#theyll be out for lunch
mydemonsdrivealimo · 9 months
also it's Peak sweater season for bryce and they're all so soft and comfy which means jensen does in fact constantly have his hands on his arms, waist, etc bc he likes the textures <3
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britneyshakespeare · 8 months
oh my god am i so fucking tired
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allbeendonebefore · 11 months
thinking about how much damage stuff like the alberta report did to us as a society and i am still mad about it and this was within my lifetime. the report may no longer exist but everyone on social media continues to parrot it so it might as well be still alive and kicking.
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catsharkie · 1 year
they r putting me in containment but like . opposite .
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newtness532 · 2 years
Currently reaaally missing last year's summer vacation
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zebruh · 2 years
I hate connecting the dots on shit I hate coming to conclusions I hate seeing patterns correlate
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toastsnaffler · 13 days
there's an artist I rly like not naming names but one of their ocs looks EXACTLY like [redacted person ik irl] and it always makes me double take whenever they draw them bc for a second im always like ohhh.. that's them..... but they wouldn't do that... it makes me feel soo strange
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dfortrafalgar · 2 months
I'm Losing You
Having a family isn't always as easy as fairy tales make it seem.
I'm going to say this on every chapter i post here LOL, but GO TO CHAPTER 1 AND READ!!!!! MY!!!!!!! WARNINGS!!!!!!!!!!!
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Chapter 3
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You loved your office, you really did.  Two of your coworkers were your best friends from high school, the work-life balance was ideal, your bosses were super understanding and encouraging of all their employees endeavors, and the weekly catered lunches truly felt like a luxury.
The only qualm was the noise.
The office had an open layout, and while everyone had their own desk, it was very easy to move around the space and talk to everyone while on and off the job.  This meant any personal phone calls had to be taken out of the entire vicinity.  And in your case, into an unlocked broom closet across the industrial building’s hallway, in front of another agency’s door.
You were sitting on a plastic box containing something you weren’t sure of, anxiously bouncing your feet as your heart hammered in your chest.  Each time the ringback tone exited your speakers caused another cold wave of anxiety to flood from your head to the soles of your feet.  You swallowed a thick glob of spit as you struggled to maintain your breathing.  You were sure your blouse was going to have armpit stains when you returned to your desk.
Finally, a voice picked up the other line.
[Thank you for calling Grand Line Gynecology and Obstetrics, how can I help you today?]
The sweet, welcoming voice of the receptionist on the other end of the line made you breathe a sigh of relief, though you weren’t out of the woods just yet.  Far from it.  “Hi, uhm, I’m a patient with Dr. Robin, and I was wondering if I would be able to get an appointment as soon as possible.”
A few keyboard clicking noises followed your request.
[Can I have your name and date of birth?]
You quietly relayed your information, biting your lip impatiently.  More typing sounds could be heard.
[Alright, Mrs. Trafalgar, and do you mind if I ask the purpose of your visit?]
You knew it was important information for your doctor to know prior to seeing you, but the thought still made a heavy pit develop in your stomach.  “Uhm… f-fertility consultation…?  I guess.”
More clicking.
[Of course, I’m looking up Dr. Robin’s availability right now, hold on just a moment, please!]
You’ve dealt with crappy phone receptionists in the past, but whoever was usually on the receiving end of your calls to your gynecologist was always so pleasant.  You could never quite recognise her voice in person, but her bubbly and patient speech was always greatly appreciated during your otherwise anxious phone calls.  Finally, she came back onto the line.
[Dr. Robin’s next available appointment isn’t for three months, unfortunately, but I can still fit you into that time slot if you would like!  I can also write your name down, so if any appointments open up sooner, we will give you a call.]
You breathed another sigh of relief.  “That would be amazing, thank you.”
[Alright, Mrs. Trafalgar, I have you marked down for Thursday, May 1st at 10:00 AM.  We’ll give you a call if anything changes and you can always call us if you develop other concerns, okay?]
