch.
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davekat-sucks · 1 day
Sucks the internet is a mess and that finding all fanart and videos get lost because a websites filtering and tagging is shit, ex: tumblr, youtube, twitter. So much 2012 homestuck art I'll never see again. I'll miss all those now deleted comic dubs even if they were cringe. Say what you want about Shelby but I wish more of her art got saved. It SUCKS, either people hide art or nuke their galleries, it feels like no one has a legitimate gallery anymore, no one wants to use a proper art website anymore i guess i can't blame them since everyone wants content streamlined towards them rather than searching and Deviantart is unbearable to use with its new awful layout. No one likes newgrounds. I don't like the new internet, i feel like i have to archive every video i watch and every art i see or else it'll get deleted, privated, or lost. All I'm trying to find today is a wonder of wonder art vid that had Caliborn in it and i cant fucking find it and it was posted like a year ago AAAAAAAAHHHH
Blame the Tumblr purge for trying to make sure nobody uploads female-presenting nipples. There are people that like Newgrounds (me being a long time user who browsed it many years back), but some people hate it for things like political beliefs, edgey humor, etc despite it is one oldest sources of Internet culture. Pixiv is limiting content for certain countries to try and comply each nation's policy and we even got credit card companies limiting us on buying stuff from overseas that we will have to use VPNs. Then there's the copyright thing that on YouTube. Old vids that has copyrighted audio is now silenced no matter the context used for having it, thus ruining the video that was uploaded years back. And for some that deleted their gallery or work, most want to move on from the series they had once liked. So they purge all works and continue with the next new thing they like. Perhaps the fandom or series itself, left a bad taste in their mouths that they don't want to be associated with it anymore. Move on to better things and expand new stuff. Octopimp's statement of why he doesn't make HS vids anymore is an example of this. A series like Homestuck, doesn't give off the same motivation or spark that it once had. Even the new shit like HS2/Beyond Canon, can barely invoke any feeling, both good or bad, to make content about it.
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
Kayla has offered your OCs a class in either self-defense or basic cybersecurity. Who's doing what, and how does it go?
Oooh thank you!!
Rae: Cybersecurity - she already knows how to fight, so she'd pick the new skill. It goes decently well, she's not great with computers but she does pick up new skills easily.
Robin: Self-defense - she also knows how to fight, but she wouldn't mind picking up some new techniques to see which ones work best for her. It goes well, though Robin does have some trouble tweaking her technique since she can't read Kayla's lips (for critique/suggestions) while mid-sparring.
Madison: Self-defense - her story mainly takes place in the 60s, so cybersecurity is much less of a concern for her. It goes well, she's already done a bit of sparring with the X-Men so she knows what's up.
Ophelia: Cybersecurity - she already knows a good deal of it, but wouldn't mind some tips from a professional. It goes well, she's a textbook good student.
Gia: Cybersecurity - mainly because the thought of sparring Kayla even in an educational setting scares the shit out of her. It doesn't go particularly well, since Gia's still a little terrified of Kayla and apparently thinks there's going to be some kind of punishment for her mistakes.
Jasper: Self-defense - they figure it's more useful for their particular situation. It goes well enough, nothing special, and Kayla might be a little surprised that Jasper is faster and stronger than they look thanks to roller derby.
Kestrel: Cybersecurity - they're already good out in the field, so they went with the new skill like Rae did. It doesn't go very well, Kestrel doesn't know a single thing about computers or the internet.
Katherine: Cybersecurity - the closest she's ever gotten before was paying for a VPN and knowing not to click on sketchy emails, she could really use a full crash-course. It goes fine, nothing exciting.
Quinn: Self-defense - she wants to see if Kayla has any particular tips for her crutches/mobility differences, since most of what she knows about fighting was before her accident. It doesn't go very well, since Quinn is way too stubborn to take critique or listen to authority of any kind.
Eris: Cybersecurity - he definitely doesn't need to be taught how to fight, and that was the other option. It goes poorly, and ends in a lot of smashed technology. Eris is not good with computers.
Nikoletta: Self-defense - she can hold her own but is mostly self-taught, and wouldn't mind a few professional techniques. It goes well enough, though Nik almost gives herself heatstroke since she refuses to take off her jacket and gloves (since she doesn't want to get startled and mark Kayla out of adrenaline)
Jimmy: Cybersecurity - he doesn't need self-defense when he can make himself disappear, and he wanted to surprise Lars by learning more about one of the things he's passionate about. It doesn't go the way he hoped, though. Kayle can barely teach him how to open a browser window, and he's a seek-and-peck typist even at his fastest.
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I'd suggest that you and everyone else getting these anons insta block them next time. iirc tumblr ip bans them from sending in future anon hate
I have tried. Over and over and over again. Tumblrs IP block function just does not work or these anons are using a VPN or something to block evade. I don't know if others have had more luck with using the IP block function then me but it doesn't do all that much to help sadly. And honestly I feel like the FNDM needs to see the rot within their FNDM that they are letting fester and spread. They refuse to even do the bare minimum of calling it out and at least saying its wrong. The one fan who admitted me getting death threats was wrong just had to make sure I knew that I was cringe and came close to deserving it because I dared to have an opinion they thought was a lot of yikes.