You smiled at the broom closet floor.  “I appreciate it, thank you very much.”  The phone clicked off after trading goodbyes, your arm falling onto your lap.  You hadn’t realized how tight you were gripping your phone until then, your hand trembling with how harsh your hold was on the device.  With a sigh, you opened your text conversation with Law.
Hi baby, I just called the obgyn, they cant fit me in until may 1st but she said if anything opens up theyll call me back.  Fingers crossed something opens up sooner, hopefully you dont have to wait as long!  I’ll see you later, i love youuuuu ^3^
You put your phone to sleep and stuffed it into the pocket of your trousers as you finally exited the broom closet.  An employee of the agency across from yours was entering his office and tossed you a very confused glance at you leaving the innocuous room, but you paid him no mind as you walked back into your office to continue your work.
“There you are, I was wondering where you went!”  Ikkaku was waiting for you at your desk with her work laptop in hand.  “I wanted to go over a few designs with you, but when I went to find you, you were just, POOF!  Gone like the wind!”
You laughed at her excited talking, finally sitting at your desk again and grabbing an unoccupied chair for your friend to sit in.  “Sorry to make you wait, I had to take a phone call.”
Ikkaku brushed off having to wait with a cheery, “It’s fine!  No biggie!” before opening her laptop and inputting her passcode.  You felt your phone buzz in your pocket.  While Ikkaku was opening her files, you slipped out your device and tapped the screen.
Hopefully something opens up, but it’s good that you at least got an appointment.  I got my appointment with urology on my lunch break today.  We’re making steps.  I love you, see you later.
You smiled at the text.
“Why does Law need to see a urologist?” Ikkaku whispered beside you, making you jump and hide your screen.  She was looking at you with curiosity in her big, brown eyes.
“It’s nothing, really.”  You quickly shoved your phone back into your pocket.  Ikkaku was your best friend, she really was, but the last thing you wanted to do was bring up your potential infertility issues while on the clock, and especially while your anxieties were still fresh and raw at the forefront of your brain.
Ikkaku must have sensed your profound fear, as she shrugged and turned her attention back to her laptop.  “So here’s what I was drafting…”
While you had to wait around three months for your appointment, Law’s was scheduled shockingly quick.  Almost too quick for his liking.  The following week.  Which, to Law’s mutual discomfort and relief, came much quicker than he thought it would.  
He was thanking the heavens above that he had the day off for once.
Law followed all the rules to a T before the appointment.  No ejaculation 2-3 days prior, but no longer than 5.  He’d jerk off into a sterile cup in the clinic, hand that to the doctor, and wait a few hours.  While waiting, he’d get his hormone blood work collected.  Easy as pie.  He walked into the clinic feeling oddly confident in himself and his abilities to follow pre-procedure protocol, as a doctor himself.  The brief moment of cocky joy was interrupted as soon as the fertility doctor entered the examination room Law was sitting in.
“Alriiiight!  Mr. Trafalgar Law!”  The doctor was shouting his name before even closing the door, making the black-haired man cringe.  The nametag on the open laboratory-style coat he wore read ‘Dr. Franky.’  Next to the name tag was a little enamel pin of a robot.  The door was closed with a moderate slam.  “You’re that cardiologist from New World Hospital, right?  You’re crazy popular, so cool to see you in the clinic!  So we’re here to check on your little swimmers, huh?”  Dr. Franky, who was shockingly tall and very broad in the shoulders, plopped into his seat and placed his laptop on the counter in front of him.  
The force of him sitting on the stool caused the pneumatic tube to compress forcefully downwards.  Law had a mental image in his head of the tube exploding and propelling the spring upward into the doctor’s ass.  He barely even registered the fact that his reputation as the city’s leading cardiothoracic surgeon seemed to have followed him to his semen analysis appointment.  He shook his head quickly before nodding.  “Uh, yeah, semen analysis.”
Dr. Franky was rapidly typing in whatever patient portal he was using.  “Semen analysis is such an uppity thing to call it, I personally like calling it the Super Swimming Meet!”  He laughed, the voice echoing around the small room and making Law wince.  He finally finished typing, slamming his laptop closed.  It was then Law noticed a few pieces of scotch tape holding the laptop’s hinges together.  (What kind of clinic is this?)  Franky’s booming voice interrupted Law’s thoughts.  “All you have to do is wank off into this cup here.  Cap it tightly and bring it to the nurse’s station when you’re done and it’ll get sent off into the lab!”
Law carefully took the cup from the doctor, his face heating up in embarrassment.  “Uhm… thank you.”
“Is there anything else I can help you with before I leave you to it?”
Law wanted to ask if there was a different room he should be doing this in, or if handing the cup to a random nurse was proper protocol, but he honestly wanted nothing more than to get out of there as quickly as possible.  He was starting to regret his colleagues at the hospital giving him clinic recommendations.  “Uhh… no thank you, I think that’s everything.”
“Alright, Mr. Trafalgar, I’ll let you get to it!”  Dr. Franky left fairly quickly, much to Law’s relief.  His ears were still ringing with the volume of the doctor’s voice.
Law was now left alone, sitting in the uncomfortable plastic chair, holding the empty sterile plastic cup.  After that interaction, the last thing he was thinking of doing was masturbating, but he needed to get it over with.  For your sake, and his.
He awkwardly stood and undid his belt, letting his pants and boxers fall to the floor before placing a few napkins onto the plastic chair and sitting back down.  He shivered at the cold feeling of the napkin-covered chair against his bare ass.  This was the least erotic situation he could’ve ever experienced.  He figured it would be far from the norm, but this was beyond any expectation he could’ve developed.  He shivered.
Grabbing the cup again, Law unscrewed the cap just enough so that he’d be able to pop it open as soon as he needed to.  When he stared at his flaccid dick, however, he uttered a defeated sigh.
‘Think of something to get you hard, man, think of your wife,’ he told himself.  Even his inner voice was desperate.
The sterile doctor’s office was completely inhibiting any thoughts of you to remain permanent in his head.  Every time he tried to think of your smell, your taste, the feeling of your bare flesh against his fingers, he would inhale and take in the bland stench of sterile alcohol and plastic.  He groaned.
Reaching into his pants pocket on the floor, he procured his phone.  Opening an incognito window on his web browser, he inwardly apologized to you (and double checked that the door was locked) before opening up a porn website for the first time since he was an undergrad in college.
Law came home a few hours after you.  You were standing at the stove setting the oven preheat temperature, a loaf pan of uncooked banana bread sitting on the stove top waiting to bake.  You turned to ask how his appointments went, but kept your mouth shut when you saw Law kick his shoes off and sit at the bar counter in your kitchen, placing his head in his hands.
“What happened?” you hurried over to him, immediately growing anxious that he had received bad news.  Your stomach turned.
He lifted his head.  “I… I had to watch porn today.”
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leechs · 10 months
the state of florida...people wake up on the couch in their double wide mobile home and immediately slam into their early 2000s red toyota corolla with expired tag and drive 2 miles in 30 minutes of traffic to work construction for a company with a negative 1.0 rating with the better business bureau...they slam energy drinks on the roof of some rich old dudes house then 3 beers on their lunch break until its time to go back to the trailer park and listen to a combination of country rap hits while smoking through 2 packs of newport 100s...dinner is a fifth of tequila and a chicken sub from publix and afterwards theyre too drunk to have sex with their live in girlfriend so she throws an ashtray at their head and they pass out on the couch again...anything that forces deviation from this life plan is a federal offense and in the minds of people who have fully surrendured to the floridian mindset heralds instant violent death...they say alligators are baited into rage by sudden movement; f you move too quickly around a floridian theyll reach for a shotgun and shoot you in accordance with florida statute 776.013
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
reading your (amazing) writings got me thinking about like, a fuckboy/playboy(? im sorry idk the gn word for this? slut maybe lmao?) yandere who’s rich, doesn’t even need to study, always gets to any party where they can get some action. they never had a romantic relationship before bc they thought it was just stupid and unnecessary foreplay. basically everyone is either horny for them or hate them.