I am tired of the anon hate. But I'm also tired of being told its my fault, I'm tired of trying to tip toe around tagging so as to not accidentally allow the FNDM to see my negative opinions and open the flood gates of hate. I just want to enjoy the characters I like and post my opinions in peace but....this FNDM won't let me.
Sorry I am not trying to rant at you specifically it's just....frustrating.
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screampied · 4 months
I'm ok with wifey as well 🌙 anon. Did I see ur suggestion for yuki/utahime right👀😳 ?
I missed you tooo😭 I was going to ask what happened to the 🪰 anon
Aww ik it you'd miss me ;) kitten😈😈. Actually, to watch the tiktok, I had to download multiple vpns (mostly none worked), so I couldn't watch any other videos. sorryyyy
To Vegas,
Unfortunately, pookie bear, in my culture, there's no braidsmaid. But yall, my little inetrenet wifeys and hubbies are welcome. (I barely saw the guy twice. I can't even remember his face. But he was tall af 🤤built like satoru (if he was brown). Also, he's a year younger than me🥺🥺 (younger guys>>>)
Naoya >>> Satoru
Aww take care girly!! What movie was it? I saw this one scene from anyone but you..now I have to watch the film😳😳😳😳
Ntg freaky or weird? 😔😔😔😔 hope you didn't break your nose when you fell
Girl, April will be here soon before you even realise, and I'm shit scared for my exams. If I fail, I'm gonna kms. I have no motivation to study. Wish I was fixed at studying instead of weird stupid gore-y stuff😔😔😔 I'll give you a top tier, deeply analyzed review tho dw
rohhhh i feel like i’m third wheeling 🧍‍♀️
aw REALLY! that's okie, i can be the chef 🤥 i know how to fuck up the kitchen (affectionate) orrrrr a flower girl (¿)
OOOOOOOO omg hopefully u run into him again, praying for u 🤞 maybe you guys will be like that iconic cute scenario where the girl bumps into the guy and u guys hit it off instantly :000
… no 🙍
thanks pumpkin 🫶 i’ll try. this weekend has been so horrible, hope the week is better for me :,) YAH. i saw the new bob marley movie that came out around v day ‘n it was so dopeeeee. it was packed ‘n everyone was singing his songs it was adorable
SENDING U ALL OF MY LUCK 💖🤞. same, mine is coming up too and i wanna die. i hate exam szn so bad, totally fucks up my sleep schedule, sobs. work at ur own paceeeee, listen to music while u study or watch smth (something normal 😃)
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liyazaki · 2 years
reveal your watch & rewatch drama list thanks to @liankuea @dribs-and-drabbles @aheartandashirt for the tag!
Oh! My Sunshine Night
My Secret Love
Unforgotten Night
Plus & Minus (I keep forgetting to finish the finale- enough said)
STARTING SOON (adding my own category): 
Minato's Laundromat
Senpai This Can't Be Love!
What Did You Eat Yesterday (is my J-BL bias showing? get ready for yelling/remember you asked for it @bengiyo)
Gameboys S2 (once it hits Gaga & if region lock works w/ my VPN)
REWATCHING (my go-to's or recents): 
Love By Chance: it's actually pathetic how often my brain goes "oh- so we rewatch now? how about- now? ....and now?" when will enough be enough? it's the question for the ages (just AePete parts; sometimes I watch TinCan when the mood strikes).
UWMA: still doing a weekly(ish) rewatch with @flukenatouch, but I've watched random eps innumerable times & the whole shebang 2-3 times. like LBC, it's a sickness & I'm not seeking treatment.
Light On Me: thanks to a bunch of y'all running through the blog & rbing my old LOM posts (you know who you are), I've got LOM on the brain & I'm craving a rewatch- as if I don't have enough on the entertainment plate already, you menaces.
Love By Chance 2: I just finished a second rewatch because the first time around wasn't stellar, but I wanted to give it a second chance (heh)- aaaand no dice. I love Tin and Can's dynamic and there was so much potential there, but Plan's stiff acting (maybe even outright discomfort) anytime physical affection was required kept breaking my immersion. le sigh.
Absolute BL: anytime I want to scream laugh 'till I'm gasping, this is where I go.
Between Us
Coffee Melody (my bias Perth is finally making his return!!)
Vice Versa (this was barely on my radar but @talays-portkey's gorgeous edits are changing that- consider yourself tagged, Vish!)
zero pressure tagging a bunch of peeps- I'm genuinely curious: @elnotwoods @gilly-bean @flukenatouch @callipigio @rainbowcolored7 @mork-tee @ellaspore @fleet-off @moerusai @i-got-the-feels @snake-and-mouse @scarefox @rythyme @nellsdani @rashfcrd @icouldhyperfixatehim @jemmo @nattawins @fuligong @plaidcladjuno @talistheintrovert @omarandjohnny @ommited-miscellaneously @glassesandkim @smittenskitten @rachanun
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