so imagine their surprise when they see their (future) darling staring at them while they were talking to their friends. yan thinks they’re cute enough and talks to them, starts flirting their darling up and when they ask what darling finds attractive about them they start listing things like “your smile, its really pretty” or “you’re so smart, and you’re fun to be around” instead of something about how their body looks sexy or some shit they always get instead.
this leads to confusion, because someone never acted like this for yan before. how were they supposed to react? that moment was when their heart truly skipped a beat because of someones words, their darlings words felt so warm and genuine it made them shiver.
id also like to think theyd have a huuuuugeeee ego, also really possessive. but once they get close to their darling or just see them they turn into a golden retriever type, ready to do anything and everything, kill anyone and everyone for you.
sorry if its not comprehensive its 3 am, i dont have my glasses on and im just really excited after reading ur writings 🧍‍♂️
broski. i love this.
just an absolute player (i think???) of a yandere and uber rich (LOVE yanderes with money) and a massive slut
one night stands every night, always getting their ego stroked, always sexualizing themselves and others and then they meet... you <3 you compliment their smile, their laugh, the things they say, everything and it makes them completely fall for you and when you refuse to have sex with them because theyre obviously drunk and well, you're an ethical person, that just makes them want you more.
finding you is easy, throw enough money at a problem and itll solve itself. and being a rich socialite is hard and they completely lack in the 'social' part so they just.. show up. work, school, where ever and follow you around, questioning you and if anyone makes you do something, the brattiness comes out.
"y/n! you were suppose to finish this ages ago! would you please stop talking to your friend and get to work on this? c'mon! we can't keep letting you slack off!"
"ah, sorr-"
"no, no, who is this? who are you? you know what, i dont care, you are no longer important to me, leave." they make a shooing motion, turning back to you with a smile. "you wanna go shopping? have lunch? travel? anything you want, its on m-"
"hey! you cant just ignore me! im gonna have to ask you to le-"
the yandere turns around, standing at their full height to properly glare at your boss/teacher. "cut me off again and i will cut out your tongue." they snap their fingers, summoning the person thats always following them around. "escort whoever the fuck this is out, im talking to someone and theyre being a bitch."
as the curses and yells of your boss/teacher rapidly fade, the yandere turns back to you, grinning. "so! did you decide yet?"
ohhh, i hope you love getting spoiled because this socialite will do it constantly. food, jewelry, perfume, clothes, companies, electronics, anything you want? its yours as long as you keep giggling when they say stupid shit.
and just imagine how cute they look when they see you! beaming, glowing with love, desperately trying to impress you all of the time, just so so cute! and if you praise them, i can already see them struggling to hide their moans of pleasure and spend the rest of the day on cloud nine
if you work, theyll get you fired so you can spend all your time with them. if you go to school, theyll get enrolled to or enroll you in online classes and you will rarely spend a moment without them at your side, willing to do absolutely anything for you.
now, i dont think this yandere would be possessive like others! they demand others to praise you, to compliment you, acknowledge you constantly and appreciate your beauty but one wrong comment and theyre tied up in a guest house, being hunted like a drugged up tiger. they post pictures of you near constantly, showing off how amazing you are, forcing everyone to basically bow to your feet and yeah, they get a bit culty with it sometimes but hey! it could be worse!
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wishing-stones · 11 months
Your badsanses with a s/o who loves cooking for him. He wakes up they make him food, he comes n from work they have dinner made, hes out otherwise they either come with him or when he comes back theyll ask if hes eaten. And everything they make is super healthy for him.
If asked if theyve eaten, they look sheepish and admit they havent. They wait for him.
For funsies, they grew up n a family of strong hard workers who were always hungry, and they have always been the one to do the task/pleasure and an honor n their eyes.
Killer appreciates the hard work, babe, but you gotta eat too. Have a snack while you're cooking, the world(s) won't end. You're more than welcome to wait for him to sit down and have cute little meals and stuff, but if it's interfering with you staying fed, he's going to object. He can be gone for days at a time sometimes, and if you don't eat in that whole time, he deems you too weak to cook for anyone, him included, and you get takeout. the healthy food is great, but he loves his junk. Dust is... actually really flattered by this and it makes him feel kind of soft. He, too, loves his junk food, but he always eats what's made for him. He is adamant about you eating while he isn't around, though, because it's a terrible habit, and while he's flattered you like to eat with him, if he's not around, you do need to feed yourself. Similar to Killer, he puts his foot down if it's been too long and he thinks you're too weak to hold a soup spoon. Axe might propose on the spot, tbh. Feeding others is his love language, and if you beat him to it, he's just. Absolutely lovestruck. He absolutely doesn't allow the willful starvation without him being there and puts a stop to it really fast by making sure there's things around for you to eat when he's not there, and he'll get pretty upset if you don't eat it. He's the one with the biggest issue with this because of what he went through. Cross is very flattered by this and adjusts his schedule as much as he can to make sure he's home for lunch if he's off doing something, so even if you wait for him, he's on time for three square meals a day so you eat them, too. He gets a little stern if his schedule doesn't allow for it, though, and makes it clear he expects you to eat whether or not he shows up. He's good at communicating if he's going to miss a meal or be late, though-- he always texts you with updates unless he knows he's going to be unable to come home in advance. Baggs is a little hot-and-cold on this. Having nice healthy meals on time every day is nice, and makes him feel better, since he's garbage at eating well himself, but he's a little crabby if it interrupts something he's working on. He eventually schedules out meal breaks with an alarm an hour preceding so he knows to find a stopping point soon to break for lunch or dinner. He really doesn't tolerate the inability to eat alone and if the behavior doesn't change, he'll intervene and get to the root of why. As it is, he'll make you think about why that is in the first place, but when it becomes a problem, he fixes it. Fast. Nightmare is thoroughly charmed by this, but also does not abide by the whole 'waiting to eat until you're home' thing. It helps no one, least of all you, and you aren't going to be able to cook well if you yourself aren't nourished. He'd hate to think what happens to a weak, shaky hand when slicing up vegetables. You must eat, even if he's not there. However, when he is, he delights in getting to have nice sit-down meals prepared just for him.
All of this is magnified by the fact that intent gets poured into cooking easily, and your intent to make sure they're all happy and fed makes the food better for them.
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spatio-rift · 11 months
in their third year saiko and aren start doing weekly bets, as encouraged by kaidou who got tired of getting caught in the middle of their weird charged obsession with each other (literally, as he sits between them in class) and really wanted them to take that shit somewhere else after he got in trouble w teachers for being their profanities-filled notes-passing middle man so many times the school called his mom. its really simple. they just find something to compete against each other at, and the winner gets to ask one thing of the loser. rinse and repeat. despite saiko being way less of an idiot than aren, and knowing him well enough to come up with challenges skewed in his favor (he still has The File on him from when he tailored part of his house to arens specific taste), their win-lose count is pretty much even (aren is just a beast). the Bets are a source of mild entertainment for the rest of the class, because while they dont particularly care about the challenges themselves, what they make each other do generally ends up being pretty funny to watch. but they dont always use their winning request to annoy each other. most of the time they do, of course (the class will never forget the week of dread they felt as they watched aren just barely keep it together while having to address saiko as 'saiko-sama'), but sometimes theyll instead use it as an opportunity to get to know each other better, not that theyre admitting that out loud. saiko makes aren accompany him to a fancy event hes too bored to attend alone. aren makes saiko hang out with him at an arcade downtown. saikos curiosity gets the better of him and he makes aren cook lunch for him for a whole week (and immediately regrets dismissing his chef but still eats every bento hes given). aren makes saiko come up with an entire road trip route to try out the bikes saiko got for him and never used. friendship blossoms.
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ankhisms · 4 months
diary comics for feb 13 & 14 2024
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lately when i go for walks ive seen a whole bunch of woodpeckers. i always cant help but stare when i see one.
their red feathers stand out so brilliantly against the gray trees. i stand and listen to their cries and watch them fly until theyre out of sight.
today im planting seeds to start indoors & later transplant them outside once its warm enough. inside theyll be able to germinate with a helping hand. the seeds are cosmos & tithonia.
im glad to feel the soil beneath my hands, its always very (literally) grounding. theres not a lot i miss about school or working on a farm, but i do miss the school greenhouse. i always loved sitting with the plants, i didnt get a chance to say goodbye.
the cosmo seeds are slender and long, while the tithonia are larger. the way they need to be planted is different too. one nestled in the soil, and the other scattered on top. i cant do farm work anymore, but i will always love nurturing plants. theres a special joy in tending to something and seeing it grow. ah, gotta wash off the dirt before lunch
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w3ath3r-0f-sw34t3rz · 6 months
taylor parts that live in my head
gold was the color of the leaves when i showed you around centennial park hell was the journey but it brought me heaven
myyymyyymyyyyymyyyyyyyy lover<3
but you keep my old scarf from that very first week
love you to the moon and to saturn
additionally: every instrumental part of haunted
a beautiful boy who died
you never gave a warning sign (i gave so many signs)
the intro to i knew you were trouble. that shit gets me going
cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned everything you lose is a step you take so make the friendship bracelets take the moment and taste it you've got no reason to be afraid you're on your own kid. yeah you can face. this you're on your own kid. you always have been
at least i had the decency to keep my nights out of sight // only rumors bout my hips and thighs and my whispered sighs, oh lord
the instrumentals in the moment i knew i lose it every time😭
on the way home // i wrote a poem // you say 'what a mind' // this happens all the time
bold was the waitress on our three year trip // getting lunch down by the lakes // she said i looked like an american singer
whispers of 'are you sure' // 'never have i ever before'
OOO OO OO OO OOOOOOOOOOO (it's nice to have a friend [in case you couldn't tell])
have i known you 20 seconds or 20 years
you drew stars around my scars
every speaking part in wanegbt. like. ever.
no one sees when you lose when you're playing solitaire
the entirety of enchanted
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toastsnaffler · 1 month
was really brave and asked one of the senior lab techs to help me use the stock software even tho shes shown me before but it was months ago so i forgot how..... so embarrassinggg 😭
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hi i hope this is okay to ask but im currently getting my degree in teaching and this is a common anxiety me and my classmates have but do you have any tips for classroom management and keeping kiddos on task?
depends on the age group and the individual class but something that ive found to be helpful, at least for younger kids, is to have like some kind of point system that leads to a reward, and to frequently give out points to the kids that are doing the right thing so theyre aware of it
we use dojo points in our class & any time they get to 25 they get to go to the prize box. so they know that if theyre on task theyll get points & if theyre fuckin around or being disruptive theyll lose points. & to make it more tangible this year we have Quiet Critters, which are just little fun shaped erasers that get passed out (and sometimes taken away) throughout the day for Working Quietly and collected at the end of the day to be turned into points. but they just like sit on their tables so they can see how many points theyre gonna have & play with em during free time
we also have a big bucket thats for the Whole class that we add a pompom to any time we have like a good day or get a good review from the lunch duty staff and when that gets filled up the whole class gets a reward (pizza party is a common one but ours is usually taking them to the Good Playground across the street)
idk what works for older kids tho so if anyone out there wants to comment some advice Please Do
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